The Southern Democrat. (Oglethorpe, Ga.) 1851-1853, October 16, 1851, Image 3

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. ■ Senators Et>ted. in, j W. Anderson, and Tattnall, i W.. Waltliour. and Glynn, > Spalding. and Camden, o. Bri an. HHtare. Lowndes & Clinch, J. Knight, J%r Montgomery and Appling, J, n Mcßae. Scriven, McCone. HL[>li'g!iaiii. V 1 i it-'-,-;, _ 11’,. i dann-,',,., JHFa/WTjWJJnvm/ • GeorgeVilcox. and Thomas, J. P. Dfeinson. fl3 Sfiy and Randolph, B. L. W{ |MKl\vart and Muscogee, S. W. Frnov. jjMjlk and Baker, A. 11. llmis. and Troup, David ReJ, 17 Ilgiuston and Pulaski, Hugh La%n. and Marion, TV. N. L. Cfeker. aud Sumter, J. Tomlinw and Jones, Joseph Ikl Sc Emanuel, James lliebi A Columbia, A. J. Miller. I and Teliaferro, John L. Bird! and Baldwin, B. T. Betliuud and Jasper, Wesley Griggsi; and Bibb, Z. E. Harman. 1 and Crawford, Thus. Flcwcllen >t ami Meriwether, Wiley I‘. Burks. and Carroll, B. 11. Wiugiit. liilpWiHipbell and Coweta, Rort. Beavers. and DeKalb; J. M. Calhoun. and Pike, R. W. McCone. and Henry, Win. Mosely. 34 Gwene an d Morgon, N. G. Foster. and Lincoln, B. B. Moore. and Madison, AVm. Little, if oEthoriK’ and Elbert, B. F. Haredman. and Walton, Win. Stroud. JKSpsi tli and Gwinnett, J. P. Simmons. It C>’ and Paulding, Lewis Tumlin. 41 Clrokce and Cobb, M. G. Slaughter. and Hall, P. M. Bird. .||:lAersham and Rabun, Edward Coffee. 44 LBipkin and Union, J. P. Wellborne 44 Gvct and Murray, Geo. Chappell. 43 TV Veer and Dade, Samuel Farris, fjf, GtSjon, Floyd, Chattooga, Joseph Waters. nli'iircxeiitativvi IJerlcd. Joiin Tillman. jjSyK-M. D. McCombs. L. Atkinson, A. C. Morehouse, j ’fry an 11. Edwards. ■, Joseph Shewmake. Spi.— McLean. —E. S. Harrison, D. Ramsey. (sHB&i-iMEi’.riiix. Latimer. Garrett Gkav. (|H. T. Wofford, XT'. 11. Felton. —F. S. Bartow, Chas. S. Henry. —Robert Cameron. iMB-l, J. Alfred, S. C. Dyer. (.wjMr ‘L. G. Harris, Rich. Richardson. Hackney, J. W. Powell. —Fowler. fijwBliAViLEV Conn. N. Bellinger, Jno. M. Born. HB. Roberts. nHßii.—John G. Morel. , * C. Sumner. King, Anderson, 1 >nwson, Armstrong. —Levi Loveless, It. D. Winn. mMUhin. Barr, Grant. Hi. B} ugh. John T. Smith. ames M. Mobley, Gen. W. Cobb. J. Fall, Tims. G. Barnett. —P. D. Cullers, Nathan G. Lewis. Mosses Brinson. Holland. P. Thurmond. M. \V i . Liams, E. W. Baynes. -Robert Robinson. Is^Hl?Waldharri . • —A. M. Russell, It.* 11. Pierce. Enoch Daniel. tultnii^^B-Ilenley. P- Tripjio, Jno. L. AVoodward. jf the’ .Stewart Floyd, i and —Alex. MeDougald, T. F. AX’oodridge. stable 11. Robinson, icd H. Bulloee. , u th. ‘ ™lB-Siiadraeli Bivins, in —1- W. Phillips, John Heart. ressive ai^^^Bery. Morris. —James M. Harris. ,fa Bailey, Langthi idge. : hai ‘i; Harper, Kendrick. itie Clark, Winn. (allot Bloodworm, John Gardner, tion B. Reeves. or Jones. o are A. Meriwether, P. 11. Dawson. It, Cil. li^^B — B. 11. Perkins, Geo. W. Chirstt. t, niiJ —John Milledge, A. C. Walker. aeon Carr. And M. Clarke, John Williford, i Bartow. . ( Vas Wallace, James AV. Castens. 01. BaityJames Tilman. —Linton Stephens, t ames L. Seward. uididsE. H. Hill, Tanner. ■ncT, Wall, the Cameron, of J- McAffee, Duke AVilliams. and of C. McFarland tnies. S. Moon, James Z. Lock 1 in. Raulerson, j s ~n lj A^^^Bott. triump'^RL' ll ' —Langdame, Wm. Hall. ,f the T. Irwin, Edwin, It. Anderson. .Art vt^Hk —E J. Gilbert. t. History. in hiargpeech delivered in Svra ’4,497*sl ■fiWtii ay last, thus spoke of the Law 4 50.3 ‘ t ’ l ' le ‘ aw “ **’ Be executed in 6 S4B mm ‘ ‘ ts l etter - P will be executed in 075(1 HhU 1 ' 03 — herein Syracuse, in the midst J.o.W Slacenj Convention, if the oeca -2,535/ So mucli for prophecy. What is the history ? The first fugitive slave arrested in Syracuse was forcibly rescued from the custody of the U. S. of ficers. by a unrestrained and infuriated mob. It is a little remarkable too, that this utter defiance and resistance of the law took place “in the midst of the Anti-Slavery Convention.” XV e see that a certain class of papers are endea voring to excuse this Syracuse affair on the ground that the composed of iiegroes.—. This is false, and it niay be proved by Sff*aceounts of the riots furnished from Syracuse. The Roch ester American savs: “The mob was composed chiefly of white men and was swelled by the strangers in the citv, it be ing the day of the County Fair and the Abolition Convention, the latter of whom was on hand for a full delegation of the breakers.” The Syracuse correspondent of the New York Tribune says: “The general quiet which now prevails in the city, is ominous. The appearance is that of the ocean after a violent hurricane. The underground current aud underground railroad arc at work. The Commissioner, as I am informed, has been receiving testimony this morning and yesterday tending to implicate certain persons in this city in the rescue. This, however, is only rumor.— [The crowd who rescued Jerry has no head nor tnd. No one attempts to justify the rescue, nor can it be condemned. The feeling is that of relief ■ hat the thing is over.” From the N. 0. Delta. Vindication of the dead. The following note is accompanied by the name otbe writer, which is at the service of any person wi> may desire to know it. The writer is a ge'lcman of rruth, honor, and respectability, whig word will pass wherever he is known. It “‘ll* seen that it very effectually disposes of cer tain alumnies propagated against General Lo pe* : j; New Orleans Sept. 24th, 1851. Delta :—lt is with indignant feelings that I ave watched the vile calumnious reports invente jmd circulated with legard to the motives |ot the laffers of the late Cuban Expedition, and the indijtrious manner in which the editors of a | few Anuiyat) journals have lent their aid to the j cause. \ Van Veehtenin his “narrative,” states I that the l((pi-s received from Cuba were forged here; also, Tat at Key AX’est, Gen. Lopez ordered j liquor to btfcrought on board and hold a drun j ken carous;|after\vaads called a council, to which no Americaifcffccr was admitted. I was a mein j tier of that %” jilition, on board, at the the time, | but unliappil-j I was compelled to leave at Key 1 \\ est, in conscience of a severe attack of sickness. I I was on bard until an hour after the council j j was held, am I can and do openly assert that J Mr. Van A T ccln is guilty of a base, unmitigated (cowardly) falsbood. 1 was shown a letter from 1 Cuba, postmarkd Havanua, dirctcly asking aid from Lopez and the Americans here, stating the country io !*> in : partial state of insurrection.— Ihe liquor hrotigk on board at Key AVest, was one keg of whisky for the men and was taken below. ] was Ivin- on deck when the council was called, and Col. CiJtenden and several other A inericans were molded. At that time Air. Vcch ten was the last mu, in my opinion, who would so basely have hlaccned his leader’s fair fame, and that too, when B was in the cold embrace of death, and unable to et'ute his charges. I know not whether Mr. V, i;,m American but Isincere ly hope lie is not own good name. CUBA. Arrest of 51 Fniiili v •slave near 01111- kirk. Tin- Negri lleinamlrd to !iis Master—JAsfiijM- o four others. BuFifi.o, Oct. I—9 r. m. A fugitive slave named Harrison,from A'irgin ia, was arrested yesterday, near Dunkirk, and brought to this city. After a brief hearing in tie case of Harrison, Commissioner. Smith docidedthat the bov was a j fugitive slave,and that he worn! make out an or der for his return. He was iroied and taken to jail. The Court house was crowded Vjth excited cit- i74U19, who made a show of rcsistawc; lint,, after some slight skirmishing, within aid without the court room, Harrison however, was mfely lodged 1 in jail. To prevent the escape or rescue of the prisoner, he was huiulcuffed, and placid in charge of a Buffalo constable named Ilaubest,. The claimant of Harrison is Dr. Parroti, of Hardy county, Virginia. The negro is a mulatto, and about 19 years of age. XVhen about being removed from tie court room, lie said, “I would rather die than return to slavery.” The Hon. Seth C. Hawley and 11. S. love, Esq., appeared for the fugitive, and James M. Smith, Esq., for the claimant. The principal objection raised in favor of tie prisoner was that affidavit 011 which the warrant was issued, did not state that Harrison escaped from X’irgiiiia, or any other place, but simply that he had escaped. The point was, of course, ove ruled. Four other fugitives for whom warrants were issued, have escaped to Canada. Division of tjic Mate of California. The following address numerously signed by the citizens of Monterey, San Diego, Los Angelos Santa Barbara, lias just been published : To the Citizens of the Southern portion of the State of California. —A suggestion was made, some years ago, in reference to the se veronce of this State, and the formation of a Ter ritorial Government for the Southern portion thereof. To the accomplishment of this object, it is ne cessary that a united action be had by the advoca tes of the measure, and that a full and candid statement of the many grievances we suffer, be set forth, that the people at the North may see the justness of our request for a division, and that we are impelled by necessity to this movement. The undersigned, therefore, after giving the matter much consideration, and consulting together as to the best mode of action in furtherance of the ob ject proposed would recommend that a Conven tion be held at Santa Barbara on the fourth Monday of September next, to which delegates may be elected from every portion of the South, by which a fair expression of opinion may be bad on a question involving the present and future wel fare and prosperity of the fairest portion of the State of California. AVe would respecfully suggest the following as a fair basis of representation in the Convention, j Each county (including San Jose and all South \ of that) shall be entitled to one delegate for every j one hundred votes cast at the approaching elcc- j tion, and where there fraction shall exceed fifty i votes, one additionalal delegate shall be allowed, j A\ r e have the honor to be, with great respect, 1 Your obedient servant. Political. The New York Tribune says: “AA r e are told t o leave slavery alone, it is the specialcurse of the j South aod we have nothing to do with it. * * * This is a mistake in every way. * * * AVe are liable to be called on to send back fugitives, an act which certainly renders us participants in their enslaving. Moreover, it is too late in the day to think of stopping the discussion of this subject— It will be discussed, and the best thing is to look at it frankly and sincerely, and say the whole truth about it And we are happy to see in the Southern Statesa growing number of persons who are disposed to treat it in that manner. And if their testimony is to be relied on, the attitude of the free-spoken portion of the North in the contro versy is aud lias been exceedingly useful, and lias tended to expedite the great end which all enligh tened lovers of their country must have in view, namely, the extinction of slavery by the States in which it exists. This end we suppose will be at tained sooner than is generally anticipated. We do not believe that the beginning of the next centu ry will behold a slave under the fag of this Re public” The Hungarians in lowa.—The Hungarian Colony in lowa, is located in an entirely new and unsettled country, about 150 miles from the Mis sissippi, and jiossesses few facilities for communi cation. Some of the emigrants are dissatisfied, and wish to change the location of some point nearer the Mississippi, where a more eligible loca tion could be procured at a small expense. Gov. Ujhazy is represented as leading the life of a true philosopher, dividing the time between labor up on his fields and crops; and study and reflection, diversified with such hunting and fishing as the region affords. JiTTlic|eople of Grayson county, A T a., met in public meeting at the Court-House, on the 22d September, anil offered a reward of §IOOO for the apprehension of Jarvis C. Bacon, the Ohio aboli tionist, who recently under the garb of religion, sowed his vile sentiments broad east among the negroes of that county, stirred them up to revolt, •fee. Messrs AA r . 11. Cook of Carroll; Andrew Ful ton, of AVythe, and Fayette Mullen, of Scott, ad dressed the people. Kossuth.—A letter from Malta, dated Septem ber 12 th, in noticing the departure of Kossuth for the Steamer Mississippi on the 7th of September, says that nothing could exceed the kindness, and attention of the Turkish government. The Pacha ofßroitssa, in accordance with orders forwarded to him from Constantinople, sent no less than fifty carriages to convey tile exiles to the point of their embarkation. COMM E R C I A Ic The Cotton Hiirket. The market, for the last few days lias been eonside nldy depressed, and prices arc a full cent, or more, lower than at our last quotations, notwithstanding the receipts so far, in all the markets, have been remarka bly light for the season. We quote as extremes from i to 7 1-4 cents, with a downward tendency. CHEAP CASH STORE! IN CXItANISN BUILDING, Fiiyler street, Oglethorpe, Georgia. rpilE Subscriber takes this method of informin'; l. the citizens of Oglethorpe and the surrounding j country, that lie lias just opened and offer# for sale at the very lowest prices for CASH, his well assorted stock, consisting of DRY-GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTH ING, SADDLERY, TRUNKS, VALISES, GARRET-IIA GS, GUNS A RIFLES, and a variety of other articles, lie will also pay the highest cash price for Fallow, Beeswax, Dried Cow hides, Otter, Coon and Mink Skins M. H. MEYEIt, Ag’t, October 15th, 1851. 23—Sin NEW DRUGSTORE! SiVEAD A Ml WIl VV. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, Sumter Street, Oglethorpe, Ga. THE undersigned would respectfully inform j Yw their friends and the public, that they have just 4ji opened a J)IiUG STORE in Oglethorpe, where I they will keep constantly on hand, A Large aud Fresh assortment of Drugs and Medicines, SURGICAL AND DENTAL INSTRUMENTS, GOLD FOIL, PER FUMERY, SOAPS AND CHOICE TOILET ARTICLES, A Lso, —PA / NTS, OILS, POTASH , WINDOW GLASS, DYE-STUFFS, CHOICE SPICES, ES- I SENCES, PATENT MEDICINES, iU dv., and a full assortment of whatever belongs to the business. Having had six years Practical Experience in tlio Drug Business, and being determined to devote to it their whole attention, they hope to merit and receive a liberal patronage. Every Article put up in the neatest manner and warranted Fresh and Fare, or liable to be re turned. Physicians’ Prescriptions tut up with the GREATEST CARE AND DISPATCH, attention of Physicians, Country Merchants and Planters, is called to our stock, as we feel confi dent we can supply them with all articles in our line, on terms that will not fail to (five satisfaction. SNEAD & CHAPMAN. FLETCHER T. HNEAD, FOSTER 8. CIIAFMAN. Oglethorpe, October Id. 23—ts I INSEED, TRAIN, LARD & NEATS FOOT U OILS, for sale bv SNEAD & CHAPMAN, Oet. 16. 22 At tlie New Drug Store. POTASH —A fine article, for sale bv SNEAD & CHAPMAN. Oct. 16. 23 SJCRGfCAI. &. DENTAL INSTItCAiENTS)— IO GOLD FOIL, &.C., For sale by Oct. 16. 23 SNEAD & CHAPMAN. I FRENCH WINDOW GLASS, for kale by •SNEAD & CHAPMAN. Oet. 16. 23 \Tf7HITE LEAD, for sale by VV SNEAD & CHAPMAN. Oct. 16. 23 1) RUSHES—aII kinds, for sale bv > SNEAD &. CHAPMAN. Oct, 16. 23 i • IORILLARD’S SNUFF—A large lot in liot- J ties and Jars, for sale bv Or. in. 33 SNEAD & CHAPMAN. } SPRING’S BUCHU—Price sl—For sale by the J Agents at Oglethorpe. Oet. 16. 23 SNEAD & CHAPMAN. BARRY'S TRICOPiIEROUS—Price 25 cents —For sale by SNEAD &. CHAPMAN, i Oct. 16. 23 D’ R. De GRAFFENREID’S RHEUMATIC LINIMENT, For sale bv the Agents, | Oct. 16. 23 SNEAD & CHAPMAN. ÜBIN’S PERFUMERY, For sale by SNffiAD & CHAPMAN. j Oct. Uk 23 M’ OFF ATS PILLS & PHCENJX BITTERS, For sale bv SNEAD & CHAPMAN. 1 Oct. 16. 23 OVER 10,000 PAIRS 111 BOOTS A~ SHOES. Psi j ’ Oil SFMTER STREET, H VV£ opened two doors from R. 11. Sims <fc Cos., anlkintend keeping constantly on hand the lar gest, ami BOOTS 1 1’ SHOES, ever offer ed in (Jeorgia, a large portion of which is of their O WW MANUFACTURE and warranted not to rip, consisting of all sizes, qualities and prices. Sole Leather, CaM, Lining and Binding Skins, Lasts, Shoe Thread, Pegs, Shoemakers Tools, die. BOOTS SHOES made to order and warranted. Repairing neatly executed, Terms CASH. Any amount of good Beef Hides taken in exchange foi Shoes or Leather. Three or four good Boot-makers wanted, to whom constant employment and fair wages will he given. BANKS & CO. Oglethorpe, October 10, 1851. 23 —3n Tew fall AND WINTER GOODS. Collins, Ashburn, McKenzie & Cos., 4 RE receiving and opening at the YELLOW i\. STORE on Baker Street, a large and well selec ted stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Os every style, quality and price. Also, an endless variety of 1 lard-ware, Crockery, Saddlery, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Bonnets, drc. They would invite particular attention to their t ock of Keady-lladc Clothing, Which is the largest aud finest stock ever brought to I his market. Every variety and pattern of fonts, Pants, Vesta and Shirts, may be found in their asrort ment at prices to suit the most fastidious or miserly customers. They have in store, and will at all times keep, a full supply of GROCERIES, of every description, such us SUGAR. RAGGING, RICE. COFFEE. ROPE, CHEESE, SALT, TWINE, FLOUR, IRON, MOLASSES, MACKEREL, NAILS, SYRUP. RAC ON, TORACCO, LIQUORS, LARD, CIGARS. And in short everything that is usually kept in a Dry Goods, Grocery, llard-ware, Boot, Shoe, or Clothing Store. Rare inducements to secure great bargains are now offered at the YELLOW STORE, on Baker Street, Let everybody come aud take a peep at our splendid stock, before purchasing elsewhere. Oglethorpe, Oet. Ist. 21—ts GOODS FOR THE SEASON! Itv J. 0. IIODGES. CORNER OF BAKER it- CVYI.hR SI REELS Ogle t liorpe, Georgia, H'E is now receiving his fall and winter stock of . Goods and will keep at all time a full supply of l>i'y timid, such ns Domestics, Calicoes, Muslins, CambricLs, Lawns, Sills, Bareges, Ginghams, Alpaecas, Inser tions, Ron/hazets, Edgings, Laves, Lin ens, Shawls, Bonnets, Ribbons, Collars, Cuffs, Hosiery, —also — Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinctts, Kentucky Jeans, Drub Detas, Kerseys, Liuseys, Cham breys, Cottonades, Flannels, Tickings, Osna burgs, dV. Also a full siim.Y of lte<lv iiiiiile eilltll iilg. Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Crockery, Saddlery, Paints, Oils, Drugs, ite., together with a large and complete stock of Groceries such us SUGAR, RAGGING, COFFEEI ROPE, BACON, LARD, SALT, TWINE, FLOUR, RICE, C’A NDLES, MA CKEREL MOLASSES, SPICES, CD EE SE, S YR UP, All of which lie offers to sell to good customers on the niost'favoruble terms. Purehiiscrs will find itto their interest to examine his stock before purchasing else where. Hie motto is short profits and (|iiiek sales.— Remember his Store is on the Corner of Baker and Cuyler Streets. Oglethorpe, Ga. Oet. 2, 1851, 21— tuff—Jo TCBI ‘DO ‘od4oqi[3o ‘A'iNOCI ‘A ‘0 V ‘JSSIDXIUVSAVS V M ■snogvpsd -X3 jmn/t sztjms Xjpij pun rpmis ,mn mi.ul puu i({| >pKi[ ‘odioigofyj jv suinßxoq oniludiaipin uja<( oaui{ oipu noA {[a ‘no ouiof) •>.md esuspl pun #,mil| ,h(| (in# o| saaiad. pi ppis ai| [flAi ipupil J<> UV ‘ x y ‘ J }‘ f'J.VX ‘ -MVPH I SJVH ‘ ‘S.VO IIS O HI)MM ‘SOU ‘S.'IN 0(1 Vlmi ODD ‘S3TSSV7 -on Mom ‘:i:iAAOO Hvons \ltvs ‘w.n.i.t.>.(>) A|annul jo jo[ oug put? qso.ij ti puuq uo pf.>>f oq jjjav DAoqu oqj jo iCjautjA s?qpii.j jsouipi uw 04 uorpppti uj ; S .’I A O X S aatjjQ pwtf JOpin t s jo joj t> qjiAi jaqjoSoj, ‘sffnis-siiff l fmnj ‘*HO i spiw ( [ ‘sduiotpdfif udyoojA V uo U LL i(no l - \OJ{ l p>Mj{ ‘SfOOff ‘tidvf) I BfDJ{ L /)Uii[)o] t ) jpovi-hpmyr ‘spuuotf jjqimoiysi)^ AO iLQ'I M.NI.i V ‘.IHGAV IIOIUO[4UOQ JO Mlp -trj joqjp joj ‘.fjijunh pin? ‘punj .C.ioao jsompi j(> ‘spot)'? ((.1(1 Jd|in\\ pun ||BJ jo Shirieistioo ‘iiohoos /finuioo oqj oj poj -oojog iC[(nj..iw.> put? |[d.\v ipof.nmi siqjoj joao tfpoo# jo X/jouha jeojß.uSi oi(| ‘joojjsj uootipj uo y pliujs p[o Jioqj pau.xlo put? pOAIOOOJ JHtlf aAViI QQ 5 IHNOiI Great Excitcmcht in Oglethorpe. CANDY MANUFACTORY ! !! JACKSON & POWELL, HA VI) the pleasure of announcing to the citizens of Oglethorpe, that the “Lood lime coming,” which has so long been prophecied of, will goon visit their City, and many hearts that are now sorrowful in consequence of unappeased appetites, will he made glad, for they will open in this place in a few days, on Sumpter Street, next, door South of R. 11. Sims <t Cos., a regular and genteel Confectionary & Eat ing-llousc, and the cry which we now hear so often in our streets, “If you have any good things save ’em for me,” need no longer he heard, for when you want any good things, all you will have to do will he to walk round to their establishment, place your money on the coun ter, call for wliat you want and you’ll he certain to get it. They will keep constantly on hand, Cakes, Candies, Syrups, Preserves, Jellies, Jams, Pickles, Almonds, Raisins, Currants, Brazil and Hazel Nuts, English Walnuts, Apples, Oranges, Pine Apples, Cocoa Nuts, Bamfcms, Phimtauis, Figs, Prunes, Cigars, To* bacco, Cheese, packers, OYSTERS, FISH in their season, in fact it wbuld be difficult to conceive of any thing in the way <jf luxuries that cannot he obtained at their establishment. They will also fiftl all orders for Candy, of their own manufacture, at short notice, and on as reasonable terms as at any otlier establishment in Georgia. They will also serve up perfectly brown , Ham and Eggs, Oysters, Fish in their season, Game of all kinds, I together with Hot Coffee, Ac, In short, they will | keep a regular Confectionary and Eating House. Oglethorpe, October 2d. * 21 —ts •I jST OPENED !! ! NewVam! 1 y Grocery Store! HODGES & RICE HAVE Just received and opened on Baker St., op posite G. C. Carmichael Co’s. Ware House, anp next door to W. B. Ilill’a Store, a large stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, consisting of Bacon, Lard, | Hour, Loaf, Crushed, and Brown Sugar, Coffee, Rice, Onions, Irish Potatoes, Cheese, Molasses, Syrup, Mack erel, Salt, Crackers, Soda Biscuit, Lemon &ymp, Pick les, Preserves,’ Sardines, Fruits, Nuts, Candies, Snuff, Cigars, Tobacco, Soap, Starch, Sal-Aeratus, Sperm, Ada mantine and Star Candles, Powder, Shot, Lead, Paints, Oil, Putty, J-ampblaek, Varnish Ac., also a lot of Hard ware, and a few articles of DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, all of which will be sold, at the lowest market prices. The Citizens of Macon and the adjacent counties are respectfully invited to call and examine our Stock be fore purchasing. We will take in exchange for Goods, Wool, Hides. Tallow, Beeswax, Ac.. at the market prices, and in any quantities. Dont forget to rail. JAMES 11. HODGES, CHARLES C. RICE. Oglethorpe, Sept. 25th, 1851. 20 —ly Dry (ioodN at Wholesale, SA VANN AH, GA. ROBERTO, FOOTE & MARSHALL, arc now re ceiving at their Store, corner of Broughton and Jefferson Strcsts, opposite Saint Andrews’ Ilall, a large and well selected stock of FOREIGN A DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, which they offer for sale, upon the usual terms. We sell exclusively wholesale, and think we arc able to offer sufficient inducements to retaiu the trade in this city. We have now in store 100 bales brown Shirtings and Sheetings; 50 cases bleached “ “ 60 “ fancy Prints; 60 bales Negro Blankets; 25 “ Red and White Flannels; 100 cases Kerseys and Lindseys. Also —An extensive assortment of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, and other miscel laneous articles, usually wanted by merchants from the interior. Particular attention given to orders. September 25tli, 1861. 20—6 m. C. IT. C A MPFIELD, DEADER IN GEORGIA AND FRENCH BURR MILL STONES, Fire Proof Sales, PLANTATION MILLS, Smut Mills, Screens, Mill Irons, Bolting Cloths, Horse Powers, Trucks, Wheel-Barrows, Grind-Stones, Cotton Gins, Seales, Rice and Grain Fan Mills, Ploughs, ltice Drills, Corn Shellers, Hay and Straw Cutters, Patent and Leather Belting, Shuttles, Picks, and findings in general for Cotton and Woollen Factories, Rice and Grain Thresh ers, and Machinery of various kinds. Agriculiural Implements, in great variety. Terms CASH. No. 171, Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. 20—ly Tllo nAs m. vv Jttlf ER & CO., Wholesale Druggists, SA VANN AH, GEORGIA, <2 KEEP constantly on hand a general assortment of Frcneh, English and American Chemicals, j *\ Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Brushes, Win dow Glass, Perfumery, Dye Stuffs, Ac., which they of fer to Country Merchants and Physicians. Savannah, September 25th, 1851. 20—ly IIENDIIICKSON & MOORE, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, AND DEALERS IN Paints, Oils, Window Glass, Brushes, Garden Seeds, &c., Gibbous’ Buildings, SAVA S Ji A H , G A . O. n. HENDRICKSON, JOHN R. MOORE. Savannah, September 25, 1851. 20—ts SWIFT, DENSLOW & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Provisions, Foreign and Domestic Liquors, CORNER OF BAY AND WHITAKER STREETS, SAVANNAH, GA. KDWAUI) SWIFT, DWIGHT B. DENSLOW, *CTIAB. rETERSON. ♦Office 72 Wall Street. New York. Savannah, September 25, 1851. 20—lv 11. A. CRANE & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION merchants Aus. 189 and 191, Hay-street, SAVANNAH, GA. IT EM AN A. CHASE, THOMAS HOLCOMBE. September 25th, 1851. 20—ly JAMES W. SPENCE, M E it CII ANT TAILOR, Corner of Sninter and Anderson Streets, HAS constantly on hand a splendid assortment of Gentlemen’s Dress Goods, consisting in part of the following articles:—-CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS of various descriptions, HOSIERY, CRA VATS, plain and fancy, READY-MADE CLOTHING, Ac., Ac., all of which he will sell as cheap as can be purchased at any house in the place. He will also make to order and at short, notice, in the latest and most FASHIONABLE STYLE, any ar ticle of Gentlemen’s Apparel, usually made at a Tail oring establishment. A share of public patronage is respectfu 1 ly solicited. September 18th, 1851. 10—ts HARDEMAN & HAMILTON, Warc-Ilousc & Commission Merchants. MACON, GEORGIA. HAMILTON & HARDEMAN, FACTORS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SA VANN AH, GEORGIA, Will give prompt attention to all business com mitted to them at either place. THOMAS HARDEMAN, CHAS. F. HAMILTON. September 18th, 1851. 19—ts RABUN, FULTON & Cos., COMMISSION M ERCH ANTS, No. 207, BAY STREET, BAV ANN All. J. W. BABIN, R. M. FULTON, I. F. WHITEHEAD. AT ILL give strict attention to the sale of Cotton Y ▼ and other Produce consigned to them, and promptly fill orders for Bagging, Rope and Family Supplies, at the lowest prices. September 18th, 1851. 19—ts SPEFD THE PLOW THAT BEATS THE MOULD. JO Hi RICH’S Patent Cast Iron Beam Plows! For sale by T. M. JACKSON, Agent at Oglethorpe. September 18th, 1851. 19 —ts BOSTON & GUI BY, COTTON FACTORS AND General Commission Merchants, (,'orucr Bay and Jefferson Streets, SA VANN AH, GA. JOHN BOSTON, JOHN 11. OUNBY. September 25th, 1851. 20—ly PLANTER’S WARE.HOUSfi. f hejjf leare to I form you they hure taken the ’ - * For a term of time, and associated under the name and style 1 11 - * if§§| ; ‘ ’' -V- 'tpl'S'-P-'f V.'mJ;TJ!: t !.i- .•\p.-s-i.-i.e.- inTtuejMUY feel eotfficknt of giving genera) who may entrust them with their business. In con firmation of which, we refer the public to the subjoin-* * ed references, and at the same time, ask a liberal shave Jk of their patronage. w They promise to keep their patrons advised of the state of the market at all times. They take this oeca j sion to say to any who may Store their Cotton with them, should they afterwards wish it shipped to Macon or Savannah or Charleston, it shall he promptly atten ded to without any additional expense. Their Ware-House, in consequence of its locality, has advantages over any other in the place, in point of security from fire, being remote from other buil dings. They will also have planters’ cotton insured if desired. Liberal CASH ADVANCES will be made’ on Produce in Store. All orders from Planters or country Merchants will be filled at short notice, and, (as they have no inter-’ est in Merchandize,) at the lowest cash prices. S. W. BLOODWORTH, RICHARD JOIINSTON/ REFERENCES. PLANTERS. Dr. Thomas, Isaac Cheney, Esq., Talbot county. (*cn. TANARUS, Griffin, M. D. North, Esq., Coweta co., James Neal, Esq., Win. Pryor, Esq., Pike co., Rev. Win. Moseley, Judge A. W. Walker, Henry cd.r Thos. W. Ashford, Ed. Broughton, Esq., Troup co., Judge J. May, T. Nichols, Esq., Fayette co., I. Nichols, Esq., B. P. Bussey, Esq., Meriwether co., Clias. Cargil, Esq., W. Darkness, Esq.. Butts co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. % Rice Dulin, Esq., Charleston, So. Ca., Field A Adams, Macon, Gil, N. A. Hardee A Cos., C. llartridge, Esq., Win. P. Yonge, Esq., Savannah. Editors S. IT . Georgian, and Southern Democrat. Gtufein, On., Sept. Ist, 1851. This is to certify that Mr. S. W. Bloodworth, has for several years been engaged in the Ware-llouse and Commission business iu this place, and from my ac quaintance with him, 1 foci no hesitation in recommen ding him in that capacity to the patrons of Oglethorpe, lie is also a good judge of the quality of Cotton, and consequently an excellent salesman. A. A. GAULDIXG, Sen. partner of the firm of Gaulding, Ferril A Chap- WM. R. PHILLIPS, Sen. partner of Jones, Phillips & Cos. September 11, 1851. 18—t.f ROBINSON <fc ROBINSON, A T T ORNEYSAT L AW , LANIER AND OGLETHORPE, GA., YAT ILL practice in the counties of Macon, Houston, * Y Dooly, Sumpter, Lee and Marion. They will have an office in Lanier, and in Oglethorpe, ami will promptly attend to any business entrusted to their care. W. H. ROBINSON, A. A. ROBINSON, Lanier, Oglethorpe, Sept, 11, 1851. 18—ts , SOUTH W EST I-:!!N R AILROAD. sip jjiijgaa A DAILY TRAIN for Passengers and Freight leaves Macon nt 6 1-2 A. M.—Arrives at Oglethorpe, at 10 1-2 A. M.—Leaves Oglethorpe at 11 1-2 A. M.—Ar rives at Macon at 8 1-2 P. M. Connecting each way with the Central and Macon A Western trains, and the Tallahassee Mail Stage Line. Passengers dine at Fort Valley at 1 1-4 P. M. GEO. W. ADAMS, Supt. S. W. R. R. Macon, August 12, 1851. 15—ts iTliilw for Sale. r pilE subscriber offers for sale bis SA W& GRIST -L MILLS, in the city of Oglethorpe, situated on Buck-head Creek. The Mills are in good repair, and doing a very fail 1 business. There is also an excellent situation for a Wool Factory on tin* premises. There is also a first rate situation for a BRICK YARD on the place, with good clay, and in a healthy location. He has also a number of desirable Residence Lots in a retired part of the city which he will sell on rea sonable terms. S. G. COTTON. October 2d. * 21— Notice to Debt or* and Creditors. \LL persons indebted to the estate of James May - late of Crawford County deceased, are hereby notified to make immediate payment, and those hav ing demands against said deceased will present them duly authenticated as the law directs. McDADE DAN I ELLY. ) r , , JAMES T. MAY. f • Oct. 2, 1851, 21—6 w For Sale or Knit. Till*’ two story House on the Corner of Macon and Chatham Streets, opposite the Depot and at present occupied by I*. L. J. Mayas a Store and family residence. Possession given immediately apply to , PHILIP COOK, Agt., Oct. 2, 1851. 21—ts I>r. .1. 11. OLIVER, Surgeon and Accoiirlier, HAVING located in the City of Oglethorpe, re spectfully tenders his professional services to the public. All cases entrusted to his care 1 will receive prompt and immediate attention. He may be found during the day at his office next door west of the Post Office, ami at night at his residence on the corner of Macon and Washington Streets, except when profes sionally engaged. July 19th, 1849 11—tlJ. Of;fi<*tlioric Nluniii Mill* for Sale. rpilE copartnership heretofore existing between A. -L Lary, W. Liry ami M. R. Smith, in the Oglethorpe Steam Mill, will expire by limitation, on the Ist day of December next, one of t he partners having disposed <f his property in this State, and designing to remove, it is necessary to dispose of this valuable piece of property, for the purpose of settling the business of the company. The Mills is five miles from the town of Oglethorpe, on the Pond Town Road ; it is in suc cessful operation, well furnished with teams, carts, tools, Ac., and contains 800 acres of well timbered pine land, location healthy and pleasant. Persons wishing to engage in the most profitable business in the coun try, would do well to examine the property which will not fail to give entire satisfaction. Terms will be made easy. For particulars, apply to A. Lary, at Forsyth, or J. T. Doughiss, at the Mills. A. LARY A CO. September 25th. 1851. 20—lm Executor’.* Stale. AGREEABLY to the last Will and Testament of James May, late of Crawford county, deceased, will be sold on the first Tuesday in DECEMBER next, at the late residence of said deceased, all the lund and negroes belonging to the estate l r;id decasod. Also, will be sold at the same time ami place, all the per ishable property belonging to the estate of said deceas ed, consisting of Horses, Mules, Cows. Hogs, Wagon, Cart, Buggy, Cotton, Corn and Fodder. Household and Kitchen Furniture, with numerous other articles too tedious to mention. Sale to continue from day to day until all is sold. Terms on the day. MoDADE DANIELLY, nualijicd Ex'r. September 18th, 1851. 19—tds Removal v THE Subscriber has moved the “ DRUG STORE,” from Baker to Cuyler Street —y He is now opening a large assortment of Drugs, Medi cines, Paints and Oils, in Cnbuniss’ New Building* which he would respectfully invite the attention of Merchants, Physicians and Farmers. PHILIP T. FEARS. Sept, 11 th, 1851. A B—ts BOOKS. A LARGE supply of Medical, Classical, Miscella neous and School Books, for sale at the OGLETHORPE DRUG STORE. May 24. 3—ts