Newspaper Page Text
We, last week, noticed the “Corn Stalk
Syrup,” and recoin unded to our readers
its manufacture. We have now before us
an article of “ Corn Stalk Sugar,” with
which we have been favored by the Hon,
James A. Meriwether. This Sugar was
made by Win. Webb, Esq. of Wilmington,
Delaware, in 1842, and presented, to Mr.
Meriwether, by hin. It is indeed a supe
rior article—of delightful flavor, and rich
in appearance—resembling much the best
New.Orleans. Our farmers we hope will
call and sec it; we shall keep a sample of
it in our office for their inspection. They
can now see both the Syrup and the Sugar,
and we hope that an inspection of it, by
them, will soon be followed by its manu
facture. No labor of theirs, devoted to a
ny thing else, will yield them so handsome
u profit; and if this be not argument e
nough to induce them to engage in it, noth
ing that we could say would be.
Milledgevil/e Journal.
The Macon Messenger states that the
Wheat crop in this State bids fair to be very
good. There is not, however, more than
half enough of it sown.
Cott m Manufacture in Mexico. — There
are in the Republic of Mexico 53 cotton
manufactories, with an aggregate of 135
000 spindles.* The work up daily, on an
average, 48,622 lbs. of cotton, and produce
43,760 lbs. of thread, which wh n woven
into cloth, &c. is worth $48,037. These
facts we derived from a printed statement
by the Directors General of Mexican indus
try, dated city of Mexico, March 28, 1843.
From the Ontario Freeman.
Take one bushel of unslacked lime and
slack it with cold water; when slacked
add to it 20 pounds of Spanish whiting, 17
pounds of salt, and 12 pounds sugar.—
Strain this mixture through a wire sieve,
and it will be fit for use after reducing with
cold water. This is intended for the out
side of buildings, or wjiere it is exposed to
tho weather. In order to give a good color
three coats are necessary on brick, and two
on wood. It may be laid on with a brush
similar to white-wash,. Each coat must
have sufficient time to dry before the next
is applied.
For painting inside walls, take as before,
one bushel unslacked lime, 3 pounds of su
gar. 5 pounds salt, and prepare as above,
and apply with a brush.
I have used it on brick, and find it well
calculated to preserve them—it is far pref
erable to oil paint. I have also used it on
wood, and assure you that it will lasr long
er on rough siding than oil paint will on
planed siding or boards.
You can make any color you please. If
you wish a straw color, use yellow ochre
instead of whiting ; for lemon color, ochre
and chrome yellow ; for lead and slate co
lor, lampblack ; for blue, indigo; for green,
chrome green. These different kinds of
paint will not cost more than one-fourth as
much as oil paints, including labor of put
ting on.
From the Ohio Farmer.
As the citizens of our village have, much
to their credit, turned their attention to
painting and white-washing the outside of
their buildings, we insert the following in
hopes something may be drawn from it to
their advantage on the score of utility and
economy :
Incombustible White- Wash and Stucco
White - Wash. —The basis for both is lime,
which must be first slacked with hot water,
in a small tub or piggin, and covered, to
keep in the steam ; it then should be pass
ed in a fluid form, through a fine sieve, to
obtain the flower of the lime. It must be
put on with a painter’s brush—two coats
are best for outside work.
First: To make a fluid for the roof, and
other parts of wooden houses, to render
them incombustible, and coating for brick,
tile, stone-work, and rough cast, to render
them impervious to the water, and give
them a durable and handsome appearance.
The proportions in each recipe are five gal
lons. Slack.your lime as before directed,
say six quarts, into which put one quart of
clean rock salt for each gallon of water to
be entirely dissolved by boiling, and skim
med clean; then add to the five gallons
one pound of alum, half a pound of copper
as, three-fourths of a pound of potash ; the
last to be gradually added ; four quarts of
line sand or hard wood ashes*must also be
added ; any coloring matter may be mixed
in such quantity as to give it the requisite
shade. It will look better than paint, and
be as lasting as slate. It must be put on
hot. Old shingles must be first cleaned
with a stiff broom, when this may be appli
ed. It will stop the small leaks, prevent
tnoss. from growing, render them incombus
tible, and last many years.
Second: To make a brilliant Stucco
White Wash for buildings, inside and out:
Take clean lumps of well burnt stone
lime—slack the same as before—add one
fourth of a pound of whiting or burnt alum
pulverized, one pound of loaf or other su
gar, three pints of rice flour made into a ve
ry thin and well-boiled paste, starch or jel
ly, and one pound clean glue, in the same
manner as cabinet makers do. This may
be applied cold within doors, but warm out
side. It will be more brilliant than plaster
of paris, and retain its brilliancy for many
years, say from fifty to one hundred. It is
superior, nothing equal. The east end of
the President’s house in Washington is
washed with it.
The Southern Cultivator,
Devoted exclusively to the improvement of
Southern Agriculture, is published by J. W. &
W. S. Jongs, in Augusta, Ga., every other We
dnesday, on new type and fine paper, in a form
suitable for binding. Each nunibor containing
eight pages. Terms: One Dollar per year, in
variably in advance. April 13,1843.
‘i tTILL be sold on tha first Tuesday in Au
* ‘ gust next, before the Court-House door
m Elbert county, agreeable to an order of the
Inferior Court of Elbert county, while sitting as
a Court of Ordinary, one Tract of LAND, con
taining one hundred and fourteen Acres, more or
less, adjoining lands of Toren Merritt and oth
ers, on the North Beaverdam Creek. Sold as a
part of the fowls belonging to the Estate of
Thomas Haynes, deceased. Terms will be made
known on the day of sale.
May 25,1843. m2t 39
GEORGIA, ) Whereas, D. W. McJunkin,
IKjttes County, j Administrator on the Estate of
William H. Daniel, deceased, applies for Let
ters of dismission.
These are, therefore, to cite, summon,
and admonish, all and singular, the kindred
and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at
my office, within the time prescribed by law, to
show cause, (if any they have,) why said letters
should not be granted.
. Given under my hand at office, this 15th of
May, 1843. JOHN H. DYSON, Clerk c. o.
May 18 m6m ,38
GEORGIA, ) Whereas, Francis C. Arm-
Wilkes County. ( strong, Guardian of Archibald
G. Simpson, applies to me for letters of Dismis
These are therefore, to cite, summon, and ad
monish) all and singular the kindred and credit
ors of said Minor, to be and appear at my Of
fice, within the time prescribed by law, to shew
cause (if any they have,) why said letters should
not be granted.
Given under my hand at Office, this 30th day
of May, 1843.
JOHN H. DYSON, c. c. o.
June 1. m6m 40
UP. months afterdate, application will be j
made to the Honorable the Inferior Court ol
Wilkes county, while sitting as a Court of Or
dinary, for leave to sell several Negroes belong
ing to the Estate of Samuel Barnett, deceased.
June 1,1843. m4m 40
TTIOUR months after date, application will be
-T made to the Honorable the Inferior Court
oi Wilkes county, when sitting as a Court of
Ordinary, for leave to sell a Negro belonging to
the Estate of Warren H. Hudspeth, deceased.
March 30,1843. m4m 31
C'OUR months after date, application will be
made to the Honorable the Inferior Court •
oi Wilkes county, while sitting as a Court of Or
dinary, for leave to sell the Real Estate of Ar
gyle Norman, deceased, late of Wilkes county.
JOHN L. WYNN, Adm’r.
May 4,1843. m4m 36
FOUR months after date, application will be
made to the Honorable the Inferior Court
of Elbert county, while sitting as a Court of Or
dinary, for leave to sell all the Lauds belonging
to the Estate of john o. Higginbotham, deceas
ed, late of Elbert county, this 26th April, 1843.
May 4, 1843. m4m 36
GEORGIA, Elbert county.
ITOIjR months after date, application will be
made to the Honorable tho Inferior Court of
Elbert county, when sitting as a Court of Ordi
nary, for leave to sell all the Lands belonging to
the Estate of Joseph Bell, deceased, this 15th
May, 1843.
MARY BELL, Executrix.
May 25,1843. m4m 39
GEOItG IA, Elbert county.
K’OUR months arter date, application will be
*- made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of
Elbert county, when sitting as a Court of Ordina
ry, for leave to sell all the Lands belonging to
the Estate of Middleton G. Woods, deceased.
J. V. HARRIS, Adm’r.
May 25,1843. m4m 39
50 Dollars Reward • ;
cm Ranaway from Dr. Gilbert, in
JHL'C Macon, Ga. on Saturday the 29th
of April last, my Negro fellow
ELDRIDGE, of whom the follovv
ing is a description : A light mu
latto, looking very much like an
Indian, about 5 feet 7 or 8 inches
high, very stout built, weighing about 150 pounds,
about 20 years of age, quick spoken and very
sensible, has straight black hair, he has a scar up
on his left leg, just below the knee joint, and a
fresh one on his rigui temple.
I have reason to believe he has been taken off
by some white person ; if so, and found in their
possession, with proof to convict, I will give the
above reward, or Ten Dollars for his confine
ment in any safe jail, so I can get him. Agents
of Rail Roads, Captains of Steam-boats and ves
sels are particularly requested to look out for
him, as he will probably make for a free State.
Palmyra, Lee co Ga, May 5,1843. 4t
fIOO Reward •
JL 4
RUNAWAY from the Subscriber, living
near Mallorysville, Wilkes county, Geor
gia, on the night of the 3d instant, two Negroes,
ARCHY, a Boot and Shoe-Maker, about thirty
years of age, near six feet high, spare made and
dark complected, and his wife MARIA, a bright
mulatto, thirty-five years of age, chunky built,
having a heavy head of hair, with a small scar
on her nose, between the eyes. The boy can
write an excellent hand, and will probably fur
nish himself and wife with a pass They will
make for a free State, as tho boy Archy has
heretofore made several attempts to do. I will
give the above reward of One Hundred Dollars
for their confinement in any Jail so I get them,
or Fifty Dollars for either.
May 11, 1843. eow3m 37
mm &3ummre
@ IF IF 0 © E -
Wilkes Sheriff’s Sales.
J|/tt7TLL be sold on the first Tuesday in July
* • next, before the Court-House door in
Washington, Wilkes county, between the law
ful hours of sale, the following property, to-wil:
Nine Negroes, viz.: George, a man about 35
years of age; Rhuda, a woman about, 30 years of
age, and her infant child not named ; Allen, a
boy about 10 years of age ; Cyrus, a boy about 8
years ol age ; Emily, a girl about 6 years of age;
Adaline, a girl about 4 years of age ; Elbert,
a boy about 3 years of age, and Mitcnel, a boy a
bout 2 years ol age, all levied on al the property
of Daniel Lee, to satisfy a fi. fa. from Jjvilkes
Superior Court, in the name of Alexander Pope,
Sen. vs. Daniel Lee, and sundry other fi. fas. vs.
said tee. Property pointed out by Alexander
• A I. SO,
One House and Lot, in the Town of Washing
ton, on the West side of the Public Square, ad
joining Bradford Merry, on the South, John Eid
son and Samuel Barnett, on the West, and John
D. Thompson, on the North, known as the Store
house formerly occupied by 11. S. Belcher, lev
ied on by virtue of two fi. fas. from Wilkes Su
perior Court, (one in the name of Margaret Tel
fair, vs. William F. Sohan, and William S. Thom
as endorser, and the other in the name of T. N.
Paullain & Son, vs. William F. Sohan, this June
the 3d 1843.
June 1, 1843. 40
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in July
next, before the Court-House door in the town
of Washington, Wdkes county, between the
lawful hours of sale, the following property,
One Negro girl by the name of Alcy, about 8
years old, levied on as the property of James
Mahoney, by virtue of a fi. fa. from Lincoln Su
perior Court, in the name of Mark S. Anthony
vs. said Malfbney Property pointed out by De
One black Horse, levied on as the property of
Mary McElhenny, by virtue of a ti. fa. from
Wilkes Inferior Court, in the name-of Benjamin
Powell vs. said Mary McElhenny. Property
pointed out bv Plaintiff
E. “R. ANDERSON, Dep. Sheriff
June 1, 1843. 40
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
ALL persons indebted to the Estate of Argyle
Norman, late of Wilkes county, deceased,
are requested to pay the same without delay, and
those having demands are required to present
them in terms of law for payment.
May 4, 1843. 6t 36
TLfOUR months after date, application will be
made to the Honorable Inferior Court of
Wilkes county, while sitting for Ordinary pur
poses, for leave to sell one Negro girl by the
name of Essy, about sixteen years of age, belong
ing to the Estate of Edward Jones, late of said
county, deceased, for the purpose of paying the
debts of said Estate.
de bonis non.
May 4,1843. m4m 36
Os anew Weekly Journal of enlarged di
mensions, called
Devoted to Public Information on the subjects oi
Elegant and Entertaining Literature, General
Intelligence concerning affairs in every quar
ter of the world; Politics, Legislative and
other Public Debates ; Commerce; the Fine
and the Useful Arts; brief Critical Notices of
Books, Music, the Drama, and Lectures; and
General Miscellaneous Affairs.
TT is always understood, when anew candi
-*• date for public ;avor appears, offering an ad
ditional Journal or Periodical to the numbers
which previously so abound in the community,
that those who undertake its conduct and man
agement believe they have struck out some new
feature, have included some hitherto-omitted
speciebMjf intelligence, intend more lucid infor
mation on the subjects embraced in their plan,
propose some more appropriate arrangement of
their matter, or otter a larger quantity in propor
tion to price. Instead ot offering any one of these
advantages, however, the conductors of The
Anglo American modesUy intimate that their
plan proposes to include all that have been here
In declining to trumpet the praises of The
Anglo American by a loud blast, there are, nev
ertheless, a few notes of introduction which jus
tice to the intended Journal demands to be soun
ded. It is the earnest object of the Proprietors,
—and that object they will steadily and assidu
ously endeavor to carry out—to take a dignified
stand in the world of Journalism; and, whatever
defects they may unwittingly fall into in respect!
to the materials of The Anglo American, these
shall never consist of anything that would be in- ]
consistent with good breeding and the establish
ed proprieties of social life. They will aim, in
the literary portions of the Journal, to be lively
without levity, solid without dullness, and to give
a due proportion to each. In the general infor
mation respecting public matters they adopt the
maxim of “ Audi alteram partemand, although
they may give their own views briefly and inde
pendently, on contested questions, they trust
never to be found degenerating into violent par
The Proprietors flatter themselves with the
possession ofa considerable experience in News
paper management, and with a strong desire to
please-—as their bases for the hope of public en
couragement ; and it is trusted that in confiding
the Editorial department of this Journal to Mr.
A. D. Paterson, who has so long been before the
public through his engagements in “The Albion”
of this city, as Well as through other literary la
bors, a sufficient guarantee is offered for the
quality of The A -'Mo American’s columns.
The Anglo A rican is published every Sat
urday at the office of the Proprietors, No. 6 Ann
Street. Term? Three Dollars per annum, to be
paid invariably n advance, and no deviation will
in any case be made from the Cash plan of sub
scription. ‘ The Journal is printed on superior
paper, with a beautiful type cast expressly for
the work ; it contains as large a quantity of mat
ter as any other Newspaper in this country; the
letter press is diligently and carefully read, to
free it from typographical errors, and the press
work neatly and clearly executed.
*** Agents dealt with on the usual terms.—
All orders, &c., to be addressed to E. L. Garvin
& Cos., Publishers, No. 6 Ann Street, New
Every Postmaster, orany other individual, who
will obtain Five new subscibers, andremit sls,
current money, free of postage, shall receive a
free copy of The Anglo American one year.
I May 11,1843. 37
Elbert Sheriff’s Sales.
Will be sold on tho first Tuesday in July
next, before the Court-House door in Elbert
county, within the legal sale hours, the follow
ing property, to-wit:
One Negro man by the name of Sam, about 50
years of age, and three hundred and fifty Acres
of Land, more or less, adjoining lands ot Frank
lin Cumu*jgliam and others, levied on as the pro
perty of Robert P. Dickerson, to satisfy a fi. fa.
from Elbert Inferior Court, William Mullian vs.
Robert P. Dickerson, John Jones and Ezckiah
Bailey, and other fi. fas. vs. said Robert P. Dick
One hundred aiftl twenty Acres of Land, more
or Less, adjoining lands of James I. Daniel and
others, levied on as the property of James Tay
lor, to satisfy a fi. fa. from Elbert Inferior Court,
in favor of Alfred Hammond vs. James Taylor.
One Negro woman by the name of Peggy, a
bout 50 years of age, levied on as the property of
Thomas Shackelford, to satisfy sundry fi. fas.
from a Justice’s Court, in the name of Martha
Young vs. said Shackelford. Levy made and
returned by a Constable.
June 1, 1843. 40
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in July
next, before the Court-House door in Elbert
county, within the legal shle hours, the follow
ing property, to-wit:
Eight Negroes, to-wit: Allen, a boy 14 years
of age ; Rebecca, a girl 15 years of age; John,
a boy 12 years of age ; Lizzy, a woman 36 tears
of age; Kitty, a woman 36 years of age; .Terry,
a man 41 years of age; Phillis, a woman 38
years of age, and David, a boy *lO years of age,
levied on as the property of Charles W. Chris
tian, to satisfy three It. fas. from the Inferior
Court of Elbert county, one in favor of John Ro
berts vs. Charles W. Christian, one in favor of
John Roberts vs. Nathaniel Duncan and Charles
W. Christian, and one in favor of John Roberts
vs. William Horton, principal, and Charles W.
Christian, his security. Property pointed out
by Charles W. Christian.
Two Negroes, to-wit: Egypt, a man 40years
of age, and Judy, a woman 33 years of age, levi
ed on as the property of John Yasser, to satisfy
a fi.fa. from the Interior Court of Elbert county,
in favor of Hand & Scranton vs. John Vassor,
principal, and John F. Brawner, security on stay
of execution, and sundry fi. fas. from the Supe
rior and Interior Courts of Elbert county, vs. said
John Vassor. Property pointed outby John
One Hundred Acres of Land, more or less,
on the waters of Cold-water Creek, adjoining
lands of John Cason and others, levied on as the
property of Hullum Hunt, to satisfy a fi. Iff from
the Inferior Court of Elbert county, in favor oi
John Bones, endorsee, vs. Hullum Hunt, maker,
and Horatio J. Goss, indorser, and Reuben Thorn
ton their security on stay of execution. Proper
ty pointed out by Hullum Hunt.
Two Hundred Acres of Land, more or less,
on the waters of Cold-water Creek, adjoining
lands of Joel Maxwell and Bennett Dooly, where”
on Thomas H. Teasiey now lives, levied on as
the property of Thomas H. Teasiey, to satisfy a
fi. fa. from the Inferior Court of Elbert county, in
favor of Gibbs & Swift vs. Thomas H. Teasiey
as principal, and William Teasiey his security
on stay of execution. Property pointed out by
Thomas 11. Teasiey.
One Hundred and Fifty Acres of Land, more ,
or less, whereon William D. Haynes now lives, !
on the South Beaverdam Creek,"adjoining lands
oi Joseph Rucker and others, levied on as the
property of William D. Haynes, to satisfy a fi. fa.
irom the Superior Court of Elbert county, in fa
vor of Nelson Burden vs. William D. Haynes.
Property pointed out by Robert McMillan.
Two Hundred and Seventy-five Acres of Land
more or less, whereon John E. Bentley now
liues, on the waters oi tiie Beaverdam Creek,
adjoining lands of Mary Oliver and the estate oi
John S. Higginbotham, deceased, and others—
and one Dwelling House. and Lot, one Store-
House and Lot, and the Lots attached thereto,
situate on the west side of the Public Square in
the town of Elberton, containing in all four A
cres, more or less, joining Lots occupied by
George J. Barr and Joel Stodghill and others,
levied on as the property of William H. Harper,
to satisfy a fi. fa. from the Inferior Court of El
bert county, in favor of the Ruckersville Bank
ing Company vs. John A. H. Harper, Harper &
Haslett, principals, and Jones & Hester their
Two Hundred Ac res of Land, more or less, on
the waters of Mill Shoal Creek, adjoining lands
of Charles W. Christian, Howell Smith and oth
ers, levied on as the property of James M. Hen
! ry, to satisfy a fi. fa. in iavor of J. J. Edwards,
i from a Justice’s Court, and sundry other fi. fas.
j from a Justice’s Court vs. said James M. Henry.
| Levy made and returned to me by a Constable.
One Road-wagcn and one Carry-log, levied
on as the property of John A. H. Harper, to sat
isfy a fi. fa. from the Inferior Court of Elbert
county, in favor of the Ruckersville Banking
Company vs. John A. H. Harper, Harper & Has
lett, principals, and Jones & Hester their secu
HOWELL SMITH, Dep. Sheriff.
June 1,1843. 40
GEORGIA, ( To the widow or next of kin-
Elbert county, j dred of John B. Gapping, deceas
ed, late of Elbert county, are hereby required to
be and appear at the next term of the Court of
Ordinary of Elbert county, to be holden on the
first Monday in July next, to shew cause, if any
they have, why the nuncupative will of the said
John B. Gapping should not be proven and ad
mitted to record.
W itness the Honorable Thomas J. Heard, one
of the Justices of said Court, this 15th May,
1843. WM. B. NELMS, c. c. o.
Junel. 3t 40
TC'OUR months alter date, application will be
made*to the Honorable the Inferior Court
of Elbert county, while sitting as a Court of Or
dinary, for leave to sell all the Lands and Ne
groes belonging to the Estate of Haley Butler,
deceased, this 15th May, 1843.
Junel. m4m 40
FOUR months after date, application will be
made to the Honorable the Inferior Court
of Elbert county, while sitting as a Court of Or
dinary, for leave to sell all the Lands belonging
to the Estate of Claiborn Sandidge, deceased,
this 24th May, 1843.
June 1. m4m 40
Elbert. Superior Court,
Jones & Bowman, Complainants,
Millay A. Banks, &
. James J. Banks, §S’
Hamilton Dooly and his wife Mary Ann, pj
Johnson Akin and his wife Charity Ann, **' , g
William T. Nelms and his wife Elizabeth,
Martha Banks and Hamilton Dooly, ‘ •ff,
Guardian for Eliza Banks, William Banks 8
and Simeon Banks, defendants.
IT appearing to the Court tiiat William T.
Nelms, and Elizabeth his wife, parties de
fendants to the above Bill, are not to be found in
the county of Elbert, and have not-been served
with the above stated bill.—lt is therefore Or
dered, on motion of Robert McMillan, complain
ant’s Solicitor, that said William T. Nelms and
Elizabeth his wife, do appear at tho next Term
of this Court, and then and there to stand to, a
bide by, and perform such order and decree in
the premises aij to the Court sltall seem meet and
right in Equity. And it is further Ordered, that
a copy of this Rule be served upon said defend
ants by publishing the same once a month for
four months previous to the next Term of this
Court in some public Gazette of this State.
True copy from the Minutes, 9th May, 1843.
May 18. ni4m 38
Georgia, Elbert county.
Court of Ordinary, March Term, 1843.
Present, their Honors Thomas J. Heard, Wil
liam Mills, and Robert Hester, Esquires.
ON reading the petition of Peter E. Burton,
Executor of the last will and testament of
John Burton, deceased, late of Franklin county,
Georgia, stating that he holds as Executor as a
foresaid, the bond of William Woods, deceased,
late of Elbert county, bearing date on the twenty
second day of October, eighteen hundred and
nineteen, binding the said William Woods to
make good and lawful titles to the said John Bur
ton, lor a certain tract or parcel of Land in the
county of Franklin, containing four hundred A
cres, more or less, on the waters of Tugalo Riv
er, granted to Thomas Meriweather, and bound
ed at the time of survey, by lan'ds belonging to
Payne, Call, and M. Woods, and that the said
William Woods, departed this life without exe
cuting titles in conformity with said bond.
It is Ordered by the Court, that al! persons
are hereby required to show cause, if any they
have, oh or before the first Monday in July next,
why titles should made and executed for
said Land, or on failure of such cause being
shewn, the Court will grant a Rule absolute re
quiring Jeptlxa V. Harris, the administrator on the
estate of William Woods, deceased, to make and
execute titles for said Land unto the heirs gen
eral of the said John Burton, deceased, accord
ing to the tenor and effect of said bund ; and it
is further Ordered by the Courf, that a copy of
this Rule be published in the News and Plant
ers’ Gazette, once a month for three months,
previous to the iirpt Monday in July next, this
6th day of March, 1813.
A true copy, from the Minutes of the Court of
Ordinary of Elbert countv, this 6th day of March,
1843. WILLIAM “B. NELMS, c. c. o.
March 24. ns3m 30
Wilkes Superior Cour?,
February TV . 101 ‘j.
Jane Johnson, i
Malcom Johnson. )
IT appearing to tho Court, fro.-: the re‘c nos
the SheriftJ that Malcom Johmon, defend:’- -t,
in the above stated case, is not to bs found in
the-county, having gone to parts unknown.
It is therefore Ordered, that the said Malcom
be served by publication, and that a copy of this
Rule be published once a month, for four months,
previous to the next Term of this Court, in one
of the public Gazettes ot this State.
True copy from the Minutes.
JOHN 11. DYSON, Clerk.
March 16, 1843. m4m 29
Wilkes Superior Court,
February Term, 1843.
James A. Spratlin, 1
vs. > Libel for Divorce.
Cordelia Ann Spratlin. )
IT appearing to the Court, from the return of
the Sheriff in the above stated case, that the
defendant Cordelia Ann Sprat! >. ’.. os not reside
within the limns of Wilkes county. Greeted,
that service be perfected on the said Cordelia
Ann Spratlin, by publication once a month for
four months in the Washington News, &e.
True copy from the Minutes.
JOHN 11. DYSON, Clerk.
March 16,1843. m4m 29
GEORGIA, ) Whereas, Hugh Ward, ap-
Willces county. ( plies to me for letters of dis
mission as Guardian, for Oliver A. Luckett.
These are, therefore, to cite, summon and ad
monish, ail and singular the kindred and credit
ors of said Minor, to be and appear at my of
fice, within the time prescribed by law, to show
cause (if any they have,) why said letters should
not be granted.
Given under my hand at Office, Ihis 13th Jay
of January, 1843.
JOHN 11. DYSON, c. c. o.
January 19. m6m 21
GEORGIA, l Whereas, James Harris ap-
Wilkes county. ( plies to me for Letters of Dis
mission as Guardian for Barbary J. Watkins,
Roxalina YVatk ins, and Martha Watkins.
These are therefore to cite, summon, and ad
monish, all and singular the kindred and creditors
of said Minors, to be and appear at my office
within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause
(if any they have,) why said letters should not be
Given under my hand at office, this 13th day of
January, 1843.
JOHN H. DYSON, c. c. o.
January 19. . mCm 21
GEORGIA, \ Whereas, Lewis S. Brown,
Wilkes county. £ Guardian of Zachariah Brady,
applies to me for Letters of Dismission.
These are therefore to cite, summon, and ad
monish, all and singular the kindred and credit
ors of said Minor, to be and appear at my office
within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause
(if any they have) why said letters should not
be granted.
Given under my hand at Office, this 25th day
of April, 1843.
JOHN H. DY’SON, c. c. o.
April 27. m6m 35
GEORGIA, ) Whereas, I. T. Irvin and
Wilkes County. J Reuben Strozier, Executors
of Peter Strozier, deceased, apply to me for
Letters of Dismission.
These are, therefore, to cite, summon, and ad
monish, all and singular the kindred and creditors
of said deceased, to be and appear at my office,
within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause
(if any they have) why said letters should not be
Given under my hand at Office, this 16th day
of May, 1843.
JOHN H. DYSON, c. c. o.
Mavlß. m6m 38
j Georgia, Wilkes county.
I To the Honorable the Superior Court of said
county :
HE petition of Ann E. Quigley, sheweth,
J. that on tho ninth day of February, eighteen/
hundred and forty-two, at to-wit, in the county
aforesaid, \\ illiam S. Thomas, (signing his nath$ ’
W. S. Thomas,) executed and delivered to your
Petitioner, his certain deed of Mortgage for the
purpose of tecuring the payment to your peti
tioner of two certain Promissory Notes given by
the said William S. to your petitioner, and bear
ing even date with the said Mort gage deed—the
one for the sum of eight hundred and forty-eight
dollars and sixty-four cents, payable onxr before
the twenty-fifth day of December nextff(being
the twenty-filth day of December, eighteen hun
dred and lorty-two,) the other for the sum of two
hundred and forty dollars and fifteen (Suits, due
one day after the date thereof. By which deed
of mortgage, the said William S. conveyed to
your petitioner one House and Lot, at that time
i occupied by the said William S., situate, lying
i and being in the Town of Washington, in said
county, being the same deeded by Margaret Tel
fair to the said Thomas, together with all and
singular the rights, members and appurtenances
to the same in any manner belonging, and your
petitioner further sheweth, that the whole of the
principal and interest on the two above-mention
ed Notes is still duo and unpaid. Whereupon
your petitioner prays that the Equity of Redemp.
tion in and to the said mortgaged premises be
barred and foreclosed.
On motion, it is therefore ordered that, unless
the said William S. Thomas pays into the Clerk’s
Office of this Court by the next Term thereof,
tho whole amount of principal and interest due
or to becumo due un the said two Notes, togeth
er with the cost of this application, the Equity of
Redemption in and to the said Mortgaged premi
ses be thenceforth forever barred and foreclosed.
And be it further Ordered, that a copy of this
Rule be published once a month for four months
in one of the public Gazettes of this State, or be
served personally on the said William S. Thom
as, at least three months before ihe next term of
! this Court.
Attorney’s for Petitioner.
True copy from the Minutes.
March 16, 1843. m4m 29
Georgia, Wilkes county.
To the Honorable Superior Court of said
county :
rriHE petition of Samuel E. Daniel, sheweth,
-L that on the seventh day of April, 1842, Pe
ter Bennett made and delivered to your petition
er his certain Promissary Note, payable one day
after date, for the sum of six hundred and ninety
dne dollars, to your petitioner, that afterwards
for securing the payment of the aforesaid Pro
missory Note on the said 7th day of April, 1842,
said I’eter Bennett made and delivered to your_
petitioner his Mortgage deed conveying to your
petitioner, His heirs and assigns, a certain Tract
of Land in said State and county, whereon said
Peter Bennett then lived, adjoining lands of Fin
ley, Jacks, and others, containing three hundred
and sixty-six acres, more or less, upon the con
dition that if said Peter Bennett, his heirs, exec
t.toi and administrators shall pay to said Samuel
E. Daniel, your petitioner, his heirs and assigns,
the aforesaid sum of nix hundred and
.niters on the day*am! time mentioned and ap
pointed for the payment thereof in the said Pro
missory Note, with lawful interest, according to
the’teiicr-of said note, then and from thenceforth
this Indenture (said Mortgage,) as well as the
Prcmjssoiy Note, skill cease and determine, and
be Acid to all intents and purposes ; and your pe
titioner saith further, that the aforesaid Note
still remains due and unpaid, whereby the condi
tion of said Mortgage Deed has not been kept—
whereupon your petitioner prays that a Rule may
issue ’against said Peter Bennett, calling upon
him at, the next “Term ol this Court, to pay into
this Court the whole amount then to be due on
atoresaid Note, or that his Equity of Redemption,
in and to the foregoing premises, shall be form -
er barred and foreclosed.
It is therefore Ordered by the Court, that said
Peter Bennett pay into this Court the whole
mone'ys due by the first day of the next Tern;,
upon the promissory note as set forth in the pe
tition, or be forever barred his Equity of Re-,
demption to tiie premises sot forth in” tlie petition,
and tiiat said Peter Bennett be served with this
Rule b n 1 .xation once a month for four months
e urn ..oxi Term of this Court, or by a copy
ved on him personally three months before
the same time.
ROBERT TOOMBS, Plaintiff’s Att’v.
True copy from the Minutes.
March 16, 1843. m4m 29
Wilkes Superior Court,
February Term* 1843.
Harriet L. Pelot, Ex’x. of)
John F. Pelot, deceased,
vs. Bill for Discovery,
Lock Weems, Relief, and Direc-
William Slaton, I . tion, &c.
Charles Wingfield, |
and others, creditors. J •
IT appearing to the Court, that Mary Shep
herd, Lock Weems, Julia Belcher, Bled
soe, adin’r. of Robert Biedsoe, deceased, The
Trustees ot the Georgia Female College, Speed,
Hester & Cos., A. Arnold, Simon Carroll, Henry
Calhoun, John W. Burr, parties defendant to the
above stated Bill, reside t>ut of the county of
Wilkes, and have not been served with the above
stated bill.
Upon motion of complainant’s Solicitor, it is
Ordered, that said defendants appear before this
Court at the next Term thereof, to be held on
the fourth Monday in July next, then and there
to answer the matters in said Bill contained, and
to stand to and abide and perform such order and
decree therein to be made, as may seem meet
and agreeable to Equity.
It is further Ordered, that said parties be serv
ed with this Rule by publication of the same,.
once a month for four months, in the Washing
ton News and Planters’ Gazette.
True copy from the Minutes.
March 16, 1843. m4m 29
G'EORGIA, J Whereas Tillman F. Dozier
Wilkes County, j applies to me for letters of
dismission as Guardian for Eliza Dozier.
These are therefore, to cite, summon, and ad
monish, all and singular the kindred and credit
ors of said Minor, t<s be and appear aY my Of
fice, within the time prescribed by law, to shew
cause (if any they have,) why said letters should
not be granted.
Given under my hand at office, this 20th day
of January, 1843. .
JOHN H. DYSON, c. c. o.
January 26. m6m 22
months after date application will be
made to the Honorable Inferior Court of
Wilkes county, while sitting as a Court of Ordi
| nary, for leave to sell the Real Estate of John
W. Sherrer, deceased.
March 9, 1843. m4m 28