Newspaper Page Text
r»THE Tm«tees ©f the Ifenfield Female Semina-
I rv take pleasuie in Announcing to the public,
tlut for ’the ensuing yeaj, they have engaged the
services of Professor B. Osoood Pierce, as Princi
pal in the Literary, and Fiofessor D. W. Chase, in
the Musical Department, to be aided by three com
petent Female Assistant Teachers.
No Teacheis need sustain higher reputation in
their various department l than Professors Pierce
and Chase have done, in the communities where
they have taught, and particularly in Madison,
Morgan county, where they have been engage 1
during the last two or tl rec years. ,
In procuring the services of these distinguis e
teachers, the trustees bate had a special rega o
the growing importance of the village ro w uci
their institution is locate !; and wish to afford the
utmost possible inducement for the settlement
among us of al! such parents as hold in ugh esti
mation the education of their daughters i w e las
sons, and wish to superintend the interests of both,
while pursuing their course of education.
Instruction will be given in every branch of
science and literature which is taught in any sim
ilar institution in the siuthern States. Suitable
apparatus for in Philosophy, Astrono
my, Chemistry, kc., with all the necessary chem
ical substances, foi experiments, will be lurnished
ree of any extra expenso to tie pupil.
Strict regulations wil£ be enjoined upon all the
young ladies of the Semibar' , in respect to their
giving and receiving visits, and attending parties
of pleasure. They wiM also be required to avoid
contracting any debts wit liout an express order from
then parents, or those uijder whose care they ma
be placed. |
All parents and guard miis patronizing this insti
tution, are earnestly requested to furnish their
daughters or wards with plain and substantial
clothing, as all extravagance in dress will be dis
countenanced by the teacheis and trustees.
Additions are making to the buildings on the
teacher’s lot, immediate y contiguous to the >emi
nary, for the accommodation of twenty or thiit)
boarders, under the immediate care ol the teacheis.
Board can also be obtained in the most respectable
private families for $lO to sl2 per montn, includ
ing lodging and fuel.
The first term will commence the last Monday
in January, and close or. Friday before the last
Monday in July. The second term will commence
on the third Monday in August, and close Friday
before the third Monday »n December.
Primary Department.-- Spelling and Definitions,
Reading, Writing, Mental and Written Arithme
tic, and the Elementary: Branches of Geography,
Grammar and History, $ DO per year.
Junior Department. — Advanced Classes in His
tory, Geography, Gramnjar, Arithmetic, Writing,
Rhetoric, Logic, Intellectual and Moral Philosophy,
Natural Theology, and Evidences of Christianity,
S3O per year.
Senior Department. —[Natural Philosophy, As
tronomy and Chemistry,! with practical illustra
tions; Zoology, Botany, Geology, Mineralogy, An
imal and |)logy, thegeneral branch
es of Mathematics and Political Economy, S4O per
year. I
An additional charge |of $lO per year will be
made for Ancient and Modern Languages.
For Drawing, Painting and Ornamental Needle
Work, S3O per year.
For instruction on PiajiO or Guitar, live lessons
per week, S4O per year, j Single quarter, $lO.
Vocal Music will form la part of every day’s in
struction, for $0 per yea;j
An additional charge o|sl pet year, will be made
for fuel, Nc. I
Settlement, either by (note or cash, will oe re
quired lot the tuition of t dch term, in advance. —
No charge will be made fir a less period than one
term, except by special «|or.tract.
Boys under eight yeaiji of age will be admitted
in the Primary Department.
Regular courses of Gestures will be delivered
by the Principal in Experimental Philosophy, Na
tural History, ike. >
E. H. MAI-ON, i
jan 8 j trwtf
Radical Cure oMler«|iaor Rupture, by Dr.
Chase’s improved surgeons’ Trusses.
f 11H E subscriber has op nod an office, at the Drug
1 store of Messrs. J. J, Robertson it Co., forths
treatment of Hernia or Rupture, by means of these
ustly celebrated instnim. tits. He has now used
them for nearly a year, ad, did not delicacy forbid,
he could name several per ons who have been radi
cally cured, o; this truly i! stressing and dangerous
affection, by the useo f the >e Trusses, besides many
others who are in a fair v, ly of being entirely re
lieved. The following is |hd language of the com
mittee of the Philadelph. > Medical Society on the
Radical Cure of Hernia.
“ The instruments of D*. Chase have effected
the permanent and accui te retention of the in
testines in every case of 1 lernia observed by the
committee, without mater a I inconvenience to the
patient, and often under uials more severe than
are usually ventured upon by those who wearcther
trusses; trials that wouh be imprudent with any
other apparatus known to the committee.”
“ The committee are h luced by the foregoing
conclusions to recommend in strong terms, the in
struments of Dr. Chasv to the confideare of
the profession, as the bes known means/of me
chanical retention in hen la, and as furnishing the
highest chances of radical ure.”
The following is from t e Southern Medical and
Southern Journal, published in cur own city.
“ All must admit of tln| radical cure of hernia,
and that Dr. Chase’s Trusties are decidedly the best
yet invented to effect the c I'ject.”
Persons from a distance jan have the instruments
applied, upon application If the office, and all ne
cessary information given to enable them to adjus
it themselves. The poor, {who are laboring under
this afflicting complaint, w|U be treated gratuitous
ly upon presenting a certil j ate,from someresponsi*
ble person,of their pecuniary disability. "
I he instiuments are of jli sizes, and applicable
to every variety of reducitjlc rupture.
feb2U ‘ V. M. ROBERTSON, M. D.
TOMATO—a substitute for Calomel, and
docs not belong to the fan-ilv of quack medicines;
for the reason that the cojnuonent parts are made
known to the faculty, or tiny one else that may
wish to know, by any of /he agents keeping them
for sale. Since this discovery so long and anx
iously looked for, some on<| in almost the extreme
North has advertised a To iuito Pill, purporting to
he made from the stalk, thing not more ansuu.
than for one to offer meal i|rom the corn stalk to
say nothing of the difficult? of raising the Tomato
so far North. 5
Dr. Miles of Cincinnati's the proprietor of the
omato Pills (proper) so the great benefits of
w hich, he holds himself bo uid, and in honor pledg
ed to prove by their use, t (at they are ail that they
profess to be and will d for offieis what they
have done for such as m|iv have u«ed them • as
his is a vegetable of greart use, and value it will
doubt.ess be valuable information to families to
Ye '. lo "' *”*>'>■ « valuable
as the Red fomato, and produces twice as much 1
ot the hapatiue, or active u inciple, and when used
as a daily vegetable wilij be found to keep the
system in much better condition than the other
kind ; many will recollect with what trembline
anxiety calomel has been given to children and
how they then wished for a substitute, it’ has
long been known that tb.r Tomato contained ca
thartic principles, but no;t until of late was it
ascertained that they contained alterative and diu
retic properties. The Faculty embrace and use
the preparation most cheerfully, for the reason that
they know what it is Wcie it a patent mysterv,
they would be bound to reject the medicine, as they
justly do the one thousand ;md one cure-alls of the
• vou to clean’s© the system with a anti-bilious medicine, use' the Tomato
f/ wh £ h a supply, « > learn, will soon be in
this city. \\ e all know something about this,
une 18 -
cotton’ skell
scr:bdFs have just received a small i„Tnf aw’
hbohs, Ocra or Twin Cottor, Seed tv / u* °/ AlU {~
for for s.lo i» quantities to suit
ha ve, at our store, a stalk of the co„ o „ M ”' th JL
bolls on, which we invite the curious to M n !.
examine. ana
nov 30 RUSSELL, li ITC TINSON &c 0
NOTICE \ll persons indebted to the estate of
of James Leverich, late of Richmond county,
deceased, are hereby requested so come forward im
mediately and settle their accounts with Mr. Robert
Austin, who is duly authorised by us to settle the
same He mav be found at the Drug Store of said
deceased, 161 broad-street, Augusta. All those to
who 7i the estate is indebted will please forward
theii claims to him, duly attested, within the time
prescribed by ,aw.
P. H. MANTZ, ? Adnrts .
February 11, 1840.
; 1840, edited by Miss Leslie
The Poets of America, illustrated by’ one of our
Ps inters
) The Gem, IS4O
The Vio et, 1840 ; edited by Miss Leslie
Buds and Blossoms, a beautiful work
i Floras Gems
Floras Dictionary, with colored plates
Gems of Beauty
Pocket Bibles, Prayer Books and sundry other
j beautiful pocket volumes, suitable for Christmas
ard New Years Presents. For sale by
dec 25 J. W. & T. S. STORY.
riMIE Subscriber is desirous of selling a Planta
g tion lying in Burke county, Ga , containing
four hundre'd and eight acres, more or less, of Oak
and Hickory Land, being well adapted to the growth
of Com and Cotton, having on it the usual improve
ments; adjoining lands of William Brookins, Bam
uel Baron and lands belonging to William Gilstrap’s
estate, with one hundred and seventy-live acres
cleared land. Any person desirous of purchasing
such a place, would do well to call and examine,
as a bargain may be had by an early application to
i the subscriber, JOHN \\ . \\ IBE.
j jan. 18 ' v4m
THIS fine article is warranted to cure Piles or
Rheumatism in all cases, or no pay taken
for it.
i A notorious counterfeiter has dared to make an
i attempt upon this article, and several have been
nearly ruined by try ing it. Never buy it. unless it
’ has the written signature of COMSTOCK 4’ Co.
on tlie splendid wrapper. That firm have the only
right to make and sell it for 20 years, and all from
i them is warranted perfectly innocent and effectual
I in ail cases.
N. B. Always detect the false by its not having
! the above signature. The true sold only by
Wholesale Druggists, No. 2 Fletcher-st. N. Y.
Original Proprietor.
The genuine is for sale by GARVIN k HAINES,
and ROBERT CARTER, Augusta. ly jan 9
IS Warranted staid or restored, and the head
kept free from Dandruff, by the genuine
Remember the genuine as described below.
T lis is certified to by several Mayors, Ministers
of t:ie Gospel, British Consul, Physicians, and a
great number of our most respectable citizens, to
be seen where it is sold.
This article has been imitated by a notorious
counterfeiter. Let it never be purchased or used
unless it has the name of L. S. COMSTOCK, or the
signature of COMSTOCK 4" Co., on a splendid
wrapper. This is the only external test that will
secure the public from deception.
Apply at the wholesale and retail office, No. 2
Fletcher street, near Maiden Lane and Pearl st.—
A Idress, COMSTOCK 4’ Co.,
Wholesale Druggists.
The genuine is for sale by GARVIN & HAINES,
and ROBERT CARTER., Augusta. Iy-jan9
J Dr. M. B. Cohen, proprietor of the universally
celebrated lotion for the cure of Chronic and Infla
raatory Rheumatism. Sprains, Lumbago, Pains and
| Swellings in the Joints, kc., known as Cohen’s
Rheumatic Embrocation, begs respectfully to refer
all persons suffering from these diseases to the
thousands of cures that his preparation has accom
plished, and to the numerous strange and highly
respectable testimonials which have, from time to
time, been published to that effect in New York
and other places. So certain and searching is this
Liniment in its operations, even in cases of long
standing, and of an obstinate nature, that it has
never been known to fail. The following letters
are selected from hundreds of others of a like de
scription. It will be proper that all persons using
he Liniment, see that it is accompanied with the
signa'urc of the proprietor in his own hand writing.
Since the introduction of this remedy to the public,
various empirics have been palmed upon the coun
try, Nostrums and Lotions, and Liniments, and
“Infs llible Rheumatic Mixtures,” all of which be
ing a compound of ignorant quacks, are ca'culated,
more or less, to injure the system rather than re
move any complaint. In proof of the estimation
in v. hich the Embrocation is held by respectable
men in tlie medical profession, as well as by the
thousands of persons who have been elfectua ly
cured of Rheumatism, the subscriber has subjoined
lette s from a few who are well and popularly
known to the entire society in New York, and
whose opinions and professional judgments are
i universally esteemed.
No. Hudson street,N. Y.
New \ r oRK, Aug. 3, 1838.
i Dear Sir —Having frequently witnessed the ap-
I plication of vour Rheumatic Embrocation, and ti e
1 beneficial effects arising therefrom, it affords me
pleasure to state that I most cheerfully recommend
i it as an invaluable remedy, and the best known for
the care of that painful and distressing complaint,
| either in its acute or chronic form.
I Late Corresponding Secretary of the Medical Soci-
I ety of the City and county’ of New Vork.
j To Dr. M. B. Cohen.
Dr. M. B. Cohen—ln reply to ymur request as to
my opinion of your Rhein atic Embrocation, I
| most willingly acknowledge that I have used it in
| my p actice, and found it an invaluable remedy as
I a pajliative Liniment in cases of Rheumatism
New York, April 20, 1839.
I certify that 1 have used Dr. M. B. Cohen’s
Rheumatic Embrocation, and have found it a most
useful adguvant in the treatment of this painful
disease, and therefore hesitate not to recommend it
in all cases of Rheumatism.
No. 342 Broadway, N. Y.
I, Henry B, Nones, Ist Lieut, of the Revenue
, ('utter Alert, in the service of the United States,
do certify’ that I was for five months afflicted with
the Inflamatory Rheumatism,and had every reme
dy by advice of physicians, without any relief, and
finally by advice of Dr W. Rockwell, health offi
cer at quarantine, I applied to Dr. M. B. Cohen, in
the month of July, IS3, for a bottle of his Rheu
matic Embrocation, and after one week’s use of
the specific, was entirely free from all pain, and
was able to resume my place in the service.
H. B. NONES, Ist Lt. U. S. R. S.
New York, August Ist, 1637.
FHce, $3 per bottle.
7 0 THE PUBLIC. —Be it known, that on this
20lh day of January, one thousand eight hundred
and forty, we have appointed Mr. Benjamin F
Kenrick, proprietor of the Mansion House, citv
of Augusta, our sole Agent for the city of Augusta
in the State of Georgia; also, sole agent for the’
cuy of Hamburg, in the State of South Carolina
tar the sale of our Rheumatic Embrocation, a re
medy calculated to cure with certainty any Kheu
inati'.- complaints, whether of a chronic or inflama
tory nature. Witness, our hand, this dav and vear
aforesaid ’ M. B. COHEN & Co.
The public will remember that this is simply an
externa! application and free from minerals. P *
The public are cautioned against purchasing of
any other than the above authorized agent as that
purchased from any other person cannot be ~enn
me. &
Dr. M. B. COHEN’S principal Office N 0 2724
Hudson street, N.
Each bottle of the Embrocation is accompaniel
with printed directions for use. and none i s G/ en U
ine unless bearing the signature of
jan 22 3m ~ M. B. COHEN,
PERHAPS there is nothing more calculated to
discu>t the public eye thanlh* innumerable
advertisements ot nostrums that are constantly ap
pearing in the public prints. All are ready to ex
claim, our souls are sick, our ears are pained with
every day’s reports of ills and specifics. This state
i of the public mind would seem to forbid any person
of delicate mind trom sending forth any new dis
coveries in medicine, to the trial of ths> public.
Still, motives of delicacy should not prevent us from
making known real discoveries, which we are con
fident will benefit our fellow men. Tins latter
* consideration has prompted the author of these bit
: ters to make them known. He knows they are high
ly efficacious, for he himself, ids wife, and many
r friends, have given them a thorough trial. He was
himselt a confirmed dyspeptic, so much, that even
his recollection was pone. Hy using these hitters
he has been restored to health. 31 n . Cosby was
troubled for many years, but was restored to health
by the use ot these bitters. This has been the case
with many of his fri« nds. 31 r. Cosby in sending
forth this advertisement, addresses those who know
r him. He has been for many years a resident of
s Augusta, at w hich place he can at any lime b*
consulted about ihe bitters. They are good in all
cases ofdiseases of the digestive organs, the symp
toms of which are indigestion, pain or oppression
in the stomach from food, lossot appetite, flatulen
cy, heart burn, giddiness in the head, pain in the
; side, shortness of breath, lassitude, general weak
k ness, disturbed sieep, «sec The composition is en
-1 lively Botanical, ami has proved efficacious when
many celebrated medicines had failed. In support
of which he refers tht-mto Freeman W. Lacy, she
-5 riff of Richmond count., and William T. Thump
-5 son, editor of the Augusta Mirror, and he might re
' ier you to many others, hut deems it unnecessary,
? as tie is w illing to place it on its ow n merits. All
> he neks is lor tnose who are afflicted with the dys
pepsia to give it a trial.
They can be had at T. H. Plant’s book-store,
Augusta, and of Y*. Cosby himself, at the comer of
Washington and Ellis-streets. nov .fit ly
' ema JOUES,
Warranted to cure in Five Days.
fB MIIS incomparable and invaluable remedy so
1 long known, and used with such unparralleled
success in the Canadas for the last 30 yeais, ap
-1 pears to need no panegyric. Its operation upon the
human system is such that it invariably acts like
a charm,* for the relief and radical cure of a certain
’ common and disagreeable ‘-ills the flesh is heir to.”
This prize obtains its own name from the certain
success which has attended it through all of its
trying circumstances, namely', “five days,”—the
same success which followed it in a Northern lati
tude still obtiins in a more Southern. The formula
’ or recipe was obtained at great expense, intrigue
and hazard by M. Cheveres, from the celebrated
Indian Chief Wabenothe, or Great Moon, whilst
he, with others was pursuing the lucrative Fur bu
-1 siness in the North-west with the Indians. —
Wabenoshe prized highly and use it with invariable
success throughout his two tribes. Its known and
valued virtues have already enriched to an almost
1 incredible extent the children of this warlike prince,
not only by actual sale of the article itself to iu
-1 dividuals, but by- parting with copies of his receipt
at enormous prices to the Chief of every tribe of
Indians in America, with a solemn promise to the
Great Spirit, never to divulge the “art of its com
l position until he sleeps with his fathers,” although
1 free to use it in their respective tribes, which
1 places it in the hands of every Indian who rely
1 w'ith, 1 may' say, religious confidence on its cura
ble powers.
; Below is a copy of the translation as near as it can
’ be anglisized of the deed given by Wabenoshe, to
31. Cheveret, when he purchased the original recipe,
and had twice assisted the Chief himself through
> the tedious manipulatory process of manufacture.
Few white men would credit the length of time
whicli is consumed in preparing the article for im
mediate use.
“I, Wabenoshe, Chief of the nations Ottowaand
' Chippewa, for the love and good feeling which I
I have for my' white friend M. Cheveret, (for he has
5 done many good tilings for me and my' people,) I
r give to him my greatest cure for the bad sickness
; which my children have had sent among them as
a punishment by the Great Spirit, and hope that in
his hands it may do much good, and make him very'
> rich.”
Signed WABINOSHE,his X mark.
’ Witness APPAHO, his X mark.
J. B. ROY,
This Medicine,! warrrnt by'this publication,un
der a penalty' of $5,000, not to contain one parti
cle of corrosive preparation. It is purely vegata
ble in its essences. Its first and prominent virtue
is to subdue every'vestige of inflamation, and then
acts mildly and copiously as a diuretic ; thereby
■ holding within itself, every requisite virtue, for
the subduction of this loathsome malady—and ev
ery regular graduate in medicine, will sustain the
assertion, that copious diuresis and reduction of in
flation, are the only two things necessary to effect
alsound and radical cure
The most peculiar virtue of the “Cinq Jours,”
is in this, that wherever it alone has been used to
affect a cure, none of those tenacious and disagree •
able consequences which almost invariably results
from the sudden cure of Gonorrhoea, have been
known to obtain such as stricture, hernia, humoi
alis, incontinence, and a swarm of other of the
most loathsome, perplexing, and disagreeable dis
eases, consequent upon erroneous diagnosis and
treatment of Gonorrhoea.
Those affected are requested to call and try for
themselves. If the prescriptions are well follow
ed and fail to cure, the money will in every case be
You can do what you please and eat what you
To be had at Antony & Haines, No. 232, Broad
street, who are the only authorised Agents in Au
gusta. All orders addressed to them, will be
promptly attended to.
f or sale, also, by Wm. B. Wells & Co. Druggists,
Athens; and P. M. Cohen & Co. Charleston, au 29
CHALLENGE. The genuine
XZS DUU French Pil's against all the QUACK
NOSI RMUS of the age—lor the cure of
The French Pills are applicable in all cases, lot
■ eilher sex, (warranted free from Mercury,j and nog
sesses great advantages over the Balsams and all
liquid medicines, by being entirely free from smell, 1
and consequently do not effec. the breath, thereby
preventing the possibility of discovery whileusin<*
them. 3 |
Besides this important advantage, thev never
disagree with the stomach, and in the first stages of
the disease they usually effect a cure in a few'days
wir h little regard to <.iet orexposure. J ’
In the most obstinate stages of the disease they
are equally certain, having cured many after ’every
other remedy h-d failed. In short they have been
so universally successful that the proprietor cha]
lengos any one to produce a remedy of equal eer"
tainty, under a forfeiture ot Three Hundred Dollars*
* Harrisburg, Dec. 10, 18 J 8
Dr. Valier—Dear Sir: About a month ago, I S en‘
to you lor three boxt s ot your French Pills, and feel
mm h onliged to you for furnishing roe with a medi
cine so t ffectual and so pleasant to use. W hen I
sent for your Fills 1 had been troubled with the
disease for nearly 6 months, and had tried a great
many medicines without any effect. During 6 the
first six weeks 1 was under a Physician of this
place, but firming little or no chance of being cured
by him, 1 left him, and a few days after visited
Philadelphia, where I bought a variety of advertised
specifics talmost enough to stock an apothecary shop
and allot this I took with the same success as hi -
fore leaving c* ** *d smell of the balsam be
bind them, which 1 1 bmk lean smell to this dav
Not knowing what to resort to next, and seeing you
French Pil s advertised in the Public Ledger
determined to try them, and am only sorry I did m
gel them sooner, as it might h* e saved me fbrt
dollars and have cured me long ago. My ohieci i
writing to you at present* to procure some ol h
medicine lor two of my friends, who are in ih
same kind of a .crap. You will nleji
semi by ihe bearer six boxes, and oblige 1
Yours respectfully. b ’ it i»
iu k “ Will [ ,e any advantage, you may pub
hsh the above, with the initials. j 1 uo
The ge mine French Fills are for »
l.y 1 lav,land Rial >y &C„ Thom., Barmf 2fc"
ssri «■i*
OR. L. ■'jPOHN, u German physician ol much ;
note, having devoted his attention for some
years to the euro and removal of the cr uses of N ER
VOUS A3D SICK HEAD aCIIE, has thesa’is
faction to make known, ihai he has a remedy which
by removing the causes cures effectually and perma
nently this distressing complaint. There are many
families w ho have considered Sick Headache a con
stitutional incurable family complaint- Dr. S. as
sures them that they are mistaken, and labouring*-
under distress which tnoy might not only alleviate,
but actually eradicated by the us-' if his remedy.
It is the result of scientific research, and is entirely
of a different chaiacler from advertised patent medi
cines, and is not unpleasant to llie taste.
The extraordinary reputation ihat Dr. Spohn’s
remedy for this distressing compaint is every day
gaining is certainly a mattsrofmucb astonishment.
That so rn ich suffering should have existed for ages
without any discovery of an effectual preventive, or
cure,is truly a subject of much regret but Dr.
now assures the public that such a remedy has been t
invented as will comince the most credulous. The
-rinciples on w hich it acts are simple and plain. Itis
j ana milled fact that this complaint, whether called
i Sick Headache, or Nervous Headache, arises prim
arily from the stomach —those who think they have
: the Nervous Headache may rest assured that ihis
! organ, the stomach, is the first cause, that sys
tem has become vitiated or debihraied, ih.oitgh the
stomach, anti that only through the same channel
must they expects restoration of the natural and :
healthy functions ol the system. This object, Dr.
Spohn’s remedy is eminently calculated to ailatn.
The truth of this position cannot be controverted,
and the sooner sufferers with the headache become
I convinced of it, the sooner will their suffering end
|in restoration of health, Dr. Spohn pledges his
• professional reputation on this fact. The remedy
i may be had of apothecaries generally throughout
j the United States.
j For sale by ANTONY & HAINES, No. 232
; ->i i. Angugta. mar 26
fIIHE great celebriiyof this unrivalled Compo
-1 JL sition,especially in the Northern States, leaves
! the proprietor but little need to say any thing in its
; favor; for it lias been generally conceded to it, that |
it is beyond all comparison the best remedy for ex
ternal complaints that has ever been discovered.
■ Indeed and certainly of its operations, I
have the appearance of miracles ; as ulcers, wounds,
i corns, fever sores,chilblains, w hite swellings, biles,
i piles, spider and snake bites, &c. &c., immediately
I yield to its superhuman influence. Thus, il prop
j erly applied it will remove an inveterate corn or
i break and heal a bile in live days, will allay and ;
perfectly cure an ulcer in two weeks, and the most
i desperate cases of white swelling that can be ima- ;
gii ed.have been destroyed by it m les« than two |
1 months. Jmhe bites of poisonous reptiles its effi- j
i cacy is truly surprising, and if applied in time, its j
| powers of attraction are so wonderful that they will 1
| at once arrest the poison and thus prevent it from !
: perva ting the system. It is likewise greatly stipe-j
! rior to any medicineheretolore discovered for ihe j
I chafed hack and limbs of horses —for tetters, ring \
worms, chapped lips—and in short, for every extei
nal hodily evil that may fall to the lot of man or
The proprietor has received at least a thousand |
certificates, and other documents, in favor of his
** Specific Ointm nt,” upwards of a hundred of i
w hich were written by respectable members of the I
i Medical Faculty.
Albany, July 9th, 1837.
I To Dr. Harrison.
J-'ir —I useyour Specific Ointment in my practice,
and cordially recommend it as a most efficient reme
dy for Tumors, Ulcers While Swellings, Scrofula,
Rheumatic Fains, Chapped Face, Lips and Hands:
and for general external complaints. I write this
ai the request of your agent here, who furnishes me
with the article, and am pleased to have it in my 1
power to awaru honor to merit.
Brooklyn, N. Y T ., Oct. 29, 1838.
Dear Sir—3ly daughter,a girl of fourteen, was -
l sadly afflicted witn tliecorap aim that physicians
termed a scald head ; and 1 feared, indepe; dent of
every other evil, that she would be bald in conse
quence. By the recommendation, however, of tfie
Reverend 3Jr. Perrin, 1 applied your oint merit to the j
i afflicted part; and 1 thank God that my child is
now entirely recovered from the disease, and is
gelling her hail as fast as can be expected. The
cure was effected in lather le&s than two months;
during which time I us. d fiv dollars worth of oint
ment; I had spent upwards of a hundred dollars
dating the previous three years, without any benefit
I hereby substantiate the truth ol ihe above
1 know the above statement to be cot reel, and 1
can add from experience that “ Harrison’s Specific
Ointment,” is an excellent medicine for external
Matthew perrin.
Boston, Jan. 7, 1837.
Dear Sir —1 have to request of yon to forward
me, two hundred boxes of Ointment, by the most
! immediate conveyance, and without regard to the
! expense of carriage, as I am quite out, and much
in want ot it.—Y\*u know my estimation of your
valuable discovery, and therefore 1 shall only- add,
j that further experience has increased nu enlhusi
-1 a.-mand established me in the opinion, that it is su- ;
perior to any remedy extant for external diseases. j
Respectfully yours,
i New Orleans, 3laich 20th, 1838
Dr. Harrison.
Sir—i he virtues of your Specific Ointment, have
been long known to me,as 1 have used none other !
iu my ralherrxiensive practice for several years,and I
if you think it vvou.d be to your advantage, 1 can i
furnish you with twenty certificates of important
cures w hit h it has effected under my own mime- I
diate inspection : ihe last being one of a severe
end apparently p-rpeiual ulcer,in the back of a
poor woman, Mary Baxter who resides in 216 Di
vision street, which it completely healed m twenty 1
onedays. My present chief obiect in writing to I
you, is to learn w ho is your authorised agent in tfiis
city, for,being in want of a supply of your oint
ment, and l fie person Mr. Boyle,from whom i used
lo purchase it, haying tailed and gone out of busi
ness, lam fearful if Ipurchaseai random, that 1
may he imposed on by a counterfeit
j Y r our obedient servant,
j _ TT . Cincinnati, August 9,1837.
| Lr Harrison.
! Sir, —J hive no hesitation in stating, m reply to I
! your note, that your “ Specific Ointment” is truly
equal to the majority ol the ends for which you re- I
, commend it. 1 qualify my certificate by ihe word
| tnajoiuy, as it is ray maxim lo give no opinion in !
medical matters where I have had no experience. I
i In sprains, bruises, inflammations,eruptions, whit- i
lows, piles,&c.,it is m* universal recipe. I have 1
alo used it on the leg of a hoy which had been'
billon hy an adder, and I lie extraction of the poison *
and ultimate cure was so rapid, that my paiient was !
a* well as ever in a week ; and has remained so to !
i this day
Y ours respectfully,
Extractor a letter from Dr. J. W. Sanders, of
Louisville, Ky
.. r , October 8, 1837.
l am prepared to say, that for Rheumatic Fains,
and the tSore Breasts ot females, Harrison’s Specific
< bntratrit has no superior, ti indeed a has any equal
in tne whole catalogue of exiernal medial, ee, as
known and prescribed rn tins country.”
• Extraciol a letter from Dr. Fotts, of Utica N.Y’
Dated July 28, 1839.
“ Harrison’s Specific Ointment” is, in my opinion
a most important discovery ; and is particularly effi’
cient in scrotulas, ulcers, sore legs, eruptions and*
general outward complaints. I speak of its Deri's
from an experience ot four years.”
New Orleans, January 4th, 1837
This will certify that ray face and neck were * a >
most entirely covered b> an enormous ringworm*
and that after the Inal of a variety of ineffectual
remedies, I was completely cured of it m , ‘
months, by the use of Hamsun's Specific Oi >°
ment.” EDGAR FOSSEf" '
t F °/ 8 r? le ’ ole * a, ej»>< l re ‘an, by Haviland Ri s .
hy & Co., Thomas Barrett <k Co , Nelson r,!
Antony Haines,and I homos I\V ray & s arer ’
Retail price, 50 cents per box, with full direci«£~
una h , 1
r n > HESE Pilis are no longer among those of douht
t. ful utility. They have passed away from the
hundreds that are daily launched upon the tide ot
experiment, and now stand before the public as
high in reputation, and as extensively employed in
alfparts of the United States, the Canadas, Texas
Mexico, and the West Indies, as any medicine that
has ever been prepared for the relief of suffering
I man. They have been introduced wherever it was
i found possible to carry them ; and there are but
j few towns that do not contain some remarkable
! evidences of their good erfects. I lie certilicates
i that have been presented to the propiictor exceed
i twenty thousand! upwards of live hundred ol
! which are from regular practising physicians, who
• are the most competent judges of their merits.
I Often have the cures performed by this median
i been the subject of editorial comment, in vaiiou
newspapers and journals ; and it may with truth ho
! asserted, that no medicine ol the kin 1 has e\er ic
ceived testimonials of greater value thin are at
tached to this.
They are in general use as a family medicine
and there are : lhousandsof families who declare they
re never satisfied until they have a supply always
i on hand.
They have no rival in curing and preventing
j Billious Fevers, Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Liver
Complaints, Sick Headache, Jaundice, Asthma,
Drops}', Rheumatism, Enlargement of the Spleen,
; Piles, Cholic, Female Obstructions, Heartburn,
i Furred Tongue, Nausea, Distension of the Stomach
and Bowels, "IncipientDiarrhoea,Flatulence,Habitu-
al Costiveness, Loss of Appetite, Blotched or Sallow
i Complexion, and in cases of torpor of the bowels,
where a cathartic or aperient is needed They arc
exceedingly mild in their operation, producing
neither nausea, griping nor debility.
The following was forwarded to Dr. Peters, by a
highly respectable Planter of Wake County, No
Ca.,March 3d, 1838:
Dr. Peters—Dear Sir, —By requestof your agent,
Mr. Harrison, I send you a few lines respecting the
almost miraculous elfects of your pit's; and I would
add, that you may make use ol them, in connection
with my name, in any manner you deem proper, I
speak of their merits from experience, as 1 and my
family have taken upwards of thirty boxes in three
years ; and so great are the benefits we havereceiv
ed from them in general, that I would rather pur
chase them at ten dollars a box than have my house
without them. I will not enumerate tire alllictions
I they have relieved us of; but I can assure you they
were many, and of very opposite natures, which
{ has fully proved to me that your medicine is a sim
| pie purifier of the system, and therefore equally
| the enemy of every disease. I will mention one
j case. 1 have a sister who had been for a long pe-
I riod severely afflicted with dropsy in the chest and
was brought by it to the very verge of the gra\ e.
j She was attended by the most eminent physicians
| that money could procure; but all their efforts to
| restore her to health, or even to mitigate her suffer
\ ings were fruitless ; and accordingly,we all consid
i ered her immediate death as inevitable. By good
j fortune, however, as she was in this situation, ex
| pect ng every day to be her last, your pilk were
I introduced into my family, and so speedy and pal
! puble were tlreir effects that three doses visibly re-
I lieved her, and in less than three months she was
| perfectly restored to health. This case, I and all
- who were witness of it, (but more especially the
1 suffering party,) considered to be the next thing to
; miraculous; and yet I could mention many more
j of an equally despera-te nature, in which your pills
I were equally successful in rescuing the patients
! from the jaws of death. Need 1 add that the popu
j larity of your medicine amounts to enthusiasm in
this section of the country } But this I presume
you know from the immense quantity you dispose
of 1 may mention, however, that notwithstanding
its general use, I never heard in individual complain
of its effects. My residence is 12 miles from Bal
eigh, on the road to Fayetteville. I am, with sen
timents of regard, your ob’t servant.
Tu Dr. Peters, —Sir—For upwards of fifteen
months, 1 have been ciueily afflicted with Fever \
and Ague; and during the time could find nothing—
though I had applied to every thing that gave me i
any thing like permanent relief. At length, how
ever, your pills were recommended to me, by one
; of our best physicians, and 1 am most grateful and
happy in being able to add, that 1 had scarcely used
two boxes wlien I found that they had restored me j
to perfect health. Since then, various members of
my family have used them with equal success—
: and consequently 1 feel it my duty to apprise you
of the fact, and to request of 3'ou to publish this
j certificate, as lam anxious to add m3' public testi
mony to the almost miraculous virtues of 3'our un
rivalled medicine. Respectfully yours,
Augusta, Ga.. Feb 10, 1839.
Communication received from the eminent Dr. J.
i 11. Irwin of Florence, Georgia:
Dr. J. P. Peters—My Dear Sir —On the night of
the Ilth inst., I was called in great haste to the
house of a fellow ci.izen, (Mr. Lee,) where 1 found ' {
his son laboring under a most alarming attack of
Cynanche Tracnealis (Croup) and apparently be
3'ond the aid of remedy. By the greatest good for
tune, however, I had in my pocket a broken box of
3'onr pills—four of which 1 administered, with
such immediate happy' effect that in a few' minutes
m3' patient w'as at ease, and out of danger. This
case,in connection with my name is at 3'our ser- i
vice—and 1 have the pleasure to be able to inform
you that your inestimable medicine is in such great
favor with the faculty here, that 1 believe there is
not one of them who does not use it in his private
practice. Yours most resp’y'.
March 13, 1839. J. H. IRWIN, M. D.
Extract from a letter written by Dr. Francis Bo
| gait, of Providence, R. 1., Dec. 17, 1838.—Peters’
pills are an excellent aperient and cathartic medi
i cine, those effects being produced by the differences
of the quantity taken, and are decidedly superior
to Lee’s, Brandreth’s or Morrison’s Pills.
Extract from a letter by Dr. Hopson of Bangor,
; Me > J a «- 1839. They are a peculiarly mild, yet
efficient purgative medicine, and produce little,' it
any, griping or nausea. I have prescribed them
with much success in sick headache and slight bil
lious fever.
Extract of a letter by Dr. Joseph Williams of 1
Burlington, Vt., July 9, 1837.—1 cordially recom
mend Peters’ Pills as a mildly effective, and in no
case dangerous, family medicine. They sre pecu
liar!}'influential in costiveuess and all the usual
diseases of the digestive organs.
Extract of a letter from Dr, Edw. Smith of Mon
tieal, U. C., Sept. 27,1836. —I neverknev a single
patent medicine that I could put the least confi
dence in but Dr. Peters’ Vegetable Pills, which are I
really a valuable discovery. I have no hesitation
in having it known that I use them extensively in
my practice,for all complaints, (and they are not a
few) which have their source in the impurity of the
blood j
Extract of a letter fiom Dr. Dye of Quebec L.
C., March 6, 1837.—F0r bilious fevers, sick head
ache,torpidity' of the bowels, and enlargement of
the spleen, Peter’s Pills are an excellent medicine
Extract ot a letter from Dr Gurney of New Or
leans, La,,Oct. 9, 183.7. —I have received much as
sistance in ray practice—especially in jaundice and i
yellow fever, from the use of Peters’ Fills 1 pie _
sume that, on an average, I prescribe lUO boxes in 1
a month . u
Kxtractofaiettmfiom Dr. Prichard of Hudson.
A. Y., .Juie 3, 1836.—1 was aware that Dr. Peters'
was one of the best chemists in the United States
and felt assured that he would some day (f, o m his’ i
intimate knowledge of the properties of hevhl
and dwigs) produce an efficientmedicine,and I must
acknowledge that his Vegetable Pills fully respond
to mv expectations. They are indeed a superior
medfeme, and reflect credit alike upon the Chemist
the Physician, and the Philosopher.
„ M tvK LtMtL Hli CO. Va, Pe*o i
Having used Dr. Peters’ Pills in my practice for
he last twelve months, I take pleasure in giving
my testimony of their good effects in oases of dvs*
pepsia, sick head-ache, bilious fevers and other
m-W by ,nactivit - v oi the liver. They
of the kr„Tl eTer us^d nent ' beinS the best
Dec X a I ? ttßr fr ° m Dr * Scott of
Dec. 17,1836.-1 am in the daily habit of prescri
bing them, (Peters’ Pills) and they in nearly all
cases answered my purpose. I have discarded other
saver CinCS ’ S ° me them vei T good ones, in their
~ Q- T N.C., Jan. 1, 1837.
Dear Sir—l have made frequent use of your Pills
in the incipient stage of bilious fever, and obsti
nate constipation of the bowels ; alsc,inthe en
iargement oi me sp;een, cnronic diseases of r
liver, sick head-ache, general debility, and in ”n
case nave lound tnem to be very effective 1
( r„xua« toi a letter item ut, v‘, Uin-a >,t ,
nati,Feb. 2, IS3B. —Your Pills are the mildest 1 •'
their operations, and yet most powerful in theirpf*
sects, of any that 1 nave ever met with in a p.a c ii *
of eight and twenty yeais Thvhr action on tjf
chvle, and hence on the impurities of the blood •
evidently very surprising. ’ ls J
These much approved and justly celebrated Pin
wholesale and retail, at New York pri ‘ s
by mViland Hisley &Co., Thomas Barrett £ i r] S ’ 4
andN>lson Carter,and by all the principal 0 r
gists throughout the United States, the Canad/*
Texas, Mexico and the West Indies. Retail p llc S ’
50 cents per box wholesale price, $4 per do/en C)
June 3
subscriber has the pleasure oi announcm.
j to ihe citizens of the U. States, that he fte
purchased, for a very large sum and from tne j ri
venter, the celebrated Dr. Magnin, of Paris \
recipe ar d right for making this astonishing me( jJ
cine. Until the appearance of the “ Lucina Cor
dial,’’ (about three years since,) it was thought Hiai
the complaints,which it speedily overcomes,i V p rfl
beyond the reach of human remedy as forupvv ar( j.
of a thousand ytars. they had hafffpd the wi ß{ j (Jm
and ingenuity of the most profound physicians in
all parts ot the world. This Cordial, however to
I lie great advantage of the human race,soon proved
itseTl to be the desideratum so long sought for; and
accordingly, notwithstanding fl e brief peri dos i s
existence, it has required a celebrity so great, that
it is eagerly inquired for throughout die civilized
globe. Dr Magnin soon finding that the demand
was so vast ns o renders supply impossible, dis.
posed of die recipe and right of sale, under oblig a .
lions «>fsecrecy, l**r England, tlie United Siaieg
and othei countries, only preserving France and
Italy for himself. Thus has the subscriber p, )g .
sessed himself of the invaluable set ret; end now
hastens togtveifie inhabit ants of his line of agency
the benefits of his speculation.
“le Cordial l>e Lucine,” or, in English, “ffle
F.ucica Cordial,” isa general invigorator of the
human frame! In all liie various cases of languor,
lassitude, nd debilitation ; it is an unfailing reme
dy ; as it is equally its province to impart cheerful,
ness and decision to the mind, as health and vigor
to the body But the peculiar virtue on which its
celebrity is based, is the facility and certainly with
which it restores the virile powers when they have
be»n destroved by disease, time, recklessness,or any
of the numerous causes which terminate in the
prostration of those functions.
Jn common with the generality of really’ good
medicines, this t ordtal contains nothing of a mer
curial or deleterious nature, among i lie many ingre
dients which compose it; but is, at the same time,
so simple, yd so efficacious, that while it can reno
vate the pros.rateii energies of a giant, an infant
may use it .not only' with impunity, but with ad
The usages of society are unfortunately such,
that, notwithstanding :fie benefits which would be
sore to result from it, vvecannotenler into an analy
.-k of l his ine limable Cordial here, or publish many
of thedocimienls which have been received, as
vouchers of the blessings it has conferred on num
bers of despairing individuals. But tuis wc cannot
forbear remarking—that it has been demonstrated
that there is scarcely ever, it any such thing at all,
as natural barrenness, or as natural imbecility of
the procreant functions,in either sex; and therefore,
that these evils are the effects of artificial cause*,
and may be speedily subdued *nd removed by the
use ot “ Le Cordial de Lucine.”
The Lucina Cordial is also tn induhiiable cure
for the Gleet, and the Fluor Albus,obstructed,diffi
cult, or painful Menstruation; also, for the incon
tinence ot Urine,or the involuntary discharge there
of It is likewise an invaluable ami unrivalled
medicine in cases of Chronic Eruptions of theskin,
and ini lie dropsical affections of the aged.
Most imp rtaut to the American Public.
The United states proprietor of the celebrated
I “ Lucina Cordial,” or “ Elixirof Love,” begs to lay
| before the community, the foliowing certificate,
i which he has received from the inventor, the Jllus
-1 triuus Dr. Magnin.of I'aris •
j “ Thii is to certify, that i have disposed of the
j recipe for making the “ Luc na Cordial,” or
j “ Fnxir of Love,” and also the right to sell it
j throughout the i ml fed Stall s of North America,
I to John Winters HolderweM,M D. Mv reasons
j for so doing is, l halt he demands to me for the above
i Cordial, ot which 1 am the inventor, arc so nume
rous, tiiat 1 am unable to supply all the orders from
France-and Bal\ alone; and have therefore dispo
sed of the privileges vouchsafed in this, and oilier
! certificates ol a like nature in order to generalise
| the benefits ol my discovery throughout tHe world,
j Given under my hand at Fari>, on this nineteenth
day of January, in the year of our Lord,
e.ghteen hundred and thirty-eight.
Gaspa d Delluc, )
: William Merritt,} U itnesses.
Postscript to ihe above.
j As you requested me to slate the number of hot
i iks ol the Lucina Cordial,” which 1 have already
■ sold, I have referred io my hooks, and find it toex
■ feed four bundled thousand ; w hile the orders now
i on hand cannot be supplied m less than limy
j months.
j From an immense number of testimonials from
i the regular faculty, touching the viriues of the
j Cordial, 1 have in particular selected the following,
j which mar be of use to vou. You will also find a i
| number of others of hss impunaiu-einclosev l This
| immediate cert licale is .pom a body of eight ol the
| ablest medical practitioners in France.
| To Dr. Magnin, inventor oft he Lucina Cordial, or
I Elixir of Lo\e
Respected and Honored Bir;—We have nil in a
j variety ol cases, tested the remarkable effects at
! your great discovery, and have assembled ior the i
purpose of bearing evidence to the Lets, and tend
ering you the honor which is your due The
“Lucina Cordial” is in our opinion, an infallible
remedy for the prostration of the Procreant rumj
lions,and Artificial Barrenness .- and thereto must
prove a blessing to ihe human race. We ca also
bear evidence that there is nothing in it of a mer
i curial or deleterious nature; and in short,ll r it is
olio ol i1 io noblest ciiscoverios olVniy Bcc.
With feelings of admiration and respect wc re
j main, dear sir, your obed ent servants,
j Josselm Bossuit, J ean Blanc,
; Sigismond de la Marline, Robert Stevenson,
1 Adrien Decrand, Louis Otiiseau,
I Octave Nicolk, Pierre B.sffen
loxtractol e letter from the ciebrated l'atie3’rand,
to Dr. Magnin.
lam now on the wrong side of eight}’,and yet I
i could be on rny honor or oath if necessary, that a
j hottleortwo ol your Cordial ol Love has made ms
i feel as vigorous as a boy of five and twenty. I
j think you have disco veied the “Elixir of Life, ’
I W’hich the aichy mists have been so long in quest ot ;
arid that (pardon ray officiousness,; you should have
! named it accordingly. •
From the eminent l>r. Devigney, of Brussels
October 3, 1837,
To Dr. Magnin:—My dear friend —I am inos
gratified at i tie unprecedented popularity ol your
| “Luc.’na Cordial,” and am able io bear testimony to
' its surprising virtue, i had a patient recently,
1 M , a gentleman ol fortune, who had lor
1 several years abandoned iniusell in the vortex ot
j dissipation ;• and was only reclaimed from it al £
j length bj' the utter prostration of all his virileener*
g es. lie was,indeed,reduced to the last extremity
I ot debility* and tastelessness, lor, if an occasional
i flash of excitement warmed his system, the rcac-
I lion was almost immediate, and the resuit perleaf
i prostration. I had applied all the usual nostrums
j in such cases ; bur, as 1 had anticipated, without
i success; ami when 1 saw the “Lucina Cordial
j advertised, I must confess that even the groat weight
of your name did not give me much hope in it, at
least so far us regarded the case in hand. 1 kit
bound to try it,however,and was soon satisfied ol
its efficacy; for before a bottle was expended, mV
patient gave evidence of the returning elasticity ot
his system ; and he is now, having used four bottles,
as we Jits ever. *
The number of documents, such as the above
which have been received by Mr. Magnin, since the
first appearance of “ Lc Cordial de Lucine,” would
fill a volume as large as the Bible.
I his highly impor.aut medicine is forsalc by Job"
Winters Holderwell, No. 129 Liberty street, New
York ; Charles B Tyler, No. 70 Chestnut-st. Phila
delphia; and in Baltimore by Roberts A Atkins" 0
John M. Laroque, and G. R. Tyler; in Washing k
ton City by Tobias H atkins and Charles ?n»Ki i
Georgetown by (>. M. Linthacum ; in Kiclinw nfl !
by John H. Lust ice ; in Petersburg by f>r<J^fe s
Thomas and Dupuy, Rosser & Jones; and m
folk by M. A. Santos and B. Emerson; and '■
John Woodly, No- 65 Poy'dras st New Orleans'
T can also be found at all the principal
Stores in South Carolina, and in Augusta, hy H 3
land Kisley & Co , Thomas Barrett <fe Co., a,l<i *
Nelson Carter. Price, $3 per bottle, with full ° J
rections. june 4 If