Newspaper Page Text
Soldier** Ji'isic.—A soldier ashed
his comrade, one evening lo g > into
ft dram*shop, l hear a fiddle; to
\vhuh the other replied—*Aor.c of
ynuv fo*>ty ttmsio (or me ; give tnc
the roaring of a pounder, a elap
„f thunder, aud uow ami then an
The following paragraph appealed
sh a provincial (English) paper:
“ I ravellers should he caretul to
deliver their baggage to proper per
i tre, r.i a genl lonian a tew davs
.since, on lighting from a stage euaeh
rut*listed his wife to a stranger, and
has net heard of her suite.
A fanatical Boxer.— One of the
lower ender of
r.ot many miles from Rolton-in-ilie
j.loors, lately addressed hi* auditory
in the following metaphorical lang
uage dare say you’d all pay to
sec a boxing-match between Turner
nod I Sandy !1 ; yet you don’t like lo
pay for seeing a pitched battle be
tween me ami Beelzebub. Oh, my
fc ie- ds many a hard knock and many
n > rov buttock have I given ihe
h!.i< 1; hrui>er for your sake ! Puli i
do pull off these gay garments of
damnum ; s', r I kc ihe Devil a strait
Idow, and da ken his spiritual day
lights. At hni manfully, aud I'll he
vour hot lie holder. I ask nothing
Lu* lhe money, which I hope you’ll
Hot forget before you go.”
Lightning. — u ing a thunder
Stn nn, th< safest situyiioit Uin the
middle of a room, at a distance Irom
|.he chimney, aud standing upon a
Woollen rug, which is a non conduct,
or. IPankeis and tea:hers beieg
uon conductors, the bed is a pi Ace of
ecm park!ive safety, provided the hell
v ires are not. too near, which are
•almost always melted to houses
sfrtr kbv lightning. When out of
doors, i( is dangerous lo take shelter
Under frees, the safest situa:i.m is
within some yards of them, and upon
the driest spot that ran be selected.
In a thunder storm, when the sound
Instantly succeeds the (lash, ihe per
sons who witness the <if turn .lance
in some danger; when ihe inter
v.l is a quarter of a minute they are
GAMBLING, —Ft is certainly
gratifying lo perceive, that this vice j
so destructive to morality, religion
and social happiness, an* wtii U for a
1 ng m has lieen so ext msivelyear
rsed o.i, particularly n our Soul hern
<ind Western States, is undergoing a
purgation that will no doub? be be
luli ial to society. A short time
ii .re, we published an account of a ■
ne'-t of those, social Bobbers being !
broken up in Cincinnati, (Ohio) in l
Keu.urky. too, the strength of the j
la\y bids fair to put a stop to their j
\iie practices. In New Orleans a !
severe law has been put in force a
gainst them, which, we trust, will j
fie rigidly executed. In Huntsville, ‘
(Alai)) a man by the name of Mi- ;
ehael Miller, was laiely tried and
convicted of setting up anil keeping
a Haul ft sable, and lined 500 dollars,
to ‘(and in the pillowy one hour each
and *y for thr*e days
1 he imprisoned uo'il the fine and
co-ts of the prosecution were dis
charged. r Hiis is right. If these
measures a>e persevered in. there
L no doubt but tins evil will shortly
triune ate. Wc eannot forbear to
ftdd that it the laws of this S ale
’were put in r o execution against
tome of the innumerable, unlawful
- gsinibli \g tables in this city it would
have a saluiary effect.
Phil ad. Ere Post.
Hea d-Qu ar te rs,
EUJEUTON, NOV. 10, 1821.
V\ Lincoln county, is hereby
appointed Division Inspector of the
Fourth Division, Georgia Militia,
with ihe Title and Bark of Lie ut.
Colonel, vice Colonel Mteajah Hen
lev, resigned. All officers and pri
vates in sa‘ and Division, will respect
ftr.d obey him accordingly.
Wiley T hompson,
Aloj. Gcti. Com’dg.
Dee.lV.lS2t. 50—it
~ N olTic'K
f pIIOSV indebted to the late firm
Ore requested to come to a final set
tlement with the subscriber who
wishes to close that concern as soon
os possible John B. Anderson.
De \ 28— 52 2t
i lar k. Deeds,
Aiitl iV s;de at lhi Office,
Monthly Notices.
W ilkes Superior Court,
JULY TUBA!, 1821.
Prent the Honorable John M. Dooir, Judge
0\ reading and fiiingthe petition.
of Oliver White by Nathan C
Havre, his agent and attorney, sta
ting that Hinder Hillycr, late of the
said county of Wiikcs, deceased, in
consideration as weli of the sum of
one hundred dollars, to him paid by
she said Oliver Whyte, <\s for the
better securing to the said Oliver
W hyte the payment of Lie sum of
eight thousand dodars specified i~>
a note of baud drawn by the said
Shuler Hillycr to the said Oliver
Whyte for said sum, dated the 29th
day of October 1813, payable o or
before ilie'first day of January then
next ensuing, with lawful interest
thereon, from and after the first
day of November, tlieii mxt alter I
the date of said note, did, on the j
29th day of October aforesaid, exe
cute a certain indenture of mortgage
therein conveying to the said Oliver
Whyte, among divers o her iracis ;
at‘d parcels ♦ f land, (hat piece or j
parcel of land described in said in- j
denture of m Tigage, as a <ertain s
*• trad oi‘ land lyng & being m the j
“ county of ivdkes, on Broad iver, \
“ cootaiuing ttirec hundred <\, eighiy i
*• acres of land, inotv or less, boon
tied North by IV ud river, and
“ beginning a: a Wat mo corn r, oil
“ the rivet , on Be. jawin t ali hr i
“ ro’s line, runuig ‘.ou'ti 2i de
*• grees Dust to a Hick ry, chains,
** (henc.e South u 9. vV’c? 25 chains
•* 50 links io a Bed Onk corner on
<* said i aliuferro’s ii ,e, thence
({ bouth2i degrees P.asi 2i ehnins lo
** a lied Oak on sai l line, thence
&tiu !i o'J and g. ees Wesi 15 chains
“ !<> a Be tlieii on lie'll*) Ua ieto i’s
“ line, 1 1 nee down said Bran has
“ii meanders o the river, uieu e |
• il-wu lae river io tue b -ginnm **, }
*• together with all a.ol sing dar the i
“ rights and improvemeri s tiiereur?-
“to hclonging.” And, liiu of i
tlier pie<*e. or parcel of kind, tiescrib ‘
ed in said iodeiitu e, as * k oae moiety
or half of a ertam tract of laud ly- j
ing in Wilkes county, being ■hi tra t j
vvbereoh the said ililiyer mnv lives,
(meaning at tiie da(e ot sad aort
gage) lying on Broad river, hound
ed by Marshall Martin and others,
coniuining the oue half of two grams j
lor 500 and 53 0 acres say one
sand and fifry acres, he the same
more or less, together with a l m i
evei'y tiie nghis members and up
purteuauces, which an or may by
operation oflaw or equity be veiled
in the said Shuler Hiilyer, to have
and to hold the said several tracts
or parcels of land above granted ,
with the appurtenances thereof, to i
him the said Oliver White, his heirs I
and aligns forever, to h e and their
own proper use and behnof.” And
shewing fa mer (hat the time limit
ed insaal note for the payment of
said sum of money intended to be
secured nas long since elapsed, a *d
that the sai) sum of bglit thoasand
dodars of his principal together whii
large arrearages of interest accrued
thereon, still remains due & unpaid,
and praying for a Buie for aie fore
closure of me equity of I redemption
of m and t * ne said mortgaged pro
perty and that the same may oe
acid, &<*.
It is Ordered* that unless the said
principal and die interest accrued
and to accrue mere m together with
: the costs of diis proceeding he paid
into this Court within twelve months
f"’*n diis time, the C *urt will give
j and ,mem fr the am mat which may
he found to be due on said
and will order the property destsr -
bcnl conveyed in said mortgage,
to be sold in such manner as prescri
bed in rases of execution, jo order
■ that all equity of redemption of i .
: aol to the said proper y may ue
| barred and foreclosed pursutut to
the statute iu suth cases mule and
Ad it is further ordered, that
this rule he published in one of the
Public'Gazettes of (his state, at
least once iu every uumth until the
time herein appointed for the pay
ment of said money, or be served
on the mortgagor oi • his special a
gent, at lea*l ix month* previous
to the time the said money is di
rected to be paid.
Gkoi:gia, 1 Superior ('ori't,
Wilkes Bounty. J July Perm, 1821.
A true copy from the Aliuutes,
this 2is of July 1821.
in 12m
(£7° WK are requested to announce
JOHN W. WILLIS, as a candi
date fur Tax Collector , at the elec
tion for county officers iu January
Elbert Superior Court ,
March lerm, iß2g
Present the Honorable JOU.\“ .M D007.Y.
J petitioned the Court, dating j
that on the thirteenth day of April,
eighteen hundred and twenty,
Charter Harper made and deliver
ed his mortgage deed, to the Paid
James, and thereby to secure the
payment of the sum ot four hun
dred dollars by the twenty fifth
day of December, then next, mort
gaged unto the said James, two
tracts of land lying in the said
county of Elbert, one containing
two hundred and fifty acres, more
or left, granted to John Appling,
on the twenty ninth day of July,
seventeen hundred and ninety five,
ftn the waters of Cold water creek,
bound on the nertheaft by John
Appling's land, on the foutheafi:
by Richard Harper’s land, and on
the north by Gaines’ land,— ihe
other containing one hundred and
ninety acres, more or iefs, begin
ning at a pine corner, running
south twenty degrees east. fevenry
chains to a (take, thence south
fifty-five degrees weft, nine chains
to a pine corner; thence north
sixty degrees well, thirty chains to
a poit aok corner; thence south
thirty degrees welt, three chains
to a red oak corner, thence north
forty degrees well, twenty two
chains to a post oak corner, thence
to the beginning corner, lying on
a branch railed Rock Branch. —
And that the said sum of money
is ue and unpaid, It is ordered,
that *he principal, interest and
colls, cue and accrued on said
mortgage be paid into court, with
in twelve montiifc irom the date of
this rule, as in default thereof, j
the court will give judgment ior
the fame, and order the land so
mortgaged to ue fold, as prekrib ;
ed by the (feature in iuah case pro
vM TANARUS; and that this rule be poo j
lifted in one of the p-oD Ga- !
zeres of this dare, nr -e * once in
every month u*~til th 4 oe ap
pointed ior paym<mt\ or . ved on
the said Charter H-?- at ieaft
fix months to the time
when the money is vrrs directed
to be paid,
I hereby ctrt that the
going is a trn- k py from the
minutes of Did Court.
WM U 80WEN cl'k.
March 16, 1821 12
In Equity.
Levi H Echols, 1 *dlfor discov
vs. > ‘i)< relief and
fftarle ; W. Scott, j
IT appearing ro ihe Court that the
defendant resides out of the tare.
and that service of the bill and injunc
tion, has been effected on Augustus
B Longs*.reet, the defendant’s attorney
It is ordered, that a publication once
a month for six months in one of the
public Gazette , of this state, shall be
deemed sufficient service.
GEORGIA, 1 Superior Umirf,
Wilk>s ’ ’ ) Jul f t erm 1821.
A true copy from { he minutes
said court. thU 9th August. 1821.
jv *’ INE months after date, ap-
I X plication will be made
to the Justices of the Inferior
Court of Wilkes County, while
sitting for —i pwprxces, for
! leave to sell a tract of land in
; sai i County, on the waters of
Fishing creek, containing one hun
dred and sixty one and a half
acres, or less, a opining Jesse
F Heard and others ; the real es
tate of Christopher Binns, dec'd.
for the benefit: of the heirs and
Sally Binns, Adm’x.
Dudly Stinson, Adm'r.
NIVL months afterdate applica
tion will be made to the II n
orable the Court of Ordinary, for
leave to sell tlw real estate of Lewis
Norman, deceased, consisting of
one tra°t of land, containing one
hundred and fifty one acres, lying in
Wilkes County, on the waters of
Xewford Creek; sold for the benefit
of the heirs and creditors of said
dee. JAMKSTOLES/ Guardian •
July 2d. 1821, m9io,
N INE! months after date* appli
cation will be made to the
honorable h.ferior Court es Ogie
thorpe county, while sitting for Or
dinary purposes, for leave to sell the
real estate of W. W. Arnold, dec’d,
it be’* g the tracts of land whereon
tiie said W. W. Arnold died, contain
ing 3io acres, adjoining James Rut
ledge, senior, aod others.
John Arnold. “1
John Milner, j ?
Sept 27. IB2t.
NINs:, mun lis afer da e, appl
cation will i>e made to the hort
t cable Interior Court of the county
of Wilkes, while sitting for Ordi
nary purposes, lor leave to sell 300
acres of land, lying and being in
Burk ecumy on the waters of Buck
head. ad joining Seraggs and others,
for the benefit of Pi Kuan Overstreet,
minor, and his creditors.
John Moss, Guardian.
Oct 1, 1821
NINE months after date application
will be made to rhe Honorable
Court of Ordinary of the oounty of
Wilkes, for leave to sell 297 acre? of
land in said county, on he waters of
Dry Fork of Long Creek; to be 6old
as the property of John Faver, dec’d,
under the incumberance of the widow’s
John Faver , 1 , ,
Ala thtw F. rrr, J AQm ’
May 7, 1821.
USE Mouths after date, appli
cation will hr made lo she iion
erable Court of Ordinary of Wilkes
County, for leave to sell the real
estate of Joseph M. Seinmes dec’d
for the benefit of the heirs aud cre
dit .is.
IGN Virus SEMMES, * dtn’r.
June 11, 18 il.
NINE months after date appli
cation wiil be made to the
Justices-of the Inferior Court of
Wilkes county, while sitting for
Ordinary purposes, for leave to
sT! a tract of land in the said
county, on the waters of Fishing
ere k, containing one hundred
sixteen and a half acres, more or
less, adjoining William M. Willi
ams and others, the real estate of
John Williams Jr, dec'd. for the
benefit of the heirs and creditors.
Nelson Powell, Ad mV.
DeD. 8, 1821. m9m.
\T the expiration of nine month 9
application will he made to the
court of ordinary of Lincoln coun
ty, for leave to sell three hundred
and fifty of land, in said coun
ty, on the head waters of Grays
creek, adjoining John Clark. Also
two slaves, to wit: Guy ad Ritter;
it being the real estate of John
Holmes, dec’d. late of Lincoln
Ichabod Holmes, Adrrir.
SepL 1 1821. m9in.
G ORGIA 1 3J)Y John Dyson
Wilkes County, jyO Clerk of the
Court of ordinary for said County.
Whereas Richard
applies for letters d’ mLsnry from
the administration of ire estate of
John Weaver, dec’d. These are
therefore to cite summon and ad
monish, all and singular the kindred
and creditors of said dee’d. lo file
their objections in this office, wihin
the tune prescribed by h*w, to show
cause why said letters should not.
be granted
Given under my hand at office
this 23d day of August 1821.
JOHN LYSOa. e. c. o.
34t—in 6 m
Sheriffs’ Sale.
ILL be sold at ihe eour*
v ▼ house in Wilkes County, on
the first Tuesday in February next,
within the lawful sale hours, the fol
lowing property, viz :
One negro girl Ra
chel nine or ten years of as,e ; le
vied oo as the property of Danie*
C. Heard, to satisfy an execution
obtained on the foreclosure of a
mortgage in favor ot A M. Stokes
One negro girl by the
name of Harriett about fourteen
years old; levied on by virtue of an
execution obtained ou the foreclo
sure of a mortgage in the name of
A. H. Gibson A Cos. vs. Lesly Coats.
\L O,
Three negroes, viz : one
fellow named Malow aud a woman
named Amey ard her child named
Lewis; levied on by virtue of an ex
ecution obtained on the foreclosure
fa mortgage in the name of Jilson
Hopkins vs. Daniel C Heard.
K. J. WILLIS, and. s.
Nov. 27, 1821. tda
Collector’s S^le.
)N the town of Elberton. Elbert
county, will be sold on the first
i uetday in February next,
the legal ?a!e hours, CNE TRaCT
OF LAND (or ts much thereof as
wiil be sufficient to satisfy the tax for
the vears D- -9 and 18 0) containing
eleven and a half acres, lying on the
waters of Falling cres k in Elbert coun
ty adjeinirg Elberton and granred to
John Baker ; levied on as the property
of Thomp* on and Carter to satisfy the
tax—amount due S3 J 7 cents.
L M’Curry, t c e. c.
Nov So, 1821.
Administrators’ Sales.
Will be sold on the tenth day of Jan
uary next, at the late residence of
Jacob Slack, dec’d. all tl,eperson
al property of said dcc % d. (ex
ctp■ I he tup'oes.J
(N ONSISTING of stock of every
J kind, corn, fodder and cotton,
household and kitchen furniture,
plantation tools, Ac. on a credit un
til the twenty-fifdi of December
next thereafter, notes with approved
security wiil be*required. At the
same time and place, the la- tl vrd
plantation of said dec’d will be
rented for the ensuing year.
William Andres,? |j
Jesse Slack. 5 TANARUS,
November 21, 1821. ds
ON the first Tuesday in February
next, wih be toid at the Court
House in the city of Savannah, be
tween the hours of ten and threer
o’clock, by virtue of an order from
the Honorable Inferior Court of the*
county of Liberty :
One tract of land contain.
ing two hundred acres, on
Dim Creek, Elbert county ; one tract
of land containing five hundred and
seventy five acres, on Broad
dison County ; one tract of land con
taining two hundred and eighty seven
acres, on Buffaloe Cree k, Washingto*
County ; one tract of land containing
three hundred acres, near Sapaio, M*-
Intosh County; three tracts of land
containing f976 acres, on Canouchee
rive , Liberty County ; 50 acres of
land, in Liqst*y Ccumy, known a*
Milligan’s Hamm&ck; also lots No.
262 and 266 in jhe town of Sunbury,
the whole beingjthe property of John
Moiich, dec’d. tor the benefit o£
the heirs and cj ditors oi said estate-
known at the time*
of sale
The situation and quality of the
a v ove mentioned lands can be seenj ter
application to
Oct 16 43— mtds
- - - , r - - - - ‘ **’ • - •
Executor’s Sale.
Will be 9 old on Tuesday thefrst day
of Feb unry next , at the court
house in Wilkes county * ty ordem
of court,
363 Acres of Larid^
belonging to the estate ;.f William
Peaemari, deceased, lying on (ho
waters of the Dry F<*rk, there iff
upwards of two hundred and fifty a--
ores in the woods mostly fit for cul
tivation-sold at oae as and two year£
credit, equal installments.
Robert Pear man, 1 st
Sirueoa VV alker, 5
Nov. 6,1821. 4*s—l 2d2j /
■ ■ ‘ ■ - ■ ■ —■■■ ■ ■ ■->.
Strayed ’*■
r.GM die
JL he(w<i-a
and 30 th nfl
month, a BAY m)RB/ , between
six and “sfeejett years old, about fi'*e
feet roach ami
tail, and was in very good order
when he left home. There is no
marks recollected. He stands very
straigi** * n hie bird feel. Ur. w°.s
traded for near Littl River not fat*
from Carter’s mills, it is probable
he may get down in the neighbor
hood again. A liberal reward will
be given for the delivery of the
torse, or for such information u$
will enable me to get him.
( John B. Lennard.
Dee. 6, 1821. ; 49—ts
A Tract of l and,
TYING on Little River, on the*
4 road leading from Washington
to Powelton, seven miles from the
former place, containing one hundred
and forty acres, it being one fourth of
the real estate oi Samuel Wingfield,
dec on~which tract is a good dwel
ling, kitchen, and a great many out
buildings; corn cribs, stables, negro
houses, &c. —For further particular#
enquire of
Charles Winged.
Not. 6* 182! dscf£