Newspaper Page Text
toit |
mmfX ‘ A Zm*U*M* kftK t tfir so |
<* %i iOfiul, jbfiMftk tbe usual
toes’**- * , . ■ : t*",!LjM
t •/ 4Nri'l*3a x. know*
jfr • ‘fid L.rifa Ifiiitei e&art, os t*
*m*4 * * ; .-i i ***** <ric trier* ‘
4*,.** *#r* w# Cik*uu *? tefe# 6.* che j
rffri%.Xtot ikm* emnmtdm
——■ rifiL*#S
rit mh Jwfrph
*.jF**r * jmw ***& *** j.
BTt -Maw <&*% tt. wd tj; renowa:
&W*e* l Duma* -
|mn&#’Qiw **
QMKkC p iftWV ‘ijjtlt
A#w, mm. rfbmlm Lktte Oj£-l
Vaj,i jri&wWMe And <dT Leah Gouki, or !
IP- vrifob atow*df as to* fourfy the use* f
at lafcjfi iheum for tfceywws rife% to, j
writer. due 4} <Ufa-. $i x| |
AtoV m WM of land to Bryan *
aum f* fir***’ a* andK fotmfy 1
ie WMif l&*r Wan# Hr the yews
jgJLyprf* writ fourfjf the
m p> wtowr.dwt ?<fi*re j*. and j
4 .
mm 4 sm*& Wi *f CM**** Hr j
fir *r*r* rfiaf refi ; were* rite 4 j
C ? U I
jtefi* wHfr fi. G*i. touch thereof J
m mti dm tori* wf Owed Hegbes t
** JMBStdkm'/
4Mfi }*s mfie dt fieri White BMT
.riWrfifr fir ijyitmJt ttotesf *s wdt llusfy
etfiue of Edwvil Lloyd •■
fo* :j# *-'vf j £ waawf due 24 ckaia.
* ;
>f aerjiw hurf > KUdc Crwri*. •
*> 1 ■-1 ill 111 ilaeMtt. ‘h(eu‘M Uii aJm eMT {< • fiekWn in mml.
■a ‘Tiiiqw!? jp*wnar w *IWigT \- T
?4s#*> S$ 7-** *V * aeaH * tlt j
Htwiwr prdwatr, he fambg aot •
wed Uwu*waf6k. _
***** ommff'm *Hi &t- |
S# ug*#a#*wje . JH Junes few j
rite -ytatite. eiteata4 t.**s ;wt dae *a ‘,
4r.*te- jt# ■—•■ aceetet
*# ur ittenaKf he not hawuMC
4mmbc Vußofc.
,wrr fawtesr L&ai.s, or 4 WMdi ]
*mm* mmfmi?** u*S of JA ;
m ***** tern the Jsn *BO7 uod ’,
*■—f *• w* i..
*>■:*.- && s MpaMK She ibnmir >ur-1
riblwrii *tei SfewHf tamftkd -afi the f
***** *. / ; . I
ribr?e OMwttU tt d* uerdi hy Jo- !
irlUhwriMeia,. uri *e finrh hy a koe, ■
r CrwdbriMNMraeai£atfv she ca% N
#r s tef Btoaks* tt, at. fcr che i’
•iwwo *f ** J S wnott-u 4ae
rrs fi- 4s ; CM’ ua ‘
o#t iteaHsr iMlKhaHr, he bav-kg
-ewitji wm es lase. .
Mxsl. riit'HarlcaaNiktrweffKiMsneir •
©,'*te>*i ‘TWiues> Jww and
k rik fl He c*r stf Saranmefaj by | ’
OW*W I W ‘*►* so Budl thereof a >
mvt fc-mfy aa*BW uf'Mra* E*'McLeod i
Hr rihr j** *hg*4 f * 4 • r
awo.'.twKket scS-kris. *5 7 J awE eufts. 1
MSm jsw *cr tea*L fceooi yedtry, |
-rik. *9?.Wi*S cwoecy, and * ‘
*e-9- *u*s tef w G4nw cuuu- f,’
Dy.r a* *wri Htufv the [
mm fe#Ml AnJwiCKwd Mwnsuo fcr the *
jr*wm’ >% >• *I 13 i fruit due i
ww.h ritetedf wif i'MiaSf rim aatof af
*"* nii*^ 5 *” 1
4ffS JKM9 l/ hoi about fires ]
f fcflowsM4 or St wadi thwwrfa* trill situ
ari’ hoc taeea es fr'demrn 1 Bammaa €<rthe
J(irri*JS .■■■*:% T 74 j‘
AkiriW Whiteßlar
HfikL tfr & *** will fkisiV
rite WHO* .f fghar fir die year
ritjpMW dat * firibr 37 S
it the Wltee
■ ~
’C-’VKI t'or f * JpSKMftGHE’ QUE
iz? •i’i
** FO<i SAI.K.
ro hosts LLuaxoa -tett-ir. hr
Jarv <
On tbe fajl Tuesday in February next,
tuhtt be sold at tbs Court-bouse in
Sjvanmtb, between the stru 4 hour*.
250 <** mtxtti Landu -a
bst 13 mtes frOoi Seraumh, on the Au-
Kte*ruucU or foowth theKOt as will fat
iaiy the Cr*cu of Seth fa- fhreadcr-itt, fir
the WNtt taa7 . % *, *y t*J hkauce
**e toicoftu
Atao* a thoe Lot No. 4. and iiHpror*.
soms. ‘Vernon TyxhLjg, Ifcathcote ward,
or finatch thereof as will fetitey the tax*
e<il Saontel fir the year 18*3 {
1 fount due jxtWi*. 4* eta. 6|m. and
Al3, terco arm of Laud, in Glynn
essunty > (
county, m Savannah Bitter, adjoining,
Greene ante Lundy, originally granted ta
Whismwt and Gray net, or fi much there
of a*will tatiafy the taxes es ettuse Wnr.
, Gibbons,HriJkeyears tßo s ,6 T iwd 7; a
diifi JS3 dsjßs. S3 c- ai m. and
caffs. J. B. NOttRIS, 3. c. c.
[ OeC. 5 7 -*%. ‘• ••'i
j Firt Wood.
j The fuLferiber re turns Ids sincere thanks
t customers and triads for past favors, and
lolkits a contiimauce of their
. Tlitftu is > constant lupply trfefie best oak,
fedwry and ash WtJOD at hia Wood
1 Yard, with drays in waiting to transport, &
alio . fierce (ts wanted) at Mr. Lewdea’s
wharrL fctmeriy octupted by Mr-eThoomii
Bke as Ship Yard. W
I N. B. Purchaferstwe to
pay the -r. y tran one eent, without a hiU
1 reecbte r ■ ~v ■%
Ec. law 80
; * —J—
Haley and Savage,.
Rettnw their sincere thanks to their
friends and the public, for the fopport they
have received from them; and inform those
who mar wish to he fitted to handfotne
coats that dry have procured workmen
from Chari t stonn, fir their aueonnnoda
tkm ; and hope front strict attention to
bwsineii, m all its various branches, to
‘merit and to recdWt'4 continuation of
d&eir fovors,
N. B. M'sltilary Dresses made in the
neatest mantutr, and at’ the Ihortcstnotice.
’ Dtcel<er 15 82
WP- ‘ ■■'-*!’ W- - , ••.
Tayloring Business.
Returns bis finecre thanks to his friends
and the gentlemen us this place in general,
foe the liberal lupport ho las met with
Loot tiwra in his'Hoe of buftnefs, and as
sures thole who may fiver him with their
ottftoro, thus they fffoll meet with foil fit.
Mfiftioß by his due attention to buGnefs.
All oaten foall be executed with punc-
Qniiey and |uthlidnefi.
■'jamannhk, A’cw. 24 ■--g&
Drl ‘Kotlock & Casey
Have ailaciacffd so pipfellioQul bafuieS.
|C7* The is Olitce in tfc uoule of Dr.
Rjfock. lie. 8—.*50
.P1.11.1l ■ I . . . .11 I .—.I I I
To Lrt,’ ;.;’
At a mod|rate tent, that convenient
EfoieMing Hr ■USE, in St. JjmtV
tfcerrtly occupied by Mr. A. WooeaurF ;
ply to EAT. rIABfiRSHASE
Nov. 24 7*
iw. 1 mini. ■■!■■■’ vmitiw.. ■ him * ——■■■ ‘ w
All persons Iter dc
uiands again It foe elbte f Mrs. 121 Y.
Morel* are .wmmftrd to render them in
properly atteflbd, and thole indebted to
make pay meat, t* Tobo P. WaHmnfony
Sept. 22—58 ‘- ‘ Adm’or
1 - ~’- • ■
i ‘ JFor Sale
i A valuable Plantation in vVafljmgtois
’ wauntT, Georgia, on the Ototiee
Cbudi utmfiim emXrmmu fipilta
! beiow MUledgeviHe, enutaihinf about
150 c acres, partly partly high
kind, luitabfi for the culture of cotton and
corn £ cteaml and under fence,
i, These is on the trtek a grid ibiff, run
■tng two pair of Somes, and a law mill run- |
oh* twoGss. I
This place is considered remarkably
, healthy, fold’ a jgreat bargain,
fur gather paitkulart appiv to
Alto,a Haute and Lot in Mffledgeville,
plealarttiy fronted; fonaerly accupied by
QaSoSer tjJ. —64
- > * ■ ■■ 111 l,l*
-, ■> FOR SOLS..-,.-.
The Subscriber dSets for lase, bis
Wberesn- he now refutes, cantamrng fee
hundred and eighteen meres, (rid lurvey,
wiih the peeimrerop, :Cot
fiz hundred acres af Pfoe well tim
bered. not having been cat; wifoin three
mites of a good tandfog cm mnmtafiii riv
er; and the Pimr Land within teSmof
the abowe Phmtation. Terms will be made
..tecnad&mef. WtllE
IJtefgian Zimitntj/y Gc#. to 4j :
Kjministrator's Sale. !
fee Monday* 2*d ‘January next*
Will bt fold at die idkterre of Jotiah •
Peofeeld, ftuidvy ardclrs of houso and
kiclitn turuitu#*, wearing Apparel, &c. be
{ longjp:g to the efiarr oflolju--fettujoDc,
By order
tSille to commence at r t o’clock. j
T. A. SCHGEDDE, Am&r. |
Dec. 19 83 1
Admimflrator s Sale.
By virtue cf an order from tbekonor-o
ble* the Inferior aousrtssf Bryancouse- i
tjywUl be sold at tie court bouse in ;
. * said county* at'public sale* a* tbs j
frjl Tuesday in February next oe •
il 3 tweiM the usual hows ,
AU tiiat tractor parcel of land, Gtuated
near the river Canochee ia feict comity, .
containing one hundred aenes of pine food, i
be the fame more or less, together with til j
. f ri>|i'mi(Mi ii„iwiinv; for the benefit of die i
heirs ams creditors of Mr. Avis Morecock, ’
fate of Bryan county, dec.
January y 88 Adm^ar^
| *” ■■■ 1 “ ■
AdmiDiflrators Sale.
BjbpermijJiqn if the Court of Ordinary
for the County of Bryan* will be sold
on the frft Tuesday in Marcb next*,
ut Bryitn Gcnrt-bouse, the following ;
Negroes* belonging to tie estate af
Astdrew Drciia, deceased* for the
• ‘benefit of tbr, heirs of said efiate* viz.
One negro, Woman named Lucy, two
negro Mennamed Dappo and Sam. Con*
ditm 4s Cafli. LUKE ’MANN, *
Ja‘ 9 • 89 / ‘ A4m r r,
notlce. ’4 -
AH persons having demands against tli e
estate of Alexander Dicks, late of Bry*
an County, ckceafed, f re refuelled to ren
■ dec i their claims atteited within tbs
time prtferibed bv law.
LUKE MANN, Adm-’or.
January 9 uc a [
For Safe,
The following tracts, lots, and parcels
of kmd, befog p*rt of the elkte of Wil- I
liam Gibbons, jun. and Barack Gibbons, ;
deceased, v.ia i v <
Two adjoining tracls of land in the ‘■
county df Camden, containing tegerher
eight, hundred and seventy-two acres, more ,
or less, bounded on die south by Great
- Satillfl River.eaft by Benjamin Singjtetun.’ft
j land, and ouialt adier lutes by vacant land
at the rime of survey.
- Afio,. vfrWf of land containing two
hundred acrei, more or less,,in the comity
of Glynn, adjoining land, of Guteoa
Dowse and Mielwel Stutz.
A. tea® of land in the county vrfi. Jack
sen, on the waters of the Oconee Kiver,
containing one thoutand acres, more or
less, bounded on the norste fry an knows
fond,, on fait byy Gewrge fond,
and on all other tides, by viicaui fond at
the rime of lirn'ey .’ \
Three lots ‘in the town of Bronfwick,
(Sfytm c. (aty, Non. 272 275 and ayfo
Lot No. 6, ftcondty diuig, Anion ward*
m the city df Savannah.
Lot and buildings No. 20 LJbmy
i. Maa * that valuable Rice Plantation L
Beech Eoreft, iiit rnties from the cky of *
Savannah.—The. place is for good order, ‘
has aii dwelling houte and
ntceffarv out hujidings. Bfcrlbns wifiirog’- 1
to ptirthafe wili cail on either of die i'ubicri
fonrs., :•.■>■•
if not difpefedof before thefirft Tusday
in March- Dext, the above property wiU
be fafci at public sate in front of the Court
Houle, on that day. ,
NOBLE W."JONES* } quhl.ex’ors*
. .
The fubferiber retpiefts ail persons yvh
are indebted to the estate of James Platt,
late of Striven country, dec. to make pay
pent, without delay, and those who have
demands againit the fold estate, are requefted*
TOpiellnt them immediately for fettlemerit.
Dec. 12—81 ‘4;’ JSa’ar.
The'holders of Scrip or Certificates
of Proprietorihip in the fold Company,
wi*ther as original proprietors or ‘by
alignment, are wtjueft and to bring in the
| fame to tse directors of the. foid company,
( *t the dwelling houte af Samuel. Bmwn,
Esq. No- 40 Hanover Greet, that their
Scrip or certificates may be recorded and’
feveraliy placed to their credit on the
Books of the company, which according
to a. veto thereof of the 24th October foil
may mow be done, free.of any individual
. capence. This ireafore has become ate
fohuif fy weodfoey for the purpose of hriwg
fog the affairs of tlw company tea final
adjuftinrnt. perluns having any
ed fciijjgpih to exbibittbe^me to the
SubteriheHLc liqnidariou and fottlement.
My order of the Birtahrf of the
.Timm, IpffiTrrf Mississippi -Lend Cam-’
: VNbv-yj Cc B*,-^
’ - ,- „ ‘* ■ .
For Sale, “-,i
: A ffbterNEGßO WINCH, an ex
cellent cook, waJhcr, and te.itew* -Sohf for
Ino ocher rezfrm. thntr m wife caflw For
I partirufors, apply at this ctSce.
I junmiry ** - 9a
fer ■
’ renders k ablofatrfy QjG, t
debtors, and ri'xde at
give in their hires fsr j
NOT * 7 71 ‘ +ryw. |
C Notice!
The Sufascpfoer begs teawe to 2ccpmfoe
( her frteuda and the public in gemaaC dat
, foe can aecaiTwwodaittr a frw Cuiteel
i EGARDEffS, enr mnderate term*, zs her
j home in Jrfterson-fo eet.aniwifi be ctoirit
-1 fid for ail fivorstßafirrsf sa her in that
> fine
I January 16 91
f Exccr* t s Sale.
! WM be sold before tbs court house m
Samamnab on the first Tuesday ae
Aped meat* between the hemes cf tern
and tma aleiaek. of tie same d*y* by
leone of tie bonaseurlt the Inferior
court of Chatham county*”
AiUiiar trad of Laud tong fi r
hundred and. fi&v acres in Hpenrekerte
creek, sdjovmcg r and fo*4 of ;
: Mrs-Young & Mrs. Wilkins, besngparc j
of the real estate si Dtoriel Cowrie, dec. ‘
for tlie htneficwf the hers aiidereditorewf !
Grid estate.. GEORGE W. EVAVy
Jam- if—ft Jfit’asw
- —” “
Horses and Canines.
Always oa hire- Apply m
January i4 May Lons.
An Apprcnckc ttvmtd |
ta the Wheel-right and [
January l& fft 91 |
p% Tom Sale, [
A gang afValtmbte FIELD HANES !
about fifty lanamiber, connected la firming |
• among whom are fieverd arechornca, base j
j hanris, Ac.-muflJy all prime ami teafthy, f
! acuuftouicd. m the culture af csObb and i
; rice, and erafttv emutfsy fares. The [
! tei-ms will* bo tcaimirHidating, and may he j
, teem in Savauiwii, at any rime wkeur a
week or ten. days an aupricaeioa at my of
Sue for the fide of Btegmic&
a t 9, 4.
A number or foigie Negsces, find!
tedt held bamfi,
D-c. 22—84
IVupß to apea at SCSOOL at fie
Bona* he occupies in Weft Broad fireetj
on; the firflf dhy es Febmavy nest- ‘ Hi
wiU aoß&mt fimirfFow fiietw fehoforsop
ckiftvvofhis own chiktera. tSu team
, she sadollawk s■* prysfamr T ST teb
tewce- •- WBLMAM 9. JOHNSON,
i Jan-S m
! Information Wanted.
r ¥ In Oftaher fist. Times* 2 . £**,?
’ New-York, took his depampre from Brenu*
I nah fair Portnneutfr, ipwp wtoch
j time his friends have aac heard fress hare
| He is 9 iinall and delirtear wgay rimse 2}
, of age, dads hair, fry protefioa an
! Eigraster- Any iiifeatnajsfta dt tarn vriß
be grutetuily received by for tfifooratnlate
Faifaer- J. CM*.
January 5 SS Nevr-TiarSo
Ots Monday night Ltd, tiwc id m£L at
tiur Circus, one of sEgerfbm pocket, z lifocte
BOOK,, coutaiaing laa dellar fobs of
New-Yorkaad.Virginia ftmhs.gtl* New-
Yock biH believed rehedbawn in fives Dunning & Lfoy, as weft m torn
i be nttarftediedj arre *O, sent to, tw of
5, tavoiaf air ami two ■ dsitu r tails of
‘North. andSourf*Carafcra and Georgia,
amounting in all m 246 dollars ; faeltetes
tew cal due hills drawn in Savor of Mr. T.
ifiSchoeddc, by fouriry persons. A hand
tome reward wiff he given to aay perilm
mirv diteover, and. return w. Bosk
cheperibn that mack hnntehr finiry enough
. to peh the iofrr'a pocket, reproackp bare
for his hde and v ill drama ncfifomrieaeiy
to return the Pachot Book ami comacaato
the no qudriuns ftutll be a&ed,
hod Is seed not tear any prtoirumen;
•oherwii’e, beware of the hands of JsiVfire
Jan. 9 SLj
Badges for 1815
WST he* delivery at the Cicy
Bkre ’
•' Y' .-^Notice.
fMe% are riwewedtodk heafief Torsfitr
® &2£t rfMyPiW •*’ W&dopt&titL
re c-rere c.’
: , ~ j lj -f..— refi—-
Port Warctenfi o> east veare
- BL UL WIELIA4S, c. c.
Jare § —*A
hvd"’ -/f ; ” f
l ”*1 •• yt - 1
t Boots, and Shoes.
•st received* 6y seed, fin MBodet*
and A targe adbrar-nt of BO
among which zee the following:
’ * CeßdcaregG tetll Suwar row Boots ~
Dfau freed Sices sod JteGribns
Ete- fine Shoes
Dre teorKsen Pumps
Dre toriSas dre f
Dre grate dre
Bre dre Shoes
Boys’ Shoes, rs aR
| t agars’ triined morocco Sfippetf
‘; Dre ccriuted do. - dre
Dre Grecian Tes
Dre wrißring Shees, of a fcprrmx qmdtey
Mates’ left tressed black and entered am
i Wemea’b hatter Bootses
■ Dre dre. GacrianTsg
f Dre dre Slippers
Dri.fcafieT - ” dre
■ Negro Shoes, Boat Wdfoteg, Boat Cbr3-
Sfcoe Tbaead, c.
1 ■ ■■ —mi ■■.— ■■-■■ 1 .i ■ ■'■■ ■ ‘■ ■
Copartncrihip dissolv'd.
| dm dtsMs of SL ML
Sforn. !• ‘ 72
’ The Subscriber
{ T
Mar. 10 jx
The Copartnership
OffSantfcfiSfrNaus, kfosifi
mined, as enretetpenoi t* she deata ut hire
fostfintaaecaeK&j wiprftart to come
ferwaai and tetrie amt nspedfie baLore
cb, m wfare are fie. .;-aai
an JOHN IfrNkiH,
l** *7 33
Si^&xumtsailsUtuAso lA*t. tSf 2, t 8
oookactreuiHrar note. wiiipte;ri
; pay m* puaer by fie reach. January, ifoj^
I efcaifig tugßMw *
Jm.x H
AR pertens.foreieg fienaatia. agriaftths
[ eftate-of Nbnts FSoreeaGr Jhweb, aoe
Repdied w reader ri lesrritunediacrf v. utA
skids iafcfral to fold Aae are fofiuod
! m |B^SeiK s si^Sr
K ,2t
To be Rented,
And wrowfo r pofirittua given, that
SG HOUSE near fie
Preßrytesian Church, buefy wcnc vd by
Sampson Nryfr, Euf—For itsms- apptfi
cacrm coke aais m j- LAWSON,
fureary * ts *7
- - 1 A m m
the eftafie off Rataa aM. Duses, cfe
ceaaed, resnefaed tojpecxßt fieri ac
eaaat Ail 7 arwraeti, ami aB indebted to
Asgnri 4 ‘ .44 . AdwTor-
Take Notice.
! W—Wuejt WreUjrai oti
Jure 19k — iaißfia —42 qytai.vf'Sr.
J L ‘ -*r*