The gazette. (Elberton, Ga.) 1872-1881, November 10, 1875, Image 4
HENRY D. SCHMIDT, mmm &sm wmmm GEORGIA, KEEPS A FULL LINE of SAMPLES FROM WHICH SELECTIONS CAN BE MADE FOR THE FINEST SUITS. ALL WORK WARRANTED FIRST CLASS. h. SCHEVENELL. GOODLOE H. YANCEY. • L. SCHEVENELL & CO., ATHEJSJS, Dealers in Watches, Clocks AISTX> EATTSTCY GOODS, Will duplicate any bill from any section and have the largest stock, and, with best workmen, are prepared to do repairing in superir style. WE MEAN ALWAYS JUST WHAT WE SAY, and our customers can alvaya depend on getting the best goods in market at lowest possible prices. We are Agents for the RI2MIMGTOM SEWING MACHINE,! The BEST now before the public. This machine has taken premiums over the Singer, Howe, Wheeler & Wilson, and Wilson machines wherever exhibited in competition, and on the testimony of experts has been demonstrated to be the best machine lor all practical purposes. Dont pur chase till you see it. store is No. 3 Broad street, Athens, Ga REMEMBER, it is no trouble to us to show our goods, and we are always glad to see you. L. SUSI EVENEUU,, NO. 3 Eroad sheet. Athens, Georgia. pi . jrx. |C ivf GRAND PRIZE 'W - : - X'StfjVfM,' /873. WASifSAftITED FI¥E YEAGL3! It respires ao Xastnietioas to raa it. It csa act eefc oat ef crier. It will do sveyy aad Mad c* wc2s. It will sew S cm Siss-ao I'apcr to Carsons Lcatiisr. It is as far ia advcxco c 2 c.iics? Sewing ia iLo c 2 its superior iaprovomsatj, g.3 a Steam Car cssoila ia tcliiovemeata ti.o eld £asMca§& Stage Coa-:2i, PI?2G3S mid© to SSS&3 lid© Either* for* Cash or Credit. "■“bSSSsm" *! agents wanted. Address : WILSON SEWIWG MACHINE CO. OIBnrSLAITD, GEZO, CHICAGO, ILL., HEW YOZiZ, 17. 7", rTSSANS, LA., C A LOUID, KO. Sold in Elbert County by WM. A. BROVvN. STQVLS AND TINWARE J. C. STUBOSER. & CO., have opened at Elberton a branch of the house at Washington, which has Won in successful operation for eleven years, where they will keep on hand a tull supply of Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware and £2ouse Furnishing tiocds, which they will sell, at wholesale or retail, at Washington prices. lie will also keep a lot of Cooking and Sweating Stoves, with all the attachments, at Atlanta prices with freight added. GUTTTEUINO and ROOFING don . in best style at sho t notice. Work and ware warranted. Repairing ot eve'-y description promptly done. Orders taken for the repairing of GUNS, PISTOLS, &c: at the shortest notice and on reasonable terms Mr. J. H. MAXWELL will be in charge of the business at Elberton. no-v3,2t Book Agents and O-ood Salesmen Are ‘-COINING .ONEY” with the famous 15 113 A DESIGNS The French edition of which sells for s'6s, and the London edition for S2OO. Our popular edi tion ($5.50), containing over 100 full-page quarto plates, is the cheapest and most elegant publica tion in America and the best to SELL. Critics vie with each other in praising it & the masses buy it. Ag n. in Charleston, S.C , reports 97 orders ; one in Ninety-5ix,5.C.,106; one in Va., 247; in Memphis, 200 orders, taken in three weeks. Full particulars free. Address J. 15. FORD & CO., Publishers, 27 Park Place, New York. AGENTS AYANTEdT - A LIRRARY IX OSE ROOK. The wisest and most brilliant literary gems of 3,000 years, selected from more than 500 Authors, I* efs, ilrfariners, Theologians, Sla esmeu, Philosophers & Wits, whose genius has illumined the world. This new CYCLOPEDIA OF THOUGHT is arranged by Topics in illustration of the Gospel Story of v'hrist, printed for reference at t u e foot ot the page- Other Special features of this remarka ble book, entitled CHRIST 5 LITERATURE are given in our circular. The book is edited by EDWARD EGGLESTON, D.D., is handsomely illustrated, and is in all respects an elegant and valuable work. Clergymen,Teach ers, agents, all wiio wish to earn Many/, should apply immediately or terms and territory to J B FOBD & CO.,Publishers, 27 Park Place,New York \ TFA VIA PAPER MILLS. JAMES ORMOND, Proprietor. For Specimen of NEWSPAPER, see this issue of this paper- 111181 | A. R. ROBERTSON, j AN 13 GR3 NITE YARI3 ATHENS, GA. Monumental Tombs, Head and Foot Stones, Cra dle Tombs, Marble and Granite Box Tombs. Also any other Marble desired for finishing grave I '. All work warranted and perfect satis faction given. Come and see me and convince yourself that you can deal with a fair and square man. Terms moderate. sep - 29,5t J. H. JONES & CO- Announce to their customers and the public that they are now receiving a large'and well selected stock of DRY GOODS GROCERIES, HARDWARE, &c., direct from New York, AT PRICES UK LOW ANYTHING KVKtt KNOWN IN TiiiS ,M AK KT. FOR CASH, also upon the usual ere did to prompt paying customers, aud to no others. We will pay Augusta Prices for Cotton, In liquidation of all indebted to us, and we earnestly request all indebted to us to come forward and help us right away. J. 11. J<*XCS & CO. T. J. Mil I To” BEAL ESTATE AGENTS, ELBERTON, GA., XU ILL attend to the business of effecting ’ sales and purchases of REAL ESTATE • ns Agents, on REASONABLE TERMS. Applications should be made to T. J BOWM IN. Se„is , f ■j " ' ’ 1: a:; • H VjitiT rfsiaSSSs'irSS CHANGE OF SCHEDULE ON THE GEORGIA AND MACON & AUGUSTA RAILROADS. B£l|„On and after Sunday, June 13th, 1875, Passenger trains on the Georgia and Macon and Augusta railroads will run as follows: Georgia Railroad—Day Passenger Train. LEAVE ARRIVE Augusta 8 15am! Atlanta 4 00 p a Atlanta 10 30 an_ | Augusta 330 p m Night Passenger Train. LEAVE ARRIVE Augusta 8 15 p m I Atlanta 6 25 a m Atlanta ......10 00 p m | Augusta 7 40 a ra Macon and Augusta R. R.—Dag Passenger Tram LEAVE ARRIVE Augusta 8 00 a m | Macon 6 00 p m Macon 530a m | Augusta 215 p m No change of cars between Augusta and Macon Passengers from Athens, Atlanta, Washing ton, or any point on the Georgia Railroad and branches, by tan ing the Day Passenger Train will make connection at Carnak with trains for Macon. CLASS SLEEPING CARS on all Night Passenger Trains on the Georgia Railroad; and first-cl ss Sleeping Carson a!, Night Trains on the Macon and Augusta R. R. S. K. JOHNSON,Supt Best Paper for Farmers. N. Y. WEEKLY IRIBUNE. ONE DOLLAR per year in clubs of 30 or over. Specimen cop:es free. For terms and commis si ns. Address The Tribune, New York. EXECUTOR’S SAFE. BY virtue of an order from the Court of Ordi nary of Elbert county, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in November next, at the court house door in said county, between the legal sale hours, the tract of land in said county whereon William W. Ilewell resided at the time of his death, containing 197 acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Abda Oglesby, Joel Moore and others, 75 acres still in original woods, 40 in cultivation ; comfortable dwelling, and good outbuildings. All in good repair. Terms made known oi. day of sale. JOSIAH HEWELL, Sept. 8, 875. Ex’or Wm. W. Hewell, dec’d C'ital on for UetferMof Dismission OTATE of Georgia, E.bert County.—Whereas O Margaret P. Oglesby, administratrix of John Oglesby, represents to the Court in her petition duly Lied and entered on record that she has fully administered John Oglesby’s es tate: This is therefore to cite all persons con cerned, kindred and creditors, to thow cause, if any theycan, why said administratrix should not be discharged from her administration and re ceive letters of dismission on the first Monday in December, 1875. JAS. A. ANDREWS, Ordinary. Rdckersville, Ga., August 24, 1875 I have sold my practice at this place to Dr. D. B. Darby, of Columbia, South Carolina, late ly of Walhalla, and a graduate of the University of that State. He is well prepared to practice his profession, and I recommend him very con fidently to our people. Grateful for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed on me, I respectfully ask for him a continuance of the same. L. L. CLARK. I am now at Ruckersville, and am prepared to attend to all calls, both night and day. All patronage bestowed on me will be thankfully received. Very respectfully, Aug2s-4m D. B DARBY. M.D. $5 to S2O ptr day, Agents wanted. All clas: rs of workingpeople of both sexes, young and old, make money at work for is, in their own locilites, during their soare moments, or all the time than at any thing else. We offer employment that will pay handsomely for every hours work. Full par ticulars, terms, &c., sent free. Send us your address at once. Don’t delay. Now is the time. Don’t look for work or business elsewhere, until you have learned what we offer. G. Stin son &00., Portland, Maine. \ ‘ ATV r L li' |i We will give cnegeiie Vi HIM A LI/ men and women BUSINESS THAT WILL PAY From $4 to $8 per day, can be pursued in you own neighborhood, and is striclly honorable. Particulars free, or samples that are worth sev eral dollars that will enable you to go to work at once, will be sent on receipt ot fifty cents get iooi mmm AT HOME. HEARD & CAMPBELL KESPE TFULLY announce their new SAW MILD in thorough working order, and ‘il licit the patronage of the public with full con fidence of their anility to give sat sfaction. The mill is located in easy distance of Eiberton and to all in its vicinity who and sire lumber a great saving in hauling can be made. Every effort will be made to accommodate the patrons of the mill. Look! Look! ALL PERSON'S INDEBTED TO THE SUP scriber for medical services are re- I spectfully requested to call at my office between now and the first of January next and make payment, as I am determined that all ar rearage practice must be settled up. “A Stitch in Time Saves Nine.” Respectfully, osl3,td M. P. DEADWYLER. M. & J. HIRSCH, WHOLESALE CLOTHIERS, 50 Whitehall Street, at r. on tj\ , g a Aug 25—3 m J WARLICR & SOX. Manufacturers of TIN WARE And Dealers in all of the LATEST MPHOYEB STOVES Tin Plate and Tinners’ Findings, SLATE MD IROiV MANTELS, &C. Nos. 61 and 63 Peachtree Street, jescMJm- ATLANTA, GA. Full SALE CHEAP, A GOO!) SECOND-HAND PIANO. Apply to G. W. ALLEN, •cpt22-4t Ilbertoi, Ga. The ELBERTON AIR-LINE RAILROAD Is coming, and tbc New Goods just received and arriving at J. H. DUNCAN & BBO.’S ELBERTON, GEORGIA, ARE CHEAPER THAN EVER. . The stock consists of a large lot of READY-MADE CLOTHING, UMBRELLAS, DRy GOODS) EVERY KTND, LADIES & GEN IS’ IIA IS, 800 IS, SHOES, f AMIL y GROCERIES, SADDLES CROCKERY, CIGARS, TOBACCO, BRIDLES. WHIPS, KEROSENE, Ac. The above goods have been recently purchased at reduced prices, and are now offered to the public at low prices, &COME AKD BE CONVINCED! 12c. for Cotton on Account. J. H. & J. A. Y. DUNCAN. S. D. BLACKWELL & CO. Have finished opening for the present THEIR LARGE VARIED STOCK OF lumiMii goods FRESH AMD NEW FROIVI INI. Y. We know we can offer extra inducements, and we are proving it every day by sell ing AS CHEAP AS ANY HOUSE IN. E. GEORGIA! Railroad Towns Not Excepted. TO CASH AND PROMPT-PAYING CUSTOMERS GREETING: JB@“Higliest Prices Paid for Cotton on Account or in Cash.“©a - C A II P E TS, CA K PETS-- Our Senior having visited Xew York and purchased a full stock of all Goods embraced in ovr line and at prices cheaper than we have been able to obtain since the war , we now offer to the public a great many leading articles at ante-bellum prices , namely: BRUSSELS CARPETS, at sl.lO to Sl.GO per yard. BODY BRUSSELS at $1.75 to $2 per yard. THREE PLYS at 1.35 to per yard. INGRAINS at 50 cents, 75 cents, $1 and 1.25. FLOOR OILCLOTHS from 50 cents per square yard and to the Finest Imported English Goods. A full assortment of \\ IN DOW SHADES and in all sizes and colors for private houses and si ore use from $1 to $5. Also to hand, and now open, the largest stock of WINDOW, CORNIOE and PIC TURE FRAME MOULDINGS ever exhibited in Augusta. Atso, anew stock of NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS in endless variety of New Patterns , varying in price from $2 to sls each window. 5,000 Rolls Wall Papers Borders and Paper Shades. Call Early and make selections From this date our price for making and laying Carpets will be 10 els per yard. JAS. G. BAILIE & PRO., 205 Broad st., Augusta. —NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS— .•.Cheaper than Ever.*. HKGAIRDNER Has just returned from New l r ork and is now receiving WEE mmmm mnfh mm M€§M Of Fall and Winter Goods of every kind ho has ever had in store. GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, [BOOTS & SHOES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, ETC. Which he offers As Ches p or Cheaper for Cash Or to Prompt Paying Customers than can be bought elsewhere. Highest Prices Paid for Cotton in Cash or on Accounts To Country Merchants who wish to buy goods he thinks he can make to their interest to give him a call. The LADIES are SPECIALLY invited to call. CP. V. WALKER, AUCTION & COMMISSION MERCHANT and FURNITURE DEAL K R ! 317. 319 and 321 Broad Street, Augusta Ga. AUCTION HOUSE, 31Y, FURNITURE ROODS. 31!). 3*21. "U'URNITUKE OF ALL STYLES, SELECTED FROM THE Ib.ST FACTORIES EAST AND I. WEST, AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. GOODS NEW! LATEST STYLE PRICES MODERATELY LOW! Save Money toy ton ing your Furoilitri off Sep22—3m F. V. WALKER. PETER KEFXAM, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER I Boots and Shoes EXCLUSIVELY. Purchasers of Boots and Shoes, whether merchants or individuals, desiring one or a theusotd pairs, are invited to call and examine my Sl* It IAG STOCK now being opened for inspection. Gentlemen’s Hand-sewed SHOES, BOUTS and CONGRESS GAITERS, at fully 33 per cent, low er than the same work when made to order in this place—fit, style and workmanship equal in ev ery particular. Ladies aie Invited to call and examine my stock of SHOES and SLIP PERS of every style and price, wilh sizes from the smallest infant to the largest numbers. ONE I*RICE and strictly lair dealing is the rule of the house. Orders faithfully filled, and if desired, sent 0. O. D., on condition the person ordering can look at the goods before pay ing for them. they paving freight if returned. FAEMEES' BEOGANS, and a large lof ot stout Boots for heavy wear always on hand. PETER KEENAN, pB-X CENTRAL HOTEL BLOCK, AI6VSTA, GA. ONLY ONE DOLLAR! The Savannah Weekly Morning News will be sent to any address six months for One Dollar. This is one of the cheapest weeklies published. It is not a blanket sheet in which all sorts of matter is promiscu ously thrown. It is a neatly printed four-page paper, compactly made up, and edited with great care. Nothing of a dull or heavy character is admitted into the columns of the Weekly. It is an elaborately compiled compendium ef tbe best things that appear in the Daily News. The telegraphic dispatches of (he week are re-edited and carefully weeded of everything that is not strictly of a hews character. It also contains full reports of the markets. Thus, those who have not the advantage of a daily mail, can get all the news, for six months, by One Dollar to the publisher; or for one year by ending Two Dollars. The Daily Morning News is the same relift ble organ of public opinion that it has alway been —vigorous, thoughtful and conservative it* the discussion of the issues of the day, and lively, sparkling and entertaining in its pre sentation of the news. In gathering arid pub lishing the latest information and in discussing questions of public policy, tbe Morning News i fully abreast of the most enterprising journal ism of the times. Price, $lO f.r 12 month* $5 for 6 months. The Tri-Weekly News has the same features as the Daily News. Price, $6 for 12 months; $3 for 6 months. Money for either paper can be sent by pest office order, registered letter or express, t publisher’s risk. 1 * The Norning News Printing Office is the largest in the State. Every description of Printing done at the shortest notice. Blank Books of all kinds made to order Book-bind ing and Ruling executed with dispatch. Esti mates for all work promptly furnished. Address, J. H. ESTILL, Savannah, Ga. BLOOOMFIELD & OTIS, Manufacturers of PIANOFORTES! Factory and Warcrooms, 20!) East lrttii St., New York. Would respectfully invite the attention of tha public to their NEW SCALE PIANOS Embracing every known improvement, includ ing their own valuable Patents, which cannot be used on any other Piano. Particular attention is called to tiie NEW IMPROVED TREBLE, Superior to any other now in use, patented May 18, 1869 MANNER OF STRINGING, so that the ends come near the wrest plank, thus keep ing the instrument in tune a long time ; also, to cur METHOD OF INSERTING THE SOUND BOARD,soasto give a larger vibratory surface, producing a peculiar, powerful, sweet, and sing ing tone, seldom heard in any instrument. These insti uments were awarded the Eirst Premium at the Fair of the American Institute, 1869; two First Premiums at the Ohio State Fair 1869; and are now acknowledged to be equal, if not superior, to any made. Warrantee! for Seven Years. First Premiums at the Georgia State Fair, 117 0 y. s. PIANO COMPANY Tt costs less than SSCO to make any S.GCO Piano sold through agents, all of whom nn.le 100 per cent, profit. >Ve have no agents, but ship direct to families at factory price. We make only onestylean ihave but on* price. Two Hundred and Ninety Dollars , net ea h, with no discount to dealers rr commissions to tench* ers. Our lumber is thoroughly sea oued; our cases are Doable Veneered with Rosewood, have front rou.’d corners,serpentine bottom and carv ed legs. We use the full iron plate with over strung bass, French Grand action with top dam pers, and our keys are of the best ivory, with ivory fronts. Onr /’iano has seven ocinv<!s, it 6 feet 9 inches long, 3 feet 4 inches wide, end weighs, boxed, 955 pounds. Every Piano i. felly warranted for five years. Send for illustrated circular, in which we re fer to over 700 Bankers, Merchants, etc., seme o whom you may know, using our Piano? is 44 States and Territories. I . S. I*l IXO COM PAX r, 810 Broadway, N. T. J£aS“Rcfer to E. B. Tate, Jr., Elberton, Ga. THE GREAT REPUTATION^ which Dr. Pemberton’s Fluid extract of Stil lingia (or Queen’s Delight) has attained ia all sections ot the country as a GREAT AND GOOD MEDICINE, and the largo number of testimonials which are constantly being received from persons who have been cured by its use, is conclusive proef of its gr at merits. THIS GREAT HEALTH RESTORER is a positive specific and cure for Dyspepsia Liver Complaints, Constipation, Headache, Diz ziness, Pains in the Back, Kidney Complaints, Jaundice, Female Weakness, Lumbago, General Debility, Gravel, Gout, Scrofula,°Cnnceroa Humor, Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, Ringworm, Pimples and Humors on the Face, Old Ulcers’ Rheumatism, Mercurial and Syphilitic Affec tions. It removes all Mercurial or other poisons from the Blood, and soon restores the system to per fect health and purity. That Pale, Yellow, Sickly looking skin is soon changed to one of beauty, freshness and health It will cure any chronic or long standing diseases, whose real or direct cause is bad blood. A trial will prove it. Thousands have been snatched as it were from the grave by its miraculous power, who now enjoy health and happiness, where once all was misery. It invigorates and strengthens the whole ys tem, acts upon the secretive organs, allays in. flammation, cures ulceration, and regulates the bowels. I>r. Pemberton’* Stillingia or queen’s Delight gives Health, Strength and Appetite. Tt purifies the Blood, and renovates and in. vigorates the whole system. Its medical pro perties are alterative, tonic, solvent and diuretic. For testimonials of wonderful cures, se and to the Proprietor, or call upon your Druggists. The get uine is prepared only by Dr. J. S. Pemberton, Chemist, Atlanta, Ga. For sale by all first-class Druggists. Office of George Adair, Wall Stree Atlanta, Ga , July 16, 1 Dr. J. S. Pemberton—Dear Sir :I ha ,<j your Extract of Stillingia for a chro affection of many years standing, wfiich ,* cure after all other remedies had tailed | a , ( known your Sti’lingia used in the w .st uses of scrofula, secondary syphilitic diseases beu nmtism, kidney and liver affections, with great success. In fact, 1 have never known it to fail in the most desperate cases. I consider it the greatest blood purifier kttowu. Your* truly, J. C. ETANg. For sale by Or. 11. C. EDMCNDI, A■ J 11. llfcerlea, Ua.