News & planters' gazette. (Washington, Wilkes County [sic], Ga.) 1840-1844, December 24, 1840, Image 4

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CRAWFORDVILLE A C A 1) E M Y. THE Trustees of this and t'ion the ensuin'* year ; commencing on the FIRST MONDAY in January. The liigh literary attainments of tiiis gentleman, his moral worth, and the healthy situation of our Academy, in duce us to recommend him to the public, with much confidence, nnd respectfully solicit a share of public patronage. DAVID S. ANDERSON, Sec’ry. December 17. IB 3t Caution, ALL persons are hereby cautioned against tra ding for one no'e of hand given to James Mull or"bearer, lor Five Hundred and Ninety six Dollars and Fifty-six cents. One given to John G. Crane, or bearer, for Five Hundred and Forty Dollars. One othnr note given to said John G. Cran “, or bearer, for about Five Hun dred Dollars. Another payable to Frederick lawrence, for about One Hundred & F tty Dol lars ; all of which notes were given sometime about, the middle of October last, and I under stand, are made payable on the first day ot Jan uary, 1841. I have good testimony to prove that said notes should have been made payable on the first day of January, 1812—according to the contract in fulfilment of which said notes were given. JAMBS M. SMYTIIE. F> ancf.s A. Lipham, Security. December 17, 1840 If. ts TjVtUR Months afterdate, application will be in ide to the i I in. the Inferior Court of Talia ferro county, when sitting lor ordinary purposes, tor leave to” sell the REAL ESTATE belong ing to the Minors of Joseph \V. Lucked, deceai ec, late of said county. HUGH WARD, Guardian. December 17. 16 m4m ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Will be sold on the first TUESDAY’ in February next, at the Court House in Wilkes county, agreeable to an order of the Honorable the Inferior Court of said county, while sitting tor ordinary purpo ses, a JYcgro •flan Sam , belonging to the estate of James Boatwright, deceased, late of Wilkes county. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms of sale made known on the day. Z. SMITH, Adm’r. December 3, 1840. 14 —fn2m ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Will be sold on WEDNESDAY the 13th day of January next, at the residence of John T. Dent, deceased, late of Wilkes county, all the Perishable Property belonging to the estate of said deceased— consisting ofCORN, FODDER, HOUSE HOLD and KITCHEN FURNITURE. ALSO, Will be rented and hired at the same time and place the Plantation and IV’e tfroes, belonging to the estate of said de ceased. THOMAS BLAKEY, Adm’r. December 3, 1840. 14—tds I>r. John 1,. Price’s METALLIC 1 RUSS, (LATEST IMPROVEMENT,) 7 For the immediate relief and radical cvre of all or either of the following varieties of HERNIA, {Rupture,) to wit: Scrotal, Femora!, Inguinal, Ventral, or Umbilical. Tiie Subscriber having purchased thg right and privilege of applying and within the county ot Wilkes, this instrument for the radical cure immediate relief of all per sons the unfortunate subjects of either of ’T.o above mentioned diseases, embraces an ear ly opportunity of informing such, that they can be re'ieied from this distressing malady by ma king eany application. Trusses, ot sizes suitable for every variety of case, will he kept constantly on hand and applied at a reasonable Tice. The inventor of this new and valuable Truss in his remarks on the subject says: “Having cored extensive ruptures of eighteen years standing, and given immediate relief, in a considerable number of carps, in old and in young persons, wiio are now either entirely well, or re lieved from all inconvenience from this distress ing and dangerous malady ; persons thus allect ed, who have not heretofore had an opportunity of availing themselves of its substantial benefits, that of immediate relief and ultimate radical cure, i will doubtless how do so. My Patent Metallic Truss combines the ad vantages of all other Trusses, without their in conveniences ; and is equally applicable to the five different varieties of Rupture enumerated, and can he worn night and day with comtort and convenience; and it the patient be prudent and regards ins health, effectually prevents the es cape of the Viscera. The steel spring Truss, it is well known, cannot be worn at night, and t onsequefltly, a’ great deal of time is lost by that circumstance. The celebrated Mr. Cooper says in his surgical work upon the subject of the ap plication and use of the Truss, that, “Whoever wears a Truss, should be careful to employ it day and night, without it mission, so that there may be no opportunity for the Hernia to protrude again; for experience has put it beyond all doubt, that by the continual unremitted use of a Truss, and the retention of the contents of the Hernia, the neck of the sack and the ring may be gradually lessened in diameter, until they are orn irely closed, and a radical cure of the rup ture effected.”—This is now ihe opinion of all Surgeons of respectability, and with my Truss, this important injunction of one and all oi the most distinguished Medical men in the world, can tie complied with. In offering my Truss to the afflicted cf Rup ture, I do it confidently, believing, from actual experience in my own person, and that of ivany others, that it is the most valuable instrument ever presented for their use. My opinion upon this subject is corroborated by that of all Physi cians who have examined it, and had an oppor tunity of knowing of the success I have had in relieving and curing ruptures of different kinds.” Various certificates from Physicians of the highest character could be produced in relation to the superiority of this Truss over all others yet presented to the public; but I forbear, and trust that all those who are thus afflicted, will test the value of the instrument by availing them selves of its immediate application. It is simple, convenient, and valuable indeed. JAMES VV. PRICE, n. r. Washington, Dec. 10, 1840. 15—2 t TO PRINTERS & PUBLISHERS. THE subscribers have made arrange ments with tlie manufacturers for keeping on band in this city,, a general assortment of TYPE, PRESSES, CASES, FURNI TURE, and PRINTING MATERIALS generally, which can be furnished to order lat twelve hours notice. We have a suffi- I cient stock now in store, to enable us to put i up a complete News or Job Printing Office, j without being obliged to order any portion from New York. As this Warehouse has I been established at the earnest recommcn dationof many friends in the interior towns we beg leave to claim from them sufficient patronage to enable us to increase and keep up the i stablishment on a scale sufficient to make it an object to all parties. All the above materials are sold on the same terms as in N. York, with the usual charges for insurance, freight & exchange. BURGES & WALKER, 85 East Bay, Charleston, S. C. Dec. 17. 16 ADMINISTRATRIX'S SALE. Will be sold at tlie Court House door of El bert county, on the Ist Tuesday in March next, agreeable to an order ot the Hon orable tlie Inferior Court of said county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, A PART OF THE JLand ante Ye ff roes belonging to the estate of George Wyche, deceased, late of said county, consisting of four negroes, THREE WOMEN & ONE MAN, and one FOURTH PART of an undivided tract of LAND, on Deep Creek, adjoining William Penn and others, con taining Four Hundred and Seventy-Eight acres, more or less. Sold for the benefit of the creditors of said deceased. Terms ; will be made known on the dav of sale. AGATHA WYCHE, Administratrix on the Personal Property, and Administratrix with the Will annexed, on the Peal Estate. December 17. 16 m2m GUARDIAN’S SALE. Will he sold on the FIRST TUESDAY in April next, before the court house door in Wilkes count)', pursuant to an order of the Honorable Inferior Court of said county while sitting for ordinary purpo ses, the following property, to wit: One Tract of Land, containing about six hundred and forty a cres, ihore or less, lying on the waters of j Kettle creek, in Wilkes county, adjoining lands of Bennett, Truitt, and others.— j Sold as the property of William 11. Dan- I icl, decease I, late of said <Sunty, for the j benefit of tlie Minors, of said deceased.— j Terms made known on the day of sale. j KINDRED JACKS, guardian, i December 17, 1840. 16 tds ADMINISTRATORS SALE. Pursuant to an order of the Honorable ihelnfe- i ferior Court of Wilkes county, while sitting | forordinary purposes, will he sold at the Court House in Washington, on tiie First Tuesday in JANUARY next, the following property; to wit, ONE DWELLING HOUSE, with a kitchen attached and a Grocery Store, now in tlie occu pancy of Robert M. Moon ; ONE HOUSE, oc cupied by Dr. Ficklen, and Cotting & Butler; ONE HOUSE, occupied by W. 11. Moon, as a Saddlery—all on Main-street. Also, a HOUSE and LOT, comprising about three acres, adjoining Daniel Lee and others. Also, NINE NEGROES, among whom is an excellent Bricklayer and PUsterer. All being the property oi John lletan, deceased. Terms— -Twelve months credit, bond and fc being given. LEWIS S. BROWN, ) Administra- JOHN 11. DYSON, ) tors. Nov. 2,3840. [Nov. 32. 11. Con. f. In. Press.] ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. j Will be sold at the Court House i:i C.issu’.'e, j Cass county, or. the first Tuesday in Februa- I ry next, agreeable to an order of the Honors- | ble Inferior Court of Wilkes county, while j sitting for ordinary purposes. LOT OF LAND number 531, 19, 3, Cher- j okee originally, now Cass county ALSO, j On the same day, at Cuthbert, in Randolph co. | Lot number 210, in the fourth district, originally Lee, now Randolph county. ALSO, At the Court House door in Wilkes county on the same day (215) two hundred and fifteen a cres of land, more or less, on the waters o! Clark’s creek adjoining Lewis Moure, and others. .Alii belonging to the estate of John Moore, deceased. Terms made known on tiic day of sale. SARAH MOORE, Adm’x. J..P. HAMMOCK, Adm’r. December 3,1810. 9t—l4. ADMINISTRATORS SALE. Agreeable to an order of the Honorable the In ferior Court cf Stewart county, while sitting as a Court of Ordinary, will be sold on the First Tuesday in JANUARY next, at the Court House door in said county, within the usual hours of sale, A NEGRO WOMAN, named Laura, belong ing to the Estate of A. 11. Shepherd, deceased. Said woman sold tor the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said Estate. JAMES M. SMYTHE, Adm’tor. ANNE E. SHEPHERD, Adm’trix. Nov. 5, 18-10. 10 ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Will be sold on the First Tuesday in February next, before the Court-house door, by order of the Hon. the Inferior Court of Wlikes county, between the legal hours of sale, the following property; to-wit, ALL that Tract or Parcel of Laud, known as the Crosby Tract, lying on the waters of Kittle Creek, in said county, belonging to the Estate of William H. Daniel, late of Wilkes county, de ceased. Terms at time of sale. D. W. McJ UNKIN, Administrator. Nov. 19, 1840. 13 EXECUTORS SALE. On the First Tuesday in January, 1841, agree able to the last will and testament of Thomas Dallas, deceased, late of Lincon county, will be sold at the Court House door of said county, SIX HUNDRED ACRES of LAND, more or less, being and lying on the waters of Soap Creek,adjoining lands of Messrs. Guise,Merceer, and Frazer. Terms made known on the day of sale. WILLIAM DALLIS, Executor. REBECCA DALLIS, Executrix. Nov. 5. 1840. 10 PUBLIC SALES. TIN JANUARY. WILKES SHERIFF’S SALE. Will he sold on the First Tuesday in JA NUARY next, before the Court House door in Washington, Wilkes county, between the usual sale hours, the following property ; to Two FEATHER BEDS and FURNITURE, two WALNUT FOLDING TABLES, one PINE TABLE, one SIDEBOARD, one CRA DLE, one SAFE, one CANDLE STAND, six WINDSOR CHAIRS, one lot CROCKERY, five SPLIT BOTTOM CHAIRS, one sett GLASS WARE, one TOILET LOOKING GLASS, one lot oi KITCHEN FURNITURE, one STOVE : all levied on as the property ot William Garvin, by virtue of a Fi. Fa. from the Inferior Court of Wilkes county, on foreclosure of a mortgage, John T. Wootten & Cos. vs. Wil liam Garvin. Property pointed out in Fi. Fa. K. R. ANDERSON, Sheriff. Nov. 3, 1840. 10 WILKES SHERIFF’S SALES. ! Will he sold on the First Tuesday in JAN UARY next, before the Court House Door, between the legal sale hours, the following property, to-wit : ONE set of mahogany dining tables, 6 split boltom chairs, 6 cane bottom ditto, 1 rocking chair, 5 odd chairs, 1 optical glass, 1 portrait, 2 frames, 2 brass candlesticks, i lot glass ware, 2 flower pots, 5 imitation irtnt, 1 lot pictures, 1 small chair, 2 ustrol lamps, 1 marble centre table, 1 side-board, 1 wash bowl and pitcher, 1 lot crockery, 1 lot tin ware, 1 mantle glass, 1 lot bottles, 1 pair brass andirons, 1 pair knife boxes, 1 set tine knives and forks, 1 set small waiters, 1 large cloth press, 1 lot bed cloths, 1 stand, bed curtains, 1 lot window curtains, 2 mahogany bureaus, 2 looking glasses, 1 secretary; 2 wash stands, 1 pair small andirons, 1 small table, 1 lot books, 1 child’s cribb, 3 bedsteads, 2 feather beds, 2 matrasses, 1 hearlli rug, 1 work stand, 1 i lady’s saddle and bridle, 1 bunch of feather., 5 ! wash tables, 2 water pails, 2 bread trays, 1 tea j kittle, 1 oven and lids, 2 pots, 1 skillet, 1 grid iron, 1 pair wafer irons, 1 pair waffle irons, 1 ba ker, 1 dozen pair shoes, i roane- horse, 1 spice mortar, 1 cot, 1 small bed and furniture, 1 lot wai ters, 133 bunches factory thread, 1 iron chest, 1 ; large writing desk, 10 small shawls, 7 silk veils, ‘< 1 lot ribbons, 4 small pieces of silk, 12 pieces of ; white muslin, 8 colored ditto, 1 piece striped cot- ‘ ton goods, 1 piece mole skin, 1 piece striped j drill, 1 small piece satinet, 5 pieces Gircasian, 1 piece crape cambist, 3 pieces milinet, 2 pieces j colored cambric, 1 piece red flannel, 1 small piece calico, 1 lot flax thread, 1 piece white crape, 1 piece black ditto, 8 pair kid skin gloves, 1 piece fringe, 1 box of lace, 1 lot suspenders, 1 box wreaths, 1 lot tuck combs, 1 lot. side ditto, 1 lot wood ditto, 2 pocket books, 1 lot spectacle | cases, 3 shaving brushes, 1 lot buttons, 1 lot court, plaster, 2 papers of pins, 1 box curls, 2 j I bottles of macassar oil, 1 black cravat, 70 pair j I of shoos assorted, 2 paper boxes, 1 portable desk, i | 1 large ink stand, 1 tin box, 3 split bottom chairs, j j 1 shoe punch, 1 pair of steps, 1 lot ol wrapping pa- I per, 1 box wafers, 1 lot quills, 1 lot of plank. ; I Levied on to satisfy a Fi. Fa. issued from the In- j j ferior Court oi Wilkes County, in favor of Wylie, 1 I Lane &. Cos. vs. Lawrence & I’eteet; and sundry \ j other Fi. Fas. against said Lawrence & I’eteet . Property pointed out by Chenoth I’eiect. I ALSO, ONE TRACT of LAND, lying on the waters | of Beaver Dam Creek, in said county, adjoining lands of John Iluguely, Samuel Jones, and others, containing live hundred acres, more or I less : Levied on to satisfy a Fi. Fa. issued from the Superior Court, Lawrence and Peteet vs. Nathan Lyon and Frederick Lawrence ; and sundry other Fi. Fas. against Lyon and Law rence. Property pointed out by Nathan Lvon. ALSO, One set Mahogany Dining Tables, 1 Astro! Lamp, 1 Work-stand, 1 Bureau, 1 Wash-stand, 1 Ward-robe, 1 small Trunk, 1 large do., 2 fea ther beds and furniture, 1 Matrass, 2 Bedsteads, 1 lot Bed-clothing, 4 Towels, 1 Wash-bowl and Pitcher, 1 Looking-glass, 1 Ladies’ Work-box, 1 bunch Feathers, 1 set Window-curtains, 1 Ri ding-whip, 1 box Indelible Ink, 1 Mantle-glass, 1 Table-cloth, 2 pair Shovel and Tongs, 2 pair Andirons, 1 lot Glass-ware, 2 Waiters, 1 Dust ing-brush, 2 pictures and frames, hall’ dozen Split bottomed ('hairs, half dozen Cane-bottomed do., 1 Rocking-chair, 2 Carpets, 1 Hearth-rug, 1 lot Books, 1 Jot Jars, 1 Screw-driver, apart of a bbl. Flour, 1 lot Medicine.-, 1 pair Saddle-bags, 1 lot ! boxes and contents, 2 small Tables, 1 Wash- I bowl and Pitcher, 1 Looking-glass, 1 thunder- j mug, 2 Spur.-, 2 Wash-tubs, 2 Water-buckets, ! I pme Table, 1 Blanket, 1 Bread-tray, 1 Sifter, t iot kitchen furniture, 1 Axe, 1 box Salt, 2 jars- Laru, 1 large Jar, 3 pieces Bacon, 1 Meat-axe, 1 lot Corn, 2 brass Candle-sticks, 1 Garden-rake, 1 Man’s Saddie, 1 iot Cigars, i lot ground Tobac co, 1 iot Pickles, 1 iot Decanters and contents, 1 lot Tumblers and Wine-glasses, 1 lot Glass jars and contents, 2 tumbler Drainers, 1 Britan nia Pitcher, 1 lot Friction-matches, 1 lot Cordials in bottles, 1 lot Porter, 1 lot Malaga Wine in Lotties, 1 lot Preserves, 1 Shaving-box, 5 paint saucers, 1 iot'l'eas, 1 lot variegated Soap, 1 lot i Tin-ware, 1 lot empty boxes, 2 Tobacco-cutters, 2 Nu‘meg-graters, 1 lot Salt in boxes, 1 lot Rai sins, 1 lot bar-soap, 1 Sign-board for bar-room, 1 lot Champagne Wine, 1 lot Ginger, 1 lot Spice, 1 iot Pepper, 2 bottles Stoughton’s Bitters, 1 lot Pipes, 1 bbl. Vinegar, 2 Pitchers, 1 lot water buckets, 1 iot Bottles and Phials, 18 Counter mands and contents, 11 Liquor-stands and con tents, 1 lot chewing Tobacco, 1 lot Starch, 1 iot Copperas, 1 iot Madder, 1 Ice-box and Sign, 1 iot empty barrels, 1 iot loa: Sugar, 1 Augur, 1 lot Garden Seeds, 1 lot Chains and Rope, 1 lot Naiis, 2 pair Scales, 2 large Baskets, 1 iot Split bottomed Chairs, 1 Sand-box and 2 Ink-stauds, 1 glass Lanthern, 1 iot Shot, 1 lot Jugs, llot Nails, and 1 Grocery Sign, sold by an order of Coun, upon sundry attachments, to-wit: Daniel Lee vs. Thomas 11. Lawrence, H. McMillan vs. Thomas 11. Lawrence, Jolin B. Leonard vs. Thomas H. Lawrence, this 10th November, 1840. G. W. JARRETT, Dep. Sheriff. Nov. 19. 12 WILKES SHERIFF’S SALE. Will be sold .it the Court House door in Wash ington, Wi'kes county, on the First Tuesday in January next, between the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: One negro woman by the name of Melia, a bout 30 years of age; one negro woman by the name of Mahala, about 22 years of age; one ne gro boy by the name of George, about 18 years of age ; one small boy by the name of Gilbert, about five years of age ; one crib of corn, one no horn bull, two cows and calves, one steer, one dry cow, one yoke of oxen, yoke and line, one ox cart, 16 pork hogs, three horses and 1 colt, two bridles, one tract of land in said county of Wilkes, lying on Clark’s creek, adjoining Hill and others, containing three hundred and Siirty six acres, more or less ; all levied on by an exe cution issued from the Inferior Court of Wilkes county, in the name of John Wilkerson vs. Ar chibald Little, and sundry other Fi. Fas against said Little. Property pointed out by said Wil kerson, thiß 24th November, 1840. ALSO, On* tract of LAND in aid county, on the waters of Kettle creek, adjoining lands of Kin dred Jacks, Daniel, and others, containing 280 acres, more or less ; levied on to satisfy a ri. fa. from tlie Superior Court, John Crosby vs. D. W. McJunkin, administrator of William H. Dan iel, deceased : Proporty pointed out by said D. VV. McJunkin. GEORGE W. JARRETT, and. s. November 28, 1840. WILKES SHERIFF’S SALE. Will be sold on the First Tuesday in JAN UARY next, at tlie Court House Door, in the town of Washington, Wilkes county, within the usual Bale hours, the following property ; to wit, One HOUSE and LOT, in tlie town of Wash ington, occupied by Francis T. Willis, also tlie HOUSE occupied by the said Willis as a Store ; both adjoining Burton, l’elott, and others ; also one other small STORE HOUSE, lately occu pied by Lawrence &, Peteet, adjoining the above ! named lot. All levied on as the property of Lawrence & Peteet. ALSO, The STORE HOUSE and LOT, formerly oc cupied by Thomas 11. Lawrence, adjoining the above descr.bed lots, John D. Thompson, and others. Levied on as the property ot Frederick Lawrence. All fronting tlie Public Square in said town of Washington. ALSO, At the same tune and place, Tlie HOUSE and LOT occupied by Chcuoth Peteet, fronting the Methodist Church, adjoining Samuel Anthony, Alfred L. Boren, and others. | levied on as tlie property of Chenoth Peteet ALSO, At the same time and place, ONE LOT, or Parcel of Land in said county of Wilkes, adjoining Jesse Callaway, Micajali ‘J'. Anthony, and Thomas Scmmes, containing twenty-four acres, more or less : levied oa as the property ot Lawrence & Peteet. All tlie above property levied on to satisfy sun dry Fi. Fas. issued from the Superior Court of Wilkes county, in the name of Parker Callaway, and Charles L. Bolton ; and two in favor of Clarke, McTier & Cos., vs. said Lawrence & Peteet. Property pointed out by Chenoth Peteet. THUS. R. EIDSON, Deoutv Sheriff Nov. 19, 1840. 12 WILKES SHERIFF’S SALE. Will be sold on the FIRST TUESDAY in Jan uary next, at the Court House door in. the town of Washington, Wilkes County, the fol lowing property ; to wit: One tract of'LAND containing two hun ! drecl and fifty acres, more or less, adjoin ing lands of John L. Wynn, and others; levied on as the property of John 11. But ler, by virtue of a fi. fa. from Elbert In ferior Court, William Hubbard, indorsee, vs. Nathan Butler, maker, and John 11. Butler, indorser: property pointed out hv John 11. Butler. ALSO, I One tract of LAND adjoining Western ;G. Williams and others, containing one ! hundred acres, more or less; levied on as I the property of George Turner, by virtue iof a fi. fa. from Wilkes Inferior Court, j William Pool vs. George Turner; proper -1 ty pointed out by A. I). Statham. E. It. ANDERSON, Sheriff. November 30, 1840. W iiixes Sheriff ‘s Sales. IN FEBRUARY. WILKES SHERIFF’S SALE. Will be sold at the Court House door in the i I town of Washington, on the first Tuesday in ! | February next, between the usual hours cf | | sale, the following property ;to wit, I One negro man named Larkin, about 23 j ! years of age; Eugenia a woman, about ; 20 years of age; Isam a boy, about 27 years j old ; Rachel a girl, about 16 years old ; j Lucy a girl, about 16 years old ; Charles j a boy, about 12 years old ; Clarissa a girl, j about 14 years old; Nancy a girl, about : 6 years old ; Tom a boy, about 8 years old ; ! Gyrus a boy, about 3 yeas old; Lucinda j a girl, about 10 years old ; Caty a girl, a | bout 10 days old; 2 road wagons, one ox ’ wagon, one cart, one pleasure carriage, I two sets of wagon harness, twenty sets of j plough gear, 20 ploughs, 600 barrels corn, 20 stacks fodder, 20,0001bs oats, 50 bags cotton, one cotton gin, one negro man by the name of Jim, one woman by the name of Suckoy, about 50 years of age ; Ander son a boy, about 14 years old ; Bill a man about 25 years old ; Green a boy, about 20 years old ; George a man, about 80 years old ; Mary a woman, about 30 years oid ; Nicholas a boy, about 10 years old ; Lou isa a girl, about 12 years old; Sophia a girl, about 8 years old; and two small children of (lie same family ; Frank a man about 26 years old ; Rosanna a woman, about 23 years old ; Cynthia a girl, about 20 years old; Huldah a girl, about 20 years old ; George a man, about 40 years old ; Susa a woman, about 33 years old ; Edmund a man, about 33 years old ; Gin nett a woman, about 28 years old ; Ed mond a boy, about 12 years old; Sarah Ann a girl, about 14 years old; John a boy, about 10 years old : Emily a gril, about seven years old; Ben, a boy, a bout one year old ; Hetty a girl, about 4 years old ; Rachel a woman, about 50 years old ; Silvy a woman, about 50 years old ; Laeassey a girl, about Iff years old ; Mil ly a girl, about 16 years old ; Ann a girl, about 14 years old ; Adeline ogirl, about 12 years old ; Harry a boy, about 2 years old ; Burwell a man, about 28 years old ; Jerry a man, about 25 years old; Ned a boy, about 10 years old; Silvy a girl, a bout 8 years old ; John Henry a boy about one year old ; Hester a girl, about three years old ; Sarah a woman, about 25 years old ; Sam a boy, about 10 years old ; San ders a boy, about 8 years old; Frank a boy, about six years eld ; Sophia a girl, about two years old ; Mitchel a boy, about nine years old; Claiborne a man, about 22 years old ; Dick a boy, about 18 years old ; Ned a boy, about 16 years old ; Her cules a mag, about 46 years old ; and an other named Hercules, about 20 years old; Esther a woman, about 46 years old; Dol ly a girl, about eighteen years old; Fan ny a girl, about 16 years old; Sarah a girl, about 14 years old ; Julia a girl, a bout 12 years old; Abram a boy, about 10 years old; and two other small children of the srme family ; Stephen a man, about 30 years old ; Gophnia a woman, about 30 years old ; Reuben a boy, about 2 years old ; George a boy, about 6 months old ; Oliver a boy, about 4 years old; Frances a girl, about one year old; Caroline a girl, about 6 years old; eight beds, bed steads and furniture, half dozen mahogony chairs, one rocking chair, half doz. cane bottom chairs, one sofa, one bureau, one set tables, one folding table, three birch tables, one and a half dozen .split bottom chairs, one spinning machine, one lot of crockery ware, one lot kitchen ware, four pair shovel and tongs, one large mantle gluss, one astral lamp, twenty heud of horses, five colts, 7 mules, two hundred and fifty head of hogs, eighty head of cat tle, fifty heud of sheep, and 2 tea tables ; levied on as the property of Chenoth Pe teet, to satisfy a fi. fa. on tiie foreclosure of a mortgage, Daniel Lee, vs. said Peteet, property pointed out in said fi. fa.—Proper ty left in possession of defendant by order of the plaintiff'. GEO: W. JARRETT, and. s. November 28, 1840. Eibert Sheriff’s Sales. IN JANUARY. Will he sold on the first TUESDAY in January next, at the Court House door in Elbert county, between the legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: All the INTEREST of Henry H. Cosby and John T. Clark in the house and lot sit uated in tlie town of Elbcrton, lately occu pied by Henry iL Cosby; to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor oi'William Mills vs. said Cos j by, “and Thomas F. Willis and Madison j Hudson,administrators of said Jno.T. Clark, I deceased, and sundry other fi. fa's, vs 1 said Cosby and the administrators of said ! Clark. also, At tlie same time and place, one Gray Horse, about ten years old, undone hun ! dred acres of Land, more or less, on the | waters of big Cold water creek ; to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Thomas Oliver, vs. John Higginbotham. ALSO, At the same lime and place, one hun dred and fifty acres of Land, more or less, on the waters of North Bcaverdam creek, four cows and yearlings, about thirty head of sheep, and twenty barrels of corn, moro or less ; levied on as the pi'operty of Tho mas Haynes and William D. I’.ynes, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Gabriel Booth vs. said Thomas Haynes and William D. Haynes, and sundry other fi. fa’s. vs. said ; Thomas and William D. Haynes. ALSO, At the same time and place, one Sorrel Mare, eight years old, one forty-saw cot ton gin, one lot castings (38 pieces,) and j twenty-five barrels corn, more or less; le i vied on as the property of Wiley Nelms, to | satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of James B. Bish , op, and sundry other fi. fa's vs. said Nelms. ALSO, At the same time and place, three hun dred and seventy acres of Land, adjoining j lands of Moses Manley and others, on the waters of Beaverdam creek; levied on as the property of Angus Johnson, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Snowden & Shear, and sundry other fi. fa’s vs. said Johnson. ALSO, ! At the same time and place, one negro | man named Dennis, eighteen years old ; | levied on as the property of William B. j Dudley, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of John j J. Huggins vs. said Dudley, and sundry other fi. fa’s vs. said Dudley. WM. 11. ADAMS, Sheriff. November 27, 1840. ELBERT SHERIFF’S SALE. Will be sold on the first TUESDAY in January next, at the Court House door in Elbert county, within the legal sale hours, the following property, to wit: A negro girl named Frances, about 13 years old, and one hundred and ninety six and a quarter acres of land, more or less; all levied on as the property of William Bell, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of James Oliver, and sundry fi. fa's from Justices’ courts—the negro pointed out by Janies Oliver, and the land levied on by a Con stable, and pointed out by the defendant. ALSO, At the same time and pli*ce, a negro woman named Eliza, about twenty years old, and three hundred acres of land, more or less, on the waters of Falling creek : levied on as the property of Jacob Cox, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of John A. H. Harper (bearer,) vs. Jacob Cox and Clem ent Wilkins security on stay of execution : Property pointed out by Y. L. G. Harris, plaintiff’s attorney. ALSO, At the same time and place, one BAY HORSE, about eight years old ; levied on as the property of Oliver Crawford, to sat isfy a fi. fa. in favor of Lindsay Oglesby, vs. said Crawford: Property pointed out by defendant. THOMAS F. WILLIS, and. s. November 26, 1840. ELBERT SHERIFFS SALE. Will be sold on the first TUESDAY in January next, at the Court House door of Elbert county, between the usual sale hours, the following property, to wit: Three NEGROES, the property of Al fred M. Neal, one by the name of Jint, a boy, sixteen years old ; Richard and Vi anna, nine years old ; levied on to satisfy fi. la’s. vs. said Alfred M. Neal. ALSO, Three NEGROES, as the property of James Prather, one a woman, by the name of Nancy, one a girl by the name of Rose, and the other a boy, by the name of Henry; levied on to satisfy sundry fi fa’s. vs. said James Prather. ALSO, One yoke of Oxen, one cart, one clay bank mare, and one bay mare ; levied on as the property of John Farmer, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of John Jones vs. said John Farmer. also, Two hundred acres of Land, more or . less, on the waters ofColdwater creek, ad i joining lands of Ralph Gaines and others? i levied on as the property of Reuben Wans lew, to satisfy sundry fi. fa’s. vs. said Reuben Wanslew. . ALSO, ts All the legal INTEREST of Allen Mc- Gee in one hundred and ninety-six acres* of land, on the waters of Coldwater creek, adjoining lands of James Carpenter and o thers, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Willi am White, vs. said Allen McGee. WM. JOHNSTON, n. s. November 30, 1840. ELBERT SHERIFF’S SALK. r W’ill be sold on the first TUESDAY in Fe buary next, at the Court House door in in Elbert county, within tiie legal hours of sale, the following property to wit: Three NEGROES, Lace and Elbert, men, and Amy a woman ; levied on as the property of John Beck, to satisfy a mort gage fi. fa. in favor of Lindsey Harper vs. said John Beck: Property pointed out in said fi. fa. WM. JOHNSTON, and. s. November 27, 1840. PUBLIC NOTICES. To Debtors and Creditors. ALL persons indebted to the Estate of JAMES C. TALBOT, deceased, are required to make immediate payment; and those having demands against the said Estate, are notified to present them within the time prescribed bylaw. SARAH TALBOT, Adm’x. December 10,1840. 6t 15 To Debtors and Creditors. All persons indebted to the Estate of BENJAMIN CATCHINGS. deceased, are required to make immediate payment ; and those having demands against the said Es tate, are notified to present them within the . time prescribed by law. ANN ARNETT. Nov. 12,1840. 11. Administratrix. To Debtors and Creditors. All persons indebted to the Estate of MIL DRED CARLETON, deceased, are re quested to make immediate payment ; and those having demands against the said Es tate, are notified to present them within the time prescribed by law. ANN ARNETT, Nov 12, 1840. 11. Administratrix. To Debtors anti Creditors. ALL pci'sons having demands against the estate of JOHN T. DENT, deceased, late of Wilkes county, arc required to pre sent them, well authenticated, within the time prescribed by law, —and those indebt ed to said estate, are requested to make immediate payment. THOMAS BLAKEY, Adm’r. December 3, 1840. 14—6t< ( MONTHL¥ NOTICES. Months after date, application will be made to the Hon. the Interior Court of Stewart county, while sitting as a Court of Ordi nary, for leave to sell a NEGRO WOMAN, named Laura, belonging to the ESTATE of A. H. SHEPHERD, deceased. Said woman sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said Estate. JAMES M. SMYTHE, Adm’tor. ANNE E. SHEPHERD, Adm’trix. Washington, Wilkes, Oct. 8, 1840. (6) Months alter date, application wi:l he . made to the Hon. the Inferior Court of Elbert county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the LANDS belonging to the ESTATE of JOHN M. WHITE, sen., dec eased, late of Elbert county. EI*PY WHITE, Adm. on the Reai Estate. October 29, 1840. 9 |( , OUR Months alter date, application will be -*• made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Wilkes County, while sitting as a Court of Ordi nary, for leave to sell a PART of the REAL ESTATE of WILLIAM 11. DANIEL de ceased, late of said county. 1). W. McJUNKIN. Admin. Oct. 29, 1840. 9 Months after date, application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Wilkes county, while sitting for ordinary pur poses for leave to sell a NEGRO GIRL, named Charity, belonging to the ESTATE of WIL LIAM GRESH AM, deceased. IIENIIY F. ELLINGTON, Adminis trator with tiie will annexed. October 29, 1840. 9 4m. GEORGIA: j AAf HEREAS Lewis S. Wilkes County. > ** Brown and John H. mb for fitters dismissory from the ESTATE of HARRIS SANDIFORD, deceased : This is, tlierelore, to cite, summon, and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, (if any they have,) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my band at office, tills 11th of August, 1840. JOHN 11. DYSON, C. C. O. (Nov. 12. Jl. 2i. Conti, trbm Imlep. Press.) GEORGIA, J VV'HEREAS Srimuel • Uar - Wtikes County. > nett applies tor Letters Elizabeth H. Worsham. These are, therefore, to cite, summon, and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, (if any they have,) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 24th of July, 1840. JOHN 11. DYSON, Cleric, ‘’ Court of Ordinary. [Nov. 12. 11. It Contin. from Indep. Press.] GEORGIA, i VMjriIEREAS Hugh Ward, Wilkes County. > * * Administrtaor on theES QUINLAN, deceased, applies for Letters of dismission from said Estate. These are, therefore, to cite, summon, and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and ap pear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, (if any they have,) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 7th day of September, 1840. JOHN H. DYSON, Clerk Court of Ordinary. [Nov. 12. 11. 3t. Con. from Indep. Press.] . ADMINISTRATRIX’S SALE. Will be sold on Thursday the 31st day of Dtf cember next, at the residence of the late Mrs. Benedict Ann Crews, in Wilkes county, all the perishable property of said deceased, consisting ot Household and Kitchen Furniture, Plantation Utensils, together with the crop of Cotton, Corn, Fodder, Oats, Potatoes, Peas, &c. Terms, all , sums under $5. cash, over that sum 12 months ” credit. ELIZA MANKIN Adm’x. I Nov 20 13