News & planters' gazette. (Washington, Wilkes County [sic], Ga.) 1840-1844, December 24, 1840, Image 2

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Omitted h"t Week. CENTRAL BANK. Tlic Committee to whom W*9 referred the duty of enquiring into the situation and management of the Central Rank, and into the expediency of repealing its charter, beg leave to JtkperiT 1 I We have chiefly confined oils investiga- 1 lion to the general management of the Bank since the last session of the Legislature, Ac its situ iotj now, as compared with that pe riod. \V find the capital of the Bank gradually wearing away, under th# pres sure of legislative appropriations and its own ordinary expenses, which, if not arres ted, will, in a few years, without the aid tis other specific legislation for that purfftttb, b ave hut little, except its debts, (o tSXercisc the financial skill of its lutiKe guardians. Your committee fSgfet exceedingly to find that the debt due to the Phoenix Bank of Now York has not yet been paid; and sh.-y are compelled to deem the reasons for the delay of payment, given by the direc tors, as wh>lly unsatisfactory, and their conduct m relation to that debt highly cen surable. The credit of the Bank, the good faith and honor of the State have been wan tonly’ sacrificed, it seems, for no better rea son than the high rate of exchange between Georgia and New York, or in other words, which give a much better iijea of the truth of the case, the credits of the Central Bank which its directors put into circulation as money, were, in fact, worth 15 or 20 per cent, leas than mon'-y. But to allow the argument, ns stated, its full force, it was a <|nestiou with which our creditor had no o mcern. The Central Bank, by authority of law, contract'-d the debt payable in New York. The inconvenience of our complying with our contract, was not the fault of our creditor, nor is it a sufficient reason for us to violate that contract. But the high rate of exchange, as it is called, was not the real difficulty. That difficulty consisted in con verting the credits of the Central Bank into nion-y; for money, we appre hexid, could have been transported from Georgia to New York as cheaply during the present year as it could when we contrac ted th'* presrnt debt. Upon this question there should be no compromise, no conces sion, no delay. We, therefore, recommend that the debt be immediately paid ; that the funds provided for that purpose shall be im mediately remitted ; and that the deficien cy be raised from sale of the stock owned by the State in the Bank of Augusta and Han’t of the State of Georgia. The act of 21st of December, 1836, al tering and amending the charter of the C entral Bank, authorized the Directors to soli the stock owned by the State .in the Hunks of Augusta, Darien, Planters’ Bank Savannah and the Bank of the State of Georgia, at not less than par value, and cirecled that the money raised from such sale should become a part of the capital stock of said Bank. This section of the act, as your committee believe, has been wholly evaded, to the great injury of the ■public interest. Unless the plain letter of the act had declared it, wc could ,not sup pose that the Legislature intended to sell sound secure Bank stocks, yielding eight per cent, per annum for simple promissory notes payable, in effect, in five annual instalments, and bearing six per cent, inter est. The act admits of no such construc tion; yet the Directors of the Central Bank first throw into circulation upon such notes, their own credits, known at the time to be from 12 to 20 percent, below par, taking specie as the basis, and then received those credits, thus depreciated, at par, for the Bank stocks which they sold—thereby exhibiting a total disregard of the public interest, without a parallel, except in the act which clothed them with such power for mischief and the public injury. The act, from its very language, contemplated that those stocks should be sold for money, and that money should be the basis of the issues of the Bank, and a fund for their re demption. Your committee find that the Directors have greatly enlarged their ‘-Bill account,” if mere promissory notes, payable at pla ces other than their own counter, without an acceptance, nor drawn against produce, shipped, can be called “bills.” That ac count has swollen, your committee believe, beyond any former precedent in that bank; and it is a power liable to very great abu ses, and ought to be restrained. Avery salutary provision of the charter, which restricts the amount which shall be loaned to any one individual, is, by the exercise of this power, very easily evaded. And we find under this head, individual accorn modations ranging from 6,000 to 812,500; •and we find another fact by no means fa vorable to this kindof business, that nearly onefburth of the entire amount of hills are in suit, notwithstanding a very large amount of them are not yet matured ; anil unless the Bank shall bo more fortunate in their bills yetlo fall duo, their maturing will rather enure to the benefit of the legal pro fession than to the Bank. The amount of promissory notes in suit is also very large, amounting to above 8173,00!), besides the vast amount due ami not in suit. These facts show a want of punctuality without parallel in the history of banking, and cannot result otherwise than in ruinous losses to the Bank. Your committee find the Central Bank in possession of about 890,003 of the bills of Darien Bank, which have long since ceased to answer any of the purposes of money, except at a great depreciation, to which the State.ought.not to submit—.she being untimately liable for the redemption of seven-tenths of them, when the capital of that Bank shall have been lost; if, in deed, that yet remains to be done. We would recommend that the State exercise the right retained in the charter of that Bank, to repeal the same, put it in the hands of Commissioners, and wind up its afti.irs as speedily as possible. Fruns the investigation which your com mi ee have given to this subject, they are -•’early of opinion, upon goner?! princi ! pics; ns Well ii<t front the practical opera tions of tHfc system, that the charter of the Central Bank ought to be repealed. We 1 deem it unnecessary to enter at large into the reasons which condemn the’ policy of that act; and the more especially, as the report of the Commissioners appointed, un der the resolutions of 1838, upon the State finances, and the protest of those who op ! posed the act of 1839, extending the char ter of the Bank, are within the possession of this House, and, and as yddr committee believe, arc conclusive upon this branch of the subject. If those views and reasons needed confirmation, your committee bc lieW It is abundantly furnished by the practical operation of the Bank since the ‘last session of the General Assembly.— After ten months operations, we find the Bank indebted to bill-holders alone in near ly 81 ,&00,000, without having paid out du ring that term, a much greater amount than is received from its collections from the former debtors of the Bank, and the a mount received from the sale of State stocks, and other items of revenue, inde pendent of their own issues. It has been incurred chiefly by lending its credit to in dividuals, and consequently it has scarce ly any thing but its promissory notes, and the bills before described, with which to redeem their issues, and finds itself whol ly unable to sustain its credit, even at [ts present depreciation, without calling upon the State to issub its bonds upon the faith of the property of all the people of Georgia, to sustain’ loans of public “credit to a very small portion’of those people. Your com mittee are clearly ‘of opinion’ jhat these bonds ought not to be issued, unless accom panied with siich legislation as will pre vent the future recurrence of similar evils. Whenever it can be shown to he prudent I and sound policy to levy money out of one t citizen’s pocket, to loan to another,certain ly not more, and probably much less me ritorious, then ought the policy of the Cen tral Bunk to be sustained, but not till then. Your committee, therefore, recommend, the passage of a bill to repeal the act of 1819, and to provide for the redemption of the bills of the Central Bank, 4:e. miscellameoisT AN INCIDENT OF THE REVO LUTION. In the summer of 1779, during one of the darkest periods of our revolutionary strug gle, in the then small village of S- , (tho’ it now bears a more dignified title) in this State, lived Judge V , one of tin finest and truest patriots within the*limits of the “Old Thirteen,” and deep in the conii- i dence of Washington. Like most men of his times and substance, lie had furnished himself with arms and ammunition, suffi cient to the males of his household. They consisted of himself, three sons, and about twenty-five negroes. The -female part of his family consisted of his wife and daugh ter, Catharine, about 18 years of age, the heroine of our tale, and several slaves.— In the second story of : his, immediately over the front door, wab a small room called-the “ armory” in which the arms were deposited,,and. always kept ready for immediate use. About the time at which we introduce our story, the neigh bourhood was much annoyed by the noc turnal prowling and depredations of numer ous Tories. It was on a calm bright Sabbath after noon of the said summer, when Judge V—. and his family, with the exception of his daughter Catharine and an old indisposed si ive, were attending service in a village church. Not a breath disturbed tho seren ity of the atmosphere—no sound profaned the sacredness of the diiy: the times were dangerous; and Catharine had locked her self and the old slave in the house, until the return of the family from church. A rap was heard at the front door. “Surely said Catharine to the slave, “the family have not come homo; church cannot be dismissed.” The rap was repeated. “I will see what it is,” said Catharine,'as she ran up stairs in the armory. On opening the window and looking down, she saw six men standing at the front door and or the opposite side of the street, three of whom ! were Tories, who formerly resided in that village. There names were Van Zandt, Finley and Sheldon; the other three were strangers, hut she had reason to believe them of the same political stamp, from the company in which she found them. Van Zandt was a notorious character, and the number and enormity of his crimes had rendered his name infamous in that vicinity. Not a murder or robbery was committed within miles ofS- that he did not get credit either of planing or execu ting. The characters of Finley and Shel don were also deeply stained with crime, but Van Zandt was a master spirit in ini quity. The appearance of such charac ters under Such circumstances, must have been alarming to a young lady of Catha rine's age; if not’to any'lady young or old. But Catharine V. -possessed her father’s spirit, the spirit‘of the times. Van Zandt was standing on the Steps, rapping at the door, while his companions Were talking in a whisper on the side-walk on the opposite side of the street. •‘ls Judge V—— at home?'’ asked Van Zandt, when he saw Catharine at the win dow above. “He is not,” said she.. “We have business of pressing impor tance with him, and if you will open the door,” said Van Zandt, “we will walk in and remain until he returns.” “No,” said Catharine, “when he went to church he left particular directions not to have the doors opened until he and his fami ly returned. You had better call when the church is dismissed.” “No,” retorted the villain, “we will en ter now or never.” “Impossible,” replied she, “you cannot enter until he returns.” “Open the door,” cried he,“or we’ll break it down, and burn you and the house up together.” So saying, he threw himself with a’! the force he possessed, against the door, at tho same ( time calling upon, his companions to assist hint. The door, how ever, resisted his efforts. “Do not attempt that again,'''said Catha rine,“or you arc a dead man;” at the same time presenting front the window a heavy horseman's pistol, ready cocked. At the sight of this formidable weapon, the companions of Van Zandt, who had Crossed the street at his call, retreated. “What!” cried their leader, “you cow ards, ore you frightened at the threat of a girl?” And again he threw himself against the door, the weapon was discharged and Van Zandt fell. The report was heard at the church, and males and females at pnee rushed out to ascertain tho cause. On looking to wards the residence of Judge V ——, they prcccivcd five men running at full speed, to whom the Judge’s negroes and several others gave chase; and from an upper win dow of his residence, a, white handkerchief was waving as if beckoning for aid. All rushed towards the place, and upon their nrrival, Van Zandt was in the agonies of death. He still retained strength to ac knowledge that they had frequently been concealed in the neighbourhood for that purpose, but no opportunity, had offered until that day, when lying concealed’ in the woods, they had seen ihe Judge-; and his family go jug to church. The body,of the dead Tjory was taken 1 u)p ; and buried-by-the sexton of the church,; as he had no relations in 4hat Vicinity. After the absence of hours or therea bouts, the negroes returned having suece-” ded in capturing Finley and one of the; strangers, who were that-night confined, and the next morning, at the earnest solici tation of Judge V , liberated on prom ise of mending their lives. It was in the month of- October, of the same year, that Catharine V , was sit ting by an upper back window of. her fa ther’s house, knitting; though autumn, (he weather was mild, and the window was hoisted about three inches. About sixty or I seventy feet from the rear of the house was the barn, a huge edifice with upper and Jovver doors; the lower doors were closed, and accidentally casting her eyes towards the bam, she saw a small back door on a range with the front door and window at which she was sitting, open,and a number of men enter. The occurrence ofthe summer immedi ately presented itself to her, and the fact that her father and the other males of the family were at work in a field some dis tance from the house, led her to suspect that the opportunity had .been improved, probably by some of Van Zandt’s friends, to | plunder and revenge his death.—Conceal ing herself, therefore, behind the curtains, she narrowly watched their movements. She saw a man’s head slowly rising above the door,and apparently reconnoitering the premises-it was Finley’s. Their object was now evident. Going to the ‘armory,’ (die ■selected a well loaded musket and resumed her place by the window. Kneeling upon the floor, she laid the muzzle of the weapon upon the window sill between the curtains and taking deliberate aim,, she fired.- What fcfFcetshe produced she knew’ not, but saw several men hurrying out of the barn, by the same door they entered. The report again brought her father and his workmen to the house, and on going into the barn, the dead body of Finley lay upon the floor. Catharine V , afterwards married a captain of the Continental army, and she still lives, the honored mother of a numer ous and respectable line of descendants. The old house is also in the ‘land of. the. living’ and lias been the scene of many a prank of the writer of this tale in the hey dav of his mischievous boyhood. Depth of Water. —The Buffalo Adverti ser has the follow ing“Lake Huron is said to be about 800 feet deep, and -the depth of Canandagua and Seneca lakes have never been satisfactorily ascertained. The early settlers, many of them, on their borders, believed they were unfathomable. The Slceneateles lake also fills a chasm of j fearful depth. We wish some intelligent gentleman, whose delightful seats over look these waters, would sound them.->’ “One of the most remarkable instances of deep fresh water, is a river, laid down on the map as the Seguenai, that dischar ges into the Gulf of St. Lawrence, some 200 miles below Quebec. It is rather a sluggish stream, hut with an average depth of nearly 800 feet. It seems to flow thro’ an immense fissure produced by some.-aw ful convulsion of nature.” Electricity in Steam. —An English paper states that an engineman, on the Craniliiig.- ton Railway, in attempting to lay hold of a safety-valve, received shopfc. He tried it a second time, ipld the effect was similar. An examination of the boiler, fblj lowed, and it was found that the stcatri es caping from a “blower” was highly char ged with electricity. Subsequently,-expe riments on boilers, in which the steam was generated from water and rawn from a'differ ent source than that which supplied the en gines on the Cramlington road, have prov ed tho existence of a great quantity of elec tricity in steam This important discove ry may lead to facts in connection with boiler explosions ofgreat moment. Thick Shoes. —Ladies,(We leave the gen tlemen to take care of themselves in this regard,) but ladies,with all due respect for your own knowledge of what is suitable for you, permit us to become the advocates at once of thick shoes and your health. This is the month in which the son’s of John Bull, the loyal lieges of queen Vic., betake themselves to the‘fall trade’ of self-butch ery, severing at once, and the same time, their windpipes and their allegiance—for no other reason,that we could ever hear of, except from the suicidal promptings of the November fogs and their concomitant mud. But, look, -ye, ladies of Baltimore, the English ladies have never adopted the No vember disposition of the men. They think too highly of their necks to cut their throats. They w.ijl got even permit themselves to have a “sore throat” as it is commonly call ed. And how do you think they prevent it? Why, simply by wearing thick shoes in damp weather, at whatever season of the year it may occur, but more especially in November .It was but tho other day, an intelligent and respectable English lady told us that the females of that country, of all ranks, never wear any other than thick shoes in November, lot the weather be no matter how fine ; and it is well known to all our physicians, that, notwithstanding the greater and more pervalent moisture of the English climate, cases of consumption arc rare among females there, in compar ison with their prevalence in our own coun try; and much of this exemption from the visitation of this enemy of human life, whi ch reaps a large annual harvest among the fuir daughters of our fair land,is attributed among other causes, to their practice of wearing thick shoes.—But you say they are not fashionable here. What of that? You can render them fashionable—you can render any thing fashionable by general use. ls it were fashionable to be sick, would you desire to be a follower of the fashion ? If so, then by wearing thin walking shoes in November, you are in a fair way to render not only icknoss but death fashionable—at least prevalent- We would have you not only alive, but in good health; therefore we prOjidsb Yliat yon adopt thick slides as a part of tlje November fashions. The yeas and nays arc called for.—Carried by unan imous votes. Hurrah for thick shoes and good health ! add down with thin slippers, had colds, sore throats and consumption ! ! Baltimore Sun. < An Excellent Repartee. —A certain fe male in one of the Atlantic cities was pre sented for keeping a disorderly house.— She engaged a professional gentleman to defend the suit; but when the trial came on, she appeared in court, and possessing a termagant spirit, she commenced a plea of justification in propria persona. The counsel whom she retained for the occa sion, expostulated with her in vain. The opposing counsel, hoping she would com mit herself, encouraged her to proceed, and begged her to go on. Her lawyer trembling for her cause, renewed his ex ■ postulations,’ when she appealed to the judge. “Sir,” said she, “have I not got a right to he heard in iny defence V” The judge, who enjoyed the embarrass ment of the lawyer replied, “O, certainly : pray proceed.” She then went on- “May it please your honor. I am accused of keeping a dis orderly house, which is frequented by such gentlemen as Mr.-■ and Mr. —— !” naming several eminent mer chants, and adding at the same time the names of a number of lawyers. The court was convulsed with laughter. Upon which, her counsel, who could contain himself no longer, begged in heaven’s name, that she would sit down. “What!” exclaimed the archly smiling Judge, “you are not afraid I hope, Mr.—?” “No, may it please your honor,” he im mediately’ replied with inimitable self pos-: session; “I have no fears for the bar, but 1 tremble for the bench.” The Morality of the Bible. —lt were ho over-bold opinion, that if the Bible were not the word of God and could not be prov ed to bo-the word of God, it would never theless he the most precious of books, and do immeasurably .more fora land than the finest productionsof literature and philoso phy. We always recur with great delight to the testimony of a deist, who after pub licly laboring to disprove Christianity, and to bring Scripture into contempt as a for ■gery, was found instructing his child from the pages of the New Testament. When taxed with the flagrant inconsistency', his only reply.was, that it was necessary to teach the child morality, and thatno where was there such morality as in the Bible.— We thank the deist for his confession.- Whatever scorn for a man who could be .guilty of so fond a dishonesty, seeking to j sweep from the earth a volume in which all the while himself recurred for the prin ciples of education, we thank him for his testimony,: that the morality of the Script ure is a morality not elsewhere to be found; so that if there were no Bible, there would be comparatively no source of instruction in duties and virtues whose neglect and de cline would desolate the happiness of hu man society. The deist was right. Deny’ and disprove tho origin of Scripture, and nevertheless you must keep the volume as a text book of morality, if indeed you would not wish tho banishment from your homos ■of all that is lovely and sacred, and the breaking up, through the lawlessness of ungovemed passions, of the quiet and the beauty which are yet around our families. Southern Literary Messenger. Society or Woman—No society is more profitable, because nope more refining and provocative of virtue, than that of refined and sensible woman. God enshrined pecu liar goodness in the form of woman, that her beauty might win, her gentle voice in vite; and the desire of her favor persuade men’s stern souls to leave the paths of sin ful strife, for the ways of pleasantness and peace. But when woman falls from her blest eminence and rational enjoyments, into tho vain coquette, and flattered idola ter of the idle fashion, she is unworthy of an honorable man’s Jove, or a sensible man’s admiration. Beauty is then at best ——“A pretty plaything, Dear deceit.” We honor the chivalrous deference which is paid in our land to woman. It proves that our men know how to respect virtue and pure affection, and our women are worthy of such respect. Yet women should be something more than mere women, to win us to their society. To be our com panions, they should be our friends; to rule our hearts, they should be deserving the approbation of our minds! There are many such, and that there are not more, is rather the fault of our sex, than their own; and de spite all the unmanly scandals that have been thrown upon, then; in prose or verse, they would rather share in tho rational conversation of men of sense, than silly compliments of fools ; and a man dishonors them, as well as disgraces himself, when he seeks their circle for idle pastime,and not for the improvement of his mind. Electrical Clock. —A German artist now in London, is about to take out a patent for the invention of a clock worked by elec tricity. Tho machine, which is remark able chiefly for its extreme simplicity, is composed only of a pendulum, one large wheel, two escapements, and a quadrature. Such arc the visible parts. We must sup pose, however, that a pinion and a wheel form the communication between the great wheel and the quadrature, though these are not to b seen. The pendulum at each vi j bration caused one of the escapements to advance the great wheel one tooth, which, after this movement, has a pause, making a dead second. As there is no metallic moving power to set the machine going, we find, on examination, what keeps up the motion—that the pendulum (which is al most out of proportion with the clock) de scends into a case, and there; at each vi bration, the ball, or body, which is furnished with a conductor, approaches alternately two poles, to which voltaic piles supply their portion of electricity, so that the peni ‘dulum, wKcrrohce pirt in motion, retains it’ by means of the electricity alternately drawn from the two.poles. There can be no doubt that other interesting results may he obtained by employing the electrical fluid as a motive powei, however slight the power which such an agent may seem ca pable of communicating. Novel Surgical Operation. —Having as. certaincd tho operation for strabismus, or squinting of the eye, was to be performed on two patients on Saturday last, we made the necessary application to witness the operation, and were kindly admitted. The performance of the operation has but lately excited tho attention of the medical men of Europe on account of its novelty and the groat knowledge of anatomy which is re quisite to its performance. The first pa tient was a pretty young female about se venteen years of age, residing in Tenth street, near Christian; the operation was performed by Dr. Duffee, assisted by Drs. Condie, Duifield, Stevens and Dunott, with great success. About 12 o’clock, Dr. Duf fee, accompanied by tho same gentlemen, performed a similar operation on quite a young child in Sixth street, above Pitzwa ter, with equal success. We are thus par ticular in giving tho names of all these gentlemen,many of whom stand at the head of their profession, that they may vouch for the performance of an operation which has been stronglydoubted by many of the profes sion as having ever been performed in this country,it being of German origin.— Fhila. Ledger. Deaf and Dumb Printers. — A curious account is given, from Tubingen, in Wur . temburg, of anew printing establishment lately opened by M. Theodore Hclgerad. ■ ‘ Ail the compositors and pressmen, one hundred and ninety-six in number, eleven of the former being women, are deaf and dumb y and have been educated at his cost fertile employment in which they are now engaged.’ The king has conferred on M. Ilelgerad the large gold medal, of the or der of civil merit, for. this great reclama tion from the-social and moral waste. A Glorious Record. —At New London, Connecticut, the following inscription is found on a grave stone. The records of ancient Rome or Greece do not exhibit a noble instance of patriotic heroism: “On the 20th October 1781, 4,000 English fell up on the town with fire and sword—7oo A inericans defended the fort for a whole day, but in the evening about 4 o'clock, it was taken. The commander of tho besieged delivered up his sword to an Englishman, who immediately stabbed him; all his com rades were put to the sword. A line of powder was then laid from the magazine of the fort to the soa, there to he lighted, thus to blow the fort into the air. William llotman, who lay not far distant, wounded by three strokes, oftbe bayonet in his body, beheld it, and said to one of his wounded friends, who was also still alive, “We will endeavor to crawl to this line, and com pletely wet the powder with our blood; thus will wc, with the little life that remains to us, save the fort and magazine, and per haps a few ofour comrades, who are only wounded.” He alone had strength to ac complish this noble design. In his thirti eth year he died on the powder which he overflowed with his blood. Ilis friends, and seven of his wounded companions by that means had their lives preserved.”— After this simple Narrative are the follow ing words in large characters, “J/cre rests William Holman."’ Paint your tools, —Every farmer should be provided with a small quantity of coar ser kind of paints—a few paint pots and brushes and paint oil. It is very easy to mix them, and by keeping a small supply, he might keep his implements always in a good state of preservation. The expense would be trifling, and the trouble next to nothing ; and besides it is wisely ordained that we can neither sow nor reap without trouble. The greatest of all troubles must be that of having nothing to do. To have a place for every tool on the farm, and to keep them all painted and in good order, and when Hos used, protected from sun and air, ought to be an amusing, as it is un doubtedly a binding obligation on every farmer.— American Fanner. APPETITES IN COLD CLIMATES. In the frozen regions of the north, the ap-. petite for food, and the power of digestion, are commonly excessive. Captain Coch ran, in his account of a journey through Russia and Siberian Tartary, gives some remarkable illustrations of this fact. Ad miral Saritchef, states that a Yankut infor med.him, that one of their men was accusto. mod to consume at home in tho space of 24 hours* the hind quarter of an ox, twenty > pounds of fat, and.a proportionate quantity of melted butter for his drink. The ap pearances of the man not justifying-the as sertion, the Admiraj had a mind to try his gormandizing powers, and for this purpose, he had a thick porridge of rice boiled down with three pounds of butter; weighing 28 pounds ; and although the glutton had al ready breakfasted, he set down to it withj the greatest, eagerness and .consumed the whole without leaving the spot. Capt. C. says, I have.repeatedly seen a Yankut or u Tongouse devour forty poundsof meat in a day ; and Ihuvc seen gluttons con sume a reindeer at onpjneal. He adds — I myself have finished uwhqlefish in a fro zen state, that might have weighed 2 or 3 pounds ; ams with black biscuit and a glass of rye brandy, have defied either nature or art to make a better meal.— Medical Jour nal. ‘ A DESCRIPTION OF A GOOD WIFE. She hadn’t no ear for music, Sam, but she had a capital eye for dirt, and for poor folks, that’s much better. No one never seen as lpuch .dirt in my house as a fly could’ut brush off with his wings. Boston gals may hoast.of their. spinnets, and their gy’-ais, and ryctalian air-5,., and their ’ edti'fdr'music f\ but give met tie gal; t*“say, that has aneye forMirte for. she’s the gal for my money.”—[Sam Slick. MARRIAGE BROKERS. In Genoa there are marriage brokers, who have pocket books .filled with names of the marriageable girls of the different clas ses, with note’s of tiieir figures, personal at tractions, fortunes, iic. These brokers, go about endeavoring to arrange connections-, and when they succeed, they get a eoi>- mission of two or.three per cent upon tho portion. Marriage at Genoa is quite a matter of calculation, generally settled by the parents or relations, who often draw up the contract before the parties have seen one another; and it is performed when eve ry thing is arranged, and a few days pre vious to the marriage ceremony, that the future husband is introduced to his intended partner for life. Should he find fault with her manners or appearance, he may break off, the match on condition of defraying the brokerage, and any other expenses incur, red. A person accustomed to undress in a room without fire, and. to seek repose in a cold bed, will not experience the least in convenience, even iii the severest weather. The natural heat ofhis body wli! very Spe dily render him even more comforta'bly warm than the individual who sleeps in a heated apartment, and in a bed thus artifi cially w&rsw-d. and who will be extremely liable to a sensation of chillness as soon as the artificial heal.js dissipated, But this is not all—the constitution of the former will be rendered more robust, and far less sus ceptible io the influence of atmospherical vicissitude*, than that of the latter.— Jour- 1 nal of Hofilth. . . “ The CoME-OuTERs is the title of anew religious sect, whieh has recently sprung up on .Cape Cod. The Boston Courier thu^.defines their leading sectarian views : —lst., Opposition to a regular ministry.— Every one should be his own priest. 2nd. Opposition to regularly organized churches. Ever.yione is.a.chqrph by himself. 3d. A disregard of the Sabbath ; all days alike. Their ‘object seems to be to preach against preaching-, to organize against church orga nizations, and to hold meetings on the Lord’s day to put down the Christian Sab bath. A late New York horse advertisement was thus worded : “To be sold a pair grey horses. They are both excellent for the saddle. Oneofthcm carries a lady—fif teen hands three inches high !” AMERICAN ANTIQUITIES. ‘ Tho October number of the North Ame rican Review contains an elaborate paper, giving details in relation to a. variety of American antiquities. The ruins of Pal enque and the temple of Copian are thus noticed. By the way, when is the “ Incident of Travel,” of our countryman Stephens, to make its appearance ? q The principal monument of Palenque is of pyramidical form, consisting of three dif ferent structures, receding in succession and rising upon each other. The base has a circuit of 1,080 feet, and an elevation of 63 feet. The portion of the structure rest ing oh tlte base is 250 feet long by 140 wide, and 26 feet in height, making the entire height of 96 Feet. The roofs are of flag stones', well joined,.and very thick, and it is said bomb pVoof. . The edifice is com posed, of blocks of stppe of large dimensions, and the entire edifice,is covered with stucco. Between the doors, and on all the pillars, are encrusted eighty bas reliefs in stucco, representing personages seven feet in tilnght showing that the arts had. made great pro gress among the ‘ builders of these works. The interior view corresponds in magnifi cence With the exterior. Immense halls, ornamented with bas reliefs in granite sculptural hieroglyphics, courts, subterra neous passages, a round tower, with four stages—such is a .sketch of the principal characteristics which this temple offers; a temple heretofore served by numerous priests and crowded with worshippers, but now covered with briars and creeping vines where nothing but birds of prey, its only inhabitants, break the silence of ages w hich rests upon it.” This is undoubtedly the most magnificent ruin in North America. On the flat roof of one of the palaces of this region, Walbeckcut down a tree fiaving 1,609 concentric layers, indicating tho number of years which have passed since I the edifice was abandoned. The temple is said to be 653 feet in len. m gth by 524 in breadth. The interior con- Ij tains sepulchral chambers,gigantic statues, U stone tables*and altars, pictures and sym- ■ bols,.symmetrically arranged, -sculptured*