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ft hr gaily |tt,
‘ublishi- l daily at Five Dollars a year. Where the sub
scription is made for less than a year, at the rate of
Fifty Cents a month. Singlo copies, Five Cents.
Advertisements will be inserted at Five Cents a line
>r tirst insertion, and Three Cents a line for each subse
uent insertion of the same —to be paid for when the
dvertisement i nanded into the office.
A Car l not exceeding 5 lines, not renewable, will be
nserted i liree mouths for $4, six months for sb, or one
ear tor $lO. Time agreed upon to be paid for before the
dvertisement is put in type.
Advertisements not exceeding ten lines, renewable at
leasuro. inserted at S2O a year—to be paid for quarterly
1 advance.
Advertisements of 20 lines, renewable at pleasure, in
•rted at S3O a year—payable quarterly in advance.
Contract advertisements exceeding 20 lines, will bo
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lies —payable quarterly in advance.
Advertisements or notices, occupying a place between
io reading matter and advertisements, will be charged
ive Cents a line for every insertion,
Athens. December 18.1855.
nllE exorcist** of this Institution will recommence on
L thjSotli day of .January next, and continue untii the
st of August, when there will boa week's vacation, after
. Ideh, studies will be resumed until the winter vacation,
eginning on the first of November.
The folio wing able and experienced officer* comprise
lie College Faculty—who are expected t* Ir* at their
j hsts, in the zealous discharge of their duties.
Alonzo Church, i>. n.. President and Professor of Politi
d Economy and Mental Philosophy.
James P. Waddel, A. m m Professor of Ancient Languages
nd Literature
William T. Brantley, i>. n.. Professor of Belles Lett res,
Ividenccs of Christianity and History.
Joseph LcContc, m. and., Professor of Natural Sciences and
Vacher of French.
William Leroy Broun, a. m., Professor oi Mathematics,
stronomy and Civil Engineering.
Chases ri. Venable, a. m.. Professor of Natural Philoso
liy and Chemistry.
Honi Joseph 11. Lumpkin. Li.. i>„ Professor of Law.
Daniel Lee, M. 1). Terrell, Professor of Law.
William lleury Waddell, a. m.. Tutor in Ancient Lan
i inges.
John W. Park, a. m., Tutor in Mathematics.
Applicants for admission arc recommended to be pres
ut at the hepinning of the term.
Parents and Guardians may feel satisiieil that their
ms and wards carl here obtain a thorough education.
Jan. 24 ts AS BURY HULL, Sec'ry.
3-eorgia Female College.
11H1S Institution is organized under four
regular departments of Instruction, viz:
lie Collegiate, the Academic, the department
■f Languages, and the Ornamental Depart
In the Collegiate department, is taught ev
ry thing that is necessary for the full devel
opment of the mental powers, the Common
Studies being kept in constant review.
In the Academic department, is taught
vhatever may be necessary for preparing the
nipil to enter advantageously upon her Ool
ege career.
In the department of Languages, Latin,
Jreek and French are taught.
The Ornamental department comprises the
wo Schools of Music and Design, in the
brmer, instruction is given upon all the usual
nstriments, while in the latter, every variety
if Drawing, Painting, &c. is taught.
The location (Madison, Morgan County,)
bands unrivalled for its social and religious
irivileges, and for the salubrity of its climate.
The Voung Ladies board in Private Families,
where they receive all those offices of mater
ial care and kindness which are necessary for
heir health and comfort.
The next term commences on Monday the
3th of January.
Catalogues may be obtained by applying to
lither of the officers.
11. D. MILLARY, Sec’y of Faculty.
Madison, Nov. 14th, 1855.
’ I THE First Session, for 1850, will commence I
L 0,1 Monday the 21st of January, and close
in the 2d of July.
J. F. Bledsoe, Principal.
Miss M. E. Hotchkiss, Assistant Lit. Dept.
1. B. Norman, Professor of Music.
( Rates of Tuition Per Annum.
Primary class $lO 00
Preparatory class 25 00
First year in regular course 82 00
Last three years each “ 40 00
French Language 20 00
Music on the Piano, including use of In
strument 50 00
Music on the Harp, including use of In
strument 05 00
Music on the Guitar 40 00
Incidental Expenses, 1 00
The Latin and Greek Languages will be
taught, as a part of the regular course, to all
who desire them.
Instruction will he given in Drawing, Pain
ting, Embroidery, Wax and Paper Flowers at I
the usual rates.
Vocal music will be taught to the whole
school, free of charge.
Young ladies can be accommodated with
hoarding in the family of the Principal, or in j
respectable families, at ten dollars per month, j
‘‘very thing furnished except lights and tow- \
Parents and guardians living at a distance,
are requested to appoint an agent in La Fay
ette, who shall make all purchases of clothing,
&c.V for their daughters or wards.
Prof. J. It. Norman is an experienced and
successful teacher of music, and is prepared to
give instruction In the art of Composition, and
in thorough Bass, to advanced pupils.
The Institution is supplied with a Harp, and
with new Pianos.
Miss Hotchkiss, who has not, heretofore,
been connected with the Institution, comes to
us highly recommended, as a teacher of rare
qualifications. Among other testimonials the
following letter from Prof. Newman, of Union
College, New York, is an ample guarantee for
her ability and efficiency :
Union Coi.lkok, Dec. 2‘J, 1855.
Dear Sir :—ln reply to your inquiry, I
would say, Miss Hotchkiss, I know to lie emi
nently qualified for teaching. Her scolnrship
is general and very thorough. She is enter
prising and ambitious—doves to teach, and on
the whole, is the best qualified for it of any
lady l ever instructed. I speak thus confi
dently, because she was a pupil of mine some
four or five years. Truly yours,
Upon the general principle that nothing tends
more to impair and destroy the intellect, than
superficial habits of study, no young lady, in
this Institution will be permitted to take up
studies beyond the grasp of her mind, or to ad
vance from a lower to a higher class until she
has thoroughly mastered all that precedes.—
The mind that lias not comprehended common
arithmetic and English Grammar, is hut poor
ly qualified to grapple with the intricacies of
the higher mathematics, or the subtleties of
_We invite patronage, and we intend to de
serve it; but we do not promise to make schol
ars iu a day. While modern science has al
most annihilated time and space, the mind
retains only its original qualities and capabil
ities. The Intellect, in its onward progress,
is still dependent upon the principles of asso
ciation. the powers of judgement and memory.
Real advancement in knowledge now, as it has
ever been, is slow. jan4.
lailj sß*.
VOL. I.}
Opelika, Russell County, Alabama.
riMIE Building for tliis Institution is now
JL completed, and the Hoard of Directors
invite the attention of Parents and Guardians
to the advantages offered by Prof. McCormick,
for the education of both sexes.
By the McCormick System of Education,
the reasoning powers are more expanded anil
better cultivated in live months than by the old
system in five years.
Legitimate Education is the object of this
College ; Without the aid of Theology, Music,
duplicity, begging, fashion or foolery in any
shape whatever.
Three Rules will be rigidly enforced : Ist,
early and punctual attendance; 2d, to learn
very fast; 3rd, to behave remarkably well.
The only required preparation for admission
will be good character, over nine years of age,
and exemption from all illegal and base asso
ciation, and no students refused because of
being graduates.
An effort merely to please a people, being
the first step towards duplicity and fraud, duty
alone will be the Polar Star taught ; and no
Yankee drumming, for students, need be ex
pected, nor no beggars employed by this Col
Rates of Tuition:
Orthography, &c sls 00
Arithmetic, English Grammar, &c 25 00
Mathematics, No., with useof lnst'm’ts. 87 50
Double these rates will lie charged for every
day that a student may be unnecessarily ab
After students are well learned in the Na
tural Sciences, they will be allowed to enter
any ancient or modern Language at $25 per
Walter G. Williams, President of the Board.
James It. Green, David Lockhart,
John R. Page, A. B. Bennett,
R. S. Brownfield, Thos. B. Bogus,
L. ■!. McCormick, President of College,
Prof. Mathematics, &o.
N. 15.— McCormick’s Arithmetic and Ivey
(the largest ever published,) for sale by Wm.
Kay, Agent, Atlanta and Ncwnan, (la., and
by D. Watson & Son, Opelika, Ala.
Jan. 28, 1858.
Southern Commercial College,
Chaitiifd I>j- tile General Assembly of
the State.
riYIIE above Institution is permanently loca-
I ted and is not surpassed by any similar
establishment in the United States, in point of
facilities lor imparting a thorough knowledge
of the duties of the Accountant.
Book Keeping.
This Department is under the immediate su
pervision of the President of the College, who
is a practical book keeper, having had many
years experience in some of the largest count
ing houses in the Union.
Commercial Law.
This braucli is under the superintendence of
John A. McEwen, Esq., member of the Nash
ville Bar, who is too widely known as a lawyer
and orator to require any further notice atour
The course of instruction embraces both
Reading and Lectures.
Lectures will be delivered at night, so as
not to interfere with his professional engage
Mercantile Calculations.
These are taught by William Ferrcl, A. Al.,
and embraces every species of calculations
necessary for a business man to understand,
viz: Interest, Discount, Loss and Gain, Equa
sions, Exchange, etc. etc.
Terms of Tuition.
Book keeping by Double and Single Entry,
as applied to every variety of business, both
prosperous and adverse. Commercial Calcu
lations, and Commercial Law Lectures, inclu
ding the use of Books S4O 00
Penmanship for 20 lessons 5 00
For lessons without limit 10 00
The above fees are payable invariably iu ad
vance. The importance of this rule must ap
pear obvious, as students entering for an un
limited period, with the privilege of reviewing
at any time during life, without extra charge.
This School is in perpetual session, having
mi vacation : hence students may enter at any
time, and pursue their studies without inter
Merchants and business men will be supplied
with competent hook keepers by applying at
this establishment.
No pupil will ever receive a diploma who is
not well qualified hi discharge the duties of
the accountant.
Good hoard and lodging can he obtained at
$8 per week.
Mathematical Department.
In connection with thislnstitutionis a Math
ematical Department, conducted by W. Fcrrel,
A. M., in which is taught n thorough course
of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy.
Course of Instruction.—Arithmetic, Al
gebra, Geometry, Trigonometry. Surveying in
all its branches, with the use of instruments,
and field exercise; Topographical Drawing;
Descriptive Geometry, Shades and Shadows,
Linear Perspective ; Projections of all kinds ;
Analytical Geometry .••and the Differential and
Integral Calculus; .Mechanics, with Applica
tions to Machinery and Engineering, Magnet
ism, Electricity, Optics, Navigation and As
The student may pursue a partial or full
course, ut his option—and special attention
will lie given to such practical branches as are
useful to the Surveyor, Architect, Engineer,
Terms—From So to S7 50 per month.
Address Southern < VunmercinlCollege, Nash
ville, Tenn. Nashville, Dec. 1855.
lAOl’lt ami Six-llorse I’ost Cori lich from Montgomery
via Benton, (Winn, Marlon, Grisnuiborougli, Kotow,
Clinton. Brhlyvville. I'iok ••usville, (Ala.,) to Columbus anil
AburdiTii, tMississippi.)
it i, • la-eves Montgomery on Tir.HD.vxa, Thursdays and
S.VTiniuYß. at 6 oVloolc. IN M.
Tho Stork and Coaches on this l.ine are not surpassed
hy tlmse of any Line In tlie Southern country, and tbo
proprietors having at meat expense started It, solely for
tin* neromr,eolation of the travelling pnhHc, without the
aid of Government patronage, they hope to receive such
a share of travel us will sustain anil enable thr mtocon
tlnue tlioir line in such a manner and at such rates ae
cannot fail to please.
AA*Office at Montgomery Jltll.
A. J. BRIGGS, Agent.
llavnniia Cigars. Isirelnril’a Snutt, constantly on
hand and liir sale, wholesale and retail, at No. 2<i,
Hrnad street. J. .1, TODD.
Columbus, Oct.— ts
Pt'iiftelcl, Georgia.
llev. N. M. Crawford, 1). I)., President.
S. P. Sanford, A. M., Professor of Matlie-
I matics.
.1. K. Willct, A. M., Professor of Chemistry
i and Natural Philosophy.
Uev. S. (S. llillyer, A. M., Professor of
! Belles Letters.
K. M. Johnston, A. M., Professor (elect) of
! Languages.
Theological Seminary.
itev. .1. L. llagg, l). D., Professor of Syste
matic and Pastoral Theology.
Rev. N. M. Crawford, 1). i)., Professor of
Ecclesiastical History and Biblical Literature.
Rev. T. 0. Martin, A. M., Principal.
Commencements held on the last Wednes
day iu July. The regular College course re
quires four years for the degree of A. B.—
Those wisihing to do so, may omit the langua
ges, and pursue a scientific course of three
Having been originally designed for the ed
ucation of young men preparing for the Gospel
Ministry, this Institution keeps that object
steadily in view. The Seminary embraces a
three years’ course of such studies as are pur
sued in the most celebrated Theological Semi
naries in our country.
The Academy is kept under an experienced
teacher, and has been established with special
reference to fitting pupils to enter College.
The price of Board in the village is $lO per
month; washing, room-rent, fuel, iScc.
The next Term commences on the first day
of February, 1850.
With a full and able Faculty, students arc
with confidence invited to the usual benefits of
our best institutions, with the special advan
tages of a location removed from the tempta
tions and vices of towns.
By order of the Board of Trustees.
Jan. 23. S. LANDRUM, Sec’y.
Lumpkin, Gn*
rnilK Trustees of this institution take pleasure in an-
A nouncing to the public that they have secured the
following futility, to take charge of the College, at the
opening Os the next term.
Col. Augustus Aiden. a. m. President—Professor of Kd
glish Literature and Ancient Languages.
Kev. F. X. Forster, a. m.—Professor of Natural Science
and Mathematics.
Miss Ann K. Alden. Instructress in French and Bota
uy aLd Principal of Preparatory Department.
M u sic.
This institution is located in one of the most beautiful
and healthy villages of South Western .Georgia; owned
by the Masonic Fraternity, and under its supervision; it
is kept free from all sectarian bias—at the same time, rc
ipiisite care is taken to secure to the pupils proper moral,
as well as mental training.
The next session will open on the second Monday in
January next. The Classes will then be organized, and
will progress as heretofore.
Boarding can be obtained in the best families of the
place, where the students will be surrounded by the safe
guards and amenities of the families circle.
The rates of tuition and hoard, are as low ns those of
fered by any similar 1 nstitutiou in this part of the State.
The College is furnished with anew and complete set
of Chemical and Philosophical Apparatus, Globes. Maps,
Charts, Ac.; in fine with everything necessary for illus
tration in the several departments of Natural and Expe
rimental Sciences-
The College Building is so arranged that the Depart
ments will be kept entirely separate, each occupying its
respective rooms.
Arrangements are now in progress to secure for the
Music Department, a gentleman of the highest grade of
abilities and moral character.
We invite the patronage of a liberal and discerning
public, being assured, from the character and reputation
of those constituting the Faculty, and the ample facilities
for instruction now actually in possession of the Institu
tion, that every pledge wo make shall be redeemed, every
inducement we offer will prove to be a fact; and that our
Institution can challenge comparison with the proudest
in the land.
Persons desiring fu.ither information in regard to the
College, will please address L. M. Cox, Lumpkin, or Kev.
F. X. Forster, Cuthbert, Ga., who will furnish them with
Circulars, &c. Jan. 23 ts
r |MLK undersigned designs opening a Private Academy
1_ for Young Ladies in Eatonton, Put nan county, Ga.,
on Wednesday, January 9tli, 1856.
In the Literary Department the course of study will
be extensive and liberal.
The Latin. French. German and Spanish Languages
will he taught if desired.
The Ornamental Department will include Music on the
Piano, Harp. Organ and Guitar.
Also, Drawing, Painting, and Embroidery in ail its
A complete apparatus will be furnished iu order to af
ford ample illustrations in the Natural Sciences.
Musical instruments will he provided, so that each
pupil may Imve the means of daily practice iu addition to
the regular lesson.
The number of pupils will In- limited to 36.
Tuition per annum, $125 00; half in adwmce.aml the
balance at the end of the year.
Attention Is called to the following advantages; First,
the pupil receives a much larger share of attention, than
when the school is large and overgrown.
•Second, in addition to the regular course of study, she
can make such a selection from tin* languages, and the
Ornamental Department, as linn* and choice may dictate,
without extra charge.
Third, the low rate of tuition, compared with that of
other schools.
The usual charge for the English branches, is. ..£4O OO
Music 20 OO
Latin (Extra) 20 oo
French “ 20 00
Drawing and Fainting 25 00
Km lroi< lory 25 OO
Making the aggregate of SIBO 00.
To this add the extra charges made for the use of in
struments, stationery, Ac., and the amount will not fall
far short of £2OO, whereas, in tin* plan adopted in this
Academy, the charge for these is $125 leaving a difference
of SSO to $75 in its favor.
Pens, ink, paper, slates, pencils. Ac., gratis. Books,
sheet music, Drawing, Painting and Embroidering muU*-
rials furnished at the tisuid rates.
Persons desiring further information, or w ishing to en
ter their daughters or wards, may address me, for the
present, at Lumpkin. Stewart County. Ga.
Jau 23. I K. BRANHAM.
Cassville, Georgia.
rpjlK first Term of this Institution will begin on the
X first Monday in February. I*so, under the direction
of the following
Fnc uity.
Kev. Thomas If ambaut,
Chairman and Professor of Ancient Languages.
Kev. William 11. Robert, iVofessor of Mat hematics.
Kev. B. \Y. Wiiildkv.
Professor of Belles Letters and English Literature.
Kev. W. If. Kohkiit,
Pro teni. Professor pf Natural Science.
Kev. B. W. Wiiiijikn, pro tein. Professor of
Moral Philosophy and Intellectual Science.
Other Professors will l“ elected as soon as the wants of
the college require it. •
Board and lodging can be procured at a boarding house
or in private families, at from eight to ten dollars per
Hi A endemic department, per year S2B it
In College department, per year :;l oo
The Board of Trustees are now offering to sell scholar
ships for four years at SIOO 00
•Scholarships for sixteen years,.t 240 00
j Tims making tuition merely nominal
The amninl commencement will take place on Tliurs-
I day after the first Saturday in July.
Cassville Is u healthy location. Our college building
! is situated three quarters of a mile front the village, and
is a commodious ImiMing. Here young men will he
comparatively free free the allurements of fashionable
life, tho baneful influence of grog shops, and the expos
ures of a mixed population.
Any information, as well a* cotalogue, can Is- obtained
on application to the undersigned, or any of the faculty.
December 31. Secretary Board of Trustees.
East Alabama Female College,
Tuskkgek, Macon County, Alb am a.
IOC AT ED in Tuskogec, a village far-famed for its
A healthful climate and refined society, tin* college is
easy of access from east and west by the Montgomery
and West Point Kail Bond which passes at tin* distance
of four miles, and from the upper and lower country by
excellent roads.
The public may feel assured that the high standard of
education here adopted will never he lowered. It is our
determination to present at all times an institution whose
facilities for instruction shall justly claim for it a posi
tion among the tirst in the country. Those are, an elo
, glint and commodious edifice, erected at a cost of some
forty thousand dollars—a large and able corps of instruc
tors —a well selected library—a good apparatus and a ca
binet, prepared with special reference to the wants of tho
Tin* hoarders enjoy peculiar advantages. They have
the privilege of membership iu a literary society, meet
ing weekly for rehearsals, reading and exercises iu com
position. One hour on Sabbath afternoons is spent hy
them in giving an analysis of the morning sermon, and
in other exercises designed to cultivate a taste for reli
gious truth. They also attend monthly levees conducted
hy the governess and other members of the faculty.
Their dormitories arc all carpeted, well warmed and ven
tilated. and furnished with every needful comfort. Be
sides hoarding at the same table with the President and
others of the Faculty, they are under the constant hu|mt
vision of the governess who directs them in all matters
pertaining to their habits of study and recreation, and to
the cultivation of their manners.
Literary Depnrnmiit.
Henry A. Bacon, A. M.. President,
Mental and Moral Science.
George W. Thomas. A. M.,
Higher Mathematics and Ancient Languages.
J. Kr /.kczkowkki, French, Italian and German.
Miss Inda Williams. IjOgic, Rhetoric and History.
Mrs. N. T. Taylor, English Branches.
Miss M. E. Womack, Preparatory Classes.
IHitsicnl Department.
l)r. 8. M. Bartlett, Principal.
Mrs. N. T. Taylor, Assistants.
Miss Lydia Boot, J
Ornamental Department.
Miss L. H. ItEin, Principal.
Miss Assistant.
Hoarding Department.
Miss L. 11. Ueid, Governess.
Mr. Sampson Lamer, Steward.
Mrs. Emily K. Lamer. Stewardess.
Mrs. Lucinda Patton, Assistant and Nurse.
First Term, from Sept. 23d to Dec. 23d, inclusive.
Winter Vacation, from Dec. 24th to Jan. 7th, inclusive.
Second Term, from Jan.Stli to April Mb, inclusive.
Third Term, from April Oth to July 9th, inclusive.
Summer Vacation, from July 10th toSept. 226. inclusive.
Commencement of 1856, on Wednesday, July 9th.
Necessary Expenses*
Primary Classes per term $ 7 00
1) Si O do 10 00
A Si B do 13 00
College.’ 16 66
Board, including lights and washing pr. term, 36 00
Books, stationery, materials, &c., furnished at jow prices.
Extra Expenses.
Modern Languages. ]x*r term $ 7 00
Drawing,Embroidery,Chenille, Wax or Fancy
Work, per term 9 oo
Water Colors, per term 10 (hi
Oil Painting, per term 13 (HI
Piano, Guitar, or Violin, per term 16 00
Use of Instruments for lessons and practice,
per term 2 50
Harp, including use of instrument, per term... 25 00
Those who design entering for the tirst time at the be
ginning of the next term, will find it to their advantage
to correspond with the President on that subject.
November 21. 1855. ts
Texas Real Estate Brokerage,
HOMES ill Texas, and safe investments obtained
. through this Agency. Fidelity to the interests of
non-residents. Registers of Lunds for sale in all parts of
the State; full exhibits of title and accurate descrip
tions, also, Registers of Town and City Lots. Lauds lo
cated, bought and sold. Claims against the State or indi
viduals collected or adjusted, anil remittances made by
exchange on New Orleans or any of the Northern cities,
if desired. Taxes paid on land situated in any part of
the State. A thorough and intimate knowledge of the
country and land system, insures superior locations and
the best titles. Strangers looking at Texas may always
have some leading items and useful hints at the office of
this Agency. Registers open for examination.
4far-In the beginning of her revolution iu 1836, Texas
offered large bounties, in land, to volunteers who might
serve in her armies. Wc can now offer to tho survivors
and heirs of those who thus served, the recovery of all
the lands promised hy the government of Texas. Our
advantages are such, that wo are prepared to investigate
and prosecute all Texas claims, for land or money, re
gardless of their date. We give particular attention to
the recovery of property illegally or unwarrantably dis
posed of hy agents or administrators; to tho investiga
tion of the rights of heirs, devisee ß or legatees, and to the
settlement of estate.*
To persons having Land Certificates for Location, wc
can offer particular inducements. Our thorough and in
timate knowledge of the vacant lands and surveys of the
State, obtained in many instances from personal inspec
tion, insures the most favorable locations. Close atten
tion to the land system of Texas for a number of years,
and an accurate knowledge of the different classes of
titles, together with a large amount of land registered
in our office for sale, enables us to furnish prompt and re
liable inhu mation and assistance to persons desiring good
homes, and to otter superior advantages to those wishing
to make safe and profitable investments.
We are offering for sale lands in every part of the
State, improved and unimproved, of every quality, and
iu tracts to suit purchasers—town and city property—
in short, every kind of real estate, on tin* most favorable
terms, lfdesired, we will examine land in any part of
the State, and ascertain its value.
We invite the attention of persons having landor town
property in Texas for sale, to our office, as furnishing a
cheap and effective mode of advertising ; and of mercan
tile houses and individuals, to the collecting branch of
our business, as a medium for prompt and efficient col
lactions. RAYMOND. FREEMAN *v GO.
Decoin her 18 —ts
G. F. HILL, Esq., Principal and Proprietor,
Mu. N. W. ARMSTRONG, Graduate of the j
State Military Academy. South Carolina. > Assistants.
fIMIK Fourth Scholastic Year of this Anideiiiy eoin-
JL menced on Monday, January loth 1855, and will con
tinue in session during forty weeks.
As this Academy received very liberal assistance from
tin- State at the last session of the Legislature, there will
lie uo charge for tuition. Mu entering the Institution,
1 an initiation fee of twenty dollars will lie required of each
i Cadet, except such as come under the the following pro
vision, viz:
Each county in the State of Alabama is entitled to send
I one Cadet free of charge. Such Cadet to Im selected by
! the Judge of Probate and County Commissioners, from
such men as are talented, deserving and of good moral
character. Orphans should receive tlie preference.
Spelling, Reading. Writing, Arithmetic. Grammar,
Geography and History.
Algebra. Geometry; Plain, Descriptive and Analytical
Trigonometry, Calculus. Shadows and Perspective, Xotii
! nil and Moral Philosophy, Cli(*inistry,Coi*vi*yHm iiig. Con
stitutional Law, Ancient Lungiuiges; French, Civil and
Military Engineering, Surveying. Mechanics and As
Tactics will lie taught at such times as not to interfere
with the regular studies.
The discipline will he enforced.
Dress Coat of Grey Cadet Cloth, standing collar, trimmed
! with convex metallic buttons and sixteenth-inch black
cloth, according to the usual style; Pants of Grey Cloth,
, with black stripe on the outer seam one and an eighth
inches iu width—to he worn till the first of May.
White Pants from Ist May till September.
I The uniform is not to he worn except on general pa
i r tales, and such special occasions as the Military Instructor
I may direct.
The Academy Buildings are large and well arranged,
and the locution is eminently healthy.
Board can he procured from eight to ten dollars a mouth,
i The principal will so direct the education of his pupils
as. if possibly to make them practical and nserul men.
The experience and qualifications of the instructors
will entitle this Institution, in a high degree, to public
confidence. F. A. ZACHARY.
jly-d4m Secretary of the Board of Visitors.
1 • )r\ Barrel* vcliow Irish Potatoes, received and for sale
the nniTisH periodicals,
TH K FAHM !•! n’B O-XJIDb.
< treat reduction in tho price of tho latter publication.
I. Scott & Cos., New York, continue to pnbliah lln fol
lowing leading British Period icalH, viz:
r I ’1 * E great ami important ovente—lteligioui, Political,
X and Military—now agitating the nations of the Old
World, give to those Publications an interest and value
they never holme possessed. They occupy a middle
ground between the hastily written news items, crude
speculations, and Hying rumors of the newspaper, and
th ponderous Tome of tin* historinn, written long after
tin* living iutcivst in tho facts he records shall have
passed away. Tin* progress of the Wav in tho East occu
pies a largo space iu tlioir pages. Every movement is
closely criticised, whether of friend or of foe, and all
short-comings fearlessly pointed out. The letters from
the Crimea and from tin* Baltic in Blackwood's Magazine
from two of its most popular contributors, give a inoro
intelligible and reliable account of the movements of the
great belligerent* that can elsewhere he found.
These Periodicals ably represent the three great politi
cal parties of Great Britain —Whig, Tory, and Kadical,—
but politics form* only olio feature of their character.—
As Organs of the most profound writers on Science, Lite
rature, Morality, and Religion, they stand, as they ever
have stood, unri\ailed in tho world of letters, being con
sidered indispensable to the scholar and the professional
man. while to the intelligent reader of every class they
furnish a more correct and satisfactory record of the cur
rent literature of the day, throughout the world, 111 mi
can he possibly obtained from any other source.
Early Copies.
The receipt >f Admner Sheets from the British publish
ers gives additional value to these Reprints, Specially
during tho present exciting *late of European affairs, in
asmuch os they can now be placed iu the h&nds of sub
scribers about as soon as the original editions.
~ . , Fee ami.
l or any one ot the Rail* reviews $3 on
For any two of the foul* Reviews 5 <0
For any three of the four Reviews f 09
For all four of tin* Reviews * 8 oft
For Blackwood's Magazine 3 po
For Blackwood and three Reviews 9 ()•
For Blackwood and the four Reviews....” 10 0#
Daymen!* to he made in all cases iu advance. Money
current in the State where issued will Ik* received at pdk.
Cl 11 Hiring.
A discount twenty-five per cent, from the above pis
cos will be allowed to Clubs ordering direct ffoiiFL. Scott
A* Cos., four or more copies of any one or more of the nhnt*
works. Thus: Four copies of Klackwood, or of one Re
view, will he sent to one address for $9; four copies of Bis
four Reviews and Klackwood fors3o; and soon.
In all the principal cities and towns,these works
be delivered, free id’ postage. When sent hy nlail, fS
postage to any part of the United States will he lmt twev
ty-four wntg a year for “Blackwood,” and but fourteen
cents a year for each of the Reviews.
To Scientific nnl Fraction I Agriculture.
By Henry Stephens, F. R. S. of Edinburgh, and the lute
J. I*. Norton, Professor of Scientific Agriculture ia
Yale College, New Haven. 2 vois. Royal Octavo.—
1600 pages, and numerous Wood and Steel Engravings
This is, confessedly, the most complete work on Ag#-
culture ever published, and in order to give it a w idtt
circulation tin* publishers have resolved to reduce the*
price to
Five Dollars for tlie Two Volumes! X
When sent hy mail (post-paid) to California mid Orejpn
tlie price will be $7. To any other part of tho Union and
to Canada (post-paid), SO. 4$ This work is not tliwold
“Book of the Farm.”
Remittances for any of t lie above publications should
always be addressed, post-paid, to tin* Publishers,
No. 54 Gold Street, New York.
Opposite the Passenger Depot, Macon, ©a.
Is now open for tho reception of the traveling public,
■sojourner ami citizen, under the following programme
of administration:
E. E. BKOWN, ) „
E. ISAACS, } Proprietor
B. F. Dense, Superintendent.
f pillS new Hotel linn Hindi to render it nttrac- ..
1 live to tlie way-furor, who may viHit Macon
on plcamire or business. jj::: (J| •
It location in opposite to tlie New I’liH.iengerJLjLi
le]iot on 4tli Street, and ut a convenient distance froa
tlie Ware llmixes and biminoss part of the city. To tkmi
lica and others who tarry hut n few hottl'N in tha place,
Brown's Hotel will furnish all needful ui Bonimodations
without delay and expense of Omnibus trftndtortatinn m
distant hotels. ‘ . v
The Rooms are large, airy and well ventilated, idan) of
them having communicating doors, and suitable for Par
ties and families.
The Furniture is entirely new and of tlie most improv
ed style of hotel equipment.
The Culinary Department will be under the special care
of that well known and efficient f'aterer, Mr. E. Isaacs.
The. General Suprriutemlence and Reception Depart
ments eonfi nod to Mr. It. F. Dense, long and favorably
known as the popular Superintendent of the Floyd House
of Macon. IDs Lady will give her attention to the com
fort of tlie Ladies who may sojourn at, or visit (lie House.
Meals will always lie in readiness on the arrival of tlie
different Rail liotul Trains.
The Bar will be supplied with tho choicest Wines nn.l
A Livery Stable and Barber Shop are also adjuncts of
the Hotel.
The house is furnished with (Jus and with Bath Rooms.
Under the various arrangements tho Proprietors flathr
themselves that they will he tib/o tosupji/y every reason
able want of their guests and ostab/ish for their ilottsu
the reputation of a “first <1 ass Hotel.“ Tlie pubfic pat
ronage is respeetfuffy solicited. E. E. BROWN,
jail Sir E. ISAACS.
rpilE undersigned, formerly a teacher inEu-
I faula and Greensboro, Ala., will open a
School in KnmiUon, (in., on the first Monday
in Uimitiry.
Those who wish their sons prepared for Col
lege or for business, would do well to enter
them at this Institution, as the motto of the
Principal ini- ever been, to give thorough in
struction in all brunches taken up by tlie pupil.
The Latin ami Greek Languages wifiDe taught
after tlie latest and must improved system,
particular attention being paid to correct pro
nunciation and tin* art of scanning.
Parents or gun.rditms, residing in the coun
try, are particularly requested to make early
application to tlie principal, either personally
or liy letter. Hoard can lie obtained iu Ham
ilton upon reasonable terms.
RnJe, of Tuition :
Ist Class—Spelling, Reading and Writing, per
annum S2O 00
2nd —Geography, (iramnmr and‘Arith
metic, with other of the English bran
ches, per annum 80 00
Algebra, Geometry, Latin and Greek,
or any other branch the Patron mny
desire 40 00
The pupil will he charged from time of entry
lo dose of ses. ion of five months. Deductions
will la* made only in cases of protracted ill
ness. A. I!. SEALS, Principal.
If eke it knces : Col. James N. Ramsey, Dr.
<!. ('. Gibbs, Gol. Janies M. Mobley, Britain
Williams, Judge Earley. Hamilton, Ga.
Dec 21
r | ’|| K next session of this Institution will com
j nienee on tlie Tith’d Monday of January,
under tlie Presidency of the, Rev. Wm. IF. Elli
son, I*. D., aided hy an able and experienced
corps of instructors in every Department.
Dr. Ellison is well known throughout the
country as one of the ripest scholars and best
instructors in the South, and has, during the
past yenr, been offered the Presidency of five
different colleges, several of them among the
most flourishing awl popular institutions iu
the country.
The course of study is as full and thorough
as in any school of equal grade, and the Trus
tees do, with great confidence, recommend it
to the favorable consideration of Parents and
Board can be had in several of our best fain
iles at $lO per month, including washing, fuel,
light, &c. R. 11. POWELL,
Jan. 8 ts President of Board, he.
VTEW, cheap, as good as the beat, warranted ,
1 \ now on hand and to arrive, at
Deember 11 28 Broad Street.
{NO. 154.