Darien gazette. (Darien, Ga.) 1818-1828, September 02, 1828, Image 1
Vol. X. EDITED & PUBLISHED BY CHA,S. F. GRANDISON (on the bay.) •At 85/ter annum, payable in advance. Advertisements will be inserted on the so owing terms:— For the first insertion, per square, severity fire cents, tor each subsequent successive in sei'tion, thirty seven ami a half cents; monthly advertisements seventy-five cents per square for each insertion. No advertisements con sidered less than a square. Each person’s property advertised by the Sheriff and Mar shal >s considered a square. Those not ac companied with written limit3, are contin ued till forbid, and each insertion charged. of land and negroes, by administra tors, Executors, or Guardians, are required by law, to be held on the first Tuesday in the Month, between the hours Df ten in the fore noon and three o’clock in the afternoon, at the court hpse of the county in which the property is situate. Notices of the sales of land must be given in a public gazette SIXTY days, and negroes FORTY days pre vious to the day of saie. Notice of the sale of personal property must be given in like manner,FOßTY days previous to the day of sale. Notice to the debtors and creditors of an estate must be published for FORTY days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell land, must be published FOUR MONTHS. Letters of Dismission from an estate must be published six months. LETTERS (on business) must be post paid—or will not meet w-th attention. C3“ N> communication through the post of fice ■will be attended to, unless the money accom panies the notice to be inserted; except the wri ter is known to tht editor. All notices for advertisement must be han ded in before noon on Monday, to secure laser lion. Sheriff’s Sale. ON the first Tuesday in September next, wdl be sold in front of the Court House in the city of Darien, between the hours of 10 and 4 o’clock, 488 Acres of Land, lying on Eagle Nsck, bounded East by lands E. P. Posted, south by lands of the estate of Bright Baker, west by land of Mrs. M. Myddleton, and north by Salt Marsh. Also, 11 head of Cattle, as they run. Levied on as the pro perty William Myddleton, dec’d. to satisfy an execution, John B. Gaudry, vs. Wm. Myd dleton and Mary Myddleton, also for his State taxes for the year 1827. Amount of tax due g3 65 53. ALSO— -500 Acres of Land, situated in Mclntosh county, bounded northwardly by McClnnd’s rand, originally, east by land of John M’ln tosh, south by Sapelo river, and westwardly by land run for John Gray, Esq. Further particulars may be had by reference to ori ginal titles. Sold for its taxes for the year 1827. THOMAS KING, s. *. c. July 1—27 , Sheriff’s Sales. ©N the first Tuesday in October next will be sold in front of the Court House in the city of Darien, between the usual hours of sale— -120 Acres of Land, granted to James Ei lands; bounded originally south-west by Wm M’lntosh’s land; south-east by Jno. H. M’ln tosh’s land; north-east by Derverger’s land, and north-west by a swamp—levied on for its taxes for the year 1827, amount due 15 cents. Also, 36 acres, granted to Abraham Waters, bounded by land originally granted to Calwell on the north-east; on the north west by M’lntosh land; south-east by Mc- Leod’s, and south-west by Travis’s land—a mount due 18 cents. Also, 500 Acres Pine and mixed Land, with the improvements thereon: bounded northerly by land granted to Roderick McLeod; east by land granted to John Mclntosh,- south by Sapelo river and marshes; and westwardly by land surveyed for John Gray—or so much thereof as will satisfy the execution for taxes,- levied on as the property of the late Jno. M’lntosh. A mount due §3. THOS. KING; s. m. c. aug 5—32 Sheriff’s Sale. ON the first Tuesday in September next, will be sold in the town of Brunswick, Glynn county, between the usual hours of sale— One Tract of Land lying on the Little Buffalo Swamp, containing seven hundred a cres, bounded north by lands of B. Nicolau, and a survey made by Joshua Miller; east by lands of Alexander Wylley; south by Philip Burneman’s land, and west by B. Nicolau’s land. Also, ons other tract of Pine Land, situated on the Sand Hills, containing five hundred and fifty acres, bounded north by lands belonging to the estate of Job Tyson; deceased,- east by vacant lands,- south by lands belonging to the estate of Jno. Brown, deceased; and west by post road leading to St. Mary’s; both of which tracts have consi derable cleared land, and are well improved —levied on as the property of estate of L. Wilson, dec’d. to satisfy an execution, The Bank of Darien, vs. Robert Hazlehurst and James H. (Jouper, Executors. URBANUS DART, s. o. c. aug 5 —32 Sheriff’s Sale. ON the first Tuesday in September next, \ will be sold in front of the Court House ; in the city of Darien, between the hours of, 10 and 4 o’clock— One black Horse, levied on as the proper- 1 ty of John Harris, jr. for his state and county ; taxes for the year 1827—amount due g 9 45 and costs. THOS. KING, 8. m. c. July 29—31 DARIEN GAZETTE. DARIEN (Georgia,) (gqtiai Qltd <£ract 3iu£tlCe.- TLESDAI, SEPTEMBER Sheriff’s Sale. ON the first Tuesday in September next, will be sold in front of the Court House in the city of Darien, between the hours of ten and four o’clock— Two Slaves, viz. Sarah and her child Wil liam, levied on as the property of Henry Har ford, to satisfy an execution, Hall, Cooke & Cos. for the use of the Bank of Darien, vs. Henry Harford. THOS. KING, s. m. c. july 29—31 Sheriff’s Sale, Postponed. ©N the first Tuesday in sept next, will be sold in the town of Brunswick, in Glynn county, between the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit— Two negro Slaves viz. Harriot and her child Mary, an-i five hundred acres of Land, bounded east by William and Jacob Moore’s land, north by Wm. Moore’s land, south and west by unknown lands—levied on as the property of Jacob Moore, to satisfy executions in favor of Charles Dewitt and others. URBANUS DART, a, q. c. Brunswick, aug. 532 Sheriff’s Sale. ON the first Tuesday in September next, will be sold in the town of Brunswick, in Glynn county, between the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit— One tract of Land lying on the west prong of the Big Buffalo Swamp, containing three hundred and fifty acres, one hundred acres of which is hammock land, the balance swamp and pine land, bounded west by Wal lace’s land, and on all other sides by vacant land. One other Tract, containing one hun dred acres, lying on the Sand Hills, fourteen acres of which are cleared, bounded north by William Burney’s land, south and east by James Wallace s land, and west by vacant lands—levied on as the property of Rigden 1 uton, to satisfy an execution in favor of Charles E. Putnam. Also One Tract of Land, containing one hundred acres, lying on Buck Swamp, on the Little SaliLla, bounded north-east by Robert Watt’s land, north-west by Abner Hairald’s land, south-west by Robt. Moody’s land, and south-east by vhcant lands—levied on to sa tisfy two executions issuing out of a Magis trate’s Court, David Hall, vs. Robt. Moody. Also—One negro slave, viz- Little George —levied on as the property of Wm. Moore, to satisfy sundry executions issuing out of a Magistrate’s Court, Charles E. Putnam, vs, William Moore. Property levied on by a constable and turned over to me. URB ANUS DART, s. o. c. Brunswick, aug. 12—33 Marshal’s Sale . ON the first iuesday In September next, will be sold in front of the Court House in the city of Darien—a Negro man named Allen McKinley . As he is sold for his jail fees, &c. the terms will be cash, or good town acceptances. SAML. VI. LEE, july 29 ol City Marshal. Taoc Collector’s Sale. ON the first Tuesday in October next, will be sold in front of the Court House in the city of Darien, between the hours of ten and four o’clock— Lot No. 139, in the 11th District, Haber sham county, containing 250 acres, or so much thereof as will pay the tax—levied on as the property of Richard Wickham, dec’d. for his taxes for the year 1827—amount due, 31$ gents and costs. A. H. CAULDER, t, c. w. c. july 29—31 •A otice. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in September next, at the residence of Mary Channmg, in the town of Brunswick, in Glynn county, all the personal property ofAmasa Doud, dec’d consisting of 2Hor ses, House and Kitchen Furniture, andl a good set of Carpenter’s Tools. GEO. DUPREE. Adm’r. . MARY CHANNINC, Admr’x. july 29—31 Executor’s Sale. rpilE follow.ng property, belonging to the estate of Alexander Robert Chisolm, de ceased, viz:— Two thirds of Broughton Island, situated 3 miles below Darien, Geo. containing 1920 aci es of 1 ide Land, 350 oi which have been under Bank. The plantation called Windy Hill, con taining 5600 acres—3oo of which is Tide Land, and two hundred of which is under Bank, amd 900 acres of Swamp,- 150 acres high ground of good quality, under cultiva tion; about 500 acres of good cotton land, and the balance pine land. On this tract is a Rice Mill, erected in 1825, and now in com plete order; also a Machine built the last season, for ginning cotton by animal power; also, a Threshing Machine propelled by wa ter, adjoining the stack yard. This Planta tion is situated four miles above Darien, on Cat Head Creek, a branch of the Altamaha River For further particulars, apply to either of the Executors in Charleston, or Norman McDonald on the premises, feb 19—8— Notice. A LL persons having any demands against *■ Mr. Samuel Wright, deceased, late of St. Simon’s Island, Glynn county.. Geo. will render them to the subscribers in terms of the laws ot this State;—and all persons in debted to the said estate, are requested to make immediate payment. JAMES BRUCE WRIGHT, Adm’r. MARY ABBOTT, Adm’rx. aug 19—34 THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE, AX HIS AMI) GKN EHAI. DRUG AND FAMILY MEDICINE WARE-HOUSE, MVCCASSAR, Russia, UeArs and An tique Oils, Pomatums in large and small pots, all sorts of Perfume Rose Orange, Flower and Lavender Waters Calogne Water in boxes Milk of Roses, or Beauty’s Preservative Low’s superior scented-Shaving and Wash Soaps all sorts ol perfume Naples, Pot, Cake and Quintessence") Shaving soaps ’.Bail Windsor Perfumed P-Aicy ‘'.caps by f Soaps the box J Hair Powder, plain and scented powder Puffs assorted sizes Ladies and Gentlemen’s Pocket Books with and without clasps, of all sizes La Fayette, silk & hair stocks, an elegant article lor gentlemen’s wear Ladies Indispensables, assorted patterns Gilt Card cases assorted sizes Visiting cards. do do Silver Pencil cases, best quality do Tooth with tweazers do Lead pencils, warranted of the best Penknives, Segar Boxes, dominoes do Fancy smell bottles, Dice, playing cards Ladies Toilet Dress cases Gentlemens shaving do Marshall’s superior dentrifice Belton’s do do Burton’s do do Prepared charcoal from the Willow bark do do common charcoal Eye stones, snuff Boxes, a fine assortment Reeve’s colours Floating Nuremburgh and French Tapers, for burning on oil Durable Ink, Aromatic spirits of Vinegar Phosphorus Boxes, hair powder Boxes Platina and Fancy Wood Shaving boxes Round shaving cake soap do Superior and large Ivory, Bone and wood tied shaving brushes English, French and American superior 8t fancy penetrating hair brushes of all sizes do whist cloths, do Plate nail and comb Brushes Furniture, shoe and whitewash do Sweeping and hearth brushes ALSO His much admired durable and fancy silver wire tooth Brushes made on an improved plan, and to order, with plain and fluted handles John Barber’s and Thomas Scargill’s supe rior razors, in single and double cases, made to order, warranted to please the purchaser or to be returned --. ty - ■ 1 ‘ q Genuine otto of roses, large and small size bottles Pearl powder for beautifying the skin Maccoboy, Scotch and Caphalic Snuffs Lorillard’s fine cut chewing tobacco Tonquin and Venella Beans Apothecary’s scales and weights Evan’s crown Lancets, spring lancets with extra blades, with a fine assortment of surgical instruments, Apothecary’s Glass Ware, &c. Together with a very general and extensive assortment of Drugs,* Medi cine, Chemicals, patent Medicines, Spices, Dye stuff, &c.—All of which has beeri selec ted by hi mseif, for this market. Offered at wholesail and retail by ANSON PARSONS. Druggist No.B, Gibbon’s buildings Savannah nov 20—37 Os the Sulphate of Quinine. FOR THE CURE OF Agues, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers. This medicine contains the active princi ple of the Peruvian Bark, (separate from the ligneous and inert portion,) which is highly reco'tnmended, and very extensively em ployed by the most eminent Physicians in the United States, for the cure of the above diseases, it has effected cures of long stan ding, where every other medicine has pro ved ineffectual. It is a medicine possess ing great power, and. when taken according to the directions, seldom or never fails effec ting a cure, even in the most obstinate stage of the disorder. It is not at all a dis agreeable dose, as it can be administered to children and persons of the weakest stom ach, who cannot take the bark in substance in sufficient quantity to have the effect. It strengthens the stomach, creates an appe tite, and seldom requires more than one bottle to effect a cure. It is neatly put up. BY Lawrence, Keese, $ Cos. DRUGGISTS, NEW-YORK For C. F. GRANDISON, Druggist, Darien, Ga. FOR PILES. THE Medicine now offered to the pub lic, is one which has been fully subjected to the infalible test of experience; and in every instance where it has been fairly tri ed, itha3 been attended with the most com plete success. In some of the cases, the pa tients had been labouring under the disease for years, and during that period had re ceived the best medical advice, and had ev en undergone a painful surgical operation, without permanent advantage. It is not (like those usually advertised,) offered as a certain cure, for a long catalogue of diseas es, but those afflicted with this complaint, for which alone it is recomended, may rely with confidence upon obtaining relief, even in its worst forms, in a short time .• and they themselves are the best judges of the impor tance of such a remedy, Price 50 Cents per Box, with directions signed by the Proprietor. Lunatic Asylum of S. Carolina. Tl: K Regents announce to the public that the institution is now in operation, and that Patients will be examined and i%ceived every Saturday, at eleven o’clock, A. M. Paupers will be taken at three dollars per week, which will include board, lodging, clothing, and medical attendance. Patients other than-Paupers will pay three dollars and upwards per week, according to the comforts their friends may demand for them. By order of the Regency, . ED. WM. JOHNSON, Scc’y. Ihe Editors of papers throughout ll|c Southern States, are requested to give two or three gratqithiis insertions totbe above. July 15—29-- - POSTER’S Vegetable Catholicon. THIS MEDICINE has stood the test of ex perience for more than four years past, and has achieved in the heating art, cures -which j rival the most extraordinary of ancient or I modern practice. NO preparation has borne such celebri ty as an alterative and its innocent .qualities, have been acknowledged by the experience of thousands. In using the Ca tholicon, a restriction in diet is not requir ed, nor does it interrupt the patient pursu mg his ordinary avocations of business. In Kings evil or Scrofula, Nicrosis or dis eased bones, Mercurial disease, Rheumat ism, Liver complaints, Ulcers, white Swel lings, Syphilis in its secondary stage, Indi gestion, &c. &c. the Catholicon has been most conspicuously succesfulit also has been serviceable to debilitated and nervous affected persons. The discovery of a preparation adapted to that class of diseases, for which this is recommended, is one of the most desirable boons that can be afforded to the unfortu nate—and the proprietor trusts, that the en deavors of the benevolent the mems or this in valuable remedy io the ears of those who are groaning under affliction. The numerous testimonials already shown to ‘he public in favor of this remedy, and its havmg been used in the Philadelphia Peni tentiary for these three years past, in dis eases which resisted the regular modes of practice form a high and important proof of its just merits andclaims.. CAUTION TO PURCHASERS The wonderful reputation and demand for this medicine has induced frauds; to secure the public against them, in future there will be a small label covering the cork of eacli bottle, beautifully executed by the geometric lathe, with the words “GENUINE W W FOl I ER” thereon : as the cork cannot be drawn without defacing this label, the medi cine may be known to be genuine when it ts not torn or otherwise injured. Price S3 per botile, or S3O per dozen. QCTPrinted directions are on the bottles. Communications from any part of the world, post paid, and orders for medicine will be punctually attended to. W. W. POTTER. A fresh supply of this valuable remedy has just been received, and is offered to venders throughout the state at the lowest prices es tablished by the proprietor, by LAY & HENDRICKSON, Sole agents for the State of Georgia. (CTThe Darien Gazette will please insert the above. July 15—29. Twenty Dollars Reward. RAN A WAY on the night of the 7th inst. from the plantation of Thomas B. King, on Colonel’s Island, two negro men, Peter and Battice. Peter s a tall black fellow, a bout 5 feet 9or 10 inches. Battice is about 5 feet 6 or 7 inches; he stutters when he speaks. Ihe above reward will be given for apprehending the said negroes, or ten dollars for either, and their safe delivery to ALEX. C. SCOTT, June 17—25 on Colonel’s Island Bolivar Hats. CJIMP BELL §* SJX'O W ttWE JUST RECEIVED FROM WEW-TORK Jl FRESH SUPPLY OF Gentlemen’s HATS, among which are handsome DRAB BEAVERS suitable for the approaching season, march 25 13 A FRESH SUPPLY OP Vermicelli, Maccaroni, Perl Barley, Capers, Confectionary and Wines, J JIT GRJUVDISOA ’S EMPORIUM OF luxuries. march 13——n COUGH DROPS Ihe moat valuable medicine ever , yet prepared. FOR COGHN & CONSUMPTIONS. uncommon virtues that Andmon’t 4. Cough Drop* and Pectoral Pooler* are well known to possess for the cure of Colds, Coughs and other affections of the breast and lungs, leading to eonaumptions, is sufficiently proved from the fact that they have now been in uac for twelve years and that the demand for them is still rapidly in creasing. Thousands have experienced the happy effects of titU treating Balsam and great numbers have voluntarily given certifi cates of the benefits received in consump tive complaints ot long standing even where their cases where almost hopeless and where they had been given up by their physicians as incurable. A reference to the certifi cates accompanying each bottle given by those of the first respectability, will satisfy every unprejudiced mind of the wonderful cures performed by this valuable medicine. I housatuis iiave shortened their days, by neglecting coughs when first attacked, and which have soon terminated in a seated con sumption, and proved fatal.—Scarcely a case of Colds, Coughs, Pam in the side, di fficulty ol breathing, want of sleep arising from debility, or eveii Consumptions but may be relieved by a timely use of this heal ing balsam. New Certificates : I Ins is to certify that ifie subscriber was brought very low by spitting of blood, at tended with a cough and catarrh, and that | nothing afforded me real relief until I coin- I meiiced taking Anderson’s Cough Drops, | the use of which were the mans in the hands lot God of restoring me again to a comfort able state of health. And 1 do further certify that the wife of Mr. Naihan Huntington, living in the same place was afflicted with a very bad cough for a number of years, and in 1823 she was re duced so low that it was thought she must soon be in her grave, as she was scarcely a ble to walk from her bed to the fire, when she commenced taking Anderson’s Cough Drops, the use of which, in a short time so far restored her, that she was soon able to do a good days work. lean cheefully recom niend this medicine m the public. PHILO JUDrtON, Pastor of the Church in Ashford (Conn.) Ashford, Conn. Sept. 25 1825. I hereby certify that in the autumn of 1823 in consequence of taking a violent cold which te!| upon my lungs I was reduced by a l>n— W what Physicians an incur able state. In March 1824 by advice I pro cured a bottle of Anderson’s Cough Drops, the use of which produced the most friend ly effects, my cough daily became less, mv appetite and strength returned and 1 have since May last enjoyed my usual state of health, and am able and do constantly attend to my agricultural pursuits, and it is with pleasure I recommend these drops to the public as in my opinion a most valuable medicine m complaints of the Lungs. „ , _ , „ nataan parks. Jied Hook, Dutchess Cos. Nov. 27th 1824 Having made use of Anderson's Cough Drops in my family, and having been re quested to express my opinion of their ef ficacy m the cure of coughs, I hereby certi fy, that a daughter of mine was severely af flicted with a cough for about a year previ ous to the summer of 1820, during which time she was more or less attended bv sev eral physicians ; but appearing to obtain no relief, her life was despaired of. Being in formed of tlie great cures effected by An derson’s Cough Drops, I was induced to try a bottle of it, and in the course of one week only she was greatly relieved of her com plaint. After using two bottles she entirely recovered, and now enjoys as good health as ever. From my own experience therefore I have no hesitation in recommending these Drops to the public. „ MOSES KIMBALL. Haverhill, Maas. August, 11/A 1827 1 hose drops generally give ease in most cases of coughs, colds, astmas, difficulty of breathing, wheezing, tightness ofthe chest, consumptions, and pain in the side. The a ged will ekperience relief equally as agree able and instantaneous, even when the lungs are affected. 1 o planters in the southern stales it is strongly recommended for the use of their negroes. CAUTION. (Gr’Be particular that each genine bottle has ‘‘ANDERSON’S COUGH DROPS” stamped on the bottll „• and that each of the directions are signed in writing by James Meelkn, no others are genuine. Georgia—M’lntosh County. By the Honorable the Justices of tbe Inferi or Court of M’lntosh county, sitting for or dinary purposes: To all whom it may concern. WHEREAS Samuel Fulton has applied for letters of administration on tlie es tate and effects of Agnes McFulton, late of the said county, dececeased— These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections (if any they have ) in my office in Daiien in the terms ofthe law, otherwise letters of admin istration will be granted the applicant. Witness the honorable Henry Atwood one of the justices of said court, this 22d day of July, one thousand eight hundred and twen ty-eight. GEO. T. ROGERS, c. c. o. __July 22—30 PRINTING NEATLY EXECUTED AT THIS OFFICE, No. 36.