Newspaper Page Text
It has bccncharged against the Whigs
that they rejected Mr, Van Buren in 1840 |
simply because they Were drunk on hard
uider. But why have the Locofocos rejec
ted him in 1844 ? Have they too been
taking a tiuucudous pull at the hard cider.
U’t take the following irresistible argij.
; mein in favor oi'James K Polk, from the
Troy Budget of Wednesday
His (Polk’s) hair is precisely the color
of that w hich Jefferson Wore, before time
had faded it, and ttis eyes are of the same
shade ns were those of Washington and ,
GaihUmt :—ln some gambling houses re
cently broken into by the London police, i
false dice were found among the gambling
implements seized, and the brass divisions’
of the roulette tables were found to be so i
contrived, as to obstruct the ball atthe will
of the manager.
K7* “ An Essay on the Soils and Avail
able Manures of the State of Georgia, with
the mode of application and management,
founded on a geological and agricultural
survey—by John Ruggles Cotting, State
Geologist of Georgia.” A few copies of
the above work for sale at this office.
July 4, 1844. . 45
good article, well cured, for sale by
May 30, 1844. 40
Double ItWt* Hack,
UNTIL further notice is given will leave
Washington on Mondays, Wednesdays, and
Fridays, at half past one o’clock. Leave Double
Wells on the same days as heretofore.
R. 11. VICKERS, Contractor.
July 11,1844. 46
TIIE copartnership heretofore existing in the
name of PALMER &. McMILLAN, was
dissolved on the Ist instant, by mutual consent.
Those indebted, will please call and settle by
note or otherwise.
July 10,1844.
O’The business will hereafter be. continued
by the Subscriber, who solicits a continuance of
the patronage of his former customers.
July 11, 1844. 46
To •Mechanics,
WILL be let to the Lowest Bidder, oil Wed
nesday the 31tt July instant, the Build
ing of Gunnel’s Bridge, across Long Creek, on
the Road leading from Washington to Elberton.
Particulars on the day.
July 4,1844. 3t 45
For Sale,
A Plantation, well improved, containing a
bout Two Hundred Acres, on the waters of
Wells’Creek, in Wilkes county, adjoining lands
of Enoch Callaway, Mrs. Binns, John Norman
and Christopher Binns. For terms, which will
be reasonable, apply to
On the premises.
July 11,1844. 46
For Sale 9
AT the Subscriber’s Mill, eight miles East of
Washington, 60,000 feet of PLANK of all
descriptions. Also, eons'antly on hand, a supply
of FLOUR, warranted fresh and equal in quali
ty to anv which can he made m the Southern
Statet—which will be sold at customary prices.
A supply ol ne Floor will he left a the
‘••fore >i Willis &. Hester, m Washington, eppn
f ‘e hr Ptji.Office, for the accommodation u s
•: hake's generally
‘. <o AC, 1844. 12t* 43 to D-jb: >:• and Creditors.
; ys
4 I- persona uAebiea *o the Estate of Lany
-- ■'s ia*e : Wilkes county, deceased,
.re :• . *>,,] ■. • tine .me immt d.atcly, and
haying demands ag.inst the- F.sWe will !
j : i::.e same m terms of tne law for pay.
Juj 4, 1844 6t 46
FOUR months after date application will be
made to the Honorab’e the Inferior Court
of Lincoln county, while sitting for Ordinary
purposes, for leave to sell all the Negroes be
longing to the Estate of Nancy Harper, late of
l aid c rutv, deceased.
Lir.colnton, July 1,1844. m4m 46
JT'OUR months after date application will he
made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of
Wilkes county, while sitting as a Court of Ordi
nary, for leave to sell a lot of Land (originally
Cherokee but now Cobb county,) known as No.
38,20 th dist. and 2d section, as the property of
Henry F. Bailev, minor.
JV1ay2,1844. m4m 37
months after date, application will be I
made to the Honorable the Inferior Court ,
of Wilkes county, while sitting as a Court of Or- 1
dinary, for leave to sell the Real Estate belong- |
mg to the Estate of Timothy T. Smith, deceas- 1
ed, late of Wilkes county.
July 4, 1844. m4m 45
5> IF •?. [i g „
j Bargains ! Bargains !!
! The Subscriber will sell his Stock
Staple and Fancy ,
Foreign and Domestic
‘ At very reduced prices—cheaper than they
were ever offered in Washington before.
If you want good GOODS, at low prices,
1 call on
May 2, 1844. 2m 36
! IVew Spring Summer
Respectfully inform the citizens of
Washington and vicinity, that they have
| just received a
New Supply of
Spring & Summer
, Consisting of the following Articles, viz.:
Foulard Silk, new style for Ladies’ Dresses, 37j
Touts per yard,
Lawns and printed Muslins, 31 to 45 cts. per yd.
’ Calicoes, of every description, 6tolS| do.
4-4 French Calico, 25 do.
Fine Irish Linen, 50 to 87 do.
Summer fancy Cassimers, 137t0 150 do. ‘
’ I)arp d’ete’ for Summer wear, 871 to $1 do.
; Large assortment of Broadcloths, $2 to s6£ do. ,
I Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Gloves of
every description, from 121 to $1
i Great variety of Linen Cambric
Pocket, Handkerchiefs, 18$ to $1 each,
j Summer Stuff for Pantaloons, 12 Jto 37 per yd.
Linen do. do. to 62 do.
i Swiss and Jaconet Muslins of every
description, 25 to 62 do. j
i Scotch Gingham, 31$ do. j
Also, a great variety of Manches
ter Ginghams, 124 to 18$ do.
All kinds of Laces, Silk and Fil
let Shawls, Neck Ties, of
the latest style, 45 cts. to §7 each.
Ladies’Silk and Cotton Hose of
all kinds, 12 cts. to $1 50
Leghorn and Straw Bonnets of
every description, $1 124 to 4 50
A great variety of Bonnet and Cap Ribbons,
Marseilles Vesting from 20 cts. to 75
| Latest style of Ready-made Summer Clothing I
for Gentlemen’s wear, a large assortment,
Also, an assortment of Summer Hats,
Ladies’ Shoes and Pumps of all kinds, from 25
cents a pair to $1 124
Also, a large assortment of Gentlemen’s Siioes .
and Pumps, from 62j> to $2 75 cts. per pair I
Boots from $2 to .$4. do.
Bleached and unbleached Homespun of every j
description, at the Charleston prices.
Coffee, Sugar, Tobacco & Segars,!
Which will he sold as cheap as can be bought
in this country. CP Call and see—nothing
charged for showing Goods.
April 25, 1844. 35
have established an Agency in Washington,
Wilkes county, Georgia, and are now prepared
to Insure Buildings and Merchandize against
loss or damage by Fire.
Capital $300,000,
All paid in and safely invested.
Apply to
Washington, Ga.
May 2, 1844. 36
Richmond Hotel,
j—a THE Subscriber, having taken the
above named HOUSE, formerly oc-
JJ AjjaSp cupied by Capt. Edward W. Collier,
, would be happy to receive the pat
ronage ol’ his friends and the public generally.
! The House is situated in the vicinity of many of
’ the principal Warehouses in Augusta, making it
a convenient location for persons visiting the
j city on business. Families can be accommoda-
Its bv. retired and pleasant Rooms.
! Poisons favoring me with a call, will find due
, attention, comfortable lodgings, the best fare, i
f: unlive hosiers and moderate charges.
| April 25, 1844. 35
1 JL’ /UR months after date application will be
|JC : . ade to the Honorable the Inferior Court of
• Wilkes county, when sitting for Ordinary pur- !
: noses, for leave to sell the Negroes belonging to j
j the L.-ua'e of Mrs. Abi Bentley, late of said I
county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and 1
j creditors. j
j June 4,1844. m4m 41
; GEORGIA, Elbert county.
I’tOUR months after date, application will be
made to the Honorable the Inferior Court
ol said county, while sitting for Ordinary purpo.
ses for leave to sell all the Lands and Negroes
belonging to the estate of Larkin Clark, de
Elberton, May 25, 1844. m4m 40
months after date, application will be
made to the Honorable Inferior Court of
Wilkes county, while sitting as a Court of Ordi
nary, for leave to sell or remove the remainder of
the property belonging to the Estate of J. G.
Dupriest, late of said county, deceased.
* July 4, 1844. m4m 46
IS!OUR months after date application will be
t ■ made to the Honorable the Interior Court
; of Lincoln county, while sitting for Ordinary
i purposes, for leave to sell all the Real Estate of
I Mark Anthony, late of said county deceased.
Lincolnton, July 1, 1844. m4m 46
j months after date application will be
made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of
i Lincoln county, while sitting for Ordinary pur
j poses, for leave to sell the Negroes belonging to
| the Estate of Elizabeth Garnett, late of said
! county, deceased.
ELI GARNETT, Adm’r. with the
will annexed.
Tvncolnton, July 1.1844. m4m 46
REMAINING in the Post-Office, at Wash
ington, Ga., on the Ist July, 1844.
John R. Anderson,
Bell, Lloyde Burr &, Arnold
Boating Mr. Bell, Bailey
iiiakey Joseph T Bowen, Lydia Mrs
Ball, Eliza Mrs B.itre'st John T
Birdsong, Martha A llickel, lxiwis
Crawlerd, Daniel Cooper, Joseph W.
C"le, John Carter, John
Cori.enson, Win Carter, Elizabeth
Collins, Gibson Cox, A C
Docker, Win M Deas, Joel
Davis, Jonathan P Dearing, JohnC
Eidson, John
Groeham, Charles W
Harris, J V Holliday, Sarah mrs
Haynes P I* miss lluling, James
Hull", Harriet mrs Harden, Benjamin B
Jesse, John 2 Jacob, at E Jackson’s
Jackson, Joseph Jarrett, Altha
Jackson, William
Low, Mary G mrs Littleton, Enoch
Lyon, Nathan Lane, Margerette mrs
Lane, R Dr
Moor, Sebron 3 Mendheim, Benjamin
Robertson, Sarah A miss
Statuin Richard W. Sipe Benjamin L.
Seals, Jarvis
Talbert, Isaiah J Tipps, John
Tully, Elizabeth mrs
Walker, Ransom Wootten, G II
Wiley, B F Walker, John L
| Wootten, Henry P Willis, It J
Wynne, Sarah C miss 61
(ET Persons applying for Letters in the above
| list will please say Advertised.
July 4,1844. 3t 45
Ten Hollars Reteard
agev Strayed from Augusta, on Friday
I the 14th of June last, a Black I
HORSE, about fourteen hands
; U high, with a long tail, and about 7 j
etriSußag years old—paces and racks under ;
the Saddle. The only marks recollected are 1
1 one white hind foot, and one or two white saddle j
marks. I will pay Five Dollars for information j
so that I can get him again, or Ten Dolilars if de- !
’ livered to me in Augusta. T. HENRY. J
July 4,1844. 3t 45
GEORGIA, Wilkes county.
; Brought before me, John W. j
rjßti Heard, a Justice of the Peace in 1
said county, a small mouse-colored ;
mare MULE, supposed to be about
fifteen years old, and blind in the ;
j right eye, taken up by Seaborn Callaway, as an I
Estray. Appraised at Fourteen Dollars by John
: O. Williamson and R. Perteet, before me this
; 27th day of June, 1844.
A true copy from the Estray Book,
July 4,1844. 3t 45
Georgia, Elbert county.
Court of Ordinary, January adjourned Term,
1844. Present their Honors Thomas J. Heard,
William Mills, and William 11. Edwards, Esq’rs.
ON reading the Petition of John D. Over
street, stating that he held the Bond of
Thomas Haynes, deceased, late of Elbert coun- j
tv, bearing date on the third day of August j
Eighteen hundred and thirty-one, binding the j
said Thomas Haynes to make good and lawful j
titles to the said John I). Overstreet, for the one
half of a certain tract or parcel of land, known
by number one hundred and ninety-five, in the
third district of Walton county, and that the said
Thomas Haynes, departed this life without exe
cuting titles in conformity with said bond. It is
Ordered by the Court, that all persons are here
by required to show cause, if any they have, on !
or before the first Monday in July next, why ti- j
ties should not be made and executed for said !
Land, or on failure of such cause being shown, j
the Court will grant a Rule absolute requiring
Benjamin Thornton and Letty 1 laynes, the ad
ministrators on the Estate of Thomas Haynes,
deceased, to make and execute titles for’ said
Land unto the said John D. Overstreet, accord
ing to the tenor and effect of said Bond. And it
is further Ordered by the Court, that a copy of
j this Rule be published in the News and Plant
! ers’ Gazette, once a month for three months,
I previous to the first Monday in July next, this sth
I day of February, 1844.
The above is a true copy from the Minutes of
the Court of Ordinary of Elbert county, this sth
day of l'ebruarv, 1844.
WM. B. NELMS, c. c. o-
March 21. m3m 30
Georgia, Elbert county.
Court of Ordinary, May Term, 1844.
i Present their Honors Thomas J. Heard, William
J. Roebuck, and William Mills, Esquires.
UPON hearing the petition of Young L. G.
Harris, administrator of the Estate of Hen
ry B. Bailey, deceased, shewing that Thomas
Jones, late of said county, deceased, in his life
time made and delivered to the said Henry B.
Bailey, his bond or obligation in writing, binding
himself to make titles to the said Henry B. Bai
ley, fertile one-sixth part of a House and Lot in
the town of Elberton, in the county and State a
foresaid, and that the said Thomas Jones depart
ed this life without executing titles for the pre
mises therein mentioned, according to the tenor
and effect of said bond, and praying that the ad
ministrators of the said Thomas Jones, deceased,
may be directed to make titles agreeably to the
law in such cases made and provided.
It is therefore Ordered by the Court that all
persons are hereby required to shew cause, if a
ny they have, on or before the first Monday in
September next, why titles should not be made
for the premises mentioned in said bond, and on
failure of such cause being shewn, the Court
will grant a Rule absolute directing John H.
Jones and Robert Hester, administrators of the
Estate of the said Thomas Jones, deceased, to
make titles for the premises mentioned in said
bond, to the heirs general of the said Henry B.
Bailey, deceased, according to the tenor and et
tect of said bond, and agreeably to the law in such
cases made and provided. And it is further Or
dered by the Court, that this Rule be published
in the News and Planters’ Gazette, once a month
for three months, before the first Monday in Sep
tember next.
The above is a true copy from the Minutes of
the Court of Ordinary of Elbert county, this 6th
day of May, 1844.
WILLIAM B. NELMS, c. c. o.
May 23,1844. m3m 39
Attorney at Law,
WASHINGTON, Wilkes county, Georgia.
BTF Office in the Grand Jury Room, formerly oc
cupied by Irvin & Pore.
June 6,1844. 41
For Sale,
with the improvements thereon, on
Main-street, in the Town of Wash-
JjagaJfcfA .liglou, with ivy Stock in Trade,—
May 30, 1844. 30
For Sale,
a—.a The Subscriber offers the following
property for sale—l 43 Acres Land,
“■Mb on Newford Creek. The improve-
JanasSlii ments in part are, a large two-story
Mill-House, a Mill-dam and Race, ready for use,
the House and Stream are suitable for a Mer
chant-Mill or a Factory, as the purchaser may
wish, (the Mill broke down last year.) Any
person wishing to buy such property, will do well
to call on me soon, near Danburgh, Wilkes co.
Georgia. The terms will be very moderate.
May 30,1844. eow4t 40
W'ilkes Agricultural Society.
A T the regular fall meeting of this Society
•**- held in Washington on Friday the 16th in
stant, it was Resolved tiiat Premiums be offered
for the following Steel:, Produce, &c., to be ex
hibited on the 20th of October next:
Premium offered for the best Bull.
Do. de do. Boar.
Do. . do. Sow.
Do. do. do. Horse.
Do. do. Pig under 1 year old.
Do. do. do. Cow.
Do. do do. Native Cow,
and if she be the best exhibited
may take both premiums.
Do. for best Acre of Corn.
I)o. do. Cotton.
Do. no. j “ Sweet Potatoes.
Do. do. 8 yards Negro Cloth
for winter wear.
Do. do. 8 yards of Jeans.
All persons competing for the above articles
of Produce will be required to report to the So
ciety an accurate and full account of the cir
cumstances under which his Crop was grown—
especially the kind of soil, the kind and quantity
j of manures employed, the amount of labor be
-1 stowed, the quantity of land cultivated, the time
: and method of planting, and the state of the sea
! sons from planting to the maturity of the crop.
L. J. GARTRELL, Secretary.
Washington, February 23,1844.
1 ... - ...
Sandersville Telescope Office
For Sale.
C4ROM considerations of a higher character
*- than a profitable pursuit, we are induced to
I offer this office for sale, on terms which, we flatter
i ourselves, will speedily ensure us a purchaser.
\ Our advertising patronage yields some -SI2OO
j yearly, and the subscription about the same—
i while the expense of conducting the paper is, to
i a practical printer, but trifling. The paper is
: well established, and with judicious management
might be made much more profitable than it now
Terms.—With a view of disposing of the es
tablishment without delay, we have determined
to offer it for SI2OO, cash ; which is certainly a
better bargain than usually offers, in these or any’
other times.
O’ Editors with whom we exchange will ,
please notice. No communication need be made
to us on this subject, unless the postage be paid.
Sandersville, Ga., June 7, 1844. 43
YV’ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Sep
* * tember next, before the Court-House door
in Elbert county, agreeable to an order granted
by the Inferior Court of Elbert county, when
sitting as a Court of Ordinary, two Tracts of
Land in Elbert county, on the waters of Mill
shoal Creek, joining Isaac Ginn, John G. Mc-
Allister, and others—one of said tracts contains
five hundred and fifty Acres, more or less, and
the other tract contains four hundred and fifty
Acres, more or less. Sold as the lands belong
ing to the estate of Archer Skinner, deceased,
| for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the
I Estate of said deceased. Terms will be made
known on the day of sale.
ADAM KELLEY, Adm’r. de bonis non
with the will annexed, of Archer Skinner, dec.
June 12,1844. m2m 43
“YM7TLL be sold on the first Tuesday in Sep
~ * tember next, before the Court-House door
! in Elbert county, agreeable to an order of the
Inferior Court of Elbert county, granted when
sitting as a Court of Ordinary, seven Negroes,
consisting of one man, one woman, one boy and
four girls.. Sold as the Negroes belonging to
the Estate of Daniel Thornton, Jun. deceased,
for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said
deceased. Terms will be made known on the
day of sale.
June 12, 1844. m2ra 43
WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Sep
tember next, at the Court house door in
Wilkes county, between the usual hours of
sale, the following property, to wit:
Lot of Land containing some 213 acres more
or less, lying on the road from Washington to
Barksdales Ferry six miles from Washington,
also, one negro woman named Ann about 35
years of age, and her child, a girl about 11 years
of age. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and
creditors of George Keeling, deceased.
G. F. BUCHANAN, Guardian.
July 4,1844. 45;
months after date, application will be
made to the Honorable the Inferior Court
of Wilkes county, while sitting as a Court of Or
dinary, for leave to sell all the Lands and Ne
groes belonging to the Estate of Thomas Bla
key, deceased, late of Wilkes county,
July 4,1844. m4m 45
XJ'OUR months alter date, application will be
made to the Inferior Court of Elbert coun
ty, while sitting as a Court of Ordinary, for leave
to sell all the Lauds and Negroes belonging to
the Estate of Benajah Teasley, deceased.
JOHN A. TEASLEY, { t,x rß ‘
May 10,1844. m4m 39
Xj'OUR months after date, application will be
T made to the Honorable the Inferior Court
of Elbert county, while sitting as a Court of Or
dinary, for leave to sell all the Lands and Ne
groes belonging to the Estate of Mary Gaar,
May 10,1844- m4m 89
Wilkes Sheriff’s Sales.
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in August next
before the Court-House door in Washington,
Wilkes county, between the legal sale hours,
the following property, to-wit:
One hundred and thirty Acres of Land, more
or less, adjoining lands of A. Hnlliday, Strother,
and others levied on as the property of Jesse
! Wade to satisfy two fi. fas. issued from the Jus
i tices Court of the 177th District G. M. Henry
A. Ramsey vs. said Wade. Levy made and re
turned to me by a Constable.
C. BINNS, D. Sheriff:
June 27, 1844. 44
Elbert Sheriff’s Sales.
Will be sold on the first Tues k> v. A, gust
next, at the Court House door in Kibcrt coun
ty, between the legal hours o <u.v, the fol
lowing property, to-wit:
One Negro boy by the name of Jim, about ten
years of age ; fifty barrels ol Corn, more or less ;
six stacks of Fodder, more or less, all levied on
as the property of Ralph Blackwell, to satisfy
two fi. las. from Elbert Inferior Court, one in fa
vor of Benjamin H. White \s. Ralph Blackwell,
the other in favor ol Fayette H. Adams vs. Ralph
Blackwell, sue above levied property pointed
out by Plamtitf’s Attorney and Ralph Black
One Lot of Land, containing two Acres, more
er less, adjoining lands of Ira Christian and oth
ers, levied on as the pr . erf? f George J Barr,
to satisfy a Justice’s Court Execution from the
189th District, in favor of Mahaia Bone vs. Geo.
J. Barr, and sundry other fi. fas. against said Barr.
The above levy made by Gideon Holmes, con
stable, and returned to me. Property pointed
out by defendant.
One Lot or parcel of Land, containing fifty A
cres, more or less, adjoining lands of Smith Cook,
peceased, and others, levied on as the property
of the heirs of Reuben Cook, deceased, to satisfy
a Tax Execution. Levy made and returned to
me by Vinson Hubbard, constable. Property
pointed out by Theodocius Cook.
One sorrel Horse, about six years old, levied
on as the property of William Rich, to satisfy a
fi. fa. from Elbert Inferior Court, in favor of James
J. McAllister vs. William Rich. The Property
pointed out by defendant.
H. R. DEAD WYLER, Sheriff.
June 27, 1844. 44
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in August
next, before the Court-House door in Elbert
county, within the legal sale hours, the follow
ing property, to-wit:
360 acres of land more or less adjoining R. W.
Tucker and others, whereon James Ilendrick
now lives, and known as the “ Goshen tract”
levied on as the property of James Hendrick to
satisfy a fi. fa. from Elbert Inferior Court, Chas.
W. Christian vs. Whitehead Hendrick, and Jas.
Three Negroes, Kitty about 35 years old and
her two Children, Mary 6 and Banett 3 years old,
and 150 acres land, more or less, on the waters
Fork Creek, adjoining James B. Page and others,
and whereon Elijah C. Smith now lives, and 290
acres land, more or less, adjoining Samuel Shaw
and others, whereon J. Edwards now lives, all
levied on as the property of Charles W. Christian
to satisfy a fi. fa. from Elbert Superior Court, C.
T. Benjamin vs. Nathaniel Duncan, and Chas.
W. Christian, security, and Whitehead Hen
drick, and sundry other fi. fas. vs. said Christian
and others.
July 4, 1844. 45
GEORGIA, ) Whereas, Hugh Ward, Guar-
Wilkes county. ( dian of Patrick H. Luckctt, ap
plies to me for Letters of Dismission.
These are therefore to cite, summon, and ad
monish, all and singular the kindred and credit
ors of said Minor, to be and appear at my office
within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause
(if any they have) why said letters should not
be granted.
Given under mv hand at Office, this 2d day
of July, 1844.
JOHN 11. DYSON, c. c. o.
July 4. mOm 45
GEORGIA : ) Whereas, Reuben Smith,
Wilkes County. ( Guardian for Thomas F. Pra
ther, applies to me for letters of dismission.
This is, therefore, to cite, summon, and
admonish, all and singular, the kindred and
creditors of said Minor, to be and appear at my
office within the time prescribed by law, to show
cause, (if any they have,) why said letters should
not be granted.
Given under my hand at office, this 2d of
July, 1844.
July 4. m6m 45
GEORGIA, } Whereas, Daniel Shumate,
Wilkes County. ( Guardian for Elizabeth Nor
man, applies for Letters of dismission.
These are, therefore, to cite, summon,
and admonish, all and singular, the kindred
and creditors of said Minor, to be and appear at
my office, within the time prescribed by law, to
show cause, (if any they have,) why said letters
should not be granted.
Given under my hand at office, this 29th of
January, 1844.
JOHN H. DYSON, Clerk c. o.
February 1. m6m 23
GEORGIA, } Whereas Thomas Favor, ad-
Wilkes County. J ministrator of Matthew Favor,
applies to me for letters of dismission on said
These are therefore, to cite, summon, and ad
monish, all and singular the kindred and credit
ors of said deceased, so be and appear at my Of
fice, within the time prescribed by law, to shew
cause (if any they have,) why said letters should
not be granted.
Given under my hand at office, this 28th day
of February, 1844.
JOHN H. DYSON, c.c.o.
February 29- mOm 29
Tj'OUR months after date application will be
made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of
Wilkes county, when sitting for Ordinary pur
poses, for leave to sell one Tract of Land in
Wilkes county on the waters of Fishing Creek,
adjoining Thomas Anderson and others, contain
ing one hundred and twenty-one Acres, more or
less, as the property of Jeremiah Bentley, de
ceased, it being the Dower of the widow, decea
sed, for the benefit of the heirs.
Adm’r. of J. Bentley, deceased.
June 4,1644 m4tn 41
A Convention composed of Delegates
from the severul counties in the first Con
gressional District of the State of Georgia,
met in the city of Savannah on Mav 23d,
1844, for the purpose of nominating Wean
didate to be supported by the Wkjfs 9 tbo
District for the 28th Congress, and for oth
er purposes connected with the prosperity
and permanence of the great Whig party of
the Union. After the principal business
before the Convention had been disposed of,
on motion of Mr, Guyton, of Laurens, the
following preamble and resolutions were
unanimously adopted :
Whereas, there is no weekly newspaper
df voted to tiio advocacy of Whig principles
I published within the limits of the First Con
gressional District, and whereas the exis
tence ui such an organ is essential to the
triumph and permanence ofsound doctrines
not only in the District, but within the
Be it Resolved, That this Convention,
having the utmost confidence in the princi
ples and management of the Savannah Re
publican, do recommend to the proprietors
of said paper, forthwith to commence the
publication of a weekly sheet, devoted to
the interests and advancement of sound
Whig doctrines and adapted to the perusal
of the agricultural and general reader.
Resolved further, That the members of
this Convention do most cordially recom
mend all good Whigs, as well as the mem
bers of several Clay Clubs, to manifest their
attachment to their principles by liberally
patronizing said paper, and wo further
pledge ourselves to use our personal influ
ence to extend its circulation.
In acoordance with the above recommen
dation, the Proprietors of the Daily and
Tri-Weekly Republican, propose to issue,
during the month of July next, a weekly
sheet devoted to the objects specified in the
foregoing resolutions. The issue ofthe pa
per and its permanence will greaty depend
upon the response which we have from the
people. To sustain the enterprise, a large
list of paying subscribers is absolutely ne
cessary. Those of our readers, therefore,
both in the District and State, who are de
sirous of seeing such a paper sustained,
will please exert themselves to procure
subscribers. The paper will be adapted to
the family circle, having always a due pro
portion of Miscellaneous Matter, Foreign
and Domestic News, &c. <Szc. Reports of
the Savannah Markets will appear regu
larly, while we will in no instance neglect
to sustain the interests ofthe Planters and
Farmers—the true aristocracy—the boue
and sinew of the country.
In Politics, the Republican will be Whig.
It will sustain the genuine Whig principles,
as represented by the candidates recently
nominated at the Baltimore Whig Conven
tion. Having every confidence in the hon
esty, ability and patriotism of HENRY
HUYSEN, we will advocate their claims
to their office in the Republic, confident that
in all questions, touching either the inter
nal policy of the Government or our foreign
relations, they are men who will betray
neither their country nor their party.
The Weekly Republican will be printed
on fine paper and new type, procured ex
pressly for the purpose, and will be almost
entirely filled with reading matter—not
more than two or three columns usually
being allowed for advertisements.
Terms: —Single copy, $3 per annum.
Two copies sent to the same address, orone
copy for two years, $5. Five do. do. $lO
— Payable in advance. Clay Clubs or in
dividuals ordering 20 copies or more, will
be charged only 50 cents per copy for the
campaign. LOCKE & DAVIS.
Savannah, 1844. 43
GEORGIA , ) Whereas, John G. Hammock,
Wilkes county. ( administrator on the Estate of
John Moore, deceased, applies to me for letters
of Dismission.
These are therefore to cite, summon, and ad
monish, all and singular the kindred and creditors
of said deceased, to be and appear at my office
within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause
(if any they have,) why said letters should not be
Given under iny hand at office, this 27th day of
May, 1844.
JOHN 11. DYSON, c.c.o.
May 30. m6m 40
GEORGIA, ) Whereas, Lewis 11. Brown
Wilkes county. \ and JohnH. Dyson apply to me
for letters of Dismission on the Estate of John
Retan, deceased.
These are, therefore, to cite, summon and ad
monish, all and singular the kindred and credit
ors of said deceased, to be and appear at my of
fice, within the time prescribed by law, to show
cause (if any they have,) why said letters should
not be granted.
Given under my hand at Office, this 3d day
of April, 1844.
JOHN H. DYSON, c.c.o.
April 4. m6m 31
GEORGIA, ) Whereas, Lewis S. Brown
Wilkes County. J and John H. Dyson, apply to
me for Letters of Dismission on the Estate of
Herman Retan, deceased,
These are, therefore, to cite, summon,
and admonish, all and * singular, the kindred
and creditors of said deceased, to be and ap
pear at my office within the time prescribed by
law, to show cause,j(if any they have,) why said
letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand at office, this 3d day
of April, 1843. JOHN H. DYSON,
Clerk Court of Ordinary.
April 4. -m6m 32
GEORGIA, ) Whereas, Felix Shank, ex-
Wilkes County, j ecutor on the Estate of Wil
liam Pose, deceased, applies to me for letters
of Dismission.
These are therefore to cite, summon, and ad
monish all and singular the kindred and creditors
of said deceased, to be and appear at my office
within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause
(if any they have,) why said letters should not be
Given under my hand at Office, this 11th day
of January, 1844.
“JOHN H. DYSON, c. c. o.
Janaury 18. m6m 21