The Southern Democrat. (Oglethorpe, Ga.) 1851-1853, December 13, 1851, Image 3

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orn li counties show a gain of 1500 in favor as compared with the I’residential ate in 1848. Without doubt tile entire Demo te ticket, is elected, as Cass’ majority was jijtttlqOO. v • •• , ... Later from California. New York, Nov. 30th. Tbesteamcr Cherokee arrived at a late hour B t night. She brings San Francisco dates of ovefaber Ist, 300 passengers, and upwards of J.SOO.oqgjjfcg-01.1.^ she Convention for the division of Calitbrnia ito tWo States, riiet at Santa Barbara on the 31st It Only four counties were represented, and ut 31 .delegates were present. The Convention Sophie! a resdldtion proposing the line of divis m to be run along the northern boundary of nntefey county to the main coast range, running ience south_with dial range to a point west of ie northern” boundary of Tulare Lake, thence ast to the northern part of said Lake .and thence i a north-easterly direction to the eastern boun arv of the State. This would include, in the mthern section, the counties of San Die-o, Los ngelos, San Louis Opispo, Santa M„ut rey, and about half of Mariposa, which is two flits of the entire area of the State. A eommit ee was appointed to prepare an address on the object, to be presented to the Legislature. A Convention was also in session in San Frati- Isco, for a dision of the State. Nearly all the tutbern counties were re[>resented, and resolu oes were passed in favor of division, after consid rable opposition as to the manner in which it lould be effected. The above is the only item of interest which we nd in the Cherokee’s news. From the Savannah Georgian. Washington’ Citv, Dec. 6. ‘othe Editors of the Georgian : Gentlemen The newspapers containing much nimadversion upon the course pursued by the ite Democratic caucus in relation to the Compro lise measures, and my own humble name bavin” icen prominently used in a gazette of this city in ts strictures, I consider it proper to state, through our columns, by your kind jicrmission, that I at ended that caucus solely for the purpose of aiding n the nomination of officers of the Mouse. 1 d<T drod to vote for the nominations of Messrs. Born md Forxkv, as Speaker and as Clerk—two of the nost decided Compromise men in the Union: Sot because I approve of the Compromise, (which I may never do,) hut becuase I lad'ieve it to 1* the wish of the people of Georgia that they should lie elected. I did not go to the caucus to vote lown resolutions of any kind ; and I am ready to lupport, in my place in the House of Represe’uta jves, a resolution expressing the “finality” of the Compromise, honestly executed. 1 had no object ion to the terms of spirit of resolution offered by dr. Polk, of iennessec, in the Democratic mc-et ng—was willing to vote for it, then, and am so tow. But I believed, with a considerable majori y of the members convened, that it would be bet ter to take no action upon it. confining attention the approaching organization of the House, and raving to the Baltimore Convention the expres ion of opinion of the National Democratic Partv. do not doubt that the Convention will, almost vith unanimity, sustain the Compromise, and pro oit candidates for the Presidency and Vice Presi l.*ncy, in whose favor tiie Southern people may afely east their suffrages. In deference lu the will of Georgia, I expect to five no vote, during the time I may remain here, s inflicting, in any degree, with the Compromise aws. I wish them to lie faithfully oliserved, and heir merits fully tested ; and no’citizen will re oice more than myself if all the good shall result rom them which the people ot Georgia anticipate. Respectfully, . Vour fellow-citizen, JOSEPH W. JACKSON. Further from Europe. ARRIVAL OF TIIE AMERICA, AT HALIFAX. New oitK, Doc. o. The steamship America has arrived, bringing Liverpool dates to the 29th, and Havre to the 27tli ult. Liverpool Cotton Market. —At the depart ure of the steamship, there was less demand fur Cotton, but prices were firmly sup|iorted and mid dling qualities were a shade higher. Fair Up lands were quoted at sd. Mobiles 5 1-8.1. Orleans 5 l-4d. Sales of the week 40,000 bales, of which speculators took 7,000, and importers 5,000 bales, Middling Orleans was quoted at 4 7-8. Mobiles 4 13-10. Uplands 4 3-4. Shack on hand 381,000 of which 210,000 were American, against a total to same date last year of 480,000 bales, of which thirty-six thousand were American. Brown & Shipley quote fair Mobiles at an ad vance of l-Bd. Other descriptions unchanged.— Market closed less animated. Flour and Indian Corn quiet at previous rates. Common Rosin in good demand at 2to 3s —Turpemitine 7. Rice depressed. Carolina Rice wanted —market bare. Coffee dull and quiet. U. S. 6 per cents 6800 sold at 11 1-4 to 11 3-4. Trade stead)’ and unchanged. English Consuls have reached 90 1-4 and are still going up. The Russians have been terribly routed by the I Ciscassians. France is quiet. folitcal news unimportant. New York, Dec. 5. In the market to-day, Cotton was firm, and 2,500 bales were sold. ‘ The transactions m Rice amounted to 200 tierces at from £2 to 83 50. Columbia, Dec. 4. 8 I’. M.— Legislative Pro ceedings.—The bill to prevent all persons, in any Bpa-slavholding State that has passed any law for obstructing the recovery of fugitive slaves from us ing any of our Courts, for the recovery of debts orcnforcemeutofany contract, was discussed with great spirit to-day in Committee of the whole House, it being the special order of the day. The Committee, however, repotted against it, and the House agreed to the report by a vote of 82 to 29. The several resolutions relating to Federal mat ’ tors,and the bill fixing the time for the Comen ’ tion to assemble, have been made the special or der of the day for Saturday next, at 1 P. M. in committee of the whole, * ; . ——r-———- Fromm Slaves arrested at Coi.uvria, Pa —On Friday of last week, two fugithe slaves, owned by Mr. Wm. T. McDermott, of Baltimore, were'arrested at Columbia, Pa., on a warrant is sheil'by U. S. Commissioner MeAHist.-r, of Har risburg. A largo crowd of whites and blacks im mediately assembled, and, in consequence of the interference of a white man, who knocked a pistol out of the officer's hands, one of the fugitives soon made his escape by jumping into a cellar, when the white man, to prevent a pursuit, jumped on the cellar door, so that no access could be had to the ftfgitive. The two negroes are brothers, and the owe who was captured and brought back to has given sueh information as to lead, to the hope that the other may be re-captured.— He also states that two white men in that city as sisted them iu making their escape to Pennsylva nia. Movement to Annex the Sandwich Islands, j —An expedition has left California the object of which appears to bo to annex .the. Sandwich Is-1 lands to the United States. * This exp&Wioil dqgti not profess to be an armed one, but entirely paeif- j ic in its character and objects. It will be recol- ■ lected that King Kamliatneba sent a commission J to Washington, some time since, offering the sove- ■ reignty of these islands to the United States, and on the strength of this application an emigration j company has been got up through the agency of; parties by whom the object of annexation will 1 j accomplished, and it is said many months will not elapse before these islands will become part | and parcel of the American Republic. Mr, But-! ler King has been informed of the purpose of the I scheme and of its peaceful character. The Rotunda of the Capitol. — The great improvement effected in the lighting of the Ro- : tunda ot the Capitol is the subject of genera! and deserved remark. Gas has been introduced, and I is made to pass into one hundred and sixty bur ners, equally distributed into eight jets or brack-; ets, which are ranged above the paintings. This arrangement produces a brilliant and lieautiful, but very pleasant light below, and also lends to ; the paintings on the walls a spirited and life-like appearance. We have never seen the Rotunda ! look so well as when lighted on the present ar rangement.—National Intelligencer. j The Conviction of Williams-— At the re cent session of Thomas Superior Court, Judge Hansell presiding, James Williams was tried, and i found guilty of murder, and sentenced to be hang ed. This was one of the most atrocious murders to lie found upon the criminal cullender of any country. A man and his wife, travellers, while sleeping at their camp, were both murdered, their bodies hauled in covered waggon into the woods, where they were discovered about a week after wards. His object was to rob. —Albany Patriot ! COM M ERCIA L. The Cotton Market. • Oglethorpe, Dee. 12th. The Cotton market continues active, demands good, and an advance on previounfquotatioiiH of 1-4 ofn cent. Wo quote extremes to day from 6 1-2 to 7 3-Bc. Savannah, Dee. 12th, Cotton 7 a 8 3-Bc. New York, Dee. 11th, Cotton 9 1-2 a 10 3-lc. Columbus, Dee, 9th, Cotton 6 1-4 a 7e. HARRIED. On tiie 2 1 tli nit., at the house of Elijah Williams hv Ttev. I’. !, J. May, Mr. LovtcK A. Pearce, of Lanier, to Miss Susan C. Holt, of Macon county. South- Western T.onor, No. 143, F. <fc A. M. Tiie regular Communications of this Lodge nre on the Second and Fourth Monday nights in eaeh month. The members of file Lodge will please take due notice thereof and govern themselves accordingly. l!y order of the W. M. P. 1.. J. MAY. Sec'ry. j Notice. \A / The Brethren of South Western Lodge will |lene take notice, that tin* annual election for ! Officers for the ensuing Masonic year, w'll I e held at the Lodge Room on Monday night the 22nd n-t. De-. 13th 1851. L.'iiml r Sale. 1 FRACTIONS 7 and 8, first District, Macon county, joining the town of Oglethorpe, containing Two Hundred and Thirty-one (231) acres. Apply to Mr. Kit Horn, in Oglethorpe, or to the hi. l> scriher, in Dooly county. ELIJaH BUTTS. Dec. 13, 1851. 81—ts Notice. IOST or mislaid a promissory note made by John J A. Woods to A. W. Collins or hearer, for thirty Dollars, date not recollected, due about three years ago There are several credits on the note —balance due *l3 50. All persons nre forewarned from trading for said note, and the maker from paying the same to any oerson except myself. THOMAS RAGLAND. Lanier Dec. 12th, 1851. 31—3 t Information Wanted. PREVIOUS to the death of my husband R. Blount in 1849, he held and paid taxes for a lot of land in Macon County, containing 225 acres second quality low grounds, and Ihaveevery reason to believe he died possessed of the same, though the title papers are mis sing. Any information respecting said papersor the nnmhers, district and location of the land will be thankfully received. Address the Subscribe** at Milledgeville. MARY E. BLOUNT, Ex’trix. ! Dec. 13, 1851. 31—4 t j CrllOßCiilA, Clarion County. YI7HEUEAS, William C. Dowd applies to me for j H Letters of Administration upon the estate of ; Nancv M. Dowd, late of said county, deceased, These are therefore to cite and admonish all and i singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, j to le and appear at my office within the time presen ts Gj iw *• w vmuro, IfrtllJ llivjr liu VWily BUIU letters should not le granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this December 9th, 1851. Dec. 13. 31-lm L. W. MADDUX, r. r. o. GEORGIA, Clarion County. TA/HIEREAS, William Smith applies to me for Lot s V ters of Administration dr bon {a non , on the es tate of Nathaniel Benton, late of said count y, dec’d. These are therefore to cit-e and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, t he and appear at my office within the time prescri bed by law. to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this 9th day of December, 1851. Dec.” 13. 31-lm LW. MADDUX, r. c, o. j MANTUA MAKING. MISS I'OIVCIIETTA FALIIV'TEIVO HAS opened bher MANTUA MAKING and HIL LIXERY ESTABLISHMENT at the llousl of Mr. Joiiv P. Harvey on Baker Street, where sir is j always ready to accommodate the Laihes. S j She also has on hand a variety of Bonnets and j net Trimmings. Nov. 27. 29—ts; . A TEACHER, who has had five years experi nee in teaching, and who is competent to teae nil the branches of an English and Classical cdueati i is ; , desirous of obtaining employment. lie is fumi led ! with satisfactory testimonials which will be forwrd- . ed, on application to the undersigned at Fort Y a ey, Houston county. E. 0. DWY E . Morember 27. 29—3 t Saddles & brim-es—Received nn : for sale by DONEY <k C . J . ; April 80* j PROSPECTUS - OF THE LITERARY VADEMECUM, A Southern Family Journal, Devoted to Literature, Science, Agriculture and Gbnkral Miscellany. *)f'* The Subscriber proposes tcimblish in tb* Town ot ! above title, the first number of which Still ■ be issued about the first of January next. ! Onall subjects of a political er religious j “ Ie apemecum will preserve the strictest i avoiding giving offence to its combatting their preconceived notions 1 or i ecclesiastical ]>olicy. YVhile it will the privilege of maintaining a manly, independent course upon all subjects not connected with those on | which it is pledged to neutrality, it will not seek to gain proselytes to any doctrine or policy whatever, other than by fair, dignified, honorable argument.— Propagandism will not be its purpose or min, but to raise the standard of virtue, uisseminate correct and i honorable principles, and advance the cause of eduea tion and morals in Houth-Western Georgia will be its leading feature. To promote these ends the under | signed will devote his entire energies, and no effort on his part shall be wanting to make the Yapemiuum - not only what its name imports—a constant otm/Htn ion-—but also an entertaining and profitable one, and it will be his aim so to blend the useful with the ; agreeable as to render it altogether worthy the lib ; eral jvitronage of all classes of the community. A careful and judicious compilation of the current events of the day will be presented to the readers of t e Vacemecum every week, together with well selec ted Miscellaneous matter, such as Stories, Moral and Si ntiinental Essays, Humorous Anecdotes, YVitticisms, | Poetry, Agricultural Items, Useful Recipes, <fce., ke. Its columns will be frequently enriched with original j contributions from the |>ensof some of the most chaste literary writers in the State, and if sufficient patron : age to warrant the additional outlay is bestowed upon it, a lady well known to the public, as a writer of ro , mance, will be employed to assist in the Literary De ; partment. In short, no pains or expense which the ■ patronage of the paper will justify, will be spared to make it the most interesting paper in the Southern country. The aid of the public is respect fully solicited to sus tain the enterprise. TERMS: The Literart Vadkmeuum will be published weekly on new ami beautiful type, and mailed ivgularly to subscribers at $2 OO per annum in a 1 vancc, 50 it paid within three months, $3 OO within six months, or $ I OO if payment be delayed till the end j of the year. C-3T“Any person procuring five subscribers and ! forwarding us the money therefor, shall be entitled to a copy for one year, gratis. JAMES W. GAULDING, Editor and d‘roprit tor. | Burn- \ Vista, Ga., December 12, 1851. DF.NTiSTRY. R. A. €. HORAADY m HAVING luoutcd lit BUENA VISTA , Ga., respectfully announces to the citi zens of the place and the surrounding ; country, that lu- has opened an office, r/hele he can j be found at all times. | N. B. All operations warranted. Terms CASH. Ladies waited on at. their residence. Oct. 23, 1851. 24—fim. ©real Sale of Property IN THE iy f Ojlot'n r|Mt at Public Outcry, On tli ? 17 th of December next, CIONSISTING of Four Dwelling Houses and Lots, J and several unimproved Lots, and one <f the Largest Two Sturt Houses in the place, with size enough lor uu ulUy g f leaving H> rooms tff Hi feet square in the upper story, oral adapted for a pri vate Boarding House, or offices, all of which can be rented now, with two of the best finished Store rooms in the city, 20 feet front, HO feet rear, which will rent for ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS. If the purchaser chooses, 1 will allow the same to hint on the 2d pay ment, and the further sum of FIVE HUNDRED DOLLAItS, for the rent of the upper story. Terms, one-third Cash; one-third in nine montlri, and one third in eighteen months. Notes, with bond for ti tles, or titles immediately if well secured. Sale posi tive and no mistake. JNO. B. ARNOLD. X. B. Mr. Cabaniss advertises the sale of several Residence Lots on the same day. Capitalists will do well to come. Nov. 27. 29—tds Law lon, Dowell A: Cin., NO. 210, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. w *‘* S. Lawton Ac €o., Corner Second amt fop m/.(10N GA A. 11. l<aw r loii & Cos., At Horne & Brother's Ware-House, OGLETHORPE, GEORGIA, Factors and Conimssion Merchants; r PENDER their services to their friends and the puh- JL lie generally.—They are mutually pledged not to speculate in Cotton.—Liberal advances made on pro duce consigned to them, and Planters’ orders filled with despatch and at the lowest market prices. A. R. LAWTON, )W. S. LAWTON, ) SAX’I. L. DOWILL, [ of Baker co. s os Macon. \ of Savannah, j November 20, 1851. 28—4 m CHEAP CASH STORE! LV CABAN IBS’ BUILDING, Fuylcr street, Oglethorpe, Georgia. TIIE Subscriber takes this method of informing the citizens of Oglethorpe and the surrounding country, that he has just opened and offers for sale at the very lowest prices for CASH, his well assorted stock, consisting of DRY-GOODS , READY-MADE CLOTH ING, SADDLERY\ TRUNKS , VALISES , CARPET-BAGS , GUNS and RIFLES , and a variety of other articles. He will also pay the highest cosh price for lallow, Beeswax, Dried Cow hides, Otter, Coon and Mink Skins. M. 11. MEYER, Ag’t. October 15th, 1851. 23—3 in Dasurrrrian Gallery. rpilE Subscribers will open n fine Daguerrian Gal- L lery, on the 20th inst., in the second story of ixinmurtßixm, lwilt ‘xfOtmrtcr and Cuyler Streets, where they will be able to execute likenesses, not to be su rpasaed by any in the State. Persons wishing good land correct likenesses of themselves or families, wouid do well to avail themselves of the opportunity tog ve them a call. A number of fine specimens of persons living in this place, will he kept on hand for exhibition B. J. LESTER, W. 0. PATTI LLO. Oglethorpe, Nov. 13, 1851. 27—ts nUIES! RLGGIEK!! TIIE undersigned have just received from a well known manufacturing establishment in Savan nah, a splendid lot of Georgia made Buggies, combi ning strength and durability with neatness and ex quisite workmanship, which they will sell cheap for Cash They intend keeping constantly on hand an assort ment of these Buggies, and invite the public to call and examine for themselves. | ANDREWS, HARDWICK A CJl.Veints. Oglethorpe, Nov. 13th, 1851. 27^tf SOUTHWESTERN RAILROAD. A DAILY TRAIN for PrtAscngers and Freight leaves Macon at 6 1-2 A. M.—Arrives at Oglethorpe, nt 10 1-2 A. M.—Leaves Oglethorpe at II 1-2 A. M.—Ar rives at Macon at 3 1-2 I*. M. Connecting each way with the Central and Macon <fc Western trains, and the Tallahassee Mail Stage Line. Passengers dine at Fort Valiev at 1 I*4 P. M. GEO. YY. ADAMS, Supt. S. W. R. R. Macon, August 12, 1851. 15—ts | A AAA YARDS Bleached and Brown Domes- X* / V/ tics, received and for sale by April 30k I— VOmt A CO tq JlUi Xi tSV iiitoir. keeping (-.instantly on baud-tli. •gust and best rtoc-k ri VBOOTS <t SHOES, ever offcW -.J m Sootli-Wcsiern Georgia, alarg. portion of which is of their 0 1FAT MANUFACTURE and w.rrantid sot to HU’, consisting of all sizes, giialities and prices. ; Sole Leather, Calf,, Lining ami BiudiiW kins, Lasts, Shoe Thread, Pegs, Shoemakers BOOTS A- SHOES made to oBtSWd warranted. I Repairing neatly executed, Teems CASH. Ally amount of good Beef Hides taken in exchange for Shoes or Leather. Three or four good Boot-makers wanted, to whom constant employment and fair wages will be given. BANKS & CO. Oglethorpe, October 10, 1851. 23—3 m NEW FALL AMD WINTER GOODS. Collins, Ashburn, McKenzie & Cos., VRE receiving and opening at the YELIjOW STORE on Baker Street, a large and well selec ted stock of Stable and Faccy Dry Goods, Os every nbyha, quality and price. AUo, an endless variety of Hard-ware, Crockery, Saddlery, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Bonnets, fce. They Would invite particular attention to their 1. ock of cleady-Sindc Clothing, Which is the largest and finest stock ever brought to Ibis market. Every variety and pattern ot* Coats, Pants, Vests and Shirts, may be found iu their aiirort n.ent at prices to suit the most fuwtidious or miserly customers. They have in store, and will at all times keep, a full supply of GROCERIES, of every description, audios SUGAR, BAGGING , RICE , COFFEE, ROPE, CHEESE\ SALT ; TWINE , FLOUR, IR ON , MOL A SSES , MA CKEREL, NAILS , S YR UP, BA CON, TO BA CCO, LIQ UORS , LARD, CIGARS. And iu short everything that is usually kept in a Dry Goods, Grocery, 1 lard-ware, fioot, Shoe, or Clothing Store. Rare inducements to secure great bargains are now offered at the YELLOW STORE\ on Baker Street, Let everybody come and take a |eep at our splendid stock, before purchasing elsewhere. Oglethoiq*, Oct. Ist. 21—tf* GOODS FOR THE SEASON! BV J. 0. HODGES, COB NEB OF BAKER A CUV LER SI BEETS Oglethorpe, Georgia, HE is now Teeming hia full and winter stock of Goods and will keep at all time a full supply of I>ry such as Domestics, Calicoes , Muslim, Cambrirks, Lawns, Silks, Bareges, Ginrfiuims, Alpaccas, Inser tions, Domhazets, Edgings, Laces, Lin ens, Shawls, Bonnets, Ribbons, Collars, Cuffs, Hosiery. i — — Cloths, Cussimcres, Sutinctts, Kentucky Jeans, Drab Detgs, Kerseys, Liuseys, Chan\- breys, Cottonades, Flannels, Tickings, Osna burgs, dr. Also a rui.r. suiti.y or Iteadv made Clotli iaa, U.u, (V, w it-s, AT.,. Ti....1-..,v. 0.-. i ..-j, .Saddlery, Paints, Oils, Drugs, Ac., together with a large ami complete stock of Groceries sncli as SUGAR, BAGGING, COFFEE, ROPE, BACON, LARD, SALT, TWINE, FLOUR, IUCE, C. I SDLES, M. I <KEREL MO L A SSES, SP ICES, CHEESE, SYRUP, All of which he good customers on the most favorable will find it to their interest to examine bis stock beforb purchasing else where. Ilia motto is short profits and quick sales.— Remember bio Store is on the Corner of linker and Oglethorpe, Oh. Oct. 2, 1851, n D(PEY & CO. HAVE just received and opened at their old stand on Macon Street, the greatest variety of goods ever brought to this market;, well and carefully selec ted to suit the coming season, consisting of Fall and Winter Dry (tends, Os almost eyery kiud, price and quality, for either La dies of Gentlemen's wear. A FINE LOT OF Fashionable Bonnets, Ready-mmle Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Hard, Hol low, Tin and Wooden Wares, Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Putty, Dye-stuffs, Together with a lot of Cooking, Parlor and Office STOVES. In addition to an almost endless variety of the above will be usually kept on band n fresh and fine lot of r.-wiiil) Orocorics, SALT, SUGAR, COFFEE, RICE, MO LASSES, GEORGIA DOMES TICS, NEGRO SHOES, IIATS, BLAN- KETS, <te. dr. All of which Will be sold ot prices to suit the times . and please purrfiaseis. Come on, all you who have been anticipating great bargains at Oglethorpe, look through and price our stock and fully realize yvur ex r peetationn. T. A. SWEARINGEN, A. G. V. HONEY. J Oglethorpe, Oct. 2, 1851. ‘ 21—fiih ; r Great. Excitement in Oglethorpe, r CANDY MANUFACTORY!!! ■ JACKSON & POWELL, HAVE the pleasure of announcing to the citizens of Oglethorpe, that the “Good time coming,” which has so long been prophesied of, will soon visit their City, and many hearts that are now sorrowful in consequence of unappeased appetites, will be made glad, for they will open in this place in a few days, on Sumpter Street, next door South of R. 11. Sims A Cos., a ■ regular and genteel Llonfcclioiiarv & Eatingr-House, and the cry which we now hear so often in our streets, “If you have any good thingn save ’em for me,” need no longer be heard, for when you want any good things , all you will have to do wifi be to walk round to their establishment, place on the coun ter. call for what you want and you’ll be certain to get it. They will keep constantly on hand, Cakes, Candies, Syrups, prcpervciv Jollies,*Jams, Pickles, Almonds. Uaisirts, Currants, Brazil find Hazel Nuts,*'Englisiij k Walnuts, Apple*, ‘Oranges,'Pine Apples, Coco*Nuts, Bananas, Blttiiitairis, Dried Figs, Prunes, Cigar* To bacco, Chee**, Crackers, OYSTERS, FISH in ffieir season, in fyctit fcvould be difficult to conceive of any thing in t!|^\\|y ( oLluxuriesAhat cannot be obtained nt their estnrdishmont. * They all orders for CandVjO£thoir own notice, terms at. an^pither will jd-o -Tvu | Eggs, OystersJuFiab in ■ together wJk itfot Snort, they will A JUST OPENED!!! New Family Grocery Store!’ HODGES k RICE |W~TAVE Just received and opened on Baker St. r op j jCI, posite G. C. Carmichael a: Co’s. Ware House, uup | next door to W. B. Hill’s Store, a large stock oi GROCERIES consisting of Bacon, Bard, ffdo'ur, Loaf, Crushed, and Brown bugar, Coffee, Rice, Onions, Irish Potatoes, Cheese, Molasses, Syrup,- Mack- Pjlf Salt, Crackers, Soda Biscuit, Lemon byrup,- Fick le*, Preserve’s, Sardines, Fruits, JSuts, Candies, Snuff, Cigars, Tobacco, Soap, Starch, Sal-Aeratus, Sperm, Ada inantiue and Star Candles, Powder, Shot, Lead, Paints, Oil, Putty, Lampblack, Varnish <fcc., also a lot of Hard ware, and a few articles of DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, all of which will be sold, at the lowest market prices. The Citizens of Maeoti and the adjacent counties nre respectfully invited to call examine our Stock be low purchasing. We will take in exchange for Goods, Wool, Hides, Tallow, Beeswax, fcc., at the market prices, and in any quantities. l)ont forget to call. JAMES 11. HODGES, CHARLES C. RICK. Oglethorpe, Sept. 25th, 1851. 20—ly Dry Croods at SA VANN AH, GA. ROBERTS, FOOTE A- MARSHALL, nr<- now re ceiving ut their Store, corner of Broughton and Jefferson Stiests, opposite Saint Andrews’ linll, a large and well selected stock of FOREIGN A DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Which they offer for sale, upon the usual terms. We sell exclusively wholesale, nnd think we arc able tq offer sufficient inducements to retain the trade in this city. i\ o have now in store 100 hales brown Shirtings and Sheetings; 50 eases bleached “ 11 60 “ fancy Flints; 50 hales Negro Ilian kefs; 25 “ Red nnd White Flannels; 100 cases Kerseys and Lindseys. Also —An extensive assortment of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, CLOTHS, CASSIMKRES, nnd other miscel laneous articles, usually wanted by merchants from the interior. attention given to orders. September 25th, 1851. 20—6 m. C. 11. CAMP FIELD, DEALER IN GEORGIA AND FRENCH BURR MILL STONES, Fire Proof Safest, PLANTATION MILLS, Smut Mills, Screens. Mill * Irons, Bolting Cloths, Horse Powers, Trucks, Wheel-Barrows, Grind-Stones, Cotton Gins, Scales, Rice and Grain Fan Mills, Ploughs, Rice Drills, Corn Shelters, Hay nnd Straw Cutters, Patent and Leather Belting, Shuttles, Picks, nnd findings ill general for Cotton nnd Woollen Factories, JHce and Grain Thresh ers, and Machinery of various kinds. Agiieulimnl Implements, in great variety. Terms CASH. No. 171, Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. 20 i T THOMAS n. TDRMER &Co‘, Wholesale Druggists, SA VANN All, GEORGIA, KEEP constantly on hand n general assortment Twos French, English and American Chemicals, ITSt Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Brushes, Win dow’ Glass, Perfumery, Dye Stuffs, tie., which they of fer to Country Merchants nnd Physicians. Savannah, September 25th, 1851.* 20—ly 1 HENDRICKSON Sc MOORE, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, AND DEALERS IN Paints, Oils, Window Pkiu'lwio , ClorHen Soa ; Gibbons” Buildings, SAVANNAH, C A . a. It. HENDRICKSON, JOHN 11. MOORE. Savannah, September 25, 1851. 20—ts SWIFT, DENSLOW Sc CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Provisions, Foreign [and Domestic Liquors, CORNER OF IIAY AND WHITAKER STREETS, SAVANNAH, GA. HOWARD 6WIT, DWIGHT 11. DKNBLOW, *CUAB, I’KTIIRSON. ♦Office 72 Wall Street. New York. Savannah, September 25, 1851. 20—ly H. A. CRANE k CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS Nos. 189 and 191, Bay-street, SAVANNAH , GA. IIEMiX A. CRANE, TIIOMAS IIOLOOMIIE. September 26th, 1861. 20—ly RABI'N, FILTOX A Cos., COMMISSION M ERCIIANTS, No. 207, BAY STREET, SAVANN A 11. J. W. RABtX, R. M. yill-TON, I. P. WHITEHEAD. \TTTILL give strict attention to the pale of Cotton Y ▼ and other Produce consigned to them, mid promptly fill orders for Bagging, Hope and Family Supplies, at the lowest prices. September 18th, 1851. 10—ts SPEED THE PLOW THAT BEATS THE WORLD. JOHN “ITCH’S Patent Cast Iron Beam Plows! For Hale by T. M. JACKSON, Agent at Oglethorpe. September 18th, 185 T. Iff —ts boston & Tun by’ COTTON FACTORS AND General Commission Merchants, Corner Bay and Jefferson Streets. SA VANN AH, GA. JOHN BOSTON, JOHN 11, Os NUT, September 25th, 1851. 20 —ly EAIL ROAD HOUSE, Opposite Central Rail Road Depot, EAST JIACOV. By S . M. LANIER. May 2d, 1851, 3—ly Removal. THE Subscriber has moved the “OGLETHORPE DRUG STORE,” from Baker to'Cuvier Street.— He ia now opening a large assortment of Drug*, Medi cines. Puints and Oil*, in Obamas’ New Building, to which he would respectfully invite the attention of Merchants, Physicians nnd Farmers. * ‘ PHILIP T. FEARS. Sept. 11th, 1851. __lß— ts __ General Twigg’* Hair Dye, I AOR making gray hair permanently black. For I ’ sale at the OGLETHORPE DRUG STORE. May 24. 3—ts jJMGUERREOTYPE LIKENESSES, rrNAKEN in a neat nndjsnpcrior style, at short notice .1. —Cosh or Credit —at the OGLETHORPE DRUG STORE. K May 2 L ts PLANTERS WARE.ROtSE, 1 THE undersigned beg leave to in-ls i pa&AXh form you that they have taken Planters’ Ware-House, For a term of time, and associated themselves together S!?s!U'^.- name nnd yf* f S. W. BLOOD. A< ’o., y, tlic WARE-MOESE * COMMISSION BUSINESS, jn all its various branches. ” ill be conducted by S. W. BLOUD VV OKIIJ; from his experience in the business, thjtf feel confident of giving general satisfaction to all thosil who may entrust them with their business. In eon hrmation of which, we refer the public to the subjoin ed references,, and at the same time, ask a liberal share of their patronage. They promise to keep their patrons advised of the state of the market at all times. They take this occa sion to sov to any who may Store their Cotton witli; them, should they afterwards wish it shipped to Macon or Savannah or Charleston, it shall be promptly at ten ded to without any additional expense. Their Ware-House, in consequence of its locality has advantages over any other in the place, in point of sesnritv from fire, being l emote from other buil duigs. They will also have planters’ cotton insured if desired. Liberal CASH ADVANCES will be made on Produce in Store, All orders from Planters or country Merchants will be filled at short notice, nnd. (as they have no inter est in Merchandise,) at the lowest cash’ prices. 8. W. BLOODWGRTH, „ „ RICHARD JOHNSTON. REFERENCES, PLANTERS, Dr. TTiomas Isaac Cheney, Esq, Talbot county. Gen. T.Griffin, M. D.North, Esq., Coweta co.V James Neal Fsq Wm. Pryor, Esq., Pike -■ Rev. M m. MWley Judge A. W. Walker, Henry co. i a ‘} ‘ w' ,lfo ' d ’. Kd - Brighton, Esq., Troup ho., ir'v” V’i M S, y ’ T-Nichols, Esq,, Fayette eo., L Nichols, Esq B. I*.Bussey, Esq.’ Meriwether eo.. Urns, t argil, Lsq, W. Harkness, Esq. Butts eo. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Rice Dulin, Ksq., C-horlesten, So. Ca~ Field A Adams, Macon, Ga., N. A. Hardee A Cos., C. Hartridge, Esq., Wm. P i onge, Fso., Savannah. Editors S. If*. Georgian, and Southern Democrat. _ Grifkin, Ga., Sept. Ist, 1851. This is o certify that .Mr. S. W. BLoouworth, has for several years been engaged in tlic Ware-Home and Commission business iu this place, and from tny ae quaintanee with him, 1 feel no hesitation in reconrniea dii.gliiin m that capacity to the patrons of Oglethorpe. He is also a good judge of the quality of Cotton, and consequently an excellent salesman. c . , , „ A. A. GAP I JUNG, mnn nrtllCr ° f * fir ™ ° f G " uldin P’ f’crril A Chap. WM. B. PHILLIPS, Sen. partner of Jones, Phillips A Co-- September H, 1851. 18—ts. ’ NEW DRUGSTORE! SNEAD Ac CHAPMAN. WHOLESALE ANI) RETAIL I) RUGGIBTS, Sumter Street, Oglethorpe, Ga. „’ nif i ~ lnd* reigned would respectfully inform Y2f their mends and the public, that thev have iust Zm opened n DRUG STORE In OorirriioW, where \ney Hil\ keep constantly on hand, A Large aim Fresh assortment of Drags and llrdltlnes, SURGICAL AXD I'ENTAL INSTRUMENTS, GOLD FOIL, PEK FUMERV, SOAte AM, CHOICE TOILET ARTICLES, r {in p °IASH. MIEDOW RiE-BIITfFS, CHOICE SPICES ES SERVES, PATENT MF.DJC'WES, dr. dr., nr,da full n,sort,unit of trhatever to the bunnes. Having had six years Pkactr a,. Emimm i„ file Drug llUMiiess, and being determined to devote to it their whole attention, they hope to mcirtond receive a liberal patronage. Every Article put up in the neoJcsi. wncwitmo j'ltre, orhable to le re^ tu mod. ‘W Physicians’ Prescriptions put rr wirrit the GREATEST CARE AND DISPATCH, r 3*TThe attention of Physicians* Country Mcrchonta I d l’lanters, is culled to our stock, ns wc feel, confi ! wc can supply them with all articles in pur line r i ott terms that u ill not Jail to give satisfavtion. SNEAD & CHAPMAN. HI.ETCHER T. SNEAD, HOSIER S. CHAPMAN. Oglethorpe, October 16. 22—ts And Still They Come!! Rl’.f 1.1 \ I\D this day nt the New Drug Store, another largo lot of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, &o. Let all who want Pare articles at Cheap prices,give n a call, as we warrant every article, and sell as cheap as any House in the State. To the La dies. wh want line loilet articles, we would say conic and examine our stock, and judge for vour- SNEAD &. CHAPMAN. November 17th, 1851. 28 lm RECEIVED to-day, a large lot of Ayer's Cher ry Pectoral, Cod Liver Oil. Dr. Christie’s Gal vanic Remedies,’Townsend's ami Sands Sargsparillas, “Pepsin,” the great Dyspepsia Remedy, and various other Patent Medicines. SNEAD et CHAPMAN. November 17th. 1851. 28—lm T INSEED, TRAIN, LARD &. NEATSFOOT Jl-J OILS, for sale Lv KNEAD & CHAPMAN, Oi-t. Iff. 22 At the New Drug Store. I3OTASII —A fine artiele, for salchv * SNEAD & CHAPMAN. Oct. Ifi. 23 O URGICAL & DENTAL INSTRUMENTS,— ■ GOLD FOIL, &c.. For sale bv Oet. 16. 23 SNEAD & CHAPMAN. IpRENCH WINDOW GI.ASS, for sale by (SNEAD &. CHAPMAN. Oct. 16. 23 VJC7IIITE LEAD, for sale by TV SNEAD & CHAPMAN. Oct. 16. 23 BRUSHES— all kinds, forsale by SNEAD &, CHAPMAN. Oct. 16. 23 ‘ Ayer’s Cherry Pertoral, ‘T'OWNSEXD’S, Risley’s A Comstock’s Sarsaparilla, X Hasting’s Syrnp of Naptha, Moffat's Bitters and Pills, Perry ‘s Dead Shot for Worms, Dr. Wm. G. lit tle s Family Medicines, all for sale at the OGLETHORPE DRUG STORE. I May 24, 3—ts ~ TO KENT. * r I''WO Stores, two stories each, on'Coylcr street; ota L dwelling house on Baker street, and two dwelling houses in Herringville. possession of the Stores will he giten by the 20th, November, nnd of the dwellings, by Ihe Ist of Janua ry next. JOHN B. ARNOLD. Oglethorpe, Oct. 23, 1851. 21—ts Plantation for Sale. SSjwi THE Subscriber offers for Bnle bis valuable plantation in Marion County, fourteen miles frow/Oglethorpe on the public road leading from Taze well to Lanier. This tract contains 850 acres, which is well improved and I will sell 630 acres or 220 Acres, or all, as tlic purchaser may desire. It is an excellent * stand for traveling custom or a Black-smith shop convenient to Mills, xSchools and Churches. My lands arc good and a bargain will be sold if application is made soon. , . EMSON MILLER. Oct. 2nd. 21—ts Kale of Lots in Oglethorpe. ON the t7th day of December next, immediately after the sale of lots by Messrs. Scott, Carhart jk Cos., the subscriber will offer to the highest bidder, a number of lqt* for residences. Terms, one-third cash, and the remainder in instalments of one and two years. ‘ E. G. CABAN LSS. November £o ■ 28—tds. ‘ ■ • - - -