Columbian museum & Savannah advertiser. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1796-181?, May 20, 1796, Image 1

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timitn g . , .... , v v .-/Published on Tuesday and Friday, by POWERS 3 SEYMOUR, corner of St. Julian Street, opposite the Church : where and f'* l, ‘ i ‘ * yieces of Intji I. licence are gratefully received, and all orders executed with accuracy and punctuality. Voi. I. JUST LANDED, * J AND FOR SALE: iO Barrels MUSCOVADO SUGAR, Fail India do. in Matts, 3bout 100 wt. GREEN COFFEE in Bags, ‘ 2 Cherts Superfin: HA SON TEA, and f u Barrels Superfine FLOUR. — Amfiv to Mr. BRAILSFORD’s Store, or ’ ’ THOMAS COLLAGHAN. Savannah. May iO. 20 *3 t> Ed. & Clem. Stebbins, Bute jitft received by the BELLONA, Capt. Crooker from New-York : A GENTEEL ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, Suitable to the prefentand approaching Sealou ; which they will difpole ot on moderate terms, for Cash orPioduce, at their Store on • the Bay : Conlifting of the following Arti cles, viz : A Variety of elegant Furniture Chintz and furniture Cottons, a neat artortment of purple, coloured, dark and light fancy Calli ngs and Chintzes, Manehefter Mullins and corded Dimities; Merfcillcs and fringed cotton Counterpanes, 4-4, * -4’ Book Muffins, Mullin Handkerchiefs & Aprons, Gentlemens tamboured Ciavats, IMilltnets, Ginghcms, fprig'd Muflinets ; plain, clouded and°twilled Nankeens, brown Fustian and Jeans, Bengal Snipe, Toilenets, silk striped Nankeens ;° printed, striped and tambour’d Marseilles Vest-Patterns ; black Mantua and Luteftring, India Persians, white Sarfenet, black India Sattin and Florentine, black mode, black Loveand Crape, black Ruifel, Bombazeen and colored Du'rmts; Barcelona & Bandanoe Hand kerchiefs, Pullicat and Linen Handkerchiefs, blue cotton Roinalls, Humhums, sewing Silks and Twist, cotton Yarn, Tapes and Bobbii 5; white Sattin figured Ribbons, black.* r Rib bons, China do. wire do. black tab ■ , y-4 Irifii Sheetings, affoittd, Oznaburgs, Checks, Oil Cloths ; long Lawns and Cambricks ; genile mens patent silk Hole, plain white & black do. ladies and gentlemens Gloves ; m-ns, womens and maids cotton Hose; gentlemens, ladies and childrens colored Beaver Hats, mens neatSho<“s, ladies Morocco Slippers, Black ball, Loaf Su gar and frefh Hyfon Tea, Milliard, black Pep per and Nutmegs ; medium and quarto pr>ft Pacer, quire and memorandum Books, blank bound do. playing Cards, Ink Powder, black lead Pencils, Quills and Waters —A large at iortment of FRESH MEDICINES.&c. &c. Savannah, April 29. 1117 -ts. McirShai s Sale. On Monday the 23 d of May next , will be Sold at the Court-llouic ;n Savannah, tit 11 o'Uock : Two Tracts of L A N D, con taining One Thoufar.d Acres each, situate on Rocky Comfort, near Louilvillc, bounded on one fide, by Gen. Jack fen’s land, taken in Exe cution, as the property of the la: e James Haber- Ihain, Esq. at the luit of ]OHN BAYARD. Geo. I. HULL, D.\l. D.G. Marjhal's Office, Savannah, April 2<th. Soles at Anet ion , ON Monday the 23d of M D y next, at Ten o’clock in the Forimon : Apart of the Personal property belonging to the Estate of James Moore, Esq. de.- ceased, will be exposed to Puolic Sale, at the Plantation of William Neyle. Elq. on Hutch inlon’s Island, confiiling of Sheep, Stock Cat tle, Horles and sundry oth'-r arlicHs.—The property can be viewed at the p -me alorefaid any time previous to the day of Si 10, at which time the Conditions will be made known. JAMES POtiTELL, 1 qualified Admimijlrator. Savannah, April 23d, m6-ts. Sheriff's Sales. On TUESDAY the 7th day of June next, will he SOI D by Public Out-cry. at the Court- Houle in this City, between the Hours of 10 and 3 o’Clock. One undivided Moity of that Trafl of LA N D in Camden County, called COLERAIN, lying on St. Mary’sßiv'r. The whole Trail containing upwards of fcoo Acres, Seized under Execution, as the proper ty of James Armstrong, Esq. A Lot ot LAN Din Ogle thorp Ward, Containing feet in width and feet in length, bounding on alot of Richard Wayne, Elq. to the North, Mrs. Fle ining, to the W sil, on Streets Eaftand South, at prefentoccupied by Mr. Robert Watts ; Seiz ed under Execution as the property of the estate of John Morel, Elq. deceafcd. 8 NEGROES, feiz’dunder Execution, as the property of Joseph Fox, dc tcafed. CONDITIONS CASH. T. NORTON, S. C. C. Savannah, May 5; 1796. my. JkL AS H given For clean Bk RAGS, m At th ‘-A Office. REASON and TRUTH impartial guide the way. LANDING, By the Subfribc rs WHARF, from on board the Brig Welcome Return, Benjamin Labbree, Mafler, from Philadelphia : Fresh SUPERFINE FLOUR, INDIA NANKEENS, Elegant WINDSOR CHAIRS, WHITE and BROWN SOAP, MADEIRA and PORT WINE, LOAF SUGAR, POTATOES, and A few thousand BRICKS, For SALE, by JAMES ALGER. Savannah, May f>. 19-ts FO R SALE, By the Subfcriher : BOARDS, inch and inch £ SCANTLING. Ranging TIMBER, SHINGLES, Red& White Oak STAVES, Jamaica RUM and SUGAR, A few Baggs excellent Green COFFEE. A few 1000 Red Oak Pipe STAVES. ALLUM& St. Übes SALT. HENRY PUTNAM . March 4, 1796. NOTICE. THE Subscriber, being about to leave the town for a lew weeks, informs his friends and Customers, that his bufmefs will be carried on by Mr. Mackee, his foreman, and will be ltriftly attended to. JOHN H. ROBERTS. May 13, 1796. 11.20. Savannah Augusta S T A G E, WILL Hart from Major Brown’s Boarding Koufe in Savannah, every Saturday at Nin-'o’Clock in the morning ; and from Mrs. Caines in Augusta, every Wedncfday at Six o’Clock in the morning.—The Fare of each paf fengrr Eight Dollars, with an allowanced 141 b. Baggage : AH extra Baggage gdg per lb. Way Passage, 4d. per mile.—No Seat can be en gaged till the Money is paid—the Stage Book will be kept at the C.olfee-Houfc,by Maj. Brown, wh°re Seats may be taken. Pallengers are dc dTired to be punctual to the time, as the Stage waits for no perfori.—Extra Baggage rr.uft be at the Stage-House, by Seven o’Clock in the morning, or run the rifle, of not going. NATHANIEL TWININC. N.B. Pallengers Baggage is conlidcrcd under their own care. Savannah, May 13. 21-ts. JUST LANDING, From on board the Schooner Esther, AND FOR SALE ; 2 Hhds. and 11 Barrels CIDER, Fresh RAISINS, Mens SADDLES and BRIDLES, No. 7,8, and 10 Cotton CARDS, 6 Calks 4 d, 6d, and Bd, CUT NAILS, Mens SHOES, BOOTS & BOOT LEGS, Ladies MOROCCO SLIPPERS, Black Florentine do. Mens White COTTON HOSE, HUMHUM and NANKEENS. JONATHAN BROOKS. Savannah, May 13. 21-ts. Robert Bolton & John Bolton. Hating commenced Bufmefs the \JI inji. under the F IR M 0 F Robert 6? John Bolton. THEY intend tranfafting all Commission Bu "Hs at the Wharf and Stores.of the former. HTHE Subscriber being desirous of doling A his private Concerns, requells all those lndbted to him by Book account, to pay the fame, or close them by Specialities on luterell, payable January 1797 ; he will cheerfully pay all Debts due by lum, on demand. ROBERT BOLTON. Savannah,_April 28th, 1796. ni7~tf Caig, Mad rod & Cos. Have for Sale, IRISH I INEN in cases afiorted, Russia SHEETING, Flaxen and Tow OZNABURGS, TOW CLOTH, V hite, Brown 8c Blue Negro CLOTH, A 1 rut.k Men’s SHOES, Window GLASS,B b. 10, and 9 b. 11, SPANISH BROWN in Keggs, 1 4 1 b .: each, Mould CANDLES infrnall Boxes, SOAP in do. —ALSO Mace ire, IV s IS E i.i Pipes and Quarter Pipes. Savnnah, March re, *\ s ‘ ’ -I ) FRIDAY, May 20, 1796- • JAMES ALGER, Has for SALE, at his Store near the Coffe-Hoifc : A Quantity ot TOBACCO, RICE, COTTON and INDIGO, ~ 4. and 2 Inch BOARDS & SCANTLING, LIGNUMVITiK, BOX-WOOD and BLACK LBONY, Excellent HAMS and BACON, PORK in Barrels, HOGS LARD in Keggs, BUTLER in Firkins. —ALSO— A few Puncheons 3d and 4th Proof R U M. Savannah, April 29. 1117 tr. “GEORGE ENOeT Taylor and Habit-Make r, Next door to Edw. Griffith, on the JB^y, RETURNS his lincere ihatiks to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Savannah, and the Pub lic in general for the encouragement he has re ceived in the line of his profdlion, and wilhes a continuance of the fame. They may rely on the ftridleft attention to their orders, and work done in the neateit and mnft fafliionablc man ner. Orders trom the country will be ftridUy attended to. He lias on hand a small assortment of GOODS, luitable for the present and ap proaching feafon—Vl z. SILK NANKEENS, INDIA Do. SUPERFINE CLOTHS, Do. CASSIMKRES, MANCHESTER MUSLINS & MUSI. I NETS, BROWN jEANS, MARSEILLES QUILTING, Sec. N. B. CASH will begivenfora NEGROE WENCH, who underllands Cooking & Waffl ing. (n.13.) Savannah, April 15, 1796. On Tueiday, the 7th of Jcne next, at Twelve o’Ciock, at.the .Court-House in Savannah, Will be S O L D, T'HOSE two Tenements and Lot, the cor ner ot Broughton and Abercorn Streets, occupied by Mrs. Eustace and Mr. Anthony.— Terms will be made known nn the day of tale : apply in the mean time to Joan Gibbons, Auctioneer. Savannah, April aoth, 1796. nib Hat Manufactory. A large quantity of LADIES and “GENTLEMENS belt BEAVER HATS, Warranted, just now finilliing, and for Sale, at PETER MADDENS Store, On the Bay, or the Roufeat the back thereof, in the Lane, By JOHN BIGGS. Savannah, March 15. 50 Dollars Reward, And neceflary charges. WANTED immediately Five petit-rafeals, deserters from the federal troops, viz : JAMES JASON, of New-Jersey, 22 years old, five feet seven inches high, dark eyes and hair, and fair coniplexioned ; Wm. DUN, of Philadelphia, 35 years of age, five feet fix in ches high, grey eyes, sandy hair, by occupa tion a barber ; CONNELLY—aII of Captain Samuel Tinfley’s detachment, and de ferred from St. Mary’s, 23d December, 1705. JOHN GREYHAM, from Connecticut, eigh teen years old, five feet fix inches high, grey eyes, brown hair, light complexion, has two crooked fingers on his left hand, has fome pri vate fcarsof correction received for Healing in a ship’s cabin, which unluckily produced no reformation. —Let the humane citizens who would harbour him, look up their plate ; he delerted from thispofl the sth inst. in his uni form ; OLIVER HANCOCK, a Fifer, from Mafiachufetts, 25 years of age, five feet five in ches high, grey eyes, long sandy hair, weil built, by occupation a blacksmith ; under- Hands furnace work and engraving, has a great share of impudence, is an impertinent talker, entertains an irreconcilable disgust towards the right article of the decalogue, and is a cowa ard. Mr. Hancock has talents andaccotnplifh ments p"culiarly calculated for a horfe-tnief, - counterfeitor of money, or an itenerant Metho dist preacher : Hedeferted from this Puff, 25th inst. in uniform. Whoever will apprehend them that they may be brought to jufticc, shall receive the above Reward and neceflary charges, or Ten Dollars and ebarges, for either of them. WILLIAM LATON, Curtain. \th V. S. Sub/eg’oit. Fort Pickering, April 30. ° nig. 1 AM IN WANT OF 4- or 5 NEGRO BOYS, ELEVEN, twelve or 13 years old, on Hire, for whom, I will pay the usual or cuftomarv Wages, monthly c quarterly, as may best Nit the owners,r B. PUTNAM. March 19, 1796, JUST RECEIVED, Per BRIG LOISA, Elisha Brtggs Mufterfrom The ISLANDS DELOS , 92 Prime SLAVES: THE greater pai t of which are from Four teen to Twenty-Live years of age, likely and heal thy.—The SALE ot which will commence oni Wednelday the Eighteenth instant.—CONDI TIONS, CASH. ROBERT WATTS'. Savannah, May 10. kO-ts. George Ralltop, Has just opened a Store in Bull Street, op~ pojite Mt.Jfn. Boardntan, Hills & Cos. HIS present assortment confills ofa variety of Broad Cloths; white Bull', Drab, and other colon red taper fine Cafimer’s, plain,ftripeand role Blankets, Swanfdown, Marfeiiiesand Cahuier Veftr Shapes, Tambour ditto, ftriffcdj cloud ed and India Nankeen, whitcandftriped Flannel, Callimancoand Durant,,Thick fet, Corduroy and Velvet, a great va riety of line Mullins, viz : Plain, Efn ped, Corded, Japan’d, and ‘l'ambour’d Jackonet ; Plain, Japan and and Tam bour’d Kook ; 6-4 and 7-4 Tambour’d, jackonet and Book Aprons, Ladies Book and Jackonet Handkerchiefs, stri ped, and clouded Bordered Shawls, Gen tlemen’s Tambour’d Handkerchiefs and Cravaes; coarfcandfine Humhum, whito and coloured Mullinet, Corded Dimity, -ftrip’d Ginghams, Marseilles Quilting j an assortment of handfomeCallicoes and Chintzes, Clouting 8c Towelling, Dia per, Icilh Linens, white andbrown Fus tians, Cotton and Linen Check, Bed ’1 icking, Sheeting, Brown Holland, Chintz Shawls, printed Linen Pocket- Hankerchiels, Cotton and Linen Chccfc do. Black Barcelona, Bandano, &check’<£ Silk Handkerchiefs, ladies falhionablo Silk Shawles, gentlemen’s plain, rib’d, clouded and patent Cotton Hose, a few, white Silk do. ladies Cotton do. a va riety of Silk, Kiddand Leathe. Gloves j ladies and gentlemen’s Beaver Morrocco, Callimanco,&’ Sattinet Shoea and Slippers ; gentlemen’s Boots and Shoes ; broad and narrow fringe Bed Lace, Cord, 8c Torfels; Ribbons, Tapes and threads, Pavilion Gauze ; Writing Powder, Umbrellas,Portman teau Trunks, Bed Cords, Shoe Thread, fifiring Lines ; house, shoe, hearth and scrubbing Brufhcs, Cotton Cards, Tea Kettles,Locks,Brafs Cocks,Pen Knives, ladies and taylors Scissors, Rafors Im Cases.—Also, SOAP and CANDLES, in Boxes, Savannah, March /pth, 1796. G e o r c 1 aN) By Edward Whitr, Regijler of (L. S.) > Probates for the County of Chat. Ed. White, y ham in the State aforej.aid. WHEREAS, John N. Fry, of the City o£ Savannah, (hop keeper, hath made ap plication to me for Letters ofAdminiftration oi the estate arid efUcfs ofThoma* Dobbins, late of the fame place dcceafed. These are therefore tt* cite and adtnonirta all andfingular, the Kindred and Creditors of the said Thomas Dobbins, deceased, to be and appear before me at my office in the C ity of Savannah, on the 16th day of June next, to shew caule if any they have, why Letters of Admfniftration (hould not b* granted him. Given under my hand and seal, at Savannah, the tfth day ol May, in the year of our Lord 179 b, and in the 20th year of Ame rican Independence. az*Bt WE the Subfcriber* Infpeffors of Lumbef for the port of Savannah, are necefti tated, from the great rife of all kinds of Pro visions, toraife the price of Lumber Mcafuring, and Stave and Shingle Calling, viz : All Boards and Scantling, 1 Dollar p'T M. All Ranging Timber 62 £ Cts. per Mt All Cedar and Live Oak, 1 Dol. per Hurt* dred, solid measure, Cuilirtg Staves, 1 Dol. p~r and Sliingles, 37 f Cts. per M. And they do alfo'agree, that as soon as pro visions fall to their form r prices, they will ch'-arfally reduce theirs to their usual Rates. LEVI SHKFTALL, JAMES CLARK, Wm. 11. SPF.NCER, JOHN Y. WHITE, JOHN GREER. Savannah, May 17, 1796. *i*Br. FOR SALE, SUGAR in Hhd*. and Barrels, Best Green COFFEE, By BORDMAN e? HILLS. “?. v Annahj March :7 96 • No. 23.