Newspaper Page Text
Wo have been handed the following re
ceipt for curing hams by ono of the most
eminent practitioners in this city ; thesale
ratus is at least new to us, and we there
fore publish it. although it may not be a
new ingredient in the receipt to others. In
Cincinnati, where large quantities ofhams
are annually cured, pepper, allspice,
cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon, and other little
ingredients aro usually added ; but to the
Cover the bottom of the cask with coarse
salt, lay on the hams with the smooth or
skin side down, sprinkle over fine salt, then
another layer ofhams, and so continue un
til the cask is full. This ought to beof the
larger kind. A cask holding 64 gallons
is small enough, and it would be better if
it held 120 gallons. Make a brine in the
following proportions : C gallbns water,
9 lbS. sal, 4 lbs. brown sugar, 3 oz. saltpe
tre, 1 oz. saleratus. Scald and scum, and
when cold pour the brine into the cask un
til the hams are completely covered. The
hams should remain in this pickle at least
three months, and a little longer time would
do them no harm.— American Farmer.
Receipt for making Cistern Cement. —
Ashes two parts, three parts clay, one part
sand, mixed with oil, will make a cement
as hard as marble, and impenetrable by
water forever.
Store Tea. —A countryman, not particu
larly well acquainted with the various
names and qualitiesof the China herb, was
taking his breakfast, when he called upon
the waiter for a cup of tea ?
“ What kind of tea will you have, sir ?”
asked Patrick.
“ Why tea I—give me a cup of tea” —
said the stranger.
“ Yes, sir ; but what kind of tea ?”
“Store tea, d—n you!” responded the
countryman, in a tone which told that he
was a little “savage;” “do you think I
want to drink sassafras when I come to
town !”
An exchange paper states that the father
of an interesting family, near Detriot, Mich.,
not long since stopped ihe only newspaper
that he allowed himself or family, and sole
ly on the ground that he could not afford
the expense. This man chews sl4 60
worth of tobacco a year 1
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
ALL persons indebted to the Estate of Timo
thy T. Smith, late of Wilkes county, de
ceased, are requested to pay the same immediate
ly, and those having demands against the Estate
will present the same in terms o; the law for pay
November 30, 1843. 6t 14
sold on Wednesday the twentieth
* * day of December next, at the late resi
dence of Argyle Norman, deceased, in Wilkes
county, a part of the Perishable Property, con
sisting of Horses, Hogs, Cattle, Sheep, Corn,
Fodder, Oats, one yoke of Oxen and Cart, one
set of Blacksmith Tools, Plantation Tools, to
gether with many articles not mentioned. Terms
made known on the day of sale.
November 9, 1843. 11
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in January
next, before the Court-House door in Elbert
county, agreeable to an order of the Inferior
Court of said county, while sitting as a Court
of Ordinary,
One young Negro man by the name of John ;
one Negro woman by the name of Silva, and one
Negro girl by the name of Agga, belonging to
the Estate of M. C. Upshaw 1 , deceased. Sold
for the benefit of the creditors. Terms on the
day of sale.
November 1,1843. 12
A Gft EE ABLE to an order of the Honorable
the Inferior Court of Wilkes county, while
sitting as a Court of Ordinary, will be sold on
the first Tuesday in January next, before the
Court-House door in Elbert county, between the
usual sale hours,
The Tract of Land w hereon Mrs. Nancy M.
Hunt formerly lived, situated about 2 miles from
Elberton, on the road leading from Elberton to
Carneeville, containing five hundred Acres, more
or less, adjoining lands belonging to the estate of
Mrs. Nancy’ M. Hunt, and others. Sold for the
benefit of the heirs of Elijah Hunt, deceased.—
For further particulars, apply to Robert Hester,
Elberton, Ga.
ELIZA HUNT, Guardian.
November 9,1843. 11
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in January
next, before the Court-House door in Elbert
county, agreeable to an order ot the Inferior
Court of Elbert county, while sitting as a
Court of Ordinary,
One Tract of Land lying on the Beaverdam
Creek, adjoining lands of Elizabeth Tate, Thom
as J. Heard and Beverly Allen, containing two
hundred Acres, more or less, known as the dow
er Tract of Land. Sold as the property of the
late Robert Middleton, deceased. Terms cash.
de bonis non on the Estate of
Robert Middleton.
November 1,18-13. 12
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in February
next, before the Court-House door in Eibert
county, agreeable to the will of John Davis,
Three Negroes, by the names of Lee, Sim and
Mary, as the property of the Estate of John Da
vis, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs of said
deceased. Terms will be made known on the
day of sale.
November 15,1843- m2m 13
WILL be sold at the late residence of Ra
chael Truitt, late of Wilkes county, de
ceased, on the fourteenth day of December next,
a quantity of Stock, Household and Kitchen Fur
| niture, Plantation Tools, &c. Terms of sale
I made known on the day.
I November 2,1843. P-Truitt, deceased.
Wf I LI, be sold before the Court-house door
* * in Washington, Wilkes county, oil the
first Tuesday in January next, between the le
gal sale hours, a Negro man named Jim, belong
ing to the Estate of Warren S. Hudspeth, de
ceased. Sold by order of Court, for the benefit
of the heirs and creditors.
November 2, 1843. 10
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Janu
ary next, before the Court-House door in
Washington, Wilkes county, betw’een the usual
hours of sale, the follow ing projierty, to-wit:
Sally, a woman about 65 years of age ; Jinny,
a woman 64 ; Dennis, a man 25 ; Sarah, a wo
man 27 ; Jim, a child about 6 years ; one child
about 9 months ; Matilda, a woman about 22
years of age, and three children, Chansler a boy
6, Emeliue a girl 4, and Sarah a girl, about 2
years of age. Also, a Tract of Land containing
four hundred and ninety-five Acres (495) more
or less, adjoining lands of George Shank, Felix
Shank and others, on the waters of Little River,
in Wilkes county. Sold for the benefit of the
heirs of Mildred Carlton, deceased, by virtue of
a Decree in Equity rendered at the February
Term, 1843, of the Superior Court of Wilkes
November 2,1843. 10
Will be so’d at the Court-House door in Elbert
county, on the first Tuesday in January next:
Esau, a slave, aged about forty years, and Joe
aged about years, being a part of the Estate
of Larkin Clark, deceased, and sold for the ben
efit of the creditors.
Robert McMillan, Ex’r.
October 25,1843. 9
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in January
next, before the Court-House door in Elbert
county, within the usual hours of sale, the fol
lowing Negroes, to-wit:
Dosha, Patsey, Issia, and John Osburn, prop
erty of James Banks, Jun’r., deceased, of said
November 14, 18411. 13
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in January
next, before the Court-House door in Elbert
county, between the legal hours of sale, the
following Property, to-wit:
Four Negroes—Jack about 50 years old, Bill
about 50 years old, Elbert about 33, and Rachel
about 60 years old—sold as a part of the Negroes
belonging to the Estate of Z. Bowman, deceas
ed. Terms made known on the day of sale.
October 28,1843. 10
ON Friday the 15th day of December next,
will be sold at the residence of the late
Kindred Jacks, deceased, all the Perishable Pro
perty of said deceased, consisting of Household
and Kitchen Furniture, Plantation Tools, Corn,
Fodder, Oats, Horses, Mules, Cows, Hogs, Goats
&-C. &e. Sale to be continued from day to day
until all be sold. Terms made known on the
day of sale.
J. R. SNEED, Adm’r.
November 2,1843. 10
VI/'ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Jan
*” uary next, before the Court-House door
in Elbert county, agreeable to an order of the
Inferior Court of Elbert county, while sitting as
a Court of Ordinary, one Tract of Land on the
waters of the Beaverdam Creek, containing five
hundred and forty Acres, more or Jess, adjoining
lands of Beverly Allen, Holman Childers, Thos.
J. Heard, Bud C. Wall and others, sold as the
property of John Nunnelee, deceased, for the
benefit of the creditors of said deceased. Terms
will be made known on the day of sale.
October 24,1843. m2m 10
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Janu
ary next, before the Court-House door in
Washington, Wilkes county, between the usual
sale hours, a part of the Negroes belonging to
the Estate of Abner Wellborn, deceased. Sold
for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms
twelve months credit.
November 2,1843. 10
V \T ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Janua
* * ry next, before the Court-House door in
the town of Lexington, Oglethorpe county, a
greeable to an order of the Inferior Court of O
glethorpe county, while sitting as a Court of Or
dinary, all the Negroes belonging to the Estate
ol Zachariah Reid, late of Oglethorpe county,
deceased, consisting of Men, Women, Boys and
Girls, betw'een thirty and forty in number, and
amongst the men there is a Tanner and a Shoe
maker by trade, and a tolerable good Blacksmith.
The terms of sale will be Cash.
October 19,1843. 8
AGREEABLE to an order of the Honorable
Inferior Court of Wilkes county, while sit
ting as a Court ot Ordinary, will be sold on the
first Tuesday in January next, at the Court-
House door of said county, the interest of the
Minors of John S. Walton, deceased, in the
House and Lot in the town of Washington, now
in the occupancy of M. P. Callaway.
Also, a wood Lot, containing seven Acres, a
bout a mile from town.
By M. P. Callaway’s consent, his interest will
be sold with the above.
I. T. IRVIN, Guardian.
October 24, 1843. 9
AGREEABLY’ to an order of the Honorable
the Inferior Court of Taliaferro county,
while sitting for Ordinary purposes, will be sold
before the Court-House door in Crawfordville, in
said county, on the first Tuesday in February
next, between the usual hours of sale, the follow
ing property, to-wit:
One House and Lot in Crawfordville, contain-
I nig four and a half acres, more or less, with good
improvements on it, also, one lot adjoining Red
den Rhodes, Littleberry Little, aud others,
containing thirty-five or forty acres, more or less,
about one half of the same is a wood lot, and well
timbered, also, all the negroes belonging to the
Estate of Thomas D. Borom, Jate of said county,
deceased. Terms made known on the day of
with the will annexed.
November 30,1843. 14
‘YX/'ILL be sold on Wednesday the third day
** of January next, at the residence of Jo
seph G. Dupriest, late of Wilkes county, de
ceased, all the Perishable Property belonging to
the Estate of said deceased.
O’ The NEGROES belonging to said Estate
will be hired, and I,AND rented, on the same
day. Terms made known on the day.
November 16,1843. 12
Wilkes county. ( To all Person) interested.
YOU are hereby notified, that on the first
Monday in January next application will
j bo made lo the Inferior Court of said county,
whilo sitting as a Court of Ordinary, to have the
Estate of William Hughes, deceased, distribu
ted. B. 11. HUGHES, Executor.
November 21st, 1843. 13
GEORGIA, l Whereas Reuben Smith ap-
Wilkes County. \ plies to me for letters of dis
mission as Guardian for Francis E. Smith.
These are therefore, to cite, summon, and ad
monish, all and singular the kindred and credit
ors of said Minor, to be and appear at my Of
fice, within the time prescribed by law, to shew
cause (if any they have,) why said letters should
not be granted.
Given under my hand at office, this sth day
of September, 1843.
JOHN H. DYSON, c.c.o.
September 7. m6m 2
Wilkes Superior Court,
July Term, 1843.
David Montgomery and wife, ’
John Marten and wife,
Isaac Marten and wife, and
Nancy Collins, BILL IN
vs. {.EQUITY.
Purnell Truitt, Executor of
Purnell Truitt, Sen’r., de- |
ceased. J
TT appearing to the Court, that Sarah Truitt,
relict of John Truitt, Watson Shaw, adm’r.
of John Truitt, Frances Shaw and her husband
Watson Shaw, James M. Truitt, Delphia Spears
and her husband Joshua Spears, Sarah Spears her husband Jefferson Spears, Elizabeth
l'ruitt, Alfred Truitt, Nathan Truitt, Martha
Truitt, Indiana Truitt, Purnal Collins, adm’r.
of Eli Collins, defendants to the amended Bill of
Complaint, reside out of the county of Wilkes,
and have not been served. It is on motion of
Complainant’s Solicitor, Ordered that the afore
said persons named not served, do appear at the
next term ot this Court and plead, answer or de
mur to said Bill, and that notice of this Order be
perfected on said Defendants by publication
■hereof once a month for four months in the
Washington News and Gazette.
A true copy from the Minutes, this 21st day
of October, 1843.
JOHN 11. DYSON, Clerk.
October 26. m4m 9
Georgia, Wilkes county.
To the Honorable Superior Court of said
rjIHE petition of Francis T. Willis and Francis
T. Willis and Elizabeth Barnett, Execu
tors of the last will and testament of Samuel
Barnett, late of said county, deceased, showeth
‘hat on tiie twenty-first day of August in the
t ear eighteen hundred and lorty-one, William
F. Sohan, of said county, made, executed and
delivered to your petitioners Francis T. Willis,
md to Samuel Barnett, then in life, his certain
mortgage deed for the securing the payment of a
certain promissory note, made by the said Wil
liam F. Sohan, for the sum of four hundred dol
lars, bearing date the same twenty-first of Au
gust aforesaid, and due and payable twelve
months alter date, to trie said Francis T. Willis
and Samuel Barnett, or bearer, by which mort
gage the said William F. Sohan conveyed to the
said Francis T. Willis and Samuel Barnett, all
that Town Lot situated in the town of Washing
ton, which was the same conveyed by Francis T.
Willis and Samuel Barnett, their heirs and as
signs, to the said William F. Sohan—bounded
North by John D. Thompson and McMillan &
Vincent, East by Public Square, South and West
by William F. Sohan, with the condition that if
the said William F. Sohan, his heirs, executors
or administrators, or either of them, should well
and truly pay unto said Francis T. Willis and
Samuel Barnett the aforesaid sum of four hun
dred dollars, on or before the twenty-first day of
August next after date of said mortgage deed,
then and from thenceforth said mortgage deed i
and the right to the property thereby conveyed,
as said promissory note should cease and be void
and of no effect, any thing therein contained to
the contrary notwithstanding, and your petition
ers saith that said note still remains due and un
paid, whereby the condition of said mortgage deed
has not been kept—whereupon your petitioners
pray that a Rule may issue against said William
F. Sohan, calling upon him at the next term of
this Court to pay into Court the whole amount
which may be due on said note, or that his Equi
ty of Redemption in and to said premises shall be
forever barred and foreclosed.
It is therefore Ordered by the Court, that the
said William F. Sohan pay into the Clerk’s of
fice of said Court by the next term thereof, the
whole amount of principal and interest due, and
to become due omsaid note, together with the
cost of this application, or that the Equity of Re
demption be thenceforth torever barred and fore
closed, and that a copy of this Rule be published
once a month for four months in one of the Ga
zettes of this Slate or served personally on Wil
liam F. Sohan, at least three months before the
next term of this Court.
Attornies lor Petitioners.
True copy from the Record, Oct. 30,1843.
November 2,1843. m4m 10
GEORGIA, Elbert county.
■J/tOUR months after date, application will be
made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of
Elbert county, when sitting as a Court of Ordina
ry, for leave to sell all the Real Estate belong
ing to the Estate of John T. Clark, deceased.
September 30,1843. m4m 6
$25 Reward,
STRAYED or Stolen, on the
rWk. 11th instant, from the Plantation of
the Subscriber, situated ten miles
west Washington, Wilkes coun
ty, Georgia, a dark bay HORSE, 8
years old aud well formed, he trots and paces
tolerably well, has one white hoof on his fore
foot, and I think he has a star in his forehead—
he has some marks on his loins extending from
one hip-bone to the other in the skin, they are
very regular on one side, but on the other they
are larger as they extend down the rump. No
other marks recollected. As the Horse was rais
ed in my neighborhood and cannot be heard
from, I am inclined to believe that he has been
stolen. The above reward will be given for the
Horse and Thief, or Ten Dollars for the Horse.
KT The Athens Whig ; Recorder, Milledge
ville, and Chronicle & Sentinel, Augusta, will
publish the above three times, and forward their
accounts to me at Washington. J. P. D.
November 23,1843. 3t 13
Wilkes Sheriff’s Sales.
W'ill be sold on the first Tuesday in January
next, before the Court-House door in the town
of Washington, Wilkes county, botweeu the
lawful hours of sale, the following property,
One Negro woman named Phillis, 50 or 60
years of age ; one grey Mare and Colt; and one
small Wagon, levied on as the property of John
Danner, by virtue of two fi. tas. from Wilkes
Sujierior Court, one in the name of Francis M.
Dorsey vs. John Danner, David Danner and Jo
seph Danner; the other in the name of William
Tompkins vs. said John Danner. Property point
ed out by defendant.
One Tract of Laud containing 200 Acres,
more or less, joining lands of Sarali Benson and
Gibson Collins ; one Negro woman named Han
nah, about 36 years old, and her child Hodge, 6
years old, and one sorrel Mare, levied on as the
property of Robert Armor, by virtue of two fi.
fas. from Wilkes Inferior Court, one in favor of
the Bank of the State of Georgia, vs. said Armor,
and the other in the name of A. D.Statham vs.
said Robert Armor. Property pointed out by
James Benson.
One Tract of Land containing six hundred A
crej* more or less, on the waters of Fishing
Creek, joining lands of Thomas Anderson, Fran
cis Colly, and others, levied on as the property of
Micajah A. Lane, by virtue of a fi. fa. from Wilkes
Superior Court, Simeon Hester vs. Micajah A.
Lane. Property pointed out by defendant.
One gray Mare, levied on as the property of
Clark R. Jenkins, by virtue of sundry fi. fas. from
Wilkes Superior Court, Thomas Anderson, trus
tee, &c. vs. Clark R. Jenkins. Property pointed
out by defendant.
November 30,1843. 14
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in January
next, before the Court-House door in the town
of Washington, Wilkes county, between the
usual hours of sale, the following property,
One House and Lot in the town of Washing
ton, on Main- street, adjoining Mrs. Randolph, A.
L. Alexander, and others ; one lot of Wood-land
iii the county of Wilkes, adjoining Francis Col
ley, Charles L. Bolton and others, containing ten
Acres, (10) more or less ; also, ten Negroes, to
wit : Ned, a man about 35 years of age; Tom,
a man about 28 years of age ; John, a man 28 ;
Andrew, a hoy 12 ; Sally, a woman 28, Affa, a
woman 50; Peggy, a girl 10 and her infant, child;
Harriet, a girl 12; Joiner, a boy 7; also, 1 doz.
Rush bottom Chairs ; 1 Rocking Chair; 1
Work-stand ; 1 Candle-stand ; 4 fire-fenders ;
3 pair brass Andirons ; 4 pair Shovel &. Tongues;
4 Carpets ; 2 Rugs; 1 doz. Cane-bottom Chairs;
1 Sofa ; 3 pair common Andirons; 2 pair Silver
Candle-sticks; 1 set Dining Tables; 3 set
window Curtains ; 4 Flower Pots, 1 pier Ta
ble ; 1 mantle Glass ; 1 Snuffer and Tray ; 1
dozen common Chairs ; 2 Bureaus ; 4 wash
stands ; 4 Bedsteads ; 4 beds and turniture and
4 matUasses; 2 dressing tables ; 3 small pine
tables ; 1 lot Crockery-ware ; 1 lot Glass-ware;
1 ward-robe ; 1 clothes’ press ; 2 large pine ta
bles ; 1 lot kitchen Furniture ; 1 old Sofa ; 1
pair bed-steps; 1 passage matting ; 1 stair car
pet ; 1 work table ; 1 lot waiters ; 1 wire safe ;
3 table-covers ; 1 clock ; 3 brass candle-sticks;
2 large Maps ; 2 Cows ; 1 pair match Horses ;
1 Carriage and Harness; 1 two-horse Wagon
and Harness, all levied on to satisfy a fi. fa. from
Wilkes Superior Court, in the name of A. L.
Alexander, Stephen G. Pettus, and others, vs.
Harriet L. Pelot, executrix of John F. Pelot, de
ceased. Property pointed out by Harriet L. Pe
lot, and left in possession of defendant by order
of plaintiff’s attorney.
Two Negroes, to-wit: Tena, a woman about
28 years of age and her child Martha-Ann, about
8 months old, levied on by virtue of a fi. fa. from
Wilkes Superior Court, in the name of John
Graves vs. Jesse Wade, as the property of said
December 2,1843. 14
Georgia, Wilkes county.
Court of Ordinary, November Term, 1843.
UPON reading the Petition of Francis Tim
mons, stating that he holds the agreement
of Samuel Barnett, deceased, bearing date De
cember 15,1843, binding said Barnett to make
good and lawful title to said Timmons for a cer
tain Lot of Land situate in said State and county,
in the Town of Washington, on the west side of
the Public Square, adjoining lots of Bradford
Merry, Bolton & Nolan, fronting 23 feet, running
back 167 feet 6 inches, to John Eidson, and that
said Barnett departed this life without executing
title conformably to said agreement.
It is Ordered, that all persons are hereby re
quired to shew cause, if any they have, on or be
fore the Ist Monday in March, 1844, why titles
should not be made for said Land to said Tim
mons, or in failure of such cause, or dissent
being made known, the Court will grant a Rule
absolute requiring Francis T. Willis and Eliza
beth Barnett, executor and executrix of the last
will and testament of said Barnett, to make and
render titles for said Land to Francis Timmons,
according to the tenor and effect of said Bond ;
and it is further Ordered, that a copy of this Rule
be published in the News &, Planters’ Gazette
once a month for three months prior to March
Term, 1844, of this Court.
True copy from the Minutes,
JOHN H. DYSON, c. c. o.
November 30, 1843. m3m 14
Georgia, Elbert county.
Court of Ordinary, July Term, 1843.
Present their Honors Thomas J. Heard, Jeremi
ah S. Warren, and William Mills, Esquires.
TT appearing to the Court that Young L. G.
Harris and William Bailey, the surviving Ex
ecutors of the last will and testament of Thomas
A. Banks, deceased, have fully completed their
Administration of the Estate of said deceased, ac
cording to law, having fully paid out all the as
sets which have come into their hands and ob
tained final receipts from all the parties interest
ed in said Estate. It is Ordered by the Court,
that all persons are hereby notified to show cause
if any they have, on or before the regular Term
of this Court, to be held on the first Monday in
March next, why the said Executors should not
be dismissed from all further liability on said
Estate.- And it is further Ordered, that this or
der be published in one of the public Gazettes of
this State and in this county, according to law,
for six months previous to the sitting of this
Court on the first Monday in March next.
A true copy from the Minutes of the Court of
Ordinary of Elbert county, this 3d July, 1843.
July 20,1843. n.6m 47
Elbert Sheriff’s Sales.
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in January
next, before the Court-House door in Elbert
county, within the legal sale hours, the follow
ing property, to-wit:
One Negro woman by the natno of Barbary,
20 years oH, levied on as the property of John S.
Moore, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the Interior
Court of Elbert county, in favor of Lawrence P.
P. Tate and Augustin D. Statham, ex’rs. &c. of
Parnielia Tate, deceased, vs. John S. Moore and
James J. Blackwell, his security.
Three hundred and fifty Acres of lind, more
or less, on the waters of Deep Creek, whereon
Martin Boud now lives, adjoining lands of Wil
liam Penn, W.J. Christian, and others, levied on
as the property of Martin Bond, to satisfy afi. fa.
issued from the Interior Court of Elbert county,
in favor of James Brawner, Henry Brawnor and
Joseph Brawner, vs. Martin Bond, Eppy Bond,
and Henry W. Bond.
One hundred and seventy-six and a half A
cres of Land, more or less, whereon Levi J. All
good now lives, on the Warhatch Creek, adjoin
ing lands of Thomas J. Heard, Elijah T. Sorrow
and others, levied on as the property of LeviJ.
Allgood, to satisfy a fi. fa. from the Superior
Court of Elbert county, in favor of George C.
Wyclie vs. Levi J. Allgood.
Four hundred Acres of Land, more or less, on
the waters of Cold-water Creek, adjoining lands
of Archibald Mewbern, Hiram Brown, and oth
ers, levied on as the property of Isaac Ginn, to
satisfy a fi. fa. from the Justices’ Court, in the
201st District, G. M., in favor of Sarah Dodds
vs. Isaac Ginn, as maker, and Sion Hunt, endor
ser, and sundry other fi. fas. from a Justices’
Court, vs. said Ginn. Levy made and returned
to me by a Constable. Property pointed out by
defendant Isaac Ginn.
One Negro girl by the name of Manda, about
15 years of age, levied on as the property of John
Vasser, to satisfy a fi. fa. from the Inferior Court
of Elbert county, in favor of Seaborn J. Brawner,
bearer, vs. Jolm Vasser, as principal, and John
F. Brawner, security on stay of execution, and
sundry other fi. fas. from the Inferior Court of
Elbert county, vs. said John Vasser, as principal,
and John F. Brawner, security on stay of execu
tion, and sundry other fi. fas. vs. said John Vasser
and William O. Vasser.
One yoke of Steers and Ox-cart, one gray
Horse, one half of the Crop on the land whereon
Sarah Teasley now lives, and the life-estate of
Sarah Teasley in the following property : one
Negro man by the name of Gorey, about forty
five years old ; Negro woman Mariah, about 43
years old ; two hundred Acres of Land, more or
less, whereon Sarah Teasley now lives, on the
waters of Cold-water Creek, adjoining lands ol
John A. Teasley, Bennett Dooly and others, levi
ed on as the property of Sarali Teasley, to sat
isfy a fi. fa. from the Inferior Court of Elbert
county, in favor of William Horton, for the use
of William Teasley, vs. Sarah Teasley, James
Lunsford, and Joseph Pulliam.
One chest of Cardenter’s Tools ; one Saddle
and Bridle ; one pair Martingales ; one Blanket;
one lot of Books ; one Clarionett; the half of the
wood-work of a Barouche, and one half of a pine
Chest, levied on as the property of George VV.
Kelley, to satisfy’ two fi. fas. issued from the In
ferior Court of Elbert county, one in favor of
James J. McAllister, the other in favor of Samuel
D. Blackwell, vs. George W. Kelley
Ten Shares in the Elbert Cottou Factory and
ten Shares in the Wool-carding Machine, levied
on as William Horton’s interest in said Factory
and Machine, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the
Superior Court of Elbert county, in favor of Tho
mas 11. Teasley vs. William Horton, and sundry
other fi. fas. vs. said William Horton. Property
pointed out by the Plaintiff, Thomas 11. Teasley.
One hundred Acres of Land, more or less, on
the Beaverdam Creek, adjoining lands of the es
tate of James Carter, deceased, and lands where
on Robert C. Oglesby now lives; and the life
estate of Milly Willis, in one hundred Acres of
Land, more or less, adjoining the other, both levi
ed on to satisfy a fi. fa. issued from the Superior
Court of Elbert county, in favor of Mary Hudson
vs. Milly Will's and James M. Willis, and one
other fi. fa. from the Inferior Court of Elbert
county, in favor of Job Weston, surviving copart
ner, &c. vs. Milly Willis, and sundry other fi. fas.
vs. Milly Willis.
HOWELL SMITH, Dep. Sheriff
November 30,1843. 14
Lmcoln Sheriff’s Sales.
Will be sold at the Court-House door in Lincoln
county, on the first Tuesday in January
nSxt, between the usual hours of sale, the
following property, to-wit:
Twelve Negroes, to-wit.: Sindy, a woman a
bout 30 years old ; Rachel, a girl, 5 years old ;
Alfred, a boy 3 years old ; William, a child six
months old; Abram, a man 70 years old; Nan
cy, a woman 35 years old ; Martha, a girl 8 years
old ; Henry, a boy 7 years old ; James, a boy 6
years old ; Dunkin, a boy 2 years old ; Dicy, a
woman 19 years old, and Lucy, a woman 60 years
old, all levied on as the property of William A.
Caver, to satisfy an Execution issued from the
Inferior Court of said county, in the name of Ben
jamin Tutt vs. said William A. Caver, and Thom
as Florence, endorser. Property pointed out by
said Florence.
Fifty bushels of Corn, more or less, and twenty
bushels of nubbin Corn, more or less, and one
Road Wagon and sheet, levied on as the proper
ty of Robert B. Wheeler, to satisfy an execution
from Lincoln Superior Court, in the name of Me
rideth Trammell vs. Robert B. Wheeler.
November 30,1843. 14
WILL be sold at the Court-House door in
Lincoln county, on the first Tuesday in
January, 1844, by virtue of a mortgage fi. fa. is
sued from Wilkes Inferior Court, Obadiah Flour
noy vs. Henderson Peed, a Negro Child between
8 and 9 months of age, child of Negro woman
Rhoda, sold under same fi. fa. in 1842.
3. F. TATUM, Dep. Sheriff.
November 2,1843. 11
months after date, application will be
•*- made to the Honorable the Inferior Court
of Elbert county, while sitting as a Court of Or
dinary, for leave to Bell all the Lands and Ne
groes belonging to the Estate of Daniel Thorn
ton, jun., deceased, late of Elbert county.
’ December 5,1843. m4m 15
Twenty Copies for 20 dollars!
Proposals /or Publishing an Extra Edition
—“ Have you surrendered 1” was the inquiry
of the commander of the Serapis, as the * Bon
Homme Richard ’ desisted from firing to repair
damages and extinguish the flames that had been
rapidly gaining the mastery of his vessel. “ Sur
rendered !” answered Paul Jones, “we have
not yet beoun to fight 1” In that same spirit,
the great Whig party of the Union, victorious on
some points and thrown back at others, uncon
querable by force but not impregnablo to treach
ery, having passed through the Elections of
1843, now commences the organization of its
forces, the mustering of its battalions, and the
systematic diffusion of intelligence preparatory
to the great contest of 1844. Once fully organ",
ized, they will advance to certain, glorious and
beneficent victory.
The Publishers of the New-York TriUune,
having been urged from several quarters to issue
a cheaper paper devoted to the important work of
diffusing to every dwelling correct and convin
cing information with regard to the character,
principles, objects and measures of the two great
parties, have hesitated to issue a smaller sheet
devoted specially to this purpose, since it would
subject its patrons to the same postage that is
charged on our present ample sheet, and must |
necessarily exclude those portions of the Litera
ture, General News of the Day, and accurate
and extensive reports of the transactions in the
Money and Produce Markets, which The Trib
une has the amplest means of presenting, and
which every lamily should in some form possess.
They have concluded, therefore, to publish au
Extra Edition of the Weekly Tribune as it is,
containing the same matter that is transmitted to
our regular subscribers. This Extra Edition
will be commenced with the number of Decem
ber 9th, containing the President’s Message at
the opening of the new Congress, and continuing
to the number which in November, 1844. shall
announce the result of the Presidential Election,
(being fifty weeks, or numbers.) Os this Extra
Edition, we will send through the whole term
Twenty Copies to one address for Twenty Dol
Where the papers are required to be sent to
different Post-Offices, or where the name of the
subscriber is required to be written on each, we
must insist on our uniform price, Two Dollars for
a single copy per year; Ten copies or more at
the rate of One Dollar and a Half each. Do not
ask us to swerve from this rule, friends ! for the
thing is impossible.
The character of The Tribune is by this time
generally known It aims to reconcile the lar
gest lreedom of thought and action with a pro
found reverence tor Law and obedience to right
tul Authority; to ho the stern foe of ail discord,
anarchy and turbulence, but the champion of ev
ery generous idea, however novel or unpopular,
which has lor its end the upraising of the oppres
sed and lowly. While it proffers no claim to the
to the abused name of Democracy, so long the
cloak of political Pharisees, the cant of designing
demagogues, it will be, as it has been, in the le
gitimate sense of the word, truly Democratic—
die adversary ol every wrong, the exposer of hol
low profession and scheming knavery, and the
advocate of every movement tending to the dif
lusion of true Freedom and the upward progress
of the Human Race.
The Weekly Tribune is published in this city
every Saturday morning, hut dispatched by the
mails of Thursday and Friday. It is of the lar
gest size, folded in eight pages, so as to be about
the average size oftwo common newspapers.—
Subscriptions are respectfully solicited.
160 Nassau-st.
ILf Postmasters are authorized by law to trans- j
mit moneys lor subscriptions to newspapers, un,
der their frank, free of postage.
EP Money remitted through the mail will
at the risk of the Publishers. Notes of all
paying Banks in any state of the Union will tie
received at par. & M.
GEORGIA, Elbert county.
months after date, application will be
■* made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of
Elbert county, when sitting as a Court of Ordi
nary, for leave to sell all the Lands belonging to
the Estate of Henry B. Bailey, deceased, of Ala
bama, this 23d September, 1843.
Sept. 30,1843. m4tn 6
months after date, application will be
made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of
Wilkes county, while sitting as a Court of Or
dinary, for leave to sell the Land and Negroes
belonging to the Estate of Purnal Truitt, de
ceased, late of said county.
November 2, •1843. m4rn 10
FOUR months after date, application will be
made to the Honorable the Inferior Court
of Elbert county, when sitting for Ordinary pur
poses, for leave to sell all the Lands belonging
to the estate of'John Watkins, late of said coun
ty, deceased.
October 11, 1843. m4m 8
months after dale, application will be
made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of
Taliaferro county, while sitting as a Court of Or
dinary, for leave to sell the Land and Negroes
belonging to the Estate of Thomas D. Borom,
late of said county, deceased.
with the will annexed.
September 20, 1843. m4m 4
‘E'OUII months after date, application will be
made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of
Taliaferro county, while sitting as a Court of
Ordinary, for leave to sell a negro namad Daniel
belonging to James Thomas Andrew, a Minor.
September 7,1843. m4m 2
GEORGIA, ) Whereas, Felix G. Hender-
Wilkes county. $ son, administrator de bonis non
on the Estate of Edwprd Jones, deceased, ap
plies to me for Letters of Dismission.
These are therefore to cite, summon, and ad
monish, all and singular the kindred and creditors
of said deceased, to be and appear at my office
within thd time prescribed by law, to shew cause
(if any they have,) why said letters should not bo
Given under my hand at office, this 20th day of
October, 1843. ■*
JOHN H. DYSON, c. c. o.
October 26. m6m 9
GEORGIA, ) Whereas, James H. Flynt,
Wilkes county. \ Guardian of John W. Wright,
applies to me for Letters of Dismission.
These are theroiore to cite, summon, and ad
monish, all and singular the kindred amUwtiJ
ors of said Minor, to be and appear at my office **
within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause
(if any they have) why said letters should not
be granted.
Given under my hand at Office, this 22d dav
of November, 1843.
JOHN H. DYSON, c. c. o.
November 30. m6m 14