Weekly chronicle & sentinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 183?-1864, August 03, 1864, Image 4

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<§|nmid& ictiunflc " V JOti.XoTO.V. r roro Macon Confederate.] I;, <rro -d of Gen. Johnston, notvrithstond n„ confidonoo reposed in his ability i r *bV Uiinv and the people, will, it is to be hLe-J prove of benefit to the cause, it will secure that accord between the Gcvem- V„t at Kkhmond and the commander of the Army Os Tennessee, which was wanting while Oen. Johnston retained command. When Gen. Johnston assumed command of iHt army at Dalton it was undoubtedly in a bad condition— without confidence m its com- Znder Bragg, and, of a necessity, doubting the ixwslbflity of its own success. How is it now' A braver, better disciplined and more c onfident army is not to be found in the world. The change is due to the wisdom and untiring exertions of Gen. Johnston. No army, excep in the highest possible state of discipline and organization, could have fallen back from Dal ton lo Atlanta, without becoming to a great extent demoralized. The fact that the army is in the best possible spirits—full of fight and enthusiasm, shows better than any tongue can tell, the implicit confidence reposed by the troops in Gen. Johnston, and the sad expres sions of regret at his removal, which come to us from the army, prove to how great an ex tent he had won the love and devotion of his troop.-'. The battle, therefore, which in all probabil ity i.-; now raging, is being fought by Johns ton 'k men, and to him equally with Gun. Hood will belong the honor of victory. [From Cor. Atlanta Appeal.] Kyerything has been swallowed up in the change of commanders, which fell upon the entire army like an electric shock, so sudden, ho unlooked for. How could it act otherwise than to thrill through the great nerves that makeup an army, and cause each to. look the other in the face with a blank stare, and ask: “Have you hoard that Gen. Johnston was relieved?'’ and absorb every other topic; even tho lact that the enemy was crossing in heavy forco end orders issued to be ready to march, did nut appear to interest any one. Hut on • very hand the question is asked, “What for!” ■which, I must admit, is rather a difficult in- Icnogatary to answer at present. If any one had doubted, the love and deep rooted confidence repoged in their late com mander-in-chief by the entire army, his doubts would have been dispelled had he been pres ent when his farewell address was read, and seen the emotions depicted in their coun tenances Instead of doubting, he would have wept as did pany of those who had fol lowed his fortunes through this long and ar duous campaign, without murmuring and trust- ing implicitly in liis ability and skill for tho result. Coming among them when ho did, and finding them broken artd dispirited after the disaster of Missionary Ridge, and rendered desperate by the stigma cast upon them by those high in authority, his great mind grasp ed at once the difficulties that surrounded him, and, in a few short months, what do we see? On every siifo no murmurings were heard, and each eye was brighter, each step firmer, and ■bo buoyant spirits and carriage of the men proved (hat the work had not been in vain. And to him we owe all of tho morale of the noble army which, upon the banks of the Chat tahoochee, stands between the enemy and our homes. No matter where his duties may call him, ho will carry with him the honest and heartfelt wishes of the army of Tennessee for his wel fare and success, and many a blessing will ho invoked upon his head by those whom he has tried to shield from danger. [From Cor. Augusta Constitutionalist.] The removal of General Johnston from tho command of the army of Tennessee at this par ticular juncture is legaided by every one as a most injudicious net. Tho army looks upon it an an ret of pcteoaul hostility on tho part of the President. It cannot conceive it the result of a proper respect for the inteicst of the count ry at Inigo, and of tjfij especial department. «>n all sides may be noted dissatisfaction. Gen. Johnston possewied the love and confidence of ida troops and Uie idea of taking him from their head before he hacl closed hia campaign startled both rank and file. General flood is popular, but tho in. n were satisfied with John litv.a. 1? ti e forir---. m.-tx a vovorso tlivy will charge it all to the change of couimandors, if he l ucco' ds they will still attribute it to John ston, wlio organized tho army, put it in light ing honditinu, and has brought it safely to the front of Atlanta. Hence General Hood's position is delicate and unenviable. There is another unlucky point m it. It will be made an excuse for de icrtloa wo meet a reverse, there W only one good thing in it and that is this: Hood will re ceive tho corperation of a War Department, which was denied to Johnston. Every effort will bo made by the Administration to strength en his hands for the sake of sustaining this measure. [From Macon Telegraph.] When General Johnston took command of the “Army of Tennessee” he found it a dis pirited body of men. Demoralized-by defeat, and worn out by long and arduous campaigns in which they had gallantly, but unsuccessful ly, struggled against the enemies of their coun try, the soldiers hailed his advent among them with joy, and looked fofvard, with hopeful ness, to victory and an end-of retreats. With the skill of a soldier General Johnston reor ganized the army, confidence was restored, a spirit of onthusiam infused among the men ; the elements of discord which raged among the subordinate generals, while Bragg com manded, were quelled, and confidence, frater nity and determination wore perceptible to all who visited Dalton. Tho executive adminis tration of Getieiul Johnston was indeed admir able. The troops were properly disciplined, the commissariat abundantly supplied, tho men well clothed, and every department appertain ing to an army soon exhabited a degiee of ef ficiency it had never known before. These manifestations of competency as an officer could not fail to endear General Johnston to the iso'rts of I'is men, and in less than two mouths after ho nvumed command he was regarded by the troops as emphatically the “right man in the right place.” The campaign opened and we have seen onr finny slowly retire from Dalton to the Chatta hoochee river. In this retreat we cannot fail to peiceivo the admirable skill of the soldiers, •as displayed by General Johnston. Every dank movement of the enemy was foiled, and iu some instances the brilliant manner in which tho Federate were prevented from exeeutiug their movements, stamped him as an officer of high strategic ability. These, no doubt, will always reflect honor upon General Johnston, while our admiration is redoubled at the mar vellous success ho at blinded in keeping up the spirits, and confidence of the r.:my throughout xlieir arduous campaign, [From tho Richmond Examiner J The reported removal of Gen. Johuston from the head of an army which he lifted -from tho depth of degradation to which Bragg and Davis had sunken it; at the culminating moment of ;i long, complicated, and difficult campaign conducted by him with unerring skill; is an act vt hick may produce deplorable consequences. 11 was not, however, unexpected. For some time, ike wretched supplejacks of the gov ernment hoi e hare been busy in blackening h : n. They have talked about g letter from his vouu . lieutc-r *nt, saying how ho would not have retreated, disapproving of tho campaign, kc. Gen. Johuston had to do iu Georgia exactly what lien. Loe has done in Virginia.— One In light his army from the Rapid Anna to Richie 'tul. and then to the South of the James; the other from Dalton to Atlanta. But when the cannon was heard in Atlanta, some newspapers talked as it they were scared—for a little while. The Gen. Bragg was scon on his way to At lanta —and shortly* afterwards we hear that Johnston is removed. Hcfleaves an army which he has created. He quits the campaign at the moment when a great success was certain to him. and is possi ble for any one. It is an insignificant conse quence that another will gather the laurel wl'i h he ha planted. We only hope he may —for tile fruit a ill still belong to the country. But it is impossible to think tho victory now to easy or t are as it vr.,s. The whole army nud the whole people of Georgia had unshaken confidence in Johnston. llis troops are as much attacked to lam as Lee s troops are to Li e, and this event cannot iail to produce un pleasant effects—not another Lookout Moun tain, though let us tnist! V Mutter to bk ArrbiDEi) to.—Are we to , have the wheat crops destroyed this year as it •was lost : Ijast year the country was tilled ■with Government agents, impressing the wheat nnJ brinding it befort it was dry- The result wfj? thou.- nth of bushels acre either bulked lip or ground dam; art <str- -yi-i. The agents w«re warned of *Ue i. jjlt, ltd they were too wi • to taue advice. Most of them were impa vounu tu<.-a, who o»ght to t.ave been in ■the i -bke. i'; kne.v nothing an an . were t : where -er they went. We .tuh rstar ’ . i ,!: :.rs Jive already «ou. aemea baying rfLtat at cuorasaus prices. }sucl: Q ia.iviU'ttKt; i: < be r ■ “iav«d ilOlll tCO 9VVh, - si,.. JtoHUbitnj/ THE BATTLE OF JULY 22. A correspondent of the bavaucah Republican writing from Atlanta speaks thus of the battle of July 22 : Not until evening was it ascertained that we had struck the enemy cue of the severest blows of tho war. Hardee and Wheeler sweeping si lently around the Federal left, pouheed upon their liank, and pressed so steadily as to bear down all opposition. Whole batteries with horses and equipments fell" inv> our possession, fortifications with frowning abattis of sharpen ed pikes were crossed in the teeth of murder ous tiro, while individual gallantry was conspic uous in the captrne of flags and- prisoners. Wheeler with his cavalry, co-operating with Hardee, performed deeds of valor that have re moved every prejudice which unjustly has at tached to Jheir past career. Charging as infan try they drove the enemy from one of his lines of fortifications, captured several hundred prisoners, burned a considerable amount of camp equipage, and galled their antagonists at every step. Contemporaneous with the supeTb move ment of Hardee, Cheatham with Hood’s old corps advanced rrom the entrenchments they had previously occupied, drove the Yankee skirmishers from their front,ami then with a yell commenced one of the greatest charges ot thc war. Up hill and down, through the woods, across the fields, faltering here and there be fore the fire of the enemy, but only for a mo ment, these brave men of Tennessee, Virginia, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Mis sissippi, Alabama and Lousisiana dashed on, and like their brave competitors for the honors of tho field advancing on the right, overcame every obstacle in their path. Thus for a mile and a half, perhaps more, following the Federals over their works, they mot with un interrupted success* One misstep only wrested from us the cr m pletenesa of the victory. A brigade is said to have broken—l will not mention names. Into tho gap thus created, a body of tho Yankees rushed, aud seizing a strong position held it until a portion of our lines were compelled to retrace their steps to prevent an attack on the flank. In other words, the mishpp destroy ed that perfect chain of communication design ed to be established between Hardee and the corps immediately adjoining. Since nightfall, however, I learn that this desideratum ha3 been accomplished. Stewart’s corps on our left was not exempt from the dangers or the glories of tho field, and although not participating so extensively in tho aggressive movements of the day, had occasion during the afternoon to l'epcl the vig orous demonstrations of the enemy. The results of the day have been morej than gratifying. While tho battle has not been so j decisive as was contemplated in the plan of the commander-in-chief, it has nevertheless crippled* the enemy, humbled his pride, destroyed his morale, nearly annihilrted some of his com mands, partially destroyed his organization, and reduced his numbers, aud it is believed to something like an equality with Our own. On the other hand our men have learned that they have a leader, on whose judgment they can im plicitly rely ;*that breastworks are not so fear ful to encounter as they imagined ; that their own strength is yet equal to every emergency, and finally, that by the blessing of God they may yet conquer the Federal army that has so defiantly pushed them back into the heart of the Empire State of the South. The battle has been a benefit. It has proven an inspiration ; and if called into the field again to-morrow or the next day, the men of the array will show how more nobly than ever they are determined to crush the hated enemy whose presence stains our soil. In practical results, few battles of the war have a better showing. Ilardee captured from 16 to 20 guns, and Cheatheam’s corps eight or. ten, besides battle fiag3 and regimental colors. In prisoners we cannot have less than from twenty-five hundred to three thousand, among whom are a considerable number of Colonels and subordinate field cilicers. They are still eoming in.’ ’lhe Yankees confess that the flank move ment of Generals Hardee and Wheeler was a surprise, and to an entire lack of preparation inconsequence. The idea, does npt uppear to have entered a Yankee Ik;ad that Gen. Hood would have the hardihood to detach a whole corps in tho face of tho overwhelming numbers ly which he was beset, and .while the enemy was battering even at the door, send it miles around the rear to strike them on the flank. And they compliment otjr new com mander for his success. It is but a tithe of tho tribute, which Gen. Hood deserves, when I add that for an officer to assume the command of an army that had retreated nearly cue hundred miles in three days, to make himself acquainted with every detail, while the enemy’s guns were boominy in his oars, aud their lines more closely invest ing his o\vn. and within onu week thereafter, fight two important battles—l repeat that for a General to do all this is a mark of genius, judgment, promptness and self-reliance, of which the annals pf war furnish but few par allels. I need not tell you that the tide of enthusiasm now runs in his favor with a force that is gathering strength every hour. “Pluck will always win.” A considerable number of Yankee wounded are lying in tho depot. Our own wounded arc being sent to the various field hospitals and to the roar. The .ladie3 of Atlanta have been kind beyond measure. All that humanity can do is being done for the sufferers, aud they lack no comforts. Confdonco is generally restored, aud few believe that Atlanta will not be saved. The Federal General McPherson is undoubt edly killed. Prisoners all report it. He fought Hardee—three corps and part of another, against, one. Sherman rs apparently on the defensive and digging dirt. Weathor cool and favorable for operations. Gis.v. Johnston’s Braveky.— Some of the or gans of the powers that be, aye beginning to call in question the bravery of Gan. Johnston. Here is an incident narrated by an army cor respondent, which wo think will show -the ac cusations of these trnckiois to bp unjust, with out foundation, aud malicious in the'extreme : Gen. Johnston is the bravest and most cool man when under fire that I ever saw. He is' almost reckless with his own life, but is ex ceedingly careful wiih the lives of his men. I saw some eight or ten Yankee cannon open oil one of our batteries, a little to tho right of the little town of Resaca. They were firing with great fury aud precision, throwing sand sky high, and had already killed several soldiers at the guns of the battery, when Gen. Johnston rodo up. He dismounted, gave his horse in charge of his orderly *and coolly mounted the parapet of the battery, so as to observe the fir ing of the enemy. They could plainly see him, for they were not very far distant. ' Their fir ing was very accurate. Gen. Johnston had not been on tho parapet over five minutes when a shell buried itself in the ground within five paces of him, throwing dust all over his clothes. This didnot seem to move hinrTtt ail, he didmot notice it, but stood calmly looking at the fire of the enemy until it slackened. For over an hour the shells were falling and bursting ail around him. it is un fortunate that he should be so reckless with his life, for if be should be killed or wounded it would have a most demoralizing effect on his troops, who fairly idolize him. As Important Decision —ln the eatly part of May, Mr. Haliigan employed Messrs Graham k Wasson, machinists and boilermakers in tho city of Selma, to manufacture a small steam boiler about two and a half by three feet square, together with some other email items, as per Mr. Halligan’s order from time to time—no special contract as to price. The other items iurnished by Graham & Wasson, besides tho boiler proper, consist of two small prices of copper pipe, a small sheet iron smoke stack eight feet long by about eleven inches in diam eter, and six hundred iron washers, made of scrap iron, about one and a quarter inches square, varying in size and thickness, cut and punched for riveting bolts in wood woik. The gross weight of all the work furnishel by Gra ham & Wasson is less than twelve hundred pounds, and tor which they charged Mr. Mulli gan thirty one thousahu and some hundred dollars. Mr. Haliigan refuged to pay the bill as pre sented, on the ground that it’ was exorbitant, and proposed arbritration, which, after some delay in cerrev poudonce, was agreed to, upon Mr Mall igati giving security to pay the award within two days after it was published. The agreement to arbitrate was entered into by the parties in writing, under the code of Alabama. Messrs Peacock and Spear being selected as arbitrators, and Mr. Pierce being selected by them as umpire. The hearing of "the case com menced on Monday. 27th June, and the inves tigation extending through four day?, during which time the arbitrators acquitted themselves with great credit in their patient attention to all the evidence adduced, as well as their in telligent and prompt decision of points raised by the attorneys in the case. After much evidence defendants closed their case, and plaintiffs having ottered some unim portant evidence in rebuttal, the case was sub mitted without argument to tie arbitrators, who found in the': awnd .ha Mr. Haliigan should pay Messrs. Grantnu A Wastcn thirteen thousand one hundred and tLirty two dollars in full of all demands in reference to the mat ter submitted—being 3bout ninet- en thousand dollars less than the Hill rendered by Messrs. Grttfum & Wa&ou .—iklim M&sfisippm. JVORTHKBX SEWS. The Washington Constitution says that ail •lie hospitals in that city are comparatively full, and the dead cart is continually on the move to the cemetery over the river, near Arlington. There the graves are in great rows, like unto platoons of troops, and yet “no one is hurt.’’ A trotting match came off at Union Course, Long Isianffion ihe afternoim of June 12th. Hiram Wood's black mare Belle Boyd won the race in three straight heats. A land case has just been decided in St. Louis, by which John Maguire has recovered, after a quarter of a century of litigation, lands in the Northern part of the city, worth SSOO 000, together with the rents and profits, which are to he assessed upon the tenants, and will ,bs very heavy. The Washington Chronicle speaking of the advaacs m the necessaries of life, shows that a wild spirit of speculation is rife in the North. Even in Washington combina tions have been formed to keep up prices, and the laboring and industrial classes are said to be suffering. Great excitement has been caused in Ports mouth, New Hiftapshire, by the appearance of the yellow fever. It war, taken there by the De Soto, and thirteen fatal cases have occurred. If is roughly calculated that the Yankee Con gross, during its late session, appropriated over one thousand millions of dollars, includ ing the bounties to new troops, to be paid from the special income tax. It is stated that Secretary Seward has accent ed an invitation to visit the coast of Maine in August in company with ihe special committee of the Honse, who go to examine the defenses. On Tuesday, June 12th Fessenden had an interview with the New York bankers. He was very polite aud very full and explicit in his statement of the financial affairs of Yankeo dom. “He said, amoßg oiher things, that if Richmond was in Yankee possession, and ihe military situation such that he could see his way cAear, it would not be so difficult to pro vide for the future; but in view of the present condition of military affairs, it becomes neces sary to depend gieatly upon make shifts and temporary expedients. He frankly admitted that he had at present no settled policy, and asked from the bankers a loan of fifty million dollars until September 1.” So says the World of tho 13th. Fessenden but repeats what Chase said when the campaign began— “without military suScess nothing can save the finances.” The Chicago Times says, on Thursday night, June 14th, Mrs. Helen M. Weed was arrested at the Northwestern depot, on complaint of her step-son Thai low Weed charged with larceny, as ( bailee, of SISOO, the property of the complaiu ‘ ant. The husband of Mrc. Weed, died in intes tate at Rochester, New York, seine months since, and in division of property, it is alleged that Mrs. W. brought away SISOO which is the property of her step-son. Mrs. Weed is repre sented to be a women of untarnished reputa tion. JTor tbreejmonths past she has occupied the position of matron at the deaf and dumb Assy at Delavan, Wisconsin) and at the time of iter arrest was about taking the cara to join the Fortieth Wisconsin regiment of hundred days men, to act as matron for the regiment. The defense claims that Thurlow Weed accompa nied his step mother from Rochester to Wis consin, that no concsaimnn- was made of her departure, no criminal intent manifested, and she has no money or property that does not rightly belong to her. The Indiana Democratic eenvantion met at Indianapolis, July *l2. After the organization' Joseph E. McDonald was nominated for Gov ernor, David l’urple for Lieutenant Governor, Hie balance of the State ticket, including Judge of the Supreme Court, for which the present incumbents wcie nominated far re-election. Resolutions were passed this afternoon denouuc ing arbitrary atrests, the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus, the suppression of news papers and the general policy of the national and State governments: favoring a speedy peace and the prompt payment of the soldiers, and complimenting the troops. A resolution endorsing Vallandigbam, and pledging the State to stand by him to the last aA id much confusion, was rejected, and a substitute was adopted, pledging tho democracy to maintain civil and personal liberty at. all hazards. The railroads in New York havo raised the .tariff 10 per cent. Tie New \oil-: World says Grant is afeoul making au important movement. The order for the Georgia State Militia to report to Atlauta for organization has been countermanded, and camp of Instruction and organization established near Macon. Col G.W. Lee has arrived and assumed command of this force. It is gratifying indeed to see thap coming in on every train from all portions ol the State included in the Governor’s call Every energy will be displayed to speedly to put them upon a war footing anu send them to the post of dan ger. Bad Manaqemjixt.-— ‘\vbat do tho Confederate Commissioners mean by fixing the prices of meat ami corn at the figuro that they' have iu the schedule published in another column.?— Two dollars and twenty five cents a poufiH for bacon, one dollar and seventy-five cents for pork, and five dollars and a quarter per bushel for corn. These are tho prices to be allowed by the Government, when it is well known that at the time when the schedule was prepared thesa articles could be obtained in the market at a less price. It is tho intention of the Com missioners purposely to increase the price of provisions! Do they expect the government, the people or themselves, to be benefitted by it? It seems to ns that the Commissioners have adopted a system by which to increase the market value of bacon and com. It is well known that producers will always demand high er prices from private purchasers than that fixed by tho- schedule, and if the Government at tempts to keep up with and outbid the market in this way, by the expiration of tho year prices will have reached a point beyond that which imagination can follow then. We protest against this schedule. It is not only unjust and unfair in itself, but it is offer ing a bonus to speculation and extortion.— Those farmers who have disposed $f their pro duce at previous prices have j*iot cause for corn plaint; for tho men who have wiihheld ami hoarded are tho ones who willjbe benefitted by this schedule. The finances of the State also will suffer ; for it will have to pay them in , crossed prices for provisions for soldiers’ fam ilies, As to her private purchasers and non producers, their cases will soon ba desperate, if this sort of thing goes on. As we are utterly at a loss to conceive any reason why the pre sent prices have been adopted in the schedule, we can only simply protest against them as un just, impolitic, unreasonable aud absurd. Tallahassee Moridian cfc Journal. Axdv JoHXStov.—A Yankee paper gives a “Sketch of tho Life and Services,’ of Johnston, the Lincoln caoidate for Vice-President. Ac cording-to this, he was born at Raieigk. on the 20th of December, 1808. He lost his father in his fourth year. His family was very poor, and he was apprenticed to a tailor in "his na tive city, with whom he served seven years.— He never attended a school a single day in his life ; but whilst learning his trade, and by the aid of the journymen, acquired a familiarity with the alphabet. As soon as be could im perfectly read, he borrowed a few books, from which he amassed all the learning he had until he married, which was in his twentieth year. His wife then taught him to write and cipher. He workqd for a short time at Laurens Court House, South Carolina ; then returned to Ral eigh. Subsequently, he settled in Gieenville, Tennessee, and there was alderman and Mayor. Ln ISiio he was elected to the Legislature. In 1810 ho was democratic elector of Tennessee In 1841 he. was elected to the State Senate. In IS 13 he was scut to Congress, where ho served till 1853. That yean he was elected Governor, and re elected in 1855. In 1857 he was chosen United States Senator, and finished his term last March a year. He is now military Govern or of his State, and may be Vice-President of what is left of the United States. Anticipated Raio on Milutogeviixu. —A party of raider.? from Sherman's Army, said to be 3 brigades ot cavalry, have been moving down the Georgia Railroad from Dacatur to Madison. Ga. Reports of the intention of the raiders to take Milledgeville in their line of operations, reached us on Saturday, and ou Sunday were strengthened by others more direct and relia ble. Major DeGrafienried acted promptly and put arms in the hands of those of our citizens who responded .to the call upon them. Gov. Drown who was in this city, believing that the information of the enemy’s intention tomaken raid upon the Capital was reliable, at leact that a color of probability attached to The report, and that tho local force here was totally mad quate to defend the city, dispatched to General M ayae for 1000 men, on Sunday night, and also to General <’obb for assistance. Gen. Cobb and the Confederate authorities promptly compiled with the request of the Governor and Gen. Wayne, and in a few hours had a large force on the way. The soldieas ar rived Sunday nigh,. The promptness with which this matter was managed reflects the highest credit on all concerned. At the time we write Monday there are no signs of the raiders. It is said that nearing of a force sent after them from Atlanta they huye taken the back track. l /don. FOREIGN NEWS. The Earl of Derby, speaking at a meeting of his Parliamentary supporters in London on the Danish question, said that in the part which be and those acting with him thought thev should take, it was considered right to deal with th3 Danish question by itself, and nut to mix it up with the Italian question, nor with the unhappy internecine strife which was now waging ou the other side of the Atlantic. The Bank of France lestiLree million during one week. The executive of the Rawlenstal Southern Club are getting up a petition to Parliament for recognition of the Southern States of Ame rica, which will no doubt be numerously and influentially signed. A Vienna telegram says tho allied Powers have despatched a circular cote to their repre sentatives abroad, declaring that they no longer consider themselves bound by the concessions made by them at the Conference, since peace has not been established. Austria declares, moreover, that she will henceforth fulfill her duty as a German Power without regard to her own special interest. The Danish Minister of Marine announces that the iron clad Rolfkrake, although hotly engaged at Aken, was but slightly injured. A ship ol war and three gunboats escaped from Alsea sound, but two small vessels were blown up to prevent capture. Jutland has been placed under Prussian Administration. The loss of the Danes at Alsea was from 2,- 500 to-3.000, mostly killed, including eighty one officers. Mr. Hawgato will offer another amendment to the vote of censure, namely: that England ought to guarantee the independence of Den mark and the integrity of her possessions. TfcssMorning Post publishes diplomatic doc uments confirming the fact that the Holy Alli ance of Russia, Austria and Prussia has been consummated. * • The British Government is prosecuting an other man in Liverpool fer enlisting men to erve on rebel cruisers. Iu tire House of Commons the Government has been defeated by a majority of two on the rejection of ike religious tests at Oxford. Mr. Dayton, the American Minister, has been feasting the captain aud other officers of the Kcarsago. A letter in ihe Independ ence Beige says that'two (lavs after the defeat of lie Alabama an iron-plated vessel built at Bordeaux, left there with a view of.succeed ing the Alabama, and revenging her destruc tion. The Chinese newspapers give full accounts of the repulse of the Anglo-Saxon contingent under Col. Gordon at Chang-chow-foo. The lighting was desperate. It is said, however, that Gordon will surely take the city, and it is cot: i,loved probable that with its fail the l’ae piug rebellion will come to an end. In the as sault no fewer than six European officers wore killed and twenty-one wounded. The officers did nearly, all tho fighting when the storming was to be carried out. On the 14th instant in the House.©? Com mons, Mr. Disraeli moved a resolution of a Want of confidence in the Ministry. Sir. Glad stone denied that England’s influence had been lowered. Mr. No,-. Agate moved art amend ment declaring the independence of Denmark ought to be guaranteed. Mr. Kinglake’s amendment that England's policy was for peace, was also offered on the sj'a. Mr. Cobdeu spoke at great length. . Lord liai :ii»bury will move a similar resolu tion in the House of Lords. The debate in the English House Os Com mons on Disraeli’s motion, was postponed. In case the motion is lost, tho Ministry do not in tend to dissolve Parliament. The Tappings in China have again met with very serious losses, Major Gordon having cap lured two of their chief cities. It is common ly believed that tho Chinese rebellion is nearly over. 1 Vussia intends po« easing all the Dutch Is lands, and afterwards attack Copenhagen.— The Presse i that. King Christian personally requested Napoleon’s protecting intervention. • Pretty certain information establishes tho fact that the piiafe Svifim .•«, his effigers and crew, 1 . got nock, and 1.-lends to tail soon from a French port to attack the Kear sagM, Tho mortality in Loudon of late has risen ahovo the average of the previous ten.yor.rs. The Great Eastern has taken in 3,000 tons of coal, and is getting ready to lay the Atlantic cable. ' * ' One fifth of the national income of Groat Britain is derived from the tax on ardent spirits. Prince Napoleon is writing the lives of the Bonaparte?, certainly tho most remarkable family in ail history. COMMOH-:UAL INTELLIGENCE. London, July 0, P. M. —Consols closed at S.OJ 90'. Liv!:;:i>c-oL,»Jiily 5, —American cotton J Jd. higher than last Friday. Dreads tuffs.—YV'Leat2d.higher. Fiour is dear er. Corn has'advanced Is 6 a2s. The Yankee Commercial MakiKe.—Tho Now York Work! discloses many disagreeable facts in regard to the present condition of the Yankee commercial marine. Here is an ex tract from the article : ‘ 'People know in. a general way that our ship ping had suffered by the depredations of the Confederate privateers, but very few have any idea that they had succeeded in driving near ly a thousand of our vessels to sail under oth er flags. The facts are alarming, as well as deeply humiliating. Additional interest is given this matter by the news that the Florida is again npoh our coast, and that the crew of five vessels which were burned*have leached Cape May. Iff If.flO the total tonnage of the United States, exclusive of whaling and steam tonnage, was 5,219,131 tons. In 1864 it is in the neighbor hood of 1,674.516 tc'as. That Is, we have lost in four years 3,514,605 tons. V/o siiy nothing of tue loss through the involuntary idleness of our vessels—nothing of the number of ships that lie rotting at our wharves aud at foreign ports. Yv r e would simply ask, at the rate given above, how long a time must elapse before our commercial marine will be entirely wiped out, and the American flag unknown in any foreign port, or even ou our own seas, save as seen upon ships of war? From being actually great er than that of any other nation on the face of the earth, cut tonnage has dwindled below the standard cf ihe third-rate maritime powers. More than r-inc hundred vessels that in 1860 were owned by citizens of ihe United States, arc! floated tne Stars and Stripes, are now in the'bands of foreign owners and sailing under foreign flags. On Thursday morning last we published a list of the names and owners of six hundred t-i tucse vessels—having an ag-i-re gaie tonnage of three hundred anti twenty-eight thousand six hundred and sixty-five tons—sold during a j-inglo year. to British owners as compi ed ficm British authority, and to wblclr list the reader can easily turn. Foreign ers will not slnp goods in American bottoms, and so our vessels must either rot in port or become the property of people of other nationality. Not a single American steamer crosses the ocean at- the present lime—our steamships doing a pitiful dutv as coasters- and* even then with no sense of security. Foreign steamers carry our mails and freight and transport such of oar citizens whom business or pleasure calls upon a foreign soil. As Far from, tub End as Ev E R.-The Chi cago Times acknowledges that the efforts of the north in this war have proved a disas tious failure, and that really the Government at V, ashmgton is no nearer the subjugation of tho rebellion then it was two years ago. It speaks thus boldly ; The three main causes upon which th° Ad ministration and its adherents have relied for assistance m the suppression of He rebel'ion y;z: starvation, financial ruin and demoral ization, have all failed to render the Union cause the Slightest assistance. With ample J 1 1" “ r “ les thal aTe a unit in their re sistance, tue South opposes us everywhere to day wttn as much oetermination ami in as great lorce as ever. Ihe rebel armies arc no where demoralized C! i the contrary, tSev are a unit m men- re-: stance to the North 'and m addition present at every point a strength as numerically gr -at, in -pile of continued and cnormotn jos-.s, as that with which they have opposed us at any time during the war.— * raeticaty we ar» not one rood nearer the sub jugation ot tee rebellion than we were one Ef&V' 0 > c f, s a £°- Wo have captured a lew fosto and other strongholds; but we have novconquvrwl me people : we do not hold the country ; r.or nave wo suppressed, to any ex tent, tne spirit of the rebellion. Ihe parties now attempting the task are ut tony unaole to e'lect what they havo under xpkb “ ave speat some two thousand minions or dollars : have plunged the nation mto practical bankruptcy ; have had an armed iorce ot ne.?r!y or quite two million of men ; have sacrificed a quarter million of lives, and i incapacitated an equal numper of from j iiteir dal;, as citizens ; Lave demoralised the who.e country,—and yet, despite a!! these tremenuons sacrifices, have accomplished scarcely anything towards the subjugation ot the rebellion, r An Order VkoM the New Secretary or the Treasury.— ’l be annexed order has just been issued by tho new Secretary of the Treasury: Loans ca tho security of tho five hundred million six per cent non taxable Bonds under the seventh section of the currency law. Deposits ou call will bo received by tho Treasurer in Richmond, the Assistant Treas urers at Charleston and Mobile, and the De positories at Wilmington, Raleigh, Columbia, Savannah. Augusta and Montgomery: and cer tificates will bo issued for the same, bearing inteic-et at tie rate of four per cent, per an num, and secured by the hypothecation of an amount of the above bonds ■ equal to tho sum ot these loans. The bonds to bo set apart by the Jfreasurer, and the proceeds when sold, applied exclusively to the payment of the said certificates. The security and convenience afforded to banks and other corporations, and tha public generally, by this mode of temporary invest ment; and the effect of the measure, if gene rally adopted, in keeping the currency within moderate bounds, it is hoped will commend It to the favorable consideration of the communi ty and secure their prompt co-operation in carrying it into effect. General -Johnston Soteboedsd by General Hood.—Tho intellegeace which will effect our r aders most anxiously, is the removal bv the Government of General Johnston from the Army of Upper Georgia, and the appointment of General Hood in his stead. We ut>- thing officially of the reasons of the Govern ment for this step, but the conduct of this ar my, by General Johnston, we suppose, is the cause of his removal. Tho Government thinks that General Johnston has had sufficient troops to have attacked (he enemy. General John ston thinks that he has not had them; and hence his continual policy of retreatiilg be fore the enemy, doubtless askiug for and ex pecting reinforcements to prevent flanking ope rations. Now, on this point our knowledge is too im perfect to form any decided opinion. We do not know the strength of the ‘army % of Upper Georgia, nor do we know the strength of the army opposed ot it, under General Sherman. — We must therefore wait on time, to disclose to us the true state of facts, before wo can venture to approve or disapprove. We frankly confess that we have had great confidence in' General Johnston, and therefore fear that his strategic movements have been inert fable under the cir cumstances in which he has been placed. Past events also scorn to justify this fear. The President has been twice mistaken as to the sufficiency of troops to meet our foes, lie thought, that contrary to tho' views, of the Provisional Congress, the Confederate States had a plenty of troops to carry on the cam paign of 1862. General Sidney. Johnston im portuned him for more troops, but did not get them. Gen. Johnston was compelled to retreat froth Bowling Green and'Nashville for want of troops, aud Fort Donelson fell. The same thing, again > took place last fall at Chatta nooga. General Bragg had his army damaged by the change of commanding offioers, and was left with too lew troops to fight the enemy; whilst a portion of his command was seat to attack Knoxville. The same result tech place. After the light at Missionary Ridge General Bragg was obliged to relrcat. Now we fear that wc are' about to have the same error re peated for the third time. Gen. Johnston, in the opinion of the President, has troops enough for aggressive war. He is mistaken; and, in stead of reinforcing Gen. Johnston with troops, ho removes him from the command. If such apprehensions aro well founded, some disaster may be looked for. But wo earnestly trust that we do not understand the true state of things. And oven if manors are as v e suppose them to be, they are not irretrievable; lor having wrought his will upon Gen. Johnston, the Pre sident may now be disposed to co-operate heartily with the new appointee. This lias happened beforo. When Gen. Joseph Johnston was in command ol tho army near Richmond, ho earnestly asked the President to allow Gen eral Jackson to come to his aid. It was refus ed, and the battle—that of tho Seven Pines— was opened without Jackson. But as soon as General Lae was put in command of the army, in consequence of Genual Johnston being dis abled by. wounds, he countermanded the orders ' for the progress of the fight, and hia request for General Jackson was oomplied with.. And at Cold Harbor, Jackson saved the day. May we not hope that reinforcements refused to General J ohnston, may be-, granted to General Hood; and that General Hood, like -General Lee, may be enabled to drive back our foes, S. D. Lee, Forrest and Morgan may bo pushed to the rear of Sherman. The raid in Maryland be ing Pd, an end, why should not the troops that made it be sent to General Hood? Why should not Kirby Smithis forces bo brought oyer-tho Mississippi also? General Hood-is untried in tho independent command of a largo army. That ha is a brave, dashing officer, we ail know: and that he may prove adequate to the great command entrusted to him, is the fervent aspiration of us all.- Churlestor. Mercury. NOTICE t«»h:bt©Rß an» c»jsrj?iaroKS. ■JKTOTUJE TO CREDITORS AXD DEBTORS, i ' Georgia, tlreon County.—lwotice is hereby given t« at pi’-son-i having flemand, against Alexander Ido-', (iocoasecUo roiidtrmaa Recount of the same to the undersigned, nt-cord ing to.law, and ail persons indebted to sal;i deceased will make immediate payment. W. B. KIKO , Executor of Alexamder Eing" deccsEod. . i7 ‘ 3 - »iYia HOT’iCETC DEBTORS AND OREDITORS. ' Ktete of Geotgi3, Li»ailn couaiy I-ottea 1b lierchY given to ail por.-oas Laving demands against Tiiillin Dm, ; a tc of saUl county, deceased, to preetat tliern to me, properly mad'.. out. within the time presorted b/ law, eo a, to Slow ticb character and amount, dnd ail persons indebted to saul ilc csaccd are hereby required lo m:ike imKediate payment t a Adm’r. De bonis non with the will adnsxed ol ifliiil^bfe ---Y_ 6w23 NOTICE. ‘ : i-3 Apphcr.Uon will ha trade to the Court of Ordinary of l V'® sor g} a i. ! ' t tho first rogul-r term after Hie cx p.rat.un of fvo Months from this notice, for leave to se'l ti e lantl and negroes to the Estate U f'hiliio i)i 1, late of said 0- untV ileseascd, for the benefit or th :i heira and ere :it rs of au.d deceased, J. «T. DILL, . , „ '-e ben-s non with the will annexed of Dhilllp Dill i| h :,i y J i t ; ■ ___ Bv?2 ' J TWO MONTHS friQTlCi'Jh GJ.EOIIGIA, GREENE. COUNTY. i {■*<> months after date, to wit: It the next October term or of Oris in ary ot paid county, application will be inaue to sad Court, for leave to sell a lot of land containing tour acres, more or less, in U-e corporate limits of virtenes- Iv 'JI’ belonging to the Estate of John P. Scott, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said decease 1. , ~ aSAAC K. HALL, Aam’r. of John P. Scott, dec. _ ?V H Sw?9 fN.EOLtdA, GREENE COUNTY. Two mo.dlia after date, to wit: At tfce next August 1 errr oi tue Court of Ordinary of paid county. aupUoatlon vrDi be maae to said court-for leave to sell a tract of land In said county, containing t>o acres, moreorlesn, belonging to thcea- Ortjaran Southerland, deceased. GEORGE J. SOUTHERLAND, june 2 8w23 Adin’r of Sarah Southerland.deceased. STATE OF GEORGIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY.-To th ILonoraulc,the Superior C-.urt f said county: The pe tmon of John K. ‘Wilson, Josiah Stovall, Stephen Drane Samu-1 Bailey, Jamen R Wilson, I‘eteV Jones aud William A Collins, of Columbia county, Henry Moor®, German T Dortlc, Augnstus LafitteLWilliam H Goodrich. James Brown. John Bones, William E Jackses, Andrew M Jacksos, Robert F Urapirhart, Thomas W Chichester, Willis in 0 Jim-sup, Ciiarlea V SlcCay, Benjamin H Warren, Char:as A Rowland, Porter Flemming, Isaaore P Girardy, William S It bens. James >i Roberts. George M Thew, Hamilton II Lltd:man, Thomas I' Stovall, Adrian C Ives, Josiah feibity, KL/.rt A Reid and James M ±>ye, of Rlchrncmd 'county. 'Viii ,v o-t 'D TOrhTiy, of Newi-m county, and William W Everett, of Oglethorpe county, anu Marshall H Welbornof Warren cGUDty. r FFjiectfuilv I etli, that with the object of Iteiirg created a body p >l‘:c, wuh out incurring an-individual liability, they have associated them selves together for the purpose of 'ifctfiufaciuring Cotton Card-', and importing from foreign countries all the nr&lcmis, ma chinery and oiher articles necessary for carrying on .sitd bus:- ness, and all other business similar in character or ihcldental thereto. That said business is to be carried on In the county ot Co lumbia, ar.d State aforesaid, under the name and style of “The Bonesvilie M:raufacturiog Company,” and that the amount of capital to be employed is five hundred thousand dollars, to be divided into shares of one thousand dollars each, cf which capital there has been paid in the sum of one hundred thc-u --sind dollars. V- nereforc your petitioners pray that to enable tfcem to carry on their business a. j aloresaid, an order may be passed at the next ierrn of said Oour'r. tn pursuance to the statute in ehcJi cases made and provided, declaring your petitioners appilcftiiou granted, and constituting them and (heir successors a body politic aad corporate for the purp>ss aforesaid, he tier the name and st)le of “oiie Boaesviile ’ for the ter: j < of thirty years from the first day cl Juno, fins* dred and si^ty-four, Jno H Wilson Charles F MeCay Josifth Stovaii Benjamin H Warrai Stephen Drano Charles A Rowland Samuel W Bailey Porter FI .mining James IX Wilson Isadroe P Giraruy Peter Jones William S Roberts William A CoH : ls James M Roberts Ile-nry Moore George M Thew Germain T Dortic Hamilton If Hickrtgi Edward Lafitte .Adrian C Ives William H Goodrich Josiaa Sibley James Brown Kobert A Reid John Bones JameaM Dye William £ Jackson Vincent R Tornney , Robert F UrguLart William W £ 'erelt Thomas W ciiidfecter MarahaiLH Weffiom V/ilham C Jessup Thomas P Stovall Adiew M Jackiou. QTATE OF GEORGIA. COLUMBIA COUNTY.-Fferscn- O ally appeared, John R, •'•'iLon, who being duly sworn, se,}F that he is the President of “The Bonesviile Jlanufoetur in': Company,” located In the county and State aforesaid and engaged m manufacturing Cotton Cards and importing from foreign countries, the necessary materials, and other articles. That the amount of capital actually paid in and employed by such Company at this time is one hundred thousand Doilara, wfajch fc&s been invested in iriachinery, stack and real estate worth the sum of one hundred and twenty-five thousand doihu-3. t JtfO. 3- WILSON. Sworn to and sutecrie=d before me June 23d, 18 f A. D. P. STANFORD, N'. P. -• A true extract from the retard of Columbia Superior Court, June -27ih. liU. Jy 2uw27 GEO. W. GRAY, Clerk. AD.WI.MsTRATOR’S H VLE. BV virtu' of f-n erd r frra tbe Honorable Caurt cf Qrdina ry of Columbia county, will br sold on the ftrir. 7CES- D--Y in fc p’.embtr neat, b=:or. the C art House a- or a* £r>- pixng in Siid c>>umy, ail t—c Negrets belonging lothv es;at<- of John II rris,dtc-**s and. Sold f*r-the of theh-Ireuid * f deceased Teniris on 4ay of sale. JulylT 6w29 RICHMOND HARRIS, Admr. Gi E3RGIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY. T Whereas, S. A. Gibson has this day exhibited before ns an ectray horse, a rec eon el, bUsed face, ai! four teet white lefb oy - out. left nostril split open, and supposed lo be 12 o 14 v cars old. Appraised by us at four hundred dollars. July Gib, 1t64. A. M. CRAWFORD. F. H, P. R. MARTIN, F. J:. A true cxtriWi Uvtu tae Ertray B >jk, J uiy (Oh, 156-4. i: e 9wSi , bfiv. W.OiiAX.Dvputy q CITAT [QN&, for 4 - V-f'< -I*S 02 USOR V. - O" Vv>cr - .If, .J. V". o, ul:uin'-»tra*’?r on tbo estate cf C. ,T. Wu-Ikcj. ile:c Ajif-l-.s t > ice for letters of and .emission ' e-1 hv -.v av-.c-o if anv i-o-.y h.wit-ih; the tine prescribed by l.vw. whv said let *;:s should i.ot u. v tea. Givtn under jev ban -\ ut olike tt: ora w i ui'l:-., Y.:.y J. L>. HAhilAl’K, nij 23 dCwl un Ordinary. n KORUIA, i ALIaI'ERHO COUNTY. V? .. \ ;e F iV.tdow. SLihuinistrator on the c«* to.- ' cf Dr. YV. T. Reid, upi-iies to me for Letters of dismbslos from nod adniniidianoa. Tke a- .ie tc * cud .“uanioi's :Y1 persovs interceded, to show c: .: thev have, v, thin the tinw p:eeutod by lr.w, why sand ’ntcir ,v ould rot be g-anted. (Jlvcu un it; m* Lar,u, at office in Cbawi'ordtHe. M-.y 23u, lb 4. J. D. HAMjeAteEL, i .v -I-:Y.tCc Urinary, A- rII 11 n, SXE COv’NTY. ‘ > Y-i.ev T -r.: -a Snvth, Ezecutor of the last will an '. • . .men: r s'jubli, (.coated, pe-itior.3tL® Court (Y of s . and county ior a discharge lroin said JLxecntor [■ e.< .• are, vre> -• fore U- oi'e and re quire all persons concerned to si ; t; ;» r y.vi>st the- granting .of the discharge of said Fx* o . ; ' issuing Lor. - iiof Diiir.isV.on to him at the Court t-f Ordi urv i: be h -id in, had for said county, on Uie lirst Mon dav in December nest. Liven tindur my hand atoffl e in Grocneeboro’, May ICUi, EUGENiUS L. KING, Ordinary, my IS 2(Jwlaw2o ijT.yr?.'OF C ! OtitUA, LHJOUinTY Kte V- here. William J. Analoy, administrator de benia non on U'. j Er-.rc.< f Robert O. Luck, deceased, applies to me for Let:c*v ot (iL Thocv are . k-'i. i' :to c'te anil admonish, all and singular the* 1:. J ’if i cr-id turs of said deceased, to be and appeurat i;.y .3 on or beforeur-l Monday in November next, to .-lie ./ • if any they have, why said letters should not be Gh e:i nntu'r my hand r.nd official signature, at office In Au gusta, this id day of May, ISG4. DAVID L. KOATfi Ordinary, ray 3 SowiamlS QTATE OF GEORGIA, RICHMOND COUNTY. V 7 . Whereas, Hu-jamlii ¥. Hal!, administrator on the- Estate cf.N.r.icy F. • o;;;t oy. deceased, applies to me for Lciwrs ©♦ Dismission : * >; -c ere Ihc.e n re to c‘‘.e and admonish, all and singular the >;i'D.r.d and creditors o- ea and deceased, to i»e and appear at my office, on or before; he f iv.t M> m Lay in N. veniber im st, to show cause, if any tin y have ,vh/ raid letters should not W granted. •: - -.d Yd el signature at office in Au gusta :h-r- tiny of April, 1804. apt". hSwlaniv? DAVID L. ROATD, Ordinary. ZDFcIAWUfiaTItLOHMOND county. vd~* V/h , [ Did'. ', :u!;nmistr.d' ron the estate < D uKn v deceased, ap;.-lies lo me for- letters of Dis mission. TUe-i-* a?-:- the.r v rota oil-: and admonish all, and singular tho hi-mred ami creditors of “aid cV.-\.>od, to be and appearjJnt nr- o."- v - h.w. ■ the Hr-1 ALuiday iu SEPTEMBER, u-D,, i- • m e, if any they have, why said loiters should not be grainvd. *■ iv- -r my 1: v and and official signature, at office in Au gu -1, iY- :•av of Ftbruar., 1 d-U. W . ;.-j-.- DA VJD L. llOATir, Ordinary. OTA I'E • J G ”OR(U >, WILKES COUNTY] ' \\ V- Dvr.-; t tv'. V. .V'oore administrator of the estate of Elizabeth Mojiv, deceased, applies to. ice for letters of dismis sion. Th e a • ii. vi-f to to cite and admonish ail and singular the kind* ■■} av.d r.odirc-iT nf jsaicl to be and appear at- my (•V e vii.or b*-.t ihe hr •' Idov.cay in Sc.r'i'E IIBEH upxt to rliovr (D-i-aC-ifany they have why said letters should ‘hot’ te g» anted. G' mi under my l an-I and official signature at ocfllce iu v UMH.igtm I.IL-3 ?Bth Febinavy, 18G i. tel.kS ■ iac-o w G. G. Ordinary. •Lyi'A »E D te i;i)RGIA, WILKti& DOTINTyT Vi nyieui, I>. • aila l «:nu T. j. WJIao administra te 7 r> '-‘ the eof 1 >o’.jjmiu AYailhee, deceased, apply tj me iu; letters of d'Y.-usdon. , .y'--- •’ -*r-‘ <• ('!'■ :»nd rdmoiiTh a!), and singular the Ipruirca-di -t ; i. • ,- ! ad-1 deceased to beaa-J appear at my < Kief II te.j ii;2t liocd-.y in o.i-.FTEM-Lii next, to Du-; v uq, ifai- they have., why said letters shcul-i not be granted. ' o:> -a’ t av- ban 1 and ofu-ial signature, at office in r cs}.i-igioc, C..-.3 23d February, -Sf.l. K-.b ij fm l r : •’ <±. G. NOK MAN, Ordinary, 4*' i: c:i ul%, ae:: ■. *•: county .* " \'u • ••itlur. Irby, ft;... -..Ltvrtor on the e.aia*e cf V. . , . r“H e v.;e irom his saM i.ust. These are -Uc- .-ri , ti- '■••m ami require all to show cr.vi : - :i. • •!. u:-v. x t-.:0 Uu-enarge of said AdminUt-m* ior. aiu; : ' 1 .a.-’aii'cioii to b.iai, at the Court of Or flir.:-..': i . , :«• a or.-a-dcoULty on the first MONDAY 1l iv.\t. L- ivon duller Ly hand at ofil: in Grecnesboro*, February 4th, EUGJfINIUb L. KING, fob 76m \via v. ; Oruinary. •v .• : ■ 1 • :7;: .~TuFn ~COUKTyI i>D W,: i'c .« Je-L-e .'.'ii: ncJ, AcJminLstratrr of the Estate oi'C.ong:-Tunnci. elecc-. • .:f.tirioi;s t!ic Court of Ordinary o. f S'.al couci.y f.ir . Ifum' hid ■ aid Administration ; 1/ • -'- theiWue to-ci '■ ■ rwT rt^u'.r.;all persons concerned to--boy . i*• a.-; *i: '. be grantb-g the discharge of said Ad riiii.Mktef Tci i.-: i era of Disunssion to h : m at the Vc-'v:. *’) ■ :. '.hi iu and fur said county on the first Monday \'i Oat; v :!. O'VOH u; my l at office at Greencsboro, March ICth, 186-i. EUGENICS L. KING, nd.T' -hT-ul-i __ Ordinary. CAT EOF GLOILiIA, COUNTY. •Cv, D iu ' v ''- L Ece.-e, AUmlwisimtor on the JSstrde of Toiive. - ') w:; - , hj-.-pitseU, applies to me for letters of dismis- T'u . a.i'e U:- . . •' to . ! • a-d admonish ail and singular •the i.Y- h.Y.l.u . • "•: o-" f:iUl deceased, to bo and appear at K:y e'Y ... c ihed by law, to Bl ow uuuc, li’ anv •- L; h re, w;.-* * ;timid not be granted. C ; - ‘i I Hignature at office in'Wash ington, \ ‘.ii-.. <>kh il-.y el*March, 1564. m!r; .;> • -r. : G G. NORMAN, Ordinary. •AUNTY. v; 7 V: - ;. rii, F, Jto.ton. admhii-rator on the Estate ot KpD -t i-.i. E-.h. rt, r>p*;.l' - to Tt.--* i* v lev' or-■; of d : sm';a ion. i The:-, ar.' • • ic< cio aV'! a.imoi-sJi ail ands- ngv.lar the j l:ie !:• '; a:.-,: • ) ;■' '■ sos said • ?-. ...cd, t~» be and ap-p.-ar at my \ olfi.v, I ■.•rO'c Yve-l by lav?, to show uaa.so, if aoy I they have, why vuici :.Gora should not beg!antedtlqisaidapplt -1 ’-•jn liii-'icr m ii.ii: .-l rffi'-ial r/.gntvture, at office in Ap- | pliui.ii:;.; C i :av c p ,>y. s . mlEOSOwii.n. \y. W. SIIII'.L'Dg, Ordinarf. QTATii Oi/ i Y'UF-IA, OUI.Ej DOECOUNTY" ' i Wiiv-'r•••:-, ihe l! «L mol, i. rc -u rr .on theDstrhe ol ] JoolM. JaY-e rvcou-r-', ’iduiesio me-for ictteid of dismis- j fiion Ir- an uzia --a These' are ; h r • , .i o c ;:o and admonish all and singular the ! Irtjvri'e • aru c • v.! sa'-o deceantai- to bo and appear at iny i office, wit hi u the e;'." hr-. • . led by low, to show cause, if any i tlH*y have, whv sffi l 1. i -v aid n -t b: granted. G; vcu tradw my hand and official sign-v ure, i h\z li>i h day of 1 Kardi L E. C. LHAGUEDh\)R inh2B SGvj'amlS Oidinary. OYfATE OY t Uj \A, OGLEI'i •«;K uE C< »U In : V. k) •» fovea**, { . -'uth l it 11. kiiiiih Ad oiniitrator with the will annexed u>«n \ny F.-’-ueot' Charles, Fiirk dec’d., applies to w:_. ivirati« ii. h h.v-.u uv. tiu-'viur.-i-i cite v.\il atimoub.ii, all and singular the kii.'dretl and cveditors ot said deceased, to be and appear at my office >dil-.ia the time jnescribed by law„to show teuse, if any they have, why said Lette should nol be grant ■. iiv'en under my hand aud official Signature this 4th April 1864. E. C. kTIACKELFORD, Ordinary. 26 wl amlO. igTAT KOF GEORGIA, OGLETHORPE COUNTY, E's Wber-.-as, Burdo* Kinok Executor gunon the Estate of V\'ilUr.m Fii.ok applies to me Jbr letters-oi Dismis sion from Mid Executorship, Thc'-»c u.. .- Inorefore to oh'-", and admonish all, and singular the kindred an'u creditor.; of said deceased, to be and appoftv at my c-'fr.;c.-'jlii;;D.the tb/.e prescribed by law to show cause, if any t-hc-y , *.vby &dd letters -ilioulu not be granted. Given v-iidor my hand and official this 4Vn AnrU. ifij-L E. C, SHACKELFORD, «.. . Ordinary. 2bwl aml6. OTATE OF O 3 UCLA, OGLETHOiU'E COUNTY Ky WTc-iea*.. C':thborfe H. Sntith, Administrator cn the Estate oi. jficplicu U. .Smith, late of said comity; deceased, shows that he lias fully administered the estate, of ?a'.d deceased, and by petition applies for letters of uLmitislon from said adiniu is'ratkn: Those are therefore to cite and admonmh all ar.d singular ti-.e kindred and creditors of paid deceased lo be and appear at my effieo v/Kliin tiro time pi escribed, by law to chow cause, U’ any Umy h:wc. wliy said letters should not be granted said api.ijauf. Gh cn urul.-r my hand ad o*eial signature at office in Lex iugb;n, tlii*’ -lib Cay of Juiv. 1864. jyV2C»v iani23 , 0. Ii AC KELFORD, Ordinary. S’ COUNTY. ’-‘.'neitea... Jam: . f . Armor. Auifiiiiistrator of the es‘ate o William 80-v'P: , petitions the Court of Ordinary o fcftid ccuhly ; v -r a cliseh v-.p- fi :-m his said Adininntir.tion : These arc Uio.vYm e u. cite aud require all persons concerned to show ca*ise :• y-i .-t tiie granting of the discharge of said Ad ministrator aud Li tt iu g Letters to him, at-the Court or Ordiuary to be held iu and for said county cn the firs Monday in November rci.V (liven under my hand at office, in Greenesboro April 20th 1854. fIUGEHiUSD KING, 0p22 Cmv/k T u- ir> Ordinary. QTATE (;;< v G£O!UtTaTTALfAFEItiIO COUNTYL ‘ ‘- . h ir aH, JuDcnb F. Nelson, Admm id rator of Bemy Hill, deceased, applies to me for Letters ot Dismission Tl'.ite/.- mm Dirrmm’O, to cite and admonish, all aud fingtila Ihe kindred ■■ \ud creditors or said deceased, to be and appear a my office, whiun the t-i'.an pvescrib-:d •by law. to diov/ cause fair 'Urn li'fr/c, why - Y I.eDcrs should not be a*“»n ted. (Jivta T r.y hand awl oh* Lai s.gnature at office in Craw fcrdvLle, t: i- i-.'d of April, loC-i. ... :>ijvvj y < ° J. J). H M ACK, Ord’y. •]T’TT'jTL~ r (JSGKUIA. COTfILIA COUNTY: ’ ; WL: :- , . I Yrty Y.'aii, adiffinirtratrlx on the Estate of Jftiaej A. Vvh I.L r.r.r.ilea to mo for loiters of dismission: Tii'-;e r.i :.eroxb'-, to ci‘e rad v-h'.-moaish all, and singular tha hr: :.-i . .j--u -.L w.'. : <! oM, to and appear at my office vi hi Lie te'h.t- 7.-.'-escribed by law, to show cause, if any t.)-o> I. v ■ :.y sa : d lc-Aera should not be granted the said ap plicant, * • Given up/r. - ray hand and official signature, at office in Ap pling. this ILL day cf July, 13“ 4. j, o 20v 1 ai:j29 W. W. SHIELDS, Ordinary. ziTATiI Os iiKOCOJ/., COLOMFIA COUNTY, fj IVL “ratoren t.‘-e csty.s of A. .1 K.ijif . f,r loDfrs 1.1 Tlusr -ir: ; .lo ;i'. aitdr.dmoLit*h all, and singulartiie kindr- ti. • ' r - cf attl > doc vr-l. to be and appear at my or itr wi. time . ' ■: by In v. and show cittse. if any G.' have, .. . ...iiuic.’. i.uoGid not be graclwi to the said "‘c'.v-.-. ur...«r rr-rerG %ndof»>ia! signature, at office, in Ap- iub. jSU; day of Jab./, JGCd,. . jylO i.' W. tV. SHlELDS,Ordinary. ■; ;; Vs \Xjsi $ pttti r“V T‘ &W ABMimKmATZ&a JTA7E OF GEORGIA. OGLETHORPE COUNTY. O Wi:. "; -, Or.r. h.pber aiy.ib.v: to me for letters ci Admin ;trv ■/; t;.u i.-d-ateOa x/avid 0. Clirktopher. late of edvrb v. «..*■:cancel ?■ Ti re to cite and admonish, ail and singular, tne k.r.iu-j >■ m; ray offine • I .i ■ tin: pre-'eribed by law, to chow cause, if any they r-f v.y . tG-s should not be granted. Given 7inuM' iiiyi;aiw fehuomcialguutuve t i:U 4ih (rv of July. ?»W. E. C. biiACRJ-LFORD 7 Ordinary. TAT I O c- r: ■ t , < 01/JMCU < OUM Y. r P.- *' •-i r letters o^yiardianghip ~ >■ 'G V.. C , and L'* ” x i . 7or fobclren ot Moses Hamrick, de cease*. TAN- - ;vr. ■ f- e,tou >■ find idmoTibli aP, ax and singular the k; •er'J. ar.d - t r.iinorn,to i o and.appear at my ’ •■ "■•’■v to i.-.e, if any tec . • ave, v; : . Let*.. •*G ' .-.. e: be granted. Give vr. :-r:»> t: n-, otf- J s MoaUre, at office in A.p piiug r/' • 4 *.h .ivv of June, ioi. ju 20 -Jwa.- W. W. SHIELDS, Ordinary. v.;r ote O: so;. gi /. areene co v n ty. KJ wi •; . .5,.-xt-.:, Vv. ~>ui rh for letters of aaciiib ' • a lie • ate of Jy.ewurt Aud r.i-.n, late of said conucy, (i.n-tve.*... > ' . »*::ore, tocit- and admonihh all, and e nguJar tne <u£uir< credi:o.-.= of deceased, to rbcw cause, f au> ‘it y • y ■ • ' - siir-uid not be granted, at the Court mbt . •*, *.• •: •;. ii : anu lor said county, on the first MMs.»ay In *. ■•■:• ; : - \t. Give:: i■ ;iiti r.\■; L:\i. ~in Or v -e:*ed>oro\ July 14th, _ LCLEN'iUSL. KING, i'*S& • Ordinjiry. 6JTA :;E-G> GEO:?OIA, C .EUAIBIA COUNTY. ■ • *U - r a; plies for lof Guardian chip of the p*. / . and prcp'jrtyof thciMLOM of F. M. Fuii r deceased, * • I ■ tod -v'. aad r'.o^t:?ar b.'i br. minors to ; and appear at my c-Jnce. n t,. .u. Gits ; «-d by law, ; chow cause, II any tL . •r . ..-D • r- ' j.: r. • : . • • •.e: icO O'Vhr;.-: • . alsiguatiire, at office in Ap pling. ?»a: Jwh -ayof Jniy,isC4. iylo W. SHIELDS, Ordinary. TATE OI G E()}: G • , GP. E- N E COUNTY. fJ Wheresss. the ‘ • r?: t Litstoton Grant, a i're rersoa of co.or, late of G<! ddcw.eo.»- enrepre-en-.rd : b c- and admonish al> persons ooncers* ’V- t G ve-Sc-' go v,- Ufcrk of- fcuperio.- Couit, or in a- roe ether fr :*cd ;*r .;er f-e.’ ' t *•: Court • fOrdiftary to beheld in and for t-Mucuo’y >a the v M'nda> in September next G.ver. uiD.cr my amid at office in June isil . , SiUGIkMIUS L. EiN’G, Ordinary. OTATE:OF GE H’GLA. RICHHOND COUNTY. OW'her L. si G-. . *;n •; Witiam H. hiicdr, mi n jr, in >v .: r, ■.■:) applies to Lxc for Lrlters of Dismit-sion i I'i.w- 2JQ ti: 1 iociteai... :»imonish ail and singular the Lbidred and silos .-aiu :u ..or, to ixt and appearat my ofili-ecu or :.•«!'.• re i- first Mo ,x. .>• its Eepfceinber next, to show cause, if ai.y they have, why ,id letters should not be granted. G . - umic r my hard and official signature, at office in Ac gnAa, this 7th UU/ Oi July, l-'i }fi i>. w»4SO) yittOTr, T H E mm CHRONICLE t SENTINEM JOB PBIMKH6I OFIICE^B Is one o± tlie II Largest in the Confederacy* * WE ARE PREPARED TO EXECUTE H IS ■■ best B AT ]■ SHORT NOTICE, ’ ‘ I AND ON m Reasonable Terms, H Book Printing, 1 By-Laws and Constitu-B Pamplilets, tions ot Societies, B Sermons, Printing from Stereo- B Addresses, typed Plates, B Catalogues, Court Bockets, I Reports, Briefs, &e. I JOB WO’BK | OF | EVERY DESCRIPTION, Bulcli as* Posters, Blank Bills and K’otes, I Handbills, Bills of Lading, * J Concert Bills, Bank Checks, | Auction Bills, * Business Cards; | Programmes for Concerts Direction Cards, j and Exhibitions, Visiting Cards, * Circulars, Labels, Envelopes, Bills of Fare, | Druggists’ Labels, Fancy Job Printing, | 1 Blanks, Printing in Colors, | Bill-Heads, Bronze Printing, &c. J EXECUTED PROMPTLY, NEATLY’, J AND OH TIIL 1 LOWEST "KEiStAacS. ' j ' BY THE USE OF STEAM AND THE HIST ©F P3WER PRESSES, Ail kinds of work used by Cook Publishers, All kinds of work used by Manufacturers, All kinds of work used by Banks, All kinds of work used by Insurance Companies, All kinds of work used by Railroad Companies, All kinds of work used by Steamboat Companies, All Ifinds of work used by Joist Stock Companies, All kinds of work used by Merchants, All kinds of work used by Mechanics, AH kinds es work used by Lawyers, AU kinds of work used by Travelling ExhfbiUoa-?, 11l kinds of woik used by Patent Medicine Dealers, All kind of work used by Professional Men, &c, 5 Can and will be furnished AS GOOD AND CHEAP AS AT ANY OFFICE IN THE CONFEDERACY ARE CERTAIN WE CAM PLEASE ALL- Who will favor-us with TH33IR IP ALL IN WANT OF Any Kind of Printing, •A.24J3 TO CALL. BOOK BINDING IN ANY STYLE, NEATLY A.'iD PROMPTLY EXEVL’TEOf AT THE OFFICE OF THE CHRONICLE & SENTINEL. ’Wanted, OLD IEDGEU CO\£RS, OLD DAI fOOK COTEB3, OLD CHECK BOOK COVEBS, OID BLANK BOOK COVEBS, ■OF ANY KIND, AT THIS OFFICE. BLANK BOOKS, OF ALL KINDS, RILED IN A!*Y MASKER VYiaHEB, AND UOLSD IS THE BEST STYLE. AT THE OFFICE OF ITIE CHRONICLE & SENTINEL, ’Wanted. OLD LzDmiift, 018 cash socks, OLD JOURNALS, OLD BLANK HOOKS, OF ANY KHST33 EITHER ALIr WHITTEN OVER PARTLY Vt'SITTEN OVER, OH KOT WRITTEN ON AT ALL. THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE WILE US PAID FOR OLD BLANK BOOKS Off ANY KIND, WHETHER ALL WRITTEN OVER PARTLY WP.ITTEN OVER, OR NOT WRITTEN ON AT ALL. TEN THOUSAND OK MCRE OF TEEM WANTED AT ONCE, AT THIS OFFICE. OBNAMENTAL BINDING” EXECUTED IS A SUPERIOR MASSUH AT TIIE OFFCE OF THE CHRONICLE & SENTINEL.