The daily sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1855-1873, October 31, 1865, Image 1

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THE DAILY SUN. VOL. XI. SUN AND TIMES. i newtur t aiuitaT. s. s.ouiuhiii'. w. i y~Rtra,M. I*lloß. GU.3338T & CO., rorror.3 jnu i-bofr'etohs. Terns of tbo Daily Sun and Times. 0»e month $ 1 oo Three months S 00 OiS mouths 6 no Single copies. ~l* feme A liberal deduction will be made In faro* of Newubby* and Dealer*. a&T£S or A&VBCTBSIM S. 1 Square, one -veeli $3 SO I “ two week* . .. 4 CO I “ threi week* S no 3 Squares, one w»*». . 4 CO y “ twoweebs 10(0 7 '•* sh •*«» vpe'-'B H 00 | Sqeartr j 1 M ten : } * tier*". j 8 Mam l | 4 Id c alii f! 6 Menu ' j 8 iiofci h • j ? Horn 'j 8 Month ! j OKosth. ’ | 10 Wc*nl> ! j '1 Moulin ■ j IS Month. i *). til'll 44it!$io 5-ieilsn *sl>i*6o *» S7O o ooi s«l 4*, -i*; m si; ee r«i r» si; »n a IMj »£; 4M sa, ft*t 89 79j 80 S’, M lOMCI 4 3] 4k •*! #8; n TO *7' »5 103: U 1 11*! IST ft 061 i 7b! 85! 0* 0. 10917 12hi 133 t4l|HO 6 -ui 7! 90 WHO; 120 ISO 140 I4o|i*i ITOJISO W O*|tOojl3»M4o- >fei ‘7O 186 J 0 a»?2S» 'M5.28« IS i t *1) WfllSli o'o ) '!>X> 24 8201840 U to!u>oiirs!3eo t »rf 275,300 'i2r!Kt.):BTtj4oo . For a*venl semen to published lers that, one week SI 00 for Brat iusertdou and 60 cents for each o sbeequnts* Insert* on Atfwtk*>u.ia’.s IniertoJ at istsxeAli to be charged as new each insertion. A ’tertiswceuto oidered to remain on sry v*.r Icular pagu, to be charged as new eash insertion. Advortiasaeota net speotfiad as *0 time, ■will b> pnolieh-d usual ordered oat, and charged accord iagly. All ad?e:tte<>ssi*Bts ooctidMe* due frost the fir st taaenton aadcotiaetabhs rc ocd'rgly. Georgia State Convention: H HIRDDAY, Beportcd bur the feua and TSsWf Mn.Latxjx'mLa, Got 27, 1888. 1 3| cVook. i*. M» ) EVENING BS33XON. Mr. “BswarA of Bireot?"—Ati or4in»acs to prsvont the Itvy sad aa!o of properly Until »f.»r .-a# nest Lsgielaiar*, Referred io » spselel coniaiitse of ikr««, to ta Ap pointed by til® FiwaJde&t of th» tioa. Mr. Bi49fi!y if C« limbix-An erdin irsee to render void ail State debts and MeatitUs coatr toted to aid ia the prose emioa of tiff lata war. Mr. Howard was 5a favor of t fair discussion and opposed to layisg the ordinance on tha table. Mr. Boynalds of Samoa was !a favor of re farting tbo crdicisaaa to the aouiciltt«a of ffixtean. Mr. Sanscli hjraed with the gentlesteu from Newton, Ue believed that the points in the ordinance should be lairiy mat and would vot* agaisat lay ibg on the table. Mr. Jeakina said this question was referred to by the Governor, end this question vse already before the ooutminea of He (bought eour tesy to the Governor would prompt the Cv£.veutioa to let it re»a!u for the con migration of it cotatuiUiii of sixteen Mr. Howard ot taotnas contended that thu word repudiaUdn was a atieuomer Wi.«a applied to ine dabts eiabracjrl In the otdicasus tmtUr dieeussion. Es wi*hud a full and fair disQaasicn b#for« the Convention. On noticn or Mr. Hen soil it referred to (.vTnnjUtee of six two. Mr. Jenkins, eh airman of lbs commit tee of sixteen, reported various important antfindmants to the Constitution. Mr. Howard moved that the umeadioents ley on the t&bia, aud that thtae hundred onU twsnty-fiva copies of Article 2, 8?otion 6 (touehiug freoiiiaoa) bo printed ; which, after dieoueeiou, was agreed to. After a good deal of discussion, especially on the religious test, the amendments report ed were adopted, aa.l the Convention ad journed until o’clock a. m to-iaorrow W o V.T XiX HXT A-V, Mrn.i£POAVU,tE, Ord. 23. MORNING SRidSiON. Ooaventloii saet according to adjourn* sn#at. yrayer by Rev. Mr. Brooks Mr. Jenk.aa moved that a clause tn ihe Dnoleratioe of Klgbts, adopted on yes terday, In relfttlou u> trial by jury, bo reccmmiitod t> eoraraiUee ol sixtteo. Granted. Mr. Howard, frum the eommittee of throe, moved that the ordinsuoe ♦'to suepend levtsa, Galon And executions until after the utxt LrgisUturo, be at ones noted css. Mr. Taowss, after sons* dia ouesioc, mover a ieoua.uiiu»lcf (koordi oat.ed to tbeceffitnitted Granted. Mr. Jenkins—That the constitution ani crdioaccoa eigasd by the Praeideut end S&n-ctary oi thi* Convention ah»U be valid. Graoted. Mr. Williams, of Muecoges, an ordi j B»cs9 to alter sha Judicary of the Slate, j Tun ordinarce proyosos ixuportaut chsa- 1 6«b is our praieat sja em. Mr. TVil ; ltataj ably atlvodiitrd tha taaega propaaod B: Baid it the ecu,',of forty yaar* of prot'essional vijerlaucs. Reterred to Comoiiuee of six .et a Mr. W&rraa, ul Fii'»„ki, a rsdoluuen of Stiqutry app. Ju tag a eomsuUe of £?a to ABh tho Provi- -ciual Governor if he bob auy correepoDdeueo from the authorities at Wkshington nuthorijlr.g a repudiation cf r-ur Slate dtbt. Mr. Waxten Btrotgly spcho in fever -if iu<% reftreno*. lie *,' s followed by ilr Gvode, of Hoosion, in a goad and eloquent rptesh equally hoccrable to LIB fcott, usd heut. Mr. BiSfKocs, cf Gwinuctt, spoke in words COLUMBUS, GA., TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 3f. 1860. that burned, against the evils of se cession. We paid, notwhb'taudmy all our prcecnt troabloa, lia cnnsiiicrcd oar condition better than If we had suooeodod by the ok ‘TdioUnseat of a Itoutheru Con federacy. Ho w?..* lto repudiation in every foru. Mr. K»n%n of Baldwin, Mr. Chappell ot Muscogee, Mr. Aiat t hews of Oglethorpe, Mr. If'resell of Oobb, Mr. HI, lot Morgan, Mr Cohen of Chat ham, Mr. Dupree es Twiggs, partlclpatsd moat eloquently In the rielmte, in which the lubjeet of ropuJiallaa v.ta argued. On motion of Mr. jAeeau (ie rea-dutioo was laid an tire table, whou lue Couveu tiou adjourned until SJ o’clock, p. m 3k rx Ikit JMH t. The followug ordinance, introduced on the 2T,h—mordfog seseioa—by Mr. Goods, ot Houston, embraces j rlndph* of considerable imponhooe at. thip time. The ordinanoe. It will be remembered,wsß referred to 'he Cocouiltiee of Sixteen : As OniiWANCS to ratify ctrsala Laws pa:.s»d and Jttdgin-. nte rendered emoe the , saeage of tte Ordinance of Sect*, uoa, to provide for too lutfociuotiou of parol evidence to aooertein the coneide ratian ot c-rtain can tracts eud for oth or purpose-' tuorain ajei.tia««.l, Bs it Ordained, I’hn.t all laws which have be. a p seed by the aov-wsl DegleU cures ot the Stale of G*org<a eince the paeeage of tn« Ordmauos of Suoceaiou, ujc ir.coni iti ont vn -.a the CouttituUon ot toe U ait at. States and tha GonviltnUun oi •he tJ.iave of Gaargie, as the jiiid Uonati tution existed ou the IBik day es Janoa ry, 1861, o -d which hare urn expired by vueir ©wu limiiatioo, except lawa relating o cria.o3 and laws eifcotiitg slaves, be, and the ara hwruby, deoiered or full f ret' and dignity. 3d And bo st iurtasr Ordained, That all efkoiai acts aud prooeedtogs, Judg areata, deoret-o and orders of tiro savers! oourta of law «iui equity of tblj H<ate, ronderod ainco the pun go of the Ordi nanoa of ficoesseiori, »ud all mavriagee solemuised sites iho pat sage of said Ord irtaaov, m, and tbs satus am hare by, rat .flad and daoiwsd as Volid end binding as if .ati crii'.niu;,® had xut boea p..»aasd. S. skad t« is furifcvr Dtuained, Thai parol tsslrmoay shall bs admiaflibie in all Oourta of Liivr and Equity m this State ■.o show eh© coosideratiou of all uaexecu ced o&ati*otw uiada asd enieredluto siuo© tbv paiioago oi the Ordtaaooe of Seeas Biea aod tavs value of tha same— sod also to show whether it was thw intention o! :h« ooßueaoiing panic's that Uie mousy callad for by sard eoiuraatß wao io bo paid in •peol’j or in a particular currency. Tto.® .xsjoittlion ni nisva ry. Th» fallowing is the siaendmaai to the Oonstitutica (iatrodaoed on iso 27th) whieh hne baea adopti i by the Conven -ions 20ih Th» Govarnmsnt oi (Ua Unitad Stuiea haviuif, a wav weasuio, pro olaimsd ail hold ur owned in this flfttte, earss.iofpaic't from elamr, and uuviog carried mat proolamatiou into fail, sad irsctiosl there saab hencaforth be, within the State of Goar gU, neither slavery, car Involuntary uer. vitude, cave f» j a paninhineut tor crime, after the legal conviction thereof; provi ded, this acquieaenoe iu ibn action of tho Govoromsnt of the EnUou States, ia not .atended to operate as a relinquishment or waiver, or esiopei, pf euoti olelut for ooupenawtica of lose eost&iued by meon of the an.ttEci>pation ot nix ekves, na any aitissa cr Gsorgiu mey imsalter mak" upon the justice »sd ssagaaaiinLy of that governmeut. The first in&etiag of tbo LftgiiUture under the tiucudau oouetitation will bs os the hist Monday ia December next, after which, it eball meet annually on Ujs firet Tnureday of Novombar, or such day as the Legislature may appoint A Hew ASricU-flUi-al Ttutorv The Texas correspondent of the Now York Tribune, writing loom Castors Lie, '.ells the following singular story about planting watarruelona - “ Whoo wo had stopped to feed our pvveaunu water our hoi-s&a, ab'jiit noon ou tho la', ot, about five miles from Aus tin, a anperaanaateu negro win, old enough to ba mossy, came down to the fence, and after regarding us over the top rail for a tniruue, Inquired if we would bay voice millions, (watermelons.) Several of us went with ..irn to his ‘par,oh,’ which w'3'3 about half so aere iu exledt. I!;e ntelous were the largest ! had ever seen, but there was cue taontier that loomod up above its fellows llbo an e!a pbant s.o'ioug oxen Come one asked him toe price of it. ‘All I wants i* da price of da chicken, 6*k ’’ Staiug an ehlokent about, aa explanation w«e ft.-.ked. ‘Why you see orb, early Ist the ?prirg, before plantin’ time ccwca, I taY'3 a young ohicten, ho s 'ou as his threat ge<* big ©rough, a fid feeds dat cbioksn wid seven dry wAteruailliou sstde—iust aeven—ead ju*t so soon as ha got uaia eovsn eeede dowu his ihiOaf I bills Mm, ard eah, 1 plants dat davchicken in da middle of de pmoh ’ *What, 5 iseked one of tha party, >do you niaaa to say that thia ia the way you raiec susloorS ‘Da- is de way I raised cat one, sab,’ replied the old man, •and I’sa done dat ?amo th.g dis forty year, and long afore X ws.a into Texas.* We eetiefied ourselves with some tweaty etaalL-i onee, whoss parent vme hud oiiglcefed in a less cfcjecUoaabla piece. ” The Bitten J tirr il disonbes General B&nks as "oae of those leading repre j 3teQ t*.tiva (Ban to whom the nation looks I f cr that wisdon in t.oun* l and tha; fina j aßß *in aotiiL whish shall restore Uaion, j hrirmony and pesos upon a £un sad eu- S during bMia," while its friend end broth • ! ©f R publican, Wendell Phillips, speaks : 0 f (b* Geceral s» “a vagrsnt momts- I bank, laden wbb the curse* of every loyal I sin ia Louisiana.*' The proposition to inoreuno tha ragular , army b*-’ been fully di*eusaed at army i bvadquar'era by Gnus. Grant, Thome* i Me-de, Havooo't an'’ and Gouerai i Gran? will reo moneod tß*»t b bo inoreas ed to uev ntyfivs thouwd mou; .the j infantry force to ©acaiui ot forty regi znectu of ©3» battalion «aeh. Ta» plan | t* also favored by Lee ret ary Stwlan. I Ijß'ri'Kß raon M XLiSDOKVUiLK. ■ Ppf 'ul CorreiifOTiJuiici) of the Guu »ud Tim** Mn.tfA'ur.vuL*;. Oil. ‘23, lSG r > (bti Tilleon, (Snp,evintehiJent of the Free lmru’i s Bureau of Ucorfia,) addrensed the dales.'atec ami others os Usl iu the Hall of the Houee of llopresent*tl*eß. The Hall w»S tilled to If a uiniojt oxltnt and ell listened moot patiently end lv't debebied with the coed r, and instructed by the Just, liberal and eloquent Ideas of the speaker. Clou illleou su'd that great emus ex (Had an to ihe objeole of tho Bureau. Tt was not to aunuy the Southern people but to aid as for as porsiblsio oonJundWot wliti the civil eutkoritios end the humane exorliousof individuate, to supplydiMltiJi* refugee* aud freedmer. with food, clotting, fuel and shelter. That to promote these ende, Im w. uld epdfavor.lp set not in op posltioa to, hut in oonnttoUon wi' li the civil end domestic sastituTou* of the State. That as the fercior slave was now free, it wes the iutereat aitol du*y of all oil Irons to sender him ia eilipeat, and »ir tuout, and industrious, and ccisequeutly cuoio happy, and couumtei and obedient to the wuaraaade of ti>» employer Ho said a* soon e.s tha 1 .tout idea that the slave vac uet free, and tha the fieedmun wouid net shnro tho latide of tluiir former owners wee exploded, thee peace at i har mony w.pld bo rvetortd and prospertiy aad heppinosa result to b 'tit races I wish Gea. Tillaon oeula Da heer t by all —whim and black —ia the B'ste. Then much iguoi*uoe weald bosaiigbtea ed, many prejudifie* rsmovod, suspicions of bJacka be dissipated, aud ecmei rnsltiee of the whites tic Hiadicated He seems a fair, honest raau, who fully realises hie laborious mpoasibiLUes and is deeply impressed with ike ditfiimltU* which sur round the subjeci- He, at Ma own scilci tation, was iii'trrtgateu by,several dale gates, and ic every lostaace, his replies were pcoaipt, ooutteous, intelligent and above oil, honest l hava not time to any more u. A. JJ. Whet hueauiK st t}vo Specie. We are &U aware that mare has been a constant flow of silver to tha countries of .he east, but Wo uevur heaf of it* returu tug- This has been so ever since history oegan, and the cusiant ti-ia of metal thai is over anting in tti&t direotion, unci what aecum-ie of it, has pussled more savaoe tksn cue, The enoraou* aktorption of silver by the Eastern tiuueß of the world is one o; the moat remarkable faces ia the history of me precious metal*. From '.tin e&rlietu iistorio times, tbo East ban taken littie out eilver for its eomm'odHiea. Xu tn, lime of Pliny, the expormU ia of preoioiu mot ale r-om the W eat was sol .town »: from $400,000 to ovo,Vou a y ear dhi Komaus had their chief emerporc for tie East in the Isiaud of Teproi'slio, now coiled Ocylou j siut they carried on ecu siderakiv c,'oiitis".« with she Lui’sne, ; Persians end Etblepiaus. The ahe wit) *ud stuffs of tae £ r' found thsir w»y 1, Europe l*>ug bet-,re the Gtae es the Cru sades. Tub Arab;, carried ou a i»rg* arts regular trade iu these ar. oy»er Atlauit productions till the discovery cf ihe Cape jf Goad Hope diverts.! Uia course of ocm merce Tee eftat'hsfcmsur 0: lUo everlanc route tits operated to some extent iu tUt ot.tiur direction ; but however, and by wham the trsd« h*t been carried on, tut Sow of silver has bees generally from the W*at toward Urn Last. Humboia saloulated ttint iu G.a year 160 U tkt asicttni of sliver sett eastward annually was betweeu twemy-five aud ihuty rau icEF of dollars. Batwei n liißo and 1868 the lsrga amount of Bycee surer racoiveu from Ckioa, and tl>e expon of grew quatitHies oi Lngiish goads to-India, <iis urbed tho fiew of silver Eastward wtiioh lias, however, since set in with more ii» terminatiau than over. Xu Uidl, the balance la f»sor of. the East was abou thirty uuUions of dollars. T’h« exporta lieu 1 precloui uielalti irotu Grea; Brita.. a cue, during the je«tu yean ending with 1858, was uioro thus $35,- 000,000 per annam, o> which, an but. e»e eigiitb part vtas ailvet. At ti.e preeeut time the buiaate es the impart* sud ee porfs cl gold and sliver in favor es tlu East ia calculated at from sixty to eighty millions of tiuilaia per annuci, ur r»or* than tti® total y ie.d of all the guver mloet iu the woridL. The enariuouft predu-tioa of gold tu Australia end ilaiifuriua ha* he/stofort enabled tb* Westeru naUons to jiart vmh their silver without gross mu ..ventsucc, hut, tha pieeeot rate of expert cf the let ter seems to O'liiand some new ftrraoge raent, if any be practicable. Nearly all Oriental* a,© given to boarding. lite believed, says Ai. Millaume, tho French economist, ttist. toe Egypiiau* hide away twenty miilUne ot dollar* annn*Uy. The Emperors of Morocco holds it as a pomi ot hcour to fIU a« many chambers as pos sible with gold ami 3ilv»r. Ttia prenbht Empieror 1b said to Lavs sevonte o, end to have another in course ot being tilled. Morocco never part* wLh the money it receives ; and u is eaid, on the part of relp.-ctabie witue.'ses, that mine than $850,000,000 are hoarded away lo (bat eonntry, and that *be Emperor’e treasuro ia of tha value of at least $2,000,000. Eoston Courier. A serions coufl' ;t neiwecn tee cull and military authorities ha* again : ooarred in Eentucky. On tno 17th Instant Mayor Wingate, ©f L*smgtoa, gave vottce that all 0 waers who aid not remove fi*ia that city ihe slaves respectively balccglng to them, would be proaecu.ed oeder the reosnt'.y enaotel State law. G«n Brisbln says the thir-nr baall not be done; that all negroes in Aeutucby arc fres. In this course he ia sustained by Gsn. Fi-lmer. The names of four prominent gen'le ' men are now being oanveesnd in oonneo ; lion with the gubernatorial offioe of Geot' \g s, Hon, B. H. Bigbam. ex-Oovernor Brown, General Henry L ng and Alex H. dtephene have teen proposed hy their respective friends. ATTENTION ON HAND ANI> TO ARRIVE, A CHOiOl'i SFAiBCTtON BIT GOODS, UMOKkJ. LADIES' CLOAKS, HOST CRY, bLOV ES, 4*c., Xt. Our Stock comprises Superior All * 00J f. ecch Meriuus, of the ft Ikwiivr colors: OOLFT. BlNa-.Royr! Furpio, Me rat ine Bine, Ashe# of Boms, Beautiful Brawn, , ■’ Bose. All wool lIxLAINEJ, various catora, DRESS UV TTONI2 and TRBBMINGB, Superior Bitch sol Colored CLOTHS far LADIES' CLOAKS, Plain, Plaid and Striped POPLINS, &o. TERS/IS CASH) PEACOCK & CHAPMAN, FORME, 17 O? basnet ?, chapman & 00., Will l»j please! to ts,i (heir old friends and many 01,™ at “THE BEI3 HIVE I” KNICK KAiGKo S NOTIONS. Althcvgh I b£’9UOtlhsT6*«Bt STOOSt of the ahor* »rt!r’*e, lv- > he oltr, !t ia • PACT that I t<*ii ca'y t £?T GOODS, end that every on* cwhtcg jut. tas*» ci Si* g«u valu* rerelred ?br all iive»taietu mat * »>. th* KJISI2 HIVE ! I tar-, sew cr.i heed, to addition to tr.» above etoefe ci fysA'ir ooops, 4 Chcloe deiortaantof FF.EI-'OH CONFECTION SEiUfi, and tha Celebrated Mdss Rose Candies! which I aoi roanuOAuricgsvery ihj I will begin, tn a ehort tim*, tea Eating of AT’ANCJir CAKES. O.cauilcl*! in mj nenal gUFSi’EXOE bTVLW■ suUsbt* frr wcxioiwor,*trhrtiei, **>.. *» Vow In SfOEL. • waii-*«lerted STOCK of Pfne Apples, preserved tn their own Jufc* tickler Caa Boodj, Ac , Aa.; Freeh (Ground} Bplcea; MATCSSB and OANLLI3, FOOT MATS, FftOCIMA *G 4c, tvooc Aafu vmx.ow wake t Estr?) Sin© Applsa, For astlng ot eeokieg. BtfibWlXand liBIFP FftOIT WAhTLO. I vhll tail any cf t'ut* ator's Ez CAS H s or EscbaJOg© ter l*ro<l«CA t SMS?' Our B.'bs w..r« till 9 o'clock st night. oo!9 ts Storage and Sal ? of Gotten f WE would announce to tha public (naby, \V\\ we a e prepezed U> SXYtaiS A*» SK.Li. COT TOS, bavlug £o*4 bousee.itudhope to a-H* g?n t .-ai aatlt ftu t'C*' UAKNETj’ .1 CO . 0r24 ts Cor.'K-rßrqwl aoj Al olajU etzaets WM. R. fc£oi.i,t. ROET C. FOPE IV IS w BOOT m SHOE STOKE!! BEDELL & POPE, •ko. 166 Broad tit., CoinuiLu*, j (TINDER CFOK'. HOTEL,} WOULD reapwtfuUy in- U itUi.-i tc* * Tie ctfe-ei of Coteufthno end vicinity tb .» e WmjJ/ e-!3 now Tcr+lr: .j u.,1 *ig j oar uto-Jt of . BOOTS AND »HoiC ! ftn<4 will conti pile fry keep a band every atyle ol I Ladfej’, aiisee* and Sfcnes, ' Aon Mens’ Burs’ and Youths’ Boots, shoes and I Gaiteri, and Chile ren’s topper-tlp’d Hhoee. I lb. er.intr or BUFF, ailS* Aid 1(42 BROaxag J 'jrreat p&»n* bus b? *m Jn cur sV>ck, *ni vr* gt until** »*J w_>rfc gold. c’oaat*-/ K archait w® ciffer liberal Jn- and 07it3 Uieu* a*atulae out stock. AUo, » ui mm/uoant of Soft and ( autnero Hats. opM ts Tho Ds dies 9 GREAT FANCY STORE! JUST OIXNED > THB HO3I EE# UTTFU PATIERSIS OF WINTER CAL C )?i D*LAINF.S and other Dr«»3 G tod . if v, / laten styles , LINKNo; 3L/.*G G’J DOMESTICB thai oan't ba »arp ». ** !v q*v U y end price; Ladle* 1 ezfrl lert 1 * ' jAh'DKb'f’.fr'EtlETft, The tcoa' besnufu *se',i-.Brußt of XJBBONB In the city; BRAIDS. H v.r. ?f Tft WiTtR PALLS, TOWELING, KOJ Zhi. GI. :VXB, COLLARS,*IUEd, ,-OiJAtiEJ, and a 'teueand oth r fancy t-ot.ii; A *plensid varieiy f BitOi.3; Ladies’ BAt'J, :■'!!'!•#, •■*<. twt Dhawls, etc. A»*Tho Lail 'ceat re.y ib» we will FELL A3 LOW as any ho „je lu Goevgta. ®e ;4ea*«d to call on u*. PIiHHV & GO:, «# la No, 0* Era* n**s. 1 . BARNARD A C 0„ t OfiSS.H ST. CL A 111 A Dili OWJ.K. 'I'IIOaPBI H’K'lUßEfrl H. ; liihnildlßii f ecently occupied by tho Pi -it uffic* j We havcjmtt ractivcd naJ ofle" for ualc India Baling, Hope k Twins i 100 pkgß MACESRLL, N .i3. 1 ana 2, in 1 lifttralf, halvee, quartsrr ard kill*, i 60 bbla FLOUB. i 20 half barfols FLOUR 10 sank* COFPIP, 20 ke S « BI CARD flOi and. 2u kegs 3AL BO DA, 60 boxfltf Colgate's and IVilohw'* 00 ATP 20 boxes BTARCH, 25 gross Toilet POAFK, ,11 hied*. 20 boxes OA3 TILS BOAJI', Am neafi anr English, 20 boxes. London C’ub SAUCE, 20 boxes Oabinet BATJCP, 20 boxes CAPS UP, 60 boxes FfOK uKsd, hedves shd quarts, lOcise* BROWN BtOfff, 10 cases Muir’a ALK, 6 bbi* GOLDKN UVRUP, by the ban,'. ot geilen, 6 boh. BUGAR HOUOB gf£UV, 6 bbli Crusuod. f<UGA R. flbbls Pure DTE AYHIiIEY, 2 bb!:i Old U mrboti •• 25 boxos Uddlphu Wolfs WHI-ITY, 10 •« '* •* BCD NAPPE, 26 boxen Fretish 2H ANDY, 6 dcien Gsuninn Bosei’a lIIIIERP, 20 BLACKING BRUB3IH, 10 gross Mjijou’s £L At KING, 20 detsh Whit®wans BKDdHEC, 20 doien Sombbiug BItUBHE*!, 26 doson Assorted BUCKETS, lOdoren AVABHBOADD, 20 doswi BROOMH, 10 boats CLOTHES FID3, 26 s«U fIPICE BOXES, 20 sets TUBU—all s t « NUTMEGS, Pur* GROUND FLPPKE, In baser*, BI CARD. HOD A. TEA, by case er pcuimi, and aliooet evtry ether article of 610CE&HS can b« had at E» BAEMAEB & Corner St, Clair and ‘Ogle tborps Skr««tß ALSO, ON HAND AN ARTICLE OI HEAVY SHOES, and a quantity of D O MBS T I 0 3 I EITHER FOR BALL OH BAttTLB g/sß* Oar btoch v! Good* b to be kepi op, and our firm is an old otw and par xnauently here fi. £. <L CO. figr We will Kiiais.® iSfserai IHrcooais to Y£te Trade T-xe »u€h ii-tities as Ibey !H9f need, U. B. L CO. e»cM ts Fodder Wanted! 11(7 A LL « THOiIPBOM, ux 183 Bruad sweet, vfLb v V to purckew 100 Tods lialdd Fodder. 0010 tt &CHOHEK & KIFLEB, (Crawford Str»r,t, he*waa Sraai and Front) MxNU.xcnop.Eiie of KtitiPtoot surr , Lob Lfiora, Bitucter*, P-aiUag*, Lu.Aa •to 498*411 ?»le» brekan ■3-....'ing th-i r».4 tepatrM at moiteiute pnci< Counter Bitiuiu«aas4 ilat/ji.a BoaUs put )u pwr teot or.j*-. yd ’/■ Boots, Hoots! I*. U liC ML A-* AL AL , per 800’r.4 ft tt «•.»#. otJ/ . was anMOV£h«^ltt’ to the BCtLDt rG tu the ret./ of V V Sl'Eitl ft l« a •lry Bsore. , e I m “wniTAMli, mir (1 iXf HIN’TON * m, Tvl arciiant Taiio ■ ■, a:s FKNNi.AVxittJJh cr-rpFR mera )totruii SOT EX \VA»ttXM«»To;v un. FALL AND WINTER 210 H T3 NOW COMPLETE AND READY FOP. EXHIBifION. aZso, | A CHOICE LINE OF GEDI o FURISH WO GOOD?. SHIRT;. MADE TO ORDER Ootr.te* IA I>W g«n SHOES SHOES. BLACK and msm . BBO&AMS! Best Gr^d^, —AT— J. A. OODY‘B. sapW ts BILLS OF LADI^a, -ANl> Blanks of Erory Becoripiion Printed and for sale tt the *4pM ts SUN omci NO. 53. OHA WCvE OF SCHEDULE' UI'mUftTSKBSNI 8 mos, M 4 wLIt R, I iMootgetnery, Bept. 90,18*6. f OV tn aft. r Pridav, Sept. ISd, IbM, the Trsitie on tuj Road wiLlrunaa fotlowai i iauva C, lumbj* at.... C2Xaoi Wat. Point - IS CO to Arrtv.» . lonigom«ry. SlSpiji L'.»v e : a. atgomery *t_ 444»«p Leave iMt at at ID* P n .‘ Arri'eat e'u> t, ■> 64Sp*a oonmO'l g wl h tr».o< oi Atlauta ao.l West PotW Kairo&l iWu Point, which arrtvo tn Atlanta at 7 pa, iu «Im« so oonueot wttb uni At uaac e tro*a for Chattanooga *n.l point* North ft H CRAM, topSJ ts Gvu’l Sup’t. litt&ugk to Atlanta! f?« nid aft*r Dlouday, Iltb lu»i sxftT'S Orric* Mutwwisj kxumap Cos., 1 Coiuwtaa, Ba., Sept. 9, UW- f M smcAii'®® Klallroad Sdjodnle. U'v ouniiu* —7.00 a. rn- ArilTe M ;0e..„. ».. ;.. ......AAO p. n -ME a T.l* a. nj Xrrir* Ouiuaabua - •■-—•■—4.94 p. rn 3fACK)F£ WEStriey ujULftOAD CCBXVCIt BIQBV TlltOl. Leave atero - 680 p.m. *rr)»o cUan a 8.23 a. B. i --jvs Atlanta'..— —440 p. m Arr ve Micoa- - &JQ a. n reo'l'tf W L CLARK, Bnp’t. a ir oale and Rent. For &sdel One £ iilnousa with Stillery wfr .. Aft -e*.>r»a Pew« RagiM, as* areryh ag t.:au,UDg io a cTTXLKKV,capacity ,/i li .b. cieMui'n Alaoeitaohed to to* eaowl* an ,i L OiiOi .-.Til. i ha *h le aaaatol on SO acre* •■jnn; ma c w io« tol l o father. Aleo •djofn iu. [,.*,« i 74C *or a LaNO with good hotue* .art 11' kvotmucut*, th- wbtuc ran he yurebasad at |lO (KM Pa. I o ..»t;*c,{ to pureija** will call «t BAKW TTACO’P, 0C24 Ct C irtw Broad and St Oiatr etreat*. Mo-, m nd Lot for Sale! O-fX of i.i meat enflrabi* p aoa* in , ■ Ur- < ty, r - tuuuy luoaud » >e t.imlH' &* re :iea; filial up wlu. [SAlimll ..very cen#-u'«pea( gas m evary reeiti V: ally au o*j.iti;s a . ii>v«*:(aMt or u JilUm ■ etenr e c . ert..hlo h >oie thi* 1* a rare - ! cj-fl-va 'a tie f CAA frSTS aisd rVOSITUnS i will ba sold »dth the pieCa It denfred. i Axplyal. • [ ffICE G-LUKBUB 9AS COMPACT. osSI Bt* For Sale, OKS SiJW TtHX ANla POWDIE-PRCfrIF IKON A F E , Patoat. Ay; if at W L PAEXXR’E OCX) Cl So 64 rroad 8«. For Bent. ' -pax ifiur Btoiy IROB-rROWT BUUJL -—a UI3, B.r ?Sa»lS6. p|g| Brea.! fiictri! Av/y at »t;r& oefCltt SAMMZa A ByOFU For ©ale. a HAS'SOHL PIAl J O, and 6*« ms at 3EOHB aOSIWOC-t Por!or rTBidTURX a 8U % rhea* iu tit -a era ba *#-o at M»»*n Catniat* * ttouuey’*ec frrofcJ atrt.t ov.iitf K BAXNAP.b. LAP.bE SALE 0F STOCK, Ferre re,; Utenaila, dec and 1.712(3 a-ta sßced to diraoetJuU* f4nolA6 I will.. tini or e-Jo, • a t»4CGKfJ».-A>* (,X(I7EXSER3, 1888. a. tr.y pit ;. In l hatiuuoeoiie* couotj.G*., lutowc .« (j, iu . anr n ouuta ot Pox B;<ring Depot, <.u»eo*.» In A au, far ca»h, at. icy fhrudm. ,itunei.». un n wo. of every dascnpUen, oou.lei ngt-J p’oash*, U <a pkKigh gear, '■'•gone, *nrje* uxe ~ Kg,,, .beep aud goat* Also, a a«a. 8v- ur > ul aud bold*/ Tho c 1 1, eoaa jS of about eighty htad cf txsr, an-i'B, beilv.a and 'they ex* ot tus yejurw ,xli. took,' *l»» rich rniik«rv in pe iiut in .a* npi « pan ot Georgia, wr. toui thrjit Uxeia and moi « detirojed by the iato oiaavtrou •» ,r, tab »td» oSVw. a Sue opportunity for racUuiat.-A ItMWIAS IVOUI ' Latie, BPI.-?; . IP ■ ottrrr.'tj Grand* (X PXAIIIA Ir'llffllMl wnn £• U K.W A TUB 111. r.t d'rrttioa taaiyat the Miotf BUN Pit nOf . HandLLLoe iiesidence, with IB Land for Sale, Oil the'hU rv«<J, opposlto Cvloriel igftdau L'hi'a .y ~ ij£ mites irwtt «»• «Uy. lue t u ••«, .nui. -a. rccccj. tip auto a Ml}!) Cl-w >4 >«i ~rw Ai.ciieo, dslry, rtliur.jyjuia imti o Q • eudi'joAe*, atabtn, carrutgo ho. lot,*i bu.i ‘ go- oidar, «tiiei.nt<twei«i, a gardcc n! Uii'j- arts, mi wouard of van*tie* ■•! &t?H ! trser aod ■.), hi a-j «e of Woodland. tot .«atonopij i a C OSBORN, or i3t; ihrongb the P,.«n 'Jffl x MU STBIE ABLE Store l*o/ 34- Broad Street, atjjly f t i<sr r»BM«n to ; ; 10‘l; J. PAMBPafI. Bilging i'-jr Sale, A Tw&hjota* Fowsr Engine i AliU lii .-ULAh. UPRiGUr BOLLJ3R, ; tux »ttle tfjf V?ITIXSB.% & LOUD, | t <5? if Oa. I or Sale. us ha3*ajioh, I'D ev s,•/thing: on It Is lor I tale. I o. e- ~iax tV> anre* A unAfl ‘ — L -~\ and is v, l .uov,n u> oo on- ffjfiaraßfti* fliTf ~ the ot,. V ;a ; a ta.'.ooair t r ab ,10*. , . j worse art SAAkjtjHES rjeered and 1. a fi"j stave lor CUi ur® i a (.- ns ~rjv. os.ite; a uaver ladioa veil ••? root w*EC i iieatlby aid conVeaiaot ?• &.b»l Ana Cna ch. >eing within one mile of the v.itag* and idui tvtlion the Mobila end flit,' 1 tonroad burn g */ .biftcoo apply to Dr J T Persjcs o 4 tu.' jy 0. B BAD3 Fia© Piuao for Sale! XINV 7 viaT® PIANO ts '.flared ler sale. C\ Addrur • B," »»• 19 1 ; sara Sun office ion for Sale. C P.A ACHf of foa Land io Maeoa < g W f r »7 ti l C-D* *CO atV Aft'- on M‘bile on* jjSgQgjj&lßjk* & .art 1 Ai.rv*. ■ 60) acresoiaaraqan,fijSSasiaE er.ll hrtprcWQ Oo*r Sloefe *n4tel WMW pemeo ‘il t>c sold wi 5 U place If • d-.atred- E..q-'*s' e4Bkv- JOd.N J GRAb'T. Coiombni, a I A BROWN, Taluottoa, Ga, aeptt ts F 'r Salsl "" y OT r-'K for ia e -ry DWi.LLLINQ , Ii« Üb« in- ici ofr jtn th* ■■Ctwi«r J 4BS'| - .lye" ath ft.;,: .jervdli* rosd. tiirllTHßr I Lot contain* P ,c eo lano, f nref which so hi. hi, In rnvrd. Heiiaa with r 1*99 *!•;' c c.. >a y outhonaee; **o ®Vei otf Wiu-j r.i pariiauiaia apply to v r a watt, at 115 ftrsafl tti, ox to myssif oa the pretn'eeo. **P4? *f J M TUT!.