The daily register. (Augusta, Ga.) 1864-1865, December 06, 1864, Image 1

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Tlic Daily Register. 11V BROWN 7 . WHITNF.It & CO. DAILY REGISTER. TERMS: Ddir—Published M >ruingand Evening—l month.s 500 T'Vo months Three mouths ALWAYS IS A'DVaNOB. All Papers stopped at the end of the time paid for if not previously re owed. OFFICE OFIIEOISTEII. <>*» Jlclutoali opposite ihe Post OlQce. RATES OP ADVERTISING: Casual daily adykiitmimi rates. Advertisements iiunrted onco—s4 per square. TtEGUL x tt DAILY ADVERTISING KATES. First Week—sl 00 per square for eaofc insertion Saeoad Week —s 2 00 per square for each insertion. Third Week --1 60 p»r s qii »re for each infection., Fouith Week—sl O') per ,<qu ue for each insertion. B■•cond M >uth—&lo per square. Third Mon fc— per square. 'ipvtkknsKMcvrs iuserted onoo, twice or three times a wees.c a rued as n« v advertiaome Is each time. Twenty-five oer cent will ho added to tlie abor9 rate* for Special Notices fen lines u ike one square No advertisements less than one square Advertis ments Unit make over ten lines, and under fifte n lines, counted as one and a half squama. Advertisements that iu ike over fifteen lines, ■an i under twenty lino*, counted as two squares If will b a favor if advertis *rs wid p ease mark on theii a iver is unewts th<> number of squares they wish them to occupy Marriages aid Funeral Notices $5 00 each—to bo paid in advance Obitu trios. Editorial Notices and Cnfn muni cations, f«'r individual b nefit, wid be charged SI.OO per line for each inse tion, payable always in advance Vo (Hscouuts. hereafter, w ill be made on advertising bills to any parti s. No accounts made except wi'h merchants in the city. All hills considered cash when called fur TIY 13 CITY. More Favors. -We are deeply indebted to the Southern Express Company for western paper# to the ill. The Express seems defer mined to overwhe’in us with £iati*ude. Well, let them try it, on. One pood turn deserve* another, so let them repeat the favor whenever they have the opportunity and we will con inue to be theirs most respectfully ts. Tiie Weather.-The 'weather continues de lightiul, though it has advanced to the t> h and ty of December. Winter withholds his band won derluliy. Well, fit him hold it. we don’t want any of his snow and ice. we don’t want any ol his wind and ran. It will all do very well in a Northern climate, hut we have no need ol in the Sunny South. A hatch of about one hundred blue bellies arrived here on Sunday. They are a woebe gone look in of fellows, who doubtless rue tire day they set foot on Qeorgia soil. This spawn which the Yankee lias sp wed out upon us, will do very well to fill our prison houses. Militia Rendezvous. —lt will be seen from . an order published this morning by Gen. A. R Wright, that the Militia Camp, at this city has been broken up. Those who have .tot yet reported, will recollect that they are re quired to report at one of the other camps. Attention, Press Guard —Appear on your Parade Ground this afternoon at 3 o’clock, with arms and equipments. By order ol the Captain. Dec 6 — it H, 0. Barrow, 0. S. Alarm. -The burning but of a chimney at the Second Georgia II ispital caused the alarm of fire to be sounded at eigh\ o’c jck lust night. H. F. Russell, k Cos., will sell a desirable lot of goods at auction on Wednesday. See their advertisement. Milner, Keen & Cos., will sell some ser vants, and a milch cow, Rt the lower market, this morning. Do Two Wrongs Make a Right? —This proposition has been generally denied ; the converse being assumed, that two wrongs do not make a right; but a friend mentioned the other night a bit of logic which he heard cited receutly, and which would almost seem to upset the old maxim : Two wrongs never make a right, said one disputant to another. Yes they do—sometimes, said his antago nist. Never, rt plied the other colloquiat. They do, 1 tel! you, ami can prove it. The ether day some body passed on me a live dol la>- counterfieit bill. That was wrong, wasn’t it ? Yes, of course. Wa’al, I wasn’t goin’ to be cheated out es five dollars ; so I passed it off among some good bills, on to another man. Wasn’t that wrong ? To besure- as ranch as the first. Wa’al that makes two wrongs, don’t it ? Y es. Jes’ so ; but it made me all right. Passing the moral of the argument it would at first blush, appear that the last speaker, had the best of it. An Arab’s Mode of Cursing.—A French man, residing in one of the Oriental cities, while once watering some flowers in the window, accidentally filled the pots too pro fusely, so that a quantity of water happened to fall on an Arab who was below basking in the sun. The man starting up, shook his clothes, and thus gave vent to his feelings recpecting the offender: “If it is an old man who has done this I despise him ; if it iJ an old woman I forgive her ; if it is a young man I curse him ; if it is a young woman I thank her.” The young Frenchman, who had managed to keep out of sight, laughed heartily on hearing the malediction that fell to Lis share for his carelessness. A recruiting agent in Trenton has a large dog, which he calls ‘‘Quota,’’ because it never appears to get quite lull. THE BATTLE Os HOMEY HILL. In our account of ifijfrv ifair, in Thursday morning’s issue, we enflre of it as a “drnwo battle,” both nrmi**s •••'Utii.ued the fight until dark. We -vioir* with the olli. ial dispit'ch of Geu. Smith before us, in which his modesty, which is • qunl to his merit, led us into error by withholding the true charac ter of the contest and the real magnitude of the victory—for su« h 0 wa.-. and, for the numbers engaged, one of the most brilliant and important of the war. It uvs clearly a movement on the part of the eneinv, to co operate with Sherman so huge a force would never have been sent siniplv to cut the Charleston Railroad, w a th■ * \ankeea be lieved it to defended.only by a company of cavalry. Honey Hill is about, Wo and a half miles east of the village of Grahun.iville, Beaufort District. On the crest of this where the road, or highway, strides it, i- a tieini-circular line of earthworks, d.oectiye though in con struction, as they are too high for Infantry, and have little or no exterior slope Thes* works formed the cuntr.d of- our line.on Wednesday, whilst our left reached up into the pine lands without protection, ami our right along ft line of fence that skirts the swamp below the baUerh s. T’tey eo tit maud mi fully the road in front as it pa-ses through the swamp at the base of th hill, and only sump fifty or sixty ysirds distant. Through the swamp, during the winter months, runs a small ?reek, which spreads up and down the road for sonic thirty or forty yards, but is quite shallow the entire di-tanee. Some sixty yards beyond th - crok the main road turns oil’ to the left, making an obtuse angle, whilst another and smaller road makes off to the right from the same’point. The enemy came by the former road and turned the angle apparently before they were aware of ihe pia-enee of an oppo sing force. They con-isted of four r *gim nts of whites and 'he same number of blacks. Prisoners, Qf which ten ov twelve are in our possession, state that this force was comman ded by Generals Potter and Hatch ; some of them say General Fos'er was also pr«*s• ■ 11 1 as chief of command. The negroes, as Usual, foi mod the advance, and had nearly reached the creek when our batteries opened upon them down the ro «a wi'h a terrible volley of spherical case. This th *w them into terrible Confusion, but the entire ferde, estimated at fire thousand, wa# qui.kly restored to order and thrown into a line of battle parallel with our own, up and down the margin of the swamp. Thus the battle raged from 1 11 a. m. till dark The enmny’s ' ( litre and left were' most e posed ands :iV rr l terribly. '! nor rigat was posted tndimd ;• v old lain that ran through the swamp and i; ma ntaiaed its po sition till the cl"; .■•“Of ,- light. Our left was very much exposed and an attempt was once or twice made bv rbe* • eniy to turn it by ad vancing through the swamp and up the hill, but they were driven back without a prolong ed struggle. The o-otre and l*** 1 •*. Y < n *?nv f-Might wth a de-pera-e earn** Mm-' . Sevril att-wipr-s were made to chanz* batteries mi ma >y g»t oetrly aero.- • ih" • .n... hat w.--i»**iu .\ er uwtanc**, oread hack »•*, <m ; !',>•*> p-ur ed into tn« in fr< m \\\- ma i»* a v -ii to ttie fieia llie »l.«y 1 w. g •- and Imiiid tin aad road ii" i . w \ wild >h i dead. ft* ill eight, or l !»•., wn e tl » i lug m the vv 'ter whev* ftp- ra <1 or .s-es. ui-.1l m . | hitch .11 I' er ii :-< 1 void. We snW ,si.\ negro«>s piled one ou "•.> o! the other. A I", l.mei ot "ii •of the ro. . » ■ ■ tit •. s, wi li hi horse, whist I varless y le in p hi-> r.o* i act os the creek ill ft Chat •/*. \V"h that execution, atl the dead qnd w .. . Hi : s w-we earned •If by the ern-my lini n' ine night. - Many irac' s were |elf vv her-* li.ey w »pe dragge.d from die woods to the n ml h;hi thrown mt,o atutm lances or carts \V'.- c ainnd smo s xty or seventy bodies in the sp ry oi about au , many id wtuch w-ic horribly m nil ate t h) shells ; soinv. with I.yl! ifieii Leads shot i ff and Others completely <1 s■ ;.u lowelled. Tie ari:.- t ry wi# served w Hi ■ aC'Ufwy. and we doubt if a'y biitle-fi ii (if the war p;esei..s such among lit.* and eh'Ubhmv. Lnmettse plus aim otiu i* gt owta wm e cut shoi t off or tor iipo shr* <i-. From nil indications it i ? estijnated that the loss of tlie enemy is fully five or six hun dred. This is the lowest estimate we have heard. Many are of the opinion Quit their loss cannot be less rlnui one thousand. Ours was eight, killed outright and thirty ni »e wounded, three or four mortally. We give clsewhlrre till the r. vsualties that we have been able to procure. The enemy fought to some disadvantage as they fin and up bill and most of their shots ranged too high-. Our infautry behaved the greatest valor; throughout the. protracted struggle there was little or no straggling, nearly every man standing firmly to bis post of duty. The Georgia Brigade was command' and by 001. Willis, whose behavior on the field is high ly commendable. The Athens Battalion under M»j. Cook, and Augusta Battalion, Maj. Jackson, stood manfully to their work The South Carolina Artill ry also acted most handsomely and served their gnus with the skill of veterans. Great praise is bestowed by the ranking officers ou Copt. Stewart, of the Beaufort Artillery s'giwis, and on Earl’s and Kanapaux’a batteries, each ol which bad a gun in the action. As before stated the general command was vested in Maj >r General Ga*; vus W Smith, of the Georg a Slate troops, though the line was immediately under the direction of Col. Cole>ck, w hose conduct on ihw occasion is spoken of ns beyond all praise. The gallant Col. Gonzales w s an active participant in the fight, and might have been seen everywhere along the line posting the guus, and en couraging the troops. So much for the battle of Honey Hill. The enemy were whipp and long In-fore its close, but they waited for night to s*vo tbera-elves from disaster in their retreat. Soon after dark they made off with all possible speed, and, as the evidences show, with the wiliest fright and confusion. Nearly everything was thrown away in tiieir fligiit The toad and .roods for miles was strewed with clothing of every description, canteen.-, cooking utensds, k c , Aio., Whilst in their camp, about two miles from the battle-dield, they left everything. Any quantity of provision*, bottles of Hquor, preserved meats, blanket-’, overcoats, <tec , were abandoned in their ha-ty retreat. With the exception of shelling from their gunboats next day, which was harmless, nothing has been beard of them since, their galling defeat and inglorious flight, —Suntfnhah Republican. _e Among the distiugui -bed visitors now i» our city is Brig. Gen. To mbs, who is now acting us Chief of JSt.aff with Mejor General Gustavos W. barite, fie. j- sjtopjdog at the Pulaski House, but will • ;a oy leave for Carolina to-day.— Sdcanu .* Republican. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, TUFSUAV KYEMXG, DFCFMBFR (>, 18(U, IMPOItT ANT FKOm TK .N .\ F.S SKK. HOODS’s ADVANCE—THOMAS STILL HR TREATISE HE RETiftES TO FIi.VMvLIN, WHICH HE WIIL Pit >IUnLY EVACUATE. The following iuipbrtaut news from Ter n«• ss»■ eis puhli-hed, showing how Hood cot to advance steadily along his line ?d rnarcli, Thomas, ii* the uieaniime retiring bt - fore him The Herald iu a note appended I ihe Louisville dispatch, intimates thaiTho f as will ev wMiati-Franklin, a id retreat on tl Nasliville and. lens* s, which he w ilPuot aoauddn “unless defeated by Hood ” Xo(/;.vcVfe, K;j . Tor k\s. G oe» a! Thotm:sf> ro|DiiuM u) ; ov. in o a "o k to Fii.nkhn, TeD TANARUS:• ■ m ur.To hies here sav th and and iJU<* - ropoit ,s correct, General T homas mil l he | i j paring >o receive ibe large- romi«>: C ‘ Le • s n"jv on the r way to t m h« l .ie givti g batile io li ; ii, uid mat he ii.ns i.tLeu h »ck tur no mb ■ pn p-'-e. [l*'i a< khn, Term., to which General Thorny*• is i epuried l() h■ iv^* i t ueal'il, .ssiUift"-d l .vec ; lifNles son Hi yl N sTviiie. oi:’ n e IN . u -ss. e a..»l Alabama lui.ioad. Like Colnmoiu a \ Pu'iV'ky bom of when nav«* doui.'ilfps to op ftbap.'dotPM] by oar Loops Fiauklin is no. nj porta:! l ve as >n OU'P »t ol l ho great h*vi (l ) camp at Nashville. C n r«i 'lt.omas 4 vvili a«j. t*e l-kely to aban 101 l N .siiville u los- dematt (. by lb od, houih t is nniie in »u j< oh bm ih r h»* may evucu »tc T ’a; k o. AT llcixdd ] OT'iiiii. iil l a. -d tonally, upon .hr- io v\ • con l i t e and S. litcb p :'.i..s'»cd Gif Tribune takes ihe follow llg comiO l U )lo vc* of the holiatii n, which bell ays 4 M iK fa ley • ish disposition on iho part oi that p q>er .vaicfe is itnf*i ov hg to betiohi : Tut* repo'i led udvatme O s H • d.toward Nash' V iUc i- lumber c*a .alii nor imp i taiit. li be o‘» ntiy pm tol Ids foie* is at I<\ unklin, \ wentj' 1111:0' HMD the. Cipit-G o Ti olo’s.-'O-*, I is j so mm: ■ ag'ii s his chanc-s of g tt tur c iu lor t hly !» u k'. il od may Have e.igtseli to niakte a detour, aid apnni'au:» N i>hv lie bomadik itv ; i,u -o lar w. st as to m .ke it. noecs ary h r Thom sto I ill t)..< kiu old' rto im*et h in. W * ims 11oo(, wI! Colli 11 Its |;i. ;\ likes, u i h-- mittifti"to- comes G « beuei Tin me- w> l lik * it. 1: s s Hi cell' to ktmw rami, if- nn u t). lore he si.ul.-d fr.-ili At biIU.T, COilidilm e 1 Thoiiiii’a: ny entii eiy t o Cate «I 11 o ,j ,n I ill nis forces. That everybody wo not as “jolly” at th * reception of this news, is shown b} the io! ; lowing extracts from another column of th; ! sanio paper : i Some anxiety was excited yesterday by n dispatch from Louisvillt, giving a rumor that | Gen. Tnomas had retreated to Frauklin, i Tennessee. ! Mnui.: ;/, Xm>. 23, I* df. —G hi lias been a gntMj de... i .wiled ail day. Toe oiu-niog rate \\ -s 2—S, f'aliiug to 22Gj From Giis point the market rose to 23H;? an .tor IT and u lent dis patcties in relation to Gen. Thomaa’ army. Wov were these dispatches “fraudulent ?” Because they exhibited a Yankee General ii the old role of evacuation FROM THE VAI.LEY. The following G the Jalebt from tho Valley, contiiiued in tlie Triliune and Herald, The Tribune has the following : ? MORE CAPTUfI.'S 11V U ' SIIV NOTH IS r. NEW FROM EARLY —CAMP UUSSF.LL AND THE ARMY OF illh 811 K AN ID All. Foaii Our S/cciul Cos: i tr -:puml ei vi. Cams Ulssell, Army of the | MiKNANOOAII, Nov. 2b, ’GT J Mo?by, in the absence <*t his superior ofli cer, Kariy, is driving a brisk business on his own hook. To day we have had another mollifying a Hair, in the loss of forty-five out of rdx - V mounted men, aho were sent out toward the Shenandoah, east of Charlestown, on du y n» siOtiis. They w re near the Shenandoah river, at* Oabeltown, about six miles east of Charlestown, looking for guer lillas. They found them Mushy suddenly apjLeared io them in force twice or-thrice as large as their own---charged ml took their line, and made prisoners., of all iho party, horses and equipment?, except fifteen, who escap' and and came iu with the news The rebels were p'ohably on the east side of the river, and, watching their opportunity, crossed and surprised the party. The present camp near Newton is, by spe cial oriler to Gui. Sheiidan, name a Camp it i seli, iu honor of fj -n. .Russell, wlf» fell before Richmoiol. The army, \ y the s;»n. * order, is hereaflcr, by direction ol the VV.«r Office, to be knuivu iis the Army of Hie Sheu nandmih. Nothing has been found of the rebels, either in force or in shape of pickets, or by recoimoisances b youd Fisher’s Hill. A correspondent of th* llmald, writing un der date oi Muniuaburg, ihe 271 U, publishes the foliovMP.g : Parties arriving from the front to-day, pro*- claim all quiet in that vicinity. The Government of the United States hav ing rebuilt the railroad from Harper's Ferry to Winchester, Va , to protect the same from molestation from gue.ri llus and'disloyal cni ze.»s along the lire of the same, the General commanding \< instructed by-the Major Gen eral commanding, in the event that, me ope • ©aid railroad are interfered with “by-guerrillas or disloyal c.itizeus, <o arrest all male secessionists in the towns of i>deplierds town, Charlestown, Bmithfieid and Berryvilh* and in the adjaceut counties, sending them to Fort M» Hern v, Md, th re to be confined, din ing the war, and also to burn all-grain, de stroy all suinsistence, and to drive off all the stock belonging to such individuals; turning over the stock seized to the treasury agent for the benefit of tbe government ol tlie United States. Upon the contingencies aris ing requiring tbe ex cutiou of the instructions herein set. forth, tire same will be executed promptly and thoroughly, by order of Brig. Gen. Steven?on ” Wc have reports to-day that a rebel force, amounting to fifteen hundred, appeared at New Greek this morning, on the line of the Baltimore mi i Ohio itaHroad, and took pos session of the same Troops are now being sent up tq drive them away. Passenguis by the down mail discredit these reports, as they siw ami heard nothing of them at New Greek, but heard of a littl* fight at Moore field yesterday, in which our force lost some twenty men. The same force may have come down to New Greek to day, after tLe train had passed. THE INCENDIARY FIASCO. Concerning this attempt, the Herald pub lishes tbe following condensed account of further developments. ThAre was a rumor in New York on the 28. h that Geo. N. Sunders was in that city, and was at tbe head of li e plot. Possibly, Goorge may have beeo the “conspirator” with the “ bl ick valise:” Some additional particulars of interest re specting the late rebel attempt to fire oar city were flevolped yesterday,»but the full and ta-us are stiil kept back by the authorities, the ar rest of in my of. the guilty parties not having been aceomplßhed. A* fi '■»' occurred la A night ni the luicrnntionai Hotel, but the dam" ago done was very trifling. The Mayor sent in u eommumention io the 15 >ard • T Aid* mien yvstejuiay, .suggest ng the adoption of an or dinance offering a reward of twenty- five tho.u Mind dollars h r the detection of the authors of the late incendiary fires, and earnestly cal ling up »n Ihe Gammon Gounod and the peo ple of the cjiv to exert their influence to pro* t< c f . tbe lives atoi properly of the cit'z ris The commnni tuiou whs rehoied to the Goin initiee on Uivlina! <s. The Hotel Proprietors’ Association he'd ;» mmling List tVi-icng at the St. Nicholas, and resolved to off-r are ward of- ■ ac■/ fur the and con vie- ion < and the incendiaries Admiral Paulding, of the B:\iokiyn Navy Yard, leo di reeled tiie strictest caution to be ob.-er\ • bv roal'ter in ad inUaig visi'.or-s to ihe yard* Tim sit anislna Idhorty, from Havana 21th instant, aa rived at tics port at an early hour this morning. MYIKLLVN IU -1 MES AN OLD OCCUfATrON. The Humid says : Gen -m] MvGeilnn has received an appoint ment to the important and lucrative position of Hnginecr ii, Guief of ihe M -ms and Fssex Ha I l oad His .-alary, if he accepts the offer, wiii i p twenty-five thousand dollars a year.— tlie same that he would, have received, had lie bc> n clemed President of the United States. gun. (311 ANT I N I*il 11< Al> LP!lt\ - A Tlt K M : A DOllti uitO UI ) G Illfc It Alibi at) HUI. Gen Gran' in passing through Philadel phia, met with n !rem endous reception—one | pcoT tai l citaracicrist ic of the Yankee nation i The account given iu the Philadelphia Press | says : ! General Grant proceeded down Chestnut j street ii company with Colonel Badeau, oi his ! ataff. li- was habited in ciliz ms’ dress, the j outer garment being a rough overcoat, with [ -anside pockets, into which iiis hands were thiu.-t. lie .vom a military slouch hat, wit! I ilie front part of tie brim drawn down over I his blow, .-o as to throw his.eyes into a deep i shade. lie was smoking a oig:u*. 1 Ti;•* General passed along Chesnut street like “any otlh-r man,” and he was not ide ii ► fi and until reaching the front of tbe Tax lte ci-iver’s office, where he was recognized by a ! returned sohiicr, who exclaimed, “My G—ltT j tti> re is Gm-r il (Jrant.” ' was disputed i tor a moment, but the soldier, who had so 1 - j lowed tlur'liad of liie ficneral in the West, j nd.vauc.eO cud salnti ng with mililaiy « t iqn-t 1 e, i tin G.oieiwl extended his hand, which was ea* : g-oly j. ru -p-•«* t»y tlie vt-ier.m soldi-r. In a yomout the word passed through tbe street, ami shout after houl made tl o welkin ring mid echo with tbe name of (Jen. Grunt. 1 w.»s nif**• in ci i me. his in a m. in i t:.- 11 « > puol-e : mis- s. re-- .n au’>. c 1 o& | salon,.* TANARUS) . a i umlin lil t . Vic nny Were ro- Ter- -I ..( r. ■ v.- ft. - w • led i «* use v S -u live - XCD im-nt ol Ih- m uu m. 1 w s h cure us sC*M" . Tim pm .■ oi oi ages. Colo s. Coin** p i v - i* jmu 1 mi ihe .V ih.n lie ot hi n iii-iy, aiil on umd hi-* w.i'l-si c’nrm.tioii, -"u . no.* v lion S' * and to me very eci O. T ■ - real ■fi• k■* was fi , k-I; in was -d v’ere In o* . p. (I er.. wd . ft :I. • lid *ii arou.-o! a 111 a a.p II ‘a’ ms V-' y > apifllv. UhO'C i "i —J. (Ti.einl (J-ai* hugged hm shook e s ! it is. n :h: hold of In.- coat. s'-mZ and turn oy Io owe, x irm.ihv. -uid w-re aboui, o# co v i.'im pi : ■ must -lumn o'- m inner into 111-top• o-lei,.' II 111. IT eo c - . lor the *: f[**rn of V clcsbu g” V.-I ■ g i v’en wifi emhus.udn (Jl.e. IS HU- tlie ••11 ru .11 V. g. .11." ny - * He- gre it fl > K' I',* and C.'ieeiN Id' al'n.-V eV«o yi'*lae Weie given. Ail ?i.-; Wo Lie w k ol utl-y a lew U) on-*!,!-. (hli • t C«’ eS. of (1 e reserve corps, b* ing M * t 11 * lu-ili't] tl •> th- oi,vd .• .and m» ie his vv py up t, ift n till mi ; . si -c- ed< and iu tii eing u:m soinewU and, irom i.u ot tli« peoei-. t.y hard wo k lln* GM W i pushed on i waids i*.. •> t-licef. ami by a pin y go. u in V. :.d m General Grant ami ets . fficer Were c«onli!eied rpo Tie h>c-il telegraph ofli e, \h re ihcy bod. biea:':M‘.l lire, ii • vv.i- de eui-d.v co I imi-l the ex l-emeur,. About IW ‘ O p- r-o.irt l.-d li. g. I, llg irtlO the ill :**, >.t-d ihe oiitsid-is m ide (iespeiato at - It liiplu get. thro.iyli Idle wind nvs, Bm.swit.l complained to Johnson that fho noise of the company the other day made his head ache. “No sir, it was not the noise that niadc y-»ur head ache; it w as the sense we put. in it," said Johnson. ‘‘Has sense that elf- ct upon the head?” “Yes, sir, on heads that are not usm! to it.” f&OXVZLLL HOUSE, No. 175 Main Street, LYISTC n 1 >IJ RGr, Va. r I'HK Proprietor nti.rn his thanks for tbe llLctml pn * ttonag h--r«Ud,re itc iied aiui h l,y prrict itD nti-.ui to slime n iil>. i;il portion of tie* traveling pul. ic It s taMowill at .1! tim-K be supplied with tin* b si the market, nffui-i'io. Di h good Hn-i attentive Kerv mis to .it-' i I' -d von. IS U. a. CL DM ENT. ! 2D—tf D. F. HAMMOND, ATTORNEY AT LAW, x. vW i.’.vNnn. Over the Post Office, Can be found either ut his OlTico or the Augusta Hotel. Nov 18—1 m LY>r Sa.lo, BELT tMI LICE HITHER, IJy ff. T. IIKNDERSON, Nov Xft—lm Sibley’s Corner, llnrnhiirir. S. C. SALT, SALT, SALTk WE ura prepared to till < Tilers for Virginia Salt— Suit dry and in g«.rf>d condition. Correspondence and ord'-i * receive prompt attention. SALGO,Jt‘AI..M Ml & CO., Dec n— st * i‘Bo Brund street. FOR SALE. ONE c.f the finest .Dwedfnp* in the city—ten (10) iu .18 with wardioba Ktiache j—al: necemary out bu.! lings jr.ti.- .c Solonu nC-.Lon a Office, Pfi'is stress Nov JL-tj MIIJjNLR, KLLN & CO., GENEUAL AUCTION A COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SKI. HM Il iO.W) ST KKT, ’l \ r 11. L give 'heir undivided «tn ''f l ?» t ■ th- Sih-.-r > v Fen-b .* Real Eva- -. -in. -, T.-b tee., and all tn -O-e Mer-rni.. iM-and C-muMi-V ro lucm Public bale Onyu Vne tluyn » .ut Fi btuyD* H. 11. 'lay (M .v--r)\v !* ■.\ A 11 in*, W It Grinin and J. A. Ansi A 1.. \id ii--. • Ib-.s A 'runei.i . Vu e-ui. 'in : '1 Harwell u.i.l V. Omm- 11. Mo-. 1. -in,-, \ All, ITa. vex. Hum , .lane s A (I<K..-bni. nd. V . ; T p. Neil. \\. V Oi uk. Kerri ,v Wniker. .b ill. E ri-.b *i an I ,1. 0. Voss. Danville. Va ; S X F.Gamut, iJr-c '►!• -r.■*. N (*.; W. M. Ma'l. xx .sn- dE. A. Thompson, < 'burL>: te. N\ Xov IS 1 n LEVI M niuitosm.u , .1. W K. .JOHNSTON CHURCHILL & JOHNSTON, .. : l.vL*2v" C3rO't3 < CLS2i GEXERAL mmsm IlEilfO WTS, 233 Broad Street, (Opposite Southci n Stales II t«-l.) AIJG GEORGIA, Wi I give pr nipt up 1 per.-, n! at!enti-*n t-> atl consimi nvrit- they in »y he f'avnred with. C >n*.ignm-Tils so licited. Ue *2O-If FT ). 151 BROAD STREET, Augusta, Gooi'gia,. fOUTH’M ENVELOPS FACTOR/. rj 'lfE undeiwi-r ed announce that they are now pie- X pared to fill orders fur Bn volopcs- may 1 seen at the nftU-o No. 161 Broad Pti e.*i. )• I tbe id st md ( f Ruckiiiastei & I, «rry . one dour belox M. . li.-mic.T i.unk, Augusta, (ia. Oct 16—ts ITUGItES Sc GREEN. F . M. FISK, Deales* In Exchange, No. 205 Broad St , Augusta, Qa., 351 J Vr** AND HF.LLS 4 percent. Certiflcub s. 7:30 fnteres+ No'.-s. 8 p* r c.-nt. P-nif.-1.-i it** Hinds Gnl-J. Silver, Bank t.otes. and all kind ol Funds. * t\ so, All the Ptaplo Articles in Men l.m.dine and Country Prr*. duoe, it.-. Oef *Jk—tt UJMPKm HO Las s fcL,: J ATHENS, GEORGIA -1?. Pfopr'ictor, ri'ilK tfavellln'e- p.i*» . in' medth-' d' IT i | I) ox ep.-n. and .he table well fmi.ish.-d will, the ?»».arket affords. A Om'-e of patron ig *.dioitedt Nov 18—1 in K R(J3< Late « f IVnneus. e. LOST, NEAR Decitm-, Georgia about the l'fib of July h»-t, three 4 l'.-r Cent. Con, issued by ,J \V. lUiiicni, K-<! . D p rsit.try. Aibnita, (>e..; . >-i One in favor of 3 TL Touch to e't .»• .*? WI; one on It G Kilgore for .'?•••• ME and one on I. M T nchyfone Imi* dl«Ai num bers un. d-it- H t'i.i g {ten. Applicaii-'U wi 1 h<- made for renew .1 ~f hr.idx. B. B T »l-t HSTONE. r ;V a—i.nvbw FOR SALE, FI VE year old Mule. v< ry laige, and one inedium A A good !iu rgv and Harness. Address TUG W CHANDLER. Nov 27—i’* Box 112 A u-gusta, «n. PRINTS. ’TKN CASKS Madder and Medium Cole rs. Just received and for sale by E 15. L >NQ & •"(). Nov 18—Gt 7:30 Interest l^otes, 4 PEE CENT- CERTIFICATES, OXOO,OOO I 10D Nov IK—f.t K. B LONG & CO. W A NT LD, £BI,OOO Eank of Fulton Mon&v : Apply to J. A! WILLIB. Oct 22 Ini 201 Broad street. Augusta. Georgia. STOLEN. L-TOLKN. from the Saw l Hills, on Tuesday night, my HOIIdKE MORSE. Sa;-I Uo.w -liidn Il k mom and tail, star m his : -ce, a,d :mi| -< a lift.a- Iroiri injury to his back and sbxmlder * 4 c had on a tine otlu er’ft saddle and bridle, with an Jinglish blanket. A liberal rew i-d wi 1 b* pai I for his de'ivcry i«t my Otlce "ii Broad street. II NBV L. WILSON. Nov 24—ts Ciilef Surgeon Con. Da*p t of Ga. BLAIimT mm wiued, I7UFTEKN IIKLEEISS wanted at the Gnn Carriage Du x’ parttue t a* tin- Goveiunieut Foundiy .uul MHehine Work*- A : idy to Snperintx udeiM Mai k- v <»n the pre mises GK-r. VV. KAINS, Nov B—2v C<d"iief Cotnmundin^ GAS PIPE WANTED, ANY one having nbont 150 feet second hard Ghh Pipe which they wish to dispose of, can I ear «.f a i-ur user by appymg at TiilS GFFiCk t ct -ts WANTED TO j nrcha«ert <i few likely Negroes for farm sue, by j gent fMn&n from North Cnroliua. App y at B. CuHfcJN’o Otfico, Ellis street ! Oct 7—2 rn BOILER WANTED. VITA NT ED A LocoitotiV'* or Flue Poifi-r f 27. -, r 30 VV H«>rse Rower, in *-or*d order, with furnace bars, j safety valve, -nj -iKam and water •- ti-oiH Nov I(s—hr* J ESSO P A HATCH. vomiF tv--'MTiiirn ii”. II V .A D-;E Mil -;;.S O.V-, ’! : -FE V H’K G E*E GIA Y » Cinci L-n N„ 21. “ ’ *' * I ' M "'' : ! v oi >s is again oa led t" tho f'- ' Him ,11 lirn .- been revoked by <1 n, rii Or t< ' A ■mil G -1 . current «er|e % ami they an- . m- n. c.| t- p- . dat . n • w ith utiro luG xig.r t., ...„d ? . amp all an I. to rs nr b-tween tin- ages I,t 18 and I" vers heretofore holding Htwh de 'iff, unless f!.-' utv be Mm-red Hi .-me public works as speri'i" . ! <■ ■ .!' l 'l’icilltura and tails for p- rs ni* b,dw i, i w 1 ether they re bonded of M " ! - !r 'l' -ind the | art Ie a must tie immediate y aent f, campy km-h of th*s e ass in* may i.ow ho with the Militia in the fleid. XViit 1. t he ni"l*‘H^»d II Onniity Knr«• tti . r *>;‘a-ers xv-ls her.-a-fer tko all Con ti p*s I V ;t -, n IT ••.-hv "em toth- i,re*t or mo f c -iivei-o it. t'D.vos? arn'-nl nml turn them over t " this ' !!;< ■!-. tok T r ii - v--i y his r* caipt for j G’« met! 80 turned over. DI Tli lli rin . "iiimat'il oflpnmp *-f ln« > mfiJon at >!"• 'I '■ -t* •' hi ■ Ofli isa* - mstantly ' **n|M- at)-I . j <u j- pels. * toC'iup V Ithoul ev. nn hanire *-t cloth! Mr causing great atifferfn; t" the met, .i *l in o li ti-mhUx and V* xntton to tbo -Ifi (•era Hi Oump II , er Kni-.ilinv OlHcers wi I order n,) 11 ,l ' 1m '-" l 1 ' • tap to procure pm*h r othlng bn going to Ihe armV. bes. • t'.eyT. av. home. Tim men iii.ih! bv in?.*:ni-'d G-at n . i.-r mo imliDgences will not b* l '-lulled ’or.i:.v j. ;j. -r Tlmy m-p-.-p red for !' Hie pea *tu*e go «m their or. 11 tb;D th«*y will report at x amp must bl- dlsmut iM'-e.J. j M"y•f 'h -e persons hu-e- the c >nfi lemeo n p.xsed in them, and nov.r rea-h C., n *p All person with iheex coptien .-f , I:,-"is - »;u«.»w:! cl.ara ter and probity, will I •’•sent t Camp U: .kr an apprup:iateguard. WM. M BROWNK, ■ , ’: l I lit c -ns ri.ds, Statu of Goor^i* j IIMADqi’.A J»TI- J<S V N'.-CRI I "’SERVICE. GE .) \ ect lei 70. 18AI j ttKxniu. t'Rr> l :rm N-. 4*<. ; r . i< «v.-s f at.s t:ce li»r » perhui longer than j Hirer (~1 dux p will be granted t.j in.) Suboi .1. - fficer I in th- • enseVfpi s.-rvi. e for Oem-g'n. to any officer or j ( mploy. e xvr.E-.ut tbu • jr rovn’ of the C -inmamiunt < f < on.-cipts. N««r t>hall <>t ah* i. ebe grunted t<> any | atlio c or employ.witl.-mt tho upprova. of the Com ■ mandant, who lots ! ■ -1 ah-ei.t on luav viGt.n ihe mom hf. 1 rcredit g tlie ilat* ».f the appficutlon. W vi. vi. | Jft M'NE. Novi —ts ( ~ (- mmambuit, .-I (!o. Ncnpts. I •EE!'.':' .'M 'T COM 31 IS? ARY 1 STATK FGk U.;:a. Aiigiwla. Dec 2. lSi t / Want*-.! to buy, f>? th • State tr.»opu, 20,000 |iouiids Bacon, 1 onu Ims . :.-* Om 01 Corn 'h xl. Will he re ceived in ri*d -b-pi.i- ;' .*r ;*-r it Athens «r any station on the GOOI am Uumioiul where iho trains mu. W. J. (i Gill K I TANARUS, A. C. S., D-c and f-t No 2-So Broad street. ESTyW. 320 Broad Street, OPPOSITE m.\TERS' HOTEL, Fisli) Oysters, Grabs, Venisou, Duck', Birds, &c. lin r.-C'r Al. t.n: i>: i.ioa ifh oh- -nn: season. fc’A.XU i.l J, ■ AAV- !'AJ 1 )»:> S».I:)'KU XV I 1 II L'.'MHbS &.C., At aM'imce cf Day and Night. . NyV ll it, J ° j.l a. ansi., v. , XV. .1 main. | aj. s’xiitu J. A. Ansloy& Cos., No 3GO Broad. Stoet, AUGUSTA, (.A„ GbEii iL tilJivilSSiOX \!i 1-CiMXTS AND .SPKCDXI. A.ihxrs kou sale oi? MANUFACTufIES TODACCO. Rdfor to eitlior iu Augusta Nor fi - ly KEUISTiiIUOBOim Wo arc n xv pr* p-u l lo execute in the BEST STYLE IF TIT ART, At m.'ile;ate rates uiid with diap.tch, <7fSPisrliSL’tlss.Q: Os ev*-ry Desc. iptlm . on!>. ci.*i souen iai>. A Good Supply of Cards on Hand, August V'.v. dfi. fm Xov 10— ts N E W G T O'r E", 202 Ercaci Street, Aro tXTA, < . ICC i K GIA . Fine Liquors end Fum y < 'rnecries. wh. lexalc and retail. S.iuii Bis. u t, CongrgAS and Butter Crackers. Superior imported B. md. by ihe I -x Hutu, Winwp, Rye Whis y t,y the : oft),* r aih»uor arrel. Ink, fu din'ere-tit size boltlcs. by Mu* gress or bottle. Nov 24—lm F. CO UR A. SALT, St AT .*7*- The S-übßcrl)itr» Hr o; ar. dto fill ardrra for VIRGINIA SAL-T. We a e receiving at tint' of value tb<> Ronds -nd Trea sury Notes, »i: issiuewgt tin-Slat* and Conleder»u y. M.AtJO. I’ALMEK A 00 , t ct 4—Xm No 2Gb Broad .''trout,-August a, Ga. 1,00 J NEGROES WANIED To Work on the Defenses of Augusta FAIT, S4O PEH MONTH. KAI IDAS A N S> JtfcUICAI. ATTENTION I'LR\:.SU Kl). Octl2—tt J . *’ MILAN TANARUS, C**p uin Kug’tieorr.