Newspaper Page Text
U • utalU !
One of the superintendents of this enter, j
prise says tliat it only “ requires the means ;
of constant application, decision, industry,
•V. perseverance, to make this beautiful and
productive country the largest producer of
Colton in the World/’ — Balt. Sun.
Wo copy the above with the viewofkeep
ing our subscribers in cotton growing re
gions of our country advised, ol the rise &
progress of the efforts now making by (5.
Britain, to furnish from her dominions in
India, a supply of cotton tor the consump
tion of her manufacturers. Whether the
British superintendent be or be not too san
guine in his calculations, we have no pres
ent means to determine ; but from our
knowledge of the enterprise and indomita
ble spirit, with which our transatlantic
neighbors pross onwards with any thing j
promising reward to skill and capital, we |
cannot doubt for a moment that, in the pres
ent instance, they will leave no effort unex
erted to secure success. That the climate
of India is peculiarly adapted to the growth
of this groat staple, there can be no quos
tion, nor is there any, that whatsoever can
be accomplished by money and untiring in
dustry will be achieved. Interest, pri
vate and public, as well as national, and
as national pride, all combine to the fur
ther promotion of this project, & when such
be the case, it is time for us to look to the
danger, of losing a good customer, in the
face. By so doing we have every thing to
gain and nothing to lose. If England
should succeed in producing a supply of)
cotton for home fabrication, it will become j
our planters to diversify their products and
adapt their pursuits to their then changed
relations. That they will be able to do so
no one who understands the American char
acter—who has witnessed the exercise of
that versatile talent which enables us to
shape our course to suit events —will for a
moment doubt. It may be said that Eng
land has not as yet succeeded— true, she
has not; but it is the part of wisdom to an
ticipate events, where their occurrence are
probable, and such being the case, it may
be well for those whose interests are to be
seriously affected, to look around them and j
see what can be done, should India be con- \
verted into a cotton producing country, to j
render the lands now appropriated here to
its culture, equally available on the score j
of profit to its proprietors.
American Farmer.
A Remarkable Fruit Tree. —At Golnitz j
in Altenburgh, Mr. Gricola lias a single
tree, that bears over Three Hundred differ j
ent Sorts of apples and other kind of fruit. I
This lie has effected bv inoculating and j
grafting, and he has fastened to every ;
branch bearing a different sort, a little I
board with the name of the sort it bears.— ‘
This tree has a curious and strange appear |
ante from the various shapes and colors of.
the leaves, blossoms and fruits.
When the Russians, many years ago *
bivouacked near this tree, they were so I
surprised at its odd shape and number of I
liltle boards, that they did not injure it, al
though they cut down the other fruit trees’
for firewood:—Here was an extensive or- j
chard on a single tree of more than 300 |
sorts of fruit!
A man named James Fryer, one of the
workmen employed at the new glass house.
Mexborough, near Doncaster, has manu
factured a glass coffin, which he has be.
qu'allied to his cousin, who holds a situa
tion in Guy’s hospital, London, for his own
body to be inclosed in when he dies, so that j
his cousin will see if he rots any faster I
than if he was coffined in lead. The cof
fin is made of clear glass, quarter of an
inch thick, six feet two inches long, 21 in
dies across the bosom, and 15 inches deep.
He lias ornamented it with blue glass,
death’s bead and cross bones on tlie sides,
and his name is inscribed on the lid.
i\E\V SHOtiS.
7 1 f O-WIT, the following: Ladies’ Kid, C 1.,
X and Prunelle Walking Shoes ; Women’s
sew’d Kip Shoelees ; Boys’ Cali and Kip Shoe.-,
sew’d and peg’d; Coarse Brogans, making m,
assortment complete from the smallest size to
t he largest extra size, low for Cash.
December 16,1841. Ki
months after date, application will be
- made to the Honorable the Inferior Court j
of Wilkes county, while sitting as a Court of
Ordinary, for leave to sell a Negro man named
Sang, belonging to the Estate of Mathew Faver,
deceased, and sold for purpose of makino- divi
sion, &c. THOMAS FAVER, Adm’r.
February 3.1842. m4m 23
GEORGIA : 1 Whereas, John C. Bird ap-|
Wilkes County. % plies to mo for Letters of’
on the Estate of Jonathan Gresham, deceased,
late of said county.
This is, therefore, to cite, summon, and
admonish, all and singular, the kindred and
creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my
i ifSctTtvithin the time prescribed by law, to show 1
cause, (if any they have,) why said letters should i
not be granted.
Given under rny hand at office, this I7th of
January, 1842. JOHN H. DYSON, C. C. O
Jan. 20 ffiSm
GEORGIA, ) Whereas, Joshua Morgan
Wilkes Comity. $ applies to me for Letters of
Dismission as Guardian for John Scott.
These are, therefore, to cite, summon, and ad
monish, ail and singular the kindred and creditors
of said Minor, to lie and appear at my office,
within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause
(if any they have) why said letters should not be i
Given under my hand at Office, this I4;hdav
of February, 1842.
JOHN* H. DYSON, c.c. o.
February 17. mOrn
WIIE Subscriber ro'.urm- ins thanks for the
X custom horctoiore received, wishes to , n .
ior in his customers and ihe cotumunit'’ ,-oneral
iy, that lie has just received a supply of.
Materials for Repairing
W.tcs©s, Clocks, <&c.
A large supply of all kinds of Chrystals J
I and Spectacle Glasses.
! Also, a few pair SILVER SPECTACLES
For sale by 11. H. VICKERS, j
October 14, 1841. ts 7
To the Planters of Georgia.
P’63 HE Subscriber is now ottering n> die Far- !
X mers of Georgia, Mi.M.V WROUGHT- j
IRON PLOUGH STO( K,” invented by die
Messrs. Seaborn J. & Marshal!. -Slit’s, c: Oo- .
lebbalian county, Mississippi, and pu-emed by |
them. This PLOUGH iu every respect is :h:>
most desirable PLOUGH STOCK ever offered ;
to a planting community. It combinesdujubiii- ;
ty with convenience—it will last a groat many
years without repair or expense, and will admit
of every variety of Plough Hoes, (three tooth
harrow excepted,) with perfect convenience and
facility—it is no; heavier than die ordinary wood
en stock, yet lar stronger, and being so very sim
ple in its construction, that any blacksmith in
j ihe country can make them.
Sample Ploughs may be seen and tried at Mr.
Dense’s Shop in Milledgeville ; at Mr. Martin’s
Siiop in Spar a, and at Mr. F. 15. Biliingslea’s m
Washington, Wilkes county. Let the Farmer
examine the Plough, and he will purchase the
right to use them.
The Subscriber proposes to sell county rights
on the most accommodating terms.
O’ All communications on Ibis subject, post
paid, addressed to me at Milledgeville, or Wash
ington, Wilkes county, will race: with immedi
ate attention. li. 1,. BARNES,
Agent for S. J. & M. Mims.
January 27, 1341. 22
Fop Sale,
n— -X l‘.,e Subscriber offers for sale Ins
ce, within one mile of Raytown,
■ Tab ndrro county, situated on
j ,B!3e3=teslw Bsavcrdam Creek, adjoining James
it: , j and Messrs. Luckett’s. The im
provements are good, with a Gin and Gin House
There are about Three Hundred and Sixty A
cres in the Tract, and about 175 Acres of which
are woodland. The place is very healthy, ami
here is a g,.od Spring of Water near the Due
Also —A Tract of Land in said county, situa
ted be ween Raytown and Washington, on l iar
den’s Creek, containing One Hundred Acre ,
adjoining Mr. Joseph Campbell and Mrs. Ra -
dolpii. About 60 Acres of this Tract is Woo .
land—with some improvements thereon.
Any person wishing to purchase the abo.
property can have them on reasonable term
Raytown, August 18, 1841 ts 51
ON lie 7th December, 1340, at the Lafaye
Race Course, near Augusta, a small M
rocco Pocket-Book, containing (besides o".i:
J Notes ar.d ; brut wenty Dollars in money,) \
j pro:n r.-ory Notes .or twer.iy and >..ars each, u:
I payable to the Subscriber, due ie 25 it Deee
; her, 1841, signed Richard Anderson, and
j William A. Cunningham for one hundred a
! s:xty-five dollars, payable to James Brantley,
| bearer; duo ill j 25 ii December, bavin
I •■•nail credit of some small amount not recollec
| ed. Ail persons are ihrwarned from trading fro
j .--aid Notes, and a suitable reward wiil be pa.
j o any person who will give information to m .
I at Crawfordville, Taliaferro countv.
I January 20,1842. 6t 20
I \V r ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in March
* * next, before the Court House door in
I Vv ashington, Wilkes county,
: belonging to Joseph G. Senm'ies, Minor. Terms
I Cash.
PAUL J. SEMAILS, Guardian-
February 10, 1842. 4t 24
•I Jfltm Ijoose !
XJROKE JAU,, on the night of the sth inst., ;
fix a man named DANIEi. 15ASFORD, cinii
! mated for Larceny. He is about twenty-three ‘
“r four years old, live leet seven inches in height,
blue eyes, light hair, quick spoken, addicted to
j nquor, and when drunk, is boastlui and fond of
i showing feats of activity. Tiie Subscriber will
thankfully receive any information that will load
to his arrest.
AVashington, Wilkes co, Feb. 10, 1842.
IJ3” l’lie Augusta Chronicle will please copy
the above tnree time.-, and or ward bill
ss© Reward •
ioi KUNAW.-U from the Subscri
ftskfes her on the 4th day of January last,
one Negro ieilo\v by the name o.
BILL, about five feet eleven i.-i- !
MtV Hies high, stout built, and dark
f-'-vX-aus—a, Mulatto complexion, twenty-: wo
—■ r—ai-aaSSe years oi age, his eyes a little sunk
en, and slow m speaking. I have some reasons
io believe he is lurking about Choata, Edgefield
District, South-Carolina, as lie has connexions
m that neighborhood. 1 have also reasons to be
lieve the said Negro to have been stolen. I will
pay the above Reward of Fiity Dollars for the
apprehension and conviction of the Thiet, and re
covery ol the Negro, or Ten Dollars for the Ne
gro alone, delivered to mo at Lincolnton, Geor
gia, or lodged in any safe Jail so that I can get
Lincolnton, Ga., February 2, 1842. 1m
Sheriffs, clerks, &c., can be supplied
with the following BLANKS, at Urn Office
ol the News and Gazette: •
Sheriff's Deeds,
Sheriff’s Executions,
Tax Collector’s do.
Ca. Sa’s.
Letters of Administration,
Do. do. with will annexed,
Do. Dismission,
Do. Guardianship,
Administrator’s Bonds,
Guardian’s do.
Delivery do.
Bench Warrants,
Wrfts of Assumpsit,
Do. Debt,
Commissions for Interrogatories,
Warrants of Appraisement,
Alarriage Licences, &c. &c. .
H? Any kind of Blanks can be furnished at
short notice. April. 1841.
W xiikCo ; s bl&lCtt.
s.\ MARCH.
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in March
next, before the Court-House door in Wash
ington, Wilkes county, between the lawful
hours ol sale, the following property, to-wit:
j One Negro woman Rhoda, about twenty-two
years old and her two children; Nancy, lour
I years old, and Fanny, an infant, ail levied on as
l ihe property of It. ii. Noriuan, by virtue ot sun
dry li. las. irom the Justice's Court ol the 178th
District, G. M., A. D. Smtiiam and others, vs.
said Norman. Levy made by a Constable and
| returned to me.
One Tract of Land [the I.and to be sold sub- |
ject to a Mortgage,] in said county, on the wa- |
I ters oi Pistol Creek, containing three hundred j
■ Acre , more < r loss, jommg Gilson Hopkins,!
John Jordan, and other.-; one Negro man!
j named Wiil, about six’y years old, all levied .. .
j as the property ol Pre-ivy Avcock, by a ii. la. ,
:rom Wukes Superior Court, John T. Wootten j
i ..C Cos. vs. said Aycock. Property pointed out by
: Defendant.
January 27, 1842. 23
Will bo sold on the first Tuesday in March
next, at the Court-House door m Washington,
Wilkes county, between the legal sale hours,
the following property, to-wit:
One House and Lo:, in the Town ol Wash
ington, adjoining the Baptist Church, Nancy Aie-
Rea’s lot, Main-Street on the South, and by
Streets on the North and East.—Also, a I’asair
age Lot, with a Stable, containing five Acres,
more or less, adjoining Andrews, Barnett, Jar
rett,and Rappel, and on the South by a Street,
levied on by virtue of a li. fa. from the Superior
Court of said county, in the name of James No
am., vs. Daniel Lee, arid sundry other ii. fas. a
ga n ist said Lee. Property pointed out by said
Two Negroes, viz.: ive, a man, about twenty
yea rs of age, and Jack, a boy, about twelve years
■fa, je, levieu on by virtue of a ti. fa. from the 1 li
enor Court of Lincoln county, in the name of
-iarret E. Groce endorser, vs. Rem Reinson, prin
cipal, and Benj. F. Tatom, endorser, levied on as
tie property of Rem Remson, and left in posses
sion of said Remson, by order of Plaintiff’s .U
January 29 23
Will tie sold at the Court-House door, in the
Tuvin of Washington, W likes county, on the
first Tuesday in March next, within the
usu il hours of sale, the following property,
One Negro Woman by the name of Winnev,
■lout rwenty-two years of age ; one Girl by the
me oi Grace, about six years of age ; one Girl a name of Lott, about eighteen years of age,
l one Girl by the name of Ally, about seve.’i
* y ears of age, all levied on by virtue of a ti.
roi lithe Superior Court, in the name of Paul
Semines vs. D. W. MeJuni/.in. Property poin- i
I out by said McJunkin.
Orie Tract or parcel of Land in Wilkes coun
, lying on the waters of Fluffing Creek, adjoin
ii; iO3 of Joseph W. Coop-sr, Wyche Jackson, |
i a iiers, containing sixty Acres, more or less,
• cue Bay Horse and one Hay Mare, all levied j
bj - virtue of a ti. fa. from the Superior Court j
fie name of Gilchrist Overton vs. Andrew
.Vol, maker, and James Mull, endorser, as the
p:-rty of said Woolf. Properly pointed out by
ad Woolf) this 26th January, 1842.
GEORGE W. JAR RETT, Dep. Sheriff
January 27. ‘l2
Will be sold on the first T uesday in April next,
within the legal sale hours, before the Court
llou-e door iu Washington, Wilkes county,
the following property, to-wit:
One horse Colt, about thre e years old, one bay
mare Colt, one year old, one bay Mare, one sor
rel Horse (ball face,) two yc ke of Steers, one
Ox-cart, one Gig and Harness, two Cows and
Calves,two young Steers, two Heifers,two small
j Hulls, thirty head of Hugs, one sett Gig Har
ness, one Clock, two Beds, Bedsteads and Fur
-1 nil are, two Chests, two Trunks, one sett Black-
I smi'.h Tools, one Cupboard and lot of Crockery,
| one Sideboard, tea split-bottomed Chairs, five
j Ploughs, and three sett Gear, all levied on as the
j property of Presley Aycock, by v irtue of a Mort
gage ii. fa. from Wilkes Inferior Court, M. A.
Lane, for the use of A. S. Wingfield, vs. said
Aycock. Property pointed out in said fi. fa.
E. R. ANDERSON, Sheriff
January 27,1842 23
Will bo sold before t lie Court-lb.use door in the j
Town of Washington, Wilkes county, on the 1
first Tuesday in April next, between the legal i
hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: j
Ten head ol Cattle and ten he id of Hogs, all j
levied on by a fi. fa. on foreclosure of a Mort- !
gage, Felix G. Henderson vs. John P. Hammock ;
Property pointed out in said fi. fa, and left in
possession of Defendant by order of the Plaintiff
January 29 23
\,\f i CL be sold on the tirst Tuesday in April
* * next, belbre the Court-llouse door in
Cassville, Cass county, between the legal sale
Lot of LAND number 534, 19, 3, originally
Cherokee, now Cass county. Sold as the prop
erty of John Moore, deceased, agreeable to ati
order of the Honorable the Interior Court, ot
Wilkes county, for the benefit of the heirs and
creditors of said deceased. Terms made known
on tiie day of sale.
J. P. HAMMOCK, Adra’r.
February 17, 1842. 25
I7!OUR months after date, application will be
made to the Inferior Court of Taliaferro
county, while sitting as a Court of Ordinary, for
leave to sell the Real Estate of Robert Chivers,
late ol said county, deceased.
February 3,1842 m4in
GKOR HA, ( vVhereas, William Daihs, E:;-
Lincoln county $ ecutor of the Estate of Thomas
Daihs, Sen., deceased, applies to me for Letters
of Dismission.
These are, therefore, lo cite, summon, and ad
monish, all and singular, the kindred and credit
ors of said deceased, to be and appear at my of
fice, within fte time prescribed by law, to shew
cause (if any they have,) why said letters should
not be granted.
Given under my hand at office, this 6th Janua
ry, 1842.
January 20. tnfim
.ulsjert teiiexifE’s bales.
WILL bo sold belore the Court-House door
in Elberton, Elbert county, on the first
Tuesday m March next, between the legal sale
hours, the following property, to-wit:
Two Negroes, viz.: Egypt, a man, forty-five
years of age, and Judy, a woman, thirty-four
years of age, levied on as the property oi John
Vusser, to satisfy a fi. fa. from Elbert Inferior
Court, Robert Hester, bearer, vs. William O.
Vastier and John Vasser, and Burley Andrew,
security on stay of execution, and sundry other
I fi. fas. irom Elbert Superior and Inferior Courts,
i vs. said John Vasser and William O. Vasser, and
! others. Property pointed out by John Vasser. |
Two hundred Acres or Land, more or less, on
I ihe waters ol Doves Creek, whereon Burley An
drew tiuw lives, joining John Vasser and others,
j levied on as the property of Burley Andrew, to
i sat,sly a fi. la. Irom Elbert Interior Court, John
j A. II Harper vs. Bunny Andrew, principal, and
| Willis Pulliam, sccur.ty on stay of Execution,
and one other ti. lu. no, a the Superior Court ol
said county, William 11. Harper and Company,
vs. said Burley Andrew.
Two Hursos,one a gray, twelve years'old, the
oilier a bay, ton years old, levied on as the prop
erly of Henry Burden, to satisfy afi.fa. from El
bert, Superior Court, James J. Horton vs. Henry
Burden and Middleton G. Ginn. Property poin-
ted out. by said Burden.
Two bay Mules, one lour years old, and the
oilier two years old, levied on as the property of
Fuiney W. llammond, to satisfy a fi. fa. from El
bert Superior Court, James E. Johnson vs. said
Hammond. Property pointed out by Defendant.
Four Negroes, to-wit: Isaac, a man, nineteen
years old ; Nelson, a boy, sixteen years of age ;
Edy, a girl, seventeen years old, and Sally, a girl,
eighteen years old, levied on as the property of
Charles W. Christian, to satisfy a fi. fa. from El
bert Inferior Court, James B. Bishop vs. Nathan
iel Duncan and Charles VV. Christian, and sun
dry other fi. fas. from the Superior and Inferior
Courts of said county, vs. said Duncan and Chris
tian, and one other fi. fa. Irom Elbert Superior
Court, A. Hammond, Adm’r. &c. vs. Abraham
Brown, Charles W. Christian, and Thos. Haynes.
Property pointed out by C. VV. Christian.
Two hundred and twenty-six Acres of Land,
more or less, whereon Samuel Shaw now lives,
on the waters of Broad River, joining lands of C.
VV. Christian and others, levied on as the proper
ly of Samuel Shaw, to satisfy a fi. fa. from Elbert
Superior Court, Thomas Haynes and William
Horton vs. Samuel Shaw and Robert VV. Shaw.
Property pointed out by Defendants.
One Negro man named Isaac, twenty-six years
old, levied on as the property of the Estate ol
Thomas Haynes, deceased, to satisfy a fi. fa. A.
Hammond, Adm’r. &c. vs. Abraham Brown,
Charles VV. Christian and Thomas Haynes, and
sundry other fi. fas. vs. said Thomas Haynes and
One hundred and twenty-five Acres of Lind,
j more or less, whereon Jesse Nelms now lives,
joining Charles W. Christian and others, levied
on as the property of Jesse Nelms, to satisly a
| ii. i'a. from a Justice’s Court, William D. Haynes
| rs. said Jesse Nelms. Levy made and returned
j to me by a Constable.
One Negro woman, named Fanny, about fifty
live years of age, levied on as the property ol
William P. Christian, to satisfy two fi. fas. from
a Justice’s Court, in favor of Duncan & Chris-
Tan vs. William P. Christian. Property levied
on by a Constable and returned to me, tills 25ih
January, 1842.
January 27. 22
Will be sold before the Court-House door in
Elberton on the first Tuesday in March next,
between the legal hours of sale, the following
property to-wit:
One negro boy named Oz, about seven years
old, levied on as the property of John F. Ed
wards, to satisfy a fi. fa. Allred llammond for the
use of the Ruckersville Banking Company, vs.
said Edwards, property pointed out by Robert L.
One Negro boy by the name of Reuben, a
bout eleven years old, levied on as the property
oi Nathaniel Jones, to satisfy a ti. fa. lromthe Su
perior Court of Elbert county, in favor of James
! M. Tiller, and Maria E. Tiller his wife, vs. Na
thaniel Jones principal and Bud C. Wall, and
George W. Dye securities, property pointed out
by Lindsay H. Smith.
Two Mares, one a grey about eight years old,
the other a bay pony six years old, levied on as
die properly oi David B. Hudson, to satisfy a fi.
;a. issued from ihe Superior Court of Elbert
I county, James W. Strawn, vs. said Hudson, prop
i erty pointed out by defendant.
i One Negro man, named Romey about twenty
j lour years old, levied on as the property ol Nich
j olas Burton, to satisly a fi. fa. from the Superior
Court of Elbert county, Archibald Stokes, vs.
Nicholas Burton, and Abraham B. Starke secu
rity on stay oi Execution.
One Grey Mare, five years old, and one sor
rel horse about ten years old, levied on as the
property oi William G. Bullard, to satisfy a fi.
fa. from Elbert Superior Court, Alfred Ham
mond, vs. Wii'iam G. Bullard, and James Beit,
Junior, his security, property pointed out by W.
G. Bullard.
Two Negroes to-wit: Ralph, a man thirty
rive years old, and Lucy, a woman about thirty
three years old, levied on as the projierty ol Dan
iel Tab, to satisfy a fi. fa. from the Inferior Court
ol Elbert county, George W. Dye, vs. said Dan
iel l'ait, property pointed out by plaintiff
Three Negroes, to-wit: Essa, a woman 24
years old, and her two children, one two years
old, and the other six months old, levied on as the
property of the Estate of Middleton C. Upshaw,
deceased, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued irom the Supe
rior Court ol Elbert county, Asa Deadwyler, vs.
Thomas J. Ileurd, Administrator, &c. of ihe Es
tate of Middleton C. Upshaw, deceased, property
pointed out by Robert L. Harris.
One Negro boy named Miles, about ten years
old, levied on as the property of Lewis R. Jones,
to satisfy a fi. fa. from a Justices Court of the
191st District G. M. Henry Bourne, vs. Lewis
R. Jones and sundry other fi. fas. from 6aid Jus
tice’s Court, vs. said Jones, levy made and re
turned to me by a Constable.
Seven Negroes, to-wit: Cato a man, forty-five
years old, Hannah a woman forty years old, Har
ry a man twenty-five years old, Willis a boy 18
years old, Sarah a girl sixteen years old, Delia
a girl thirteen years old, Tom a boy seven years
old,'(and twelve shares of Bank Stock, in the
Ruckersville Bank, foundeuon the above named
negroes,) levied on as the pro|ierty of Robert L.
Edwards, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from Elbert
Interior Court, Ruckersville Banking Company,
vs. said Robert L. Edwards, property pouitod uu;
by the Defendant.
THOMAS F. WILLIS, Dep. Sheriff
January 27, 33 [
WILL be sold before the Court House door oi
Elbert County on the first Tuesday in March
next, within the legal sale hours the following
property, to-wit:
One Negro Woman by the name of Chainey
about forty years old, and a Negro Boy, Derry,
about thirteen years old, levied on as the proper
ty of James B. Adams to satisly a fi. fa. from El
bert Superior Court, Thomas Johnsioii and .1 ihii
] A. Teasley, vs. James B. Adams, and Sundry oth
er fi. fas. vs. said Adams.
January 27. 22
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in April
next, at the Court-llouse door in Elbert
county, between the usual hours of sale, the
following property, to-wit:
Four Negroes to-wit: Doctor a man, Twen
ty-six years old, William a boy nine years old,
Isaac a man forty- nine years old, and Nancy a
woman fifty years old, levied on by virtue of a
Mortgage ti. !a. in lavor of the Ruckersville Bank
ing Company, vs. VV illiam White, property point
ed out in said Mortgage fi. fa.
Two Negroes, to-wit: Judy a woman forty
years old, and Aggy a woman forty years old, le
vied on by virtue of a Mortgage fi. fa. in favor of
The Ruckersville Banking Company vs. William
White, property pointed out in said Mortgage
ti. fa.
Two Negroes to-wit: Tom a man about fifty
years old, and Sealy a woman about thirty-five
years old, levied on as the property of Robert C.
Oglesby by virtue of a Mortgage fi. fa. issued
from the Inferior Court ol Elbert county, in favor
of Robert Hester assignee, vs. said Robert C.
Oglesby, property pointed out in said Mortgage
fi. fa. WM. H. ADAMS, Sheriff
January 27. 22
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in April next,
bei'ore the Court House door in Eiberton be
tween the legal sale hours the following prop
erty to-wit:
Two Negroes to-wit: Green a man about
twenty-tour years otd, and Adam a man anout
twenty-eight years old, levied on as the property
of John Craft, Senior, to satisfy a Mortgage li. fa.
in favor of the Ruckersville Banking Company,
vs. said John Craft, property pointed out in said
Mortgage fi. fa.
January 27 22
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in April next,
before the Court-House door in Elbert coun
ty, within the legal sale hours, the following
property, to-wit.:
One Negro woman by the name of Lotty, and
her two children by the names of Sam and Jack,
levied on by virtue of a Mortgage fi. fa. issued
from the Inferior Court of Elbert county, in ta
vor of John Scales vs. the estate of Thomas
Haynes, deceased. Property pointed out in said
fi. ia., tins 12Ui January, 1842.
WILLIAM 11. ADAMS, Sheriff
January 20. 21
iamcoln BhcrJTs bales.
Will be sold be.ore the Court-House door in
Lincolnton, on the first Tuesday in April
next, between the lawful hours of sale, the iol
lowing property, to-wit:
One Negro woman named Rhoda, about twen
ty years old, levied on as the property of Hender
son Feed, to satisfy a Mortgage fi. fa. from
Wilkes Inferior Court, in favor of Obadiah Flour
noy vs. Henderson Feed. Property pointed out
m said fi. fa.
BENJ. F. TATOM, Sheriff
January 29, 1842. 23
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in April
next, before the Court-House door in
Washington, Wilkes county, between the legal
sale hours, the following Negroes, to-wit :
Willis, a man ; Frank, a man ; Wiley, a man;
Tom, a man; Dick, a boy ; Jim, a boy ; Silvey,
a woman; Mariah, a girl; Sally, a girl; Betty,
a woman, and her three children, belonging to
the Estate of John W. Jones, deceased. Sold
ior the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms
payable on the 20th December next.
February 3,1842. 23
GUARDIAN’S SALE.— continued.
WILL be sold at the Court-House in Cowe
ta county, on ihe first Tuesday in March
next, within the legal hours of sale,
One Tract of Land known as No. 34, in the
2d District in said County, belonging to Zacha
riah Brady, minor. Sold by order of the Honora
ble Inferior Court of Wilkes county, while sit
ting for ordinary purposes.
LEWIS S. BROWN, Guardian.
December 23,1841. 17
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in March
next, before the Court-llouse door in
Washington, Wilkes county, between the usual
hours of sale,
The House and Lot in the town of Washing
ton, formerly occupied by Mrs. Rebecca Allison,
deceased ; also, the Household and Kitchen Fur
niture, belonging to said deceased. Sold for the
benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased.
Terms made known on the day.
M. A. LANE, l E ,
G. L. RAKESTRAW, j c ' x rs ’
January, 1842. 19
ITIOUR months after date application will be
J? made to the Honorable the Inferior Court
ot Wilkes county, while sitting as a Court of
Ordinary, for leave to sell the Real Estate ot
Bailey Lunceford, deceased, late of said county.
December 2,1841. m4m 14
GEORGIA, ( Whereas Bedford Cade, ap-
Wilkes County. J plies to me for Letters of
Dismission, on the Estate ot George W. Mat
thews, deceased.
These are, therefore, to cite, summon,
and admonish, all and singular, the kindred
and creditors of said deceased, to be and ap
pear at my office within the time prescribed by
law, to show cause, (if any they have,) why said |
letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand at office, this sth day*'}
January, 1842. JOHN 11. DYSON,
Clerk Court oj Ordinary
January 6.1842. m6m 19
Gold! Gold! I
WILL bo sold at Lincoln Court-House, in
pursuance of the will ot William Parks,
do eased, on the first Tuesday in April next, all
i.ho interest ot said do eased, being the one-filth
part in a Gold Mine Jiriict of Land lying in the
i minty of Lincoln, adjoining Florence, Glaze
.aid Haws. Said mine is considered by judges
io bo the richest ever discovered in this section
of country, having been worked once profitably
under disadvantageous circumstances. Sold tor
the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said de
ceased. Terms on the day ot sale.
January 20,1842. 21
VKHLL be sold for cash, in Washington,
* * Wilkes county, on the first Tuesday in
April next, agreeable to an order ot the Honora
ble the Interior Court of said county, when sit
ting ior Ordinary Purposes.
One Negro woman and her five children, be
longing to the Estate of Osborn Stone, deceased.
Said property sold tor the benefit ol the heirs and
creditors of said deceased.
January, 1842. 22
ON the Ist Tuesday in March next, will be
sold at the Court House of Casa county, lot
number 814, in the twenty-first District of the
second section of originally Cherokee county,
sold as the property oi’ Seaborn Pollard, deceas
ed. Terms made known on the day of sale.
WILLIAM A. RHODES, V ‘ lu,n r ~
January 27 32
jj'OUE months after date, application will be’
made to the Honorable the Inferior Court ot
Elbert county, while sitting for ordinary pur
poses, for leave to sell all the LANDS belong
ing to the Estate of Angus McCurry, deceased,
this Ist of November, 1841.
Nov. 11. in4in 11
GEORGIA, j \\J 11EREAS Mary S. Rob-
Wtikes County. >’ * ert, Guardian of Rieli-
j aid W. Joyner end Elizabeth
Joyner, applies tor Letters ot dismission.
These are, therefore, to cite, summon,
and admonish, all and singular, the kindred
and creditors of said Minors, to be and appear at
my office, within the time prescribed by law, to
show cause, (if any they have,) why said letters
should not be granted.
Given under my hand at office, this
Aujrust. Ihli Jons ii. u \ SON, Clerk c.o.
August 12. m6m 50
Geological and Agricultural
©IF ©E©lE©o^ 3
nn HE Legislature, attheir last session, deem-
I ed it expedient to discontinue the salary of
the State Geologist, in consequence of the em
barrassed finances of the State. By this unex
pected movement, the subscriber is deprived of
the means of completing the survey ol the State,
on the original plan: it done at all, it must be
at individual risk and expense.
It is needless, perhaps, to represent to the en
lightened citizens oi Georgia, that by following
out the plan so happily commenced in 1837, and
pursued with unremitting energy to the present,
the State has been contributing her mite, hum
ble as it may be on the part of her agent, to the
cause of general science in our country, and the
advancement of intellectual improvement among
her citizens, in accordance with other States of
the Union. There is but one alternative. In the
present situation or the survey, the work must
either be abandoned and tne important informa--
tion obtained by four years investigation oi the
Geology of the State, lost to her c itizens, or the
subscriber must depend lor support, on individ
ual patronage. He is determined to make an et
fort for the benefit and honor of his adopted Stale,
to proceed with the survey. From former ex
perience of the unbounded liberality and gene
rous hospitality of his fellow citizens, in differ
ent. parts of the State, he is confident that,, in
making an appeal to their sympathy and patron
age, it will not be made in vain.
That a complete survey may be made of the re-
maining counties of the State, and the whine
consolidated and published for the information
and benefit of the citizens, public patronage is
most respectfully solicited. A work ot this kind,
is much needed in Georgia, a State comprising
an avea of sixty thousand square miles, being
destitute of a single correct A lap, Geography,, or
history oi the same. A majority of the citizens
must, from necessity, be unacquaimed w ith the
rich mineral resources and agricultural capaci
ties of the different sections. I’ avored as the
subscriber lias been, by tour years labor,, as
State Geologist, .11 different parts ot the State,
in collecting materials lor a complete report ol
an Agricultural and Geological survey and Na
tural History, lie trusts that lie shall be able to
meet the approbation oi his fellow citizens.
The subscriber pledges Ins honor, that the
proceeds arising from subscription for the work
shall be appropriated to the completion ot the
survey of the remainiug counties ol the State,
and that they shall be finished as they will be
needed lor publication.
State Geologist.
Milledgeville, Janury Ist, 1841.
N. B. It is impossible, at this time, to desig
nate the number ot volumes in a set.
1. The work shall be printed on royal octavo
form, on fine paper and with new type, and will
contain complete reports ol a Geological and Ag
ricultural Survey ol every County in tho State,
with a Map of the same, Drawings ol remarka
ble places, sections, &c., together with an ac
count of the Natural History, Botany and Agri
cultural statistics.
2. The first volume will contain a system ol
Agriculture adapted to the soils and climate of
the South, with a table of analysis of soils from
different counties, and remarks on their improve
ment ; with other useful agricultural tables.
Also, a complete Glossary of Geological and
Agricultural terms.
3. Each volume shall contain 600 pages, m
cloth binding, at $3 50 per volume, to subscri
bers; to non-subscribers, $4 00, payable on
4. The printing shall be so arranged, that a
volume may be expected during the session of
the Legislature, in each year, until the whole
set is completed.
5. Should there be sufficient patronage, a large
Geological and Agricultural Map of the State,
will be constructed, 6 by 4 feet, on which in ad
dition to Geographical delineations usually on
Maps, all the Geological and Agricultural fea
tures of the State shall be accurately sketched
and colored. Price on Rollers, $lO 00.
The papers of this State giving the above a
I, feu insertions will be entitled to a copy of the
I work, gratis.