Columbian museum & Savannah advertiser. (Savannah [Ga.]) 1796-181?, May 24, 1796, Image 1

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REASON and TRUTH impartial guide the way. ~, j y Jl g —PuBLI SHED ON TuiSDAY AND ?RIDAY, BY POWERS & SEYMOUR, CORNER OF St. JULIAN STREET, OPTOSI T l THI CIIURfH ! WHERE AdVF. RTISEMRNTS, AND ‘* 2 ’ “ pieces of Intelligence are crate fully received, and all orders executed with accuracy and punctuality. Vo l. I. i r Dollars Reward. Rl'N-away from the Subfcribcr, about five days ag'>, a Negro tdlow, called I.UBIN, jaed about eighteen years, fiveteet eight inches j.jVi, or there about, he is marked on the brcall; Leshas a mild countenance, is v, ell known by a number of the inhabitants ot this cuy. He is rather dim in appearance, and Ins legs irom lick nels or oiherwile, thin and inaigre ; lpeaks French and Engltih, having been in this ltatc viih me, near twenty, months. Any perlon lodging him in goal, and giving information to j jjfs h Clay, junr. L!q. lhail receive the a bove reward. CHARLES HEEMS. Savannah, May 20. n.aj. t.*. N O TICE. I HAVE purchased a traft of Land of Mr. J,,hn Williams, iuuated in Effingham coun ty about fifty miles Irom Savannah, on ihe AuP'ufta road, 1 a,t a mile from Savannah river, adjoining lands of Mr. iludlon, ai;d others. Any perlon or peribns, having any claims a gair.fl ihe laid land, art requelted lo make their claims belore the deeds are executed. BERNARD BOYER, For ADRIEN LcSr ACRES. Savannah, May 20- 10 Dollars Reward. O TOLEN out of th” Office or the Colunx- O bian Mufcum, on the i< th inltunt, a talh idnable French Silver WATCH, very flat, w..h a gilt Chain and Key. with a Reel pip°, has the name of Trourul ard, (if riglniy recollect ed) on the face. Whoever will deted't the Thief with the Watch, (hall receive the above reward, or .5 Dollars for the Watch only. If the above Watch, should be ottered for fule to any of the Goldlniiths in this city, they will please to it op it, and the perlon ottering it for faie, and give information to the Printers of he Columbian Museum, who will pay the above reward. * Savannah, May 20, 1796. |itlt RECEIVED, PcrthcSchooner Magdalina Eliza, Cornelius Phj rix am St. Thomas, and for Sale by the tsubjeriter : j s | Tons large LIGNUM VITaE free of sap. u Puncheons St. Croix RUM, wed flavor’d, n I-ihds. b ‘ll St. Croix SUGAR. 4 Barr- Is ditto, ditto. 9 Bags ALMONDS. J 9 Box ‘s FLORENCE OTL,in quart Bottles, 1 Box of SIRR ‘J P, assorted. 2 COFFEE, j B.ikct FIGGS. A L S O, for SALE, Bed Mould CANDLES. Northward RUM, in Puncheons & Barrels. Madeira. Port and Vayul WINE. SOAP in Boxes. Windsor CHAIRS. Souchong TEA in Chests, and sundry other articles. ROBERT WATTS. Savannah, April 29th. 1117-A. Ed. & Clem. StebDins. Have jujl received by the BEL LON A, Capt- Crookcr from Ne.zu-York : A GENTEEL ASSORTMENT OF G O O D S, Suitableto theprefemand appn-a ningS'-a'ua ; which they will di r pofe ol on moderate terms, for Cash orPioducr, at their Store on the Bay : Conhitmg of the following Arti cles, viz : A Variety of elegant furniture Chintz and furniture Cottons, a neat alibi tment f purple, coloured, daik and light fancy Caib- Co-s and Chintzes, Manchdftrr Muflms and corded D mities; Merfeillcs and lrt ng"d cotton Counterpanes, 4-4, <and 9-8 Jaccoaet and Book Mullins, Muslin Handkerchiefs & Aprons, G“ntlem?ns tamboured Cravats, Miliifiets, Ginghems, Iprig’d Muflin"Ls ; plain, cloud and and twilled Nankeens, brown lullian and J~ans, B’-ngal Snip", I"oilrneis, liik Unp"d Nankeens ; primed., llriped and tambour’d Marseilles V-it-Patterns ; black Mantua and Lutellring, India Persians, white Sarfenet-, black Fndia Sattinand Florentine, black mode, black I.oveand Crape, black Rulfel, Bomhazeen and colored Durants; Barcelona & BandanOe Hand kerchi"is, Pullicat and Linen Handkerchiefs, blue cottonßomalls, Humhums, tewmgSilk and r wilt, cotton \ arn, tapes and Bobbins,* white Sattin figured Ribbons, black hair Rib bons. China do. wire do. black ; 5-4 Iritb Sheetings, allotted, 0/nab U rgs, Checks, Oil Cloths ; long I awns and Cavnbricks ; gentle mens patent lilk Ifofe, plain white & blackdo. Edi-’s and gentlemens Gloves ; mens, womens tnd maids cotton Hole; gentlemens, ladies and lpi,mens colored iftiavrt Huts. mens Shoes, ladies Morocco Siipp-rs, Black ball, Loaf .Su gar and frefli Hyloa Tea, Mallard, bbrkPep p-r and Nutmegs ; medium and quarto poll Paper, outre and memorandum Books, blank yound do. playing Cards. Ink Powder, black “•ad Pencils, Quills and Wafers—A large af * t m-nt of FKESII MEDICINES,&c. &c.- Savannah, April 29. 1117-ts. blanks of different kinds , be hid eit this Office. Caig, Marked 3 Cos. Have for Sale, IRISH LIKEN in calss assorted, Rullia SHEETING, Flaxen and Tow OZNABURGS, TOW CLOTH, White, Brown & Blue Negro CLOTH, A Trunk Men’s SHOES, Window GLASS, bb. io, and9b.ll, SPANISH BROWN in Keggs, 14IL each, Mould CANDLES in {mall Boxes, SOAP in do. —ALSO Madeira WINE in Pipes and Quarter Pipes. Savnnah, March 15. Robert Bolton & John 80l on. Having commenced Bufmefs the \JI ini. und>.r the FIR M 0 F Robert 3 John Bolton THEY intend tranfa£ling all Commifli.jn Bu fin ’H at the Wharf and Storesof the form- r. r T~ , HE Subscriber being desirous of doling X his private Concerns, retju-ifs all thole Indebted to him by Book account, to pay th” fame, cr close them by Specialities on liuereff, payable January 1797 ; he will cheerfully pay all Debts due by him. on demand. ROBERT BOLTON. Savannah, April 28th, 1796. 111.7-ts j U ST L ANDING, From on board ihe Sch mn'r E ither, AND t OR S A 1. E : 2 and 11 Barrels CIDER, Fresh RAISINS, Mens SADDLES and BRIDLES, No. 7,8, and io Cotton CARDS, 6 Calks 411, fd,and Bd, CUT NAILS, Mens SHOES, BOOTS & BOOT LEGS, Ladies MOROCCO SLIPPERS, Black Florentine clo. Mens White COTTON HOSE, HUMHUM and NANKEENS. JONATHAN BROOKS. Savannah, May 13. 21-ts. Savannah fef Augufla ■S T A G E, WILL start from Major Brown’s Boarding H >ufe in Savannah, every Saturday at Nin” o’Clock in the morning ; and from Mrs. Caines in Augusta, every Wednesday at Six o’Cloc.k in the morning.—The Fare of each paf feager Eight Dollars, with an allowance of 14 lb. Baggage : All extra Baggage per lb. Way Paltage, 4d. per mil*.—No Seat can be ni gag"d tiii the Money is paid—the Stage Book wi 1 1 be kept at tb e CoiTee-Hou fe,bry M aj. B row n, where Seats may be taken. Palfengcrsare de d"lired to be puntlual to the time, as the Stage wads, for no person.—Extra Baggage mull be at the Stage-House, by Seven o’Clock in the morning, or run the rilk of not going. NATHANIEL TWIN INC. N.B. PalP-ngers Baggage is coniidered under their own care. Savannah, May 13. 21-ts. NOTICE. THE .Subscriber, being about to leave the town for a lev/ weeks, informs his friends and Culloiners, that his buimefs will be carried on by Mr. Marker, his foreman, and will be Itri&ly attend’d to. JOHN H. ROBERTS. Mav 13, 179 5 . n 20. E(? R S \ L E, By the Subscriber : ROARDb, inch and inch ~ SCANTLING. Ranj> i nfg TIM BE R, SHINGLES, Red & White Oak STAVES, Jamaica RUM and SUGAR, A few Baggs excellent Green COFFEE. A few 1000 Red Oak Pipe STAVES. ALLUM & St. Übes SALT. HENRY PUTNAM. March 4, 1796. LAN D I N G, i By the Subscribers WHARF , Jrom on board the Brig Welcome Return, Benjamin Labbre**, Mifler. from Philadelphia : Fr-dh SUPERFINE FLOUR, INDIA NANK EL NS. Elegant WINDSOR CHAIRS, WHITE and BROWN SO\P, MADEIRA and PORT WINE, LOAr sIIGAR, POTATOES, and A few thouia.i.! BRICKS, for SALE, by JAMES ALGER. Savannah, May 6. 19-if T U ES D A Y, May 24, 1796. Sheriff's Sales. On TUESDA Y the 7th day of June next, will be SOLD by Public Out-cry, at the Court- Houle in th>s City, between the Hours of 10 and 3 o’Clock. One undivided Moity of that TrJft of LAN D in Camden County, called COLERAIN, lying on St. Mary's River. — Tlw whole Traft containing upwards of 6000 Ames, Seized under Execution, as the proper ty of James Arinftrong, Elij. A Lot of LAN Din Ogle thorp Ward, Containing feet in width and feet in length, bounding on a Lot ot Richard Wayne, Elq. to t'ue Nor.h, Mrs. l le ming, to the Wslt, on Streets.Eali and South, at present occupied by Mr. Robert Watts; Seiz ed under Execution as the property of the eflatc of John Morei, Elq. deceafett. 8 NEGROES, fci7.*dunder Execution, as the property of jofeph Fox, dc cealed. CONDITIONS CASH. T. NOR I ON, 5. C. C. Savannah, May 5, 1796. mg. iUST RECEIVED, P r BRIG LOISA, Elisha Briggs Mailer from The ISLANDS DELOS, 02 Prime SLAA ES: THE greater part of which arc from Fourteen to Twenty-Five years of age, likely and heal thy.—The SALE of which will commence on’ Wednesday th” Eighteenth in&ant.—CQXDl-, TIONS, CASH. W ROBERT WATTS. Savannah, May 10. 20-ts. George Raiitdn, Has just opened a Store m Bull Street, op pojiit McJJrs. Boardman, Hills b Cos. HIS present allortmeat confiits of a variety ol Broad Cloths, wliite Buff, Drab, and other colouredfuperline Caiimcr’s, plain, ft ripe and role Blankets, Svvanldown, Marleihesand Cafimer V eli Shapes, Tambour ditto, firiped, cloud ed and India N ankeen, white and ft riped Flannel, Callimancoand Durant, Thick set, Corduroy and Velvet, a great va riety oi tu.e Muslins, viz : Plain, Stri ped, Corded, Japan’d, and Tambour’d Jackonet ; Plain, Japan’d and Tam bour’d Kook ; 6-4 and 7-4 Tambour’d, Jackonet and Book Aprons, Ladies Book and Jackonet Handkerchiefs, ftri pedy arid clouded Bordered Shawls, Gen tlemen’s ‘l ambour’d Handkerchiefs and Cravats; ccarfe and fine Humhum, white and coloured Mullinet, Corded Dimity, ftrip’d Ginghams, Marseilles Quiitir.g ; an alforfment of handsome Calliuoes and Chintzes, Clouting & Towelling, Jfia per, Irilh Linens, white and brown Fuf tiahs, Cotton and Linen Check, Bed ‘licking, Sheeting, Brown Holland, Chintz Shawls, printed Linen Pceket- Har.kerchiefs, Cotter, and Linen Check do. Black Barcelona, Bandano, & check’d Silk Handkerchiefs, ladies fafhionable Silk, f-.hawies, gentlemen's plain, rib’d, clouded and patent Cotton Hose, afew white Silk do. ladies Cotton do. a va riety of Silk, Kiddand leather Giovcs-; ladies and gentlemen’s Beaver Hatts, Morroccp,Callimanco,& hattinet Shoes and Slrppers ; gentlemen’s Boots and Shoes ; broad and narrow fringe Bed Lace, Cord,& Terfels'; Ribbons, Tapes and threads,’Pavilion Gauze ; Writing Paper,lnk Powder, Umbrellas,Portman teau Trunks, Bed Cords, Shoe Thread, fifhing Lines ; house, shoe, hearth and scrubbing Brushes, Cotton Cards, Tea Kettles,Locks,Brafs Cocks,Pen Knives, ladies and tavlors Scissors, Rafcrs in (X-r-c Alfn’ SOAP and CANDT.ES,.in Boxes. Savannah, March \th, 1796. WE tl • Subfc'rib'Fj Infprftors of Lumber for the port of Savaniiah, are nrx fli tai'd, from th- rif<- of all kinds of Pro visions, totaitt tbr pries of Lumber Meafurir.g, and o av’* and Shingle Culling, viz : Ali Boards and Scantlittg, 1 Dollar p*r M.’ All Ranging Timber f>t 7 Cts. per ivl. Ali Crdur and Live Oak, 1 Dol. pcr Ilun drf-d, PoliT nvafure, Clifting Staves, t D 1. per M. m.d Shingles, 07 V Cts. p"r M And they do aEo that xi Toon as vilions fall to tlaeir former prior’ , Wi j| cheerfully reduce tneir* to their ufnal Kate.-. LEVI Sir*- FTAEL, TAMES CI ARK, Wm. H SPENCER, JOfiN Y WHITE, JOHN GREER. Savanna’), May* 17, 179?;. ■ DISTRICT of GEORGIA. C JR: UIl COLR l’ oj the Unite! States, April * ]th , 17 qb. JOSEPH SPENCER. Charles I-lardm, John Wallace, William Middleton, Gilbert Bui) lie, David Do legal, John Cooper and Charles Ir vin, having, thohgh duly futnmoned, made de fault as Grand ]ur is ior the term aiorefaid. It is < rdrrcd, that ‘hey hr fined in the film of Ten Pound;, each, tinlel'sijiey do make on oath, a (uthtient excufir. to hr find in ihe Clerk’s office, of this diltrift, tin or before thefirll day of the next term. And whereas , John PoulW, Frencis Davies, FrancisChauvin, Samuel hulv n', James M'Cul lock, John Warren, and Jonathan Fabian, be ing duly fnmmoued as petit Jurors, lor th .above term, made default. It is ordered, that they be fined in the him of Five Pounds each, Unless ihry lhall (hew g<fc and and fufficient ex cuse, after the manner - and within the time above direfted : And it is further ord rod. that; the above be published in the Gazettes, four week# fuccefiively, the said defaulters have due nodee thereof. fly order of the Court, * 4 CHARMS HARRIS, Clerk. Savannah, sc,hMay. 179(1. 23-81. tf/JIERF.iS, Thomas I. awrrnci*, James Mr riludsaiul }< dm Whitley being dttlv fuin ntoned to attend as Jurors for the DiftriftCourt, ou ihc tenth day of May initant ,* and their names being called, it and make default. Disordered that each of them bo fin and in the sum o Eight Dollars, unlr's th y do make on oath a fuifi rient excuse to 1 e filed 141 the Cl-rk’s office of this diftrift, on or before the firil day of the next fejlion of tins Court, and that this ord-r be thrice published in the Curettes, that the laid defaulters may have due notice thereof: Extra;: from the minutes, CH A RLES HARRIS, Clerk. Savannah, 20th May, 1796. (fTT The fnbfcriber will receive and attend to any information that may be given, by Owners or Mailers 6f Veff-ls, on the fubje£fc of the following lrtter, at the Cullomhoufe in this city. - JOHN HARBERSHAM, Colleftor of the Customs for Savannah. (Circular.) Department of State, March 25th, 17061 SIR, THE Newspapers frequently give accounts of imprellinents of American Seamen, and of other outrages committed upon our citizens, by Bri.ifii (hips of war. But how ever well founded these relations may be,-vet other documents will be required whenever re paration for these wrongs shall hr demanded. I am therefore dirc&ed, by the Piefid’ nt of the United States, to endeavour to obtain cor rect information on this fubjedi, verified by the oaths of the informants. Such of these as fiiall enter the port of Savannah will fall under your notic*, ’ and I mult requrfl you to have t’ueir depolitions taken, at the public exp-nce, in the moll fair and impartial manner, hefor-a Notary Public, and trawfmiued from time tot time to this office. I am, refpeftfully, Sir, ’four obedient servant, TIMO'THY PICKERING. The Colleflor of Lite Port ) of Savannah. $ 12.4 t. lAM Ei A IXiEIR Hsi for SALE , at h ; s Store near the Ccjfe-Houfe : A Quantity of TOBACCO, RJCE, COTTON and fNDTCO, 1, k and ?. Inch BOARDS & SCANTLING. LIGNVMVTTA, BOX-WOOD and BLACK EBONY, Excellent HAMS and BACON, PORK in Barrels, HOGS LARD in Reggs, BUTTER in Firkins. —ALSO— A few Pantheons 3'd and 4th Proof RUM. Savannah, April £9. 1117-ts. On Tnefday, he 7th o r Jcne next, at Twelve o'Clock, atjthe Court-fiouie in Savannah, Will be SO L I>, HPIIOSE two Tenements and Lot, thecor- X n*r of Broughton and Abercom Streets, occupied by Mrs. Evftace and Mr. Anthony —1 Tec ms’ will lie Trade known on the uay of :aic : anpjy in the mr.>n time to John Gibbons, Auf/ioneer. S.iv?nnjh, Api ii tfkh, 1796. mS Hat Man: 1 fat’cn y. A large quantity of LADIES and GENTLEMENS bell: BEAVER. HATS, Warranted, jufi nr>w and fbf c a > af PETER MADDENS Store, On the Bay, or tht Hcufent the back thereof, la the Lane, By JOHN BIGGS. Savannah, March r { ‘nfk {Laidfor a [era Sfcffht PELTS, nv'.fh the lOenl * J '. —E~ ‘’■itr*- >ll ■ this Os re, * April 16. No. 24.