The Washington news. (Washington, Ga.) 1821-183?, July 26, 1823, Image 3

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ns having been iiiu-.- A
u 1 B Ht.Hi, or who
liave attein>et)||dl <o weaken the rff* *;
of that ease tiV dovtxi his
tally of year* to a^l, w j e $<, jj iati 81 ,.
. e?'ty* and iissurti. | JSt hv personal
visitati ai, tiiat S”t itiiasto 1 is less
*ii*.t f tbl* thaa w'h *■ k'.>]!i;i<r Soiula rn
litori supposed v \ >oca ,j 9O | le flaf ,
j> uasU* i> sp ‘a (f P the jaii, its bolts
i dimes! mF?, wbe 1 we al
{•.(* ibis of
ij,-h’ltated old a?rj{ t hew ihe nb
of he of impris > j
•Att f<>’* debt, il tj we li iv*
,cf V met ! li
Leaving this
o vever. and et't lf iA51 o the
a? * >ve <r He !,
li t us 2 i*- sake ofargu-
I meat# <* and“ f **l eonse
qjicnrr of -he V ypvi f iinprison
jment for debt re*;uS/ to its
j full extent, yVe |*iP. auv. let it be
\ abrd*§lied ! f *TIaVAi even doubi,
whether ,* roast* qaencr
V/ould be, I ♦ any a übjne
hf regret. Ww bt !te° fc soeiety i>n *t
* tar from thjAt > vdition of nral
1 111 ni-ovemeot, e : time > of
honor w*uld be a more cill i ; uis
rolianee for :he pay me it >,f and ‘bts
jivfid (hi fulfilment of eoutraeis, than
like, dungeon, the bislinad t. <e the
Jl aek. Hie real ccn equenee of |
slate, of v/ouid Ite, 1 fiat ]
Uv>u/f not fibroin c edit ichi
k deserve it, und fii we J
■t no evil, bnj, on the euitra-
to [*iW. f ;',
wPfiLTCAW prom rr,
By?>(e seidhto of (lie I
Ho Style v* Lmi'.si iea 9 a
for pi hib!tir
t - y ill u sii hh i.ii
wm !.Mi!nrt! by G ‘
ato VV L i oLAoIio'M.
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W- I *wt]i u tu.i if *•’
||jM.i.r of B? Jm iv . xvh > ha- ; .
nj u. r.o-.or au.i
HjTy tUi hoWaj arned of fife ■
wf wi3 bv 1 h? of c-i
HHprctV : . and ai.tMM.Uble a
un .S e to ;/ *rm h,t ei
|£a?enaeats, Ci Sis jti c itid <}Si dren
In wham he fkj*d hac
| pine were reduced so a state cf deg
[ (’ration which d.-ub his di rress
lie comforted him <Af and them how
ever, with the r that upon
the stnete t review of hi own con
duct no want ei’her of integrity y
o prudence, coaid oe irnpured to hi.n.
*Je thought it b*st diere ore. to re
pair to Paris ii jrder *o ‘ay a true
prate of h i alTi sbe ore his
hat being onvinced of his honesty,
the m'-ght be induced to pit his
tis fortune, and a! ow him a reasons
ab e of time to settle hi af
3 e wa kindl received by
*ome, and very civilly by a I ; and
wrote immed atel- to hi* <ami con
hem on the pro ,ect of a
~pv j and favorab e a*;ju ?m°nr of
hi ‘l.tHcu i* Bu al hi;
wer • de ? r'. Te d bv rhe of his
prmcipa creditor who nused him to
be ‘-eiZftd and en r ft j u \< eoon
a th-m *iar cho \ev u. v/a s known
in h* enunrry hi elde tsona routh
o iV.t ■< y ai o ag° h r tcni v gon
!) tj the dictate of A .ai piety, came*
po rto Paris
rle feet o* hi< atherhi obdurate cre
ditor, to whom he painted the c!n
tfiS3 of i- amiiy so rn >st pathetic
term , but apparently without eff ct. ‘
-i ng?h in the greatest agony cf !
min.l a? .aid ir. mce iOu think
no-bio,* can co nperra/e for your loss
but a *mc . n et your re entmenr de
v> ve upon me le*- me uffer in teat!
o mv father, and the mi-erie.* of pri
on will ecm !ighr in procuring liber
ty or a.p irent to console tlxe aor
rows of the distracted and dejecied
iamil’ that I have .est behind me i
•*hU3- Sir, VOU Will sat’nf’ your ven- !
geance without sea ing their irretn
evab e ruin ° nd here hi tears and j
Vgh stopped his utr rrance Hi \
‘ather't: creditor behe and him upon his
kneee in thir. condition tor a lul quar
ter of an hour H ; then sreMily db
sired him to ri e and it down; he t?
be ed rhe gentleman then walked
from one corner „f the room ro she
other in great agination of mind for a
‘out the ame pace o: time. /%t
leng'h T hrowing hi arms anout the
oung man* neck. ! and, said he
* rhe e i somethin z more va.uable
thai money—l hiv an on v daugh*
ter f or whose fa. * I have the umo t
anxiety lam rem ved to ft it. In
marring you he mu t b • haoo .
G > carry your fa'her’s di-enarge,
ak hi cor. ent brin, h*m m. rantly
hi her; let u : bury in th* j>v of that ■
a .ance. the remembrarfee of ail that
ha pas ed ”
A Horrible Tale. —l* is seldom we indulge
t tv readers *j h a dish <if<nu;d: r, rape, f ra
p n. B “'. as i tr>m s rarely. i <>ug'*t to he
the mo e relished—i id so we present hem j
Ins m-irning, in lieu oi a bailie in Spain wi h j
a ver? sanguinary and lii.rriTying cas *. Whe- |
ill. r ill-.* accou be rue<>r nos, is a ma ! ler •>! t
mo cnn9*<]ueiicg I is iufFiJi'ii’ n .-uv die !
scene lies m Smolensko, capital ol’a Kushtan
province of <ISe same name Tne iai wed
* ltd. the ca,astro, he s nit ng, and >he tit
.*ye, the M'le. bv wav <wl’ ,i ! t -numn shaii be
*• Smolcneko V*<;y 6 - billowing dread
ful event laiety occurred ,n ‘his ncighb.irho >d.
The owner of a ! melv c.O’ age being out on a
chase, a beggar, t , a i anpearance old and
en’ered t at noon dav, and asked aims
of die w -man who vn> at h >me with only her
two younger chddren. Toe kind hearted wo
man invites hun ro res’ himself, while she
goes oi:! to get him snme hing *o eat and
drink. After the beggar had satisfied his hun
ger, lie, to the no small astonishment of the
woman, assumed a dillerent language, and
with a h'rea’ening voice, demanded the mon
ey winch he knew, tie said, her husband iiad
in the bouse. The wretch rushing on her
with a large h'vad kn.fe. o force her to ac
knowledge where it was deposited, she decla
red herself ready n> give him what money she
had and tor hi* purpose, she mounted a .ad
der leading to he loft above. A soon as she j
had mounted, sh • and ew up the ladder after !
her, so ha it Was impossible for him to get at j
her. F rtding diat she disregarded his mena- !
ers he seized her vo children, and swore he
would eidier kill or maim hem if she did not
immediately comedown, and deliver him die
money she had promised The woman re
mained in the loft, and strove *o force a hole
through the rha ch call for help. While |
she was f h:t3 mp'oved, the m irtster cu- off
* oeir ears and noses and a last killed t!ie
poor uuimod in<.cents, scornfully proclaim
ing to ’he mother tlie murder he h..d com mi t
fed F>r u la’ely, however, h*v cries were
Iteard by an - who w’as pv.s-:mg in an o
pen carriage, who sent his servant (while he
remained sitting in he cirri to inquire
what was the titat er ihe servant has
tened to the spot, but on entering the cottage
was met by the murderer, who plunged he
knife into his heart, so that he fell without a
groan. The officer surprised at his d.-lav.
weni himself’o the co ••ag ■, where perceiving
he horrid scene, he atterhO'ed o stop the
of ffie murderer, and W'th his sabre cat
off tie fin e - s of Ids right hand, but was not
aole to hind *r h m from embracing he opnor
u uiy to escape through the and >or as it stood
p i rie v.nian had while ih < was pass
ing, tmd: her wav through die roof, and ran
i*> line v.’age winch was a pretty considerable
dis‘ i'Uie o re cii assistance
Meantim- the hu*btnd on his wav home
r. -vs ’he blood s a.n and murderer, wh*>m he
‘cegn zesas the beggar who fr-quenied that
>i!’t of die country *
Th ■ hvr"*e,r, t'ing ids fears under af
t'-ced lamen a’ion. held up In mu dared
mi,-nvinr* * Make lias e* there is in your
to is* a murderer, who his killed your’chil
-1 and likewise a man who attempted to de
fnd them, and from whom I have narrowly
escaped in the condt;ion you see.” The *er
r bed countryman while the attrocious villain
t is'c-ns to escape, fl’es with his loaded gun in
his hand,'.o he cn’tage, perceives through
i’ :>cn door the officer and :he bloodv corp
*rs of his children, takes him >f course for the
murderer, levels his p;ece, and shoots him
Cud Ci Uie >*ot, Ib wife coming up with
the vlllajtfs, hears th* shot, sees the office**
fait, Tfers a cry, exclaiming, * Y. u
have killed our deliverer; w he but the beg
p-r i the murderer of our children ” The
husband, whose whole frame ia shaken by the
horror of the scene, and still more by tus own
rash deed, s’ands a few moments petrified and
motionless, falls back in a fit and exph-( S ,
Wo nre clca* !y of the opin
ion* that the course pursued by tnu
f this s i?e in f eg trd to
Joseph Lawrenee, as staled below,
was sunh as the nature ot‘ his < aso
required. The law ur*der which he
wa- set te cod, we have always
viewed as uuconsi itutional; and if it
h* not so, the clause to which we
obj?"f is at leait inexpedient and
impoliti?—eriterfain'int? litis opin
ion* w hope it will io due time un
dergo the revision and correction of
the Legislature. Inveigling is an
ofteno© that greatly endangers our
property, and should he severely
pti ttshetl—-ri the term of imp. kr*ii
rrrnJ in its- Pewien?itry be extend
ed t* five, ten. or fifteen years—at
‘ho expiration of the imprisonment
the culprit m y !>s hanished from
tlie state. ard he subjected to fur
ther punishment if he ever returns
to it Some provi son of this kind
would perhaps answer the purpose;
Ivul *n a law that (iuthnjrizc
the sellint* a free man for I f , of
whatever enlour. the Lefr*s, J tu at
has exercised a power n u ?*a ivd
(as we think) by the C s’ihitiou.
[ ‘oath f ecurd.
ffoMMUlt It: VTLD.]
Joseph L .w-ci-w, v free bla-dt
pnij, advertised t be sold bv see
Keeper of the Ped e ftary the
ii(-a has heeo pardoned by
the Executive. r S'ht man is repu
ted to be a nalive es the slate of New
Y ek, who having l)£r.n employed
i'n a cna?ti.pgf vessel, arrived in bo
tier, in t'tis iate, in lh spring; of
fiorn whence on the departure,
of ihe vessel, it seems inveigled a
slave, and be : n<* £nd
convicted thereof before a Court of
Justioes t was sentenced i *der u ?
a t of (be Legislaiuro to twelve
months imprisonment at hard tubm*
in the Penitentiary, and at the expi
ration ofthal time, to he-old as a
slave during his natural life, \fier
having geeved twelve in-oiths in ihe
l i enstentia”v. * xet ulive
was extended to him, and for the
purpose of his leaving he state
wi’hout deify, he has been furnish
ed wbh a passport ft* Savamiiah,
wtierr he is to emkrare the iirst
oppoetn ity tha‘ off* rs to return to
New York
The case of this .nan should he
ji tunmlng f o Hie free ie'*ple of ,eo
!or who come from other states to
Georgia— a*’ the like demerey may
not be ex-ended to others convicted
of similar crimes.
‘Yew'pnpcr Debts. —The conduct
of some who call themselves honor
able men in regard to debts of ibis
description is infamous. Means
are sometimes resorted to, for eva
ding their paMuent, which are
shameful When h man.after t-eg
idaclv receiving the paper fvr years,
pleads (It t s ’ e only intended to lake
t( For one year, and Will p'iy for no
longer time; when another refers
to pay. (!ousrh lie* Ia pet haps a thou
sand r. il-’s beyond our personal
rea< li. on the ground of the account
nol having been proved within a
year: when another pleads tlie stat
ute of limitation in bar of a just
claim, we feel dig > sand to g;-zrttt
these bankrupts in integrity, hul ex
pose them to the scorn of an hottest
People. There is no money more
hardly earned ‘ha.* * lie suhsoriplioas
to newrpapp'i—and i h sh itric
foe any -man. who is a* ie. to
a nt'-me -f to discharge his newspa
per account when he knows i*. is
due. [A'af. Intel.
Qp.ccd'itc — V Kcodi bmaoj <h
kcepe” of s hotel in the Palais Roy
al. married at the hot loin of his
ca xls, as \ most tempting ind ce
ment to make our travelling coun
trymen confer upon him * ihe in
e-timobh* h.'nor of tfiei n preference, ’
*—lnth’s hotel fhtii *pni£ English 99
Jl Howl n d for an Gliver.~A
certain t’hief Jrs tce, on hearing an
ass bray interrupted the late Mr.
Cu ran, in his speech to the jury by
saying “ one at a time, Mr. Curran
if y>u pleacc.** The speech being
finished, the judge began his charge
and during his progress, the ass
sent forth the full force of its lungs,
whereupon the advocate said ** does
not your lordship hear a remarka
ble echo in the court.**
Adam —... and his wife, in the
neighborhood of Perth were cailed to
a parochial examination On their
way the worthy man dipped a foot,
and upset'. Arriving at the i-estion
hotue, the clergyman Jpfced the wo*
nr.a:i t* tn? the case of Jd
uvfa fall ?’* She immedtjteif’ a;
f-wered. •• h. i dinna ken what was
the cau e o’ hi fa‘ bat it *■* an un
qo dirty fa’, for he hursled into the
ditch, and hi breek were a 9 clay.’*
• Some years ago when the epi
t;Cfc’e disease, the ii l fl,j r *r.*a # was
gcrterally p• -t, *vo negroes
met. and vvrli that p lsteness wtiLdi
i? soininvhat peculiar amottg them,
ciMjuired afle?- the health cf their
nhseut families — ki all iveil ,f — was
the answer of one, *‘ th k Hud.
but my wife, she got de wij.wnxy.”
* -u* JBb -.1 tv* J .ii •
IVAsill\Gri)N, July 26. in.3.
It must be Kiatify,u£ to lie federalists to
j- mi, ft*.s the disunion enijtiticr the present
i nne in the republican par: ~ aui tiit angry
•eebngs which the presitieiuia! question have
excised in the breastb of tinny republicans.
The federalists expec< *oreap many advanta
ges from, this sta*e nf lungs; they wil not be
disappointed il aivision prevails till the time
arrives for the elec ion of a president. The
re pub cans cannot assuredly be indifiereilt to
whom t tie concerns of the ha. ion are coijfitic and; )
they'can not be willing to see the prosper! y >
ot the country stopped in its progiess* and I
the ibi r ics of the people restrained; they can
not ounpori men ‘.vlio wdi undoubtedly endca
vour to change die spiiit of republicanism now :
prevailing dircugh ttie land, for one ci aris
tocracy. The principles of federa isnt are So j
well known, tiiat, if ever the iederalisis get
into power again, the measures of the govern
ment can well be anticipated. Wid the re
publicans lei the lederal party get nto prnvei ? :
v. ill not patriotism have the power to quench
the fire of discord, and o tin Peas closely as j
they formerly were, the members of the re- j
publican family? Can they differ in the choice i
of a repub ican for the presidency? The for- \
bearance of the republicans and of the execu- i
tiv department of he government, has given
new courage To the fodeia. party Tliey have [
taken for concessions, what in reality were
benevolence St condescention; they have con
sidered as approving the measures . iiey recom
mended, vviiat in fact were measures the ur
gency of he i imes required tha government )
to adopt. What were tlie consequences of J
the forbearance mariifes ed by the
‘I he feiierttistg continued in disseminating
•.heir pernicious pnnc.ples, in threaveiung a !
separation of the states, and in insuring the
republicans and th/ government There was, ,
however, in iheir language, something s.range
and unaccountable, tor tlie purpose of deceiv
ing he unwary When they were secretly en
deavoring to undermine the very tbonda ion
of he public institutions of ihe country, diey
hypocritically manifested a gnat regard for
that union they wished to rend asunder; they
praised tha constitution they wished to de
stroy; and piomulged the mos; treacherous
andsedittous writings insupp/ r; of wha* hey
w re pleased to call he lave ol country and of>
suffering humani y The people of ’he Uni
t; and Sia’es have not assuredly been deceived
by ‘die federalists, by the doings of a set of
men who, u der the garb of exalted virtue,
were endeavouring o mislead the public feel
ings, and occasion a civil war, that, m lie
unnatural and barbarous contest, they might
rise it* power and establish an urisiocratic
sway on he ruins ol tht&e united awl happy
s>a ? es.
Immediately after the presidency of General-
Washington, the federal party ( heir prioci
pies not then so well developed) obtained an
ascendency in the national council, which they
hoped would be permanent. Hut the policy
adopted und r he administration of Mr Ad
ams, opened the eyes of the people; they anti
cipated their pernicious effect's, an inevitable
ruin stave them in the face. The republican
phalanx was formed; the lovers of iheircouti -
try, wisdom, genius, patriotism, appeared a
gain under die banker, of liberty; aidrh con
stitution in one hand and the olive branch in
the other, ‘he republican paity undertook
the arduous task of directing the destinies of
tins empire. The federal party sunk, despi
sed, but not annihilated; its head appeared at
times-above the surface; and in the dark the
party have frequently, plotted the'destruction
of heir oppu en s in order to regain the as
cendency they had lost. The general cry of
the federatio's, which echoed from north to
south, ea-t r west, was, the country is io<t,
ruined; to redeem her character, to nv_]e her
prosper, you must elect us to office, and we
wiil save the coun’ry from the dangers that
a;e a* hand. But the good people deaf to
such deceitful warnings, answered with con
tempt hose clamors of perturbed minds. But
now, that they find vhe republican party divi
ded, their clamours are of ano 1 her sort; The
country was in danger, the government adopted
federal measures, and it was saved; the federal
ists only can govern prosperously the Union.
Sine- the u e war, trie federal party appear
ed to have forgotten their past animosi y; and
their temporary submission to the government,
and obe i eve that they were repenteni for vhe
many smfu; deeds they had committed. We
were am ng the first to hail the union of par
ties, we hailed with rapturous acclamations,
the day, as we then believed, hat diose mis
guided children of the same mother, had
come and required from tier the same
ing care she imparts to the others; but it was
all delusion. Can the language the feder
alists assume at this day, be misconstrued or
defended? The following extract i? from
the Newburjport Herald, a federal paper
which supports Mr Adams,
Canine consent i 9 suffer the administration of
this commonwealth to pass into the hands of dem-
One experiment we have hud, und sure
ly it ought to suffice Let us not forget nor ne
glect it. and as federalism is the life , and health,
and vigor of the body politic, and democracy is
its malady and bane, let us remit no exertion to
evert its maladies, and secure its health, and
prosperity, by a full representation of federal
ists viherex'er they can be elected
Tlie federalists have waited patiently for
the opportunity to contend once more fi*r pow
er. The next presidential election give. them
that opportunity, by the division cf t'ue re
publican party. And are the republicans to let
them succeed in their plans? The chance will
be in heir favor, if the republicans do not u
nlte on a firm and undeviating democrat for
the presidential chair. Is not that democrat
to be found in the United States; has he not
been before the people these twenty years;
has he been wanting in virtue, patriotism, and
talents? We must arouse from our apathy;
the federal leaders have entered the list, they
have openly declared the grounds they in ten.
ded to Take at the presidential election, it is
the 4pty of every republican to rally round
the standard ot hia party, and prevent the suc
cess cJ its enemies, jt tui; from oqr
ffiindg, safctioifltl filings and nrejuSices,
fejeralis s p*ak of disunion aad
winle we. speak ol Vi.aoo and peace, iet ;-U
repubhcatis be Uo.ued, And success will nm b©
Uoubaul. ,
To toe
It has beeh near iour year* ince I rtceiv*-
ed a public expression of your partiaii y am |
rn cred y op? service as a iiu mbt i o! fie Le
gtalature. (Jut it now, \ Lave be. n before \ou
!as si Candidate tbr're electun HAn.g com*
j i© ‘.he c©nchiaion to w nod raw ni\ mini., ir .a
due to you, and to myseti, u sta’e he itaiona
which have nicteccd the act.
ll is known.o you. that us subject of the
extension of our limiu by ihe acquisi i. n if
j territory, has been tor some Line end,, fed
\ ing discussion be;ween die s>^. c 0 j
and the general goveii,;mnt. ‘# < {akt-g my
I sea in yotir councils in ‘o,;?, t! .qu.-u n Uas
mm uiaulyvpresen .and, . t >iu f m , oxam , n .
ation, was aubmated to the Fres.drnt ami
Congress, ti* u-c h.vm ot a ti.em nwi, icm . n
| S' l *’ Ce, audpi* 1 ‘-f.-oj. Ihe appi.vation was re
i feh'ed under a tun ackivowleilg of .?s jus.-
• ness and pre p.c ran- a pro,■,-.ion wus made
for holding, rtutoos. Lnaer oue ‘ieai\ wo
| have hart the nappmess ot a eemg ti..t, ’ „ e ,v
comities added to our organization, ailt U(OU .
i eavtds oi 0141 cH.rciiii witii a hvirie
1 Ihe measure ul our wishes nit yet bring full
1 our claim has Wen urged, and toe
j nearty t-.j i.= r. iis pas , provi .o s have
ben made iV. hotdiiig a ren y with ih e Cher
j okces. by die ree.g.ativn and and a di of Com.
tins .e^n ltt ; u .„ h. (S already suffer
! edex-.raoromary delay t lic , .*
; now hUcd by -Major Jatn tfS M r ,wed,e.- and’
j myself, and we nave made cousidciabit
; grrtsiw the busmen ot ~u r appo.mmoyu
1 j koGar we have, encountered oppusi ion anj
; dihicui ics, but arc sanguine of ,-utces it |t iU
j negotlattou to perseveriugiy puisued.
shall set out -gain, fur Uk Jyauou, C n -r. B
! ‘bird ot August, bu. do nm e\p. ct a Conti;n*
tion ol the Cliuets- sooner limn rtie firs ®f
Sep ember. What delays will then occur, wo
i aic unab.e to say, but from ihe slo h and ©ir
cumspeciton of these people, a speeuy result
cannot be expected- We n-ay be deta.m,- for
mu.itits, 01 ti may Ler.ccessaty io abjotini, <uid
meet there again m the course of me v. inter.
Ihe offices ot membership and oomnnssioutr.
lit not invumjjuiible, will , e ast, M , conflict a*
I to tender n tmprai<puble tor any o .. n.da.d
----i U *l to discharge then- du les— lam uu. 1! ng,
by any act oi my ow nto increase the dtla, of
; Die treaty, to etil.ance die expence oi the iego
i tialion, m dnappomt the expectations of our
1 own state, and for a time, defeat tlie wishes of
the geneial go-eroneiu. lQkt- die>,
th 1 ? re tore ot you to’ cons.der m\ name
as withdrawn, F, this iequesq penunul con
, have had but u ieaj|t.icv. /she e
have been sacrificed during thirperiod ol my
j service,and will s ill require io be oveiip< ked
w mlc 1 continue in a C'lniiiiission not liner.-
( esting to you ijign legisludun i seif.
It has been lot to serve iw> coun’yin a
titbe ot .-torms, t (.ave me* tfie fiearty appro
-1 balion of many, and .he opposition of others.
, All this i an.jCipa ed For whatever I may
lave aone, oi goad, I have been rewarded,
whatever otevd t r,av< been pardoned b, sue*
ce ssive re*e!ec mos.
I had cherished'a more than erd nary v. ish
to serve in the r.eX’ session ot the,
on account of the v.-S .on ot a Chief Mag is.
tra'c f°r ■he
affo ded mv an opportum v < f indulging w
countypx ide and a hr* same time put suing
the die at so’ my oes juogmeui, in suppirt*
ing our diStiugmsiK'ii e i ntynuu for a ofiico
which his mtegri y, hi, c nictlia'ion and hi©
experience tinmtinl, qualify hinr< *otill
fha’ your vo es may be jud.ciously csiow*i
ed, and that you may be ably and fin hiully
represented, is the v, h o
, Y. ur Ft flow C, iz. n.
i) G. CA M FBI LL.
July 26.1823
DIED, cn Sunday night lag’, a* her iesi*.
tie nee m < his county ,M 1 s.EI IgA BETH BIT
LEU, rehet of ihe late Edward Butter, E q
di. ceased. Airs. Butler was aged afidu 7\
years; a great part of which period -he waa
an exemplary professor of *ha. laligion*
wfiose cheering and comforting influti ee waw
peculiarly tnanifesv, in the hun blv and set’s,
ene manner of her death It is bu ypst prais®
To thi merit© of this lady, to say >ha she
possessed in lie grta degrje of human
privilege, the ey.deuces of hope faith, andl
the grtatest of these is chanty ’*
So wholiy free (rom a spirit ot detraction, she
would r&'litr veil the faults of human tia’ure a
and exhibit with pleasuie italughesi or rs
sole perfections—-To whom she was known
how coo and she be otherwise than highly respefit
ted and deservedly esteemed? H.
- >■ ww 1 uiiiMifrt rmwitmiStmmmmuQ
Notice .
A perions indebted to OrerfoM
1 % Wingfield,are’hereby unified
to niake immediate ptv ienl to
James Rembert, Ksq. or re lie 5 will
be sought in law.
Overton Wingfield.
July 24. 1823,
■ ■ 111 > ©r ■■■■. ... - ■■— I rn
Executor s Sale.
OS Ft davitio fil and *fAug st
Mi*xt, ut <be late re idem r ts
Woodard Tnnfi Hel, de ’d reap
TboriiE* P’o- iriby’s. wiM to .s* id,
some cows and calves, In useht’di
and kitebeo furniture, p!a,* taicm
tools, one good gtiil, a number of
light casks, b quanti< y of hogsheads*
suitable far (he season—Termft
made known or. the day “f sale.
John Johns. ? Exr , St
Fare a Dardm* 3
Jul 7 1823 29—it
GEORGIA. Elbert bounty.
*CT7HEIiEAS Elizabeih Fortaon, and Bas#
j VV ton Fortsen, apply to meifotyletters
1 of administration on the e ‘ate and ettrc sos
l Beniamin Fortsoa, la e of said county dec.
j AND.
WHEREAS Valentine Smith ; pplies *o me
for letters of administration on thz es
tate and effects of Morr.s Skinner, late o*
said county, deceased.
These are therefore to cite aftd admonish
all and singular the kindred& creditors of tha
said deceased persons, to be ar.d appear at try
office within the time prescribed by law, to
shew cause, if any they have, said let
ters of administration should not be granted.
Given under my hand as Clerk of the cour*
of Ordinary of said countv *he iS h dav o-
Julv 1833 JOB WESTON c. c.
Blank Deeds & Petitions 9
And for salt* at this