The Argus. (Savannah, Ga.) 1828-1829, March 05, 1829, Image 1
‘EMIR BARTLETT— EDITOR.] THE I . cah azsaovAY ■ ~ nl every day, in Savannah, Geo ■ ms season, and three times a ■ .itinmcr months, at Eight Dollars ■ *. *. lo in advance. hr:', LV.V.Ii/ MERCURY, I the COCSTRV,) I . i I every Monday, Wednesday, ■ ; Dollars per annum. This sheet ■ , of the two inner forms es the Ibe lining all the news, new adver |S*-: ■?b AactVi I , J from the Savannali Mercury, I f ill b c ’ jeetion of the leading and most I jjsd c|V of the Daily papers. Adver- I „c generally excluded, and the I ci pally filled with reading matter. .liars per annum, or Three Dol ■ Jet®:” advance. I jp. 4 it rents tcUl'he published in both vn ■ ft' 1 . y ,'ir square of 14 lines for the first I ‘ “ ’ cents for each continuation. I y indentions respecting the business I JT •’ be addressed to the Editor,post 1 and negroes by Adn linistrators I S/F’ < biardians, are required by law, to IE* 8 ! j.. s t Tuesday in the month,between ■ f - li ’ | o'clock in the forenoon and three ■ f ~ ;i t the Court-House of thcCoun |^:; r property is situated. Notice of |:ria” ( i, e given in a public Gazette I ‘,„3 to the day of sale. I^.-■ ‘ ... sale of personal property must be I ‘^! M -inner, forty (lavs previous to the I , debtors and creditors of an estate, I lV ;,‘ ‘ , ucd for forty days. I ® u : .yy, plication will be made to tbe court I rfOrd ’ r leave to sell land, must he pub- I JOL -•■ ‘ !lhs - _____ 1 I rff ’ • l*ri;r AGENOIUA, Wheeler, mas- I ! meet with despatch. For freight I ,\i u g good accommodations, apply! I on board at Anciaux’s wharf, or fl t )tiCl ‘ ELIAS BLISS. ■ to ■ rr‘" r ‘ I • i “BARLOW” CHEESE. F” ]r , ,i sope.ior quality. and two years I.q’ received and tor l>y I Palmes 4* Richards. lir ■ “ ITlv*-. hams and butter. I.* „• • HULLS Howard st. sup. FLOUR 1 ;do rye do 1 4 small choice Hams in bags I ;r, hogs hotter ■l • ‘ A-enoria,and for sale,by ■ U “ ‘ ‘jktLHIXEY, GIRVtXtffO. # • I nr <’ * - l . IIoTbLACKING. D™ r” ‘ aRTIN’S Liquid Blacking, just iin **., „. mid for sale by the cask or dozen, by A. Parsons , Druggist, No 8 Gibbons range. I jrf-rc*: j ..:isn POTATOES, t>. For sale by PHILBRICK & BAKER. !| fells • I Sot-” *Me and Conveyancing Office Irj T • <*ri!>er tenders his services to the pub- I J Lublic Notary aud Conveyancer, he I iii; -id to drawing of Schedules and I Jot! iditois *f such who wish to avail I 4cm’ fi the insolvent act. at a reasonable ■ am:r o. His office is retained at his old Ida: . present, where he (fan at all times be ■ fan,. ISAAC RUSSELL. • j • PTLCD CIDER, &c. I t iding from Schr. Oregon. Bf- ilottled Cider, Bbls Hickory Ants, ]* . and half boxes Chocolate, 1 hall bbl. I Aniii; , oii’ial, and in store 50 bundles first I For sale by CANDLER & DAVIDSON. Mongins’ upper wharf. I felt COGNAC BRANDY. IPi es Cognac Brandy, 4th proof, F Du s i<rand, imported at Charleston, and I - Mret, Chateau Margaud, Ist quality I j ( * -ruau Larose, do. I ■ 1 ’hampaigne do. I \e wines have been particularly selecl- I• K 1 * ice—for sale by the subscribers. A. Le Barbicr 4* Cos. dll ‘ Mem gin’s wharf. I<• ’/ II kite Plains , Dujfil Blankets 21 &<*. die r , T.S bine and white Plains 4. London Duffil Blankets - bales mixt Cassinets do Judy’s Plaids and Stripes *- ‘ces first quality Osnaburgs For sale by Philbrick <fc Baker. Negroes for sale. ;tO WOMAN, aged about 19 years, washer and house servant, and her . man about 40, blacksmith and field hand. V -•' “irl 16, house servant. * V 1 woman 30,an excellent cook. 1 10 ann 35. porter. v t ’ rr> woman 34, field hand and her son about \ ” n 2irl 13, house servant. /• o boy 10. .’ ‘ mman 4ft, field hand, and his 4 children, j, ‘L 12 and i) years. l rn woman 22, first rate house servant, and 3 months old. *’ nnn 22, porter, Jkc. &c. Apply to J. EPPINGEII • I lending from Ship Macon. ? $ * ?< OLD BURLOYV” Cheese /; ‘nluis prime St Croix Sugar* 1 bbls Canal whiskey ■ “ City Inspection mess Pork :\> J n “ Beef ; j u Pork 1 Canal Flour, E. L. B. & cos brand /• . bbls “ “ • ‘oio, if taken from the Wharf. Apply to . . . H ALL, SHAPTER, & TOPPER. 4 ‘ . r , the Night of the Fire, . ; ‘ CAJp wa s taken charge ofby the T * ’>• criber whilst on duty. Tbe owner is y V ito prove property and take it away. A. G. RICHARDS. • .*• * j THE ARGUS. DRAWING RECEIVED 07 THE HRAND CO.VSOfJEATED LOTTERY, CLASS kb. 13, l ~> o i t a ■ OB rt* s, a7; 48, a prize of was order ed at this office. Holders of tickess will call and examine the Inst at LUTHER'S iMLcVy and Exchange Office march o NAPLES SOAP, “ IN large and small earthen pots with covers For sale by A. Parsons , Druggist, No 8 Gibbons’ ranoe. march 5 JONES 7 BACON, sale by L. SCRANTON. ‘inarch 4 c CARO LI N A WEED I NcffiO ES, assorted sizes, for sale low by ’ L. SCRANTON, march 4 c Fresh I Vugs and Medicines, c. k OI NCES Sulphate Quinine, (Genuine tP ” French,) bi) doz. cold pressed Castor Oil, in quarts, very superior, 59 do do do do in pints, do do •)9 do do do do second quality, 50 do do do suitable for plantations and low priced, 20 Baskets i. cet Oil, suitable for the table, 2 > Bbls Gla er Salts, of a surerior quality, 50 Boxes * do 25 lbs each, do do It) Bbls Gr n Copperas, 20 half f do 20 Kegs 3 . Petre, double refined, 6 Bbls cb ified Honey, 2 Tierce do do Received and for sale by LAY dz HENDRICKSON, Drug gists, No. 2 and 15, (Jib buna Buildings. march 4 TAR. ‘fj BARRELS,Iarge size, for sale by PALMES & LEE. ALSO, 20 barrelti first quality pickled Herring for plan tation use. inarch 4 NOTICE IN publishing the list of defaulters at tbe regi mental parade of 30tb January, 1829,those of the Chatham Artillery were accidently omit ted. Executions will issue on tbe Bth instant, and the law in relation to personal imprisonment he rigidly enforced, in pursuance to the orders of tiie Court of Inquiry. Chut haw ArtiUcry. —Thomas Butler, $10; Ed ward Hughes, John Keen, P. Jamieson, J. R. M‘- Kinnon, John Stirk, $5 each. ROBERT M. CHARLTON, Cleric \st Rcg't. G. M. mar 4 __________ Homedv f>t the Piles. /nrUIL Medicine now offered to the public, is one which has been fully subjected to the infallible test of experience; and in every instance whereat has been lairly tried, it has been attended wiih the most complete success. In some of the cases, tire patients had been laboring under the disease for years, and during that period had re ceived the best medical advice, and had even un dergone a painful surgical operation, without per manent advantage. It is not (like those usually advertised) offered as a certain cure, tor a long catalogue of diseases, but those afflicted with this complaint, for which alone it is recommended, jjiay rely with confidence upon obtaining relief, even in its worst forms, in a short time; and they themselves arc the best judges of the importance of such a remedy Pr ice 50 Cents per Box, with directions signed by the proprietor. Prepared aud sold at James A. Austin's drug and chemical store, No. 273, North Third, above Callowhill st. Philadelphia. And a supply of this valuable rem edy has just been received and for sale wholesale aud retail by LAY & HENDRICKSON, Agents. Druggists , Nos. 2 <fc 15, Gibbons’ Buildings. march 4. ~ Islb,ooo. VIRGINIA STATE LOTTERY, FIRST CLASS, \Tf drawn in Richmond on the 2d instant W the drawing will be received on Monday next, 9th inst.—42 numbers —6 drawn ballots: l Prize of $ 10,000 1 do 3,000 1 do 1,460 2 do f 1,000 5 do 300 10 do 150 <fcc. &c. See. Tickets $5 Halves 2 50 Quarters 1 25 Orders attended to at EPHINGERS Lottery and Exchange Office inarch 4 SIO,OOO. VIRGINIA STATE LOTTERY Ist Class, DREW at Richmond, Va. on the 2d inst.—the drawing will be received on the Bth inst.—42 numbers, 6 drawn ballots. 1 Prize of 10,000 . 1 do 3,000 1 do 1,460 2 do 1000 3 do 300 10 do lM) &c. &■<:■ &r - Tickets $ 5 00 Halves, ~ aO • Quarters, 12j Orders attended to at LUTHER’S Lottery and Exchange Office. march 4 - ~~ N. O. MOLASSES. A few hhds. superibr NO. Molasses f* rOCeiVCd Ir BAKER. fcb 3 SAVANNAH , THURSDAY MORNING, MARC if 5, 1829. In the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware in Kent county. Bates.—The President, Directors and) j* company of the Farmers’ Bank of ( the state of Delaware, James V. Redden, William K. j Lockwood and Wiliinrn H. War-j S ner - J oj 1829. February 14.—1 t is ordered by the Chan cellor, that James V. Redden and William H. Warner, two of the above defendants, appear in this cause on Monday, the 27th day of July next. A true copy from the'Record. J. L. Hamper, Reg. C. C. march 4 3 m > DENTISTRY HR. OIVENS, the liberty of informing those who have engaged his professional services, that his engagements elsewhere, are such as to compel nnn to leave this place in a very short time. llis Rooms are on Broughton street, nearly Opposite the residence of Wm. B. Bulloch, Esq. d—/ Reference.— Doctors 1 Varin& and Bar tow, and to Thomas Butler, Esq. fob. 21. * DRUGS AND ME DIGIN ES. EDWARD lias taken the store in Marshall’s building, corner of Broughton and Barnard streets, near the Market, where he will keep constantly for sale a supply of fresh and warranted Drugs and Medicines. Although prin cipally engaged in professional pursuits, yet, his office being at the same place, lie will p&.y 6uch personal attention to the Drug Business that pur chasers may be assured of the genuineness and goodness of every article. Persons wishing to consult Doctor Coppee will find him at his office, as above, or at Uis dwelling in Broughton street, jan 22 McELHINEY, GIRVIN & Cos. (have in store and offer for sale ) Whiskey bbls do 50 do sth proof* d(K 60 do Bth 9th 10th proof do HO do NERum 85 do Peach Braryly 60 do Apple do 90 do Gin 30 pipes do 6 do domestic-Brandy 300 bags coffee 1 28 do pepper 8 chests Y H Tea 30 do liyson Skin do 8 half do Powchong do 6 boxes Gunpowder do 28 bbls Loaf feu gar 30 do Barnes’ Ale 12 do cider Vinegar 10 do Jolesand Chines 9 do Buck Wheat Flour 135 kegs No 1 Leaf Lard, (new” 60 do Butter 25 do Tobacco 45 half do do 38 coils Bale Rope, and 12,000 lbs Bacon jan 16 LATE ARRIVALS. A. &E. WOOD HA1 E received by the ship Rising States, brig Sea Island, and schrs Betsy, Exact, and Ex cel, ail additional supply of Boots and Shoes. TO WIT : 27 cases shoes, from their own kPJ Factory, consisting of men’s, wo yJ men’s, boy’s, misses’ and child ren’s calf, seal, and leather bro gans, bootees and shoes, made o the best materials and good workmanship. Also, Ladies’ white, stuff and black sattin slips One trunk gentlemen’s first quality calf boots, One do do do do do shoes Asew T dozen calf skins, shoe thread, blacking, &c. All of tvjiich will be sold at low prices, at their well known stand northeast of Market square, dec 31 - —— ■——■ — - - - - - 1 1 Persian Otto of Rose Water. JUST received, and for sale by A. PARSONS, Druggist. No. 8. Gibbon’s range. jan 16 ST. CROIX SUGARS. FORTY hhds. prime and second quality St. Croix Sugars, for sale in lots to suit pur chasers, by Hall, Chapter & Tupper. jan 7 OLD CANARY WINE. 5 PIPES 4> 10 qr, casks of Coswels Old Canary Wine landing from schr Rachsel Lydia from Boston, and for sale on very reasonable terms by HALL SHAPTER & TUPPER. january 13 NEW CARPETING, &c. rrHIE subscriber has received, per late arrivals, J. his Winter supply of very superior Carpeting of the latest patterns and most fashionable colors, such as Imperial , Brussels , Ingrain , Venetian and Stair Carpeting , with Rugs to match. Also, Table and Piano Covers and Crumb Cloths. This Carpeting is the most complete assortment he has yet offered, and will be sold at reduced prices. J. W. MORRELL, Gibbon's Buildings. nov 12 rji 80 CABINET FURNITI RFZ ‘ JAMES SMITH is now opening an assortment of Elegant Cabinet Furniture in store No. 2 Penfield’B row, and solicits a sharo of patronage from the people of Savannah and its vicinity. dec 13 106 DUPONT’S GUNPOWDER. THE subscribers have been appointed agents in this place for the sale of the above* Powder, manufactured by Messrs. E. F. Dupont, De Ne mours & co. of Wilmington, (Del.) and will keep a constant supply at the public magazine ; they will sell at the Philadelphia price and charges, for cash only. A. LE BAR BIER CO. Mongin’s brick buildings, oct 15 62 PICKLED HERRING BBLS of the first quality, fit for planta- f tion use, just received from Baltimore for sale by PALMES LEE. jan 26 Leaf Tobacco. EIGHT hhds. Leaf Tobacco Just received and for sale by Philbrick & Baker . jan 20 NEW YORK LINE PACKETS Ship MACON, o. L Porter, Master ST AT IRA, Thos. Wood , “ “ EMPEROR, J. H. Benmtt, “ “ HENRY, Geo. Moore, *.* FLORIAN, F. Harrison , ,{ *’ HELEN MAR, T. Harrison, u ID 3 The owners of the Established Line taV. pleasure in anhouncing to the public, that it is again permanently completed with the above six first class vessels. They are all New York built ships, of the best materials, having elegant and spacious accommodations for passengers, and all commanded by masters of well known experience in the trade. They will sail from New Yotk every six days, and from this as often. This arrangement will be punctually adhered to, and as insurance can be effected on shipments by them at the very lowest rates, it is hoped that such a share of patrionage will be extended to this line as it may merit, from the great expense in curred in running t, and from its utility to the public. Hally Shapter A* Tapper. jan 15 FOR HAVRE. The First Class Ship MACON, D. L. Portery Mastery sSilh, immediately despatched. For freight of 2UU bales only, apply to HALL SHAPTER & TUPPER. feb 23 FOR “NE W~ iORIC Established line The regular packet ship FLORIANy rrf- . F- Harrison, Master , Having half her cargo engaged will sail S&k* on THURSDAY next. Tot balance of freight or passage, having excellent accommoda tions, apply to Capt. H. on board at Jones Upper Y\ harf, or to HALL , SHAPTER & TUPPER. feb 23 FOR NEW YORK, rs- (established line.) The regular packet ship STATIRA, T. J§~*sL.W° o d, master , will have immediate dis patch. For freight or passage, hsving excellent accommodations) apply to captain Wood on board at Jones’ upper wharf, or to HALL, SHAPTER £ TUPPER. march 4 T FOR BALTIMORE, CLOTHIER, Davis , muster , 6e immediately despatched. For freight on deck only, apply to capt. Davis on board at Anderson’s wharf, or to HALL, SHAPTER £ TUPPER march 4 FOR AUGUSTA. “ ID 3 THE good Pole Boat Oglethorpe, has the greatest part of her freight engaged, a few pack ages are yvanting to fill up, which will be taken at two thirds below the customary rates, apply to CANDLER & DAVIDSON, Mongin’s Upper Wharf. feb II To rent, very low, M Three Rooms (with two fire-places) ill’o buildinga, ns*r tJo mar ket, suitable for offices. Also, a large Cellar in the same building. Apply on the premises, to Edward Coppee. jan 22 Hyson and Imperial TEAS, ’ IBIh chests and quarter chests, %mm For sale by tl l mmiirillHi Philbrick & Baker. Jan 1C BOOTS AND SHOES. unusually cheap. |Fjj= , | Men’s boots at $2 to $3. E* I ALSO, jjfcg 10 cases Negro shoes and bootees from 40 to 70 cents per pair. 1 case Ladies’ Morocco shoes T. S. LUTHER. feb 2 , i Marine and Pire Insurance Banky ? Savannah oth January 1829. ) 1 BY Resolution of the Board of Directors, the Stock of this Bank now held by it, is offered , for Sale—For terms applv to YV. \W. BAKER, Cashier. jan 7 The Howard Insurance Company , 0 New - York , Continue to take risques against fire on mode rate terras. nov 13 S. C. Dunningy Agent. POTATOES. JUST received 150 bbls white Potatoes, suita ble for planting, for sale by Jtnney Sp Douglass. - feb 20 h]| GAUDRY & LEGRIELy Offer for salty ONE hundred bags coffee 15 do Java do 40 bbls new Orleans sugar 10 hhds do do 30 bbls st. Qroix do 40,000 Spanish sugars (silvia’s brand) 50 kegs no 1. twist tobacco 20 boxes cavendish do 50 bbls canal flour 70 do howard street do 25 half bbls do do 50 bbls whiskey 30 do monongahela 20 do apple brandy 15 do new-england rum 10 do domestic brandy - 6 puncheons Jamaica Rum 8 pipes Holland Gin 7 do Cognac Brandy 10 bbls prime Pork 15 do mess do Hyson, Gun Powder, Imperial and Pow chong Teas 20 boxes Mustard 20 do Chocolate 40 do Spermaceti Candles 50 do Tallow do ‘ 60 do Soap 40 kegs Scotch Herring Mackerel Nos 1 2 and 3 Codfish 150 doz old Madeira \Y T ine Sherry and Port. 15 casks Hibbert’s Brown Stout Teneriffe, Malaga, Prench Madeira in qr casks 50 doz Claret Wine in boxes 70 doz assorted Cordial Allspice, Pepper, Nutmeg, Mace, &c. r jan 2 AUCTION SALES. GEORGIA SUGAR. EY PHILBRICK <s• BAKER, .... THIS DAT, 6th it. 0, * “'J I be sold on Jonas’ lower YYffiarf Ifflwj.and 13 tierces Georgia Sugar. ‘LSd, _ 6 hhds. Georgia Syrup. , Terms Under S2OO, cash; S2OO to SSOO, 30 days over that amount, 90 days credit for approv ed endorsed paper, inarch 5 By PHILBRICK 4- BAKER, To MORROW, 6th lost. tll o clock, will be sold at their Auction Room, 18 packages of Foreign and Domestic L>KY GOODS. . among which are Blue and nnxt cassuneres, diagonal prints, su perb tv4 Jackson striped handkerchiefs, fancy co lorad mull do, Angola hose, grey worsted hose and half hose, brown shirtings and sheetings checked ginghams, super 6-4 hook muslins, white, drab and olive cotton cords, negro clolh, cotton shirts, ladies’ colored kid gloves, 5-4 jackonet muslins white cotton half hose, cashmere and merino shawls and half shawls, assorted colors; cotton threads, fancy prints, &c. A c Terms—sums under S2OO, cash; S2OO to SSOO 60 days; over that amount, 90 days credit, for api proved endorsed paper. 4 march 5 BY PHILBRICK 4- BAKER. ~ TO-MORROW, 6th inst. At 11 o ciock, will be sold in front of their Auction store, sundry Articles of FURNITURE. march 5 SALE OF 144 HALF ACRE LOTS YVITHIN THE TO WN OF COLUMBUS I N compliance with an act of the general as- X sernbiy of the State of Georgia, passed on the 24th day of December, 1827, entitled “An act to, lay out a trading town, and to dispose of the lands reserved for the use of the state, near th* Coweta Falls on the Chatahoochie river, and to name the same. —The commissioners appointed under provisions of stm*ict, will offer for sale at public outcry in the town of Columbus, common cmg on Monday, 2'id day of March next, all the unsold lots in said town Columbus, consisting of One Hundred and Forty Four. The sale to con tinue from day to day until all is sold. One fifth of tl e purchase money will b e re quired in advance, the balance ih four eqor I an. ua/ insta/ements ELIAS BEALL E. L DEGRAFFENRJII P , It ALSTON .. IGNATIUS A. FEW Com’rs for laying off the town ofColuir l us and the reserve at Coweta Falls. Q Co/umbus, Jan. 10 J 829. CTThe Editors of the Charleston Courier, the Tuscoloosa Chronicle, & ofiall the public gazettes m Georgia will insert the above advertisement weekly for sixty days, and forward their accounts to me a, Coliimbus for payment feOYVEL WOLFOLK. secretary to the Board of Commissioners Foil SALE, A valuable Tract of Land, situated Jpjßgjjjfe on th e east side of the While BlufT Road, about four miles from Savan -J T ’ ilall > me of A. CA 1 B " llo ? h ’ ant * recently belonging to Charles B. Jono,) containing 710 acres, more or ie&s, and having thereon a good dwelling, carriage house, negro houses, stable, and other out houses. l erms of sale—one-fourth cash, the balance oil a credit of one, two and three years, with interest, at 7 per cent per annum, secured by mortgage on the property Apply to . . Philbrick & Baker. jan 16 The subscriber will keep a CAR RIAGE and PAIR, with a careful Driver, at th Exchange, for the accommodation of the citizens generally The carriage will be found at this* stand from 9 o clock a. m. until 2 p. m. and from & until 6 p h. CITY CHARGES. Conveyance for one person within the city’s limits, - Do. families per hour, - ‘ j (y* Do. do. per day - - - r 4 oi> The Hack will be found at the Theatre ever / night, at the close of tho performance. Y. S. Pickard. dec 22 nc FLOUR & <T~ OW\BBLS Howard st. sup. Flour lOi£ 14 do Rye do 10 halt bbls Buckwheat do 9 bbls Chines Landing per schr. Meridian and for sals by- M’ELHINEY, GIRVIN £ C* jan 27 notice. ALL those indebted to the subscriber bv open accounts, notes, or due bills, are request cd to call and liquidate the same, as he wishes to does his old business. J. B. GAUDJ lY jan 3 Landing from ship Tuscany , ONE hundred drums fresh Smyrni * 100 kegs cut Nails, assorted, weid t cn pounds each 30 bags superior old Java coffee For sale by Hall, Shapter TANARUS, upper. feb 5 ‘ Received per schr. Ortga n. THIRTY Firkins Superior Goshen Butter 5 half bbls. new mess porfr * sdo do. pickled tongui s 1 bbl. smoked dp 5 hhd. bacon (middlings & s i„. Will be sold low on the wharf, br , tQCrt > j an yv. /.AppTfirr WINES, FRUITS & CORDJaIsT PZ DRUMS Large Turkey Figs Ot7 10 kegs Zante Curran tor 20 bags Almonds . Filberts and BraiiF nuts 12 cases \Y r ardale’s London Pickles Citron, Ketchup 9f . Olives and Capors 5 dozen Guava Jelu and YV'. J * Preserves 20 whole Mdl halfbox M Rnnch EaVns oO dozen t Amour, Noyeau, Anise, and Rose Cordials Ctterrv, Sluub, M Uiratj and I ronUgaac Winoe .j 0 uozon Madeira, Sherrv, Port __ and Claret YV ines xfibbetYs-double Brown stout, in qi’art and pint bottles For sale by ,„ c OJ a. woodruff ! . d,C 24 116 li®. rtrrn [No. 4i.—v >,.. r.