Newspaper Page Text
From the Gennessee Farmer.
Messrs. Gaylord 4- Tucker: —Having
seen in the October number of the Cultiva
tor for 1841, an article from the pen of Da
vid E. Lott of this State, on the subject of
choked cattle, I wish to give you my rente,
dy for that difficulty. Last spring one of
my milch cows fed on turneps was discov
ered to be choked, and on examination, we
found that a large and somewhat long piece
of rutabaga had lodged about half way
down the throat. To relievo her the cow
was cast, a small device was put in her
mouth, and several young lads from 10 to
15 years of age were urged to put their
hands down her throat and endeavor to re
move the root. They refused ; seeing the
cow must soon die, my wife (it was one of
her favorite cows,) passed her arm down to
the shoulder, and drew forth the obstruc
tion. not, however, without having her arm
much bruised either by the teeth of the an
imnl or the iron.
I immediately set about devising some
easier, and yet safe way of relieving cows,
or other cattle similarly choked. I went to
work and made what I shall call a piston,
for freeing the throat of cattle from substan
ces that may lodge in them. 1 made a rod
of tough white oak, (I should prefer hicko
ry,) three feet in length, with a knob on
one end 1) inch in diameter ; the end made
hollowing, while the other was of the same
size for a handle. The middle part was
worked down to £ of an inch, so that it
might be flexible, or spring, in case the an
imal should struggle.
I made, and placed my implement in my
garret, and in a short time I iiad an oppor
tunity of testing its merits. A poor man, a
neighbor, had his cow choked with a potato,
and when I learned her condition, those who
had endeavored to relieve her had left her
and gone home, satisfied she must die. On
my arrival, the cow was much swelled, and
breathed only with the greatest difficulty.
The owner hold her by one horn and the
nose, while I took the under jaw in one
hand, and with the other passed the piston
gently down, shoving the potatoe about six
inches, then drew out the rod carefully, and
the cow walked away and began to graze.
The whole was done in less than half a
minute. The piston should be well oiled
before using, and every owner of cattle
would do well to have such a rod made a
gainst the time of need.
Hudson co., N. V.
From the Southern Planter.
From a conversation with our friend, Mr.
Thomas S. Dicken, whose practical know,
ledge of Farming is equal to that of any
gentleman with whom we are acquainted,
we derived the following hints for the man
agement of new grounds:
Cut down your trees in spring or sum
mer, whilst the sap is in full (low ; this ex
pedites extremely the decay of the stumps
and laps. Great advantage is obtained by
cutting your trees as close as possible to
the ground ; your swingletree then passes
over the top of tile stump, and you can
plough much closer to it; besides, the sav
ing of fire-wood is considerable, and if the
tree is a timber one, every body knows the
most valuable part is that next the ground.
After removing your fire-wood, never burn
the laps and leaves, but permit them to re
main upon the surface of the land, two
years, if possible ; by that time, if they
were cut when the sap was up, they will be
greatly decayed. Proceed, then, to fallow
your ground, turning under every thing
that the plough can manage ; if any largo
sticks remain undecayed, they must ■'"of
course be removed by hand. This fallow
ing should be done during the fall or win
ter. In the spring, plant your corn and
take a little pains to cover it with dirt as
tree from the trash as possible. The pro
cess of decay still goes on, and a quantity
of decomposed vegetable matter is obtained,
much greater in quality and quantity, than
could have been derived from the ashes of
the burnt trash
Mr. Dicken, whose experience is very
great, and who attends to every operation
on his farm in person, informs us, that this
system was ofiue accidentally pursued, be
cause it was not convenient to follow the
old, and favorite, plan of burning. He was
astonished at the result; he of course con
tinued it, and lie assures us that he has
never seen such crops of new ground corn
as it is sure to produce.
Here, again, is the cover afforded to the
land for two years producing extraordinary
effects. Mr. Dicken gave no credit to this
fact; but we are satisfied that the office of
covering and sheltering alone, which the
trase had performed for two years, would
have been worth more than any benefits
that could have been obtained by burning.
There are few tilings in the habits of A
inericans, which strike the foreign observer
with more force, than the extravagant con
sumption of food—and more especially of
meat. Truly we area carnivorous people.
With all our outcry about hard times, the
provisions consumed in America would
support, in health, treble our population in
fiurope. The vast consumption of meat is
not only wasteful, but injurious to health,
and activity, of body and mind. The body
if made of iron, would be unable to perforin
all the functions imposed upon it, we should
suppose, without pretending to any science
on the subject, deleterious to oat meat sup
pers—or to eat a heavy meal immediately ]
preceding any action of body and mind. !
May it not be averred that one half of the j
provisions consumed in this country might •
be saved with certainty of avoiding the nu- |
merous diseases that arise from pelthora,
impaired digestion, and disordered blood !
Let the heads of any family examine, and i
, they will find that a substitution of bread
and vegetables and milk, for three fourths
1 of the meat consumed, would be attended
j with economy and better health.— Amer- j
| lean Farmer.
The seed of foreign grapes have lately I
been discovered to be an excellent substi- i
lute for coffee. When pressed, they first i
produce a quantity of oil, and afterwards, j
when boiled, furnish a liquid very similar
to that produced from coffee. The prac
tice has become very general throughout
Germany. What next ?
“The Roscommon Journal states that the
magistrates of French park have sentenced
a poor man who declares he had not tasted
food for twenty-four hours, to a month’s im
prisonment and hard labour, for pulling a
carrot from a field of the Rev. John French
who holds sinecure living to the amount of
£IBOO a year. —English paper.
A correspondent informs us that he has
j witnessed the operation of a beautiful mod- i
| el of a loom for weaving figured fabrics, re-
I cently deposited in the Patent Office by its
ingenious inventor, Mr. O. G. Gilroy.—
j The machine possesses many novelties, one j
| of the most important of which is entirely i
j dispensing with cains and beadles in wea
: ving every description of cloth. The con
’ trivance which the inventer calls woft-pul
; lers, seems really instinct with life, draw
j ing every thread of the wof't tight, after the !
I shuttle has been thrown, and laying it up to !
: the face of the cloth. The combination of
these, with the regular and admirable ar- j
rangement for raising the jacquard, enable i
him to operate the loom as rapidly as the
ordinary loom for weaving cloth.—The
motion for regulating the tension on the
warp roller, and that for stopping the loom !
when the woft-ihread breaks, which act j
with surprising certainty, renders this ma- 1
chine one of the most perfect ever offend to 1
the public notice. Mr. Gilroy has also de
posited some beautiful specimens of silk j
; goods woven in France on his loom. We !
arc informed that Mr. J Wilbur, one of the ;
well-known firm of Messrs. Masters & Cos.,
i of New lork, is now the proprietor of this :
, useful invention.— Nat. hit.
Bead. —M;. Hum •, the great champion •
of free trade in England.
gr w / uft'wnnt ‘m p .. “jutbk cranwrw. mw w-rgmatr cma:* we an j .-rTurawi
lit'tsler Noiomm i •
I _ fiA
! This imported Dorse has located in Washing*
a M ilke.-i county, and will stand the present
■'voii-'on at the Stable o John Jesse, Esq.
MASTER SOLOMON is a beautiful ma
i hogany bay, rising sixteen hands high, six years
! old this Spring. So thorough-blooded a Horse
Is rarely found, lie is much admired for his
. largo bone and muscle, ins beautiful form and
j splendid look, lie is not excelled for progeny
, by any, and is in hue health and vigor.
He will be lot to Mares at sls. tiie single vi
i sit, §25. the season, raid §55. to insure a mare to
|be m loai. Any person putting by the insurance
who do not attend regularly, or who may trade or
; transfer the marc, will be required to pay the
| full price of insurance.
The money to be paid within the Season.
Mares sent irom a distance will be weli at
j tended to, and provided with good food oil rea
j sonabie terms. Every care vvnl be taken to pre
i vent accidents, but the Subscriber will not be
■ accountable lor ar.y that may happen.
’ Pedigree.—Master Solomon was bred by Phil
more, in 1836, sired by Reveller; his dam by
Lord Barneis, Lord Burners by Jupiter ; Jupiter
! out of Brambush, Brambush by Teddy the Grind
er; her dam by Princess, by Sir Peter; Dun
| ganon by Turl, Herod, Me.'; Jupiter by Whis
key, out ot Jenny the Spinner, by Dragon ; her
dam by Matchem, Me. Reveller, by Genius;
| Coni us out. o: Rosetta ; Rosetta by Raniugburg,
her dam by Rosamon; Rosamon by Tandren,
Zuberose; Zuberose by Herod, Me. Comus by
! Sorcerer, his dam by Sir Peter, Highflyer, Me.,
Sorcerer by Trumpeter; Trumpeter by Conduc
tor, and be by Matchem.
j This is enough to satisfy all men who have
! made themselves acquainted with the Pedigrees
of English blooded Horses, that the Master Sol
omon is as tine a blooded Horse as ever crossed
l the Atlantic. Solomon has never run any Races
! as lie was injured in his left fore leg in coming
j out of the vessel, which mark is there to be seen.
Solomon lias now with him a two years’ old Coli,
j of his own get, which is thought by all who have
1 seen lum, that he cannot be surpassed by any of
; his age. The Master Solomon was imported
j from England to America in 1838, by James
Stow, ot Virginia.
W e the underwritten Subscribers do certify
j that the above statement of tiie Master Solomon
1 is just and true ; General Washington Powell,
| Thomas J. Alien, George Thompson, and James
| W. Bailey, all of Virginia
March 3,1842. 3m 27
IIERIFFS. CLERKS, Me., can be supplied
ii J with the following BLANKS, at the Office
I oi the News and Gazette:
Sheriff’s Deeds,
Sheriff’s Executions,
Tax Collector’s do.
Ca. Sa’s.
Letters of Administration,
Do. do. with will annexed,
Do. Dismission,
Do. Guardianship,
Administrator’s Bond.-,
Guardian’s do.
Delivery do.
Bench Warrants,
Writs of Assumpsit,
Do. Debt,
Commissions for Interrogatories,
Warrants of Appraisement,
Marriage Licences, Me. Me.
O* Any kind of Blanks enn be furnished at
short notice. April, 1841.
W .alii'cd Sheriff ’s Sales.
Will bo sold at the Court-House door, in the
Town o! Washington, Wilkes county, on the
first Tuesday In April next, within the
usual hours of sale, the following property,
to-w it :
Four Negroes, to-wit: iMeiia, a woman, about
thirty-three years of age ; Charity, a girl, about
ten years ot age ; Wiley and Solomon, children,
all levied on by virtue of a li. la. from Wilkes
Superior Court, in the name of Jesse Callaway
vs. Benjamin P. Fisher, and sundry other li. fas.
against said Fisher.
Two Negroes, viz.: Mary, a woman, about
tliirty-tive years of age ; and Isaac, a boy, about
ten years of age, levied on by a fi. fa. from the j
Justices’Court of the 174th District, G.M., in j
i the name of Martha Garrard, Ex'x. ot John Gar- ‘
• rard, deceased, vs. Harbert li. Reveere, and sun- j
I dry other li. fas. against said Reveere. Proper- ‘
i ty levied on and returned to me by a Constable. |
I Eleven bags of Cotton, levied on by virtue of a J
i ti. fa. from the Superior Court of Wilkes coun
| ty, m the name of Richard .1. Willis, Ex’r. &c.
vs. John P. Hammock, Sarah Moore, John Wor
j tham, Frederick Lawrence, Chenoth Peteet, and
Vordmo J. Moore, ail levied on as the property
i of Sarah Moore.
One House and Lot in the town of Wasliing
j ton, now m the occupancy of M. P. Callaway & j
I Cos., as a Store, bounded as follows : on the East
by the Public Square, on the Soutli by Merry &.
Pope and John Eidson’s lot, on flic West by Mrs.
Allison’s lot, North by Francis T. Willis and
i John 1). Thompson, levied on by virtue of a fi.
! fa. from Wilkes Superior Court,*in favor of Mar-
I garet Telfair vs. William F. Sohan, and William
I S. Thomas, endorser, as the property of William
F. Sohan.
One Tract or parcel of Land, lying in Wilkes
county, on the waters of Clarke’s Creek, con
taining Two Hundred and Sixty (200) Acres,
more or less, adjoining lands of Enoch Calla
way, Margaret Hanson, and otiiers ; also, one
Negro man by the name of Squire, about forty
five years old, all levied on by virtue of a ft. fa.
from Wilkes Superior Court, m the name of Nan
cy Terrel vs. Gideon G. Norman, and other fi.
fas. Property pointed out by said Norman.
March 3. 27
14S7"TLL be sold on the first Tuesday in April
T V next, before the Court-House door in the
Town ot Washington, Wilkes county, within the
legal sale hours, the following property, to-wit:
Six Negroes, viz.; Dilcey, a woman, 30 years
old, and her two children Frances tour years old
and Louisa, two years old; Betsey, a girl, eleven
years old ; David, a boy nine years old, and Syd
ney, two years old, levied on as the property of ]
Clark R. Jenkins, by virtue of sundry ti. fas. Irom j
Wilkes Superior Court, in the name of Augustin j
D. Statham and others, vs. said Clark R. Jenkins
and others. Property pointed out by Defendants.
One Negro girl named Amoy, ten years old,
‘cvied on as the property ol W. A. Jenkins, by
virtue of a li. fa. irom Wilkes Superior Court, 11. j
P. Wootten, guardian, Me. vs. Walter A. Jenkins
and Clark R. Jenkins, together with sundry oth- I
or ti. fas. vs. said Walter A. Jenkins. Property j
pointed out by Defendant.
A Negro man named Bryant, forty-seven years
ot age, a first-rate Wagoner; Mark, a boy, 13
years old, and Hannah, a woman, thirty-eight
. years old, a lirst-rate cook, washer and ironer,
! also, one House and Lot in Danburg, containing
; sixty-six Acres, more or less, (including Store
! House, Gin-House, Stables and out-houses,)
’ joining S. G. Wheatley and A. D. Stathain, (the
, Academy and Lot excepted,) sold subject to a
i Mortgage of §460.; also, one other Lot in Dan
; burg, containing eighty-five Acres, more or less,
\ joining A. D. Statham and others, eight head of
Horses, 2 Mules, 1 two-horse Barouche and Har- |
! ness, and one Road-wagon and Gear, all levied j
on as the property of Samuel Danforth, Liy virtue j
of sundry fi. fas. from Wilkes Superior Court, j
j one in the name of John C. Stokes vs. said Dan- !
! forth, three li. fas. from Wilkes Inferior Court, |
two in the name of J. M J. Mc Bride M Cos. and I
| one in the name of H. W. Goodwin M Cos. vs.
! Jones M Danforth, together with other li. fas. vs. I
I said Danforth. Property pointed out by Defen- !
; dant
5 Negro man named Dick, forty-seven years j
i old ; Rose, a woman, forty-five years old; Ly- |
| dia, a girl, three years old, ar.d Lotty, a girl, nine- :
; teen years old ; also, three Horses, six Cows j
! and Yearlings, one yoke of Oxen and Cart, one j
Road-wagon and gear, one Bed and Furniture, j
! one Bedstead, seven split-bottom Chairs, ten j
| barrels Corn, more or less, one thousand pounds
| of Fodder, more or less, all levied on as the pro-
I perty of Joseph Danner, by virtue of sundry li.
las. from Wilkes (Superior Court, A. D. Statham
| and others, vs. said Danner. Property pointed
| out by said Danner.
One Negro woman named Phillis, fifty years
old, and one grey Mare, levied on as the property
! of John Danner, to satisfy a fi. fa. from Wilkes
’ Superior Court, Francis M. Dorsey vs. John
j Danner, David Danner, and Joseph Danner, to
: .-ether with one other ti. fa. from Wilkes Infe
rior Court, William M. Lampkin vs. John Dan*
I ner. Property pointed out by Defendant.
One Tract of Land ou the waters of Newford
Creek, joining Richard Bradford, Francis Mc
! Lendon, and others, containing three hundred
and thirty Acres, more or less, levied on as the
j property of Abel Wheatley, to satisfy a fi. fa.
.rom Wilkes Inferior Court, L. Dwelle & Cos. vs.
; Abel Wheatley, and Samuel Danforth, endorser.
One Tract of Land on the waters of Pistol
j Creek, joining B. W. Forlson, John Norman, and
| others, with a Saw-Mill thereon, containing
| three hundred and eighteen Acres, more or less,
; levied on as tiie property of Garrett Oglesby, to
I satisfy a ti. fa. from Wilkes Superior Court, in
1 the name of Joseph Rucker, endorser, vs. Reu
ben Carter and Garrett Oglesby, Sen’r.
One Sorrei Mare and Colt, three Cows and
two Yearlings, one Bed and Furniture, one Stde
j board, one Clock, two Trunks, two Bedsteads
and Cords, two pine Tables, one Spinning-wheel,
I six split-bottom Chairs, one Horse-cart, 2 Ovens,
! one Pot, 4 Jars, one set Knives and Forks, one
i set Table Spoons, one set Crockery, 5 Tumb
j Jers, 2 small Waiters, and 2 brass Candle-sticks,
- all levied ou as the property of Francis M. Strib
i ling, to satisfy two fi. fas. one from Wilkes Su
perior Court, Joel B. Sutton vs. John M. Muse,
Thomas L. Psalmonds and Francis M. Stnbling.
I Also, one from Lincoln Inferior Court, Speed M
Hester, survivors, Me. vs. Francis M. Stribling.
One Cow and Yearling, one Cupboard, one
Sofa, lot of Knives and Forks, one trundle Bed
stead, and one Card Table, levied on as the
property of William McGregor, byafi. fa. from
Willies Superior Court, Lane M Wingfield vs.
1 William McGregor and John T. Wootten.
E. R. ANDERSON, Dep. Sheriff.
Match 4,1842. - 28.
Will be sold on the first Tuesday irf April
next, at. the Court-House door in Washington,
Wilkes county, bet ween the legal sale hours,
the following property, to-wit:
One House and l/>t, in the Town ol Wash
ington, adjoining the Baptist Church, Nancy Mc
llea’s lot, Main-Street on the South, and by
Streets on the North and East.—Also, a Pastur
age Lot, with a Stable, containing live Acres,
more or less, adjoining Andrews, Barnett, Jar
rett, and Kappcl, and on the South by a Street,
levied on by virtue of a fi. fa. from the Superior
Court of said county, in the name of James No
lan, vs. Daniel Jam;, and sundry other ti. fas. a
gainst said Lee. Property pointed out by said
One Negro Woman by the name of Winney,
about twenty-two years of age ; one Girl by the
name of Grace, about six years of age ; one Girl
by flic name of Lott, about eighteen years of age,
and one Girl by the name of Ally, about seven
teen years of age, all levied on by virtue of a ti.
fa. from tlie Superior Court, in the name of Paul
J. Semmcs vs. I). W. AlcJunkin. Property poin
ted out by said McJunkin. •
GEORGE W. JAitRETT, Sheriff.
March 3. *27
Will bo sold on the first Tuesday in April next,
within the legal sale hours, before the Court-
House door in Washington, Wilkes county,
the following property, to-wit:
One horse Colt, about three years old, one bay
mare Colt, one year old, one bay Mare, one sor
rel Horse (ball lace,) two yoke of Steers, one
Ox-cart, one Gig and Harness, two Cows and
Calves, two young Steers, two Heifers, two small
Bulls, thirty head of Hogs, one sett Gig Har
ness, one Clock, two Beds, Bedsteads and Fur
niture, two Chests, two Trunks, one sett Black
smith Tools, one Cupboard and lot of Crockery,
one Sideboard, ten split-bottomed Chairs, five
Ploughs, and three sett Gear, all levied on as the
property of Presley Aycock, by virtue of a Mort
gage fi. fa. from Wilkes Inferior Court, M. A.
Lane, tor the use of A. S. Wingfield, vs. said
Avcock. Property pointed out in said fi. fa.
E. 11. ANDERSON, Sheriff
January 27,1842. 23
Will be sold before the Court-House door in the
Town of Washington, Wilkes county, on the
first Tuesday in April next, between the legal
hours of sale, the following property, to-wit :
Ten head of Cattle and ten head of Hogs, all
levied on by a fi. fa. on foreclosure of a Mort
gage, Felix G. Henderson vs. John P. Hammock.
Property pointed out in said fi. fa., and left in
possession of Defendant by order of the Plaintiff
January 29 23
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in May
next, before the Court-House door in Wash
ington, Wilkes county, between the lawful
hours of sale, the following property, to-wit.:
One Negro boy named Jefferson, about nine
years of age, levied on as the property of Wilkes
R. Wellborn, to satisfy a Mortgage fi. fa. issued
from Wilkes Inferior Court, in the name of Ab
ner Wellborn vs. Wilkes li. Wellborn. Prop
erty left in possession of the Plaintiff, by consent
One Negro woman named Dicey, about twen
ty-three years of age, levied on as the property
of Daniel Fouche, to satisfy 2 Mortgage ii. fas. is
sued from Wilkes Inferior Court in favor of John
H. Dyson vs. Daniel Fouche, property left in
possession of defendant by consent.
March 3. 27
Albert Sales.
WILL be sold before the Court-House door
in Elberton, Elbert county, on the first
j Tuesday in April next, between the legal sale
hours, the following property, to-wit:
One Sorrel JI a re, one Saddle and one Bridie,
i levied on as the property oi William A. Ilulrae,
! to satisiy a li. fa. in lavor of William McMullan
| vs. said William A. Hulme, Nicholas M. Adams
i and John Daniel, this 25th February, 1842.
March 3. 27
Will be sold before the Court-House door in
Elbert County on the first Tuesday in April
next, between the leg'al hours of sale, the fol
lowing property to-wit:
One Nego man named Dick, about twenty
one years old, levied on as the property of Ste
phen T. Heard, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the
Superior Court of Elbert county, in favor of John
A. 11. Harper vs. Stephen T. Heard, and sundry
other fi. fas. vs. said Heard.
One hundred and eighty Acres of Land, more
or less, on the waters ot Beaver-dam Creek, in
Elbert county, levied on as the property of John
Tale, to satisfy a fi. fa. from the Superior Court
of Elbert county, in favor of William While vs.
said Tate, and Benjamin Andrew, security on
stay of execution. Property pointed out by De
One Negro boy named Joshua, about seven
years old, levied on as the property of William
G. Bullard, to satisfy a fi. fa. ‘Charles S. Meri
wether, bearer, vs. Thomas B. Bullard, and Wil
liam G. Bullard, his security. Property pointed
out by William G. Bullard.
One Negro boy named Billy, about seven years
old, levied on as the property of Gideon Holmes,
to satisfy a fi. fa. from a Justices’ Court, in favor
of Thomas J. Haynes, vs. said Holmes, and sun
dry other ii. fas. from a Justices’ Court, vs. said
Holmes. Property levied on by a Constable,
and pointed out by Defendant, this 25th Februa
ry, 1842.
THOMAS E WILLIS, Dep. Sheriff.
March 3. 27
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in April
next, at the Court-House door in Elbert
county, between the usual hours of sale, the
following property, to-wit:
Four Negroes to-wit: Doctor a man, Twen
ty-six years old, William a boy nine years old,
Isaac a man forty-nine years old, and Nancy a
woman fifty years old, levied on by virtue of a
Mortgage fi. fa. in favor of the Ruckersville Bank
ing Company, vs. William White, property point
ed out in said Mortgage fi. fa.
Two Negroes, to-wit: Judy a woman forty
years old, and Aggy a woman forty years old, le
vied on by virtue of a Mortgage fi. fa. in favor ot
The Ruckersville Banking Company vs. William
White, property pointed out in said Mortgage
fi. fa.
q\vo Negroes to-wit: Tom a man about fifty
years old, and Sealy a womau about thirty-five
years old, levied on as the property of Robert C.
Oglesby by virtue of a Mortgage fi. fa. issued
from the Inferior Court of Elbert county, in favor
of liobert Hester assignee, vs. said Robert C.
Oglesby, property pointed out in said Mortgage
ti. fa. WM. 11. ADAMS, Sheriff
January 27. 32
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in April next,
betore the Court House door in Eiberton be
tween the legal sale hours the following prop
erty to-wit:
Two Negroes to-wit: Green a man about
twenty-four years old, and Adam a man about
twenty-sight years old, levied on as the property
of John Craft, Senior, to satisfy a Mortgage fi. fa.
in favor of the Ruckersville Banking Company,
vs. said John Craft, property pointed out in said
Mortgage fi. fa.’
January 27 22
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in April next,
before the Court-House door in Elbert coun
ty, within the legal sale hours, the following
property, to-wit.:
One Negro woman by the name of Lotty, and
iier two children by the names of Sam and Jack,
levied on by virtue of a Mortgage li. fa. issued
from the Inferior Court of Elbert county, in fa
vor of John Scales vs. the estate of Thomas
Haynes, deceased. Property pointed out in said
fi. fa., this 12th January, 1842.
January 20. 21
ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in April
™ * next, before the Court-House door in El
bert county, between the lawful hours of sale,
the following property, to-wit:
One Negro woman named Fanny, about fifty
five years of age, levied on as the property of
William P. Christian, to satisfy a fi. fa. from a
Justice’s Court in favor of Duncan & Christian
vs. William P. Christian. Property levied on
by a Constable, this Ist March, 1842.
HOWELL SMITH, Dep. Sheriff
March 10. 28
Lincoln Sheriffs Sales.
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in April next,
before the Court-House door in Lincointon,
Linceln county, between the lawful hours of
sale, the following property, to-wit:
One hundred and twenty-five Acres of Land,
more or less, lying in Lincoln county, adjoining
John W. Hamrick and others, levied on as the
property of Bazil McCord, to satisfy a fi. fa. in
favor of Curry & Caver vs. Bazil McCord. Prop
erty pointed out by Defendant.
One bay Colt, one year old, and one Sorrel
Colt, two years old, levied on as the property of
Jefferson Winn, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of
James Wellborn vs. Jefferson Warn and Seaborn
Fifty Acres of Land, more or less, levied on
as the property of Charles Wallace, t.o satisfy a
fi. fa. from a J ustices’ Court, of the 182d District,
G. M. in favor of George W. Lewis, Adm’r. on
the estate of Jeremiah Blanchard, deceased, vs.
Charles Wallace. Property pointed out by De
fendant, and levy made and returned to me by a
Two Negroes, viz.: Columbus, a boy, seven
teen years old, and Lucy, a woman, thirty-eight
years old, levied on as the property of Micajah
Reed, to satisfy sundry fi. fas. from a Justices’
Court, in Columbia county, District No. 4, in fa
vor ot J. G. Marshall & Cos., James Luke, and
James Luke & Son, vs. Micajah Reed. Proper
ty pointed out by defendant, and levy made and
returned to me by a Constable.
March 3. 27
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in Aprii next,
before the Court-House door in Lincolnton,
Lincoln county, between the lawful hours of
sale, tiie following property, to-wit:
Three Negroes, viz.: Charles, a man about fif
ty-five years old ; Alien, a boy, thirteen years old;
Hampton, a boy, twelve years old, and one hun
dred and eighty Acres ot Land, more or less, ly
ing in Lincoln county, adjoining lands of the es
tate of John Guice, Van Allen Collars and oth
ers, all levied on as the property of Joseph Davis,
survivor, Me., to satisiy a ti. fa. Irom Lincoln
Superior Court, in the name of William H. Nor
man, Adm’r. Me. vs. Joseph Davis, survivor, Me.
Property pointed out by Robert Toombs, plain
tiff’s Attorney.
One hundred and twenty-five Acres of Land,
more or less, in Lincoln county, adjoining lands
of John Guice and others, levied on as the prop
erty of William R. Reed and Jane Reed, to sat
isfy sundry fi. fas. from a Justices’ Court, in favor
of John Blackburn, Adm’r. of Jesse Blackburn,
deceased, vs. William 11. and Jane Reed. Levy
made and returned to me by a Constable.
Eight Negroes, viz.: Dick, a man, about fifty
five years old; Ren, a man, sixty years old;
Betsey, a woman, forty-five years old ; Rachel, a
woman, twenty-seven years old ; Milly, a wo
man, thirty years old ; Syrus, a boy, sixteen years
old ; Reuben, a boy, thirteen years old; Lucy, a
girl, nine years old ; Also, one thousand Acres
of Land, more or less, in Lincoln county, on the
waters of Fishing Creek, adjoining lands of Bar
bray Zellers, Moseley Haws and others, all le
vied on as the property of Robert B. Wheeler, to
satisfy a ti. fa. from Lincoln Inferior Court, in the
name of Marcia A. Cratin vs. Robert B. Wheeler
and Charles A. Wheeler, and sundry other fi.
fas. vs. Robert B. Wheeler.
Two Negroes, viz.: Ben, a man, aboutthirty
five years old, and Ned, a man, twenty-live years
old, levied on as the property of Beverly Barks
dale; to satisfy a fi. fa. from Lincoln Superior
Court in favor of Speed M Hester, survivors, Me.
vs. Beverly Barksdale, and sundry other fi. fas. in
my possession vs. said Barksdale.
One Negro boy named Willis, about thirteen
years old, levied on as the property of William
C. Dent, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of Speed M
Hester, survivor, Me. vs. William C. Dent.
Three Negroes, to-wit: Haley, a woman 22
years old ; Emily, a woman, twenty-five years
old, and Reany, a girl, thirteen years old, levied
on as the property of Charles A. Wheeler, to sat
isfy a fi. fa. in the name of Joseph Davis vs. Hen
ry Mercier and Charles A. Wheeler.
Four Negroes, to-wit: Adeline, a woman,
thirty years old ; Rose, a woman, twenty-seven
years old ; Mary, a girl, seven years old, and Jer
ry, a boy, three years old, levied on as the prop
erty of John Benson, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of
William Dallis vs John Benson, and sundry oth
er fi. fas. vs. said Benson. Property pointed out
by defendant.
BENJ. F. TATOM, Dep. Sheriff.
March 3. 27
Will be sold before the Court-House door in
Lincointon, on the first Tuesday in April
next, between the lawful hours of sale, the fol
lowing property, to-wit:
One Negro woman named Rhoda, about twen
ty years old, levied on as the property of Hender
son Peed, to satisfy a Mortgage fi. la. from
Wilkes Inferior Court, in favor ol Obadiah Flour
noy vs. Henderson Peed. Property pointed out
in said fi. fa.
BENJ. F. TATOM, Sheriff
January 29,1842. 33
Will be sold before the Court-House door in Lin
coln county, on the first Tuesday in May next,
within the legal hours of sale, the following
property, to-wit:
One gray Mare and Mule Colt, one iron-gray
l’oney, fourteen head Hogs, six head Cattle, and
the increase thereof, (if any,) also, lour Beds and
Furniture, lour Bedsteads, one Mahogany Side
board, six fancy Chairs, six common ditto, one
pine Cupboard, three pine Tables, 2 pine Chests,
2 trunks, one loom, 3 iron pots, 3 ovens, one Ox •
cart, and all the crop of Corn and Cotton made
on the land whereon defendant William H. Seal
resides, in the year 1839, if to be found, levied on
as the property of William H. Seal, to satisfy a
Mortgage fi. fa. issuing from the Inferior Court of
Lincoln county, in favor of Speed &. Hester, a
gainst said William 11. Seal. Property pointed
out in said mortgage fi. fa. and left in possession ot
defendant by direcion of plaintiff
BENJ. F. TATOM. Dep. Sheriff
March 3, 1842. 27
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in April
next, before the Court-House door in
Cassvillc, Cass county, between the legal sale
Lot No. 814, in the 17th District, 3d Section,
Cag county.
Lot of LAND number 534, 19, 3, originally
Cherokee, now Cass county. Sold as the prop
erty of John Moore, deceased, agreeable to an
order of the Honorable the Interior Court ol
Wilkes county, for the benefit ot the heirs and
creditors of said deceased. Terms made known
on the day of sale.
J. P. HAMMOCK, Adm’r.
February 17,1842. 25
Geological and Agricultural
THE Legislature, at their last session, deem
ed it expedient to discontinue the salary of
the State Geologist, in consequence of the em
barrassed finances of the State. By this unex
pected movement, the subscriber is deprived ot
the means of completing the survey of the State,
on the original plan: if done at all, it must be
at individual risk and expense.
It is needless, perhaps, to represent to the en
lightened citizens of Georgia, that by following
out the plan so happily commenced in 1837, and
pursued with unremitting energy to the present,
tiie State has been contributing her mite, hum
ble as it may be on the part oi her agent, to the
cause of general science in our country, and the
advancement of intellectual improvement among
her citizens, in accordance with other States oi
the Union. There is but one alternative. In the
present situation of the survey, the work must
either be abandoned and the important informa
tion obtained by lour years investigation of the
Geology of the State, lost to her citizens, or the
subscriber must depend for support, on individ
ual patronage. He is determined to make an ef
fort for the benefit and honor of his adopted State,
to proceed with the survey. From iormer ex
perience of the unbounded liberality and gene
rous hospitality of his lellow citizens, in differ
ent parts of the State, he is confident that, in
making an appeal to their sympathy and patron
age, it will not be made in vain.
That a complete survey may be made of the re
maining counties of the State, and the whole
consolidated and published for the information
and benefit of the citizens, public patronage is
most respectfully solicited. A work ot this kind,
i.- much needed in Georgia, a State comprising
an area of sixty thousand square miles , being
destitute of a single correct Mag, Geography, or
history ot the same. A majority of the citizens
must, from necessity, be unacquainted with the
rich mineral resources and agricultural capaci
ties of the different sections. Favored as the
subscriber has been, by lour years labor, as
State Geologist, in different parts of the State,
in collecting materials for a complete report ot
an Agricultural and Geological survey and Na
tural History, he trusts that he shall be able to
meet the approbation ol his follow citizens.
The subscriber pledges his honor, that the
proceeds arising Irom subscription tor the work
shall be appropriated to the completion oi the
survey of the remainiug counties ot the State,
and that they shall be finished as they will bo
needed for publication.
Stale Geologist.
Milledgeville, Janury Ist, 1841.
N. B. It is impossible, at this time, to desig
nate the number of volumes in a set.
1. The work shall be printed on royal octavo
form, on fine paper and with new type, and will
contain complete reports of a Geological and Ag
ricultural Survey ol every County in the State,
with a Map of the same, Drawings of remarka
ble places, sections, &c., together with an ac
count of the Natural History, Botany and Agri
cultural statistics.
2. The first volume will contain a system of
Agriculture adapted to the soils and climate ot
the South, with a table of analysis of soils from
different counties, and remarks on their improve
ment ; with other uselul agricultural tables.
Also, a complete Glossary of Geological and
Agricultural terms.
3. Each volume shall contain 600 pages, in
cloth binding, at $3 50 per v olume, to subscri
bers ; to non-subscribers, $4 00, payable on
4. The printing shall be so arranged, that a.
volume may be expected during the session ot
the Legislature, in each year, until the whole
set is completed.
5. Should there be sufficient patronage, a large
Geological and Agricultural Map ol the State,
will be constructed, 6 by 4 feet, on which in ad
dition to Geographical delineations usually on
Maps, all the Geological and Agricultural fea
tures of the State shall be accurately sketched
and colored. Price on Rollers, §lO 00.
The papers of this State giving the above a
few insertions will bo entitled to a copy of the
work, gratis.
mm mNmNLJ&Q*
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