Newspaper Page Text
jflfwry* bthc&dcfcription of per
for.s, who furrendcred up their
property to the call of the pub
lic did not receive ail equiva
lent ; they all made facriflees
and were all victims to their
patriotism in a greater or Id's
degree. Can any mans feri
ou fly contemplate a reimburf
u*cnt of these losses or com
pensation ift* these facrifices ?
‘The attempt is impracticable,
however de Arable, it is entire
ly bey ond the abilities of this
Vlr. Smith in reply to Mr.
bgwick laid there was a wide
difference in his opinion be
tween perfonat ferviccs and
thofc which had been men
riorwl. While the fokhcr
waswighting the battles of his
country for a pittance, andfuf-
Urihg all the evils incident to
his destitute and hazardous lit
nation, his merit was infinitely
superior to that of the farmer
who fold his corn or his ox for
paper money, or that of the
merchant or mechanic who
took the paper for the purpos
es of fpe ulation. ,
Mr. i lillhoufe said he tho’t
it very extraordinary that the
gentleman from Maryland
ihould bring forward a charge
{ speculation agamic the per
ibns who took paper money,
. niyfl clafles of peopie took itvo
funtayily for a long time. The
change'involved all the funds
of the revolution, for unlcfs
they had given it a currency,
the Caufc would have been 1011.
But this was not all. Did not
the dates make tender la os .to
compel the people to mkfrbh
wv. a- tKfTtHoi• lanes
ruined by it : thousands of as
good friends to the revolution
as any defeription of persons
v hatever. He saw no good
ptirpofe to be answered by
ifich comparisons..
Mr. Smith (N. H.) said he
conceived that the two gentle
man who had lately ipoken
(Mr. Smith Maryland, and
Mr. Nicholas) did not under-
Hand the fubjeefc.—Thefe gen
tlemen had blendedtuo things,
which Ought to be kept separ
ate and diilind, viz. the en
gagement on the part o-f con
gress to give half pay to the
officers, who Ihould serve to
the end of the war which was
► agreement com
nnuted for 5 years whole pay,
” and the engagement to give a
pen lion to fuch’ officers as
should have the misfortune to
be wounded or otherwiie difa
bleci in the service. Mr.
Smith considered these engage
ments as referring to two dif
ferent claffesof men, viz. able
and found men, and invalids ;
thole of the former defeription
who Ihould continue in the
lervice to the end of the war
ivere promised half pay for
liie. I hole who were disabled
in the service were allowed to
lttiie upona pension—no man
was obliged against his will to
be placed on the pension ef
tablifliment; end the fact was,
that numbers ot officers who
were wounded either from pa
triotic motives, or other views
eliol'e to be considered as found
and at>le men , &c. received
the emoluments of such, fall
pay and the commutation-^..
Columbian Wuleunt, : &c <
they could not surely conplain
that they, tho’ disabled. were
ltlll allowed the cmolupeife”
of abled bodied and found men
—but they cannot be the
fame time of bothdiferipiions,
both able and difablec. If
the journals or acts of the go
vernment were examined, Mr.
Smith was confident that this
would be found to be the fenle
of the government, if a(i of
ficer had the misfortune to be
wounded in the service he
might retire ; and* receive the
reward promised to thedifi
ed cd; if he chose to s 4Htin.ue
in the service as an abic men,
and the public were plea fed
to permit him to do so and ac
cept of his ferviccs as fucic he
was at liberty to continue^nd
receive the emoluments of the
able officer who served thro’
the war. *
Mr. Smith threw these ideas
out for the confideratioii of
gentlemen, & should be oblig
ed y* chose who would set him
right, if he was wrong—he
conceived that it was not the
intention of gentlemen to take
the queition immediately, for
the usual hour of adjournment
had arrived, he moved that the
committee rife and report pro
A UGT A, February 11,
Among ail the events that have been
known iir the present age, none deserves
t hat of memorable more t han that which
)ys lately happened ; md to divest an
cient hiitory of its fables, perhaps none
ever superior.
We mentioned in our la*ft, that a bill
v/a:, before the legislature for repealing
the contracts entered into by the pre
ceding legifHmre, for part of tl x w’ef-
‘“mg palled both houks, or) t aturday'W,
received the executive signature, and
has thereby become a law of the land—
(if it is not improper to call that a law,
which cannot possibly have any opera
tion.) By this repealing aft, the con
tract with the companies, although car
ried into full effeit, is declared *0 be
null and void, and the law authorizing
and making the contract is within three
days after pairing the act ordered to be
publicly burnt, and the records refpec
ing the said contract to be expunged ;
agreeably to which regulation we arc
informed, that the two .houses on Mon
day lad, moved in prcceffton to the fun
eral pile, prepared in front of the Hate
house, preceded by. their committee,
bearing in their arms the records of tire
weltern sale ; when arrived at the fatal
spot, the committee handed the records
to the president of the senate, the presi
dent handed them to the fpeaker of the
house, the fpeaker to the clerk, aad he
to the door keeper, who with coolness
and firmnefs of mind laid the derated
victims on the burning pile, where they
, were soon consumed to allies, very little
to the fatisfa&ion of the by-itanders.
But ’tis feared, that Phoenix like, from
the allies of these records will %ing
forth a record that (hall render immortal
the infamy and disgrace of this pil’ga
torial tranfaftion.
The reasons for these new proceed
ings arc attempted to be aifigned in the
preamble to the ad—but these rearm*
are L | many well informed men fay to
be unlatisfadory, audit has been aiffm
ed that the legislature have attempted to
exercise a power not warranted byjrea
fon, jultice or common sense, and t-ital
ly repugnant to-the principles of Mo
rality and government : And the re
peal law tis said, cannot produce;the
intended effeft; for the companies lav
ing obtained regular and legal gjfnts
for their lands, and the contrast hating
been compieatiy carried into effeftiby
both parties, cannot be affeded byjthe
lnbfcquent eondud of either; andidie
repeal, could it have any effed, nr t
have a tetrofpedive operation, and cone
within the denomination of .\nex-bji
jttciu law, and conlequently wouldjoe
void in itfelf.
hat the violence of this mcaAire,
gives very hneaiinds,) and
many who were not in principle ootofed
to a repeal, hitherto been deemed faded,
Wangled, defaced and bumfjMth fchtal-
boy incor.fideration, and the hea; nl
spirit offaftion. Ant. as this hcajri
violence orHy tends to feta very# In
serous example, and cannot poffibly* \IJ
ucc any good, it will occaJion.fhil 1
to become far more unpopular, that \
one which was the object of this uilp
cedented proceeding. If the Ft w cli
operate at all, the operation* vTOlild
been the fame without, as with the butl
ingand mangling of records. It tl
burning a record, by a law which recol
ni/.es the instrument dell/oycd, could q
away the effed of the regarded inilri
tnent ; then <*f indivhii
j if ■,
als are totally iniecure, and a predom 1
nant pasty might render all private pc4|
feflions precarious; and if the Yazz< A
law was unconflitutional, neither bun 1
inn; nor I'pealing were necessary, as4ix|
law in itfelf,was wholly void. AcS
hwpe and trull this dreadful Cxatr-]
pie of the present legislature will nevt r
again be imitated, but that it will meet
the di[countenance it merits from an ci -
li htened people, and that our next cot -
veution will by a conftirutional article,
declare that all records lhr.'l be deemcn
facre i, and that no legislature (hall have
power to deface or deltroy than.
February 18.
On Thursday his cxcqlency the
governor made tl r following (communi
cation to the legilLtaire.
Statt’-HouJe y Loujvitle y Feb. jo, 179 b.
Ycderday evening i receitcd by ex-
preis a letter from major
(a copy of which I do myfelf the her
to inclofe you herewith) in cohfeqtie
Qf the information it I It
direded attachment- of horfeto bfnt
in motionmmd genera. I'wigls
ceived my Orders to make tqgr af
rangements for the lmmcdiat/r lec
tion ox the frontier fettle^,
I rnuft to e neccf- ’
ftty ot proviiion being made ;• the re
moval of the magazine in Jguita to 1
this place.
A copy from fie or.yual. f
Jf Februaryiyr-q6.
Honored S:r, ,
About two hours ago r y -f e lf withr
party ot feverncen men we the trail
of fome horses that the In4us had Rol
en from oar neighborhood about <
mile above Carr's Bluffwekambufr.
ed by a partyof In dray |o
were 150 guns fired by the two
their number being so far superior t<
ours, we fuppefed curfelves rof to be
able to drive them, but ilood till they
began to furrouvi us, at which /imewe
moved off in order, and made ./fate re
treat with the loss of four med miffing
bit have a hope they are not :]U killed •*
at tins the fcttlement is .naqff alarmed
and humbly craves the aififi.y ct () f
vernment. 1 exped to get^ lt rnen I
can and support this frontifi to the Jalt
extremity, ft is out of my pwvcr to
give your excellency teftimonial\i this
at present; but pawn myfelf, that ;t any
time it is called for, the whole ,partV
will make affidavit of the lame| \y 0
exped to lie attacked on fome adartc
within two or three hours* mult, there
fore deliil while I fubferibe rnyicil,
our excellency’s moit obedient and
humble servant.
His excellency governor Irwin.
NORFOLK, February 8.
On Saturday evening arrived her
the brig fly, captain Curry, from Ten
eriffe, which place he left the 6th of De
cember. By him we learn that tHi
Kingston Kaft-Indiaman had arrival
there the day before, in 10 days froij
England, which brought accounts cf a ;
exchange of prisoners between England
and France, and that a peace was daily!
expeded between the powers.
In a London paper which Capt. Cur-S
ry read, there was an account of an En-J
glilh privateer having been taken by the!
Algerines, with upwards of an 100 men!
0/board ; also that the Britiffi Confull
was ordered to quit Algiers immediate-1
] y- 1
In our last we omitted to mention, i
that there had been eight Spaniffi Ihips
taken, and carried into Bermuda; four
of which were captured by the Thetis
and other king’s Ihips, and four by Ber
mudian privateers* The governor has
liberated those taken by the privateers.
Portsmouth, (Viry;.’ Jan. 20.
Dear Si a, A
Recruiting bufmefs goes on brilkly
here—l am toid about 1500 cavally will
be Ibipped in a few days—great num
bers cross from hence daily. Aik a re
publican what he this bufmefs,
hangs his head—SigfVar.d says—ls 1
fay a woi;d I ffiall be tlic. a partizan of
I Norfolk, Jan. 26.
L Dear Sir, I
I The Dianna, after ffie had bPn clea, J
led, hauled off into the stream, where
llay until about 9 o’clock at night, wlifl
of persons unknown went oil
confined the people to the cabin*
drift her of all her fails, &c.%dl
rkMthefe means laid an embargo upon*
Lher| which will perhaps detain her until\
It he will of our executive can lie known.
■The other veflcls are, however, going
l)'l with their preparations to receive the
lemainder of this body of horse, wliicll
‘1 am told already exceeds 500.
, January 28. I
I Immediately after the collcftor had /
I eared out the Diana, as dated in my 1
! the French cor protested againlf ‘
feu in due form—tins, I believe,alarm- 1
.1 the collator not a little, for he iifi
igdiatcly went and obtained the said
® from the captain of the Diana,
||h tail night got under weigh and pro
51'd as far as Crarcy I Hand, where he
| overtaken by a nun her of boats,
| in the right brought her back,and
I her on shore on the Portsmouth. t
|of the harbor, where ffie now lia*. J
1- Jh—
Sales at Auction.
N Thursday the iothinft. for the
benefit of those concerned, will be
Jr ca the Wharf oVMeffrs. Caig
K The MATERIALS of the
Brigantine Beffv :
ifiing of her Sails, Standing and 1.
Earning Rigging, Boats, Anchors,
Ca>3cs, Yards, Spars, Caboufe, Pots,
Conpaffes, and one Pump, &c. &c.—
torther v;ith part of her Cargo, now
onyie Wharf,at Five-Fathom-Hole—
con Ring cf Flooring,Featheredge, Inch
,andl licit and quarter Boards, Scam Hug,
Shi gles* and drefs’d White Oak Stave*
and Heading.—Also,
Ale Hull, & refidne of the
h ‘iy now lie on St. Michael’s Bank
(lidding of the fame ’defeription of
S\j,\her as fpedfied above—Thenrn.
I f ."’- U - IJI|IC Keturn,
J'Otn Baltimore.
F’y- 1 FEOLR in whole and J-bbls-.,
apper tl ILLS, from 41 to
Ci ai Ins each. ‘
Ship PLEAD in bids.
CRAOvEkS in Kem.
Mufcovdo SUGARS; ‘
COh Ith E in Bags.
French !RANDY in Pipes,
b rdhjSid OATS.
Windfqjc HAIRS
For Sale, by
MarcfS, 1796.
kd* $ Cleweni Stebbins,
Have laty imported from New-York,
by they pollo and Bbli.un a :
CUpcije black Broad CLOT FI and
Ounce lIREADS by the Pound,
* refll TEA and Loaf SUGAR.
I—A LS 0
By the Scanner New Adventure, Capt.
Lightb(|-n, direS from New-York :
A lew Dot lof Ladies, Girl’s& Gen
tJ’men’s C< ton HOSE; elegant Ma r .
hides, ifiit'd and plain Cotton Coun
terpans : lhich they will dispose of
on the usual errns, at their Store on the
Bay near th| Poffee-Houfe—with a gen
eral alibrt:n| tof other Goods. &
March Btl, 1796. 2 —4 W.
, C A k B RICK.
20 pieces hr Sale, very low, by
i Be\ttii\r & Dickinson .
|March B^l7 16.
V T’.y Epor Stolen from the Sub-
O fcnber, Hh c town of Savannah,
on toe 3d. ml L . a bright Bay Horse,
about 14 nail llve years old,
oranted vv ith |j n gj e o ne hind foot
white, a Snip.—Whoever
returns the faA or p e t 0 Mr. Daugha
tys, ffiall recauDollars reward.
J 9 , | R%V AU G JIA N •
Savannah, 11 {
I\U. 2