Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1828-1861, March 10, 1857, Image 1

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THOMAS RAGLAND & C0,-PR0PR1ET0RS. 7 VOLUME XXX. A STRICT CONSTRUCTION ok THE CONSTITUTION AN IIONKST AND ECONOMICAL ADMINISTRATION OK THE GOVERNMENT. COLUMBUS. GEORGIA, TUESDAY MORNING flit a&tetklu inquirer. M7BLISIIED BVERY TUESDAY MORNING "TERMS—Two Dollars and Fifty Cents per an "turn, payable i' in admnet, or Tunas Dollars if paltl In vlrauce. No paper will Do discontinued whilo any arrearage W lui*. anions at tho option of th«* Publishers; and tore* ■ %>,•!l-tin will, in (iff oases, b-t exacted where payment is not I '"'ma le before tho explr.itiou of the subscription year. advertisements Conspicuously inserted nt One Dollar per square, lbr tho first insertion, and FifTT ClJCTS fb« every subsequent •ontinuaneo. A square in the Knquimr is the spare of eleven lines In small type, containing, a> it does, one *»' rjwndred words. Lite at. Advertisements published at the usual rules And with strict attention to the requisitions of the law. Outi ary Notices over eight lines charged at the regular Advertising rates. AH communications intended to promote the private «nd« or Interests of Corporations, Societies, Schools or In Airldirate. will )«• oh sored <t* jidrcrdocnnmt*. ct be ri-oM rchlu (Enquirer, IS tHIHUSHKO fuesdny, Thursday and Saturday Mornings ICV AT FIVE DOLLARS PKK ANNUM. KT Advertisements conspicuously insorted, at the Til I*. IIALI, VI) OK Till'! WHAM The Northman lay on his iron cliff, Outlooking tlie Norman sea ; With his bold blue eyes of wild emprise. ST Abroad over tho wave looked ho. Jr, > restless mood of solitude, -> lie lotigsjn the chase to roum t •‘I've conquered tlie bear in the Tornoan wood, •to- And tho shnrk by the deep MaeI»tro|)| ! *'My fitting foe lived long ago— fvTh" mighty mastodon !” His blue eyes bravely glance below— f The chief Irom his cliff is gone ! rl'Tls the whale I yon whale tiint tempts his sail, ,4 I.ike an islnud he inovoth on— “By the sound less sen. I’ll conquer thee, .» Thou ocean mastodon !" He darted his skiff from the foot of the cliff, • All armed with his corded spear ; Soon the hnrlt is dyed in the sen-beast's side, And away to tin* west they steer. Wi h his hempen rein, o’er the ocean pltun, , More Heel than tho tdcdgo they go ; Who liic red-sctung sun a ruce they Min, 7 In the road ol its ruddy glow ! Ami the storm waves kept a glassy calm, *** That s'rango first bark to see ! And tlie sea gods rose the chase to rhtirnt, * And shouted—"We'll tide with thee !" And one of their troop tho Norman chose ^ To share in Ids daring deed ; W’liiie was her breast ns tho Finland snows, Hei lniir like the brown tea weed. And thus they twain o'errode the main, And the Norseman's shin of mail, With Iti*■ shield he clash'd, as they landward wash’d, '* 'Till ho vtratified tito maddened whale ! That night, on the strand, of the new West land, lie built f.*r hit? mermaid bride A bowery hut. ami the oil he cut, tor n lamp irom the monster's sido. And front these two there sprang a crew, ? 1 he boldest to spread tlie sail ; And «m every plninof the stormy main They chase the tumhlinir wlialo. The Story tit' All, lluil and Kali. .. Oil the great Ami i;n I)r rl, from three . points ',1 tlu cot it | <.is . thi •• t r,i\ (lers slowly Zuppruach'Ml mi <; ntlu t . N*-arer and near er they i atnc, until pn - nily lin y joined » comp,my. At first there was a moment of j susniei in, nnd all were on their guard ; one laid his hand on an old razor, concealed in liia girdle ; another tumbled in his turban for a shoetnaker’H awl ; and the third and * last, shook In sleeve until the pair of shears hidden there was m his hand. All drew back tlte mantles that protected their hernia Irom the glaring suit and drifting sand, but had im sooner reeogni/' d one another than " th*-y set tip a great shout of joy, and throw- 1 ing tht»mse|yes into eaeh oiher’s arms, (as well as their infirmities would allow them,) embraced. Ali, the barber, had but one eye ; Mali, tho tailor, hail but one hand ; ami Kali, the cob bler, wanted a ton*. "Happy is this day when wo meet ugain !" cried the one-eyed ; "pray do you come this side of me, that I may better set; you ; why, Unit, you nre less a hand, nod you Kofi, fess a foot. I myself want an eye, and pray lift F me toll you iiow I lost it. So let us Do seat- r cd and rest awhile, untl I will relate to you 1 all concerning my misfortune.” J The three then m-ated thorns* Ives, and Ali, th<' one-eyed hiirh'T, rmnrnenoed. "You know,” said he, "| was bred a bar- ’ her, and that no one worked more dilig' iit- ' Iv, or shaved belter in Bagdad, than 1 did.— r One unlucky dav, a great lord came to me, and want' d hi- h'-ad shaved. 1 soaped his pate ni"'.dv, sharpeo t my best razor, and w lit to work. One halt was done ; I caught hold of his 1111 s" fas our art dictum*) to get at the other side, when, ns ill luck would have it, the full of lather went Into hip eye ; he roared with pain, and getting into it rage , gave me such n drubbing that when it was over, one eye was gone. JYly ctftlona rs all left me, no one thought a one-eyed man ’ couhl shave, and I was ruined. Now, a beggar, I am going to Mecca, to try it by prayr, I cannot assuage Mohammed, und nag for good luck once again in rny liiu.” "1 think your cas * .i hard one,” then, said Bull, iht.' one handed tailor; "now listen to One d«t\ there came into my shop u unlucky fellows bo fuupd !” and in such a loud tone of voice that u fourth traveler, who had-silently drawn near, heard it, and exclaimed. "Who says they arc unlucky fellows ! For if so look at me.” The three jumped up surprised ; for they had been so absorbed as not to have heard him approach, Ali, Bali and Kali looked up, and saw a man in rags, with but one eye, one arm, and one leg. "You unlucky !” exclaimed the new comer ; "do you com pare your situation with mine! 1, who am wanting in so many things! What do you s.ty to me, tho perfect addition of all your woes! anti with it all, J consider myself the luckiest follow in the world !" and here, with the aid of a long crutch, he tripped about merniy on the sand. "And how do you manage to be so hap py !”. they asked. '"1 will tell you,” said the traveler. "I owe all my good luck to three excellent men—a barber, a tailor, nnd a shoemaker; the first took my eye, the second my arm, the last my leg. Could l but find thorn, l would shower blessings on them.” "I bad the pleasure of spoiling your eye,” said Ali, with a wink. ’ “Allow mo to rc<;o mm end myself It? you as tin? person Who derived*you of an arm,” said Bali, with a wave of his arm. "It J made you happy by cutising the loss 1 of your leg, lam Kali, tlie shoemaker, at your service,” said h'.ili, und he made n scrape. "And have 1 the good fortune to meet you ull!” said the traveler. "Then allow me to embrace you”—und with this,*as well as his infirmities \youid allow, he hugged them all three, and then addressed them as follows; "Now, listen; my name is Ben-Boti/uum. I was about to be married. The day before the nuptial ceremony, I went to you, Ali, to b«• shaved. You put vour hush in my eye, qlld 1 lust it. Win n 1 presented myself af terwards to the lady, she would have noth ing to do with me, and married some one else. Kite turned out to be such a wicked creature, so unfaithful, that her husband, Covered with shame, killed himself, ft lyould certainly huve been mv late, it not for tlie good fortune that I had in going to yuif to get shaved. "Sometime afterward the Sultan sent for me. Jn order lu make myself pleasant to the eyes of the Commander of the Faithful, , 1 bethought me I must have a new vest.— 1 You, ljali, luudu it; a lurtunulc needle went ! into my arm —1 lost it, and could not go.— Tlie Sultan hud planned u sacred e.vpedi- \ lion to carry on war villi a neighboring! country, and 1 was to have been in it. They w re .ill taken prisoners by tho enemy, und are pew toiling us slaves, under harsh iim..- iris. Ball, had it not been lor you, what would have been my fate I ‘ But to you, Kali, my gratitude knows u.< bounds, know that u*D mud gave a grand least, there was to be merry-making and dancing, and i w.i-,m invited guest. Think ing my old .• hoe ; rather worn, I ordered Irom you a pair ol yellow slippers, nnd surely some good fortune took me to you. There was a nail in one ul them, and l threw you out ol tlie w indow. I could nut attend the leust, and luck) was it that 1 did not, lor the) Ian I mi so, that the floor fell in, uuJ the ioof on the top of them, and every soul was killed. Hud I gone there, it had been an end ol me. In those days I was harsh and hasty ; hut the to s of my limbs has taught me a lesson—le hi the want ol them I cun no longer indulge in those bursts ol passion, and am now as docile and quiet as a lamb. Thankful to the great prophet tur the kindness lie has shown’ me, and in order to do penance for the misery 1 have caused to otln I determined on a pi 1 - gUmagi' toM'-ecu, having .sworn not to bike ol, tlu rags, i), r oiijoy any of tin; luxuries of this fife, before finding tlU: three pr.-serv- eis of my honor, liberty und life. Though clad so poorly, I have much wealth, moio than enough for us all. Will you forgive;, and share with me !” "We have nothing to forgive,” they ull answered, astonished. "For our careless ness and want of skill we throw ourselves on [ vour mercy.” Here Ali, Kali, Bali, and Ben ! Botr/.uiim turned to tho east and bowed nine times toward the tomb of the great pioph- ) ct, in order to show their thanks. Just them ! they descried a cloud of dust in tho ills- 1 tnnee, und soon a hand of mounted robber.' tort; qver the sand toward them. Their j swift horses soon bore them near tlm lour travelers, for they were eager for plunder,] hut snejng four such iniseiahle objects, all I In tutlers, nnd all so maimed and not worth I a sequin ns slaves, with u curse at them tor I the trouble they had given and a laugh at ! thern lor their soYry uppeumnoo they pro- surlily disappeared in the opposite directum. ■ When they were out of sight, Bouzuum, j lifting up Ills hands to heaven, cried out.— ( "Another miracle! blessed he Allah ! How J fortune favors its! It it had tint be< n tor our ■ wretched nnpteariilico 1 , wo should have been j robbed a no murdered. Now, my friends, j that the robbers are gone 1 , let iisjournpy on That Dig Tree. The last number of Hutchings’ Magazine, j i the article m packings, reiers to the large 1 1 the Trinidad trail,;- ' 1 Correspondence of the VdcrVLITi .1 • A Court House Burnt—Great t'.xrltenwet— Valuable Documents Lost, dwoud tree on'the Trinidad truil, as fol-| Oolktuoui'k. K.b. 20,18f>7. lows : I Editors Georgian Jvu.mtl: —The Court House "On the trail from Trinidad to Salmon j Mar.uj county, totally consumed l>y fir,- on river there is a hollow tree, measuring l*n*t nub-., about midnight, c i.I.-tiily the work of thirty-three fuel in diameter, which is the its- ,n " “ ' r . v - •*' n " ‘‘re !■. I l» on m the ( mil camping place for trains, holding a11 tho Hon . t -. v,.Md .hy«. uacks fur the largest, besides affordin'! shel- s »l , fri°r an I Interior C. OFFICE—RANDOLPH STREET. NUMBER 10. Coalition < Tlf«. MINNESOTA iMI.I, IN THE S8XATK. V\ AHillvV'ir.'N. Ft-D. til. - -The. H. n.,ti. fo the. consideration of the Hoiim' l>.II, nutliori?. 114 (ho pooule ol Minnesota to form n Constitution and State government, prcjmr.itt>ry to admission into the packs for the largest, besides affording Midi ter uml sleeping room lor the packers.” Thu dimension of the tree is correctly given; at least we have been informed by a gentleman who assisted to measure it, and who > w<-.rd wo would not doubt, that it is thirty-three loot in diameter; hut there is very little camping done either in the tree or any where in its vicinity, unless an nil- fortunato packer gets benighted, or his mules give out. The tree is situated between Trinidad and Elk Camp, near Redwood creek, and about midway in one of the den sest forests probably on the continent, and it Is nut necessary to say that it would not be a very choice range tor hungry animals. Men have frequently camped in that tree, not from choice, however, but because they were caught by night, whose dark mantle falls upon tin; wayfarer in these sombre old woods much soon ;r than.iu the open coun try ; or, perhups, a sudden i i - • in Redwood creek, during a portion fof the year, would cany away the bridge—consisting ol a tree fallen across, with a platform to get on and off, and tho rough bark on the upper side hewn off—and then this old tree would af ford a very good shelter to those bound down from the mines, until a crossing could bo effected. The old lieu lias some time since been superseded by the erection of a cabin near by. We believe this is tin* largest tree yet measured in this whole range ol Redwoods, but they are ireqiuMffly found from eighteen to twenty feet in diameter. The strip of this timber is not ns wide, however, as would seem from an expression in the article in which this particular tree is mentioned, to wit: that a large portion of the trails lies through this forest. The distance through is only from live to liltcen miles—being the farilmrest about cast ol Trinidad.—llumhtddl Tim". A Desperate Conflict between n Antelope. Dr. Livingstone gives a verj description of a light he willies between a lion and antelo Lion and i Ainu i Dr his guides had just defile between two in urd an angry gr< he that of the "mm the distance of not i advance of them, n while a huge law M V rorkv platform, uln evidently meditating an attack on the ante lope ; only a space ol about twenty lent separated the two animals. The lion ap peared to he animated with tlie greatest fu ry, the gemshok was apparently calm and resolute, presenting his well fm lilied head to the enemy. The lion cautiously changed his position, descended (o the plain and made a circuit, obviously for the purpose ol ultucking the gemsbok in the rear, but the latte .•merg' d irom a narrow rocky hills, when they wl, which they knew to arch of the forest.” At mre than forty yards in gemsbok stood at bay, lion was crouched on a 1 c thi; level of the plain. the alert ami still turn Im antagonist. J'his for half «u hour, v hm servers that the g ’tm to induce the Itun to 1 flank dt tin! antelope Htmfed tn his fierce as lightning, tho lion m. he was yet in the air his head, bending Ins •d his head towards ■ l i 11la ltd I d lo the ob it M r-lik*. breast. A terrible laeer qtielie.e ; the 11.til I'dl bm and showed a ghastly vt part ol 1 ed a ho id anguish, nnd backed off to a distance Fifty yard ', seeming halt dlspos *d to give i the coni "si, but hunger, furv, or revenge ice more impelled him forward. IDs se- ind assault was mu: furious and headlong: : rushed ui the gemsbuk, and attempted to ap over tin* formidable horns in older to iglil on his hack. Tim gemsbok, still sl.nid- •d hi The lb-cords of the Glorks iris, nml Caurt ot Ordina ry arc all dratrayed—-not a siugto Record saved from any of tli. se offices. When discovered, the stairway was in llamas, mid tho top of the building fading in so that it was impossible to save anything. There is considerable excitement among our citi zens, as tho greatest confusion must he the cotiu - quenco. There is no clue lo the perputrnlor of the deed. Much sympathy is felt for the worthy Clerk, SujHjrior Court, who loses many valuable private papers, «Sto. Very respectfully, W. If. W. From Uih Ueorjjia IMuuitLmler, \N hat think yk of THIS !—A company of Ohio abolitionist* have purchased Immense bodies of land in East Tennessee, nml are now importing foreigners to live upon them. Already have large numbers of Welsh emigrated nnd settled there.— Tunc is proving and fulfilling every prodfction of the. American party. And or Tins .' - - Ex. . p^op ,• spr. h !,5'.. r- ed in ill. House of Itepresents'ivcs, |)e,ember 10, I80O, by Hon. M. II. Nicholson, of Ohio: “I mu somewhat familiar with the Inst canvass in some parts of the North. I think I know how our Democratic, friends get along with it. I heard no northern Democratic stumper in the Inst canvuss who did not expound the doctrine of squatter sov ereignty as thefiitli of his party and n| Mr. Borli- mimi. f met this doctrine everywhere upon tin* stump—everywhere ; nnd. sir, I could not coax nut of these gentlemen 1 discussion of any other doe- trine. \\ lieu I sod tli it there was no laitli, 110 truth in nil this, ns 1 believe there was none- w lieu I said thiifs if these assertions were (rue. then that Mr. Buchanan wusopposed lo the platform—to the untioiril nttuluo ofbls party, then,sir, the northern Democrats denounced me for the QNHorlinn, and said the porl> everywhere won' for squultcr sover- ignty. This is not nil. Not only did these gen- lemcu preach squatter sovoreighty, but they mid it would secure freedom everywhere; they said Mr. Biggs moved nn nmenduu citizens of ton United Stales hi with i.i.r. i.ce lo tlm formation « nnd St : g. v. rum- nt. He did 1 th. nt that none but entiled to vote, I a Constitution mi knew but what '* ; of such n proposition might subject him to the : 11 of being tainted with Know Noth ngisin ; hut whether this was one of the prin ciples ol the Anntricnu party or not, Im was deci dedly 111 favor of conliniiiq the privilege of voting lo citizens of the United Stales, native or natural iz'd. 111 llie l"rmm ai of all organized laws. Mr. Bedhead a !u led to the action ol the Senate on ltn .V'' i-l,i toll. They adopted mi miii'tul- meat similar to Iho. »hn-!i lira House stuck out. When the bill came back In tlm S ilate he again moved t" insert til at pro..-. in the lull. Ijiin^ the null/ inrt her n member who sand in mat from the Imiinnnig to thi mil. the 1 there who voted lor it at firm having vio'ded llicir Contfrcfcfiiuual. The Corruption Trials ot,,^ ~trd o/d'f (. W Afiiu.vt.r.'j.', I tb. 27—7’fu‘ Rouse m»uuin<{ the consideration of tlio resolution for the exfiuluioh of Mr. Gilhert. Mr. offered n substitute (lint tho Housp will forthwith proceed with the t iol, directing the (Sergeant at aims 'o summon Triplett mid Sweeney to appear before the bar of the Houso for examination, and that Mr. Gilhert ho heard In per son or by counsel. Mr. Stanton asked to have some parts of the manuscript of Mr. Simonlon's testimony not printed Mr. Orr objected, saying it was not testimony. could judge as id that the Ho Mr. Stanton to that The resolution of Mr. Purvianco 4 K2, 1 109. 4 rejected— Mr. (Jilliert then rose to Hpeak.and the gathered about him. Ho remarked that he ro<o with an unusual de gree of emotion, but be full in his own consicncc that ho was not condemned. Although he had been placed ti ns before this imscmbugo nnd his 7 U, it aim nd- j name spread broadens! over the land, he was con- iced of his own innocence. He stood hero void offence. viction in to allow the hill to pi*. Hence! Tho volume of evidence regarding himself, had he was it favor oi tlm pre*; nt propo-titimi. b< Cru*o j been comment'd on by others, mid in* would add he behoved the right if suffrage wa • citsivu , '"i weight L' what lui ! been -aid. He Btihmilted with the light o! ciiz nship. He did n t h el at m gentlemen, men f intHficctice nnd I iwyers, libeily,in defili ng the ri.-Lta of \ ..n tn go tur- whether on such e\ideece, they, sitting as 11 jhry, llier than tlir eau-tituiion .a !iis oivn Stale Ins gone, I woold enfnr'-e :r ju.l orient in a civil suit for $3f>. und (hut ba- cmfified the right of suffrage to eiti- j On that cudern'r ' l. .1 bei ii arrnigneil, nml char- tena of tho United States. I gen preferred again t him, which, if true, would Mr. Brown expressed his hearty concurrence in a, iix upon his name an enduring r-tigma. His po- the views expressed byjtlio Senator from Pennsylva- **ition in Iit> was wi 1! known, and lie challenged any Dissolution. ipXou. \m> *. co., < ' N. I. Mordand, Moses Cox. r pin-f n 1* . mss ....... n(iu !'r ™“'raT'canwnt,diiwiuS on the latil clny ot Oduhor. IBr.S. This is to irivo 11011, 0 llmtthonsmeoi ihohrm is io bo nsocl imfy in muidsilng tlio dchtB muds provious 10 tho daw of o.. Ain., fob. 17, 'S7 wlm tins noii^„, . V ilinlu, Russell dissolutionT ^HE Firm of GREENWOOD & GRIMES is A this day dissolved, by the death of the lntter, b'lsiitcps of tho firm will be closod by T. E. Gum nh'ooi). E. S. GREENWOOD, „ , T. E. GREENWOOD. • ‘juinbus, Ga., January I, 18. r >7 Warehouse and Commission business. THE undersigned have token the WarelioiiBC of K„-i.A li ^ and will continue tlio Liusuic..,; under the name »t fh ecu wood, Harda way it Co. E. S. GREENWOOD, R. A. HARDAWAY, ,, , P. H. ALSTON. __U'il'imbu.« L f; 1 i. 1 January 7, 1857 tw2t w2m DISSOLUTION! Mr. I)unglpa replied to Mr. Diggn'n remarks, muintalniiig that the nmeiidincnt was improper, mid showing In several instances, that persons b.ui been constituted citizens < f some of the Stales, who worn not cit zeiis ol the L’mleil Slates. Mr. Seward considered lire qij'involve,J as sellled long ag.i mid forever. Il Congress can per mit nil tlie people of U.diiuriiu und TexaH to come into the Union as organiz 'd States, it can say a class of persons within the United Stales, who arc not citizens, shall exercise tlto right of suffrage on this, which is n similar occasion, lie was in favor II km say aught against his personal or official coniluri. If any nwmhor of this body felt that he had been injured by association with Jiim, lot him rise und say so. He had answered to tho allega tion with perfect conlideiicoffhat his statement un derneath, would rreive some degree of credit. He referred to mutters eonneefr'l vviiJj bin enro to show that it Imd not been his -.ntenlion or desire to delay action by tl c committee, nnd ulludod to the confi dence icposed in him by Ins constituency. If ho hud been that corrupt mid obnoxious man lie. was rep- I resented to be, it was very likely that it would he 1 pra cal fill y by the roots and to hem il in on i This was tho position of tho Uuchn ick up elf lor. didst" in my di platform I have ily demanded i •d wherever local- of admitting aliens lo \ lhat//<£At m ir » v tutis ari lie believed that this ol to this country nre, us i und capable • I cxereu r tlie 0 be Hindi chitJit/ by aliens rge degree by them ; nnd 1 of emigrm ts who mine g the luiifliuiis of stlf- Court—linportniit Dcclsioiu. "ions were rendered Haturduy niglit interest nnd importance, two of which nv. Iii tbe third, the Irwinton Bridge ini was granted: i Building nnl Loan Association,and till's Mr. Dougins appealed to tlm t into long discussions, else they 1 mil lulls. having loaned or advanced money to one of tin ir meinhi't'S, and (alien mortgages 011 real estate, to secure Hie payment of the instalments mu) interest due on said loans, instituted proceedings to fore close said mortgages. The borrower filed the plea of usury, which was surtuinod by ttie Superior ('nurt, (Judge Allen presiding)—the Judge holding that the Acts nt (lie Legislature incorporating said Me . Mi urey mid Wilni j money : do not audio > tbeii lllei and Ily.I,ii' II.'. the net 1 t!. sprn- mnl M.s umemline Mr. ('lay entered his protest ag.. /l/o lriim dint th/' right of aulii »gu with die to submit mul : upport any de fined government; that would allow iniai is, women, and colored pci son-* to vote, mid (bis should tench the importation of having some limit HiuclieJ to the right of training organic laws, ile wn.s die first man in the Semite .0 denounce Know Noth- his nmi'iidiinnl. lie ting fir the Nebraska ‘ ndment man stricken ingisin. but would vo c.ontessoil that he err bill, after Mr. Clai/tr id Am du ll said issoeiatioHH, being, dial they iled ami made a body politic, under ( 1 i' I ■■ ' •*v Anderson m.d s/t. Bailey, eotinsi r iiilions. E. A. A I, A. Nisbel, lor sp. ,iivd tliu Iim) wlm I tin; special Wuuinl, uh the. In Ills s ; IX'liev s pen.' nml inlliet-d tl . 1 Bunk m Mr. Butler Haiti dint lie ion had voted for \,i J lay Loii’ii mnuudiiienl. but Im yielded from the nr i’u the bill. cut was then adopted--yen essitl/ nf the Mr. Uigcs’ amen, 27, nays 21, ns folio 1 Yi:am -Mchhis. Adxmh, B .vnril, Hull of 'lYnn Beniamin, Biggs, lirodliea ', Brown, Butler, C|«; s, f ish, 1 iizputrirk, Jundi, t m Ho J da; 1)1! (reateil gruauiug and /impiii < 11 wliiuli .showed dial liu had lie hurt, but Kumiuii collected all lor another mt .ek. At the im-.i ion, the gem dink presented .1 II sf 1 ilift die lion iinnicdiatel v tnd Iowa i ii \l* Without ea, ki csf'd the holy atom lions finished, returned Bagdad. Roiizntnn pure hast <1 n beautiful garde tlliM id Kali. luppit Tho pass Ilia ui and urd ' pci tag' meat I kind, sur'h as are worn a I worked diligently, and whe I took il to his house. He vest. Ho \ tur tho gar- j courn the moat eo.sll v M lu the- palace. I wli o it was linislied ! dark, wanted tn try it I again i, and had gut j l ,)vv ed n( Muc- j -The following ’ decidedly: rt <d Sal y An no, and bok, slowly bunking, will) Hie Hull tottered aliJ lei limbs quivering in llu- age heels, and ‘irutR-d "W* bavin;: ive iv-d the lea. uni, and ,]rUUi 1 side,'his '' h " |,|V imes ol death. Ti nit flourish ol his ppnrently without * Directors of tlief.tuiinm'r- iiuliviiltinl crnp.ieity of Ifni Bank slim ml.nits lilcil pleas of he expiration of the c! r-rule/l by Iim Stipe ding, (jiirl die Jury intill ihn iwnnint ol ■e rt b'rre'1 10, ,1, I n U jitoviili; lalulory Ii vlhlity which alumbl 1 o 1 hi 0 arti ... 1 Hi ,t id . tho common luwm'e, which m expiration of a charter, the irporatiou nre extinguished, is 11 Jones mul E. D. Tracy fur ! ' N. J.-: son, Reid, R'.sk, Slidell, Th. id Tiioiu’hon of KeVituefcy- Nayh Messrs. Allen, Bigler, Bright, CW Col- Intner, Dodge, Dougina, Darker, Fessenden, Fite Foster, I lab . Jones of Iowa, Anurse, J’ugli, St war iStuurt, Toombs, Toucey, Trumbull, Wade, Wvlb ,r- In .' : Hit. L Tlio next day. Mr. Halo moved a le-consideration , F« h. *B.'—'Tlili Chair announced Imd arrived for proceeding' Lo the bill to :»• llnnizw Hie 'JVrritory of Alter di hiile tho qum Me* rj’nr Firm f.r ftryr, STKWAIlT>£CO.,\t\U\» <Jny dls- 1 fwh. 'l Ly mutual cusont. All persons imlnhteU to, or naving claims against *nld firm, plensocalt and settle. NEW FIRM. I M. A f. .1. HUNT have Ihia /lay n , :lat«d with them In ft . I’!.*-I'p’"' lAAlL'g W'.UtL’. uinl'T rlu namo of HXJ3NTT, WA.nEt db Oo. We intend deal Ing to the fullest extent in STAPLE AND FANCY DRV GOODS, A il k*, Mantillas, Cloaks, Embroideries, I.acts, Ho sier its, Bonnets, Hats, Cans Boots, Shoes, Blankets, Kerseys, <\-c. ()-c. ifc. dive U" 1 .all ami examine our Stock of (loods. Bargain* are to Im* had. You sill find onr Store In •fanes’ Himil«ome New Iiullding, | M gUl u ‘-' •* ••"•nrple’a - hint. •MAIMS IV.tflK, T. .1. HUNT. Columbus, Jrnuary 6, WTJ dam 16—twli w3m know > he. beat kn Fa bad he lived nnd until the present, never had such a charge been Imd at Ilia door. Ho did not fear • ho result. Those him had said—sus tain your dignity—lot tho result ho us it nny, do minors follow you, then r friends will l lighter* had t knew his responsibility. hui He .villi i r up. If ho was alone J as free uh air, but he I This attempt to fix a wo» unprecedented. Ile nt. I. 1 The: the v rdt c unscathed Mr. Sweeney tin home since he to with men who In ing t" Ins v ! Llbo lie could be '-.u-t There me uds, hiv constituents and s trial he wool 1 Como out it history connected with t a secret. Ho lias been He bus been ursociuted d him as their tool, uccord- into a trial, s hue-been in had boon ace Mr. (idber: nlerl, l up a paper Mr. Mor reasons for sign bis Mr. lb . Commit!" The II. ion’s) tioucHl belief, and he thought ■taint'd. n high in authority, who dare not 4 tuck. If tho House Ind gmm 0 astonishing- devclopni-uts would ■ Ho was prepared, if tho trill lidicuto liimseif. the olork, which il that the niiniiiiltee had re- iii h/ iiriiig, had repoftod garbled ox- iy* "itli the view to coiiviol him. Ho »lying. Irom this uroi'lont he has ro- 1 a .1 iiiembor and notilied the Gov- \ ork of ilia fact. in*« iient took the Houso by surprise. .-.•Ha ot tho Investigating Committee ' Mr. Gilhi rt wero tabled—v.dih 13. r >. •nn Mr. Multes rn, 1 effect that 11, II I !, . u J( pled, filed bis 1 SEWING MACHINES Wheeler & Wilson’s Improved S3E3T7CrilNTGr MAOIIIKTES for Kamillcs, Manufncturers, nnd others. ’lUII.Si: Mnrtilnim ar*' aiiivnasfany use>t In ,rrrrj r,. un try 1 tl.n.iuheut ths world. In dmulietty of cn.tnMtkm and auaplitliiin toall km/iK/.fscirlug, tnoyareuo*urpa*«»d—case ol operation, uolsolsis mormnsnt, and tbv remarkable prr i. i ll.<n ot their stitching, nfoutptund them to ov-ry iM-mon as the "re-.tost l ilNiruving Srfachlns ofthe ago. It u. 11A YI iK.N, t hei r autborlxed agon t lor the *«lo of t hose ••n. :.*'. III-.: r*>ond In •Ion. S' Nnv Block- Up Btalrs, Colnmbni, Oa,, whore he a .11 exhibit thsao tlachtnea, and the variety of work ln«:i nation will ho^lvan to any onowho wlahu* to learn to -orUthom. Any Machines of tholr make will be adjusted 8Hk and all parts of tho Machine kept »h.'i.i; «Un of the Rel Hag, .Tones’ New iiit.-.! to operate the Machine*. It Watte. ■ iiott, achiiitts refer to ’sliank. i.llk Matell*. !».. I:. A. W...., •(“ho t. 'luytan. ,h Rv!*. Mr It. U. .-Ti.•« •. i. t:. Hurt. Naihantel Nuckolls, hr. Urqnlior'. • ,a “- -7 " U 11. C. H AYDKN. Afloat. $75 Howard! I WILL pay t'25 tor tho apprehension of n sinaJ l negro boy named WALTER, about 12 years old Vi ry bright mulatto, small features, gray eyes, hu; a down bxil. when spoken lo, when talking uses tin 'i ■ : ;i.ii ,m. I havi r< ..-"ii io believe that the bo> was aided or carried o| by some white person, and I will give nn oddiliona reward of §50 lor prool to convict any person ofth< o fie nee. The hoy will no doubt oudeuvor to pas; for n white boy. VAN MARCUS. Feb. 7 tw3t wtf up a letter I IE..!, r, to III. B gler, Bright, Gums Dm lino, Fftsoililoii. Hale, ll .rlao, Jam i\ourse, J’l uh, Sel'm Toucry, Tiuwhull, Yu|*»o—31. Nay Me, i l'r,it fo M. in n — We lind tin* followitijr rtMitark- A ".Stump” Anecdote. ablo p ii ii|rmpli in onu ol our Kuglisli papers, Tritnussco pup.T, wo bcliovo, is cttlpu- I iiinJur tli<• bond ol "Wontlurlul il Iruo —"A n tli': billowing • -A distinguished Old I .uiiall I’uris journal, culled Lcs Cnnl'-inpo- Wliip >1 M tiiphi ■. who icver joined ! mins, Inis just publisltutl a must strange ac- A111 rt in (• iil'T, but who canvHHsed j count, signed llcnri Hugo, ul an iL-rostatic u's c fur "Fillitiorn, Dunuistin and I lit! | uxcttrsiuti, wbioh tins urliclu dec I a res has in,” usi'd to Hccounl, on tlto stump, lor j sojvcd tlio long canvassutl problem ol dl- (’Iiition to the Ainoricun party, by Houston, Hunter, Iversui, J"ne Mason, Brail, Reid, Ru*k. Hlldall u Kei, ekv—21. The debate butlier eoiitimird, wboli was filially passud, Jil tho shape it come I House, by the HUihc voto as tlie above, oxc Messrs Bell, of Tcnnessei', Hint Fish did not tjo alien sulVruge in the Territora a wm as u settled p liry, by a union uf II)- Fri with a portion ol the Democracy. pi that iip'uld the “Widm N C*p pilIH W Church in Jiyod ; l»ut, becoming i Alice ole." Widi pillar" ol tlto Mclitodisl oiltH do I’l rd where wlm j Mr. Kale 10 qualilin ido the e cr, M. (fu n Ktiglish Buge, tlm writer. Tltouppar , M. Mige Hie when he veiled with pain. •Jtui cried, ’villuin ot a tailor,you have I .1 e in Ihe -.I • %e, ..ii t tl n i - ; I* arm- . take this, you dog!’ and lie boat me with u t tg (Hick, and when ver, my band wax gone. I could i • K” f »« I b’lt r wretch, l am tn implore tho gr • curse From me.’ "It is now my turn 80s are hard, just list the shoemaker. "This is tin 1 lost my foot: In Bngdad veil-*" Virdixh leather were prophet to take and though yn his I 'lay <U-pi r public wn be. Well, ml broke out ho Widow’s I vs ith tin lyol vv 181 I ui of which uvjer. Thfe and a riidde. h K),(>!V )l. tho s furni-Mjod by j K'htno is repre- Imlloo h united , able lo contain Thu di reeling commimieating Hide principal* [ "tly the right * is. Wchavrl. pil- nd when the •mho change the direclioi i.ivarui, iht! inventor* it is decla'rod, c in obtain tlm upward move ment >d the balloon without throwing out ballast, which system soon exhaust, the re sources of the very best ei.nstriicied balloon, , wh On- ! to i id Kali, | way in which i ny flippers ol t great repute. , lord and Uy.bc d will), "0, ,nir The klv, and p'i In r usual made t gre Hli| M .: d tin m to In ■ , ,J|I ‘ house. Ho put one on—it fitted perfectly ; he. lie tried on the o'lter, but it would not go on. be] Perceiving for the first time that he had but j 11 ’ one eye and one arm, and imagining that j thr< their loss had made him rather awkward, 1 told him to give his foot a stump ; he did so, und howled with pain. ‘Dog ot a cobbler !’ he cried, ‘you have left a nail in your slip per and without more ado he caught me up in his arm and threw me out of the window. Some passers by picked me up, and when I got well one foot went to the dogs ; had; and now. without a copper, I am hob bling over the desert to the tomb ot the great lawgiver, to beseech him to grant me lur idly fri V; by ■) ■ way t .Maybe she. . wusti t i righlt ekly llu Lk . Ion u oftho Ft prcparnij ol the and becomes an invincible obstacle mg and ; exciiraions In Ilia uir. Tlio loss < villi the j is instantaneously repaired by t i is usual on Hitch oe* i proceeding, ol which M. Migeo came to the Widow j possess tie* secret, ami by u Inti sh iking by tie-band, | ol coinmuiculiuti, ai-o iiiventud is it Sep pit . Ion't you varni. The dosconi la ofl cit I, widow withdrew iter by letting Hie g is escape. Tie sing up her rrtouin, of ’the mronuuts, on Ihe occasion urt manner—"7 niaL took place oil the lf>lh of Jauuar j the morning, from tliu park ot h * ~7T~~ . the Solonge ; and the next morn •onuiiu- I o,n ..Tutl travellers effected a s 1 withdn iuus w halebone, wlm-h, on being mens- | I, was found to be just three lect and •c inches long! Thu Indy /"f faff the ghty intruder, and dropping her pretty blushing‘face, walked hastily away with her companion, who lik • the other apeetatora of i tli" geen'o, was splitting her sides with laugh ter! Who'll dare attempt hoops alter this ! A fact !—.V. fj. Picayune. Gazette aiate* that Mr. ch Academy were employed ! well known Academy Die- r, the celebrated naturalist, , came into the room where they wore hold* ; it.g a .session. "Glad to see you, Monsieur i nvi'T," ."id one of lh« forty ; "vv- , Z^jitmini finish' d a deftntfion which we think quitq 1 ■■ ■ satisfactory, lull upon which we would like to have your opinion. We have been ilefin ing tlie word Crab, and have oxpJ within half a mile m AJgie says tlie uoc uinl, “the m tality. Thu inhabitants ' in tiiumph, but wo declit id. wen : apj* ■ ul Zuu hydro hitherto, | 11-pa rlu to arry us | or, nnd | sunder| Mur-" li-tier from n fiiathiguiahi’d ri.iuiliarn qmill" man lliora, who givers tin' strunga«i Ancdurjg"inaiit, tluit witfi iinylln'm.: fi(<»• proper rxprtirtns, Kansas will ci'it.iinly Im mint. They ai-p no friendr of tlto Mouth wlm do tlu ir hast to < hill the ardor of true iiM'ti, by 14loomy und imfoutidcd lor.Lo'liags offuil* lire Mini dioaitur. Tho fact slare.s us in (ho (aca, lluil money itlono is wanting to emmn- the cutuhlmh- mi nt of our institution* in that fair land, and il W" Ii;*" it, our own parsimony Will lie the humiliat ion cause. Tlmre are many men in tlie South, cf itinpio meat)*, who iiavc not a* yei,dono anything to wards the in rowphrhiw nt of this tnwncetiih'nlly unportunl ohjecl. Wo iinplurn nil such ti» uta the present and |ierlinps the last opportunity that will bo presented of aiding the patriotic work. They may rely mi thebe, t sort ol Southern emigrants t wanting where the means of transporta : furnish: d. No fit lit Spirit. i the keeping the table. Mr. II - "I till I, 1 1 Mr. Warn to tlio leatini that Mr. Mu fourth ot n t thousand ' carry thi D his appoint :: side influent Mr. O r in. lo ill" roHolution pre n-fuaiDjf to suliinit t»» l/io u*urpat on of It' c. As mil had been do mod to Mr. h "I no right to expect that nny larger pis!ieo would he accorded tu him. A i Him', vv ihoul warnjnt or authority, had iiK oiftl.ini wittloiil his Jcnowl- ■ ii that Im.I invoked tlie House to puiiish C" a •• extent it could indict. It was either the r* 'lit* of hi» conatituetitH nor aid he lutifii t sreuro or respected, thcrc- uned it to he Ins duly to forthwith re al ns a m-mbor of the Hon**', n il t New N <m!c moved to tablo the Mi i'■'■ 1 -aqri ed to the iniaion by 25 against esnri wai: lint prudent during the proceed- i. marked that the communicatioil uni Mr. Mntteaan being Krurriloua, ho adiug any other from that source, i desired to lay the whole subject oji ading n - Then I will object t, h paper, ax I underatand it. r having the llnor, proceeded to refer in Mr. Maiteson’s rase, raying cson admiUod lliut the giving of one* '""ry, und himing hnro a hundred cut i.h r i order leu hill thr 'Ugh, w is legitimate. <1 standard of Mr. Matteson, ho / who upheld such an opinion, I ip I" tlm lime of Runaway! FROM the aubscribcron the 2fith day of December last, in Taylor county, one black ' • ■ MULE, medium Bize, about H years • I l lo lor.', Ind a white mark from tho <• ! ir on c«ch side of his neck nnd a npot on bin ha k Irom - uidJi cnJd—these epotn are small nnd I*..ips in i v ii 'i ire close "Aaimiiation to diacovor tli in • ... in - his tail when you are putting tho Ba.hlle on him. \nv intorntotion respecting saiil Mule will bo thankfully received and runanmibly conipumiatod. Address mo at Uiithbort, tin. Feb. 11— twit wtf I). M. LF.SEUF.R. UNION MILLS FACTORY, TO BENT, IjEA.BE 011 BELL! a THIS Factory is situated in Heurd county, t jonrgiu, fU mites norm u Fruukfin, and 20 nine.: from the Allan! i \ I.’iGrnnge Railroad. Tlm Water Bovver is good as any in the Slate and t!i | luc in pirfectlv Imaltliy, with line Spring wa ter "id pun air. The place line oil it u Binoll Farm. • '•» i house and outbuildings, 9(iw and tl. 1 ViH and Factory. The Hands' houses nrn iih -;!v .1. rnyed ; hnlariee ol buildings generally go -I. TliiM * - 1 - bln i out ineumbent W lias ItUdiiiedS calling liu attention elsewhere. l or further purrieulars address tlm eubscribor, or call on hint at the plnco. A practical manufacturer, wishing to become a co partner, can buy nn interest, N. M. ROBINSON, Agent. Feb .1 w3m Union Millay Ga. By HARRISON & McGEIIEE, Auctr’s. DRY GOOD'S. FANCY ARTICLES, **o. die. AT AUCTION AND PRIVATE SALE. A ^ ' E beg leave to inform our friends and tho pub- ' in .iii \ ■ am no’-' receiving und will continuo !•■ 11vu, ti,i . i U'.iM tho:'tiHon, from New York: •■tli > ■ well «*•(•■ t"d lot of Dry Goods anu Fui.c» Aitcimaisungiu part ol l/n - • and Furnilura Bruits, Gingliatns, Muslim, Blind and Solid Lin -* v Ominberg SiripOs, Irish ■ •: prnctirnl manutucturcr, und Ledger tho {'tiardiuu&hiu I .shut Runtloii {ioigrui 1 to uongrutulato us, 1 ,.ini prosiod tU<! hun ! of (iuvumi v/iilt tlio I utmoHt wurmtli. Wo remained on (ho Afri- I run Hoil only Bti hours, anil loll at noon thu j day alter our arrival, tn ai^lit of an jnnnur Lancaster, who bus patrioti -tnrs, representing the thirty* ion. The idea is a gooil out originated in Laiieaslcr cuunl oil i I " Thi Rfnhi (m l,.man ha. got Hi* ■ni-l Dut-Ji tailo; <d ally Mitched it with ii" Slate* of the Ufi- and e iuld only have . where the Union is ' •* e-'iuaiiry, who " .' t> axing the whole tune.’ When Kali had finished all tbr.eq were | no c i aiin silent, and for full haJ/'on hour hi?Jd dow n i their heads. At last, siniultannousl v, they all burst out with "Oh ! where can llirec such who was said to hare been re-elected by i majority of three votes at the election last week, ! has handed Mr. Hosea his certificate of election I wuh a letter to tho Speaker admitting that Mr. 1 legally elected, ai.d that lie (Slough) shall thus; C rub, a bin all red fish, which walks backwards.” "Fnr/cct, gentlemen,” suid (’uvi-T • "only I will make one small obsor- j uiultiludi) who had assembled to vation in natural history : 1 he crab is not a | C(;|1( , , roiI1 t ho Mol*'. Our return was effect- a. t. _n iq not red—and itdons not walk back- | ,„j wiihuut the elightubl incident, but with I niich greater rapidity. At half past four the next morning wc alighted at the Hpot from which we started, in the park of Count de Bleuvier.” luhr r alrfo Mr. slue' >, I i it f ipe-'di in d'-fenco of the conduct m" i ■ U .'nm’ltee ; id: ling that they wore govern'd hv hiirm *h in olicitimj testimony. Mr. Bennett -I N.i.v York Inov,,! \« tl„, res- ■dulion. I."*1 l>> ya ug iiiis' lu<S. 1 lie tii«l rcKuiution .u;aiiibt Mr. Mullespu was read und udoptci! - y. a* Lid, nays 17. The acaond j rcsofuti'Mi w.i* t’ ■ ,i i Jopti’d, ud the third (expnti- | ing hinO was laid . n the inld.i Tlu. Mr. WWcIi wrn. till!,I | taken up. and, alter somediseuesion ns to Hm cred ibility of the witnoHsi'K against him See,, Mr. Smith of Vug.nin utjrrcd <1 m following an u tulwtilulo for th" Committed’* resolutions: “KchoI'.' d, That them ha* boon no sufficient ev idence flirted by the Committee who wertf charged ; with and hive reported ill the case of Mr. Welch, 1 "i»d that no further proceeding* should bo had iiguinst him." This iesi'luliug v.i i adopted ly a jIc of 119 j W A silt notos , I'cl). 28.—Till) House to-day laid j on the table the bill reported by the corttiption in- Vtttigatin:' ' iimiUi ', and r. losed to ac-cj t tti" | •Semite'* utiiciidrueiits to the tariff bill, but azlted ;»>g n ooium.Uet of emit, rorirn - I l".lli H'.u„ h . The ‘ resolukioii in the ■■ .i■ c ol Edwards w .b tuhlcd, nnd Sirnoutou mid Triplett were expelled. In the s, tlm il.Te i»ucy appropriation billa were passed. A icsolution culling on tho l'rcsidont for ciirrc.ipondcnre in regard to Kansas alfm.•■, and ! various IJousc bills wore passed, including tho ono ! making Augii ta, Ga., a port,of i!c!i.j ry. Ma .'"■•! i 'Bnbio Caver.', 1-'cutii ky Juana ; n largo Im "I hi* ".chedland ttnt*h-.i. li«-.f Domestic, ; Colton and Silk Handkerchiefs, Cotton lloaeand halt Hoae (plain and fancy,) Flammls. &-c Bins, .Spool and Linou Thread, Noodles, Bin*, Ra ze • Bockei Cutlery, Fancy Boxes, Fino and Com- mott Donldr+hurrelled (lime, Lend Pencil*, .Suspen* dir -, Steel IViis, Memorandum Books, Port Folios, and a go at Uiuiiy artich t: o tediout ie mention. Cmuilry Merrhali' *. l'vrnn i* mid dll Xvho wish bar'iiMi* wifi find i* greatly to thoirinterest togivn us a mill, as our Gooas were bought to sell nnd wu intend 'ii hpI| them. tj'r IMea 1 take notice that our MCIHT Sales for tho si’AMin will commence on Wednesday night next, 12th i/ist., and will coitiiuuo through the win* VT Every articlo offered at Auction warranted us r* piesi'iiied, or no sale. ITT Call nt I5(»nml l«l. West sido Broad St. Columbus, Nov. fl, ’56 tww tl »©«so imii^ NO. 76 EAST SIDE OE BROAD STREET, Where can ulways be found a large selection ol rd s! options, your dufini- , i the s The Memphis and Charleston railroad i to he Qpiabed by the 1st of April. ffcjp A Western poet witnessed a jitjgilis- tin giicounier, which he thus immortalized : And Isaac he pitched into hymn, And hymn pitched into ho ; Yo wuyc th* v liyetto it was a sin ' A nd"horryuel to see! A* da»hing and fushionablc widow nays, s-ho thinks ol suing some gentleman lor u breed) of prym : - world may k lion. With tli" Union stitched the 1). jc policy, and wi'li the right kind of buckram the cabiuoi l > stiffen it, it will wear out ns term—a credit to the unUHfi.w tur. r, u satisfaction to the wearer, nml tho admiration ol tho people." Entoaxor ok (JnitKEtt is thk Mknath A drs- patch from Wavt^ington, dated tho tdUtli uh., says: "Mr. Humucr appear* .I in his sent nt 2 p. m. Ho was warmly welcomed by his friends, but was not accosted Ujr a single Southern Senator. Mr. But ler gazed at him und wiped his eyes, evidently ul til" thought of Mr. Brook- " tTF The Charleston Mercury, to prove the alien- ion of the muthum un.d southern sections of the uion from each other, says : A member of Cougrcsa from tho South, beloved ...r his pc; ’ .j bile*, hoii'.-i J for his tnleius, ru " ! distinguiU. '! by the c. "fi.!"i" «• of hiii coiiMituents and hi* St it-. ;,«-«i . ' l.-nly in Wakhingtou. His death was min meed, and hisimnU'' <mui»utfldup« loqucntiy, by several meinbnrsof both Houses. • rom the best Manula*;torics in tho United States, ALL STY1.CS ANU TRICXS. -A LSO:- Meloileans. CuUars, Vlullncelloa, Violins, Itau>. jo'4, Tamborlnes. Klutes, Kiutlnna, Accor- dcouti, Mihlr Duxes, ClarioneUs, Klagei-lclts and Fifes. Al.-n.nll kiudn < ' BR INSTRUMENTS for RAND: . i v'i" ' ■ B- nnd Tlnor Drums. STRINGS 'll all kinds, and tho largest nssori- ol : IIEFT MUSIC Gr nil tliu atniV" named In- ■trumouts, timi can found Sou.hoi Philadelphia. irT Sc'oinl liai.'i Bmo js tak« a in exchange whon ui ••• • •■• bon .1.:, und tlie liighf .'t pricos illovv - c 1 for old ones. . ; . ini i.airtl Pianos hr Su!g or Rent. . - iMaitos, organ* Me! :«ana. ..nd all other M .il lnrtriimc" - r , .• .1 in tho beat manner.' nud warranted to give cn- Only a rinitle man from the North, and hu tho cho sen candidate of the 1'rcci.oilerH for tho Speakership in the House of Representative*!:, uttered a word on tho occasion, und that wind cold an the Northern ice. Such ir tlio alliinc* between tho Southern nml Northern Democracy. Such is the foundation of the trust which some among us repose in the lio .satisfaction. All orders loft tended to. t our ctore will ha promptly at- T. 11. VAN DEN BERG, it of tho Mammoth Fiddle. 055 1 ww tf Seed Oats. ^ UQQ BUSHELS of fme Seed Oats, for sah Dec 23 SHEPHERD & MOSS. Corn, Corn t I / \ fUffl BUSHELS of Corn, for sale by I y M IKIKJ SHEPHERD &. MOST, |)r" *'t xvlf liefi.i’H ntrl w'nnfl