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D.. COTTINCJ, MU flit or.
No. 44.—NEW SERIES.]
Published weekly at Three Dollars per annum
it paid at the time of subscribing; or Three
Dollars and Fifty Cents, if not paid till the expi
ration of six months.
No paper to be discontinued, unless at the
/tption of the Editor, without the settlement of
all arrearages.
D” Litters, on business, must he postpaid, to
insure attention. No communication shall be
published, unless we are made acquainted with
the name of the author.
Advertisements, not exceeding one square, first
insertion, Seventy-five Cents; and for each sub
sequent insertion, Fifty Cents. A reduction will
be made of twenty-five per cent, to those who
advertise by the year. Advertisements not
limited when handed in, will be inserted till for
bid, and charged accordingly.
Sales of Land and Negroes byExecutors, Ad
ministrators and Guardians, are required by law,
to be advertised, in a public Gazette, sixty days
previous to the day of sale.
The sales of Personal Property must be adver
tised in like manner, forty days.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors of an Estate
must be published forty days.
Notice that application will be made to the
Court of Ordinary, for leave to sell Land or Ne
groes, must be published for four months—
notice that application will be made for Letters
of Administration, must be published thirty days;
and Letters of Dismission, six months.
Mail Arrangements.
Washington, Ga., January, 1843. $
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 5, A. M.
Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at 12, M.
Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 8, A. M.
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 11, A. M.
Mond cy, Wednesday, and Friday, at 11, A. M.
Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 6, A. M.
Tuesday and Saturday, at 2, P. M.
Monday and Friday, at 9, A. M.
Thursday', at 8, P. M. j Thursday, at 8, P. M.
Friday, at 12, M. | Friday, at 12, JM.
H \VE taken an OFFICE in the rear of
Willis & Hester’s Store.
January, 1843. 28
5 boxes best Sperm Candles, at 33 cts. per lb.
10 “ Hull & Sons best Patent Candles, at 17
cents per pound, just received and for
sale by HEARD & BROTHER.
June 1,1843. 40
Sugar and Coffee.
6 Hhds. best New-Orleahs Sugar at 8 cts. per
2 Hhds. 2d quality do. at 7 cents per lb.
2,000 lbs. Rio and Java Coffee, at 121 cents.
1,000 “ Refined Loaf Sugar, at 12j “
1,000 “ best Steam-refined Sugar at 141 cents,
Just received and for sate by
June 1,1843. 40
Coach mflaking,
upHE Subscriber having procured the servi
-*• ces of Mr. N. Long, is now prepared to do
any kind of work in the above business.
(Hr Repairing of every Description,
done at the shortest notice, and on the most
reasonable terms.
June 8, 1843. 4t 41
I’assed by the Board of Commissioners of
the Town of Washington, June 10, 1843.
TT is hereby ordered by the Board of Commis
sioners of the Town of Washington, that all
persons owning DOGS within the Corporate
limits, be compelled to keep them within the
limits of their own Lots for the period of Thirty
Days, or in default thereof, it shall be the duty
of the Marshal to kill all such as may be run
ning at large in the Public Streets.
Extract from the Minutes of the Board, this
10th June, 1843.
June 15. 42
FOUR months after date, application will be
made to the Honorable the Inferior Court
of Elbert county, while sitting as a Court of Or
dinary, for leave to sell all the Lands belonging
to the Estate of John S. Higginbotham, deceas
ed, late of Elbert county, this 2Glh Anri!, 1843.
May 4, 1843. mlm 36
“CIOUR months alter date, application will be
made to the Honorable Inferior Court of
Wilkes county, while sitting as a Court of Ordi
nary, for leave to sell all the Real Estate oi John
S. Walton’s minors, lying in said county.
I. T. IRVIN, Guardian.
June 15,1843. rn4m 42
FOUR months after date, application will be
made to the Honorable Interior Court of
Wilkes county, while sitting for Ordinary . pur
poses, for leave to sell-part of trie Negroes be
longing to the Estate of Abner Wellborn, late of
said county, deceased.
•Tune 22,1843. • m4m 43
100 pr. Kip peg’d. Brogans, at $1 to 1 12 J cts.
100 “ Calf, Lasting, and Morocco Gaiter Shoes,
from 02 to 2 50 cts. per pair, a fine ar
ticle, and made to order.
15 dozen Ladies’Kid Slippers and fancy Chine
Buskins at $1 to 1 25.
Ladies’ Calf and Kid walking Shoes,
• Children’s Brogans and Slippers, of nearly
every variety.
Just received and for sale by
June 1,1843. 40
Georgia Nankeens.
100 pieces Georgia Nankeens, at $1 12£ cents
a piece. Just received and for sale by
j June 1,1843. 40
Molasses, &c.
15 barrels New-Orleans Molasses,
Cider and White-wine Vinegar,
Ginger, Popper, and Allspice,
Weeding Hoes, Scythe Blades,
Collins’ Axes, Trace Chains,
In Store and for sale low for Cash, by
June 1,1843. 40
Bleached Sheetings,
A super or article, o: 12-4 . ea-lsland,
“ “ “ “ 12-4 Linen Sheetings
at 87-j cents per yard. For sale by
June 1, 1843. 40
37ails! Nails!
25 kegs Nails just received, and for sale at
7 cents per pound by the keg.
June 1,1843. 40
Sheetings and Shirtings.
12 bales Brown Sheetings and Shirtings, just
received and for sale at sto 10 cts. per yard, by
June 1, 1843. 40
20 cases latest style Hats, consisting of black
fasionablc Fur, Silk and Cassimere,
i Black and white Broad-brim Hats, just received
and will be sold at 25 per cent, below the
ordinary prices, by
June 1,1843. 40
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in July
next, before the Court-House door in the
Town of Warrenton, Warren county, between
the legal hours of sale, the following property,
Two-thirds of a Tract of Land, containing
three hundred Acres, more or less, lying in the
counties of Warren and Taliaferro, situated on
the waters of lleaverdam Creek, adjoining lands
of It. V. Asbury and others, belonging to the
minors of Joseph W. Lucketl, late of Wilkes
county, deceased—to-wit, PatrickH. and Robert
E. Luckett—for the benefit, of said minors.
HUGH WARD, Guardian.
May 1,1843. 9t 36
VVTILL be sold on the first Tuesday in July
** next, before the Court-House door in
Washington, Wilkes county, between the legal
sale hours,
A Negro boy named CHARLES,- about 25
years of age. Sold by order of the Court of Or
dinary of Wilkes county, as the property of Jo
seph G. Semmes, minor. Terms Cash.
PAUL J. SEMMES, Guardian.
June 8,1843. 41
WILL be sold to the lowest bidder, on the
first Tuesday in July next, before the
Court-House door in Washington, Wilkes coun
ty, between the usual sale hours,
An old Negro woman named CHLOE. Terms
made known on the day of sale.
B. A. ARNETT, \ . , ,
June 8,1843. 41
Eibert Superior Courf,
MARCH TERM, 1843. |
Jones & Bowman, complainants,
vs. to
Milley A. Banks, &
Janies .1. Banks, j? s’
Hamilton Dooly and his wife Mary Ann, .ST ts
Johnson Akin and his wife Charity Ann, *’*§
William T. Nelms and his wife Elizabeth, ‘f-’ig-’
Martha Banks and Hamilton Dooly, ‘
Guardian for Eliza Banks, William Banks §
and Simeon Banks, defendants.
TT appearing to the Court that William T.
Nelms, and Elizabeth his wife, parties de
fendants to the above Bill, are not to be found in
the county of Elbert, and have not been served
with the above stated bill.—lt is therefore Or
dered, on motion ot Robert McMillan, complain
ant’s Solicitor, that said William T. Nelms and
Elizabeth bis wife, do appear at the next Term
of this Court, and then and there to stand to, a
bidc by, and perform such order and decree in
the premises as to the Court shall seem meet and
right in Equity. And it is further Ordered, that
a copy of this Rule be served upon said defend-.
ants by publishing the same once a month for
four months previous to the next Term of this
Court in some public Gazette of this State.
True copy from the Minutes, 9th May, 1843.
May 18.’ m4m 38
months alter date, application will be
made to the Honorable the Inferior Court
of Wilkes county, while sitting as a Court of Or
dinary, for leave to sell the Real Estate of Ar
g-yle Norman, deceased, late of Wilkes county.
JOHN L. WYNN, Adm’r.
May 4,1843. m4m 36
© IFF 0 @ e.
From the Georgia Journal — Extra.
Milledgeville, Georgia, >
Monday, June 19th, 1843. \
In accordance with a previous call, a
Convention of the Whig Party, ofjGeorgia,
convened at the Capitol, in the Representa
tive Hall, this day, at 11 o’clock, A. M.
when, on motion of Mr. Clarke, a delegate
from the county of Chatham, the Hon.
Charles Dougherty was called to the Chair,
for the purpose of organizing the Body, and
on motion of Mr. Stephens, a delegate from
the county of Taliaferro, John 11. Steele,
and John S. Wright, Esq’rs. were appoint
ed Socretaries.
On motion, the Secretaries proceeded to
call the Counties, when the following dele
gates, from the Counties prefixed to their
names, appeared, and took their seats, to
wit :
Baldwin —Miller Grieve, Seaton Urant
; land, Iverson L. Harris.
Bibb —George W. Moore, A. (I. Chap
pell, Washington Poe, Thomas M. Ellis.
Bryan —J. P. Hines.
Burke— E. B. Gresham, R. W Gillstrap,
G. B. Powell, J. M. Reynolds.
Butts—A. C Scott, J. A. Wright, R. VV
Camden —A. H. Bessent, G. W. Hardee.
Campbell —Martin Kolb, Edward 11.
| Cass —W. E. Alexander, W. Aikin, Er
win P. Jones.
Chatham —Hon. J. M. Berrien, Asa Holt,
F. S. Bartow, John M. Clark, George A.
Cherokee —William Daniel.
Chattooga —Richard W. Jones, E. T.
Clark —Charles Dougherty, James 11.
Camak, E. L. Newton, Green B. ITaygood.
Cobb —Clark Howell, Noel B. Knight.
Columbia —N. Crawford, Isaac Ramsay,
G. W. Hardwick, S. A. Gibson.
; Coweta —lT. R. Harrison, John 11. John
! ston, Richard T. Penn, B. Simms, Jr.
Cravford —S. Rutherford, S. Hall, R.
J Feagin.
; DeKall —Reuben Cone, Charles Latti
i mer, S. P. Wright, J. W. L. Buchanan.
| Dooly- Jacob Watson, David J. Bothwell.
Effingham —C- Powers, J. Barnard.
Elbert —Y. L. G. Harris, J.S. Warren,
A. Hammond.
Emanuel —Duncan McLeod, Bgnj. Lain.
Fayette —F.. Conner.
Floyd— John W. Hooper, J. W. M. Ber
nen, H. Miller.
Gilmer —Asa Johnson.
Glynn —Thomas Butler King.
Qreene —Wm. L. Alfriend, James M.
Porter, Y. P. King, Henry Sanford.
Gwinnett —Thos. W. Alexander, R. M.
Cleveland, Samuel Martin.
Habersham —John W. 11. Underwood,
Thompson Allen, Benj. Cleveland, A. P.
Hall —C. Peoples, E. Buffington.
Hancock —Mark Guilder, L. S. Stewart,
J. M. Harris, Benj. K. Butts.
Harris —Colgß. Henry, T. Jones, John
White, J. L. Smphens.
Heard —Charles 11. Tait.
Henry —Duncan McVicker, Wm. Kini
bell, H. G. 11. McNiel, F. E. Manson.
Houston —David O. Smith, Wm. P. Bry
an, George W. Bivens, EH Warren.
Jackson- --Joseph T. Cunningham, B. 11.
Overby, J. VV. Camp, N. Nash.
Jasjier— Matthew Whuff. Id, Thomas J. j
Comer, Charles L. Ridley, Ed. Y. Hill.
Jefferson— George Stapleton, P. B. Con- j
nelly, P. S. Lemlio.
Jones-- -Isaac T. Moreland, Jas. W. Fur
low, Richard Blowe, F. S. Johnson.
Laurens--Winfield Wright, llobt. Rob
ertson, W. O’Neal.
Lee—Jas. A. H. Macon, David 11. Janes.
Liberty— Henry M. Stephens, Wm. S.
Norman, William M. Frazer.
Lincoln— W. W. Stokes, H. Wheat, J.
Lumplcin— William E. Love, Charles B.
Sisson, J. L. Riley.
Macon —George Patton, M. R. Harman,
William F'elton.
AZonroe---Littleton Johnson, Leonard T.
Doyall, Josiah G. Jordan, David Ogletree,
William G. Norman.
Marion-- Thos. Bivens, John Campbell.
Mclntosh— J. C. Townsend.
Meriwether— J. H. McMath, E. Tram
Monlgomery-\V. A. McLeod, C. Mcßae.
Morgan —Thomas D. Speer, William O.
Saffold, E. Bostwick, John A. Broughton.
Murray —A. M. Turner.
Muscogee —K. McKenzie, M. Williams,
J. L. Mustain, James S. Calhoun, Thomas
A. Brannon.
Newton —John N. Williamson, Thos. F.
Jones, Mhnson Glass, John Webb.
Oglethorpe—-Wm. P. Rembert, Jos. H,
Echols, Wm. Blanton, Mial Smith.
Paulding —Thomas H. Sparks.
Pike —Charles McDowal, James What
ley, D. A. Allen, C. G. Turner.
Pulaski —A. H. Hansll, Ed. St. George.
Putnam —H. T. Shaw, J. A. Wingfield,
John A. Cogburn, E. Calloway.
Randolph —Wm C Perkins, Wm G Da
vis, Mason Tiller.
Richmond--] ames W Jones, Alexander
C Walker, Porter Fleming, J A Hibler.
Scriven- -Thomas H Burns, Jr., Solomon
C Bryan, Cuyler W Young.
Stewart ---David P Hillhouse, W Boyn
ton, B R Harrison, Wm Cox.
Sumter— W J Ronaldson.
Talbot---A L Acee, EWarthen, Win F
Brooks, A G Perryman.
j Taliaferro— Alex’r. H. Stephens, Lewis
Potter, O A Luckett.
Tattnall—James Vinzent.
Telfair-- Wm W Paine, Jas II McCall.
Troup— M Ferrel, W A Johnson, N N
rlowill, LH Clark, S W Beasley.
Twiggs— E E Crocker, Ira E Dupree,
Hayden Hughes.
Upson— Henry Butts, James W Greene,
Jordan Lyons, Henry L Battle.
‘Walker-- Charles J Hooper, James C
Longbridge, Richard A Lane.
Walton—J Z Locklin, James S Walker.
Warren-- Adam Jones, Jesse M Roberts,
M H Wellborn, J A Chapman.
1 Cashing ton--Benj Brookins, A G Ware,
| Jonn Curry, II W Flournoy.
U /?/;es—Robert Toombs, II F Ellington,
L J Gartrell, David GCotting.
Wilkinson —Julius L La Taste, Willis
Allen, and George A Whipple.
On motion of Mr. Chappell, a delegate
from the county of Bibb, the Hon. John
Macpherson Berrien, a delegate from the
county of Chatham, was, bv acclamation,
nominated President of the Convention.
It was then moved that a committee of
five, be appointed by the Chair to notify Mr.
Berrien ol his selection by the Convention,
as its Piesident, and to conduct him to the
The motion was adopted, whereupon the
Chair appointed as the Committee, Messrs.
A II Chappell, Thos. Butler King, Robert
A Toombs, James Camak, and John W
Hooper, who discharged their duty and con
ducted the President to the Chair, from
whence he addressed the Convention touch
ing the object for which it had assembled,
and tendered his acknowledgements for the
honor conferred.
The following resolution was then sub-
I mitted to the Convention, by Mr. King, of
; Glynn, and adopted.
“ Resolved, That a committee of twenty
one he appointed by the chair, to report on
such matters as may be considered proper
for the action of this Convention.”
After which, on motion of Mr. Hillhouse,
a delegate from the county of Stewart, the
Convention adjourned to 3 o’clock, P. M.
Three O'clock, V. M-
The Convention met pursuant to adjourn- ‘
The President appointed the following
names to compose the Committee of 21, in
accordance with the resolution adopted at
the last sitting of the Body :
Mezsrs. King of Glynn,
Jones, of Richmond,
Lemlie, of Jefferson,
[ xouuios, or v v lines,
Bartow, of Chatham,
Stephens, of Taliaferro,
Dougherty, of Clarke,
Cleveland, of Habersham,
King, of Greene,
Grieve, of Baldwin,
Hill, of Jasper,
Chappell, of Bibb,
Warren, of Houston,
Hooper, of Floyd,
Aiken, of Cass,
Ferrel], of Troup,
Knight, of Cobb,
Calhoun, of Muscogee,
Hillhouse, of Stewart,
Crawford, of Columbia,
Wright, of Laurens.
Mr. Powers, of Effingham, offered the
following resolution which was adopted.
Resolved, That the rules of the House of
Representatives of the Legislature of Geor
gia, he adopted for the government of the
Mr. Young, of Scriven, offered the fol- J
lowing resolution.
Resolved, That the Committee of 21, ap- 1
pointed to report on the various subjects, ;
necessary to be considered by the Conven- j
tion, he instructed to suggest tiie names of
delegates equal to the whole number of
Senators and Representatives, in Congress
from Georgia to represent the Whig Party
of this State, in the Whig National Conven
tion to assemble at Baltimore in 1844, for
the nomination ofcandidates for the offices
of President and Vice President.
The resolution was adopted.
Whereupon the Committee, through their
chairman, asked leave to retire lor the pur
pose of making their report, which was
During the absence of the Committee,
the Convention was ably and eloquently
addressed, by several ofits members, upon
various topics, having relation both to Fed
eral and State politics.
Mr. Poe of Bibb, offered the following
Resolved, That many of the evils which
afflict our people, can be traced directly to
the injurious and ruinous legislation of the
few last years ; and believing the success
of the Whig Party is essential to remedy
this state of things, we conjure our friends
to bring out their strongest and best’ men
for the Legislature, in the several counties
of the State.
The resolution was unanimously adop
The Committee of twenty one returned
to the Body, and through their chairman
asked leave to report, which was granted ;
the following is their report.
The Committee to whom was referred for
consideration the various matters proper to
be brought forward for the action of the
Convention, considering the main .object of
the Convention to be for the nomination of
a candidate for Governor, beg leave to re
port, in part, by offering the following reso
Resolved, That this Convention proceed j
to-morrow morning at 9 o’clock, to nomi
nate a Candida'” to be run for Governor at
; the next election, by the Whig party of this
State, by ballot, and without debate or the
announcement of any name.
And be it further resolved, That a major
ity of all the votes, shall be necessary to
constitute a nomination.
And. be it further resolved, That if any
county has not a full representation in the
convention, the member or members pro
sent from such county have the privilege of
casting the full compliment of votes, to
j which such county may be entitled.
I he report was taken up and agreed to.
On motion of Mr. King of Glynn, it was
Resolved, That the committee have leave
to sit again.
And the Convention adjourned, until 9
! o clock to morrow morning.
Thursday Morning, 9 o’clock.
T he Convention met pursuant to adjourn
The minutesofthe preceding day were
; read and confirmed.
1 he Committee of twenty-one, appointed
to consider such matters as were proper to
| be brought before this convention, submit
| the following, in addition to their report
j of yesterday.—to wit :
The Committe have considered theques
tion, whether it is proper for this conven.
tion to nominate a candidate of the Whig
Party to fill the vacancy in our Congres
sional representation expected to be pro
duced by the resignation of the Hon. Mark
A. Cooper. It is a question not free from
difficulty ; but we hold that the law ofCon
gress prescribing the made of electing
members of the House of'Representatives
ot the Congress of the U.- S. is constitution
al, and that tiie election held in this State
in October last, in contravention of that law
was wholly illegal and void, and that a va
lid and lawful election for that purpose
cannot be held without further Legislation
upon that subject either by the State or Na
tional Government. But we are admon
ished by the uniform conduct of the Dem
ocratic Party, in disregarding law and jus
tice whenever that party considers it ne- i
cessary to their supposed party interests j
and especially by their conduct in the late
| New Jersey contested election, not to rely
upon them for the execution or enforcement
of the laws in this case ; but we deem it the
duty of the Whig Party to preserve the in
tegrity ol the law by defeating the Demo
j cratio candidate at the ballot box.
I Therefore we recommend to the conven
| tion to proceed to the nomination of a can
didate of the Whig Party of this State for
j* “O ‘ ’ •-P < I * • * t
: the Hon. Mark A. Cooper, in the same man-
I ner recommended for the nomination of a
candidate for Governor.
Resolved, That the following gentlemen
be appointed delegates to the Whig Nation
al Convention to be held tn the city of Bal
timorein May 1844, and that they be in
structed to-vote for Henry Clay, as the
choice of the Whig Party of Georgia as the
candidate for the Presidency, and that in
the event of any vacancy in the delegation,
the other delegates be authorised to fill the
Hon. John McPherson Berrien, Wm. C.
Dawson, Thomas Butler King, Lott War
ren, Robert A. Toombs, Jas. S. Calhoun,
A. H. Kenan, F. M. Robinson, Joshua Ilill
and A. R. Wright, Esq’s.
Resolved, That a committee of live he ap
pointed by the chair to prepare an address
to the people of Georgia.
The report was receive, and on motion of
Mr. King of Glynn, was laid on the table
for the present.
On motion of Mr. Stephens, a delegate j
from the county of Taliaferro, the conven
tion agreed to proceed to the order of the J
day, to wit, the nomination of a candidate |
for Governor.
The Hon. Charles Dougherty a delegate
from the county of Clarke, addressed the
convention, withdrawing from its consider
ation, the name of Asbury Hull Esq.
Mr. King of Greene, also addressed the
convention, and announced to it, that the
name of the Hon. W. C. Dawson was also
The Secretary then proceeded to call the
counties, when Mr. Lemlie of Jefferson re
quested that the ballotting be suspended,
until he had an opportunity of conferring
with friends, which conference, lie believed,
would result in tile united action ofthe con
vention, by concentrating their ballots upon
a single individual.
The balloting was therefore suspended.
After a few minutes, Mr. Lemlie with
drew from the consideration of tHb conven
tion, the name of the Hon. Roger L. Gam
Mr. Shaw of Putnam withdrew the name
of the Hon. James A. Meriwether, and Mr.
Chappell, of Bibb that of the Hon. Christo
pher B. Strong.
The name of Gen. Duncan L. Clinch,
was also withdrawn by the Hon. Thomas
Butler King.
Mr. Dougherty of Clark then offered the
following resolution which was unanimous
ly adopted.
Resolved, That the Hon. GEORGE W.
CRAWFORD of the county of Richmond,
be and is hereby unanimously nominated
by this convention as the candidate of the
Whig party for the office of Governor ofthe
State of Georgia, at the election in October
Mr. Harris, of Elbert, offered the follow
ing resolution which was agreed to.
Resolved, That a committee of five be ap
pointed by the chair, to inform the Honor
able George W. Crawford of his nomina
tion as the candidate of the Whig Party of
M. •. KAPPUL, Printer.
I Georgia, for the office of Governor, and to.
I ascertain from him whether he will accept
the nomination.
VVliereupon the chair appointed the fol.
lowing gentlemen as that committee, to wit:
Messrs. Harris, ofElbert, Lemlie, of Jeffer
son, Y. P. King, of Greene, T. B. King, ot
Glynn, Dougherty, of clarke.
I he convention, on motion of Mr. King of
Glynn, took up the report of the committee
Mr King, ofGreenc, moved to amend the
last resolution offered by the committee,
by adding, that the President of this conven
tion be the chairman of that committee
which was agreed to. The report as amen
ded was adopted.
In accordance with the above, the com.
! mittee are, .
I he Hon. J. M. Berrien, President ofthe
convention, chairman, and
Messrs. Charles Dougherty, of Clark, Y .
P. King, of Greene, A. H. Chappell, of
Bibb, E. Y. Hill, of Jasper, J. N. William
son, ofNewton.
I he convention, on motion agreed to go
into the selection of a candidate for Con
gress, to fill the vacancy expected to be oc
casioned by the resignation of the lion.
Mark A Cooper.
Mr. Shaw, of Putnam, then offered the
following resolution which was adopted.
Resolved, That the name of A. H. STE
PHENS of the county of Taliaferro, he put
in nomination by this convention, as the
candidate for Congress to fill the vacancy
expected to occur by the resignation of the
Hon. Mark A. Cooper.
Mr. Shaw, ofPutnam offered the follow
ing resolution, which was agreed to, viz :
Resolved, That a committee of five bo
appointed by the chair, to inform Mr. Ste
phens of his nomination by this convention,
and ask ot him his acceptance ofthe same.
W hereupon the chairman appointed the
following gentlemen as that committee, viz:
’ Messrs. Shaw, of Putnam, Toombs, of
j WiLret Greene, of Upson, Hall ofCraw
! ford, Luckett, of Taliaferro.
Mr. Flournoy,of Washington,offered the
•foil uviiig resolution which was agreed to.
Resolved, That the committee of twenty
one, or a majority of them, appointed by the
President of this convention have power to
fill any vacancy which may occur in the
nominations made by this convention, and
to nominate suitable candidates for other
vacancies for those offices if any should oc
Mr. Luckett, a delegate from the county
of Taliaferro, offered ihe following resolu
vmg retired) (svlr. “Dougheriy in the chair,;
which was unanimously adopted, viz :
Resolved, That in relation to the ques
tion ofthe Vice Presidency, the Whig par
ty has a decided preference for the able and
dignified Senator from Georgia, the Hon.
John McPherson Berrien—and that our de
legates to the Whig convention to assemble
in the city of Baltimore in May 1844, In
instructed unanimously by this convention
to urge his claim's to that office.
Mr. Chappell, of Bibb, then offered tile
following, which were unanimously adop
ted, viz:
Resolved, That this convention tender
their acknowledgements to the Hon. John
M. Berrien for the able, courteous and dig
nified manner in which he has presided
over its deliberations.
Resolvedfurther, as the sense of this con
vention, that the Hon. Jno. M. Berrien is
entitled to the approval and thanks of his
political friends and of the country ut large
for the firm and patriotic spir t and high a
bility with which ho has discharged the
duties of a Senator of the United States, —
and particularly for the manner in which
he has sustained and vindicated the consti
tutiona! rights and independence of the
Senatorial office against the unwarrantable
denunciations of a portion of the members
ofthe Legislature, and their lawless as
sumption of a right to control him. by their
instructions and to drive him from his seat
for disregarding those instructions.
A committee of five was on motion, ap
pointed by the chair to communicate the a
bove resolutions to the Hon. John M.
rien, to wit:—Messrs. Chappell, ol Bibi
King, of Gl vnn, Cleveland, of Habersham,
Daniel, of Cherokee, and Hillhouse, of
Stewart, who discharged the duty assigned
them, and so reported to the body.
The President resumed the chair, and ad
dressed the convention at length, upon the
subjeet matter of the resolutions adopted,
and returned his acknowledgements for the
highly complimentary manner in which the
body had been pleased to notice him during
his absence from the seat.
Mr. Barnard of Effingham, offered the
following resolution, which was adopted,
Resolved, That the thanks of this con
vention are hereby tendered to Messrs. Jno.
H. Steele and J. S. Wright, for the promp
titude and efficiency with which they have
discharged the duties of Secretaries of this
On motion of Mr. Toombs, of Wilkes.
The convention then adjourned sine die
President of the Convention.
JounH.Steble ) Secrelaries .
John S. Wright, )
The managers ofthe Ball given to Mr
Clay, on the occasion of his recent visit to
Neiv-Orleans, have devoted the proceedsof
the Ball to charitable purposes. To the
Orphan Boy’s Asylum, at Lafayette, a do
nation of $135 was made. A similar sum
was presented to the Catholic Boy’s Asy
Utm of New-Orleans.