The daily sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1873, August 14, 1856, Image 3
The Hair. In to-day’s paper will be found an advertise ment of Prof. O. J. Wood’s renowned Hair .Re storative. The statements contained in the letters of those who have used it, are wonder ful, but no less wonderful than true. This j Restorative has not been long before the pub lic, but it has already achieved a world wide reputation, and thousands daily thank the dis coverer. Read the advertisement, and go straightway and supply yourself.—Glasgow j Times. TEN DOLLARS REWARD. LOST Oil Monday evening last, between town and the i rare track, while riding out, a line Lady's Watch, j Uoid anchor hunter, Ant Lecoultre, maker, lieneva, No. ! 2,136. The above reward will be paid on its delivery at j Messrs, foster A i’urplo's Jewclery Store. August If. lftf j GOLUMBUS BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. rivllii Twenty Second Installment of one dollar per I Share, is payable on Saturday next, llitli instant. The monthly meeting of the Association will bo held : ut Concert Hall on that evening at 8 o’clock. STL It LI NTi f. i HIM ICS, August If, 1856. Treasurer. ~PROF. DARBY’S LECTURE. f|VHE Mechanic's of Columbus, and all citizens who i X favor scientific pursuits, as well as tlio citizens gen erally, are respectfully invited to attend a Lecture, this evening, at Temperance Hall, on the subject of •• Tue in ducements of young men to study the natural laws that govern the material world.” NOTICE. MR. DARWIN BRYANT is no longer authorized to sell rights for “Garrett’s Patent Oil Sockets,” for ns. M. I*. BLUR A CO. August if, 1856. It Montgomery, Ala. FRESH TURNIP SHED. A FI LL variety just received an 1 for sale at Eagle Drug Store. August 13. 3t KIVLIN, THOMAS A 00. NOTICE. TTTANTKD Immediately, FORTY HANDS to work VV in Columbus at lioclc Work, and also severrl good Stone Masons. Liberal wages will be paid. August. 13. ASA BATES. Office Muscogee Railroad. Cos., | COLL’MHUS, Aug. 11, 1850. j AT a meeting of tiie Directors held tins day, it was Re solved, That a dividend of Four Dollars per share upon the General Stock be declared, from the earnings of the Road, for the last six months ending 31st July. Payalde on and after the Ist day of Sept. next. All stock registered in Savannah will receive their dividends at the office of Win. !’. Hunter, Esq. The Annual meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany will be held on the Ist Monday in Sept, next, at thisoffice. All Stockholders are entitled to a free pas sage over the road to attend the meeting. Aug. 12. D. ADAMS, See’ry. BLANK ATTACHMENTS. ATTACHMENTS conforming to the late statute, cor- J printed on superior paper, for sale at the 3|ly 21, SUN OFFICE. WILLIAM G. LEE N. M. CARTER. LEE A CARTER, GO M MISSION MERG HANTS, General Agents and. Collectors, COMMERCE STREET, MONTGOMERY’, ALABAMA. W ILL pay particular attention to the purchase and sale of COTTON and other COUNTRY PRODUCE. References : Johnson, Stewart & Cos. Hargrove A Smith, Pomroy & Gregory, A. I>. Pfister & Cos. Jqsiali Morris, Joseph S. Winter. as Liberal Cash Advances made on Consignments, when desired. August 10. 1850. Iltf TURNIP SEED. TARESII TURNIP SEED—new crop, just imported, X for sale at the Blue Drug Store of August 9. lOtf BROOKS A CHAPMAN. ||HORSE AND BUGGY FOR SALE. A GOOD BUGGY and a capital Horse, well broke. Apply to R. M. GRAY. August 2, 1856. FRESH BUTTER. A GOOD supply of Fresh Butter, just received and for sale at It. M. GRAY’S July 21. Commission House. LIFE INSURANCE. NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF RALEIGH, and CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD, CDNTINUE to take risks on favorable terms. Slaves | insured for two thirds their value JOHN MUNN, Agent, August 8,185 C. 3m Columbus, Ga. TO HIRE. A FIRST rate house servant, washer and ironer. for . the balance of the year. Apply to Aug, 7-3 t S. R. BONNER. LOST OR MISLAID. LOST or mislaid, a DUE BILL drawn by Mason A Dibble, dated Macon, July 1855, for Five Hundred dollars, in favor of Wm. Darnell. All Persons are fore warned from trading for said note, as it is mv property, TENNESSEE BACON. YTSTE shall receive in a few days a large lot of choice f T Tennessee Bacon Sides. August 1. GREENWOOD & GRIMES. H AR.R.ISOW ffc McGEHEE. An cl in, Commission, Negro Brokerage and Forwarding Business, M At the old stand, Nos. 59 and 61 Broad Street, and pledge themselves to a prompt and faithful attention to all business committed to their care. They will give their personal attention to the sale of Real Estate, Negroer Merchandize, and Produce. Having ample facilities at command, they are prepared to make Liberal Advances on Negroes and Merchandize of every description. •‘-'■'“Particular attention given to Administrators’and Executors’ sales. CHARLES S. HARRISON, ■August 19,1856. ly ALLEN C. McGEIIEK SUMMER CLOTHING AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Till! undersigned has a good assortment of LINEN j SUM M UK CLOTH I NG, which he is offering at great- j ifceduced prices, to close out the stock. Among which Black Doeskin and Cloth Pants; “ Drap De Te and Alpacca Pants; Brown Linen Drill Pants ; “ Linen Duck Pants; White Linen Drill Pants ; Fancy Linen Drill Pants ; Fancy Linen Pants; Cottonade and heavy Cotton Punts ; Black French and English Frock Cloth Coats; Black Drap De Te and Alpacca Coats; Brown ami White Linen Duck Coats ; Check Marseilles and Linen Coats; Colored and Black Italian Clotti Coats. ■ great variety of VESTS, SHIRTS and unduisiiirTs, •awers, HALF HOSE. Ac. Ac. All who want summer CKKlung, are invited to call, and as many as call and buy snii i have Clothing for about half the usual price. ■ “*y 24. (J, w. ATKINSON. J fifty dollars reward. LOOK OUT FOR THE SCOUNDREL AND THIEF, .-IOHN \V. BEACKLY alias BELL, A BOOK BINDER BY TRADE, |KirHO I have reason to believe is now skulking about ■ t Russell county, Alabama. Having by false repre tat lons obtained credit of our merchants for dressand jewelry to decorate himself and wife, he was arrested by wo’ of his creditors and Held to hall. 1 was induced by for ids service in my bindery and professions of He -ire to have an opportunity to make the money to hon -saßuny relieve himself, to become Ills hail, lie failed to ap ,r au< * forfeited his hail, leaving me liable fur sums in • aggregate, of over two hundred dollars. Ilis entire wins m this city obtained under the above related cir ■jnstances, amount to over six hundred dollars. ■Having no time to waste in pursuit of this double re nn. ‘J scoundrel, I offer a reward of fifty dollars for his ap, : ehension and delivery to the Sheriff of Muscogee county, neorgm. Late revelations satisfy me that the Penitentiary is his proper place. I caution the public wherever he may go, to he on 3, r guaid against him, ns he Ims never been known to / h e trade every where will do well to look n and steerclear of hint. lrt,ir''ll lll P ' rl0 I * V —He is 35 or 38 years of age. five feet inir fiV,m‘ C . he9 .i"‘ hei .S ht > 111,8 vt ‘ r y irregular filthy look urn Stm t te * th ’ aud usual, y wears a terrier looking < , ,T’ „ THOMAS DE WOLF. V Rumbus, Ga., Aug. 2, 1856. Proprietor Daily Sun. COLUMBUS PRICES CURRENT. CORRECTED WEEKLY. BAGGlNG—Kentucky yji ... .(0, 24 East $4 yd I ... (& 20 BALK ROPE —Kentucky lb i 11 (0| 14 NortUoiu..., lb ... ($ BEESWAX fib 18 ,g,! 20 CANDLES—Sperm ftb ! 45 (gtj 60 Star -I lb 30 tgt 33 Tallow flb 18 0 20 Coffee—Rio fib 13 15 Java %t lb 18 (g, 20 Laguira stb 15 0 16 I CORN ft b’l 60 © 60 j DOMESTIC GOODS— ft yd ... 0 Cotton Osuaburgs ft yd 10% 0 11 % Browu Shirting ft yd! 6 (g) 8 1-4 Brown Shirting ft yd 8 0 10 FEATHERS.... ft lb 40 (a) 50 FISII —Mackerel No. 1 ft hi 20 00 ®26 00 No. 2 ft hi 15 00 020 00 No. 3 ft bl 900 010 00 Sliud ft pe ... 10 ... FLOUR ft hi 750 012 00 GUNPOWDER ft kg 800 @lO 00 HIDES—Dry ft ft, 8 @ 10 IRON—Pig ft tb ... Z ... EuslisH ft tb b 0 ... Swedes ft tb 6 @ 6% Skeot ft tb 8 @ 10 LIME ft b’l 50 0 76 MOLASSES ft gn 65 @ 70 NAILS flb 0 0 OJ4 OlLS—Linseed ft g’l 125 @ 150 Train ft g q 75 @ 100 Sperm ft g’l 150 0 250 Lard ft g’l 125 0 150 PROVISIONS. ft ... 0 Beef—Mess.. ft lb ... 0 Prime ft lb 16 0 16 Bacon—Hams ft tb ... @ 12% Sides ft lb 10% 0 11 Shoulders ft ib 9 @ 9% PoitK—Mess ft gl ... 0 Prime „... ft hi ... 0 Lard ft lb ... <0 15 Butter—Goshen ft tb 33 0 35 Country ft tb 25 0 30 Cheese ft tb 15 0 16 Potatoes —Sweot ft h’l ... 0 Irish ft b’l 350 0 400 SALT ft sk 175 0 200 SALTPETRE ft lb 20 0 25 SHOT ft bg 0 2 50 SPIRITS —Brandy, Cognac ft g’l 225 @8 00 American... ft g’l 65 @ 100 Peach ft g’| ... 0 150 Gin —Holland ft g’l 125 0 250 American ft g’l 75 @ 100 Rum—Jamaica ft g’l 200 @3 00 New England.... ft g’l 75 @1 00 Whiskey—Rectified ft g’l 40 0 45 Common ft g’l ... 0 Monong’a.... ft g’l 76 @1 50 SPIRITS TURPENTINE ft g’l ... @ 100 STEEL—PIow ft lb ... @ 10 Cast ft Ib ... 0 22 German ft ib ... 0 15 American Blister ft lb ... @1 10 English Blister ft B) ... 0 15 SUGAR —New Orleans ft lb 10 @ 12% Loaf. ft tb 15 (at 10 Crushed ft lb ... 0 16 Pulverized ft lb ... 0 15 TALLOW ¥ ft) 10 @ 12% TEAS ft lb 80 @ 200 TOBACCO —Common ft lb 12% @ 15 Fair ?tb 20 @ 30 Choice ft lb 50 @ 75 TWINE fife 25 @ VINEGAR —Apple ft b’l 650 @7 50 WHITE LEAD ft lb 275 @ 325 WINES—Port ft g’l 160 @3 00 Madeira ft g’l 150 @ 500 Claret ft g’l 300 @ 500 Champagne ft bk 100 @j2o 00 WOOL I? bl 15 @j 23 R ATES OF EXC HAW GE. CORRECTED BY W, E. LOVE A CO. LOTTERY AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, NO. 64 liaO.Ur STREET. BUYINO RATES. SELLING RATES. New York, 60 days 1% 3$ ct. dis sight, % prem Philad’a, “ “ 1% ct. dis “ none Boston, “ “ ~.1% ct. dis “ none Charleston” “ none. “ none N. Orleans ” “ none. “ none Alabama Bank Notes 2 ft ct. dis Tennessee “ “ dis Kentucky “ “ 2% ct. dis N. Carol’a “ “ 2 ct. dis Virginia “ 2 ct. dis Gold and Silver 1 ct. pm All Solvent Georgia and S. C. Banks par MUSCOGEE RAIL ROAD. jpU jgjg jpg! JIPli, iilJJi. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ITiliOM and after this date, the Day, or Express Train, will leave the Depot at 1, P. M., and arrive at Macon at 6% P. M. Leaves Macon at 2 A. M.; arrives at Columbus at 7% A. M. Morning, or Accommodation Train, will leave at 4%, A. M., ami arrive at Macon at 10.54, A. M. Leaves Macon at 3 P. M.; arrives at Columbus by 10.10, P. M. J. L. MUSTIAN, Columbus, June 29, 1856. Sup’t. DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE. Office Montgomery and YVest Point It. R. Cos., 1 Montgomery, July 6, 1555. j ON and after this date, tiie Passenger Trains on this Road will he governed by the following Schedule: DAY TRAIN. Leave Montgomery 5 45 A. M. Arrive at YVest Point 11 45 A. M. Arrive at Columbus 11 50 A. M. Hclurning —la-ave West Point 9 00 A. M. “ Leave Columbus.., 8 40 A. M. “ Arrive at Montgomery 2 36 P. M. NIGHT TRAIN. Leave Montgomery’ 7 00 P M Arrive at West Point 2 30 A. M. Arrive at Columbus 2 45 A. M. Returning —Leave YVest Point 1130 P. M. “ Leave Columbus 11 20 P. M. “ Arrive at Montgomery 7 15 A. M. Double daily connections are continued from West Point to Atlanta, Augusta anil Nashville, and from Co lumbus to Macon, Augusta and Savannah. 4®* Negroes traveling alone must he provided with two passes, showing permission of their owners to travel over tho Road, one of which will he retained by the Con ductor. Nov 10 SAMUEL G. JONES, Eng. A Sup. TICKETS TO MONTGOMERY $3 75 ATLANTA 5 50 NASHVILLE, TENX 15 50 GRANGER’S MAGIC J Wd&'k • Q 4 W 0 Ij fIMIE uudersignod having been appointed agents for X tho above Celebrated Mill, call tho-attention of Plan ters to its great superiority over all others. The frictiou rollers, the spiral spring and the lever, be ing attached to the shell or outside, gives it a steadiness of motion, possessed by no other Mill of its kind, and wo have proven to tiie satisfaction of all who witnessed its performance, that it requires less horse power. Purchasers can see the Mill in successful operation, by 1 calling on us nt our Warehouse. GREENWOOD A GRIMES. Columbus, July 4. 1856. ly CANVASSED HAMS. VLOT of superior Canvassed Ilams, just received and for sale by JOEL T. SCOTT, July 14 Opposite New Masonic Hall. WOODBRIDGE’S PALACE DAGUERREAN GALLERY, Over Brooks A Chapman’s Blue Drug Store, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. HAVE you seen any of the new style of Pictures on Glass ? If not, call and see. The Double Face Pic tures are a curiosity, aud are iuvulliable as true likeness | es. No fading with these Pictures. For taking children it is unsurpassed, requiring hut a few seconds to take a life-like impression. A better expression can he got by this process than by any other, the time of exposure be ! ing so short. Daguerreotypes from the smallest, for Lockets or Rings, to the largest, for Frames, taken in the most finished style. Some entirely new styles of eases, on hand and for sale. J. S. YVOODBRIDG K, February 27. Artist and Ambrotypist. PREMIUM MATCHES! rfk GIIOSS Partridge A Co.'s Premium MATCHES, a i O U superior article, for sale by J. T. SCOTT, Commission Merchant, 1 June 30 141 Brood st. CATALOGUE OF FINE GROCERIES, BY MARCUS & CHAFFIN, 77 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. Flue Teas. American Pickle. Oolong Tomatoes Young Hyson Rod Cabbage Hyson Peppers Imperial Gherkins in bbls and kegs Gunpowder Maccaroni. Souchong and Pouchoug Vermicelli. Sugars. Cheese. Stuart’s Crushed English Dairy do. Ground State Cheese do. Refined, ABC Sap Sago N. O. Brown Pine Apple Cheese do. Clarified English C liedder do CoiTee. Butter. Old Gov Java Goshen Butter, by every Brown “ steamer Superior white Java Molasses. Old Mocha Golden Syrup Laguira and Rio Stuart’s do Provision. N O Molasses Tennessee Hams Miscellaneous. Georgia “ Colgate's Soap Kx. Sugar-cured Hams •• Starch New York “ Sperm Candles Fulton Market Beef Patent “ Smoked and Pickled do Star “ Smoked Tongues Olive Oil Pickled do Horse Radish Extra Pig Pork * Pie Fruit Bacon Sides and Shoulders Powder Best Leaf Lard Shot Fisk. Caps Mackerel in hbls aud hf do Gun Wads Salmon, sm’kd and pickled ! Powder Flasks White Fish Shot Pouches Apalach’ado [Drinking Flasks Fresh Shad in cans J Raspberry Syrup “ Lobsters “ [ I Lemon “ “ Sulmou “ Cordials “ Oysters “ i Brandy Fruit Pickled Oysters j Chocolate and Cocoa “ Lobsters Potatoes Hominy. Onions Split Peas. Wood and Willow Ware Flour. ScotcU Ale Extra Genessee I, on cion Porter “ St Louis [Rice City Mills j Candy Extra Buckwheat Yeast Powder Crackers. Strasbourg Pates. Soda Biscuit | Petit Pois Butter Crackers Truffles Boston “ I Moutarde De Maille Graham Bread ■ Pates De Foie Gras Sugar Crackers Sauces and Catsups. Fancy “ | Worcestershire Sauce Bent’s Crackers, in hbls and; Reading “ cans [John Bull a Fruits. Pepper “ Malaga Raisins Tomato Capeup Layer “ Walnut •• Prunes in jars Mushroom” “ in boxes Undorwood’s Relish “ in kegs, for cookiug French Olives Sullana Raisins Seville “ Fresh Figs Capers Oranges Sardines Lemons Tobacco Apples | Cigars. Currants and Citron ; Always on hand a tine lot Nuts aud Almonds ; of choice brands. Spices. Vinegar Nutmegs Wines. Mace Madeira Wine Cloveß Port “ Cinnamon Sherry “ Ginger Malaga “ Black Pepper White Cooking Wine White “ Champagne. Cayenne Fepper j Heidseick & Cos Allspice jMumm’s Vergeuay Currie Powder Cabinet Bird Seed. 1 “ Imperial Canary and Hemp Cremo de Bouzy Preserves. Still Hock Pineapple Sparkling Hock Limes Rhine Wine Peaches Imperial Sherry in bottles Pears 1 Regina Port “ Green Gages j Reserve Madeira “ Canton Ginger Torree “ “ Jams and Jellies Liquors. Isinglass. (Hard Brandy Coopers Shred [ilennesse Brandy Cox’s Sparkling Gelatine. | Imperial “ in bottles Refined Isinglass 1 Alpha “ “ English Pickle. Old (j “ “ English Mustard Pieltle Old Nahob’Rum “ “ Mixed do Scotcli Whiskey “ Wliite Onions do Irish “ “ Chow Chow | Mouongahela ‘Whiskey Gherkins Old Bourbon “ American Pickle. Jamaica Rum Gherkins Holland Gin Mixed Pickle Irish Whiskey Mangoes ! Cooking Brandy. March 14. ly FRESH FAMILY SUPPLIES. T>lo, LAGUIRA, JAVA, and MOCHA Coffee; Xi BACON SIDES, HAMS and SHOULDERS; Brown, Clarified, Crushed, Powdered and Loaf Sugars; Soda Biscuit, Butter Crackers, and Raisins; Sardines, Sauce, and Pickles; Patent Sperm, Adamantine, Star, and Tallow Candles; FRESH MAY BUTTER and Leaf Lard; Maccohoy Snuff in jars and bottles; Fine Green and Black Teas; Soap, Starch, Saleratus and Table Salt; Gunpowder, Shot, and Porcust ion Caps; l’epnor,Spice, and Vinegar; HA NANA and e.ui Alts, and Chewing Tobacco Lemon, Raspberry ami New Orleans Syrup , Fine and Common Brandy. Gin, Rum, and Whiskey: London Porter, ami Edinburgh Ale; Genuine Iloidsick, Champagne and Claret Wine: Wolfe’s Aromatic Scheidnm Schnapps; Boker’s and Stoughton's Bitters, etc. etc. On consignment and for sale low for cash. June 9. J. T. SCOTT, 141 Broad Street, opposite new Masonic Hall. NEW BOOKS. IjNRED GRAHAM ; or masks and faces, by J. F. Smith. Initials; a story of modern life: by the daughter te of Lord Erskine. s Colomba; by Prosper Merimee. Reality; by Mrs. Tuthill. Married, not muted ; by Alice Cary. Ladies Guide to perfect gentility ; by E. Thornwell. The Sparrowgrass Papers; by Fred S. Cozzens. Plu-ri-bus-tali; by Philander Doesticks. The Buusby Papers, and Irish Echoes; by H. Brougham. The Ship Carpenter's Family, by W. li. S. Whitman. Eutaw, sequel to the Foiiiyers, or the Raid of the Dog Days, by W.G, Simms, Esq. Heroes of the American Revolution, with Portraits. llow to detect Counterfeit Bank Notes, by (1. Peyton. Woman’s Faitti, a tale of Southern Life; The Wife’s Trials, anew novel. Humboldt’s Island of Cuba, ed. by Turasher. Ahliott’s Napoleon at St. Helena. Alison’s History of Europe; second series. Also, the most of Dumas', Smith’s, Dickens', Thacke ray's, Lever’s, Lover's, Reynolds’, Mrs. Southworth’s, aeil Mrs. Ilentz’s works: and choice selections from all the other popular authors, School Books. Ac. For sale by GKO. W. MATHEWS, june7 No. 44 Broad st. P. MALLETT, General Commission Merchant, new York, CAAN he found ut the office of D. Colden Murray, Esq. J 62 South Street. Particular attention given to orders for Bagging, Rope, Liquors, Cigars, &c. dice. Refer to John Mutt a, Esq., D. Colden Murray, Columbus, Ga. New York. June 23, 1856. 6m. FLOUR AND BACON. o*7/= BBLS. FLOUR, just received; 150 hbls. Superfine Flour, at $6.50 per b!. for five barrels; 126 hbls. Family Flour, at SB.OO per hi. for five barrels: |6.75 per hi. for one barrel Superfine, and only $8.50 per hi. for one barrel at a time, best Fam. Flour. 125,000 lbs. best Tennessee GOOD BACON, at as low prices as it cun be bought for in this market. For sale (against all competition) by June 30-1 m JAMES LIDON. BACON! BACON! v HMDS, and 24 boxes TENNESSEE BACON, as sorted, just received 011 consignment, and for sale at the Alabama Ware House, by June 21-ts KING & SORSBY. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. rpifK partnership heretofore existing between the un- X dersigned, nialer the nHm** of Celia A Thoinae. was this day dissolved by mutual consent. J. L. CKLLA. July 22, 1856. J- B. THOMAS. Having purchased the entire Interest of Mr. Cella,the subscriber will continue the business on his own ac count. All persons indebted to the late firm of Celia A Thomas, also those who have bills against it, will settle with him. J. B. TIIOMAM. Tim undersigned would respectfully “elicit his old friends to continue the patronage of Mr. Thomas, so lib erally bestowed upon the late firm. Colntnbus, July 30,1856. J. L. (’ELLA. STORE TO RENT. | rpilE Houtli Store of my new building, 23 feet wide by [_ 100 feet long, with good Gas Fixtures and first rate Cistern water. Terms moderate to an early applicant. The best stand in the city for almost any business. 1 August 4, 1856. JAMES LIGON, HAVANA PLAN LOTTERY! MORE PRIZES THAN BLANKS! ‘7J7&7 PRIZES. 00,000 boxiljahs. 15,000 Xf umbers Only 1 JASPER COUNTY ACADEMY LOTTERY! By Authority ot the State of Georgia. CLASS P. To be Drawn August 15, 185(1, At Concert Hall, Macon, Georgia, under tho sworn super intendence of Col. George M. Logan aud James A. Nesbit, Esqr. Patrons will please examine this Schema carefully— compare it with any other, and if it is not tho best ever ottered, and the chances to obtain Capitals far better, don’t purchase Tickets. CAPITAL PRIZE $15,000! 1 Prize of. $15,000 is $15,000 1 “ 3,(’00 is 3.000 1 “ 2.000 is 2,009 4 “ 1.000 are 4.000 10 “ 500 are 5,000 6® “ 100 are 5,000 20 Approximations of SSO t 0516,000 Prize are 1,000 60 “ of 25 to 3,000 “ are 1,260 60 “ of 20 to 2.000 “ ure I,tMK) 80 Approx, of $12% to each of the Capitals of 1,000 7500 Prizes of SB% each are 03.750 7.7C7 Prizes amounting to $102,000! Tickets $lO Halves $6 Quarters $2 50. All Prizes Payable Without Deduction. The 7,767 Prizes of SB% are determined by the num ber which ‘draws the $15,0(0 Prizo—if that number should be an odd number then every odd number ticket in the Scheme will be entitled to $8 sb; if an oven num bes, then every even number tickes will he entitled to $8 60, in addition to any other Prize which may lie drawn. Purchasers buying an equal quantity of odd and even mini her tickets will ho certain of drawing nearly one half the cost ot the same, with chances of obtaining other Prizes. All those tickets ending with o, z, 4,0, 8, arc even all those ending witli 1,3, 6,7, 9, are odd. Persons sending money by mail need not fear its R ing lost. Orders punctually attended to. Communications confidential. Bank Notes of sound Banks taken at par. Drawings sent to all ordering Tickets. Those wishing particular numbers should order imme diately. ii-Address JAMES F. WINTER, Malinger. July 17 td Macon, Ga. W. E. LOVE, Agent, No. 64 Broad .Street, Columbus, (la. A. K. AYER, GENERAL AGENT. AUCTION, COMMISSION, RECEIVING And Forwarding Merchant, No. 131 West Side Broad Street, Columbus, Ga. ‘I ‘articular attention given to the keeping, purchase and stile of Negroes. Mr Administrators’ and Executors’ sales attended to on reasonable terms. Oct. 23. ly J. C. RUSK. J. 11. DAVIS. IV. 11. LONCi KUSE, DAVIS & LONG, COMMISSION MERCHANTS And Shipping Agents, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. 11’ ILL purchase and sell eatton and other produce on commission, and strictly attend to forwarding goods and filling orders from the country. Ruse, Patten .4 Cos., agents Columbus, by whom liberal advances will ho made on consignments either to or through us to our friends in Liverpool or the North. Jan.lo ly A CARD. JWUIiLD most respectfully give nu-W W **>7’ M tl tice to tho citizens of Columbus and* u Sr \J J vicinity, that I still continue to give INSTRUCTION ON THE PIANO, and in SINGING. I have room for six or eight more Pupils. Those wishing to engage my services, can do so iiy leaving their names at mv Store. April 30, 1856. 220tf J. 11. VAN DUN BERG. FRESH AND FINE. JUST RECEIVED— Extra St. Louis Flour Extra Genessee do. Atlantic Superfine do. Pilot Bread ; Butter and Soda Crackers Arrow Root and Fancy do. Java, Maracaibo and ltio Coffee Teas, a very choice selection Sugars of every kind Raisins, Currants, Citron aud Almonds; Together with every tiling usually kept in the Grocery line, for sale by GUNBY & CO. marl 2 DRB. H. M. A M. A. (XECKLEY, HAVING associated themselves in the practice of MKDI.CINE and SURGERY, tender their services to the public generally. Particular attention will he bestowed to diseases pecu liar to Frvtalts, Chronic affections of all kinds, which may be entrusted to their treatment. itrj ■ Office next door to Kidgway, Cleckley A Cos., over Perry Spencer’s Grocery store, Broad st. 4-#-Office hours from 8 to 10 A. m„ aud from 3 to 1 r. M.: also at night between 8 and 10 o’clock. Columbus. April 25 ts XTOWA AZE OR rent. THK HOUSE on the corner of Troup and r - 1 Thomas streets, Lot 406, with five rooms, an excellent well of water, all the out improve uients, and lias been recently put in thorough .JlLjI.'J repair. Call at SAMMIS A ROONEY’S. June 21-1 m IHRD CAGES. . ALARGK lot of BIRD CAGES, just recelv-HUnMI ed and for sale cheap, bv PuHtaM June 19. 3ta li. M. ALDWOfITIf. Klt ids II SUPPLIES. JUST received, fresh Hates, Raisins, Preserves, at 42 Broad street. CKLLA A THOMAS. WHISKEY. BBLS. Georgia Planter’s pure corn white Whiskey. LIJ 25 Bbls. “ “ “ “ Ocoee “ 23 “ Taylor's Old Domestic Distillery “ 35 to 75ccntx per gallon, just received front Tennessee, on consignment, unit for sale by May 12. JAMES LIGON. WANTED. IHV'KNTY FIVE NEGROES to work on the Muscogee Kail Itond. for whom liberal wages will lie paid. J. L. MUSTIAN, A|ir ii 14. Superintendent. AIR TIGHT’ SELF-SEALING CASS, HUUNKTT’S Patent Air Tight Self-Sealing Cans for Preserving fresh Fruits, Tomatoes, Ac. Ac., witli full directions for using them—for sale by D. it. THOMPSON A CO. Juno 17 Ini. 143 Broad Street. PRESERVED I'ltT ITS Ae. IAINIO OLIVES, Olive Oil. French Cream Fruit, pre X served Fruit, and ripe Fruit of different kindH. Also line fresh aud Fancy ('undies, just received and for sale at 42 liroad Street. May 15. OKU,A * THOMAS. TO THE PUBLIC. fTMIK trailing public who have hitherto patronized the TROY FACTORY, will please take notice that W. K. Hakims is no longer connected or associated in any imin ncr whatever with the business of the establishment. — All business hereafter will he transacted exclusively witli ourselves at our Ware-Rooms. R. G. JEFFERSON & CO. Columbus, Oct. 25. —ts Farmers, Your Interest Is Here. i if 1/ k LBS. Chandler A Co's very siiperiorrlh- J'y,UV/V7 bed Sides, in handsome boxes of about 400 lbs. each. Packages to you are a half cent per lb. less than small lots. Come np and buy no less than a package. Just received and for sale by March 24. JAMES LIGON. NEW CO-PARTNERSHIP. IJMIK undersigned have entered into the OItOCEBY A BUSINESS, under the firm and linniu of KIDG WAY, CLECKLEY A CO. M e will keep constantly on hand a large stock of choice Groceries. D. A. RIPOWAY, A. D. CLECKLEY. M. D. DONKY, janktl . If. M. CLECKLEY. COAL YARD. rrilOSK wishing COAL for Grate*, can he supplied at 1 sl3 per Ton, by calling w MQWART) Nov £ Agent Selma Coal Mine Company. NOTICE. fPAKKN from my room, in Odd Fellow#’ Unit, on or 1 about Wednesday. 23d iff July, a fine new DOUBLE BARRELED SHOT GUN, Mortimers make. Any in formation which will lead to its recovery, will he lilier ally rewiu-ded.hy J. M. KVERITT. FRESH NEW CHEESE. IAKESII new CHEESE received to-day and for sale by 1 July 31. MARCUS & CHAFFIN. PROFESSOR WOOD’S HAIR RESTORATIVE. It Haa Worked Miracles. r IMiAT ALL TUE BALD ANDGRAY can he restored X perfectly to original growth, bo far as their locks are i concerned, does not admit of doubt; besides, it will cure every possible disease of the scalp, whether developed as ; dandruff, itching, or in tho shape of cutaneous erup i tions—even scald-head—and in no possible ease will it i fail oi curing, us if by magic, nervous or periodical head ache, and it used twice u week by the young, regularly, it will preserve tiie color, and keep the hair from falling, | to any imaginable age. Read and judge. Looansport, la.. June, 1856. Mksbrs. 0. J. MOOD & CO. i Gents—Yours of the 13th came duly to hand. En closed, please find thirty-eight dollars, it being the amount for Hair Restorative. 1 have sold it all. * * If you choose, you may send six dozen bottles Hair Res torative; l think 1 can sell it. it has worked miracles in this place. 1 sold a limn six $1 bottles, that was bald, and it fetched new hair out all over his head. Yours, respectfully, M. 11. UIUDLEY C. R. R. Ovnci, Vandaua, June 21, 1854. PROFESSOR MOOD— Dear Sir—i take pleasure ill bcuriug voluntary tes timony to the excellence of your Hair Restorative. Three months ago my hair was very gray. It is now a dark brown, (the original color,) smooth and glossy. The only application I have made to it, lias been the Hair Resto rative prepared by you, ami which, from the result in my own case, 1 can most cordially recommend to others. Respectfully, yours, EDM . M'OLCOTT. Vixi'knxks, la., June 21, 1853. PROF. 0. J. M oOD— As you are about to manufacture and vend your re cently discovered llair Restorative, , will state, loi whomsoever it may concern, that X have used it, aud known others to use it—Unit l have, for several years, been ill tho habit of using ether llair Restoratives, and that I find yours vastly superior to any other 1 know. It entirely cleanses the head of dandruff, and with one month’s proper use, will restore any person’s hair to tiie original youthful color and texture, giving it a healthy, soft and glossy appearance ; and all this, without discol oring the hands that apply it, or the dress on which it drops. 1 would, tlierelore, recommend its use do every one desirous of having a fine color and texture of hair. Respectfully, yours, \\ LI,JON KING. St. Louis, June 29,1853. PROF. WOOD— As you are about to prepare and vend your recently discovered llair Restorative, and as you request my opiu io'iufit, I will stale, tlint my hair was, a few months ago, very gray, and after using two bottles of your Hair Restorative, it resumed its original color; and since its application, all dandruff has disappeared from my head, and 1 have been troubled w ith no disagreeable itching of tho Scalp. lam satisfied that those who use it will not regret it, ns it gives tlie hair the appearance of having been recently oiled. lam prepared, therefore, to recom mend its use to all who are desirous of having a beautiful head of hair. I am, sir, yours, etc. H. L. STEWART. PROF. WOOD— Dear .“ir—My hair had, for several years, been be coming prematurely gray, accompanied by a harshness which tendered tiie constant application of oil necessary in dressing it. M hen 1 commenced Übing your Hair Res torative, nhout two months ago, it was in that condition ; and having continued its use till within the last three weeks, it lots turned to its natural color, and assumed a softness and lustre greatly to be preferred to those pro diicecl by tin- application of oils or any other preparation ! have ever used. I regard it as an indispensable article for every lady’s toilet, whether to lie used ns a Hair Res torative, or for the simple purpose of dressing or bruuti lying the hair. Von have permission to refer to me all who entertain any doubt of its performing all that is claimed for it. MILS. 0. SYMONDS, Cincinnati, Ohio, Feb. 10. 1854. 144 Third st. M ATKHTOWN. Mass., May 1, 1854. PROF. 0. J. WOOD— Allow fne to attest the virtues anil magic powers ot yout Hair Restorative. Three months since, being ex ceedingly gray, 1 purchased, and soon commenced to use, two buttles; and it soon began to tell, in restoring tho silver locks to their native color, and tiie hair, which was before dry and harsh and falling off. now became soft and jSloisy, and it censed falling; the dandruff disap peared, anil tin-scalp lost all the disagreeable itching, so annoying before, nml now, 1 not only look, hut feel young again. Respectfully, yours, etc. CHARLES WHITNEY. •Ww'Sohint 11 1 Market street, St. Louis, Missouri. 816 Broadway, New York, and by all Druggists everywhere. All kinds of family patent medecines fbr sale, on the best possible terms, at Professor M’ood’B establishment, 14 Market street, St. L uls. For sale in Columbus at the Drug Store of KIVLIN, THOMAS A CO. J tins I—3in ICE AT THE OLiD ICE HOUSE. lIIAVE tilled and opened the Old lee House at agreat expense and considerable labor, to supply the wants of the people, and I claim your patronage, being ONE of VOL. I will furnish you as LOW as any one else. J was run out last year aud have opposition to deal with this, lint 1 uin determined not to lie run out again, and suffer tiie monopoly to advance one anil a halt cents on the citizens. I never have, nor do 1 expect to ask more than TWO AND A HALF CENTS in quantities amount ing to inure than 30pounds. I am prepared with a Horse and M agon to deliver it in the City, nt your doors; ami will attend punctually to all orders from tho Country, or neighboring Towns, to he sent by Kail Road, Stage, or otherwise, as you may wish. lk,j -Tickets to he had at the Ice House, or at my Store T. M. IIOGAN. P. S.—lce House open ill all hours during the day (ex cept Sunday). On Sunday from 12 M. April 16. I Soli, if T. M. U. A HOMESTEAD FOR $lO. !$310,000 worth of Farms and Building Lots In the Gold Region of Virginia, Culpepper County, riAO ho divided amongst 10,200 subscribers,on the 17tli I of September, 1856, for the benefit of Port Royal Female Academy. Subscriptions only itn dollars tuck; one Lull down, tiie rest on the delivery of the Deed. Every subscriber will get a Building Lot or a Farm, ranging iu value from $lO to $25,000. These Farms and Lots are sold so cheap to induce settlements, a sufficient number being reserved, the increase iu value of which will eoinpoiisatu for the apparent low price now asked. Tiie most ample security will he given for faithful par forntam euicontractu anil promises. More Agents are wanted to obtain subscribers, to whom tin-most liberal inducements will he given. Some Agents write us that they are making S2OO per month Advertising w ill he done for every Agent where possible. For full piirlicnlurs, Subscriptions, Agencies, Ac., apply to E. BAUDER, June 27. Port Royal, Caroline Co s, Vu. CHEW ACL A LIME. rpilE undersigned. Agents of the above Lime Murks, 1 lire prepared to fill orders at all times for LIME in the following packages, to wit: 3 Bushel Barrels, and 4% Bushel Barrets, in good order for shipping. This Lime is of fine quality, equal in every respect to Hie best Thouiuston Lime, ami inis superseded it in the interior of Alabama und W estern Georgia. Itcan he de Hvereil ul any point in Middle Georgia materially cheap er than Thomnston. May 24. GUNBY A CO. NOTICE {8 hereby given. Hint after publication of this notice for six weeks, application will he nuido to the Com inissioiier of i elisions, for the issue of u duplicate ot Warrant So,finjlKO, act of -March 3d, 1856. issued to Neal Kenedy, lute u private in Capt. Coleman'* Company, In Col. A. Bates’ Pegiment of Georgfa Militia, in the Indian War of 183(1, fl.e tame having been lost, and a cuvcat against il location entered in the General Land Office Dated June 16th, 1856. ELIAS HULL, jn nel '.t-yv-nw Attorney for Neal Kenedy. PEAS AND KEANS. a e /. liGHUELiS PEAS and BEAN'S, just received und J 0 U for sale by May 2. ts JEFFERSON A HAMILTON. CHOICE WINES. CGI AM PAGN E, Port, Claret, Madcria, Cicily aud Mai ) uga, just received and for Bale by May 23 GUNBY A CO PEAS. irWA BUSHELS Pea* just received and for sale by GUNBY A CO. May S3 CHEESE. i FINE lot of Western Reserve CHEESE, just re A received by June 28- ('EI.I A A THOMAS. PRESERVES. 1 s.XTIt A “Coucluiis” Went India Preserves—by the Hi Case. Miy 28 GUNBY A CO HEST TENNESSEE BACON. lAA1 AA / It in LBS. Best Tennessee Bacon-hug round, IUU.UU'/ now uttering at low figurot. Dont let ideas of lower prices keep you away. My bacon is well cured, anil I believe, selling now at the lowest price for the season. Come to the Meat House and buy of March 24. JAMES LIGON. CHICKENS, EGGS AND BUTTER. H IGHEST MARKET PRICE, in Cash or Goods, given for CHICKENS, EGGS. BUTTER, and Country Produce. J. T SCOTT June 20 141 Broad st. JTUST RECEIVED, 4 FINK lot Ilf Raisins in Boxes, also a large lot ot A Figs, for sale wholesale or retail, by Dec 2 CELLA A THOMAS. EXTRA LEAF LARD. ,)/ i BARRELS Extra Leaf Lard, Jnat received and for ) sale at the lowest figures, by March 15, GUNBY * CO