News & planters' gazette. (Washington, Wilkes County [sic], Ga.) 1840-1844, December 03, 1840, Image 3

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U mi Htyufthe peu- ByraHnutifnl Di'inn. Democrats. I trust in will never send such a Dem ocrat to the Senate for all time to come. The House of Representatives have pass ed a bill, compelling the Banks to resume casji payments on the Ist of Febuary next. I Slink the Senate will concur. Yours &c. A. Correspondence Augusta Chronicle. ftEOMIA LEGISLATURE. Milledseviele, Monday Night, > November 23d, 1840. \ At a meeting of the Jfayr.ison. party, held at Beecher and Brown’s Long Room, to ‘take into consideration’ the, secession of Sen ators from the Senate Chamber, compelled to-day by the action of their opponents; the Hon. A. Reed, Soaator from Monroe, was .called ,to the Chair, andtbe Hon. J. A. JpflJfSt . f * on ? appointed Secretary. Whereupon the Robt. Toombs, of JJfilkesj■Offered the foFltltving preamble and resolutions, whichowerb Unanimously ad opted: Whereas, The people of Georgia, on the IstMonday inOctober,by a triumphant vote, elected a majority of both branches of the General Assembly, opposed to Mr. Van Bu ren, his principles, policy and party. And tohereas, The Van Buren party of s thp-Senate, from accidental causes, grow ing out of the sickness and absence from qifoer necessary reasons, of a considerable of Senators, had this day a niajor ity/’in that body, by aid of which acjpdental (Majority, they sought to postpone indefin itely the election of a United States Sena tor, and theretby defeat the wishes and ex pectations of a large majority of the good people of this State. And whereas, The Senators of the State Rights party, (having no other rightful 1 means of defeating the consummation of this outrage upon the popular will,) vacated their seats with the iatent to prevent the same, by reducing that body below a quo rum : ; !1< ! Be it therefore Resolved, That we cordi ally approve the course pursued by our political friends in the Senate on dipt occa sion, and for ourselves and our constitu ents, tender them the thanks of the country for their bold, decided, independent, and effective performance of their duty to our common constituents. -•:•* Be itfurther Resolved, That in our opin ion, a firm adherence (o the course pursued is demanded by the exigency, arid we trust that they will continue to display a magna nimity as great as the occasion, and as -prolonged as the conflict. < VOa motion of the Horn Andrew King, of Glynn— , . Resolved, ‘That the thanks of this meet ing be tendered to the Hon. Thomas Stocks, for his firm and independent conduct as President of the Senate, on the ■occasion referred to above. The H?n- Alexander H. Stephens offer ed the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted, Mr. J. A. Jones only dissenting: Resolved, that the friends of General Harrison in the several counties in this State, be requested to send delegate, ’ equal in number to.their Senator and Represen tatives in the General Assembly, to meet in Milledgeville, on Thursday, the 17th •day of December next, for the purpose of nominating a suitable candidate for Gov ernor. * - On motion of Mr. Stephens, the meeting adjourned. A. REED, Chairman. . J. A. Jones, Secretary. Milledgeville, Wednesday, Nov. 25. The Senate bad taken a recess yester day when I closed my letter. At the hour cf 4 P.M. the body again met in their cham ber, and after an ineffectual attempt at any .reconciliation, the Senator from Walton persisted in his motion to lay the resolu tion on the table for the remainder of the Session, when the Hon. A.J Miller arose and made a brief, most'powerful, and eloquent speech in defence of the position of those yvith wham he acted, and. concluded with tke suggestion that the JJprrison Senators retire from'the Chamber, which they imme diately adopted, and the Senate found itself again, without a qUortiWvfcnd took a recess till this morning, 9 o’clock. The Senate this morping again met, and after another ineffectual effort to adjust the difficulty, took a short recess, during which the Senators of each party Convened in'the Senate committee rooms, with a view to produce a recpncilation, which was eventu ally most happily obtained in. the following manner : The Van Buren Senators sent the following proposition to the Harrison Sena tors, that the Hon. Thomas H. Dawson shdßld, when the Senate again assembled, move a suspension of the order and the post ponement of the resolution for the present the effect of which would be to place the matter percisely where it was prior to the diflpnlty. This proposition was accepted on the part of the Harrison Senators—the Senate immediately convened. Mr. Daw son submitted the proposition, and it was adopted by a vote of 63 yeas 18 nays—the knays all Van Buren men. Thus has ter minated, for the present at least, this vexed question, and the legislation of the county will now proceed, unless the Walton obstinately persists in his efforts to prevent the election of a United States Sen ator. The only Bill of general interest passed by the House yesterday, was a Bill in rela tion to the laws of Usury, which provides that in all cases when usury is plead, the plaintiff shal recover his principal and legal interest instead of the juincipal alone, as stands. This morning the Bme refused to reconsider this Bill. Since the adjustment of the difficulties in the Senate, that body has proceeded to the Special order of the day, which is the Anti U. S. Bank resolutions of the Senator from Hall, upon which he is while I write occu pying the time of the Senate with a speech. The Governor this morning, submitted to both Houses a communication announcing the fact that one of the under keepers of the Penitentiary had resigned, and made charges of mal practice against the princi pal keeper, Gen. Charles H. Nelson ; upon which his Excellency asked an investiga tion by a committee, which *n the House was referred to a special committee of five. „l This being the day set apart by the house for the consideration of the bill foe the re sumption of specie payments, which, ques tion is while I write under discussion I . This bill as 1 have already informer! your readers sets apart the first day of February, 1841, as the proper time. Mr. Crawford of Richmond presented the petition of many citizens of Augusta, desi ring the postponement beyond the time fix ed in the bill, which was read and laid on the table. What will be the result of the action of the Legislature upon this question it is im possible now*toconjecture, but I should not’ be surprised'if the time-was extended be yond the first of February next. Yours, T GEOLOGICAL REPORT. On our first page we commence the fourth annual report of Prof. Cutting, the State Geologist, to which we would invite the attention of our readers. The subject is one in which an interest commensurate vt ilh its importance has never been Mani fested by our people, probably because their attention has not been drawn to its ad vantages. And we have beeti one of the number who regarded the ertiployment of a State Geologist as a useless expense to the State. But on examination ot the cabinet collected by Professor Cotting’ which we were permitted to make a few months since, completely changed our views—we were surprised at the extent of Lis discoveries, and the sources of mineral and agricultu ral wealth possessed by our people—and determined to raise our voice in favour of prosecuting the work, until every county in the State should be thoroughly examin ed. When this is done, (should the Legis lature continue to afford the means,) the book which will be published describing the different varieties and qualities of our soil, the localities of valuable minerals, and the other information which Mr. Cotting is charged with collecting, will be one of the most interesting and valuable volumes to the people of Georgia, that has ever ap peared. Although the most rigid economy in the management of our State finances, is impe riously demanded by the situation of our Treasury ; and though'rhany items of ex penditure should and probably will be cut off: we trust that no false views of econo my will deprive us of the advantages to be derived from a completion of the survey now progressing. If the members of the Legislature would go back to the old price of $4 per day for their services, enough might be saved in a week or ten days to pay the Geologist’s salary ; and who can doubt which would benefit the Slate most ? Athens Banner. North Carolina Senators. —We have the high gratification of informing our readers (says the Fayetteville Observer of Wednes day) that Willie P. Mangurn and William A. Graham, both of Orange county, were yesterday elected Senators in Congress, in place of Messrs. Brown and Strange. The election was first held for the six years term, from 4th March next, and resulted, for Mangurn 99, .for B. Brown 65. Man gum was then elected for the unexpired term of Brown (till 4th March next.) A ballot thewtook place to fill Judge Strange’s place, (till 4th- March 1843.) Graham re ceived 98, Strange 64. Col. Barringer, R. B. Gilliam and Mr. Mendenhall are spoken of for Speaker of the House in place of Graham. Mr. Eccles is spoken of for Judge in place of Battle, who declines. THE CENTRAL BANK. The report of the President of this insti tution is before us. At an early day, we shall present it in full to our readers. At present, we design saying but little in rela tion thereto. Those whose proper busi ness it is to take the affairs of the Bank into consideration, are prepared to do so, and will no doubt act with an eye to the public weal in ail that relates to the institution. The ‘■'distributivepolicy" 'is all that we have warred against; and whpther that has been the policy aloneofthe Directors, or whether it was sanctioned by the “will of the last Legislature,” it was, and is, all the same to us. We were opposed to it, and the re port, which we have just read,, only, con firms us, in ouropinion, that the distribution was an unwise one. The bank has now in circulation. $992, 336 of its own notes. It ows adebt in New York of $263,000. To provide for the payment of bills in circulation, and the payment of the New-York debt, the bank relies on $1,809,307,43 of discounted paper and $381,090 of the stocks of the Bank of the State of Georgia and Bank of Augusta. Now, we apprehend that the $750,000 late ly loaned to the people had better have been employed in assisting to defray the expenses of Government. For we cannot see how it is possible that even with of the stoc ks, and collections exceeding even expect-’ ation, the Bank can possibly sustain its credit, and supply the Treasury with means to defray the expenses of the State. Let us see. Suppose the stock is sold. Well, that, at par, will be just $381,000. This amount deducted from the amount now in circulation, leaves $611,336 of notes still in circulation. Now let us suppose, as does the President of the Bank, that with this and collections, in the course of a few months, the circulation is reduced to $300,000, we would here ask, if, in all this, calculation, there has any notiee been takennf the a mount that the bank will have to pay out for defraying.the expenses of the Legisla ture, aiuithe other necessary expenditures of the Government ? The truth is, the sto cks of the State will have been sold, the mo ney arising therefrom used, and the Central Bank will have, upon the most moderate calculation, about $500,000 ofits notes in circulation, with the expenses of the Gov ernment to defray and its debts to liquidate, and nothing to do it with but discounted pa per, or collections made thereon. Now this is indeed deplorable ; and while receiving it as such, we yet hope that such action will hq had in relation to -thisinstitution, as shall redound, at once, both to .the. interests of the Bank and the people, who are its owners, We perceive. that a resolution has been introduced by Mr. Shaw of Put nam, calling upon the Directors to. know when the bank would be in a condition to resume speciepayments. When this reso lution it responded to,’ wc shall probably then better understand the policy of the Di rectors.—Georgia Journal. From the Standard of Union. INTERESTING INCIDENT. Cfcirln the examiriationbefore the Legis lature of the claiinttiOf James Hunter, for. Legislative clemency or pardon, for the crime of murder, committed upon the body . of Burton Lovejoy, Mr. Jones, Senator from the county of Paulding, made the following statement, which he said he had not heard contradicted. After the conviction of Hunter, he was visited in his prison, by his wife. During one of her visits she clad herself in his ap parel, and he dressed himself up in hers ; and in that disguise made his escape. Af ter some hours the affair was discovered, and the Jailor detained the wife in prison, as being accessory to the escape of her hus band. Hunter, hearing in some way, that his wife was kept in Jail, came forth, vol untarily, and gave himself up to the proper authority, to suffer upon the gallows, in or der to relieve an affectionate and confiding wife, from the walls of a prison. Such conduct is truly enobling, even in a felon —and die mention of it created a deep em otion in the Legislative halls. Hunter was pardoned by the Legislature, and has been restored to the bosom of his family—and we sincerely hope that his subsequent con duct will prove him not unworthy of the en joyment of those civil privileges to which he lias been again restored. Duel on the Tapis. — A new weapon. —-The preliminaries of an affair of honour were settled on the Levee last evening be tween a couple of gentleman of the school loafer. Harder looking samples, or more perfect specimens of the class, could not be found in any city in these United States ; yet there was an air of dignity, a hauteur about one of them, “which ill-accorded with his shabby .attire-, and showed’that he had seep and felt better days. The other was constitutionally,.a loafer by birth and edu cation ; and during an animated discussion he threw out some hint which touched his companion to the quick. “1 don’t exactly understand you, sir,” said the offended individual. “Who cares;” retorted the other. “Honour, sir ! honour!” said the first speaker, swelling out his breast and giving it a violent sjap with his left hand. “Hon or, sir • I’m not to be trifled with in this way sir, and nothing short of satisfaction will satisfy mq, Ive no cards, but expect you’ll meet me.ta.raorrow morning, at six o’clock, back of the catholic burying ground. Do you understand me sir ?” “Just like ad —n.” “At six, o’clock, recollect. You know my weapons,” ‘ Certainly, brandy at three cents a glass. I’ll be there. ~ We forbear mentioning names.— N.O. Picayune. “What do you mean by the term Loco focoV’ said a North Carolina Van Buren man to a whig. ‘Sir,’ said, the whig,“Lo means your are low in spirits ? Fo means your area foe to your country ? and Cos. means that you are in company with the Devil. ’ ’ — Preritice. Hamburg, Nov. 21 .-Mail Robber caught. —A young fellow named John Sasseen, who had been for some time past deputy postmaster at Morristown, in Jefferson Coun ty, Tennessee, on the” stage line between Knoxville and Joriesborough, was arrested a fortnight ago, off” a charge of stealing money from the maH.’S The mail, itappears >. was opened by Sasseen, at'Morristown, both going and returning, at night, and as the post-office was in a small store build- had a fine opportunity t ofeel for inter esting letters—and it is understood that he has frequently thrown aside'packages ad dressed to Knoxville and other places, from the mail for more particular examination than the legal time for detaining the mail allowed him. The loss of several letters from the banks in Knoxville to gentlemen in Jonesborough,’ eontainihg trioney, indu ced the postmaster at Jonesborough, Dr. Chester, to snake a secret but though investi gation in relation to these thefts which re sulted in the complete detection of young Sasseen. DrVC. prepared a cunning de coy package for the rogue, and with a mail key iri his pocket, set out to follow and watch the package. He was accom panied by a merchant of Jonesboro, on this secret mission, and after passing each office on the rout, together they examined the mail. After passing Sasseen’s office, the package found—not to be in the mail! Another was prepared at Knoxville forthe returning mail, and its similar disappearance at Morristown fixed the crime fully upofi Sasseen. He is now in prisontat Knoxville, awaiting his trial at the next session of the District Court. Dr. Chester is entitled to much praise both from the cmm unity and the post-office depart menFfor his-zeal and vigilance in ferreting out the mail theif. •> (KrWe are authorized-to announce the •Rev. GEORGE W, CARTER, as a can didate to fill the vacancy caused by.. tl>e resignation ofDoct. Wm. Q. Anderson. Dec. 2, 1840. , , ; 14. STATE OF GEORGIA, J Wilkes County. V sembly of this State, to fill the vacancy .caused by the resignation of the Honorable WILLIAM Q, ANDERSON: We the Justices of the Inferior Court, for the coun ty aforesaid, hereby give, notice that an election will be held attfie Court House in the town of Washington, and the several precincts in said .county, and State afore .said, on MONDAY the seventh day (7th) of December next, for a Senator to fill the aforesaid vacancy. .. 7 , LEWIS S. DROWN, ) S . , THOMAS ANDERSON, Vm WILJLIAM POOL; ) n Extract from the Minutes, •” ROYLAND BEASLEY; Clerk. November 28, 1840. Take JYotice . ALL persons who have not yet paid their TAXES, are requested to’ borne forward and pay them immediately, as I have ma ny’ ind urgent calls forthe money. J. C. WILLIAMSON, Tax Collector and Receiver. Decembers, 1840. 14—_2t To Debtors and Creditors. ALL persons having demands against the estate of JOHN T. DENT, deceased, late of Wilkes county, are required to pre sent them, well authenticated, within the time prescribed by law,—-arid those'iridebt etl’to said estate, are requested to make immediate payment. THOMAS BLAKEY, Adm’r. December 3, 1840. 14—6 t ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Will be sold on the first TUESDAY in February next, at the Court Housq.m Wilkes county, agreeable to an order 6f the Honorable the Inferior Court of said county, while sitting for ordinary purpo ses, a JYegro Jflan Sam, belonging to the estate of James Boatwright, deceased, late of Wilkes county. Sold for tho-benefit of the heirs arid creditors of said deceased. Terms of sale made known on th&day. Z. SMITH, Adm’r. December 3, 1840. •‘l4—m2m ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Will be sold on WEDNESDAY the 13th day. of January next, at the residence of John J. Dent, deceased, late of Wilkes county, all the *• Perishable Property belonging to the estate of said deceased— consisting ofGORN, FODDER, HOUSE HOLD and KITCHEN FURNITURE. ALSO, Will be rented arid hired at the same time and place the Plantation and Ne groes, belonging to the estate of said de ceased. THOMAS BLAKEY, Adm’r. December 3, 1840. 14—tds —=TT :■'■■■ :* —! • ■ .ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Will be sold at the Court House in Cassviffe, . Gass county, on the first Tuesday in Febru i ry next, agreeable to an order of the Honora ble Inferior Court of Wilkes county, win,e sitting tor ordinary purposes. LOT OF LAND number 534, 19,. 3, Cher okee originally, now Cass county ■. ALSO, Ori.the same day, at Cuthbert, in Randolph co. Lot number 210, in the fourth district, originally Lee, now Randolph county. ■■■■■ .7 ALSO, - r. . H I At the Court House door in Wilkes county .on the same day (215) two hundred anil fifteen a creft of land, more or less, on the waters of Clark’s credit adjoining Lewis Moore, and others.’ All belonging to the estate of John Moore, deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. . SARAH MOORE, Adm’x. J. P. HAMMOCK, Ad-.„ ’ r . December 3, 184(1 9t-—l4. Wilkes Sheriff ’s Sales. . ... yvILKES SHERIFF’S SALE. .Wpi beNoldqn the FIRST TUESDAY in Jan- a T; the- CQurt Huusq door, in the town of >y ashingto.i, Wilkes County, tfie tol ’ rowing property ; to wit: ChieTract of LAND containing two hun dred and fifty acres, more qr less,'adjoin ing tends of John L. Wynn, ami others; levied on as the property of. John H. But ler, by virtue of a fi. fa. from Elbert In ferior Court, William Hubbard, indorsee. vs ‘. Butler, jTiaker* and John. H. Butler, indorser:, property pointed-out by John H. Butler. . . ALSO, , One tract of LAND adjoining Western G. Williams and others, containing- one hundred acres, more or less; ..levied qn as the property of George Turner, by yir(ue a -fi- fa. from Milkes Inferior fount, William Pool vs. George Turner ; proper ty pointed out by A. D. Statham. E. R. ANDERSON, Sheriff. November 30, 1840. WILKES SHERIFF’S SALE. Will be sold at the Court House door in Wash ington, Wi'kes county, on the First Tuesday* in January next, between the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit:; One negro woman by the name of Melia; a bout 30 years of age; one negro woman by the name of Mahala, about 22 years of age.; one ne gro boy by the name of George, about 18 years of age’ ; one small boy by the name of Gilbert, about live years of age; one crib of corn, one no horn bull, two cows and calves, one steer, one dry cow, one yoke of oxear, yoke and line, one ox cart, 16 pork hogs, three horses and 1 colt, two bridle.-, rme tract of land in said county of Wilkes, lying ofi Clark’s creek, adjoining Hill and others, curtaining three hundred and Siirty six acres, more or less ; all levied on by an exe cution issued hum the Inferior Court of Wilkes county, m the name of John Wilkereon vs. Ar chibald bittle, and sundry other Fi. Fas against said Lit'le. Property pointed out by said Wil kerson, this 24th November, 1840. ALSO, One tract of LAND in sad coua'y, on th” waters of Kettle creek, adjoining lands of Kin dred Jacks, Daniel, and others, containing 280 acres, more or less ; levied onto satisly a fi. la. from the Superior Court, John Crosby Vs. D. W. Me J unkin, administrator of William H: Dan iel, deceased : Property pointed out by said D. W. McJ unkin. GEORGE W. JARRETT, and. s. November .28, 1840,. WILKES SHERIFF’S SALE. Will be sold at tlie Court House door in the town of Washington, on the first Tuesday in February next, between the usual hours of sale, the following properly ; to wit, One negro man named Larkin, about 23 years of age; Eugenia a woman, about 20 years of age; Isam a boy, about 27 years old ; Rachel a girl, about 16 years old ; Lucy a girl, about 16 years old; Charles a boy, about 12 years old ; Clarissa a girl, about 14 years old ; Nancy a girl, about 6 years old ; Tom a boy, about 8 years old ; Cyrus a boy, abotit 3 ycals old ;. Lufciiida agirly aKoftf it) vearsoW; Caty a girl, !a bout 10 days old ; 2 refad wagons, one ox wagori, one cart, one pleasure carriage, two sets erf wagon harness, twenty sets of plough gear, 20 ploughs, 690 barrels corn, 20 stacks fodder, 20,0001bs oats, 50 bags cotton, one cotton gin, one negro man by thename of Jim.,"one woman by the name Os ouckey, about 50 years of age ; Ander son a boy,’ about 14 years old ; Bill a man about 25 years old ; Green-a ly, about 20 years old ; George a man, about 30 years old ; Mary a woman, about 30 years old ; .Nicholas a boy, about 10 years old ; Lou isa a girl, about 12 years old; Sophia a girl, about 8 years old ; and two small children of the same family; Frank a man about 26 years old ; Rosanna a woman, about 23 years old ; Cynthia a giirl, about 20 years old; Hulftalh a girl, about 20 years old ; George a man, about 40 years old; Susa a woman, about 33 years old ; Edmund a man, about 33 years old ; Gin nett a woman, about 28 years old ; Ed mond* a boy, about 12 years old; Sarah Ann a girl, about 14 years old-, John a boy, about 10 years old ; Emily a gril, about seven years’ old ; Ben, a boy, a bout one year old; ILitty a girl, about 4 years old ; Rachel a woman, about 50 years old ; Silvy a woman, about 56 years old ; Lacassey a girl, about 12 years’old ; Mil ly a girl, about 16 years old ; Ann a girl, about 14 years old ; Adeline o girl, about 12 years old ; Harry a boy, about 2 years old ; Burwell a man, about 28 years old ; Jerry a man, about 25 years old ; Ned a boy, about 10 years old ; Silvy a girl, a bout 8 years old ; John Henry a boy about one .year old ; Hester ajgirl, about three years old ; Sarah a woman, about 25 years old ; Sam a boy, about 10 fears old ; San ders a boy, about 8 years old; Frank a boy, about six years old ; Sophia a girl, about two years old ; Mitchel a boy, about nine years old ; Claiborne a. man, about 22 years old ; Dick a boy, about 18 years old ; Ned a boy, about 16 years old ; Her cules a man, about 46 years old : ; and an other named Hercules, about 20. years old; Esther a; woman, about 46 years-old ; Dol ly a girl, about eighteen years old; Fan ny a “girl, about 16 years old; Sarah a girl, about 14 years old ; Julia a girl, a bout 12 years old; Abram a boy, about 10 years old ; and two other smail children of the srnie family; Stephen a man, about 30 years old ; Gophnia a woman, about 30 years old ; Reuben a boy, about 2 years old ; George a boy, about 6 months old ; Oliver a boy, about 4 years, old ; , Frances a girl, about one year old a girl, about 6 years old ; eight beds, bed steads and furniture,, half dozen rnahogony chairs, one rocking chair, half doz. cane bottom chairs,, oneysofa, one bureau, one set tables, one, folding table, three birch tables, op.e and, a half.dozen split bottom chairs, one spinning machine, one lot of crockery ware, one lot kitchen ware, four pair shovel and tangs, one large mantle glass, one astral lamp, tw.enty head of horses, five colts, 7 mules, two hundred and fifty headof hogs,. eighty head of cat tle, fifty head of sheep, and 2 tea tables; levied on as the property of.Chenoth Pe teel, to satisfy a fi. fa. on the .foreclosure -of a mortgage, Daniel Lee, ,Ys. said Peteet, property pointed out in said fi. fa.—Proper ty left in possession of defendant by opdep ofthe plaintiff. ’ GEO : W. J A'RRXtT. and. s. November 28, 18401 Elbert Sheriff ‘s Sales. Will be sold on the first TUESDAY 4n Jariuary next, at the Court Ilouase door in Elbert county, between the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: All the INTEREST Os Henry 11. Cosby arid John T. Clark in the house and lot sit uated iri the town of Elbe rton, lately occu pied by Henry H. Cosby; to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of William Mills vs. said Cos by, and Thomas F. Willis 1 and Madison Hudson,administrators of said Jno T.Clark.’ deceased, and sundry other fi. fa’s, vs said Cosby and the administrators of said Clark. also, At the same time arid place, one Gray Horse, about ten years old, and one h un jdrfed acres of Land, more or less, on the waters of big Coldwater creek ; to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor ofTliomas Oliver, vs. John Higginbotham. ’ ’also, At the shrne time and place, one . hun dred and fifty acres of Land, more or less, on the •waters of North Beaverdam creek, four cows and Yearlings, about thirty head of sheep, and twenty barrels of corn, moro or less; levied on as the property of Tho mas Haynes and William D. Haynes, to iatisfy a fi. f*: in favor of Gabriel Booth vs. said Thomas Haynes and William D. Haynes, and sundry othoSSPJffl Thomas and William D. Ilayrfcl&foi ALSO, At the same time and place, one Mare, eight years old, one forty-saw cot ton gin, one lot castings (38 pieces,) and twenty-five barrels conn, more or less; le ! vied on as the property, of Wiley Nelms, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favonof James B. Bish- I op, and sundry other fi. fa’s vs. said Nelms. ALSO, At the same time and place, three hun dred and seventy acres of Land, adjoining lands of Moses Manley and others, on the waters of Bcaverdam-creek-.; levied on as the property of Angus Johnson, to satisfy a fi. la. in favor of Snowden & Shear, and sundry other fi. fa’s vs, said Johnson. ALSO, At the same time and place, one negro man named Dennis, eighteen years old ; levied on as the property of William B. Dudley, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of John J. Huggins vs. said Dudley, and sundry othc'r fi. fa’s vs. said Dudley. WM. H. ADAMS, Sherifr. November 27, 1840. ELBERT SIIErTfF’S SALE. | Will be sold on the first TUESDAY in j January -next, at the Court House door t i Elbert county, within the legal .sale j hours, the following property, to wit : A negro girl named Finances,'about 13 I years<sid, and one huudrefl-tutd ninety-six and a quarter aenes ,<sf land., insure or less; all levied on as the property of William j Bell, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of James | Oliver, and sundry fi. fa’s from Justices’ | courts —the negro pointed out by James Oliver, and the land levied -on by a Con stable, and pointed out by the defendant. At-SO, At the same time and place, a negro woman named Eliza, about twenty years eld, and three hundred acres offend, more or less, on the waters of Falling creek: levied on as the property of Jacob Cox, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of John A. H. Harper (bearer,) vs. .Shedb .Cox and Clem ent Wilkins security on -stay ,of execution : Property pointed out by Y.” I*. G. Harris, plaintiff's attorney. .’ALSO, At the same time and plaoe, one BAY HORSE, about’eight -ears old ; levied on as the property of Oliver;Cratvforti, tosat risft- a;ti. fS". in fatqr es Lindsay vs. -said CrawfortH Property pointed out by -defendant. THOMAS F. WILLIS, r ■ November 26, 1840. •ELBERT SHERIFF S-SALE. Will be sold on the first TUESDAY in January next, at : :he Ccurt-rHous’ door of Elbert county,.between the msuai sale hours, the following property, to wit. Three NEGROES, the property of Al fred M. Neal, one by the name of Jim, a bay, sixteen vears old: Rlcharflianil L anna, mine years old"; levied on. to-satisL fi. fa’s. vs. saei .Vifyuii ‘Vi. .Ne -ALSO,. Three NEGROES, as the prqperty <ef James Prather, one n-.woman, by the name of Nancy, one a girl by die name of Rose, and the other a boy, bytheuame Henry; levied on to.satisfy sundry h j -> nit 1 Jamfls Prather, t , ■ also, , Ono yoke of Oxen, one eart,-one-clay -1 bank mare, bay mare:; -levied ■?. as the property of John IFarmor, :to -satisfy a fi. la. in favor of John Jones vs. said. John Farmer. , -..-lALgo, Two hundred gleres of Land, imore ‘€*■ less, on the. waters of CoWwatericreekpafl joinirig lands of Ralph Gaines and others ; levied on as the property of'Reuken Wans lew, to satisfy sundry ifi. (fa’s. vs. -said Reuben Wanslew. ALSO, All the legal INTEREST of Allen Mc- Gee in one hundred and ninety-six acres of land, on the waters of Col dw-ateT creek, adjoining lands of James Carpenter and o thers, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Willi, am White, vs. said Allen McGee. _ WM. JOHNSTON, and. s. November 30, 1840. ELBERT SHERIFF’S SALE. Will be sold on the first TUESDAY in Fe buarv next, at the Court House door in in Elbert county, within the legal hours of sale, the following property to wit: Three NEGROES, Lace and Elbert, men, and Amy a woman ; le.vtedon as the property <of John Beck, to satisfy a mort gage fi. fa. in favor of Lindsey Harper vs. said John Beck: Property pointed out. in said fi. £tt. „ 14 . j- J * WM. JOHNSTON,-,d. s. Novcmbhr.27, 1840. NOTICE.” ~ The Copartnership heretofore existing between the subscribers,was dissolved on the first day of January, 1840, by mutual consent. The business will be continued in the name of J. A. Jones. Tho patronage of former customers ispolitely requested. J. H. JONES. J. N. WINGFIELD. -Nov. 26. 3t 13 GEORGIA, I YITHEREAS Thomas Fa- Wiikes a.uniy ’ * vor ap[Ds to m: for Let- :— : yters of Ad.niriistration on the estate of MAT I’iiEW FAVOR, deceased. These .u e; therefore, to ci fe, summon, and ad monish, all imfsingular, the’ kindred and credit ors of said deceased, to be And appear at my of fice, wtihin the tune prescribed by law, to show cause, (jf any they have,) why sc id letters should not be granted. Given under ray hand ipt office, this 2d day 11 December, 1846. JOHN C. C. O. GEORGIA, i Y:\,’)9tvtO.-\8 Christopher Wilkes County v estate of JOHN W. JONES dec. These are therefore, to cite, summon, and admonish, all arid singular, the kindred a fid crTditbrs ot said de ceased, to be and appear at’my offafe, within the time prescribed by law, ‘to slww • ise. fit mis they have,) why said letters should not oe grant” „ Owem -under my hand,, atv office, ti-u tad‘in December, 1840. JOHN H. DYSON, C. C. O.