Union and recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1872-1886, October 30, 1872, Image 2

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THE UNION & RECORDER. [Old “Southern Recorder” and “Federal Union’ consolidated 1 FOB. FBJSSlSFHrT : HORACE GREELEY, OF NEW YORK. FOB. VICE PRESIDENT: P». GRATZ BROWN, OF MISSOURI. STATE ELECTORAL TICKET, FOR fTAT* AT LARGE, Principals. Alternates. W. T. W<uFFORD, A. H. COLQUITT. H. L, BENNING, ELI WARREN, JULIAN HARTRIDGE, A. H. HANSEL, WASHINGTON POE4 GEO. D. RICE. DISTRICT ELECTORS. 1. II. G. TURNER, 2. R.N. ELY, 3. W. I. HUDSON, 4. JAMES M. PACE, 5. II R. CASEY, 6. J; N. DORSEY, 7. E. D. GRAHAM, 1. J RIVERS, 2. A. L. HAWES, 3 P. F. SMITH, 4. T.F. NEWELL, 5. A. M. RODGERS, 6. L. J. ALLRED, 7. R. A. ALSTON. FOR CONGRESS : Col. JAMES H, BLOUNT, Of Bibb County. TOK. SZSCBSZB.B.V OF SXAFE, [Subject to a Democratic nomination,j X, C. BARNETT, Former Sccietary of Stale. Wednesday Morning, October 30, 1872. ATLANTA AS ST *8. According to the Atlanta ’lernld that city is in 3 bad way, financially. It says that the “fright ful expenditures of the past throe years bare re sulted in loadin? us wi"h debt and in increasing the rate of taxation to such an extent that the city staggers under the load, and property has almost ceased to at'ra-t capital for investment." And al! that “wo esn show for it is a vast imidhoie in win ter and a ersst sandbank in summer." It charges that “the entire science of municipal government in Atlanta seems to have exhausted itsoif in open ing sirs:ts which ion into the woods, aud io en deavoring to dig tlio city down to a level v. ;lti the Atlantic Ocean. Practically nothing hrs been dona for ail the money expeuded, and debts c u- trncted.” It ieclares that the present condition of aftsirs ‘is intolerable," and says there are -‘rumors’’ that Atlanta “is governed by » ring as insatiate as that of Tammany,” end that no person “will venture to deny that certain individuals in Atlanta have obtained practically a monopiy of ail the city pat ronage, and have grown fat upon it. In rhe pock ets of these men have disappeared the thousands of dollars, which have been paid into the Treasury. To these very men is the city no»' indebted in the sum of one hundred and forty thousand dollars ex cess of so-called expenditures over receipts for the past year.” The Herald might have added that she owned an old tumble-down Opera House, which has already cost the the State nearly half a milliou ; over which hangs a mortgage for more than the house would bring if sold at auc tion ; she also has the Blodgett-Kim- hal! Hotel, built as it is believed, out of the earnings of the State road. She also has a ring of lobby members, in the employ and pay of Clews & Co., who are bound to lobby and manipu late the members of the legislature un til they agree to pay all of Bullock’s Fr,m the Savannah Republican, “26th. Slivfet TIEore 3Pri"o?r:rs from Wilkin son County Reached Savannah by the Central train last evening, in custody of two Depu ty United States Marshals, a Federal Lieutenant and squad of soldiers, and were lodged in the county jail of Chatham to await the tardy progress of the law for their vindication and deliverance from prison. The milita ry guard in charge ou the route down, itics in the present canvass, but this prerogative is rot allowed me. It seems that both my straight-out and Greeley fricuds are disposed to have A Marine Curiosity.—Mr. C. C. Balkcom brongi.t into this offices yesterday, a marine ani mal, that was finite an hideous ia appearance as the most formidable goblin that hue yet appeared at Surraucy. It was a polypus, and is warranted to be the .ugliest known specimen of the animal robbed these citizens of their money, j f or tho Third Congressional District. me place myself publicly upon tile re- j kingdom cutsiXe the Radical party. It is vrbat L> cord. In view of the above fiefs, I wa» much surprised a few days siuce, to learn that there was a straight-out elec toral ticket, before the Georgia Democ racy. Mill more surprised to find that I had been nominated as the candidate knives and pistols—taking this prop erty on pretence of returning it on reaching Savannah, but failing to do so when they turued them over to the custody of the civil authorities. These citizens were arrested at their peaceful homes iu and near Gordon, Wilkinson county, beioro day yester day morning, having been captured in every instance in bed beneath quiet I was nominated without my knowl edge or consent, aad ut the time of the meeting was at home confined to ray bed. Though I highly appreciate the honor in the complimentary manner in which it was conferred, yet I must res pectfully decline to heroine a candidate for the position to which 1 have been nominated. Mv name cannot under any circum- aad once hallowed roots. Aroused at stances be used to divide the Democ- the dead hour of night, by a posse of armed men, who in some of the ar rests roug’nlybroke open the doors and windows of the apartments and rude ly entered unannounced with drawn pistols and cocked guns, violating the privacies of homes and in one instance disregarding the sanctities of a sick chamber and dragging a weak and en feebled man from his couch while three little motherless children in vain cried as their only remaining parent was unexpectedly and quickly hurried from them. These eight citizens of fraudulent bonds; and last but not,~ . , , , - least, Atlanta has the honor of count- Ge u or S ia hav f been brou S bt to ^ v an- inir nmumr her citizens the renowned nah and vilely incarcerated in felons ing among her citizens the renowned Potash Farrcw whose occupation and lelightistoharrassand persecute honest cells, by the strong arm of the Feder al power. Of these citizens Mr. William T. men to please a few infamous negroes. 1 . 1 ° h ountam, nearly fifty years old, was born and reared in Wilkinson, and is Gor- 6tore, of the Federal Intimidation. Routed at the polls in October, the! Panting in a mile and a half of Radicals of Georgia have sought the don » 1D whl ^ r h P' ace he has a aid of the Grant Government to enable Ir * Janies M. * ouri racy. I candidly confess that in this Pres idential canvass my sympathies are with the straight-outs. It is, howev er, too late for the movement to effect any good, and I fear it may result in still widening the breach in the Dem ocratic party. You will, General, receive the full Democratic vote in Dooly, though quite a number of them will not vote for Greeley under any circumstances, and they are still more opposed to Grant. Yours, etc , J. II. Woodward. Col. G M Netherland. in the Atlanta Constitution, also declines to be an elector ou Straight-out ticket. called ;i r ,d : at? animal. It h.-td right prongs—iu fact, it was milking but prongs. Each prong was provided with as mneb suction apparatus as fifty leeches, hence the whole machine had the suction power of not less than fair hundred leeches, aud evidently it was made of such stuff as leoehes are. When first seen by a novice, the animal is spt to be mistaken for a cottcn caterpillar, or a Curren cy gbost. From tip to tip of the prongs it meas ured, perhaps, fifteen inches. When spread out upon the floor, all hands in the office embraced the first opportunity to seek the tops of desks tables and other plaert of safety : but when assur ed that it was very dead, they came down and examined it wi'h ail the skill of 'earned ichthyolo gists. The judgment was that its sucking powers evidently classed it with the office-holding spe cies of the Radical fsrniiy. It was caught on Blackfish Bank, off Tybee Is land, with a hoek and line, by L SaVarese & Bro'g. fishing smack, Stonewall.—Tel. & Mess. Old Things Irntt l*a*«eJ Aw#t. This is at least true of tbe old method of treating the long abused and much abased human body. It is no i longer considered vrise to put a patient to the torture in order to care him cf bis disease in which pa: i i - ai rs ady undermining the energies of Ui3 system. True science ranges itself on the side of nature, and endeav ors to assist her in her fight against disease. This is the province of Hostolter's Stomach Bitters, th» most approved tonic ever advertised in this country. It may be recommended as a fall medicine, par excel lence ; for it is in the fall that biliousness, dyspepsia and malarious fevers are especially prevalent- Tin frame, exhausted by the heats ot summer, is relaxed and teethe at ts close, and requires, we may say de mands, artificial assistance. Afford it that assistance in occasional doses of llostetter’s Stomach Bitters, and the evils referred to may be escaped. Throughout the far V est. end ou the steaming alluvial of the Southern river-. ill the varieties of periodical lever are proba bly rife lo-day. Had a course of Hostetler’s Bitters been commenced by the sufferers a month ago, i. e. hi ore the unhealthy season set in, seven eighths of Ihi-m would in all probability be iu their usual health at the present time. So much for want cf foret a»te. So muon for not keeping in the house, and nr ing daily, tbe "best safeguard against epidemic and epidemic fe- Netherland. in letter to j ver ' i _ , , ... . A ' wv ke of irrY|>03*rr8 ana imitators are trying tc fo;k*v, in the vrdlxo of the great American remedy, tbereiore be sure that :iu> article you buy is genuine and verified by the proper trade-marks. Trie true I Be true article can only bo obtained in bottles. Be ware of Luc spurious bitters sold by the gallon or ia keg Georgia News* Mr. Joseph Greer has been appointed Marshal of Forsyth- Rev. Dr. Hiiiyer, h.iptised twelve young ladies in Forsyth, on Sunday’laat.i The clothing of a negro boy living otar Forsyth four teen year old, caught firo n'fevv days ago, f-om in juries receive,] bt died. The stors of James Kim ball.in Butts cu- Dty, was robbed oue night last week. —Mor.roe advertiser. On account of the singular mani'estaiions at the house of Mr. Surrency st No. 6, Macon aud Bruns wick Railroad, the family have determined to va cate tbe premises.—Savannah Advertiser. Thomson wants a fire eneine. The gin house of Mr. E. S. Harrison, of McDuffee, Wrj burned on Saturday last. Fifteen hales of cotton, belonging to Mr. Homer Sturgis, wore burned In the house. McDuffee Journal. About two miles of the track on the Perry road hail bt-en completed. The train will be running to Perry by tbe 20th December A rattlesnake four feet seven inches long, with twelve rattles and e sleeve bntton. whs trilled near Fort Yallev a few days since.—Business Mirror. Miixedgev ille.—W :• learn from a friend from Milledgeviile, who visited us at our office yester day, that the ancient capital of the Stale was nev- or 60 prosperous and generally in good condition as at present- The city it lively, trade is goad, and the best of feeling, with contentment and plenty, prevail. They claim tc have the best, if not the largest, lodge of Good Templars iu the Statu, and the first men of the p.ace aru members of tho lodge. The colored people also have a temperance or- gonizaiioo wi.h ov.-r two hundred members, who are doing nioch good i t their race—Atlanta Sun. Dr JOHN BULLS GREAT REMEDIES. itam, son The 31ood Hounds of Tyranny turn ed Loose. I Be atndavits upon wmcti these ar-| It seems that the same performance that was practiced upon the people of North Carolina is to be re-enacted in Georgia. Where bribery and corrup- ruption will not avail to induce the 'cause of the disturbance that occurred them to force a verdict in tieir favor P rece ^ing gentleman, is a young man in November. As will be seen else- ^married and farming]near his father’s where, they have commenced a sys- P ace .’ ’ * r * ]f ran ^ Carroll, a loung tern of wholesale arrests in this and I ma ™ ed man of twenty-two, is a iarrn- an adjoiuing county of some of our j f r ’ mn & ln a Im e 0r . B ? - °*- Gordon , best citizens, upon the charge of vio-l < wa3 - arre8ted over at hla Cher’s);, ating the so-called enforcement law. Our Straight-out Fkiends.—Those gentlemen calling themsedves Jefferso nian Democrats seem bent on doing mischief. They surely can’t have tho leagt hope of getting an 'electoral rote in Georgiafor their reluctant candidate. Why then do they put an electoral ticket in the field, it it is not to help Grant ? Whether that is their inten- Ba/ihcin Sheriff Sale. \\7ILLbf- »<>M b- fort: -J:.- C , it House door in Ihe * • city of lliUedecviile, Ba. - win countv, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY, 1973. within the usual hours of sale the following property, to-wit: Two horse muie^ and an the interest of the defend ants in the crop of aU kinds—the enure crop raise-ithia year—-the same beiag .--a ureertuiu amount, tho crop being s..bjoctfirst to rent and to laborer's lien. Sold to satisfy a mortgage fi fa in favor of It. A. McComb surviving partner of 6. Sc K. A. McComb vs. James T. Simpson Sc F,:o. Property pointed out by defend- O. ARNOLD, Sheriff; Oct.9t'n, 1S72. 14 tds. Baldwin Postponed Sheriff' Sale. The affidavits upon which these ar rests have been made are, we learn, all sworn to by negroes, and we doubt not have been instigated by the negro Mr. Frank Kennington, a single farm- i * :!on ba . v ? ^ at e ^ ec ^> ^ er of twenty-three, lives in two miles i we are rejoiced to believe of Gordon (was arrested at his broth er's in Gordon where he was staying that night;) Air. William J. Bridger, a young merchant of twenty, ia doing people to vote for Grant, intimidation j on that day. lie, it will be remem and force are to be applied. Since itj bered > after forcin S. lii? P 00r . du P es leader whose incendiary appeals pre- a y ouu g aac 01 ! viousto the late election were the : buslness ,n G ? ra ? n . (was arrested at his room m the hotel); Mr. William “■|H. Calef, a young married man, is has been shown that the voters of Georgia the Democratic ticket, the blood hounds of the administration are to be used to keep them from voting at all. Just before an election, the most ac tive and prominent Democrats in strong Democratic counties are arrest ed and carried off to prison to keep them from taking any part in the elec tion, and to intimidate others. Such men as Jeff Long, Geo. Wallace and Potash Farrow, are just such tools as * in,-™ i°to a position entirely untenable upon j , , , 1 a large majority oi c ‘ r0UDd l aw V right, balely befo i e ^ a would support , Ie , er , e j them at the first sign of °? ce . r ““ d soldl _ 1 c il . 1.1. . i . o ; od in f h Hrn w/ r» merchandizing in Gordon (was arrest ed in his bedchamber, door broken could unlatch it, and ers and negroes euter- : ed with drawn weapons); Mr. James T. Kirkpatrick is a mechanic in Gor ianger, and sought safety lor his prt cions person in the sacred precincts of; V *“ the Federal post-olKce. ilia iuextio-i | 0D <*“ created iu his atca bed, win- el dow broken open before a friend stay- open jing with him could unfasten it, armed j men rushed in, and hurried him off, leaving his young children whose mother is ju^.t dead unprotected and crying); and Air. B. F. Sanders, a young man of nineteen, is a clerk in a store guishable hatred of the white people has been carefully nursed during the interval, and at last finds vent in these arrests. We shall have very little to say concerning them except to denounce them as outrages too gross, but at the 11 r . , . ..... ^ ° , °. • ,• , . in Gordon (was sleepiugm back room same time, too characteristic to need c ±l ^ v , • fc . a , extended comment. They ore mere tyrants always delight to use. They i repetitions of what we have seen in bate honest men, and are a l- other States where tbe people refused ways ready to do them all the injury to bow the knee to the Radical Baal,i® they can. Mean and contemptible [and Democratic majorities themselves, they love tbe service of a Muster who pays well, aud whose em ployment is so congenial to their taste. These, and such as these are the men who are prowling about to find out the men that are going to vote the Democratic ticket, which in their eyes is a crime that should be punished by arrests and imprisonment. By ar resting some arid threatening others with arrests, they hope to keep enough from voting to defeat the will of the people, and give the State to Grant and his followers. But will they suc ceed ? We trustjnot. A large major- jority of the voters oi Gergia can neith er be bullied or bought, and these Jpte acts of tyranny will serve to rally eve ry honest roan iu Georgia to the Dem- acratic standard, and cause them to make a more determined effort to drive from power a party that uses these iu famous means to oppress us. NEHiat They Expect to I>o. We have published elsewhere an ar ticle from Air. Stephens, published in the Atlanta Sun. in which he states that the Straight outs in Georgia ex pect to defeat both the Grant and Gree ley tickets in this State, and throw the election of Presidential electors into the Legislature and thus give the members of the Legislature a chance to vote on that question after all of the other States have voted. This is plausible but we do not be- I of the store and was knocked up and arrested.) The soldiers who constituted the guard hailed from Atlanta, aud the wo Deputy United States Alarshals who made the arrests were one Blacker from Atlanta, and au officer named Alartin. There is, we learn, a separate war rant against each prisoner, although the charge is the same against each. The warrants were issued by tbe Uni ted States Commissioner J. Clarke Swayze, of Macon, and respectively 3lledge a criminal violation of tbe en- fo'cernent act, in the beating for his political opinions’ sake of one Henry r Charlton, colored, during the past sum mer oflS?2. This m gro is about thirty years old, ismatried, and had become noto rious in that section of the county on ! account of his bold, undisguised and illicit communications and commerce with a degraded and abandoned white woman, about twenty-five or thirty years old, living in the neighborhood, named Caroline AT vers. LelU’r from Host. J. if, lVooilTrnrd. Vienna, Ga., October ID, 1S72. To General Phil. Cook: Dear General—Your message de- were re quired to be crushed. But this effort will fail—signally, ingloriously fail. The spirit of the freemen of Georgia cannot be broken or "bowed by such assaults. This Radical intimidation game will never crush out Democratic majorities in Georgia. It will rouse cur people to still greater exertions, and make their rebuke of such shame ful proceedings still more signal. It will add thousands of votes to the good cause, not only in Georgia but all over the land, and send Grant in November a greeting whose thunder, as compared with that of October, shall he as the boom of a columbiad to the pop of a pistol. If there was any stimulant needed to arouse the people of Georgia mid rally them to the pulls next month, this cowardly attempt at intimidation has furnished it. Now there can be no excuse for apathy or indifference. The heart that doe9 not swell with indignant resentment, and the blood that do*snot boil with the fever of a righteous indignation at this last insult cannot be stirred. They belong to the corpse—not men. Freemen of Bibb county—freemen I 8 iring to know it 1 am a candidate on of the Sixth Congressional District— | the straight-out electoral ticket, etc., freemeu of Georgia—we scorn to make! at3( ^ ^ f10 ^ announce the same that the true Democracy is so strong in Georgia, the combined forces of Grant and the Straight-outs can’t jos tle them.—Milledgettle Union and Re corder, Oct. 23d 1S72.” Whether our “straight-out friends” have, or have not, “the least hope of getting an electoral vote in Georgia for their candidates,’-’ their course in put ting out a ticket cannot, by possibility, help either Grant or Greeley. If they cannot elect a single man on their tick et they may, by possibility, get enough my appotitii improved, and the rheumatic pains be- VSTILL be eoid before tbd C’uurt House door in the eiiy cf MiTledp-evi’:? BaMvrin county, ou the firdi Tuesday m DECEMBER next, within the ineui Lours of sale the 1... winir property, to wit; llit Pi.'iD’.aVjn of K Goodloe Harper, iu Baldwin county oortaininjr fourteen hundred acres, more or ■—■■■■ | leu-, adjoinine lands of formerly L. A. Jordan on the Official Tote of Indus a.—The rffi.na! vote the south, Goodson on the west, of Indiana abowa the election of Hendricts, Dem- ! 'J'!.jT 1, * 1 V the north , on iv. iu,. usu ...a bn™ . «• e.-joi.'p Harper now resides: Lev ied on ao the property of sum R. Ooodloe Harper to □erst, for Governor, by 1143 majority, and of Hop- _ kins, Democrat, for Superintendent of Public In-} saUHy ufif» £-omBaIdwia'*Supw.oI'co^t fofovorof struction, by 2493 majority. The other State of ficers elected are Radicals, and their majorities range from 124 to 2112. Orth and Williams, Radicals, for Congressmen at lorpe, got in only by the skin oi their teeth, their majorities being IC2 and 532. Four Democrats and seven Radicals wera elected to Congress from the districts. Strong Testimonr Steubenville, Ohio, Sept. 4 1671. Dr. Win. H. Tutt: Dear Sir—I feel it a duty to yon end to suffer ing bnmauity to make public the gpeaf merits of your Extract Sarsapariiia and Queou'g Delight.— For y ears I ba> e been a great sufferer, my general health broke down, and I was affected with ner vounuess of the most terrible character, which was soon followed by au eruption all over the body, forming large ulcers in some places, and attended with rheumatic pains. Tongue cannot describe my suffering- I was reduced almost to a skele ton, and had a perfect loathing of food. I was at tended by several physicians, who rendered me no relief. I despaired of ever being well again, but thanks to a kind Providence I accidentally heard of your medicine. I sent for half a doaen bottles, and before I had taken three I began to feel better of the popular vote, to prevent either of tbe Radical candidates—Grant or Greeley—from receiving a majority of all tho votes polled 1 In that case the choice of Electors for the State will devolve upoo the Legislature. It would then be for this body—after it will be seen that the Greeiey “bubble” has burst, to cast the vote of Georgia in such manner, and for such men, as will comport with the honor, dignity ! r o ^ er Gi agent in relieving congestive or torpid , , r P , . r, | -. — nver. They have no equal. and glory ot the old Commonwealth. A. H. S. came less severe, aud I could enjoy sleep. 1 have continued its use aud have taken eleven bottles, and believe I am a sound man again. Tho ulcers have all ht-aiej, my skin is smooth and healthy, and I have gained 22 pounds in weight. I believe ray sicku-jso resulted from a taint of scrofui.i.— nla. I vreuid earnestly recommend your com pound to my fellow sufferers. With deep gratitude to you. I am ov<-r vou- frDnd, JAS. FRANKLIN. Dr. Tutt’sLiver Piiis are a mild and gentle pur gative, possessing the peculiar merit of acting as r. Robert Parham vs. said Harper. Property pointed out by the Plan v.lT’.s Attorney, ^a-i tenant notified. Also, at the same time aad place, the plantation as above described aforesaid, by virtue of u fi fa i-aued from Baldwin Superior Court, rot arc able to February Term 1867, in laser of W. E. Lyons, Executor of Mrs. Caroline L.D. Wilson vs. said Harper and Wo. J. MyncX,sacunty. Property pointed out by Plain tiff ’r- Aitornay, and teesat :.ot:5ed. Alao, at the same time and place, will be aold, the same tract or plantation of land, containing fourteen hundred acTes. more or less, as described by virtue of a mortgage fi ia iu favor of L. H. Briscoe, transferee of L. A-Jordon, in part for purcl.c.-e money of game. Property pointed out by transferee and tenant notified. AIpo, at saint tune and place, the plantation above described a» aforesaid, to satisfy an fa in favor of L. H. Briscoe, transferee of IT Jl. Rose re. said R. G. Harper, iu favor of Iran.stereo. Oct 26tb 1372, Also, one house and lot in'the city of Milledtreville, containing one ha.f acre, running two hundred and ten feet on Jefferson Street r.nd ore hundred and five feet on Baldwin Street, being one half of Lot No. one in Square No. forty ia said city. Soid to satisfy a 3 fa in lavor of S. G. Dor-ey vs J. L, Johnson, John II. Johnson, Thos. D. Johnroa and W. S. Berry. P:oper- ty pointed out by piuintiff; at'ornev O. ARNOLD,See-iff. Oct. 29th, 1872. j itds w^wua ..r NVRCLTt. anHBKWupnacwi Dr. Tutt’s Hair Dvr promotes the Growth of the Hair. Aster!- Wonled for Cobbin’e Child's CoBHQBiuator ON; THE FUBLE, for the HOME CIRCLE. 1.200 pages. 250 Engravings. The i •. i e.iierprise of the year "or rgenfs. Ev -rv taniiy willbav ■ it. Nothing .ike it /’ • sLttl. For circulate address U. fe. GOODSPEE!)Sc CO,37 Park Row. Net- York. BEAT ~ h-.g CURIOSITY.—A Magazine of ths Agent v lies ia every town, i-i a perp , u inc'Uie. -.mdlOc. fo. Specimen to ‘‘.S’: ‘ ; t \- Dot Mapazirtel 51 ! ibe t t,H X. Mqstuomirt, October 26.— United States Loops i are being quartered through-.nt A labama. LaPIE." will find relief from their TTeadecho, j Cc8.iTei.es*. Swimming in ihe ii ad. Colic, Sour Stomach. Restlenares. etc , eic , by taking SIM MONS' LIVER REGULATOR. Persons living in unheal.by localities may avoid al! biilious attacks by takingado.se of SIMMONS’ LIVER REGULATOR occasionally to keep the Liver in healthy action. It should be used by all I persons, old and young, ft is not nnpi< asant, is I «fxw- Tonic, October 26.—The horse mrhtdy has a purely v g-etable compound, is not inurious to novr spread to such an extent that almost ail the tbe meet delicate constitution, and will keep the j horses in the city are said to be sufferiiig iu one form If you feel dull, despondent, drowsy, debilita ted, have frequent headache, mouth tastes badly, poor appetite, and tongue coated, you are suffor- ing ficiu torpid liver, or ‘Billiousuess.’’ Nothing will cure you so speediiy and permanently as I)r. Fierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Chicago, October 22.—The West Side omnibus stables were burned last night, with fifty hors.-s- Loss $500,000. I.ivcr in ho«.:h\ action' or another from the symptoms of the epideinio. n. W. THOMAS. H. V. SANFORD IS# I its OF 9IILLEDGETILLE 13 £7 a single appeal to your passions or your prejudices—we counsel the strict est, most scrupulous regard fol law, and order uiiu peace—but we do in voke you to put the seal ot your em phatic reprobation at the ballot box in (November upon this wicked conspira cy. Let not a man be missing when lieve it will amount to anything. In (that verdict shall come to be record- the first place we dou’t believe thejed; but let the judgment of a unani- Straightouts hold tbe balance of pow-i uhiiis people who see their rights and er between the Grant and Greeley reputations thus menaced go up as the parties; aud secondly, wo feel very voice of many voters in rebuke of sure if the vote of Georgia could decide j those who have sought their destruc- the election against Grant, there will tion. Let the rallying cry hencefor- be some excuse trumped up for throw- j ward be simply : Go To The Polls! ing that vote out of the count, and if " \Macon Telegraph. the vote depended on the Legislature j ' of Georgia there would be stupendous ; N ‘ KE Congklssmen for Gfokgia.—That ~ ° i a i *1 , L T • i I Bounds gloriously* It has h ring about it that etiorts made to bribe the -Legislature j will he sweet ir.uaic to every Patriot car in the land to vote for Grant. We had much bet-1 A,ld il * 8 fcttS > of accomplishment, too. ah i a o*. 4. a xi that is weceaFary is a full Democratic torn*out.— ter leave the Note OI t.ie otate to tbe , Jf L very Democrat and Liberal in Georgia will go people than throw it into the Legisla- I to the polls ou the 5th of November and vote, tho , d ed is done the triumph secured, and another lure * laurel chaplet crowns the brow of the victorious anti-Grant hosts of this grand old State. We will ne.'c-r iiavG a more favorable opportunity for fixing the political status of Georgia for a generation to come, and woe to those whom apathy or over con fidence shall cause to stand in iho way of the great work. The Democratic paity lias sustained losses in Congressmen elsewnere which we can repair sim ply by a fall vote. Let ub resolve that a foil vote , . i shall he polled and this ios.s mado good. Penusyl- gla, charged with the violation Oi the j Vania and Indiana call tc us that some ot their enforcement act in the alleged murder I best n.en have been stricken down, and that they ...i,,,,,, t\ P r., or look to us to supply th-jir ; isr. s in the ranks — From the Savannah Republican of Saturday we learn that at 10 o’clock Friday morning the case of the Uni ted States versus Robert Hyman, Jethro Yanlandinghain and William Dickson, of Wilkinson county, Geor- of one Matthew Deason, then Sheriff of Wilkinson county, ou the 29th of August, 1S71, came on for a hearing before United States Commissioner A . W. Stone, at his office. The attorneys for the prisoners, Captain George A. Mercer of Savan nah, Colonel W. A. Lofton of Macon, j Major J. N. Gilmore of Sandersville, and Colonel J. W. Lindsey of Irwin- ton, after consultation determined not to sever the accused on the trial. We can do it, and we must do it. Wc won t com promise on seven members or even eight members. We want ail nine and we c.-n have them if ws will. Our hand calls for that many, and the lead is with ns. Telegraph and Messenger. For the Union Sc Recorder. iSuhrenuy, Ga.. Oct., 2Cth, 1872- Wo have just nuu a long conversation with Mr. Snrrency at whose house tl.e marvelous demon-, strations much noted through the columns of the press of lata took place. He assures me of the truth of very many incidents which seem inexplicable ac cording- to any known laws of physics. Id is account agrees substantially with that which appeared last Colonel Lofton conducted tbe case ! Telegraph & Messenger. Mr. Snr- , j j• a • <. reccy has promised that he will write to you an on tne part of the citizens, and district acconnt oi these things hirr Attorney II. P. Farrow represented the government. At 2 p. m. the examination was continued to 10 count for th in, but avers their truth upon his own knowledge. He is a gentleman o*'excellent character, and has represen'ed his county in the Georgia Legislature when the latter mt-l in Mil— ledgcvillo. Perhaps these phenomena are the r«- through the public press, has been re ceived. \\ itli some explanation I has ten to comply with your request: I am a Democrat, upon the prin ciples enunciated by Jefferson and Madison, and I am fully convinced that the party will have to return and adhere to the old landmarks to restore Constitutional liberty and free gov ernment. “Sink or swim,” I believe it was the duty of the National Demo cratic party, at the Baltimore Conven tion to have nominated straight out Democrats for President and Vice President. Failing in this the times demanded the adoption of a sound Democratic platform and no momina- tion. The Georgia Convention, to nominate a State electoral ticket, should have put forth her candidates, untrammelled, to cast, the electoral vote of the State as they might think best for the true interests of tbe coun try. The Baltimore departure has pro duced schisms and divisions in the Democratic ranks, and has resulted in producing two electoral tickets of the party in the field, which, J fear, will produce strife, crimination and recrim ination hard to be healed in the future. Previous to and at the State Con vention in July I was warmly solici ted by numerous friends to ailow my name placed on the Greeley elec- total ticket. Being unwilling to com mit mvseif to the support of a Repblican, I declined the use of it iu such connection. During the recent session oi the Legislature I was frequently approach ed by friends iu reference to the straight-out movememt. Opposed both to Greeley and Grant, and not satis fied with the action of the Baltimore Convention; yet I invariably recom mended no division in the party, ei ther to acquiesce in or remain silent in regard to the support oi Greeley and Brown. The above course I had hoped would THOMAS MB SANFORD, ’$300 000 Ilf bank. ar.JLTTU CiliPT COSJSSZIT. Postponed to December 7, IS72. rpUE SECOND GRAND GIFT CONCERT in aid E of the I’ublic Library of KeutUL-ky, announced for September 28, has b< tu postponed to December 7. 2 *sjU, because the accumulation of order,, tbe few days brtore tbe drawing made it physically impossible to fill them without a few days’ delay, and as a ghort po;' poneinent was inevitable, it was del- rmiued to de fer It to a time tba*. would make a lui, drawing sure by the sale of ail the tickets. The money necessary to pay iu full a,! the offered gifts is now upon deposit in the Farmers ami Drovers' iiauk, as will be seen by tho following Certificate of the Cashier: Farmers’ a.,d Dbovirs’ Banx t Ljcisville, KT.,Sept., 26,1372. > This is to certify that there is now on deposit in this — j bank over half a million of dollars to the credit of tue Gift Concert fund, JhOU,00ft of which is hH<i by this bank as Treasurern tbe Public Library of K-.utucky tc pay off all gifts to be awarded at tbe drawing. R. S. VEACH, Cashier. 1,000 r-‘i lae*. arjowuting to g50C,03v 7.1* CASH, will be awarded, the b ; ghest prizes being ^ S 00.000, 330.000, *‘33,000, ar,J dowuic regular gradation to i* <00, wbicn is ’he lowest. The drawing will positively and unequivocally take place December 7. Agent* are .peremptorily required to close sales and make returns November 2o.in order to give ample time tor tbe fiual arrangements. Orders for tickris or applications for' cirtu’ors shoald be ad dressed to Gar, THOS. E. BSAItILETTE, Agent Fhblic Library ttentneby. l.ouiwilir, Ky. Dr. JJBX BULL, MANUFACTURER AND VENDER OF THE CE£Z3B£IAT3SS Acd they have just received a Zsarge, Varied aad 'Well Selected Stock of Fall aud Winter Goods, ARE YOU GOING TO PAINT? IBB Averlli Chemical Paint CONSISTING OF has proved itsc-lf to be the HANDSOMEST AND MOST DURABLE EXTE RIOR PAINT KNOWN. Sample carl of beautifnl colors acd recommendations ouutry tbe from owners in the finest rt »nets in furnished free bv all dealers and bv AVER1LL CHEMICAL FAINT CO., 32 Barling Slip, New York, Or, Cleveland, Ohio. T\ I A. Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Notions, die., Which will be sold at lowest Market Trice for Ca«h. We will not be Undersold! Give ns a Call, be Convinced, Bay Your Goods end go borne happy. J5P*Thanking our friends for past patronage, wo ask a continuance of the same. The subscribers are Manufacturer's Agents for R. W. Read’o celebrated ASTHMA RELIEF, the best remedy for Asthma yet discovered. Instant relief guaranteed or purchase money refunded. The medi cine is put up in three sizes which retail for 25c . 5iic. and ft. Persons remitting pried wii! have the medi cine sent free by rail or express Also samples sent free to any who desire. ETHRIDGE, TELLER & CO..Romo,-N. Y. Respectfully, MiHodgeville, October 16,1S72. TK03I4S & SA3F0RD, Under Nowell's Hall. 12 lm Nothing like if in medicine. A luxury to the palate, a painless evaiuant, a ger.t’e stimulant to the circulation, a perspiratory prepare; ion, au amibilious medicine, a stomachic, a diuretic at.! an admirable general alterative. Such are lae ack:. ew lodged and daily pi oven properties of Tarrant's Ejfrrvcsccnt Scitzer Aperient. SOLD BY AI.L DRUGGISTS. .>000 AGENTS WANTED — .Samples rent t-eo by mail, with terms to Clear from So to $10 per day. Two entirely new article*, salable as flour. AddressN. H. WllifE. Newark, N. J. SMITH’S TONIC SYRUP FOR THE CURE OF AGUE AN1) FEVER, OR CHILLS AND FEVER. The proprietor of this celebrated medic Ine justly claims tor it a superiority overall remniie* cv’t ed to the public for the safe, certain, ipe-'.ly ai d per manent cure of Ague and Fever, or Chil unci Fever, whether of shorter long standing. H- refers to tee entire Western and Southern country to bear :;n tes timony to the tmth of the assertion, tnat in ;.o ca.-s whatever will it fail to ewe if the directions are strictly followed and carried orf. In a great many cases a single m-ce he* been safficrenl for a cure, an t whole famines have been cared by * single hot; , with a perfect restoration of the gen rai t. uhu. it is, however, prudent, and in every care more certain to oure, if its use ia cont.nacd ia smaller e >ses tor a we. a or two after the dir^nee nt^c b-en e.iecRed, more • . j - pecially in difficult and .ong-stanuirg c. Ut i t:!/ this medicine wifi not require any a:d . , bo >■- els in good order. Should the patient,, however, re quire a cathartic medicine, after having taken three or four doses of the tonic, a single dose of Bv.lts Vige table Family Pills will be sufficient. BULL’S SAaSAPA&IIIAi Read tba following extract of a letter from Mrs. Rivers, wiJa of Reverend Dr. River*, ore of the most learned, eloquent and popular Mmiettro of the Method ist Episcopal Church, and who is at present a aliened at Broadway Church, Louisville, Kv. Lofisvn.Li, Kt., Oet. 3,1369. Dr. John Bull—Dear Sir: Many tuank-- t- you for the medicine you have so kindly given mo. I have been a great sufferer for years, and had ’he advice of various physicians. Some pronounced my-i ine. - sne my lungs, and gome my heart to be the siret'ci y ease. I have been burnt, blistered and cuppcu until 1 had become disheartened. Several very eminent physicians who examined my spine informed me that l was threatened with paralysis or appoplexy -.try q-.y aud that nothing bat a eeton would relieve me. I had a perfect horror of that, and wa- hesitating about having one inserted, when you kindly sent me your Sarsaparilla which I immediately begun to take three times a day. I had suffered terribly with a rry st acute pain in the right side of my head, especially when I would read or write tor any length of r . . .and on rising to my feel I would be periectly bi nd for several minutes, and would have to h Id t<> something to prevent falling. Iam most nappy to inform you that tho pain iu my head is entirely relieved; I suffer but so 1 i -:i with my spine and then not so acutely. My appetite is gout, , indeed for tho first tin.e in my life I enjoy n.y dinner more than any meal during tne day. Yon kindly sent me four bottles again last uight, and I began again this morning, an ! I hope to be en tirely relieved- Please accept my heartfelt tconks and best wishes. Very truiy your moet grateful friend, M. B. C. Rivf.rs. My Journal abounds with similar letters, a’! of which I guarantee to be genuine and written by the persons whose names tbey bear. Do not suffer yourself to be imposed on. Don’t be drawn away after new and ioubtfnl experiments. Don't ri*k your health by lotting novices exp i mtut upon you with their trash. My Sarsaparilla has stood the test for twenty five years; it in suil the Sorsapariha of the day, and of the age, towering over all ot! -rs in popularity and its curative quid.ties. Avoid a., who are trying to palm off on you other xtrac.s Sarsaparilla, so-called. Remember it is Dr. John Bull's Sarsaparubt, of Louisville, Ky., that l» *1 and reliable remedy for impurities’of the b : . -A scrofulous affections. Always bear that in mix - Another Testimony, Bxstos Btr.RACKs, Mo-,) April 30, 1366. j Dr. John Bull—Dear Sir: Knowing the efficacy of your Sarsaparilla, and the healii • and ben fo .a! qualities it possesses, I send you the following state ment of my case: I was wounded about two years ago, wa.- taken prisoner and confined for sixteen m nths. Being moved so often, my wounds have not he&iod yet. I have not set np a momeut since I was wounded. I am shot through the hips. My geoera! health -im paired, and I need something to assist natu- I have more faith in your Sarsaparilla than anything e. I wish that which is genuine. Plea-e express a.-* kali a dozeu bottles, and oblige. Gaft. C. P. JOHNSON, St. Lotto, Mo. P. S.—The following was written April Fifth. 1? Id, by Mrs. Jennie Johnson, moth er of Capf. Johns.in: Dr John Bull—Dear Sir: My husband. Dr. f. 3. Johnson, was a skiliful surgeon an : physl •; n in C en tral New York, where he died, leaving * j above C. P. Johnson to my care. At thirteen years of aee ha had a chronic diarrhea and scrofula, for which I gave your Sarsapariiia. It cured him. I have for ten yt-ars recommended it to many in New Fork, Ohio and Iowa, for scrofula, fever sores, and general did,ci ty. Perfect success has attended it- 7he cures ef fected in some cases of scrofula and ferer sor * were almost miraculous- I am very anxiens for my son to again have recourse to your Sarsapariiia. Hr is fearful of getting a spurious article, hence his writing to yon fbrtt. His wounds were terrible, but I believe he will recover. Respectfully, JENNIE JOHNSON, i GENT* 41'iinrcd.—Agents make more money -\ at work for us thar. at anything else. Business lL-lit aiidpermauent. Particulars free. G. STINSON fc CO., Fine Art Publishers, Portland, Maine. G Rid si T BAR GAIA'S mtinued to 10 a. m. this mornin". I ledgev.iic. - ernaps tnwc phenomena are the re- The above course l bad Hoped wou heuit will be resumed before the i « itartridt/w* 8 Vbeu^ato^rTaa! be adopted by tbe straight-outs, and Commissioner at bis office, W. G. M. I desire to stand aloof from national pol-1 M Y Strok consists of DRY GOODS. CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS and CAPS, and every thing usually kept in a first ela^s Dry Goods Store. My goods were bought late after a great decline in the Market, hence I can sell goods much cheaper than those who bought early in the season. I extend an invitation to everybody to give me a call before purchasing elsewhlre, acd be convinced that I am offering GREAT BARGAINS- My Motto is “Quick Sales and Small Profits XI. ADLER, Wo. 3 fWifledg-eville Kotel, tj?“Look for the sign of the “New York Store," aud call if yon wish good articles at Low Prices. Milledgeviile, Oct. 21, 1872» 13 3m “BEST TOtS E,' 7 “EASIEST TO SELL." S. M. Agents ft •Iftij'f pay you to fight the best machine.'Prove our claims. Get the agen cy and sell it. Address _ “BOMES12C” s. m 06 tibomber* Sl„ IV. Y., or Atlnnlo, Ga, LL. HUNTER, AgeDt at Milledgoviiie. SOUTHERN GEORGIA LAND AGENCY, I g.ve my whole attention to the location of Wild Lands, Paying Taxes, die. Send for Circular. c, ,, PAULK, Efc^.jIrwinsviile.Ga. Oct., 15, 1672. ia i m VO. BULL’S WORM DESTROYER. EXTRACT FROM A LETTER FROM GEORGIA. Villarow, Walkkr Co., Ga. £ June 28. ", Dr John Bull—Dear Sir: 1 have recently given your Worm Destroyer several trials, and find it won- 1 derfully efficacious.' It has not failed in a single iu stance to have tbe wished for effort. I am doing a pretty large connwy practice and have daily use for some*article of the Kind. I am, etr, respectfully, JULIUS P- CLEMENT. M. D. P. S —So unqualified and numerous are the testimo nial* in favor ot my Worm Destroyer that news . er space » entirely too small to tell its merits It is an infallible remedy for Worms. Trv it aud be convinced. See my Journai ior a more full d. scrip ton- JOHN BULL. Bulls Cedrou Bitters. Bull's Pectoral Wild Cherry. Bulls Extract Buchu. Bulls Vegetable Family Pills. AU the above medicines prepared by Dr. JOHN BULL, at his laboratory, Fifth Street, Lorn-villa Kv. ’ For sale In Milledgeviile by JOHN M. CLARK Druggist. M»y29 m. i,