The gazette. (Elberton, Ga.) 1872-1881, June 09, 1875, Image 2
THE GAZETTE. „... t —i Wednesday, June and, 1875- We reptVb’ish, in a more intelligible form, our murdered article of last ■week v/hieu we had no opportunity of revising on account of absence. An Important Work. ‘We congratulate the people of Elbert, Hart and Franklin counties upon the completion of the grading on the Fiber ton Air Lino Railroad. To Elbert the brunt of the heaviest portion of the ■work has fallen. Even at this stage of the work Elbert has cause to be proud of the great feat her people has accom plished. They ha've stood up to the •project.manfully, denying themselves of comforts in order that success should crown their labor. W e must not forget the patriotic citi zens of Hart, who, next to those of El bert, have striven to bring about that success of which we write. Being mostly confined to one comer of the county, the honors due are no less great because •divided among a small number. And of the smaller number in Franklin county .the same rema’ k applies. To the thi'ee counties the greatest credit is due for manfully fighting the great battle of progress. Their work will not have been in vain. When the iron horse shoots through the woods and fields, and its snort and puff shall re-echo over hill and plain, there will arise in each soldier of the gallant little •army a throb of pride that he has contri buted to this glorious result. -Nor is it. for the matter of cheap freight or quick transit that the country is to be so much congratulated, as the great stride that shall have been made in civilisation. This will be the great end accomplished, and is not to be compared to dollars and cents. But wealth, too, will follow. Already, we are safe in sayings no less than a half million dollars is waiting to be brought to E.berton alone when the road is put in operation. The many advantages tlat will be gained by the people adja cent to the road along the entire line are hardly to be enumerated. Let us hope that the time is near at hand when the reward of patient toil, laudable energy, and self denial which has already accomplished so much, shall . be vouchsafed to the heroic few. The last sensation is the nomination of Vice President Wilson for President by the Chicago Temperance Convention, j Mr. T. C. Carlton, of Elbert, has been elected best Senior Debater of the State ■University; Mr. W. M. Henry, of Walk er county, has been elected Junior Med alist, and Mr. W. T. Atkinson, of La- Grange, Sophomore Medalist. The Atlanta Commonwealth says that Governor Smith has negotiated a loan of . two hundred and fifty thousand dollars with The Fourth Nationai'Pnnfe of New York, in the accordance with the act of the last Legislature. The loan is a tem porary one, and made on favorable terms. In Finance cheap wood is now made to perfectly imitate mahogany. The sur face is treated with nitrous acid. Then a mixture of an ounce and a half drag on’s blood, a pint of alcohol, and some carbonate of soda is put on with a soft brush. Furniture thus prepared cannot be distinguished from genuine mahog any. An old-fashioned clergyman named More was riding on horseback one stor my day, enveloped in a loose cloak of large proportions, and having a broad scarlet collar. By the action of the ' wind the cloak was tossing about in all directions, when a gentleman rode up on a spirited horse,, which shied and al most threw the rider. “That cloak of yours would frighten the devil,” said the gentleman. “You don’t say so!” said Mr. More; “why that’s just my trade.” £> The following named gentlemen were appointed the board of visitors to the university of the state, at Athens: W. J. Northern, Sparta, Colonel Mark W. Johnson, Atlanta, W. L. Kilpatrick, Richmond factory, J. Y. Wood, LaFa yette, G. M. Dews, Columbus, A. H. Fleweilen, Cuthbert, J. M. Richardson, Carrollton, J. W. Glenn, Jefferson, H. H. Jones, Macon, W. H. Baker, Savan nah. The examination of the senior class will take place the 9th day of July. “Simple, cheap and sure,’ is the ver dict of one who has tried the following , remedy for a sore throat. The necessa ry drugs are, an ounco of camphorated oil and five cents’ worth chlorate of pot ash. Whenever any soreness appears in the throat, put the potash in half a turn tier of water, and with it gargle the throat well, then rub the neck thorough ly with the camphorated oil at night be fore going to bed, and also pin around the throat a small strip of woolen flan nel. A JEWESS BURIED ALIYE. A shocking case of premature inter ment is reported to have taken place in the burial ground of the Jewish commu nity of Brady, in Gailiaia. The Jews, as is well known, are prohibited from keep ing corpses in their houses more than one day, and in accordance with this prohi bition deceased Israelites are generally buried about twenty-four hours after death. A Jewish lady, the wife of a wealthy merchant residing in Brady, had long been a sufferer, and was inter -red the day following her demise. After the week of mourning prescribed by.the Jewish law had passed over, the bereaved husband was animated by the singular desire of opening his wife’s gra fe, that he might gaze upon her once more. The Jewish Rabbi granted him permis sion, and the widower was horrified to find, when the c*flin was opened, the shroud in which the corpse was attired completely covered with blood. There were all the signs of a premature inter ment and a fearful struggle for life. §fj m |Mrn*ti£cmenti AI'ORTIMI lit IT. Every family buys it, Sold by Agents. Address, G. S. WALKER, Erie, Pa. DAILY TO AGENTS. 85 new articles and tire best Family Pape. - in America, with two So.oo Chromos, free. AM M’FG CO., 300 Broadway."K Y. miP S^pfe St° agents. Ladies' Combination | k fe-f lEeedle Doo£, with Chronics. Send stamp , , 1(11 F. P Gluck, New Bedford, Mass. ACENTS WANTEOitSafffif ble ever published. Send for extra terms to Agts. NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Philad’a, Pa, I'ACENTS WANTED^ Men or women. $34 a week. Proof for. H rushed. Business pleasant and honor- HiM, NJ/able with no risks. Al 6 pagecircular iaa, tfagi,* / an tl Valuable Samples free. Do not igU delay, but writ* at onco on postal .REED, BTH BT., NEW YOBEL STOUK SPECULATIONS. Conducted by us in every form, on Commission only. Puts and Calls, on best houses and lovv sst rates. Cost SIOO to S2OO, and often jay .#ijJ)()X* l'rolil. Pamphlet, explaining how Wall St. speculations are conducted, sent free. Send for a copy. TUMBRIDGE & GO., Banktrsi and Brokers a Wail Street, IS. Y. 1,000 Agents Teacher, Students, men& women wauted toaeli Centennial Gazetteer of tile IJ.S. Shows grand results of 1 tyQ years' pro gress. A whole library — BoslonGlobc, Not a lux ury, but a necessity— Inter-ocean. Best Sslliny Book Gen.Agts. in every city of 10,000. Address J. C. McCurdy & Cos , Philadelphia, Pa. No. lO ot the “100 CBioice Selections’’ is ready. Price 30 cts. The “Series” now contains One Thousand of the latest and best things for Declamations, Humorous Recitations, Family Readings,e(c Capital for Grauges, Temperance So. cigties and Lyceums. Also,“Excelsior Dialogues’’ and “Model Dialogues.” Circulars free. Get of your bookseller, or send price to P. Garret k Cos., 708 Chestnut st., Phrl’a, Pa. We make the celebrated Fean Letter Book for copying letters without press or water Agents wanted'. For COUGHS, COLD, HOARSENESS AND .ALL THROAT DISEASES, WELLS 5 CARBOLIC TABLETS* Put up only in BLUE BOXES. A TRIES) ATI) SURE Ri.DIEDY. For sale by Druggtsts generally, and' JOHNSTON HOLLOWAY k CO , Philad’a, Pa. FREE ! FREE I!. FREE !! t THE PIONEER A handsome illustrated newspaper,[containing information for everybody. Tells how and where to secure a home cheap. Sent free to all parts of the world. It contains the new Homestead and Timber Laws , with other interesting matter found only in this paper. SEND FOE IT AT ONCE, Tt will only cost you a Postal Card. New number for April just out. Address, 0. F. DAVIS, Land Commissioner U. I’. 11. R, Omaha, Neb, Wherever It Has Been Tried, JURUBBA has established itself as a perfect regulator and sure remedy for disorders ot the system arising from improper action or the Liver and Bowels. IT IS NOT A PHYSIC, hu-t, by stimulating the secretive organs, gently and gradually re moves all impurities, and regulates the- entire system. IT IS NOT A DOCTORED MEDICINE, but a VEGfiTABIiE TONIC which assists digestion, and thus stimulates the appetite for food necessary to invigorate the weakened or inactive organs, and gives strength to all the vital forces. IT CARRIES ITS OWN RECOMMENDATION as the large and rapidly increasing sales testify. Priee $1 a bottle. Ask your druggist for it. Johnston Holloway & Cos Pliida., Pa. Wholesale Agents. AMERICAN WASH BLUE, FOR LAUNDRY AND HOUSEHOLD USE. Manufactured at the American Ultramarine Works, Newark, IL J. Our Wash Blue is the best in the world. It does not streak, contains nothing injurious to health or fabric, and is used by all targe laun dries cn accouut of its pleasing effect and cheap ness Superior for whitewashing. Put up in packages convenient for family use Price 10 cts For sale toy grocers everywhere Always ask for the American Wash Blue, if you want the cheapest and best AMERICAN ULTRAMARINE WORKS, Office 12 William Street, New York. E. H. BENSOY & CO., Successors to J. B. BENSON * SON. DEALERS IN EVERYTHING EXCEPT Liquors, Playing Cards and Tombstones. HARIRIS 'LL, HA. Keep constantly on hand a large and well as sorted stock ot GENERL MERCHANDISE Having experience, capital and credit, DO buy and WILL sell as cheap as aDj retail house in Georgia. [my26,4t J. S. HARNETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ELBERTON, GA. CIRCULAR SAW-MILD! ISAAC D. GLOBR Respectfully gives notice that his Saw-mill is now in perfect order, and he is prepared to execute all orders entrusted to him with fidelity to his customers interests. The patronage, .of tho public is cordially so licited. Save Money! .. i —: DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, HATS, GROCE CEHIES, HARDWARE, ETC. MES§RS. J. 11. JOAES & CO. have now on hand a choice and well selected stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, HATS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, &e., which they are offering k to the citizens of Elbert and the adjacent counties at BOTTOM PRICES They take pleasure in soliciting a call from those who w ish —THE MOST/GOODS FOR THE -LEAST MONEY!- Remember tlmt the times are bard and mo ney scarce, and a dollar saved is a dollar made. jggyGIVE US A CALL, as.we aie confident of giving ENTIRE SATISFACTION both in QUALITY, PRICE, and STYLE OF GOODS. J. H. JONES. TJttOS. A. JONES. It. H. HEARD. mi YOUR H3MBER A.T HOME. HEARD & CAMPBELL F) ESPE ..TFULLY announce their new SAW V MILD in thorough working order, and il licit the patronage of the public with- full con fidence of their ability to give satisfaction. The mill is located in easy distance of Elberton and to all in its vicinity who and sire lumber a great saving in hauling can be made. Every effort will be made to accommodate the patron3 of the mill. <T_ O. HIIIjIj, PRACTICAL STONEMASON Offers his services to the people of Elbert with a full guaranty of satisfaction. Wiii give prompt attention to all work entrusted'to him. All orders addressed to him at Elbertou will be attended to. Cutting, Quarrying and Blasting, above or un der the ground. * McCARTY & SHANNON general INSURANCE AIG-ENTS, - -EHLIS'EIItTON* - Express Line TO WASHINGTON. Running a regular mail from Elbertou to Wash ington, leave here Friday, and return Sat urday. * am prep ned to carry passen gers :pr 3 packages either w ■ modating terms 11. 11. CDMIiIVDS. SUtmitn jgusmw&s totk WITH THE CHIVALRY; LOAFING THROUGH THE- LAND OF THE HOTSPURS. BY “JOHN. JR.” A series of papers, under the above head, will be published' in the Atlanta llbrald, the first to appear in a very few days. In these papers will be recounted the detail's of the most famous duels that have taken place in the South since the day when Achille Murat and his colony of mad Frenchmen settled on the Fkrida coast. The writer has at hand an abun dance of material from which to select “affairs” of unusual interest, and he feels justified in prom ising that he has opened a vein unu.uaily rich in humor and adventure. Th? proprietors of the Herald risk nothing in assuring the public that the letters will be racily and deeoro; sly written-. As the first o-f these letters will be published in a day or two. parties who desire to subscribe on their behalf for the Herald, will do well to send in their names at once. Address. ALSTON & CO. J. K. SWIFT, WITH M. C. & J. F. KISER & CO., JOBBERS OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, &c. COR. PRYOR & WAL:. STS., Opp. Kimball House, ATLANTA, GA. PAPER MILLS. JAMES ORMOND, Proprietor. For Specimen of NEWSPAPER, see this issue of this paper. ' BXJS KSS For the’ development of business Talents and character, and the preparation of young and middle aged men for the counting room and business pursuits, the best facilities are offered at MOORE’S Southern Business University ATLANTA, GEORGIA. LARGEST AND BEST PRACTICE., BUSINESS SCHOOL IN THE SOUTH. Students received at any time. Send for catalogue. B. F. MOORE, A. M., seplfiy President. fU:ttf®iIPRLY PETER KEENAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN ! Boots and Shoes ! EXCLCJSIVELir. Purchasers of Boots and Shoes, whether merchants or individuals, desiring one or a tbonsaf.d pairs are invited to call and examine my SPKHMw STOCK now beingopened for inspection. Gentlemen’s Hand-sewed SHOES, BOOTS and CONGRESS GAITERS, at fully 33 per cent, low er than the same work when made to order in this place—fit, style and workmanship equal in ev en particular. Cadies are Invited to call and examine my stock of SHOES and SLIP PERS ot every style and price, with sizes from the smallest, infant to the largest numbers. q\£ PRItE and strictly fair dealing is the rule of the house. Orders faithfully filled, and if desired, sent C. O. D., on condition the person ordering can look at the goods before pay ing for them, they paying freight if returned. FAEMEKS’ BEQGANS, aud a large lof ot stout Boots for heavy wear always on baud. PETEIt KEENAN, ftp ß-.f CENTRAL URIEL BLOCK. AVGUSTA, GA. AGUEINE. agueine. agueine. , ®g|y AGUEINE |Hj| Is ft sure and harmless remedy for CHILLS AND W - MITTENT FEVER,’bILLIOUS FEVER, and oll’dis ViT W eases having a malarious origin. It contains no m /vIAGItFIHn v Quinine , Calomel Arsenic, or other hurtful drug. While performing a cure, almost literally in ninety |Ll Lsrfo- W* nine cases in every hundred, Agneine will not in jure the most delicate person, either infant or adult. —comfort which usutrify comes of taking medicine. SV lently, but surely, it attacks iind'destroys the mahv- poison which has been absorbed by the system, restoring the sufferer from this most enervating of diseases to h alth and strength again. Unlike Quinine it produces no injurious after effects. The proprietors GUASANTEE . mstruc nm a s enU 10 REFUND THE MONEY in every case of failure. There is absolutely NO RISK in giving this re edy a trial , as your mo ney will be returned if you are not cured. Why purchase unreliable remedies when AGUEINE is warranted to cure. RHEUMATISM and NEURALGIA, when the suffering is periodical, are usual'y caused by malarial poison in the system, and can%e cured by persistent use of AGUEINE. A box should always be kept in the house in readiness for the first symptoms of Chills, as then the disease can be broken up at, once. If A'GUEINE be taken occasionally during the sickly sea son, in attack of the Ague rnnv olten be avoided altogether. AGUEINE is sold by 11. C* EIDHADK, Elberton, Ga. E. 11. BEXSOA iv CO., Hartwell Ga. E. A. IAKOV, Heard mont, Ga and dealers generally. Don’t fill to give it a trial. Prepared by Richardson & Cos., Brooklyn, N. Y. A(RKI.\SIu AftUEIXH. AGITINE. HENRY FRANKLIN, WHOLESALE SEBGER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 2 Warren Block, AUGUSTA, GA. DIAMOND COTTON CHOFPER, CUItTIVATOE. PLANTER, CORN PLANTER. THE greatest nccommenda- \\ tRVu'vJ l-J A-r —* .yyU,. <- v— --" • .tjptar-trrr*.. - er is that it has stood the test” rVA . ... of actual use. Those wl o pur- ‘ / chased last season say it is the : - 1 ♦. •best. Planter they ever saw. Ilia 4 .sold with a fuIIGUARANTEE TO GIVE SATISFACTION, wtlicll means that if it fails to give sat isiaction i. may be returned and the money refunded. See cir- MS eular It is durable and strong, '-Ohßj simple, easily operated, sows the seed either with cr without guano" by itself when desired with precision and certainty- Th® Diamond g~‘S~X r S' ffV'inre'ygN 'T3 . THE CULTIVATOR ATTACHMENT is likewise COTTON sguaranteed. THE CORN PLANTER and PLANTER TMPROVED&WARRftNTED V eeda and-uiak. S.W. is tlie best in use, and is likewise guaran slrTicNßANTi:tL j-a! eteed. The CHOPPER has been greatly improved and J^cuafSlS;£ is the K<™ tost labor favcr of thc 19th tenU, ry. It is \ V Vim )i iTjMlti/Tw ®wnd. sss. conn a practical success. It chops, weeds, scrapes and dirts I\ gjboth sides-at cnce. It took the GOLD MEDAL at the jrfer, warrinted. want- < j corgi a State Fair. It is sold with'the guarantee IttumelSiEfcCnsa*'cheap * r *ied circular win,war- O o give satisfaction, SendforCircular to Diamond Lot d. e. C i,c. C..,F„,TMv. l w“iicf; r ton Cho PP cr & Cultivator Cos , Fayetteville, N. C. J. T. McCARTY, Agent EI.BERTuN FEMALE COLLEGIATySSTITUIE ritHE exercises of this institute will be resum- JL ed on Monday, January 25, 1874. RATES OF TUITION. 1 st term G mouths. Primary Department -....516 00 2d class, embracing Geography, Arithme tic, English Grammar 22 00 3d class. Languages, Mathematics or Higher English Branches 31 00 One-half payable in A dvaace These rates apply only for the full term. Pupils entering for shorter periods will be charged 25 per cent higher No deduction made for absence except for providential causes Mss Laura Loftox will assist in the educa tional department. Mrs. Hester will continue in charge of the music. Board in the best families can be obtained at $12,50 per month. H. P. SIMS, Principal- high school ELBERTON, GA- P. E DAVANT, A M„ - - Fiincipal. The next term will commence January 25, 1875. BATES 0E TUITION. Ist clais per term of 6 months ~§l6 00 2d “ “ “ “ *..22 00 3d “ “ “ “ 31 0o One-half payable in Advance. These rates apply only for the full term. Pu pils entering for shorter periods will be charged 25 per cent, higher. No aeduction made for absence except for providential causes Board in good families at 12.50 per month. P E. DAVANT, AJM., Principal J. F. STEWART, FAINTER & GLAZIER ELBERT ON, GA. WILL GIVE PERSONAL ATTENTION TO any work in his line. Satisfaction guar ntced Rates reasonable. feb.l 6m Globe Hotel H. C. EDMUNDS, Proprietoi Now open for the accommodation *f the public on reasonable terms. EMPLOYMENT yen - ' Yomrn and ’ agents, we have just what you meed. Our 9xll mounted Cro: mps outsell anything ru the market Mr. Per sons writes: I struck out j-estcriay, and by working easy four licurs, cleared $7.” A*lady lias just reported her profits for the forenoon as $5; yesterday ud to 2 o’clock she cleared $7.50. We can piove beyond question that one agent ordered- 5,000 of these cromos in 11 working days. We have the largest and finest assortment in the United States; hundreds or choice subjects from which to select We will send you an assorted 10-0- or the best selling free of charge on receipt of $6.50. Send in your orders or give us a call. Samples by mail 25 cts., or 12 for sl. BOSTON FRAME AND OHROMO CG. 291 Washington st.’ Boston, rSfa3S, P. O, 80x2562 Ex & H. T. ANT HON y & COT, 591 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Opp. Metropolitan Hotel, Manufacturer*. Importers an and dealers in emoMoi & miass STEROSOOPES & VIEWS. ALBUMS, GBAPHQSCOPES, AND SUITABLE VIEWS. PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS. MAGIC LANIERNS AND PHOTO-LANTERN SLIDES A SPECIALTY, The Freshest-and Rest Assortment of Lantein Slides in thc World Cutout this advertisement for future reference mch 17,6 t $25 Reward. WILL be paid for tho apprehension and de livery of a negro boy known as William Howard.or Bush. Said boy U about 18 or 20 years of age, copper colored, chunky built, weighs about 135 or 140 lbs. His thumb on his right hand is off at the first joint. He left the upper part of Oglethorpe county last January on account of a felony committed. Address JAMES M. SMITH, Care of Center & Reaves, Athens, Georgia. SHERIIT^MLiE^ WIILL be sold at public outcry, before the courthouse door in Elberton, Elbert county, Ga., on the Ist Tuesday in July, next, one sewing machine. Levied on as the propetty of F W Hammond to satisfy a fita from Elbert Su perior Courtjin favor of the Wheeler & Wilson Manufacturing Company vs F VV Hammond: Also at same time and f lace, 300 acres land joining lands if A W Vaughn, John Phelps and others, on the waters of Deep’creek. Levied on as the property of John S Scales to satisfy a fifa from Elbert Superior Court in favor of F Gaino3 Jr and John G Deadwyler, adm'rs of Geo Gaines dec’d, vs Joel Bond and Simeon LPledger,}irin<- ctpal, John II Jones, executor of Win M Mcln tosh. dec’d, security, John S Scales, endorser. Also, at the same time and place, one tract of land containing 130 acre* more or less, in Centreville District, in Elbert county, where on James M Tc-asley now lives, adjoining of the estate of Thos J. Maxwell, estate of Joel' Maxwell and others. Sold to satisfy a fifa trotm Elbert Superior Court in favor of Samuel D. Stalnaker vs John A. Oliver, for the benefit oh S N Carpenter, transferee. W. H. H. ADAMB, Sheriff. Cfiatiou- Tor Letter*. Distuinieß. Georgia, Elbert County. Whereas, Dixon H. Warren, administrator of Elizabeth W. Waren, represents to the court in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that she has fully administered Eli*. W.Warren’a estate, this is therefore to cite all persons con cerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause* if any they can, why said administrator ahoald not be discharged from his admiaistration and reseive letters of dismission on the fiist Mon day in Julv, 1875. March 20,*1874'. JAB A. ANDRHW, Ordinary UMalioH for Letter* DlsmiMiien- Georgia, Elbert County. Whereas,-Wm. T. Norman, administrator ef Tolison Nojman, represents to the court, in kia petitition duly filed and entered on record that he iiasnilly administered Tolison Norman’* es tate, this is therefore to cite all persons concern; ed, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from his administration and receive letters of dismission, on the first Monday in ;ja ly, 1875- J 4S. A. ANDREW, Ordinary. C'itat>oi for LettersMtf IMgmisiilon STATE of Georgia, Eibert County.—Whereas Rich, rd W. Snellings,. administrator of Abner T. Turman, represents to the Court in.hie. petition duly Lied and entered on record that he has fully administered Abner T. Turman’s es tate: This is therefore to cite all persens con csrned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from his administration and re ceive letters of dismission on4he first Monday in August, 1875. JAS. A. ANDREWS, Ordinary. Citation. p EORGIA, Elbert County: To all whom ltmay AJ) concern—Wm. H. H. Adams having filed his petition in proper form to me, praying for letter* of administration de bonis non, with the will annexed, on the estate of Nicholas M, Ad ams, this is to cite all creditors, legfttees, next of kin and any others interested, to be and ap pear at the next July term of the Court of Or dinary of said county, and show cause, if any they can, why letters of administration, with will annexed, should not be granted to said Wm. II H. Adams Witness my hand and official signature, Juno 8, 1875. JAS. A ANDREW, Ordinary CITATION*. Georgia, Elbert County: S. It. Baily having np].J?cd to be appoffttriT guardian of the person and property of Samuel F, Baily, a rUnor under fourteen .years of age, resident of said county, this is to eito all persons concerned to be and appear nb -the term of the court of Ordinary to be hld ! next after the expiration of four weeks from the first-publication of this notice, and show cause, ,ifi they can, why said S. R. Baily should not be entrusted with the guardianship of the persom and property of Samuel F. Baily, Witness my official signature, June 1, 1875. JAS. A. ANDREW, Ordinary Elberl County. SAMANTHK BOWEN, col’d, j Libel for Divorce vg j In Elbert Su perior Coert, JAMES BOWEN, col’d. | to March term, J 1875. The plaintiff residing in said county, and. it Appearing flora the return of the Sheriff in, the above stated, caso that ths defendant, the said. James Bowen, col’d, is not to be found in the county, and it further appearing that said James Bowen is not a xesident of this Stale. It is ordered that service of tho above libel be perfected upon sa : d James Bowen by adver tisement of this notice in Ths Gazkttb, a news paper published at Elbcrton, Georgia, once a month for four months. JOHN P. SHANNON, A’.t'y for Libellant. Georgia , Elbert County: I certify that the above is a true copy of the order from the minutes of March term, 1875, of Elbert Superior Court- Given under my hand and official signature this April 19, 1875. THOS. CHANDLER, Clerk Citation for Lettcrsof Dismlnlon State of Georgia Klbeit county: William EL. Mattox, Guardian of Elizabetli Jones, baring applied to the court of Ordinary of said county for a discharge from his gu rdianship of Eliza beth Jones, this is therefore to cito all persons concerned to show cause, by filing objections in myuffice why the said William H. Mattox should not be dismissed from his guardianship of Elizabeth Jones, and recsiv. the usual letters of disi lission. Given under my official signature May 4th, 1875- JAMKS A. ANDREWS, Ordinary of Elbert county. BETAKE WARNING. Statistics show that six-tenths (more than one-half) oi the human family, who die annu ally, fall victims to diseases of the Lungs and Throat- Therefore, take warning in time ; stop that insidious Cough before it is too late. Globe Flower Syrup is a positir® and specific rsmedy for Colds, Coughs , Bronchitis , Hoarseness, Obsti nate Lung Affections, mid will CURE CONSUMPTION. As thousands'of grave-robbed witnesses testify. No opium; nothing poisonous; harmless to the delicate; delicious to take. Globe Flower Syr up has proved the earthly saviour to tliousauds and sweeps as relentless doom upon all diseases of toe Throat and Lungs. Croup, Whooping Cough, Asthma, etc. beeome a trivial matter when this, the best of all remedies, is used. Surely “death’s deadliest arrow” has blunted in' the discovery of Globe Flower Svnur. T*y Globe Flower Svrup. We guarantee it will cure you. Don’t take any substitute. For sale by Druggists. Manufactured Only by DR. J. S. PEMBERTON'* CO., Chemists, Atlanta Ga. For sale by H. G. EDMUNDS, Elberton, Ga. w a tv] nr pD Wc ,Till ive VV 71.1\ ± HjU men and women BITSIWESS THAT WILL PAY From $4 to $8 per day, can be pursued in you own neighborhood, and is strictly honorable. Particulars free, or samples that are worth sev eral dollars that will enable you to go to work at once, will be sent on receipt ot fifty cent*.