The gazette. (Elberton, Ga.) 1872-1881, December 01, 1875, Image 4
POETIC A 1,. M MENTS. I lie in a heavy trance, With a world of dreams without m Shapes of shadow dance, In wavering bands about me; But., at times, some imstic tilings Appear in this phantom lair, That almost appear to me visitings Of Truth known elsewhere: The world is wide—these things are small, They truly be nothing, but they are All. A prayer in an hour ot pain, Begun in an undertone, Then lowered, as it would fain Be heard by the heart alone ; x. throb when the sonl is enteied By a light that is lit above, Where the God of Nature has centred The Beauty of Love. The world is wide—-these things are small, They may be nothing, hut they are All. A look that is telling a tale Which looks alone dare tell— Wh en a cheek is no longer pale, That has caught the glance as it fell; A touch, which seems to unlock Treasures unknown as yet, And the bitter-sweet first shock, One can never ferget: The world is wide—these things are small, They may be nothing, bat they are All. A sense of an earnest will To help the lowly living And a terrible heart thrill, If you ha', e no power of giving An arm of aid to the weak, A friendly hand to the friendless, Kind words, so short to speak, But w hose echo is endless : The world is wide—these things are small, They may be nothing, hut they are All. The moment we think we have learnt The love of the Allwise One, By which we could stand unburnt On the rulge of the seething sun; The moment we grasp at the clue, Long lost and strangely riven, Which guides our soul to the True, And the Poet to Heaven. The world is wide—these things are small, If they are nothing, what is there at all. LAUGHOGRA MS. New Bedford is said to have but one whaler left—a schoolmuster. “You’il build the fires or I’ll be a widow,” is the way the Fat Contributor’s wife talks. The only thing children can’t see partiality in is who gets the biggest end of the bootjack when the old lady gets mad. An Indiana man picked up a wild cat in his bum in place of an afghan. He detected the difference in the millionth part of a second. An old lady in Detroit, hearing that American Girl was dead,‘remarked: “I alius saidthatthis tight lacing would lay ’em out some day.” Some papers are always talking of their in dependence and sneering at “organs.” Isn’t it better to be an organ titan a lyre ? “Patrick,” said an old gentleman to his ser vant, “we are all creatures of fate.” “Well, if it wasn’t for fate, how the divil could we walk, sure?” A Detroit woman who was turned out of her house for non-payment of rent, went out in good style, putting on silks and jewelry, and having her hair frizzed in extra style for the occasion. Why was the cleansing of the Augean stables like a piece of ancient Mexican pottery ware ? Because it was an Aztec kind of a job. (Voice ot the speaker choked with emotion. 1 TlmMs the way the newspapers talk in Lou isiana : “If that convicted thief and robber Jim Walker, wants any fuss with us he cau have steel or buckshot in unlimited quantities by poking his nose around our corner. A lady put her watch under her pillow the other night, but couldn’t keep it there because it disturbed her sleep. And there, all the time was her bed-ticking right underneath Iter, and she never thought of that at all. If there is anything that will bring tears to the eyes ol an Indian tobacco sign it is to wit ness a young lady undergoing the trying ordeal of endeavoring to bring a fallen clothes line fu.l of clothes, to a sense of its solemn duty. Reporters should always be even tempered men, but when one rushes wildly ten squares to get a vivid account of a man breaking his leg he may be excused if he cannot find any words in the dictionary to situ the occasion when ht discovers it is a wooden leg. The Shelbyville, Ky., Republican says that the worst case of selfishness that it has been permitted to present tj the public, 'emanated irom a youth who complained because his mo ther put a bigger mustard plaster on liis young er brother than she did on him, after they had been eating melons and hard apples. “Is this the doctor’s office?” inquired a man who popped his head inside the sanctum door “No, sir, the next flight of stairs.” “Well I’m too tired to go any further,” said he sadly ; “but if you see the doctor any time this morning, I wish you would tell him that my stepmother is dying, and we’d like to have him call in if lie gets time.” A promising young shaver of five or six years was reading his lesson at school one day in that deliberate manner for which urchins of that age are somewhat remarkable. As he proceeded with the task he came upon the passage, “Keep tliy tongue from evil and thy lips from guile.” Master Hopeful diawled out,“Keep— thy—tongue from—evil—and—thy—lips—from—girls.” He didn’t look like a beggar, but he had his plans all laid before he struck Vicksburg, and he cleared a hundred dollars there in two days. He did not go around whining, “Please, sir, for the love of God,” as most of' them do, but he walked up to a man, called him “General,” to start off with, and the shinplaster's came in faster than he could take them. The only five men in town who didn’t contribute were men whom lie inndve ‘tenlly addressed as •Cap tain.” HAIR WORK. MRS J. B. ALMOND, of Elberton, makes a business of straigtening and forming into switches the loose hair combed from - the head or that falls out. By this process ladies can procure switches or coils of their own hair at a cost not exceeding the common bark switches bought from the store, and which are equal to those that sell at from $lO to $50., and cer tainly prove more satisfactory to the wearer. The Ladies of the country are requestend to send in their orders and try this rew and cheap method of procuring switches. Prices for straightening hair into switches from 75c. to sl. AN AGENT is wanted in every county for Frank Le'lie’s Newspapers and Magazines, the oldest established Illustrat ed Periodicals in America. Mhey are now first offered to canvassers, who will, if they secure an agency and exclusive territory, be enabled to intioduce Twelve First-class Illustrated Period icals, suited to as many distinct tastes or wants and, with the choice from six new and beautiful chromos, given free to each annual subscriber be enablee to secure one or more subscriptions in every t family in their district. To skillful canvassers this will secure permanent employ ment, and the renewals eaco ye ir will be a source ot steady and assured revenue. Speci men papers and most liberal terms sent to all applicants who name the territory they desire to canvass. Address, Agency Department Frank Leslie's Publishing House, 537 Pearl street, New York. Wf A \ Ti We wiU g‘ tve enegetie VV l\ _L\ JL JL jJLJ men and women BUSINESS THAT WILE PAT From $4 to $8 per day, can be pursued in you own neighborhood, and is strictly honorable. Particulars free, or samples that are worth sev eral dollars that will enable you to go to work rt once, will he sent on receipt or fifty cents GET TOO'K AT HOME. HEARD & CAMPBELL T3 ESPE-TFULBY announce their new SAW JLV MILD in thorough working order, and si licit the patronage of the public with full con fidence of their ability to give satisfaction. The mill is located in easy distance of Elberton and to all in its vicinity who and sire lumber a great saving in hauling can be made. Every effort will be made to accommodate the patrons of the mill. "AGENTS RANTED A LtIiRARY IN ONE BOOK. The wisest and most brilliant literary gems of 3,000 years, selected from more than 500 Authors, Pnets, Reformers, Theologians, SJa-esnicn, Philosophers & Wits, whose genius has illumined the world. This new CYCLOPEDIA OF THOUGHT is arranged by Topics in illustration of the Gospel Story of Christ , printed for reference at t*'e foot of the page- Other Special features of this remarka ble book, entitled CHRIST £ LITERATURE are given in our circular. The book is edited by EDWARD EGGLESTON, D.D , is handsomely illustrated, and is in all respects an elegant and valuable work. Clergymen .Teach ers, agents, all who wish to earn Money, should apply immediately for terms and territory to J. B FOBD & CO.,Publishers, 27 Park Place,New York Book Agents and G-ood Salesmen Arc ‘'COINING MONEY” with the famous il ID A DES! c; A § The French edition of which sells for s'6s, and the London edition for S2OO. Our popular edi tion ($5.50), containing oner 100 full-page quarto plates, is the cheapest and most elegant publica tion in America and the best to SELL. Critics vie with eat h other in praising it & the masses buy it. Ag n. in Charleston, S.C , reports 97 orders ; one in Ninety-5ix,5.C.,106; one in Va., 247; in Memphis, 200 orders, taken in three weeks. Full particulars free. Address .5. ES. U4iß* & VI). , Piiblislicif), 27 Park Place, New York. 11/ £ I fl£G£l V£D T.H£ jjljjSl ||||§*jW GRAMS PRIZE X ■ V V*’ YfSftyVA, i873. WARRANTED Fi¥E It requires no Instructions to ?un it. It saa get Ouu It will do every class and Siad of ■crcrk. It, will sow from Tissue 3?apes to Eamcss _ It is as far is. advance of otlxer Sowing 1 Kacbinoa m tne c, its superior isa.provciaeE.t3, as a Steam Car escoJs m ths old 'fashioned Stage Ssach, Prices zssad© to ssisit t2i© Either for Cash or Credit. pr Send for illustrated Catalogue of ) A QfM JR WANTED, STYLES and PRICES. I Address : WiLSOM SEWING MACHINE CO. OLETELA2TD, OHIO, CHICAGO, IIL=, ITB’W TGlhs., If. - < ITS’W’ OSLEAITS, LA., ST. LOUIS, HO. Sold in Elbert Conntyby WM—A ; j3ROWN : __ HENRY D. SCHMIDT, ism® mm wmmm GEORGIA, KEEPS A FULL LINE or SAMPLES FROM WHICH SELECTIONS CAN BE MADE FOR THE FINEST SUITS. ALL WORK WARRANTED FIRST CLASS. T. J. Mill & 1. REAL ESTATE AGENTS, ELBERT ON, GA, YT7 ILL attend to the business of effecting v V sales and purchases of BEAL ESTATE as Agents, on F.EASONABLE TERMS. firStT* Application should be made to T. J. O WM AN. Sepls-tf Look! Look! ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE SUK scriber for medical services are re spectfully requested to call at my office between now and the first of January next and make payment, as I am determined that all ar rearage practice mus* he settled up. “A Stitch in Time Saves Nine.” Respectfully, osl3,td M. P. DEADWYLER. M. &l 3. HIRSCH, WHOLESALK CLOTHIERS, 50 Whitehall Street ATLANTA, GA Aug 25—3 m J WAR LICK & SON. Manufacturers of TIN WARE And Dealers in all of the LATEST IMP.MOVED STOVES Tin Plate and Tinners’ Findings, SLATE ASM IRON MASTELS, &c. Nos. 61 and 63 Peachtree street, je.lo.Gm- A TLANTA, GA. J. K. JOSSES * GO. Announce to their customers and the public that they are now receiving a large and well selected stock of DRY GOODS GROCERIES, HARDWARE, &e., direct from New Yot , AT PRICES BELOW ANYTHING EVER KNOWN IN TliiS MAKKT. Tyqj > CASH also upon the usual ere did to prpmpt paying customers, and to no others. We will pay Augusta Prices for Cotton, In liquidation of all indebted to us, and we earnestly request all indebted to us to come forward and help us right away. J. EL J6NES & CO. The ELBERTON AIR-LINE RAILROAD Is coming, and the New Goods just received and arriving at J H. DUNCAN & BRO.’S ELBERTON, GEORGIA, ARE CHEAPER THAN EVER. .The stock consists of a large lot of READY-M ADE CLOTHING, UMBRELLAS, pRy GO()D3> EVERY KIND LADIES’ <& GENTS’ HATS, BOO'IS, SHOES, FAMILY GROCERIES, SADDLES CROCKERY, CIGARS, TOBACCO, BRIDLES, WHIPS, KEROSENE, dbo. The above goods have been recently purchased at reduced prices, and are now offered to the public at low prices, BECOME AA 41 ISE COX V IXCEII ! 12c. for Cotton on Account. J. H. & J. A. V. DUNCAN.' S. D. BLACKWELL & GO. Have finished opening for the present THEIR LARGE AITD AT" .A-IR, TIE ZD STOCK NUMITIIGIIIIB FRESH AND NEW FROM N. Y. We know we can offer extra inducements, and we are proving it every day by sell iug AS CHEAP AS ANY HOUSE IN N. E. GEORGIA! Railroad Towns Not Excepted. TO CASH AND FROMPT-PxAYING CUSTOMERS GREETING: *®”Highest Prices Paid for Cotton on Account or in Cash.‘©a -CAit P E TJL~C AK P ETS~ Our Senior haring visited Mew York and purchased a full stock of all Goods embraced in our One and at prices cheaper than ice have been able to obtain since the war, we now ojjer to the public a great many leading articles at ante-bellum prices, namely: BRUSSELS CARPETS, at sl.lO to $1.60 per yard. BODY BRUSSELS at $1.75 to $2 per yard. THREE PLYS at 1.35 to per yard. INGRAINS at 50 cents, 75 cents , $1 and 1.25. FLOOR OILCLOTHS from 50 cents per square yard and to the Finest Imported English Goods. A full assortment of WINDOW SHADES and in all sizes and colors for private houses and store use from $1 to $5. Also to hand, and now open, the largest stock of WINDOW, CORNICE and PIC TURE FRAME MOULDINGS ever exhibited in Augusta. A (so, anew stock of NOT T INCH AM LACE CURTAINS in endless variety ot" Mew Patterns, varying in price from $2 to sls each window. 5,000 Rolls Wall Papers Borders and Paper Shades. Call Parly and make selections From this date our price fur making and laying Carpets will be 10 cts. per yard. JAS. G. BAILIE & BRO., 205 Broad st., Augusta. -NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS .•.Cheaper than Ever.*. EK.GAIRDNER Has just returned from New York and is now receiving wm Hmmm mmm&w- mm jo 9ES a b c a. l> Of Fall and Winter Goods of every kind he has ever had in storo. GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, [BOOTS & SHOES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, ETC. Which he offers As Chea p or Cheaper for Gash Or to Prompt Paying Customers than can be bought elsewhere. Highest Prices Paid For Cotton in Casli or on Accounts To Country Merchants who wish to buy goods he thinks he can make to their interest to give him a call. The LADIES are SPECIALLY invited to cali. C. V. WALKS!, AUCTION & COMMISSION M FECIT ANT AND FUENITURE DE AL K R ! 317. 319 and 321 Broad Street., Augusta Cl a. AUCTION HOUSE, 31?, I lltSlTUilE ROOMS, 3JO, 321. Furniture of all styles, selected from the best factories east and WEST, AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. GOODS NEW! LATEST STYLE I'RTCES MODERATELY LOW! Save Money by buying your Furniic:rc of Sep22—3m C. V. YTALKcX. PETER KEENAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN : Boots and Shoes j EXCI.USZV ELV. Purchasers of Boots and Shoes, whether merchants or individuals, desiring one or a tliousatd pairs, are invited to call and examine my Si*lE! IV ti STOCK now being opened for inspection. Gentlemen’s Hand-sewed SHOES, BOOTS and CONGRESS GAITERS, at fully 33 per cent, low er than the same work when made to order in this place —fit, style and workmanship equal in ev ery particular. I,tidies are Ini lied to call and examine my stock of SHOES and SLIP PERS of every style and price, with sizes from the smallest infant to the largest numbers. ONE PRICE and strictly fair dealing is the rule of the Orders faithfully filled, and if desired, sent C. O. D., on condition Ihe person ordering can look at the goods before pay ing for them, they paying freight if returned. FARMERS’ BROGANS, aud a large lof ot stout Boots for heavy wear always on hand. PETER KEEN AN, * vpS-.f CENTRAL HOTEL BLOC h, AUGUSTA, ISA. $5 $5 ,f @5.00 % $5 $5 Five dollars will purchase a fraction of an In dustrial Exhibition Bond, that is certain to draw one of the following Premiums, • ON DECEMBER 6, 1875, A Tenth, which costs only $5, can draw any of the following, and will be received by the Company at any time in 6 months as $5 in ths purchase of a S2O bond. This is a chance for gai- and no chance for loss 10 Premiums of $3,500 each " 10 “ 1,000 “ 10 “ 600 *• Paid in 10 “ 300 “ 30 “ 100 “ .Cash and 10 “ 50 100 “ 20 “ no deduc -290 “ lo “ tion. 444 “ 5 39000 “ ~ 2.10 1 Tlie lowest Premium is sl.lO. Each fraction niu<t draw this sum. All fractions will be good with sls to pur chase a whole S2O Bond. This is a chance for a fortune, and no chance for 10S3. A S2O Bond participates in 4 drawings each year until it has drawn one of the following premiums : 8100,000, sll, SSO, SIOO, SIOO S3OO, SSOO, $1,0410, SII,OOO, $5,000, SIO,OOO, $35,000, 8100,000. The bonds issued by the Industrial Exhibi tion Cos. are a copy of the European govern ment loans. The Bonds are a safe investment. PEOPLE OF SMALL MEANS can find no better or safer investment. No chance of loss. A fortune may bo acquired On December 6th On January 3d. aStoPURCHASE NOW IIOW TO PURCHASE. In person, or by certified Check or Express, or Postal Order, or Draft, or enclose Greenbacks in a registered letter, to and made payable to tlie Industrial Exhibition Cos. The funds raised by sale of these bonds will be applied to the erection of a CRYSTAL PALACE Which every American will be proud of. Recollect.— The Industrial Exhibition ie a legitimate enterprise chartered by the fctat# of New York, Its Directors are the best citizens of 14. Y. It lias had seven drawings since July, 1874, and paid out in principal and interest, #750,000. Any one obtaining a premium, the oompany pledges itself not to make public. The enterprise is simply anew form of bond; in no sense is it to he recognised as a lottery. There are no blanks. Be)sure ond purchase at once. $5 will buy a Fraction for December 0, 1875. $5 will buy a Quarter bond for Jan 3, 1876. $lO Half Bond “ “ S2O “ Whole Bvnd “ “ All Bonds are exchangeable into city lots in the suburbs of New York City. Each Bondholder is regarded as a.i honorary member ot the Industrial Exhibition Cos., and is welcome at the parlors of th* Go , No (2 East 17th st. Agents Wanted. All communications and remittances to h made to the Industrial Exhibition Cos., 12 East 17th st., Get. sth avenue and Br’dway, N.Y. City For the purpose of giving the bondholders of the Industrial Exhibition Cos., full and compete information as to the progress of the Company and a complete list of the drawings, am illiutr*- irated journal will be published, viz : The Industrial Exhibition Illustrated Subscription One Dollar per Year. Anyone sanding a club of" 15 subscribers with sls, Will be given i premium of one Frac tion or l Bond, club of 25 mbscribers, J) Bond, Ilub of 50 subscribers whole bond. Address INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION ILLUSTRATED, 12 E t 17th st., New York Cky. S6O will Purchase 13 Fractions. THE GREAT REPUTATION which Dr. Pemberton’s Fluid extract of Stil lingia, (or Queen’s Delight) has attained is all sections ot the country as a GItEAT AND GOOD MEDICINE, and the large number of testimonials which nr* constantly being received from personj who have been cured by its use, is conclusive proef of its gr at merits. THIS OKEAT HEALTH RESTORER is a positive specific and cure for Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Constipation, Headache, Diz ! zincss, Pains in the Back, Kidney Complaints, I Jaundice, Female Weakness, Lumbago, General Debility, Gravel, Gout, Scrofula, Cancerous Humor, Erysipelas, Salt Itheum, Ringworm, I’implfs and Humors on the Face, Old Ulcers, Rheumatism, Mercurial and Syphilitic Affec tions. It removes all Mercurial or other poisons from the Blood, and soon restores the system to per fect health and purity. That Pale, Yellow, Sickly looking skin is soon changed to one ef beauty, freshness and health It will cure aey chronic or long standing diseases, whose real or direct cause is bad blood. A trial will prove it. Thousands have been snatched as it were from the grave by its miraculous power, who now enjoy health and happiness, where once all wa misery. It invigorates a..d strengthen* the whole *y teni, acts upon the secretive organs, allays in flammation, cures ulceration, and regulates the bowels. Or. Pemberton’s Stllilngia or Queen's Oellglit gives Health, Strength and Appetite. It purifies the Blood, and renovate* and in vigorates the whole system. Its medical pro perties are alterative, tonic, solvent and diuretic. For testimonials of wonderfel cures, **jd t# the Proprietor, or oall upon your Druggist*. The get uiuW'D prepared only by Dr. J. S. Pemberton, Chemist, Atlanta, <3. For sale by all first-class Druggists. Office of George Adair, Wall Stree Atlanta, Ga , July 16, 1 Pit. J. S Pembhhton—Dear Sir : I It a 4 your Extract of Stillingia for a cliro ia affection of many years standing, wcicl. . am cure after all other remedies had tailed I are known your Sti'lingia U3ed in the w .it asei of scrofula, secondary syphilitic diseases hen. matism, kidney and liver affections, with great success. In fact, 1 have never known it to fail in the most desperate eivses. 1 consider it tb# greatest blood purifier known. Tour* truly, J. 0. KVA Jit. For sale by Or. 11. t’. EDmUIUI, Ang. 11. Rlbarten, *. $5 tO S2O P er anda >’. Agents wanted. All classes of workingpeople of both sexes, young and old, make niouey at work for i.s, in their own locilites, during their snare moments, or all the time than at any thing else. We offer employment tlmt will pay handsomely for every hour's work. Full par ticulars, terms, Ac., sent free. Send us your address at once. Don’t delay. Now is the time. Don't look for work or business elsewhere, until you have learned what we offer. G. Stin son &Cos., Portland, Maine.