Newspaper Page Text
■artt* caraty.
V|/1Uik«fiU,M Idaf l«M MKitof lit, (a tto
YV wit* dl«rk» trnld mm, ito pits* at of
PmWit tolaia Mtrtw *»,My.,l at —w <n»wy tilt,
tt ito Irttinlq it Monitor ml. tomm ito
tttilkttntf«ltidwMltwltt pnpt<u,» arti i
Ott httditd tat tt4 fktnk anti of land, mom at
tat% aa(b* tat kindrtd ao4 (Mljrawo, tha Km
Mr of «U lot, la Ilia 8tk dtori* «rorif lull} Mat
am Mute* roomy, Iniad on at tka proper) v
M* W. Hillaan. 10 aailtiy aundry II r*a liaaid
' of If .riot,
' Vtlktr Perrjr « Scone W. Hill-
ray, Mcarlty i tild II la coatrol«l
hiftaa 1-ejr, iter,nora of lUn-
I Iaay. daaaaaad, larj made and returned 10 me
Alee, William Uobto' ialaraal in lot of load nun.
katmahandrad tad manly .nine, in tha third dlatrtn
af atiftaally Haaeafaa, now Marion eaunty. leriad on
aatha ytopany of aaid Hobba, la nattily one f, fa la.
aaad fram ajaatieaa' noart of Marion rounty of the
MM totoci O. M, ia faaor ofSatk W. Moldrow r.
WlQIamHobb.lerj made tad raturaad by a ronaialda.
dim, oaa lot at land number tuna bondrad ami
maamaaa. in tha tik dlatrM of oriyinally
aatr SUrioa ooaaty, leriad an tithe praperty of Bur
ton W. Dowd, edmlaiaiwer oa ike aaiatt of Tlmman
PeeMn, daaaaaad, to aatMy aaadry fi faa Itaued I rota
ajaMMt* aaaft ef Mtirlnn rennty, of tha ttltih dint.
«r. taear of WUItam Hardrldya, tranaferred to
Kaakaa W. Lorkttt ralCulin It. Lnekeu, Tkotnaa
Loabatt tad Burton W. Dowd, administrator on the
rdkMI af Tkemaa Paablea, derailed, levy made and
reearaad ta ma by a eonatable.
Aha, lat of land number on#, in tbe town of Taze-
fee bousea on Mid lot, levied on as fee pro-
- tMf of theTiltef* Head Comiiny, vif. G B Strange,
■ if Hoeha. B W Dowd, William Well., John M
Wdebar, Jeremiah Wilchar, James N llarria, U J
property poteied oat by one of the defendants ; levy
(OMa anl rot a rood to mo by a
Will bo sold, at the Mmo lime aud place,
Taro hand red and twenty acre* of land, more nr
laaa.namber not known, tho place whereon John Ito-
fora now lima, levied on oe the property of John Ho-
(Ota. »o satisfy two fi faa tattled from Marion superior
•onit, ono in favor of Oeorge W Gregory va John Ho-
fora, on# OFfcLW Maddux ra John Hogera.
B. J. HOLLKY, MherifiT.
Will bo told, at tha aame place, on tha Ar.t Tuesday
In Dec. neat, between the usual hours of sale,
On# lot of laod namber one hundred and fine, in
the llth dietriot of originally Muscogee, now Marion
eoontyi also, the aouth half of lot number aiaty-nine,
ia mm dietriot, and ono town lot in the town of Taze
well, number sixteen, of aaid county.all levied on aa
lb# property of Francis M Collins, to satisfy one mort
gage fi fa leaned from Marion auperior court in faror
Sfvurton W Dowd and William Wells ra Francis
M Oollina, property pointed out in aaid mortgage fi fa.
B. J. HOLLEY, Sheriff'.
Sept 10, 1641 41
Stewart GiiRty.
W ILL be sold, on the Aral Tuesday in Novem
ber neat, at tho court houen door in the town
•f Lumpkin, Stewart county, witldn the legal hours
of Mle, the following property, to wit:
Nineteen head of slock hoga, 11 head of stock cat
tle, I sorrel mare, ono half or, or William Wynn's in-
Mtltt in tho present crop growing on the land of K
T Beal), all levied on aa tho property of William
Wynn, to satisfy not fi fa from Stewart inferior court,
William A Rawaon ra William Wynn,aaid fi fa trans
feral to B T Boali-
Will be add, at the aame time and place,
Lot of land number fire, in tha 18th district of ori-
giaally Lee but now Stewart couuty, levied on as the
properly of Archibald 0. Spear, to satiafy one fi fa
from Stewart auperior court in favor of John N. He
ihunara Henry W Spoar, principal, and Archibald
C Spear, security,property pointed out by defendant
JOHN V. PRICK, I). Sheriff.
IA the Aral Tuesday In November neat, at the court
Kouae door in the eHy of Oolombua, four fifths of lot
number ono bondrotf and fifty-Mven, in tho Mvantb
district Mileages county. Sold by order of fee hon
orable inferior court of Stewart county, when lifting
at a court of ordinary. Sold for the benefit of tho
heirs and ereditora of Jacob J. Hollingsworth, dee’d.
WM. A. BELL, Adm’r.
_ September fi, 1946 37 Ida
order of the honorable tho inferior court of Mari
on county, when sitting for ordinary purpose#, we will
sell at the court house or the oaualjilace of sales in
the town of Tazewell, on thefirat Tuesday in Decem
ber neat. « negro woman named Betsey, about 21 or
22 yean old. sod her infant child—anm aa the prop-
ertg of William Farrington, deceased, for the benefit
of ube heirs and creditors.
Sept 16, 1840 _ ta 39
order of the honorable inferior court of Muac«>-
gee rounty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will he
sold on the first Tuesday in November nest, at the
court house in the city of Columbus, a negro boy by
the r
Aug 26, 1046
Hold for the ten
ors of aaid estate.
N. H. URAL. Adm’r.
36 ids
At tha aame time and place, will be sold,
Tho south half of lot of laud number two hundred
and thUrty-two, in tha 23d district of originally Lee
bat now Stewart county, levied on as the property of
James N Turner, to satisfy two fi fas issued from a
justices' court of Stewart oounty, In favor of Win. A
Rawaon vs Jamea N Turner, levy made and return
ad to me by a eonatable.
JOHN V. PRICE, D. Sheriff.
Sept 30,1846 41
DM1N18T11ATORB' BALE.— to no
order of the honorable inferior court of llarria
jMMNy.wban altting for ordinary purposes, will he
•old,on the first Tuesday in Dor., within legiil hours of
mIo, before the court house door at Hamilton, Harris
oounty, ons hundred and tifiy acres of land, more or
lam, pap of number one hundred and seven, in the
19th district of orioinatly Muscogee now Harris co.;
also, five negioes, Rado a woman 43 yeora old; Joe
• mun 43 years old •, Lucinda a woman 20 year* old -,
U*o *, airl 19 years old •, Josephus a liny .1 years
old—sola aa tha property of William Slaughter, de-
woaoad, for tho baaant of heirs and creditors. Terms
•n the day of sale. W. G. HI.AUGHTKll,
Adm'ra da bonis non with the will annexed.
StptaO, 1949 ids 41
umTnistIiator h hai.k.—Win i,« ...w,u.,
IA ■Wednesday, tha eleventh of November next, at
tea honaa of Joel Blackman, Jun., lato of Harris co.,
doooaaod, all tha personal property of aaid deceased,
ala i eoru aad fodder, wheat and oats, one road wag-
of blacksmith tools, lings, horses,
A DMINISTRATOR'S HALE.—Will he sold on
the first Tuesday in December neat, before the
Court House in Hamilton, Harris county, agreeably
to an order nf the Honorable the Inferior Court of
aaid rounty, when sitting for ordinary parpoaea, lot of
land number thirty one, in the 22<1 district of aaid
county, containing one hundred and ninety-nine-and
a quarter acres, more or leas.
Will lie sold at the same time, before the Court
House in Talbotton, Talbot county, part of lot of land
number thirty, hi the 92d diatrici ol said county, con
taining nno hundred and fifty-two and n bait acres,
more or leva. Bold aa the properly af the estate of
Jamea Yarbrough, deceased, late of Harris county,
fur the benefit of the heirs and creditors.
ROBERT H. DIXON, j Adm ra.
Sept 30, 1040 41 tda
A DMINISTRATORS' HALE —Will be sold, at
the late residence and plantation of Hardy C,
Sepp, deceased, in Muscogee county, Georgia, on
Tuesday , the eighth day of December neat, sain to
continue from day to day until all ia aold, all the per-
ishahln property belonging to the eatate of the said
deceased, consisting of right likely mules, one horse,
about fifty bead of cattle, among them arc aotae ex
cellent milrlt cows; pork and stock bogs, sheep, gnalH,
oxen, wagons and gear, ox cart i cotton gin and gin
gear; I patent balance t about fifteen hundred bush
els corn, and fifteen thousand pounds fodder ; wheat,
oata, rye ; plantation tools; household and kitchen fur
niture* and various other articles too tedious to men
tion. Terms of sale made known on the day.
flept 30, 1946 41 ids
A DMINISTRATOR'S HALE.-Will be sold at
the late residenee of Thomas llarria, deceased,
on Thursday the twelfth day of November next, all
the perishable property of said deceased, consisting of
horses, lings, cattle, corn, fodder, wheat, oats, house
hold and kitchen furniture. Terms of sole—all sums
under five dollars cash ; sums over thstamount twelve
months credit, small notes and approved security.
Talbotton, Hept 30, 1940 41 tda
A dministrators sale-wuibe sold at
the late residence of Wm T Burke, deceased,
in the city of Columbus, nn Saturday, the 21st Novem
ber neat, all thn perishable properly of said deceased,
consisting of household and kitchen furniture, and 1
horse. Terms made known on the day of aalo.
Qflt 7,1946 tda 49
I NXRCUTORB' BALE.—Will he sold, on the
26th day of November next,at tha residence or
Aaron Poer, tlecensed, the perishable properly of
said deceased, consisting of corn, cotton, horses, Itoga,
cuttle, household and kitchen furniture—belonging to
estate of Aaron 1'oer, late of aaid county, deceased,
for the benefit of heirs and creditors. Terms inndo
known on the day of ante.
F OUR MONTHS after date, apMIttlion will be
mad* to the honorable the Infertor Court of Har-
ria county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for
leave to sill three uegroea, to wit, Susan and her two
children, George and Jerry, the property ef Robert
Hill, late of Harris coouty. deceased
_Julyl5th. 1946 4 m 99
F OUR MONTHS after date, application will be
made to the Honorable Inferior Court nf Talbot
county, when silting for ordinary put poses, for leave
to fell the store house and lot in C'entreville, Talbot
county, Oa., recently occupied by BoyntonA McCall,
and ihe undivided one half of the lot adjoining oo the
south, (numbers ted known,) as the property of John
C Boynton, late of Talbot county, deceased, for the
benem of tho heirs and creditors of aaid deceased.
August 10, 1999 4m 35
1/OUR MONTHS after data, apffltoaifoo wiJI he
V made to the honorable the inferior court of Mus
cogee county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for
' »ave to self the lands of the estate o| Garland Daw-
inn, deceased, late of said county.
JOB. BHIPPEY, Ad. de bonis non
July 13, 1846 30
ourt nf Harris
T HE above Periodicals are reprinted in New
York, immediately on their arrival by the Brit
ish steamers, in a beautiful clear type, on fine white
paper, and are faithful copies of the originals—Black-
Wood's Magazine being an exact fsc-artnile nf the
Edinburgh edition.
The wide spread fame of these splendid Periodi
cals renders it needless to say much in their praise.
Aa literary organa, they aland far in advance of any
works of eaimilar stamp now published, while the
political complexion of each ia marked by a dignity,
candor and forbearance not often found in works of a
Tqey embrace the views ol the three great parties
mHE name of these PUIa, though novel, is never-
* all their du-
stages of dis-
H Afl reeaovod tkair Ofiteo to feo Dreg Store of
Winter A B '* “ *
fesaional services
Store, during their ,
We take this opportunity of tendering our thanks
to those who have extended te ee so liberal e patron
age ; and hope those indebted, by eote or account,
will pleeM do oa tbe essential favor to evil and seulo
Dec 31,1845 2 tf
— ... r“i r * r ** 10 '"fei.... -- j They embrace me views
countv. while sitting forordinary purposes, for leave jn K \ I J Iat „i_ Whi - Tory ,
to sell one fifth of M of land number three hundred ,P Q j ^ f on j or , (
and five, in twentieth district of 1, urria enunty, aa the
property of Abner B. H. Bankston, orphan of Aimer
Bankston, dec’d.
llarria co. Sept 93. IH46 40 4m
J ~7tOt;K MONTIfH afterdate application will be
made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of
Harris county, when silting for ordinary purposes, for
leave to sell ii negro woman by the nrtme of Aduline,
and Iter two children, Chine and Henry, belonging to
he estate of Janes McOelieeideceased, Isle of said
tounty. JOHN H. Mt.fjKHKK, Adm’r,
Harris ro. July 1,1846. 28 4m
1 7»OUR MONTHS after date, applicntbrn will be
matin to the honorable inferior court of Muscn-
K ee county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for
•ave to sell bit of land number (132) one hundred and
ninety-two,In the third district of Irwin county, be-
longing to the estate of Hardv (!. Sapp, deceased.
Septrjo.iH^ii 4m 41
Gonorrhea, Gleet, &c.; severe Pains in the Back ;
Affection of tbe Kidneys; Weakness of the Back;
tbgeiher with all other diseases consequent thereto,
can be permanently cured in a few days
The milder form of Venereal Disease, embracing
Syphilis, can be cured by the use of from 2 to 5 boxes
—warranted. Gonorrhea in all stages will be cured
in from two to tight days. Warranted, or the money
will be refunded.
Directions — I have thought it prudent, to avoid
any exposure that might result to the patient, to fur
nish the boxes without directions. Tbe dose, in ail
cases, will be two FILLS before each meal, sod be
fore bed time. Diet light, and avoid violent exerclae.
Price. 91 per box—and 99 per box.
ffj* For sale by
At tbe sign of the Negro and Mortar,
Sole agents, wholesale and retail, for Muscogee,
Harris. Stewart, Talbot and Early, Ga., and Russell
county. Ala.
ml Radical -Black-* < olumbus June 17. 1846. 26 ly
. _ . „ „;QM.n,rlj," .r-T..ryi ily I w*IJf lo "ftlnbllfth Fnclil
. h" Edinburg Review," Whiff; and the Weattnin- ~ •
R.-II6.1. Tto ••Forr,*.. Ou« r, « r t>" I-purely Anolher „ ell M'dicmt offend lo the Public. r«u. Thi
Or. A. tTPlIASra
D R. A. UPI1AM. a distinguished Physician of
New York city, is the only real successful rem
edy for that dangerous and distressing complaint—the
PILES—ever offered to the American public
Mark this, his an INTEUNAL REMEDY—
and not an external application, andjwill r U re any case
of Piles, either bleeding nr blind, internal or external,
and probably the only thing that will. There is no
mistake about it. It is a positive earn—speedy and
pcrnianent. it is also a convenient medicine to take,
and improves the general health in a remarkable
Medical Association.
tiM I, tto practic. of UidtciM, .nd ofer Ib.rt
prtweaainuil services to fee citiaees of Columbus sod
vicioitj. Tkeir office ia oa Randolph street.
J7 D». BUTT, having enjoyed ample opportu^
nittea, for several years, of improvemeot ia Hunery
and Midwifery, in fee fiurgk a I and Lying-in HoJSub
of New Yeffc. will devote kiasaelf especially to fee
cultivation aud practice of those branches.
Columbus, Ga-, May 13,1846. *ltf
Berqfui*, or King’t Eoil. RknoMiom, OMnmio Cut*
noouo Eruptiont, Pftapfc*. or PuotuUo on tho Fact.
Bloteket, Btltt, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or
Tetter. Scold Head. Enlargement and Pain t\f tha
Bonn and Jointa. Stubborn Vleart, Syphilitic Symp
tom*, Sciatica or Lumbago, and distaste arising from
injudicious nee of Mercury, Atciut, or Dropsy,
E.rt, to. «M,i« tw-l- (!) ft, ,W Ho,..
It is very mild in its operation, and may be taken m I t{om ’ ***• prtpwm
i literary, being devoted principally
foreign ('ontinental Works.
; The prices of the Ra PRINTS are less tli
of those of the foreign copies, ano while they
equally well got up. they afford ail that advantage to
j the dmertenn over the English reader.
cates of the most acute infismmaiioti without danger.
All exutroal applicatiau^ are in the highest degree
convenient aud offensive; and from
of the disease, temporary in their ef-
ilicine attacks the disease at its source,
agreeable, i
Pulmonary elixir.
i the
•ng the causs.
Lanir.a—Married lad
certain and
FI1HE value of this preparation ia bow widely
X known, and every day the field of its usefulness
is extending. It is approved and highly recommend
ed by Physicians, and is admitted to be fee most pow
erful and searching preparation from the root that has
ever been employed in medical practice. It is not lo
cal in its operation, but general, extending through tbe
whole system. It neutralizes the poisonous elements
or being well satisfied that tbe pu
humbugged by a host of useless >
g value for their monev,
any .
• of the four Re«
», flo.
93 00 pc
> 00
All persons indebted to thn estate of William
Slaughter, late of Putnam county, deceased, are re
quired to make immediate payment; and those hav
ing demands againat said estate are requested to pre
sent them,duly authenticated, within the time pre
scribed by Inw. W. G HLAITOHTEH,
Adm’rs de bonis non with the will annexed.
Hept 30, 1846 7t 41
N otice to drbtokh and creditors.
All persons indebted to the estate of Joel Black-
nnn.jim., late of Harris county deceased, nre request-
id to come forward immediately and make payment;
Hid all persons having demands against said estate,
rn requested to present, them in terms of the law.
Hept 30, 1840 7t 41
Oct 7. 1949
WILLIAM H. POEIl, ) p-- rlllorl
D. M. POER. ^ Executors,
la 42
d teatnment of John Hims, of Hmrttnr
deceased, will be nnld before the court house i
icus, on ilia first Tuesday in December next, the ft
lowing land*, to wit: V(i!»J acrex in the 20tli district nf
originally Leo now Humter county , you! acres in the
HOtli district,number two bumlred sod forty two; al
so, 10 acres off of number two hundred and forty-out.
Also, on thn Iftth of the same instant, all the house-
hold and kitchen furniture, and all kinds of atock, too
ledioua to mention. All sold aa the life estate of the
deceased widow. Terms made known on tho days
of tale. J. H. HIMfl, AND J « .
Hept 30, 1846 tda 41
XKCUTOK’.S SALK.—Under nn order of the
altting for ordinary purposes, wUl ho r
I and kitchen furniture, and mntiv oilier ar
ticles loo tedioua to mention—aold by order of the
boporablt the inferior court of Harris county when
•iffeif as • court of ordinary—sold for the benefit of
llw heirs and ereditora of Joel Blackman, jun., deceas
Sept 39th, 1946
A DMINISTRATOR'S SALK —By virtue of nn
order of tho honorable tbe interior court of the
oounty of Harris, when sitting for ordinary purposes,
will be add at the Court liouae door lit the town of
Hamilton, on the first Tuesday in November next,
between the lawful hours of sale, lot of land number
•lx, in the twenty-second district originally Muscogee
now Harris county. Hold as the property of Gibson
Mahons, late of Harris county, deceased, for the ben
efit of the heir And legatee. Terms of sale made
known on the day.
Harris co. Aug. 19, 1946 34 ta
uSTSTiTHATOH B HAI.ti—Will to .i.T^T.n
feo first Tuesday in November neat, at the court
house door, In the town of Hamilton, Harris county,
Geo.,under an order of the honorable inferior court
of said oounty, when aitting for ordinary purposes, the
following Vote of land : Number sixty two, in the 91st
dietriot of originally Muscogee but now Harris eoun-
containing 9094 acres, more or less, adjoining Pol-
lord, Reeders and others. Also, lot number (wo
hundred and three and east half of lot two hundred
•ud two, containing 303f acres, more or leee, In 91st
district originally Muscogee, but now Harris county,
•^joining Berry, Scott and others. All the above
tends lying U or 4 miles of Hamilton. Stild aa the
•repecty of Eli Cornett, late of said county, deceased,
fer the benefit of beire and ereditora. Terms made
teiourn on day of sale.
Adf 96, 1949 ids _36
"» bMlNlitTKATOK'8 SACK.—By Wnueof -n
JA order of the Honorable Inferior Court of Stewart
oounty, when aittina for ordinary purposes, will be
•old ui the town or Lumpkin. Stewart county, on the
first Tuesday in November neat, the following lota of
Mad, to wit: lot number one, in the thirty-third dia-
•riot, G. M. j two hundred two and a half acres, and
•vo •erne of lot sixteen. In the thirty second
being • square in front of Charles McLeroy’a dwelling
heoeo | end lot number thirty one In thirty-third dia-
•riot, eootaining two hundred two end a half acres,
Mi«er leas; and lot.number thirty-four, in thirty-
third dletriet, oonuinlng two hundred two and a half
•tree, *0*0 or leas; lot number fifty, in the twenty-
flbefth dletriet. containing two hundred two and • half
perm, wove or least end one hundred acres of lot num
ber on* hundred and twenty six, in thirty-third diet, t
nil fee above lands lying In Stewart county. Hold at
the property ol Cneriee McLeroy, late of Stewart
county, deoeeied. Bold for fee benefit of the beira
end ereditora of said deceased.
Stewart ee. Sept 9, 1846 37 ids
JA an order ef the inferior court of Muscogee coun
ty sluing aa a eourt of ordinary, will be sold, at the
neon house te Talbotton, Telbut county, on the first
Toeeday la Dae ember neat, fee interest of the eatate
efWS^B.Kmor.deeeaeed, in two lota of land in
•aid oounty,known aa fee Buchanan place, tbe iuter-
•at-of aaid eaute being one half.
Also, on the firm Tuesday in J
•aid. at fee oovn hones in the i .
Merriwefeac oounty, the interest of aaid estate iu
ferae handled acres of land aud the improvements
feeraen, known aa fee Leaveratt Mill piece, situated
to—Ai m( ih. twin.
WH.IW U at
a umimistrator h SALK.—wm to Kid U
A lU* i**id*M* *r Jarumth dmu-
•d. I* Harri, *o«Ur. *• tto w*ih d*< of Nmoibar
■tot.aU Ito parUtobl* pra^n, of ,*>d deoauad.
•aaMMlaf af towa*. k*». cut la. «to*p. c ..m. fodd.r,
wtoat, pUawiaa Mala. *« *»*<». t food fu. Iwuh.
told aasktotoa fyrnltor*. tnd .arloa. otb*r .Kiel*,
aa wdtaaa ta Maatioa. Sal* to coouau* froai day lo
On a*tU all U add. Tam* aud* Itaov* oo th« da*
"mi*. KLIJAU MIU.1MS. Adai'r.
■mta *a toft H. 1M4 M u
liouso door, in llntmltou, on tho first Tucstlny in J
uary next, a negro man by thn namoof J im, belonging
to the estate of Eli Cornett, late of said county, de
ceased, for the benefit nf heirs ami creditors. Teriiu
made known on day of aale.
Aug 96,1946 tda 36
I ~7fXK<’U'roR'8 halr
J court housa door, in the town of LnGrnngo, Troup
county, oil tho first Tuesday in Deceitiber next, a ne
gro boy by the name of John, ah mii sixteen years or
age. Alio, at the name time, will sold, before tbe
court bouse door, iu the town of Lumpkin, Stewnrt
County, lot of hind number eighty-four, in the
leentli district of originally Lee now Htewart rounty
Also, will be sold, on the first Tuemlsy in January
next, before the court homo door, in the county of
Lumpkin, lot of land number five hundred nnd forty
four, in tho tliirtecmli district of erigiimtly Cher
okee but now Lumpkin county. The above prop
erty belongs to tho estate of Mauldin Anions, late u
Troup oounty, deceased,nnd sold for tho benefit n
the heirs of said eatate. Terms iiiudo known on the
day of aale.
8cpt 16,1840 Is 3
1 .'OUR MONTHS alter dute, application will h
’ made to tho Honorable the Inferior Court c
Talbot county, while sluing for orditinry purposes, fti
leave to sell the lands belonging to the online of Jcp
tha Chatnblesa.late of Talbot oounty, deceased.
August 26, 1846 (clt CHli) 4in 36
'OUR months after date application will be made
1 to the Court of Ordinary of Stewart rounty, for
leave to sell a negro girl named Jim-y. belonging to
llie estate of E. H. Baker, deceased. Sold for thn
benefit of tho heirs, Ac.
July 99.1846 89 4n
rill be
uri of
For any three, do. 7 00
For nil lour of the Reviews, 0 00
For Blackwood's Magazine. 3 00
For Blackwood and the 4 Reviews, 10 00
Four copies of any »
' led emray by the introduction of spi
‘ lie Ims thought it rifflit to offer bin
1 afflicted on aurli terms a* will givi
instead of giving it to bimaelf. He t
to cure, nr relieve, the following disi
will potltiuly br. refundril
It maiters not what the scientific professor
Medicines to tli
them the pewe
icr.lore pr..[.o.<
all of 111. nli.1.0 work, will I li" m\v li"«« .ai‘l. at wli.t ttojr ill., nnw MT.I
p.yinri.t ..fill* regular iub* inifma.iltilily of relief nr cure in thia inurh <lre.rled
acllntlon fur llircc—Ilia fourth cpv licii^> (["alia. I ‘li-ca.a, 1 in llic Carr nf all op|K.aition. that
irr llcmillancc. and coinmuiiicallnna niu.i be , I’ulmnnary 111,..... ..I every rlaaa can be cured.— in all wilhntu caprn.c in the |iubliaher. A, "l I '<*ntor .laic, that if my direction, are followed
The former limy alwny. b* done tlirout(li a fnatmaa- ■ ll "’ lett«r. Ilia nio.t in. I urn form of titberciilou,
ler by liatidioi; Iiiin the amount lo be retiiilted. l.kln|| | Coniiifnplion can be |iermaiiemly relieved,
hi. receipt, nnd forwarding the recei|it by mail, pnat- i AMhUM.
paid ; or tho money may be enclosed in o letter, post
aid, directed to the publisher
N. ii, Til* Postage on nil these Periodicals ia re
duced by the late |*ost-Offi<*R law. to about one third
the former rates, making a very important saving in tlie
expMiMo to mail subscribers
. hi all thr principal Cities and Turns throughout
the United States, to which there is a dirret Railroad ar
IVatrr communication from the city of New York, thrse
Periodicals will he delivered FREE OF POSTAGE.
112 Fulton street, New York.
Julie 24. 1846 27 ly
by the
y p«
ilicine be Administered
img c
an be
rd I
ia» any degri
•««»; "• l-W*} l | *jj irinu * I bocal, and re.lore, a lienllby tn ibe organa
, the Pile.. With conaeqnent Inflammation nf which generate that field. In rcrofulona and .11,*.
dtealoinecb Imwel. and .pine, weakne.a of the back. • „„„! dtwirdera. the re.ult ia a rapid healing of the
»f blood to the head, Ac. ' The Electuary la per- .“id pu‘.mi«T in 7hcum.',.'m.'' d ...d'oi'tor
r«tly aafc for pregnant ladle., anjl the moat u.erul f„| ..(Tectiona of the modular fibre, a .peed v ranmv.l
tf will not rnily n f fee pain, and in all cases a renewal of strength,
disease* with- pace with the retreat of the disease from the
It is put up in a highly concentrated form.
iihortb'thnt ran pooiihly be used,
remove the Pile* ami nil inffammatr
out pain or irritation, but will in«ui
safe delivery, and n sound consiituti
Tbe Electnary'Vontxms no mineral medicine
eaay t
•ffspring. j* or convenience and |>ortability. and when diluted
e; no al- according to the directions, each b
. . • . , r . i f • •tov.-rding to fee directions, each bottle will make six
oe., rolocynth. gamboge, or other powerful and irriu- th< * quantity, equal to one quart, and ia then an
ting purgative. No fear of taking cold while under perior in medicinal value to the various preparations
its influence—no change in diet oeosaaary* If taken bearing the name. The proprietors are almost daily
according to the directions, a cure for life is guarantied receiving testimonials of fee most respectable charac-
Hold wholesale and tatTIT, WYXTT * KKTCH- giSlBIS." “* 8re *' “ *" * CU ” *” d CUr *'
AM, - General Agent, for the Southern State.," tlil The followingietereating case 1. preaented. nnd die
t, 'irri'u' l | N r"t Y "i rk ' n t 'nriVmavD i reader invited to ha careful, Commei.i on
Geo, by U INTER 4 such evidence is unnecessaryt
‘ Newark* N J., March 12th, 1646.
All persons indebted to tint eHtntn of Georgi
Jameson. d>
ate pnymeiit; nnd nil parsons having any claims
demnnda against the estate of the said deceased, f
notified to present them, legally authenticated, will
' o time proscribed by Inw.
Hept. 30, 1846 41 7l’
George I*. Smith, Gnurge Cbsuininn nnd Henry
Amarine npidy to me for letters of iiilniinistration on
the estate «»t Washington Manly, late of thtscoumy,
deceased t
These nre therefore to cl
Ngulnr the kindrei mid r
be and appear at my ollii
ribed by law. then nnd th
they have, why snid letters slmuld not be granteil.
ler my luittfl this Utitb Hept. 1846.
A Lht of letter**
IV Geori
e and atiinonisli all si
sditoirn of said tlecense
•, within the time pr
• show cause, if m
irgia, Octoh
, Alexander M 11
1 Alexandria John
! Iledsnle John
Branham Wiley
Butler Join ~*
i Blount Geo
1 Blxe Obsrlea
| Boyd George
Booth Milton H
B.d It A
, Blake Luther
i Belislea Win
Brook* Bury
Burt Richard
> Bullard Dan'l
| Baker.I (dm
Bowling Andrew
t Cols,
i Atnbr
i Cl.mle
Hept. 30, |846
X Elijah IVorlhen applies for letters of rn
m on the eatate nf Tliumns Harris, In
uinly, deceased :
These nre therefore to cite nnd ndmn
singular the kindred and
41 M
1 Barclay Klim
I lllackmnn Dcstimor
(/’urns Mr
1 Canton Jamea
1 Clark Smith O
1 Cummin W F.
Campbell llryant
•h all and Casey Mrs Mary
sribad by la
i my
tile the. r object ions, it any lliey have,
wtiy sum tetters should not be grunted.
Given under my band thin 23d Hept. 1840.
Sept. 30. 1840 4i St
F Carv T. Cox nnd Prisnilln Daniel apply for let
ters of aiftnioistrolion on llmcHtnteof William Daniel,
lato of said rounty, dereased t
These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased,
to bn nml ntipesr ut my office, within, fee lime pro
serilted by law, tq file their nlijeclions If any they
rk Wn
Cogbell Mar
Coxart Win
Cnaaumond C J
Dudley Kltzsbetl.
Dudley Campbell
i Dr Win A B
Long Mary
Lewis Mrs K
Lyon D \l
l*i-wis Julia
Lee Robert
Lewis N R
Marks R T
Mo-.n Bern W
Maull Ret.ecca
Mitchell Bird B
Mauritzer H L
Marable Joel
Morrison Slu-ldon
Maiae J P
Mnrchnnl Inane.
Morgan Dr Sami
Moore James A
Moore Mary Ann
Marteans John
Mason A J
McBride Sami
Mf Kenney T
McCarty Mi** M B J
M- Dolli- >u*nn
McDaniel Mima
McCarty John J*
Nell j
if Colic, whether
md will be relieved in
the short space of from ./Irr to thirty minutes.
(’OlltfllK, <?€»l4fl«. Hoarseness or Difficult
I Breathing, can all be relieved in from fire to forty-
| eight hours.
Tins terror to mothers can b« cored in Jin? hour*.
I Hysteria, Lott of Appetite, f,c. run be permanently
| relieved in a few Imors.
Extract of a letter to Dr. Bronson, dated
NawJYoiiK City, May 20, IU46.
" I think, sir. tint your Elixir should be sent tn
New York, now—my wife has been afflicted with a
severe cough for several months, attended with vln-
lent pains in the breast. A faithful trial having been
made of nearly all patent Medicines, which failed to
give relief, I was induced in try your Elixir in my
wife's esse. I take pleasure in slating that one bot
tle ol your Medicine, (for which 1 paid one dollar)
s has given permanent relief. I would advise you to
make Agents in thi* mty.
I (TT* Remember, uo charge will be made should tny
I medicine fail tnsrcomplish tbe above; my agents are
II instructed to rufund. when * failure occurs.
| Dr. C. T. Williams, Postmaster at Greenville, Ga.
is my agent for Meriwether county
For sale by WINTER A P.PPINO,
Hale Agents, wholesale nod retail ft>r Muscogee,
Isms. Stewart, Talbot, and Early. Ga., and Russell
ounty. Ala.
Columbus, June ‘.'4 1846 B? ly
Nn ft? ii nd Surf—No llimibuR !
*• One Dollar saved is a Dollar made."
i rpHKSK Pills nre just w
They are exactly
ever since Morrison's Hygiene Pills became extinct,
| (at his death.)
j Positive tit lief is worranted in every case ft» r which
; they are reuommrnded, or th will, and shall
Hept 10 1846 6m 39
winter K eeping,
\\ IioIckaIp anil Hc*Uiil IJniuuiHU,
Messrs. A. B. A D. Sands : Mr. Oliver’s child, of
tins place, wn attacked with scrofula when two yearn
old, which soon reduced her to a mere skeleton. The
disease pervaded tbe whole aystetn, ami mamfeated
itself in malignant sores on the head, body and limba.
Different physicians in Newark. Belleville and New
York, prescribed for her at various times, but finally
gave up the ruse aa perfectly hopeless. At last Mr.
MuRTAR, offer for sale lor Oliver was induced to trv your Sarsaparilla, and ac
cash, or unapproved credit, at eordingly procured four bottles, widen was sparingly
lowest market prices, a large and administered, with many interruptions, yet with the
well selected stock of Drugs, moat decided benefit. About two months ago, I be
came acquainted with the circumstances of the ceee.
Stuffs. Window Glass, Surgical The child, who is
Trusses, Perluou
Druggists' and Con-
Glass Ware, New
eparntior.s. Dentist’s
Geld Foil. Tin Foil,
1 Tcetb. Ac
W. K. arotlie Proprietors’ Whole
sale and Retail Agents for the following VALUABLE
PREPARATIONS, which they will sell at the lowest
wholesale prices.
Dr. Ruth’s Life Pillr,
Moffalt'a Life Pills;
Moffntt's Phoenix B tiers;
Champion’s Fever A Ague
do anti-Bilious do:
lain. liverwort; Spencer's Pills;
liral'd Candy; Watson's Fever
Sands' Sarsaparilla;
Bull’s do;
Comstock’s do;
Ltldy’a dot
do Blood Pills,
do Feimilc Pilli
Acoustic Oil ;
id Ague
•man's Ger’n. Cough
i kmai/s.Pulm'c Hyi
ged four year*.«
icte mass of disease, and incapablt of using any of
her limbs. Her body was swollen to nearly twice its
natural .size ; the head, limba and body, were almost
entirely covered wife large sores. She was unable
to move, ami wot^ld ta e no notice ol any thing, only
to shrink from being touched even by her mother.—
The disease at the same time was equally severe in
wardly, attended with bloody evacuations every few
hours. They procured some more of fee Sarsaparil
la, and before the had taken one bottle the could slip
down from the chair and creep across the room. She
has now just finished taking the second bottle, and the
sores are nearly all healevT, the limbs are restored to
their natural use—she is quite cheerful, and is faat
improving in health.
Very respectfully, yours, C. J. WARNER,
Sec. of Youth's Slate Tem. Society.
MadisonYILLK, Kv., Feb. 22, 1845.
Messrs. A. B. A D. Hands : llaving uaed your
Sarsaparilla in my family, and witnessed its beneficial
effects on one of my children. 1 feel it to be a duty I
•w« the community to make tbe rase public. About
S.IIK'I Syriiii Of Wil.i two ,..r. m, ltel* »n *r*. *iuck*d *rf'li Serof-
J m ' 1 ill*, nr Kilt* a Rvll. Uftiif-n lirnk** out in nr lima
Culirn'. Vogel. Rmneily; ' Cher'ry; ' I “]• « *|
a; Connell a Pain Extractor;
do do Specific; Hnssignol's Panacea; . e <
Rownnd’s Magic Lotion; Winer's Arcanum Extract, J ,r * r )
Pehn*,look', V.rmlftige; rfo l’rrtor.l Sjrupi b i "
Tin- iln Cm,, li.„ Vennifu.*-, ' 1,1 11
olscea round tlie neck and jaw, which finally affected
nis eyes, rendering him entirely blind. During the
..._ . .jatera;
do Health Pills.
Man’s Plasters;
May 6, I84C
have, why
Given u
Sept. 30, 1846
I lettors ahmild not he granted,
y hand this 24th Hept. 1846.
'i test if utii t nh;
tli Vl
, llnlicrtson, late of this
( i KOBGIA, Stewart county.— Whe
J C. Hay applies to me for Inter*
tioti on the estate of Laid’
county, deceased—
Theao ore therefore t<» cite and admoitish r
singular the kindred and creditors of nuid tie
to be and appear at my office, within the tin
scribed by law, then nml there to shew cause
they have, why nuid letters should not lie gra
ider my hand thi* 20th Heju . 18 46
M. GKEHlfAft).
cl Matilda I!
on Mary Jane
Dicihenrihocfer Adm
Dent M L
i Ector John T
Evans Hnrnh Ami
an Klizaheil
» John
man Klm.|y
erts John G
ves John W
nd* Mnrthn A
\\ ii
Fe.lrirk Green
Franci* Hugh
Karel Thoma#
Flat, her Wm J
Fort John It
3 Ravfield Nora
Roger* Ha rah
Roberson Join
Itilev Wm H
i M r,
• Mrs Elil
I I70UK MONTHS afterdate, application v
1 made to the Honorable the Inferior Ooi
w P ur r
Ad in'i
estate be
Talbot county, when sitting ft
for leave in sell the negro slaves and re
the estate «ir Dickson Cureton
August 19,1840
I AGUE MONTHS after data, application
1 made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of
Stewart county, when silting for ordinary purposes,
for leave to noil the real eatate belonging to the r$.
late of Josiab Dickerson, late of South Carolina, de
ceased, for the benefit of tbe beira and creditors.
Stewart co. June 24.1846 97 4m
4 in 34
trill h
Oct 7, IH4ti
For Prosecuting Claims vf every description,
and transacting all llusintss ra/uinng
the aid of an Agent or Attorney at
R evolutionary pensions.—Tim. Agency ha*
iu iiukbomIoii, nml ready urcru* to, a \ a»t aaiwunt ol'
Hcvoliitlouury Holla.Hooks,Manu*cri|it«, preserved from
tlie son ice, nfforiling reoora of service hi the regular
('ontinental army, Mate troop*, and militia, hii.I in the
UuartsrinaMcr and ('omniiaaary IhutHrtinentH, no where
el»o to bo found.* Iln* also a list of names of tlmae .•mi
lled tn BOUNTY LANDS, aud Double Itounlv Land. Imfe
for the Hevolutldunry service, and that of the l*«t war —
AI*o, a list of uaiiiea of tliuao widows, Ac., eutillod to a
Heiiewnl of Invalid and Naval Penaiuu* A li»l nf uiiiur*
of those, nUo, entitled to Unclaniicd Dividemiii uimn
Treasury nud Loan Office hooka, and of 6 pur cent, uud 3
. Hum John O
> M .i
Henderson T F
Hollen James
Hollingsworth John
Iful.erts R N
Mamlet Mrs
Howard lliram
. Hill Eliza A
Higginbotham Henry
Huff John A
liar vc 11 Mias Tibillin A
Howe George
Hall E L
Hair Simon
Higdon Dan’l
Herring Joseph
Sharp Rufus
Smith A Retell
Stratton C
Smith Mnrtlia .
Hutton Inlin M
Snipes C W
Sellmon W W
Sturk Wm
Sturgea Eli
Steu Alias Kliznr
Scroggins Lewaitulay
Seller* A C
Steely Gelv Ann
Taylor Dr John
Tlmmp*uu J K
Turuaee Henry
Tnland James
Tilley Elisai.cth
Williams Martha P
sham John L
first year from the time he was taken, he was attended
several physicians, but continued to get worse an-
ilfuge- 1 111 * despaired of his ever getting well. Having scan
Corn,lock’* Vermlfb.*; J»ur S.rMp.rill. ,dvcrti.«d, wilk urtiAcue. of ii*
Spolin’* head ache rrme’i r »fea, 1 concluded 1 would give u a trial, and acocrd-
«lo Elixir uf Health ^ • e,,, «o Cincinnati and procured a few bellies,
Longlev s Great Western 1 • nJ ,,nw ' ,r,er h * vin 6 u,wl nin « bottles, I have the
gratificatiun of saying lie is well. The aorta are all
| entirely healed, and his sight nearly aa good as aver
, it was; and 1 have no hesitation in saying that ha was
, entirely cured by the use of your Sarsaparilla.
Yeurs, truly, K. BASSETT.
For further particulars and conclusive evidence of
t superior value nnd efficacy, see pamphlets, which
20 may he obtained of Agents gratia.
Prepared and stdd, wholesale and retail, bv A. h.
TarrnnrN Compound Extract off 1 * !>• SANDS, Wholesale Druggists, 100 Fulton ac.
4'iihcliN nnd Copiiibu.
A ND .tillthevcome! add-
ing fresh laurels to the
fame of this Inestimable pre
From the London Med. /our.]
Tiirrxiiirn Com
pound Rxirnrl off
First introduced to our notice 1
by our esteemed friend. W.
Dalton, M D.. F- R. V. S ,<d !
Middlesex Hospital, who eu '
N. Y.
Hold also by POND A WILLCOX. Columbus;
llawkinsville, Georgia; COSTER A COXE. Mont
gomery, Ala.; nnd by Druggists generally throughout
Price, 91 f" * ' ' * 4
the United States.
per bottle—six bodies
ICf The public are respectfully requested (o re
member that it is Hands’ Sarsaparilla that has been
and is constantly achieving such remarkable cures of
the most difficult class of diseases tu which (he human
frame in subject—therefore ask for Sands' Sarsaparil
• 24, 1846
Arat'ricitii ItiiAor FnMe,
Aud sup. Polishing, Burnishing and Cleansing Path, |
rpHIS Paste is the result of a simple chemical ex
1 perintent, which I wn* induced to make in con
ng able tn kerf
mnnv of physicians for v
teem, that Ttrmnt’s Ext
Tho. J
fine finished Surgical Instrument., in order—having j aoH Mcdttntfhtuue, thut speaks ol tin.
suucesatvtfly tried every new article te mended. *’ l ! - rryuokuUle that bo neat and el
embracing the bed prepared rotten .lone., chalks and b,n> ' ,n " «' tc-m-. important tn the
oils—nor could I re,y upon the paste which nccompa j Borr . hof " 1 ,0n r' ,h '’ uW . no . ! b<
A Co
I. Stocks, Ac
Tltosn having I'latini
western Status, nrtstii
Spanish authorities, w
to thi* Agency, for reasons Not no«r to lie iiiantiunri
of the highest utility to such Claimant*.
A residence of severul year* nt the Seat of (Invert
familiar with the forma nml Hindu* nf ;i
Land* in (lie Hoiithrt it or Soitilu
out (iraiit* or Saks made by the
il do well to solid in i licit claims
»nrd, but
iluntei' H
Hail A Mo*
Hines U K
Holmes Malinda
1 Jones Luciua
Joyce Thomas
Jnipioili Mr
Jordan (’hntles R
Johnson A S
ho oho
Klais M tiheia
King Thomas Y
King Je*se
Keliy Mnrv A
Lawrence W C
Logan John P
i. such shall bo couducted I Labile Johnson
to very many leading Mcmlier* of IhuIi lluui
gress, and with inuity in the Bapurtmruts,
quentiy be able advantafeously to prosecute all Claims
confided to us: aud, in all cases, such sk
with the utmoftt promptness and vigilanri
1Li Term* reasonable—always regulated by the nature
of the aervico. Letter* must he post paid.
Office, “ (Eicon Buildings."
WoulJ r*«i» clfully tof.c to tho undesigned;
lion. \V. P. Manguiu, President U. 8. Senate,
lion. John W. Jonos, Speaker of llo. of Kepreseutatives.
Mirah. au It. Lamar, Ex-Presidcui of Texas,
lion. I^vi Woodliury, U. 8. Senate,
lion. John Fairfield, " “
William. Sary
Walls Mary Ann
Willkuta P P
West R H
Wright Mathew
Wise P A
Walker Sarah
Wall Jeato
Westmoreland M J
Wait Mrs Mary
Walling Martha A
Wilson John
Williams Malvina
Walker Win J
Wm Warner
Williams Henry
Underwood J N
Young Dr A G
he dmrricun differ* mnterinllv from the English
wn Paste. The latter being com,m.ed of ateeUtid
• dust—whilst my Paste is composed of two very
i.l suh:<
edge.I itistrumoiits.
j he made as goo,
_ the honorable tbo iiiferior|court of Harris
countv, when sitting for ordinary puruoaea. for leave
to sell the real and peranttal estate or William Tur
ner, Into of said county, det'eased. for tha benefit of ; non. a. r. n*zny,
the heirs and creditors of said estate. j »!**“• J « h » A«lat..s, Bouse of Reprcseutativ
SVSANAH TURNER, R'rx. Hau. A. II. Siphon.. “ •
HarH* co. 6*pi S, 18(0 . 39 H I. Kto,’
i /OUK MONTHS afterdate, application will be I Mon. Robt 1*. Dunlap, " *•
1 made to the honorable Inferior Court of Stewart : Hon. Lather Severance, •» ••
county when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave i Jlon. Judge pawsoit, '*
to self fee Lands belonging to the eatate of Christian JJ 0 '*' J'JJ* ^' nouW ' ..
Duckworth, late of Jones county, tlecrased. -
JOHN DUCKWORTH,Afen'rdrUi.non.
S«|U. 0, 1846 311 4m
t j^OUR MONTHS after dale, application will ti
made to the Honorable tbe Inferior Court of
llarria county, while silting for ordinary purposes, for
leave to sell fee land and negroes belonging to the es
late of Aarott l*oer, lute of said county, deceased.
WM. 8. POKE, l K.sto.'rs
D. M. POER. 5
Sept 9.1946 4m 37
l*70UR MONTHS after date, application will be
U made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of
Troup county, siuing as a Court of Ordinary,for leave
to aell one half lot of land, number not known, in the
third district Troup county, the place where John
Marsh liyes, belonging to the estute of Gabriel Moss,
j iicmuv w itiW< If*'*
junior.deceased. ’ * HENRY K. ktOSS. Ex'
Harris co. July 15, 1849 30 4m
F OUR MONTHS after date, application will be
made to the Honorable Inferior Court of Har
ris county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for
leave to sell fee land and negroes belonging to tho es
tate of Jeremiah Mullins, late of said rounty, dec'd.
Harris eo. Aug, It, 1646 33 4m
F OUR MONTHS after date, application will be
made to fee honorable inferior court of Stewart
county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave
|o sell the lands of William R Patterson, late of aaid
oounty, deceased
July 13.1616 4m 90
f Br,»’l
lion. Thomas Smith,
lion. Freeman 11.Morse," ••
lion. Josiah lletrick, “ •'
lion. Albion k Parri*, Ll Comptroller, Trees). .
William (i. Elliot, Principal ('lark, Post Office Drp't
May 20,1846. 29 ly
* Those Pr<*oft are of great utility to Prnsiourrv them-
selves—as Ity them, in a multitude of coses, their petition
may be t nr routed, aud rejected cases obtained.
__ TURKU8—There are three
Machinists now in the city of Columbus, competent to
build and fit up Cotton or Woollen Machinery, of all
P. «. Persona wishing to have such work done,
will apply to P. G. Batea, or letter addressed to him
at this place. P. Q. BATES.
Columbus. March 10 19 if
B RUNO A VIRG1N8, Agents for Sherwood’s
unrivalled Magnetic Machine ; also, the Mag
netic or Compound Bitumen Plaster, and Magnetized
Gold Pills.
(’olumbus and Mucon, Ga.. March 23th, 1846. (14 if)
j I.yiiagli T
Persons calling for any of tho ahovu letters wil
1 please say they are advertised,
j Oct 7 3t JOHN FORSYTH, P. M.
Lilt off Lctten
R EMAINING in the Post Office at Tallxntoi
Georgia, on the 1st day of October, 1846.
I Adams Cspt Ezekiel
i Beggarly Hillry
Barker Master Win P
' Bonner Miss Sarah A
I Rrnnnntt Joseph
| Breedlove Mtsa Sarah
! Breie Jamea
! Buchanan Joseph
I Campbell, Augustus
I Chaney Isaac
{ Clay urn Isaac
1 Combs (col. it
Cook John
Cosby H D
Covey Miss Harriet
I Crank Samuel
j Eagg FrancesO
Fleming Miss Mary
Freeman Robhor
Gaines William S
Gideot. Jamea
Gorham John M
Hicks John B
Hough James
lluey J W
Johnston M
ft rA PH. heavy India Bagging. 46 in wide, for
*i50 sale by W K McLAKBN.
Mu/ 99, !944 99-tf
OCt 7, 1846
Lovlest (stage driver) Mr
Mathis Sarah
Oitt Miss Amanda
Oines Miss Amanda
Owen William
Parker Esq A J
Punch Esq Philip J
Riley Right
Scott Samuel
Sea Mrs Anna
i) Henry Sherrod H
9 Shockley Thomas
Sistrunk Jacob
Smith Daniel U
Snell Miner T
Snell Minott K
Stanford O II P
Slow Esq E B
Stubbs, Antariali B
Studevent Mrs Elisabeth
Supple Eaq John J
V iu mg Mrs
Ware Robert
Weiss A
Elisa'h M Wirick Daniel 2
Clftetnlcnl Bn Is am, or Hnir lu-
for all diseasei
_ HAIR, and its restorative in all cases where
baldness ia not beyond fee reach of art.
Merits of the Chemical Balsam, or Hair Invigorator.—
ll prevents baldness, it removes dandruff' and cuta
neous scurf, it keeps the hair in its natural color and
prevents it from turning grey. It ia now presented to
the world with a firm belief that as a beautiful and
healthy restorative of fee Hair, it will be firaed, on
trial, unequalled.
Prepared solely by E. PHALON.214 Broadway.
A. K. AYER, Agent
Nov. 3,1949. (46-tf) In Coleabus, Ga.
ilh clarified oil.
r M-nlor pen) nnd other fine
h are not entirely ruined,ran
. by u»ing tin* Paste, (the r.v-
ployed instead of n hone ) If the
strop be a fat or two tided one, place a little of fee
Paste on the course side and strap oil' on the fine. If
a four aided or square strop, place a Irtle of the Paste
on No. 2, and strop off on No. 4. A tine, keeu nnd
smooth edge will b» the result.
Fine cutlery, gun*, gun-locks, brass, copper, or steel,
can be kept free from rust, by rubbing on a little of
tlie Paste, and then polishing with a woollen cloth, or
•oft piece of buckskin, or line sponge.
One box of Paste, at 15 cents, will keep one or two
razors in good order for twelve months It is put up
in assorted sixes, at IA, 9A u.*d AO cents per
box. Should a failure occur in producing what is
above stated, the money will be refunded.
Inventor and Proprietor.
<\ T. Williams, Postmaster at Greenville, Ga.
is my agent for Meriwether county.
For sale by
Sole agents, wholesale and retail, for Muscogee,
arris, Stewart, Talbot and Early, Ga., nnd Russell
unity. Ala.
Columbus, Jane 24. 1846 27 lm
br. JOEL ItII.1N ii Airs
Liver and Dyspeptic Medicine.
I N offering ibix valuable medicine to tlie people of
Georgia, for the relief and cure of many diseases
incident to a Southern climate, 1 do not claim for it
infallibility—neither do 1 say it wfflcure all disea.
sis. But in Chronic Liver Affection* and Dyspep.
►ia. I can confidently advise and recommend its use,
from my own personal observation end use of fee
article in my own practice. Thia article is favorably
received wherever it has been used. I am allowed to
refer to Mr.George HeardofTroup.Mr. John Warren
of Columbus. Mr. McKaffee of Cobb. Mr. Ashury
Hull of Athens, Mr. William D. Terrell of rutnact,
Rev. John E. Dawson, of LaGrange—to which a
erentnumber of names might be added, who bear
their testimony to its value. Dr. Henry Branham
has used this medicine in bis own case, ami bas pre
scribed il to many others, gives it as bis opinion that
it is one of fee safest and most valuable medicines
that can be used in imperfect digestion, liver coin
idaintt, constipation and irregular state of th« bowels
It is useful in bilious complaints, to persons recover
ing from bilious levers, and id sick or i^rvoua bead-
acue. To pregnant women, who are subject to cos-
tiveness, this medicine >• well suited, lit regulating
the state of tbe stomach and (towels, and promoting
digestion, it ia particularly useful.
i could ap|iend a long list of certificates, but for
bear, preferring to rely on the virtues of the medicine
to sustain itsell. The medicine ia a gentle and ce
tain cathartic, tonic and sudorific.
Batonton, Georgia.
For tale in CejxaibaiVy W. A. REDD A CO
Feb. ti, 1946 9 ly
rilHIS preparation ia made from tbe best Tu-V«y
L Rhubarb, and possesses all its valuable pro,—i
ties, combined with such aromatics as will bo founn
materially to nssist in its operation, nnd ia thereby
rendered an exceedingly useful medicine in a variety
Extract is no humbug or quack of affections where a cordial aperient is deemed re
ly. we have departed front our usual course, ami qutsite.
••J time ami apace tn a preparation re know to be It is tonic nnd stoanicAie—invigorating the digestive
iy public patronage. powers, when administered in small doses, whilst it
Gt'THHt K. in a letter to tlie Editor of the Lon. ‘ possesses also n cathartic, united with on astringert
lion Medical 4'niuUe, thus speaks of this compound— power; in no way. however, interfering, ns tbe purgn
at and elegant a com- (iseeffect invariably precedes the astringent* Aa a
of Go- i medtrme, IGrobarb (the Turkey) has for a cuus idem-
spared ble period held a high place in the medical world, and
earlier, aud likewise that it should not h*ve sooner has thus far proved itself eminently deserving he
j effected the conquest of fee early prejudices of (he great reputation, through the valuable properttea net-
Faculty to a preparation which lias now conceded to it versiilly conceded to be peculiar to it, w hen procured
toe praise«of being invariably successful, and which l in its pure suie.
I esn with confidence assert, in now more universally l Tin* effect of this preparation in its purgative ope-
j prescribed than any other medicine of the present | ration is moderate, carrying off tlie acrid mailer, wlitrli
»iay. It lias received tbe sanction of aeverai of the is tlie cause of the disease; and afterwards by its
most celebrated Medical Faculties of Europe ; and tonic nnd astringent qualtliea aooth’mg the system and
I after long and csrelul teats, inode under and by their subduing tlie inordinate action which had pcevioueiy
n. i full and perfect confirmation of all the '
attributed to iu. use, resulted therefrom.—
it’s (.himpouml Extract’ is a valuable remedy
itlc* the proprietor to tlie gratitude of thoae
unately compelled t
ines of tltis nature,
speedy aud effectual profe
In cases nf Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, it la an in-
aluable remedy j ami aa a preventive ,»f the various
, diseares arising from that very disagreeable complaint,
bolds a high place in the estimation of the medical
nd sold, wholesale and retail, by i
JA3. TARllANT, Druggist, Ac.
No. 268, Greenwich st., corner Warren, N. York ■
For sale by
Nov ]9. 1843
lie Proprietors Agents.
ly 36 Near the Marks*
To Planters and Citizens generally of
the Southern States.
A remedy for Fever aud Ague, Bilious
uihJ Congestive Fevers.
P LEASE call on the Agents and examine the tes
timonial! of citixens of your own State in regard
to their value.
KJ* Don't forget fee conditions. If fee Pills fail te
at tlie Old Si • t | 9 ,ve satitofactW>n. when uaed according tn the direc
,T l t - ‘f.V u . j ! w,,er * lions, be certain to return theta and get your money
ilictr friends and ttw jiub- , ^ arlt> ,he proprietor i!o«. *o, wi.U fi
subscribers, who w
Old Stard, whe
they will be pleased t
lie generally et all times. , M4k .
Their stock ta good, and assortment inferior to ' „
none in tlie city—as it embraces every article usually , Dr. VVOodruirs Antl-Bllious Pills,—
ft>uud iu similar establishments. * Only 23 cents per box. Valuable fur Bilious end
shall accord with the times, and every i Congestive Fever. Fever and Ague, Indigestion or
ile to make it the interest of the pub- ' Dyspepsia, Cholic, Head-ache, and alt diseases re-
t will be r
tspecifully i
lie to extend that patronage which is
CLT* All articles sold by us are warranted to provi
aa represented.
Tho*. K. Wyknk,
l. C.Chaxdlkk.
Columbus, May 13, 1646. 21 t
A LL persi
/V are requested
the subscribers, whe
ness. They will ah
above (inn.
May 13
indebted to STRONG A WOOD, i WhVtMv'uieTFui
make immediate payment
are authorized lo close the busi-
j settle all demands aaainat the
21 if
S TOLEN from the subscriber, on die night of the
12th in*t, a zlim BAY HORSE, about \o years
old, about t< hand* high, small *lnr in hi* face, one
hind ft Hit white, with some white on the other ; some
marks of a saddle on hia bark, and of harness on hi*
shoulders; holds hi. head up well, and is a fine har
ness horse ; there is a lump on his light hiud leg, the
remains of the spavin, though not lanie.
i/ - A reasonable reward will he given for fee
hor»e or iolurniatioii of hia whereabouts, and a good
reward for the thief, with evidence to convict him.
Sept 23, 1846 tf 40
ulting from bilious derangements.
OT^AIfio-Dr. Woodruff*. FEVER AND
AGUE and ANTI-FEVER PILLS—particularly
valuable for Fever and Ague and Congestive Fever,
one box being generally sufficient for two common ca
ses. For aale by
Broad street, Columbus, Georgia,
sale by Agents in Talbotton, Lumpkin,
', Fort Gaines, Georgetown, Americas,
Cuthbcrt. Blakely, and most of the villages and coun
ties in Georgia and Alabama.
August 3. 1846 tf 99
pains—after pains—restlessness at night—eerv-
nut irritability—nausea at tbe stomach, bead ache
and general debility.
Also, Valuable to prevent Abortion?
K7* For sale by Dr. M. WOODRUFF.
Broad Street, Columbus, Georgia.
Also for sale by Acenta, in Talbotton. Lumpkin,
Whiteaville. Fort Games, Georgetown, Avnericua,
Cuthbert. Blakely, and most of the village* and coun
ties in Georgia aud Alabama.
Aug 5, 1846- A3