Newspaper Page Text
W ILL be told, before the court h.iuse dour i
i the
i Tire tuii halfyf lot No. wut hundred ami i>n*,Ui tl»s
countv (.fTaiu.t, formerly Muscogee. the place where
|ou Benjamin H. Kendrick now mndn, adjimuuy the
I land* of William Holt. John Darden, nnd other*, \n
| satisfy one fi fa from T.ilbot *u|»erior court. Kdwatd
t hello?},' Ac Co. vp J. 1*. & J. M. Llo^d.aml Benjamin
I II. Kendrick levied on as the property of said Ken*
AIM. <»* tM-groboy to Mll.jM.uto , /.irTlYfcltowi'.i'p.oMn^i'wU
drv fi. fn'* from Talbot Superioi Gourt.LVt
viVairmcl F. Bussey, Townsend, MenJiughaJl A C
. Samuel F. Bussey, John A.
One house anrfiot, situated in the town of Hamilton,
Samuel F 1 county, on which Jeremiah Cauant now liv
town of Telbotlon. Talbot county, on the first
mwlM In Marsh peat, within the kcal hours of ' drtek«ti.fnp«nv.inwit: 1
Ten negroes, Daniel a man thirty years old; Bain a
MM forty dire year* uU; Dinah a woman thirty years
old) H*rjr t ooy seven y**rs old } Celts a girl sit
{MM old \ Pater a man thirty two year* old ; Nell*’
1 glH twenty eight years old t Rh«».l
oU; Lo* ft man forty five y
women forty-five years oM. «nd three
kaoJrad*at»d UH 8eTrntv c^li* r ' m'*t*fc seventeenth | trict of oricinaliy kluicugre. now Tsllx'.t eountv. U.
district of originally ’.Muscogee. now Talbot coutt- aatisfy three fi. fa'*, one h. la. the JM*ti.ea «ftU« Info*
W ILL be sold, before the court house door in the
town of Hamilton, Harris cnuniy, on the first
Tuesday in March nett, between the lawful hours of
;, L J S« Kn one i.'ttoW .h ..My flve. .. property of jj"^
rMvro en.l on. I Cb.rle. W. McKnieht. .11 in lb. ...oly di.I V" 1 on. «■!. fourth
nne hundred and si tty two,
number not known, levied
emiah Cauant, by virtue of
vs said Jeremi
the defendant,
asres of land, more
less, it being the west half of lot of laud numb
e hundred and forty tine, in the twenty-second dis
f Harris county, levied on as the property of
' a ft fa issued from
; old.
the hours of
ne?io hoy by the name of Ezekiel, nine yen
satisfy one mong.igc li fu from Upson iuferi
atiiin Hurt vs Thomas L Hntterwhite.
I>ec 29 JOHN C. MAUNP. Sheriff.
lunty, Elliott Lowdennilk endorser, vs Henry W.
r> Arnett, maker, and Andrew B. Griffin. endorser.—
rir J Property pointed out by \n Irew II. Griffin
One lot of land, situated i
ot known, containing two
Hutel, ami lou Not. six hundred and twenty seven
square (l>.) and eight bundled and twenty-four in the nr * f
town of Talboiton, Talbot county, with first rate
framed stables and cribs, and all other buildim'* ne,
rsz &: ; !>>»" ]«_ 1 ttrwirtS
■«rtlry Wb.llli.r.1, Jo.t-ph H.n.llwood r. B,r. cy | “ MARION' COUNTY. ,1,. Uof |.n,l on ibid. J-.,.... N. Hutton nnw li,,..
Wbithur.t. Jmtiili !•'>«., « Br.rtl.-v . «-r rju, b. ...1,1 befura tha court Iwum, door in lh« 1 levied on u, il,e. otopertv of Sutton, by virtue nf
Wbtthtir.t *nd Jnme, H fiidenn*. John He.I v, li. \\ , nw „ „ r T „ It . wt ,||, M „„ Br „, i , H f . f|, rr j, lu|M , r j or court, An,bru.e
Wkithurst and James R. Onlcunn.oite ft. la.irtmi Ma- Tucatlay in March new, between the usual hours of i W. Gray v* aaid James N. Button. Property pointed
« r Court, Benjamin Hun v* Hanley \\ hit u ,; Mu
•wing property, to wit: nut by plaintiff in fi fa.
Lot of land, number one hundred and forty, in the I Forty acres of luml. more or lens, it lying on the
fifth district of (•rigitmlly Muscogee, now Murinti ! north aide of lot number not known, in the seventeenth
county; levied on as the property of llavid II. Myers, . district of Harris county, adjoining lunda of Major
. to satisfy a li fu issued Irom Muscngec superior court, i Kppa, and others; levied on an the property of Sarah
in favor of \V. C. and J. T. C'ralt vs Henry (*. Itob- Darlv, hv virtue of a fi fu issued from Harris superior
insoii, Meuoali 1) Knhmson ami David If. Myers, court, Oifirer* of superior court vs said tfaralt Darly.
Also, lot of laud number one hundred and one, and the i Fifty acre* oflnmi. it being the north went corner
1 south half of lot of land number sixty nine, nil in the of the lot of land oil which .Stephen Brinson in w lives,
i eleventh district of originally Muscogee, now Mat inn in aaid county; levied on as the prnpe
ed from I
W ILL be aold before the court house door in La-
Grange, Troup county, on the first Tuesday in
March next, between the usual houra of aale, the
following property, to wit:
One hundred and eighty acre* of land, in the fifth
district of Troup county, number not known ; one ne
gro man by the name of Ben. about twenty-five vears
old; levied on aa the property of John McKamte, to
satisfy one fi fa in favor of William A. Beall va aaid
One negro woman by the name of Cresa, about
twenty-three years old ; levied on as the property of
James McKnmie, to satisfy one fi fa from Troup infe
rior court, in favor of William A. Beall va James
One yoke of oxen, and cart; levied on as the prop
erty of Middleton II. Berry, to satisfy one fi fa from
Troup superior court, in favor of Tapley Jones vs aaid
Two negro men— Ishmael, about twenty-four yeara
old, Mingo, about twenty-one years old; two hundred
nnd ninety-five acres of land, more or less, lying one
mile from* the town of LaGrange, adjoining the )nn Is
of Samuel Iteid and others, number not known, as the
ghteenth district of I property of William \V. Garrard, trustee, Ac. If
rty pointed out to; said Wliithurat.
Alto one hundred acre* of laud, it being tlm wesi
half of lot No. twy hundred and sixty seven, in thi
twenty-second distrirt nf originally Muscogee, not*
Talbot eountv, to satisfy one fi fa. from Talbot Sut»c
rittr Cottrt, Harris lloscrchand Barker vs Alexmidei
H«nder*<>n maker, and Juntos M. Davis, endorser
mill Hinder ion.
Sold »»the property of said
Also one lot of land, nut
the fifteenth district of originally Mo
bot roomy, the place whereon John i.-twrence now
resides, to aatiafy a fi. fa. from Talbot Muurrinr Court. .
Halt and Alexander and others vs John Lawrence. (
Also the west half of lot No. eighty-five, in the six ,
teenth district of originally Muscogee, now Tnllm 1
eoamy.fti eatisfv one fi. fa. from Talbot Superior 1
Coutt! Miller. Ripley A Co. vs Bartley M. Rodgers j
maker, and Wynn and Lanchuu. endorsers. i
Also ene fourth part of lot No, one hundred and I
ninety nine, in the twenty-third district of originally
Masco gee, now Talbot county, hi the north east cor* I
oer #f aaid lot, to satisfy one fi. fs. from Talbot Hope- j
rior Court. Harris Barker v* L'nity Ker-
gureoa maker, and James M. Davis endorser. I'm*
petty pointed out hy James M Davis as the propai ty
mf Uftity Fergurson. .....
Also one lot of land. No. two lot ml red and sixty-
three, lo the twenty third district of originally Muvo
gt«, now TahnUcounty, m satisfy one fi. fa. from Tal*
Col Superior Court, William Harvey va Rottert M .
Alan ene road wagon an t four inulvi.t* aatlsfy sun
dry fi fa's from Talbot Suparbw Court, Tltotuns Bled
•ot aftd others ta tKrrfd Jolmaon.
AU»«xio 1m *>f lend. So. oue hundred and thirty
mse, In the sixteenth district of originally Muscogr-
now Telbol count v , to aalisfy one fi. ft*, from Tall
SuMflftrOourt, Betliune A Arnold v* fatac McCrary.
Aleftfilie house and tot in tlio town of Talboitmi .
kuosrft ftlifi distinguished) H phot of said town, aspurt o
I'd lift two, In square (C.,) occupied by Samuel C.
Leaek uea provision store, to satisfy two fi. fa's, from
Talbot Sftpirinr Court, Benjamin ilurt v# Samuel
Leaek and Joseph B. Wjim. Znrhariali Booth vs
H«mu«l C. Leach and Jtueph B. W ynn, levied on as
Ike property of etid Leach.
Also thft south half of hit of land No. one hundred
and fifty-Ofttiln the seventeenth distrirt of originally
Mu—gee, ftow Tullmt county, u» satisfy one fi. fn.
frasn Talbft Au|Wtior Court, Marion Bet hum* vs Him-
Also Mte lot of land. No. not known, m the sixteenth
dietrift of originally Muscugve, now Talleit county,
thop lace whereon Larkin Colhcrt now resides, sd
joifting the 1 and< of Inmc • Cullies and ot cm, to satis-
ftf bftt A. fa. front Tidhnt Superior Court, Uutliuue
ftftd si mold va Larkin Colbert.
Alto line hundred acres of hod, No. not known, in
the twc.aty oocuiid district of originally Muscogee,
Tftlbot C.onaty, the phtco whereon t\ illi
nou 1 resides, to aatiafy on« li
Ceu L Miller. II p!ey A Co. vs William llranalhnl,
Joseph 8. Wynn, and John W. Landruiii, levied on I J
fta the property of s.tid Bniusford.
Also nnc lot of hud, No. thirty-two, In the twenty
fourth district of originHMy Muscogee, now Talbot
ftnunty. to satisfy one ti. fa. frmn Talhm Httparior
Court, Mason McClendon vs. KpUraim Magee
Also twelve acres nf land, it being in the north e.iat
earner of Ini No- one hundred and fitly nine, in the |
seventeenth district of originally Muscogee, now 'l ul- |
l»m county, the place wherem Baugh now re
rides, to aitiafv one fi. fa. ftvrnt Talbot Hupcrior Conn, |
William B. Murah»!I.Gi..i “ *
and l’etcr ll.aujh, levied
Bt ugh.
Aten one lot of laud. N
diairict of nrigiunl'y Min
pi— whuroon llebert t iiucn.icii now rrsutes, mi-
yeiuingthu lands of J iltu II Goritnit and others, to
•fttkrfy two fi fVft. from Tilbot ftupermr m.d Inferior
Goun, Harris Roaevrh, Barker and others vs Robert
Also one lot of land, No. not known, in the seven
leeetk district of originally Muscogee, now Talbot
oftqety.the place whereon Mmes W. Johnson now co-
aides, ftdjolniiig the kin 1 of Benin milt T. Riiianue) and
others, to satisfy sundry fi. fa'* from Talhot Riipe. ior
Court. Joseph Ueckleyand otliHM v* Moses W. John
eon, William f«. JoIiimiui ami UiMijamin T. Rtiiaituel,
levied on as the property of M<>«us W. Jnlinsnu. '
Alto on* house and lot in the town of Talbott on. 1
unty *, also, otic lot of land in the town of Tazewell, t Brinson, by virtue of n fi fa issued from Harris aupc
number sixteen, in the first survey of said town of rior court.'Cornelius Turner vs Daniel Brinson, and
Tacewell. containing one third of an acre, more or I Stephen Brinson, security on appeal,
less; all levied on as the property of F M. Collins, ! One house an 1 lot. situated in the town of Hamih
in satisfy four fi fn* m favor of Kmcheii McKinney vs ton, Harris county, now occupied as a grocery and
F. M. Collins, H. J. Collins nnd Holomnn Newsom, shoe-shop by John Bartley; levied on ns the property
endorsers. Fioperty pointed out by I). N. Bnrklnilier. ! ofHumue! Iluey, hy virtue of a li fa ia-med from llar-
l.evy made and returned tu me hy n constable. I rin superior court, John and William Kincaid vs
|«ot of land mttoler fifteen, in the thirty first dia ' f
fi la
trict nf originally Lee, now Marion
as the property of West Barker, to salisl
favor of Nicholas Jordan va West Park
A. W. Duke and W. 11. Parker, aecnriti
fait of land, nuinher one hundred and ninety two
in the third district of originally Muscogee, now Ms
risn county; levied on ns the property of Willi.m
Moody, to satisfy a li fn in favor of Whitfield Wil
liatus va William Moody.
The west half of Ini of land number one hundred j next, between the I
l seventy six, in the thirteenth district of originally
Three hundred nerea of land, more or less, numbers
not known, adjoining lauds of Ibilicrt Brown, McKee,
ami others, whereon Pruuria A. Cherry now lives;
levied on a< the property ot said Francis A. Cherry,
hy virtue of two fi fas issued from Harris inferior
court, Healmrn Jones vs said Cherry, ami Hugh J.
Ogleliy, administrator, Ac. vs said Cherry.
At the samn place, on the first Tuesday in April
ful hours of sale, will be sold.
inter, a hoy , and Caro
fi fu from Muscogee superior court, in favor
of Oliver P. Fears vs said linrrard. Property pointed
out hy Mrs. Martha Garrurtl.
Outs negro girl nliout twelve years of age, as the
- * • * ’* * ^curity for John T.
gilt tl las issued from a justices
John W. Lancaster, hearer, vh
John T. Young and John J. Henderson. Levy made
and returned to me hy a constable.
If. FAVER, Sheriff 1 .
At the same time and plac e will be sold,
Two hundred two nnd a half acres of laud, more or
less, in the seventh district of Troup county, nuinher
barouche, one negro man hy the
name of John, a girl named Mary, fifteen years of
Catharine, a girl nine years old : levied on ns the
property of William G. Holt, to satisfy three fi fas
from Troup superior court, in favor of Grauberry G.
Howard Mild Others vs said Holt. Property pointed
nut by defendant.
One hundred acres of land, it being one halt of lots
number* ninety one and ninety-two, upon which Mi
rajah Martin now lives, in the twelfth district of
Troup comity, levied on ns the property of Jo-
Paine, by virti
i as the property of Th
a mortgage fi fn i«*ued from
•jitniii Brautly vs said Tito
rty pointed out in said inort- Marion county; levied on as the prop 1 line, % woman; levied »
erty of Jacob Ht i»iriiuk, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of j |\ Redding, hy virtue u
John Powell vs said Jacob Heistiunk. • J Harris Inferior court, H
Lot of land, nuinher two hundred and forty two, in i mas P. Redding. Proj
the fifth district of Marion county, levied on ns the gage fi f n .
ee property of.Jonathan Bella, to aalisfy a ti fa issued | Two mules. (Jim and Jerry,) one hundred bushels
J! ..* 1 from a magistrates court if Talhut county, M. Ktainpei : of corn, two beds ami furniture, nbout eight lundred
Jonathan Beits. Levy ntude and returned to me j pound* ashed pork, three stacks of fodder, one rifle,
• •bio. j nnd one double barrel shot gun, one loom, five head of
il thirty, in the • cattle, forty head of stock hogs, one alah, nix chairs.
id, tin italic
i hundred r
i 1
u rl of
I district nf originally Muscogee,
levied on .ti the projrrrty of Tliomus lb
idry fi lus issued from u magistrates I a
laud, to aaiisly
county, in favor of Peter Stewart and
others vs Tliomus Rowland. Levy ntude utid re
turned to me by a constable.
One negro girl by the name of Millny, levied on as
the property of James Moon, to satisfy sundry fi f.»*
issued from a magistrate* court, in favor of John II.
Law va lames Moon. Levy made ami returned to
me hy a constable.
James L\ Uothright'* interest in and to lot of laud , fifty h
number seven, in the fourth district of originally Mu* i black
nitty ; also. James i . Guthright's I more
e property of Th
irtgage li fa issued from Hai
kett e; all levied i
Refilling, hy virtue
interest iii ami to one yokt of oxen and eart, two cows I joining tin
and enUex, two sow* and pigs; all levied on ns the j md Hopkins, lo
properly of nine* Cl. Gnlliriglit, to satisfy a fi fa in fa [ superior court,'
vorof Kzekiel Msthcws \s James (\ Guthricht, priu i Hoiikioi
-...i It i.* ' *ri._ .
Ander*oo W. Redding vs said Thomas IV lleddiuij
Property iHnuted out in said mortgage fi f*.
At tlie same place, on the fir*t Tuesday in Mnrrli
next, hi'tween the legal hours of sale, will he sold,
Oue house and lot containing fifteen acres, oue tan
yard ami aix vats of leather, one buggy, one 'er*ey
' wagon, one crib of eorn containing about forty live m
rrels, one blncksuiith almp. and three set* ol
mills'tools, «n.I ltvr hundied potinds of iron
r less, all lying in the town of IVlutesville.
all le
* the property of Ham
sd fro
. ...« half of lot of hit
... -m CJIntrle* II IIHI nnw live*, with and foil**, being the lot wlier
Uism Ntniiijie, , ,, |r | ul , irilVt . lllcll „ thereon,.i.tii.het not known, it being j fives, levied on a* the prop,
ilhot .superior , j,, |)lt , (|lirl> , |r(l| ( |j, tr ; rl ,.f originally Lee, now Mit-1 virtue of a r '■
i fat
. II fas
lie properly ti
„eo front Ma
" Richard Pound, h;
if Charles II. : favor of Wilev \ bite i
rion superior
a her in favor
id Job ,
Two lo
tieth ilist
•d ami fin
of origin
i two
party of said
known in tlia plan of ssid town, ns part of l
in squirt (fl. I occtinied hy Joseph II. Wynn a*, a shoe,
atom; threa lots. No*, seventeen, eighteen and nine
teen, in the town of Talbotton, Talbot county, in sqn ire
(D..I to satisfy sundry fi. fa's from Talbot Superior
and Inferior Court*, Miller. Hi dey A Co. va Joseph
B. Wvnn and John \V. Landrum. Fort A Cloptnn va
Joseph B. Wynn nnd John W. Landrum, J. J. and I.
n. Ja *. It \Vw..a t,.i.. tv t .... I- 1*1
of John Ml
Scalty, security. J whet eon Robert \V. Main
One negro hoy fiy the name of I'lensnnt, levied on the property of Kchiles K. Sparks, fiy viriue of a fi la
at the property of John Healey, to satisfy a fi fn in fn- ! issued from* Monroe superior court, in favor of David
vorofJ. I’owen X Co. vs John Hmiloy, maker, and i \\ . Rofiiitett va Jnho W. Gordon, principal. Janie*
Lemuel Jacobs, security Anthony Kchiles K. Hparks and John G. Turner, an-
l.ut of laud, nuutbet one hundred mid twenty-nine, • curitics.
I in tilt third tlisirid of originally Muscogee, now Ma I One lot of 1nn<1 whereon Samuel Aldridce now
rion county; levied on n* the property of Kineth I lives,utitiiher not known; levied no n* the property
I Stewart, to aatiafy sundry fi fas issued from a unsis- of said Aldridue, hv virtue of a fi fa issued from liar
I' C. A Bell, endorser, vs Kin ri* superior court, in favor of the t)flicers r.f Harris
. , , ■ till Stewart. Property munted out hy the defendant. 1 superior court va ttainmd Aldridge, a* next friend of
'*'!•' ,c *'* , At the amne time and place will he sold, Albert RohiuM.u,
1 alhot county, the i iutcie t of Jeremiah \Vih her in and to lots of A negro girl all
••• ». |.,||,| nninher-t sixtv and .lixtv one, in the third district * of Bettv ; levied i
of originally Muscogee, now Marion county, nnd on
yoke of oxen and carl, one hay horse, one hay min
ami fuc co«4 uml calves -all levied on as tjte pro|
erty ot Jcrcioiah W'k Ugr, to satisfy one li fn issue
from Macon inferior coutt, J Clark v* Reuke
Wiitch-in, and Jeremiah Wilrltd . sisMirilV.
W ILL be aold on the firrt Tueaday in Man*
next, before the court Imuse door tit the tow
>f Amerirus, the following property In wit: one lot u
the'JUh district, lev ed on aa the pro)i
, uttacUmeut to satisfy Daniel
hundred acres nf laud, part of lot number nne
hundred and sixty-one, in the twelfth district of Troup
county. One road waggon, om* mule, one black horse,
three cows, and colves, levied on ns the property of
Micajah Martin, to satisfy one li. fn. Trout Troup
Inferior Court in favor of Josiali Paine for the use of
Daniel Ware vs. snid Martin.
One piano forte cover and stool, levied
property of Wtlie Womack, to satisfy
Tr.m,, '
DMINIBTRATOK'H l*AtK.— 1 gree.bly to »n
order from the honorable the inferior court of
Stewart county, when aitting for ordinary purposes,
will be sold before the court house door in the town of
Lumpkin, on the first Tuesday in March next a ne-
S o man by the uaine of Charles, aa the property of
ebecca Allen, deceased.
Stewart co. Jan. 5.
A DMINISTRATOR'S HALE.—Agreeably to an
order of the honorable the Inferior Court of
Stewart county, when aitting for ordinary purposes,
will be sold on the first Tuesday in April next, be
fore the court house in Warren co., lot of Innd num
ber not known, in arrt n county, »* the property of
Rebecca Alien, deceased, containinir ninety acres
more or less. For iiifuimation respecting the laud np
ply lo George Si. Allen, who is authorised agent.—
Terms made known on the day of sale.
Stewart eo Jan. 5.
f xaUll MONTHS afterdate, application will be
made to the honorable the inferior court of Harria
county, when silling aa a court of ordinary, for leave
to sell fifty acres ol land, lying in the north-east corner
of lot of land number thirty, fn the twenty-second dia-
tri. t of Ta'.liot county • also, three acres of land of lot
number tliinv-oue, in the twenty second district of aaid
county, lying in (lie south weat corner. Hold aa the
property*of James Yarbrough, deceased.
Harris county, Dec 8, 1841. 50-4m
T IIR undersigned, wishing to disembarrass himself
of hta own debts, and also Itis liabilities for others,
will, on Tftfadiy. the 15th of February next, at 10
o'clock, A. M.. offer for sale, at public outrry, in the
citv of Macon, about fifty of the likeliest and most
valnoble Negroes ever offered in this Btate. Among
them is a first rate honse-enrpenter, an excellent
blacksmith, and a good brick nsoaon and plasterer.-^
They consist of men. women, boys and children, but
not art aged negro amongst them, being all young.
Persona w thing to purchase house servant*, body
servants, or v trriage driver*, will have but rarely
T ^OUR MONTHS after date, application will fie 5°°* » r
' unde to the honorable the Inferior court of Mu*- i fla . v * " e,ni
cogre countv. silting aa a court of ordinary. foT leave , « • * eT J n *
house door in the men of Blakely. Early county,
lietween the usual hours of sale, one lot of laud, num
ber sixty fine in the sixth district of said eountv; also,
will be sold, on the same f ay and hour, before the
court house door in the town of Cuthhert. R
county, Georgia, oue lot of land, number
and forty-four, in the eleventh district of originally Lee
now Randolph county. Said lauds sold u* the*prop
erty of Wyllie Cliappel. late of Jones eountv. dec., foi
the benefit of the heir* and creditors. Hold by at;
tier of the court of ordinary of J uescoanty. Termi
such an opportunity of making a good selection They
are mostly family 'servants, raised In Georgia, ami of
good characiet and ean be aeen in Macon for a few
“ re the sale. The sale will be MMrith-e. ami
cogec eountv, sitting aa a court ot oral nary. u»r ieav« > - - c>t J > * ^"5'. nKn,e *' corr *nt h* Mftton at the
tn aril III, land, Mnitoing to III, r.tote ol’ Thorns. I>. ,h "' of **•* «■». «"» drived.
Bryan, late of raid count”, drcca.rd. „. Th * ntidcrat,t.,d ialto oflrra. at prt-at, nb, two
No* 9.1811.4S 4m THEOPHILUS BRYAN,adtn. Platnatlon.^o the Urn dt.tnt-t ol Dook cnttntj One
j conLima 1100 acre*. ar»out 800 of which are cleared W
F OUR MONTHS after date, application will be [ .ift-esli, with the buildings and improvements, (all •I'
made to the honorable Inferior coftrt of Trouji which are new.) necessary for planting, Ac. Thef
other consist* of IJOU acres, about 150 acres cleared^
with necessary out building*, in fine condition, lyine
upon the Flint river three miles below Travellenr
Rest. Every facility will be afforded for an examin*i' 1>
, ation of these place*, and Mr. E Wade, who resides
near them, will show them to any person desirous of 3
buying. The terms will be. approved notes at one
and two year*. The above property having been as
signed to Eugeniu* A. A James A.'Nisbet, to pay my
—. .' . .eountv, sitting n* a court of ordinary, for leave to sell
1 D “INIHIR A TOILS HALE. " ill he sold, on f j je | ni|( ) otiging to the estate of Benjamin A. Fox,
Y the first Tuesday in March next, before | ttle pt tt jd county, deceased.
Whiteaville, Jan 18
H AMU EL FOX. Ex'ra.
■de known t
landolph 1 r ^OUR mouths after date application will be made
hundred j L to the Honorable the Interior Court of Harris
untv, when sitting for ordinary purposes for leave
sell the land anil negroes bein'
Robert K. Holland deceased.
WM. Y. BARDEN, ad o'
Hamilton. Harris co Nov. 5. 1841. 45 4n
5c J. A- Nisbet. <
Macon. Ga. Jan 19
C 1 builiJIA, HAtttiis VIUVMTI.— io»ten Iiemrr ,,, t vtiTIhm gnn earr
r ,„r by Air,...a*. . cD;,u S .hl. of 707,1, dirtric. | 1 L 1A VjL SALE '
r. j u«.» o.ti | U. M-. a sorrel mare about sift years old, fifteen bands .. „ , , ft?" . .
—— high, with four white feet up to the knees, some T ,IE u "<*®raigned will sell on accommodating
DMINIHTKATOU S HALE.—Agreeably to an | white apota on the back, appraised by A. B. Grdlin tenns J nr rent for the preseut year, a half section
tier of the honorable the court of ordinary of I and William L. Candles, at aixty dullara. This 1st Ukatnbera county. Alabama, on the Chat-
i.l Wui
or Bro
iok ; property piinted t
li. fit. from
and Htokes
by Wm. B.
Eighty »
es of land, known as part of lot number
i the twelfth distrirt of Troup county ;
i in the twelfth district of Troup county,
nown, levied on as the property of Wil-
r>. to satisfy one fi. fs. from Trou|i Supe-
favor of Rufus Broome vs said Bet*
, to satis-
me in fn-
ul David
also fifty nen
nuinher not I
liain Better!
rior Court in
One lot of land, number twenty, in the exstaru
twelfth district of Troup enmity ; unto «me Intlf of lot
number forty live, it being the north half of said lot
levied on n» die property of Mary Culberst
lyiwo fi fa's, from Troup Huperior Court of Weed A Fanning vs Mary Culberson
II Culberson, security on stay of execution, the
other in favor of Henry W. Colleger va the same.
Two negroes. Sam u man about eighty years old ;
Jiimey, a woman about eighty \e.irx old, levied on as
the propertv nf Green W. Illll, lo satiri'v one fi. fa.
from Troup Superior Court in favor of John Phillips
and Alexander Line, executors of Richard U Lane,
•ln*.iae.| .. \V Webb nnd Lovie P Webb,
executors of John <Webb, ticceaseil, ami Green \V.
Ilill uml Elijah Wchh.
Oue lot of laud. nuinher one hundred and ten, lying
in ills: tlm t*fifth district of Troup County ; also one
half of lot number one hundred and eleven, in the
twelfth district; one hundred nnd ninety seven acres
of Ian I part of lot number one hundred and fifteen,
in twelfth district of Troup County, nil levied on as
the property of Robert M. Jennings, to autisfy two ft.
la's from Troup Superior Court hi favor of Jeremiah
Frazer mill Alfred Stephens vs Robert M. Jennings.
One negro man hv the name nf Lang J* years old. I
also one lot of laud, number not known, one hundred ,
acres, it being the tindiv tded part of lot of laud, num- ;
her one hundred nud ten, in the noddle twelfth dis- ' |
trict of Troup Couniv. one negro liny hy the name of , ,
Oliver, nine years ofd, levied on ns the property of t ,
John Jemiing*. to satisfy one fi. In. from Troup Supe I |
■ucy Ware vs John Jennings, j
Id, at the court In
Itou, Harris county, on the first Tuesday in
March next, within the usual hours of sale, five Ne
groes, belonging to the estate of George T. Heard,
minor, late of said county, deceased. Sold for a di
vision. Terms on the dav.
A. W. REDDING. Adm'r.
Hirrii co, Otu, 1M| m
\ DMINI8TRATOR S SALE.—Will be sold, at
the Ute residence of Garland Dawkinx. deceased,
in Muscogee county, on Monday, the 28th day of Feb
ruary next, all th** perishable property belonging ta
the eatate said decsnwl; also, at the *atue time and
place, the Plantation will be rented, nnd the Negroes
hired for the present year. Hale, renting ami hiring
to continue from day to dav till nil is completed.
Muscogee co Jan III. 4 t* de bonis non.
A DMINISTRATORS' SALE.—Will he sold to j
the highest bidder, on Friday the 25th day of!
February next, on a credit until t{ie ‘J.'ith day of De j
rember following, at the residence of David C. Har- •
a Ison, nenr Hollis' ferry, in Troup cnuniy. all • he j
perishable property of PI
tahoochce river, at the mouth of the Oeeimppo creek.
I There are about sixty acre* of < lenred land, several
j cabins, first rate springs of water, and several thou
sand roils already split for enclosing more ground. '
i For particulars, apply to the undersigned, at hie
HARRIS COUNTY.—Whereas mills, four miles east of Columbus.
Jan. 12. 3 if
day of January. 1842.
A true extract from the Ettrav hook.
January 26 5 9t
jcmotis, deceased,
consisting, in inrt, of cow*, hogs and sheep ; also. 1
household ami kitchen furniture, with divers other ^
things. Terms, as to character of notes nud security, j
inode known on the duv of sale.
Troup ro. Ga. Jun 12, 1942. 3 t*
f John White applies to tne for letters of admin
istration upon the estate of William German, late of j
said county, deceased.
Th'*«c are therefore to rite and ndtnoni*h nil and
singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased |
to he ml appear at rnv office within the timepresen- i
bed b law. then and there i<> shew dium. if any (hey I
have, why said letters should not be granted.
Given under mv baud, at ofliee, this tith dav of Jan >
uary, 184-4. WM. JOHNSON,.; r. o !
1»" 18- ?_£_ j
alietlt Hen Ion applies to me for letters of admin- |
iitration U|»on the estate of Hartsfiuld Hendon, late of j
said county, deceased.
These are therefore to rite and admonish all nifl ;
singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased. ■
to he and anpeur at my office, within the time ore- I
serilie 3 hy law, to show cause, if any they have,
said letters should not be granted.
Given under toy hand at office. January 19, 1842
Jan 26
fl^HE subscriber offers a beautiful residence in the
I village of Wynnton. 1| mile front the rity, for
sale. The lot, containing twelve acres, is one of the
most pleasant in the village; and tlie dwelling, out
buildings, fence*. Ac. of the best kind. The situation
is very convenient to both the Male and Female Arad-
emies. Apply to the subscriber, or, in bi* tempora
ry absence, to Major M. Robertson.
Attached to the above 1 have a l»enittiful four acre
lot, with a small improvement, which can alao k« pur-
chased. August 11. R. T. M.
ffftllAT valuable pl.mtation on the Chattahoochee
J. river, iti the county of Randolph, known aa the
Preston A Nelms' plantation, containing 1400 acres,
about 9U0 acre* cleared botuiui land, wuh all neces
sary out beddings, a good gin house on the river, tke
,Vr*t *yy «»»* betiding*, a good gm house on the nver, tk*
; gin propelled by water; also a mil! for family purpo-
JIA.TROUPCOUNTY.— \V hereas Daniel J nes. Persons wishing to purchase, will pleaae rail on
son applies t** me for letters of n>tuiim*irn Mr. Thomas Preston, who will show the land. Fn#.
rder of the ho
ria county, when siti
told, on the first Tw
irable the Inferior court of liar-
ig for ordinary purjM»ses. will he
sday in March next, before the
the town of Hamilton, Harris j, v ~i' a
county, the Laud and Negroes belonging to the estate fikve.
of Robert Holland, deceased. rj, v
December 29
lion upon the estate of Joseph Johnson, late of said
county, deceased.
These are therefore t« cite and admonisli all and
singular the kindred uud creditors of said deceased to
he uml app«.*.tr at my office, within the time prescribed
. then nnd there to show cause, if any they
hy said letters should not he granted.
ii under my hand. »t office. January 19, 1642.
session given on the first dav nf January next. For
terms apply to CHARLES 1) STEWART,
-Sept. 22. :»9-tf or A. B. DAVIS.
Jan 26
A the 16th day of February next, at the late
uf Artliur \V. Usttlr, dcceasnd. in Tazewell.
Morion county, nil tlie perishable property belonging
to the estate of s.ud dc**c tsed, cMutitlmg of stock of
various kinds, law honk.*, him ksntith tools, honsrhnld
nud kitchen Imuiliire; house nnd lot. in *aid town,
rented, him) negroes hired until the 25th of December
next. The sale to continue from day to day until all
Terms made known on the day of sale.
try aitjoa
ms made known on the day of saf
III I) A Co.)
. the court ho*ta«' in tha u
oiiuty. ou die first Tuesday
fegroea belonging to the est
if Rnndolph county, d<
stay of e
I ten year* nf age, hv the
ns tlie property of 'llol.r
i l(. Jnming.s,
name of Edmund, about '
me htintlred and ten and a
trict of Troup County, ad
iii N.Mnume nnd other*.
tie iu favor of Stewart A Fontaine, the
j oilier in favor of Miller. Ripley A Co. vs said Mabry.
| One sorrel linrne; levied on a* the property of A.
i N. Lighifool, by virtue of n fi la issued from Harris
I superior court, in favor uf Han is, ILiswell A Barker
v* said l.ightfooi.
I One lyt of I tud, number three hundred and eighty
fruclloii three hundred and ninety live, isTnud,
mini' «-r eleven, in the twentieth district of Harris
county; levied on a* the property of John I* Moon,
hv virtue of a fi fa i«*ued from IL
dm i
Bewte va Joaeph B. Wynn ami John W. Landrum, El
Crouch t*. Joseph C. Wynn. Willinm Holnman v*
Wynn ami Landrum., Aldrick A Co. v* Joseph
“ “'van, Brown. Oltphnnt A Co. v« Wynn and Lan | cotiainoir.
t levied on at the propertv of aaid Wynn. j Also one negro womi
Afoaonc hoitKi and lot in tlie town of’ Talhottnn. \ forty year* old, levied
TidlvAounty. known in pi m of said town as pmt of II. Huns, to satisfy lou
lot No. two, in square i A..1 occupied by James Wig court nf said county, i
vo fi. fa'*.one from Tal- Hartwell 11. Hnu», lev
In*uran< r and Trust a conatabli
Wynn ami
11. . ,
Washington county Interior couit, in favor ot John
H. Maisey, vs. Morgan Brown principal, and John I
B- Massey security tin May of execution, property !
pointed out by John U Mna»e>- * |
Alsu one lot of land iu the 28th district of formerly {
Lee now Sumter county, the place whereon John |
Junior now lives, levied on as tlio property of John
Joiner, to satisfy eight small ti fas from a Justices'I
court of said county, in favor of Joseph Bond, hearer, I
vs. Joint Junior, levy made nnd returned to me hv a I
o mnn hy the
twenty-two years of age,
fourth acres’, in the sixth d
joining the lauds of Will
one billiard table, and one store
ted on the south east corner of th'
of Lagrange, number nor blot
is the property of Samuel G. timst, to satislv one n.
fi from Troup Superior Court iu favor of Edward
Broughton vs said Good.
WILLIAM H. K ISLE R.f Dr p. Sheriff.
At the *.iuie time and place will hr sold,
One lot of land, iu the fifth district of Troun Coun-
tv, nuinher mu known, joining John i'liilipx n 1 d others,
on which William I*. Lyle now lives, one negro tnaii
by the name O' Allen; *uid proper’y levind on as the
property of William I*. Lyle, to satisfy two fi. fa's,
issued from Harris inferior court, | j* roiu Troup Superior C unit, one in favor of Benjamin
of William Mitchell v» Joseph II. Mark and j n t’Mincro't v* William I*. Lvle, one in favor of J.
mU Moon. nn1 \V. (toi.l v, William I’, f.vlo.
One loi ol IiiiiiI wlirroon Jcrcniiali Onx now li«-», , on ,| nur.r.nno l-J »nrt furnimrp. one ici.ipr
"innlmr .101 known; l.-vir.l on .» Hie imi|..-rt\ nf .,1,1 bl , ri „ # , di lwo .,iii„ r ». ,iMeoui«crpanr,levi«l on
l!o«. b,v nnw ol .Of. ...uml Iron. M.tru, «i|.rri..r 0 f j„. li. Slrim-fpllow to .mi *
court, in favor of NN tUiam C. Osborne vs tain Lux and ' le-.:,,,. r„,.ri m favor of Wil
William B. Cox. I 11 - - » • •
One road Wiigun.and set of hind gear*—'* 1
niter du
i*d keen
nt Jatnrx Render, Ilcnrv Harris. Thomas E.
llnrduway aad Alexander Hall, justice* of said court.
It appearing to tlie court that William Nickols, late
of Niiid county, deceased, during hi* life time, entered
into hi* writing obligatory, whereby he was hound lo
have made titles to Robert Hamilton, to fifty acres of
hnd off'the west side of lot nuinher eighty-two. iu the
eighth district nf originally Troup, now Meriwether
county, to he taken the whole length of snid lot. run
ning mirth aud south, ami that the said William Nick
SALK. —Will he sold, nt - ol* has departed this life without performing the sume.
own of Lumpkin, Htewart J It is. the efore. ordered hy the court, that the exec-
April next, all the ntrix of aaid estate of William NickoD. deceased, re
ol Edmun I Pri. kett, 1 siding in thi* county, to wir, Nnnry Nickol*. show
•ed. Terms, one half cause nt the trim of this court next, after three months
•rotrarfion of this rule, why she should not make title*
, r» said laud in tern s of said bond; and that this rule
id deceased he published iu some public gazette of this State m
term* of the law.
A true copy from the minutes.
February 2 6-3m
r fi fa from
i B. Malone,
v, Matthew
it the stay of
scogcc mipei tor
he use i
i said Cai
» bv tl.c
of An
. ab.
y of Columbus
. the property of linttwe
all fi from a Justice
or of Stephen Herring, v
ide and returned to me t
Company of the
Vfeerv Camp vs James rru<
levied on a* the property of i
Lot No. twenty two. in sqn
teen, in square D. iu the tm
eouaty. to satisfy two li fa
court. Utephon Bowen v$
Ben son Barren v* Franc U Lawrence.
One fraction, No. two hundred and ninety-nine, an.'
•tx or eight acre* of fraction No. three hundred, ir
the twenty stvond district of originally Muscogee
now Talbot county, known a* the place wliore.m
Zecturiah White's old storo stands, and as the Acid
•my lot, to satisfy three ti fs* from Tilbot super
Xacltarialt Booth,
ud Z uluriah Booth,
A. and lot No. tif
»f T.ilh.uton. Talhm
ant Talbot
ici* L«wre
Also one negro man hy tlie name of Lawson, aim
fifty years old, levied on ns the property of J atm
M Hunt, to satify owe fi fa from Sumter Super',
court, in favor of John Marin, va Jnrnli Little iii
William D. Britt, principles, mid Lou Warren seem
nd James M. Hunt, security on the ap|H*al, at
oerL Wiley Lane A Co. va. Win U Walker, Daniel
Walker eed Timm us Bailey. Wiley L.ueACo, vs
Walker and Bailey, Fort. Townsrn I and Mender
kail »• William Stamper maker, Daniel Walk.
anil John SnePgtove security mi the stay of
property pointed out by phmtifl»' attorney.
Also one negro woman about forty years old, le
oil axthe property of Hartwell II. Sium. to satisfy
ft In-, front a Justices' court of said county, iu fav<
Benjamin W. Force, humor, is- llamvell II. c*
•evy made and m lined m me hy a
lot uf laud, no. |tJ7. iii the 17th distil
I i
formerly Lee,
property of Jai
r Sum
Thoms* Bailey, euiorser*. Froperty pointed out hv
Bailey, a* behmgii g to said Walker.
' ‘ '* In of hud. No ‘ *
Also the
as4 fottymiee.
Muaeogoe, now
e jeeticea muh q\ the
•eveetk district G- M . Hall
.Vdkias. levy
u tke'.i
T-ilhot county, toaatisfy
bun Ircd
, fijelYoui
hundred and thirty-
id Harvey is Rohctl
me bv a constable.
Samuel Denton, vs. Jamc
ret a mod to me by a c.utsi
Also two let* ot find, no
in tlie I u:l» district of
county, le
ulc and
isty ft.
mall ft fa
. in fovm
levy ittt
nty three, and lourici n
Ibnnerly Lev. now Sumter
property of John B. Lacey,
i from a Justices' court of
of Hansel) \V\ Harrison, v*.
le ami retured to me by .»
aluiut seven
said county
i lav
t of l'i
a a just ir
• old.
ia. Archibald Br.
made and returned to me
Also one negro in hi h\
fifty years old. levied mi ’
Hunt,to satisfy one ti fa ft
i ountv, hi favor of Eli Mcitmi, v*. -a
cipal, Neikitan M. Ban. and Willia
small fiu fa
ir of William J. 1*»
I'eter L. Marshall, le
nf Law?
property of.
u. abr
■*. lev,
* M. Hu;
W. Barlow,
Al*o oae hundred and fifteen acre* of land, it being
Ourutre acre# of lot .\o. eighiecn. in tlie rixtee itli
district of otigmilly Mtucogee, now Talbw countv.
and eighty acre* of lot No. nineteen, in the sixteenth
district of originally >lo*cog*c, now Talh u county,
levied op a* the property of t*bm:iei Brannon, to s.i't- j
fofy aeudry fi f«« from a jqelicr* i ourt of the eight i
hundred end eight! n nh diitriot G. M. Charles Col
lins, agent for Willis P. Dskfrw* Ishmael Brmn<m
end Peter Blunt seen rity. Lf v iv*d ini returneJ to tue
by e constable.
Also tke vast half of lot of laud. No. one hundred
Mdeieeijr-two. io the tweo|y eecoutl diatrict efoiigiit
ally Muscogee, now Talbot epouty. to aatitly sundry
ti fa# from a court m the six hundred and
eighty ni*th district G. M . Aabury Burkes v* Tali
efoire Rusk and Johu P, Lloyd.
Also let of land- No- pile hundred and nine, in the
sixteenth diatrict ff originally Muscogcs, now Talbot
eooetv, to saiufo two fi fa* from a j'isnc«a court of the
xhraebxndrsd «h4 seventy seventhdistrktG. M-Jonn
Ussey *• Lewis W. Uatu.tcck. Levy made xud re
corned to tee hy a ronsuhls.
AUo *nf lot of land. N»v ou« hundre 1 and twenty
•m, te ike sUteeeth district of originally Muscogee.
•SOW Talbot county, to satisfy on* mortgage t; fi from
Teibet superior court. Thilltp Meed vs Willis C'ox.
Also otic lot of land. No. two hundred and ten. in
the twenty third dtatrt t of originally Muscogee, now 1 pro|*et'y of Joint J Britt, to i> tl»kly five fi fas from
Talbot eouaty, to satisfy one ircuigage fi fa from Tal , Interior court of Butnte.* county, in fax or of Bond
Wt seperior court, J«iuvs M. Da' * v# Jackson Me j and Suellield. vs. John J. Britt. H. AU’ltison. v*. John
Maau*. J- Britt, James M- Barron, v*. lohn J. Britt, Wstthew
Also fourteen hundred and eleven acres of land. , McCuller.vs. John .». Britt, propcm poimed out by
or less, iu the twenty .fiiUrtli distriet of originally plsnttfls' attorney. JOHN 11. BLOUNT. Miff'. *
the court I oust* door in
touiu.v. on the firvt Tuesd.ix
n ilia usual hours of sale,
tidier one litm Ircd and forty lour,
distriui of formerly Lei
rior court,
"'V *’! . Swiucr.
ot sant- | t ) nt . boy by the name of Anthony, about
prut teen years old, levied on as the property of J.
virtue of
lot of land. no. 210. in the V«th tli.<
fonnctly ce, now Sumter r<mnt\. levied on a* the
property nf Albert G. Ibvkli un, to satisfy one small
fi la in favor of Louden llvtrem. vs. Albeit G. Beck
ham. levy made and returned to me by# constable.
JOHN 11 BLOUNT. *hff.
At the same time and place will be solo i
One house and lot kuoxxuaa the Franklin Hotel,
occupied at present by John J Britt, one lot of laud,
und vidfl half of the folhiwing i
wit: lot no. 209. Int nn. 179. lot no. 217. lot no. 203.
lying in the Stilt district ot formerly Lee. wow Bum
ter county.
Also the undivided half of lot. no. not known, In tlie
loth district, known us th*- Will.a.n S Ramsey lot. all
•f formerly Lee. now ftutntcr couutx, levied on a* the
7‘ | "el|
l,r ‘ * Hart is inferior
One negro wo
twentx years of
seplt Barton, bv
Harris inferior court, tu
v* said Barton.
A negro girl by the tu
property of lb K. McD
in b.v the natno of Rachel, about
e . levied on ns the property of Jo-
rtue of a tnorigago li fa issued from
itt, iu favor of Alexander Howard
l wnj-nii s j p, tPr , a ,„| j mv pH C. Week
rourt, in ta- j q iic niau by the name of George, twenty
A klister' A ' lww \car* of age, two beds and furniture, one
i» nnd Wil- Jj rt/(Ml rrt .,| bottom chairs, one roi’king chair, one
| iliuint! table, one dressing table, one tnetal cltx'k, one
'• | wardrobe, on# other table, one pair andirons, one pair
* shovel uud tongs, one glass, one wash stand, one sor-
' * rel horse, ten years old. said property levied on a* the
r * property of Kichnrd K. C. Smith, to satisfy one ft. fa.
' J from Troup Inferior Court, Julius C. Alford vs John
M- Russell. Manly Kcroggins, \\ tlliaui O. Sharp, John
Bohannon, Arehthald Johnson Daniel Duncan.
John H Harris aud Richard K. 0. Smith. Property
pointed nut by K E. C. Smith.
Seventy acre* of land more or lea*, it being the
tomb east corner of* lot Nn. two hundred and thirty-
Nix. iu the third district of Troup County, xxltich land
i* occupied hy Benjamin Keel, levied on as *he pro
perty of Martin Whatley, to satisfy one fi fa, from
Troup Superior Court, Isiinc ' rijrht va Martin What
ley- Property pointed out by planttilV.
* „ One negro woman bv tlie name of Sarah, about
ot Harris l B,irtv seven years old, levied on as the pro|*ertv of
Tapley Jones, to satisfy three fi. fa'a. issued front
Troup Superior Court, one iu favor of Valentine Kolb
vs Tapley Jones, riila* G. Latham va Tapley Jones
anil other*. Property pointed out by defiudant.
Oue lot of land on which Bryant Edmondson now
lives, No. two hundred and thirty-two, in tlie fifth dis
trict of Troup County and one negro boy by the name
of Lins, 19 yearsold. levied on nstlie property of Bry
ant Edmondson, to satisfy two fi. fa’s one from Troup
Huperior Court in fav« r of James C». Davies v* H.
Edmondson, nnd one from Troup Inferior Court,Ceu
tral Bank ofGeotgin, foi the use of James M. Flow-
cr* vs Bryant Edmondson, makers sanix*.
n5 TIIOS. DAVIS. Dep. Sheriff.
7maI(Ton PtlSlfONtD"saX£7
XT TILL he sold, in Tazewell. Marion eountv, on
X V the first Tuesday in March next, between the
usual hour* of sale,
One lot of laud, number one hundred and nine, in
the third district of originally Muscogee, now Marion
county ; levied on to satisfy a mortgage fi fa in favor
of Daniel B- Norton v* Avery Heath. Property
pointed out iu said mortgage fi fa! Specie, or its equi
valent, will be demanded in paimeitt of said fi fa.
December 15. 1841. _ Able
/’ILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in February
itltin the usual hours of tale, be
of a fi fa issued from M
v«r of Thomas .1. Stafford, f<
Howard, and II. Holt, junior,
1 limn W. Pool.
j One lot of laud, xvliei eon John \V. CV.iper nnw lives
! number nut known; levied on ns the property of sai.
‘ Cooper, by virtue of » li fa issued from Harris supe
I rior court, ill f.vorof Plrmon l„ WM. for tlio u.r i prnp< . m . „f H,Vl,„nl K. C. Smufi.
I of Stewart A Fontaine, v* James W. Cato and •*••-* 1 ’• 1 — * • • — • «•
| John W. Cooper.
One lot of laud, whereon James Sattcnxhite now
I live*, number not know'll; levied on ns the property
i of said Sallerwliite, by virtue of a li fa issued from
I Harris superior court, ill fax or of W illinnt D. Cox xs
said Saiterwhite.
On* negro girl bv tl*** name of Maria, levied on as
die propertv of B. F. Mel) mid, by virtue of several
I ft fas issued from a justices court in Muscogee county,
iti favor of William O- Thompson vs said McDaniel.
; Levy made and returned to me by a constable,
j The east half of lot of land tnmiher one hundred
1 and eighty-six, in the twentieth dlstt
county ; levied on ni* the property of John J. Lloyd,
i hy virtue of sundry fi f*s issued front n justice court
in said county, in tavor of Smith, Grimes A Co. v*
| John J. Lloyd. Robert Lett, and I'urnel • olius, en*
j dormer*. Levy made and returned to iii* by constable.
| The north half oflot of bind adjoining John White,
Germany, and others; levied on as tlio property of
L. U Elder, hy virtue of a li fa issued from a justice
j court in Harris county, in favor of Miller, lliplev A
I Co. vs said Elder. Property pointed \mt by A. N.
Liglitfoot. Levy made and returned to me fiy a con
I At the same place, on the first Tuesday in April
j next, within tlie legal hours of sain, will he sold,
A negro man hy the name of Sam. about twenty-
j nine years of age. Isabel, a woman about twenty-two
I year* of n^e, and Betty a girl about thirteen years of
I age; levied on a* the property of Williamson Switzer,
! by virtue of a t ' *
4 DM IN IST li A TRI X 'S SALK.—Will he sold on
/Y the liixt Tuesday in April next before the
court house door in the town of Talhotum. Tulhot t o.,
between the usual hours of sale,one negr • gin twelve
years old by the nnme of Mati.ih; sold agreeably fan
ord-rfroiu the Imnor.ihlu the inferior court of Talbot
county.when sitting for ordinary purposes,a* the piop-
erty of David A. Perryman, deceased, for the benefit
nl the creditors of aaid estate.
Talbot co Feb, a. 1840. ti id*
1 Will be sold, in Tazewell,
first Tnestlay in March next, between tfie usual
hour* of sale, lot of laud number two hundred and
forty three, in tlie second diairict of originally Muscn
pee. now Marion county . Sold as the property of
James M. Stnedley, late of Troup county, deceased,
for the benefit of the creditors of said deceased.—
Trims cash. A. W. FERGUSON.
LlOrangy,Trnupro. Fel>2. 1842. t» uUpd
pXBCUTOR’S sale.—On the Am Tueadav in
ii April next, in puraiianre of the will of tlie late
John Guise, dccraacd
iu Meriwether county, between the legal houra
nil tlie negroes belonging to said deceased. Sold lor
the benefit of the heirs of said demised. Terms on
the day of sale. JONAS Gl'lSE, Ex'r.
Meriwether co. Ga. Dec 29 1 ta
X ECU TOR'S SALE.—Will be sold, before the
J court Imuse door in Troup county, on the first
Tuesday in April next, two negroes—one a woman
aj'out twenty five years old. the other % boy hIkiui »ix
years old. Sold a* tlie property of attic's S. Moen.
deceased, for the benefit of tlie heirs and creditors of
said deceased. Terms made known on the <tav. by
Troup co. Jan 26 S ts
J owax lolls before me one estray iron gray mare,
supposed to be four year* old last Spring, appraised
bv liartly M. Rogers and Green Miller to thirtv five
dollar*. II II. IIAMOCK. J. P.
A true extract from tbv *atrav book Jan. 20, 1842.
February 2 6-2t
tie, and the other a sorrel t
marks to be discovered, supposed
re mule, nwother
be fonr year* old
—appraised by D. B. Williams and J. B. Evans to be
worth seventy* dollars each.
J. H. EYANri, j r
A true extract from the estray honk. Jan. 20. 1842.
February 2 6-2i
. ' ■PP. ,i
the estate of Charles G Murdock,
T ool’ll MONTrsTftcr (late, applicatio
made to the honorable the inferior cour
iwetlier county, when sitttnc fnrordinarx pur|i
lea re to sell tiie real estate belonging to t..e estate of
James Crowder, late of said county, dec’d.
Meriwether co. Jan. 12. 3 4m
I dol’ll MONTHS «ftet date, application will be
made to the able the inferior court of Mus
cogee county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for
leave to sell the real estate belonging to Marcus Cook,
late of said county, deceased.
FRANCI8 II. C0OK. Adm'r.
Muscogee co. Jan 13 3 tin
l^OUIl MONTHS alter date, application will he
J. made to the honorable inferior court of Stewart
county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave
to sell the negroe* belonging to Jnstwr N. Demiard,
_J*tewartro. Jan. 5, 184L 2 4tn Guardian.
I ^OUR MONTHS after date, application will be
made to the honorable tlie inferior court of Stew-
art eountv, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for
leave to sell one negro boy by the name of Gtdbrd,
belonging to Louisa Demiard, minor.
Lumpkin, Stewnrt co Ga. Dec 15 51 4m
These are therefm
singular the kindred
to he and appear at t
rite and adtnonis?i all and
creditor* of said d* rated,
tfice within tlie time ore-
their ^objections, if any they
ave, why said letter* should not he granted
Given under mv hand at office. Junuarv 26, 1842.
February 3 *• 6-St
f William G. Hopson applies to me for letter* of
administration on the estate of William Hopson. late
of said county, deceased.
Thi" i» ftierefore to cite nnd admonish all nnd sin
gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to
he and appeal at mv office, within the time prescribed
by law, then and there to file their < bjeciiuns, if any
they have, why said letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand at office. January 29, 1842.
N McLESTER, cc o
Feh 3 6 M
Elizabeth Rrndnnx applies to tne for letters of
administration on the estate of Robert K. Brodnax,
late of said county, deceased.
These art* therefore to rite and admonish all at d
singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to j
why s; id let-
he amt appear at my office, within the
by law. to s iow cause if any they h*'
ter* should not be granted.
Gircu under my hand at office. February 1, 1842
Feb 2 6-Sf
fllHK Stockholders of Chattahoochee Railroad
1 and Banking Company of Georgia, are hereby
required to take notice that James M. 4*. Robertson .
ami Tlmmas Leslie, merchants and partners iu trade. neats. ... .... ,
U.I..S ihe mine uml .nl. ol'n h L..II., I„v. I ^our.l. d.y-rropm-tor • pur.., 8i00: Mil. Iietu-
commenced their suit at law against the said Chatta- I ,, ” ve * . .
hoocher Itailroa.l a..l Banking Company of Georgia. I * l ' ,l ‘ i*?Tr'r 1 r “ • ‘*, k ?" c , r " ,r,oce
r.lurnal.1. to th. April term 1812. of the Superior | •••MO. hall lurf.u,with tJOO a,U..U.y th. Proprietor,
court of Muscogee county, for tlie recovery of one . Three
hundred dollars, with interest and d«nioge<
riuimifl*' Attorneys.
( olumbus, Jan. 19. 1942. 4-4t
I jj^OUK MONTHS after date, application wil
made to the honorable the interior court of .
ill be
.11 us-
•ges eountv. when sitting for ordinary purposes, for 1 under the firm, name and
cal estate of Thomas A. Moore, late
s the
I courthouse door
• j virtue ot a
n 1 court, “• r
ort^age li
* of Maria, lev..,......... »,. v .
.1 .ml Samu.l Harvcll. hy j P ro l , ' r '. v . <« « ■« •'
;d from llarri* supen
county, the following
self the
of said eountv. f
Muscogee co. Dec. 15. .SO 4m
T HE Stockholder* of • hattaboocltce Railroad
and Banking ompuny of Georgia,
required to take notice that J
and Thomas Leslie, merchant!
Ic of Robertson A Leslie,
commenced their lour severnl suit- at law u^aim
t of supremacy between him and Count Zaldtv
• ill no doubt be brought to an issue on this occasion*
! said Chattahoochee Railroad and Banking Company . If the Georgia hero can lin'd hi* own. he can uko the
; of Georgia, returnable io the February term of the , entire pile ot the Florida boyg. W
favor of il illis Gorutn vs said McD tnielaud
Jiistlces'’court of the 773d district, G. Si., for the re
ry of sixty'five dollars, with interest and damage
ext, within the usual hours of sale, w ill be sold,
nade to the honorable the inferior
4, ' W ' wtiTfvM i r> vivv . I One lot of Uml. number eighty-six. in the fourth I county, sitting at x court of ordinary, for leave to sell
" II.LIAM L. CANANT, D. Shfl. j district origiuelly Muscogee, now Marion county, I the negroes belonging to the estate of George T.
( i BORGIA.TALBOT COUNTY —Whereas llo ‘ levied on a* the property of W ; !! 5 3m RcCwklr. iw i ilvard. minor, late of said county, deceased.
1 ben II. Dixon applies to U for letter.* ofXia Mti.fy one mortgag. fi f*. iff ««'or of Nx|h w Mctue. . Nov..« IHL A. W. REDDING, a.ltn.
. I’toperty Itoi'iton o,.l in ..1,1 'nongnpc liI rTT.nii MONTHS .lu-rd„»-, applwumn will b.
nurt of Harris j riaiutiffs* Attorn
Columbus, Jsn. 19. 1842. 4-
rpHE Stockholders of Chattahoochee Railroad and
ITT ILL bs sold, l-
?V Au»oiicu*,Sij'.ift'
l' land.
kfxs'^fee, now Talbot county, on Fdut River No-
“ l’recollected, adjoining the lands of Cox, Burk
intolou, B.s*well end Carson, tu suuafy one inort
‘ fs from Tslbet superior court, Archibald Grax
ti* M. Csntelou.
'Also oue uesro mau thirty yeirs old, named Dscc
boy estned Marion, seven yearsold. to satisfy on*
f# from Talbot fn per ior court. M*He», Utpley Co
• Hosier eed Davis, Isvitdou as ths property of s«id if ««S«n7priucip*lT*i
VltoiKU D«i«r. i Pro,«.r,y pulhto.l ,,
Also ene hundred acre* of land. No. r.ot known. In ] ma U tud
the sictetfDta district of originally Muscogee, now Tab 1 Au eleven tu rc t<
hot eauety. the place wbet eon Tapley Holt foru^rly i as the Gtd Tlinma#
tstration on the
These are therefor*
singular the kindred and n
be and appear at nty office,
by law, to show cause, if n
ter* should not be granted
Gixcu under my hand, in office. January 12,1842.
Januirv 1‘
atitucl ILi
»h all
itors c*l said deceased, to
thin the time prescribed
they have, why said let
. Henry Hearhain applies to me for iettgrs of ad
...... - ... ., j ministration, de bonis non, on the estate of labia Mar.
*v,ed on #1 thf prupertv ol jacoh lin , 1#lr qf t .id county, deceased. W
c*!-t; n, x* . * . ,MUrk ro,w ? i 1 ' 1 * ^he#e nre thergfort t.x cite “nd ad
•f Eli Met ton. bearer, v« Ada
,ud Jacob W. Cobb, security.'
ut by Newnan McOatn. Lex
tu me hy a constable.
»t in th* town **f Amerirus,known I
bit. a.,d one gold watch ; levied [
•ingular the kindrgd and creditors of said
tp be nnd appear at my office, within thu time ore bsr one hundred and forty-six. jq block K ; lex ied on J r .,- t f U uovrua 7 j 7, i ...^i I Georgia, all ot wim-ii cases are returnable to the
»rribgd by law. thft; uod there tv» show cause, it* mv »»the property of A. 1*. Rood, to satisfy his tax fi fa, i 14 , * 11 ,♦» ar ‘" r f 1n,e epplit-'Mion will be i p ehruxrv term nf the Justices court of the 773d dis
exists, wliy said letter* shall not be granted. * I aa iWeut u»r Je*se Allison, for tlie 1841. ; , ni ‘ e 1 Honorable the Interior Court of Mer* trict. O. M., viz: John Linsev, his three several suits
Given under my hatiJ. January II. 1849. *• D. A. CHILDERS, T. C. j !. w *,‘** r 00ttn V; ^' hen ««»"f tor ordinary purp«i*e». for the recovery of sixty-live dnllesf: Samuel Harrell.
M. GKESHAM. f«0 F,f*^ , B-t. ! !° r . lo !! vc . 1 ? * el1 lht r''" 1 “*“*« of Henry Itobffuoii. hUfeur ...tonl.qii. torque Imulrad andten dnllara;
XTriLLbt- mill, on tlie lir»t Tucl.y in Mnroh
t V next, before the court house doot
Stewart count'., the following pi ope
h xOUli after date, epplicat
made to the honorable IllU'W court ? f R*«
'*t of lot of land nuniber'oiie hutnired
coniaiiiing one hundred and three
. while sitting for ordinary purposes, tor
sell the negroes belonging to the estate of
Lutnpktn. I Mary F. \N ard, orphan ot Frederick Ward, deceased.
ABNER \YAUD, guardian.
Stewart co. Ga. Doc 7. 50-4tit
recovery ot twenty non art win
crest and damages. JOHN CANIDY.
Ian 2C, ISIS. (K A B-) 5 It
the property of M. M. Fleming, to satisfy his tax fi la 1 I^^UIl MONTHS after date, I shall make appli ! ff^HE Stockholders of the Chattahoochee Railroad
for the year 1941. * | A cation to the houorahle the Inferior court of Mus* I A and Banking • ompuny of Georgia, are hereby
One lot in the toxvn of Florence, known as lot num* | cogec eountv while suin g for county purposes, for | required to take notice, that the following named per
ber one hundred nyjd forty six. in block K ; levied on le-we to self the real and personal property belonging cotv.msm ed thx»ir several suit* for the re ]
h* the property of A. I*. Rood, to satisfy his tax fi fa j lo *he c»tate of George Fuiith. late of void county, dee coverv of the several amounts nunexed to each name j
for the year 1041. * I K. MACKENZIE. Adm'r. with interest, damages and cost of suit, against the
One lot in the town of Florence, known as lot num* I Muscogee co. Jan 19 4 4m | •■'d^Chnttahoqjdtee Railroad nnd Banking Company i
hundred and forty-six, jr; block K ; levied on j \,nVTua .71.1771 J"'..• n. I 'li of which cases are returnable
‘ V * •• property of Jacob V Gubb. administrator
Slirlion. Joliu B. Oormn *«4 oitwr., to wurf) IH«U « uo4 tor il.. to, ot Jolm J. Briu. Pr.iu.
* 5 . J •>“« laprnor onurt, r.irt und Jack t poimrd oui b.v J 3 -nb W Oobb .n<J li il. llrown.
Hollrndor.rrul IMatlllp Lonf dnwwM. | Ouu town lo. iu Anwricua. known a. |U Krauki
Ml««( U»J. onr lton<lre,i .ndclrrm, unb« , l|,,u-l. ugn-lvr u.n know... iha |.lu.v wl.crcon J .l.n J
yw.mjr feartb diauict ol oruinally, | Bri.i n., on to ,a.U>\ il.rrr .mall li I CnJ t
» I Jb-aoaaiv.toaamfyonc f Iu l.nn. Talltot aupe- IJaa.rl Yaa,U-, Iwarar. v. Jolm j' Drill. l-roiK-nv Uwa, «mr. Saa.uel 'l. krank va John T. B.«nl. .,,..1 ! p,o„ir,l ...,i |., U. .11..:.. J, r>to:r.<>.,. mri
Zmm W.llamma-k l-v*J -n ». w.. r ,-..rtv „f v. t,.o hv irtwaUWe* * } 1
fll.AUV II “-1 ‘ M .
Janaary 19
ill |*ersons indebted to the estate of George
ate of Muscogee county, deceased, are re
illy requested to make 'immediate payment;
those having demands against said estate, will
resent tUsm, properly authenticated, within the time
reperibed by law.
R. MACKEN71F. Adm'r.
( *ee 1w >»' ^ 7|
A LL person* having claims against William M.
. Y Roberts, lata merchant of LaGrange, Troup
eountv, Georgia, are notified and requested to hand
them in to the subscriber, on ar by the 85th clay of
February next, to share pro ratio of tha effects trans
ferred by said Roberts to th* subscriber, for the ben
efit of Ins creditor*.
OLIVER P. FEARB. Assignee.
Tnr.Gtr.vnfe Tfeup co. Jan 13 3 ♦*!
late of suid eountv. deceased.
Meriwether eo Nov. 17. 1841. 47 4m
F OUR MONTHS after date, application will he
made to th# honorable the inferior court of Harris
eountv, when sitting as a court of oidtnary, lor leave
to sell a house and hit belonging to the estate of Tali
aferro Well*, late of said eountv, deceased.
I IT rr'.sco. N»'V. t7. 1*47.
Charlotte Bulling, her nine several suits for tw
hundred and ten dollars; Thomas Dozier, hjs < n« suit
for thirty dollars ; ar.d Henry Wilders, his two seve
ral suits for tony dollars; and Catlett Campbell, his
three several suits for seventv-fivs dollars.
Plaintiffs' Attorney.
Columbus, Jsn 26, 1849. 5 4t
T UST received and frr sale low, 120 pieces Scotch
Heirp BuggLtg. HALL RUSE A Co.
i the Chattahoochee River, about 3
iles below thr citv of Columbus, comprising shout
890 acre*, nearly nil bottom land. 450 of widen are in
rullivatinn. well watered,and with good improvements,
consisting of h dwelling-house, overseer’s house, negro
houses, all framed, and with good brick rhiinuies; alao
a new gin houre and cotton-press, and a fine steamboat
landiug in 30 feet nf the cotton press. Persons wishing
; tnpun hate will please addrctauic by letter, ar call and
I cxnmine the premises. 1*110. IIOXEY.
Columhus, Nov. 17. 1841. 47 if
I rilHK co-partnership heretofore existing between
) X the suhsenhers nnder the firm of OtET A Mu-
I tu**. has this day dissolved by mutual consent.—
William Moipass will settle the business of the concern.
Wc*t Point. Ga. Feb 2. 1849 6 »t
d'I sTsol u tIon .
81^11 B co-partnership heretofore existing in the
X liter -untile business, under the name ami style
of Jmtx N. Harris & Co. was di»solved nntbe 15tli
of February last, by mutual consent. The business
will he continued by the subscriber, up in the fork uf
Broad and Warren streets.
Columbus. Feb 2 g-U*
aotnLE .icrds, kc. ae.
T HE subscriber, having been appointed Agenelbr
fit* ^ale of the above articles, will offer, nsa few
day*, from thr store of Novum h Langdon, a choice
variety of Fnvit Trees, (raised by that celebrated
need.tinan, Robert Sinclair, of Baltimore.) embracing
Apple, Pear, Plum, Cherries, Apricot, Nectarine*,
Gooseberries, Grapes. English Strawberrie*. Ac.—
Also.^ Ornamental Shrubhery ; nbout one hundred
ami fifty varieties of the Iftihlta Pamuies; also, m
choice jot of Fresh (iarden foetli, embracing all the
choica seeds suitable for this market. The sub*criber
has had an opportunity nf tenting Mr. Sinrfoir's frsiu
ami sen!*; they have proved themselves traataaame,
and of superior qualities. Also, six thousand grafts of
the rarest varieties of fruits—when ten dollars worth
or more are taken, tke subscriber will attend himself
to the grafting, if desired, awl warrant them to take.
Catalogues of Trex.*s xud Feeds esu be seen at
Norton A Langdon’s.
Colnmbos. Jan 13 3-tf
rntlE subscriber having he*owe the proprietor of
X the M.Tion Course, at Tallahassee, auntmnees iw
the Sporting Public, that the HACKS will trat off
on the second Tuesday n February next, ia the man
ner following, vis:
First day—a purse of #200 : Mile heats.
Second day—purse of #300: Two mile heats.
Third day—Jockey Club purse, #600 ; Three milor
Fourth day—Proprietor's purse, #250: Mile heats»
Best three iu five.
Fifth day—a .Sweepstake, free for all except the win
ners on tlie previous days; #50 entrance, half for*
feit; and #50 added by the Proprietor.
The above Races will be free for all Horses with*
nut restriction, aud the sums named will be rut up in
Florida money. r
Owing to the great depression of affairs in th* Ter
ritory. it had been determined that no Races would
take place at cither St. Joseph or Apalachicola the
present season. The Proprietor, however, yielding
to the wishes of many patrons of the Turf here and
elsewhere, and eiiomrnped hy the success which hxs
attended hi* efforts to revive the spirit of the Talla
hassee Turf, is induced to alter this determtrstion,
and now to announce that the Spring Meeting on the
Franklin Course (Apalachicola) will come off on tha
second Tuesday in March next, as follows:
First da)—a purse of #150: ile heats.
Second day—purse of #300: Two mile heats.
Thin! day—Jockey Club purse, #500: Three mil*
Subs rription <
r before the last day of
c lor all Horses carry-
made with the Proprietor on oi
the Tallahassee meeting. Fre
ing their appropriate weights.
Tlie above last named purses will be put up in
good money.
The p itrons of the Turf of Georgia and Alabama,
are itivuvd to attend. The prospect of sport is at.
M. C. Robertson ' tractive. Georgia hut in training some ‘good uns.'*
I partners, trading ; Ftfer ii in high feather, and thelong contested ques.
. v _. .. e hear of a stable
ui .nu'k nn^s from North Alabama, now in Marianna ;
and Colonel Pitman, who has long been known as the
Godniphin nf the Florida Turf, is expected here in a
few davs with his string. Mary Luckctt at their head.
CRAWFORD SPllOWL, Proprietor.
Tallahassee, Fla. Jan 26,1842. 5-id
Banking Company of Ornrgin, .rc hereby re- ! „ The Ap.lnchieol. Journ.l. Fart fi.ine. Whig, tmj
quired to take notice that Juhn C.iimlv h,. commenced Columbti. bnqn.rrr. w,!l the above notice
Iii. suit »t low egtinu tiie oai.i fhauahoorhee Beil- I onrt * .»*» k uml1 *• um « n.entioncd for e»eh pine
road and Banking Company of Gorgiu, returnable V
;nw ^'•‘•runvx* term of the Justices court of 7<3d dis
, G. M..Vor tlf
| respectively.
: i lYRUS WHITE ami I'UIOR REEVES prop92«
| V-/ to publish a mottthiy periodical, in which the Doc-
; trine aud Discipline <>t the United Baptists shall b«
1 fairly stated and vindicated. They will also publish in
I their periodical all communications and essays, not
| thought objectionable. Likewise, a plain account of
' the causes which lec to the divisions now existing
I iti the Baptist Denomination, together with accounts or
revivals, and everything which, ui their judgmeut. may
tend to promote the cause of Zion.
Tiie periodical shall be entitled the United Baptist.
It shall he printed with a fair typ*> each number con
taining sixteen octavo pages. I'enns #1 50 per year.
Anv|Krson who will remit by mail #10. slmfl be enti
tled to receive eight copies. for #20. seventeen copies,
and si on in proportion-ilia money in all eases to be
mmituia at the Editors' risk, upon tlie receipt of the
first number.
All r.ftmtnuntcstian* and remittances must be post
paid, and directed to the Editors,Columbus post Office,
Ministers, and others who feel an interest in th#
altove. are requested to send nvthc number uf subscri
bers obtained bv the 15tli December, that the ffrstnuin-
ber may be published by the first day of January.
tO" Sub-cripticr* rc scived at the e.’Jke of tfic Vi
fairer. N'