Newspaper Page Text
(Frmi the llrilisk Maiyt-ine )
Idlest be the land, wlioic’cr it lirs s
iS'catli blue Arcudmu skies—
Oriar in drear v solitude 1 ,
“Mia cataract ami forest rude,
Its shore* a desert sea: >”
To me it shall be lioty ground,
/fill its air there lives one sound,
Ami that glut! sound is Libeiiv !
pear Liberty—thou ’i tof Heaven! ‘
Bright emanation from otu* God!
S]jirit to whom a power is given
Superior to the prophet’s rod:
’iVherc’cr thou touchcsl—flows a stream
(Ji grace and grandeur, brightening all!
Beauty awakes as from a dream—
Wealth hears, und straight obeys Iby call*
Brave are tliv youths, ami fair thy maids,
The very soul of love pervaids
Their every word and sigh—’
Around then tariAt thine eagle gaze.
And ty rants wither in the bla/.e
Os tiihie insulted eye!
Tht‘ie iK nt attribute of mind,
No glow of faculties refined, |
No chjuni (that genius gave)
But grows find strengthens in thy light—*
And lives there one such gift’s to blight* j
Go!—cast the traitor from thy sight, . j
Tq crawl an vbjctl du.i t! . ;
\>s! By whatever ocean bound,
That Gaud to me is hallowed ground, j
p‘ from its heart there, springs one sound j
** The lolly sotuul of Liberty !
• mixed fan eo as.
• i. ■—- -tt- -■ ■■■■■ ‘■’ ■ * ;’ ~ J
A riA.MJhOjit Man.; —Our readers ;
arc aware that travellers m Europe I
arc obliged lo obtain passports which
give nil accurate description-of their j
persona! appealauec. An English j
traveller hud his passport returned
to hitrr at May care while he was at j
dinner. On arising from tire table j
lie look up the bill.of fare by luistu'r e !
folder! carefully, and left his j
(mssport quietly reposing on the la
de to astonish the first hungry, mat) j
that Blight examine it for the pur- j
pose of selecting from the good things l
of miuo host. Off he went lo (Jo- j
logne, where the Prussian police of
ficer at the gate demanded Sir Ro
bert’s papers and on receiving- the]
substituted document, progressively
satisfied himself of (lie identity ofthe
party by what he took for the writ-,
ten ofliim-—“Calf’s head’
•—Yes, —‘Bullock’s tongue’—‘Pig’s
cheeks’ —‘Sow’s ears.’—Right,—
‘Hand of Pork’—Yes.—‘Boar’s
Ham’—Hump of lleef’ ‘Leg ot
inuttou’—AH fight. ‘Stuffed heart’
—I date say. ‘Pried liver’—Been !
in India 1 suppose. Rhino wiue,
Burgundy, Champagne, Port wiue,
Porter, Curacou, Cogniac.’ Oh !
these last arc only the gentleman’s
travelling effects, and concern the
Douauc. Drive on!” The‘been in
India i suppose,’ is a glorious infer
Cot. Buckner, v.hy, since his election to flic
Semite ‘-’TheU. S. by the Legislature of Aliafou
li, iu the room of Mr. Baiuon, has been claimed
if a friend of Mr. C'LAt, has under his on it hand
contradicted tbt statement. He says in a letter
to the J?iftioniu— 4 la the last number of the
‘Times, i observed a paragraph, tlnUjiic
•*ioas to the late Senatorial election, 1 hud given
pledges to the fi leads of Air. Barton, and de
clared myself to be u friend of Mr. Iksuv Glav,;
mid opposed to the proscription of the present
administration, (basely intending to say thaud
am pledged to oppose the•adtuinistution of Fiesi
dent Jackson.) All this is clearly a mistake, ns
every body at this place cun testily. 1 was sup
ported as u supporter of the said administration. ’’
SUVk Georgian.
Stenographic Academy
BY Al. T. C. tIUI’LI),
For a full couisc of instruct ion, as above men
tioned, j>‘2 50, payable iu advance, or on t\e
receipt of the fust three numbers of the periodical.
Alt Postmasters are respectfully soL-.ifed to
act us agents in their respective neighborhoods,
if a Postmaster prpctire but one subscriber, lie
will be entitled to a gratuitous copy ofthe publish
cd system—it four subscribers, to a full course of
instruct ion, or $2 50 from the money collected,
and iu like proportion for a greater or leas num
ber of subscribers, that is to say, a commission
of 20 per cent, for his services. Tho.e who wish
for a more full explanation, or to see a specimen
ofthe page. tyj>e, &c. lobe used, may no doubt
he gratified by calling on Postmasters, who have
betu generally supplied with an Introduction to
the ry stein übovc referred to; and nho with a
great, variety of testainotiials from those who
have learned the art
The issuing of numbers will commence early in
July, from ami after which, each new applicant
will be supplied, nt the time of subscribing, with
ts perfect set from the beginning.
03* The publisher ofany Newspaper or public
Journal, who will give this Prospectus a conspi
cuous insertion, and forward a copy ofthe paper
Containing i, shall receive a regular series of tin*,
contemplated locturcJ without other charge.
to the above
will be received by the Editor ofjthe
Nfiv?3 s*
TIIE Subscribers have now un
der t lie bands of the Engraver
in New York, com'plciu'iiiii) splendid Map of tlic
State of Georgia, tin? greater part compiled from
actual survey, with all the districts caietully laid
down and numbered, the whole completed with
great labor nod exactness tro'm the latest and
most authentic information, in a style not inferior
to any the kind yet prose turd to tire pub
lic, with a table of distances from the sea* of go
vernment to every county site or place of impor
tance in the State. The districts h> the new pur
‘chase had lower counties are all uuinhered in the
corners, so ns to enable a perKfm to ascertain the
exact situation of any lot of land, and w ill he
painted and finished ofi’m the ncatc.'t nuancr—
a part of them canvassed, varni-thed ml put on
rollo*s, the balance will be on thin paper nicely
folded iu morocco covers, anti w ill be fo;‘ shle in
AlilledgeviUc by the first cl October next, Those
on rollers at Five* Dollars, and the pocket map of
the same size at Four Dollars'.
Persons residing nt a distance, wishing to pro
em e the map can do so by sending by their mem
bers, as a sufficient’ number of them will be.keptin*
I'lllL-dgeville dtn ing flu: session oftheL< ijisl.durc.
Carlton Wellborn,
Orange G reen,
ILF Editors in this State wht) will publish t!*’
above v iii lift firs? of November
next, will he entitled to a copy oi the Map.
July 24, IS3O.
GilOliGTA—Elbert County.
Elbert Superior Court,
iSr.p,Tr.)i].!:it Tkkm, 18&).
IT appeal ing to (lie Court by the
niliib.n it of Junscs Christian, li:at
Dyonisiu.s Oliver did,’ in his lifetime
(inly execute uml publish his last will
and testament, a copy of which is
tiow on file* ia the Clerk’s of%e *6l
this court, and it further appearing
to the Cum t, by the iiuidavh of Jam-
Oliver, that suit! last wiil ami Its ta
me nt has been iu her possession a'mec
the death of the said Dumi.-ius Oli
iver, tinea m ulled and uarevoked,
and that ,said will has been taken
out of her possession, will. Cut her
consent or - approbation, arid that
said original will is lost or destroyed.
On motion of Counsel for Jqtkson
Oliver, one of the children of saul
Dyonisins Oliver, deceased, and a
legatee under said will; it is order
ed that all persons interested, do
Sappcttrat the next tenaofthb court,
to beholden on the third Monday in
March next, to slic-w cause, if airy
they have, why said copy should not
be established in place of the ori
jgiisal, and that it copy of this rule
ibe published once u month for tour
months in the Washington News.
True copy from the i.iuics , this
14 th October, 1880.
15. HOUSTON, Ci’k.
il 1A Oglet!'inrye County.
Court of Ordinary
NavEamflii Tin'.), 1S!30.
WHEARTOiV M. iilLii, adminis-
B tfatpT of James H. Litcirt, Ut;-
ct:u.sC(l, th".yHirt ibaC he bus fc.tly utluu
t-.istcrcd the* estate of nald (L*<*., uud pinys to lit.
(liftchiugetl fict’-i tile further duties of atifeutisua
tor ti fores aid.
Whereupon it is urdelicit by the cout t that the
Clerk issue a citutiau requiring au persons can
ccrned to shew cause why vid lotbns slioutdAioi
he granted in terms ofthe law in suck case imute
and provided.
An a-xtracj from the mimiD s.—Thk Bih No
vember, lfe'3L>.
ll’ni. 11. Smith, c. C. o.
UEOR.CI! A —Oglethorpe County.
Court of Ordinary
Not E M UEll TEIIM, 18*50.
IjOIIN HAMiviNS adminwlra
tor of James Wells, deceased,
states to the Court that he lias hilly fiftmiiiisioita i
the estate of*ai.l <kc., uud pravs t<* he discharg- j
ed from the further duties of admkii.itrator as a- j
foresuid. !
Whereupon it is ordered that the Clerk publish :
a t ide lord momlts requiring all jver.'OßS concern
eel to shew cause (if any tivy have) why said ad
minUlrntor should not be dismissed from the said
Aii extract from the mwuitcj.—-This Ist No
\ ember, -
It’m. If. Smith, c. c. o.
GEOli GlA—Oglethorpe county.
Court of Ordinary
Mov.v 11 m. ii.t:mme\g,
guadiau of Sbimic Eicmming,
minor of John Fh inmiug deceased, stales to the
court that he has fully si tiled up the estate of said
minor, and prays that he may be dismissed from
his guardiau-sliij).
Whereupon it is ordered hv he com* hat af
ttr fiyi'ty day s publication of this rule u tWash
ington News, and no objection being filed to the
contrary, the clerk issue the letters aforesaid.
An extract from minutes of the court.~-This
2d, November, 1830.
WjUtam 11. Smith, e. c. o.
Four months after
date application w ill bp ntade to the honorable
the Interior court of Wilkes county while sitting
fpr ordinary purposes for leave to sell the real
Estate of Leroy W ilkins, deceased late of *aid
Bedford Cade, Ext.
in right of his wife.
‘January 34. 5£31,
Four months after!
date application will ho made to the I
honorable the Inferior court of;
j Wilkes county while sitting for onlt- I
nary pm poses for leave to sell the ;
real estate of Charles Mattox, dec’<l.
late of said comity.
! Amelia C. Mattox, adm’rx.:
j January 3d 1831.-
Four month’s after|
| date application will he made to the honorable
the Inletior court of UglctiiUrpe cnuiily when sit- j
‘ ting for ord.hi)ity pu;prses fof* leave to •jelHhc
! real eslttfe of Joriah Jordan, jur. deecrtscd, —ftl- |
; so to .sell one negro boy.
! , JolVtr P. Ivatuner, ttdm’r. j
! Decernli;.*r 21t)i Ifedtk
| Four months after!
; dale tipplic.uien will ho made to the honorable j
the Inferior court of iViil.cs county while sittnig j
{or ordinary purposes’ tor leave to sell a lot oi j
Maud. (formerly lletirv/’i mnr t Fayette l
j county, and known sis iNo. JPi iu the 13th Lis- j
!ti ict of.said county. for the purpose of dislribb- j
; th>ii,- a small pc,rf of which belongs to Leonidas
IlutV. a minor.
John ‘Wilkinson, Guar’d. 1
I Octulxn- aOill lS.'iu.
Four months after j
1 date, application will In* iiiudc to the honorable
th.’ Intel ior court of Wilkes county while silting
’ Jdr ordinary purposes, lor leiive to soli ihe real :
j estate ui Jonutiißii Fouciie, deceased, late ol'said [
\ coiiuty.
j November Uth Jig.3o.
j Four months after!
\ date .Mp|vUcatioi) wiil be i,..<to tbi bonnrable |
1 the luloiior court pc cciiiU.v when sit- !
! ting for ordinary pu. po-.’s fatJoaVo to sell the ‘
!• roAI estate ofof Joint Gi rtiwun, di erased. )
\VM. (J CNN INGHAM, ) . , !
j M ARY (lItAHAM, 5 lu,u r *‘ \
‘ Kovoiuber 34. 1830.
! Four momlis after
• dqtc rtpplk’tuion vviU ! -r’ m oie,U> tda* honorable ;
| the iafi rioi* < oiu t oi A e'Ues county whiic siuhig |
for oriliiuiry purposes lor leave to sell tl! me real 1
. e.state of Joseph Lucked, deceased, late of said :
W. [{. IjUekctt, adm'r. |
j November Ist, 1833.
; Four months after
I date application wil I be made to the fiotiorabi:-
the tide* ior court of Elbert County, while sitting
| for ordinary'purposes, lor leave lo sell the Mi
i GUO Lb belonging to the estate of John iViihain,
I deceased.
Isliam Phrlmm,
• Ac ling Excculcr.
! November 1 1833.
i GlSOltGU— Wilkes Countv.
i Wloroas Benton Wal
ton, iulmiuiati alor *n . iii.son C. WaStoi) deeea.s
----i ed, applies to me fur letters of tiisnuiiissiait from
‘ the estate uf.said deceased.
■ These are therefore to cite, summon and ad
: mcnhsii all and sinfcular tin* kindred and credit
ors of said decc to lx* ami appear at my of
; iiee Vriihin liie time pi escribed by law, to shew
j cause (if any they have) why -,uid Liters should
j litij be tfjauted.
j Givi ii under my hand ut oilice, lliii Ist Novem
ber, 1830.
j - John 11. Dyson, c. c. o.
(1 EOHGiA.—Wilkes county.
j- IFhcreas Sluulrack
, Fi.iksion applies to n,e for letters of dismissuiu
j tVom the -estate ut Crernhurv Fink -ton, dt*c’d
j These are therefore to cite, sumnum and,alum*
] uish, all aiul singular the ktiidi. a- and creditors
1 ol said deccf.?ed, to be and appear at my nl’icc
wilhia the Urn,* prtsevibui by law, to shew cause,
(if any they hu%e) why Sard letters should not be
granted. Given mid* r *hy h.u.d at oilice,. this
Is; day of November. tS3U.
John 11. Dyson, c. c. o.
GEOli GIA—\V ilkes County.
AVheieas Joseph
Henderson and John Boren, apply to ret* fr let
ters uitmissory ou the est tile of Jc.'iii I Ting de
ceased. * m”
These are therefore to cite summon and ndmo
| dish all and singular the kindred and ciVditors
i us said dec’ll, to be and appem ,i mv ofiici; wilh
j in tin* time prcscrilied by h\>v so sht w cause (if
any they have).why said Letters should nut be
granted. Given under mv hand at office this
: Kith day <i? November, 183 U.
John 11. Dyson, c. c. o.
: GEORGIA—YVIikes .county.
| Whereas W. Parks
j applies to me for.Jcdei sol dismissipn fioiii the
| c.smte of John Graves deceased.
I These arc therefore to cite, summon and admo*
i uish, all and sine.ular the kindred mid creditors
of.said (jeci used, to be ami appear at my oilier,
| within thetiine prftciihed by law, to shew cause
(if any they have) why said letters should uot be
granted. Given under my hand at office, this Ist
day of Novettfljer, U-33, „
John 11. Dyson, c. c. o.
GEORGIA—EIbert County,
Whereas Beverly A!-
len and Mary Clark applies to me for letters of
dismission from the estate of James Clark, dat’d.
T fuse are therefore to cite summon ami adnio
ni.>h all and singular the kindred and creditors of
said dee., to be andppe!#rHt my oflic© within the
lime preseriblcd"by law to shew cause ("if any
thi;y have) why said ierterx should not be grant
ed Given under my hand at oilice this lßit day
of November, 1830.
JOB WESTON, c. c. o.
Os every description, Neatly printed
GEORGIA,—WiIkes County,
fllioreas Bird Parks
applies to me for letters dismissorj on the estates
of Aquilla Burrouglis and John Fanning, decea
sed. >’
These arc therefore to cite, suminon and admo
nish all and singular the Kindred and creditors its
said deceased, to be and appear at my office Yvilh
iu time prescribed by law, to ibew cause (ifa
riv they have) why said lettersshouid not he gran-
I tod. Given under my hand at oilice this 20th of
December. 1830.
Join) 11. Dyson, c. c. o.
GEORGIA —Elbert County.
Whereas Ziiilry W.
Tat# and Pcrtmdia Tate, apply to me lor letters
of dismission from the eslatnol -Thomas J ate, de- i
AudWhermts Zimry W. Tate applies to me.
i for letters of dismission tron the estate of James
M. Tate, John W. Tate, and Beatrix J. A. Tate, j
These are therefore to cite summon and admo
nish all and singular the Kindred and creditors
of said deceased persons, to he and appear at my
office within die time prescribed by law, to shew
cause (if any they Imvc) why said letters should
not be granted them. Given under my hand at
oilice this -13;It day of November, 1830.
JOB WESTON, c. u. o.
Sheriff’s Sales.
E be sold on the first
i v Tuesday in February next,
i at tiie couit House of Wilkes coun
ty, between the usual hours of sale,
j tin; following property to wit:
Four bags of clean Cotton ;
; levied on as the properly of Daniel
Hester, to satify two fifusagainst
t said Hester.
Eight negroes, to wit: Salcy,
Harriet, Henry, Mariab, Harry,
Winuey, Muliala umi Fanny; all
levied on sis the property of John
VYiSscry to iiilisiy, a fifa in favor of
Wiiiiiim Hearing Vs. said Yasser.
Joint Burks, I). S.
January I, 1831.
W%TUA. be sokl on the.first
V v Tuesday in February next,
Jat’tbc court bouse iu Wilkes county,
I between the usual hours of sale the
following property to wit : j
Otic negro .woman by the
name of Dully, and her child Miliv, 1
Elite a man, and Ben a hoy; levied
ou as the property of Thomas J.
Tate, deceased, to satisfy an execu
tion in the name of James Walker
against Ziinri \V. Tate Executor
of Thomas J. Tate, dee’d. property
lioiuled out by ti.u Executor.
One I’r.oiio Forte ; levied on
as tiie property of William 11. Car
ter to satisfy an execution iu the
name of Andrew Ruddcii vs. said
Carter, and-one other execution iu
tiie name of Simeon Echols .A Rich
ard Hudspeth, vs. said Carter,
Win. 11. Dyson, D. S.
Jatmary Ist. 1831.
IRL ho sold at the Court
V bouse of Wilkes county, on
the first Tuesday in February next,
within the usual hours of sale, the
following property, to wit:
One negro womau, by the
name of Let, about 35 years old;
levied on by virtue of a mortgage
fi fa. iu favor of John Douglas, as
the properly of Charles Keogh.
Stephen A. Johnson, Sli’ff.
December 3, 1830.
ILL be sold on the Ist Tues
. V v day in March next, at the
court house in Elbert county, be
tween tiie usual side the fol
! lowing property, to wit :
One fitly horse ; levied oil as
the property of Lawson Scott, to'sa
tisfy a mortgage li fa in favor of Wil
liam W. Bowman as.-bnee of William
T. Taylor, vs, said Scott.
Samuel C. Wvche, D. S.
Dec. -Mill 1830. ‘
Strayed or tStolen !
S’ ‘ her, on the 17th of j
DdVeuiber last, living on i
retho road ‘leading from j
Wusltingloii to Mul*jrys ville, a small
Sorrel 1/or sc,
about five feet high, \with a Maze
face, long switch tail, onchind foot
white; it is said the horse was rais
ed iu Newton county, ho was hro’t
from about two years
has been for the last two years iu
Taliaferro and Wilkes counties.
To any person delivering or securing
the horse so that I can get him, a
reward of FIVE DOLLARS will
be given.
Christopher Bums.
Januaiy 4, 16'4. 30—3 t
fx uardimi’s I*ontU,
Neatly, prided to id for sals ai ifiis oJj‘j.c,
Adni itii st rators S ales.
PURSUANT to an order of the
honorable the Inferior court of
Wilkes county while sitting for ordi
'nury purposes, will he sold on the
fiist Tuesday iu Match next, be- v
tween the usual sale hours at the
court house door in snid couu'y, the
belonging fd-lhe estate of Avery R.
Uo.vd, dec’ll.—Sold for the benefit .
of all concerned. Terms made
known on the day of sale.
Stephen YV! liood, > ] V
Buruel! Hood, ( 1,11111 rs>
Dec. 23th, 1830. 20—tds.
Postponed Sale,
WILT, bo sold on the first
Tuesday in February noxty
iu I.e.yington, Oglethorpe county,
Tiro Negroes,
Levied and her child, belonging to
the estate of 15. YV. C. Martin, de
! ceased, sold for the bchefit of the
| creditors of said deceased.
Richard Dowdy, adin’r.
January 3, 1831. 30 td?
WILL be sold on v the Ist Tues
day in March next, at the
court house in Wilkes county, a*
greeable to tin order of the honora
ble tire Inferior court of said county
while sitting for ordinary purposes,*
belonging to the eStateof Charles L.
Hay, deceased, On a credit until tire
25th day of December, 1831.
James T. Hay, adm’r.
Dec. 28lh, 1830. 29—tds.
— .a
WILL bo sold on Saturday
the 12tli of February next*
at Mount Horeb, Jasper county,
all the Perishable property of Wil
liam McEueroc, deceased, late of
said county, consisting of one JorrcJ
marc, saddle and bridle,
One Gold Jy one Sivcr Watchf
Two Trunks,
and their contents, consisting of sun*
dry articles - of wearing apparel &c..
Terms made known on the day of
‘ Peter Monaghan,
Temp. Adm'r.*
January 3d, 1831 29—tds.
j be so! 1 on the first
V v Tuesday in March next, at
i ilie court house of Wilkes county";
| One Tract of Land,
j containing eight acres, more or les^,
’ adjoining lauds ofthe estate of Sam
uel Rice and James Dcvant, Wliere
on Archibald Little now resides, ou
j u hicb there is a 15!.ACK-SMITIiS.,
Shop, also, one tract or parcel of
j land cojitaining twenty-eight acres',
more or less,'on which there is a
known some years ago as Lyon'd
j Mill. ALSO
Tivo hundred acres, more or
less, on Dry Fork of Long Creek,
adjoining lands of John Hood, Rey
nolds and Woolbright, h’ulbot and
j Hoods, the same (it is -believed) ou
\ which Robert Adams now resides,
all the projthrty of L. C. Toonrbs de
ceased. Sold (subject to dower,
which may lie bad on reasonable
terms;) fjir the benefit of creditors.
WM. IL POPE, adm’r,
Dec. 20. 1830. 27—tds.
AGREEABLY to an order of
the Inferior court cf Wilkes
county while sitting for ordinary
j purposes, will bo sold on the first
j Tuesday in February next, at tho
‘■ court bo Use iu said Countv, all of tiie
consisting of a woman and several
; children, belonging to the estate of.
Fedcrick P,iH, deceased.—Sold fm*
the benefit ofthe heirs of said dec’di
Termsofsale made know on the due.’
Eliza Ball, adm’rx.
Nov. 22d. 1830. 23—tdc,
r Notice.
ffl PERSONS imtebu.d to I lie ew.
M. (ate of Robert B. Hempiiiil
lute of'Muscngo county, and formerly
of Lincoln stro requested to make im
mediate payment; and those liming
demands against sui-J estate are re*
quired to present flrnm within the
time prescribed by law properly nu*
tbenticatetl, or this notice will be
plead in bar against their recovery,
Dcc-27t4i 1830., 28—Ct-