Newspaper Page Text
Clo e her eyelid*—i>r«e» them fen'.lj
O'er the deal end 1 aden etei,
For the anal that made thin
Hath retarred unto the m»«; .
Wipe the (La’h drop* from her forenMd,
Sever oo dear golde-3 ireea.
Fold her Icy band" el meekly.
Smooth the little *n wy dree* ;
Sea ter flower, r’er her pillow—
Gentle ti .ar tr*, mo pare and while—
Lay the bad upon her boeom,
There—now fo't'jr *;»J, Good Night.
Though oar tear* f«*t and faster,
Yft we would not caM her back.
We are glad her fret no lonyer
Tread* life'* ron/h aDd thorny track ;
We are glad our Heaven y Father
Totk her while h r heart was pare,
We are glad lie did not leave her
Ail life’s trial* to ardare;
We are glad—and yet the taar-drep
Fallotb ; fer, alaa l we know
Tbit .»nr fireside will be lonely,
We .hall ml** oar daring so.
While the twilight shadow* gather,
We sn*H wait in wain to feel
arm*, all white and d m: Ud,
Kouno oar Deck, to soft.? steal;
Gur w-t th e*s wul min the pressure
Os iweet lit • so warm and red,
An 1 our bowm *ad)y, sadly,
M that a lirg little head
Which was want to rest there iweetiy ;
And tt*»e golden eyes, so bright,
We ‘hall (Cist the r 1 ;Ticg glanoea,
We shah miu il*l- soft Good Night.
When the mo-row's son is shining,
They will take Ibis cherished form,
They »iii bear it to the church-yard,
And t ontiga it to the worm ;
Weil—what matter f It is only
Th e clay dress our darling wore ;
Go 1 hath robed her as an angel,
fehe hath need of th's no more ;
Fold her hands, and o’r her pi .low
Scatter flowers at pare and white,
Kin that mart e brow, and whisper,
Once aga ■ a last Good Night.
to peak Kindly.
In OOf dally intercourse with thoae we lore—in
our family relatione anbußbaud* and wives, pa
rent* and children, brothers and hiatere—a oon
fttuiit wiiichiulneas ought to be maintained over
our word* and aclionn, in order to avoid inflicting
nnneeffsarry pain. Uow frequently doe* it occur
tha'. a word unkindly naid to theme we once loved,
but who have since been removed from ua by the
hand of death, will haunt our memory long after
ward*, like an avenging demon, canning ua poig
nant and vain regret* I Years after the circum
hlance ha* pawed out of own minds and the mind
of tue friend we may have grieved or wronged, it
home aadden calamity befall* him, or aome unex
pected KurnmoriH calls him away from earth, and
removes him from the scope of our ability to make
redrew, will the awakened memory of the unkind
act or word cloud the melancholy reflectiona of
our waking hours, and even haunt our drearnb f
But tho most bitter and po gnant reflections arise
when we have parted in kiuknesa from some one
connected with us by the tenderest ties ; and then
ro opportunity occur* to effect a reconciliation,
the person we have injured is removed from u*
suddenly by death. Then comes the period of
vain regrets and unavailing self reproach. What
would we give for a moment of time to ask and
obtain one word of forgiveness from that loved
one we have wronged f but alas ! too late —too
late 1
Trie experience of en, related by
himself not long ago, jiioetretee moat forcibly the
above position. lie tied been living, be said,
away Irom home for several months, wea on e visit
of a week or two at hie father’s bouse. The U
tlier was a man of the moat uncompromising in
r. orjty, and cherished strong though honest pre
imlice against ail light or transient amusements.
;.e lad never allowed his children, while under
his control, to attend dancing parties or show.-,
or to mingle in the sports which most men regarc
as unobjectionable, or at least not altogether to be
condemned. The consequence was, that the chil
dren as is usual under such circnmsUnoes, wers
loud of indulging in the interdicted pleasures, and
wore apt, when an opportunity did occur, toe rry
them too far. They felt that their father was
promptod by a sincere conviction of, and a de
sire to discharge the duties of a parent who feelß
the weight of his responsibility to God, but they f It
also Dial he was unnecessarily stringent in his in
terpretation of what ho considered right or wrong.
As a consequence, they did not hesitate, when cir
comstuncea favored it, to evade their father’s man
date- upon the subject, and oven, when they
dared, to set them at defiance.
“ I shall never forgot,” said the narrator, “ nor
ccai-c to regret the incidents of my lael visit home
during my father’s tile. There waa to be a ball at
a neighboring tavern, by no moans a repulaDle
place, and it was to come off tho evoning before I
was to return to my employment in a distant town.
Fooling rnysolt emancipated from paternal control,
(fur 1 nad Jiut leached my majority,) and priding
myself upon the idea that I was now master of my
own actions, 1 signified my intention to be pre
sent. My father, as usual, forbade my attendance.
1 answered bun iu anger, stating that his autho
rity over ma wits henceforth ended ; that he had
treated me like a boy, and I had submitted like a
buy 11 Util now; but since 1 bad reached the age at
which the low permitted me to think and act lor
lnj-olt, 1 wa- determined to assart my rights. X
WU ut . ;ii so fur, ami was so unjust to my father,
a- to intimate that a desire existed on his part to
tvranixo over u», irom a love of paternal authority,
lie was a man ot strong and natural irritable feel
ings, but bis motives woro alwuys of the purest
kind • and my conscience smote mo an X uttered
the seutiment which my pride would not permit
me to recall.
“An angry blush passed over his countenance
ul Shell SII unusual rocuplioti of hiß commands, but
1,„ checked lull welt instantaneously and answered
wiili unusual mildness ; ‘Churles, 1 may have errod
in many points touching the government of my
children, but 1 hove oudeuvored to do my duty as
a parent and as a man. The time may come when
von will bo Merry for what you have uttered to
day 1'
• And that timo did couie more speedily than
even ho anticipated. They were prophetic words,
and even at this iate day, they haunt me in my
“I went !o the bull, but l did not enjoy rnysolf;
1 wan joviui,and lull of glee ; my associates thought
me in unusually good Spirits, but it was ull feigned
and holli.w heurlod us u aepulchre. ‘Cliuiler, the
timo muy (’.nine when you will lie sorry for what
yon have u'nared to day 1’ rung iu my ears.
“It was near morning when the party broke up,
nnd l returned hums, jaded in spirit, exhausted
hi physical enoigy, and worn dowu with excite
ment. i went to bod, and fell into a troubled
htci p winch lastod until near noou. When 1 arose
u d xxinosa and paiu in the head incapuciuitod me
from montal exertion ; still 1 hall resolved ere J
101 l homo in tho afternoon to contone uiy fault to
my father. I mot him at the dinner table ( but no
allusion was made by either of us to the incident
of the previous day ; aud when we arose from the
table it was near the hour ut which it was nocos
sary for me to take tlio coach. I followed my fath
er into our little parlor, whither he had gono, as
if deriotis of affording mo au opportunity to Bpoak
with hli'i alone; but wa ashamed too nfess that
X was wron?, and morely said that 1 must bid him
good bye, V the coaoh was coming.
“Have you nothing more to say, Charles! ho
inauirod. .
“No,” 1 answered, and we parted. 1 took the
coach for thesceueof my labors, displeased and
angry with myself but not pen,'tout ; aud for a
week succeeding was industriously employed ill
my vocation, having showed the unpleasant Cir
.euinstanios to pass out of my mind, when an ox
press oatno requiring my immediate presence at
nomo, for it was stated that my father, in aatste ot
perfect and fl >rid health, bad been stricken down
by an appoptectic tit.
“Although still alivo when the messenger left,
he wu-* insensible, and was not expectod to sur
vive. Thou, indeed, l felt the lull force of the
ominous prediction, ‘the time may come when
you will teel sorry for what you have uttered to
day ’ 11. u tailed homo full of anxiety aud griet,
only to find my father at tho point ot death. He
never gave a token ot recognition ot mjfpnwnM.
ami resigned his spirit into the hands of God amid
tho griet of a sorrowing household, of whom mine
was infinitely the most bitter. Ono., indeed, ho.
tore my arrival, he rallied sufficiently to inquire if
l had oom-, aud on boiug answered in the nega
tive, relapsed into a state of Insensibility, and
never -poke again. As 1 stood boeide his bed,
and guaod upon the lifeless features of ous of the
best ot fathers, whose evory eonmiand it was qjy
duty to have obeyed, land which, as a general
thing, 1 did obey) tho thought of the last act of
disobedience and tortured me like an
avenging lloud ; aud I felt as if a word of forgive
ness from those eol I lips would have been received
more joytully than a welcome admission to the
bliss oi heaven.”
KinV Wckl».—Kind words do not cost much
They usv* r blister tho tongue or lips. And we
have never £«*rd ot any mental trouble arising
from this quarter* . ..
Though they do uOi cost much, yet they socow
plish much. ...
They help one’s own good nature and good will.
Soft words soften our owu soul. Angry words are
fuel to the flame of wrath, and it blase the
more fiercely.
K' ud words make other people good nstared.
Cold words free so people, and hot words scorch
them, and bitter words make them bitter, and
wrathful words make them wrathful.
There is such a rush ot all other kiuds of words,
iu our days, that it seems desirable to give kind
words a chance among them. There aro vain
words, and spiteful words, and silly words, and
boisterous words, and warlike words.
Kind words also produce their owu image on
men’s souls. Aud a beautiful image it ia; they
soothe, and om t and comfort the hearer. They
M'atue him of his sour, morose, unkind feelings.
It is not the height to which men are advanced
U u makes them giddy; it is the looking down
with contempt upon these beneath.
Nashville, June S.—The Cumberland was about
on a »u«.d yesterday, though a rise was confidently
looked lor. There were about 26 inches ou the
Shoals. i hotO were uo arrivals of eteamboata up
to 4 P. M. yestei day.
The Koscne left i’ssterdaw evening tor Paducah.
She will return aud lijake her neat trip to Cincin
nati. . .
Tho Republic was also advertised to Wave yes
terday tor Paducah.
Mokk Kain —Yesterday w..s another cool, rainy
and disagreeable day. The tall was heavy iu the
morning, aud continued through moat ot the day
with more or less severity. We are advised that
the farmers are surfeited with rain for the first
tune iu uearly two years. They are ready to cry
euutT’ at any time. The earth has been pieUy
effectually saturated this time, ar.d ia well prepared
jor some sunshine.
Where does the Rain so to I—The fact that
the recent heavy rams seam to have had no effect
upon the Cumberland, is a subject of geueral re
•nark and wonderment. We have heard it sag*
g isted that the water all goes into the locust hole® I
There i> an idea worthy the investigation of na
The insatiate lever of moisture has been
'ted by the heavy and continuous rains of the
last we 'k, and we presume ail were glad to see the
clouds b> «tk>«fr *»*y ••**! evening, giving place to
promises oi De weather.
A Lak«e Clip " r Wool.—Luks H. Parsons, ed*
itor ot Uitf Sh. l*«uocr»t, pablkhe. lb. fol
lowing certificate: —
1 hereby cvrtify Ui.t i h«ve this J.y .heered
seven fall hlcodea merino sbfOP ft ' r
K,q. t ihe fleecer, ot which were
ana that they respectively weighed .•** IOIIOW '’ *
Fleece from imported French ewe *"*“
M S French and * Spanish buck-.. *.• • ‘Jg
** »» 14 44 “ ewe i* *
»» « «. •* •• ** 12
- “ “ - “ U*
“-““- “ 18 *
•• « “ “ - “ I*X
And that the total weight of the seven sheep was...Ll
Avers* ng 14 pounds T ounoea.
Given under my hand at Corunna, this tOih day of May,
a. OaAVftcvT Niwiu.
If any of our brother editors can beat the above,
we should like to m»o them try. It is bat just to
say that a portion of our attention is devoted to ag
ricaltural pursuits, and that we expect to compete
with the larmor a» well as with our brethren oi the
Suit fob Fremvx Slavbs.—We learn that Mr.
Abraham Gstzan enuov, from Lear Frederick, in
this State, arrived in ha.umore, for the purpose
of instituting sail against the Northern Central
Kailway Compary to recover the value of certain
slave* i • ‘ gicg ' 1 himself and ethers, and trans
p rred i:}t nd the reach of rescue by the : gent of
e • y. i'• scuu>, the slaves ag pi
-araage sit V fk, Pa M when information, it is al
leged wus given to the conductor that they were
TUffilives, but it appears they were permitted le
pass. The matter involves a qusabon of great
importance to slaveholders-
.. c , f tow.l 1 •» in Hickman, Ky., laat
WL la . tn«T vv.. ptiu two years ago at
fU yu acre, brought 46,0 w per acre.
VrM> lfc» kornere U«b*
Oar date. are lo the l«thof May, one week later-
The news is of but trifling importance.
There had been no new developments relative
to the affaire of the suspended t anking houses.—
The paper of Bage, Bacon «fe Co., as mentioned in
our New Orlesns despatch, was sold at fifty per
cent discount. No statement of the affairs of
Adams At Co. had been made by the assignees.—
Oneoftherfl, Mr. Cohen, had been summoned in
the Supreme Court, to be examined by an attach
ing creditor as to the property of Adams At Co.—
The question was put by counsel, “What amount
of money of Adams dt Co. he had in his posses
sion as assignee I” which Mr. Cohen declined to
answer, having previously stated that as assignee
he claimed an interest adverse to Adams At Co. —
He was committed for contempt, but subsequently
released by Aaiitiu&rrpu*.
A rumor was in circulation in San Francisco that
a heavy defelealio 1 had been discovered recently
in the accounts of the late agent of Weils, Fargo
At Co. at Sacramento.
it was stated, however, that the matter was an
old one which ocourred more than four months
ago, and the house were abundantly secured from
any losa.
The Sacramento Tribune says:
We are informed by Fargo & Co., who
received it irom their ugent at Auburn, that on
Saturday the Sheriff of Placer county, by order of
the Court, paid out the aum of $6,695 in treasure,
attached by him some time since as the property
of Ada ins At Co. The money was distributed
among those who held executions against the late
banking Arm.
This ib a very impo.tant proceeding on the part of
the Court, and will cause some dissatisfaction
amoLg many of the creditors ot Adams <fe Co~ but
it is nothing more than justice. So much of the
assets ot the concern are gone, snre ; and the pros
pect of thoae obtamnitg a per centage who have
uo attachments that will hold good, are very s ight.
Some rain fell at San Francisco on the 11th of
May. it is said that since the middle of January
the weather has been more favorable to mining
generally than the corresponding period in any
previous year since the opening ot the mines. On
account, however, ot the financial diffieulties, and
tbs disturbance ot express arrangements, the dust
did not come in very rapidly. The Aits California
and general affairs are steanily impro
ving in California. The returns of gold from the
mines are increasing. The fine weather following
the late copious rains has enabled the miners
to pursue their labors with renewed advantage.
In a word, we are hopeful enough to believe that
the “hard times” of our much abused state are fast
giving way to a better an i more favorable stale of
affaire. .
Wass, Molitor £ Co., have commenced issuing
their fifty and twenty dollar pieces, at the rate of
$83,000 per day. The coin iB above the D. 6. Btan
ard, and is confidently, received in trade through
out the state.
The Class Valley states that two men members
ol a minting company at Moore’s Plot, obtained
poseeseion of the funds of the company, amount
ing! to $90,00' , and fled. The plunder was mostly
in dust, and comprssod the entire Winter’s work.
No traces of tho thieves has yet been discovered.
The California Chronicle, in reviewing political
matters in the state, says:—
Active preparations are being made lor tho ap
proaching state election, wherein all the executive
officers ol state are to be chosen. The Kuow-Noth
ings hsve established s paper in this city. It is
said that they will nominate a state ticket, and
that they expect to cast a majority of the votes
polled. The Anti-Know Nothings, or Freedom’s
Phalanx has been extending itself lately through
the interior at a rapid pace, and counts a large
number of members. They have a woekly organ
in this city, which appeared on the 6th.
It is generally supposed that the
Phalanx will not nominate a state ticket cf their
own, but will adopt tho Democratic nominations.
The Whigs will probably vote the Know Noth
ing ticket. The Democrats as a state party ap
pear to be hopelessly—and perhaps nearly equal •
fy divided between Gwin and anti Gwin men.
An effort will be made for a onion, but there can
be no party joint action.
Both wings are using their utmost efforts to
conciliate the favor of Freedom’s Ph lanx. Pre
vioms to tho last election, the admini ration organ
in this city was very careful to say nothing to of
fend the Know Nothings; now it pitches into
them right and left. The straggle will be virtu
ally, if not nominslly, between tue Know No
things and the Democrats; and whoever may be
elected, the old fashioned Democratic party must
The Shasta Couritr publishes the following re
lative to Indian affairs in that vicinity :
Our readers will remember that wo mentioned
in our last number that two white men—WiUiam
Cochran and Jesse Brown—were recently mur
dered by the Indians on the South Fork of Cotton
wood. Tney wero from Ohio. Two of the Indians,
one named Wi il-bonny, and tho other Two-wiu
» pakon, have been taken aud hung by tho ranch
men ot that neighborhood.
The squaws took the party to tho spot where
the men wore killed, where they discovered tents,
saddles and some other articles, the property ol
the murdered men ; uiso, the letters of Mr. Josse
Brown, which aro now in our possession.
Brown was buried on the spot where he was
killed. After digging np the ground, bis collar
bone, one rib, one thumb-mail, BLd a lock of his
hair was found.
Tho Indians above namod said they had killed
ten white men, aud no whites knew of it. Also
they had taken one whito man near the South
Fork, aud had shot him full of arrows until he
was dead.
They belorg to the tribe called Black Indians,
one of whom killed Lieut. Bussell between Thom’s
and Elder Creek, about two years since.
Fbom OaseoN. —Our advices fiom Oregon are
to the 10th of May, only 25 days since. The pa
per* At c. were brought te San Francisoo by the
Bteamer Bepublic. Among the passengers in that
vossel wo notice the names of Capt. Brenham and
servant, Major Eaton, 0. S. A., C. A. Pendergast,
Mej. McGwin, Judge McFadden.
Gen. Palmer, Indian Superintendent in Oregon,
has called a grand council of the Indians in Grey on
and Washington Territories, to meet in Walla
Walla Valley,on the 26tb May. It iB understood
that he will oi deavor to form a treaty for the re-
Ungnishmentot the Indian title to a district ot land
East of Cascado Mountains. Ho has ulroEdy been
taking steps for the establishment of an Indian
reservation on the head of tho Siusclaw river.
(Iliuate in Oukuon.—Last Sunday we were
shown a handful ot ripe struwborries. They
blossomed und grew in tho open air, ill the su
burbs of the oily, during our warm rainy won'her,
and have rip nod in the bright weuther of April.
Most ol oar Winters are so mild that stiawberries
are in bloom overy month in tho yoar.— Oregonian.
Oheson Politics.—Too general eleution in Ore
gon for delegates to Cougloss, oounty officers, and
for tho election to U I vacancies in tho Legislative
Council of ihe State, is to bo lioldon on the 4lh
Monday in June next. Gen. Joseph Lano, tho
Democratic nominee for Dulogato so Congress, and
Gen. John P. Uainen, the Whig nominoe, aro
stumping tho State together, polii political purtios
are out with full tickets, and the canvass soeme to
bo conducted with the utinostzeal and spirit.
Tho Tima aavsThe drafts for the payment of
the expenses of tho Kogue Kiver war begin to
oomo on In abundance every steamor. Thus, the
citizens of Oregou will roeoive some $200,000 from
tho Government—a very respectable item about
these hard times.
The trial of Burris lor the murder of his wife
and four children is given in the Oregon papers.
It is a lorribie detail, and is a blossom of whiskey.
He was a constant drinker, but seldom drank, yet
he possessed that constitutional peculiarity which
drinking ripened into insanity. In this stale h'
took un axe and mashed tho heads of his wile and
four ohildrpit und tired his house, aud standing a
short distance ' ?ro|w t£? burning pile intently
welched the flames.
One witness testifies as follows!
When I arrived at tho burniug house I found
the prisouor standing and looking at the tire, stag
goring and reeling, with tho bottle in his hand,
containing liquor. My belief is, that he was both
crazy and drunk. I said, “ Where are yonr wife
and children I” He replied, “They are all burned.”
" Burned f’ 1 asked. He said “ Tos.” I said,
“ What In the world did you do that to-, Burris !”
He replied, “ Bcaause 1 couldn’t maintain thorn.”
Ho appeared wild and different fro . nimsgif either
sobvi or in liquor. I was afraid ci him. He had
a plenty of provisions in the house—a good supply
at nork.
He u-qsted hiß children we’d and kept them nice,
and at tame !u ,saw that they were well helped.—
Tt.oy had the best m.nne-s of any children in the
neighborhood. I thr be must have been in
sane to fcavo done r .p atning. Hf opinion ro
mains the »eme. .thought his insanity night
have been caused py the use ol liquor. I uever
board from his wife or any onoelso, that there was
any jealousy, or any difficulty in the family.
vxkdict or nan -I vut .—The jury retired for sev
eral hours, and on corning into court, pronounced
their verdict, not guilty, and presented a petition
to have tbo prizousr kept confined as a dangerous
person. On being informed that u modification of
tho verdict was necessary, they changed it to the
following form : "Wo find the prisoner not guilty,
by reason of derangement of mind.” The jury
was then discharged, and the prisoner was re
manded to jail.
The prisoner had steadily refused food and
drink tor the last tan days.
The U. S. Laud Commission at Ban Francisco
fcfis confirmed the claim of the good old Caiifornui
ptouwir general John A. Butter, lo thirty three
square Os land, situated on tho borders of
the Sacramento, Au. rican and Feather r vers, and
including a large portion of the site of the city ol
The ship Sunny South sailed from San Francisco
on the 15tb uit. tor Hong Kong, with the bodies
of twenty dead Chinaman ou board. The defunct
had been properly prepared for their voyage by
The Ada Calif omij y referring to tu<» TV dker
expedition to Central America, says:
Their destination is A maps] a, Tigre Islam!, Bay
of Fonseca, where they will usembark am. :ake
official charge of the Oistiiloa side of the revolu
tion now going ou in Nicaragua. All are well
armed, and theie is said to he some very fair mili
ary talent among them.
The AUa California , in its nows summary, has
the following paragraphs;
The far-lamed gambling saloon, the £1 Dorado,
forming a feature iu the rise and progress of San
Francisco, was finally closed on the gib instant, a
stringent gambling law having been passed by the
We ooutiuue to receive very encouraging ac
counts from the various mining districts ot the
A wonderful clock, without machinery, has been
mveuted in San Francisco, keeping exact time and
■bowing uo mecnanism beyond a sheet of glass, a
pivot s nd two brass hands. The invention excited
much atteuiiou among mechanic.
It appears t>y » statement in the Alia California
that from the re opening of the United Staves
Branch Mint, on the Sth .it., to the evening of the
15th, gold to the amount ot aboa; .a million of dol
lars was deposited
The steamship John Ju. Stephens, due ueveu
days from Panama, had not arrived at Sau trau
cisix) on the evening ol the 15th uif.
A very rich silver mine is said to hgve been
discovered in Sonora, which belongs tea compauy
organised in San Francisco.
The San Francisco Prices Current, of the loth,
iu its financial review, remarks ;
The money market since our Ust has become
somewhat easier, although it is still difficult to ob
tain accommodations from the banks, and lenders
demand the very beat securities for loans at any
thing like moderate rules. The show of coin and
capital is, however, greater on the street, and the
tendency, we think, towards easier terms in the
market generally. Holders of foreign capita' (and
they are by uo moans few in number) are offering
their fuuds freely, *>utas a general thing they in
sist ou too low a valuation of real estate, the only
class of securities ou which they feeF disposed to
The decisions of the U. 8. Supreme Court in re
g**4lo fond titles have inspired uz: unwonted
ip outside property, such as rauchos,
Ac., which wui urobebly prove ot great assistance
to the holders of sororities before long. Here
tofore, particularly within u«: past twelve months,
it has been found extremely diaLCuitio raise money
on securities oi this nature (probably among the
best ia the country,) in consequence of the donate
entertained about the final adjudication of the ti
tles. The reoent decisions have invoked a spirit
of confidence which will do much towards the im
provement of this class of property.
Dust has come in freely since our iast, but the
lots offering on the street have been of
poor quality. The amount placed in the Mint has
been very large, (amounting to over $300,000 in
two or three days,) while tne private assay offices
have been crowded all the time. The Mint, we
are happy to announce, will not suspend opera
tions, as it was at cue time suspected it would for
want of acids.
The Prices Current, in Us review of the market,
biuce our la&t a good trade has been done by
the jobbers, although by no means so large a one
as during the preceding week, but the transactions
from the hands of importers have been limited in
number, and, except in one or two articles, but
moderate iu amount. Kates from most descrip
tions of merchandise have remained stationary.
Business io the interior cities end towns appear*
to be very brisk, and the large amount* of goods
forwarded from this city are passed rapidly into
the mountain camps, where they are dis, osed of,
at fair profits, to the miners. Although we have
no exact means of ascertaining how large the
stocks are in the npper country, they must be quite
heavy or at least tfie various esmps must be well
supplied. W T e are of opinion that the demand
from the country for some time to come will be
quite light, although meantime the jobbers may
enter the market to keep np their stocks.
As an instance ot the progress we are making
towards a complete independence of our Atlantic
neighbors, not only in the natural productiot s of
the soil, but in their manufacture, we would state
that there are parties at present in this city en
gaged in the erection of a starch factory, which
wifi be in operation by the Ist of June, and will
be ofsufficient capacity to supply all the wants of
the State. Probably in no country in the world
can starch be manufactured lo the same advantage
as in California, both from the abundance aud
cheapness of the raw materials, potatoes, sonr,
flour, &a., and the drynees of the atmostphere.
The projector* ot the present enterprise feel con
fident that they can export to New York and make
a profit all the time. We will want at any rate uo
more starch from the East.
OWNfiJWTiffsTiM <4 fA 4 Trariteript.
Tfia Ton* or tbe Gaar ffetcoolas.
Si. PKTEKsaras, April 18,1555.
The moat interesting church in St. Petersburg is
that dedicated to 81. Peter and Paul, otherwise
called the Fortress Church, as it stands within the
citadel of the city. Its slender spire, precisely re
sembliDg that of the Admiralty, rises tar above all
others, to the height of 840 fee', and its gilded sur
lace shines daxzlingly in the s in. It is said that
12,000 ducats have already been expeuded in the
gildmg of this spire. But within the Fortress
Chnrch rests the remains of all the Chars since
Peter the Great. No Euro. eau monarch rests so
unostentatious, and no others are buried within
the walls of a lot tresa. To each Emperor there is
erected merely a sarcophagus, with frequently his
initial letters engraved npon it. Each of these
saracopbagi is covered with a pail of cloth of gold,
embioidered with the douoie headed eagle. Dpon
the Grand Duke Constantine’s tomb lie the keys
of some Polish fortress, while Alexander’s bears a
small military medal with his portrait.
Each tomb is surrounded by a neat iron railing,
and the part of the nave devoted to the tombs is
again separated from the body ol the church. As
I visited the church during L«nl, the cloth of gold
was concealed in every case by a faded black
covering. Beginning with Peter the Great, 1 pass
ed by all the Czars in chronological order. Here
lay the great Catherine, and sleeping quietly by
ber Bide, her husband, Peter 111,, to whom she in
her lifetime refused this place. Around one of the
sarcophagi I saw a dense crowd, and, approaching
it, found it that of Nicholas. The clotn was new,
and no dust had settled npon the ermine border.
His initial letter was embroidered in amaranth,
and a candle burns day and night npon the tomb.
The little relic that was placed upon his breast
white he lay in state in the Palace, lies upon the
middle of the sarcophagus; it is surrounded by a
wreath of immortals. Every one who approached
the spot seemed touched with real sorrow, aud all
spoke in whispers around the grave of the great
man. As 1 stood there watching the crowd, the
gates were suddenly thrown open, and an old
general in full uniform entered and approached
the tomb. Taking off his helmet he held it before
his face, and kneeling, seemed tor a few moments
to be engaged iu earnest prayer. The helmet
ebook in his hand as with emotion. Finally rising,
he dissed the relic that had lain npon his master’s
breast, ami then crossing the aisle kissed A exan
der’s tomb iu the same way. He had served under
both Emperors, and this, bis daily tribute to their
memorie , was most touching. Ho is the com
mander of ttie fortress of St. Petersburg, and one
of t e last acts in the public life of Nicholas was
to thuDk him for his services. The Czar sent him
the imperial portrait eniiched with diamonds.
Upon the wails and around the pillars of the
Fortress Church hang trophies taken from tne
Turks, Persians and French. In this way the Kus
siana have decorated all their churches, and hardly
a nation but is represented in St. Petersburg or
Moscow. The English, I believe, are the only
exception ; but who can tell how lODg they may
continue sol Above three hundred Persian suns
aud Turkish crescents here bow before the cross
of the Christians.
From tbo church we went to the house of Peter
tho Great just without the wall of the fortress aud
upon tho same land. This was tho nucleus of the
presoul city; and could Peter rise from his grave
to seethe work of his successors, his ambition
would be more than satisfied. Tho cottage is di
vided into three apartments. The inner one was
his sleeping room; the one adjoining, bis chapel,
iu which are still preserved the pictures he wor
shipped. The third room was his reception room,
and it is filled with rich offerings which are con
tained in show cases ranged round the room it
consequently looks more like a jeweller’s shop
than anything else. On one side of tho house is
shown the boat made by Peter’s own bands, also
the Bails prepared by himself. The whole cottage
was rapidly going to decay, bat Alexander caused
it to be covered by a casing of brick so that it is
uow no longer exposed to the weather. Amster
dam was evidently Peter’s model of a commercial
citv, and his first care in commencing his capital
was to intersect its proposed site by canals. His
sucoeassors, however, not being so Dutcli in their
tastes, ouused many of theso cunalß to bo filled np
and gardens to ba planted in their stead. The
Basilius Island, thereiore, has many delightful
gardens instead ot closely ranged masses of brick
Troubles of the Administration,
In the briet but sharp and significant lettor of
Ur. Soule, published iu the Banner of yesterday,
the distinguished writor stated that in tho history
he is preparing of his Mission to Spain, ho will
furnish “a clue totheencouragemontund support”
which the 1 treachery” ol Mr. I’erry, tho Secretary
of the U. S. Legation at Madrid, “hassccured him
in the State Department at Washington.
Mr. Soule is not the only distinguished Demo
erst of Louisiana, whose friendship and good will
the Administration has forfeited. Mr. Moiae, the
late U. S. District Attorney, for the District of
New Orleans, having deemed it due to his owi
relf-respect to r isign his office, in consequence ol
the selection by the authorities at Washiugton of
another member of tho Bar at Now Orleans to con
duct the prosecution against W. G. Kendall, tho
late Postmaster of that City, addressed a letter,
by telegraph, to the President, in which he as
sure- the X’rosident he would have resigned at
the lirßt provocation, had he Mr. M., “dared to
think the President of the United States had lent
his sanction to tho tulger outrage of two of his
ministers.” He oouciudes his letter as loliows:
“Yet 1 resign now, because 1 have been delibe
rately iustructed to compromise my rolf rospoc t.
I cannot hold ojjice under an administration, the
r nembtrt of which, whose instructions Jam required
to obey, are alike incapable of uuderelanding the
proprieties of official station and the common cuuite
ties due from gentlemen to gentlemen."
Thereupon Mr. Moise received the following tel
egraph dispatch from tho Attorney General:
/Jon. E. W. Metise —The appointment of Hon.
Jsaac K. Morse to prosecute the compluint against
tile late Postmaster at Now Orleans, was rnado by
tbo President. It appears that Mr. Blair, tho agent
of the Department, could not cordially yet (act) in
confidence with you because of what he represen
ted concerning his relations with you iu former le
gal proceeding against a clerk in the Post Office
at Now Orleans,
I have the honor to be, very respectfully,
C. Cbshin*.
To which Mr. Moise responds by saying, among
other things, that nothing could personally disturb
his “equanimity less than the necessity or hoi ing
official intercourse with Mr. Blair, yet he cannot
but respect and admire the generous, if not con
genial sympathy manifested by Mr. Cushing for
this sensitive gentiemon and bis peculiar voca
tion.” Mr. M. concludes his lettor as follows:
When you havo leisure, from the graver affairs
of State, i should esteem it a favor if you would
inform mo of the nature ot the troubles that agi
tuted the bosom of Mp. Blair. I desire to bo pu’
in possesion of the facts—as they will afford such
line material for a pOBt prandial dissertation on the
sympathies of Government with the scruples and
sensibilities of a po»t-oiJ}ce policeman.
I have the honor to be, your obedient servant.
E. Wxrkkh Mona.
ToU.Cashing Attorney General, Washiugton City.
Tho Jjottitiana Courier, tho Administration or
gan iu New ffrle®" B ! speaking of the Moise affair,
indulges in the following plain talk in reference
to the Administration s
The Administration had nothing like a valid
reason for forcing Mr. Moise to res gri. If such
reason exists, why do they not openly allege it aud
lav it before the world? It appears to us—and so
It must appear to every upright, intelligent man—
that the United Stgtes Attorney General has play
ed a most paltry and pitiful psrt throughout this
whole Not only has ne grieviously
wounded the feelings of an able, honorable aud
faithful oJßcer and driven him from bis post, but
he box inflicted an indignity upon his friends and
the democratic party, by whop; he was over trusted
and respected. In conclusion, we say, it is diffi
cult enough to defend the Administration against
its avowed and open enemies ; but how can we de
fend it against itself—bow cope with the Whigs,
Enow Nothings an<f the Administration, combined
apparently for the purpose of pulling it down i
Wa submit it to President Pierce that this is a task
which uo human power can accomplish—at least
we find ourselves utterly inadequate to tho under
file New Orleans Delta, oaa oi whoso principal
proprietors is Mr. Heiss, formerly ot the Nashville
Union, and subsequently co-proprietor with Mr.
Kitehie, of the Wasningtou Union—the Delta com
pares tho President to Aeteon—devoured by his
own do'is —snd admits that “the only forbearance
which he tu en’oyed, has been from his old ene
mies, the Whigs.” “As to those who elected
him.” says the Delta, “ we believe that no saler
offer could be made than a reward of *SOO for a
single sincere Fierce man in the Democratic par
ty’sucb talk as tbs foregoing from two such papers
as the Courier and the Delta, and the bitt-r, un
disguised emnity of such Democrats as Soule and
Moise, unmistakably indicate the extremely low
state of humiliation and degradation into which
President Pierce’s Administration has fallen with
its own party. We hope the “ forbearance” of the
Whig., to which the Delta magnanimously testi
fies, will continue to be extended towards the
fallen leader who now occupies the White House, i
— A'aehtUle Banner.
Slob£ than tbet 'A aN7.—The San jfrancisco
(California) auction marts are crowded with Chili
and domestic flour , cargo after cargo is offered,
under the hammer, to be sold to the highest bid
der. The lowest sale at a good article of superfine
has been at $5.56 per barrel. Sever, vessels have
been loaded with wbea: and Soar for the Atlantic
and Australian ports. Tne Times of that city sajs
it is the general belief amt ng farmers and others
wi.o have had opportanities of observation, that
the heavy ;rops of the past year will be far ex
ceeded by those -V the present; and in this view
of the case, and impelled by the long existing low
prices of farm produCs, Jjnsmehs men have at
length lesolved to ship, in search of a market, a
large portion pf the flour, grain, etc., which Call
forms has in su'pliw. The amount of saving to
California by tbit development of its own agricul
tural industry is equsl to $12,0«0,000
-=«— t*>
Csors in Tieas.— Tue Galveston News, of the
Slat nit., has the following paragraphs:
Gur interior exchange? speak more cheerfully of
the prospects of the crops. A favorable change
has taken place ia moot parts of the state within a
few weeka, and it is sdciitted, we behave, that al
though a disastrous season seemed imminent, the
sTanters were worse soared than hurt.
The weather here, up till this morning, had been
very dry, but a g-'od shower has laid the dust, and
we trust, for the benefit of vegetation as well as
our exhausted cisterns, that the rains wu. continue
for » time.
„ , w —r use of an honest
Don rdo rr. Neve. ->«ee, at an imrrop
woman’s name in an improper t . • «*-
er time, cr is » mixed company. Never m-.
sertions about her that ypu think are untrue, allu
sions that yon feel she herself would blnsh to hear.
When you meet with men who do not scropple to
make use of a woman's name in a most reckitsa
manner, shun them, for they are the very worst
members of the community—men lost to every
sense of honor, every feeling of humanity.
CowruMENTAKr.—W e saw at the jewelry store
of A. W. Hail, of this city, a very beautiful Silver
Tea Service, procured to be presented to G. G.
Hull, Esq., of the State Bead, by the friends of
the road, ft consists of a Cream Fot, Sugar Dish
and Tray, of most exquisite workman-hip, execu
ted by a silversmith ot Boston.— Atlanta Hep.
Election in New Yoke.— The charter election
at Car.andaigna, N. Wednesday, resulted in
the success ol the American ticket by 144 majority.
In Buffalo, Slaiten, Democrat elected over Hough
ton K. N., tor J udge by 2000 majority.
Savin**' Inwitbtion Eaiekd.—Tbeasckeb Ab-
BMTEI).— The Lancaster, Fa., Savings’ Institution
failed on Tuesday for s#oo,ooo, and Boughler, the
treasurer was arrested on the spot
Foreign Hirketi the Africa.
London Money Market —The Money Ma*ket continues
abu^dan'yxupp ei 't Tory t -?j rates. Exchange steady. '
Co- ola the Ac oat; 90 for Money.—
Dollars ?s *ha f-peaoy; B- rsa *d, Doubloons 75s 8d ;
F gies 76* 2* L Uu l:on iD B%- k h*s increased £602,000.
The pavmt nt of t o ard * had millions instalment on the
new loans on May 9 d, had o tffec’. on the market.
Saturday 26 h.—f unds * p:r c-nt higher, from the re
sal* of the Mialsteri I ceoate. Consols closed to-day at
American Stocks.— H ghes A Bevor, Lcndoo, report
more demand, but from the firmness of holders of State
Btock», transactors bad b*e chiefly in railways. Cuiied
States ’6S Bjnds 108* t lu7* nominal; Massachusetts
Bonds 101, sales. Mi ry ard eld 93 94 a*ked; Pena
sy vani i 6s 75 a SC—Bonds S 4 a S 5, Virginia Bonds, nomi
nal, 87 a 88; Ster.icg 85 aST C rada 6« 111 a 112; Penn.
Central fir-t, 9: ; Erie second, 92; th rd 84 * S<s; JJcnverti
b!es, 71 a >4, 1 an :73 a S'J 1 ' nuisCe tra 67 a 69. Freights
f.rm I iverp o: to Unit*! States unchanged and well sup
I TaTK or TKaca nr MasOHans*.—The msrke s have b en
a good dea: xcited. Producers ask very high
which checked r-usi tiers, tut where moderation was shown
buyers pur ba*ed pretty fre ly.
ness s the largest on record. Brown,Shipley A Co., §ay
s nee the dejartcretf thi last steamer there has been
mucT excite ent in cot .on, the business of the *eek
reaching ti e unpreoedent d quantity of 152,000 balea.ic
c udi jg 76,0t*0 on sj*e -ulatien and export, at an
advance of fully a arthing cn low and middling, and an
eirhth on high r quali ies of American. Fair Orleans
6% , mi d ing, §* ; air Mobiles, 6* ; middlitg, 6<g;6l-I6;
feir Upland, 6*; midding, 5*- 6<&S ; ordinary to good
ordinary, s*©s*; inferior, 4<&s*. The salrs on Fri
day, 2 th, Were 15,000 bales,one naif to the trade, closing
very steady, but with ess animation. Great ease in
m ney, and the large of he trade, who on their
part have obtaii e an equivalent advance on y anil and
goeds, ave given a ootfi ence to operat >rs; and it would
not mu prise us to ee y t hieber prices, although it ap
pears carceiy proba le that the trade, who are now well
in stock, wili conti-ue o follow specula ora with the same
dttermi-a ion &• has been apparent in tho past w ek.
S’ock 569,0U0 bales, including K 9,000 balei American.
Lates —Saturday, 27:h, 3 P. M.— Cotton to-day in
good demand. Sales folly 28,0' 0 bales at extreme quota
BAV ANN iff, Jane 9. Cotton— Arrived since the 81st
ult., 5,180 bales Upland, (2,926 per Railroad. 2,191 from
Augu.-ta and andii gso the river,) and 66 do. tr*a Is
lan s Ihe export for the same pniod amount to 2,8'9
bale* Up aod,vir; to Boston 650 ba'es Upland: to New-
York 1,428 bales Upland; to Philadelphia 227 ba es Up
lard, and to Baltimore 84 bah s I'p and—leaving on hand
and on shipb >ard, not c-eared, a stock of 19,959 bales Up
land and 8: 9 do. Sea Island, against 14,489 bales Upland
and 855 do lie a Island, at same limela-t year.
Just Defer - ti e close or our last week y report, the ar
rival of the Pacific was ; el graphed. At the opening of
the market, on Friday, sellers asked an advance but we
heard of tu‘ one gi e for the day 7u Dales at 11 *c. There
was a good aquiry on Saturday, with sales of 1,129 bales,
the prices being in favor of sellers. On Monday, with a
very sm ill stock on sale, the transactions were 1,101 bales,
alloc Tu day 8:6 : ales, the market remaining firm
with a f.ehcg in saver of ski ers. On Wednesday, the
cr i. tg'e reported wa* a tingle lot of 56 bales at 11 *o
Abcu r.oon on Wedn.sday, the (elegraih announced
the arrival ts the Africs. at Had'ax, with Livepocl dates
to the 26th ult. Yesttrda he sales were cnly 175 bale*
nd there has not teen enough business dene since the
arrival of the Africa , to establ sh rates Prices will not
probably advanc ; m c as the liyht stock on sale had in
duced, prev o s y, as high rates as present quotations in
Liverpcol warran . Bince our last oekly report, and
prior to th.* arrival of the Africa, prices had dvanced
iul'.v half a cent, and our qao.&ticns on Wednesday mcra
leg were:
Ordinary to Good Ordinary 10 <2^lo*
Low Middling 11 ©ll*
Btrict Middling H*©
Good Mi* ’bng 11*©
Middling Fair 12 @1
The rales of the week amount to 2,918 bales at the fo’.-
o' tg par tic j ar- : 3 at 9#, 84 a*. 9)4, 81 at 10*, 58 a t
10)., 3C at o*. 123 a 1 *. 349 at In*, 1 012 at 11, 244
at .1 *, 649 all I *, 62 at .I*, 2 at 11*, 1 6 at 11*, and
139 at 2 zint .
&e<.i Blands—Toe sales of the week have b en limit dto
aoout 40 bale at ex i mes ra.ging Ircm 2;©2scents
Prices < onlinre very firm. The offering slock is quite
light. R' c ipts of he week 66 bales, note exported.
li‘Ce— The ales have leeu confine i altogt ther to the
retail nude ard we have no Urge transactio s to report.
Experts of the week 150 casks, to the \Ne*t ladies.
Corn —v- e quote in bulk at $1 25, and in sacks at re
tai at $1 37* g 4 nushel. Tae Bicck on sale is ample and
the demaou limited.
Flour. —The market continues fairly supplied and the
demand limited. We have no change to notice in prices.
We q 'oli Georgia, Tennessee and North Carolii-a brands
at 11©11.5U %4 bbl.
Pe m. — W- quote in lots at $1.87* $ lujhel
Oat* —V. e quote ncminal yat b cents bushel;
at re tail a higher fi. me is paid.
May. —The ast cxrgo of Eastern sold frem wharf, in
lots, at si.b7* per hundred pounds. We have no sales
of Northern to report.
Molatmes— There ; as been one cargo of Cuba received
sinue our last rrpori, hut it had net been sold up to the
clcse o! our inquiries. The sales were made from whirl
at 24 cen s r # ga lou.
Bacon— We have no large sales to report. W'e quote
6i ta at it <&U>*c. Shculders 9©9*, and Hams at 12*
<2T eats (& lb.
Lime—’l here ha- e been no arrivals since our last week
ly rej irt. it is Selling from store in tots at
Ejochanye— We quote Sterling 9 $ cent prem. The
Banks are ae 1 ng tight Checks on nil Northern cities at
* $ cent, prem . and purchasing bight Bills at * ct.
prrm.: 10 days at *; SOdayi at *<&*; and 60 days at 1
(& * $2 ot. discount.
Freights— To Liverpcol *d., dull. Coastwise—To Bob-
Uu 34U. To Providence t-l6c. ToNew-York7s cents
b ie d> wading vessels, *c. by steamers. To Baltimore *
CDARLE3TON, June B.— Cot on —At the close of our
h'st weekly report,the market was firm and prices had an
upward lenden-y. The favorable advices by the steamer
Pacific from Liverpool, to the 19th ult., were received on
the afternoon of that day. Buyers, however, had with
drawn f om the market, consequently there were no furth
- r trsns.ictmns. On Friday, the day of the week un
der review, the market opened uuder the influence of these
advices, and holders demandtd a further advance of * to
*c. upon our last week’s quotations. What with light re
ce pts aud a small slock on :ale, buyers had no other a.ter
native but to yield to tne demand, and they accordingly
op* rated freely, the result of their day’s transactions
reaching 1638 bales. During the tntee days following,
Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, no new feature having
presented itself, the market continued steady, buyers ope
latirg to the extent of a limited slock, and the transac
tions during the same time teaching 2525 bales. On Wed
nesday the same steady feeling co tinued, buyers coming
forward and operaring to some extent, showed the result
to be 1126 bales. The Africa’s telegraphic advices, it will
be observed, were received in the afternoon, but buyers
having withdrawn from the ma ket, there were no further
operations. Yesttrdiy there was a gwod demand for the
article Buyers came forward and operated freely at a
further improvement in pr:ce j , and the result of their
transactions reached 1248 bales. There were 37 bales in
cluded in the above sale wr i;h brought 13*c , being an
article of cuperkr quali y, and, therefoie, cannot be con
r.ideied as a criterion of the m irket. Prices have become
so irregular that it is almost impossible to give a correct
btate of ihe market. The quotations which we give below
may be considered as the value of the article at the close
ts business ytst rday, and m*y be considered strictly an
inside rimit. The receipts Mice our l*Bt comprise 6066
b iles, an i t! es.des n the sam-: time may be estimated at
0531 bales, at the following price*: 4at9,20 at 9*, 20 at
y*; IS at 9*, 14 at 9%; 1.8 at 10: 109 at 10*; 886 at
1 *; .43 at lu*; 92 at *■ *; 189 at 10*; 283 at 11; 60 at
li*, 227 at 11* 1231 at li*; 40 at il*; 1185 at 11*;
09 all* 142 it '2. 169 at 12 1 16, 47 at 12*; 569 at
1 *. 63 at 12*, 501 a'. 12*. 26 at 12*; 95 at 12*; aDd
87 Dales at 13*. We qu ae luforior anil Good OrciDary
ln*011*; Low to Btnct Middling 1 Good Mid
dling .2*<t£l2*; Midd ing Fair 12* Fair—. The stock
of Long Co on sale is now redu ed to but a few hun
dred bas, wiohaie held at very full prices; the few par
cel so'u i; the Week, at 25 to 84c , show an advance of 5
to 6 cen s iroiu the lowest point of the season.
Rice— ln the early part Os the week the market was
qaiu du.l, bui w ithin the last few days, buyers have more
gen rally entered ite market, and prices closed full at
£», s a€j»|6. Receipts cf the week It 6i tierces, a portion of
win i\ have been disposed of.
Com—A.', nved th week about 14,000’ ushi Ip, of which
10,000 bushels were sold at $1
received by a fur retai ing purposes.
Oats— Only one emad lot of about 2uo bushels was re
c ived ttis week by a dealer.
May —W r e hav-. had uo arrivals of Hay this week. A
lot o 800 baits Nor ;h River, balance of wbat was received
last wean, was disposed of at $1.50 $4 100 lbs.
Flour—The dem md for the art c e is very limited, and
the sal s are principally in small Into to dealers at sll*
in baireis, and 50 ’ seeks country brought sll,
snowing a reluction of 50 cents on sacks. Arrived this
week i y Railroad 1,438 barrels.
Bacon— i here was some little inquiry for this article
this week, and the sa es have been principally in small
1 srcels About $0 bhds., in different lots, of bides a Id*,
show; g an improvement in price; upon last
week's quotations. Borne small sales in v boulders have
been ii ad - at 9<£>9*c., a so 7 bbls. Hums at 14c. Received
th s week hum New Orleans abo t 251) huds.
Lard —No inquiry for the article.
Suit— Received this week, SfVB65 f VB6 sacks from Liveruool of
wh eh 1,000 sucks have been sold at sl.lO, and 2,787 sacks
received last week, sold at the came price.
Suyaes. —The demand forbugars is very limited. The
cargo of 1:6 hbds. aud 4 bb s. of Potto Rico Bugars,
which was reported in our last as having arrived and not
gold, we:e disposed of ft few days since at 6 cents. The
stc«k of bugars still continues light.
Coffee. —We heard of a sale tills week of 200 sacks Flo,
at J« cents, principally at the lxtier price.
Molasses —Arrived 120 bbls. from i'»w Orleans; the
a durir.g the week were limited to sroail lots from
store at BS(gp.s etnhj. We have not heard of any trans
actors in Cuba.
Bagging —A lot of 50 ba'es Gunny Cloth was sold at
18* 6514 cents.
Hope —l5O c 11s Western and Philadelphia Rope, so.d
this w. ek at 9®lo* cents. M . ,
Domestic lAquore The article is very dull of sale;
400 b»ds. W s e n arrived thiswvekficm New Orleans,
100 bb’.s. of the same w-re sold at 46 cents, and 10 bbls.
Fui k’s brand, a superior article, brought $0 cents.
Stocks— There was rome little doing in Stocks this week,
both at private and public sale; $7,000 worth City 6 per
cent St. ck at $92 with interest; s4,t 00 worth City 6 per
cent Bonds at s9l and interest; 2>6 shares People’s Bank
at par We five the part culars of a sale at au.tion as
follows a few shares Pans harlest n (old) out of 26
offered, brought sl.B*, balance withdrawn; 47 shares
of do. (new) Drought 16* & 56* ; 5 sha e*, out of 210
.ff red of F. rm Vs and Exchange Bank, brought s24*,
balan'*“ withdrawn; a large portion, however, Was sold
since at privatj sale a- SBS, and a few at 25* ; 5 shares,
out of *SO offered, cf PU« ter’san l Mechanic’s Bank, sold
at st7* baluUd wit drawn, and part of the same sold
since at private sale at S2B <& M* ; 4 City of Savaanah 7
per cent Bonds, out of 40, brought 92* an interest, ba
lance withdrawn ; sa ts made since at 93*. The 95
‘•hares Cn rlesion G»s Light Company were withdrawn.
Exchanges—We haveuo hing to report in Exchanges
this w ek, exc pt Ste ling Exchange has declined.
Freights —We have n: change to notice in Freights to
Europe we therefore continue cur quotat ens of last
week - to Liverpool, *d.f. rCct on in tquare bags, and
9-16 \r Havre; to Northern ports so little tffering that
p e-tnt rates miy be conside ed nomi al.
2BY GjfiDS at very low price
gry William Shear, expecting to moke acm gen
his bn.-iness, will eellhis present stock of DRY QUJiil at
very tow prices. The assortment of Staple an t
Dress Goods, is one of tb» largest in the city. Heat n
ducements wili be offered to Plan'or. ana Count. eir
chants, who wish to purchase foroash. The, a 1 • Sits
respectfully invited to call and examine the Goods.
- A
A eecrei for the l.»diea.— How to **•
Beauty.—Don’t use Chalk, Lily White,oi an> d trtw
called cosmetic*, to conceal a faded or a salJowj > 'pi aion.
If you would have the roses brought back to; 3 or cfceek,
a clear, healthy and ' ransparent skin, and life and vigor
infused through the system, get a bottle of Carter’s Spanish
Mixture, and take it according to directions. It does not
taste quite as well as your sweetmeats; but ifaf ter a Jew
doots you do not find your health and beauty reviving,
your step elastic and vigorous, and the whole system re
freshed and invigorated like a sprinr morning, then your
case is hopeless, and all the valuable certificates wt poss-s
go fur a aught. It is the greatest purifier of the blood
known; is perfectly harmless, and at the same time pow
erfully efficacious.
for sale by HAYILAND, RISLKY k CO.,
D. B. PLUMB k CO.,
jel-dtwAwlmf W. H. AJ. TURPIN.
}fWT Wiihoai reserve, for one month only, at
T. BRENNAN’3.—A ▼ ry heavy and well selected stock of
spring and Summer Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS tt
New -tfo.k cost.
In order to reduce the above large stock of Goods, aid
with a view to raise the cash to me:t my wants, as like
wise to make room for my Fa i and Winter arrangements,
I will sell off at co*t untfi Ist July next.
The Ladies and public generally are respectfully in-
to call a: d examine the Goods. An early will ensuis
a better selection
To give the public an i lea, anc particularly parties cut
of -he city, of the in- m;nse reduction in prices as my ktock,
I wiil publish, weekly, » catalogue of the price* of the meat
desirabl- Goode.
p. g.—l would call the attention of country and city
merchants, in want of Domestics, to the above rare oppor
tuni y Orders fr:m the country solicited and promptly
.AURftd to, tieio-tfj T. BRENNAN.
Mr.. B. o. Collin.* rap**™*
atUuoncftbe Lelies to . new ud “* rt ;
Mourning and DriM BONNETS. Am, L»wn and Straw
BONNETS, su.tib.e for traxeffing. Opposite United
States Hotel.
py on. Dollar and Fifty Cents.—DAGUERREO
TYPES will be taken at Tucker’. Premium Gallery, for a
«bort time, with or without oo'.or, for $1.50 each.
CAMERAS for axle at New-York price., and a tall top
pi, 0 f stock constantly on hand. !• TUCKER.
|y paraaoU —Plain Silk and Satin, Extra Rich
Figured and Plain Black PARASOLfi, just received an d
for sale very low, for caah, by WM. H. CRANE.
n.y9 _
ggf r " Daring my absence from the city, JOHN S.
WRIGHT, Esq M will act as my Attorney.
CHEAP goods.
TTRIXTBD r awns and ORGANDIE?, at very low
P p”“ .inaid MUWI and
lain tg ; Rich Satin Pla.d IISsCEs , Dotted ,nd Fig
Swiss MD6I INS Plain Swiss, jaconet and Mu IMCSLINr ;
P ain hind Chet'kod NAINSOOKS and CAM3RIC ;
P>ain and Striped CHAMBRAYS; Plain Col’d JA CON El ;
beoteb and American GINGHAMS; French, Kngli-h ar .
Amer can PRINTS, some neat figure® for chib ren;
assortment EMBROIDER!**; Irish L.NENS ; Tac e
and 12-4 Unen and Cotton 3UK.TINGS, Let makes.
Ptdow cL an l COTT NS; Allendale a:d Mat
■eil.e, QCU.IS iich FUSNirUBaS : Farn.tnre DIM!
TIES and FRINGE*; Curtain DAMASKS; Drapery MUS
UNS.verycneap; Wide B ? nd /““l 0 *", »
TING ; Dinaakf Embroidered, Corded and untssSKldfe;
Linen DRILLS. DBAf DSTt and CAgUMEREg, (ot
Genta and Tontha* wear; EngUth. Geman, Open Wore
and LUle Thread HOSE, (or Ladie« and M.sses, Ktute,
Brown and Fane, M HOST, all sties; Blk. Lace an.
l-i«u-d Silk Mill'S, long and short, i.beautiful assort
ment (or Ladies; a very superior make of French k:d
GLOVSS. The above, with » good stock of Bleached at
Brown DCMkSTICS. and Goods for servants wear, are oi
fered at th- lowest caih prices, aud will not fail to give
satisjact oa b, their exceeding N()K>gLL
WILLIAM H. tnAXGhsojaot rettned frotn New
York with a handsome as.ortment of Goods, whicu
he is determined to sell lor cash, and therefore offers grea
inducements to that .lass cf purchasers.
1 ease folk* gpot LAWNS, fast colors at 10 cents per vd.
1 “ Fig’d and Plaid MGSLINS, that cost originally 16c.,
now off red at 12id cenis ;
A lot ffneßAßkGla aud MUSLINS at 85c. per yar i;
Rich and handsome BAREGES andMCeLINS at 6TX an-
Superior qoahtr Blk GRO D’EHINE 57% and SI;
A large aseortment PRINTS, from 6* to ISXc.;
Extra quality BID-TICK »t 12>^c.;
Bleached rHIRTINGo, irom 6M to very cheap;
Cotton and Linen DIAPERS and NAPKINS, very low.
Vouth’sa -d Gents wear, at he lowest posaibie prices, and
al! other kinds of staple ADd Fancy DttY GOODS.
He respectfully asks his old friends aud the public gene
rally, to eaamine his stock «nd satisfy themselves that the
Goods are to tie sold at remarkably low prices.
myß dAwlw
MILI.KK A WSHUbJi will sell out their stork of
Colored BSRAGES at etceediogly low prices. Ca 1
and see them. Goods worth 50 cents we have marked
down at 19)tfc., and several other styles of Goodi we will
sell as low as the season is advancing. nty23
NEW gpK ; N(} GOODS.
THOMAg BRENNAN (Lari Cosoaova A Brkssas,)
18 now opening a large and well selected stock of Fancy
and Staple DRY Gt ODB, which he offers at a small
advance on New-York cost, and which embraces almost
every article in the line. T. B. would call particular at.
tention to the following :
Paid and Striped SILKS;
Rich Colored and Black SILKS;
TISSUES, BAREGES, and a variety oflight fabrics to
suit the season;
Fine French ORGANDIE6 and I AWNB;
Barege D’iAINES and CHALLEYS, new designs;
Rtrib MANTILLAS, all colors, cf the latest sty es;
A splendid assortment «f E A BROIDERIES;
A’examier’s Rid and Pic Nic GLOVES;
Embroidered, Marseilles anJ Grass fcKIRTS;
A splendid assortment of PARASOLS and FANS;
Table DAMASKS, White;
A large assortment of Toilet QUILTS.
Alan, an eodiess variety of English and American CALI
COES, French and Scotch GINGHAMS. mh2S
of Goods for Gents, wear, ?uch as—
Super. White and Fancy Linen DRILLS ;
“ M “ “ Marseilles VEST.NG;
Blk. Doe-skin and Summer OASBIMLRES, new styles ;
Alexander’s Kid GLOVES, Dog-skin do.;
Great variety of* HOSE in bleached,’ unbleach'd and
Fancy ;
Plain and Col’d Border Linen C. HANDKERCHIEFS ;
Blk. It»L and Fancy CRAVATS.
Beautiful patterns Stripe Satin JEANB, all colors, for
Buys’wear ; Blay LINENS, undress’d Bro. LINENS, Ac.
TT AYR just receiver a large and well selected stock of
11 Rich and Beautiful Spring and Summer GOODS, of
the latest styles and importations, among which are
Striped and Plaid Summer SILKS;
Rich Twisted SILKS, of new aud elegant styles ;
Printed TISSUES and Plaid do.;
Rich Printed BAREGES and CHALLIEB;
Beautiful French MUSLINS, in great variety ;
Fcen h, English and American PRINTS;
Super. Scotch and French GINGHAMS ;
Blue, Pink and Straw Col’d CAMBRICS, for Children’s
wear ;
French Merino CARSIMERES, for Bovs* wear ;
Plaid LINENS and Fr. Linen I■KILLINGS, for do-;
Splendid stock of EMBROIDERIES;
A beautiful stock of MANTILLAS, embracing every va
riety of style and pattern, to which we respectfully invite
the attention of ourfriends and customers. Persons visit
ing the city, would do well to give us a look before buy-
BIIOOM «fc WOK HULL are new prepared to offer
their friend* am Patrons a very complete assortment
of New and Seasonable Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS,
which r ,lbe sold at exceedingly low prices, strictly in
accordance with hard times and cash principles. They
have received Plaid and Striped SILKS, GRENADINES,
TISSUES, Main and Colored BAREGES, Printed JACO
BRILLIANTS, Scotch and American GINGHAMS, English
and American PRINTS, and will be pleased to show their
G »ods tc all who may favor them with a call. mh2B
HAB received from New York, a full supply of MOURN
ING GOODS, among which are—
French JACKONfcTS, for deep and second mourning, ol
new designs and beautiful styles ;
French Organdy MUSLINS, of beautiful styles:
Plain bl k GRENADINES and bl*k MARQUISBE;
Lupin’s plain bl’k BAREGES, of superior style and quality;
Buperior Hack GINGHAMS, for deep and light Becond
mourning, of beautiful styles;
Lupin’s bl'k OH ALLY and bl’k BOMBAZINES, or the best
quality ;
Superior bl’k Canton CIX)THB and bl’k ALPACAS :
Ladies’ Eng. bl’k Crape COLLARS and UNDERSLEEVES;
Ladies’ White Crape and Tarletan UNDERSLEEVES and
English bl’k CRAPES, of superior quality, for Ladies'
Veils and Trimming;
Ladies' Mourning MANTiLLAS,of new and beautiful styles.
With a variety of other articles for Ladies’ Mourning
apparel, and to all of which the attention of the public is
respectfully invited. &p 3 dtwaw
HAS received from New York, a supply of—
Embroidered Lace and Muslin CURTAINB; also,
Ac., suitable for Curtain Trimmings, which he will sell
greatly below former prices.
Persons wisnrag the e articles are respectfully requested
to call and examine the assortment apß dtwaw
BROOM 4c AOltltBLL would respectrully call at
tention to their very beautiful assortment of French
Worked COLLARS, Guipure, Aupasse and Breakfast
(JOLLARB; Misses French Worktd do.; Breakfast SETTS;
Riding HABITS and SLTEYES; Mourning COLLARS and
BETTS: Muslin SLEEVES, Bwiss and Jaconet TRIM
Thread EDGINGB, Linen and Lisle LACES. Dotted
Veils; Figured Swiss MUSLINS: Plain Striped aDd
Checked NAINSOOK and MULLS; Linen Cambric
IIA NDKERCHIEFS, all qualities, styles and prices.
i r PIKCKB fast col’d LAWNS at 12#c.;
100 “ 44 44 44 at 15c.;
150 pieces Black and White LAWNS, at 12J4c.
100 44 44 44 44 at 15c.;
100 44 44 * French LAWNS and OR
100 44 Col’d French JACONETS and ORGANDIES
from the lowest to the finest imported.
We are enabled to offer the above Goods, and many
others, far below their real value, or cost of production,
from the fact of our resident partnei at the North being
constantly in attendance upon the large auction sales.
We ask an examination of these Goods.
Men’s L. O. If ANDKEROHIKFB, at 25c. a piece,
worth 87#c. Just received and for sale by
beautilul Clear Lawn HANDKERCHIEFS, at 25c.
and finer, just received and for sale by
Bleached shirtings from 6* to 18# ;
Brown do. from 6% to 12Mc.:
10-4,11-4 and 12-4 Bleached SHEETING;
Bine Denhams Btriped HOMESPUNS.
Just received and for sale low by
A I KXAADKK At HIIKiHT have received a full
assortment of Ladies’ DRESS GOODS, for Mourning.
Lupin’s Bummer BOMBAZINES and CUALLYB;
Lupin’s Black BKRAGFS, all qualities;
Plain Black LAWNS ;
Mourning and Ralf Mourning GINGHAMS and PRINTS
Mourning COLLARS and SETTS;
English and French CRAPES ;
Black FANS, a complete assortment;
Plain Black and Watered bilk PARASOLS and Ladies’
All of which will be sold at low prices, and they invite
the attent on of purchasers. ap2l -dAw
" pHE subscriber is now receiving, by every steamer,
JL New SPRING GOODS of the very latest srtyles, to
which he invites attention. BAREGE DELAINES and
CHALLYB, cJf new and elegant designs, just opened.
Aiso, Spring PRINT'S of the latest putter:*, among which
are some suitable for ch; ldren. i. K. BANCROFT,
f 24 next lo Bank Augusta, Broad-st.
BROWN and Bleached Table DAMASK;
Huckaback TOWELINGS in Brown and Bleached
Bird’s Eye Diaper;
Striped LINENS, for Boys’ Wear;
Brown, Slate and Bleached LINEN DRILLS;
2 cas.s Shirting LINENS of our own importation.
Just received and for sale cheap by
ap6 next to Bone* k Brown’s Hardware Stcre.
ROBKH.—A lew Flounced Jaconet
X ROBES,just received at BANCROFT’S,
mhlS next to Bank of Augusta.
ALEXANDER a W BIGHT have just received a
beautiful assortment of French Worked COLLA R 8 ;
Lace, G impure and Aupasse COLLARS; Muslin SLEEVES ;
Mourning SETTS; Jaconet and Swiss BANDS and
FLOUNCINGS; Jaconet and Bwisa TRIMMINGS ; Fig’d.
and Emb’d Swiss MUSLINS; Linen Cambric HANDKER
CHIEFS, every style and quality; French and English
RICH Barege and Organdie ROBES;
Plain and Figured BAREGEfI;
White ano Printed BRILLIANTES;
Swiss, Nainsook, Mull, Plaid and Jaconet MUBLINS;
Bcotch,French apd American GINGHAMS;
Double Width Black BAREGES;
Mturning and Second M-urnmg MUSLINS;
Black and Colored CILALLtYS;
Barege DELAIN cS; a TNT A
12-4 Linen and Hamilton SRN® ■HN®«»
Table. Piano COVERS and Ou CLOTHS;
Plain and Embroidered L. C. HANDKERCHIEFS;
Gents. White and Col’d do. do.
Embroidered Grass and Oorded SKIRTS;
Rich Summer Marseilles QUILTS;
es Gentlemen and Children • HOBE and HOST;
Un£ and COTTONADES, for Boys and
supply o/STAFL£GOODS.
Juat recaTtd oy L*P~l "* F ’
WARD, BIBCHAUD At CO. we now receiv ng
l.rge* addition* to their .took by every .teamer of
aU that i* new, elegant and useful, in the way of DKY
GOODS, to which mey
price, to cash and prompt paytng buyer, wul be nelh ai
cannot fail to give satisfaction. nil
A I mt.DkH A u BIOMT invite the attention of
toxhawr. tfthe ' WK>r-u.entorUSAK GOODS, of
.upX best *£££
Damaaa Jfird’.Eje and Hnpaaback
Huckaback, Scotch aod Birc’l Eye DIAPERS Ei tard.
•on*. family LINENS; Pfo-gg*t-li.l'.'
superior Barns!-, LinraeHEElhNOS; Russia and Amen
on CRASH, DOWLaS. Ac- apet-ow
•gpgvrrtf UtBEOIDEEIES.
WK have opened a amah invoice cf real french Work
COLLARS, bands, Ac., of “| B ”^ , T n k d
signs. A Ik, Embroidered
.. r.Bnectfuiiy solicit a call from the
TUK M exitmne far
X Ladies of at,. -'a.DS.consisting of almost
Kock of Spring and Eumtnero-.- they can
every article in the Dry o«ws • ud no|t (..hionable
assure the public to be of the o' ~ , conajt
stylea that can be found
ing in part of the following Dres*
French and English PRIfJ? • -.
French and Bcotch’
French Printed
do. do. ORGANDIRB;
do. do. BA*S6f c i
t. do!
. shade, just recoved, for Lad e*
T* Spring colon* "'jgeVoSltlettA Men’s Dog Skin
1 and Mum; Ladles Mu cents, worth 7S.
Gl £hU Lnr ' Ut ° *■ » A *'oskCiT,y
u 5 C-iUfW— tts-std‘6.l SS 1 -{"itts-sirtt
BE« leave to announce to the trade that they are r ow
prepared to off>r the> SPRING IMPORTATION of
Embracing the PARIS NOUY F. ANTES of the season, many
of which have be n macu 'cured expressly for the
to be opered in Paris on the Ist May next, and adapted
to the
Particular attention is called to their line of INDIA
GOOD?, consisting of
The necessity of a redaction of Credits, growing out of
the extreme money pressu*e of the past season, will ena
ble us to offer unusual inducements to prompt six months
ard cash buyers. jaSl
r | UK very greatest bargains are now to be had at
6,100 sqare yards o' Le utifal well seasoned Floor OIL
CLOTH at-6-c , worth $1 ;
15" pcs INDIA MatilNG, all widths, 25 per cent :§ow
regular price;
500 Marseilles QU T LT3 fully 37* per ceot below market
value ;
li‘o pcs. Fmb. CURTAIN MUSLIN folly s"> per cent te
ia» regular price;;;
1500 pas White and Col’d FURNITURE FRINGE at
auction cost prices;
500 pcs. Jaccn t, Fwi«s, B ok, Mull and Embroidered
MUSLIN, great bargains;
l s odos. Damask NAPKIN? and TuWELB.
25 pcs. extra flae Linen DAMASK;
1 case fine lri h LIN ENS, 25c per yard ;
500 beautifoi MANTILLAS, cheaper than the very
EMBRoIDIRIFS f the most elegant style, muoh cheap
er than they can possibly be 1 ad at any house in this city.
BROOM A. KORHHLL are now openin .cj.r
Spring and Summer Goods, comprising t 1 .aai as
sortment in their line, . nd ar .ong which . be found
many new and beautiful articles in s Dress Goods
Embroideries, A ~ Ac. Also applique Mantil
las, b acjt and colored ; which they would respect
folly invite attend m hl6
AI.KXAMIh ll A vv mum are now opening their
stcck of n ew ami desirable Staple and Fancy GOODS,
which will be found ve. y complete iu all descriptions of
Goods suited to the season, which they offer at low prices
and Invite examination. They would invite particular at
tention to their assortment of DUE' S GOOD?, consisting
Jaconet and Organdie MUSLINS, Dfc BAGE3 and Canton
PON GEES, for Travelling Dresses, GINGHAMS, PRINTS,
Ac. mhlS-ddw
SWIHri and Cambric FLOUNOINGS; Swiss and Cam
bric BANDS; Mull BANDS and FLOUNCING?, a
beauriful as ortment of Swiss and Cambric COLLARS,
from the lowest to the fineSk qu-lity imported, including
some magnificent French work. Just received and for
sale low y ‘ [ ;p27] DIOKEY A PHIBItS.
ALFXAXDKK A VV UIlirHT have just opened a
new supply of Alexandre’s Kid GLOVES, all colors;
Egyptian GLOVES and Long and Short MITTS; Misses
Long MITTS; Lisle and ilk GLOVES; Ladies White,
Slate and Black Cotton HOSE, oi super, qua'ity ; Ladies
White Lisle anti Open Work, a d Embroidered HOSE;
Misses Slate, White and Open Work HOSE. Gents.
Wh '.e, Fancy aDd Brown English * HO-K; Black and
White English bilk 1108% Ac. To which they invite at
tention. mblS-r.Aw
A W tilt -SIT ave just received a
> complete assortment of SPRING MANTILLAS, of the
very latest styles, and in great variety of colors, to which
they invite a tent 1 n mh22-d*w
THOMAS BRENNAN (late Coaoßovii A Bkksnan,)
HAB now in store a large and well selected stock of
DRY GOODS, which he off ra at a small advance on
NtW-York coet. and embraces a most every article in the
trade T. B. would call particular attention to the follow
ing list:
Plaid, Striped and Foulard SILKS;
Rich Colored ai d Black do.
Fine French ORGANDIES;
“ “ LAWNS, fancy styles ;
Fancy Printed do. at 6*c worth 12*c.;
Barege DELAIN ES and OH A LLEYS, new designs;
Paris MAN • iLLAb ail colon, latest fashion;
A splendid assortment of EMBROIDERIES, UNDER
In-t’c Ma’tese iu setts;
MOURMNG GOODS o: every description;
Alexander’s Kid and Pic-Nic GLOVES;
Lancaster and Marsei lea Toilet QUILTS ;
Table DAMAhKb, Bmwn and White;
A very large stock of Irish LINEN.
A very large stock of O a LIOO English and American
French and Scotch GINGHAMS ;
Brown and White SHIRTING;
An endless qu ntity of DOMESTIC GOODS to suit Plant
ers and Housewives ;
100 bales of 4-4, 5-4 and 6-4 MATTING;
A very large assortment of Jaconet, Swis3 and Tariton
MUSQUITO BAR, 9-4,10-4,12-4 and 18 4 Bobbinet.
T)LA!D NAINSOOKB, a new article; Jaconet, Nain-
X sook, Mull, Plain, Dotted and StripeSwids ;6 4 French
Swiss, a very desirable article for Desses; Plain,
and Stripe CAMBRICS; Hair and Pin Curd CAMBRICS
and DIMITY; White and Colored ORGANDIES; Bishop
LAWN, Ac. Just received at J. K. BANCRO T’S,
aplß next to Bank of Augusta.
Mate 'dines Poult De Soie; also, Plain Bareges and Tis
sues, in all color*; Crepe De Paris ; P.ain S&tia and Taf
feta; Ribbons; White Galcons and Gimpß; Black Velvet
Ribbons, io every width ap:22
Jh. B iRLituFT has now iu store an assortment
• of HOSIERY, GLOVES «nd MITTS of all kinds; La
dies English an: German UOI-E: Litle Thread Open
Work do.. Kisses English and German White, L sle do.,
Opsn Work do, Fancy Stripe do.; Boys % HOSE, all
sizes and colors; Ladies and Mi ses’ Short and Long
Hand MITTS, all prices; Ladies and 'Misses’ Lisle Thread
and Silk GLOVE?, of all kind , next Bank of Augusta.
A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT just opened; also,
Black Thibet SHAWLS, with rich deep Silk Fringe,
just rtceived by [mhßj WARD, BURCHARD & CO.
SWIbH and Cambric COLLARS;
Swiss and d . CHEMIZETTES;
Mull Swi.*s and Cambric BANDS;
Mull Swiss and Cambr c Ei> rINGS and INSERTINGS,
Alexander’s Kid GLOVES;
do. do. Stitched cilk GLOVES.
Just received and (or sale low by
beautiful challi s
ICAKTOX f-fElegan prlng ( HALLIES, just receiv
ed and for sale by
JUST received z.ew style Colored ORGANDIES; Or
gandie Mourning Flounced B :BES; Flain Mode
Barege ROBES; Rich Lace ;.nd Embroiderel Muslin
CURTAINS; Bmc< Silk NET; Black Crape BAREGE;
White Crape BAREGE; Riboon TRIMMINGS; Moire
Antique TRIMMINGS; Cadies’ silk GLOVZ';
Black and Pe f irl White Fiik STOCKINGS; Embroidered
Thread STOCKINGS; Thread % HOFE; . 4; wiss BANDS;
Jet NECK LACIES,a beautiful assortment, Ac. For sale by
MG.IE New goods.
WM. H. CltAftb. has just received, by the last
ttetmer from New-Ycrk, Plain White Jaocnet
MUSLINS; Fine Bird’s bye DIAPER; New-York Mill
SHIRTINOB; more .- lk WARP, (or Ladies’ Travelling
Dresses; Whit;and Brown Linen DRILLINGS; La«iie9
and Gents. Cotton HosE, an i other Goo Is, which will be
sold at remarkibly low ;;rices lor ca>h. myßo
For Oovgh8 t Chios, Asthma, and ail Diseases of tht
Lungs and Throat.
fTMUH Compound cannot be too highly recommended
X for Pectoral Diseases. Its effect is prompt, relieving
almost always in th. first dose. In Caseß of Oroup, it
acts most powerfully, affurcing relief in a very short rime.
Those who are t ouhled with (loughs, Bronchitis, Asthma,
Ac., may rely upon with the utmost confidence. For sale
by WM H.TUT'P, Augusta,
dlg-dawtf TUTT A PEL ETIER, Hamburg.
HKliKi’lUX.ChAllhli «*. CO.M (late Rdshton,
Claak A C 0.,) Genu : ne COD LIVER OIL, for Con
sumption, ; crofuia, Ac The late firm of Ruahtou, Clark
A Co. being dibsoived t y the de th of W. L Ruahtou, (the
only Rushton ever conne< ted with the firm) their Genuine
COD LIVER OiL vill in hr ure be prepared only by I.IEfFE
MAN, CLARKE A Ov)., surviving partners and sole sue*
ce sors. Be part,.c :lar in ordering to specify Heveman,
Oiark A Co., (or Pushtoo, Clark A Co.,j as it was Mr.
C.ark, and not Rushton, who for the past seven years has
superintended its manufacture, and is the only Druggist
who ever went from the United tates to Newfoundland
for that purpose, an since Mr. Ru hton’s death there hop
been an article called Kushton’s Oil introduced, which is
in no way onnected witn Ruston, Clark k Co. —or liege
man, Clark A Co.; and as success in its use • epends upon
its purity, too much care < annot be taken to get the gen
uine. Thousands who had been taking the Oil of other
make swi .houv succe: s, have been restored to health by
the pure Oil of our manufacture.
Chemist and Druggists, New-York.
Sold by H AVILA nD, i ISLEY A CO.,
Agent* fer Augusta, andi) ruggista generally.
$1 000 REWARD.
DU. HUNTKR’fecelebrated SPECIFIC,for thecur*
plaintsof the Organs of Generation.
er Os allremedießyetdiecoveredfortheabovecom
ptaint,thjjjfcthe mostcertain.
It makesa speedy and permanent carewithoutre-
C rlctiontodiet.drinkjexposurejorchangeofapplicatlon
w o business.
It isperfectly harmless. Gallons ofit might be
akenwithoutinjuriagthe patient.
It is not unpleasan. totake; and contains no m rcury.
\3T Itis put up in bottles,withfulldirectioneaccom
panyingit, sothatpersonscan curet hemaelveswithoutre
sorting tophysicianbor othersfor advice.
OF~ It i 3 approved and recommended by the Royal
College of Physicians and Surgeons of London and
ha ir certificate enclosed whh every bottle.
It is prepared by Wm. Richardson A Son, No. 4, coho,
London, and has their signature over the cork of each
bottle. None other is genuine.
It will invigorate the system, and completely renovate
and restore the Genital Organs to their original healthy
condition, even in persons who have past the meridian of
f3T~ In ordinary cases of Gonorhcea or Leucorrhcea
one bottle isenoughtoperformacertaincure. Price!!.
In Gleets or Strictures of 1 ng standing, its continued
ew.llaiwayi cure, anu in ail diseases of the Organs, it
I&ffird re lief.
For sale in Augusta by W. H. A J. TURPIN,
dl9 to whom all orders must be addressed.
THK undersigned have recently formed a Co-partner
ship in the business of GRANITE CUTTING, and are
prepared to furnish every description of GRANITE at
short notice.
The Mountain is owned by one of the firm, and we are
thus enabled to supply purchasers at lower rates than
have ever before been oflered the public. Orders respect
fully solicited and prompt attention given.
Address DENT A RANKIN', Stone Mountain, Ga.
ap2o-daw4m J. G. R4NKIN,
rUHsubicrlber/.hankfaiforthekindi atronager.eretofort
extendedto thelatefirm ofScHixasK A Wioa«D,woald
fespectfullyinfom hisfriendsandthe public,thathecontin
lestoexecuteerdersfor his we!i known Warranted 7rench
BURR MILL STONES,of * very desirablesise, at the- owei
priceandsbortestnotice. He alsofurnishes
SMUT MACHINES, of fiifcmpatters!,
BOLTING CLOTHS, of the besUrfad,
CEMENT,for Mill use.
ndeveryotherarticUnecessaryin a Mill.
Alic,for Planters,*maliGKlbT MILLS to aUiehto 6
Surviving partner of Schiraer A Wigand
ARb tow prepared to do the following kinds of work
wit: _eatr- s« and despatch :
STEAM C J -GlNEfland BOILERS, of ay style or finish;
rElr,for Building .
RAILROAD CARS, of all kinde and descriptions, made
n themott substantial and beautiful manner; Wheels for
lame warranted f or one year.
IRON RAILINGS, of varlcui style* tor Balconie*or
GOLD MIN - CASTINGS, cf ail descriptions, made tc
BLACKSMITH WORK dci e in the ceet manner.
MILL WORK—>II ki n .dscf .rfiil and G;n-gearing,Shaft
fng, Pulleys, Waier Wheels, Ac., on hand.
BRA Sc CASTING will also have our attention.
Flooring—Plane*;. Tongued andGrooveaat |s.ooper 1000
feet superficial ;
Ceiling—Planed, Tongued and Grooved at s.Coper 1000
lect superficial;
father Boarding—Planed ana Jointed 4.00 perlooo fee;
Planing—be:fc side*, 13.00 per *uperfl<rial feet.
U*e ofOircularSew and one man will be Tsc per hour
Heavy Saving, requiring two men, will be |2 per h^ur.
Ail orders m—be left in the ofiEce, not in Uushop
Cash will be repair d in all cases unices otherwise agreed
nr on with »ep6 54 dawl y
AYALUAULH tract containing about 300 acres well
tlmbeied, situated abcu' 0 cailex from the e.ty, on
the Georg a Railroad, formerly owned by the Insurance
Bank, adjoining ianda of Ihos. Richard; and James L.
Coleman, Terms liberal, for further particulars applyto
ma4-dAwltn N. C. TROWBRIDGE.
LIMK AJHD'4'KMKAT— 2»Jobbls. Thomastoa LIME
100 bbi*. HydraUiic CEMENT, for sale by
j*3-d*w A RICHMOND 1
six lines, will be inserted under this held at the r ate of i 3
per arnnm. Cards exceeding sixa;, wil'be rharg « d
pro rata per line.
tend to any work in their profession in Richmond,
u rk»- or aii oining counties. Orders left at Finn A Os
mond’s, on Grcene-street, at United States Hotel, or
throahg the Postoffice, will meet with prompt attention.
References —Koa. John P. King, Col. Henry H. Cum
l ming, R. H. Gardiner, Ji\, Fsq. mhll-dawfim
Dll. HANHERRk offers his professional services to
the citiseos of August* and vicinity. He has in his
possesion numerous testimonials of his ability and skill as
a 'aithful Dentist. He can also give a number of the first
families in South Carolina as reference. Office over
Chronicle A Sentinel office, Bro »d-sireec. mjM o&m
ATTORN EY AT LA W, Fairrurr • -nell county
Geo., will collect claims promptly, ns give .mme
iate notice of their collection. Professions lusiness at
ended to in Campbell, Fayette and tfte affotnine coun
ciiojits. .n-i3>w
S. K a w. H KhRR,
ATTORN EYS AT LAW, No. 5 Warren Block.-
We have this day assoc.ated ourselves together .n the
practice of Law ard Equity, under the aoove name
and style, and will attend to ail business entrust'd tc us
in the Middle District. SAMUEL ELBERT KERR,
Augusta, Feb. 1, .$55. WILLIAM HENRY KERR.
P. €. LA* 4.810*,
ATTORNEY At’ LAW, Oarnesv do. »**., vi
practice in the counties of Madison, oert and Hart,
of the Northern,au l Franklin, Jackson Katun Haber
sham and Hall of the Western Circus
Col. W. L. Mitchell, Esq., .atl ens, s.
C. Peeples, Esq.,
Gabriel Nash,Esq.,of Dar. *?isvilie,Ga.
Col. B. F. Hardeman,Lexington, Ga.
Samuel Freeman, Esq., Newnan, Ga.
Col. Hopkins Holsey, Americus, Gh. mhß-wly
ATTORN KY AT LAW, Augusta, Ga. Office on
Washington street. mntf-d*w2m*
ATTORNEY' AT LAW, Monticeilo,Jasper county
Ga., will promptly attend to any business entrusted
to his care in the to lowing counties, vis: Jasper, Putnam,
Gieene, Morgan, Newton, Henry, Butts, Monroe, Jones,
and Jefferson.
Rkhrkncbs :
Col. Joshua Hill, Madison,Ga. ; Col. J.M. Calhoun, At
lanta, Ga.; Hon. E. Y. Hill, LaGrange, Ga.; Hoa. 0. J.
Jenkins, Augusta,Ga.; J. T. Both*ell, Esq., Savannah,
Ga. flfi-tf
4 TTOBXKY* AT LAW, Lawrenceville, Ga. The
term for which the undersigned and J. N. Glenn,
Jr., Esq., agreed to practice in Co-partnership, having ex
pired on the Ist ult., he has associated with him for the
present year, JAMEis HUNTER, Esq , and solicits for
tne new firm a share of puohc patronage.
LaWrenceville, January 29,155&. febl ts
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Augusta, Ga., first dotr
above Btate Bank. ja3o-d2w*wtf
jals-w6t JOHN F. ARNOLD, Proprietor.
F. Mocibkuv, Charleston. | R. M. Uoox«, Ohaitanooga.
WAKDiNG MERCHANTS, Brown’s Wharf, Charles
ton, 8.0., will attend promptly to the sale of all Country
Produce and Manufactures, to the Receiving and For
warding of Freight, and to the filling of orders in this
Refers to James Hope, Esq., Augusta, Ga.; Shepherd,
McCreery A Co., Charleston, 8. C. jal7-twawtim
VV CHANTS, Augusta, Ga. s6-6m
Notaries, average adjusters and for
WARDING AGENTB, Charleston, 8. 0. ja4-d6m
Achilles d. Shackelford and Jonathan d.
PHILLIPS, will practice Law jointly, under the style
of SHACKELFORD & PHILLIPS. Office at Calhoun
Gordon county, Ga. d2B-wfim
ATTORNEY AT LAW, LincolntoD, Georgia.
ATTORNEY AT l-AVV, Jefferson, Jackson county
RBFKRhNOBS —8. Watson and M. Witt, Esqro., Jeffereon;
D. W. Spence and W. J. Peeples, Esqrs., Lawrenceville;
J. H. Newton and C. Peep es, EBqrs., Athens; Law A dlark
and M. Graham, Esqrs., Gainesville. ja7
ATTORN e S a LAW. Atlanta, Georgia.
Jab. M. Cjllhouh, Amhorst W. Stoms. dBl-8m
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Craw fords ville, Geo., will
practice in the counties of Taliaferro, Greene, Han
cock, Warren and Wilkes. d7 Cm*
i (AtC. A. L. Lamar's corner Drayton and Bryan-sts.)
lAftCTOUS and commission merchants,
Jr Savannah, Geo.
Wu. W. Chkkvkb. | Jons R. Sia'3.
ib Apalachicola, Fla.
Joeh R. Sims. | Wm. W.Ghhkvbu.
ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Waynesboro’, Ga. Re
fers to Messrs. A. J. A T. W. Miller, of Auguste,
and Messrs. Ward 4 Owens, of havannab. n2-dSswf
ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Washington, Ga., wil
practice in the counties comprising tho Northern
Circuit, and Columbia of the Middle Circuit.
All business entrusted to them will receive prompt at
Alexahdhk Pop«, Jk. | Joes B. Whims.
JC MERCHANT, Accommodation Wharf, Charleston
fl. 0., sells Cotton, Grain, Flour, Bacon, and ull ether arti
cles of Produce.
Strict and prompt attention given to the Fo •
warding of Goods and Produce.
Reference —Messrs. D’Antignac, Evans A Co., Augus
Qeo. jeS-brn
SDonasaoHS *o william s. obi>«i
) CHANTS, 65 North Water-st. and 42 N.
Wm. M.Okkivbb. | Wm. W. Habsneeb.
T, DW. YOUNG HU.L, after thirteen years experl-
Vj ence on the Bench, has the practice. La
Grange, Ga. nl9-lv
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Crawfordville, Ga., vj;
practice in the counties of Taliaferro, Warren and
Hancock of the Northern Circuit, and the county ol
Greene of the Ocmuigee Circuit. n 22
THE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore existing be
tween Messrs. DAWBON A WALKER, having beeD
this day dissolved by mutual consent, the undersigned
will continue to PRACTISE LAW in all of the Courts cl
this County, and in the Middle Circuit generally,
S’ Warrer Block, Augusta, Ga. Prompt and particular
attention given to all consignments of COTTON, RIG!,
FLOUR, GRAIN, and ail kinds of Country Produce
Ua?aa3jiiGa3—Savannah— Munsra. It. Habers - A Son
N. A. H&rdeo A 00., Mr. W. Woodbrid? . Augusta-
Messrs. Carmichael & Beau, Jlr.Jocr . Jow, Mr. J. A
Ansley. New-York —Mr Gee. . .doaman, Mr. R W
Bleecker, Mr. J. R. Haber apß-6tn
Li: , oft STEPllfiftd, "
ATTO AT LAW, office at Sparta, Geo., 11
.notice in the counties of Hancock, Waahingtcr
>rren, Taliaferro and Greene. apr3l-ly
A TTORNBY AT LAW, Newnan, Coweta county
Y jL Geo., will practice in alithe countiesof the Cowet;
N. B. Special attention paid to the collecting practice
Newnan, Geo., September 12th, 1853.
W. W. TiiOHAS,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Newnan, Georgia. wiLprac
ticc in the counties of Coweta, Troup, Meriwether
Heard, Carroll, Defialb and Newton. npr2l-ly
attend to the sale of Produce of allkindß, consigned
to him. ai'vw
Attorney and uounskllo at law
and General Land Agent for Gilmer county.
Ellijay, Gilmer county, Geo. m. n .r2B
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Warrenton.Ga., will prao
tice in Warren and the adjoining counties. Specis
attention given to foreign claims. ;a2S-ly*
(Late Os iru Firm oj Seymour , Anstey & Oo.)
K MERCHANT, Augusta, Georgia. Office on Broad
Street, opposite Bank of Brunswick.
aplS-tf BY A. E. REEVES.
V T oha«e, sale and shipment of all kinds of East Tennes
see Pro uce, such as Bacon, Lard, Butter, F.our, Whe*:t,
Com. Oa s. Fruit, Ac., Knoxville, Tennessee.
(Warehouse—At the River.) flfi ts
ATTORNEY at LAW, Sparta, Ga.,will jract.u
In the counties of Hancock. Washington, V arrei.
Taliaferro, Greene, Futnam and Baldwin. Partic J lur 11»
tention paid to collecting.
Refera by permission to Messrs. Miller A Warren, Thos.
Richards A Son, McCord, Hart k Co.,and Simpeon k
Gardiner, of Augusta; Meears. Hand, Williams k Wilcox,
and Hopkins, Hudson k C0.,0f Charleston, 8. 0.
New Route to Niagara Falls, the Great Northern
Lakes, and Canada—Fare Reduced .
T7BOM SAVANNAH through to
I Niagara Falla, f 23; and diatance
shorter than by any other route. The
known fir t class side wl eel steamshipsoHßlhHHk:
KE r STONE STATE, Capt. R. Ha'-cie, sails from Savannah
fcr Philadelphia every alternate WEDNESDAY,as follows:
May 281; June 6th and 20th ; July 4th and 18th; August
Ist, 15th and 29tb, Ac , Ac.; leaving Philadelphia the inter
med ate Wednesdays. As regards speed, strength, sod
accommodations, there is no ship running on the ocas’
superior to the Keyet'te State. Smooth water 100 mile,
on Delaware Pay and River Only two nights at sea.—
C binPaS3Bge, S2O; Steerage |S.
This li-.e, in connection with the new North-western
Railroad Route from Philadelphia, affords the shortest,
cheapest, and rroat in ereating route from the Booth to
Niagara Falls the great Northern Lakes and Canada
passing up the Valley of the Schuylkill, by Valley Forge,
through Reading, the famous Coal Regions of Pennsylva
nia, Williamsport, fclmira, and Canam agua, and reaching
Niagara Falls and the great Suspension bridge in 16 hour
from Philadelphia; traversing a oountry unrivalled in the
gran eur and beauty of hs scenery. Through tickets a*
lowing pass- ngers to Btop at intermediate points, and re
sume their journey at pleasure.
For sale by the Agent at harannah.
Fare trem Bavannah to Niagara Falla, the Suspension
Bridge, or Buffalo, S2B. To Jtlmlra $26. To Canandai
gua, $27. C. A. L. LAMAR,
my'6-8m Agent at Bavannah.
THK Subscriber having purchased the Right of the
State of Georgia in the only MACHINE now in
REL HEADING, Ac., ia prepared to sell the Right of the
Counties,or single Machines, at prices sufficiently low to
make it an inducement for purchasers.
The Machine being simple In its construction, and is not
liable to get out of order,is capable of splitting and ahav*
than made by hand. It is portable, be worked by
hand, horse or steam power. Ten to fifteen days work of
a Machine will make enough Shingles to pay the price
asked for a single one.
Large inducements are offered to persons wishingto pur
chase the Right of Beveralcountieß. One of the Machines
can be seen in operation in this City.
Augusta, March 24. T. P. BTOVAL*
Refer to the following persons for any information in
reference to the Machiner-r-Wm. M. D’Antignac, Scran
ton, Seymour A Co., Belcher A Hollingsworth, Simpson A
Gardner, M. P. Stovall, Beall A Stovall, L. H«pkins,and
E. D. Robertson.
HOtfeK, 1 .Ed Decorative
QLAZi , GILDING, Ac., done on the
shortest l i t and on the most re **°**T
terms, i r, door, below WMhiugum-strrtt, in Broad
THK subscriber oner, him..!/ M
LANDS in an/ count/ In
“bu/or tell. Term, tor ex
each; 5 ter cent on the amcant bought
amm nglots,»o«acn, v U. L. LIONABD,
or,0 “- opposite the Planters’ HoteL
P, a.—Some &u or So Lots on hand lor ssUe. oW
Richmond sheriff** BAUfc~wra be son,
on the first Tuesday in JULY next, within the lc«a;
hours of sale, at the Lower Market House in the city o.’
Augusts, the following property, viz: Dick, a rassor.
plastertr, abou 45 years of age; Eliza, a woman 44
years, aud her two children Ellen a girl about 12 year* old
and Handy,a boy
terer, aged about 27 years; Thornton, a toy about 14
years ol:; 1 black Mare, 6 --ears o’d; 1 roan l/orae about
10years; 1 Rockaw.y and 1 Buggy and Harness, hou e
hold and kitchen Furniture; 1 Parlor Sofa; 0 Walnu;
Cane bottom Dhairs; 1 small Table, 1 Carpet and Rug 1
Grate, 8 Window Shade*, 1 picture cf Bishop?, 1 Table .
Sideboard, 6 Chairs, 1 Book-Ca«e, 1 Clock, I Table Cover
1 Carpet and Rug, 1 Kecking Chair, 1 lot of Silver, 1 lot o’
Crocker?, 1 Table, 1 Oil Cloth ou floor, 2 Bureaus, 1 ma
hogany Washstand, 6 rush bottom Chairs, 1 Carprt and
Rug, 1 Washstand, Clothes Box and Table, 1 Bedstead and
Bedding, 1 chtld’s Crib and Bedding, 1 smal’ Stove, 1 Bed
■tea and Bedding, 1 Bedstead and 2 Matt rasses, i Safe, 1
Range ;tnd Fixtures, Table, Ac.: Levied on as the proper
ly of Geor* 11. Crump to satisfy a foreclosure of mortgage
issued from ti. Inferior Court of Richmond cou ty in fav'n
of William H. . odrieh against George H. Crun p. ih
above property desc. bed in the said mortgage, and level
this 8d day of May, 1850. WM. DDYLF, D. Sherif,
M y 4, 1555.
BURKE SHERIFF** HAL ,-WUlbe sold on i he
first Tuesday in JULY next, btic. * the C-ourt-lruse
door in the town of Waynesboro*, in sa> county, within
the legal hours of sale, the following prop j ty, to wit : 1
tract of Land l.\ing and s.tu&ted in s .id county, oontaiuiov'
4100 ac»es, more or less, of oak and hickory land, adjoin
ing lands o Eii MoCron, Francis A Jones, A. L. Archer,
Robt. F. Connelly, Miles F. Brack, ASnan Cross-, estate of
Patrick P. Connelly, deceased; said place is well improved,
with fine dwelling house,overseer’s hou»e, negro h Uses
gin house, packing screw, barn and s able, ola
shop and wood shop ; it is wall watered, auJ ah ut I*2oo
acres cleared and under good fence: Levied on by virtue
of sundry fl. fas. issuing fro m he honorable Superb r Court
ofßaid county in favor of Julun Uartridge a. d Algernon
Hartridge, dministrators of Charles Hartridge, decea ed
Charles J. Jt-nkias and Lloyd C. Belt, administrators oi
P. B. Connelly, deceased. Augustus W. Mmphree, Both
well A Smith, aud Henry Lathrop vs. James A. Met ruder.
Property pointed out by the defendant, James A. MoHru
der, this Ist d ty of June, 18£5.
June 8, Bfs A. C. KIRKLAND,D. Sheriff.
BUKKK EHKItIFF’H *ALE.—WiII be su’d,cn the
first Tues 'ay in JULY next, before the Court-house
door in the towu of Waynesboro’, within the legal hours of
sale, om gray Horse about eight years old, an*, me riding
Saddle : Levied on a-* the property of Edw. Byrd by virtue
of sundry t fas. in favor of uuther Roll, Caswell A Swet.
John Rogers and others vs. the said k'dw. B, rd, this June
1,15*.5. A. C. KIRKLAND, D. feherifl.
JuneS, 1955.
Burke hhkuiff’h hale.—wm be soH.ontiu*
first Tuesday in JULY next, bwfore the Ccur;.hou*e
door in town of Waynesboro’, within the legal hours of
sale, the following property, to wi;: 4li acres, more or
less pine Land, adjoining lands ol Robt. A Allen, Widow
William Otley, amuel J. Urquette and other.-; also.:;
Negro Girl slave about 11 years old, named Mat ilda : all
levied on as the property of David R. Miltan to Bat Vy a
fl. fa. issued from the honorable Sup* rior Court of sail*
county in favor of l>r. E. L *roy Antony vs. the raid Davivi
R. Miltan, this Ist June, 1855.
June 8, 1855. A. C. KIRKLAND, 1). Sheriff.
Burke sheriff'**a.le.—>yui b »om,on h.
first Tuesday in JULY next, before the Court h u-u
doorio the town of Waynesboio’, with n the legal bou's o!
dale, tow. t: Two Negro Slaves—Dan, a boy about eleven
years old, light complected, and Vir.ey, a p rl bout eleven
years old, light complected: Levied on a-; the property o.
Benj. E. Gilstrop, deceased, to sat'sfy afl fa issued from
the hon:rable Superior Court of said ccur.ty in favor ot
Seaborn A. Jones vs. Edw Byrd, Janus » uvk and Jo n
S. Byne, executors of B. E. Gilstrap, de e sed. Prop* rty
pointed cut by the said John 8. Byne, this Ist June, 1855.
June 8 1856. A. G. KIKKLAND, l>. Sientl.
UKK E SHERIFF** sALk.-til be told, on th.
first Tuesday in JULY n* xt, bes. re the Court tioua
door in the town of Waynesboro*, within the legal hour-*
of-jale, under a foreclosure c f a mortgage fl. f a , a Negri
Woman Slave named Daughe ty, ab at lfl years o’d, an
her infant about two mo thscld, both of light complexion:
Levied on as the property of Samuel Gocdwin. P.opcrty
po nted out in sa d mortgage fl. fa in favor of N. P Green,
th s Ist June 1v65. A.O. KIRKLAND, D. Sheriff.
June 8,1855.
BURKE *HKBIFF’**ALK.—WiII be sold, on the
first Tu-Bday In JULY next, before the ' t house
door in the town of Waynesboro’, within the leg *1 hom s oi
sale, a Negro Man Slave named Lewis, about 10 years old,
of dark complexion: Levied on by virtue of two 11. la?
against Sarah Cuvenah in favor of Kansjm Lewis, vs.
Sarah Cavenah, this Jane Ist, 1855.
June 8,1855. A. C. KIRKLAND, D. Sheriff.
BURKE hIIERIFF’H SALK.-WiUbe old,on the
fir t Tuesday in JULY next, before the Court-hcu?e
door in the town of Wayuescoro’, within the legal b urs
cf sale, a Negro Man Slave named Jordan, about 25 yeais
old, of light, complexion: Levied on by r rtue of tundr?
fl fas. issuing from the Superior Court of said couit - in
favor of James M. Antony, Thomas T Ellison and others
vs. George W. Hurst, this j si day of June, 1855.
June 3, 18!5. A. C. KIRKLAND, D. Sheriff.
BURKE SHERIFF’* *ALE.-Willbeso d,on the
first Tuesday in JULY next, before the Court-heu c
door in the town of Waynesboro’, within the legal hoursof
sale, a Ne -ro Man S are named Berr. ,of <’ark comph xion,
and about 25 years ol : htviedon by virtue of a M. t ».
issued from the honorable superior Court of sa : d county t.
; favor of Augmtus W. Murphree vs. Cyrenus E. Clarke,
principal, and la.iah Sapp, deceased, security. Said
1 Negro levied on as tne property of t. said deceased, this
Ist June, 1855. A 0. KIRKLAND, D. Sheriff.
June f, 1855.
EBERT SHERIFF SALK.—WiII be sold atlhe
Court House door in Elberton, Elbert county, on the
fir t Tuesday in JULY next, between the usual sale hour?,
t efo lowing property to wit: one tract cr parcel of Lan ,
1 in said county, adjoining lands ofGeo. T.Btone and others:
levied on as the property of Wm. Bell to sat'sfy a 0. ft. in
favor of Shel'.on Oliver and Alfred O iver, executors of
James Oliver, deceased, vs. said Wm. Bel', obtained in the
Justice’s Court of the 287th bis. G. M , and . undry other
, fl. 'as. vs. said Bill. Property pointed out by Wm. Bell.
Levy mace <nd returned to me by a constable.
' Junes, 1855. MA RTIN BOND, Sheriff.
ADMIN ISTIIAToll’s SALK.—Leave obta*nod ot
the Court of Ordinary, will be sold on the firßt Tues
day in JULY next, before the Court-house door in Applini ,
in said county, the lands belonging to the estaied c-f
Samuel Payne and Eli and Sarah Garnett, deceased. Sold
for the benefit of the heirs and creditors.
June 5,1855. A. M. CRAWFORD, Adm’r.
ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE —Leave obtained ol
Ihe Court cf Oidinary of Columbia county, will be
, sold on the first Tuesday in JULY next, before the Cou t
house door in App'iDg, in sail county, the Real Estate
belonging to the estate of Mary Lovell, deceased.
JuneS, 1855. A. M. OKA WIPED, Adm’r
Chancery sale m i; eal estate.—Henry
Jones and L. P. Lug . ale. Executor ot Henry
Jones, Sr., deceased, and L - 1 eth Ragedale, vs. The
Heirs ane Devisees of Henry 2 es, Fr., deceased.
Pursuant to the Decree pronoi *ed in this cause, at the
April Term, 1855, of the Chance vourt, at Knoxville, 1
will proceed to sell, at public outc r o the highe t bidder,
on the premises, on the 14th day Oi JULY next the Lands
in the pleadings mentioned, belonging to the Estate of
Henry Jones, Sr., deceased. Said L <ds will be sold in
parcels or in the aggregate, as may deemed mo3t advis
able on the day of sa e.
Theabove lands will be sold on a ere i t of one and two
years Bonds, with approved security, bearing interest
from date, will be required for the payment of the purchase
money: 2# percent of the purchase money w:)l be re
qui/ed to be paid on the day of sa;e, to meet costs, f e ,
and alien will be retained on the lauds till the pure has ;
money is pai J.
These lands are situated about two and a half lai'es
north-west of the City of Knoxville, on t lemaiu road lead
ing to Clinton and Ja ksburoegh; they ir# well w»f* re ,
both for and with a number cf go * springs There
is, upon the place, a large orchard of fine fruit trees, and
the lands have beeD well-cultivated. There is a comfort
able Brick Dwelling House, and ail necessity outbuild
ir g a , in good repair, upon the place. In a'l respects,il h
one of the mest desirable farms in the country. A plat < 1
the lands can ireseen at the office of the Clerk and Master
at any time. The whole Tract o->nt>tinß about 800 aerts;
it is divided into tracts varying from ft! acres to 015.
TUOfi. MfCLUNG, C. M.,
May 25, 1855.
firs: Tuesday in JULY next, at Linconton, in m i
county, wi bin the legal hours of sale, a Tract ol Land,
said county, containing Two Hundred and Eleven (5411)
Acres, more or less, on the waters of Wells’ Cr< ek, adjoin
lng lands of Lewis Parks, Robert Henderson, W. L Hawes
and others. Fall lot of land is well improved. Levi don
ab the property of Buck Jeter, to satisfy a fl.fa , is u u
from the Superior Court of said county, in favor of thorn
B. Norrell, Guardian of Franklin Freeman.
G. S. WILLINGHAM, Sheriff.
May *5,1845.
AD.MIMMTUATKIX’HMAI K.—WlUlie suld before
the Court liuose d<.ar, in the town of Warrentou,
Warren county, on t' e first Tuesday in JULY next, by the
order of the Court of Ordinary of said county, Ihe folio -
ing property, to wit: —Three Huudred acreßof Land, more
or less, adjoining lan<a of Ptarce Baily, Jethro Darden,
and others. *old for the purpose of distribution among
the heirs o' Edwin Baker, deceased.
May 24,18;C. NANCY BARER, Adm’x
Court-house door in Warrenton, ou ihe first Tues ay
in JULY next, between the usual hours of sa e, one tr et
of Land in said county, adjoining Fleming Gees lie g
and Thomas J. Hardaway,.it being an undivided tract,
th title of whioh vests in the estate of Lasarus Ivy, at th
death of Catha ine Fam, containing about seventy a res.
Said Land is tj be sold by order of the honorable Ordinary
of said county for the benefit of heirs and creditors.
At the same time and place will be sold, about eight
acres of Land, also undivided, which was devised to th
said Lamms Ivy in the last will of Jacoo Smith. Fai l
parcel of Land adj.lns lands of John FhieldP, Jr., and Vin
cent Smith. The same cold by order cf the Ordinary for
the benefit of the iieirs aud creditors.
May 8,1855 ZACOHEUS IVY, Adm’r.
able to an order oJ the Court of Ordinary of Linco n
county, before the Oonrt-1 ouse door in Lincolnton, in baid
county, on the first Tuesday in JULY next, the inter- ~t
of William Wallace, deceased, in the Real Estale of The .
Wgliaoe, deceased, it being the one-sixth part in tai-i es
tate, cmdstiug of Two Hundred and Fifty Acres, more * r
less, adjoining lands of Willfi. Reid and others, on the
waters of Savannah River.
May 1,1865. CIIAB. WALLACE, Adm’r.
day in JULT n«xt will be so:4 before the Court-House
door in Newton, Haker o-.uniy, byoid.r from the Court oi
Ordieary of Warren eounly. Lot ol Le»d No. 87a, in the
Ith Districtolsaid liak.r oounly. Sold at the property of
L*wia Parham, dec’d, for the hirpoae of diatribution among
the heirs of Baid deooaeed.
Terms made known on the eay of sale.
May 10,1885. NATHANIEL PaKHAM, Adm’r.
GUAHDIA.VB HALK.—WitI be sold, on the first
Tuesday in JULY next, before the Court house d .or
in Libert county, agreeable to an order of the C urt of
Ordinary es said county, seren Negroes, consisting of one
Man, two Boys,one Woman aod two Children. Poid a .
property belonging to George T. and Wiley L. Gallaway,
minors. Teims will be made known on day of sale.
May 16, 1654. BUD 0. WALL, Guard’n.
ADMIN IbTUATO11-fe SALK By virtue of a~o~
der cf the Court of Ordinary of Oglethorpe courtly,
will be sold, before the Oonrl house doorio Tannin on. nry,
on the first Tuesday in JULY next,between lire un.a;
hours of safe, the fol.owiag lots of Land, to wit. L tri.
282, 278 an i 120, all lying iu the 6th did. Ist se t. f, rmeriy
UDion now Fannin county, containing 160 aciea e: eh,
be the sam sa re or less. Bold as the property belonging
to the eetate of Patrick O'Kelly, deceased, for the benefi 1 ol
heirs and creditors of s id deoeaned. Term cask
May 18, 1865. WM. B. BKIGIITWELL, Adm’r.
HAHTbHHKIFP’ki BALM.—WiII be sold on the
first Tuesday In JULI neat, bercre the Court house
door In Hart county, within the legal hours of safe, the
io lowing property, to wit: one tract of La d containing
on. hundred acres, ou the waters of Big Cedar creek, ad
joining lauJa of Richard Bailey, Littleton Shelton aou
otheri, whereon Griffin Bailey cow lives: Levied on is
the properly of Griffin Bailey to satisfy three fl. fas ss jeu
from the J nil ice’s Court in said county in the 1112th ris
G. M., in favor ofJames T. White and others vs. driffic
Bailey. Properly pointed out by the defendant. Levy
made and returned to me by Thcmaa Vickery, constable
At thesame time and place will be sold, one bum'red
acres of Land, on the waters of Big Cedar creek, adjoining
lands ofßurreii Bobo, FortsonVurvey, and others: Levied
on to satiify a Jmti:e’s Court fi. fa. issued from the 200:1.
dis. G. M. in lavor of William Bobo and others vs. Richard
Bailey. Property pointed out by Richard Balloy. Levy
made and returned tome by Thomas Vickery, consta de
May 12,1855. WM. MYEKd, sch- nU.
AUMI AIkTUA rott’H SALiK.—Under an order from
the Ordinary of Richmond county, will be sold before
. “!i" I*''“ 1 *''“' !do<)rin w »Jfhe»bcro’, Burke county, or,
the first Tuesday in JULY nex., as the property of (filbert
Longstreet, deceased, at: ac of Land containing Jb a .es,
more or ies\ lyieg in the last mentioned coun y, at ihe
junction of McKean creek and Favannah river and ad
joining l t ndsof Anderson P. Locgstreetand Thomas C-ffi
nahan. Terms cash. A. P LuNGSTBEET. i.. ,
May 17,1855. J. 0. LONGSTKEET, ) A,Jm Ti '
‘ 1 RUSTKE’S SALE.—WiII be sold7~before the Cou r
-1. House door in Warrenton, on the first Tuesday iu
JULY next, a certain Negro man, named 808, ab„ut fif
ty years rid, on a credit uctil the Ist of December next.—
Said propertysoid by virtue of a decree of the honorable
Superior Court of Warren county., taken at the April term
of *Hd Court, 1855. GK j. UNDERWOOD, Trustee.
May 2d, 1655.
AU.VII.Me ■ UATVH’e Leave
th Court of Ordinary, will be acid on the first lues
day in JULY next, before the-Cou; i-house door in Applies,
in said county, two Negro Slaveu, to wit: Charles,a nu n,
and Melinda,a Woman. Sodas the property of the es
tate of Robert Crawford, deceased, lv.r tne benefit of tfit
he.ra and creditors of said deceased , ,
AprU7,1856. A. M. CRAWFORD, Adm r_
boocnesoafe to w. h. to up is,
m* ys°sss£ f t
«Uy*Siah« Os every description, Straw firoomi
( arebjue* oaVgood’ ifo'reash.andare preparedto.e
n the metadvantageonsterms. Merchants wiliand it tt
elr interest to look at our prices. All articles warrante*
be what is represented. Give us a call and satisfy your
ves. «23
~ ARB constantly receiving* .esh and pure
Mflp Medicines, Chemicals, Choice Perfumery,
YM Toilet Articles Ac., at their establishment llf
between U. B. Hofcclwnd PostOfflce corner. 4**
Medioinescareffliiy dispensed at all hours, bycallingat M
femes’.corner Green and Mclntonshstreta n 2»
BACON.— We have a few casks choice Tennesi*
HAMS, well eure<f And finely flavored. Also, a]U o
SIDES, clear and ribbed; 6 casks prime SHOULDKWi
myl® W. H. HTA RKI a CO.
breath, for sale by HU. H. TUTT. Drugsut.
ri | lIALKH best HAY,.for sale by
appear at my office, within the i!m<: pVescrlbed ’bv
showcause.if any they have, wh aid l*»-• I*l■Ur,-'?! 9 * ,
be granted. ’ u 0 nc *
- in C .;
m.y t», : ;
Letters of Auministrationon the crHenw n «r, •»
deceased: y * AO<,< »
an T ’ h ’;«^ l ?hrS r nd ,t 0 e ’ !S3T
be andappear at myoCr
law,to SMI oaasa,lfanj ihe> havr, «hva:^iLett- r ?
of Administration should not be granted. “ aterß
Given under my hand,atofficein I 'uiavlff ■
May 2 , 1655. NICHOLAS DIEHL, Ordinary.
so d E. Hitchooekann Bennett Smsanni'a: t r, -
Letters *»r Administjation de b nia non, cn ih~ es*a-e cf
Wiley Mms, dec a-ed : and the same - p lies t» me for
ldeo?« l f, draiu ' t . tralln, ‘ OD ,qe edt:lt ' ui Mary Bin a,both
Theseare, therefore, to cite, summonanda ImonSh all
and-dngu-ar, the kindred and creditors of said dec- t*ed
to he and appear at my office, withm the tin e v rose ri bed
s; *' a
Given under my hand atoffice.
May 6, s
Oglethorpe 4 ouiity, Sno.—wherea.
M tri-a el I si> ma. j h to me for Let era of ad
.“'dTo r ?m“
Thisc are, l here we, tne te. summn and a-'ra nish .u
and iinguUr, <h kindnd ai. r,.is.T raid ,i,
to hew d sppe r,, .n, ~ ~ , i
Giveu Under my h ,nc! at < nice.
_M_.y26.ISW UK UY BRITAIN, r inary.
OSl'bl «>• I’r t «I*IV, <;,»>. vvT? .» u,„.
(JJ.C ’ 1
dianship for o ‘ n
Woods, r ' “»
lh»se an-, therefor', todte, an • admonisb,ail
and singu ar, h. ki-Ureda hi.p:.*onh inte>e- ed, t« be
and ppeirat my . rti e, \ thin t *• tix. prescribe I by
aw to show . ause, if any they hate, why aa;d IcUra
s tou <1 it t h g -nncl
G ve utd •' my han lat offl *e.
Mayß6 1885. HIM YBKIFATN,OrdI try.
nrARKRN i O NTY, «A.— h eas, [all
VF and Win. Fo ler app ies f 0 me for i, -’ers of Ad
miD’Stration on the estate of Ter * p *wler deceased •
These art! reforu t- cite and admo i.h, rllMid s’ ngo.
lar, th -kindred and . reditu, o,t rt decea-.d, tu he ii.rt
appear at my off within me tme prescribed j law, to
show eue, : ny they have, why sai > letters ‘houlU 'not
' dtr my hand .it offic in Warrenton.
, (855 Ord*y.
| 'Ol.uv Cl \ < OIWTY. HA.-Wher -as, by the death
V. of :he Executor of ’he will. KyG- pi , late of seid
couniy, de. c j-sed, aid KsUu* is r-fvpre e .ted:
These are th, re fore 10-cite and ;■*. mouith al. and singular
the kindred and cu that an Ad- ‘
minUtrat r > it ;h w. !
first in July next; uni : moTe flt ami proper
person appli a, the duty will devol v 01. the Clerk of tho -
Superb r Court
Glv-n under my I-npd at office in Applin--.
Jus e 1, 1855
f >IC'H V I> COUNTY, HKOIUiI \. Whereas.
•=• •-*«•
Theße are t„ crt. >rn.i iidraonish.all nnd singu
b.r, the kindred and .-rest ,- ~, r-., dee. . e„, an ' all
other person or persen.) r he and vi.ptar «t
my office on the first Monday in Ju'v next, to slu.w
cause, if any they have, why Letters of tUmir.hdrat on
should not begrauted to Oswe i t:, fashin, i lerl of the
Superior Ccu.t f hictmu nd, ooot ,or s eh tit cd prceer
perinea the heir, or errditovsm,rename •«.. pr«,'u?to
Given under my hand at office in Augusta.
! May 27,1855. i Marv
I - . iu nary.
. rJ" m."d r;m b ,y d d. "t
s Jhcame, duly i.u h.iu.caied, v, hi- t ■ ,me re,er berl
r MM. A WALTON, Adm'r.
May 11,1865
’ N°T , £ K n -Al i l * mn * Indebted to Sterling Reel^
of Rohraond county, deeeand, are rt«« stU io
_ make In edp.tep,} en; ad , . » v , rt ,
e “li'i-'t » - do -,d,a , by r|:r lto pr titthe
e “a'oe.djly aathentrcaie , «i 'i th rime p, eri ,| by
r -a—- JOHN U nPKNUE ■ A e.’r.
, May 11, *855. with tm will auncxed.
\’O :H ’ —AH pt*i soms in. c Iw (o tlt* • s'fi . - k.rlt.e-i
I K I,lna la , eof cou i , deceased, art i
• tocomi f rweid in d iuhk. ut mt a- paj m- t; ~ d ih* h©
- ha\ n emai • against sal < e art requ n| o pra*
scut them duly authenih ( .
April 20, lsM>
B TVIOTICE.-Ail perm-d iu i • to Mjf
e IN thi sin Berj •.v. r. - , , , yliuay%
, deo’d.. are requested to makt I m liate nt: and
, those having demands again t i «-1 estaU i x present
them duly authentic tedw - tix the Un *.. . .i hi
i law.toS. A. V. rde:y, at Hi or W. 1
I May 81, 856. i: NJ. B. r DM IKY, idm’r.
! MONTHS ift<
X to the Court of Or Unary <-r . olumbia county or
IcHve »o .ell a ort:«m of ,l». Re I • d l’ersonul Lutt o(
Kie i I Reel, deceased. A. M. OKAVNFORI), Adm’r.
Jon 5,
, J^OTlUE.—All
by notifie i loin ill those
» mauds against th estate y
i duly authenticated to the Afimii .aird!..r, w h ■*, tuna
prescrit'cd by law. A. M. OiAWFuUu, A un
Jut e 5, lf'Oft.
NOTK K.- a, . . j.
Ktdfvjn, late of iiic nted cou. ty, -iecc.-.Bcd, .io
i reOTeetad tt> make immediate pay m ntj and those hating
claims against the sai . . li*’m.:m notifie«l to prerent
: them within the time pi bed by law
Jon 6, MAR - EKN, A. m'x.
[ X totheCourtofOrd.n i> •lit. ri .. uy,ft r uve
’ to sell II the IANOH -. :*» ;:>g the estate of Ficutaat
3 Davis, dectKsei, lute o f (•< r.‘l u-ty.
WM. O A ib,
3 May 2d, 1855. JAMEBF C. ’ ( f ‘ Tr rB,
i X to the Court of U. .- . -unty so- leave
f ft tract*, Lund in Thoinaa county, • e.’oup- g(. thee, tate
i ol Daniel McNair, dec . ed.
April 11,1855. FAM’I. J MoN I', f rH
to the Ordinary of Jefferson ct nty, for .v •toso 11
h Ll -is - cioni u fc to ?1. ■ »
deceased. John
April 11,
j'Wff VlOfti
li tii trie Cou. iof Ordinary of Coiumbi r.iuni: fv, io ,va
to sell the Kt.i Estate of 'lt (i.i t . f j,, ; ‘
■ , m » r
S I V.» DW. . .. l„
P t, “ t“f >*»•» «. • a ■ ntj t . .vo
to se'l v .ran ;I. i, m ~-mtoi couniy, '.ijo, in the 6th
era. ifs , jfi count , ■ eiott;-ug t•th •. tlren linn
doll h, (lice .it N. ORAWiMRI) * l .
April 18,1866 JPKlal , ,j Kl **•
O*XTVDA¥G after dat v . b made ta
kJ I the Court of Ordinary of l. i c ,;i couniy, fv leave
trr se'lthe Nigrocs b loi i : ing t. tic entate; o. Ttuuwi
Avreit and Sarah Avrett, d ceas ed.
Ap i 18,188 Lxecu: , .
T»®, MOSTHkI -.ft ,' dnteYppli, Minn Will i e merle
J to (>ourt of Ordinary of t.iucolu county for leave to
seRaU the Lund end tiegi res belonging u! the estete ot
Aacha i.Hti (•, rni iley, eeC'- aiu d, lai- o h i oo «, t /
Ap i 12,1866. II Its. M,l im v r.
i iiu i'll, alter dnt -, p'icm, wiil be irin-io
X to 0 e Court (ft Or , ary r f Mb : t tv a ty, I . leave
t, si ail the LAND* b,-ringing l . tie ~f 1f., 0 .;ph
Blackwell, ; r., deceased. f
. . , JVriisj in, ACM WE'!,
Adm r. on th*> Heal Estate of Joieph B-e. iI, . deo’d.
M y 2d, 1805
- |n\ O MON i after date anphet i. n !he made
1 to the Oour: of Ordinary of J L*or count> foi ieava
to sell all the Land belonging to the rhi of mini Dye.
deoeas d MAitLiN •. I)/ : , Adm’i.
May 2', 1856.
wiX'Jk DAYS after< >*p made to
O the G'»u toi (ti • • - ».,
si- , • U, c
EstateofvVil iu Lat-seter, lan ot . fi c u ty -•..-rased:
Lot No. 144 It th Dai., 3d ec m, ■u *~u -o^iy;
“ “ v. • uo»:
“ 41 B*ls, Tth *• Bak.r do:
“ 11 8 I b “ I
“ “ 806, .fid “find “ • Oasseo.;
Also, Lot No. 2,1a the 11 l fe of A1 xn i , Mvrfcoo.
J< SE.-.I /.. !iKWMaK Ex’r.
Jane LAP: ITER, Exj’x.
April 27, l c so.
rjpwo M< N i H : - n-.k-t- -1 tTn.-p n v. i be r. ade
X to tie four I of t-Tdp:.iry *• couufy for
iav■ io sell the one-ninth p :rtof the Dower r>u nev In
poss esion of M. j. u; B 11, th in: nw Mr,. *.
s s aid one-nin h p.-rt beiDj tJ;e int-rssi or f . . nat jof
Elias T. Bell, deceased. J/ AJ. BILL, Aou’r.
May 9, 1b55.
to the Court of Ordinary of: i.* rt county for Jt tve to
sell all t e Land: be! sfin*. to the e.-..'te of Jaiucs M,
N !-! ,
M y 16,
rptVff MON ITU< Jftur dftt*; a.o »:d be made
X to the Oeurt fOr dt ary of fioert county for leave to
sell al the Laud- belong’ng <> .he estate of ISiL juntth V.
Dill rd, deceased, late * Elbert cou y
ftiay i6,1b65. WM D OAMPBBLL, Adm’r.
npiIUKK MOATfI- ,f r date, I will uuka AppHeaMan
Xto the Georgi. rvagi ft Bankin, Company, for th.
reilemptlon r.f t’< rl ht rend I giV-s c.f tire fel v, t ills
—ihe est hand'.f.lvesb. mg ml i'i u«t>sr...Ui t by mail
from LsariD , vi-l. t :r ■i" vh, U -, via:
1 One Hundred Du tor d,I, If 64 , IcU rA.
1 Twenty D' iar “ .. .21 4, •• A.
1 Five “ “ - . 6.i, “ A.
1 One 11 ** No. hTs5. “ A.
All of the above bills ligr. , Jno. I‘. Ki-g, Prr lent.
Jiß. ti. Co -TER.
’lftt'O itor-NTU «••• r date ap; .(cat on w!! b malle
J. t • the Ord ■ fl tho
Real E' a'e « f the micor. . h: tV;per.
April 12,18.55. Tii.. M . ( Ou. H\ ' 'n.
qnWOMONTHS afti tdf
X to the Court of Gruir ‘Vfl
tc sell v.
fib n Foil! :• . .
June 1, ihss.
fjlHO MOMTHM aip,r
X to the Court of ' nil :ry >,’■ uu\ in cou ;. so J-ave
to se'l the Real E.tau ■ i*. I*: -of John
Birdon, dece aed, fur bent fit 0/ J: I'sarr! to.- .
June 1,1856.
MI t ft' HSKI
J Ji : N V. C-DUGI A Pris lent.
Office No. 42 Corn ncrcino-nt/ i tt, Ja>u! , ilo.
nrv&M •' 1 eSHed to
X the very supi ' ■ J
this Oompiuy. if - Low*
fill ,w. ... en-.b ■ - • OM* he
afforaed for in th,
Orders sent to the Frestdt nt, or to Messrs. G RATMAN t
Rdß mUNA co ,w; ibe . 3 i? ‘ f| Hi l °w
rates- ap;4-fcm
CHANTB, Aug Lorn'
prompt:.- committed
to our care. W* w . '1
Cotton, Flour, Ora. , • - » r of
Produce, and to th. Ci.',- •« f o h:. u ti.t ma*
ing ample facilities. ' v r■, . , - •. * •'
advances on conai/tment;’ to ua.
Our office and s , ...or -.1 t!.e ;v..-th ride of Iroa
street, a few doori .‘u.ov . i- iituk.
Cotton consigaei tv - *|,. w,rtd in a sa.e War.-
house. Jo°u wlall ’
hATIMi retimed lot - c.’y te»-« bl> I-rofMoaal
serTlces 10 .he cil.sen. .f Aogcais and Trclaity of.
flee orer the sv-r f Jl.'.s.-s. r*Bo t, where he can
•.1™ w r,e foun l, w eu no. hr .tsiioully enga. t. I.
Ef.-rj bi p 1-i K.ou, to Dr l. P. Garfw . Dr. Joseph
A Eve, Col. it ti. Messrs. A, J. \ T >V. Miller,
W. Jii> kson, “-‘•q- v hlB-€m
KFIJII D LAGLJSII < ASTOU b*L, without tatte
or fined- a valuable arfciefui chUln n. For sale by
mylfi WM.H.TU r.
w«.! , D,.,gi
OUM».i;'V.VI -10 bi ; . s ••*...» F, iy PL •
from the Morgautou Mills, Itt u ,« * y
my‘/5 , ,v i EMV.IN
QSttA tt>s. -luu hhds. Choice HUG a It?,
O 800 b- !s. A, B, and C. Refine i do.,
6*l b la. Or ucd and Cru Led dj ,
2ob.res Loaf do..
For sale lcr* b/ myt2 BAKER, WILCOX AC >.
\i a< fium K o i .
1U in whjle and half boxes. For sa e< y
lilitOSitiP Roach and Rat EXT E RMi N a TOR, -ho
JL> bt Bt ar.ic e extant. told by
KM » VhU Tillß !) • .
6 bfafo. Fresh BPONGB CRACKERS. Fo* *ale ? v
a i (i. . i
ting INK, 12 quart Lottie i- a Ci«e, for sa eby
r * »’ ! s 4-4,5-4 and 6-4 MAT
TING, just received, and for sh e cheap, by
IVJL 60 Lr is. choice New-Orleans,! n . this day, and
for sale by ftayh] HAND, WILCOX A CO.
J L'feT KKCUKIVItI*—A large supply of those Georgia
mam/:iciured Cottage CHAIRS, i. h, for comfort
aud durability, are unsurpasbed bv auy in the market.
For sale ly hi Fes RY A BKINM) K,
fIV under the Augusta Hotel,