News & planters' gazette. (Washington, Wilkes County [sic], Ga.) 1840-1844, October 29, 1840, Image 3

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The People vs. The Office holderH. I V- following States have voted during ■the present year : * RHODE ISLAND Electing a WHIG GOVERNOR, WHIG I SENATE, and WHIG HOUSE of RE PRESENTATIVES, by overwhelming majorities ! CONNECTICUT Electing a WHIG GOVERNOR, and by an increased Whig piajority of nearly 5,000! VIRGINIA Electing a WHIG LEGISLATURE, which will elect two WHIG SENATORS next winter. Whig majority in the State about 2,000 —daily increasing, and may reach 10,000 by November. NORTH CAROLINA. Electing a WHIG GOVERNOR, by nearly 9,000 majority, and a WHIG LE GISLATURE, with a majority of nearly 40 on joint ballot! LOUISIANA Electing a WHIG LEGISLATURE, and two WHIG MEMBERS of CONGRESS, with a Whig majority of the popular vote of TWENTY-TWO HUNDRED / INDIANA Electing a WHIG GOVERNOR by up. wards of 10,000 majority, and both branch, i/s of the Legislature WHIG. The FEDS ■too few to be counted. KENTUCKY Electing a WHIG GOVERNOR by more than 15,000 Whig majority, and TWO THIRDS of both branches of the Legisla ture WHIG ! THE WHIG STATE! VERMONT Electing a WHIG Governor by 10,550 majority— FlVE Whig Members of Con gress (ALL,) and three-fourths of both branches of the Legislature WHIG! A clean sweep ! MAINE— The Star in the East—electing a WHIG Governor, Legislature, and FIVE out of the Eight Members of Congress ; being a Whig gain of Governor, Legislature, three Members ofCongress, and a Whit’ Senator, to be elected next winter. GEORGIA Has also thrown her weight in the scale IN FAVOR OF HARRISON. MARYLAND Has elected SIXTY Whigs to her House of Delegates, to nineteen Van Burenites, and FIFTEEN Whigs to the Senate to six \jtoi Burenites. The Whig majority in the vote will be at least 3,000 ! f NEW JERSEY Has spoke too, and elected a WHIG Se nate and House of Representatives ! DELAWARE In her election for Inspectors, has indicated j which way her vote will be cast. “L Alabama, Missouri, and Illinois alone ve sustained the Administration, and fey by greatly reduced majorities. In Jr-labama, the Whigs have made a clear l gain of 32 votes in the Legislature since last year. WHAT CAN RESIST THE TOR RENT OF PUBLIC INDIGNATION, OR AVERT THE FATE, WHICH AWAITS THE OFFICE-HOLDERS ! South. Chron. The Whigs to the Locofocos, Debtor. 05” Notice This. —Who is It. M. Pit man, who attended the Macon dinner, on the 13th ultimo, and stopped with A. Richards, and left on the 14th, with a pair of saddle Bags (containing wearing appa rel), supposed to belong to the subscriber. Any information respecting his resid ence, will be thankfully received by S. DANFORTH, P. M. Danburg, Wilkes county. Sept. 10, 1840 If these fellows could not assemble to eat a dinner together, without stealing from one another, what will become of the Treasury should they get into power ? Independent Press. Per Contra—Credit. Twenty Dollars Reward. —Lost, the day after the Van Buren dinner at the Indian Springs, a black tan hound dog. He pro bably followed some of the persons that were there home. Any one giving me in formation of said dog, so that I shall get him, shall be paid the above reward. HENRY DILLON. Indian Springs, Oct. 13, 1840. i If these fellows could not assemble to'catl a dinner together, without stealing people's dogs, what will become of the Treasury, should they keep in power ? The above dog has, probably, been en listed into Van Buren’s long-tailed Florida army. Ed. News & Gazette. DISCOVERY OF AMERICA BY THE DANES. There is certainly much reason to sup pose that this Continent had been visited by some of the Northern nations of Europe, prior to the time of Columbus, and long be fore the revival of the subject by the Royal Danish Society, whose publications in re lation to it are looked for with much inter est. Many learned men had expressed their belief in such a circumstance. Dr. Franklin, in a letter to M. de Gebclin, says: ‘‘lf any Phoenicians arrived in I should rather think that it was not by the accident of a storm, but in the course of their long and adventurous voyages ; and ‘ that they coasted from Denmark and Nor way over to Greenland, and down south ward by Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, &o. to New England, as the Danes themselves certainly did some ages before Columbus.” —National Intelligencer. PLAIN REASONS WHY MARTIN VAN BUREN SHOULD NOT Bl! RE-ELECTED President of the United States. Because the same party leaders avow yet another object, fearful and revolution ary, to follow all the other schemes, which is, the ABOLITION OF THE LAWB RELATING TO THE DESCENT OF PROPERTY. Hear Mr. Brownson, the editor of the same Review, and a prominent leader Os the Van Buren party in Massachusetts: “ Following the destruction of banks, must cotne that of monopolies'of all privi lege. There are many of these. We cannot specify them all ; we, therefore, se lect only one, the greatest of them all—the privilege which some have of being born rich, while others are born poor. It will be seen at once that we allude to the hereditary descent of property, an anomaly in our a- MF.RICAN SYSTEM, WHICH MUST BE REMOVED, OR THE SYSTEM ITSELF WILL BE DESTROYED.” “ A man shall have all he honestly ac quires, so long as lie himself belongs to the world in which he acquires it. But his POWER OVER HIS PROPERTY MUST CEASE WITH HIS LIFE, AND HIS PROPERTY MUST THEN BECOME THE PROPERTY OF THE STATE, [ ! ! ] tO be disposed of by some equitable law, for the use of the generation which takes his place.” Because, in violation of the laws, ho has expended large sums in ornamenting the presidential palace with articles of Euro pean manufacture. The Act ofCongress of22d May, 1820, expressly provides, “ that all furniture pur chased for the President’s House, shall be, as far as practicable, of American or Do mestic manufacture.” The published state ments of expenditures exhibit large sums defrayed in the purchase of British, French and German articles, at the highest prices. See the vouchers at Washington. Because, ho has banished from the presi dential office the plain republican simplici ty of the earlier presidents, and introduced a style and magnificence unsuited to the character of our government. See the masterly speech of Mr. Ogle, of Pennsylvania, and of Mr. Wise, of Virgin ia, on the expenditures and extravagance of the administration. Because, the administration having spent years in an attempt to “ reform the curren cy,” and forced hundreds of new banks into premature existence ; and having estab lished new mints to coin new eagles, and failed at last; when the bubble burst, Mr. Van Buren, the author of the mischief, tur ned round upon the people with the apolo gy, that “ it is not the duty of the govern ment to regulate the currency.” The great increase of banks since 1833, was occasioned by the measures of the go vernment. Secretaries Taney and Wood bury’s circulars prove this. The three new mints coined, in three years altogeth er, only about half a million. At the North Carolina mint it cost $33 to coin SB4, and at New Orleans every ten cent piece coined costs thirty cents. See Returns, of the Mint 1838-9. Because, he recommends a bankrupt law, applicable to corporations, so that lie may obtain control over the State Institu tions, and be able to crush them at plea sure. See his Messages to Congress, 1837 and 1838. This was his first scheme to obtain control of the monied institutions; and when that failed, the sub-treasury was brought forward. Because, when the people, suffering and exasperated by continued acts of misrule, approached the President with remon strances. they were spurned with indignity, and their petitions treated with contempt. “ The people expect too much from the government,” says Mr. Van Buren. Sec his Messages, 1537-S. Because, he has increased the annual expenditure of the government from an average of $18,000,000 to $37,000,000. See letter of the Secretary of the Trea sury, April 9, 1539, from which the fol lowing important facts are drawn : Average yearly expenditure under Washington, $1,986,524 82 J. Adams, 5,362,557 79 Jefferson, 5,102,598 58 Madison, 18,085,017 48 Monroe, 13,057,925 07 J. Q. Adams, 12,025,478 58 Jackson, 18,224,091 S8 Van Buren, 37,135,054 33 Because, in addition to the whole revenue of 1837, 8, and 9, he has spent $29,037,000, received from other sources, besides laying broad and deep the foundations of anew national debt, in tile issue 0f20,000,000 of Treasury notes. Sec Report of the Secretary of the Trea sury. When Van Buren entered upon the presidency, there were $0,070,000 in the Treasury ; there was the fourth instal ment, due the States, $0,367,000 ; there was $0,000,000 received from United States Bank stock sold ; and $7,000,000 more, received on deferred Custom House bonds of 1835 and 6. Because, ho favors the RICH, and ne glects the POpR. See the case of Commodore Elliot. For the most gross misconduct, the court mar tial sentenced him to a deprivation of pay and emoluments for two years, &c. The President REMITS this penalty, and apo logizes for the conduct of the Commodore on all the charges upon which he was con victed, except that of inflicting a greater number of lashes on the sailors than the law allowed ! He is silent as to this—thus showing his contempt and disregard for those in humble life, and favoritism to those who have influence with the party. And so in the case of LIVINGSTON, who was condemned to receive 120 lashes. Mr. Van Buren hasiioupe/ogyfor him ; no remark— the sentence is coldly approved, and exe cuted. Because, in all appointments to the Mi litary Academy, of cadets, or of midship men to the Navy, since the accession of the present administration, the sons of the rich have had a marked preference over THOSE OF THE POOR. See lists of appointments of cadets and midshipmen, since 1830 ; all, or nearly all, sons oj wealthy men, of relatives of members ofCongress, or officers about the government. Because, the grand aim of the Federal Government, under Van Buren, after de stroying the banks and currency, is to BRING DOWN THE WAGES OF THE LABORING man to the hard-money standards of despo tic governments. “ I ardently desire,” says Senator Wal ker, “ tosee this country in the same happy condition with Cuba.” “ “ I coincide,” says Mr. Calhoun, “ with the senator from Mississippi.” “ We must reduce prices [of property and labor,] low,” says Senator Buchanan. “I he price of labor is entirely too high,” says Senator Tappan ; “ the labor er in this country can afford to work for Eleven pence a day, and the hard-money system will bringdown wages to that sum. Wheat will also come down to sixteen cents a bushel, and every thing else in proportion. This is the best tariff you can have, and the only one that can enable the manufacturer to compete with England. The Sub-Treasury will effect both these objects; it will put down the banks, and bring wages and every thing else down.” VAN BUREN’S SUPPORT OF THE WAR. A recent letter from Gen. Erastus Root of New-York, who was in the Senate of that State in 1812, with Martin Van Buren, puts the natter of the latter’s support of Dewitt Clinton, beyond a doubt. The following is the General’s letter: “Delhi, N. Y., Sept. 19, 1840. “You say they [the loeofbeos] hold on to the present so called Democratic Van Bu ren party believing that they (their princi ples) are the old republican principles for which we used to contend. I presume they have not thoroughly examined and scruti nized the official acts of Mr. Van Buren since he came into high power, and compa red them with the republican principles for which wekused to contend. Had they thus examined, and made such comparison, their good seuso would have led them to discov er that his conduct was not highly demo cratic in its character. His urging through the Sub-Treasury scheme after it had been condemned by General Jackson and the whole republican party, was enough to o verthrow every pretension to democracy. “ Y ou ask whether Van Buren supported Clinton against Madison in 1812. Surely he did. That is a matter of record. The electors of President and Vice President were then chosen by the Legislature. He and I ncre then Senators. We opposed each other, and in some instances quite se riously. I was for Madison, the regularly nominated Republican candidate. Our acts arc recorded on the journal, and have often been published. Gen. Ogle, in his late spiich on the palace furniture, has given very correct sketch of this trans action “ The friends of Harrison are rapidly increasing in this county and State. This State will give him at least twenty thou sand majority. If Pennsylvania goes for Harrison, (and I have no doubt she will,) Van Bfiren will not get sixty electoral votes. His friends, it appears to me, can have no reasonable hopes of his election.” “ERASTUS ROOT.” GEN. HARRISON AND THE FARM ING INTEREST. There Ims been so much wastefulness, corruption, and bad management in the National Administration for the last four years that the people have made up their minds to try a man from among themselves, a practical and patriotic farmer. Hear what Gen. Harrison said of the farming in terest on the floor of Congress fourteen years ago : “ The policy of the country was, in his opinion,to remove,if possible,the di fiiculties with which the farmers of the country now have to struggle. He was a farmer himself and he spoke of those difficulties as one who had experienced them. He was a far mer alone. He did not own a Bank share in the world, nor had a farthing invested in the mercantile business; but depended alone on the cultivation of the earth for the support of a large family. He felt a kin dred interest in the welfare of the agricul tural class.”— Augusta Chronicle. GEN. HARRISON’S OPINIONS OF A NATIONAL BANK. We ask our good locofoco friends who did not understand Gen. Harrison rightly on this subject,to read the following extract from his Drayton Speech. My opinion of the power of Congress to charter a National Bank remains uncharo ged. There is not in the Constitution any express grant of power for such purpose, and it could never he constitutional to exer cise that power, save in the event, the pow ers granted to Congress could not be carried into effect without resorting to such an Applause.) Mr.Madison sign ed the law creating a National Bank, be cause lie thought that the revenues of the country could not be collected or disbursed to the best advantage without the interpo sition of such an establishment. I said in my letter to Sherrod Williams, that if it was plain that the revenues of the Union could only be collected and disbursed in the most effectual way by means of a Bank and if I was clearly of opinion that the ma jority ofthe people of the United States de sired such an institution, then, and then on ly, would I sign a bill going to charter a Bank. (Shouts ofapplause.) SUICIDE OF~ A PENNSYLVANIA MEMBER ELECT. On Sunday night, says the Baltimore Clipper, William C. Ramsay, Esq., mem ber elect to Congress, from Carlisle, Pa., committed suicide at Barnum’s City Hotel, by shooting himself with a pistol. No cause can he assigned for the fatal deed— during the day he appeared to be laboring under a depression of spirits. Mr. Ramsay was the Van Buren Member, from the 13tli district—re-elected. GENERAL HARRISON’S OPINIONS OF THE ABOLITIONISTS. In a speech, delivered at Vincennes, Indiana, (when General Harrison was before the people as a candidate for the Presidency,) speaking ol the abolitionists, he says : “ I have now, fellow-citizens, a few words more to say on another subject, ami which is, in my opinion, of more importance than any other that is now in the course of discussion in any part of the Union. 1 allude to the societies which have been formed, and the movements of certain individuals, in some of the States, in rela tion to a portion of the population in others. The conduct of these persons is the most dangerous, because their object is masked under the garb ol disinterestedness and benevole'nce; and their course vindicated by arguments and propositions which in the abstract no one can deny. But, however fascinating may be the dress with which their schemes are presented to their fellow citizens, with whatever purity of intention they may have been tunned and sustained, they will be found to carry in their train mischief to the whole Union, and horrors to a large portion of it which it is probable some of the projectors, and many of their supporters, have never thought of; the latter, the first in the series of evils which are to spring from this source, are such as you have read of to have been perpetrated on the fair plains of Italy and Gaul by the Scythian hordes of Atilla and Alaric ; and such as most of you ap prehended upon that memorable night, when the tomahawks and war-clubs of the followers of Tc cumseh were rattling in your suburbs. I regard pot the disavowals of any such intentions upon the part of the authors of these schemes, since, upon the examination of the publications which have been made, they will be found to contain every fact and every argument which would have been used if such had Been their objects. lam certain that there is not in this assembly one of these deluded men, and there are few within the bounds ofthe State. If there are any, 1 would earnestly entreat, them to forbear, to pause in their career, and deliberately consider the conse quences of their conduct to the whole Union—to the States more immediately interested, and to those for whose benefit they profess to act. That the latter will be the victims ofthe weak, injudi cious, presumptuous, and unconstitutional efforts to serve them, a thorough examination ofthe sub ject must convince them. The struggle (and struggle there must be) may commence with horrors such as I have described, but it will end with more firmly riveting the chains, or in the utter extirpation of those whose cause they ad vocate. Ain I wrong, fellow-citizens, in apply ing the terms weak, presumptuous, and uncon stitutional, to the measures of the emancipators ! A slight examination will, I think, show that I am not.” From the Milledgeville Recorder. Annual and Biennial. —ln ninety-two counties (Heard not included) only 10,843 votes were polled on this question, of which 1,503 were for annual sessions of the Le gislature, and 9,340 for biennial. It will be seen that about one-seventh only of the aggregate, vote ofthe State was given on the question referred to them—showing the great indifference of the people to any change of the Constitution on this subject. Correction. —ln the county of Campbell, as appears by the official returns received since our last, Mr. Colquitt received 541 votes, Mr. Cooper 531, making Mr. Col quitt the highest on the defeated ticket. From the Commercial Advertiser. MR. VAN BUREN’S STANDING ARMY. When it was determined by the present Admi nistration to establish a standing army 0f200,000 men, an order was given to a German house in this city [New York] to import from Europe plates of the several uniforms worn by the offi cers and soldiers of the European troops. This order has been complied with, and the plates are now'in this city. We are told that the Secre tary of War has promised to authorize someone to ascertain if the order lias been faithfully exe cuted, from which it would appear that the Admi nistration have not abandoned the scheme of a large standing army. Shaving is Riz. —We understand that the barbers of this city are now charging two cents extra for shaving loeofbeos, on ac count of their long faces, since the election returns from the South and West have been received here. — Democratic Press. O. K. —The Hartford Courier says, since the Maine election, Amos Kendall’s children are O. K. (oil krying) —such a squalling ! ! Stop that bawl, Amos. The Locofoco papers of Indiana confirm the statement that G. W. Ewing, one of the candidates upon the Van Huron electoral ticket in that State, has come out heart and hand for General Harrison. The affair has thrown the Locofoco party of the State into the most terrible commotion. We should not be at all surprised to see the whole Locofoco ticket come out for Old Tippecanoe before the election.— Lo. Jour. Importance of a. Vote. —The Harrisburg Log Cabin Rifle of Saturday says : “We lost a member of Assembly in Cumberland by three votes, and one in Le high by three, and another hv seven, al though there were three times enough votes kept from the polls in a single district in each county to have carried the whole three! Why will our party never learn the importance of a vote ?” From the Constitutionalist. Carious Law Case. —A case was tried re cently at New Orleans, as we learn from the American, involving the question of the ownership of six geese. So contradictory was the evidence, that the venerable judge, in order to settle the question, ordered the geese to he turned into the street, and ap pointed two officers of the Court to watch their motions. If the geese went to the house of plaintiff he was to be considered the owner; if to the defendant, then the case was to be decided in defendant’s favor. The geese, on being let out, made their way to a neighboring mud-puddle where they regaled themselves all day, and the last intelligence was, that they had not yet reached the domicile of either party. Mr. J. W. Long, editor of the Southern Crisis, asks, “ When will the editor of the Louisville Journal learn to tell the truth ?” To which Prentice replies, “ There’s no doubt we shall tell it before Long.” 01> 11 uav g ♦ DIED, In .Starksville, Lee county, on Monday, the sth of October, JACK H.VRRII'vON WILBURN, in the 22d year ofhis age, and son of Jack Wilburn, of Randolph county. The untimely and unexpected death of this amiable and highly-respectable young man, is felt by society, mourned by his friends, and irreparable to his ever-loving father and mother. But lest sonic circum stances which occurred on that day be blended with his death by political excite ment, his friends deem it necessary’ to make a true statement to the public of the facts: A number of Extra Globes and docu ments were sent by Mr. Forsyth to the In terior Court of Lee county, which court condemned the whole to he burned, by the Sheriff; the opponents of Martin Van Bu ren also burning him in effigy. While the papers were being burned, a friend ofthe Administration thought to snatch some of them from the flame, which was the cause of a serious fight, in which the deceased took no active part, though a decided Har rison mail. Late in the evening, he in com pany visjted a confectionary; Joseph Little the owner. In the company who visited Lit tle’s house,there was a lawy'erofsaid place, Mr. Macon, against whom it appears Little had some animosity. After a few words had passed between them at the counter, Little took up a musket which lie had concealed beneath the counter, and presented towards Macon, the deceased shouting to him not to fire,as there were many people in the house; hut he instantly fired the musket heavily loaded with buckshot; only wounding Ma eon, not very dangerously, and killing Jack 11. Wilburn. The former survived a few moments,the latter only living a few seconds, spoke a few words and breathed his last. It is well to remark, that so far as the friends of the deceased know, there was no animosity on the part of Macon to ward Little. But Jack 11. Wilburn is gone without a stain on the memory of his char acter ; beloved by those who knew him as a citizen, and lor him they wept over the fa tal hour of his destiny. His mouldering body we conveyed to the house for all ap pointed, while weeping friends paid their last tribute of respect by a falling tear of him whom they no more shall see, till the silent dead shall come forth glorious and immortal. JYotice , To Debtors and Creditors, ALL persons indebted to the Estate of THOMAS C. PORTER, deceased, are required to make immediate payment; and those having demands against the said Estate, are notified to present them within the time prescribed by law. AUGUSTUS W. FLYNT, Oct. 29, 1840. 9. Administrator. Strayed , A small iron-gray HORSE, flax mane and tail ; right hind hock the largest; better than Vs four feet high ; pony built. Any ® information will be thankfully received, or a liberal reward will be paid on his delivery at Crawfordville ; or, if taken up, and word conveyed to the subscriber. 8. B. MILNER. Oct. 12, IS4O. 9 3t ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Will be sold on the FIRST TUESDAY in JANUARY next, at the Court House door in Wilkes county, agreeable to an order of the Hon. the Inferior Court of said county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, rruyo LIKELY NEGRO MEN ; one by the name of Billy, an excellaut Blacksmith, and one by the name of Collin. Sold as the property of Thomas C, Porter, de ceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. Terms will be made known on the day of sale. AUGUSTUS VV. FI ANT, Oct. 29, 1840. 9 Administrator. WILKES SHERIFF’S SALE. Will he sold at the Court House door in the town of Washington, on the first Tuesday in December next, between the usual hours ol sale, the following property ; to wit, /'kNE LOT of LAND, containing Forty Acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Bed ford Cade, F. C. Harmer, and others : Levied on by virtue of two Fi. Fas. from Oglethorpe Superior Court—one in the name of F. VV. Cook, bearer, vs. Early Varner, William Hudspeth, and Matthew F. Jackson, security’ on appeal; the other, Parmenus Haynes, vs. Early Varner, William Hudspeth and Elihu Penney, security, and Matthew F. Jackson, security on appeal. Also, at same time and place , All of James J. Turner’s interest in a CROP of CORN and FODDER, oil the plantation of Dexter Henry : Levied on by virtue of a Fi. Fa. from Wilkes Inferior Court, Elizabeth Norman, vs. said Turner and Asher Lane; with other Fi. Fas. Property pointed out by Joseph Jack son. EDWARD R. ANDERSON, Oct. 29, 1840. 9 Sheriff Months utter date, application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Wilkes county, while sitting for ordinary pur poses, for leave to sell a NEGRO GIRL named Charity, belonging to the ESTATE of WIL LIAM GRESHAM, deceased. HENRY F. ELLINGTON, Adminis trator with the will annexed. October 29, 1840. 9 4m. Bank ofthe Slate of Georgia, BRANCH, Washington, Aug. 15, 1840, a I ESOLVED,— That a REDUC- Jtv TION Os 0 per Cent, be required on all paper payable at this Bank, falling due on and after the First day of November next.” Extract from the Minutes. SAM. BARNETT, 51 st.s.m. Cashier. Just Received* A few pieces, latest style, PLAID BONNET RIBBONS, of superior quality. WILLIS & CALLAWAY. Washington, Oct. 29. 9 ts. Lost or Jit staid. ONE PROMISSORY NOTE, bearing date the 13tb of this month, (October,) pay able to Oliver A. Luckett, or bearer, for SIOO, due twelve months after date, with interest from the 13th day of April, 1841 ; and signed thus: S. B. Milner. E. C. Lawrence, Security. Said note was not delivered to Mr. Luckett. All persons are forewarned not to trade for said note. S. B. MILNER. Crawfordville, Oct. 16, 1840. 9 3t ELBERT SIIERI FF’S SALE. Will be sold at Elbert Court House, on the first Tuesday in December next, between the usual In-nil's of sale, Ihe following property ; to wit, i|IVYO tine BAROUCHES; oitc for two * horses, and the other for one—olte fine BUGGY—and one roan HORSE: All levied on to satisfy a Fi. Fa. in favor of Henry Kinne brew, vs. Henry H. Cosby and Madison Hudson, and Thomas F. Willis their security; and sun dry other Fi. Fas. vs. said Cosby. ALSO, ONE HUNDRED and FIFTY-TWO ACRES of LAND: on the waters of Beaver Dam-Creek, adjoining John M. Adarns and others; levied on as the property of William Gaar, to satisfy two Fi. Fas.—one’ in favor of Hiram G. Adams, vs. said Gaar, and one in favor ol Iliram G. Adams, indorsee, vs. Rice Elling ton, maker, and William Gaar, indorser; and sundry other Fi. Fas. vs. said Guar. ALSO,’ TWO HUNDRED ACRES of LAND, more or less, on the waters of Beaver Dhin Creek, adjoining Edward Brown and others, whereon John S. Mi * ire now lives; and FIVE NEGROES—to wit, DANIEL, a man about twenty-five years old ; WILEY, about seventeen years old ; MARY, a woman, about, twenty-si* years old, dark complexion ; MdRY, a woman, about twenty-eight years old, light complexion ; and NANCY, a woman, about twenty-three years old, dark complexion : All levied on as the property of Ralph Blackwell, to satisfy a Fi. Fn. in favor of John Jones, v*. said Blackwell ; and sundry other Fi. Fas., vs. said Blackwell. WILLIAM H. ADAMS, Oct. 20. I*4o. 9 Sheriff. ELBERT SHERIFF’S SALES. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in December next, at Elbert Court House, between the usual hours of sale, the following property ; to wit. One BUGGY CARRIAGE, levied on as the property of Henry H. Cosby, to satisfy a Fi. Fa. in the name of Janies Vaughan, vs., said Cosby; and sundry other Fi. Fas, vs. said Cosby. ALSO, At the same time and place, One NEGRO WOMAN, named Cbloe, about fifty years old; one NEGRO BOY, named Jim, nine or ten years old; one GRAY HORSE, about twelve years old ; one SORREL HORSE, about twelve years old ; one SORREL MARE, about twelve years old; one ROAD WAGON (except the body), hind GEAR, and tour STRAPS belonging to the foregear; and fifteen barrels of CORN, more or less ; Levied on as the property of Hiram Jones, to satisfy a Fi. Fa. in tavor ot James Bell, sen.; and sundry other Fi. Fas., vs. said Jones, Property pointed out by defendant. ALSO, At flie same time and place, ONE HUNDRED ACRES of LAND, more or less, on the waters of Coody’s Creek, adjoin ing Nicholas Burton and others: Levied on as i the property of Leroy Burton, so satisfy a Fi. Fa. j from Franklin Inferior Court, in the name of Ro | bert Pulliam, vs. said Burton ; and sundry other Fi. Fas., vs. said Burton. Property pointed out bv Samuel Freeman, Plaintiff's Attorney. THOMAS F. WILLIS, Oct. 23, 1840. 9 Deputy Sheriff ELBERT SHERIFF’S SALE. Will be sold at Elberton, on the first Tuesday in December next, between the legal hours of sale, the following property; to wit, ONE NEGRO BOY, named Kitt, about six teen years old ; and ONE NEGRO GIRL, named Fan, eight or nine years old : Levied on as the properly of Richard Rice, to satisfy a Fi. Fa. in favor of John Jones, vs. said Rice, and sun dry other fi. fas. against said Rice. Property pointed out by defendant. ALSO, At the same time and place, TWO HUNDRED ACRES of LAND, more or less, on the waters of Cold Water Creek, ad joining Joseph Terrv and others; and about TWENTY BARRELS of CORN; arid one lot of SEED COTTON : All levied on as tire pro perty of Wilkinson V. Ward, to satisfy a Fi. Fa. in favor of Thomas Johnston, vs. said Wilkinson V. Ward and James A. Stone. Property pointed out by defendant ALSO, At the'same time and place, One MAHOGANY SOFA; one BED and FURNITURE-} one POT; two OVENS; one SKILLET} one SPIDER; one dozen of CHAIRS; one LOOKING GLASS; one lot of CUPS and SAUCERS; thirteen PLATES; four DISHES; one lot of KNIVES and FORKS; two SPINNING WHEELS; one CLOCK REEL ; one COW and CALF; one folding TABLE; one pine TABLE; two earthen BOWLS} and one lot of TIN WARE: All levied on as the property of William A. Beck, to satisfy a Fi. Fa. in favor of Thomas Hilly, vs. James A. Clark and William A. Beck; and sun dry other Fi. Fas., vs. said Beck and Clark. WILLIAM JOHNSON, D. S. Oct. 23, 1840. 9 TjjMJUR Months alter date, application will be made to the Hon. the Inferior Court of Ell county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, leave to sell all the LANDS belonging ESTATE of M. WHITE, sen., decc 01, late of Elbert county. EPPY WHITE! Adm. on the Real EJ October 29, 1840. 9 Months alter date, application v made to the Honorable the Inferior C . YVilkes County, while sitting as a Court of v narv, lor leave to sell a PART of the Rfc , ESTATE of WILLIAM 11. DANIEL, e ---ceased, late of said county. , D. W. McJUNKIN. Admin. Oct- 29,1840. 9 For Sate , A PLANTATION, > THIRTEEN MILES FROM COLUMBUS, ON THE LAGRANGE ROAD. For further particulars, apply to A. R. LYON. October 8,1840. (6) s.m.3ui.