Southern spy. (Washington, Ga.) 1834-18??, October 09, 1838, Image 1

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W 1. 7, 'B' 2l i: siOITHERY hi»v IS EDITED AND PUBLISHED EVERT TUESDAY MORNING, BY JA ?S E S T. SI A Y. TEB.HS: Three Dollars per annum, if paid within three mmths,or"C hrek Dollars and Fif ty Cents thereafter — Two Dollars for sir months, in advance. Advet ".sevents will he conspicuously ft sert-SS'PH kventy-Five Cents per square l,tt forthe first insertion, and Fifty Cents for tach subsequent insertion.—Those intended to be limited, must have the number of inser tions written on them, or they will be insert ed till forbid, and charged accordingly. All Letters to the Editor unis', he i*ost paid. «-'*• Sales of Land or Negroes, by Administra tors, Executors, or Guardians, are required, by law, to be held oil the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours of ten in the forenoon and four in the. afternoonat the Court-House oj the County in which the property is situate. Notice of these sales must he given in a public gazette, sixty days previous to the day of sale. Notice of the sale of Personal property, must be given in like manner, forty days previous to the day of sale. Notice' to the. debtors and creditors of an es tate, must be published for forty days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave, to sell land or negroes, must he published for Pour Months. Notice that Application will be made for Letters of Administration, must be published thirty days, and of Letters of Dismission, Sir Months THE BBSS'A» TO WEALTH! insured for fifty cen ts! Just commenced, anew and valuable , MONTH LV PU I?LICATIOV, Adapted to the purposes of every Fanner, Arid designed lo propagate all Useful and Practical Information concerning ihe SIIK-UUOWTNG in the U. STATES, entitled The American AND Farmer’s manual: EMBELLISHED with APPROPRIATE ENGIIA VINOS; EDITED BY WARD CHENEY tk BROTHERS, Burlington, N. J., AND PUBLISHED BY CHAS. ALEXANDER, Philadelphia. THE first number of this highly impor tant and valuable Work A now ready_| TespfoiTtiM) etrfr'TffitFl x xsns to the prai-ewordiy a 1 few i; hits in* view, and lor the promotion of which it has j been put into operation. Thete has not probably heretofore been a time when the attention of the people of this couatrv was as much engaged on the subject of the Silk Culture, as at present; nor a time when those who have already embarked in this busiaess, felt such entire confidence, not only that liberal profits may be derived from it, but also in their ability to produce as good Silk as can he procured in any part of the world. It is believed, that all that is now wanting to fully establish this great interest in this country, with all its vast advantages, is but the dissemination of plain practical in formation concerning it; and to convince our citizens of what we know to be true, viz: that there is no more difficulty about raising a crop of silk, than there is in procuring a crop of grain. The capital thus bestowed, yields a fir greater return than can be obtained from any other branch of husbandry. Toe Editors have long been engaged in the Silk Culture, and ip eu I V-e iv ' r ' •:r '• rhetr enure attention. They have made extensive arrangements for feeding the Sdk-vvonn, and cultivating that invaluable species of Mulberry tree, the Moms Muliicaulis. And, from their long experience in the occupation and extensive correspondence withsilk-grow ers, they believe they may sav, without os tentation. that they shall be able to make the AMERICAN SILK-GROWER, useful & entertaining, and to communicate through its pages information as valuable, respecting every branch of the silk business, as can be elsewhere obtained in the United States. A portion of the work will be devoted to noting the modern improvements of Agriculture, and such matters as are generally useful to the cultivators of the soil. The Proprietors respectfully solicit contri- j butions on Agricultural subjects generally— and also the Silk-Growing business in par- I lieular. Addressthe Editors, WARD CHE- : NEY Sc BROTHERS. B urlington, X. J. The work will be published monthly—ev ery number comprising 24 large octavo pages, j with the addition of a cover for advertise ments, &c.. and at the end of each volume. j a complete table of contents will be furnish- ; ed to subscribers. Terms ONE DOLLAR I a year, payable in advance, for single sub- ‘ scribers. Twenty subscriptions will be sup- I plied for a whole 'year, bv forwarding a cur- j rent ten dollar bill, free of postage. _ j All orders for the work, postage paid, will be promptly attended to, if addressed to the Publisher, C. ALEXANDER. Athenian Buildings, Franklin Place. Philadelphia. Citizens, Silk-Growers, Agriculturists,and others, who wish to procure this work from the pte=ent time, will please forward their names and the amount of subscription imme diately. LIBERAL PREMIUM. Any a went forwarding 100 s-ifi- -niters for one year, and a *lO current Bank bill, will be entitled to TEN THOUSAND SILK WORM EGGS. SELECTED FROM THE MOST APPROVED VARIETIES which can be forwarded by mail to any part of the United States, at a trilling expense, and which, if properly attended to, accor ding to the instructions which arc promulga ted in the work. WILT, YIELD A PROFIT CONSIDERABLY EXCEEDING THE, AMOUNT OF THE PRICE OF SUB SCRIPTION FOR ONE HI XBRED COPIES. , . lYr* Editors of papers who are desirous ul **£ IS3 jE SS.-T I* vg.irnm.YMO A', .YOU* .1 .V /J F<l jR, o.VE J.V *MIA*.IK .1 BMu A’?’ | encouraging the growth of Silk in this tottn try, will please copy this advertisement a few times, and we will furuisli them with an 1 Exchange, and also occasional samples of ! the silk, which is manufactured at the Edi tors’ extensive establishment in Burlington, New J ersey. UNITED STATES MAGAZINE AN D SPeni or vatic Review . IT has long been apparent to many of ilie reflecting members of the Democratic Party of the United Stales, that a periodical tortile advocacy and diiiusion of their cal principles, similar to those in such active aud influential operatiou in England, is a de sideratum which it was very important to supply—a periodical which should unite with i tie attraction of a sound and vigorous lilera • l*rc, a jJOtl.iCUi vJiiii! jC iL i GojJuU.vJ » i £,, efficient support lo the doctrines and measures of that Patiy, now maintained by a large ma jority 6f lbe people. Discussing the great questions of polity before the country, ex pounding and advocating tlie Democratic doctrine lit tough the most able pens that that Party cun foniUb, in articles of greater length, more condensed futce, more elaborate re search, and more elevated tone, than is pos sible for the newspaper press, a Magazine of this character becomes an instrument of in appreciable video for the enlightenment and formation of public opinion, and for the sup port of the principles which it advocates. By these means, by tints explaining and defend ing the measures of the great Demoeralic Pariy, aod by always furnishing lo the public a clear and powerful commentary upon those complex questions of policy and party’, which so frequently distract the country, and upon which, imperfectly understood as they olicn are by friends, and misrepresented, and dis torted, as they never fail to be, bv political opponents, it is ofilie utmost importance,that the public should be fully and rightfully in formed ; aud it is hoped, that the periodical in question may be made to exert a beneficial, rational, and lasting influence on the public mind. Other considerations, which cannot be 100 highly appreciated, will render the establish ment and success of the proposed Magazine of very great importance. In the mighty struggle of antagonist prin ciples, which i$ now going on in society, the Democratic Party ofihoUnited States stands commuted to the world as the depository and exemplar of those cardioa! doctrines of politi cal faith, with which the cause of the people in every age and country is identified.— Chiefly from the want of a convenient means of concentrating the intellectual energies of its disciples, this Party has hitherto been al most wholly unrepresented in the republic of letters, while the views and policy of its op posing creeds arc iJailv advocated. l*y and learning. 1 fn the United Slates Magazine the attempt' will be made to remove ibis reproach. The present is the time peculiatly'appro p.’iale for the commencement of such an un dertaking. Tne Democratic body of the U tiion, alter a conflict which tested to the ut termost its stability and its principles, have succeeded in retaining possession of I lie Ex ecuiive administration of the country. In ihe consequent comparative repose from po liiieal strife, the period is auspicious for orga nizing and calling to its aid anew and pow erful allv of this character, interfering with none and co-operating with all. Co-ordinate with this mam design of the United Stales Magazine,- no care nor cost will be spared to render it, in a literary point of view, honorable to the country, and fit lo cope, in vigor of rivalry, with its European eotnpetiio Viewing the English language as the noble heritage and common birth-right of all who speak t lie tongue of Milton anti Shakspeare, it will bo the uniform object ofits conductors lopre-e.ii only the fit : . ptwio,*- Kffflyiii liic various branches of literal tire, that can be procured; and lo diffuse the ben efit of correct models of taste and worthy ex ecution. In this depattoent the exclusiveness of party, which isinseparable from the political department of such a work, will have no place. Here we all stand on a neutral ground of equality aod teciproeily, where those uni versal principles of taste, to v. hit h we are all alike subject, will alone be recognized as the common law. Our political principles can not be comoromised, but our common litera | ttire it will be our common ptide to c herish I and extend, with a liberality of feeling unbi | asset! bv partial or minor views. As the United States .Magazine is founded on the broadest basis which the means and influence of the Democratic Parly in the Uni ted Slates can present, it is intended to ren der it, in every respect, a thoroughly Nation al Work, not merely designed for ephemeral interest and attraction, but to continue of permanent historical value. With this view, I a considerable portion of eacit number will be appropriated to the following subjects, iu addition to the general features referred to a bove: A general summary of Political and of Domestic Intelligence, digested in the order of the Stales, comprising all the authentic important facts of the preceding month. General Literacy Intelligence, Domestic and Foreign. General Scientific Intelligence, including Agricultural Improvements, a notice of all new Patents. &.c. A condensed account of all new works of Internal Improvement throughout the Union, preceded by a general view ofall now in op eration or in progress. Military and Naval News, promotions, ; changes, movements, &ec. Foreign Inteliigence. Biographical obituary notices of distin guished persons. After the c!o-e of each session of Congress, an extra or an enlarged number will he pub fished, containing a general review and his tory ofits proceedings, a condensed abstract r»f i important official documents, and the acts of the session. Advantage will also lie taken of the means concentrated in tips establishment from ail quarter , of the Union, to collect and digest such extensive statistical observations on all I the most important interests of the country', I as cannot fail to prove of very great value, j This portion of the work will 1.-c separately 'iViiM! A'WTO.V? t W-eHces oftHTSW (»rTO»i;H *), I S3*. paged, so as to admit of binding by itPelfeatl J will be furnished with a copious index, -x] that the United States Magazine will alsJj constitute a complete Annual Register, op I scale unaitemptcd bcfoie, and of very gre; j importance to all classes, not oulv as atlurti( iug a current and combined view, from moot! to month, of the subjects which it will com prise, but also fir record X reference through future years; the valueol which will increase with the duration ofllte work. Although in its political character the U nited States Magazine addresses its claims fit support particularly to the Democratic Party, | it is hoped, that its other features, referred n above—independently of the desirable object of becoming acquainted with the doctrines of an opponent thus advocated—will recom mend it to a liberal and candid support lion j all parlies, and from the largo class of uo party. , 1 o promote tne popular trojo i., vh rjr and relying upon the united support of tC^- , Democratic Party, as well as from others, the price of subscription is fixed at the low rate ' of FIVE DOLLARS per annum, while in mechanical arrangements, and in size, quan tity of matter, Xe., the Magazine will be pla ced on a parat least with the leading month lies of England. The whole will form three large octavo volumes each year. The subscription will be, in all cases, pay able in advance, or (for the first year only) six dollars on the delivery of the third num ber. The absolute necessity of this rule, in such an establishment, will be obvious to all. In return fora remittance of SSO, elc” ,r ' copies will be sent; for SIOO, twentyl 1 " l* 1 copies. The certificate of a Post-Maw* y. : the remittance of a stun of money, will* sufficient receipt, ail dangers of the mail be ing at the risk ofilie Publishers. Qs** All communications will bo address ed, post paid, to the undersigned, the Pub lishers. LANGTREE & O’StiLUTVAIft-B Washington, l>. C., I8;i~. 51 " MAIL AIS !EA \ GEME NT. POST-OFFICE, Washington, 1838. AUGUSTA MAIL, Via Walker's, Appling, While Oak, and 11 rightshorough , DUE, Monday, IV ay, and Friday, at 5 o'clock, P. Af. CLOSES, same, nights,atti o'clock, P. 31. ATHENS MAIL, Via Cherokee Corner, Lexington, and l ’ entreville, DUE, Tuesday, Thursday, and Satur day, at 1 o'clock, P. M, CLOSES, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 3 o'clock, F. 31. .!■■■■<* sC i oitniiti >A -ft J" Via Crawfordviltc and Itaytown, DUE, Tuesday and Thursday, at 12, 31. CLOSES, same day, at I, P. 31. ELBERTON MAIL, Via Dansby's, White's, Gooscpond, and Mallorysville, DUE, Saturday, at (j o'clock, P. M. CLOSES, Thursday, at 12 o'clock, 31. LINCOLNTON MAIL, Via Jackson's Cross Hoads, DUE, Friday, at 12 o'clock, M. CLOSES, same day, at half/msf 12 o'cl'k. PIEDMONT LINE. The. Mail South, will close every other day, at 11 o'clock, A. M. 4 Mail North, will dose every other day. r it 8 o'clock, A. M. ] 05 s * All Toilers deposited in the Ho'.:, by the times above specified, will be for warded by the fust Post, The Office will be. open every day, (except Sunday, and when opening ami j closing Mails,) from morning until nfihl. j JOSEPH W. ROBINSON, f.- . ft EOIXG [A, Lincoln County. W'IIEREAS, Wm. W. K okks, ap-J plies to me for letters of Administra tion on the Em am of JOHN MOSS, deceas ed, late of said county : This is, therefore, to cite, summon, and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be anil appear at my office, within the lime prescribed by law. to shew cause, (if any they have.) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, this 13th day of Sept.. 1838. MICAJAII HENLEY, c. e. o. Sept 18 3 (S HOIKS fA, Lincoln County. WHEREAS. Lewis llmvia.i, applies to me for letters of Administration on the Estate of HOPKINS HOW ELL, de ceased, late of said courtly : This is, therefore, to cite,summon, and ad- J monish, all and singular, the kindred and j creditors of said deceased, to be and appenrnt ! my office, within the time prescribed by las, j to shew cause, (if any they have,) why said j letters should licit be granted. Given under my hand, at. office, this BAh I day of Sept -, 1838. MICAJ AII HENLEY, c.c.o Sept 18 3 Vfigfir* TBtere will Pm* a Uaii|) Meeting in Taliaferro, near Craf ford villc, beginning on the night of Jse j 7th September, and conclude on the ftf* lowing Wednesday. . i At Bethany, Jefferson county, Ikm-nY ning on the night of the Kbit, and Con clude on \Vc Tuesday morning following. At Old Church, Burke county, hegio uing on the night of the 17th October, and conclude the following Monday. At Fountain, Warren county, begin ning on the night of the 2Gtii October, and conclude on the following Wednes day. Sept 4 , 1 I3la:s is Isa ml , lor sal*’. AT IJIE SOUTHLIt.\ SPY WTICt. y HHSrJBULAftEOUS. The Cunning Lunatic. in many cases lunatics are exceedingly ecu unit g, and display a remarkable readiness of is sources in nncxpectel emergencies. I jcou.d mention many instances of this, bat Avi 1 content myself with one. There was ilate y, and I am nut sure whether there be loot in onp'of our asylums, a lunatic who, in the loss of his reason, in tne first instance —fin he was tepeatedly cured, though he al jivaSs related again—lived in a neighboring country. Belonging as he did to a family of we dth/nd respectability, lie was provided v .. f keeper as soon as the first symptoms uiscqsc upiwnrod. It was hoped that •**| >i innate mint's lunacy would be ot dot tot nary duration ; and that, by committing p”1t;o the care of a keeper, his friends would »r ared the pain of sending him to an asy lu. His insanity, however, lasted much 10, -r than his relatives had fondly hoped it w. Id; and it was therefore eventually de le: toed to setnl him to an institution for the r ~i!ion of persons laboring under menial JiA ration, in the hope that the supctiot treat- Ss*t he would receive, an additional chance i jovery might lie nlliuded him. On the Hi'S) previous to that appointed for his being "ini' to the asylum, ho overheard his brother ,J g ng instructions to the keeper on the sub jt:. He took no notice of the circumstance tint night nor the next morning; but when to ; that he, accompanied by his companion f-a name by which bis keeper was always ** iA lravo a long drive in a gig tbit.tlav, he expressed himself as quite de- I ligptt and with the idea, and displayed n willing i nsss m take an airing, which strongly con (ijisfcb with the reluctance he had bcfoie i show.) to leave the house. After breakfast, be rig was ready and both started for the country town —about twelve miles distant— n t ie suburbs of which the asylum was sit u ' jtr J. The lunatic was unusually cheerful ,V»J docile all tho way. And licte 1 should it mark, that his manner was sometimes so c illectcd and rational that it would have been (-.dicult toconvince a stranger that his iutel- Lcts were in the slightest degree affected.— On reaching the principal hotel, both patties tj one out of tire gig with a view to get some f.resh'iient, andtoenableihe keeper to make neeessarv ineliminyrv airapGements > ' ■■ .:l 1 - tjirn. TfTß'iormcr after being sometime in iVy house, ijniited the apartment into which •fey were shown, for a few seconds, not deeming it necessary either to lake the lunn i’■ with him, or to turn the key of the door. Too latter, watching the opportunity, agrcc *>V v to a previous determination to the cilt-ct, •:A e out of the house the moment the other h i quitted the apartment. On the keeper U/W iug the lunatic on his return, an alarm v >sgiven, and in less than five minutes at least a dozen persons were engaged in active Se-'rch for the unfortunato man, thesudden- n. ssof whose disappearance was quite un g Countable to his keeper. No trace of him v jus to bo found for two hours, and the im- Pj-r.-f/ton began to become general among all ‘‘tfkfrlCr 'r^ T ~'* ,: ' f ’ ’ ,,s(nnce . that *,e Jy tome means or other destroyed him relT Jmt as all hopes of ever seeing him n -1 ivc agaiii wore on the eve of expiration, the lunatic appeared, to the infinite astonishment and joy of the person entrusted with his safe keeping. But where ho had been din ing his abssneo, was a point which notwithstanding all the efforts that were made with that view, fond not be elicited from him. Where does thercader suppose he was, or in what wav er. ployed ? That was a piece of information whch his keeper learned to his cost a few hotfls after the lunatic's return.—The latter j baqbccn to the asylum for which his friends j haedestined himself, and having procured | a cues to the proper party, gave his keeper’s narje as his own, and represented hint as bc ingHfr. So and So, and the brother of Mr. '— 1 was not only well known at the jsylutn that the larger gentleman hnd a bro'-ier who was at the same time laboring und*r insanity, but as, on the previous day, notile had been sent to I lie asylum, the re maiider of his story was so much the more reaifly believed. “Now,” says he, nddress iri/Himseif to the manager of the institution, “it; lunatic is remarkably clever, singular ly* uniting, and—” ) 1, a great many of our patients arc so,’ j intmipted the superintendent of the institu- i tio\. Wo see instances of cunning and \ shK'vdness every day, which the wisest of , usyotild not exceed.” > J have no doubt of it,” observed theluna ticvfclth the greatest self-possession, andseern ugty in the most rational manner possi -lEo >#l have e« doubt of it; none whatever. ■ l V?r-r»-4Tauy7nse* of it myself; but this uu a :py man exceeds irt cunning & shrewd net*! r.y one I ever heard of. Why he wot I almost deceive the—” j “ hha wont deceive us,” interupted tLe cthi hastily; “we are too well accustomed ■ to s cli tilings.” , “lam happy to hear if,” continued the lu raiic. “My only reason for corning here, taking bitn w ith me, was that 1 might ;'••• {paint yon with the circumstances before . head” “T’r.'t was unnecessary: let him try all the tricks iie chooses, they will bo lost here,” replied the other with asclf-consequeulial air, as if he were beyond the power of ingenuity to deceive. “Very good.” observed the lunatic, in a satisfied luue. Ml ”1 shall bring him here in an hour or so; l have left him at the Fountain Hotel, in care of a friend.” “We shall be ready for bitn,” said the su perinteudaut ofilie place, m that caieicss sort of tone which is so characteristic of men in authority. “Good morning," echoed the other in the same half-civil half-reserved tone as before. “Oh, 1 beg j our pardon,” said the lunatic, stops towards the manager of the institution; “1 beg your pardon, sir, but I entirely forgot to mention the ways in which his madness manifested itself.” “Ay, true; that is of some importance to us,” observed the oilier. "In what way is it?" “Why. he has the notion that every ono else is mad but himself." “Oh, that is quite a common impression a mong persons in that state." “Yes, but singularly enough, his notion is, that lam the insane patty, and that he is my keeper. You may rely upon it, that the very moment we arrive, he will affirm in the most positive terms, anil with the ut most earnestness of manner, that such is the fact; and then he will desire you to take tne into the asylum." “Poor fellow!” said tho other, with some slight indications of feelings. “Poor fellow ! —but there is nothing too extrnoidinary for these unhappy beings to fancy.” “I thought it right to inform you of the fact,” said the lunatic, "in order that you might not he taken by surprise." “Oh, there was not the slightest Jangrr of that.—We are too well accustomed to such things, to be deceived by their affirmations or ropresentat ions." “Good morning, then, for the present," said the lunatic, as he quitted the superiu tcndanl’s apartment. “Good morning," mumbled the latter. In about two hours allot wards, a gig, with two persons in it, was seen to drive up to the gate of the institution; it was opened, and 7>r. , iowards tin, door. As they entered the place.—“ Hero is an unfortunate individual,” said the lunatic, addressing him self to the superintcmlant, “whom you will bo kind enough to take care of." Tho other was so confounded by tho unex pected observation that lie was unable lor some seconds to utter a word. “Very good," said the superintciiclaDt ofihe institution, “we'll lake care of him; at the same time laying hold of the astonished keep er ofihe lunatic, by the breast of the coat. “Sir—Sir—Sit!” stammered the confound ed man : “you labor under a mistake; thin” pointing lo the lunatic, “is the person lo be committed to your care. I—l—l brought him hero.” “No doubt of it,” said tho overeeor, still 'o.igghif. the help - * wight f, rwnrd p-filed by a servant of tho establishment, to the part ofihe asylum for which he was intended. “Gracious Heavens, sir! what is thd mean ing ol this?” exclaimed the luckless party-, half suffocated with astonishment and indig nation, and struggling hard todisengoge liiot selffrotn the grasp of the parties. “Come away', my good man, quietly witfl us," said the eupcriiiicndani, soothingly. “Uy all that's sacred, sir!" shouted the other with the uimotft vehement e, “/'/a not (lie lunatic ; that is he,” again pointingrtothe aclutil ]iarty. “I knew it all; I told you how it would lie,” said the latter in a steady voice, ami with the greatest self-prossessioo. “This way," said the siipcrintcndant, care- j lessly, still dragging the unfortunate parly j forward. “It’s a mistake, sir, by—” “Oh, there’s no mistake my good man ; no mistake,” interrupted the guardian of the place. “No mistake,,’ echoed I lie lunatic, wilhtbe most nonchalance, displaying all the while the most rational demeanor. “Sir,” shouted the unfortunate party; sir, are you serious! Ate you aware of what j you’re about 1 1 “Perfectly serious; perfectly a ware of what : we are doing," replied the siipcrintcndant, dryly. I “Sir, I’m not the lunatic; that is tbcluna- I tic,” pointing a third time to the proper par ty. “Let go your hold, or you retain it at | your peril vociferated the other. “Never mind the poor fellow: I told you ! how he would conduct himself, and wliot bo | would say,” observed the lunatic. A few pulls more, aud the astonished and enraged party was actunlly dragged into his : destined apartment. When both the super • intendent and the inferior servant let go their ! hold, 1 leave the reader to fancy what \vl*re I the feelings of the poor wight, j “Quite safe now ; he’s iu ourcustody now! j and you are relieved from all further respon- I sibility.” sai l the superintendent to the in j sane party, the moment he shut the dour oil the supposed lunatic. “All light,” said the lunatic, as if relieved of a load of responsibility. “The family of the unfortunate man will make the ncccssa* ry arrangements as to the expense.” “Oh that’s all settled already; the necessa* ry arrangements wck made yesterday, whet! the first intimation of his coming here was sent us.” “!8o I said the lunatic, in A matter-of course sort of style; and with that he quitted the place, and springing to the gig* which remained at tho gate all this lime* drove away "home if he had beeit the most sane tnan in his Majesty’s domm* ions. It is impossible lo describe the mingled sur» 0.,.1,.■ ryjLi-:■ i-.v,v,qyvuh whjyAi his rola* lives and fricn<tJ-*rere vb ujj return. home. Their first apprehension, on missing his keeper, was, that he had murdered him on the way; and their fears w ere only par tially calmed by his assuring them, in an an swer to their inquiries as to what had bccomt) of his companion, that when they both pro ceeded to tho asylum, the parties having charge of tho institution insisted that he was the lunatic, and took him under their carfl accordingly. An exptess was sent oil - to tha asylum, to inquire whether the parlies had been there at all, when the messenger found, to his unutterable surprise, that the facts wera ns tho lunatic had represented; and as tha inesseugi t’s statements and protestations ns to the mistake which had been committed were equully discredited with those ol tho unfortunate party him f if, the latter was not liberated until tbo following day.— Author of the Great Metropolis. Prom the Inntial Register. Monii«’,c*llo. The mansion house at Mulilieullo w-as built and furnished in tho days of Mr. Jcflersott’d prosperity, in its dimensions and ornaments* it is such a ono as becomes tho character and the fortunes of tho man. It stands upon ait elliptic plain, formed by cutting down tho apex ol a mountain, aud on the \\ cst stretch ing away to the North and the South, it com mands a view of the Blue Ridge for a hun dred and fifty miles, and brings underthc ey<J one of the boldest and most beautiful horizons in the world ; w hile, on the East, it presents an extent of prospect, bounded only by tho spherical form of the earth in which pallMß si in u>j so to tins place, ns any /.emtio, i '"l'liiaTHp.: J one of her finest contrasts with the rude and rolling grandeur on'the West- In the wido prospect, and scattered lothc. North & South, are several detached mountains which con tribute to animate and diversify this enchant ing landscape; andunmug them lo the South, Willis’ mountain, w hich is so interestingly depicted in his notes. Front this summit the philosopher was wont to enjoy that spectacle, among the sublimes! of nature’s operations, the looming oftho distant mountains; and to watch the motions of the planets, and the greater revo lution of the celestial sphere. From this summit, too, the patriot could look down with uninterrupted vision upon the wide ex iiatißc of the wo,'l-l around, for which li.t con lotitcri’d lomse’ born; mid upward, to the open and vaulted heavens to which he seem ed to approach, a-; if to keep hint continually in high responsibility. It is indeed a pros pect. in which you see and feel, at once, that nothing mean or little could live. It is a scene lit to nourish those great and high sottl ed principles which firmed the elements of his character, and was a most noble and ap propriate post, for such a sentinel, over the rights and libcities of man. Approaching the house on the East tho visiter instinctively paused, to east around one thrilling glance at this magnificent pano rama, and tlien passed to the vestibule, where, if Ite had not been previously informed, he would immediately perceive that he was ett | tciing the house of no common man. In tho -j; a cions and lofty hall which opens, .before | him, he marks no tawdry and unmeaning ornament; but before, on the right, on tha left, all around, the eye is struck and grati fied with objeole of science and taste, so class ic and arranged as to produce their finest ef fect. On one side specimens of sculpture set out in such order as to exhibit at n coup d’ctil the historical progress of that art, from the first rude attempts oftho aborigines of our country up to that exquisite and finished bust of the gTent patriot himself, from tho master hand of Cnracoi. On the other side the visi ter sees displayed a vast collection-of Indian arts, the paintings, weapons, ornaments, and manufactures; on another an array of tho fossil productions of our country, mineral aud animal; the polished remains of those colossal monsters that once trod our forests, and ara no more, and a variegated display of the ! branching horns of those “monarch® of tba i waste” that still people the w ilds oflhc Ameri i can continent. From this hall lie was ushered into a co ble saloon, from which the glorious landscape of the West again burst upon bis view ; and which, within, is hung thick around with the finest productions of the pencil—historical paintings of the most striking subjects from all countries, and all ages; the portraits of distinguished men and patriot*, both of Eu | tope and America, anti medallions and eo- rs f?. c.