The Argus. (Savannah, Ga.) 1828-1829, August 20, 1829, Image 3
, <!in - r> oSeitJiC Spanish squadron from 1 f ?S ' S ’, sircrinp in the direction of Vera the expedition intended landing L i f CaP c * \° :'"v “'T 400 8 I, C U despatched. Vua Ciuz whs id a 90 J troops in the town, and on'v ■V the castle, within two or three weeks ‘lions. Tit® ships of war Asi, Liber i'l'./. jvo, anti others, were stripped and if'* J v ,itlf only two or three men on i (ifeach. The officers were wander • 4 r t , lt the streets, having received no ’ and were so poor that they were of t r sale their chronometers and nati ctrurnenis at one iweutieih of their va (4* % ft/m Mexico,— -Capt. Baker of the brig rt . B'lvvard, informs us, that the inhab fi.j 0 f Tampico wore in daily expecta ",.f leceiving a visit from the Spanish j 1 tiiitoti, as letters have been received at! -|ice from Havana, slating that they j | an d on the coast, between Tampico Campeacby. 1 11 consequence of the , fVe information, the authorities or *. t d all !i** Spanish into the interior, and ft (unking great preparations fur defence, ‘■railing owl the militia. There are a ,t,ne ffionsand regular troops nt Tarn-, vl i,i U. together with the militia, it expelled, would coiistitu'.e a force suf sr;‘n* to repulse the enemy with ease, id they think proper to attack that Pa* - I LiTEKAH Y. I'lie Edinburgh Review. — It is stated] ff e3<‘c, upon tiie authority of the Edinburgh | Jj c, iiy G izetto, th U “Mr Jeffrey has! fisifrrieJ the editorship of his far-famed ; dial, and is to be succeeded by Profess Mauvey Napi'T. -4s the copy-tight contributors are Londoners, it was good p,,]i,?y to appoint a Scotsm .n to the editu ,;,|uiliee, otherwise t!i> “Edinburgh ’must merged entirely into an English Re l 11 tie** \Vo do not know when this change was ejected, nor what ioiluv nee it is to have upon die ckuraclpr of the Review—of it ich the last number, certainly (XCVII) contains several pipers equal to any thing in its b f, st days. The concluding article it: uni number, probably we presume by Mr. ifioUehaai, “iie la-jt cf tho Catholic qijes ti'.i;,” is of high and rare excellence. See bntv eloquently it opens: “Theiumtdiuuus joy with vrh : ch the sud den tti>tiouncCine;il i#f peace to lielaud was lelcunied hv the friends of civil and nii -2* us fret ‘.inn, has gradually subsided to Jtt’p <mu solemn thankfulness l >r the pur est p 1-tical pleasure Inal leis geuoialion* to w itness. That nodding and im peding danger, which, like the mysle/ious tfifiigt it; ii.e Castle of Otranto, was eu eveiy hour befoie our eyes, il is at h tii swallowed up The thunder cloud, i;ose pressure took away oar breath, is pin*. The eaith seems once more fir at tiller cur let-1 ; and that future, which tie tost icl look upon, is rising blight and glo ’wij?, and on its for* lu ad i* the mornin n jt<i.! Flu; whole aspect and character of ‘in* remainder of one’s life are changed by 1 Jus!cad of feeling that our lu>lio and country irejheco;njng a precarious lease* k<ild bo*o term we curst Ives oven might liave the wretchedness of surviving, we til'd :".ow bow our Ih <>ds to niine dittiif f'S, e< me when it may, in confidejKO that “i; iuc iu.i.ii.r to our-ctiihiinu the imperial ttareiitaitce m a united kingdom, secured, as hr ns h'ruan probabilities may approach Hiiaiiy, by alt the < Icnieuts of an enduring felOi'U.* S>.’ j And iiii whole of it is in n strain of min ted amjmont and sarcasm of indignant Miciiiicui at long continued injustice, and fedpg hope (fa brighter lutqre, that riv tbc.npb t(; \ the attention aijd interest of pt rpadei.— American. / miscellany. Ike tica Friends and the tiea Books; ki Auecdoic in Military Life. —lu the feuadicr comp my of a Scuttish regiment, : part of the army in Spain, fftr two privates kftmvo among their com- P>ni.jiis as ilit 4 twa Liens,from the stea of their mutual attachment, and much respected for propriety of onisjc;, Irt one of the lust skirmishes ‘•imii : ak place among the/*nwer Pyre- BfciS u h our bravo fellows dtuve their o !’Pi.tients irum one entrenched height to ii)er to the vpiy counties of the “sacred i || ’ l( ' r y* one il the “Liens * leceived a * U:r wound in iua thigh. Duiiog the | * ■’ o'cvus in which our Uuops wore in previous to entering France,! wi'Minicd t-i uie tegiment in tjuesiion, * l ’ ,|! . * tdiprcl*, end among then* the indi- j ?’ u, i :, ° iv mentioned— friend incite •| ltiv als of duly most -.{l cionaUly watch ♦jig ever idiii On unu occasion our iuior~ ‘ v *de visiting and cheering the sick } C ‘,! - S * nVr ! c<;n paoy, finding himself placed * 1,,u ;i few lad *f their bed, but in a po j"here he remained unseen could not ( <Vil shipping in admire the bub iviour of’ ,' k hiends, and; as he confessed, his • me tied even to tears on hearing their i ; ‘'*-‘tsiiJiuns.—‘Jamie,* said the wounded J n i I teel sac strong the day, lh.*t I faiu WlV\ * le .* r <,IJ , mp */ *iUl most r P re . {, andd e d his companion, ‘but I fear 0> c uo books here, an* it’s far to my v, i ls> a,l{ * .V° ken I duiua like to leave j k> ! Lnpkp was the answer, ‘into my g there are uva books there —the Cf ’. J e ,ii! d IWus* poenisl If \ou read,* ij f iookiug up to Ills friepd with Vt <a f , Ui SJa^e ‘I dinna muckle care which j; r , ,' ei ’ seeing his companion look j and la lhr displeased, the patient ; ni J" s|?e *y added— Oh dioua think, Ja- j fr 'R n ,!!, ‘' erya^,ie tiie ) vor d o* truth, or wad Jjr i( ‘ ‘he divine volume wi* ony human | ir ,:: I’M* what { mean js, that in njy g, 4 * Guidon, n.y mind when ye read ’ be sgu o turn op something j trine, for Tus descriptions are sae c|n ar no d sqo sweet, that they bring ither days anp j nbpr ™y mind; my pains me for- j lint; my thoughts wai.ddr far awHv; our J jamha me rises before me, wi f its green I j Rowans and glinting born; and oh, j j -tomic, l think upon ny mother, and upon Jean.r; and my heart, a* the saute as wi* lhr - fJible i rises to God, through whose kind pi vidence I hope to return, never to leave thein nor Scotland mail!* The soldteis mingled tears and sobs togoiher. [Malcom's Tides Anecdote of a Nun. —At the time the English Army was in Portugal, under Lord i Townshend and Count de Lippe, the fuf- j lowing adventure happened to an ensign in a regiment there. One morning as he was at, a friar much of the same liberal turn of mind ! in regard of gallantry with Dryden’s father Dominick, waited on him, and after.the usual jargon of poverty and penance, told him that he had a letter for him from one of his sisterhood of the Convent, which lie brought out of pure charity, supposing it contained some wholesome admonition ten ding to reform him. The young gentle man opened thq letter with great earnest ness, and to his utter sut prise found it writ in English, and from a lady begging in the most earnest terms that he would con trive to deliver her from tho miseries of her 1 confinement. The officer thinking his fair incognito was well acquainted with her messenger before she would have trusted him, a : knd the Iriar if he could see the la* dy. Not tinless you put on the habit of | our order, replied the priest, which / have prepared for you. It may be imagined the gallant English man complied; fur in about half an hour, lie was introduced to a most lovely young creature, who, with tears and blushes, hop ed ho would forgive the method she took to obtain Iks protection; that she was an English woman, and second daughter to a Roman Caiiioiic merchant of immense for tune, who took hei as il were upon a visit of pleasure to Lisbon, and then buried her in a monaster} 7 , in order to gratify his am -1 bitiu;. in the m itching of her cider sistei.— i The friar is an Irishman, she continued, i and knows my family ; he will do all io his ; power to assist my escape, as, if it be efTect- I i and, I can amply reward him. i A council of war was now called on the | means of getting out of the convent, when ■il v. as agreed that ‘.he friar should let tL m ! tut td midnight, and jit order to prevent in j qdiry or pursuit, report that she had drowrp , *ti werseii; a di -db which foreigners think happens every dr;y in England, to young wi.nxen disappointed in love, or wounded deeply by other strong passions. The plot succeeded, and the officer was married uext moruing to the fair apostate to perpetual virginity. However, it was thought most advisable, while the troops continued in L .ntugal, Io: the lady to appear in man’s apparel. Upon her return to England, she i iind her e ldest sisiei dead, and her father iu despair, for being, as he supposed, tho cause of his second daughter’s making away mth herself. She waited upon him with her husband, anew relation he bad ne/cr seen. r J he old man fainted with surprise and joy in Siis daughter's arms ; and this meeting terminated in the reconciliation and happiness of all parties. __ __ [l’iiOM OUR CORRUSrONDENTS.] ~ Office of the Courier Cn\RLi;sTo.v, Aug.'ls—7s r. m. } REVIEW OF THE MARKETS— remarks. Cotton —A few small sales in long staple cot* ton, were made during the week, at prices which wc have not learned, but are said to be something better than were obtainable previously. In up lands the business done was extremely limited, we heard of but one sale during ihe week, a lot of 40 b:!g , s common quality at 8 cents. We continue our old quotations, 7 n cents. Rice. —The sales in this article were chiefly of middling to good qualities, at 2$ a 2 3-8; there was no prince sold. We quote prime 2j a 2 5-8, inferior to gpod, $2 a 2 3 8 Erpnrt of Rice for the week ending Bth inst. West Indies, ------ 505 casks. Flour. —This article has declined about 25 cts. per barrel; the best from new wheat can now be bought at £o 25 We quote $6 as6 25. Corn. — Prime crn is very scarce ; one cargo of i 1,000 bushels was sold at 00 cents, but if it had i been put on the market, eo as to have admitted of | competition among the buyers, it is understood | that 75 to 80 cents and possibly more would have ; boon paid for it, although it is not likely that 3 or 4 cargoes arriving together would bring any such prico. Eight or ton cargoes are now on the way, and probably the first change of wind will bring them in, when prices will recede to our quotations , oflast week, which in the present state of the markot, we continue, viz : 04 a 08 cents. G) oeerie* —l2o hhds New Orleans sugar, mid dling quality, were sold at an average of 8 cents, ou time-50 hhds. Havana molasses brought 24 1-2 cents, and 74 hiuL- tart, via Key West, were bo’t for distilling at 20 cents. J A small lot of Rio coffee, good quality, was sold at 1,3 1-2, and about 3,0u0 sacks Liverpool poarse salt were di-posed of at $1 95 a $2. These com prise all the salos of groceries that we have heard cf which aie worth reporting. Freights. —There is no vessel now loading for England or France ; the last cotton taken tor Li verpool, was at 3-3, ar.d for Havre at 1 1-3 cent To New York, 75 cents for square, and $1 for round bags cotton, and 02 1-2 cents for rice. To Boston and Providence, $! 25 a $1 50 per bale fm cotton, and 75 cents a $1 per bbl. for rice—ve ry dull. [by THE PACKET SHIP YORK, AT NEW YORK ]J Extracts from Letters. “ Liverpool. June 24 “We continue to have a very fair demand for | colton, and prices of uplands are steady. The to tal sales for tho past week, amount to 13,800 bags. There aro two hundred bags Sea Island adver tised for sale on Friday the 20th instant.” JUNE 24. “ Our Cotton market is father steady at present and the sales making re regular pnd to a fair amount, but prices s’.ill continue low. Uplands being fiom 5a Sac-a Isiands 9j a ltid, and stained do. 5a BJd. per jb The rates with you remain quite too high for any chance of profit by importing. Rice is dull, but 100 casks Carolina were last week disposed of at 17s Gd for middling, to 2us. per cwt. for very fine ” > LIVERPOOL MARKETS, June 24. On Saturday the 20lh inst. about 100 b bales CuF-gh wore sold and thus far, tuis week, thy bp ; slr.ess is computed f*t 0700 halos. The connex ion of the market remains materially the same, I hut the demand in America is conllned chiefly, to j quality, ranging from fair lip to good. Tho nc t counts from Manchester are beginning to lose i their gloomy tendency, but no improvement, of | any stability, lias yet taken place there, or in tho other manufacturing towns. Turpentine, 3G33 bids, (recent import poM at 8* 9d a 10s 9d per cwt. quality, ordinary to prime, which is a decline of fully 3d per cwt. Kice was in request, and IbO tierces brought GJ a 20s per cwt. Quercitron Bark is dull* and prices rather low, although 14s per cwt. Wasi paid for 20 fihds of Philadelphia. The Corn Market was very inactive and Wheat declined Is a 2s per qr Scarcely anv inquiry for Flour or Indian Corn, and prices of both articles rather lower; the weat her for a week past has been exceedingly : favorable for the growing crops of grain. JIiRIHB JOP,frAIj PURT OF 6.2 FJiJVN.AU. ARRIVED, Sloop Mathews, Capt. Pierce from Mr. Chis olms’ Plantation with rough rice, to R. Haber sham. Sloop Two Friends, Capt. Selowicli, Harrises’ Neck, 1 dav. CLEARED. Sloop John Chevalier, Sisson, Charleston. ARRIVED FROM TIMS FORT. At Havre, ship Othello, Tucker At Liverpool, ship Collossus, May ell. At Turks Island, ship Hazard, Chase. * At Point Petre Gaud, brig Reaper, Lear. At Philadelphia, 9th inst. brig Francis, Croft. At Providence, 2d inst. schr. Aspasia, Pease. At New York. Gihschr. Othello, Johnson. At Philadelphia Blh inst..schr. Martha, Hand. At Baltimore 10th schr Meredian, M‘Namara. tmmr i inn iri ~r titiiit— w■ ■ H mi—~iii rihi nw i—ib—jjuj Tlour , Mackerel , Hay and Sugar. BBLS. Canal Flour, “E. S. Beach & t/l * Co’s.” brand. 50 bbls No. 3 Mackerel, Boston Inspection, 50 bundles Uay, first quality, 3d lihd 3 St. Croix Sugar, prime. Landing frqm shin Macon and for sale by HALL, SHAPTER & TUPPER. atig 19 NOTICE. ‘'l • HE public are cautioned against trusting the 1 crew pf the ship Macon, as no debts of their contracting will be paid either by the master or consignees. II \LL, SHAPTER <& TUPPER. aug 19 ran m:\v\oiuc [established line] ..-£rv>. The regular packet ship MACONi M. Hali.,’ Muster. Will haveim* mediate despatch. For-Freight or Js&Ze* passage, having excellent accom modations, apply to Catain Hall on board at Jones upper wharf, or to HALL, SHAPTER & TUPr ER. aug 19 I'OR AUGUSTA The Steam Boat CALEDONIA, Captain Sassard , is ready to receive freight with her tow boats which are of light draft—they will be despatched without delay. For freight or passage apply to the captain on board at Williamson’s wharf or to JOHN M KF.NZIE & CO. The owner in Augusta is prepared in case of a low river with six light, boats of light draft, and a sufficient quantity of hands to prevent the deten tion of the goods on the river. There shall be no want of exertion to deliver the gaods in due sea son shipped by them. aug. 19 FOR AUGUSTA. THE new Steamboat GOVERNOR TAYLOR, VVhildf.n, master, will positively leave here on Wednesday, 19th inst. with her two tow boats. Having part of her freight engaged, for the resi due or passage apply to the Captain on board, at Hunter’s Wharf or to COHEN 4* MILLER. August 17 i 0 10,000. Union Canal LOTTERY, Class No. 9. ‘ Sixty numbers—9 drawn ballots. SCHEME; 1 prize of SIO,OOO 1 do 5,000 1 do 2,500 l do 1,995 20 do 1,000 20 do 500 40 do 100 &c. &c. Tickets. $5 00 Halves, 2 50 Quarters, 1 2^ Orders attended to at Lottery and Exchange office, aug 19 ‘ #5,000. A r W YORK CONSOLIDATED L O T T E K Y. EXTR \ CLASS, No. 9. Was drawn on the 12th, tho drawing will bo received ou the 22d inst. S C II E M E: 1 Prize of $ 5,000 1 do 3,000 l do 2,000 1 do 1,418 2 do 1,000 4 do 400 5 do 250 20 do * 10Q dk-C. &c. &c. Tickets, $4 00 Hives, 2 00 Qurters, 100 j. Orders attended to at LUTHR’S Lottery vnd Exchange OJJice. Aug. 14 M Swedes Iron. TONS Swedes Iron, comprising aful *ml\ if 9 and complete assortment Ct common and axtra sizes—are daily expected ; and on arrf- ■ val will be offered on moderate and accommoda ting terms. This iron havng been selected from ihe factories in Sweden by an experienced hand, its quality may he relied on HALL SHAPTER & TUPPER. August 7 To Printers and Publishers. f|IHE subscriber having added the manu/ac- I ture of moveable type to kis stere itype vs fsblishrnent, respectfully solicits a share of the patronage of tho Printers of Pennsylvania and the adjacent States. Having a paactical knowledge of printing, and also having been longer practically engaged in the haziness of stereotyping than any other person in the United State3, he hopes to be able from such experience to give satisfaction to those who may favor him with their orders. Freni an intimate acquaintance for a ntimbe- of years, (nearly eight) with the business of type founding, he hopes to be able to produce type equal to any offered to the Printers of the United States. His prices, though low, will of course be the same as others in the same business. Nor will be attempt to violate truth, or insult common sense, by pretending to any “ increased facilities in the manufacture,” (for there are no other “ facilities” at present in ffiis city, than there were twelve years ago, wlu r\ type. v/Cie from 40 to 50 per cent.’ higher than at present,) nor have the “ materials used in making printing types been so greatly reduced” as to bear any p apportion to tl;e reduc tion in the prices of type But the reduction has been “ induced” by competition, and an overbear ing disposition iq some of these founders who have grown rich on the heretofore enormous profits on, type All sizes of type, plain and grnamental, for book and job printing, from 14 lines Pica to Nonpareil, i constantly on hand m such quantity, as to supply any order at short notice. In tho choice ofbooi> letter, pains have been taken [q select such faces as are generally approved for symmetry, neatness and durability. He also keeps a complete Printers’ Warehouse, (tho only one in this city,) and can furnish a com plete Printing Office at very short notice. The following are his PIQCES at a credit of 6 months, for approvod notes or acceptances—or a discount of 5 per cent, will be made for cash : Six lines Pica, and Long Primer, 4tf all larger, $0 30 Bourgeois, 4t> Double Pica to five Brevier, 50 lines Pica, 32 Minion, 70 i Great Primor, 34 Nonpareil, 90 English, 30 Leads, 30 Pica, 50 Quotations, 30 Small Pica, 38 The prices on ornamental and fancy type have been reduced in a greater proportion’ Old type received in exchange at 9 cents per pound. A book of Specimens will shortly be published STEREOTYPING will be done at tho lowest prices, in the best manner, as heretofore. J HOWE, Corner, of Crown and Callowhill streets. Philadelphia, August 0. To the Printers of the United Stales . OF late the prices of all the materials used in making Printing Typos, have been greatly reduced and the facility of manufacturing greatly increased: The subscriber, therefore, has been induced to make a proportionable reduction in the prices, which from the first of April, lmve been as stated fn the annexed list j The character of t)ie Type made at this foupfl* ry is well known to the Trade , who arc assured i that in regard to the quality of the metal, finish, and durability, no deviation has been made. lie has on hand a comple assortment, and can supply any quality on thort notice ; he will be hap py to receive orders of his customers, which will have immediate attention. Merchants who have • orders from abroad, can have offices complete with Presses, and every thing accessary for a printing establishment, put up in the most perfect manner RICHARD RONALDSON. Pi ices. —At six montjis credit> for approyed pa-! per, or a discount of 5 per cent, for cash. Pearl, per lb. $1 40 English, $0 30 Nonpareil, [0 90 Great Primer, 031 Minion, 0 70 Double Pica, 0 32 Brevier, 0 56 Do Great Primer, 0 32 Bourgeois, 0 46 Large letter, Long Primor, 0 40 plain, 0 30 Small Pica, 033 Scabbards and Pica, 0 36 Quotations, 0 30 The prices of other descriptions of Types are proportionably reduced * Old Typo received hi payment at 9 cents per pound. Philadelphia, July 8. aug. 17 China , Glass and Earthenwa <? . f jHHE subscriber offers for sale, a large assort- A meat of Glass, Chins and Crockory, auitablo fbr the town or country trade, consisting of Iron, stone, china and dining sets Liverpool china do do Rich French china tea sola do English do do Canton china coffee sets Olive breakfast sets Rich cut decanters, with tumblers and wines to match Plain glass shades Cut and colored do. Plain and cut glas3 Lamps China and glass water pitchers .Class plates and dishes Champaigae glasses Wine coolers Jelly glasses China Fruit Baskets /Pith a variety qf articles now opening, which forms a° complete and general an assortment as can be .net with in Charleston or any southern city. O’ Country merchants can be supplied with crates, carefully repacked, which will bear trans portation to any part of the state. This will save their buying broken and unsaleable things, which we alw T ays got in crates in the original order. George W. Coe , Shad’s building aug 3 SB>OQO NEIV YORK CONSOLIDATED a, ® ir ® m m n 9 CLASS, No 9- Draws THIS DAY. the drawing will be received here ou the 15lh. SC H L E. * l P.Rizc of SB,OOO jl do 4,000 1 do .2,500 1 do 2,000 1 do 1,J94 * 3 do J,OQO 6 do 500 21 do 100 &c. <fec. &e. Tickets $5 00 Halves, 2 50 Quarters, 1 25 Orders attended to at LUTHER’S Lottery and Exchange Office August 5 CHEESE , RAISINS AND NUTS fl BOXES very fine cheese, L Sal 25 boxes Bunch Raisins 10 bags fresh filberts 10 bbls Brazil Nuts 10,000 lbs assorted Bacon 20 qr casks s veet Malaga Wine luG Uag? Prime Green Coffee Si f Vjr fresh. Just landing from schr. Meridian, and for sale by OAUDRY LEGRIEL. ; July 31 cm nornr. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. The subscriber begs leave respect f; * f !£a3L fully to inform the public of Gcorgi:., hililiJl eSHw establishment wifi be continued open during the Summer, as usual, and that arrange* n rrktb.ure making for the ensuing acasort, which he confidently exacts will sustain the wolf earn ed character of the house’, and at ti e same time secure him a share of public palronage. , 1! W.LUBEOCU. (FTThe Charleston Courier and Mercury aro rcquesCcd to publish the above lor two weeks each. July 31 BOARD}NpqX TOES A I/rJ.” lyrRS R. COHEN bus rented, for the season, iI that airy aad commodious house on the alts, belonging to Mr. Lampe, Mongotnery, and lias rovvopened an extensile BOARDING HOUSE, for the accommodation of Families, and such individuals as may choose to retire to a safe retreat during the Summer months. Lniitf expe rience has*proved that this situation is entirely exempt from the influence of those malignant fe vers which often scourge Savannah, and from its proximity to town, oflers superior advantages to an upcountry or a northern residence. Terms will be moderate, and such arrangements have been made as will secure the best fare which this section of the country can afford. Mfs. C. will also take charge of a fisw children atyti pay every attention te tneir health ar.d com fort, which her expel iAice Will enable her to du. july 13. WHITE S ACADEMY r|” IIE subscriber announces to Ids friends and “ the public, that the exercises of his Academy will be suspended until the first of November net*. The principal oLjecl which he will have in view during bis absence, will be to form an acquaint ance with the system of education adopted in vi e most distinguished seminaries in the Northern States, and he indulges tho hope that the result of his qbservatious will render his Academy increas ingly worthy of patronage. Having taken a largo and commodious house m a pleasant pa.rt of‘the city, he will be prepared to take five or six boys aa boarders—and he assures the public that the health, morals and improvement of his pupils, will be the objects of his unwearied and undivided at tention, GEORGE WHITE. july 8 SHOES, LEATHER. TRUNKS, Ac By the ship Chancellor. A. & E. WOOD, HAVE received Ladies hl’k Buckskin shoes, Gentlemen’s fine calf high quartered sh efl Do. 2d quality do do do ‘ do Do roal buckskin slippers, Do jnorocco ’ “ do Do fine do pumps with buckles, Do and do do dancing, Iron trimmed leather trunks, Leather top wood trimmed do. And a.handsome assortment of Lather do. ’ ‘ Alsoi - From their Factory, an additional suppjy of SHOES, which makes their assortment conmleto.- july 3 “new goods. Per the Chancellor. SUPERFINE Brown Battice for Bonnets, do. Black Worsted Bare'go A assortment of Colored Worsted Braids do. do. Linen do. Fancy Jane and Silk Shawlls Black and White Hooks and Eyes Sinchews, Sarcenet and Gros De Naples 37 Bales Stripe and blaid Homespuns 10 do. Brown and Bloachad do. Table Linnens—all of vhich will be sold sonable. ’ ‘ M. PRENDERGASTy No. 3 A 4 Gibbons Block. july 3 ‘ NOTICE. P pHE Copartnership heretofore existing at §a- X vannah and New York, undpr the firm of Joseph Koprnan & Cos. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons indebted to said con cern, will make payment to John McNiel, ‘who is duly authorised to settle the same, and who will rpake payment of all by the said con cern. ‘ JOSEPH KOPMAN. JOHN M NIEL/ The business will hereafter be conducted by tho undeisignod on his own account. Savannah, 18lli Julv, 1829 JOHN M'NIEL. july 24 DOCTOR Coppee has removed his residenc to the corner of Whitaker and York sir in rear of Pickard’s stables, llis office is still at his shop in Broughton street (Marshalls Build ings) near the market, july 29 NOTICE. rpHE undersigned have connected themselves A. in business, under the firm of Roe Mcrri man. CHARLES ROE CHS. P. ME BRIM AN. I A. $ E. WOOD , Have received 5 Casks Liquid Blacking, 25 Boxes Black Varnish in small bottles, suitable for retailingrHfer sale by the Box, Cath, and retail, july 22 j ,r...—. ■■ c . A Supply of Carbon, very finely Pqlvcriscd, just received and for sale by * LAY & HENDRICKSON. Druggists, Gibbons Building. ju*y 2 NEW GOODS. M. PRENDERGAST Hus just received per ship Henry , LADfES’ supr fancy colored H. S. Gloves ftnd Mitts—misses’ do do do do do Fine dot and small stripe Prints Super fancy Ginghams (French) French and German brown Linens Black Lasting, &c. &c. Nos. 3 and 14 Gibbons’ Range. june 10 BLACKING AND VARNISH. MILL SAWS. 2 CASES Rowland’s Mill Sa\ys, just received and for sale by N. B. & If. WEED. april 25 ~ SUGAP AND SOAP. Eanaing from ship Florian. Gy f* BBLS Loaf Sugar jZlfj 26 boxes Yellow Soap For sale by HALL SHAPTER 4* TUPPER. July 29. IRISH POTATOES. * ANY quantity from ono to three hundred bush els, fresh Irani the ground, oan be furnished at short notice and at a moderate late. It is pre sumed the articlo will keep sound during a voy age to Europe, and at this seasop, it may be of some consequence to of vessels leaving our port. Applv to PALMES £ LEE,~ juno 24 Exchange Dotlc