The Southern Democrat. (Oglethorpe, Ga.) 1851-1853, December 06, 1851, Image 1

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w j)( forsake employers where the pay, ” and the other Democrats who st&tf ’ t [jgtn will stick to them ‘■like font* dead nigger.” AVith wha* t? Chappell, or Johnson, dR * Lumpkin, or Andrews. Pjf mittance into the DeV - much less grace coaßfc-® vf* THE SOUTHERN DEMOCRAT, ispcbushed every Thursday morning At Two Dollars in advance, Two Dollars and Fifty Cents, within sis months, or Three Dollars at the end of the year. No subscription will be received for a time than six months, nor will any paper be dis- mtinued until all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. Advertisements inserted at One Dollar per square of twelve lines or less, for the first insertion, and Fifty Cents for each subsequent insertion. A liberal dis count made to those who advertise by the year, and to Sheriffs and Clerks of the .Courts, who Adver tise regularly in this paper. Those sent without sja cifieatinn as to the number .f insertions, wiU be pub lished until ordered out, and eliarirod accordingly. Jos Work must be paid for on delivery, betters on business must be rusr raid to ensure at tention. ry Office in Bartlett’s onllacon Street. POETRY. SABBATH EVENING. BY IJEO, D. rRENTiCE. ’Tis holy time. The evening shade Steals with a soft control nature, its a thought of heaven Steals o’er the human soul: And every ray from yonder blue, And every drop of fulling dew, Seem to bring down on human woes From heaven a message of repose. O'er von tall rock the solemn trees, A shadowy group incline: Like gentle mills in sorrow bowed Around their holy shrine: Ando’erthem now the night winds blow, So calm, and still the music lmv Seems the mysterious voice of prayer Soft echoed on the evening air. The mists, like incense from earth, Rise, to a God beloved, And o’er the waters move as erst The llolv Spirit moved; Tiie torrent's voice, the wave’s low hymn, Seem the far notes of seraphim: And all earth's thousand voices raise Their song of worship, love, and praise. The gentle sisterhood of flowers Bend low their lovely eves: Or gaze through trembling tears of dew Upon the holy skies: And the pure stars come out above. Like sweet and blessed tilings of love, Bright signals in the etherial dome To guide the parted spirit home. There is a spirit of blessedness In air and earth and heaven. And where, nature, wears the blessed look Os a young saint forgiven; Oh, who, at such an hour of love, Call gaze on all around, above, And not kneel down upon the sod ’ With Nature’s self to worship God! ’ ‘A fcjJi jjgflY There’s not a spot"! But hath some little three? To brighten up its solitude, And scent the evening hour. There's not a heart, however cast By grief and sorrow down, But hath some memory of the past, To love and call its own. MKBCELL A \ EOT . Tin; Soldier’s Ileturcs. Seven or eight yenrs ago, when I was traveling bitween Berwich and Shclkirk, and having started at the crowing of the cock, I had left Melrose be fore four in the afternoon. On arriving at Ab botsford, I perceived a Highland soldier apparent ly as fatigued as myself leaning upon a walking stick and gazing intently on the fairy palace of the magician, whose wand is still and broken, but whose magic still remains. I am no particular disciple of Laviter, yet the mini carried the soul upon his face; and we were friends at the first : glance, lie wore a plain Highland bonnet, and a coarse gray coat buttoned to the throat. Ilis 1 dress bespoke linn to belong only to tire ranks, bntthere was a dignity in his manner, and a fine glowing language in his eyes worthy of a chief- Uin. Ills height might exceed five feet nine, and bis age about thirty. Tho traces of manly beauty were still upon his cheek, but the sun of a western hemisphere had tinged them with a sallow hue, 1 and imprinted untimely furrows. Our conversation related mainly to the scenery around us, and we had pleasantly journeyed to gether two or three miles, when we arrived at a little sequestered burial ground by the way side,! near which there was neither chinch nordwelling. Its low wall was thinly covered with turf, and we sat down to rest. My companion become silent aud melancholy, and his eyes wandered anxiously among tho graves. “Here,” said he, “sleep some of my father’s children who died in infancy.” He picked up a small stone from the ground, and throwing it gently about ten yards, “That,” added he, “is the very spot. Hut thank God! no grave stone has been raised since my absence. It is a token I shall find my parents living—and continued he, with a sigh, “may I also find their love. It is hard, sir, when the heart of a parent is turned against his own child.” He dropped his head upon his breast for a few moments, and was silent, and hastily raising his forefinger to his eye seemed to dash away a soli tary tear. Then turning to me, he continued— “ You may think, sir, this is weakness in a sol brr; but human hearts beat beneath a red coat, j dy father whose name is Campbell, and who was j nought from Arguileshire while young, is a weal bv farmer in this neighborhood. Twelve years >gol loved a being as gentle as the summer moon. Me Were children together, and she grew a beau Rjy sight as the star of evening steals into ;lory through the twilight. Hut she was poor ““d poitionless, the daughter of a mean shepherd. tjvj attachment amended my father. He oom- LL and ‘ ared whither. Hut I will not tnet i Ji historj , In my utmost need >l>on tl, of *°fty second who was then oined rS“ t “S service > an<J in a few weeks I Whfvb^.T' 11 Vs P roud hearts - I was at ‘“ht thr C 'i” l ,‘ e “ o t alld t,le ra 'en sang at mid- j ■rJtuf 1 11 was a herald of a ; ind r *“4 death. There were three high -1 rivall in’| tS ° us r7 tlllee j° ined in one—joined “a. DMeat when the Scots Greys, flying to our and i) c aid, raised the electric shout, ‘Scotland forever!’ [ ‘Scotland forever!’ returned our tartaned clans men. ‘Scotland forever 1” reverberated as from I the hearts we had left behind; and ‘Scotland for ever!’ re-echoed ‘Victory !’ ‘Heavens!’ ’ added he, starting to his feet and grasping his staff as the enthusiasm of the past came gushing back upon | his soul, “to have joined in that shout was to have i an eternity in the vibration of a pendulum.” In a few moments the animated soul that gave j eloquence to his tongue, drew itself back into the chambers of humanity, and resuming his seat upon the low wall, ho continued: “I left my regiment j with the prospect of promotion, and have since j served in the West Indies, but have heard nothing! of my father—nothing; of mother—nothing of her i l love.” ° ° | kV bile he was speaking, the grave digger, with a pickaxe and spade over his shoulder, entered; the ground, lie approached within a few yards, of where we sat. He measured off a narrow piece j of earth—it encircled the little stone which the ] soldier had thrown to mark the burial plaeeof his ! family. Convulsions rushed over the features of j my companion. He shivered; ho grasped my arm; his lips quivered, his breathing became short j and loud; the cold sweat stood trickling from his temples; lie sprang over the wall; he rushed to wards the spot. “.Man!” lie cried in agony, “whose grave is ‘that?” ‘ j “Hoot,” awa’ \vi’ ye,” said tho grave-digger, starting back at bis manner, “what nil a way is that to gliff a body ! Are ye daft J” “Answer me,” cried the soldier, seizing his : hand, “whose grave is that ?” “Mercy 1” replied the digger, “ye are surely out I of your head; it's an mild body ca’d Adam Camp- I hell’s grave; now are yc anything the wiser for sporlin i” “My father!” cried tho young man, as I ap proached him. and clasping his hands together, he bent his head upon his shoulder and wept aloud. \ I w ill not dwell upon the painful scene. Uu j ring his absence, adversity had given the fortune | of his father to the wind, and he had died in an I humble cottage, uulnmented by the friends of his i prosperity. j At the request of my fellow traveler, I aecotn ! panied him to the house of mourning. Two or three poor cottagers sat around the fire. The cos ; tin with tho lid open, lay across the table near the ■ window. A few white hairs fell over the white face of the deceaced, which seemed to indicate | clearly that he died from sorrow rather than from : age. ! The son pressed his lips to his father’s cheek.- He groaned in spirit and was troubled. He rais-j ed his head in an agony, and in a voice almost ■ inarticulate with grief exclaimed inquiringly, “My 1 mother?” * ! The wondering peasants started to their feet, ; and in silence pointed to a lowly bed. He has t tuned-fortvaul—lie fell on his knees by the bedside. “Mv mother!—<>, my mother!” he exclaimed, i “do you, too. leave me ? Look at me! —I am I your own son—your own Willie; have you, too, 1 forgotten me, mother She, too, lay on her death-bed She opened ’ her eyes —she attempted to raise her hands, and they fell upon his head. She spoke; he alone knew the words that she uttered—they seemed accents of mingled anguish, and of blessing. For several minutes he wept bitterly, lie held her withered hand in his; he started; and the hand he 1 held was cold and lifeless! lie wept no longer; hi gate 1 from the dead body of his father to that of his mother; his eyes wandered wildly from one sido to the other; he smote his hand upon his brow, and threw himself upon a chair while mis ery transfixed him, as if a thunderbolt from hea- j veil had entered his sold. I will not give a description of the melancholy j funeral and the solitary mourner. The father’s j ! obsequies were delayed, and the son laid both his parents in the same grave. Several mouths passed away before I gained J ’ information respecting the sequel of my little sto- j ry. After his parents were laid in the dust Win. i Campbell, with a sad and anxious heart, made in quiries after Jeannie Leslie, tbcobjecfof his early affections, to whom we have already alluded.— For sevetu! weeks his search for her was fruitless; but at length he fortunately learned that property had been left her father by a distant relative, aud that he now resided at a place somewhere in Dumfrieshire. In tho same garb which I have already descri bed, the soldier set out upon his journey. W ith little difficulty lie discovered tho house. It re sembled such as are occupied by the highest class of farmers. The front door stood open. He knocked hut no one answered. He approached along the passage —he heard voices in an apart ment on his right —again he knocked but was unheeded. lie entered uninvited. A group was standing in tho middle of the lloor, and among them a minister commenced the marriage sen-ice of the church of Scotland. The bride hung her head sorrowfully, and tears were stealing down her cheeks—she was his own Jeannie Leslie. The olergy man paused. The bride’s’fatber stepped for ward angrily, and inquired, “What do ye want, sir?” but instantly recognizing his features, lie seized him by the breast, and with a v oice halt, choked with passion, continued, “Sorrow take ye for a scoundrel! What brought ye here, an’ the; !Uair especially at a time like this ? Get out o’ j my house, and never darken my door again wi* j your ne’er do well countenance ?” ! A sudden shriek followed the mention of his. name and Jeannie Leslie fell into the arms ot hen bridesmaid. ‘Teace, Mr. Leslie,” said the soldier pushing j the old roan aside, “since matters are thus, I will | only stop to say farewell, for auld lahg syue; you i cannot deny me that.” # lie passed to the object of his young love \ She spoke not, she moved not; he took her hand I hut she seemed unconscious of what he did. Aud orvaiuu us a uruam wtnle gazing upon her face.— i lho very language he had acquired since their | separation had been set aside. Mature triumph- I. C 'V I . art, > and I‘ e addressed her in the accents in which he had first breathed love and won her i heart. i “Jeannie,” said he, pressing her lmnd between ! ‘ II3 > l ‘ lt s a saa ’ tiling to say farewell, but at pre sent I maun say- it. This is a scene I never ex pected to witness; I could have trusted to your! truth and to your love, as the farmer trusts to I: seed time and the harvest, and is not disappoint- January Sheriff* Sales. Y\WI.L be sold, before the Court House door iu La > > nier, Macon County, on the first Tuesday inJan- W. well 1 improved, beta* the Lot on which .T. f. Stringfield | now resides, lathe 13th district of orginully Museo ! 1 ‘ HOW Macon eoimtv. WioS or as the property ot ‘Util. >, “It is remarkable ! ways been the navi > South has produ-j superiority in na-j was tho first pro-] gation. lie was j •• *u build end navi-1 OG I.I'.THORPE, GA., SATURDAY, DECEMBER (i, I*.>l. ed. Oh, Jeannie, woman ! this is like separating! the flesh Irom the bones, and burning the mar-1 row . Hut ye maun be anither’s now—-farewell!”! “No, no, no, no! —my aiu Willie!” she ex claimed, recovering from the agony of stupefac- j tron, “my hand is still free, and nty heart has al-| ways been yours—save, Willie, save mo!” and she threw herself into his arms. I lie bridegroom looked from one to another, imploring them to commence an attack upon the intruder, but he looked in vain. The father again! I seized the old gray coat of the soldier, and almost I rending it in twain, discovered to the astonished j company, the richly laced uniform of a British I officer. He dropped the fragments of the out-- garments in wonder, and at the same time drop. 1 | ping wrath, exclaimed, “Mr. Campbell, or what] are ye?—will you explain yourself?” i A tew words explained all. The bridegroom, a wealthy, middle aged man, without a heart, left i ]‘ K ‘ house gnashing his teeth. Badly as our mil- j | itary honors are conferred, merit is not always overlooked, even in this country, where money- is! everything; and the Scottish soldier had obtained i the promotion ho deserved. ! Jeannie’sjoy was like a dream of Heaven. In! a few weeks she gave her hand to Capt. Camp bell of his Majesty’s Regiment of Infant ry- to whom ioug years betbro she had given her | young heart. SMALL DEBTS, Or, tv Hut Five Dollars Paid. Mr. Hcrriot was sitting in his office, one dav ■ when a lad entered, and handed him a small slip ot paper. It was a bill for five dollars, due to his ! shoemaker, a poor man who lived iu the next! square. I Mr. Grant that I will settle this soon.— I It isn’t just convenient to-day.” Now, Mr. 1 lerriot had a five dollar bill in his! pocket; but he felt as it he couldn’t part with it. lie didn t like to be entirely-out of money. So,! acting from this impulse, he lmd sent the boy! away. ‘\ ery still sat Mr. Ilerriot for the next five i minutes; yet his thoughts were busy. Lie was! not altogether satisfied"with himself.’ Tho shoe ! maker was a poor man, and needed his money as soon as earned—ha was not unadvised of this fact. | “I almost wish I had sent him the five dollars,” , said Mr. Hcrriot, at length half audibly. “He! wants it worse than I do.” Ho mused still farther. The tact is, ’ ho at length exclaimed starting up. “Its Grant’s money, and not mine; and! what is more, he shall have it.” So saying, Ilerriot took up his hat and left his j ! office. “Did you get the money, Charles,” said Grant, as his hoy entered the shop. There was a good deal of earnestness in the shoemaker’s tones. 3 ] “No,sir,” replied the lad. “Didn’t get the money 1” ” * “No, sir.” “Wasn’t Mr. Ilerriot in ?” “Yes sir; but he said it wasn’t convenient to day.” “Oh, dear! I’m sorry!” came from the shoe- 1 maker, in a depressed voice. A woman was sitting iu Grant’s shop when the hoy- carao in ; sire had now risen, and was leaning ! on tho counter; a look ot disappointment was in - her face. “It can’t bo helped, Mrs. Lee,” said Grant.— “1 was sure ot getting the money from him. He. never disappointed me before. Call in to-inor-1 row, and I will try and have it” The woman looked troubled as well as disap-’ pointed. Slowly she turned away and left, the! shop. A few minutes after her departure, I ler riot came in, and after some words of apology,. paid the bill. “Run and get this bill changed into silver for me,” said the shoemaker, to his boy, the moment ! his customer had departed. “Now,” said lie, as soon as the silver was placed in liis hands, “take two dollars to Mrs. Ja.-e, and three to Mr. Weaver across the street. Tell Mr. \\ caver that I am obliged to him for having loan ed it to me this morning, and sorry that T hadn’t as much in the house when he scut for it an hour I a S°” “I wish I had it, Mrs. Elden. Hut, I assure you that I have not,” said Mr. Weaver, the tailor. “I paid out the last dollar just before you came in. But call in to-morrow and you shall have the mo ney to a certainly.” “Hut what am Ito do to-day ? I liavn’t a cent to bless myself, with; and I owe so much at the grocers, where f deal, that he won’t trust me forj anything more.” The tailor looked troubled, and the woman lin-i gered. Just at this moment the shoemaker’s hoy 1 entered. “Here are the three dollars Mr. Grant borrow-! ed of you this morning,” said the lad. “He says! he’s sorry he hadn’t the money when you sent for it awhile ago.” How the faces of the tailor and his needlewo man brightened instantly, ns if a gleam of sun-1 shine had penetrated the room. “Here is just the money 1 owe you,” said the \ former, in a cheerful voice, and he handed the wo-! man the three dollars he had received, A mo ment after and he was alone, but with the glad i face of the poor woman, whose need he had been | able to supply, distinct before him. Os the three dollars received by the needlewo man, two went to tho grocer, on account of her debt to him, half a dollar was paid to an old and j needy colored woman who had earned it by scrub-1 bitig, and was waiting Mrs. Eldred’s return from ] the tailors to get her due, arid thus be able to! provide an evening anil a morning’s meal for her- j self and children. The oilier half dollar was paid j to the baker when ho called towards evening to leave the accustomed loaf. Thtjs the poor needle-1 woman had been able to discharge four debts, j and, at the same time to re-establish her credit with 1 fiiufily X,, ' tlon ° f tIS tOO,J c< W sulned ““ her little! Am’ now let us follow Mrs. Lee. On her arri- i , home, empty handed, from her visit to the shoemaker, who owed her two dollars for work she found a young girl, in whoso face were many marks of suffering and care, awaiting her return. I Hie girls countenance brightened up-as she came in ; but, there was uo answering brightness in the countenance of Mrs. Lee, who immediately - said— “l’m very sorry, Harriet, but Mr. Grant put m e l, ti Democrat ( off mitilito-mcrrow. He said he hadn’t a dollar! | in the hjrse.” ! TfiogH’s disappointment was very great, for ! tiiesmiid shi forced into life instantly faded, aud] i was succeeded by a look of deep distress. “Do you rant the money very badly j” asked Mrs. Lee, in'a low, half choked voice, forthosud ! den change it the girl’s manner had affected her. “0, yes, ma’am, very badly, 1 left Mary wrap ped up in nn thick shaw l, and a blanket wound i all mound her feet to keep them warm; but she was coughing dreadfully from the cold air of the loom.” y “Havrt’t y<n n fire ?” asked Mrs. Lee, in a quick, ‘Oppressed ‘tj.iJ.. ~ - f “We have no'coal, It was to buy coal that I wanted the more ..” Mrs, Leostra-.-u her hands together, and an ex-! tdatnarion m pain wfisluiout passing Tier lips, when the door of the room opened, and the shoe-) maker’s boy came in. “Here aio two dollars. Mr. Grant sent them.” | ‘God bless Mr. Grant!” The exclamation from! Mrs. Lee vas involuntary. On tho part of Harriet, to whom one dollar was j due, a gurii of silent tears marked the effect this timely supply of money produced. She received! her portion, and, without trusting her voice with! words, hurried away to supply tho pressing wants at home. ! A few doors from the residence of Mrs. Lee liv-1 ed a man who, some few months before, had he-j • come involved in trouble with an evil disposed! j persotii: ami been forced to defend himself by : means of the law. lie had employed Mr. Herri i ot to do what was requisite in the case, for which ] service the charge was five dollars. The hill had ! been rendered a few dliys before, and the man, ] who was poor, felt very anxious to pay it. He ! had the money all made up to within a dollar.— j That dollar Mrs. Lee owed him, and she had pro i mised to give it to give it to him during the day. For hours ho had waited, expecting her to come ! jin ; hut now had nearly given her up. There j was another little bill of three dollars which had! ] been sent in to him, and he had just concluded to; ! go ami pay that, when Mrs. Lee called with the ! balance of the money, one dollar, which sho had received from shoemaker, Grant. Half an hour later, and the pocket book of Mr.! Ilerriot was no luiigerempty. His client had call-; ed and paid liis hill. Tho live dollars had come; I back to him, T. S. A. i Only a Trifle. ! “That’s right,' 1 said I to my friend Simpkins j j the baker, ns the sickly looking widow of Harry I ] k\ atkins went out of his shop-door with a loaf of j j broad which he had given her—“that’s right,] Simpkins; I am glad you are helping tho poor] creature, for she has had a hard time of it since] ] Harry died, and her own health failed her.” ] “Hard enough, sir, hard enough; aud lam glad j [CiGfoher. tff.mgh'v.!.,.i I. tri,. *w:i^ cost. jtmiß.-'*!’ ttavifrjir, fire? - * “How often does she come ?” “Only three times a week. \ told her to come ] oftener, if she needed to, hut she says three loaves ] are plenty for hn and her little one, with what 1 sho gets by sewing.” ; “And have you any more such customers, I i Simpkins ?” j “Only two or three, sir?” I “Only two or three; why, it must bo quite n! I tax upon your profits.” 1 “O no, not so much as you suppose; altogether! I it amounts to on/y a trifle.” I could not hut smile as my friend repeated, ] these words; but after I left him, I fell to think ing how much good he is doing with “o/y a tri lie supplies three or four families witli the! bread they cat from day to day; and though the the actual cost for a year show s but a small sum in dollars aud cents, tile benefits conferred is by no means a small one. A sixpence, to a man who has plenty to “eat anddrink, and wherewithal to be clothed,” is nothing, but it is something to one on the verge ot starvation. And w'e know not how much good we are doing when wo give “on/y a UithP to a good object. foarge U'i Muclmsiaiilic democratic fleeliiig at tli<; Eai>ilol. Mili.eugevh.le, Tuesday Night, ) 1 November 2.5 l/i, 1851. j | A portion of the Democratic party of Georgia, consistingi of members of the Legislature and gen-1 tlemen fnjn. every part of the .State, having metj in tho Rem-sentntive Hall, in obedience to a reso-! lutiuii adopted at a preliminary meeting of the ] party, On motipi ofCoi. D. C. Campbell, Hon. Jo-1 soph Day, of Jones, was called to tho Chair, and; Messrs. A. E Cochran, of Wilkinson, and John , ; 0. Burch, of Murray, were requested to act its Sec-j : taries. J ! The Chfdiman explained, in a few- appropriate 1 ■ remarks, flic object of the meeting, and returned the thankafur the honor conferred upon him. Tho proverlings of the preliminary meeting, held on the lth instant, were read, j The follow ig Report and Resolutions were then I read by the lon. 11. V. Johnson, the Chairman I j ot the Conn: ittee, appointed at the preliminary! ; meeting, to i. aft a Report and Resolutions for the ] consideratiol of this meeting: REPORT. j On tii Ipih of December, 1850, tho State of! i Georgia issjmbled, in sovereign Convention, to consider lerlduty in relation to the series of mea-i ; sures ado let! by the last Congress, known as the : “Comproriie,” and deliberately decided, for the (sake of tie Union, to acquiesce therein. Thai j decision, >v the late elections for Governor and j memljcrsrf tho General Assembly, has been rati fied by ajpvenvhelmiiig majority of the people. It stands iscorded, as the solemn judgment of the! State in tip premises, from which there is no up- 1 pea?, andb which all the citizens are (round to 1 render a ryal obedience. Whatever differences !ot opijfiof have existed among tho people of Geor (“gia, in rotation to the expediency wisdom cf ; that decilou, or however animated am! excited • the eontrkersy at the hustings and at the polls, rpatriotisnjand prudence both suggested that these i should belousigued to the “tomb of the Capulets,” ind that tie future should find them united, as I ore man,Upon some common platform, for the , iraintenaie of the rights and honor of the State, tin integrity and prosperity of the Union. v ortuuat*fy for the people of Georgia, the do cisitri of tho Convention, already alluded to, fur nish® a ground upon which all can rally, for fu ture wlion, without any sacrifice of principle, and I with strong hope of effecting something for the I prosperity and harmony of our common country, i M e allude, of course, to the two following resolu tions of that Convention, to wit: ; “That the State of Georgia, in the judgment of die Convention, will and oughttoresist, even (os a last resort ) to a disruption of every tie which binds! h.ia to the Union, any action of Congress upon the subject of slavery in the District of Columbia, or in any places subject to the jurisdiction of Con gress, incompatible with the safety, domestic tran quility, the rights and honor of the slaveholding States, or any act suppressing the slave trade be tween slaveholding States, or any refusrl to admit, | as a State, any territory hereafter applying, be j cause of the existence of slavery therein ; or any ] act prohibiting the introduction of slaves into the ] territories of Utali and New Mexico, or any act re pealing or materially modifying tlio laws now in . force for the recovery of fugitive slaves. ] “That it is the delilxrate opinion of this Con ; vention, upon the faithful execution of the Piigi tive Slave Law , by the proper authorities, de pends the preservation of our much loved Union. These resolutions look to the future. Tho one defines the Rubicon beyond which Congress must not pass; the other insists upon the faithful exe cution of tho “Fugitive Slave Law,” by the prop er authorities, as indispensible to the preservation of out much loved Union. Upon their passage, in tlio Convention, there was little, if any, diversi ty of opinion. I Hoy doubtless, formed the con trolling consideration upon which so large a ma jority have ratified tho action of the State Conven tion. They still have the sanction and approval of every true-hearted Georgian. Here, then, the] people ot this State may and ought to unite, first, ] to see that Georgia, “takes no step backwards" , and, secondly, to enforce tho strict observance, bv; the Federal Government, of tho line of policy! which tlio State has thus solemnly prescribed as ! indispensible to her continuance iu the Union, j It these positions are well taken, wlmt attitude] should Georgia assume, in order to give the great- j est efficacy and moral weight to her action ? ] Shall sho stand alone, or seek an ally, in the ap-J preaching Presidential election? In the present! emergency, as in all others, isolation is impoten-j cv. Single-handed, one can neither control nor direct tho great tide of popular sentiment or Fed eral policy. lo whom, then, shall she look for an alliance ?| Iu some quarters, it may be urged that she should I look alone a her sister States of the South ; and that, standing aloof from all association with anv party at tlio North, they should unite in casting their vote upon a Southern candidate for the i residency. Judging from the recent elections'in ■ the South, and the exhibit oils of popular seuti ] incut upon the national issues, which the I’resi : dontial election will necessarily present, such a union of the Southern Spites is scarcely possible. [An unsuccessful attempt to secure it. would.’ at result in> that,-with hicii we have been already! j too often mortified —the exposure of our weakness; l while it successful, it would ultimately prove una-| vailing against tho combined power of tho North ! and West. I The union of tho South however, must always! ho a great desideratum which cannot lie too hfo’h ] ly estimated. Whether for sectional ncti.ui, or! tor co-operation with other portions of tho Union j upon national questions, it is of tho utmost impor tauee. Truly then, should we seek an alliance witli our sister States of tho South. We should | invoke harmony and encourage it by all proper means. Hut wo should never look to an alliance I with them alone, except in cases where our safety ami interests imperatively demand sectional ac-1 tion. Do existing circumstances present such a] case ? While submission or resistance to the Com- ■ promise was-the issue b fore tho Southern States,) it was purely a sectional question for them to deter-! mine for themselves, and furnished an instance in which, they might properly act as a section. i Lut now the question lias been definitely set-; j d ed- AH the Southern States, like Georgia” have! j determined to acquiesce in the adjustment made! Iby Congress. Therefore, there no longer exists i ! any reason for continued sectional action by the I | Southern States, iheir decision has converted; | the Compromise emphatically into a national quos- 1 1'””- Being national, it is equally tho poliev, du- j j ty and interest of tho Southern States, to stand] united, not for sectional purposes, hut to co-oper i ate with all men in every purl of the confederacy, I j iu order to give efficacy awl finality to that set-j tlenient. \\ liilst therefore, Georgia should seek 1 an alliance with her sister Southern States, itj should not he with them alone, with the view to j run a Southern candidate for the l’residenoy and . thus to prolong a needless and fruitless sectional’ strife, but to bring into the field, all the moral | power, to direct the tide ot contest, so pregnant with the fate of the South, as well as that of the! Union. To whom then, should Georgia look, and—if) united and agreed with her in these views—to! whom should the South look for an .alliance ? j Fort unatcly there is a party in the North and West i who indicate a willingness to consider the Com-: j promise as a permanent and final settlement of the slavery controversy, to enforce the faithful e'e- \ ecution of the fugitive Stave Lain, and to oppose its repeal or material modification. That party j is the national Democracy. If they will take this! stand openly, boldly and unequivocally, in Cou-j vention, interest, prudence and patriotism, all sitg-1 gest the uisijum of our uniting with them, in the! nomination aud election of a Bresident who will j enforce and carry into effect that policy which! alone can save the South from utter ruin, and the) Union from disruption. Iu antagonism to that party at the North stands the whig party. They are utterly hostile] to tho South, in all their tendencies, sympathies! aud principles. With them, we can hold no communion, tolerate no alliance. They would dry up the sources of our prosperity, to"aggran dize themselves; and to feed the morbid appetite of greedy, blind abolition fanaticism, they would arm our slaves with the bludgeon and faggot to murder our families and burn our dwellings. Our only contact with them must bo in stnfe of amis on the arena of political warfare; and it is best to unite with any party who, from whatever motives, will standby us in the fearful conflict.— l or victory vouchsafes security to us and will con vert our allies into firm and trust-worthy friends. It has been said, that the parly to whom alone the ‘South can look tor an alliance, is the Northern democratic party. AVe too are democrats. Il they will be true to us ujou the b.'Ue above de - VOL. T.-NO. m. signated, we can well trust them on all other questions ot federal polity. Thovery name of Democracy awakens a thousand pleasant memo ries. It reminds us ot many a glorious victory, achieved for the good of our wide republic. It calls up the cb< fished names of Monroe and Madi son, Jefferson and Jackson, I'olk and Calhoun, Buchanan and Dallas, Stockton and Butler and a host of illustrious men who have battled in tho cause of republicanism. It is synonymous with all that is glorious in the eareer of the pnst, all that is gratifying in the prosperity of tiie present and all that is hopeful in the events of the future. The history of our republic is the history of the great democratic party of the United States. The principles of Democracy are the principles of our i constitution ; and it is upon them alone that this government can ever Tie successfully administered, \\ believer they have been in the ascendant—-—ex hibiting their efficacy in a strict construction, re. straining the Federal Legislature within its proper sphere ot delegated authority, in recognizing and respecting the reserved sovereignty of the States we have been happy, fraternal and prosperous.— But when not in the ascendant, or when obstruct ed in their legimatc operation, the fruits have been unequal taxation, odious protection to favored clas ses, deranged or bloated enrrenov, popular dissat isfaction and sectional strife. It'then, the demoo. racy will stand with us upon the position which Georgia has taken, we cannot only unite with them cheerfully, in the approaching Presidential elec tion. but our common democratic sympathies, will ; lender it a union ot friendship and brotherhood. It is not to be forgotten, in this connexion, that j the diversity of opinion, in relation to the “Com ’ promise,” that led to the formation of two parties, under different names from those, bv which the old parties, into which the States was'formerly di vided, were known. The Southern Lights party is composed almost exclusively of Democrats, and Constitutional Union party of a combination of a portion of Democrats, with the almost entire mass ot T\ bigs. But tho question which produced those new organizations having been definitely and finally settled, it would seem, that neither patriotism nor sound policy, demands tlreir lon ger continuance. Why ‘then, should not tho whole people of Georgia* tit this crisis, when frar niutiy and unanimity are so important, unite as one man, in sending delegates to the Baltimore Convention, to co-opeiate with that body in such action, as will guarantee future security against | aggression and agitation, and the nomination of candidates, wlfu shall not only lie true Republicans, but also sound upon the slavery question in all aspects ! So grave and momentous is this con sideration. that it is earnestly hoped, that no step will be taken by any party in the State, which will prevent a consummation so devoutly to be de sired. This object nay be easily accomplished if prudence and patriotism, shall control the spirit of fiction. To attain it, is there any nj&e too ’ .•so t-„. I* made to ‘Af fice, where is the man or the party of men, who will lie unwilling to make the offering upon their country s altar \ In all the ranks of the Southern Rights party, it is believed that there is not a sin gle man whose patriotism is not equal to the du t\. lhe resolutions adopted by the Gnbanatorial Convention of that party, fully embodied the Re publican principles of J 7OS and 1799 ; and tbu unanimity and zeal, with which they were advo cate.] in the late campaign, furnish an ample guar. "tee, that every man, will rally to them with en thusiasm, oven though they should be inscribed up on a D. m. cratic banner. Nor ought it to be doubt ed that the Union Democrats, true to their long long cherished republican instincts, true to tost in terests of the State, and true to themselves, will return to the setri. and ranks of their old brethren an.l allies, from whom a temporary question has temporarily separated them as soon as they shall s. o their time honored Hag again unfurled to the breeze. And what may we not expect of the Un ion V. oigs. 1 heir leader has already announced, Flmt the Northern Whig party i.-, denationalized a.d section,•ilizc.J, and that the South can expect nothing at their hands. These too. must, Till into ■■••inks,’ if for no other reason, than that they will have no where else to go. lhe whole State should therefore bo represent ed in the Baltimore Convention, if it may to, the Democratic party must to. But while we march forward tol.lly and firmly to the accomplishment of our patriotic policy, Jet us do nothing to widen the chasm which divides the people oi’ Georgia, nothing calculated to sow the seeds of bitterness ! > iml strife. Let its pour oil upon the agitated wa ters. Let patriotism silence the voice of faction, 1 Let us so net, that if Georgia shall not to IWC* i settled as ti unit in the Baltimore Convention, it ahull not he our fault. lhe adoption ol the, following resolutions is therefore recommended as expressive of the views of this meeting; Resolved , That the question of submission to i Compromise is settled in this State ; and that it is the duty of the people, for the future, to unite as one man, in the inflexible determination to maintain, to the letter, the position which Geor gia has taken, against all future aggressions by Congress upon the institution of slavery. Resolved, Unit in view ot the indications given by the Northern Dcmociaey, to consider the sla very question as finnlbj settled by the Compro mise, to enforce file Fugitive Slave Law and to op pose its repeal or material modification, Georgia should be represented in the Baltimore Conven tion,! co-operate in such action bv that body and the nomination of such Candidates, for the Presi- ilencv and \ ice Presidency, as will give vitality’ and efficacy 7 to the Compromise, secure safety to the South, and harmony to the confederacy. Resolved, That we rcconime.l the Democratic patty to hold a Convention at Mi Hedge vjjle, at as early a day as may be convenient and expedient, to appoint delegates to the Baltimore Convention, and that, a committee of nine to appointed by the President of this meeting, to confer with tbu friends of this policy in every part of the State, to designate and publicly announce the day for tLo assembling of such Convention. On motion of Mr, Tift of Baker, the Report and Resolutions were unanimously adopted.. Gen. Hugh A. llarakon being called for re sponded in bis usual eloquent altd effective style, Judge Colquitt, upon a call made for him replied in such a manner as only Judge Colquitt can reply, His masterly effort was greeted with frequent and raptuious applause, and was a triumph tant vindi cation of the time honored principles of Democra cy and bis own political course. • The fallow mg gentb men were appointed (lift