Newspaper Page Text
j V nil-] Willima, one of tho circuit judges
■ N* 141 ’ has been arrainged betore the house
■ ffeone>” ea stale, on charges ofof
■ Misconduct, which, if found of sufficient
■ oial ,n ; will lead to Ilia impeaciiment. It i 3
know not with what truth, that tho
nve of this proceeding ia party viudic
lu^ 33,
Philadelphia, Oct. 19.
( <h lS apeake and Delaware Canal.—
j jt ,„ u iVoui an eye witness that ihe ce-
I U r,v if opening iliis magnificent -woiK
I ppif<i'nied on Saturday last.
I*l c coucourseof persons attended, and
I ‘ ‘‘p>t them C<*m. Porter, Acmiial Sir
I *"’l. Coffin, Mr. Livingston, the Mayot
{ his ciiy, and many otht t
. jr ,ijisheci iudividti i!s The bulges and
I (,ct contHimug all who desired to join
I .fie resi v, y passed through the canal
I ai the Delaware into ihe Chesapeake,
j (fitirned to the place of depai tui e abou
1,1 * jock A number of cruft of various
° aCr jpiiniis were met passing through the
‘MjI. Toe bridge at the Sti nmi- L vel
M jdeC'if-’ted wi h H ‘gs, and the Daily was
Mt ei hy the brig Sciote, of Boston, also
r c , f;l ted, iiiooieu under the budge. The
of me Committee ot Arrange-
an address, to which the
p ..dieu* of the Canal Company rephtd.
M u ,ic, refreshments toasts ;nd speerlKS
ilia accompammeofs. The wbnlb
02 ts represented as very suitable
i!n ecisi■** and c-judacted inucb to ihe
j .afsjiod •Tail preseut. — Aurora.
Richmond, Oct. 90.
fke Con\ *ntion - On yesterday the Legislative
I fioiijaiHee .fmk up Mr Leigh’s proposition, to
paketU districts as they may he ar
nc red o, tu Constitution, pay equal portions of
u*-- 1 - The rusoiu, * ou was ><rporte<l hr Mr.
Itipi, opp'ifcJ * by Mercer, Johnson and
I'ovk. Hid rtyf -ted, 1/ to 7.
jathe Fxecn l * v ® Committee, the resolution of.
jc r edb;Mr. Gordon in the followi.ig words:—
li. That ilia Gov einor and Lieutenant Governor
k elected by lilt ■ qua ined voters, and continue
jno&ce three yet rs “ was token up, and Ihe ques
. ti,nbri:iT pat thei eon by ayes and noes on motion
jf Mr. t spell. stoo l 12 to 12. •
Tb*fe b in g the resolution fell of course.
iu the Judicial ■Committee yesternay, the pro
position to amend the second of the s&jrios of re
goiution*, by striking out the words *• Judges of
the Court ot Appeals,” was resumed
It may be to remind our readers that the
object ot ibis amendment is to exempt the Judges
oi ii<e J euit ot Appeals, from iie operation of the
resolution vvhi Iv vacates the offices of the Judges
it die expiration of the first session of the Legis
lature iieiu the Now Constitution.
i’iio queuUutt to strike out the words was deci
ded in the negative, 8 memhe.s only rising in la
yer *>f it
The Committee on tho Bill of Rights, yester
day adopted the f.dlowing resolution offered by
.Mr. Muart, ‘ 1 hat uie tfecdom of Speech and ■
of the Pie-s. ought to be held sacred and tuiuran
toed by the Coastiiutioji.*’ °
XamL— We learn lliat the L\ S. frigate Bran
ibiciiu, recently arrived at New-York, from ?lie
Pacific, has been ordered to be fitted out immedi
ately— V( rfoik Be//corf.
Fire —A fire broke out last evening, between
the of 7 and 8, in the upper j olt ot y lr
Charles Grants taper 9tore, Union street. 7'he
flames were extinguished in a very few minutes
and the damage done was not great.
Atnihat:— On the evening of Tuesday the Glh
m,t Mr Mar:in Freeman, while engaged with a
party m deer h inting at -South 6'amiwich, was ;
it mentally shot by aMr Fish. It-seems that
aie ot ! r,o party had wounded a dee/, and that,
treemnn, with ml giving any notice of his inten
lion, leu his stand and went into the woods in
piirsud ot it, and that Mr Fish, seeing him mo- !
in the bnsiiaa, and h-lioving it to boa deer,
discharged h*s musket with a deadly aim at him.
.'erera sh>t entered his thighs, breast, and other
nn*s his body Freeman lived about forty
* l ß bl a > is liter the accident.
Host n Du lij .‘ldo. Oct. 17.
J Curious “ Cotton Merchant ’’—A few days
a nwn calling himself VVm. BudaeU, e .me
to-th viJiage of Sootchtown, this comity, in com- *
pir,” itii ladies, one ot whom iic rocentis ’
JO the city of New York: Tho bride had
frie/ds in thus part of the stale, of respectable
sLuidinu. with W'Jiom they so.ournod while in the
neighborhood. “die gentleman cut a considora
l>!eswells ‘maniibttdd much importance, and oc-
Qisicmlly Tas somewhat insolent. For his own more, lie made free use of
bis whip-upM the highway; fir which spirited
tct l* 1 ’ was ustcereanouiously brought before a jus
'.ice ts. he .peace ; but the matter’ was settled at
tbe solicitation of tiie good people of Scotchtown,
0 paying out ot ihe abundance oi his purse,
t smalt compsiisation to the individual over
3.:. arm Ho ga.o ar.t he Was a wholesale cotton
uiorchant in the city of New \fork ; that his la
ther owned a cotton plantation in North Carolina ;
U-*t he h and .named contrary to the will of his
aH l that he was disowned by his father
M con sequeijce ot’ the marriage. Alter remaining
* ,c w days among jus wife’s friends, he concluded
-t was to return Jn the city, giving a very na
tnrP: .reason for oxift t^rji vo *y engaged in busi-
Jo wit: tfiat ids afikiri , cquire<i his personal j
auention But he had with hurt a horse and gig !
* uil t he had no further u.'.e, f.jd which he j
wuu.d rati purcha&w ror { uid “'"i j
urneß was soon found, who oaid the et(r>:* Jr- j
siu!j n h,,r l l,rud ar * d ‘■ en dd G&r*b which he
‘■nrH k'. nGW R‘* eil^a r *d ►e’atioaa J
Fmk his departure for the city ot Ne'.v
a ‘ company with his wile and the otiier la-
i,l r.k * vv coaies ( ko c cQjun of the joke -—lie
mtJ ■ 01 ® one lon ff> Before another gentleioaa
tii !s in Scotchtown, in pursuit of
b‘-t C ° * c /’ r ’ *b®rcjiant,’ who Ind hired, a few dave *
witi, C ?° T i’ sin - identical horse aad chaise *
f ly ■ vv ,j C!l Be ftai! so much astonjvUed the na- :
hw. P*°perly was thereupon givett up to
i,.'.’ “ ,>r * filmed lately rctuinod to the city
!ear le ‘ co,lj m maicuamf where he
ui i h 1,1 liR r,i K 0 Bsd itfi Ihe lad:e at a board-
‘ < i ,, fs>e, that ha ue<:ampe.4, anu that he took
hir * ‘* i about one hundred d.jiiaid o| Jus wife's
‘ fn iags, i*ir another vi. tiw to ths
si’c’tf 0 ,S * B rao, * Gt p too common amo’-g felnaJos,
ct J’ * Jin l= hastily in the .arui professions
.“■"I” ■— Republican.
\* ‘J o Lass es.
<i J. if \ prime retailing Molasses,
la/idmg aud for sale by
oct i7 “ M- A* STAS-ft.
jv NEGkO SHOES, &*; “ *
’ 1 / KS —consisting of Men's Biots,
8 m,” f}o . oie t cs * SUve * Q sd Pumps—bho, Ladies,’
8 a <J cliildrou’s Shoes—a,ld
Pr r . t Lead Pencil t,
oc?? 7 -* „ Lurnsa**
Exchange Oince, ]
?*”**’ Arte; ‘eyTLKHY, Ac.’
i < ~ r ‘***’■ ‘'"'fibers have reeaured by the late nr-
r, ' a,s^‘oni JAvernool turd Novi-York, a ge
#/ Anient of r . . fc
re t Cuticry and Heavy Goods ,
ttrnis *• G * e *vT saia on accommodating
v“u,g rB , ■ WtKO. ,
r , , PTV ,, , G I A N 0 R U .1.
• do. 1 ortiand Ruin, coloied
Landing and for sale hy
I n r? Mi * ron * a " d Tr <*<* chains.
a(J_( )# JO |A 8 Carron Do!low Ware
* casks cut Nitils and
Trads, assorted 4d to (id
* *°ns German Steel
1 ton Blistor and cast Steel
lb caiks Sad Irons
50 bag3 T race Omins
Just received, and so- sale bv
-OC” 11. &H. WEED •
I li L citizens ot -Savannah friendly to the irn
proveinout of Church Music, are requested
to meet at tho Sabbath School Room in the Aca
demy, this evening, at 7 o’clock. The object is
to establish a singing school
oct 27
A FAMILY of 4 negroes, viz: a negro man,
\ . 3’ears old, his wife, about 45, and
their children; a negro man about 9*2, and a ne
gro woman about 18—all field hands.
A family of negroes, viz: a negro man about
35 years of age, a good tanner and field hand, his
wifi’ about 35, field hand, and their son about 4
years old
A likely negro girl about 1G years old, bouse
servant and field hand.
Apply to
oct 2o 7|
NOW landing!
BBLS. India Point GIN
50 do N E Rum
25 half qr casks Malaga Wine
3 pipes Brandy, (Cognac)
5 do Domestic do
s’’ reams Wrapping Paper
5* boxes Sperm Candles
50 half boxes B’oao
5 ales Brown 6hirtings
3do bleached do. For sale by
oet 90 Tld
I/k BR.,S Holt’s Buiter Biscuit
* * 10 Oo Wine do
10 do Brazilo Nuts
1 ? doz Current Jelly
i do preserved Fruit in large bottles
]2 boxes Pine / pplo Cheese
59 do Goshen do
50 I,bis Rot a?oc3
H* boxes t’olgaie Starch
Fur sale by
net S3 G9c
Xnaf Sugar, Magging and Jitssians.
i k BoLS Loaf Sugar
9 12b pieces 42 in Dundee Colton Bagcring
10 do Hessians
Now landing from ship Flomn and tor sale by
oct 19 6G
iron, Mackerel, and Cheese.
3 Tj TONS Swede’s Iron, assorted sizes
110 lbls. Mackerel, Ncs 1, 2 and 3
20 half do do Nos 1 and
20 casks pi ime Goshen Cheese
Just icceived and for sale by
oct 1G 05
Received per ship Emperor, from JY. York,
| whole and half boxes bunch Muscatel
** * * Rai-ins, (new)
10 kegs choice Goshen Rutter
I blid snperior flavor St Croix Rum
An assortment cordials
159 bb!s Potatoes
2-A-O bunches Onions
200 Oliio //aui3
20 c'n-ks cheese.
Together g . ti a general assortment of f.iquors
and I’en.s. I -ji sale on accommodatimr terms by
October 20 71 i
g 10,000.
Washington city
('lass No. 16.
* o be drawn at V asi-ii gton on Thursday, 29th
1 piize oi SIO,OOO
1 <L) 3,000
1 do 2,000
1 do 1,830
5 do 1,000
10 do 400
20 do J2OO
40 do 100
ike. A.'.
Tirkfts $4 — li dves s2— Quart- rs sl.
Orders attended tn at
Cattery and Ezchajige ujfi&t.
oct 20
A &, K. WOOD,
AT their old Stand, near lire Market, have very
recently received, in addition to their former
Slock, a large and extensive supply of LOOTS
and SHOES, consisting in part of the following
Articles :
2tX>(i pair men’s first quality Negro SHOES
1500 do do second do do do
f,/0;) Ho do third do do do
N;0 do boy’s first do and > do
fjOO Us men's stout Brogans
Men s fine calf sewed Bools, square loos
♦o do dp do rouutl do
, do pegged do do and square do
Ho ceal do do do
On nailed Boots
Do fine calf sewed and pegged Biogar.s ; square
and round toes
Do do do 2d, 3d and 4th quality
Do fine do do .Shoes, broad and nar
row strops, squajo and round toes
J?d d<> calf, seal, and morocco Pumps do ,
Do d< rnorocco Dancing do do
l>o do buck-kin Shoes and Slippers
Dad e’ while and black satin Slips, first quality
Do fine lasting S’iips, oiftck and Coloured
Do 2d and 3d quality black and coloured lasting
Slip-, heels and points
Do seal, calf “*d morocco Shoes and Slippers
Mcn’t* Ist. 2d and 3d quality Kid ihrogans
Woman’* lace Boots, Shoes and Slippers
Boys Biogau? ‘ - 1 Shoes, of various kinds and
M-.,ses stuff morocco seal and seal Boots, Slices
and Slips: rs *
Children's Morocco stuffseal and seal Boots
M< cocco, seal and horse hide Trunks
Day and M irtin’s Black!
James’ spang Blacking
Ali of which will be sold at moderate prices.
October 23
A*?up; ly of Prenfe.cs’ Sc Emerson’s Razor
Strops, prfeuhle many other, *
Just received and for sale by
opt 2 ft r * J
1 BPUS prime Green Coffee
-* j 25 bag, do do do
5 Loaf and Lump Sugar
bbls sweet Malaga Wiue
10 u dry do do
5 “ TeneiitFc do
5 pipes Corsica do
5 ’’ Cognac Brandy
• • hhds St Croix B*m
19 “ St Croix Sugar
10 bales brown Shirtings and Shootings
o cases fine bleached Shirtings
For sale by
oct 21 (,7d
’ - — | .
nails, rum, &c.
4 > I \4\ CASKS Cut. Nail
a 7\ * 105 bbls N. E. Hum
1 ca sk NuCmega
11 bales Brown Shirtings
Landing from brig Brilliant, and will bo sold low
it taken from the wharf.
oct 5 60c
mayers & Hamilton,
f 1 recoved, per schooner Oregon,
A- ironi theii catublishment in New York, a
large assortment of
Dead if Made Clothing
made up under thoir own inspection, after the lat
est. ard approved fashions, consisting of
► up or Muo, Bik an<J Coloured Dress, and Frock
“ BlaoU and Coloured Cloth and Caesi
mere Pantaloons,
Blue and Black Velvet,
Blue and Black Cloth,
Black Bosnbazeen,
Gain nml Figured Silk Tabinat, i
-Swaudown, Valencia, white and coloured
Marseilles and new style Silk Vests.
Stocks, ( ravnls, Gloves, Handkerchiefs,
•Suti,renders, shoulder Braces, Shirt Collars,
J 9 hose of every description,
Plain frilled Linen and Cotton Shirts,
Patent Vigoni 1 Shirts,
C anton Flannel Shirts and Drawers,
And a Full Supply of
suitable for Labourers and Negroes. AM of
which they offer for sale at Now York prices, for
c;ah or city acceptances,
oct 23 G 9
HAV received by recent arrivals the follow
ing Go nis, which they offer K or Ba te t> n *<>
com modal ing terms:
50 hhds. Molasses
75 bngs Coffee
50 bids N E. Rum
G 0(; roams Vv rapping Paper
20 pipes pure Holland Gin
175 kegs Cut Nails
8 tons Swedes Iron, assorted
1 cask Nutmegs
12 hhds. Sugar
13 bales Domestics
8 boxes Axc<?.
oct 22 G 7
Millcdgcville Masonic Hall
To be completed in jive Dr divings.
THF first drawing to take place positively on
the 14th Novembor next, or at an earlier pe
riod, should the sale of Tickets justify it. The
whole of the prizes payable sixty days after the
drawing, subject to a discount of 15 per cent
1 prize of $30,000 5 prizes of S7OO
1 do 15,000 5 do 600
2 do 10,000 5 do 500
2 do 5,000 5 do 4(h)
5 do 1,000 5 do 300
5 do 900 5 do 200
5 do 800 25 do 100 i
Tickets $10 — fi'dv s $5 —Quarters $2,50,
For sale in a great variety of numbers, at
Lottery & Exchange Office,
oct 19 G 6
MFRHXDERGAST, Nos. 3 <fe 14, Gibbon’s
• Block has opened a fresh assortment of
received per Into arrivals—consisting in part of
Suuei ior Blue, Black and Mixed cloths,
Fancy Prints,
Mourning do.
Figured and cross bar Jacknets—.(fine.)
Yell-jvv Nankeens,
Furniture Fiingo,
Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs,
Wellington Cravats,
Besonu do.
Black Levantine do.
Blue Bandana Handkerchiefs,
Brown Linen, (fine.)
do. do. Lawn foi ladies’ hats,
do Cotton Cambric do. do.
T *! go, Sinchews and Levantines,
Coloured Gros de Naples,
Belt, Hat, Cap, and TafTot Ribbons,
Nankin Crapes, English thread laces,
Worsted Braid, Superior Pearl Buttons,
Long White Kid Gloves, H. S. Mitts,
Bleached, Brown, and Coloured Homespun,
Checks, Line i, and Cotton Ticking, &c. &o.— 1
All of which w ill be sold ually law.
August 28
HAS received per schr. Francis, rrom New-
Super black Pahnarine
Super fancy Velvet Prints
Super English Ginghams
Super (j-4 French Bombazines
Spotted crimson Rattinets
Black snlin Levantines
Green Silk for umbrella covering
Blue worsted Braid
Scailet and drab Cassimere Shawls
Fancy chintz do.
Black Naukin and Canton Crapes
Barege Handkerchiefs and Cravats
Superior Lawns, and Linen Cambric Hdkfs.
Blue and Brown Cloths
Cashimeres and Satinets
Woodstock Gloves
Horseskin do.
Lined do.
AH for sale low, at No. 3 and 14, Gibbons’ Rano-e.
net 2 59
f ft eu b?criber has commenced running abnc
I of Stage? ‘hree times a week, between Sa- j
vanne.h and Augusta—to leave Savannah every
Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday morning, and
arrive at Augusta the next day.
It will leave Augusta every Sunday , Tuesday ,
and Thursday morning, aud arrive at Savannah
the next day.
Fare, 5§;15.
Good horses and careful diivers have been en- !
gaged. J. B GUIDRON. j
IDF The Stage Office will be kpt at the Bar •
of Iho City Hotel.
Savannah , St pi. 23,1820. 55
ffT The Chaileston Courier, and New York’
G'.xette, are requested to insert the above ever” •
other day for one
%■> - - ** a "‘ ,l,c r • *9 j
New G oods. |
A BImNNETT would inform tho Ladies of
Savannah and the public generally that he ;
lias just arrived from New York with a handsome .
; extensive assortment of Fancy and Staple j
i Goods, of the very latest fashions and patterns,
w hich he to- now opening at the store recently oc- ’
cupied by Messrs. James fnglis and Cos. No. J,
Young s Buildings, Market square.
— yiz
Forty Cases of Fancy 4* S aph Goods ,
Consisting in part of the following, viz.
! “F 1 , 11 Gros de India, Gros de China,
i ‘ Gros do Naples, ami G/od9zine Silks,
H>ch plain do do do do do do
H sch watered do do do do do do
Rich figured silk Velvets for Bonnets, a now
VCf y t? ene ral assortment of ‘Silks and s'a’Jns
ot a.most every description, and Cob-urs
A handsome assortment of fcSilk Fringe for
Black Modes, Palmarines, and Cole Paly
I opehnes and Mandarine silks for dresses
Face and worked Collars
Thread and bobinett I.aces
Merino, cashmere, Thibet, and Palmarine
Shawls and Mantles
Barege Shawls
Hich gauze and silk scarfs and shawls
A rich assortment of bell Ribbons
A general assortment of rich Ribbons
Ostrich satils, Birds Feathers, Zephyr Plumes
Merino cloths, Italian and Arophane crapes
Linen cambiic Handkerchiefs
Linen cambrics, silk, hosiery
Perigees, Nankin and canton crapes
Bandanna and silk dag haudkeichiefs
Long Lawns and liisli Linens
6-4, 5-4 and 4-4 Bobinett Laces
Gimp E Igrng and Gimp Laces
Lithographic, zephyr and embroidered crape
I aiflard and Lithographic Barege do.
Lace Pelerines, Ladies’ and Misses’ Gloves
fchlk and Fancy Vestings, Gentlemen's Gloves
Gentlemen's plaid and black silk cravats
Black Bombazines, bead bags and purses
Clark s spool and Qrrell’s cotton and Visiting
Cards &
Bobbins Tapes cotton cords
Lace and pearl buttons, Italian sewing silks
Patent Pins and Needles
Black lace and gauze Veils
Fancy silk and frog Buttons, Habit Braid
Worsted and silk Braids
i Blond Laces and Lace and blonde Footing
Marseilles Quilts
A general assortment of Toys and WiHow
Jewelry, Waist buckles, bracelets, and ear
A general assortment of Corsets and Curls
j Silver Tassels, bands, Ac.
]0 s.raw cottages and bolivar Hats
3 cases ludios’ Leghorns
f 1 case misses’ do
4 cases French Flowers
3 Ca.scs Pattern Hats
\ Brazilian Combs
j Men’s and boys’ caps
A general assortment of Broad Cloths
| Brown and bleached Sheeting and Shirtings
I ‘i ickens, Plaid Hoinespnn, Calicoes, Ginghams
Satinets. Liu*eys, Rose Blankets, Flannels
And aver y general assortment of almost every
kind of staple and Fancy Goods.
All of which will be sold at a small advance for
Mrs. A. Bf.n'nvett would inform her friends and
the ladies in Satv'muili generally, that she has
opened a general assortment of MILLENARY,
and that she has brought out with her from New
York, a first rate Mdltntr 1 and also a first rate
Dress Maker. All orders in ti'e above-business,
will be executed with neatness despatch at ’
No. J, Young’s Buildings.
October 2(>
Hare lately received. and now offer for sale —
TONS Swedes Iron, comprising a
“” “ complete assortment
30 hhds. prime St Croix Sugar
50 barrels Loaf do
50 bags prime Greon Coffee
8 hhds do do do.
200 bbis. No 3 Mackerel
100 kegs “ Peabody’s” White Lead
10 bbis Portland Rum (colored]
15 pipes Cognac Brandy
5 do Holland Gin
10 pipes Canary Wina
20 qr casks do do
1 puncheon Irish Whiskey
20 bbis New York Canal Flour, E. S. B. £ Cos.
400 bags “ Youlc’s” Patent Shot, assorted
JO bbis “ Vandewater’*” smoked Beef
10 boxes “ best old Cavendish” Tobacco -
30 kegs do do do
40 qr boxes Spanish and American Segars
800 Grindstones, assorted sizes,
oet 5
Chichester & Scranton,
■r ; V r,'l Corner of Young's Buildings,
|- j E received avid are receiving by the late
XA and present arrivals from New York and
Philadelphia, a handsome assortment of seasona
Dress and Frock Coats, Coatees, Pantaloons,
Vcstg, Shuts, Handkerchiefs, Cravats, Stocke,
hosiery ; Men’e, \ oulh’s and Chi’dren’s Morocco
and o.oth Caps ; Ladies’ <u> 4 Gentlemen’s Cloaks,’
&c. Src.
Together with a splendid assortivtnt of
Cioths, Cassimeres, and Vestings,
which they are prepared to make to order, in
tashionablo style, On short notice.
oct 14 64
ONE Hundred and Fifty bids White Potatoes
fort-ale by PALMES & LEE,
thousand select Oranges, in fine order,
|_ put up in barrels, just received and for sale
by PALMES <fc LEE,
oct 22 08 Exchange Dock.
1 housaud vfeHow ■Segars, of superior
quality, for eale by
oct 22 69 Exchange Dock.
4 CASES Bolivar Hats, just received per ship
FiOrian,ftud for sale by f
Nos 3 and 14 Gibbons’ Block .
oct 22 68
TU4E above old and well known establishment
is now open tor the season. The proprietor
begs leave to return thanks for past favors and
solicits a continuance of the same. He pledges
f himself that no exertions shall be wanting on his
[ P art ~° , .° k . ee P P the reputation of his house for the
superior ty ot its accommodation j numerous im
provements having been made at considerable ex
pense, and all with an eye to the comfort of hie
friends and patrons. He trusts, therefore, that his
; exertions will ensure him a continuance of the
i public favor. * ‘ i
! T ® hia , coun try customers he can premise a
i regular and constant supply of Oysters *•*’
. any part of the two states of South ** * “ 4t to
j Georgia, put up to order, * - Carolina and
! arrange me ala for th** -*ving made extensive
■ usual ha ~ ***'’ Purpose. All orders will as
• *"• r ceivefJ and promptly execu
.eu, by the public's obedient servant, *
I oct 91 67 C - MIDDLETON.
[established like.]
The regular packet slop
Ur J- H. Bi.NsjL-TT,- master,
will have immediate despatch. For
freight or passage, having excellent accommoda
tions, apply to capt. B. on board, at Jones’ upper
wharf, or to
oct 20 71
The packet brig
-V S’ Muuran , Master,
Will meet with immediate despatch.
For freight or passage, having good accomoda
tions, apply on board. a’ f - Moore’s wharf, or
F rsalc on ,\ , ard l
50 casks Providence Lime,
oct 24 70
FOE i\ E vY YOtiJC
[established line]
Fw The regular packet slujr
Fhaxcis Harrison,
will have iinmetiiate despatch. For
freight or passage, having excellent accommoda
tions. apply touapt. H. on board, at Jones’ upper
wharf, or to
oct 19 Go
China , Glass and Earthenware.
THE subscriber ofleis for sale, a large assort
ment of Glass, China and Crockery, suitable
for the town or country trade, consisting of
Lon, stone, china and dining seta
Liverpool china do do
Rich French china lea sets
do English do do
Canton china coffee sets
Olive breakfast gets
Rich out decanters, vyith tumblers and wmea ta
Plain glass shades
Cut and colored do.
Plain and cut glass Lamps
China and glass water pitcher#
Glass plates and dishes
Champaigne glasses
Hrne coolers
Jelly glasses
China Fruit Baskets
With a variety of articles now opening, which
forms a* complete and general an assortment as
can be ..let with in Charleston or any southern
George W. Cosc t
Shad’B buildings.
aug 3
House t Sign, Furniture , and Ship
fir HE subscriber, grateful for former favors,
$ after a residence of ten years tendors h,ia
services to the public in the above line, and in
forms them that his establishment, sign of the
Hand and Brush, near the Exchange, °is under
going a general and extensive improvement, and
that ho has received by late arrivals ala ge sup
ply of Paints, Oils, Brushes, Window Glass, Ac.
With the assistance of a competent foreman whom
he has employed, lie will be enabled to execute*
work of the kind on as accommodating terms a3
any porsoq in the city.
Paints , Oils , Brushes , Window Glass ,
Sashes , Paper Hangings , fyc. Sfc
With a general assortment of articles in the
always kept on hand, for sale “wholesale and retail.
N. B Paints prepared for use, and directions
given for using them, •
oct 9 61
bait boxes No 1 Chocolate, landing
from brig Progress, for sale by
oct 21 67
r |**WO hundred reams Wrapping Paper, lana
ing from schr. Emeline, and for sale bv
gat 14 04
ON boa>;d the sloop Harriet, just arrived from
360 Spiuco Poles
oct 24 70
reetly from Havana by brier Stranger,
FIFTF Thousand beet Spanish yellow Segara,
For s by
oct 24
New Orio^i’* 5 Worn.
tMVE hhds New Orleans k ~nl
A 5 do Pfister’s Jamaica dr
Just received per brier Se>a Island, sale by
hall, Shatter <& r i upfeii.
oct 10 - 66
1 I J HALF, and 10 qr bbls Buck Wheal'. Meal
JL VJ Just received and for sale by
oct 21 67
A /A BBLS Portland Rum, (coloured) landing
J- from ship Helen Mar, and for sale by **
cct 5 60 *
FIFTY Mids Molarses, landing from brig Pro
gress, and for sale low on the wharf
oct 14 64
BAGS Coirce, landing from brig
€ Island, and for sale by
octl4 64
8 TONS Swedes Iron, landing from brig Leo
pard, and for sale by
oct 14 64
RECEIVED by barque Armidillo, and schr.
Sup 9-4 French Blankets,
Point do do a nevy and superior
article <br plantation use,
B*4‘*Duffie Blankets,
8-4 to 13-4 Rose do
4-M Domestic Plains,
3 4 & 4-4 do Plaids and Stripes
do do Checks
Lluu and Mixed Satineltg
Swansdown flannel^
English nd
iue, Green, Brr-, v - n ari( j Black Circassians
do Boinbnxetts
iyg <r-d Marsailles Knotted Q jilts.
A general Assortment of
Cotton and Wool Jon Hoisery
Linnens and Lpwns
Li!k and Cotton Umbrellas.
No. 3 4k 14 Gibbons’ BuiUling j,
Sept 18