Newspaper Page Text
.\ letter Iroin Para, B azil, Nov.
34 received in England, relates a
nt ‘t horrible on board
the prison sliip, which contained
about 256 individuals. About 9on
the night of the 10th, the sentinels
on tleck heard a great noise below,
and repeatedly ordered quietness,
without effort. In a short time they
found the prisoners were forcing the
hatuhes, and th y immediately fired
one or two vollies among them, af
ter which every thing was quiet. In
the morning they took .ff the hat* li
es 10 remove the dead, if any, when
they found only 4 nut of the 256
alive! The place presented a most
appalling spectacle of la- crated and
mangled .>odie9. Some hud their
eyes thrust out ; the tongues of some
hung out of their mouths ; others
h id their ribs stove in ; others their
mouths torn from ear to ear. home
were hanging by their haninio* k
itrirg by the neck ; others by their
middle, with their hands down ; and
%me bud undergone mutilation too
horrible to be described. The wri
ter bad this account, at which hu
man nature shudders, from an eye
witness, the fiegt Lieut. of the brig,
who was first on board in the morn
ing. It appears the carnage com
inencfd by a pat ty “f them wishing
to murder ail the Europeans who
were their fellow ptisonecs (about,
perhaps, 10 or 12 in number,; hut
that being 10 the dark, they des
pa* bed ui.iny who were not, whi< b
excited ill blond * They did not,
moreover, all agree upon escaping
by force, whi.h increased the ani
mosity amongst them, and a massa
cre of the m-isr savage nature com
menced ; t*#r they hud no edge wea
pons. nor any thing hu* their hand*
and their hammo k ropes. They
Were all their cloths being
ion from their barks. They had
pil*d up the dead bodies under the
bu!cites to form a kind of platform
to enable them to reach the gra
ting*. and most of these bodies were
Europeans. About 20 were killed
by tb“ dis< harge of musketry. The
four who \vee found alive had hid
den themselves underwater casks at
the commencement f the frav, and
bad not, it appeared, suffered in
health. One man was found nearly
strangled, but slid alive; but he
died >o the way to the Hospital from
a slight fall,
* Another account supposes they
bad destroyed ca li other in a fit of
insanity or desperation.
.TTH i— mmmn
.Administrators Sales
ON Saturday the 22d of May
next will be 6old agreeably to
an order of the Court of O dinar v of
3E K e r county, at the court house of
Said county,
O te t> act of Land
containing 6i 3 4 acres, in said coun
ty adjoining Samuel Allgood and 0-
ther,. ir being the real estate of John
C Taylor, deceaed to be sold for
the benefit of the heirs and creditors
of said deceased.
rtebecca Taylor, adm'x.
March 15, 1824. 1 2—tds
sold on the fir?t Tues-
V v dav in May ne*t, at the ourt
hou.e o* Wi kei cou ty, agreeablv to
an order o the court 01 Ordinary of
said county,
t wo Negroes,
a boy named Allen, and a woman
named Dinah, belonging to the es
tate o aac Cal away, dec &to be
sold f, or the benefit o the heirs and
creditors—Terms made known on the
day of sale.
Henry Pope, } |
Absalom Janes, s
Wmriifred Callaway, adm’x
March <B, 1824. 12 tds
WILL be sold on Saturday the
24rh of April next at the late
residence of Tabitha Burton, deceas
ed in Elbert county, all the property
ot said deceased consisting of one
gig. crop of cotton, corn and fodder,
co airs and ca ves. stock of hog , ba
con one black ma r e. and sund yar
tides too tedious to mention —Terms
made known on the day of sale.
Leroy Burton, adm’r.
March 6, 1824. 11—tds
Blank Deeds,
Neatly Printed, avu
sale at this Office.
1 Sheriff’s Sales.
■ the first Tuesday in May
} a ext, will be sold at the court
heu*e of Wilke9 county, between
the usual hours of sale, the follow
ing property, to wit:
One tract of land and im
provements thereon, containing one
j hundred acres more or leas, lying
on the water* of Clarke’s creek, ad
joining \ewtown, and land belong
ing to William La<*key and others;
I levied on as the pr- perty of Robert
; B Bradshaw to satisfy an execution
j obtained on the fore-losure of a
; mortgage in favour of Joseph Kop
mau against said Bradshaw.
Two hundred Sc fifty acres
of land, more or levs, iying on the
waters of Rocky creek, adjoining
John Wingfield, James Wingfield,
! and John Bailey, being pari of the
real estate of Benjamin Barter, de
; ceased ; levied on to satisfy sundry
executions against Cecilia Porter,
I executrix of said deceased—pointed
out by defendant.
One tract of land contain
, ing one hundred and eighty sev \, &
a half acres, more or less, lying on
the waters of Pishing creek, adjoin
ing Archibald kiddle and others,
whereon George 11. Hughes lives,
| and levied on as his property to sa
tisfy sundry executions against him
-property pointed nut. by defendant,
A LhU,
h One tract of land, and the
improvements thereon, containing
three hundred and forty three acres,
more or less, in the oectipamy of
William Lyman, lying on the
wafers of Kittle creek, adjoining
Samuel Junes, William Slaton, and
others ; levied on bv virtue of an ex
ecution obtained ou he f ie< losnre
fa mortgage in favor of John T.
Lawrence. Daniel Rupelye, & Wil
liam R. Smith, against William C.
Lyman,one other tract adjoining the
aforesaid one, coutuiuing sixty-seven
acres, mure or less, cn th > s.mie
waters, and adjoining James Evans
a: and others, a<<d the following ne
groes, viz: \hrani. a fellow about
thirty years of age, Turner about
twenty-one, Luff about twenty-five,
Davy about eighteen. Kitty a worn
an about 25 Malmda about 28,
and her five children, Aancy about
eleven years old. James about nine,
Archy. seven, Bob five, and Polly
two. and sx bead of work horses,
one colt, cue yoke of oxen arid cart,
oineteer’ hftfd of cattle, fifty-three
head of hogs, a quantity of coin sup
posed to he one hundred and fifty
barrels, three large, stafeks Os sod
dor, one side board, three beds,
steads and furniture, six Windsor
chairs, fifteen plough*, five sets of
plough gear, six bees, a*.<l five dub
axe s ; ail levied on as the properly
of William C. Lvttian fn satisfy ao
execution in favor of Lawrence,
Rapelye & Cos. together with sun
dry others against said W illiam C.
Lyman: eight of the aforesaid rie
groer', Liiff. Davy, Maik.da ad her
tr e children, gold subject to a mort
gage in favor of FVi* G. May.
One negro lellow named
Tom, about 23 years oid; levied on
as the property of William Brook to
satisfy an exeuufi *n in favor of the
administrators of J>ku Fuver, dec.
One tract of land and im
provements, whereon Drury Cun
ningham now lives, containing one
hundred and seventy eight and a
half acres, more or less, lying on
the waters of Clark’s creek, ad
joining .Lei Appling.R 1 hard Huds
peth. and others; levied on as the
property of Drury Cunningham to
satisfy ao execution in <he name of
Burkrrhead Taiiiafero for Jordan
B. Lcsueur vs. Drury Cunning
ham and “Thomas Barm s, together
with sundry others against said Cud-
One tract ot land and im
provements, whereon Elzy B. Hey
n<lds now resides, containing one
thousand anil forty nine acres, more
or less, on the waters of Cla* k’s
creek, edjining Y\ ileyHiH, Willi
am L. Wreins and others, one house
and lot in the town of Washington,
in the occupancy of Samuel B.Heiei,
with a good gin house, slabtes, car
riage house and crib, adjoining the
widow W ingfield and others; ail le
vied on as the property of Johnson
Wellborn to satisfy an execution in
the name of John 8 Holt against
Johnson Wellborn, together with
sundry others against said Wellborn.*
l r Qur hundred acres of land,
more or less, adjoining Robert Clii
vers and others, on the waters of
; Little River; levied 00 as the pro
-1 perty of Lewis Willis, deceased, to
satisfy sundry executions from a Jus
tice’s court, in the name of Robert
Grier, hearer, vs. John W. Willis &
Paul T. Willis, executors of the es
tate of Lewis Willis, deceased.
One negro girl named Si
lah; levied on as the property of
James Thompson to satisfy two fi~
fas, one in the name of Lane and
Sans, and the other in the name of
Wra. Deariiig, against said Thomp
son—piute! out by Lane & Sims.
Richard J. Willis, and. s.
ffiP’ J 2. 182 k
WILL be sold on the first Tues
day in May next, at the
cour; hou> of Wilke county, with
in the u us‘ ale the following
property to wit :
Eight nrgroes: Fdea, Jack,
Phillis, Pjcuty, Frank. J ‘in, Lewis,
anti George, six hundred and forty
five acres -ff laid more or le-s, ad
join! g 1 boruav ‘Talbot and others,
one d?ia mare and o?ie sorrel horse,
twelve barrel* corn, and four stacks
fodder ; all <i n B 8 (| t e proper
ly f Arthur M. Charlton, to satis
fy sundry executions.
One negro girl named So
phia ; levied on as the property of
Enoch Combs to satisfy an execu
tion in favor of Osborn Stone and
oilier*; property pointed out by
One grey horse, one sorrel
pd;>\, two cows and calves, and nine
bead of hogs ; levied on as he pro
perty of James “Town* to satisfy
sundry executions: property point
ed out by defendant.
One house and lot, in the
town of a*hiogf< a opposite An
drew Shepherd, the lot being sixty
feet north and somh, and forty feet
east and west, on the main Augusta
foad, the house anew two story
building ; levied on as the property
of William C. Lvntat, Beojumin D,
Sims, and John D. Brown, to satisfy
an execution in favor of Mark A.
La e—property pointed oat by Sen*
jamin D. Sims.
One house and lot in the
town of Washington, together with
the improvements thereon, situated
on the public square, and occupied
as a public house, known as the Ea
gle Tavern, and now in the occupan
cy of Allen P Rice, and another lot
of laud, containing two acres, more
or less, in the town of Washington,
adjoining Andrew G. Semme# and
other* 5 levied on as the property of
Samuel B. Head to satisfy an execu
tion in favour of Nathaniel Bailey
vs. said S. B Head and I*aae Mar
shall—property pointed out by An
drew Ruddell.
John Burks, and. s.
‘April 2, 1824, 14
WILL be -old on the fir>t Tues
day in June next, at the
Court house in Wilkes County, within
the lawful sale hours, the following
property, viz:
One negro man named
Prince; levied on as the property of
William BafF Id, to satisfy an execu
tion obtained on the foreclosure of
a mortgage, in favor of John D.
Stroud: property pointed out by
Reubeo Scott. *
John Burks, and. s.
April 2 1824. 14
%% ILL be sold on the first Tue<-
~ * day in May nevt, at Elbert
Court house,/ wirhin the usual sa ; e
hours the following property to wit :
One grev horse; levied on
o* the property of Nichola Burton
to satisfy a fib in favor of Tate &
Verdell vs sail Burton.
The nintl part of two hun
dred and fifty of land, more or
les-, on the waters of Fallen creek,
belonging to tht estate of John Threl
fceld, senr deceased; levied on as
the property of John Threlkeld to sat
isfy a iifa in fairor of Wiliiam S. ,
Sragg, issued frema Justice’s court, j
and returned to me by Thomas Ed
raonson console
David Dobbs, s. e. c.
March 27, 18 -?4
mYeatlij exccmed at this Ojftoh
WILL be sold on the first
Tuesday in May next, at
the court house in Wilkes county,
Within the usual sale hours, the fol
lowing property, to wit:
Seven negroes, viz : Cuff
a man about 39 years old, Barbara
a woman, a small gill named Julv-
Aoo, a woman named \tarv, and*
three children, a boy named Zaeha
riak, a girl named Rosaunah, a girl
named Sillah ; levied cm as the pro
perty <.f J >hn Hill to satisfy sundry
One hundred and sixty a
cres of land, more or less, lying on
Ihe waters of Pistol creek, adjoin
ing William Pool and others; levied
on as the property of James Beatd
to satisfy sundry executions.
One negro boy named Pom
pey ; levied on as the property of
David Hay by William Richardson,
constable, to satisfy sundry execu
tions obtained in a justice’s court in
favor of Bird SatEld, and returacd
to me by said constable.
A negro boy named Harry;
levied on as the property of Simpson
Mr Loudon to satisfy sundry eleeu
ions. Also,
One gray horse ; levied on
a* the property of Dudley Stinson,
deceased, to satisfy sundry execu
One chest of Carpenter’s
fools, one bed and lumit ce, and
one shot gun ; levied on as the pro
perty of James 8. Ragsdale to satis
fy ao execution in favour of Willis
Pope—property poin ed out by Wil
liam Pool and William Gill, securi
ties, and left ir* their possession,
(Postponed from Jpril Sole.J ™
One negro woman named
Nancy, about 45 years old, and her
infant child; levied on as the pro
perty of Howell Hay to satisfy sun
dry executions— property pointed
out by W iilis Fulhiove.
T wo beds and furniture,
steads and cord-., two chest*, one ta
ble. even chairs one lot of crockery,
two looking glasses two spinning
wheeSi one clock reel two pot*, two
ovens, one spider, three pails, one
tub one loom one frying pan, one
grid iron, one ceffee pot, and one
churn; levied on as the property of
Thotfia* Reeves and other*, to satis
fy an execution in favor of John
W Il.Ll AM SMITH, Shff.
April 2, 1824. 14 1
ON the first Tuesday in May next,
will be sold at Egbert Court
house, within the usual hour-* of sale,
the following property, to wit:
One fifty saw Cotton gin
and running gear, two feather beds,
furniture, stead * and cotds bix split
bottom chair* one pine table, one
pineche t, one trunk one small ta
ble. one tea pot one large pot, one
smad do one skillet, ore spider two
water pails, and one washing tub ;
all levied on as the property of David
Bari on to satisfy sundry fifas V 9. said
Two negroes, viz: one ne
gro woman by the name of Betty,
supposed to be about twenty-five
year o age. and one boy by the name
of Tom, supposed to be sixteen years
old; levied on as the property o> Wil
liam Nunneliee to satisfy sundry fifas
vs said Nunneliee; property left in
the po session of Walter Nunneliee,
One hundred acres of land,
more or less, lying on *he waters of
the r-eaverdam creek, Elbert county,
adjoining Thoma Lane and others;
levied on as the property of Wiliam
Calady to satisfy an execution in fa
vor of Jones and Weston vs. said
Calady, and returned to me by E.
Jone., constable.
One grey mare, about ten
or twelve years of age: levied on as
the property of Murphy Vaughan to
satisfy a fifa in favor of John A. Ver
deli vs. said Vaughan.
The interest of Micajah
Jones, in the undivided estate of John
Tait, deceased, in the following pro
perty, viz: s Hundred acres nf lamL_
more or le<s acjoining Samuel Me
Gehee and others. Elbert county,
four negroes, viz: Nat, Milly, Ester,
and Jack; levied on and returned to
me by William Colson, constable, to
eatUfy an e ecution in favour of Har
riett Jack, administratrix of Patrick
Jack, deceased, ar.d others, vs. said
Jones. ALSO,
One negro woman by the
name of Ester, about sixteen years of
age; levied on and returned to me by
£ Jones, constable, to satisfy sun
dry execution v-* Sarah Tait, admin
istratrix of John Tait deceased.
Thomas Childers, and s.e.c,
March 27, 1824.
% a ILL be sold on the first Tucs
▼ v day in May nexr, at the Court
house in Elbert within the
lawful e hour*, the iodowing pro
perty, to wit:
One negro woman name.|
Lucy, about twenty five years
levied on as the property of Thomas
Chambers, to satify sundry fiia* vs.
said Chamber?; property pointed out
by Shem Tuck, ©ne of the plaintiffs.
Two hundred acres of land,
more or le?s, adjoining P R Wil
hite and other*, lying on the waters
of Dove\ creek, in the county of El
bert; levied on as the property of
George Ogle by, to sati fy a fifa in
favor of George Owens vs said O *
Lindsay Oglesby, d.s.e cJ
March £7, 1824
Lxeeutar’s Sale.
ON the first Tuesday in May
nest, will be sold, agreeably
to an order of the court of Ordina
ry of Wilkes county, at the Court
House of said county,
Fourteen Negroes ,
consisting of men, women, boys anti
giris, belonging to (he estate of Jo
seph Cohrou, deceased, for the be
nefit of the heirs and credit ors#
Terms—twelve moths credit, the
purchasers giving bonds and appro-*
ved securities.
Joshua Morgan,
Surviving Executor.
March 12,1824. ll —td*
A LL persons indebted to the late
* firm of Charlei and itt h &Cos of
Petersburg, E bert County either by
note open account, or otherwise, will
please come forward and make im
mediate pa ment to the subscriber,
otherwise the same will be put in suit
for collection ; and all demands againse
the said firm must be rendered in pri
or to the 15th of May next.
F. G. H. Gunther, Attorney
for surviv ng copartner of the ate firm
The subscriber is to be -ound until
further notice, at Mr Fredeilck Hit
tick’s, Newford, \% likes County, Ga,
March 26, 1824. 13 6t
A LL persons indebted to the es
w tate of Joshua Arnall, deceased,
I requested to come forward and
make immediate payment ; and rhosa
who have demands againsr said es
tate are requestad to call with theiv
accounts legally attested and receive
their money.
7® The legatees of aid estate are
requested to take notice, that applica
tion wi 1 be made to the honorable
court of ordinary of the county o£
Vilke*. on the first Monday in July
next, for an order to divide the said
J. P. Leverett, Attorney
for Wm. Arnall, ExV.
March 26 1824. 15—m®t
D. Meigs & J. M. Hand,
Raving formed a connection for the
purpose of transacting a
And Commission Business ,
UE-iPECTFULLY solicit the
patronage of their friends and
the pubic. I heir Ware Hou>e is
situated opposite that of Mesgr* R.
Malone & Co’s upper end of Bioad
street and is and con
venient. and from K situation, af
fords great security from fire The
subscribers wi 1 also attend to receiv
ing and forwarding any produce or
merchandise, confided to their care.
Daniel Meigs.
Jonathan M. HancL
Aug usta, December 31;
- Tides,
N atly Printed*
And for offiffis