Newspaper Page Text
.Tosiali Quincy, President of Harvard
College lias one of the finest farms in the
vicinity of Boston. It is enclosed by an
extensive and flourishing hawthorn hedge,
hut there is not an interior fence on the
promises : the whole presents a single field
devoted to the various purposes of agricul
ture. No part of it is allotted to pasture,
properly speaking, as his cattle are fed in
their stalls and never suffered to roam over
the fields, and the advantages of his system
are thus given ; Formerly, there were se
ven miles of interior fences to be kept in
repair, but by keeping the cattle up the
whole of this expense is saved. Formerly
sixty acres of this farm were devoted to
pasturage ; hut now a great number of cat
tle by one third are kept by the products
of twenty acres, and the cattle are in the
best condition.
The saving by these means is enormous
and the immense advantage arising from it
is too apparent to be dwelt upon. During
the summer the cattle are fed upon grass,
green oats, or barley, cut the day before,
and suffered to wilt in the sun, hut the ma
nure which is thus saved will more than
pay the extra expense and trouble. The
farm is most highly cultivated, and every
kind of grain and vegetable has a place.
hi ■mm i—nw iw m i wniinwiiniTiiiiirrm —
An aged gentleman entered our office a
few clays since, and saluted our ears in the
following manner :
‘•Well Mr. Printer, my subscription to
your paper expired yesterday, and [ wish
to renew it for another year. I always pay
in advance.”
We hastened, with a cheerful mind, of
course to fill a receipt, which we presented
with our best thanks, expressing a wish
that we had more such names on our list.
“I know something about that matter,
continued our friend. “This is thetwenli
cth time I have taken the Prs. receipt—a!
ways in advance; and if I live twenty years
longer I will repeat it annually. 1 ha'’
various reasons for it, one of them is I mak<
it a test with others, and [ always try ’
practice with my own precepts. 1 neve,
knew a man that paid punctually for lie
paper who did not prosper in the world
and l have always found such to bestrictlv
honest in their dealings. If I want to fit:
out whether or not an individual is worthy
of being trusted, I enquire it lie has the
Printer’s receipt for his last year’s paper
It's infa.l liable.
As our aged friend took leave we prayed
in our heart that his days might be many
and happy. May heat last live to fufP
his promise ; and as he gladdens the heai
of the printers, may he receive constani
accession to the sources of his enjoyments
— Hus. Adv.
Absorption of Gold by copper ia a Solid
State ! —Tit following curious facts in Me
chanical Science, were recently’ discovered
at the Armory in Springfield, under the di
rection of Mr Ames. We have, says the
Boston !>ai 1 y Mail, the story from a mathe
matical student at Combridge :
The facts, as I stated to you, were very
curious. A workman was employed in gil
ding a copper sword scabbard, and had
pladed ten dollars worth of gold upon it,
and was heating it. Suddenly, long before
the copper had arrived at melting point,
the gold disappeared. —Probably the gold
was mixed with quicksilver as is usual in
such processes. At any rate the gold was
gone, and the man thought it bad evapora
ted with the quicksilver.
lie went at once and told Mr. Ames the
circumstance, but he thought it impossible
that it could be so, Mr. Ames then took the
copper and digested it, (a process employed
to seperate mixed metals,) and sure enough
he obtained the full value of the gold from
it. Ilis curfosity being awakened, he then
look a piece of copper, and put some gold
upon it, heated it to a certain point and
presto, the gold was gone! He put some
more on, raised the temperature a little,
and that went too.
He then sawed the copper in two, bur
nislied the edges, examined it with a micro
scope, arid found the gold lying in a body,
just beneath the surface of the copper.—
The absorption of the gold is supposed to
have taken place, owing to some change a
mong the particles of the copper, which
drew the gold in. This opinion is strength
ened by other facts, which seem to show
that such a change may take place in the
particles of a metal not in a state of fusion.
For instance in the process of tempering,
swords often get bent. Now’ if they are
straightened while cold, they, are found to
lose their temper somewhat in the spot
where they were bent; but if heated mode
rately, to a degree, far below redness, —and
then straightened, while at that tempera
ture, they retain their full temper. Be
sides, if the bent spot is gilded before heat
ing, on heating and straightening it, the gil
ding disappears.
f^TOTICE. — All persons having claims a-
JLN gainst the estate of Jesse Mercer, lute of
Wilkes county, deceased, are requested to pre
sent them within the time prescribed by law,
and those indebted to said Estate are requested
to make payment.
’1). E. BUTLER, J
November 4. Ot 10
Wilkes county. )
a Pursuant to a Proc
lamation, issued by his
cause an Election lobe
held on MONDAY the
diird (8) day of JANU
ARY next, for three
Representatives in the
House in Kcpresentuttve*of the Congress of the
United States, to fill the vacancies caused by
the resignations of the Honorable William C.
Dawson, Eugenius A. Nisbet, and Julius C.
j Alford.
We, the Justices of the Inferior Court for the
\ county aforesaid, hereby give notice, that an E
lcction will be held at the Court-House in the
town of Washington, and the several precincts
in the county, and State aforesaid, ori Monday
the third (3) day of January next, for three
Representatives, to fill the aforesaid vacancies.
8K.V.1 \MIN WALLACE, [ ~
Df ‘comber Iti, 1811. 10
rJY O-WIT, the following: Ladies’ Kid,Calf,
L and Prunello Walking Shoes ; Women’s
I sew’d Kip Shoefees ; Boys’ Calf and Kip Shoes,
I sew’d and peg’d ; Coarse Brogans, making my
assortment complete from the smallest size to
1 the largest extra size, low for Cash.
December 16, 1841. 16
Will be -old at the late residence of Joseph
Henderson, deceased, in Wilkes county, on
Monday the seventh day of February next,
the Perishable Property belonging to the es
ta e of said deceased, consisting of
Horses, Mules, Cattle, Hogs, Sheep, Road-
Wagon, Ox-Cart, and Yoke of Steers, Household
I and Kitchen Furniture, Corn, Fodder, Wheat,
Oats, Blacksmith and Plantation Tools. Also, a
Cotton Gin, Stock Hogs, a good lot Lard and
Pork, and many’ other articles not named.
Sale to continue from day to day'until all is
sold. Teims made known on the day of sale.
MIT< lIF.L HENDERSON, < c ’ x rs ’
December 16, 1841. 16
I GREEABLE to an order oi the Honorable
J *- the Inferior Court of the county of Wilkes,
.-uting as a four: of Ordinary, will be sold be
■ ire tlie Court-1 louse door o! the county of Cass,
.. llm first Tue.-day in February next, Lot No.
;-18,0th District, and 3d Section, of said county.
id on the same day, before the Court-House
inor of Cherokee county, Lot No. ti.)d, 15th Dis
rict, 2d Section, of said county. Both Lots be
onging to the Estate of Samuel M.Smytlio, de- |
eased. Terms made known on the day of sale
■ fe.tober 21, 1841. 16
i.jXHjR months alter dale, application wiii be
made to the Honorable 1 tie Inferior Court of
‘..eert county, while silting for Ordinary purpos
•-, for leave :o soil all the Lands ami Negroes
• aging in (lie E sate o Thom:!’ Haynes, de
wed, late of Elbert county, this xJOlhSept.
(). 7 . )■
S4O lie a‘Mr*?.
m I<i N.iYY'AY ironi itie Subsrri-
TSFzj. her, two Negro Fellows answering
to the subjoined descriptions:
One is named SANDY, about
K five test six or seven inches high, |
i f . round full face, very black, and
i SI. well made; twenty-one or two
! vears old, hsps a little in speaking, lias a scar
i just above the wrist on one arm made by being
! cut in agin. He was raised by Jacob Blount, of
! Robinson county'. North Carolina, and is suppos
j ed to be making in that direction or to Cliarles-
I ton, S. C. This fellow ranaway from me in
j Newberry District, S. C. on the 11th instant.
„ Runaway from me in Greene
elgjL county, Georgia, on the 17th inst.
a likely Negro boy named George,
about twenty-one years old, five
\v3jv *eet R ’ x inches high, quick and j
_ J i smooth spoken, wore away an old j
frwi black silk Hal—other clothing not
j recollected, and no particular marks.
If caught in this State or South Carolina, and
| lodged in Jail so that 1 can get there, 1 will pay
the above reward of Forty Dollars, or Twenty
Dollars for either.
Notice of their apprehension can be directed
! to me at Fayette, Jefiersqp county, Mississippi.
November 25, 1841 fit 13
fAOUR months alter o ne application will be
, made to the Honorable the Inferior Court
j of Wilkes county, while sitting as a Court ol
j Ordinary, for leave to sell the Real Estate of
! Bailor Lunceford, deceased, late oi said county'.
Dec ember 2, 1841 ■ m4in 14
: | BOUR months after date, application will be
[ 4 made to the Honorable the Inferior Court
of Wilkes county, while sitting as a Court of Or
dinary, lor-leave to sell the LAND belonging to
t he Heirs of Jonathan Gresham, late of said coun
tv, deceased.
JAMES R. GUNN, Guardian.
October 28, 1841. mlm 9
months alter date, application wi 1 be
made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of
Elbert county, while sitting for ordinary pur
poses, for leave to sell all the LANDS belong
ing to the Estate of Angus McCurry, deceased,
this Ist of November, 1841.
Nov. 11. m4m 11
18101 R months afterdate, application will be
- made to the Inferior Court of Elbert coun
ty, while sitting as a Court of Ordinary', for leave
to sell all the Lands and Negroes belonging to
the estate of Richard Rice, deceased, this Ist of
November, 1841.
Nov. 11. m4m 11
months alter date application will be
made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of
Lincoln county, while sitting as a Court of Ordi
nary', for leave to sell a Negro Man by the name
of Will, belonging to the heirs of Thomas Dallis,
Jr., deceased. Sold for the benefit of said heirs.
September 16, 1841. ni4m 3
ITIOUR months after date application will be
made to the Honorable the Inferior Court oi
Wilkes county, when sitting for Ordinary purpo
ses, for leave to sell the NEGROES belonging
i to the Estate of Martha Q- Smith, late ot said
, county, deceased.
September 2,1841. mlm 1
•Wale icadcmyr .
THE Exercises of this
.... „ f Institution will he resum-
Mjrj? ed on Monday the third
Gfcf- yjv. day*of January next, un-
Mr. John T. Baker,
pSSSjnpjto j3 |[ no has had charge there
•l jzfsli Ipilpi I HIE i. the two past years
All the branches of stu-
: "hiwi —-* dy t.;, nght in Academies,
will bo attended to here, and at customary rates.
From the healthy situation ol Elberton, and its
moral character, Parents and Guaithuns need
feel no uneasiness in Boarding their Sons or
Wards in the village.
Board can he had in private families, at SB.
per month.
The known qualifications of Mr. Baker, and his
success as a Teacher, induces us to recommend
him to the patronage of all those entrusted with
the Education of the young men of our country.
Elberton, Ga., Nov. 26, 1841. 6t 14
\f*asliingion Half,
The Subscriber having removed to
• 7,’mh *' ie r S e commodious House
•>>;& ormerly occupied by Mr. James A
-Tx iexander, iniorins his friends and the
pulmc, ml, being now betler prepared than
heretofore for their accommodation and enter
tainment, lie will spare no pains to render his
House worthy of patronage.
His Table will bo always supplied with the
best fare that can be procured—good Stabling
and attentive servants are provided, and in fine
every tiling necessary to the comfort of Travel
lers and Boarders.
He is prepared to accommodate two or threa
Families with board, and from the well-known
health and good society of this Y’iilage, families
will find it a pleasant Summer residence.
His charges shall lie moderate to suit the
Washington, Georgia, Dec. 15,1841.
I: The Sentinel and Constitutionalist, Au
gusta; Courier, Charleston; Banner and Whig,
Athens ; Standard of Union and Georgia Journ
al, Millcdgcville, and Mountaineer, Greenville,
S. C., will please publish /lie above three limes,
and forward then - accounts to this office for pay
men:. Dec. 16, 1841 3t
rrt HOSE indebted io A. S. Wingfield, Guar
-I dian for A. S. Hays, are informed tiiat he is
making arrangements to settle a Plantation lor
said Minor, and wants the funds due him as such.
Prompt payment is therefore expected, and must
be made by the first of January next.
November 11, 1841. 4t 11
PT'l IIE Subscribers having had their Books and
most of their Accounts consumed by the
iaie Fire, would respectfully solicit those indebt
ed to call, without delay, and settle either with
CASH or by NOTE, the amount due as near
as their memory will serve them—for this matter
w,!i be left entirely to the Honor of a great many;
and we trust no one will lie found taking llie ad
vantage of our situation ; but that all will come
forward, like honest men, to our re lief.
N. 15.—Call at the Bank, on E. M. Burton, for
M refill. ts 28
4 LL persons having demands against the Es
-I\. iaie of Betsey C. Middleton, late of Elbert
county, deceased, are requested to render them
in properly attested, within the time prescribed
bv law, and those indebted to the saal Estate
will make immediate payment to
November 18,1841. 6t 12 E.— Nil persons indebted to the Es
tate of B. Ileadden, late of NViikes coun
ty, deceased, are requested to make immediate
payment, and those having demands against the j
same will present them in terms of the law for i
D. G. COTTING, Adm’r.
November 4, 1841. 6t 10
1 HEREBY torwarn all persons irorn trading
. ora Note given to Mr. Neview’s, ot Ken
tucky, about 6 li October, 1841, for ($175) One
Hundred and Seventy-five Dollars, for I am de
termined not to pay said Note, unless compelled
by law, as the consideration for which said No.
was given lias failed, this 22d November, 1841. j
Dec. 2. 4t 14
cIJX HE Subscr.Uer expecting to be absent from
JL the Slate five or six months, informs his
creditors that ins brother John C. Stokes, will
settle all just demands against him, and all per
sons indebted will please settle with him, as I
leave appointed him my authorized agent to pro
secute ail demands.
R. 11. STOKES.
December 9, 1841 6 15
COTffNG & iiUTLEii,
HAVE taken an OFFICE over Cozart &
Woods Store.
■ t archil, 1841. 28
Cor Sale,
r* q The Subscriber oilers for sale his
wittiM ‘dace, within one mile of Raytown,
mJIiIIhP 1 Taliaferro county, situated on
Beaverdam Creek, adjoining James
Brooivs, Esq. and Messrs. Luckett’s. The im
provements are good, with a Gin and Gin House.
There are about Three Hundred and Sixty A
cres in the Tract, and about 175 Acres of which
are woodland. The place is very healthy, and
there is a good Spring of Water near the Dwel
Also.— A Tract of Land in said county, situa
ted between Raytown and Washington, on Har
den’s Creek, containing One Hundred Acres,
adjoining Mr. Joseph Campbell and Mrs. Ran
dolph. About 60 Acres of this Tract is Wood
land—with some improvements thereon.
Any person wishing to purchase the above
property can have them on reasonable terms.
Raytown, August 18,1841 ts 51
Will be.sold at the Court-House door in the vil
lage of Lincolnton, Lincoln county, within the
usual sale hours, on the first Tuesday in Feb
ruary next,
One Negro Man by the name of Will, belong
ing to the heirs of Thomas Dallis, Jr., deceased.
Terms, twelve months credit.
December 16,1841. 16
| ~¥W ±AMtk*o&’ -HUI ‘ n wuivn.
NVill bo sold on the first Tuesday in January
next, at the Court-House door in Washington,
Wilkes county, between the legal sale hours,
the following property, to-wit:
One tract ol Land containing two hundred a
cres, more or less, on the waters ol Broad River
adjoining Lands ol NVm. Anders and others.
Also, one Negro man John, about Fifty
years old, Joe a boy about nine years old, Sarah-
Ann a woman about eighteen years old, levied on
as the property ol A. T. Stokes, by virtue of a fi.
fa. N. G. Barksdale vs. said Stokes, together with
other fi. las. Property pointed out by Defendant.
E. R. ANDERSON, Sheriff
December 2. 14
NVill be sold on the first Tuesday in January
nexl, before the Court-House door in NVash
ington, NViikes county, within the legal sale
hours, the following property, to-wit:
One tract ol Land containing tour hundred A
cres, more or less, adjoining lands of James Hu
ling and others, in said county. Also, one Ne
gro man named Latrain, levied on as the proper
ty ol John D. Reeves, by virtue of a fi.fa. John
Jordan vs. said Reeves, together with other fi.
fas. Property pointed out by defendant. Levy
made and property to be sold by consent of said
Reeves, this 7th December, 1841.
E. R. ANDERSON, Sheriff
December 16. 16
Will be sold at the Court-House door, in the
Town of Washington, NViikes county, on the
first Tuesday in January next, within the
usual hours of sale, the following property,
One Negro man by the name of Jack, about
33 years of age, one Negro girl by the name of
Francos, about 12 years oi age, one Negro wo
man by the name of Louisa, about 28 years of
age and her child Jim, one Negro woman by the
name of Corrinna, about twenty-five years of
age, and her child Charlotte, 15 Feather Beds, 20
Matrasses, 10 odd Pillows and Boilsters, eighty
six Chairs, 2 small Looking-Glasses, 9 VVasli-
Stands, 18 small Tables, 10 Wash-bowls and
Pitchers, one lot Window Curtains, one lot Bed
clothes, 2 pair Fire-dogs, 2 pair Shovel and
Tongs, one lot ot Crockery, one lot of Tin
ware, one lot of Knives and Forks, one lot of
Dish-covers, one lot Waiters, one lot Glass-ware,
10 Desert Spoons, 19 Table Spoons, 18 Tea-
Spoons, 2 large Looking Glasses, 2 Side-boards,
4 half Round Tables, 1 Settee, 1 large Map, 1
Desk, 1 Carpet, 1 Fire Fender, 1 Ladies’ NN’ork
Stand, 2 Passage Lamps, 1 large Lanthern, 1 pair
Steelyards, 2 Bureaus, 1 Clock, 1 large Basket,
1 Coflee-parcher, 3 Smoothing-irons, one lot Can
dle Moulds, one lot Cooking Utensils and Kitch
en Ware, 16 Bedsteads, 2 Colts, 3 large Dining
Tables, 3 Kitchen Tables, 2 large Wash-kettles,
1 large Tavern Bell, 1 Grubbing Hoe, 1 Jlorse-
Beli, one lot Jars and Jugs, 9 head of Cows, 12
head of Hogs, 3 head of Horses—Also, one Tract
or parcel of Land in Wilkes county, on the road
leading to the Mineral Springs, adjoining lands of
James It. Dubose, John Pettus, and others, con
taining forty Acres, more or less, and one
tractor parcel of Land in NVilket county, on the
road leading to Raytown and Powelton, adjoining
Cleveland, Wingfield, and others, containing
nineteen Acres, more or less. Also, one other
tract or parcel oi Land in Wilkes county, on the
Greensboro’ road, adjoining Randolph and others,
containing ten Acres, more or less. Also, one
NVtre Safe, 1 Biscuit Block, 1 two-horse NVagon,
and two pair Harness, all levied on as the proper
ty oi James Alexander, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued
Irom the Superior Court of said county, in llie
name of William Dearing, vs. James Alexander,
and sundry other fi. fas. against said Alexander.
One House and Lot in the Town of Washing
ton, on the NVest side of the Public Square, ad
joining Francis T. Willis and others, now in the
occupancy’ of Callaway, Willis & Cos. as a Store
House. Levied on by virtue of a fi. fa. in the
name of Margaret Telfair vs. William F. Sohan
and Win. S. Thomas, Endorser. Levied on as
iie property of said Sohan.
One House and Lot in the Town of Washing
ton on the North side of the Public Square, adjoin
ing the Bank, Bradford Merry and oiliers. Levied
on by virtue of a fi. fa. Moses Arnold as Bearer,
vs. William S. Thomas, and sundry other fi. fas.
against said Thomas. Property pointed out by
Plaintiff’s Attorney.
December 2, 1841. 14
jealaei’t e,7Jit’s bales.
\ N J A N LT \ it V .
W r ii.L be sold on tlie first Tuesday in Jan
uary next, at the Court-House door in
Elbert county, between the legal sale hours, ihe
following property, to-wit:
One Negro woman by the name of Lotty, a
bout nineteen years old, and her two children by
lie names of Sain and Jack, levied on as the
property of the estate ot Thomas Haynes, de
ceased, to satisfy a mortgage fi. fa. in favor of
John Seales vs. the estate of Thomas Haynes,
deceased. Property pointed out in said ti. fa., tins
26th October, 1841
NVILLIAM 11. ADAMS, Sheriff.
NVilibe sold before the Court-House door in El
berton, Eibert county, on tlie first Tuesday in
January next, between the usual hours of
sale, the following property, to-wit:
One hundred Acres of Land, more or less, levi
ed on as tlie property oi Jusiali Prater, to satisiy
a fi. fa. in favor of Joseph Edwards vs. Josiah Pra
ter. Levy made and returned by a Constable,
this 29th November, 1841.
December 2. 14
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in February
next, at the Court-House door in Elbert
county, between tlie usual hours ot sale, the
following property, to-wit:
One Negro boy about seventeen years oi age
by the name of Laban, as the property of James
Bell, Sen., to satisiy a mortgage fi- fa. issued from
the Inferior Court of Oglethorpe county, in favor
of Dav and Bell vs. James Bell, Sen. Property
pointed out in said fi. fa., and the property leu .Tin
possession of the Plaint HR this 26th Nov. 1841.
THOMAS F. YVILLIS, Dep. Sheriff.
DecvmW 2. 14
liincslii Bales.
Will be sold before tlie Court-House door in
Lincolnton, on the first Tuesday in January
next, between the lawful hours of sale, the fol
lowing property, to-wit:
Two Negroes, Harriet a girl about 13 years
old, and Ephraim a boy about ten years old, levi
ed on as the property of John Benson, to satisfy a
fi. fa. from I,incoln Inferior f'nnrt. in favor of Wil
liam E. Dubose vs. John Benson, and sundry oth
er li. las. .li my puuset-. uni vs. Johu Benson. —
Property pointed out by Detendant.
One lot of Goods, consisting of Dry Goods,
Hardware,and Shoes, levied on as tlie property
of George L. Groce, to satisiy a fi. fa. from Lin
coln Superior Court, in favor of William Wells
vs. George L. Groce.
One hundred and fifty Acres of Land, more or
less, lying in Lincoln county, on the waters of
Soap Creek, adjoining lands of John Parks and
others, levied on as the property of John 11. Biv
in, to satisfy a fi. fa. from Lincoln Inferior Court,
m favor of Covington Searls vs. John 11. Bivins.
Dei ember 2. 14
I N pursuance of an order from tlie Justices oi
;He Inferior Court ol Wilkes county, while
sntnig for Ordinary purposes, will be sold on tlie
first Tuesday in January next, before tlie Court-
House door m Washington, between the usual
hours of sale, Ihe following Property, to-wit:
Four Negroes—Lewis a boy, Tom a boy, Bill
a boy, and Mary a girl, belonging to tlie Estate
oi Martha Q. Smith, late of said county, deceas
ed. Sold nir the benefit ol tiie heirs and credit
ors of said deceased. Terms cash.
October 28,1841. 101 9
Will be sold on tlie first Tuesday in January
next, before tlie Court-House door in Wash
ington, NViikes county,
All the LAND belonging to the Estate oi
Asher Lane, deceased, or so much thereof as
will satisfy tlie creditors of said deceased. Said
Lauds lying on tiie waters of Pistol Creek, and
adjoining lands oi Oglesby, Howard, and others.
October 28, 1841. 9_
NVill be sold on the first Tuesday in January
next, at the Court-House door in Wilkes coun
ty, between the usual sale hours :
Two hundred and seventy-five Acres of Land,
more or less, on the waters of Newford Creek,
in Wilkes county, belonging to the Estate of
John T. Dent, late ot said county, deceased.—
Sold for tlie benefit of the heirs and creditors of
said deceased.
RICHARD 11. DENT, Adm’r. de bonis non.
Oc ober 28,1841. 9
NViil be sold at tlie late residence of Betsey C.
Middleton, deceased, in Elbert county, on
Thursday the thirtieth day oi December nexl,
tlie Perishable Properly belonging to tlie Es
ta.e ol said deceased, consisting of
Horses, Cable, Hogs and Sheep, Household
and Kitchen Furniture, Corn, Fodder, Wheat,
Oais, and l’iantation Tools, and other articles too
tedious to mention. Side to continue from day
io day until all is sold. Terms made known on
the day oi sale.
November 18,1841. 6t 12
44/ ILL be sold at ihe late residence oi Tlios.
T T 15.;ikey, deceased, in Wilkes county, on
Thursday the sixth day oi January next, ail tlie
perishable property belonging to the Estate or
said deceased, viz.:
Horses, Hogs, Cattle, Corn, Fodder, Plantation
Tools, Household and Kitchen Furniture, Wag
on and Harness, &c. &c. &c.
Also, tiie Negroes hired and Plantation rented.
Terms made known on the day.
November 25, 1841. 13
WILL lie sold at ihe Court-House door, in
Washington, NViikes county, on the first
Tuesday in January next, within the lawful sale
Two Negroes—a woman by tlie name of Ma
ry, about twenty-two years of age ; and a boy
named Coleman, aged about seven years. Sold
as tlie property of Elizabeth Bennett, late of said
county, deceased, by order of tlie Inferior Court
while sitting for ordinary purposes. Sold for the
benefit of tlie heirs and creditors. Terms casii.
October 28, 1841. 9
WILL be soid oil tlie first Tuesday in Janu
ary next, before tlie Court-House door in
Washington, NViikes county, between the usual
hours of sale,
Tlie House and Lot in ilie town of NVasliing
un, formerly occupied by Mrs. Rebecca Allison,
deceased ; also, the Household and Kitchen Fur
niture, belonging to said deceased. Sold for the
benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceas
ed. Terms made known on tlie day.
M. A. LANE, ) ,
G. L. RAKESTRAW, t, liX rs ’
October 28,1841. 9
ON Thursday the 23d day ot December next,
will be sold at tlie late residence ol Capt.
William Parks, deceased, in Lincoln county, ad
the Personal Property, (Negroes excepted,) of
said deceased. Sold for i lie benefit of tlie
tud creditors. Terms made known on tlie day.
Sale to continue from day to day until all is sold.
November 11,1841. 11
NVill be sold on tlie first Tuesday in February
next, at tlie Court-House door in Elbert coun
ty, within the legal sale hours, agreeable to
an order of the Inferior Court of Elbert coun
ty, while sitting as a Court of Ordinary,
One Negro man.and one negro woman, and
the one-fourth part of an undivided Tract of Land
m Elbert county, containing four hundred and
seventy-eight Acres, on the waters of Deep
Creek, adjoining William Penn, and others, as a
pan oi ihe Lands and Negroes belonging to the
Estate of George NVyche, deceased. Terms
will be made known on the day of sale, this 19th
ot November, 1841.
AGATHA NVYCHE, Adm’x. on the per
sonal Estate, and Adm’x. with the
will annexed, on tiie Real Estate of
George Wyche, deceased.
Nov. 25. m2m 13
I HEREBY’ caution any person not to trade
.or a Note of Hand given by myself to S.
Kimbro, or bearer, for Nineteen Dollars, and
some odd cents, (tlie odd cents not recollected,)
ns I shall not pay said Note, nor any part tliere
oi, unless compelled by law.
Tiie Note bearing date tlie 4th day ot Decern
nor, 1841.
December 9, 1841. 3t 15
© !F W 0 <P E
VV-’ ILL be sold oi lie first Tuesday in Janu
* * ary liexi, heiivo tlie Court-House door ill
Washftigici!, WTkes one y, between the lawful
sale hour,, an sue
Nt ** “ii
Belonging to Jocepu v, emuit: , minor;
Men, X\ oiiioi ii 1-
Jlbout 23 in
Terms Cai&ii*
PAUL J. SE.iLiU ■, Guardian.
October 28, 1841. 9
WILL lie sold at, the Court-House door in
the Town of Washington, NViikes coun
ty, on the first Tuesday in January next, be
tween the usual sale hours, the following Ne
groes, belonging- to the estate of John YV. Jones,
deceased :
Adam a man, Margaret a girl, Martha Ann a
girl, John a boy, Ennly a woman, and her two
children Terms made known on the day.
November 4, 1841. 10
ALL persons mueb.eit to t lie Estate of John
McDowell, Sen., late ol Lincoln county, de
ceased, are requested to make payment immedi
ately, and those having demands against, tlie es
tate will please present them in terms of law, for
October 28, 1841. fit 9
A LL persons mdebteu io me Estate ol YVil
liam Parks, late ol Lincoln county, deceas
ed, are requested to make payment immediately,
and ihose having demands against tiie estate,
will piease present them in terms of law for pay
ment. WILLIAM M. LAMI KIN, Ex’r.
October 28, 1841. 0 9
(iEURGLA, j \\ HEREAS Mary S.Kob-
Wlilies County > * * en, Guardian oi Rich
Joyner, applies lor Letters ol dismission.
These are, therefore, to cite, summon,
and admonish, all and singular, the kindred
and creditors of said Minors, to be and appear at
my office, within the time prescribed by law, to
show cause, (if any they have,) why said letters
shouid not be granted.
Given under my hand at office, this 12th of
August, 1841. JOHN 11. DYSON, Clerk c.o.
August 12. mfim 50
Geological and Agricultural
fSN HE Legislature, aitheir iast session, deem-
A ed it expedient to discontinue tlie salary of
■ue Slate Geoiogist, m consequence ot the em- _
barrassed finances of the State. By this unex
pecled movement, the subscriber is depriied of
ihe means of completing the survey oi the State,
on tlie original plan : ii done at all, il must be
at individual risk and expense.
It is needless, perhaps, to represent to tlie en
lightened citizens ol Georgia, that by following
ou. iie plan so happily commenced m 1837, and
pursued with unremitting energy to the present,
me State has been contributing tier nnte, hum
me as it may be on tiie part ot iier agent, to the
cause oi general science in our country, and the
advancement of intellectual improvement among
her citizens, in accordance with oilier States of
the Union. There is but one alternative. In the
present situation oi tlie survey, the work must
either be abandoned and the important informa
tion obtained by lour years investigation of tlie
Geology of tlie State, lost to her citizens, or the
subscriber must depend tor support, on individ
ual patronage, lie is determined to make an ef
mrt for the benefit and honor of his adopted State,
io proceed with the survey. From former ex
perience oi the unbounded liberality and gene
rous hospitality ot his ieiiow citizens, ill differ
ent parts ol ihe Siale, he is confident that, in
making ail appeal to iheir sympathy and patron
age, it will not be made in vain.
That a complete survey may be made of the re
maining counties of the State, and tlie whole
consolidated and published for the information
and benefit of the’ citizens, public patronage is
most respectiully solicited. A work oi this kind,
is much needed m Georgia, a State comprising _
an area of sixty thousand, square miles, being
destitute of a single correct May, Geography, or
history oi the same. A majority of the citizens
must, from necessity, be unacquainted with the
rich mineral resources and agricultural capaci
ties of the different sections. Favored as the
subscriber lias been, by four years labor, as
State Geoiogist, in different parts of tlie State,
in coiiec iing materials for a complete report of
an Agricultural and Geological survey and Na
tural History, he trusts that lie shall be able to
meet the approbation of his fellow citizens.
The subscriber pledges his honor, that tlie
proceeds arising from subscription for tlie work
snail be appropriated to the completion or the
survey oi the remamiug counties of the State,
and that they shall be finished as they will be
needed for publication.
State Geologist.
Milledgeville, Janury Ist, 1841.
N. B. It is impossible, at this tune, to desig
nate the number oi volumes in a set.
1. The work shall be printed on royal octavo
form, on fine paper and with new type, and will
contain complete reports ot a Geological and Ag
ricultural Survey ot every County in the State,
with a Map ol the same, Drawings o! remarka
ble places, sections, &c., together with an ac
count of the Natural History, Botany and Agri
cultural statistics.
2. The first volume will contain a system of
Agriculture adapted to the soils and climate of
the South, with a table of analysis of soils from
different counties, and remarks on their improve
ment ; with oilier useful agricultural tables.—
Also, a complete Glossary of Geological and
Agricultural terms.
3. Each volume shall contain 600 pages, in
cloth binding, at $3 50 per volume, to subscri
bers ; to 11011-subscribers, $4 00, payable on
4. Tlie printing shall be so arranged, that a
volume may be expected during the session of
the Legislature, in each year, until the whole
se: is completed. jp
5. Should there iie sufficient patronage K large
Geological and Agrici; ur; i Map ol *he {State,
will be consini. J. . t •.u win An ad
dition to Geo_ t . ■)>• usualiy'tjn
Maps, ail tiie : Rural ea
tures of the 8:/ ■■ lied
and colored ia it- . t ;
The papers of tins ■/ . 1 . fie ‘•> ‘*> a
j few insertions will :.v c a copy ol the
work, grat’s.