Newspaper Page Text
‘, S*
TirGA T^Y SLAVE — J/avonu
Oh I ! think on my fate, once I free
<lom enjoyed,
..Was as happy, ae happy could be,
b. p\l plafitreis fled, even hope is deftroyd,
1 A Captive, alas ! on thetea.
|vas ta'en ify the foe ’twas the fiat ol fate,
To tear me from her I adore,
jv hen thought brings to mind, my once
• happy efiate,
I x figh—High —while I tug at the car.
Hard, hard is my fate ; Oh ! how gal
ling my chains,
My life fleer’d by miseries chart,
// An/tho ’gainlt my tyrants, 1 loom to
, . / complain,
fears gufli forth, to ease my fad heart.
X iiiUain e’en to fluink, tho l feel the
( keen laih,
4'frnv bread: bleeds for her ,1 adore,
I While around me the billows unf’ecl
, ‘ mg A dh,
/sigh—i gk—and still tug at the oar.
ft low fortune deceives, e had pleasure
/ in tow,
/[ The port where (he dwelt I’d in view,
/ j But the wifh’J nuptial morn, was oe'r
clouded with woe,
f And dear Annin I was hurried from you.
: How our fhaljpp was boarded, and I
bore sßvay,
To behold rhy dear Anna no more,
But difpair waites my spirits, my form
feels decay,
He figh’d—he figh’d—and expir’d at
the oar.
WH AT a life does he lead,
Who has one of the breed,
Os Xantippe fait bound by his fide,
l ike a horse in a mill
Hemuft follow her will.,
And his own never venture to guide.
It is true the old Greek
V as lo mild and so meek,
! hat his rib could not ruffle his mind ;
I'm not quite so patient,
As that learned ancient,
M 1 ;/ y v ixen no comfort I find.
Thinks the lafl word her right,
While she rapidly rattles away ; *
And her voluble tongue,
While on fw'ivels hung,
Will not give echo finr play.
In a nuptial debate
1 oft lose all my weight.
Few points in my houfc j can carry ;
If her will is but croft,
Ev’ry motion is loft,
Oh why did 1 —“ Why did I marry !”
From Knoxville, ‘January I.
By letters of the 20ta ult. dated at
the Turkeys town, from Captain Cli
olm, information is received, that the
Creeks are determined not to retaliate .
upon the citizens of the United States,
for the seventeen Creeks lately unjuilifi
ably killed upon the Oconee, by the ci
tizens oi Georgia ; but intend to de-
V. rnand latisfad'on from the federal gov
*£etnment, according to the treaty of
.New-York,. We are also informed,
WthatCapt. Chifolm, a few days pail,
p left the \ urkey’s town (in the Chero
\ kces) for the Chickasaw nation, with
bjUvertines of peace from the Creeks to
V tjT Chickasaws; and there is great rea-
L, T >n hope, that he will effect a peace
1 ! v , c f n .‘hofe two nations. Cant,
vi.uoan is j n t j ie restoration
° oetvveen two nations by
order oi government.
\C.,y of a letter from Col. Samuel Wear,
toh/s Excellency Governor Blount.
Sevier County, Dec. 26, 1795.
\ Yesterday about 12 o’clock, an cx
iVls arrived at my house with informa
-1• y tkat fh° mas Black, who for fome
had been confined to his bed with a
1 v ify, was killed by an Indian. The
V( ; T ne ‘f _°t this report occasioned
‘ Y n , lur pnie, not only to me, but to all
1 ‘|k aear and it. On my arrival at Black’s
I\ a , ‘ 1 found him mortally wounded
TimVcfc\ an i in tke P an S? °1 death.
1,, •) ~ . ,\ ot lather, iurrounc ed
and ren uV ‘vile,-and a number ofchil-
A number
upon die oceav' U v C ]° lk^tcd at , Black ’ s
.ind fuffer bv the h le !“'“> tr,cd
7 V ', in preference ol
p-nruig him to deae. The ourfuers
‘rom BSks A ho“f d to ShtS ° fa
(■ i, tr .,. • . - , ’ tnc y come up wit h
, • ‘ - ,UvU a ‘ipufuierable
Coiumijianjtlufeum, &c,
_i A 4 { . . ...
diilance, a gun^ r as diff.argcd at thjm,
and with whiclit was charted,
fl t uck a tree just above heir heads, ui >gn
which they returned tiunreand put linn
to death. lie was ljing.flat on kite
ground covered with Laves drifted a
gnmftalog. , i
I hey brought inhisguii and knife,
known to be the fame Fat belonged to
the Indian who killed Hpcki The rea
son I fend you this infofmajion is, that
1 fear the confequcncej vvi.l be dange
rous to tbc ‘C.xpofed ion tiers, ifn nfs
foinething is done by gdV rnrqent for
their protection. f
What could excite thj In ian to this
horrid aft, is unknown tj me except that
he had drank too much vhiiley. 1 ne
ver knew the frontier iiFab:rants better
difppfed in their wiihcstor ieace, har
ing for you the greatellhtta!hmet,.~and
the utinoft confidence ii yoir adminff
tration. lain, fir, yoir m il obedient
servant, S a m jr e ij W ear.
His Excellency Goverjourßlount.
Knoxville , Decemrr 2-, 1 797
Sir—Your letter of j efttrday, with
its inclofures, was lull e-jenhg delivered
to me by your son, exprtfs. ; Humanity
cannot but be fhockcd v. tie untimely
death of our fellov/-ci:u:n, Mr. Black,
1 truly lament it.
V our son informs me, tire: the In J ’an
who killed him, was Gf'or.e, of Guil
howee, well known if th: nei.j ur
hoed, in which he had fjequsntly been,
and always well treated. I rejoice that
he so immediately fufreed the highest
penalty of the law, deadjat the hands of
i his pursuers.. Accept, ft, [my thanks
I for the particularity win (which you
have reported the circuit fakes of this
unhappy affair, and be plaki to present
them to the five militia vho with Inch
agility, under your ordet, give pursuit
to the murderer of Black, aid put him
to death. Instant retaliiiojt tor killing
a man under such circunilinces, upon
the guilty, by any hand ailefo inflift it,
cannot but meet the approbation ofeve
■>’ citizen of the UmtedjSjhtes, and, I
may add of the world. I i|ali immedi
ately nia ke known to the ii raging Maw
and the Cherokee Nationgpr.eraiiy, the
manner cf the killing oflijr. Black, by
George and of the immedale killing of
George in retaliation; da 1 have no
demy but with you, and ot!;er
iiig the death of the form r, and will
express ti.cir entire fatisfiticn in that
of the latter. Thus you be, that Ico
not believe, that the front it of
Sevier county, have any (Tiger to ap
prehend at the hands ot the merekees. .
When they arc in danger, fey fhaii be
j protected, if practicable. F<r a drunk
j en man to commit acts of valence, is
too common, amongst endives; and
blood ior blood, is the high, price re
quired by the laws of Goaf man.
Peace with the Indians sos great
worth, and it is the true inf rest of eve
ry front ier citizen to pref :rv it.
i am, with great rcfpe:,
Your obedient iVv ant,
William|lou xt.
h r m. Hiving ts I homatM’ Call ,
1 Living entered into PARTNERSHIP,
under the FIRM J
Will 1 carry onbufinefs at the lore hith
erto occupied by the fc
\X T A K R hi they hav-. ior Sale,
♦ 4-4ths and 7-Sths -iih linen
in bo..e well assorted, itripd blankets,
white and coloured Welch plains and
Kendal cottcns, checks, Irjia cotton
handkerchiefs, chints and cotjmfhawls;
bandanoe, biack silk, and prlted linen
handkerchiefs; elegant cbnts <>own
patterns and furniture, corner and
fwandown veil lhapes, riblid cotton
breeches pieces, ladies and catlemens
cotton and worked hole, t decloths,
both coating, flaxen and tow mat rigs,
hats aborted, Englifr muflai in boxes
of ft and 12 dozen ; Madeii wine in
pipes, half pipes, and quarfr calks ;
old Port, Sherry r , and TeneiFc ditto ;
fvveet Mountain ditto in pipy and half
pipes, Northward rum in hauls, pipes
in boxes datable for the Afran trade,
fine white fait in baikets lit ir family
ulc, 1 rence oil in boxes of T dozen,
T vhite and brown soap in full boxes
holiest tea in cherts, a few iogilieads
green and blue edged Liver pot ware.
All the above articles will bcfold very
low for carti or produce.
Requeftj, a!! persons with wllm he has
accounts, to be as fpeady ns pfiible in
having the fame adjuited, wilting to
dole all matters previous to tb ill' Jan
uary last.
Savannah, February 4, 1
s,r4- For GLASGOW'S
A The BRIG \
(mj T R Y A L L, 1
Will fail in all this montf,
4 the greatefl part of the car; -
is now re ‘yto be put on board. Fo?
freight of a ew bags of Cotton, or pa|
fage] apply, o the Master on board, i
Alexander Vatt’s wharf,or to
. March z.- 1796. j
THE fall failing, New an|l
: Staunch Sloop
Benjamim I, ADR EE
Master, is now ready to take a Cargo),
on board, and will proceed with all pof- !
fible dispatch : For Freight, ai>piy tol}
the master on board, or to
Savannah, March 4, 1796. __
George Roiiion,
o J
Hasjujl opened a Store in Bull Street, oi
po/iie iMj/'rs. Boardman, Hills Sc Cos.
HIS present aifortment confiils of a
variety ot Broad Cloths, white
Buts, Drab, and other coloured Pipe nine
Calimer’s, plain, ft ripe and rose Blankets, .
Swanfdown, Merfaiils and Cafimer Veit ‘
Shapes, Tambour ditto, itriped, cloud
ed and India Nankeen, white and striped
Flannel, Callirnanco and Durant, T hick
fet, Corduroy and Velvet, a great va
riety of tine Muslins, viz : Plain, Stri
ped, Corded, japan M, and Tambour’d
jackonet; Plain, japan’d arm Tam
bour’d Book ; 6-4 and 7-4 Tambour’d,
Jackonet and Book Aprons, Ladies
Book and jackonet Handkerchiefs, ft ri
ped, and clouded Bordered Shawls, Gen
tlemen’s Tambour’d Handkerchiefs and j
Cravats; coarfeandfine Humhum, white j
and coloured Muilinet, Co-vied Dimity, j
ftrip’d Ginghams, Merfaiils Quilting ; i
an aifortment oQhandfomeCallicoes and i
Chintzes, Clouting & ‘Towelling, j ovi l
per, Irilh Linens, white and brown !
turns, Cotton and Linen Check, , .1
T icking, Sheeting, Brown Holly y Ij
Chintz Shawls, printed Linen Poci
Hankerchiefs, Cotton and Linen ChY ; I
do. Black Barcelona, Bandr*io, Sc chcc >
Silk Handkerchiefs, ladieav faftiiorJG ‘
S'lk Shawles, gentlemen’s^.tain, rio ..
Aviiitc ShT: do. lades’
ricty of Silk, Kiddand Leather Gloves ;
ladies and gentlemen’s Beaver Hatts,
.Vlorrocco, Callirnanco,& Samnct Shoes
and Slippeis ; gentlemen’s Boots and
Shoes ; broad and narrow fringe Bed
Lace, Cord, Sc Terfels; Ribbons, T apes
and threads, Pavilian Gauze ; Writing
Paper, Ink Powder, Umbrellas, Port
man tau I runirs, Bed Cords, Shoe Tread,
fifhing’ Lines house, shoe, hearth arid
ferubbing Brufnes, Cotton Cards, Tea
Kettles,Locks,Brais Cccks,Pen Knives,
ladies and taylors Seniors, Rafors in* I
bOAP and CANDLES, in Boxes.
Savannah, March \tb> 1796.
By the Subscriber : 1
BOARDS, inch and inch 4-
Ranging TIMBER,
Cypress 2 inch PLANK,
Red & White Oik STAVES,
INDIGO of fuperiorquality,
Jamaica RUM and SUGAR,
A few Baggs excellent Green
A few iooo Red Oak Pine
ALLUM 8c St. Übes SALT.
Gardners & Ahtchel,
Will of their remaining dock of
Confiding principally of coarse articles,
well aborted, and adapted to the season,
Also, a few Prime and healthy
New Negroes.
They have on hand, genuiqfJF .ondon
Particular Madc'irSf ine ,
of the vintage of 1792 and 1793 —Fourth
and Fifth proff
Jamaica RCfM, -
in Puncheons!
Mujcovado SUGAR,
in Hogsheads; a few -yeggs
and a parcel of
Savannah, ManLfh, ij()6 r
The nioft complete Aifortment of
‘CUTL E R Y, !
E-dee ofi red For Sale in this City,
Is Just Opened, and For Sale,
At Trs Siibfcrtier’s Ship* Chandlery and
Cjrbmijfton Store — Confuting of
KEEN ar.d white ivory handle!
VJT knives und forks plain and fluted,, 1
wi’th defects, carvers, and steels ; i
Chinese green and’white ivory ditto,
with ditto,
Greftrand white bone ditto with ditto !
Knainellcd bone ditto with ditto,
black ebony ditto with ditto,
jplac.t wood-,ditto with ditto,
Split flag ditto with ditto.
Buck ditto with ditto ;
•Red wood & cam woed molts & cases c
i, 2,3, and 4 bladed pocket and pen
knives ;
Delink ones with cases,
A hand-bine aifortment of fporifmens
kniv es,
Ditto of ex^Rentmzors,
D'.Vto. of ladies feiiTors &e.
All the • of various patterns.
Sn.anr.ah, February 4, 1796.
Rice 7 and for Sale.
A TR. ACT of River Swamn on the*
. rv North He of Ogcehee, bounded I
i • ‘Fho-.ur.s ( ;L.ons, L ..C. haUwo.’, |
i vechec River, and hri- by Wil
m Gibbons to Creor<*® Hall—con
iningbv the old fur vcy, Four Hundred
aes. ‘ This land being in much the fame
ten of TkkVwith Ilutchkiibu’s llied, ,
>pof.;e Sav#man, is as little rniblc
j iifre r by Hits or I refhes ; —For terms
ply t
vannnfj e-lure ‘• fp 1
j ‘f iiji Received*
■ la Ship Chandlery 6c Com*
I r * ftiijjlon Si ore,
jr f'SRHNE Broad Cloths of va
II ■ ,y-.urcolours,
Wjlitir plain ‘ mixed C’ ■•'Timers, ‘
jH|l|cd Cr f 5 In. e r ve! \ fl .apes,
M-rfeilles ditto,
Hi V ditto;,
“a- ‘ ■
(l! n Strouds,
‘-•§1 letsmnd Velvets,
Wlftted, cotton, silk and cotton, & black
fk Hockings,
Buaf rue, anc: drab cot tod Denims,
ChuF zes and Cailicoes,
Coaue and fine Irilh j,inen,.
H ■ D acj:, O z nab rigs, {4 ovv Cloth,
CoUo,, iaudano, Sc Cotton Handker
La tils black tilk Gloves,
Hit"* white Mitts, Habit Glove.,
•Green and red Baize,
iviens jiats, trr ~s and children Shoes,
Cottonc ts, j uftians, Shalloons, and
Cal hr. aes,
Worked binding, apron & cap Tapes,
Upper fi!h Kettles, fr.eet Lead,
1 jap: imed and I refit C and left icks,
1 J, tenant, falh & compass daws.
bo,cw and common Angers,
IrLo squares, Aiding & common Rules.
Stick, chert, cupboard, and padlocks,
Kn.b locks, deik locks and furniture,
Gtncr feales,
Spj.e So comm * Gimlues, Tap Borers,
Hahd and crolcuttfaw Files,
h i|t hocks, fifhing and chalk Lines,
Wjod and broad Axes, A’
Crfpcrs axes, adzes, So compafles,
ja|c, fafr, and smoothing Planes, 4 J
BrE cocks, wood and intall Nails, Jfp ‘
St! :1 rat traps, drawing knives. |
HH L, table hinges, * 1
Sh vels & tongs, carpenters ccmoalTes, *
Hi tie fhear*!, braces and bits
lrc 1 weight ; in fettg kale beams,
Svv eprng and ferubbing and
jumps,, ; j
V. 1 rev, afr, frr>e, paint, and tar oruflics.
1 ret pots and kettles,
’ ’ 1
Iru teakettles, fryi% pans,
Fltmrners, glue, calking irons, harpfions,
Tre i ladies, ikimmers, iieih forks,
Saipeedles, Palm irons, marlinespikes,
Set iyer nails, pump tacks, bradsy
Pester and metal table ?c tea spoons,
Knives & forks, carving do. table ftecl 1
Jack knives, iteel firmers, ! I
Socket and common cfiilicl s, f
Coat anivert buttons, cotton cards,
Iroh (hovel's, ferapers, bittaple lamps■
Jack,, cinder boxes, speaking trumA f
Lampblack, white lead, Spanht kl °' A n ’
Tel low ochre in oil and dry,
CrocUery v. are,
Logbiok, map, cartrid•G wjr..pF j **ja>
writing paper,
Tarrcil and tvhitc Corejg c >
No. 2.