The gazette. (Elberton, Ga.) 1872-1881, December 01, 1875, Image 2
THE GAZETTE. i . ~ Wednesday, December 1, 1875. GLEANINGS. Jerusalem oak is declared a good thing to mix with food for fattening hoge The Abbeville Banner announces the death of Joel Lockhart on the 20th aged 84 ; John McCord on the 21st, aged 85 ; John B. Allen at Lowndesville, the 18ih; and the burial of an infant child of Dr. John H. Bell at Shiloah on the 21st Jus. A Richardson has been appointed Sheriff of Edgefield, S. C. Brick Pomeroy lias gone into bank ruptcy—liabilities over $140,000 ; assets, nothing. Vice Presedent Wilson died in Wash ington City on the 22d. The South will not mourn heavily. The people of Abbeville have gone back on life insurance and lightning-rod men. Business failures are multiplying all over the country. The Planters’ hotel of b ugusta is about to be re opened after being hand somely improved. From private sources we learn busi ness is dull in Augusta, with gloomy prospects ahead. Stephen D. Heard died in Augusta re cently. By the retirerr ent of H. C. Stephen son, Mr. E. H. Pughe has become busi ness manager of the Constitutionalist. The right man in the light place. An Augusta negro shot a black thief with a bag of his cotton. And now there is promise of more trouble between U. S. troops in Texas and Mexican thieves. Gens. Bradley Johnson and Imboden had a fight recently in Richmond. No body hurt. A big convention is now in session in St. Louis to further the interests of the Southern Pacific HR. Georgia is ably represented. Many a good minded mother has inno cently warped her son’s character satan ward by arguing that gray patches could be inserted into his black pantaloons without the other boys being able to de tect the difference. It is some time since the thing hap pened, but Duluth still wants to enter tain J. Proctor Knott for his speech on the ‘“Zenith City of the Unsalted Seas." Duluth has a memory where facts get fixed as firmly as a Presidential relative in office. Hon. Alexander H, Stopheng. The health of this great statesman is such as will keep him from taking his seat iu Congress before January, and lie will probably not be able to go to Washington this winter. Decalcomanie. —This is the name of a comparatively new art that is at tracting considerable attention at the present time. It consists in transferring pictures which have been printed upon, paper in high and beautiful colors to any object one may wish to ornament, such as fan- , work boxes, vases, flower pots, articles of furniture, &c. When transferred these pictures look as if painted upon the article ornamented, and they are much more attractive and betmtiful than they would be if painted with a brush, unless executed by a very skillful artist; indeed this beautiful art offers a complete substitute for the process of hand painting for most pur poses. The pictures embrace a great variety of subjects, such as heads, land scapes, animals, insects, flowers, comic figures, &c. The art is easily acquired and children even soon become experts. Transferring these pictures is a charm ing pastime for old or young, and serves to cultivate a taste for the beautiful. We have received from J. L. Patten it Cos , 102 William Street, New York, who are, dealers in transfer pictures, some handsome samples of their goods These gentlemen will, for the small sum of ten cents, send full instructions in this beautiful art, together with ten handsome samples of the pictures, or for fifty cents they will send one hundred attractive pictures. What the horse is to the descendant of Japbetb, the elephant is to the son of Shorn The species to be found in India is more tractable than that which is native to Africa and more easily trained to domestie uses. It would astonish a person not accustomed to seeing them work to notice Low intelligent they are. An elephant when trained, will carry an immense stone into a river for the con struction of a bridge, will wade just as far as lie can without swimming, and then deposit the stone with the utmost nicety according to the waving of the mason’s hand on shore. He will draw a log weighing two tons over a rough road from a forest, take it on his tusks, balance it with bis proboscis, deposit it wi th c .re in its place. Tame elephants are often sent to hunt wild ones, and will outer into jail the plans of the hunt ers, apparently, with great intelligence and delight. ' Tame females are some times employed to decoy wild males into a trap. It is said that some of the fe males are very averse to this, while others seem to take great pleasure in b- culling these wild lords of the forest into the service of man. A Profitable Investment.— The Wil son Shuttle Sewing Machine combines in a more perfect degree than any other the requirements of a first-class ma oinm-. This is the unanimous verdict of the thousands of families who are using them, and its success is unprecedented in the history of sewing machines. Ma chines will be delivered at any Hail road Station in this county, free of transportation charges, if ordered through the Company’s Branch House at 189 Ca nal street, New Orleans. They send an elegant catalogue and chronic circular, free on application. This Company want a few more good ag nts. EART COUNTY DEPARTMENT. BY OUR SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT. CHRISTMAS TREE. There will be a Christmas tree cele bration on Christmas eve night for the benefit of the Hartwell Sunday school and the children generally in the coun ty. A general invitation is extended to everybody that wants a good time to participate, and we hope to see many of your citizens with us on that occasion. W. Y HOLLAND lias received a large stock of new goods, and is selling them very rapidly. He lias also a large lot of goods for the chil dren for Christmas —and lias an exten sive supply of everything in this line consisting of toys, candies, fruits and Christmas presents of all descriptions. Give him a call. • *K@&* I)R. A. J. MATHEWS. This excellent gentleman and doctor of wide spread reputation, has once more cast his lot with us, and has become a citizen of Hartwell. Although the rned ical profession is thought by many to be a little crowded in our village, still we think there is a wide field, and a good living for all of them. The doctor has our best wishes, art! lmpe that prosperity may attend him in his new home. — • ■ . OUR -SCHOOL will close with the present week. Some time in January next, Prof, and Mis. Looney will commence the next term. The prospects for a large school are very flattering as several families have moved to Hartwell, and hear of more contain plating moving here by the beginning of the year for the purpose of educating their children. The advantages of edu cation are superior at Hartwell over most towns in this section of the State for several reasons, amongst which are | the healthfulness of climate, cheap board, moral community, and superior teachers, who exercise complete control over their pupils both in school as well as out of school hours, and who carry out rules of discipline that places the scholars under their care all the time, Sundays not excepted. We invite an examination into this school, and pre dict that next session it will number 150 scholars. STABBING. One day last week, a cutting affair ! took place in this county between Joe I Warren and J. W. Brown, J. A. Brown, | and James Brown. The difficulty grew i out of a misunderstanding as to the boundary line of the land of the Browns and Warren, in the course of which, hard words produced harder blows and a gen eral melee ensued. Several of the p r ties were considerably bruised, and J A. Brown cut badly in the arm, but not se riously. We have been unable to learn any fur ther particulars. |M / gnrt (fount!) |Ukiliscments. c’. w . sr.ibh s: s., ATTORNEY AT TAW, HARTWELL, GA. Also, General Agent for The Gazette in Hart Count;/, lie in authorised to lake and receive subscriptions and advertisements , and make all contracts for the same in this county. N< >TI( 1.. HplIK books and notes of the late lirm of JL. Wm. H. Stephenson & Cos. have been this day placed in my hands lor collection. Parties indebted bad better settle the same tit ouee and save costs. 0. W SKID L, novlo,2t Att’y for W H Stephenson & Go. (’HANDE OF SCHEDULE ON THE > KORGIA AND MACON k AUGUSTA railroads. IYY-tdi and after Sunday, June 111th, 18T5. Passenger trains on the Georgia and llacon and Augusta railroads will run as follows: Gem-yin Railroad—Gay Passenger Tram. LEAVE A it RIVE Augusta $ 15 a m ’ Atlanta 4 00 p n Atlanta 10 30 a <: j Augusta 3 30 p m Night Passenger Train. LEAVE ARRIVE Augusta 8 15 p m | Atlanta 6 25 a si Atlanta 10 00 p m i Augusta 7 40 a tu Macon and Augusta 11. R. — J>ay Passenger Tram LEAVE AKIUVB Augusta 8 00 ft n: Macon 6 00 pra Macon 5 30 a m \ Augusta 2 15 p xn No chi. age of cars between Augusta and Macon Passenger? from Athens, Atlanta, Washing ton, or any point on the Georgia Railroad and branches, by taking the Day Passenger Train will make connection at Catuak with trains for Maeon. CLASS SLEEPING CARS on all Night Passenger Trains on the Georgia i Railroad; and first-el ss Sleeping Carson a!, Night Trains on the .Macon and Augusta R. R. S. K. JOHNSON,Sapt iAIMI j A. Pv. lIOBEUTSON j AND GR A XIT E ¥ AIID ATHENS, GA. Monumental Tombs, Head anti Foot Stones, Cra dle To uhs, Marble and Granite Box Tombs. Also any other Marble desired for finishing graves. Ail work warranted and perfect satis faction given. Gome and see mo and convince yourself that you can deal with a, fair and square man. Terms moderate. _ ®cp29,st AUCTION!! R. F. TATE Will sell at auction on the FIRST TUESDAY in DECEMBER all the re maining stoek in his store. Intending to close out his business, he urgently requests those indebted to him to settle with him. Come up, and and save expense and trouble. [td * *G ENTS 20 Elegant OIL OHRt t.UES mount ed, size 9xll, for Novelties andChromos of ev ery desetiption. National Curom. Cos. Phila, Pa d y g uarante ei using our WELL AUGE R & DRILLS. SIOO a month Kp to good Agents. Augur book free. Jilz Augur Cos., St. Louis, Mo. ACTS WANTED! Medals & Diplomas awarded. for HOLM AN'S p IOT Q EIAL BIBLES 1300 Illustrations. Address for new circulars. A. J. HOLMAN & Cos., 930 Arch st., Phila. GpSYCHROMANCX, or SOUL CHARMING,’ • flow either sex may fascinate and gain the love and affections of any person they choose instantly. This simple, mental acquirement all can possess, free, by mail, for 25c., together with a marriage guide,Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies, Wedding Nigh' Shirt, &c. A queer book. Address, T. \\ I LIAM & CO., se22-4w Pubs., Philadelphia, Pa THE $50,000 rik} sij f*"' /'"\in Wall St. often leads sHK *n To l io fortune. Full par- HP*-*'-'Oculars sent free Ad dress PEN’DL TON k READ, C 5 Wall Slruet, New York. ITT S j\T TTpl Agents for the best selling In/A 111 H i p >, '* ze Package in the world, it \! f iili 1 1 11 Jeon tains 15 sheets paper, 15 envelopes, golden Pen, Pev Holder, Pencil, pat en't Yard Measure and piece of Jewelry. Single package with elegant Prize, postpaid. 25c: Cir cular free. BRIDE &OO , 769 Broadway, N.Y. For COUGHS; COLD, HOARSENESS AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, WILLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS. Put up only in BLUE BOXES. A TRXEU MUttlf BLJIEOT- For sale by Druggists generally, mid JOHNSTON HOLLOWAY & CO ,Tbilad’a, Pa. AN OUTFIT FREE. We want someone in e.ery county to take orders and deliver goods for the old and origi nal C. O. D. house. Large cash wages Splen did chances in ever neigh! orhood i'ot ut right person of either sex, young or old. Samples, new lists circulars, terms, etc . a complete out fit sent free and postpaid Send for it at once and make money at your homes. Address H.J HALL A CO, 6 N. llouard a,-., Jialtimon , Md. ARTHUR'S ~ ILLUSTRATED IIOM)) M.VGAZI.NE, “Tils. fioUSthold Magazine of Amciieu.” Two SerLi Stories in 1876. “EA 41.ESCLFFFE,” by Mrs. Julia C. R. Dorr, and “MIRIAM,’’ by T. S. Arthur. BUT TERICK’S Newest Patterns in every No. Terms $2.50 peryear; Scotties 0r56.50. Splendid book offer for premiums. Specimen No. 17 cents. T. S. ARTHUR & SON, Philadelphia, Pa. ioSELEY " HOUSE lASHBdI,SVIt,UE, GA. D. R. MOSELY, . . . I’hopbietor Terms Reasonable. Special care given to Stock Grange Warehouse. PLANTERS’ Imm AttNSy, no. 6 Mclntosh street, AUGU ST A, - - GA . CONDUCTED by the PATRONS of KTJS ANDRY. \ T THE COMMODIOUS FIRE - PROOF A WAREHOUSE, fjriniriy occup icd bj Jen niugs, Smith k Cos. < IAM-J 'gm isefes ~lr Use ffi n gY.WWl ton, s(ic.; Storage, first week. 10c.; each addi tion week, 5c.; drayage. per bale, 10c. fes**- Those out-ide of the Order admittedgon same terms, commissions included. Bagging and Ties Furnished to Patrons. W. VF. SUfiIGUES, Sepß-2m Superintend! nt. JOSEPH T. SMITH, POTTO V A OTOT? wvTX J. vii x iiw a wit, Wo. 3 Mclntosh btreet, AUGUSTA, - - GkA.. sepß-3m Pleasant and Profitable Employment. “Beautiful!” “Charming!’ ' Oh, h .wlovely!” “What are they worth 7” Ac. Such are the ex clamations of those who see the large, elegant new Chromos produced by tin* Euro; can and American Chroino Publishing Cos. Every one will want them It requires no talking to sel the pictures, they speak for thorn-elves. Cans vassets, agents, and ladies and gentlemen on of employment, will find ibis the best opening ever oflered to make money. For full particulars send stamp lor confidential circular. Address F. GLEASON & CO., se22 4 Tuhington st., Boston, Mas. LIZZIE WRIGHT ) LibelforDivorce. In El vs. y bert Superior Court, To EDWARD WRIGHT. J September term, 1875. 1 ft om the return of the Sheriff in tli • above stated case that the defendant is not to be found in the county, and it further appear ing that lie is not a resident of this State, and that the plaintiff resides in the county It is ordered that service of the above libel be perfected upon sa’d Edward Wrightby adver tisement of this notice in The Gazette, a news paper published at Elberton, Georgia. once a month for four months before the next term of the court. ROBERT HESTER, Ait’y for Libe"ut. Georgia. Elbert- County: I certify that the above is a true copy of th order from the minutes of Septemberterm, 1875 ol Elbert Superior Court. Given under my hand and oft- al signature this November 8, 1875. TIIOS A. CHANDLER, Clerk PLANTER S’ WAREHOUSE! WAREHOUSE 4.\W C 0.1531 SMOX j ME UC SI A NTS, Building Lately Occupied ey Me. J. D James as a Liyeey Stable. fTT ILL give their personal attention to the vV Weighing and Storage of COTTON. Pat- ! lonage respectfully solicited. ScoS-—Cm "\TL4STA PAPER MILLS. A JAMES ORMOND, Proprietor. For Spa*i**n of NEWSPAPER,see till- issue of tbis p.iper ITT ILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC OUTCRY. BE > V fort- the courthouse door in Elbcrton, Elbert, county, Ga., on the first Tuesday in De cember next, between the lawful hours of sale, the following described property, to wit : 1 bale cotton, about 50 bushels corn, 442 bun dles fodder, list ot shucks, 15 bus. cotton seed Levied on as the property of P. I. Heiring to satisfy a fifa from the County Court of Elbert county, upon the foreclosure of a landlord's lien in favor of Wm. A. Brown. Also, one tract of land in Elbert county con taining 100 acres more or less, on the waters of Beaverdatn creek, joining lands of Alfred Eaves Robt. N. Ward and others. Levied on to satisfy a fifa from Elbert Superior Court in favor of A. F. Brown vs. Robt. N. Ward W. H. H. ADAMS, Sheriff. [Postponed.] Sheriff’s Mortgage Sale. WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC OUTCRY r OX tfe first Tuesday in January, 1876, be fore the courthouse door in Elberton, during legal sale hours, one tract of land containing I s(ft) acres, more or less, known as the Hunt ! p.ace, joining lands of T. H. Brown and estate lof Stephen White. Sold as the propercy of Jas. I C. Harper to satisfy a mortgage fifa from El : bert Superior Court in favor of D M Carlton, 9. W. Jones and Peter Cleveland, executors : estate Diilatd Herndon, vs. James C. Harper W. H. 11. -A DAMS, Sheriff. 1 Adnsiitisirator’s Sale. ; DY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER FROM THE !JD Court of Ordinary rf Elbert county will be sold on the first Tuesday in December next at the courthouse door in said county, between the legal sale hours, the tract of land in said | county whereon Isaac Ginn rc.-ided at ! the time of his death, containing 400 acres, i more ot less, adjoining lands of Abner H. Ginn. | Nelson Burden and oth-rs. Dwelling house I and other o 1 tliuildings. 25 ac es in cultivation. ! Terms cash. TINSLEY J. GINN, I Adm’r with will annexed of Isaac Ginn, dec’d. Ad mi nisi rafor’s Sait-. BY virtue of an order from the Court of Or dinary of Elbert county, will he sold, on the Ist Tuesday in December next, at the court house door, in said county, between the legal sale hours, the tract of land in said county w hereon Nicholas M. Adams resided at the time of his death, containing 1.00 acres more or less, adjoining lands of Henry C. Black, Richard E. Adams, and others, lying on the road from El berton to Ruckersville. 25 acres in cultivation. Dwelling house and outbuildings. Good well Terms cash. WIL H. H. ADAMS, Adm’r with will of Nicholas M, Adams, dec’d Administrator's Sale. DY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER FROM THE 4) Court of Ordinary of Elbert county will be sold on the first Tuesday in December next, at the courthouse door, the tract of land whereon Wm. Gully resided at the time of his death, containing 114 acres, mere or less, ad joining lands of Lindsay A. Gains, John A. Teasley and others, the same being one fourth in original woods, about 18 acres in cultivation ono good cabin and other outbuildings. Terms cash. JAMES M. GULLY, Adm’r Estate Wm. Gully, dec’d. •VTOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITOR J_\ Notice is hereby given to all persons bar insr demands against estate of Thomas Black of said county, deceased, to present them to me properly made out within the time prescribed by law, so as to show their character and amount. And all persons indebted *o said deceased are hereby required to make immediate payment to me. 11. 0 BLACK, Adm’r of Thomas Black, deed GHitficii. (X EORGIA, Elb'-rt County.—Judge A. Hut per ? having applied to be ap; oint-d gu rdian j of the property of Mattie B. Hunt, a minor nn. j der fourteen --resident of said - ovm-t : ty, this is t concerned to be and appear at the term of the court of Ordinary to be held next after the expiration of thirty days from the first publication of this notice, a:.d show cause, it they can, why said Judge A. Harper should not be entrusted with th guard ianship of the property- of Mattie B. Hunt. Witness mv officii i signature. JAMES A ANDREWS, Ordinary Eibert County. I%’oSicc for Leave lo Sell. \ PI’LICATION will be made to the Court o 1. A Ordinary of Elbert county, Ga.,ai the firs regular term after the expiration of four weeks irom this notice for leave to sel! part of the lands lying in said county of Elbert belonging to the estate of Mary Bourne deceased, jf'or the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased HENRY W. BOURNE. Ex r of Mary Bourne, dec’d. .4I mih3si*;t So>' ’ * Sals. TIY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER FROM THE jLA Court of Ordinary of Elbert county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in D ccmbcr, 1875, at the courthouse door in said county, be'ween the legal hours of sale the tract of land in said county whereon John Snelling, resided at ti e time of his death, containing 35' acres, more or less, adjoining lands of G, W. Brown, Wm. J. Pratt and others. 15 acres in original woods. Sold for division. Terms cash in currency. PETER P. SNELLIXGS. Adm’r Estate John Snellings. LAND TO RENT. That desirale plantation lying in the “Flat woods,” 2 miles south of Longstreet, formerly owned by S. C, Starke, Esq., and on which Mr. Fayette Johnson now resides It is one of the best grain places in the county, and some of tin land is well adapted to cotton. Good freestone water. Gir. house and Screw in g od repair and a splendid orchard on the place. Dwelling comfortable and sufficient outbuilding, and cab ins for laborers. Fences in good order, and enou h land open for eight plows. Will rent the whole or in parcels to suit. Apply to S. C. or E. B. STARKE. Personalty. James C. Bradshaw has applied for exemption of personalty and I will pass upon the same at 10 o’clock a. ni. on the 10th day of Decem ber 1875,at my office. JAMES A. ANDREWS, Nov. 30. 1875. Ordinary., EXECUTOR’S S l EE. PA virtue o: an order from the Court of Ordi- JL> nary of Elbert county, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in December next, at the court house door in said county, between the legal sale hours, the tract or land in sain county whereon Sia*i Hunt resided at the time of his death, containing 180 acres, more or less, ad joining lands of J. W. Thornton, V. D. Gray, F P. Thornton and others All in good repair Terms cash. F. P. THoRNTON. Sept. 8, 17". Ex’or Sion Hunt, dee’d. Steam’s Up! Operations will be commenced at the NEW STEAM-GIN OF MESSRS. ¥. 11. KING & TO., I ,N or about the first of next week. Mr. J E. v/ Campbell who will give his personal atten tion to the gin, r spectiully solicits the contin ued patronage of his old friends and the public generally. WANTED! A SCHOOL, by an experienced Teacher. Ap ply at tbis office. Aug 4 L. SCHEVENELL. GOODLOK H. YA.VCKY. L. SCHEVENELL & CO., A THEN S, Or A., Dealers in Watches, Clocks JEWELRY, SILVER WARE k FANCY GOODS, Will duplicate any bill from any section and have the largest stock, and with best workmen, are prepared to do repairing in superir style. WE MEAN ALWAYS JLSI WH.VI UK SAY, and our customers can al 1 ays depend on getting the best goods in marke- at lowest possible prices. We are Agents for the REMINGTON SEWING MACHINE; The BEST now before the public. This machine lias taken premiums over the Singer, Howe, Wheeler & Wilson, and Wilson machines wherever exhibited in competition, and on the testimony of experts has been demonstrated to be the best machine for all practical purposes. Dont pur chase till you see it. otr store is No. 3 Broad street, Athens, Ga REMEMBER, it is no trouble to us to show our goods, and we are always glad to see you. St. SC.’IS IIV EUVELL & C’O., 3VO. 3 Broad si reel. Atlif-ns, Georgia. Dry Goods, Clothing THE ROCKY BOTTOM TOUCHED! lummmflim & im 200 Pieces New Prints, at 8 ; |- 100 Pieces New' Bleached Domestics, from to 15. i 50 Pieces Alpacas, at all prices. 100 New Ottoman Reversible Shawls, from $1 25 worth $2 25. 100 Handsome Felt Skirts, reduced 20 per cent. Als ■ great variety in RIBBONS, NETTINGS, NECK RUCHES, HANDKERCHIEFS GLOVES, COR SETS, Ac., at prices never known before. eesmips Will do well to call and examine my'goods and’pricas before purchasing elsewhere. A saving of 20 to 25 per cent, guaranteed at J. SKI,UGH, ELBERTON, GA. NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS JUST RECEIVED BY SWIFT a ARNOLD, COMPRISING DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, r . g, DOOT3 & SHOES, u Which they are selling at greatly reduced prices for c > hor ini change for c*Ueu. Tbis i* determined not to be undersold. To parties that can be prompt the usual accoinmo . •ns . < thos* who cannot w* ro compelled to refuse, as prompt settlements must be made. The HIGHEST market prices always paid for COTTON iu v . A Until further nolle* will give 12 cts. for Middling Cotton in payment of accounts, which gives every ons a fair chance to settle up. JK&gfFor price of Goods see market reports in this paper irp2o-,f ■- • -Merr>rnttcMHuv *c*. lyt-vs-A.' imvh.i tm •, txxx-MtuLi* oat.a* jw> i-Wiinmi. „ rrrw n r w mti 4 1 t? % s . sm im AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 2 Warren Slc-cfc. AUGUSTA, GA. IS T G Y E S I ! STOVES! STOVES! _ THE STCSW^DE With Sliding Oven Doors. Patented Feb. 2,1869, and Sept. 2,1869, rpilE undersigned is now prepared to offer X the public the finest as-ortment of S T O V E S, PL A I N JAPA NN E D AND STAMPED TIN WARES In Southeast Georgia, at low figures. ROD’ I AG, GUTTERING, BVI) Till I* OEB Si Of all k ; nds, done promptly and cheap. J. T. COMER, Between Center & Reaves and Oir & Cos , sepß-lf Up-Stairs, Athens, Ga. PERSOKAI.TY. George H. D e has applied for exemption of personalty, and I will pass upon the same at 10 o’clock u rn.,on the 2d day of December, 1875, at my office. JAS. A ANDREW, Nov !9, 1875. Ordinary Elbert County. 1b M 1 *lj OY M ENT. *’ p 111 Tro:u, ' n b ‘ l agents, we hav* lust what you need. Our 9xll mounted Cro mos outsell anything iu the market Mr. Pei sous -writes: I .truck out yesterJay, and hr working easy four hours, cleared $7 r A lady ha? just reported her profits for toe forenoon as ; yesterday un to 2 o’clock she cleared 57.50. We can p ove beyond question that one agent ordered 5,000 of these eroicos in 11 working days. We have the largest and finest assortment in the United States; hundred* n choice subjects from which to select Wo will send you an assorted 100 oi the best selling free of charge on receipt of Send in your orders or give us a call Samples by wail 25 cts., or 12 for sl. BOSTON FRAME AND OHROMO CO. 2!)1 Washington st.’ Boston, il ass, P O, 80x2t>62 AM ERIC IAN WASH BLUE, FOR LAUNDRY AND HOUSEHOLD USB. Manufactured at the American Ultramarine Works, Newark, N, J. Our Wash Blue is the best in the warld. It does not streak, contains nothing injurious to health or fabric, and is used by s!l large laun dries en account of its pleasing effect and ehsap ness Superior for whitewashing. Put up in packages convenient for family use Price 18 cts For sale by grocers everywhere Alwavs ask for the American Wash Blue, if you want th* cheapest and best AMERICAN ULTRAMARINE WORKS, Office 72 William Street, New York. MMiFtiLlmis Tine Only SSilleiN in the IT. iHRde from s*iire Liquors. Oir M E i )i[ V A ll DISCO V ER Y Wai ranfedj a Cure for linpora Rtnod ! Mimlred Diseases. For Sale h\ H. (T £ EDMUND Elberton, O* ’oc6.i>m \\ H. PARK & Cos , Hartwell. EL [{r Georgia.