Newspaper Page Text
In the fall of tins year when it is time
to gather cabbages, wo always find
more or less of them that have not formed
any heads. They may have grown well,
and have a large stock of loaves, but have
not closed up in the form necessary to make
a good solid, compact cabbage.
Wrn. Vanfce, Esq., of Readfield, has
practiced lor many years the following
method, which effectually closes these loose
leaves in of the winter, thereby
furnishing him with a supply of the best
kind early in the spring. In the fall of the
year, just before trie ground closes up, he
gathers all the cabbages which have not
headed, together. He then digs a trench,
eighteen inches or more deep, and of suffi
cient width to admit the cabbages. He then
closes the leaves together by hand, wind
ing a wisp of straw or something else a
round them, to keep them together, and then
puts them in this trech r with heads down,
roots up. He then packs straw or leaves
and earth snug about them, and rounds up
the earth over them. The trench should
be dug in a place where the water of the
rains and snows runs oil’ and will not stand
about them. A board or couple of boards
nailed together iri the form ofa roof and put
over the mound may be useful.
In the spring of the year open your trench
and you will find that the cabbages are all
headed firmly together, and if the water
has not got in, will be solid and bard. Mr.
Vance has had the goodness to send us a
few heads which he has formed in this way,
which were very nice.— Maine Farmer.
I send you the following prescription,
which you may give a place in your use
ful paper, if you think it will be of any ad
vantage to planters and travellers.
As soon as you find your horse is foun
dered, bleed him in the neck in proportion
to the greatness of the founder. In extreme
cases you may bleed h.m as long as he can
stand up. Then draw his head up, as com
mon in drenching, and with a spoon put far
back on iiis tongue strong salt, until you get
him to swallow one pint. Be careful not
to let him drink too much. Then anoint
around the edges of his hoofs with spirits of
turpentine, and your horse will be well in
one hour.
A founder pervades every part of the sys
tem of a horse. The phlegms arrest it
from the blood ; the salt arrests it from the
stomach and bowels ; the spirits arrest it
from the feet and limbs.
I once rode a hired horse 99 miles in two
days, returning him at night the second day;
and his owner would not have known that
he had been foundered if 1 had not told him,
and his founder was one of the deepest
I once in a travel of TOO miles, founder
ed my horse three times, and I do not think
that my journey was retarded more than
one day by the misfortune, having in all
the cases observed and practiced the.above
prescription. I have known a foundered
horse turned in at night on green feed ; in
the morning he would be well, having been
purged by the green feed. All founders
must be attended to immediately.—South
western Farmer.
There is this difference between the belle
of the ball-room and the bell of the school
room—one rings in the beaux and the other
GEORGIA, l Whereas, John Appling, ex-
Wilkes county. £ ecutor on the Estate of Joel
Appling, deceased, applies to me for Letters of
These are, therefore, to cite, summon, and ad
monish, all and singular, the kindred and credi
tors of said deceased, to be and appear at my of
fice, within the time prescribed by law, to show
cause (if any they have,) why said letters should
not be granted.
Given under my hand at office, this Stir day of
December, 1842.
JOHN IT. DYSON, c.c.o.
December 8. mOm 15
GEORGIA, ) Whereas, Archibald S
Wilkes County, j Wingfield, Guardian for Ar
chibald S. Hays, applies to me for Letters of
These are, therefore, to cite, summon, and ad
monish,all and singular the kindred and creditors
of said Minor, to be and appear at my office,
within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause
(if any they have) why said letters should not be
Given under my hand at Office, this sth day
of September, 1842.
JOHN 11. DYSON, c. c. o.
September 8. mOm 2
GEORGIA, l Whereas, Berry A. Arnett.
Wilkes County. ( Administrator on the Estate of
William Hammonds, deceased, applies for let
ters of dismission.
These are, therefore, to cite, summon,
and admonish, all and singular, the kindred
and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at
iny office, within the time prescribed by law, to
show cause, (if any they have,) why said letters
should not be granted.
Given under my hand at office, this 28th of
Sept., 1842. JOHN H. DYSON, Clerk c. o.
September 29. m6in 5
GEORGIA, ) Whereas, Clark R. Jenkins
Wilkes County. ( and Horace M. Jenkins, Ex
ecutors on the Estate of Catharine Jenkins,
deceased, apply to me for letters of Dismission.
These are therefore, to cite, summon, and ad
monish, all and singular the kindred and credit
ors of said deceased, to be and appear at my Of
fice, within the time prescribed by law, to shew
cause (if any they have,) why said letters should
not be granted.
Given under my hand at Office, this 31st day
of October, 1842. ’
JOHN IT. DYSON, c. c. o.
November-? mfim 10
Wilkes Sheriff’s Sales.
Will he sold on the first Tuesday in February
next,before the Court-House door in the town
of VVashington, Wilkes county, between the
lawful hours of salo, the following projierty,
One Tract of Land, in said county, adjoining
Finley, Jacks, and others, containing (300) three
hundred and sixty-six Acres, more or less, levied
on as the property of Peter Bennett, to satisfy a
ti. fa. from Wilkes Superior Court, in the name
of Arden Evans vs. l’eler Bennett, and other fi.
fas. Projierty pointed out by defendant.
All of Burton Crabb’s interest in a certain Ne
gro man by the name of Sam, about 23 years of
age, it being one-fifth part of said Negro, levied
on by two ti. fas. from the Justices’Court, in the
name ‘of Beck and Dobbins vs. Burton Crabb
and William F. Crane, as tho property of said
Crabb. Levy made and returned to me by a
Constable, December 24th, 1842.
One Tractor parcel of Land, in said county,
on the waters of Rocky Creek, containing (72)
seventy-two Acres, more or less, adjoining Pat
rick Barnett and others, levied on by virtue of a
Mortgage fi. fa. from Wilkes Superior Court, in
the name of Lane& Wingfield vs. Almira Hus
key and John Huskey. Property pointed out in
said mortgage fi. fa.
One Tract or parcel of Land, in said county,
on Ihe waters of Upton’s Creek, adjoining Til
m.Mi F. Kendrick, Joseph Gartrell, and others,
containing (200) two hundred Acres, more or
less, and six Negroes, to-wit: Davy, a man a
bout 45 years of age ; Jamaica, a man 50 years
of age : Delia, a woman about 40; Robin, a
man about 55 ; Katv, a woman about 30 ; Dolly,
a girl 18 years old, all levied on as the property of
James Mclntosh, to satisfy a fi. fa. from Wilkes
Superior Court, in the name of Archibald 8.
Wingfield vs. said Mclntosh, and other fi. fas. a
gainst said Mclntosh. Property left in posses
sion of defendant by order of plaintiff’s Attor’y.
Four Negroes, to-wit: Ned a man 37 years of
age, Ary, a woman 40 and her child 3, Herod 00
i Tract or parcel of Land on the Greeusborough
road, adjoining Garnett Andrews and others con
taining 60 Acres more or less ; One House and
Lot containing (30 Acres more or less on the
Greeusborough road, adjoining Wm. 11. Pope,
and Francis T. Willis :) 1 mahogany Bureau, 1
wire safe, 1 walnut dining Table, I mahogany,
tea table, 2 dozen rush bottom chairs, 1 carpet,
1 rug, 1 mantle glass, 2 wash bowls & pitchers,
1 worktable, 1 pr. plated candle slicks, 1 pr. sil
ver plated fruit Baskets, 1 pr. revolving casters,
1 brass kettle, 1 sett Dinner ware, 1 pr. waiters,
1 water bucket, 1 large map, 1 lott jars, and jugs,
1 lot of books, one 2 horse Wagon, and (fear, 1
cow.and calf, 1 cutting knife, 1 lour wheeled car
riage, 1 pr. fine match horses, as the property of
James M. Smythe. Also, 2 Negroes, to-wit:
Abrain, a man 20years of age, Daniel, a boy 12
levied on as the property of Frances A. Lipharn,
and all levied on to satisfy a fi. fa. from Wilkes
Superior Court, in the name of the Ruckersville
Banking Company, vs. James M. Smythe, Ann E.
Shepherd, Frances A. Liphaui, and George W.
January 5,1813. 19
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in February
next, at the Court-House door in Washington,
Wilkes county, between the legal sale hours,
the following property, to-wit:
All of Alfred L. Boren’s interest in a certain
Tract of Land, in Wilkes county, adjoining Gar
nett Andrews, Jesse Calloway, and others, con
taining one hundred and ninety-two Acres, (192)
more or less—his interest being one-half of said
tract of Land—levied on by virtue of-a fi. fa. from
Wilkes Superior Court, in the name of William
W. Clayton vs. Alfred L. Boren and Frances
Darden, administratrix, of Thomas B. Darden,
January 6,1843. 19
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in February
next, before the Court-House door in Wash
ington, Wilkes county, between the legal sale
hours, the following property, to-wit:
Two Negroes, to-wit: Martha, a woman 22
years of age, and Salina, a girl 12 or 13 years of
age, levied on as the property of Argyle Nor
man, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the last Supe
rior Court of Wilkes county, in the name of Pin
son and Terrell vs. said Norman, and sundry oth
er fi. fas. vs. said Norman. Property pointed out
by defendant.
Seven Negroes, to-wit: Squire, a man 50
years of age; Dave, a man about 30 ; Richard,
a blacksmith, aged 19; Juner, a woman 33 ; Ce
lia, a girl 11; Sarah, a girl 9, and GeVge, a boy
about 0 years of age, all levied on as the property
of Gideon G. Norman, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued
from the last Superior Court of Wilkes county,
in the name of John Wilkinson vs. said Norman,
and sundry other fi. fas. against said Norman.—
Property pointed out by defendant.
One sorrel Horse, 2 Cows and 2 yearlings, 3
or 4 head of Hogs, levied on as the property of
John M. Moore, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the
last Superior Court, in the name of John B. Ken
drick, and others, vs. said Moore. Property
pointed out by defendant.
Two hundred Acres of Land, more or less, ad
joining lands of Henry P. Wootten and others, on
the waters of Clark’s Creek ; 5 Cows and 4
Calves ; 15 or 20 head of Sheep; 2 Sows, Bor
10 pigs, and 6 shoats; 2 sorrel Mares; 1 sorrel
Colt; 15 or 20 barrels Corn, more or less ; 3
stacks Fodder; 8 or 10hundred pounds Oats;
2 pair plough-gear; 1 lott plough-hoes & stocks;
8 or 10 hundred pounds pickled Pork ; 2 beds
and bedsteads; 2 pine tables, one pine cupboard,
one slab and contents, one loom, one lott barrels,
1 lott water vessels, 1 lott cooking utensils, one
lott cotton seed, 1 pen shucks, 1 grindstone, one
lott axes and weeding-hoes, 1 mattock, 1 lott
wheels, 1 clock reel, and 2 trunks, all levied on
as the property of John Dodson, executor on the
estate of John C. Dodson, deceased, to satisfy a
fi. fa. issued from the Superior Court of Wilkes
county, in the name of John Wilkinson vs. said
Dodson. Property pointed out by defendant.
One roan Mare, 1 clay-bank Mare, 1 Cow and
Calf, 2 sows, 5 pigs, and 9 shoats, 25 barrels
Corn, more or less, 3 stacks Fodder, one sett
Chairs, two sett plough-gear, 3 fat Hogs, 2 or 3
hundred pounds pickled pork, 1 pine table, two
smoothing-irons, one sett water vessels, one lott
plough-hoes, 1 lott plough-stocks, 1 ox-cart, and
1 pen shucks, all levied on as the property of An
thony Edmunds, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the
last Superior Court, in the name of Alexander
Pope, Sen. and others, vs. said Edmunds. Prop
erty pointed out by defendant.
C. BIN NS, Dep. Sheriff
January 6.1843. 20
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in February
next, before the Court-House door in Wash
ington, Wilkes county, the following proper
ty, to-wit:
One Negro woman named Orry, 18 years of
age, and her child Clark, 3 years of age, levied
on as the property ot Garret Oglesby, to satisfy
sundry fi. las. from Wilkes Superior Court, hi the
name of A. D. Statham, .and others, vs. said O
glesliy. Property pointed out by defendant.
One Negro woman named Letty, about 70
years of age, levied on as the property oi Tyro
Johnson, to satisfy fi. fas. from the Justices’
Court of the 180th Dint. G. M., in the name of
Thomas Wootten vs. Tyre Johnson. Levy made
by a Constable and returned to me, this 6th of
January, 1843.
January 6,1843. 20
Gilbert Sheriff’s Sales.
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in February
next, belore the Court-House door in Elbert
county, within the legal sale hours, the fol
lowing property, to-wit:
One Negro girl named Sarah, about fourteen
years of age, levied on as the property of George
Scales, to satisfy a fi. fa. from Elbert Superior
Court, Jones & Hester, vs. said George Scales.
Projierty jiointed out by defendant.
One large Road-wagon, one Ox-cart, or.e
Horse-cart, one Carry-log, one hundred and fifty
barrels of Corn, more or less, one lot of Fodder,
four setts plough-gear, one lott plough-lutes, one
lott weeding-hoes, two log-chains, 5 club-axes,
2 long-handle shovels, 2 sjrndes, 1 cotton-gin, 1
thresher, 50 head hogs, more or less, 16 head
sheep, one lott shucks, one lott corn-tops, two
scythes and cradles, 1 brass clock, 3 iron wedg
es, 4 feather-beds and furniture, four turned post
bedsteads, one mahogany side-board, one pine
secretary and book-case, 3 pine bureaus, 1 pine
cupboard, 6 pine tables, 1 dozen Windsor chairs,
hall dozen cane-bottom chairs, half dozen com
mon chairs, 2 pair brass andirons, 1 pair common
do., 1 brass fender, 1 pair brass-top shovel and
tongs, 1 pair common do, 1 fine carpet, 1 lot of
china, 1 silver castor, one lot crockery-ware, I
sett knives and forks, 1 lott books, and 1 lott
kitchen furniture, all levied on as the projierty
of John A. H. Harjier, to satisfy a fi. fa. from
Elbert Inferior Court in favor of the Ruckersville
Banking Company vs. John A. 11. Harper and
William H. Ilarjier, as principals, and Jones &
Hester their security, and sundry other fi. fas.
vs. said John A. 11. Harper, and others.
One Stock of Merchandize, consisting of croc
kery ware, stone ware, Boots, Shoes, Castings,
Glass, Tin ware, Hats, Books, Hardware, Drags
& Medicines, Paints, Stationary, Dry Goods, and
various other articles usually kept by Merchants,
ail levied on as the property of Harjier & Has
lett, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of the Ruckers
ville Banking Company, vs. John A. 11. Harper,
and Harper & Haslett principals, and Jones &
Hester securities.
One Negro man, named Phill, about 50 years
of age one bay Horse, eight or nine years old,
1 bed, bedstead and furniture, 2 Cows and Calves,
20 head of Hogs, two Tables, one dining Table,
one lot Books, eight window curtains, 1 jir. shov
el and Tongs, 1 large waiter, 1 lot crockery ware,
I large red chest, 4 candle sticks, 1 gold watch,
500 jiounds of pork, 5 barrels corn, 2 pr. fire dogs,
1 pr. snuffers, 6 chairs, levied on as the properly
of William 11. Harper, to satisfy a fi. fa. of the
Ruckersville Banking Company, vs. John A. H.
Harper, and Wm. 11. Harper, principal, and Jones
& Hester, securities, and one other fi. fa. in fa
vor of the Ruckersville Banking Company, vs.
John A. H- Harper, and Harjier & Haslett, prin
cipals, and Jones & Hester securities.
One Buggy, arid one sorrel Horse, levied on
as the property of John .Tones, to satisfy a fi. fa.
in favor of Kerrs & Hope, vs. John Jones, and
sundry other fi. fas. vs. John Jones.
HOWELL SMITH, Dep. Sheriff
January 5, 1843. 19
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in February
next, before the Court-House door in Elbert
county, within the legal sale hours, the follow
ing property, to-wit:
Five round bales of Cotton, levied on as the
property of William Allgood, to satisfy a fi. fa.
from Elbert Superior Court, George W. Dye vs.
William Allgood.
Two Negroes, to-wit: Burrell, a man, about
forty-five years old, and Cynthia, a woman about
thirty-five years old, levied on as the property of
Wade Speed, to satisfy a fi. fa from Elbert Su
perior Court, Jane Johnson vs. Wade Sjieed and
James M. Hester. Property pointed out by E
nos Tate and left in his possession.
Three hundred acres of Land, more or less,
adjoining Eastin Fortson, Benjamin Smith and
others, levied on as the property of Abner Ad
ams, to satisfy a fi. fa. from Elbert Superior
Court, Samuel B. Stanford vs. Abner Adams.
One Negro girl named Jane, about thirteen
years old, levied on as the property of Milley
Willis, to satisfy a fi. fa. from Elbert Inferior
Court, Job Weston, survivor, &c. vs. said Milley
Willis, and sundry other fi. fas. vs. said Milley
THOMAS F. WILLIS, Dep. Sheriff
January 5, 1843. 19
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in February
next, before the Court-House door in Elbert
county, within the legal sale hours, the follow
ing projierty, to-wit:
Two Negroes, to-wit: Wilson a man, about
twenty-five years old, and Green a boy, about
nine years old, one Cart and Oxen, 20 barrels
Corn, more or less, 4 Cows, 15 head of Hogs,
13 head Sheep, more or less, one Desk, and book
case, one eight-day Clock, 1000 pounds Fodder,
more or less, 1 Cotton Gin, 1 Threshing machine
and one Sorrel Horse, eight years old, all levied
on as the property of Abner Adams, to satisfy a
fi. fa. from Elbert Sujierior Court. Young L. G.
Harris, vs. John A. H. Harjier, & Abner Adams,
property pointed out by said Adams.
Four Negroes, to-wit: Jim, a man about 45
years old, Anthony, a man about 40 years old,
Mary, a woman about 20 years old, and Dennis,
a boy about 14 years old, and 700 acres of Land,
more or less, on the waters of Beaverdam creek,
adjoining Robert L. Edwards, and all levied on
as the property of John Gray, to satisfy a fi. fa
from Elbert Superior Court, James L. Middle
ton, vs. John Gray, and sundry other fi. fas. vs.
said Gray.
Five hundred acres of land, more or less, (to
he sold in different parcels.) adjoining lands of
Chiles T. Key; and others, and lying on the wa
ters of Falling creek, in Elbert county, levied on
as the projierty of William W. Downer, to satis
fy a fi. fa. from Elbert Superior Court, H. B. Bai
ley & Cos. vs. said William W. Downer, and sun
dry other fi. fas. vs. said Downer, jioperty pointed
out by Defendant This 3d day of January, 1843.
January, 5, 1843. 19
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in February
next, before the Court-House door in Elbert
county, within the legal sale hours, the fol
lowing projierty, to-wit:
Four Negroes, by the names of Horace, El
leck, Reuben and Dave, levied on as the proper
ty of John White, by virtue of a Mortgage li. fa.
from the Inferior Court of Elbert county, in favor
of the Ruckersville Banking Company vs. John
White. Projierty jiointed out in said fi. fa.
November 3,1842. 10
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in February
next, before the Court-House door in Elbert
county, within the legal sale hours, the fol
lowing jiroperty, to-wit.:
Five Negroes, viz : William, a man, about 51
years old ; Rachel, a woman; Martha, a girl, a
bout 7 years old; Aaron, a boy, about 4 years
old, and Cornelius, a boy, about 2 years old, all
levied on by virtue of a Mortgage fi. fa. from the
Inferior Court of Elbert county, in favor oi Enos
Tate vs. Mathias Perrin. Projierty pointed out
in said Mortgage fi. fa.
THUS. F. WILLIS, Dep. Sheriff.
December 1,1842. 14
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in February
next, before the Court-House door in Elberton,
Elbert countjq between the usual hours of
sale, the following property, to-wit:
Five hundred Acres of Land, more or less, ad
joining lands of Elijah B. Norman, and others, on
the waters of Cold-water Creek in Elbert coun
ty, whereon James B. Adams now lives. Also,
Twelve Shares in the Stock of the Ruckerville
Banking Comjiauy, predicated ujion said Land,
all levied on as the jitoperty of James B. Adams,
to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the Inferior Court of
Elbert county, in favor of the Ruckersville Bank
ing Company vs. James B. Adams, John M. Ad
ams, Abner Adams, and William Johnston. The
land to be sold sucject to a Mortgage due the
Ruckersville Banking Company. Property poin
ted out by James B. Adams.
January 5, 1843. 19
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in March
next, before the Court-House door in Elbert
county, within tho legal sale hours, the follow
ing property, to-wit:
Ten thousand pounds of Seed Cotton, more
or less, fifty barrels of Corn, more or less, one
stack of Oats, nine stacks of Fodder, five Cows
and Calves, one roan Horse, and thirty head of
Hogs, more or less, all levied on by virtue ofa
Mortgage fi. fa from the Inferior Court of Elbert
county, in the name of William Willis vs. Milley
Willis. Property pointed out in said fi. fa.
THOMAS F. WILLIS, Dep. Sheriff
January 5,1843. 19
\\T ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in March
* * next, at the Court-House door in Wash
ington, Wilkes county,
Two hundred and fifteen Acres of Land, more
or less, lying on the waters of Clark’s Creek,
adjoining Lewis Moore, and others, belonging to
the estate of John Moore, deceased. Sold by or
der of the honorable Inferior Court of said coun
ty. Terms made known on the day of sale.
At the same time and place, Lot number 216,
4th district, originally Leo, now Randolph county.
January 2,1843. 8t 19
“VSTIIX he sold on the first Tuesday in Feb
* ’ ruary next, before the Court-House door
in Washington, Wilkes county, agreeable to an
order of the Inferior Court, while sitting as a
Court of Ordinary, between the legal sale hours,
a Tract of Land containing one hundred and
forty-eight Acres, lying in said county, and be
ing a part of the Tract whereon Joseph Beall,
deceased, lived, adjoining West, Gresham, and
others. Sold as the real estate of Josejih Beall,
deceased, for the benefit of the Heirs.
December 1, 1842. 9t 14
TJS7TLL be sold on the first Tuesday in Feb
* * ruary next, before the Court-House door
in Washington, Wilkes county, between the le
gal sale hours, two Negroes named Charles and
Molly, belonging to Simeon Henderson, minor.
Sold by order of the Honorable Inferior Court,
while sitting as a Court of Ordinary. Terms
made known on the day of sale.
December 8, 1842. 15
Lincoln Superior Court,
October Term, 1842.
Nathan Beall, Ex’r. t Bill to perjietuate
vs. > Testimony in Lin-
Robert Frazier, and others. ) coin Sup. Court.
TT appearing to the Court that Robert. Frazier,
a defendent in the above stated case, resides
out of the jurisdiction of this Court, and has not
been served in the above stated case. It is on
motion of complainant’s Solicitor, Ordered, that
said Robert Frazier, do appear at the next Term
of this Court, and then and there to stand to and
abide by and perform such order or decree in the
premises as to the Court shall seem meet and
right in Equity. And it is further Ordered,
that a copy of this Rule be served upon the said
defendant by publishing the same once a month
for four months before the next term of this court.
True extract from the Minutes,
H. MURRAY’, Clerk.
December 15. 1842. m4m 16
GEORGIA: ) Whereas, Berry A. Arnett,
Wilkes Co-unty. ij Administrator on the Estate
of Robert L. McKinney, deceased, applies to me
for Letters of Dismission.
This is, therefore, to cite, summon, and
admonish, all and singular, the kindred and
creditors of said deceased, to be and appearat my
office within the time prescribed by law, to show
cause, (if any they have,) why said letters should
not be granted.
Given under my hand at office, this 28th of
Sept. 1842. JOHN H. DYSON, C. C. O
September 29. m6m 5
FOUR months after date, application will be
made to the Honorable Inferior Court of
Wilkes county, while sitting for Ordinary pur
jioscs, for leave to sell the Negroes belonging to
the Estate of Edward Jones, late of said county,
December 15.1842. de bonis non.
Ilay’s Lineament.
Warranted to cure the Piies, or the money
will be reluuded. Prepared by the subscribers
from the original recijie, and put up with great
care. It is warranted in all cases as an effectual
remedy. In order to test its efficacy, it will be
necessary to make trial of it, but to ascertain its
genuineness, it is only necessary to have refer
ence to the New York Court of General Ses
sions, May term, 1942. in which that iaet was es
tablished ileyond controversy on the trial and con
tiction of Comstock for libel, in asserting among
other things, that this article might for ought lie
knew, ruin a person using it.
Sold wholesale and retail, by
- 2 Fletcher-st. N. Y.
Price (Sil.
Parker’s Pulmonary Palm.
For, coughs, colds, consumption, asthim, indi
gestion, dyspejisia, costivencss,. croup, whooping
cough, chronic bronchitis, and all diseases ol the
throat and lungs.
From the numerous testimonials we are.daily
receiving from our agents and others, we are in
duced io believe lhai it stands unriva led by any
medicine of the kiud ever yet introduced into A
menca. Its happy effects in removing chronic
cough, bronchitis and all diseases of the throat
and lungs, is truly astonishing. Read the follow
ing ter’
Mr. Parker—Dear Sir: During the last spring
months, 1 had frequenl and severe attacks ot in
flamed sore throat or bronchitis. On die recom
mendation of my physician, I used your Balm
with decided benefit, and now believe that it was
the means of entirely removing the disease, and
can confidently and cheerfully recommend it to
all who are similarly afflicted.
Fayetteville, August 11, 1841.
A. C. Tuttle, I’astor of the Presbyterian
Church, Fayetteville, N. Y.
This certifies that I am acquainted with Park
er's Pulmonary Balm, am using it in my practice,
and have no doubt it is one of the most valuable
medicines with which I am acquainted, for all
diseases of the lungs, coughs, &c. I cheerfully
recommend it to the afflicted.
DeWITT C. WORDEN, m. and.
Fayetteville, July 6,1842.
For sale wholesale and retail, by
2 Fletcher-st., N. Y.
Hamilton’s Elixir of Opium.
Anew and important discovery.
It has long been a great, desideratum in Medi
cal Science, and has been the subject of a vast a
mount of Chemical experiment, to obtain the
Medical qualities of Opium to the exclusion of
its noxious principles and useless combinations.
No article in the whole range of the whole Phar
macopsia is perhaps of greater importance to
mankind ; and none which has engaged a great
er share of chemical attention. Every prepara
tion hitherto made from this drug, whet her in the
form of Extract, Morphia, Black Droji, Paragoric
or Laudanum, contains in close combination a
poison with the antidote, and hence we find the
.administration of them attended with a numer
ous train of evils, among which are head-ache,
lassitude, tremors, nausea, vomiting, constipa
tion, derangement of tiie nervous system ; and a
quality wonderfully predisposing the system to
its habitual use.
The Elixir of Opium has been used with as
tonishing success, and is confidently recommen
ded to the attention of every Physician and of
every family. It is warranted to be a pure, un
mixed and unadulterated preparation from the
best of Turkey Opium, and is of the same strength
as laudanum ; it is no more, nor less than the
soothing opiate separated from the poisonous and
stimulating property of the Drug.
Sold wholesale and retail, by
2 Fletcher-st., N. Y.
Doctor Parris’s Celebrated Sooth
ing Syrup for Children Teething.
Mothers and nurses who are acquainted with
the existence of this valuable article, and tail to
make use of it during the anxious and painful sea
son of dentition are wanting in tho discharge of
their duty and with them rests the responsibility.
Symptoms of Dentition are indicated by slight
salivation, heat, and fulness of the gums, fretfui
ness, and constant endeavors to thrust things in
to the mouth. The usual period at which den
tition begins is at the age of 4 or 5 months, but
it is often as early as 3 months, and sometimes
much later.
Directions. —When children begin to be in
pain with their teeth shooting in their gums, put
a little of the Syrup in a teaspoon, and with the
finger let the child’s gums be rubbed for 2 or 3
minutes, three times a day. It must not be put
to the breast immediately’, for the milk would
take the syrup off too soon. When Ihe teeth are
just coming through their gums, mothers should
immediately apply the syrup; it will prevent
tiieir children having a fever, and undergoing
that painful ojieration of lancing the gums, which
al ways makes the next tooth much harder to
come through and sometimes causes death.
Sold wholesale and retail, by
2 Fletcher-st., N. Y.
Powell’s Balsam of Aniseed.
Fur Coughs, Colds, Shortness of Breath, Asthma,
dfre. t^c.
This invaluable Medicine has the extraordina
ry property of immediately relieving Coughs,
Colds, Hoarseness, difficulty of Breathing and
Huskiness in the Throat. It. operates by dissolv
ing the congealed Phlegm, consequently causing
a free expectoration.
Those who are troubled with that unpleasant
tickling in the throat, which deprives them of rest
night after night, by the incessant caugh which
it provokes, will, by taking one dose, find imme
diate relief; and one bottle in most cases will
effect a cure.
Copy of a letter from Miss A. Thomas :
Sir, —Through the medium of this letter, I beg
leave to offer my grateful thanks for your inval
uable Balsam; having suffered by severe cough
and difficulty of breathing for several winters,
was quite cured by taking one bottle only.
I am, sir, your grateful and obliged servant,
ANN THOMAS, Union-street.
New-York, Julyl, 1842.—Sir: The great
benefit I have derived from the use of the Balsam
of Aniseed, in Asthma and difficulty of breath
ing, induces me to say that you are at full liberty
to refer to me at any time.
JANE MEGIVNEY, 107 Bowery.
Sold wholesale and retail, by
2 Fletcher-st., N. \ r .
Dr. Taylor’s Balsam of Liverwort,
For Consumption, Liver Complaint, Coughs,
Colds and Asthma.
Rowand’s Tonic Mixture, or Ve
getable Febrifuge,
A specific and lasting Cure for the Fever & Ague.
or 1
Oldridge’s Balm of Coluinbif^®
tor the Preservation & Restoration of the Hair.
Citing’s W orm Lozenges,^
A Bale and effectual cure tor Worms.
Clarke’s Nerve &. Bone Liniment.
Butler’s Vegetable Vermifuge,
For cleansing the Stomach, by expelling Worms.
Butler’s Eruptive Ointment,
For the cure of Ringworms, Tetter, Scald-head,
Itch,, and all diseases of the Skin.
Orris Tooth Wash.
The Orris Tooth Wash is purely’ a vegH&blc
preparation, possessing the properties of cleans
ing the mouth, restoring the gums to a hcnlt by
state, and preventing’ any unpleasant taste or o
dour in the mouth, whether arising from decayed
teetii, or from a deranged state of the stomach.
Tomato Pills, Lee’s New-London
Anti-billious Pills,
Brandretb’s Pills, and Dr. Mead’s
Anti-dyspeptic Pills.
OCr All the above, Patent Medicines, as
well as others not here mentioned, are on
hand and for sale, at
Washington, Ga.
Vegetable Anti-Bilious and An
ti Dyspeptic Bills .
TT is well known that diseases often arise from
a foul and disordered state of (lie Stomach
and Bowels ; and if this condition is promptly at
tended to and relieved, that health will be imme
diately restored. And nothing more effectual
can be resorted to, than one or two active doses
ot purgative medicine.
And there is nothing more suitable than Fills
of jiroper character. The jiublic have in these
Vegetable Pills the article presented to them,
which possesses the qualities calculated to ren
der the most important service in cleansing the
alimentary canal, they will operate with suffi
cient force, and still with ease and safety’. They
have been used by the proprietor, with abundant
success in an extensive medical practice for ma
ny y’ears. lie can therefore confidently recom
mend them to the public patronage. It is not
vainly pretended that they will cure all diseases,
but they will answer the jiurposes for which they
are offered, as well as any’ purgative medicine
that can be procured : and by being taken when
that description of medicine is needed may save
a person from threatened disease, at a very small
expense, and without loss of time ; a person can
take them without any interruption of his cus
tomary employment.
The proprietor does not recommend Pills
as a sjiecihc or cure for all diseases, blit he par
ticularly recommends them to be the safest and
best medicine that can he taken in the preven
tion and cure of Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague,
Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Sick Head-ache,
Enlargement of the Spleen, Jaundice, Asthma,
Dropsy, Rheumatism, Piles, Cholic, Female Ob
structions, Heart-burn, Nausea, Furred-tongue,
Distension of the Stomach and Bowels, Incipient
Diarrhoea, Flatulency, Habitual Costivencss,
Loss of Appetite, Blotched or Sallow Complex
ion, and in all cases of Torpor of the Bowels
where a cathartic or aperient medicine is need
ed They are exceedingly mild in their ojiera
tiosj, producing neither nausea, griping, nor debil
ity. They contain not a particle of mercury’, or
any ingredient that does not act in harmony with
health and oppose disease. y.
Baltimore, Sept. Ist., 1841.
1 have used Dr. Spencer’s Pills in my practice
for the last, six months, in several cases of Dys
pepsia, Sick I lead-ache, Bilious Fever, and other
diseases, produced by’ an inactive state of the
Liver, and I take pleasure in giving niv testimony’
of their good effects in all these cases, and I con
sider them a safe and mild aperient, and the best
article of the kind I have ever used.
N. 11. EDWARDS, M. D.
Frederic co., (Md.) Aug. 21,1841.
Dr. Spencer,—Dear Sir: Y’ou will please send
me another siijijily of Pills soon as possible, fori
am entirely out. Your Pills are taking the lead
of every thing else in this section of the coun
try. I know it is a general fault with those who
sell patent medicines to say too much in their fa
vor, but in regard to y’our Pills, I think they de
serve far more praise than you seem inclined to
give them. I know of several in this vicinity
who have been cured of different diseases, such
as Dyspepsia, Sick Head-ache, Costiveness, and
derangement of the biliary organs by the use of
your Pills. Don’t fail to send me a supply forth
with. Yours, very respectfully,
New-York, July 9, 1841.
This may certify,—That I have been afflicted
with a Liver Complaint for a long time, with pains
in my right side, shoulder and arm, until about 5
weeks since, I called on Dr. Spencer and obtain
ed one dollar’fs worth of his Pills, which I have
tahff], and I am glad to say that I think I am now
entirely well. Two of my children were troub
led With worms and they were entirely cured
with three doses of the Pills to each. Y’ou are at
liberty to use this certificate in any way you
please, for I consider your Pills the best medicine
I ever used in my family.
Yours, with much esteem,
Montgomery co., (Md.) Aug. 16, 1841.
Dear Sir, —I have made frequent use of your
Pills in the incipient stage of Bilious Fever and
obstinate constipation of the Bowels; also, in the
enlargement of the Spleen, Chronic Diseases of
the Liver, Sick Head-ache, general debility, and
in all cases have lound them to be very effective.
CP Price2s cents per box, with full directions,
for sale by M. P. Callaway & Cos., Washington,
Ga., and D. S. Anderson, Crawfordville.
August 31,1842. 6m
tli'iA, ) Whereas, Isaiah T. Irvin, Ad-
Lincoin county ) miuistrator on the Estate of
Davui Murray, ueceased,. applies to me for Let
ter? of Dismission.
These are, therefore, to cite, summon, and ad
monish, all and singular, the kindred and credit
ors of sad deceased, to be and appear at my of
fice, within the time prescribed by law, to shew
cause (if any they have,) why said letters should
not be granted.
Given under my hand at office, this sth of Sep*
tember, 1842. 1
September 8. n.6m 2