The Washington news. (Washington, Ga.) 1821-183?, February 09, 1830, Image 4
MEDICAL, Institute oi Ge* THIS Institution, commenced its regular operation, ‘on the jombincd Academic and ColtaguUe/jpldn ol in. fttructioii, on the first of Octooei The three first branches of ips tract ton which fcave been taken up by the lecturers are. < Anatomy, bv Ur. Garvin, ** .Chemistry, by Ur. k ‘-Midwifely by Dr. Anton y. The leg’ular courses mi these subjects ara cx- , pected to be completed by the close ©ft he present month; add the r maiuieg tvfll be cstenri Upon by the Ist Febiuai y, viz* % . Surgery hv l>r. Garvin, Mattrriu Mcdica bv Dr. Ford, Institutes ami practice of Medicine by Dr. JStoxY. thus far, shows ihe superior value of the plan of this iiwiiltuion, <n ec the common course of study, and affords a fair pledge of its 6 access. , ‘ ■ . p 3 Klceltei>< hoard is fitrnished in the Institu -Cion/at $9 per mouth without, and ‘|*cn Dollars Ond twenty-five with lodging. .roil N DEM, ) Exocu- J. G. MTVHOKTER, V tive MILTON ANTONY, > Com’tc O 3 Editors favorable to the cause of Medical ScienccAii S. Carolina and Georgia, will please Insert the above u few times. 33 Prospectus, OF TIIE JX'eic- York Amulet , 0 , and Ladie. Lelcrary and Religious CHRONICLE. The -primary object ofthis work will lie, to check the rapid, progress o( two alarming evils, so fatally preva lent in our country, via: rnte*w|rerauceand Infide llily—which, like the Can|icrworm, are stripping the greeu walks of life of its flowers, and leaving the moral world a leafless desalt. To do this the more effectually, we shall pourtjay in the most Vivid colours, the deformity and deleterious con sequences of these most deadly evils, by interest ing moral tales, sketches, fragments, essays, and jtKrriptual illustrations. We shall endervour to cherish in the heaits of our readers, the sublime and benevolent .sentiments of the blessed gospel of Jesus Elitist—to exhibet the beauties and re wards of virtue in all their captivating loveliiifcs •—to-awaken t-hc better feelings of human nature— to cultivate the social and domestic to lead the mind through the most delightful ave nues, to the bowers of happiness and pence—to elevate nud enlarge theconceptions-jto imbue the Understanding with the inosLcxnlted ideas of illi mitable attributes and perfections of the Di vinity—thereby leading mankind to “fear God and keep his commandments.” Tow-accoiuplish these designs, we sjiall call to aid all the eloquence of tnlfh, clothed in tye most fascinating forms—such as mornbessays, simple pr pathetic talcs, varying “from grave to gay, tfrom lively to serene’' —poetical sketches—didac tic articles .in verse—and sometimes to* enliven ■our-pages, ntftle of fancy—a humourous story— -an allegory—a ballad—-or, a soug will receive an insertion. In each &/in all, the-gieat end and ►aim w ill hr, to convey moral ninl religious senti ments, through n pleasingmeilium, to the heart or, efther words, to blend “the useful with th& sweet.” In order to furnish our readers with the est articles Lotii of poetry and prose—to cncour #Hge geuius and to tosie/ ****-at —generous pre miums will be awarded, from time *'* Lujic. foro riginal articles fulnishi-u. The entire sen ‘-£•* distinguished literary gentleman, late from Lon- vvljp fias for s<ftue time past been a contribu tor tcHln? English prrioflicwU, /ire engaged for the New*-York Amulet. With .these claims for pat-, ronage, the work will be submitted to the consid eration of a candid and generous public Should we succeed ill our endeavours to blend usefulness oml instruction with amusement and delight, our Object w ill be accomplished Conditions.—The New-York Amulet—pub lished by an association of gentlemen—will be beautifully printed on fine, w hite paper dtosize, (Pith entire new type. Its typographical execu tion shall equal that of anv similar publication in j America. It will bo afforded to city subscribers In Philadelphia and New-York, who will receive them by a carrier, at one dollar and twenty-five cents the volume, handsomely covered forpreser vation. Mail subscribers without covers, w ill be furnished with a volume, at the very low price of ON 1C DOLLAR —payable in advance. Should the patronage war rent the expense, the work will be embellished with copperplate engravings. r THE IRISH SlO£lJ} AND Monthly Milesian,’ A HISTOUIC/LITERARV, AND DRAMATIC JOURNAL Hdited by ■ OT.ORG E PEPPER. “Whate'er may be our humble lot, By foes denounc’d—by friends forgot— Thine is our soul—our sigh, our smile— Gem of the Ocean Emerald Isle ** Toil DECEMBER, 2.829. CONTENTS. , History of Ireland, Chap/ XIV. Chapter XV. Biographical Sketches of eminent Painters, No. 1. (Michael Angelo.)* Edmorin and Ella, an Eastern Tale of the Irish iitcrarv and Biographical Notices of Irish Auth thors and Artists, No. Xll. (Janus o rr) Irish Topography. No. IX. (Excursion from Dublin to Londonderry ) ...... Original Patchwork, (The Toilet Tabic) —— (Dr. Joseph Harlan) ... ( V'Keefe's Lon. Her met) ———■ ( Drinking Healths) v- Topographical of American Seenery, No, L ( Buuanuu) The New.Ywk Stage, (The New Tragedy of Mat tttftora, Ike,) Doctor iVktcneven & our History of Ireland Original Poetry. ( A Valedictory Ode) ■ ■ ■ ■ (Spencer Hood) -- ■ ■ ('The River Oltawas) -■■■ ■ ■■ —■— (War wood Castle) - - (Henry's Grave) TERMS. Twelve Months, (payable in advance’.) $4 00 Six rio. “ . “ 200 ‘Three do. “ “ . “ 1’ 25 *** Subscriptions to the a bove will be received*by the Editor of the News. * ‘JOB PRINTING*” Neatly executed at this Office^ TIIE Journal of Health. CONDUCTED BY AN’ ASSOCIATION OF THYSICIAN3. poor man’s riches, jhc rich man’s bliss,”. THE .primary object with the conductors of tlm Journal of Healthy is tq.pq'mt out the queans of preserving health t%d preventing To attalfi this, .alf classes and both sexes shall hr Addressed, in a familiar and friendly, amNkith an avoidance | of professional fern?*, and allusions as woold in any way obscure.the subject or alafm the nvost The fruits of much reading, study, and careful observation, shall be placed before them, so arranged and applied as to conduce most efficaciously to their bodily comfort and mental tranquility To whatever profession or calling they may belong, the reade'rs of tins jToArnal will fmd precepts susceptible of valuable application. Air, food, exercise, the reciprocal operation ol mind>%nd body, climate and localities, clothing and the physical education of children, are topics of permanent and pervading interest, with the m&cussion and elucidation of which the pages of the work w ill be maiidv filled. HECOMMENDA J ION OF THE WORK. We approve of the plan on which the publica tion, entitled the “Journal of Hyalth” is conduct ed, and believe, that it is calculated to be useful, by enlightening public opinion on a subject of high importance to the welfare of society. The numbers which have appeared, evince talent, and may be viewed as a pledge of the continued use fulness of the publication, while conducted by its present editors. We, therefOrefFcel no hrsitstion in recoinmeuding in it to public patronage. Philadelphia, October 13, 1329. N. Chapman. M. D 1 Pro f e , sors in theU-, a, P. Devvces, M. llivel . sily o 1 Penu / Ilu’S L M. . .vlvania. w in. E. Horner, M L). J ‘ . i John C. Gtto, M. IK Thos. T. Hewson, M. D. Franklin liache, M. D. Rev, James Montgomery, D D. Rector of St Stephen’s Church. “ Win. H. I)c Cancey, 1). D. Provost of the University of Pennsylvania. 11 B. B. Smith, Edilbr of the Philadelphia Re corder, and Hector of Grace Chin ch, “ G. T. Bedell, Hector of St. Andrew’s Church, lt James Aberctoinbre, D. D Assistant MinL ter of Chi rsf\id St. Peter’s. ° George \N eller. ‘ - Jackson Kemper, Assistant Minister o Christ Ch. and St. Peter’s. .** Skinner. D. J). Pastot of the FiAt h Presbylcriati Chur.cli “ VY.m.-iW. Engles, l’u-tor of the Seventh Presbyterian i hurch. John Hughes, Pastor of St Joseph’s Catlio lie Church', u ‘ Mcihael Hurley, Pastor ot St. Augustint Calholtc Churclu ** Wiu. (J. Furness, Pastor of the first Con- Church. H \V. T. Brandy, Pastor of the First Baptist Church, aud Editor, of the Columbiaiv star. ** Jno. L. L)&<fg, Pastor of the Fifth Bap.isi Church. - “ Solomon Higgins, Pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Union Church ** Manning Force, Pastor of St. George’s Me thodist Episcopal Church nl additiou to the above, the names of a number of Highly Vstcemjjd inenibeis of the different pro-/ tessions, who’ate snbicribers to4fie might fie adduced dfcexpressive of tile es;r ti V, in which it is held. With one voice, the public press from one end of the contiueut to the on . . lias spoken of the Journal of Health, in terms of une quivocal commendation*. TERMS. ►The Journal ofr Health will appear in Num bers ol* each, octavo, seC#ud and fourth Wetti inlays of every nmnth. Price per aniniui. 20, fn Sfihscriptroiis and coininunicatious (post paid) be received by Judah IjpßsoN,. Agent, No. Philudelpfiia. Subscribers at a distance w ill discover, that the difficulty in remitting tSie amount of a single sub scription will be obviated by any four of. them sending on five dollfirs to the agent. Those to whom Ibis may not he convenient, can receive, sixteen numb .is of the work by remitting a dollar to the same pertfOh. The Jriurual of Health, including index, will form aft he end of the year a volume of 400 pages, octavo. Agents. — J. Dobson, 108 Cffesuut Street, Phi ladelphia; W. tV J.Jstai, Baltimore; ll’m. lhtr gess, 97 Fulton stiWt. New Yojk; Carter & lJen dee, Boston; and in most of the towns in the b’ nited States. Philadelphia, October Bth, 1829. Postponement.- To Masons Carpenters. fcj EALED proj>osals will be re ceived until the first Tuesday in March next, (inclusive) for tlie erection of an addition to the Court House, for the purpose of Clerks ollices and Jury room. A, plan and specifications of which is left in the office of the Clerk of the Inferior Court for inspection. The brick and all the wood materials furnished |V the Court, and now on the publick square convenient to the contemplat ed addition. The undertaker to furnish Lime, Nails and Glass, and every other material necessary for the erection of the same. The work to be com pleted by the first of August next, in a workman-like maimer. Rond and sufficient security will be required. Terms, one third to be paid at the commencement of the work, one third after the walls are erected, and the remaing third at the completion aud reception of the work. The above addition will he about thirty feet square two storys one 11 feet the other 9 with a Rasemcut story 9 feet pitch, which are discrib ed in the plan.|d specification to be seen as above*. Thomas Wootterf, j. i. c. . Wiiljam C. Allison, j. i. c. Thomas Anderson, j. x. c. Lewis S. Brown, j. i. c. Charles C. Mills, j. i. c. January 11, jIB3O. 30—ull Sheriffs Saks. Wl L.L be sold on t lie J st Tups- j day in March next, at the Court house in Wilkes county, be tween the USitul sale hours, the fol lowing property, to wit: One sorrel horse and two Promissory Notes one for one hund red dollars,i'Md the other for lil dol lars and fifty cents Roth made paya blc to Clifford Woodruff, on or be fore, the twenty-fifth of December next, signed by William Hughes and Jape Hughes; all levied on as the property of William Hughes to satis fy sundry fifas vs. said Hughes. ALSO _ ■ . Foils negroes, to wit: Lotty, Washington, Surnj’ and Ned; all le vied oil as the property of Willis Rucker, to satisfy three‘fi fas, one in the name of James Walker, and one in the name of John H. Walker, and ortf in favor of Kimbro Standard vs. said Rucker. , John Burks, D. S.. JnnVnry 30th 1830. ytoXiLL- be sold on ft|| first • ▼ Tuesday in April next, at Wdkes Court House Iretwecn the u - sual sale hours, the following pro perty to wits Two negroes, a girl named Edncy, and a hoy named Charles; levied on as the property of George Mallory, to satisfy a fifii on the foreclosure of a mortgage in the name of George Melveen vs. said Mallory—property pointed in said 1 fifa. John Burks, D. S. February 2, 1830. ik/’ST’I l.h be sold on the Ist Tues- V ▼ day in March next', at the Court house of Wilkes county, be tween tile sale hours, the fol lowing property, to wit? , One side-board, one half do xen ‘Windsor chairs, one tea table, on® pair brass andirons shovel and tongs, one mahogany cradle and one pedlers wagon; all b-vied on as the property of James Hall to satisfy one fifa on the foreclosure of a mortgage in the name of John D. Thompson, j vs. said James Hall; property point-’ ’ ed out ill said fifa. John Burks, Sh’ff. Dcceiither 28. 1829. • -8- ILL be sold tit the Court ‘ti v hoxse of Elbert county, on ihe lirst , fjltes<hiv in March next, within the usual bouts of sale, the follow ing property, to wit: 100 aerosol'land more or less ; XK Z ,-d wiiereynDelilaThrel- keld no v lives on the waters of the Retardant creek adjoining ofTlipimis Uiiver and others ; levied on as the property of James.E. Chambers to satisfy a fi la in favor of 1’,.,.-, lieid for the'use of Razil Paco vs. James E. Chandlers property point ed out by James Horton. ALSO, 100 acres oi land more or less adjoining ol Samuel Car and others oii.lhewtiteis oi the Reveidatu creek; j levied on as. t!ie projterty of Nimrod j •PqttcrsoM to satisfy ;i fi fa from a jus- ( iiees court iti favor of Thomas Haynes vs. Nimrod Patterson which fi fa Charles Hendry has the controu! of; land pointed out by Charles Hendry and levied on by Moses Duncan con stable and returned-to me. ALSO, Five cotvs and three calves, and one levied on as the prop erty ol Thomas Knott, to satisfy a fifa in favor of Joptha V. Harris, vs. Thomas Knott A William A. Her ring, property pointed out by James Oliver, administrator. ALSO One hundred and sixty-two acres of land, more or less, well im proved, on the waters of Dove’s creek, adjoining of Thomas Ogles by, llehry Rai nes & others, where on John D. Webb and .William Man ning now lives; levied on as the property of Foctinatus Webb, to satisfy a fifa in favor of Thomas Ol iver vs. John I). Webb and Forti natus Webb, property pointed out by plaintiff. ALSO One cow, one sorrel horse, one blind sorrel mare, one bedstead, two bed quilts, one sheet and coun terpain, two pine tables, eight split bottom chairs, one pine chest, aud one spinning wheel; levied on'us the property ot John V. Anderson, to satisfy two fifas, one in favor of Jones and Weston vs. John V. An derson, the other in Favor of Jeptha V. Harris adm’r. of William Wood#*, 1 Vs", said A-ndcrsil t. Win. H. Threl held and William jP. Christian, pro- I pelty .pointed out by JolmX* An derson. ALSO, One negro fellow, twenty iiifie years old, by the name of I saftc, one hundred acres of land, more or less, whereon Samuei Lau rimore now lives, well improved, on the waters of Dove’s creek, adjoin ing of Abraham Cook, David Hud son and others; levied on as the pro perty of Samuel Laurirqore to satis fy two fifas, One in favour of James Reagan vs. said Laurimore and the other for cost: property pointed out by defendant. ALSO, • One luindfeff and fifty acres of land more or less, whereon Dab ney Rains now lives, wpll improved on the wafers of Rroad river, ad joining of James Dudley and others,’ one gray horse, one .ninety-five gal- , lon still, and fifteen beer stands; le vied on as the property of Dabney Itains to satisfy a fifa in favour of Jones & Weston vs. Dabney Ruins, property pointed out by said Ilains. ..ALSO, One hundred and sixty acres of land, my re or less, whereon Mur iel Pledger now lives, well improv ed; on the waters of Deep creek, adjoining of George Scales and oth ers, and one set of blacksmiths’ tools; levied on as the property of Murrel Pledger to satisfy a fifa in favor of Jones & Weston, vs, said Pledger. ALSO, One negro fellow, by the name of Lun; levied on as the prop erty nf Patrick Rutler, to satisfy sun dry fifas vs. Patrick Rutler, proper ty pointed out by said Rutler. ALSO, Three hundred and seventy five acres of land, more or less, on the waters of Broad river, adjoining of John & Colrard, Thomas Moore and others, whereon John Rootli now lives, With a grist mill thereon, levi ed on as tfje property-of John Booth to satisfy sumliy fifas vs. said Booth. ALSO, One hundred and fifty-four a crcs of land, more or less, on the waters ofßroad river, whereon Jes se Nelms now lives,. adjoining of Jonathan Nelms, William Jprarnmel and others, levied onus the proper ty of Jesse Nelms, to satisfy a fifa in favor of Jesse Rrotvn’ vs. said Nelms, property pointed o#t by Jes se Broun. ALSO, Eighty acres of land, more or less, whereon W illiam Ronds now lives, on the waters of Rcaverdam • creek, adjoining of Thomas Burton, George IJpshaw ti others;.levied QU . W pl’ojKjrtyof William Bonds to satisfy a fifa in favor of Jones A Weston vs. William Bonds, proper ty pointed out by plaintiffs. ALSO, One house and lot in the town of Eibertou, containing one acre, j more or less, with all the improve j merits thereon, whereon Zucharialt | Smith now lives, one negro boy by the name of Lewis, sixteen years old, and one negro girl by the. name cf Amy twelve years old; all levied on as the property of Zucliariah Smith, to satisfy two fifas ope in fa vo-. ofJeptha V. Harris vs. Zachariah Smith and John A. Heard, and the other in favor of Jones & Weston, vs. said Smith: property pointed out by Zachariah Smith, ALSO, One hundred and fifteen a eres of land, more or less, on the waters of the Rcaverdam creek, ad joining of Jeptha V. Harris and oth ers; levied on as the property of John Hudson to satisfy a fifa in favor of Jeptha V. Harris vs. Benjamin Fleming, John Hudson aud William Fleming. ALSO, Two hundred acres of land, more or less, on the waters of the Beaverdam creek, whereon Sarah Terrell now lives, well improved, adjoining of Robert L. Edwards, Sumtiel Watkins and others; levied on as the property of Timothy Ter rell deceased, to satisfy two fifas; one in favor ofJeptha V. Harris vs. Timothy Terrell, the other in favor of Archibald Stokes vs. said Terrell. Martin Deadwyjer, Sh’lf. January 27th 1830. OASOOB. ~ ÜbUltUI NEATLY PRINTED. , And far sale at this Office* bo gold at ‘the Court T ▼ house of Elbert county, on (lip first Tuesday in April next, with in the osual sale hours, the follow ing property, to wit: One negro fellow by the name of Charles levied on as the proparty of Patrick Butler to satisfy a fifu ou the foreclosure of Mortgage in favor of Francis W. King vs said Patrick Butler, property pointed out in said Mortgage. * ALSO, • One roan horse ; levied on as the property of Barnett Galding to. sat isfy a Mortgage ►L'fo-rrr'tVffoi <A Abner Bsfrnctt Guiding pro- Martin Dcadwyler, She'ft". January 23d 1830. Wife be sofd at Elbert Court Hyxlse on the first Tuesday in March mext, within the usual ■hours of sale, the following proper ty, to wit: One hundred acres of land, more or less, on the Beavcrdau) creekj adjoining of Thomas Penn and others; levied on qs the pro perty of William Mason; to to| iWff a fifa in favor of Jones &, Wqjtoty vs, said Mason. ALSO Foot negroes: Mark, a fel low, Peggy, Judu and Aggy, wo men; levieil on as the property of Durrct Stodghill, to satisfy sundry fifas vs. said Stodghill. lieroy Upshaw, D. S. January 23, 1830. be sold at Elbert court ▼ W House on the first Tuesday in April next, within the usual sale hours the following property, to wit i Th ee negroes; Dinah, a wo man, Henry, a bey, and Tilda, a girl, one cow and calf, two heifeis, two horses, one sow and pigs, two feather, beds and furniture, one sor rel colt, twenty barrels of corn and three.hundred weight of pork; levi ed on as the property of Charles Cardin to satisfy a fifa on the foreclo sure of a* mortgage in favor of Moses G. Cardin, vs. Charles Cardin, pro perty pointed out in said mortgage. Leroy Upshaw, D. S. January 28, 1830 / -i/WT’ILL be sold at the C/firt ▼ W house of Elbert conn*/, on the first Tuesday in Mure’? next, between the usual sale hour*, the fol lowing property to wi*: Two hundred uefes of land, more or less, on tlio/vatcrs of tiro - Rcaverdam creek, adjoining of Wm. • Bond and otliers, Georgo Upshaw now lives, well improved { levied on as the property of Joshua Clark, to satisfy a fifa in favour of James Glenn, adm’r. of Simeon Glenn, deceased, and other fifas vs. said Clark, property pointed out by plaintiffs attorney. ALSO Four hundred acres of land, more or less, on the waters of Broad, river, adjoining of A. Baker and others, whereon B. Oliver now lives, well improved; levied on as the pro perry ofß. Oliver, to satisfy sundiy fifas vs. said Oliver. - ALSO, One negro hoy by the name of Goode; levied on as the property of William Gatildeu, to satisfy a fi fa in favour of Tumor W. Fortson, vs. said Gauldcn. ALSO, One negro woman by the name of Clmrlott; levied on as th# property of Charles Presley, to sat isfy a fifa in favour of Edward M. Ware for the use of Matilda Ware, vs. said Presley. Samuel C. Wyche, D. Sf January 23, 1830. ti. L be sold on the Ist ’iTics* TW day in March next, at the Court House in Wilkes county, be tween the usual sale hours, the fob lowing property, to wit: One old negro woman by the name of Fanny; levied on as the property of Andrew Ruddell, dec’d., hv virtue of a fifa in favor of A. A, Cleveland, vs. r n ., c ]\f. Mathews, administrator of A. Ruddell, dec’d, said fifa having issued from a Juste, ces court and levied by a Constable, Stephen A. Johnson, Sh’tiJ January 30, 1830. TicKWi%~im IN THE MII.I.KIKJEVIL'JM < Masonic Hull L'M FOR BALL BY JM James 31, Jr >. 2f.:/., 1,-30. JU