Southern spy. (Washington, Ga.) 1834-18??, October 30, 1838, Image 1

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Vo!. 5. Il'THi: ( mh ijikr\ spy i* KiIITEK AN l> i\ CU-Ili L) Kntil TUESDAY MORNING, IT J A M ti S T. il AV. TKK'IR: Three Dollars per annum, if paid within three maths,or Three Dollars and Fif tt Cents thereafter —Two Dollars for six months, in advance. Advertisements will l>e conspicuously in serted at Seventy-Five Cents per square for the first insertion, and Fifty Cents for each subsequent insertion.—Those intended to be limited, mast have the number of inser tions written on them, or they will be insert ed till forbid, and charged accordingly. All Letters to the Editor must be post paid. DIRECTIONS : Sales of Land or Negroes, by Administra tors, Executors, or Guardians, are required, by law. to be. held y»« the fr.*' '*Vv7:y in the month, between the hours’of ten in the forenoon and four in the afternoon, at the Court-House of the County in which the property is situate. Notice of these sales must be given in a public gazette, sixty and lys previous to the day of sale. Notice of the sate of Personal properly, must be given in litre manner, forty days previous to the day of sale. Notice to the debtors and creditors of an es tate, must he published for forty days. Notice that application will he made to the. Court of Ordinary for lenve to sell land or negroes, mttsl hr published for Four Months. Notice that Application will be made for Letters of Administration, must be published thirty days, and of Letters of Dismission, Sir Months TSIE ROID TO WR lfiTH! insured for fifty cents! Just commenced, anew and valuable MONTHLY PUBLICATION, Adapted to the purposes oj every Fanner, And designed to propagate all Useful and Practical Information concerning die SILK-GROWING in the U. STATES, ENTITLED The American Silk-Grower, AND Farmiti's .MHuinni: E M IIEI LI.SUED WITH APPROPRIATE ENGRAVINGS; EDITED BY WARD CHUNKY & BROTHERS, Burlington, .V. J., AND PUBLISHED BY CIIAS. ALEXANDER, Philadelphia. Hn HE first number of litis highly iittpnr- JL taut and valuable Work, is now ready for delivery to subscribers. We beg lea'e respectfully lo call the attention of’our citi zens to the praiseworthy objects it has in view, and for the promotion of which it has been put into operation. There has not probably heretofore been a time when the attention of the people of this country was as much engaged on the subject of the Silk Culture, as at present; nor a lime when those who have already embarked in this business, fell such entire conll fence, riot nilv that liberal profits may he derived from it, but also in their ability to produce as good Silk as can be procured in any pari of the world. It is believed, that all that is now wanting to fully establish this great interest in ibis country, with all its \ast advantages, is hit the dissemination of plain practical in formation concerning it; audio convince our citizens of what we know to he true, viz: that there is no more difficulty about raising a crop of silk, than there is in procuring a crop of grain. The capital thus bestowed, yields a far greater return than can bn obtained from any other branch of husbandry. The E litors have long been engaged in the Silk Culture, and intend hereafter to give it their entire attention. They have made extensive arrangements for feeding the Silk-worm, and cultivating that invaluable species of Mulberry tree, the Morus Mtiliieaulis. And, from their long experience in the occupation and extensive correspondence with silk-grow ers, they believe they may say,, without os tentation, that they shall be able to make the AMERICAN SILK-GROWER, useful &■ entertaining, and to communicate through its information as valuable, respecting every branch of the silk business, as can be elsewhere obtained in the United States. A portion of the work will be devoted to noting the modern improvements of Agriculture, and such matters as are generally useful to the cultivators of the soil. The Proprietors respectfully solicit contri butions on Agricultural subjects generally— and also the Siik-Gmwing Business in par ticular. Address the Editors, WA RD CHE NEY & BROTHERS. Burlington, N. J. The work will be published monthly—ev ery number comprising 24 large octavo pages, with the addition of a cover (or advertise ments, &c., and at the end of each volume, a complete table of contents will be furnish ed to subscribers. Terms ONE DOLLAR a year, payable in advance, for single sub scribers. Twenty subscriptions will be sup plied fora whole year, by forwarding a cur rent ten dollar bill, free of postage. All orders for the work, postage paid, will be promptly attended to, if addressed to the Publisher, C. ALEXANDER, Athenian Buildings, Franklin Place, Philadelphia. Citizens, Silk-Growers, Agriculturists, and others, who wish to procure this work from the present time, will please forward their names and the amount of subscription imme diately. LIBER \L PREMIUM. Any agent forwarding 100 subscribers for one year, and a S jO current Bank bill, will be entitled to TEN THOUSAND SILK WORM EGGS. SELECTED FROM THE MOST APPROVED VARIETIES which can be forwarded by mail to any part of the Enited States, at a trifling expense, and which, if properly attended to, accor din'’ to the instructions which are promulga te ih.'he work, WILL YIELD A PROFIT CONSIDERABLY EXCEEDING THE AMOUNT OF THE PRICE OF SUB SCRIPTION FOR ONE HUNDRED COPIES. Editors of papers who are desirous of user tv .f Jfm r.vjo.v, .yoipkl.vd v n, o .vjb a.vs ejp e e.” to urging the gr rihittf Silk in this coon j try, will pleajfjCopy this 'JvertisemeutiftfcW I limes, and 5 will furui-- them with an Exchange, an I also occasional samples of the silk, which is manufactured at the Edi tors’ expensive establishment in Burlington, New Jersey. lI.UL ARRANUEHEAT. POST-OFFICE, Washington, 1833. AUGUSTA MAIL, Via I Valkcr's, Appling, White Oak, and I Vr igh t s boro tig h , HUE, Monday, Wednesday,and Friday, at 5 o'clock, P. M. CLOSES, same nights, at{) o'clock, /*. M. ATHENS MAIL, Via Cherokee Corner, Lexington, and Ccntrcville, IDLE, "*'■ ..S iy, ”... sduy, Uild Satur day, at 7 o'clock, P. M, CLOSES, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 3 o'clock, P. M. POWELTON MAIL, Via Crawfordeille and Raytown, DUE, Tuesday and Thursday, at 12,.1/. CLOSES, same day, at 1, P. M. ELBERTON MAIL, Via Dausby's, White's, (ioosepond, and MallorysviUc, DUE, Saturday, at {] o'clock, P. M. CLOSES, Thursday, at 1-2 o'clock, M. LIXCOLNTOX MAIL, Via .lackson's Cross Roads, DUE, Friday, at 12 o'clock, .?/. CLOSES, same day,at It a I f/msf 12 o'cl'k. PIEDMONT LINE. The Mail South, will close every other day, at 11 o'clock, A. M. Mail North, will close every other day, it 8 o'clock, A. M. (Cf* All Letters deposited in the Ear, by the times above specified, will be for warded by the first Post. (U/ 5 * The Office will be open every day , (except Sunday, and when opening and closing Mails,) from morning until night. JOSEPH W. ROBINSON, p. m. Bank Stale oi‘Georgia, i Branch Washington, Sept. Id. 1833. (j t»t» Ei® ESOLVED, That a reduction of 10 -uTIL per cent., he required on all paper running in this Bank, at the lirst renewal, j on and after the Ist of January next.” SAMUEL BARNETT, Cashier. Sept 18 smlj 3 (SEORIHA, Lincoln County. WHEREAS, W.’.i. VV. Scores, ap- Vw plies to me for letters of Administra tion on the Estate of JOHN MOSS, deceas ed, late of said county : This is, therefore, to cite, summon, and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors in said deceased, to he and appear at my office,•v.(’,riiin the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, (if any they have.) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, this 13th day of Sept., 1833. iMICA.I All HENLEY, c. c. o. Sept 18 3 (l FORd IA, Lincoln County. WHEREAS, I .ewis Howell applies to me for letters of Administration on tiie Estate of IlOi’KiNS HOW ELL, de ceased, late of said county : This is, theiefore, to cite, summon, and ad monish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear a! inv office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, (if any they have,) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, this 13th day of Sept , 1.838. MIC A.I All IIENLEY, c. c. o. Sept 18 3 IM\IWAV J§) From the subscriber, some time in February last, a Ne •tjryf/ gro man by the name of WINSTON. He is about G feet high, and tolerably heavy built.— I recollect of no particular mark about him. It is supposed he has made his way into some of the Western counties, or perhaps, into Alabama. 1 will pay a liberal reward to any person who may apprehend him, and confine him in some jail, or deliver him to me at my residence in Powelton, Hancock county, Ga. CHARLES M. IRVIN. August 28 52 ts The Columbus Enquirer, will in sert the above semi-monthly for three months, and forward their account to me RCA A \VI Y IN YG RO. (Bk RUNAWAY from the sub gSrbff scriber, on the 13th of Sep / tetnber, a Negro man by the ~LJsrr- nume of NVAIIREN, about 25 or 26 vears old, having lost some of his front teeth. It is presumed that he has shaped iris course for Charleston, S. Carolina. A liberal reward will be paid for Iris apprehension and safe keeping, so that I can get him again. BYRD M. GRACE. Oct 10 7 4t October 2, 1838. p. S.—Letters will reach me either at Columbus, Ga., or Henry Court-House, Alabama. 03“ The Georgia and South Carolina papers will copy the above 4 times, and forward tneir accounts to this office. , \ Columbus Enquirer. Blank Caml BectK for safe, at thi: southern spv office. w.tsisiYcrriKW rn m x?-* ' V ay, ocac» TOMTICAIo From the Democratic Review. HOW STANDS THE VASE ! ‘Watchman, how -arsthe night ?'—is tin / cte. , , . I I question many a time u..,eu luring the inter, : vals of the storm, by those wito sleep secur.j, ly in their reliance on the vigilance oftli humble but faithful guardian of the pubic I'U.iquriity; and happy is it when the a«- s\ver*o returned, that‘the storm is over aid the day is breaking.' Sueii is the we cau return, from our watch-tower of tb servaliou, to the friends who would ask low fares the cause of Democracy, through the season of night am.' :rm through which it lias had to pass. Tilt, storm is over aud the day is breaking—a day of triumph cn 1 re joicing; and is yet to be marke tby an auluuus Cunt ye,’ twe nave at IF light prayed for by the Grecian hero', ahf witli so righteous a cause, under banner that we are so well assuted to -be iuvinc. de, we ran have no misgivings as to the issue with which it is to be closed and crowned. There is every thing, in the present as pect of the great contest that is in progress throughout the country, to cheer and encour age the friends of the Democratic cause, — every thing to cause their bosoms to swell high with patriotic hope and an honorable pride. All the signs of the times which are exhibiting themselves over the surface in ev ery direction, confirm the view wo have be fore taken of this important Political crisis, in the pages of the Democratic Review, that it is one of those periodical 'castings of the skin’ which are equally unavoidable, to a strung democratic majority long in the tr'secmlai • and indispensable to pteserve it in parpen, il health, youth, and vigor. This process, : j’ always painful and critical, is now in pro .r ■ - with the most favorable circumstances anil auspices that we could desire ; and our con fidence in its result, which has never waver ed an instant, is receiving every day anew and clearer confirmation.—Such will contiu - tie to be the history of the democratic parly j in this country, from time to time, so long as our government, both Federal and State, is administered on the principles which have heretofore directed it, cf legislating upon the t privateand partial interests of individuals and classes; especially if its connexion with the great moneyed interests of the country —now J ... | v - j-„ 1 t,. - r . J —should he resumed. In that caselhcexpe-f riencc of the future will most assuredly con-| firm, again and again, that of the past, vizi that the power of the majority will constantly tend more or less to abuse, to favor the inter-_ csts of a certain influential class of political leaders, who, deriving their prominence ori ginally from the generous zeal oftheir repub lican opinions and sentiments, in early lde, become insensibly warped from the great aud broad abstract principles of that faith, by the too long possession both of political power and personal influence—so ns in truth to be no longer fit and worthy leaders to a party whose animating spirit must always lie a generous enthusiasm in behalf of those great principles. Democracy is hold and energetic, unresting in its perpetual striving! vftr.t a better gs*A r -*«- higher perfection of social institutions.—None can be unconscious that our whole scheme of political institutions, under both the Federal and Stale Constitutions, is very far from be ing purely democratic. Though democracy is their prevalent principle, and their original root and basis, yet in all it is more or less combined with so many checks upon its free dom ofdevelopement, and so large an infusion of elements of an opposite character, that they are far indeed from perfection; and lar in deed from producing all those glorious and beneficial results, of general social well-be ing, towards which the imagination of the po litical enthusiast so earnestly aspires, and of which he is so profoundly convinced that, in their simple natural purity, the great princi ples ofhis faith do contain the germs. De mocracy, then, among us, must al.vm’Sbe T? restless, progressive,’ reforming, principle.— The utmost extent to which it can ever be deemed possible by any one to carry forward the great mission of democratic amelioration in the condition of society, in any present generation, must still fall veiy far short of that ideal standard which must exist in the mind, and in the prophetic hope, of every’ democratic thinker, truly imbued with the spi rit of his noble and sublimely simple faith. But it must be perpetually tending forward towards such amelioration—perpetually en gaged in some new reform, some new simpli fication, or the extirpation of some element in our institutions of which time has practically developed the evil character and influence. Such being the inherent character of de mocracy, it is impossible for such a class i t men as referred to above* the old influemj leaders and managers of the party orgnt za lion, who gradually form themselves like ; crust over its surface, always to retain the relation to the broad triass of their parly which they originally owed to the enthusiast - anil devotion now chilled by the torpor an I natural timidity of age. and looofteo corrupt ed by the acquisition of wealth—favored and facilitated by the direction which their ov i political influence may have given to t! • ' nurse of public events. We entertain ti r \ ■•■'■os’ pToti iind respect Ur the venerable dig i ty ami w.-doin of gray hairs; and arecon ■ .ui>s of the important' of the iutluence of . .e countless -ounj, sterling, old Republi cans who at the present moment confer honor T ji our party, by the einspicuous positions they still delight to rcin.iiu the great con ■t incessantly waging,’for the principles of -i*!rich they derived thc.r first lessons from i! e fountain-head of th Jell'etsonian e r a t we are here considering the snbio^ltiy.'ki h under scale of genet diention ; and dc £ to I r> .ng this truth to the apprehension of our r uders, that—insii id of there bei.'gjust cause f. alarm foi the integrity of th.' D ,■ oPralic ptrty, and for the safety of the great cause ii . olvediu thi destinies r.f that party in this .chantry,in the spectacle which has beenseen, ArUteeiUF' w di,organization, ami the de- i (Bp? ’ c. •:.! *’■ *ity adera- • ach is, on the cuo'rary, q a .sidy one of the most unequivocal sytnp- L ", that its main body is in a soil ml ami r-Hhhy state; and that it is passing, in a na t i.i and favorable manner, through one of ti fee periodical crises necessary to preserve ■■f such a state. It isengaged in its natutnl a|l proper mission, that of reform; and there s. >■ must necessarily expect to encounter the h} ulity, not only of the main body of its old c ' onents, but of those among its own former Sets interested in the perpetuation of the e?i', against which its eflbrlsare now dirert i• lthemselves. Democracy isthe vital prin ioofour system; and it is now engaged in r.t artiest struggle with a deeply seated dis le . which lmd insensibly been suffered to uv_. rsgread the body politic, till the painful 11 of its morbid action has aroused a the healthful energy of the principle of F ■ to arrest its further progress, and at least t: -‘xpel ii from its too close proximity to the ill. us of the constitution. Such a struggle for tut: ascendency must necessarily he long, and, trimutiy, seemingly drubtful—iiillaming the jjKils system with fever, and convulsing it \xUh, “-ffiering—but \re have never permitted II i.,l ives, for a moment, to doubt the ultimate if umph of nature < ver the disease; and we r j|tcat, that all the symptoiAi now disclosing vptnselvcs tire ci.arly coulirming that cimli- T ti the late convulsion, it is not to be denied, n r havi we cvei deuied, that the Dernocrat- r / was shaken to its centre.—Had a R ,- r '-tt- f 11.-it perin.l. i ’ wild probably have been overthrown. No parly could ever successfully, in a general election, face such a tempest as then swept,’ r iging and howling, over the land. Tliisnd t fission in no respect impugns the cardinal <. TioCratic doctrine of confidence in the pop ularjudgment, lor which it is never intended u claim either an absolute infallibility, or an *\f;.plion from' temporary influences ofex fenicut and panic. Asa body it may bo slid to have been disorganized— demoralized :f speak in military phrase. Randy have tlfe leaders of a great party, in the constant .‘■■juggles of parties in free tales, been thrown suddenly into a more critical and arduous position. But they proved not unequal to ; occasion, not untrue to their cause. The a*-~ t ' the Uxth a Session saved the < atisc aud saved the country. They planted themselves on a rock of impregnable princi ple, and unfurling a flag that 'streamed like a meteor to the troubled air,’ sounded a most gallant rallying note, over the whole length and breadth of the land, to invite their party t) gather around that rock of refuge, and rc (ontbine their broken organization under the ; hadow of that flag. A year has not yet c lapsed, and the course of events is already xapiilly* justifying the bold wisdom of the high position then assumed. The process of re organization has been steadily going forward, hi spite of the herculean exertion of open foes from without, and false friends within, to im ; ode and distract it ; and though not yet rn- Hirely consummated, has readied a stage that Aqnite satUfactory to us, as placing its ulti crnuplv’tc success beyond fear of dungr r. The Democracy has recovered from its pa ralysis of panic, and is beginning to put fort!) again the energies of its renewed youth. In no former contest has il ever evinced a finer and nobler spirit. This is signally shewn in the primary assemblies of the peo-‘ pie, which have of late appeared every where animated l.y the most generous zeal and the highest confidence—that zeal and confidence which, springing alone from a deep sense of the righteousness of the Democratic side of the great issue now joined, are both the strong est incentives to exertion, and the surest har bingers of success. The same fine spirit breathes, in a ‘till more ■striking manner, fiomthc Democratic press. This truth, which is indeed at die present period vety remarkable, can only, perhaps, <U_ tody appreciated by those w h > possess the oppo.(unity ofoKervalion afforded by a wide ly extended exchange over the w hole Union, with papers of all political complexions.— Though iu numhr t not equalling probably the part of their opponents —and almost .universally inferior iu rno-l of those elements of success which depend on die liberality jwith which tlwy are supported by the public —yet the Democratic papers, throughout the eountiy, exhibit, at the present period, a con trast to die Whig press equally favorable and - remarkable! 'i iiey aie fu' of energy, bold ”fQ .i ” ness, confidence, Ntness, argiuriciit and . 5 ,.» . ° eloquence. The lea ~ftg questions at issue present such ample materials for the most convincing address t-.' e judgments of their renders, and the most storing appeals to their patriotic and democratic sentiments, that it would be strange indeed if sueii was not the case. I we possess an advantage in the strength of our cause, for whir’ fit the numbers of the Whig press— all the liberality with which they arc sustain ed by the mercantile and moneyed interests, to which they are especially devoted—all theii uiglily Hushed hopes of victory, and of reward lor the hardships oftheir long sojourn it. the desert of minority—all the fluent pens of their ready writers—nil the specious soph isms they have derived from the tnysiilica ous modern imposture and humbug, credit money, have been able to involve the sub jects of currency aud commerce—all the ad vantages of attack which they have had, in assailing so extensive and complicated a sys tem of executive administration, after so long a period of power and redundant public rev enue—and all the vocabulary of popular catchwords which has so long constituted the main bulk of their editorial stock in trade— can afford but a poor equivalent. The con trast between the two parties in this respect is very apparent. The frieuds of the admini stration have a distinct and specific policy to pursue and defend. It is boldly pul forward, and held on high, as being itself its best re commendation, ifonly sutfered to bo fairly carried out in practice. It is simple and transparent. All cun readily understand it, and it is impossible long to attempt to misre present and mystify it. Its friends write their principles mi their foreheads; embody them in iho most clear and full expositions oflliem; and even have recourse to unusual forms to pm forth the most authentic declarations of them. They are all, moreover, of an une quivocal democratic character. They go to disconnect the federal government from an ul liance with great moneyed interests which | may readily he a fruitful source of corrupt po , liticul iutluence—to place commerce andcur j reucy on a secure basis of reliance on the na j tural laws of trade, and of independence ol the perpetual agitation of onr political con i' tests —to guard against a danger which, hav ing occurred, tuny occur again, of the govern ment Ocing thrown, by a power extraneous 1 from itself, upon a state of temporary bank ruptcy in the midst of the profusion of a large 1 surplus revenue—to intioduce a safe and stable uniformity in the fiscal operations of the government, which can never ho affect ed by the fluctuations to which till paper mo ney systems must always be, confessedly, Ji ! tible—to obviate the possibility of iho futgie J accumulation of a redundant revenue, with all the evils and abuses inseparable from such 1 n fiscal plethora as that with which wo were lately afflicted—to surrender a branch of ex ecutive influence so potent and dangerous that, but a few years back, nocloqiicnee could exhaust the language of denunciation with which it was assailed by' those who are now ! most strenuous in oppo-idon to its proposed reform—to euitail and simplify die federal action, in a very material and salutary de gree, iu its influence upon die institutions and legislation of the stales —to place itsclf'in an attitude of sit id neutrality between the two parties whose opposition of views on the general subject of hanks and paper money is now only beginning to agitate the country ; so as neither to extern! an artificial support to those institutions by the loan ofits credit and revenue, nor on the other hand to attack or injure tliem in the least degree—at the same time that it places itself aloof, in safe exemp tion from the dangers which it has already experienced in its connection with them, and ; to which, from their nature, they must al ways continue more or less liable. These are the leading features of the system of poli cy on which the administration has planted itself, to stand or tall with the popular ralifi ! cation or condemnation of these principles, 1 as involved in its great measure of the Inde pendent Treasury. As accessory and subordinate to this, its 'cardinal idea, the Democratic party puts Ibrdi hold and distinct avowals of opinion on all other importaut subjects naturally connect ed with the girt era I politics of the Union; marking out in strong Shies the limits w ithin which it restricts its own action by its owu pledge and declarations of doctrine. It is for freedom of trade, and opposed to all monopo ly legislation, and unequal distribution of pub lie burthens, whether in the form of tariffs or otherwise. It is for the strict construction of the Constitution, and for the restriction of the action of the federal centre within the nar rowest limits consistent with its plainly dcclar- 1 ed functions and objects. It is opposed to the interference of the General Government, di rectly or indirectly, whether with the local in terests of the states, by means of internal im provements, or with the private municipal and social institutions, of whatever nature they may he—connecting itself neither with ; die one side nor the other of the dillerent ques- 1 lions arising, as purely domestic questions, out of them. On the other hand, with what is it oppos- ’ ed I The cardinal idea cl the opposition is; undeniably, :i National Bank, though even this :l dots nor venture to avow unequivocal ly and manfully. It is still kept partially in the back ground. A shadowy vagueness of noncommittal. Mil overspreads all its exposi tions of its doctrines aud future policy; or thcr it puts forth no such expositions.—They cannot be distinctly extorted, in unequivocal terms. It issues no other manifestoes, than calls for conventions to select 'the most avail able candidates’ for the Rresidenrial contest: Though it is undeniable that the great ques tion at issue is tins. National Bunk or Inde pendent Treasury, a considerable portion of its supporters, iu certain sections of the Union; profess to disavow the advocacy Ufa Bank; while most strenuous in ffielr elForts to over throw ijie admit';,-. l ,—'‘c7~ ~'l -' f i - ii I; W Ui h Util, Zci: cou.T ; try and such an institution; and to bring iiitd pow er tbc men and the party whose first act cannot be any other than the immediate es tablishment oFsue!i a one, on a yet 1 grander scale of power and capital than eithermf thd two former. All shadcsof political complex ion are united iu their ranks. The profess ing State Rights representative of Southern and Western Republicanism is foremost in the orgies of a Eaneuil Hall. A great deni tst said about 'Whig principles ; but what they are, save a generous purposo to ‘heal thd wounds of the bleeding Constitution,’or soniO such beautiful figurative degiga or other—to ‘drive out the Philistines;' and cuter tliern selves # upon the enjoyment of the milk and honey ol the Promised Land—it is Impossi ble toascerluiu, mid difficult to guess. Do ling the late administration there was a suf ficient degree ol'pluusibilily in theory of *ex- appealing to our natural jealousy of its tendency to excess, to utford and tolerable common rallying ground to the scat tered and heterogeneous elements of w hich the opposition was composed. But this pre : tension can no longer be maintained with any show of decency ; and is now scarcely in fact attempted, except occasionally by a few faint aud feeble voices, from the mere force of Hub it, though no longer cheered on by the rever T Iteration of a thousand echoes. The streali* of the executive action, swollen for atirpe, by the agitation of the political clctnttils, iijt It? the full level of its banks, has now so mani festly subsided back to its narrowest limits, ns to make uuy affectation ofulann at its rushing (otietil 100 lidicidnus to fie uuy lodger even' pretended. The general tendency of the prin ciples Jv. policy of iho administration itself, iff undoubtedly, at all points, to reduce the cen tral action of our federal system—aud with if necessarily the executive activity in similar proportion. In all the subordinate practices of administration, the fiery ordeal of opposi tion ill'll has boon maintained so long against it l as brought it to a point of purity, anil strict propriety of even the humblest defifils* entirely unexampled in so extensive and com plicated a system Thfc unfortunate Indian wars which have consumed so much blood and treasure, are in vain sought to be turned to account as an ‘available’ground of party attack, the whole subject being purely of a military and not a political Character; and the only possible error that rif\ br. ehprjed upon the administration being one that leans' to virtue's side, in siir.h a case, natnelv, that of placing too lavishly the amplest means of i action at the disposal of the responsible com ; inanders in the field. Nothing in fact re mains to the Whigs but the two stereotyped 1 phrases, ‘the credit system,’ and ‘the infam ous Sub-'J'reasvry,’ with some dilusivechar ges of extravagances, during the course of the late administration—which, w ith all their I specious arrays of figures, and contrast's of mund numbers, in frCiih vanish utterly into : thin air on a critical scrutiny. These in fact | now constitute their whole provision of mate- rial—so low lias the course of events reduced ilie stock once so overflowing! Instead of the anl/arrai ttr richtssm once so troublesome to the Whig editor, he is now Compelled, by way of slight variety to his beggarly array of empty paragraphs, or the sohntling verbiage of his air-inflated columns, to strain every nerve to lash up a patriotic indignation a gain-t the administration, because, forsooth* a writer in a prominent Democratic journal* in his desire to reform some abuses which* according to universal consent, have grown? up in the navy, happens to be less courtly arid delicate in style than a similar article which appeared simultaneously in the very journal especially devoted to the interests aru# honor of that gallant profession ! The panic of the year of suspension, so iti* valuable so long as it lasted, has unfortunate ly exhausted itself, and is one of those tfihem trti which revive not with to-morrow’s sun* after running their brief cycle of existence of to-day. The waves of political excitement which accompanied it, which at one time threatened to overwhelm the Administration beyond recovery, are fast sinking back ter their accustomed peaceful lied. Unfortunate-' Iv, too, in their refluence they have done ve* ry serious damage to the \Y hig cause itself* leaving it high and dry upon the naked shore* not only shorn ofall its bravery, but in truth in very sorry and unseaworthy plight.—-' What has Vcome of the charge that it was the Administtation that caused the suspefM