Newspaper Page Text
■'■>■• TA"-,- _ -
Dear Sir :—Flavin*’ read a piece in 1 lie*
Gazette headed “ Profit of Manure,” three
or four weeks ago, shewing the value ot
Manure for making cotton, I have conclu
ded to give you another instance. But I
am a very poor scholar and not accustomed
t * write trthe I’uhlic. Ifyoti publish tins
please correct the errors of composition.—
’The instance to which I refer is that of a
planter iri the Pee Dee country, with whose i
manner of planting I first became ac<]ttain- i
ted in 183 1. He planted that year 155 a- j
eres, and manured 25 or 30. lie gathered
*O.OOO pounds of seed cotton. He deter
mined to make more manure than he hith
erto had done, and for that purpose took 3 :
old negroes of little value for any thing j
else. But his manure being all put on !
his corn land, lie made in 1835, only 65,-
000 pounds of seed cotton. The number of j
acres planted was 147. In 1830 he plant
ed 135 acres in cotton (20 less than in 18-
31) manured 80 acres, and made 82,000
pounds of seed cotton, (2000 more than in
183 1.) The same year he manured 25 a-!
eres of corn land. In 1837 he planted in j
cotton 170 acres, of which he manured on
]y 33 acres, putting his manure on the corn j
land, lb* made 03,000 pounds of seed I
cotton. On the 33 acres manured, he made
03,000 pounds ofseed cotton. On the 33
acres manured, lie made 29,080 pounds.—
Eluding his manured land planted in cot
ton do so well in 1837, he determined in
1838 to plant no more than lie could ma
nure. He that year manured and planted
125 acres ; from which he gathered 100,-
452 pounds of seed cotton. In 1839 he
planted 125 acres, manured nearly all,
and made 106,597 pounds ofseed cotton. —
‘Phc present year (18 10) he planted 123 a- j
eres; manured the whole. Product 91,-
491 pound seed cotton. Notwithstanding ;
that the past has been a very unfavorable!
season for cotton, part of a field which had !
been planted in cotton three years in sue- j
cession, produced 1000 pounds to the acre I
A.\ Eve Witness.
Dec. 26, 1840.
Wo thank “An Eye Witness’’ for his j
communication. Cannot others follow the j
example ? Facts like those stated by him j
must exert an influence for good upon old
fashioned farmers and planters, who cannot
■spare time to make manure. Why do such j;
men spare time to hoe their cotton or thin
it! Because, they reply, they thereby j
make more cotton than they could by cm
ploying the same labor at the same time in j
auy other way. Well, if they can make j
more cotton by bestowing part of their la- i
bor upon making anil spreading manure j
than by employing it in any other way, why
not do so ? Editor.
To Debtors and Creditors.
All persons indebted to the Estate of
JOHN \Y. JONES, deceased, are re
quested to make immediate payment ; and
those having demands against the said Es
tate, are notified to present them within the
time prescribed by law.
January 7, 1841. (it 19
To Debtors and Creditors.
\LL persons indebted to die Kstate of JOHN
C. DODSON, late of Wilkes county, de
ceased, are required to make immediate pay
ment, and those having demands against the said
Kstate, are notified to present them, duly authen
ticated, within the time prescribed by law.
SAMUEL DODSON, y hx rs ‘
January 14. fit 20
To Debtors and Creditors.
V LI. persons indebted to the Estate of JAMES
BOATWRIGHT, late of Wilkes county,
deceased, are required to make immediate pay
ment ; and those having demands against the
said Estate, are notified to present them within
the time prescribed bv law for payment.
Z. SMITH, Adm’r.
January 11. fit 20
To Debtors and Creditors.
ALL persons indebted to the Estate of BEN
EDICTINE CREWS, late of Wilkes
county, deceased, are requested to make imme
diate payment, and those having demands a
gainst the said Estate, are notified to present the
same in terms of the law for payment
ELIZA MANKIN, Adin’x. with the
Jan. 14. fit 20 Will annexed.
GEORGIA : t HE RE AS Stephen G.
Wilkes County. ’’ Pettus, and John Pet-
j tus, apply to me for Letters
of dismission as Administrators on the Estate of
Charles Pettus, deceased, late of said county.
This is, therefore, to cite, summon, and
admonish, all and singular, the kindred and
creditors of said deceased, to be and appear .at my
office within the time prescribed by law, to show
cause, (if any they have,) why said letters should
not he granted.
Given under my hand at office, this 4th of
January, 1841. JOHN 11. DYSON, C. C. O.
Jan. 7. mfim
11 tikes County. £ * * Greene, Executor of
applies for Letters of dismission.
These are, therefore, to cite, summon,
and admonish, all and singular, the kindred
and creditors of said deceased,to be and appear at
my office, within the time prescribed by law, to
show cause, (if any they have,) why said letters
should not be granted.
Given under my hand at office, this 12th of
Jan. I*ll. JOHN H. DYSON, Clerk c. o.
Months after date, application will be
made to the Honorable the Inferior Court ot
Wilkes County, while sitting as a Court of Ordi
nary, for leave to sell a PART of the REAL
ceased, late of said county.
P- W. McJUNKIN. Admin.
Oct 29, I*lo. 9
Wilkes Sheriff’s Sales.
’ W ill lie sold on the First Tuesday in FEB
RUARY next, before the (’ourt House deta
in Washington, Wilkes county, between the
usual sale hours, the following property ; to
One Tract of Land, lying and being in
! said county, on the waters of Kettle creek,
| containing thirty-nine bund red and seventy j
: acres more or lefts, bounded as follows, to- ‘
wit: On the North by lands of Arden Ev
-1 ans and Seaborn Hammock, on the East by j
I William Slayton and Samuel Jones, on (he
! South by Thomas Truitt, and on the West 1
1 by the Estate of Cunningham Daniel. The i
above tract of Land levied on as the prop- I
! orty ofClienoth Peteet, to satisfy an execu- !
j tion issued from the Superior Court of j
! Wilkes county in favor of Thomas H. Law- ,
J reueo vs. John S. Combs and Chcnoth 1
Peteet. and sundry other executions vs.
| said Peteet and others, property pointed out
In said Peteet.
TIIOS. It. EIDSON, D. Sheriff.
I December 31. 18
- ~
W ill he sold at the Court House door in the
town ot Washington, on the first Tuesday in
February next, between the usual hours of 1
sale, the following property ; to wit,
One tract or parcel of land lying in said coun
ty of Wilkes, on the waters of Jleaverdam creek,
adjoining lands of Stephen (i. l’ettus, James It.
Du Bose and others, containing live hundred and
fifty acres, more or less, it lie mg the same tract
of land conveyed by James R. Du Bose to ('lie
notli Peteet, hy deed hearing date the seven
teenth day ot November, 1837 ; levied on bv
virtue of an execution issued from the Superior;
Court of said county, Clark, .WeTier & Cos. vs.
Lawrence & Peteet, and other Fi. Fa’s, against
said Lawrence & Peteet: Propelty pointed out !
by Chcuoth I’etee*.
One negro man by the name of KI.VCH, a
boiit titty years of age; levied on by an e.xecu
t on issued from the Interior Court of said conn- j
ty, ('ozart, Burton tV Cos. lor the use of Green i
P. Cezart, vs. John 15. I zmnard and John 15. i
Green, executors, and Marv Lennard, executrix
of John 15. Leonard, deceased; levied on as the j
property of John 15. Lennard: Property pointed
out by 0. I*. (-ozart.,
One tract of land m said county of Wilkes, :
lying on the waters of Newlord creek, adjoining i
lands ot James Hinton, and others, containing j
four hundred and fifty acres, more or less; also, |
one other tract of land in said county of Wi'kes, :
lying on tiie waters of Newford creek, adjoining j
lands of Richard Bradford, and others, contain- j
ing two hundred and fifty-tour acres, more or \
less; all levied on as the property of John 11.
Burks, to satisfy a Fi. Fa. issued from the Su
perior Court of said county, Thomas Anderson, j
fertile use of John Peter’s, vs. John 11. Burks
and other Fi. Fa's, against said John 11. Burks:
Property pointed out b\ said ISurks.
One house and lot in the town of Washington,
fronting the public square, and adjoining Brad- I
ford Merry and others; levied on by - irtue oi a !
Fi. Fa. issued from the Superior Court of Wilkes !
county, Thomas 11. Lawrence vs. William S. j
Thomas, and other Fi. Fa’s against said Thomas;
Proper!v pointed out bv plaintiff’s attornev.
January 2, 1 84 1. ift
Will be sold on the First Tuesday in FEB- I
RUARY next, before the Court House Door, !
between the legal sale hours, the following i
property, to-wit:
rpiIREE thousand iHHinds seed Cotton, more j
A or less, twenty barrels corn, more or less, j
and two bay horses ; all levied on as the proper- |
ty of Daniel W. Standard, by virtue of a Fi. Fa. j
from Wilkes Superior Court, Joel B. Sutton vs. j
Daniel W. Standard, William L. Standard, Lew- j
is Collins, and Jhn S. Moss, security : Proper
ty pointed out by J). W. Standard.
At the same time and place, Twenty barrels
corn, more or less, one stack of (odder, one bale :
cotton; levied on as the property of Seaborn j
Milligan, by virtue of a Fi. Fa. from Wilkes So- i
lienor Court, John Wilkinson, vs. Seaborn Mil- j
ligan and Richard 11. Norman: Property point
ed out by said Milligan. * l
One tract of Land, lying and being on the wa- i
ters of Broad Rive-, in said county, containing
one hundred and sixty-three (103) acres, more
: or less, adjoining lands of William Sutton, Nim
rod Waller and others; levied on as the proper
ty of Thomas J. Oglesby, by virtue of a Fi. Fa.
from Wilkes Superior Court, Gilson Hopkins
vs. Thomas J. Oglesby, Joseph J,. Oglesbv and
Stephen A. Johnson: Property pointed out by
Gilson Hopkins.
January 1, 1841.
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in February
next, at the same place, the following propertv,
DLE, one SAFE, one CANDLE STAND, six
five SPLIT BOTTOM CHAIRS, one sett
one STOVE: all levied on as the property of
William Garvin, by virtue of a Fi. Fa. from the
Inferior Court of Wilkes county, on foreclosure
of a mortgage, John T. VVootten & Cos. vs. Wil
liam Garvin. Propertv [minted out in Fi. Fa.
E. R. ANDERSON, Sheriff
Nov. 3, 1840. 10
Will be sold on the First Tuesday in FEBRU
ARY next, at the Court House Door, in the
town of Washington, Wilkes county, within
the usual sale hours, the following property ;
to wit,
One negro man named Larkin, about 23
years of age; Eugenia a woman, about
20 years of age; Isarn a boy, about 27 years
old; Rachel a girl, about 16 years old ;
Lucy a girl, about 16 years old; Charles
a boy, about 12 years old ; Clarissa a girl,
about 14 years old; Nancy a girl, about
6 years old ; Tom a boy, about 8 years old ;
Cyrus a boy, about 3 years old ; Lucinda
a girl, about 10 years old ; Caty a girl, a
bout 10 days old; 2 road wagons, one ox
wagon, one cart, one pleasure carriage,
two sets of wagon harness, twenty sets of
plough gear, 20 ploughs, 600 barrels corn,
20 stacks fodder, 20,0001bs oats, 50 bags
cotton, one cotton gin, one negro man by
the name of Jim, one woman by the name
of Suekey, about 50 years of ago ; Ander
son a hoy, about 14 years old ; Bill a man
about 25 years old ; Green a boy, about 20
years old ; George a man, about 30 years
old ; Mary a woman, about 30 years old ;
Nicholas a hoy, about 10 years old ; Lou
isan girl, about 12 years old ; Sophia a
girl, about 8 years old; utid two small
j children of the same family ; Frank u man
about 26 years old ; Rosanna a woman,
about 23 years old ; Cynthia a girl, about
j 20 years old; iluldnli a girl, about 20
; years old ; George a man, about 40 years
j old ; Susa a woman, aliout 33 years old ;
Edmund a man, about 33 years old ; Gin
| nett a woman, about 28 years old ; Ed-
I moud a boy, about 12 years old; Sarah
Anna girl, about 14 years old; John a
hoy, about 10 years old : Emily a gril,
j about seven years old ; Ben, a boy, a
! bout one year old ; Hetty a girl, about 1
years old ; Rachel a woman, about 50 years
! old ; Silvy a woman, about 56 years old ;
I Lacassoy a girl, about 12 years old ; Mil- 1
ly a girl, about 16 years old ; Ann a girl, ‘
about 14 years old ; Adeline o girl, about
12 years old ; Harry a hoy, about 2 years
old ; Burwell a man, about 28 years old ; j
Jerry a man, about 25 years old ; Ned a j
ly, about 10 years old ; Silvy a girl, a- j
! bout 8 years old ; John Henry a hoy aliout -
i one year old ; Hester a girl, about three ■
! years old ; Sarah a woman, about 25 years
j old ; Sam a boy, aliout 10 years old ; San- 1
ders a boy, about 8 years old ; Frank a
boy, about six years old ; Sophia a girl, i
about two years old ; Mitcliel a hoy, about ;
nine years old ; Claiborne a man, about |
22 years old ; Dick a boy, about 18 years -
old ; Ned a hoy. about 16 years old ; Her
cules a mail, about 46 years old ; and an- j
j other named Hercules, about 20 years old; j
Esther a woman, about -16 years old ; Dol- j
i ly a girl, about eighteen years old; Fan- j
iiy a girl, about 16 years old; Sarah a j
; girl, about 14 years old ; Julia a girl, a
| bout 12 years old; Abram a hoy, about 10 j
years old ; and two other small children j
ofthesrme family; Stephen a man, about j
150 years old ; <fophnia a woman, about 30
j years old ; Reuben a boy, about 2 years
1 old ; George a boy, about 6 months old ; .
Oliver a hoy, about 4 years old : Frances I
a girl, about one year old ; Caroline a |
girl, about 6 years old ; eight beds, bed-,
steads and furniture, half fiozen mahogoiiv
chairs, one rocking chair, half doz. cane!
bottom chairs, one sofa, one bureau, one’
set tables, one folding table, three birch !
tables, one and a half dozen split bottom
chairs, one spinning machine, one lot of
crockery ware, one lot kitchen ware, four j
pair shovel and tongs, one large mantle I
glass, one astral lamp, twenty head of!
horses, five colts, 7 mules, two .hundred j
and fifty head of hogs, eighty head of cat
tle, fifty head of sheep, and 2 tea tables; !
levied on as the property of Chenoth Pe- j
teet, to satisfy a fi. fa. on the foreclosure of!
a mortgage, Daniel Lee, vs. said Peteet,
property pointed out in said fi. fa.—Proper- \
ty left in possession of defendant by order ;
ol'the plaintiff.
GEO: W. JARRETT. p. s. i
November 28, 1940.
\\ ill fie sold at the Court House door in Wash*
j ington, Wdkes comity, on the First Tuesday
in February next, between (lie usual hours of ,
sale, the following property, to wit:
One Tract or parcel of Land, lying in the :
I county of Wilkes, on the waters of Weaverdarn ;
1 creek and Little River, adjoining Lands former
j lv in possession of David P. Hillhouse, lands of!
| Stephen G. Pettus, lands formerly owned by !
i Andrew G. Seiiinies. and lands of John Bell. ‘
j containing tour hundred and sixty acres, (460) i
1 more or less. .ALSO, one tract or parcel of Land
! in Wilkes county, adjoining Lands of Stephen
! G. Pettus on two sides, lands of Win. F. Baker, !
j and lands now owned by Clienoth l’eteet, con- !
i tabling seventy-live acres more or less, and lor- !
inerlv owned by the estate of David Butler, le
! vied on as the property of Clienoth Peteet, to sat
isfy a fi. fa. issued from the Superior Court of
said county, Alfred Nichols, vs. Win. L. Wal
lace and Chenoth Peteet. and sundry other fi. fas.
Pointed out by Chenotli Peteet. Dec. 30th, 1810.
G. W. JARRETT, Dep. Sheriff
| _ Dec. 31 18
’ II ill be sold at the C ourt House door, in \\ asb
ington, Wilkes county, on the First Tuesday
in February next, at the usual hours of sale,
[ the following property ;to wit,
One tract ot LAND in said countv, on the
i waters of Kettle creek, adjoining lands of Kin
j dred Jacks, Daniel, and others, containing 280
: acres, more or less ; levied on to satisfy a fi. fa.
. from the Superior Court, John Crosby vs. D.
;W. McJunkin, administrator of William’ll. Dan
j iel, deceased : Property pointed out by said D.
W. McJunkin. To be paid for in Specie.
Jan. 1,1841. 19
I Will be sold on the FIRST TUESDAY in Feb
ruary next, at the Court House door in the
| town of Washington, Wilkes County, the fol
! lowing property ;to wit:
One negro woman by the name of MEDIA,
about thirty years of age ; levied on by virtue
ofaFi. Fa. from the Inferior Court, John Wil
kinson vs. Archibald Little, and sundrv other
Fi. Fa’s, against said Little.
All William B. Little’s interest in a negro boy
by the name of GEORGE, about eighteen years
of age, the same being one third of the remain
der after the lifetime interest of Mrs. Little;
levied on by virtue of a Fi. Fa. B. W. Hender
son vs. William B. Little. Property pointed nut
by plaintiff’s attorney.
January 7, 1841.
I— 1
Will be sold at the Court House door, in Wash
ington, Wilkes county, on the First Tues
day in March next, at the usual hours of sale,
the following property, to wit,
One fifty-saw Cotton Gin, one Gin Band, one
Gin Wheel, 3 Cows, 2 yearlings, 1 bay Mare, 1
bay Gelding, 4 plough Hoes, 2 sett plough Gear,
a few hundred pounds of Oats, 1 crib of Corn, 1
lot of Seed Cotton, 1 Shot Gun, 2 pine Tables,
1 pine Slab, 1 Cupboard, 2 Sows and 2 Slioats,
and 1 two-horse Wagon, levied on by virtue of a
mortgage fi. fa. issued from the Inferior Court of
Wilkes county, James Jones vs. John Thornton.
j Property pointed out in said fi. fa., this Ist Janua-
Jan. 1, 18-11. i<)
Will be sold at the Court House door in Wash
ington Wilkes county, on the First Tuesday in
March next, at the usual hours of sale, “the
following property, to wit.
Twenty-one head of Hogs, five head of
: Cattle, one Road-wagon, five set of wagon
1 harness, two Horses and one Colt, six split
bottomed Chairs, one bed anil bed cord, one
quilt, two pots,one skillet and lid, and one
cupboard, levied on as the property of A
lexauder Brown, to satisfy a mortgage fi.
fa. issued from the Inferior Court of Wilkes
county, in favor of John C. Dodson, proper
ty pointed out in said fi. fa. and left in the
possession of John Dodson, administrator of
John C. Dodson, deceased.
THUS. R. EIDSON, I). Sh’ff
Dec. 31. 18
Lincoln Sheriff’s Sales.
1 Y V 1<: 1J RUA RY.
Will he sold before the Court House drier
in Linuolnton, Lincoln county, on the
first Tuesday in February next, between
the usual hours of sale, the following
| property, to wit:
Four negroes, viz : Jeff, a boy about 18
] years old ; Willis, a boy aliout 12 years
j old; llcnnv, a girl aliout 16 years old;
; Eliza, a girl about 10 years old; levied
on as the property of William C. Dent, to
. satisfy a li. fa. in favor of Speed At Hester
S survivors &e. vs. William C. Dent, and
j sundry other fi. fas. in my possession vs.
J said Dent.
One hundred acres of land, more or less,
j on the waters of Broad River, adjoining
I lauds of Dennis B. Dallis and others; le
vied on as the property of Win. C. Dent, to
satisfy sundry ti. fas. from a Justices’ !
court of the 188th district, in favor of;
Speed, Hester and Tate, vs. William C.
Dent, and sundry* other fi. fas. in mv pos-;
session, vs. said Dent: property pointed
out by defendant—levy made and return- ■
ed to mo hy a constable.
At the same time and place, will be sold, j
eight negroes, to wit: Stephen, a boy a- j
bout twenty-two years old, Randal, a” hoy i
about nineteen years old, Joseph, a boy !
about sixteen years old, Frances, a woman j
twenty years old, and her two children,
Manda, a girl about five years old. and j
Jane a girl, about two years old, Syivv, a j
woman about thirty years old, and Lizc,
a woman twenty years old : levied on as j
the property of Guilford Pullen, to satisfy
sundry fi. fa's, in favor of Speed & Hester,
survivors, Arc. vs. Guilford Pullen, Drury
B. Cade, vs. Guilford Pullen, Tlios. .Sim- i
tnons vs. George L. Woodard and Guilford j
Pullen, Speed <A, Hester, survivors, A'c. vs.
George L. Woodard and Guilford Pullen,
Enos Tate vs. G. Pullen, and sundry other *
fi. fas. vs. said Pullen & Woodard. Prop- j
erty pointed out by said Pullen.
Two hundred and eighty aerts of Land,
more or less, on the waters of Newfbrd .
; Greek, ad joining lands of Joel B. Sutton
I and others, levied on as the property of;
; Tlios. l'salmonds, to satisfy a ti. fa. in favor
of L. M. Wiley, Parish fc Cos. is. Thomas
j Psalmonds and Mark S. Anthony, endorser.
j Will be sold on the first Tuesday in j
i March next, at the same place :
One Lot, or parcel of land, lying and j
: being in the village of Goshen, in Lincoln i
j county, with the improvements thereon, i
j containing two and a half acres, more or j
! less, levied on as the property of Charles j
■ Stadium, to satisfy a mortgage fi. fa. in fa- |
vor of Augustin 1). Stutham, vs. said C. |
Statham. Property pointed out in said fi. fa.
Four negroes, Haley a woman, about
28 years of age, and her child Henry, a
j bout three years old, Scaly a woman a
| bout 25 years old, and her child Sam, a
bout two years old; levied on as the pro
perty of James It. W are, to satisfy two
mortgage fi. fa’s, in favor of Jared E.
Groce, vs. James It. Ware—property
pointed out in said mortgage fi. fas.
B. F. TATOM, Sheriff.
Dec. 30, 1840. 18
WILL be sold at Lincolnton, on the first Tues
day in February next, before the Court House
door, within die usual hours of sale, under a
decree of the Honorable Superior Court of
Striven county, at the instance of Alexander
F. Gregorie, surviving copartner of Grogorie
and Son, and l’eter Lamar, administrator de
bonis non, with the Will annexed, of David
McCredie, deceased, against Augustus S
Jones, administrator de bonis non with the
AVili annexed, of Seaborn Jones, deceased,
and others:
Six Hundred Acres of Land in Lincoln county,
originally granted to George Walton, bounded
at that time by vacant land, including what is
called Greaves’ mountain, now bounded by land
granted to Clancey Forrester and William
Greaves, conveyed to different persons, on which
Francis Powell, sen. latelyresided.
Six Hundred and Sixty-she Acres of I.and,
more or less, on Dry-fork, Soap Creek & Wells’
Creek, granted to William Greaves and then
bounded by the lands of Applewhite on the east,
south-east by lands of Jordan St Call, and north
west by lands of King, Collier, Williamson and
Me Burnett.
Five Hundred and Twenty-five Acres of land,
on Gray’s Creek, Lincoln county, granted to
William Greaves, 17th June, 1789, bounded at
that time on the north-east by Call’s land,
north by Richardson’s land, east by Bently’s
land, south and west by Matthew Pelbot’s land,
now in occupancy of William R. Reid, John
Hambrick and others.
Eight Hundred and Forty-six Acres of Land,
more or less, on Wells’ Creek, same county,
granted to William Greaves 17th June, 1789,
and bounded at that time north-west by Calls,
Crutchfield’s, Jourdan’s, Edgar’s and King’s
land, south-west by Applewhite, south-east by
Thomson, Jordan, and Moffitt’s, and north-east
by Greaves, Jones and Wathers’ land; all of
which is seized and to be sold in obedience 1 1
the decree as above specified, and the terms
will lie Cash.
BENJ. F. TATO.M, Sh’ff. L C.
Decomber 30, 1840.
Elbert Sheriff’s Sales.
j VM/’ILL be sold at the Court-House door
j “ in Elbert county,on the first Tuesday
in February next, within the legal sale
hours, the following property, to-wit:
One Negro woman by the name of Ann,
about 20 years old, and her child Henry,
an infant, levied on as the property of Dan
iel Thornton, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from
the Superior Court of filbert comity, in fa
! vor of William B. Davis and John C. Doug
j lass, vs. William D. Thornton, Daniel
j Thornton and James A. Clark. Property
| pointed out by Daniel Thornton.
Three Negroes, one a man by the name
of Jacob, about 40 years old, Wesley a
man about 23 years old, and Jeff a man a
bout 18 years old, levied on as the property
of Ralph Blackwell, to satisfy a fi. fa. issu
ed from the Superior Court of Elbert coun-
I ty, in favor of the Central Bank of Georgia
! vs. Ralph Blackwell, William Roebuck,
! and James A. Clark, and sundry other fi.
tas. issued from the Sup* rior Court of El
j belt county. Property pointed out by
Ralph Blackwell.
One hundred and thirty-seven and a half
! acres of’Land, whereon Moses S. Davis now
lives, on the waters of the Beverdam Creek
j adjoining lunds of Middleton, Gwin, and
j others, levied on as the property of Mosts
j S. Davis, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the
■ Superior Court of Elbert county, in favor
jof William White vs. Moses S. Davis.—
Property pointed out hy Moses S. Davis.
One Negro man by the name of Umpli
ry, about 33 years old, levied on as the
! property of John S. Higginbotham, to satis
j fy a fi. fit. issued from the Superior Court
, of Elbert county, in favor of James Sutter
white vs. John S, lliggenbothain,’ William
• M. Haslet and Thomas C. Elliot, securi-]
; ties on stay. Property pointed out by John
j S. Higginbotham.
Two tnules and two cows and calves, le
! t ied on as the property of’Furney W. 1 fum
mond, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the
Superior Court of Elbert county, in favor of;
Alfred Hammond vs. i-’iirney W. Ham- j
mond, John E. Bc-ntly and Henn R. Dead- i
wylcr, security on stay.
A Lsri,
One Negro man by the name of Web
ster, about 17 years old, levied on as the
property of John S. Moore, to satisfy two fi.
fits, issued from the Superior Court of El
bert county, otic in favor of Scales t!t
\\ oodson \ s. John S. Moore and John Jones,
security, the other in favor of William
White vs. John S. Moore.
Five hundred and forty acres of Land,
more or less, u hereon Christopher Clark
I now lives, on the waters of Falling Creek,
adjoining lands of David Dell and others,
; and nine Negroes, to-wit: Brit a man, 18
I years old, Maria a woman, 25 years old,
and her child, Emeline a girl, 8 years old,
| Lucy a girl, 5 years old, Violet a woman,
j 21 years old, Jinnev a girl, 7 years old,
Nancy a girl, 5 years, old, and Supha a girl,
i 2 years old, levied on as iHg propertv of
: Christopher Clark, to satisfy a fi. fa. in fa
j vor of William Bostwiek, indorsee, vs.
| Christopher Clark, Thomas F. Willis and
j Madison Hudson, Adm’rs. of John T.
i Clark, deceased, \\ illiam \V. Downer, se
j curity, and James Bell, Sen., indorser, and
1 sundry other fi. fas. vs. said Clark and
others. Property pointed out by Christo
pher Clark. this2stli Dee. 1849.
WILLIAM 11. ADAMS, Sheriff
December 31. 18
LLMLL be sold on the first Tuesday in
’ ‘ February next, at Elbert Court-
House, within the legal sale hours, the ibl
iowing Property, to-wit:
130 acres of Land, adjoining land of
and 40 barrels Corn, more or less, and one
Mule, 8 years old, levied 011 as the property
of Fullum Hunt, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor
of Wm. White, vs. said Hunt.
125 acres of Land, adjoining lands of
Martin Moss and others, 15 barrels Corn, 3
stacks Oats, 2 stacks Fodder, and one Cow
and calf, levied 011 as the property of Tiios.
Mewbern, to satisfy a fi. fa. in lkvor of
John Duncan, vs. John A. Teasley and
Thomas Mewbern.
200 acres of Lund, adjoining lands of
Larkin Clark, 1 Loom, 3 Tables, 1 Bed
stead and cord, 1 lot Sheep, 3 sows and 2
shoats, levied on as the property of Garland
Jones, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Wm.
White, vs. said Jones.
One half acre Lot of Land near Bow.
man’s Ferry, and 1 blind mare and colt, le
vied on as the property of William Prater,
to satisfy sundry fi. fus. vs. said Prater.
Five Negroes, Hannah and Chaney, wo
men, Frances and Harriet, girls, and Der
ry, a boy, levied on as the property of James
B. Adams, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. vs. said
One lot Corn, 15 barrels more or less, 1
stack Fodder, 1 cow and calf, and 1 sow,
levied 011 as the property of Tkillis Powcl,
to satisfy a fi fa. in favor of Wm. White,
vs. said Powell.
One Iload-wagon, 4 Horses, 4 pair wag
on-gear, and 4 bridles, and 1 Jack-screw,
levied on as the property of Alexander
Johnson, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of John
Jones, vs. said Alexander Johnston and N.
175 acres of Land, adjoining lands of
Thomas Stowers and others, levied on as
the property of Lindsey Neal, to satisfy a
fi. fa. in favor of Burrel Bobo, vs. said L.
Neal and others.
250 acres of Land, more or less, adjoin
ing land of James B. Alexander, levied on
as the property of Burton E. Crawford, to
satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of David Dobbs, vs.
I said Crawford.
I 130 acres of Land, adjoining‘■fends of
: Anguish McCurry and others, levied on as
the property of Benjamin Head, to satisfy a
fi. fa. in favor of Thomas Haynes, vs. Joel
11. Dyer, Benjamin Head, and Willintn**
Reynolds, this 25th December, 1840.
Dec. 31. 18
be sold at the Court-House door
* “ in Elbert county, on the first Tues
day in February next, within the legal
sale hours, the following property, to-wit:
One hundred and eighty-five acres of
Land, more or less, whereon John Tait now
lives, on the waters of the Beaver-dam
Creek, adjoining lands of William U. Bow
en and others, levied oil ns the property of
John Tate, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from
the Superior Court of Elbert county, in fa
vor of William White, vs. John Tate, and
Benjamin Andrew, security on stay, prop
erty pointed out by John Tate.
One Negro Girl, hy the name of Nancy,
about 10 years old, levied on as the prop.
, erty of Wiley Wall, to satisfy a fi. fa. issu
ed from the Superior Court of Elbert coun
ty, in favor of Alfred Hammond, bearer, vs.
Wiles Wall. Property pointed out hy said
j Wall; this 25th Dec. 1840.
Also, at the same place, on the first
Tuesday in February next :
! One hundred and ninety-six and a quar
ter Acres of L AND, more or less, lying in
i Elbert county, levied on as tiie property of
William Bell, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of
James Oliver. The property pointed out
by defendant.
TIIOS. F. WILLIS, D. Sheriff.
Dec. 31. 18
Will be soldoii the first TUESDAY in Fe
buary next, at the Court House door in
in Elbert county, within the legal hours
of sale, the following property to wit :
Three NEGROES, Lace and Elbert,
men, and Amy a woman ; levied on as the
i property of John Beck, to satisfy a mort
j gage fi. fa. in favor of Lindsey Haqier vs.
said John Beck: Property pointed out in
said ii. fa.
W.M. JOHNSTON, u. s.
November 27, 1840.
ft ION THI/Y N< )iICS S.
LHIUR Months afterdate, application will be
made to the lion, the Inferior Court of Talia
ferro county, when sitting for ordinary purpo. es,
for leave to sell the REAL ESTATE belong
ing to the Minors of Joseph W. Luckett, deceas
ed, late of said county.
HUGH WARD, Guardian.
December 17. 16 m4ui
I/O UR Months after date, application wi,l be
M made to the Hon. the Inferior Court ofElfcert
county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, lor
leave to sell all the LANDS belonginu-to the
ESTATE ot JOHN M. WHITE, sen., deceased,
late of Filbert county. EI'PY WHITE,
Adm. on the Keai Estate.
October 29, 1849. 9
j I/Ol R Months alter date, application will be
j made to the Honorable die Inferior Court of
; W likes county, while sitting tor ordinary pur
| [loses, tor leave to sell a NEGRO GIRL, named
1 Cliaritv, belonging to the ESTATE of WIL
-1 LIAM’GRESHAM, deceased.
trator with the will annexed.
October g 9, 1849. 9 4m.
Will be sold at the Court House door of El
bert county, on the Ist Tuesday in March
next, agreeable to an order of the Hon
orable the Inferior Court of said county,
while sitting lor ordinary purposes,
Land and JVegroeH
belonging to the estate of George Wyche,
deceased, late of said county, consisting of
four negroes, THREE WOMEN & ONE
MAN, and one FOURTH PART of an
undivided tract of LAND, on Deep Creek,
adjoining William Penn anil others, con
taining F'our Hundred and Seventy-Eight
acres, more or less. Sold for the benefit
of the creditors of said deceased. Terms
will he made known on the day of sale.
Administratrix on Ihr Personal Property,
and Administratrix with the Will annexed,
on the Real Estate.
December 17. 16 m2m
Will be sold on the FIRST TUESDA\ in
April next, before the court house door
in Wilkes county, pursuant to an order
of the Honorable Inferior Court of said
county while sitting for ordinary purpo
ses, the following property, to wit;
One Tract of Land,
containing about six hundred and forty a
cres, more or less, lying on the waters of
Kettle creek, in Wilkes county, adjoining
lands of Bennett, Truitt, and others.—
Sold as the property of William H. Dan
iel, deceased, late of said county, for the
benefit of the Minors, of said deceased.—
Terms made known on the day of sale.
KINDRED JACKS, guardian.
December 17, 1840. 16 tds
Will be sold on the First Tuesday in February
next, before the Court-house door, by order of
the Hon. the Inferior Court of Wilkes county,
between the legal hours of sale, the following
property; to-wit,
ALL that Tract or Parcel of Land, known as
the Crosby Tract, lying on the waters of Kittle
Creek, in said county, belonging to the Estate of
William H. Daniel, late of Wilkes county, de
ceased. Terms at time of sale.
I). W. McJUNKIN, Administrator.
Nov. 19, 1840. 13