The daily sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1873, September 23, 1856, Image 1
pjfi fails svx yy I'IiOMAS DE WOLF. EDITOR and TROPRItTuR. 1, I ,iiv ttt Five Dollars a year. Where tho sul>- i,fished asuy for loss than a year, at the rate of a mouth. Single copies, Fm- Cents. ‘ lrty ° ADVERTISING KATES. . will he inserted at feu Cents ft line Dlvertisein* tl , e Cents a line ii.r each subse rirst mscrlic ~ t#J!UU „ —to be paid for when tho is uaucM the oilicc. “ rtl oONTRACr ADr*KTISMS. i, r ...Deeding o lines, not renewable, will be v Card UA X hg for Hi* months lor SO, or one cried ; J in?l^ uie agreed upon to bo paid for before tho exceeding ten lines, renewable at l g year _ tu be paid lor quarterly a ,lviuce. f t>o ij aeg renewable at pleasure, in- Uvertisenienh I • vu , )l(J qttM t er ly in advance. * S’,irnserncuts exceeding 2U liner, will be ■dmtract dv w of Jlo for for every additional ten § : - 1 " 1 .and ie quarterly in advance. lit —pnj .ih ‘1 notions, occupying a place between T‘verttsemenM KT ” uav^tUe ments, dllugud * ‘4 1 . for every insertion. j{, if. JleCll'VW, ~r T O^E Y 3j^VW ’ m Tjwette, Chambers County, Alabama. fcihliow- - F „ uooeaa bkvant duncan, wm. k. daiinut. a HOOPER* DUNCAN & BABNETT, J ATTORNEYS at law. I . Columbus, Georgia, and Crawford, Alabama. ■; i.V,wr.v 27. WW. ly *; ROBERT IL CABITHEHS, Attorney at Law, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, , . ......lice ill all the counties of the Cliatahoo l\ r ,” ‘ireuif in the counties of Chattalioocliee, ’ ‘.‘nh -md Randolph,of tue Pataula Circuit; and il'l'amandbecatur counties, of the South U esteru Cir- Bvi.ruary dS, 1880 y ly - If If,. CABIUSEEi I . spared to attend to all Surgical cases corn^A tho oMSt-Mary* akW biiidiug; vr.jcthoast corner of Crawlord and Fur* Bwiiciriiee . Feb. Idly streets. I yBS EL M. & M. A. CLECKLEY, .. .visa associated themselves in the practice of }i MEDICINE and .SURGERY, tender their services to attention will be bestowed to diseases pecu ■ to Fannies, Chronic affections ot a*l kinds. v\lnch I,'v be entrusted to their treatment. ■ii Office next door to liidgway, Llcckley & Cos., ovei suencer’s Grocery store, broad st. , ■isr Office hours from 8 to 10 A. M., and Irom J to 4r. a.: also at night between Sand 10 o clock. ■Columbus, April ‘25 ts CUSHMAN, i£2#Sib dentist. nTffr&f WI NTER BUILDING, 48 Broad street, Columbus, lia. Kan. 11,1850 ~ m SPECIAL NOTICE. -y'wggafc. Lint the remainder of the summer, tbe^uffP? 1 undersigned will nut beat his office after one o deck. ■lulyS-dm A. J. RIDDLE, HjyG-TTEiEVRE.A.H’ AETISj., Bi AS closed his roi ms over Mygatt’s Store, preparo- Bi tory to rc-openiug on a scale of magnificence tar mrim-tog anything heretofore known in this City. new rooms will be on the corner or LSruiiu ana ■tiKtulph streets, in the block now being built by Col. Hue*, and as soon as completed. ■March 7,1855 _ “ A M* HUlili, Wholesale and Retail Grocer and Commission Merchant, ijj. : pßf\ l’ the old stand of 1). Ellis & Cos.. 14 ltruad . j l\ street, Columhns. Georgia. fSSSSaac B December 18 *’*■ J. B, HCLL & CO., |inOCER.Y 2Sat3aD.C33:^3Sr'X'rS, I ANT) DEALERS IN JAGGING, Rope, Twine, Sugar. Coffee, Mo- Ha ) hisses, Salt, Teas, Cigars, Tobacco, \Viuiw,t.jj_jgkJ uulies.Gin, live, Monongahela, Bourbon, and y ■.itch Whiskey,anil Provisions and Groceries generally, E tire old stand of .John J. McKendree, No. 109 Broad Bivet, Coiunibus, Ua. ■ November 21, 1855. ly LIFE INSURANCE. NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OK RALEIGH, and CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD, / tiXI'INUK to take risks on favorable terms. Slaves I ‘ insured fur two thirds their value JOHN MUNX, Agent, | August 8, 1850. 3m Columbus, Ga. RICHARD M. GRAY, |Agent and Commission Mercliant, BANKS’ BUILDINGS, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, Immediately opposite Stewart. Gray & Cos., Offer to the Trade, ni l lit id LBS. Tennessee Bacon, a fiua lot ot well 100,000 trimmed HAMS b !b-. dried VBNSON, better than Beef, and cheaper. B it as, Sugar, Coffee, Flour and Lard. p.lnly U). 1858. JEFFERSON & HAMILTON, DEALERS IN kIttOCERIES. PROVISIONS. AND COUNTRY PRODUCE, Corner Warren and Franklin Streets. Columbus. Georgia, B, KEF constantly on hand a supply of the best goods ■V ami are receiving produce from Tennosse which P’ -ell low for LUnU. ■ 11 mriuid Meal of the best quality always on baud at Prices. JOSEPH J KFFKRSON, l*b.2Bßm j. a. HAMILTON. JAMES E.IGON, COMMISSION MEIiCHANT, No. 132 Eaet Si<lo Broad Street, COIiBJJBtJS, GEOB3IA, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in r iii, total, flour, Coll'ee, Sugar, MulassoJ, Sail, ToLac \ l Onions, Potntot'3, Applet, Dried Fri *ts, Ac., r osier 20. ly *• S - !)EL ! A. BELL V. 0. JOHNSON BEIsL, JOHNSON <fc CO., MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN liquors, Flour, Grain, Stock, &c. &c. Chatta ongn, Tennessee. O’ ‘Ell TO iV*; Jr -l'i'u*l>lerUnionßank, Chattanooga, Ten. JAMB hqos, Columbus, Oa. M rch U, 1866. 8m HALLOWELI, <fc THOMAS, Mattress Manufacturers, ‘ 1 ! D D0() K BELOW CITY HOTEL, BROAl) STREET, i vnr i’ c °* u nbuß, Georgia, ! ) , ‘‘^/ or Cotton or Cotton nml Shuck Mattresses, f 1 ’ The patronage of the citi/.ous o’.|, \ ‘"*'/■ vicinity, is respectfully solicited. - l>r lH, r )5. ly 1 ‘fIJIEJRS’ AMD EXCHANGE 11A N IC, IF CHARLESTON. S. C. ... Agency at Oolnmlms. ! ) sny n Aork. Boston. Philadelphia, Charleston, Uesi ,nnR, > or Augusta, discounted at customary ‘IF EXCHANGE, on tho above named cities, for Not 15 >, E.T. TAYLOR, Agent. - 1 Office next door to the Pot OflU insurance. B.IVER. and LIFE RISKS taken in pun-ibte companies by mice No ~ . JOHN MCNX. Agent, • *•, over E. Barnard & Co.’s store. nsura nce Company— Capital #200,000. JOHN y TrTV „ , S. L. LOOMIS, President !Y,\ Wn , Agent. Nov 27. If pi„ + SCR POeS, DRAICE <fc CO, tors and Commission Merchants CHARLESTON. S. C. ft) V At.liiu ?SUIt. VOL. ll,} REMOVAL. FURNITURE - EMPORIUM. SAMMIS fc ROONEY, Have removed their extensive stock of Furnituro to their (IRON FRONT,) Nov Four Story Brick uuiluing, Nearly opposite their Old Stand, YT/TIERE they w ill bo happy to see tlieir friends and 7 T customers and show tiiem something brilliant and inviting in the way of Furniture. Our Warc-liooms are unequalled in Beauty, and our Furniture rr.chc.rdie. We oiler rare advantages to pur chasers, furnishing houses throughout in ft tasteful and uniform style, by having a brunch of our business in New 1 ork city, where the Senior partner manufactures, under bis own eye, articles to suit the most fastidious. We have on hand furniture suitable for Parlor. Bed, Sitting, Dining Room, Kitchen Ac., of Rose Wood, Mahogany, Walnut, Fine, Ac.; and as Low as can be found North or South. An assort ment of CARPETING AND CURTAINS, will also be on Baud, that will not fail to please. Call and see. Our stock consists in part of Etmsho, Tetc u Tetts, What Note- Arm Chairs, and Baliis, of Rose-Wood. Brocatelle ami Mahogany, for Fa. -**. Bureaus, Dressing, Marble and Mahogany Tops. Side-Hoards—Marble mill Mahogany Tops, Book Cases of all kinds anil Secretaries attached. Tables —Centre, Dining, Work and Extension. Bedst cads —High and low post, French and Cottage. Enamel Sets for Bed Rooms, all colors. Walnut and Ma hogany .Sets for Bed Rooms, Chairs —an extensive assortment of all woods. Looking Glasses —all sizes, in frames and out. Carpet s—Brussels, Ingrain, Tapestry. Ac. Curt uins—of Brocatelle and Damask, all colors. Shades—Gilt Cornices and Curtain holders. January 17, 1856. BARRISGEB &, MORTON’S Steam Sash, and Blind Manufactory, OGLETHORPE STREET, 00LUMBUS, GA. rTMIIS Manufactory has been is in successful operation S for over three years, and is still continued. All work will be done by experienced w n kmen, with good quality of lumber, and the latest improved machinery. SASH, BLINDS, AND PANEL DOORS, Will be furnished and boxed at tho Factory, at the follow ing prices: Sash — 8 x 1b... 7 cts Primed and Grazed...cts. 10 x 12... 9 “ •* “ ...18 “ 12 x 14 ..10 12 x 18...11 “ “ ...27 “ 12 x 18...12 “ “ “ ...30 12 x 20...14 “ “ “ ...35 12 x 22...1b “ “ ...40 “ 12 x 24...18 “ “ “ ...48 “ Tlie above Basli are 1 % inch thick, and made plain. In ail cases where tiiey are made Lip-Sash, twh cents per light will be added. All basil glazed with good French Glass, primed with the best I’aint, and superior Putty. Bolling Blinds for Windows, fiu cents per foot, measuring the length, A window five feet would cost $3, without painting, catches, or hinges. PANEL DOORS. 1% inch thick, without moulding, $2 60—moulding one side, $3 00—moulding both sides, §3 50. 1% inch thick, without moulding, 2 75 —moulding one side, 3 25—moulding both sides, $3 75. lt< inch thieh, 4 panuels moulding on one side, $3 50— moulding both sides, $4 00. ly‘l inch thick, 4 panels moulding on one side, $4 00— moulding both sides, $4 50. In addition to the above. Blinds painted and furnished with hinges and catches, if desired; also, Fash glazed with German or French plate, painted, stained, eniune - led, embossed and Bohemian Glass, of all shades and col ors, for side and transom lights am office windows. Plans and specifications lor all descriptions <rf (windings furnished to order, with estimates, if desired. Contracts made for construction and erection of build ings. on reasonable terms AH kinds of lumber planed, and flooring and ceiling tougued and grooved. Scroll and other descriptions of Brackets, for ornament ing Cottages, Green Houses, <vc\, made to order. The proprietors being practical mechanics and builders, believe they can give entire satisfaction to all who may favor them with orders. tjj -All the above work will be furnished at short notice. Fash kept constantly on hand. All orders sent with the cash, or city acceptance, will meet with prompt at tention. Work to be sent by the River, Rail Road, or in Wagons, will be at the risk of the purchaser, its tho work will bo considered delivered. >63“Speoial contracts can be made for large jobs. M. BARRINGER. January 24. ly J. L. MORTON. JOHN C. RUSK RICHARD PATTEN W. C. HOBBES. FIRE-PROOF WARE HOUSE. General Ware House and COMMISSTOIff 3AXrSITV33tSS. OUR undivided attention will be given to i'i and SALK of COTTON and ot liejgMmaJjM piiouucK. BSBBEs Liberal advances made upon Cotton in Store, and U*e usual facilities offered to induce to our friends in Savannah, New York, ilostoH. and Liverpool. Orders for Groceries, promptly executed mid articles purchased free of commission, at *Uie lowest market prices for our customer*. Columbus, July JO, 1555. KUBK, I* ATT UN & CO. Warehouse, Commission, Receiving AND FORWARDING BUSINESS. TITHU undersigned having formed a co-part- - , , fi ; 1. nership, will continue business al the “hi’ .J stand (Alabama Warehouse) mokr the naini AjAaBBLc and style of KING & SORSIIY, and solicit from tiieii friends and customers a continuance of their business. JOHN W. KING. April 29, 1858. 220!f B. A. SORSBY. Warehouse Sc Commission Business. ■\Y7"E are |>re. ared to make liberal advances f \ \ V t '\ \\ on COTTON and other PRODUCE in Particular nttcution will lm given to the SALE OF COTTON. Wo have now on hand a supply of BAGGING and HOPE, which we offer at the market pricer. E. S. OttKEs WOOD, ) s. K. GRIMES. / GiIKMNIVOOD A GRIMES. July 4, 1850. ly FONTAINE WARE HOUSE. HUGHES & DANIEL, Wurchousc, Commission, Receiving and Forwarding Merchants. r * a 11 p; undersigned liave taken the new Fire Proof 1 Wave House, recently erected in the rear of Messrs, Tlircewlts, Holt k Cos., adjoining the Alabama Ware lloue". end are prepared to attend to all consignments, and to receive and store Cotton. They will do a general Conimisson, Storage and Forwarding Business. Parti cular attention given to the Salo of Cotton and other Produce. 1 lie usual facilities will ho afforded and careful attention given to all business entrusted to their care. A good supply of Bagging, Rope and Sait, al ways on hand, M M. H. HUGHES, October 1855. M’M. DANIEL. PRESII BUTTER / lAN he had of your t'mvs if you will buy Pen* and feed with them. 1090 hushpje just received and for sale low. by R. M. GRAY', Jnlv 19. Agent and Commission Merchant. ikrgvox-arxiwiEi HKML’ and cotton hope. riWIE undersigned are making a superior article of | HUMP ROPE, which for price and quality must suit f|i trade of this phe-, and are now ready to take orders for both Hemp and Cotton Rope, the latter of all sl/.e* and tile very best description. TIUSTAM VEKSTILLE, JAMES TGURY. July 64m Oartw Factory. STILL BETTER! JUST RECEIVER, St. Louis “Empire,” finer Flour than this Albion Mills or Plant’s Extra. A Lf40 t Dufllehl’s Extra Sugar Cured HAMS. ALSO, An extra fltie lot of Tennessee Hams and Shoulders. July 12 GUN BY & CM. FILLMORE, FREMONT A BUCHANAN A RE voted humbugs when a hungry Politician sits x\ down to dine on those neatly trimmed Hams, which I atn sidling low for cash. H. M. OR AY. .July 19. Agent and Commission Merchant BEST CORS MKAIT \ LARGE supply of the best Corn Meal, Floor, and other necessaries ol life, always nrt hand. 1 August 22. 1856. R. M. GUAY. COLUMBUS, GA., SEPTEMBER -23, iB6O. CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, EAST SIDE OE OGLETHORPE ST., j Between tho “Ferry” and “Oglethorpe” Hotels, and di rectly opposite Temperance Ilall, C OIAJ M l3 US, GEOKCI lA. \ITE have now in store and receiving the g . Vt best and most extensive stock of vein j eles to bo found in this country, comprising CALECHES AND MOCK CALECHES, | of finest and richest fiuish, and most elegant appeaiance. BERLINS AND COACHES, of latest styles and every variety. BOCKAWAYS AND BAROUCHES, of every known pattern and shape, suitable for one or two horses, and complete assortment of Top and No-Top EUGOIE3 AND WAGONS, of the latest and most fashionable styles now used. The fuel that the well known and highly esteemed work of JAMES Al. QBIXBY A CO. as well as tin t -of other maker: of the highest reputation, can be ioiuid only at. i.ur .louse, and that all cue stock is made up v - der the personal direction of Mr. 11. G Metvee, (whose 1. ng experience guarantees its quality) enames us to offer Letter work and nt lower prices, than arti cles of tlip same quality can be sold for by any other dea ler in this country; and quite as low us they can be af forded in New York city. For proof of which we respect fully invite all who wish to purchase, to call and see us. We are selling at the very lowest rates, for cash or ap proved credit, and always ask our selling prices, so our customers and strangers ns well, may rely on being honestly and.’ airly dealt with. Eve ry article is warranted to he strictly as represented, and satisfaction guaranteed to all. McKKK & ROBERTS, N. B.—Having the best regular act of Carriage workmen to be found in ttiis country, wo are pre pared. as heretofore, to do all kinds of repairing at the lowest possible rates, with tho utmost, promptness and in the best manner. McK. A R. January 28. ly MORE GOOD NEWS! LIIEYAD I READ I I EE AD! II EJIHROIUERIEI AND LACES, TO BE FOLD AT AND BELOW NEW YORK COST. I HAVE just received, on consignmi ut, a large assort ment of Embroideries and ! acea,'among which are— 20u Jacnet Collars at 15c., worth F'c. 300 Swiss Collars at 20c,, worth 6oe 300 French Worked Collars, at from to $4 100 Alpassee and Lace Collars, from 25c. to $1 5000 yds. Thread, Maltese, und Lvle Laces 200 Jacnet Bands, from 25c. to $1 200 Swiss Bands, from 25c. to $1 1000 yds. Jacnet and Swiss Edging 1000 yds Jacnet and Swiss Inserting. Among tlie goods above named will lie found some very desirable styles, ail of which will be sold at prices as above quoted. I will also sell from my stock in store, at cost— -200 Fashionable Summer Mantillas 1600 dozen Hosiery, of every description 1000 pieces of Calicoes, price 6 to 10c. 200 pieces French and American Lawns, 7 to 20c. 200 “ “ “ “ Ginghams, 10 to 20c. 500 “ Bleached Domestics, price oto 11c. Also, colored and black Silk Dresses. Bareges and Ba rege Robes, newest styles. Doors open all day; admittance freo, and no charge for showing goods Very Respectfully, ‘GKO. XV. ATKINSON. june4tf 105 Broad st.. Colmnlma. J. li. IMPPOMBT J. P. MURRAY. HAPPOLDT &, MURRAY, No. i6 Broad Street, Columbus. Georgia, Importers ami Manufacturers of GUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS, And all Articles in tile Trade. 4fd**KepuiriHg executed with neatness ami dispatch Keys lifted. Terms cash for all kinds of work. June 5. FOII SALE. | N the most desirable and healthy . J. location in Columbus, the HOUSE and LOT of a halfacre and a quarter of fig one-half acre on the corner of Me 1n- HI tosh and Bryan streets—containing * Kss*a; TTiaj| Rooms, 2 Kitchens, 2 Negro Rooms, *2 Store Rooms, one Smoke llouse, 2 Poultry Houses, Coach House and Sta ble, a superior Well of water, Flower Pit. Dairy. Gardens with Fruit Trees and Shrubbery, in good order. Apply on the premises to ii. M. DICKSON. Or at 131 Broad Street (west side) to April 29, 185 ft 225tf A. K. A Y Ell. Truth is Mighty and will Prevail. Facts are Beginning to Devclope Themselves. ll’ 11KN People try the SOUTH ERX CORDIAL for f y tin) Dowels, they never fail to find it thi’ bunt rem edy in the world fur Diarrhea, Dysentery, Bloody Flux, Ac. It is doing more for the afflicted of our country than uny medicine ever yet discovered, anil testimony of that fact is daily arriving from every part of the country. Every person who bus given it a fair trial say it will do, and are taking it off by the dozen. They are beginning to find that it is no humbug, lean be found at Guntiy & Co.’s corner, aA all times, aud will take pleasure in satisfying any unprejudiced mind that it is the best me dicine tor diseases of the Bowels ever vet discovered. ’ JACK SMITH. For sale at the following Drug Stores in Columbus: BROOKS & CHAPMAN, KIVLIN. TIBrMAS A CO. DANFORTH.A NAGLE. J. Sj. PEMBURTON A CO. R. A. WARE. And at the Store of Gunby A Cos.. Broad Street, by July 17. 2m JACK SMITH, Proprietor. A CARD. T | T.GREENWOOD, OftIie iafr firm of Green- I 1 wood & Morris-;, New Orleans, reaperrfully*r -j/■ ir forms bis friends and fY*ner putrouM, that lias permanently settled in tin* oily of Xtw York. V Haring associated himself with the house of LIVINGSTON, BROS. & KINKEAD, WHO I 15S A J 12 G Hoc a US, CommfitfKion and Import Ini? Merchants, No. 02 Vesoy Hfmd. in rear of the* Ardor House, ID- if* prepared to supply them with everything in the GROCERY LINE, on the meet f.iVorahle terms. Al*o, to boy on Commis sion any article* sold in this market. lie prnmieo* to use every exertion to give satisfaction, and will giro bin personal attention to the filling of all ord< re with which lie may he favored. New York, April 1, 185<>. 6m BACON SHOULDERS. 1A HOGSHEADS BACON SHOULDERS, just received I & on consignment, and for sale at the Fontaine Ware House, by [ jimidO] HUGHES A DANIEL. NOTICE TO DIIAYMEN, SEALED Proposals for Haul io iug Freight, from the Mus- (UAdr -rv rffisy cogee and Opelika Branch De pots to the Depot In Girard, -.vf v-v - j will bo receiveil until M., Mon- m day, 15th inst. Bids must be made for the different elasses of the Freiglit List of .Inly Ist. 1850. At the Min time proposal* will he received for Haul ing from the Muscogee i)11IKit to the Girard Depot. Engines, Freight Cars, and Pa nger Cars will be bid for sep irately. The Hauling for oNt yk vn will Is’ to lowest bidder furnishing proper security. Bills endorsed “ Proposals for Draynge.” will be ad dressed to W. It. Karris S**c’ry. Girard, Ala. It. A. HARDAWAY, Cli. Eng. A Sup. Offco M. AG. R. Sept. 6, 1856. td COLUMBUS HANK STOCK. N'OTICK is hereby given, that I have this day sold to David Adams, twenty shares of the above named stock, being the whole amount of which I uni Interested in said Bank. This Bth September, 1850. w3a> H. w. nam e PRESERVING CANS. A SUPERIOR article for sale by June 10. 3m U. M. AI.DWORTII. CARRIAGES! CARRIAGES!! rpil E snlisi libers have now on hand and r-'WTMfa, A arc constantly receiving, one of the larg cst and an st vuricM Stocks of 1 chicles evn’ oaoied, and made expressly for lids market, embracing every style of Carriage in use. such as— Calechrs, Berlin Couches, Barouches, (Os the Finest Finish,) FA MIL Y HOC lv A WAYS, Large and small, including many very light and tasty, suitable lor one horse. HOW TOP WAGrOMTS, IV it*i a complete assortment of BUGGIES with and without TOPS, Os every style and finish, which, for dm ability and neat ness, cannot be excelled, and are from nun, respect able nianulactories at the North, and made under the personal direction of Mr. J. It. Jaquos. All of which we lire selling at tlie ery lowest rates for cnsli or ap proved credit. Every article sold by us at our Repository is warranted in every respect, and our customer:, and all purchasers can rely on being honorably and fairly dealt with—in proof of which we respectfully invite theaitoi ion of all who wish to purchase, to call on us at tho North-East corner of Oglethorpe and Brian streets, opp site the Fer ry House. J. 11. JAQUKF A BROTHER. N- 11.—llav ng a regular set of northern C&r riage AY <>-.'killen , mployed, wo are prepared to execute Repairing of every kind In the beat possible manner with neatnes and dispatch, at low rate.-, at •L B. JAQUEd A BROTHER’S Carriage Repository, North East corner Oglethorpe and Bryan streets, oppo site the Ferry House, Columbus, Gu. February u. LEVY, DRAKE & CO., Engineers mid Machinists, Union Foundry & Machine Works, COLUMBUS, GKOUGIA. r K coll tin* special aLtcnlimi of t)ie public l-j our es f y (ablislnnenf. Tlie proprietors an- practical Me chanics anil of long experience in the business, and hav ing Combined two establivUjiieuts iiione, they have the largest and best stoi k of toofe and patterns in the Wate. Their facility for doing business being so great, they can afford to their customers the best of ternisand the most prompt execution. Our senior partner having been so many years in this business as the practical partner and proprietor (H* the Ocmulgee loundry, Magon, Georgia, is well known, hav ing built a large nuiulat c f Steam l.ngims. .Mills, and Machinery, throughout this and adjoining Slate . To tul of which we refer as a guarantee of (Ax r wdrk and ability. Our Junior is just from Virginia, and having bad tho management of some of the hugest establishments iu that State, brings w ith him the best practical ability and improvements in machinery. W e call especial attention to om TI urine and Stn tionnry Steam Engines and MilJs, both cir cular and upright. W’e are now manufacturing the best CIRCULAR SAW MILLS in the country, being entirely of metal, at the same price others are furnishing wooden on s. We are now furnishing Steam Engines and Rollers of arv size : I*louring and C'oi 11 Mills; verfrical and.circu lar Saw Mills; Sugar Mills; Shafting; Pulleys; Horse Powers; Gin and Mill Gearing of nil kinds; Cemetery Railing; Bark Mills; Corn Shelters: Cob Crushers; and Castings of every kind —Brass and Iron. mai*l3-tf NEW FURNITURE “W are o o 3<l Doer North of the Oglethorpe House, COLUMBUS, <J A. >: , THE subscriber lias on hand, three doors /“ ’ • S North of the Oglethorpe House. Ogh thorpe titreit. an assortment of neatly made FURN iTI UK, to Which he w ill la-sifeXfSCLi constantly adding, and which lie will sell at prices that cannot fail to suit those in want of anything in his lit it* Articles not on hand will he made to order at the short est notice. Furniture repaired at reascnahlt* rales* Call und examine stock. july2l J. 11. SIKES. NEW CO-PARTNERSHIP. MAKBLId YiAXUD. J. 11. MADDEN & THOMAS KKY’.VY, 11 ed a part iirr.liijt tin- ‘ ‘ 1,, ii ~i I ()gleth"*p wlhtc ttmy will at all 1m- found muly t*> rt*C(ivc and mid promptly nil ordrrs given to them. They -pledge thmnsflvus to suli#fy all who pjvtronjwi tb- rn, i;* material, workhianship, and quirkiwdfl of oxorution. Tln-y will k“qi coiirtantly on hand Cement and Piaster of Paris. laeti Railiiur, of the ii'-wcHt patUTin:. always procured at rates and on the most advanta gpoMK term's. AH wliu know Madden, know him to be a w:rkaian of taste and judgment. Tlio-ti wliowi.dito show rcsf-ect t. tie* ••dear ‘.in - di pur'c'd” will find it to their advan tage ro *rive the new firm a call. F, J b 15 MARBLE AND TOMB-S’i’ONK WORKS, l-aiiil l.ih Street, opposite Oglethorpe Hotel, (JCLUMBUS, GEORGIA. The undersign ed would meet .llnffllPTryilT’?^ rcspie; tally in form t In* eit i/eii) oi'Columbus Mud -- tlie sui roummig ‘tSt&SlSpfSiil&ifc country, that lie ‘ - S” bus o pencil ii et, MAIIUL E SHOP - . thtwpe and Ran- || thoiqsi II ote 1, * ‘'..T ,o ‘ ’ ’’ “ 1 ’ ‘” win-re ho is [inquired with tlm liest Itnliun and Amert cnti Marble, to furnish all kinda of Monnments, Tombs sl Gritve Stunts, hu cheap ns they can be hud in any pin l ol tin country, North or Souih. Ii • resi eetfiilly solicits it stou ■ ~t pub lic pauonage lb Huttersliimeelf that P r worl.munshlp he will give Hiitisb etiou H> the no si fustiilious. April 19. DSU. ly HENRY McCAI LEY. R. Ib FHAPAKi) (i. C. JUTCIIELI.. HHAPAHD & MITCHELTx, WHOLEBAIjE CirtOCEIIS, Eorwardii'fc and Commission Merchants, and dealer* in IRON, CASTINGS, feu., South Side of the Public Square, Shefbyville, Tennessee. References. Seymore, Fanning A Cos,, j 11. A B. Douglass A Cos., J lllHman 7 Brother, l Nashville, Tenue.uee. Lanier A Phillip*. Davie, Pilcher A Cos. J .1. R. Wallace & Brother,t „ J. E. William. A Cos. I Atlanta,Ga. firanVille. Fainpln & Go., Chattanooga, Trim. McCkllv k Jonc, Macon, fia. J. K. Hull & Cos., Columbus, (ia. Seran I on?'hadl > A Cos. } Verstllle A Kriergon. Savannah, Ga. Sheperd, McCray & Cos., (,'hnrhmton. S. C. February 8, 1850. 8m TEN NESSEE KAt ON. r\( ) ( b U | LBS. Tennessee Bacon just received and for sole LOW for cash, by M.m 24. RIDQWAY. CI.ECKLY A CO. HORSE AND BUGGY FOR SALE. VGOOI) BUGGY and a capital llor.c, well broke. Apply to It. M. GRAY. August 2, 1856. FRESH BUTTER. VGOOD supply of Fresh Butter, just received and for sale at R. M. GUAY’S July 24. Commission Hotige. FOR SALE ON CONSIGNMENT. HACON Sides, Hams. Seed Oats, and Corn. By HUGHES k DANIEL. Jan 18—ts THE BRITISH PERIODICALS, AND tiii: i'ahmeh’s g-x7xx>xi. Great reduction in the iirice of the latter publication. L. Bcott A Cos., New York, continue to publiah the fol lowing leading Ilritiiih Foriodicale, viz: THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservative). THE ISDINOBURGII REVIEW (Whit). Till’. NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Freo Church). THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal). BLACKWOOD’S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (Tory). FIMIE great and important events—Religious, Political, A and Military—now agitating the nations of the Old World, give to these Publications an interest and value they never before posseftNed. They occupy a middle ground between tho hastily written news items, crude suet illation*, and Hying rumors of the newspaper, ajid tliu ponderous Tome of the historian, written lung alter tlie living interest in the facts he records shall haTe passed away. Tlie progress of the War in the East occu pies a large space in tlieir pages. Every movement is closely criticised, whether nt friend or of foe, and al! short-coinings fearlessly pointed out. The letters from the Crimea aud from the Baltic in Black woods Magazine, from two of ils most pupular contributors, give a more intelligible and reliable account of the movements of the great belligerents that can elsewhere be found. These Periodicals ably represent the three great politl cal parties of Great Britain—W hig, Tory, and Radical,— but politics forms only one feature of their character.— Asuijjans of the meet profound writers on science. Lite ral ure, Morality, and Religion, they stand, as they ever have stood, unrivalled iu the world of letteis, being con sidered indispensable to the scholar aud the professional man. w hile- to the intelligent reader of every ( laps they tuinish a more correct and satisfactory lecoid of tlie cur rent literature ot the day, throughout the world, than can be possibly obtained from any other oource. Early Copies. The receipt of Advance Sheats from tlie British publish ers gives additional value to these ltupriut*. especially during the present exciting state m European affairs, in asmuch as they can now be placed iu tlie bauds of sub scrihers about as soon as the original editions. Terms. Per r.nn. For any out-of the four reviews $3 on For any two of the four Reviews..,. 6 00 For any three of the four Reviews 7 00 For all four of tho Reviews 8 00 For Blackwood's Magazine 3 00 For Blackwood ard tlireo Reviews 9 O’ lor lllaokwood ant the four Reviews 10 W> i ynit-nls to be made in all eases in advance. Money current in the Flate where issued will be received nt par, Clubbing. A (lis-coiiiit of twenty-live per cent. Irom tlie above pi-1- cos. will bo allowed to b lubs ordering direct from L. Scott A Cos., lour or more copies of any one or more of the above works. Thus: four copies of Blackwood, or of one Be view , will be sent to one address for *‘J; four copies of the four Review’s aud lliackwood for S3O; and soon. Postage. In all the principal cities ami towns, these works wilt be delivered, tree ol postage. M hell sent by mail, the postage to liny part of the tutted Mates will be but /*.-. tS-Jwir rrnt.; a year for - lliackwood,” and but fourtrn, cfMts a year for each of the Reviews. THE PARMER’S GUIDE To Scientific and Practical Agriculture, By Henry Stephens, F. It, S. of . oil.burgh, and the latu J. I*. Norton, Professor of s, n jfn- Agriculture in \aie College, New Haven. vuls. Royal Octavo.— L ,a © UH > numerous \\ ood and fcteel Rngiavin^h. 1 Ms is, confessedly, tbe must complete work on Agri culture ever published, and in order to give it a wldei circulation the publishers liuve resolved lo reduce tlie price to Five Dollars for the Two Volumes I! ” lu:il SI , R Lv mail post-paid) to Californiaand Oregon the price wn] be $7. To uy other part ot tlie Union ami to Canada (post-paid), SO. This work is not tlio old “Book of the Farm.” Remittances for any of the above publication* should always bo addressed, (post-paid, to the Fubßsiiers LEONARD, SCOTT A CO., No. 54 Gold Street, New York. {NO. 48. VALUABLE LOUISIANA LAND FOR SALE. Jh ILL sell the beautiful PLAN TATION’ know n as the Hargrove iaflUC'! l-.siate Place, in Jackson I’ansli, La. ..ft miles soilth of Vernon, 28 miles fruit tlie Ouachita river, ami 12 miles tiic Vic•ksburgan.l Shreveport Rail Rea,.. ‘ ‘.,,,„7i, ng i'i, till-aggregate, USO acre*, about 30) ol which is in a fine stave of cultivation, With good buildings, such as Dwellings, Gin House and Screw, Cabins, (Tibs. Stables. aC. &C. In point of health and tiemify, tills place Is unsurpas sed mi the Parish. The plantation is well watered, and the trnol finely timliereii. J will sell this place nil together, or in lolsfc suit pm chasers. Person* desirous of making valuable invest ments w ill do well to call. For fill tiler particulars, address R. M. Hargrove \, i non. Jackson Parish, La., or call at his residence,s mil, „ east, of that place. May 0, 1856. 3m R. M. HARGROVE. SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, XFOR 115S B. yjb, AT THE ONE-PRICE CJ.OTHINCi EMPORIUM OF J. H. DANIEL Se CO., 128 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga., Can lie found n full supply, with ‘eoiiatant udditious, of First Clftfis JiEzYUY MADE CLOTHING, 01 their Own Mamifael ure, Warrauted to give full satisfaction to the purchaser A large nud well selected Stock ol Gent Il men’s Fnrulahlng Goods, Hals. Gaps. Trunks, Carpet Bags, Valises, Umbrellas A. Also, a beautiful assortment Os French ami English CLOTHS, CASBIMERES & VEbTINGB. M Inch they ure prepared to make up in nstvleufCul ami Manufacture, never yet equalled South. Call, examine and lie suited, April 9, 1850. SCHOOL NOTICE. Mir.- < . \\ JLI.IAMS,, Dili open • cho.d a. her uiotlier s residence on nV Jack.-on Stii'ot. opposite Mr. I*. Mwirl...gL* vjfee.- on tic- loth of September next. For furtl"-’ [i"i tiet , l | us, apply at Mrs. C, Columbus. August 28, 1850. GAS FIXTURES. ’ j’llb undersigned having untile arrangements with J. Mauiil'uet urers, are prepurial to lurniaji Gass Fixtures at IJl>llnilelpliittl J l>llnilelpliitt Pii t( . k , wiili freight added. All diseriritloiiN of GILT AXii BiU>X/K ( JI AX 1! Ald J.Jri Willi 2, 3,4 and 5 lights, of bujllltiilil t Vi* <ilid for !*A 111,01 IS A T,’ D KALOCNS Gdl ami 111-nnz.e IIA It IV for IIAI.LS and PABSAGEK. v. itii various styles ot Giii and Bronze Brackets. PEN. DAM.- and DlGip bit.ld P—fancy styles, plnin and Fancy (.1.1 .RLE and Ml A DEE. CHINA BELlE—plain and gilt, vt-ry ornaimtitul. Our stock is very large and la aulilully assorted. All di-eriptioiis ot Gus* Fitting dope promptly and wamiuthsl. by Mr J. Wn.llEl.'M. who ha* had ovti twenty year*experience is this line iff business in Phila dephia and claew here, ami w hose known reputation need, no comment. D. R. THGMI’SON & CO.. A |*ril 16. 185(i- 143 ltroad Street. ROOMM FOR BENT ipwo I’LEAEANT NEW ROOMS over F. Barnard's -1- Grocery Store, with Gas Fixtures. Closet Ac. com plot.), suitable for offices or ajeeping rooms. Enquire o f J |lne 6- L. f. MORTON, Agent. V A L I ABLE PROPERTY. ONE of the most desirable and conveniently arriiugeil REHIDE'NC’Hts in the city, for ffin saloon accommodating terms. 61*1'HI Apply t<> A. K. AYER, May 13. 287tf 181 Broad Street. AV AGON’S. J UST received and for sale cheap, four Northern Built Wagons, u RTv'-l-i^D. first rate article, for two and four hor; s. Also, one superior Ox Cart ,ls ®®"“*Htt£ w ith Body and Yoke complete. GUNBY & CO FINE BRANDY. J r\(\ CASES fine Brandy—one dozen in a cost—-Jus 1 • At ; received on consignment, and for sale hv June 2. HARRISON & McOEHKE BROOKS & CHAPMAN call the attention of Phyalclmis to the U now ly (Unuovc*red jiH'dioiiu* called DR. N. W. SEAT’S NEGATIVE ELECTRIC FLUID. It is superior to Norwood’s Tincture es Veratum Veradi, for all purpose* that the latter ha* heretofore been used for. February 4. GREAT REDUCTION IN FLOUR AT WINTER'S DALACE MILLS. DOC RLE EXTRA Family—equnl to Hiram Smith ~.slO 00 per barrei Extra Family 860 “ •< I'Hlaee Mill* Superfine 750 <l “ Georgia Mills, superfine, equal so Ten nessee • 7 00 “ ‘* Georgia Mills, fine, equal to TenoCHSee- 800 “ “ Five per cent, discount to dealer*. •ten” 13. WINTER’S PALACE MILLS