Newspaper Page Text
, r , . * *-i’ V;
t 0 foe power.
~ in relation to embargo and the intertiic
tion J * commerce.
- Whatever theories a r >on the lubjeA of
Jf.BRK-r<re,kvve hitherto divided foe qj**’* r ’
/ions of ftatrifoen, experience has , a /f
(hewn that it is'V vital farewJl jn-jJfcJtfrri
ted States, and that luccefi is effentiaj
to tin* agri£iiU re HT **
manufactures, and to the wealth, finances,
defence and fiber tv of foe nation.. ts
welfcre can never interfere with therit ter
great interelh of the ft ate. but
mote aid uphold
•re con^ ?|ece(rit v
wa* 3 °h °f tbe nation. They are
beft qualified to manage and i-1
ftSt its course by the advantages ot expC-ftj
lienee, and the feßle of interest. Bo* they f
are entirely unable to protect the-nfelves :
og-unft tlie sudden and injudicious deci- (
; Cons of bare majorities, and the mill iken
or opjneJlfiv<i projects of those whp are not i
- tdHvtly concerned in its pu dints. Os coil- •
fLquence, this interest is always exposed .
to pe harrafsed, inturrupted, and entirely
defirnyed, upon pretence of securing other
interest?. Had the merchants of this na
tion been permitted, by’ then- own govern
ment, to pursue an innocent and lawful
commerce Iwiw differeut Would have been
the state of the treasury and of public cred
it ! How (hart lighted and mifcrable Is i
. the policy which has annihilated this order ,
ot men and doomed their (hips to rot in
the dpeks, tbrir capitM to w.i fie unemploy
ed, and their affections to be alienated
from the government which was formed
to protect them! What freurity for an
ample and ur,tailing revenue can ever be
* had, comparable to that which once was
realized in the ghod faith, pundfuafity, and
. fonfe of honour, which attached the mer- 1
cantile class ip the interyftsof the govern
ment! Without commerce* wire re can j
be found the aliment for a navy ; and Vith- !
out a navy/ what is to conllifote the de
fence, and ornament,, 4n<2 glorx of thi# na
■v; tion! No union can be durably cemented
in which great interest does not find
Itftlf reafofiahlv secured against the en
croachment and combinations of other in
terests. When, therefore, the past fyftetn
of embargoes and commercial reftri&ions
(halt have been reviewed—when the fluc
tuation and inconsistency of public mea
sures, betraying a want of information as
well as feeling in the majority* (hall have
been confidcred, the reafonableuefe ot
fome reftriftnous upon the power of a bare
majority to repeat these oppfo iuons, wjU
appear taheobvtouE
The rtext smendment proposes to re
ftrift the power of making often five war.
In the confideratfon of this amendment, it
is not neceffafy to inquire into foe j alike
icf the present war. But one sentiment
now exilfe in relation to its expediency,
find regret for it* declaration is nearly uni
verlal. No indemnity can ever be At
tained for this terrible calafn{tyand itson
"fy palfiation must be found in ©bftacles to
its future recurrence. Rarely can the
state of this country call for br juftify of
fenfive war., T'fie genius of our institu
tion is unfavorable to its fuecefsful prose
cution;’ ilie felicityofoerfituation exempts
us .from its neeeffity. In this call:, a in
the for infer, thrifts-more immediately expos-,
ed to its fatal effe&s are a minority of the
nation. Tie commercial town, the shores ‘
. ofnur seas and rivers, contains.fWfepbpi?-,
|. lation, whose vitl ipterefts are moft xml-’
rerabfe by n foreign enemy.* Agriculture,
i indeed, must feel at last; but this appeal
to its sensibility comps too late. Again,
the immense population xvhich has (worm
ed into the weft, reniote from immediate
danger* and which is.conftantly augment
ing, will not, be averse from tlie occufionafe
disturbances of the Atlantic states. Thus
interest may not unfreqiiently combine
with palfion and intrigue, tr> plunge the na
tion into needless Wars, and compel it to
become a military, rather than a happy
and fiouriftiing people, Those considera
tions Which it would be eah to augment. :
call loudly for tlie limitation proposed in
the amendment.
* Another amendment, fubordmate in im
portance, hut Rift in a high degree expedi
ent, relates to the exckiudti of foreigners,
bereaftei- arriving in the United States
from the capacity of holding offices of trust,
honor or profit. r
That the flock of populmion already in
thefeftates, is amply to render
this oitioh ip due time flfffickntly great
and powerful, is not a controvertible
queftion—<Nor will ierioufty pretend
od, that the national deficiency in wisdom,
arts, science, asfrfis or virtue, needs to be
rejilenifbed from foreign countries. Still,
it is agreed,- that a liberal policy ftiotild
ofter the Tights hospitality, and the
choice offettlement, to thole who are dis
poled to viGt. the ‘ country.*—-But why
admit to a participation in the government,
aliens-whp; were nb parties to tfie cotnpaft;
Who are ignorant of thejjature of our in
fiitutions, and have no “li ke in the welfare
of the country, but ‘wljat i#, recent and
mhfitqry; It is finely a
eieht, to idmit then; after due probation
so become citizens, for all but political
purposes. To extend it beyomf these
lifiits, is to encourage foreigners to come
to thvfe states uscandidatfes for preferment.
Tlie convention forbear to exfyefs -fheir
opinion 1 upon the inauspicious effefels,
*hich je already resulted to the honour,
tind peafeb of this nation, footn this mis
placrd and indifcrimirfSrtti,liberaKty;.
*’ The la4 ameodnient reljxrßs the fimita-,
tion of the effio: of prlfidcnt, to a fmgfe
eonftiuitinnal Ze.rli, and bis eligibility
from the fame state two terms wfocGdffiou,
Upon this topic it is foperfluops to di
late.. Tbe of power * principfe in
tnf human means m pro
to the office ofprvlident
long which operate
by*thij* palfion.—
aod moft natural ]
ttSi patronagPi is diteAcd towards the (t
----coritV of an w efedfkm. Tlie Interest trf 1
the couutrv, .tlie welfare of the people,
even honest fme and refoe ft for the opiu- |
ion of p°ft t:i n y> Ve fecoiuitrv confr.Wa
tmns. All the engines of intrigue, all the i
mean* of corruption, are iikeiv tc be em
ployed for this obje&. Aprefuient whose :
political career is limited to a fingleeiet--
lion, may find no other interest than will v
lie promoted Uy making it glorious to him- j
fl'clf and beneficial to’ his country. ‘ tint <
j the hope of re-elecfion Is prolific of temp
! tat'ums. under which these magnanimous
; motives ace deprived’ of their principal i
j force. The repeated election of the pre- |
i fident“ef the’United Statetf %otu any one ■
i State aSbrds iiidueemeoLs and inbans for
f intrigue, which tend to Create an uiulue
4 local influence, and to eftablifti the domt- |
nation of particular (bites. The juftire, |
therefore, of securing to every state a ,fair
and equal chance the efetftion rtf this
officer from its own citizens, is
and this ohje<ft will be eflentially promot
ed* by preventing an de-ftfen, from foe
I fimn state twice in fucCe(lion.‘
| Such is the general view which tliis con
| vention has thought propta'to fubmiy of
j the situation of tlicle states, of their dan
i grrs and thrir duties. Moft of tlie ('objects
} which it embraces have recti*.
;j. ed an ainple-’and luminous inveftigudon,
j by tlie great and able aflbrtors of tbe rights
of :beir country, in the national legifia
-1 tore; and nothing hn>re could be attempt
! ed on this occasion, tiian a digest of gene
-4 ral, principles, and of recommendations,
I suited to the piefent state ot affairs. The
j peculiar difficulty and delicacy of perform
-1 ing, even this undertaking, will be appre-
I ciated by all who think ferioully upn the
> crisis. Negotiations for peace, are at tliis
I hour ftfppofod to be pending,’ the issue of
4- which must be deeply interesting to all.—’
j No mealores (hould be adopted, which
might ui favorabl/ affi*£f thatiffee: mine
( which ftn 1 embarrass tlie ad-iiuuftratioii,
• if their profiled def-. e for prace is finrefe;
; arid none, which’ on foppofition of. jheir
iufincerity, Ibould. affiird th in pretexts
i. for prolonging the war, or relie .’mg -tfaem
fylves from the. refpotifibility of a difooii
! orabte peace. It is .aii’i devoutly to be
wiftted, that ap occatioif may he
to all friends of die country. of alj parties,
f apd in all places, to p mfe and confider tlw*
awful state. to which pernicious .cmmfel®*
and blind paffitns, “have brought this peo-
The numfier of thole who perceive,
and who arif ready to retrace errors, must,
k is believed, be yet ‘fufficient tu redeetu
the* naoon. It is nmuT.iry .to rally arid
unite them by tlie a durance that no fioftik
it v tythe Couftitution is ineditated, and to
obtain their aid in pls Cin S H u >.dcr guar
dians, who alone can faye ft from deftoic
tioiv Should tfei? feirtunate change be ef
ri.fisAed*. the hope of ha,*p*i> acfh®s|ir
iay puce ntojqp difoel jfife ftiriromwlihg
gloom. Our nation riiav yet be-great,
; our uniori durable. Bm fliould this pros
pcft be utterly the time wid not
have been loft xvhich ftiaft have ri
ptneda general ferttimeutof the m-celitty
* of more miglity efforts to refute from ruin,
at kaft lbi% portion of ourbtloved coun
■ ‘therefore Resolved, That it be arid
hereby ht recommended tp the Lejtifl itures
of the several States represented in this
Gotivemion, to arlcpt all frith hit-a hires as
may by neceflary tomrottil the
citizens of said States from the operation
and'cffr&s of all a&s which haiT been or
may be passed-by the Uongrefs of the Uni
. ted States, which (hall contain pwvilions,.
fubjeding tlie tnifitia 6r other citizens to
forcibly drafts, ,Confcriptios, • or- imjwdTr
ments* qot anthoi’®ed r by £ti& Constitution
of t|fe United States* • -
Resolved, Ttiat it be and hereby is re
commended;to the iaid Legfilatures, td'au
tlTyriie an iriUnediate and earnest applica
tion to be made to the Government of
the United States, requeuing thrir coufont
to fonie arrangement, whereby the said
States mayV separately or in concert, he
empowered to aflur.e upon tbemfelves the
defehce of their territory agai-nft the ene
my ; and a reafonahle’portion of the tax
‘fcs, coyecled xvkhin said States, may be
paid into t'.e ref’ptftive treai'uries thereof,
and appri>priated to the payment of tbe
balance dud said states, and to tht future
defente of tile fame. The f mount so paid
into the said tre-durife? to be credited, arid
the dijfoui feuients madeas aforefaki, to be ’
ch arged to the United States. * ,
Resolved, ’l'hat it be,, and it hereby is,
recommended ,to -the’, la-gift.tures of the
aforefaki States, to pass laws, (where it has
already been dbne) authorising the Gov
erriors or Comnianders in Qrief 9*’ their
militia, to make detachirieuts from ftbe
fame, or to form voluntary corps, as fliall
be mflft convenient and conformable w
their Gonftltuti6ns,and,t< c*ufe tfw fame
to fie Welf armed, foulpped and disciplined
and held in readiness for service ; sud up
on tlie request of the Governor, of cidier
of the otlier States to employ the wAfeJe of
of corps, as Well as'., tlie
regular forces of the State, Or such
thereof as may be required and* can be
(pared. con fiftently wkh the fafety of the
State, making lach reqneft to repel a,ny in
vafom thejpof which (hall be m-de or at
tenxpted by the public enemy. . -
y Resolved, That the following amend
ments of tlie Conftttnfion of tlie jjnited
Scuta, be re'comtsrtided to tbe State* rep* ’
i ; * - w • “'’
• Tefentedlis aforefaki, in ue pmpofedfoy 1
‘ tlierirfor adoption by * the State lk gi|x
tures, and, in fudi ca.ts as may be
, expedient, by a Convention chosen fa j
i the people ot neb Scate.
ft And it is further recommended, ffiot
fliail perfevtre so tbes^ef
■ forts to obtain Ahr
1 laiwe fkaTTby cfoweSU •
! First. Kepjvlentativn and direct* ,
fliall be appoitioncd among tlie Ijversl 1
i States which may be included withjn this j
; Union, according to thrir refpeffivc num
bers of free pet-fens* iucludiiig those bound
to l'ervefor- a term of years, and excluding
** Indians not taxed, and all other pfcrfons.
j Second* No new State shall be admit**
• ted into the Union 8y Congress in virtue
’ of the power granted by the Couftitution,
’ without the concurrence ot txvo-t'iirds of .
I both Houses, T
j. Third . Congress flialj not have power ■
> to Irfy any embargo on the fbfpt or veffifls
of the citizens of the United Stajtes, in the
i ports or Irarbors tlwreof, for nfou; ffiau iiv .
ity days, „ . ; ; ->G
4 Congress ftiqll nfit have pow- .
• er, without the cpiKiureiice trf two-third£
of-both hmxfes, to interdidf the cemmer
■ idaF mtercourfe between tlw United States
; and any foreign nation or tlie dependen*
1 Cies tliereof.
i Rifth* Congrels fliall not or de
cTaie war, or authorize afts of lioftility
agaiuft any foreign without
coitcurrenCe, of two-thirds of both Houfes*
..exceptfuch aifts’ of hoftiiity he n defepce
’ -of the territories of tlie United States wheri
a<iua!ly invaded. • h .
Sixth. No piifou w.lio fliaft hereafter
be naturalized* shall lie t-ligihlft a* a mem*
tfie Stime or Hotife of
tiver of the Uititdfl nor capable of
holding’:iny civil ofßoe under tbe authori
ty of the United States,
i Seventh. The fanfe petfem ftislll not be i
eleßfed t’refiderit of the United States a
feCond tirm- ; nor. flpU tltri PrefrJtnt be :
from foe fame state two terms in 1
’ fuccefiioii. ’ T.. /* < ■
4 i, Resolved, 7 Jnyt if the application of
‘ these the, government of the ,U.
I States, recoftiiriinded > a foregoing Re- -
i! solution, fiiould be iriifurcef-foL and peace
flioukl not be cotrcfiided, and the defence
!’ of thefo ftati-s flip* Id be negle<fted, as it
has-been finc< the commencement of the
■ wxti, it will, in tlx* opinion of the f on
vention, bU expi -fieftt for tlie (jpgifli-tnres
of the several States to appoint Delegates
to another Convention, to ra* tt at Boston,
i in the State of Maßafebufett-v on the jd
’ ■Rpiirfd iypf June next,- with fu<fopowers
, y-,wd*inftniiVi-iiis as the ritigenry -*f- crisis
• jfe monieutoHS miy fequire* 1
l Resolved, That the Hon. Geo. Cabot,
i the lion. Cluuiicey Goodrich, and tffe
i- Hop. Dank-l Lyman, or any two of them,
ft be autliorizcd to call another meetiftg-ot
•’ thi-; Convention, tobe lioWcn in Boston,
► at any before tfew Didegates shall be
■ chosen, ae recommended in the j;b;ve Re
■ fedrifionVifon their the situation
• rif foe ccfimtey (half fogentfy require it.
t?;’ H*rtjlrdy Jr** 4
[ • Tht ConneSUcut Legisiatune, as ap
tv - pears by the foHoxving psoclamation, are
i fummorred to meet at Hartford ort the
, fourth Wednesday ofthe present month:
- t Governor and Commanded in Chief in
j <tnd over the StJte of ConncSUcuti
i WHEREAS various rubjefls, interest
; : iri£ to the good people if this State ,
i require the attention of the Z*eg-
and fender anextraordindrf
W: ses ion thereof highly expedient }
’ j ‘ I 1)0, therefore, Hfoe tfiis ary procla
'VLniation, requeuing foat; th* menibcrs'pf
. both houses of the General AfT.-nthly con
’ vene at the State Hoiife io the iffy of
> Hartford on foe FOURT'H WEDNES
; [day of January instant,at
| ten of foe clock, if) tbe ruorifing; to receive
df filch; communications as lhafi then and
foerd lie iubmitted for their confidftrption.
. Given under my hand pt Hartford,
; . the fifth day of Januaiy, in the
. year of oua Lord one tboufand
eight hundred ancl fifteen, and of
- • the independence of tbe United
’ > V Stated the thirty nituh*
6y bis Excellency s Command. > •’>’ ft;
TljoMiS Day, Secretary.
• It appears that Mr. Simmons, wbo had
been difmilft-d by the War, Department
previous to tfie battle of BTadenlburg, pre
vented the capture by tlie enemy of the
President ’ heads of departments.
ft,ft : ; * [Delaware Gazette .
The Courier and hletcantile Direc-
a commercial, and .prfitkTal daily
momtng paper, made \tifdebut bt ’ New*
• York on Monday forenobn, ffom the press
of R. Garienier, Esq. exccufcedon an ori
ginal and irxluftrious plan, capable ofmutn
. ‘mercantile of. fu I nef* if continued pith c!ift_
igenceand patronizedwith liberal^
”~ i= Rurniw
On the 28th nlt. Negro Fellow, well
known by foe name of HARRY, a Tay.
lor by trade, formerly the 1 property cif Mr.
George Enoe ; he it so well known it is
useleass to gNe ariy farther description of
him. Whoever will the said ne<
• *gro to me, or lodge him in Gaol fliall* re
ceive a generr # reward. -
S ’ ’ J 3 91
| THURSDAY, January -fi, ißtj.
The Times arc eventful —the |
Enemy threatens —Cm 7.•
• guard your Rights—avT with
• energv, and we are (afc.
! It is xvith greot pteafure we aunotfnce
to our fellow citizens that the FOU TI
FICATIONS around our City are pro- >
greffiiig with thegreateli rapidky—tlie 111-
hahinnu of this place, and tlw Planters in
• fox neighborhood have come forward With j
zeal arid ardor, and are highly entitled to ;
the thanks of the community—it requires,.
, but * few days more of labor to complete
> the “Works, and we have no doubt but foe |
patriotic fpirjt already dilpia'yed, will have !
a powerful effect on the minds of others
who have been heretofore slumbering— j
It is the duty of every man- to contribute
to the public fafety, and private affairs, j
• ought, for a time, to he laid aside. It !
is paintill to fe fonie oT our ; i
zens, regardlvfii of die general good, eu*
. d*avoritjg to make their escape, tind Icpv.
ing their property to be protected by oth
ers—Jircfi men deserve to be held m ex* ft
efcration, ami doubtless xx HI he, when the
thnes permits tliei* so return*
With the t oops already, embodied,
and others, which jre daily arriving, there
can be no danger apprehended.from ait at- ;
-tack of tbe enfeiriy ; we aretwhvlnced when ;
filled ,into action, they will prove them- |
fejves worthy foenahieof AM ERIC ANSi i
• and.fc*'” frejh Iforels for their 1
■We have no doubt Jmt FLOYD will
, prove anotlwr JACKSON, pind that tile
soldiers on the Atlaniic, will nor be behind .
their Western brethren.
j! Major-Gferieral PtNCXStEY left Charles
■ ton four days firice—lie is eip<#ftc4 iri th
1 city toAay.
i ’?•/ ;ft ft , .ft j
: Capt. with a Company of
j Volunteers frorti and Cap*.-**—,
xvith another from Waynesborough, will
! be in town this day.
I By gentlemen ftrioi foe Southward we
r are told that tlie enemy landed on Cum -
I her land l&and in great nnm
hers daily, from SMALL POCK and
scurvy:'’ . : . - ft'”
* .. trtae
Extra& of a letter frotn Amelia-Island,
- d. ted: f anuary ‘i'ilh, 1815.
“-Sin—The riven of war lay in lines of.
chr bar. The SpMitlh pilots relufed to
bring them iri, but that ledft to a greater
evil. 7'hey dilcovered anew channel to
the foutbwacdof the present one, and found
water enough to bring i:i tlieir heavy,
bomb.lhips and brigs, (now lying St St.
Mary’s) the Devastation,"ferror &.Prim
rofc. The deftruAion is beyond what I
can writeJdrt. Miller’s house 19 head
quartets; I srefifolfc tr foe fate ot Savan
nah, which is no doubt the next objeA, sad
1 forked t’Sfey mstke no fucret of it; yon por
doubt* wist bsree liead tlie defcrqifom of tbe
major part of their so ce—. fxxok out
• after yourV; they are already joining faft
at St. Mary V’ ft >
|t3r* Much anxiety has -bfoii excited
in foe public ’ mind with resrwd to the
Hartfjrd'C^nvention —in this (fay’s pa
per tfie whole of their proceedings
before the public.
. > . Nkw-York, January 12- ,
A fetter i'rom a very re(p<fablie hotife
in Bordeaux, dated trie 25th October, fays’
“ By a fete decitipn of tli Govern meut, ’
any vessels of England, or of the United
States, which may, on the passage, have
captured thfe Ihips, or property of either
• : nation, are not admitted, to at) entry itt
tbe .ports of. France,, They may come
and (aken refrrifimribts, but cannot land
richer of their original cargoes, or price
;f3pds. Thus, letters-of-:narque dtftinod
to Francis, with r cargoes, are vri-mally
prohibited from capturipg on the high fea*,
ajfoo'’their priites are deftiried t the U.
‘f Marine Intelligences
Our attentive New-York. Correspondent
< ft bits handed us tbe following:
- - ft ?*: N cw-Yo it k, Jan. j 2. .
Tlie Ihips so war oft* foe Hook on Tues
-day morning, Majeflic razee,
foe frigate* rrimona apd Ewlymion, and
the brig Nimrod. While our informant
was cm board the Nimrod, Ibe was fentby
tbe comrmfnder of the Majeftk, with des
patches for foe commander of the Spencer
rib the-Delaware, and returned Tues
day.morning. ‘ftThe, Nimrod found the
S|>enCcr off Cape Herifopen on Saturday
or, Sunday—She had been dn fliore Win a
ftipal near'Heiflbpen, had thrown over 3,
, weeks provisions, i#ori foot, feme of her
gunsc and fHrted moft of her water. It
■ was supposed (he waa confidcrably damag
ed, (be proving leaky. The Nimrod (laid
’ jby the Spfencer half a day, and when (he
parted the latter was {foering for Halifax.
Tlie Endymion arrived off tlw Hook on
Tuefifay sett from relieve
the Forth frigate, the latter vessel having
fella* the fame day for Halifax.
Our informant adds, that all tbe veffel*
‘ off the Hook are ft.ort of Hands, owing to
tjheir having manned so many prizes. The
Nimrod bad only 70'men.
ts •‘ • ‘ ‘ mi’ .r ‘ C
w , mmum ■ .y
Portland, Jan. 5.
* “Privateer brjg Dalh^John Porter,com
r>id,- five capture*,
full, (lrrivrd at Boston lim 1 ti. JUJj
fli*opVfary, bound to B, nnuda, wrdHH|
a (Totted cargo; brig Ck-ueral Maitland#.,
’* b irnd from Martinique to Bermuda, car
-Igo lkgar and rum; letter-of-marque fchr.
Armifhce, Cape. Stanhope, of New-York,
laden with rice and cotton, Which (he re
raptured ; and a brig on George’s bank, a
few days ago.”
. a Tlie Daih loaded Kerfelf from the a- .
bve vefllls with 1)5 puncheons of rum,
Engliflidry goods, topper ill sh- ets, porter,
wine, &c. Ac—Value on board estimated
, at from 40,000 to 50,000 dolfeis.
1 ftv “ She hits captured this cruise, property
estimated per
( TTie General Vrmiftice
( Ware manned apd ordered for Portland
; the latter about 10 days finer, off the
j Capes of tlie D;-leware,
i “ She has brought in tto prisoners, has
had no engagement, and been chafed but
• once, ’ftft- ‘ft ‘y ftv,- f ft'. . “ 5
j “It is reported that a prise of English
[ grinds is hi at Wifcalfet, and another at
Thomafton. At any rate we are iri a foit
or foul Way to have 4 plenty of dry goods.
Sales of a quantity here trt day amount to
abojjt 100,000 dolls, fold at reduced
• prices—many articles, below sterling cost,
and such as are precisely adapted to our
market.” J ’ f-?'\
**“ P. S. A brig is below, supposed jh#
. Dash’s prise just come in.”
■")" I ■'in I -1 mu m vmmmmrnimmmtmtm-
I “Chatham Hussars
Members of the HiKTirs wfio liave beeA
prevented by indifpofiticn* ;md other mu*
fes beyond their conttoul from joining the
Coinpimy on its pre lent expedition, and not
being aftu'Jly confined to tlieir Jioufcs,
1 will meet on .then parade ground jfeoifefy
’ at 3 o’clock THIS AFTKaNOON, in
’ complete uniform.; Valice and hair Powder
j excepted; with eight founds blank GErt*
rridga. X N , ft- .
Ry older h£ Lieut. G. L. Cobe
* \ J. B ATT FLUE,
ft t J?n. a6 94 \ 2 d Serjeant*
N. B. Petitions wilt, be recen'ed froift
such as are disposed to become members.
Now Landing
3 cases Foolscap and Letter rAPER
x do. containing looobjdf pint Tuwf
■ - biers • \
3 Y. Soap \ “ft
7 calks and 2 boxes Gofhen Obeefe .
145 loaves ifoubfe refitted Sugur •
3 WhW&ey ft, ft 1 ’ ,ft ‘
i x half barrels Peppermint Cordial
6 raise Linseed Oil
30 barrels B<-(ef ft; .
2506 lbs. Bacon
For Sale by
Jan. 26 94 No. 8 Commerce Rows
• • • _ • _ , ..
la Coiim il, i4rh Jan. 1815.
In compliance with the dMer of Coutt
ciUth* Treasurer laid before tfle board a
hate iwfct <*’ rents Use city lots.
• f Ordered , I’lwt. the Msilhal re-enter
the fame ip the name of the city,m terms
of,the ordirtfncein Inch case made and
provided, and that the Marlhal do twice
nbtify in tbeGaia ttea ot this city the day
of re-entry, which fliall fee cm Thursday,
the 2d d*y qf February next.
Extraß jrom the minutes. - ’ -
a a WILL'IAMS, c. c.
i";-. ‘• i'.‘fyw/ r . ‘ •*’
City lots in arrears for rent due the city
of S tviirinah, to wit.
Franklin lizard*— Nos,. it 3,4, 6, 7*,
to, ia, 36, 28, 29, 30, 35, 36, 39,40, 2
quarters ; 24, a{f, 31, 34, 3 quarters ;
17, and 18, 1 year, 37 and 38, 5 years
each. r~ • , .
Warren Ward. — No*. 2, 3, 5,7, 8, -
rr, 3, 14, if, 37. 38>.* 3™- 4* ? 18,
3 qrs; 20, 4 ors.- ;v ”
Nevt Franklin —Not. 3,7, 8, 2 qrs.
f, 3 qrr. and 4 5 qw.
Wojlnngy**— Nos 4,5 j 6,8, 13*14,
17, 18, 32,"6, each 2 15, 24,
qrs. 39 4 qrs, 23, 6 qrs
Spring Bill.— Nos. 1,2* 3,4, 5,6, 7,
8,9, 10, ! 1, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, i<* 20,
22, *3, 3 qrs. /
Liberty Ward.—Nos. 3,4, <,7, 8, o,
.C tG, 22, 24, 28, 29,35, 33, 5 35 , 39,
qrs. eacli, 21, 34, 3 qrs. 25, 6, 27,
4 qrs*
Columbia Ward.— Nps. 1,2, 9. 13,
14, 15,16, 2t, 29, 30, 31, 34, 35* 3 6 * 37*
3*l *OT .34* 5* 6, 28, 3 qrs. 7, to, 25,
4 qrs it, 20,6qr*.
Green Ward.—* Nos. 2,5, 6,7, 8, 14,
17, 22, 26, 27, 28, 36, 37, 2 qrs. 3,
75* 40* 3 quarters ; 15, 4 qrs. 4,5 qrs.
*8,6 qrs. ‘
Elbert Ward.—" Not. 2, 3,6, 7,8, rdy
13*'9* *° *1,23,24,37, 38,39,40, a
quarters. Nos 12, 22, 29, ‘3 quarters.
No* 35* 5 q n *
:< Rope Walk 3 oft*'. east half Feature
2 qrs. Lot letter G. Percival ward, 2 qn.
Wind Mill J 5 quarters# y.
In obc<l!eiice to the above order of eoun*
cili-1 give notice, that I (hall
proceed on,Thursday, the.2d of February
next, to make a re-entry on the above in
term* of the ordinance in fucb case made
and provided# unless the refpeftive rents
.doe, be jpdd the Treasurer before that
day. ‘ GLEN, c. m.
fanoary 26 94
Public Worfc.
Persons’ of contracting to com*
pU tt * pretty extenfijre job, will pfcafe
apply for particulars to Lieut. Smith, of
the Engineers, at Mrs# WCmn’s, come
ot Broughumf and Saroard ftreetsi
1 January 73 *3