Newspaper Page Text
WAjj-.JIMn'D.N, JANUARY 29, 1831.
Ciiifl’ Justice Marshal—the Ci
tation, &c.
TflE Citation issued by Chief Justice Marshal,
calling: upon the Stale of Georgia, to appear be
fore the -£>up rune Tribunal , of the Supreme
Court of the United States, Ims caused the shed
ding of much ink. Those opposed to the course
pursued by this state, in extending’ her jurisdic
tion orcr the Cherokees, are continually living
i.t the face of truth, and broadly asserting that
the Constitution of the United States gives juris
diction to the Supreme Court in all cases where
controversies exist between “a Male and citizens
of another Slate and ‘ between a Slide and the
Citizens thereof, and foreign Staten, citizens or
Subjects,'’ and quote a clause of the Constitution,
as it originallj stood to support them. They
cautiously omit giving publicity to the lllli arli
cJe of the amendments ot’ the Constitution which
repeals that part iu the former draft, w hich was
supposed to give almost unlimited power to the
Supreme Court, and which we find in these
words; ‘‘The judicial pouter of the United States
ig SHALL NOi be construed to extend to ANY
V suit in law or equity, commenced and prosecu
v tod against one of the United States, by
or subjects of an y foreign state.” These
words are now of the U. States,
end however anxious our Chief Justice may be,
to halter or chain the St.'ite of Georgia, and have
her dragged before hhr Supreme majesty, iif* n
suit instituted by (according to the opinion of
that philanthropic attorney, Wirt;) the ‘citi
zens of a foreign state,” owing allcgiace
to tHe United States, or §ivy one of the United
plates,” &c.;) for the Constitution po'-’ ivily de
clares that‘.the judicial power of the U* States
SH ALL NOT be construed to extend to ANY
“ suit in law or equity, commenced and prose,
“ cuted against one of the United States, by
• citizens oFanotUer fc State, or by‘citizens or
*—ln addition to .flic above clause of the Constitu
tion, it has been declared by a Judge of the Su
preme Court itself, (seel. Wheaton,377.) that
Courts of the United Slates are vested with
*'NO POIVEU to svratinize huo tlit proceedings
“of Ike State Courts in CHIAHSAE cases. 11 Un
der tie 3d article of the Constitution it is express
ly provided that ‘ The trial of nil crimes, except
“ip cases of impeachment shall be by Jury, and
•‘such trial shall beheld in where the
• said crimes shall have been committed—but
44 when NOT committed WITHIN STATE
“the trial shall be at such jitiice or places ns the
“Congress may bv law have directed.” It must
\>e clear to every unprejudiced mind, taking all
X tie provisions of the Constitution together, that’
the appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court
ol‘the United States docs not extern! To criminal
cases, because jury .trials are secured iu such cases
by the Constitution, and are not a subject of ap
peal. Then upon what ground can the apologists
*>f Chief Justice Marshal justify his officious inter
ference in the case of Tassels? They are as well
satisfied of the faalicy of tlie position as we are,
•and have in reality no more, (perhaps not so
much,) sympathy for the poor Indians than we
.have. The truth is, it is not humanity towtfvds
the Indians that govern their actions, but hostility
to Andrew Jackson.
New Pnh2Nations. *#.—S eur liiative have
Vteeived the following publications, vi/ ■
The “Georgia Importer’ —Priut.-d at Cain
bridge, Decatur county, Georgia, weekly: Ei>e
‘till (f Hamner, Editors, From the numbers we
liave received it promises to be a useful village
The ••Florida Courier"-* -Printed in Tallahas
see, Florida, weekly; Hibson Sf Smith, Editors;
It is neatly printed on new type, mid to jud -e
from the able and independent manner in which
the first number is presented to (be public, will bn
n useful sentinel upon the bitVarksJ of liberty.
The editors declare themselves to be ‘ friends to
State Rights, and a strict construction of the
Constitution. ’■ May success at tend their efforts.
“The Globe” —Published in Washington City,
on a large imperial sheet, semi-weekly for five
dollars per annum, and weekly for two dollars
..tind fifty cents per.nnnum ; payable iu advance.
I'. P. Blair, Editor. The Globe is friendly lo
the present administration, and advocates the
cause of Georgia iu relation to the late citation,
issued by Chief Justice Marshall. It i s a bly con ’.
“ Tlu Const dial ioli’ —Printed in New York c
s ery Saturday, by Lord If Bartlett aljtlivce dol
lars per annum From the number before ns we
are justified i\ recommending it to the senlime,,.
tal. or light reader. This paper allhough new
to us has been printed for some years.
“The Mentor, and Youths hutruder”— This
paper is published in New York, by 6'. IPUde E
ditor and Proprietor. In our nest we will p„b
.list* the Prospectus.
“ The Edgefield Hire” —Formerly printed ut
I’ottcrsville, S. C. has withdrawn its lights from
the District of Edgefiel I. and the Proprietor has
‘•"•lnduced to remove to Columbia, S. C. where
liu intends to issue a sheet of a larger size, and
make a bold stand against nullification.
The College —lias again commenced its ejtcr-
CISI.S, miller circumstances morrpropitiouS, than,
f: out us recent calamity, its most sanguine friends’
anticipated. About u.- ety students are now
If re, and it is probable a few more will yet ar .
wn e. Ihe promise made by the Faculty, in be
*’ ‘", l le ’*• fn ,m " is h the Junior and Se
nior classes with rooms free; of expense, Inis in
n ai ly every instance been readily complied witli,
t< e sincerly regret to state, that we under-
K'oud this tacit, agreement has not been fulfilled
llline or two instances. We do not know it to
be ime, but we have heard such complaints. It
U a source of {ratification, however, that we con
Sjsure the patrons erf this tnstiuiain, that board
can ho obtained in respectable houses, lor uii the
two higher classes, at tm low rates us ever, mid
without additional charga for rooms. IVe would
here mention to correct the misunderstanding
that mas ‘have orison on this subject, that wire
no charge is made for the use of rooms, the stu
dents arc expected to furnish their ow n bedding,
lire wood and lights, as heretofore. \\ lieu these
me furnished by the citizens, it is expected they
will receive a reasonable rcuiunora?ion.
We hupclhcse remarks may have u tendency
to induce those, who have charged i’oom-rclil, to
consult lheir own iutefcsj by a future “iota! ab
stinence” from such charges. n& well s to rent *ve
•itiy erroneous impression lluu may be enltituti
ed as to tiie import of lliep.mnise ot the Faculty.
fhc following stations were allotted to the Prea
chers of the Methodist Episcopal Church, at
the general conference, recently held in this
j P l *^-
Augusta District- Win. Arnold, p. 12.
Augusta, Janie O. Andrew.
| Warren, Harrison.
| Little itiver, T. Douglas, V. Makafly.
! Lexington, C Carter.
J Washington and Greensboro’, J. N. Glenn.
I Sparta, W. P. Arnold.
I Wayneshorough K. J. Winn, T. C. Bcnning.
I Savannah. I. A. Few.
i Mission to Ihc Blacks on Little River, A. Turner.
\ Mission to the Blacks iu Columbia county, to be
(■ Athens District, W. I. Parks, p. e.
| Athens ami .Madison, L. Pieice.
j Broad River—W. R. H. Mosely, R. H. Jones.
Habersham, J. B. Chapel.
Suwanne, W. L. Williams.
Grove, W Alexander, H. L. Kiog.
Walton, A. Ray, A. fi. Palmer.
Yellow River. J, Be Huh, G. Bishop.
Gwinnett, G. W. Carter, Ti Brown.
Appalaelne, T. Sam ford, Thomas Humphries’
.Mission to the Blacks on Broad River. R. L. Ed
wards, Super.
Columbus District, A. llaniill, p. f..
Columbus, J. Boring
Harris, J. Hinder, J. D. Cliapell.
La Grange, Isaac Boring, A. Mitchell.
Coweta, W. Steagall.
Fayette, Willis D. Matthews, C. Raiford
Upson, J. WimbU-h, A. B. Elliot.
Carrol, A. tjagoed.
Randolph Mission, G. A. Cltopell.
Miliedgevilie District, J. Howard, p. e.
.Milledgcville, E. Sinclair.
Macon, B Pope.
Eatonton and Clinton, F P. N .swarthy.
Alcovia, J. Freeman, G. W. F. Pieve*.
Ceder Creek, Thomas Mabry, one m bu supplied
•Monroe, James Hunter. J. Sinclair.
Houston, (.A. Brown. J. Richards..n.
Leo iM is. do:?,. to be supplied
Mission to Ihe Dlaeks near Macon, \V. C. Hill.
Mission lo the Blacks on Link- River, J. Gubins
'. i:lh.
Oconee District, J.isiah Emits, r. e.
Washington, G. IV. Fount, 11.
Onkmulgcc, W. 11. Mnluvfo, [;, ‘Moultrie.
Little O.iknuilgce, IV. Young.
Liberty, J. Dumv.mtly, T. D I'rurifov.
Appling, G. IV. Davis.
Sntilln .mil Si. Mary’s—L. S. Stephens, 1,. liar
ist. Augustine and Nassau*—John C. Simuior.s.
Alachua, D. M’DoualiJ.
Tallshiissi'e District, T. Dowling, p, E ., .1. VV. Tally.
Leon, G. VV. Gassaway, G. Collier.
Quincy, A. Wyriek.
Chatnhorliy. &I. Bi dell.
Homes’Valley, Win Culm house.
Pen River, ,1. Sale
Pensacola Mission, T. P. C. Skeliuau.
Escaiuln a Mission. \V. iV Sears.
Early Mission, VV. C. Cninfonl.
Conii'i'ence Missionary , Tkoinns Darlv. !
Cl.arles'Haitly, Robei t W illiams, ami John 1,. |
Oliver, are wiihuut ajipoiutaienls at tilt it own I
request, on account of iil liealth.
Localeil, Tilinun Citeail ami John F. VVcatlicrshy. !
Ihe folloiving milliners sustain a “superaiunii
eel. or worn out” relation to the Conl'ereme:—!
lesse Richardson, David Gafietsmi, B. njaaiin I
Gordon, Lewis My ers, Sam.icl K. Ilodges, Mill
tltcw Raiford, Vardy VVoollv, Jercminli A'orm<in.
f Miron Messenger.
1 lip U. S. Telegraph, quoting the proceedings
of the Legislature us this state, on the subject of
the writ of error from Judge .M yush all. lemaiks
—“Writs of error issue, of course, and ihe one in
question dvcs not involve an opinion of the dis
tiiignisheu jurist whose name it bears. That, ii
is to be presumed, he reserved for the hearing
of the ‘case upon the argument of counsel. We
congratulate the f. ieiwls of State Rights upon
the case, and the manner iu winch Georgia lias
been cited to the bar o! the Supreme Court.
The time too is auspicious. The spirit of Liber,
ty and reform is abroad upon the earth, and the
position iu which the Supreme Court is placed
by the proceeding of Georgia, demonstrates the
absurdity of the doctrine which contends that
that Couit is clothed wiih supreme and absolute
control over the States.”
GEORGIA*—EIbei t County, i
Adjourned Term , from Nov. ISiiO. |
C oust of Ordi n a ry.
ON reading and filing the peti
tion of Zncliaiiah Bowman,
praying that the Court now here
sitting, will pass an order directing
the administrators of John A- Heard :
deceased, lo make and execute ti-1
ties to a certain tract or parcel of
land mentioned in said petition and
more fully described in the annexed
obligation or agreement of said John
A. H eard, deceased. It is order
ed by the court, that Thomas .1.
Heard and Singleton W. Allen, ad- i
ininistrators of John A. Heard, dec. I
do make and execute titles to the
said Zfichariah Bowman, for the a-1
foresail] ti act of land with t lie ap-j
p ii'teuance?, according to the tenor j
and effect of the snfd writing, ob
ligatory now filed in this court, un
less cause be shewn to the contrary, |
within the time pi escribed by law. i
And it is further ordered, that aco-j
py ot this rule be published iu the
Washington News, ouce a month
for three months.
A ijxte copy from the Minutes ,
this 15i7i January, IS3I.
Job W eston, c. g. o.
Andprvale at this OJicg,
THE Trustees announce to the
public, that they have engaged
the services of Mr. JAMES LOF
-lIN, ns Rector of the Academy,
mr the present year. The entire
satisfaction rendered .by Mr. Loftin
to the parents ami pupils !u*,t year,
together with his known abilities,
and high reputation ns a teae) or,
warrant the trustees in saying that
the school will probably he continu
ed Under his direction lor several
years. Ail branches preparatory
to entering the higher classes in
College, will be correctly taught,
-anti great cure taken to have them
properly prepared for entering, and
tno strictest attention will be paid to
their morals.—The Academy is
large and commodious, and situated
in it retired part of the village. The
j healthful sit uni ion of (he place, and
1 1ite arrangement made for the coin
• ,ult ai, d convenience of the scholars,
j together with the ability, bnergy,
i and piomjßncss of the Rector, in
j the discharge of his duty, arc mat
ifcr.s of consideration. Those who
i may think proper,,to patronize the
institution will not he disappointed
in their expectations.
The lower brunches of English, sl2
EnglisliGriimnlar, Googra- /
phy, &c. ~ 5 20
The Latin and Greek Lnn- J
gauges, Mathematics, & 25
Sciences, per aiimun S
Hoard can : Ims had for s(> or
$7 per month.—Beaftling ami Tui
>‘on, with tlu teacher, for the year,
<• B. llou.slqm, SeeVy.
IX male dead cm ?/,
under the j
v v (lit eel ion of Mrs. SPEED, i
as iicreftilorc, with iGo a.-sistanee of!
Miss LAV M\)ND, for the present!
your. From the ability and long
experience of the Tutoress, ns well
as tat; almost imp traiellcd progress!
and pmlicioiFy of tlie scholars tin- !
dor then fare last year, the Trtis- j
tees confidently expect licit this im- !
pmfinit dejiarlinent will receive n ;
lihcrul share of peirottage. The |
last c.viimitnition aftetidcil by u\
erovvtletl utidifaee: and the perfor-j
mu nee and advaaceimait of the
young Indies, in the solid hranclies,!
exhihitetl on that occasion, did;
much credit to their in Tractrcss, !
ami honor to themselves; and met
with the genera] satisfaction and
approbation of all present.
1 lie following branches will be;
taught, viz: • ]
Reading, Whiting &. Arithmetic,!
English (Jmin m:iT, mil Googra-:
phy, with the nso Globes.
Philosophy, Histort', Ac.
Painting, Drawing, Embroidery, i
Ncedle-wtrtk tip vV'tviyo ‘muslin, aiid i
on whitt; and black (vhhtiinet lace.
Board aiid tuition with the iu- i
structress, for the scholastic year, I
§iot. -i ;
Boarding can be had in private
families, tit from 8(5 to 7 per month, j
The assistance rrf Mi *s Raymond
will add much to the influence of
the iiistitntirm, and finable justice to
be done to each pupil committed to
their care;
B. HO US Ts) N, Sec. pro Icm.
TheWasliingtoVi News will pleaso
give the above flifieb'insertions, and
the Secretary.
January Id, ffeSl. 32—3 t |
GEORGlA—vV¥jlkes county.
fore me JOHN
i- -1 t ice of the Pence
iu anil for the 101 h district Georgia
Militia, by James .Wingfield, a bay
horse four feet ten or eleven inches
high, twelve or thirteen years old,
with white fetter locks, small saddle
spots on the right side near the wea
thers, and a small white spot on the
left sidd of his neck, near his head.
Appraised by Wiljuun Stone and
Lewis S. Brown, to twenty-five dol
lars; this 21st January, 1831.
John Jesse, J. P.
A true copy from ihc record in my
office, 21st January, 1831.
G. L. Rakostraiv, c.i.e.w.c,
January 21,1831. 32 3t
Os evert/ description, neat!/ printed
Sheriff’s Sales.
WILL be sold on the first
Tuesday in March next,
at the court House of Eibert coun
ty, hetvvefin Ihe usual hours of sale,
the following property to wit:
One bay Horse, Bridle and
Saddle, one Cupboard, five feather
beds and furniture, three bed steads
and cords, one jar and scyne lard,
oho sett of harness ntid slays, three
sntl irons, one waiter, one candle
stick, one brush, one tin pan, one su
gar canister, one demijon and its
contents, two hamper baskets, one
jar anti some earthen ware, two
slates, otic dressing glass,'one sett
toilctts and six gourds of soap; also,
four hundred acres of land more or
less adjoining Philiuioti It. Wilhight
ami others: the abote property levb
ed on by’ virtue of sundry attach
ments agfiinst George Oglesby, aim
“P'v hi my possession, aritl sold by
virtue o( sundry executions one iu
favor of John W. Carter from the In
ferior Court and the others fut* cost
from the Superior Court.
One Sorrel horse; levied on
as the property of Henry Ilall, to
satisfy a filii in favor of Samuel
i urtmuj <fc William Pulliam, adm’rs
vs. saitl Hall.
Leroy TJpshaw, Shfl*.
January 25, 1831.
‘Sji’•llT'f''b ‘ lc s °ld ou the first
v W 1 aesday iu March next,
at the court house in Elbert county,’
between the usual hours of sale the
following property to wit :
Three hundred acres of land,
more or less, known ns the Cook
law office tract of land, adjoining the
I lauds of Willis Wall and others, ly
ing on (he wafers of the Beaverdam
j Creek; levied on as the-property of
i Hebert M. Garvin, to satisfy a fifu
lin favor of Archibald M’Kinsley,
i adm’r. and llannuli Upson, adin’rx.
! of Stephen Upson, deceased, against
! Robert M. Garvin Si John A. Heard.
The one eighth part of a ne
|gro boy by the name of Bob; levied
! ml as the property of Willis W. Tay
| lor. to satisfy a fifa in favor ofWil
j liuni W. Bowman &, Company vs.
i Taylor, property pointed out by
; Win. \V. Bowman.
One fitly saw CoHon Gin,
one packing iron, two thousand lbs.
seed cotton, more or less; levied on
as the property of Edmund Skaek-;
• Iford, to ‘satisfy n fifo in favor of
Samuel Ni. Bailey vs. said Shackel
ford. property pointed out by said
Tivo cows ami calves, three
cows and three yearlings; levied on
as the property of Charles Presley,
to satisfy a fifa in favor of John W.
Carter vs. saitl Prosley.
Our hundred and thirty acres
ot land, moro or less, lying on the
waters ot Fall'Cvr creek, adjoining
the lands of Zachuriah Ozley and
William B. Key and others; levied
mi as the property of Thomas Bell,
j mr. to satisfy a fifa in favor of
Henry Martin and Nathaniel Mar
tin, by his friend Henry Martin ,vs.
the said Thomas Bell, junr. and
Polly Bell.
Thirty five acres of land more
or less, lying on the waters of Broad
rivet:, it being the dower of Polly
Dye, now Polly Bell; levied on as
‘the property of Thomas Bell junr.
the husband of the said Polly Bell,
to satisfy a fifa in favour of William
D. Tinsley for the use of Terrell
Speed, vs. Thomas Bell, Christo
pher Clark and Peter P. Butler.
Samuel C. Wythe, D. S.
January 25, 1831.
GEORGIA —WiIkes County.
Whereas Thomas
Anderson applies to me for letters of nilminisira
lion, de bonis non, on (tie estate of William F.
Huy, deceased
I'liese are therefore to cite, summon and admo
nish all and singular the kindred and creditors of
said deceased, to he and appear at my office with
in Ihe time prescribed by law, to shew cause (ir
any they haiej why said letiers should not be
granted. Given under iny hand at office this the
•J7tU day of January, 1831.
JOHN H. DYSON, c. c. o.
Four mouths after
date application will lie made to Hie honorable
thejnferior court of Wilkes county while sitiing
for ordinary purposes for leave to soli all the rent
state of Joseph Luckctt, deceased, late of said
W. R. Luckett, adm'r .
• >'Tc.u>bdr Id, IRSIL ■
Administrators Whiles-.
be sold at Elbert court
, ▼ T honse, on the first Tuesday’
in April next,
Tht m cc A’ *rgrocs,
the property of the estate of Joint
I Brewer, deceased, for the benefit of
the legatees. Sold by virtutt; of an
: order of the. Honorable the Inferior
court of said county, while sitting
for ordinary purposes. Terms will
be made known on the day of sale. -
Wm. E. Brewer, adm’r.
January 20, 1831. 32-^-tds
WILL be sold on Thursday,
the third day of March next,
at the residence of Henry Spratlin,
deceased, lute of Wilkes countv!
all fl^c
Perishable F*ropertif
of said deceased, (negroes excepted)
consisting of household and kitchen
furniture, corn, fodder, ‘ horses,
mules, hogs, cattle, and many
or articles.
Stephn A. Johnson, adm’r.
January 24, 1831. 32—tds
WILL be soid on the first
Tuesday in Aprih next, at
the court house in Wilkes county,
pursuant to an order of the Honora
ble the Inferior court of said county,
while sitting for ordinaly purposes.
TJigh t Lihcly Negroes,
to Wit: — Ben, Sam. Ignatius, Lind
say and Billy, men: Sylvia, Sophia,
and Chloc, women. Sold as the,
property of Anderson’ Riddle, dec.
for the benefit, of the creditors of
said deceased. —Terms, Cash.
Sarah Y. Ritlcile, adm’x.
January 24, 1831. 32*—tds
GEORGIA—WiIkes County. 1
PFliereas A.
Johnson apptos to me for letters of administra
tion on Ihdcslate of Henry Spratlin, deceased.
These are therefore to cite summon aiidlutmo
nish nil and singular the kindred and creditors of
said deceased, to be and appear at my office w ith
ill the time prescribed by law tosbew .cause (if
any they have) why said letters should not be
granted. Given under my band at office Ibis the
d‘(tli day of January, 1811.
GEORGIA—e-Elbert County,
Whereas Nancy Gaul
ding and VVilliam R. Gaiihiing apply to me fdV
letters ot adniinisliiitioii on the estate “of Alex
ander Gauldiug, iked, lute of said couutv.
1 hese are therefore to cite summon and admo
nish all and singular the kindred and creditors of
said dec. to he and appear ul my office within the
time prescribed by law to shew cause (ifany they
hale) why said letters should not be granted
Given under my hand at office Ibis Idthduy f
January IS3I.
JOB WESTON, c c. o.
G EORGIA— Oglethorpe County.
IFhereas Peggy Pyc
applies to me fur letters of Administration on the
estate of Allen Pyc. deceased.
Whereas Radford M. Glenn
applies-!o me lor letters of admioitstratioik the
estate of Overton Harris, deceased.
I hese are therefore to cite summon and Admo
nish all and singular the Kindred and creditors oC
said dec’d. to be and appear at my oflice v.ithir
the time prescribed by law, to shew cause (ifan*
they have) why said letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand at office this 25th dat
of January 1831.
n tn . 11. Smith, c. ii. o.
GEORGIA—EIbert County,
IFhe reas Benajali
Houston and William White, administrators of
tfie Estate of Thomas Davis, deceased, applies to
me for letters otjdismissieu Horn said csta e.
These are therefore to cite summon jftu’i ndirio*
nish, all and singular the kindred apd creditors ol*
said deceased, to be and appear at my office
within the time prescribed by law to shw eau 0
(ifany they have) why said letters should
be gi iuUed Given under my Land at oAcc this
25th day ofJanuary 1831.
Job Weston, C. C. O.
GEORGIA— EIbert County.
IFhe teas H i]Siam
Dooly ailmiiiistrntoi- of the estate ol Joseph M-.
Brontly deceased, applies to me for letters oftlfo
mission from stiid estate.
These tire tlierefure to cite summon unit admo
nish nil amt singular tire kindred and creditors of
said deceased, to he nod ; pern at mv Office wiIKY
in the time prescribed by Imv 10 sheiv cause ( f
any they linve) why said letleis slmuld not be
granted. Given under my hnmt at office tliis the
2oth day of January, 2831.
Job Weston, C. C.. 0.
Four lhoHths after
riate'applicnlimi will be made to the Hpnorab’c
the Inferior court ofLlhert entmtv, while silliri”
for ordinary purposes -for leave ‘t„ 8r ;( a „ nr , 0 Q l
the NEGROES belonging to theestnteof Moses
Haynes, scot, clec’d. tueofsaid count,.
Thomas Hayitc.i, adm’r.
January 13 r 18 M-
Four moiiihs after
date application will be do ,he Ilonorab’e
the Inferior eo„,, IVilk,,. cmity,
for ordinary pti i poses, lor leave to >t || ,j,e real
estate of Anderson Riddle, deceased, hue ol s-ria
Sarah Y. adm’x.
January 24, 183 L